Mind, Character, and Personality Vol. 2 - Second Advent Revival

Mind, Character, and Personality Vol. 2 - Second Advent Revival

Mind, Character, and Personality Vol. 2 - Second Advent Revival


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<strong>and</strong> refine their manners. God would have His servants become acquainted with their<br />

own hearts. In order to bring to them a true knowledge of their condition, He permits the<br />

fire of affliction to assail them so that they may be purified.--RH, Apr 10, 1894 (ML 92.)<br />

{2MCP 617.1}<br />

Morose Disposition Injures Teacher's Efficiency.-- Above all others, he who has<br />

the training of the youth should beware of indulging a morose or gloomy disposition; for<br />

this will cut him off from sympathy with his students, <strong>and</strong> without sympathy he cannot<br />

hope to benefit them. We should not darken our own path or the path of others with the<br />

shadow of our trials. We have a Saviour to whom to go, into whose pitying ear we may<br />

pour every complaint. We may leave all our cares <strong>and</strong> burdens with Him, <strong>and</strong> then our<br />

labor will not seem hard or our trials severe.--CT 233 (1913). {2MCP 617.2}<br />

Combining Sunniness <strong>and</strong> Integrity.--The religion of Jesus softens whatever is<br />

hard <strong>and</strong> rough in the temper <strong>and</strong> smooths whatever is rugged <strong>and</strong> sharp in the<br />

manners. It makes the words gentle <strong>and</strong> the demeanor winning. Let us learn from<br />

Christ how to combine a high sense of purity <strong>and</strong> integrity with sunniness of disposition.<br />

A kind, courteous Christian is the most powerful argument that can be produced in<br />

favor of Christianity.-- GW 122 (1915). {2MCP 617.3}<br />

Improper Eating Spoils the Disposition.--Many spoil their dispositions by eating<br />

improperly. We should be<br />

618<br />

just as careful to learn the lessons of health reform as we are to have our studies<br />

perfectly prepared, for the habits that we adopt in this direction are helping to form our<br />

characters for the future life. It is possible for one to spoil his spiritual experience by an<br />

ill-usage of the stomach.-- Lt 274, 1908 (CD 126.) {2MCP 617.4}<br />

Flesh Meats Produce an Irritable Disposition.--God did not withhold meat from<br />

the Hebrews in the wilderness simply to show His authority, but for their good, that they<br />

might preserve physical <strong>and</strong> moral strength. He knew that the use of animal food<br />

strengthens the animal passions <strong>and</strong> enfeebles the intellect. He knew that the<br />

gratification of the appetite of the Hebrews for flesh meats would weaken their moral<br />

powers <strong>and</strong> induce such an irritable disposition that the vast army would become<br />

insubordinate, that they would lose the high sense of their moral obligations <strong>and</strong> refuse<br />

to be controlled by the wise laws of Jehovah.--ST, Jan 6, 1876. (Te 160.) {2MCP 618.1}<br />

Sugar <strong>and</strong> the Disposition.--Sugar is not good for the stomach. It causes<br />

fermentation, <strong>and</strong> this clouds the brain <strong>and</strong> brings peevishness into the disposition.--MS<br />

93, 1901. (CD 327.) {2MCP 618.2}<br />

Softening a Perverse Disposition.--Advancement in Christian experience is<br />

characterized by increasing humility, as the result of increasing knowledge. Everyone<br />

who is united to Christ will depart from all iniquity. {2MCP 618.3}<br />

I tell you, in the fear of God, I have been shown that many of you will fail of<br />

everlasting life because you are building your hopes of heaven on a false foundation.<br />

God is leaving you to yourselves, "to humble you <strong>and</strong> to prove you, to know what ... [is]

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