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One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest TEACHING UNIT<br />

7. Cheswick and Billy both commit suicide because<br />

A. once they have tasted what it is like to be strong men, they cannot go back to being<br />

“rabbits.”<br />

B. McMurphy makes Nurse Ratched so mad she takes her anger out on them, and<br />

makes their lives miserable.<br />

C. they cannot live with the knowledge they are never going to leave the hospital.<br />

D. they have had so much EST that they can no longer function as men.<br />

8. Nurse Ratched decides to keep McMurphy on the ward after McMurphy defies her<br />

authority when he pretends to watch the world series on TV because<br />

A. Dr. Spivey and the other staff members side with McMurphy.<br />

B. she is secretly in love with McMurphy and cannot bear to have him removed from<br />

the ward.<br />

C. she knows if she moves him to Disturbed, he will then become a martyr to the<br />

other patients.<br />

D. she truly wants what is best for McMurphy, and she thinks she is the best one to<br />

help him overcome his mental illness.<br />

9. Which of the following incidents from the story is an example of black comedy?<br />

A. When McMurphy first arrives on the ward, he greets everyone including the<br />

chronics like they are normal men while skillfully avoiding the orderly with the<br />

thermometer.<br />

B. McMurphy cheerfully plays monopoly with the men even though Martini is having<br />

hallucinations all through the game.<br />

C. McMurphy is given a lobotomy because of his violent behavior.<br />

D. Both A and B<br />

10. “Ratched” and “Big Nurse” are appropriate names for the nurse in charge of the ward<br />

because<br />

A. The Chief thinks anyone who is strong or in authority is also physically large.<br />

Therefore, he refers to Nurse Ratched as the “Big Nurse.”<br />

B. “Ratched” sounds like the tool called a “ratchet.” This name is appropriate because<br />

Nurse Ratched is a tool used by society to force the mental patients to conform to<br />

society’s rules.<br />

C. Nurse Ratched is a tall, large-busted woman who uses her womanly curves to<br />

sexually tease the men.<br />

D. Both A and B<br />

11. McMurphy stops his battle with Nurse Ratched when<br />

A. the Chief tells him about Electric Shock Therapy.<br />

B. McMurphy realizes Ratched has enough power to keep him in the hospital indefinitely.<br />

C. Cheswick commits suicide.<br />

D. the Chief lifts the control panel, winning McMurphy enough money that he does not<br />

think he needs to continue the battle.<br />

11<br />


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