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Written by Mike Deathe<br />

So, just what is bite inhibition? Well, it means a dog has learned to<br />

be gentle with its mouth. Some folks call this having a soft mouth. In the end I<br />

guess it really means that we have a dog we don’t worry about doing damage<br />

with its mouth… Let me give you an example:<br />

Dog A: Is a therapy dog and is great with people, obedient in all aspects, a great<br />

dog. After a day of working in the local nursing home, dog and owner head to the<br />

car to go home and tragedy strikes. The owner accidentally shuts the dog’s tail in<br />

the car door! In the process of trying to get the door open the dog bites the<br />

owner and the owner ends up with 6 stiches . . .<br />

Moral of Dog A’s story, a social dog is not the same thing as a dog with bite inhibition or a soft mouth.<br />

Dog B: Is also a therapy dog and is great with people, also obedient, once again a great dog. This dog works<br />

in elementary schools and her owner takes her to the lake all the time to swim! Unfortunately, while at the lake this<br />

dog got a small piece of glass embedded in one of her paws, it became infected and swollen. The owner took the<br />

dog immediately to the vet and during the examination the vet squeezed the paw to see if the infection would come<br />

out manually. The owner was in the room and was assisting the vet by holding the dog’s head. The moment the vet<br />

squeezed the paw the dog howled in pain and turned on her owners arm and bit! However the difference in this story<br />

was the minute this dog realized there was an arm in her mouth, she released pressure and basically started whimpering<br />

and mouthing the owners arm. Much the same as someone squeezing a friends hand when in pain …<br />

Moral of Dog B’s Story, a dog must be taught and encouraged to have a soft or inhibited bite! How do I<br />

know this, well Dog B was my dog Leo!<br />

So just how do we teach this valuable skill?<br />

Well, I am going to make this short and sweet. There are three things I would recommend:<br />

Hand feed your dog or puppy for the first 30 days… Where do you think the old saying “don’t bite the hand<br />

that feeds” comes from!<br />

Control, monitor and use squeaky toys as a way to create a soft mouth… In other words don’t let your dog’s<br />

dissect or destroy their toys. Simply take the toy away for a quick 10-15 second time out each time the toy squeaks!<br />

Over time they will learn to be gentle with their toys as well as your hands.<br />

Practice what I call cradle and message… This is a touch game or message for the dog that is paired with the<br />

hand feeding that gets the dog used to having the “hot spots” touched; such as the feet, mouth, tail and ears. Let’s face<br />

it touch sensitivity is an issue with all sorts of mouthing issues with dogs!<br />

As with all things in dog training, putting the proper rules and routines in place is the key to success…<br />

This is a skill that is much easier to teach<br />

to a puppy or young dog.<br />

If you know that your dog has a hard<br />

mouth do not try these techniques without<br />

consulting a trainer first.<br />

The methods for these dogs are much different.<br />

Good luck and remember to<br />

Keep it Simple Stupid<br />

MAY 19-25 is...<br />

National Dog Bite<br />

Prevention Week<br />

Mike Deathe is a stay-at-home dad who found his<br />

passion as a dog trainer in 2008. He is the author of<br />

Keep It Simple Stupid (K.I.S.S.) Pet Blog. In 2009,<br />

he and his wife Kate founded Muttz “R” Us, a<br />

t-shirt and pet product company with the motto<br />

of “Saving Pets…One T-Shirt at a Time” In 2010<br />


was born and since then has been teaching dogs and<br />

owners at Broadmore Kennels, located in Shawnee, Ks.<br />

AmericanPetMagazine.com 39

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