(N\2601 March 2012 English) - Society of St. Pius X

(N\2601 March 2012 English) - Society of St. Pius X

(N\2601 March 2012 English) - Society of St. Pius X


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Saint Michael’s Priory<br />

<strong>Society</strong> <strong>St</strong> <strong>Pius</strong> X<br />

15 Umukwa <strong>St</strong>reet<br />

Independence Layout<br />


Tel. +234 7060969809<br />

sspxnigeria@gmail.com<br />

Letter to the<br />

Friends <strong>of</strong> Nigeria<br />

Dear Friends and Benefactors,<br />

W hat would have happened<br />

to the young Christian communities<br />

<strong>of</strong> the first centuries if the Second<br />

Vatican Council had happened<br />

around 70 or 80 years after the<br />

Apostles’ preaching?<br />

The question seems astonishing.<br />

However, this is the sad history <strong>of</strong><br />

the Roman Catholic Church in Nigeria.<br />

The Catholic evangelization <strong>of</strong><br />

Nigeria started in 1884 in the Niger<br />

Delta with the African Missions <strong>of</strong> Lyon, and in 1889 in Biafra with the Holy Ghost Fathers.<br />

These first missionaries spread out over the whole country during the first half <strong>of</strong> the 20 th century,<br />

taking precedence over animism in the south and over Islam in the north, and competing<br />

with the Methodists who had started their propaganda in 1874 in Lagos.<br />

We then saw in Nigeria the joy <strong>of</strong> a new born Christianity enthusiastic in<br />

discovering the basics <strong>of</strong> the Faith, the knowledge <strong>of</strong> Our Lord and Our<br />

Lady, the devotion to the Holy Mass, and the devotion to the Papacy. A<br />

wonderful Christian civilization started to dawn and to gain<br />

ground on the fetishes and witchcraft, which the new Christian<br />

could hardly forsake.<br />

But the Second Vatican Council takes place between1962-<br />

65, with its religious freedom, ecumenism, collegiality, “novus<br />

ordo” Mass and inculturation. Henceforth, the hierarchy <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Catholic Church teaches that all religions are equal, that we<br />

have the same God as the Muslims, the same cult as the Protestants and that a certain wisdom<br />

is to be found in pagan superstitions. Worse still, one must dialogue with these false religions<br />

and adapt Catholic belief with the cult <strong>of</strong> the animists. And to compound the scandal for the African<br />

people who are traditionally so respectful <strong>of</strong> any authority,<br />

collegiality deprives the Pope and the bishops <strong>of</strong> their authority!<br />

This Council and its reforms have been disastrous for<br />

the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> God, so much so that, as a poison exudes drop<br />

by drop, these reforms have slowly but surely been imposed in<br />

Nigeria. For instance, Communion in the hand was only introduced<br />

in 2008.<br />

Responding to the appeal <strong>of</strong> numerous faithful and even<br />

priests <strong>of</strong> Nigeria, the <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong> <strong>Pius</strong> X, in its great African<br />

adventure, has been visiting Nigeria since 1992 and will, at<br />

N°1 — MARCH <strong>2012</strong>

last, start a new Priory in Enugu, in the east <strong>of</strong> the<br />

country.<br />

The <strong>of</strong>ficial opening <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong> Michael’s Priory will take<br />

place on Sunday 26 th August, in the presence <strong>of</strong><br />

Fr. NÉLY, 2 nd General Assistant <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Society</strong>. As<br />

<strong>of</strong> now, three priests are preparing themselves for<br />

this new apostolate: Fr. Gregory OBIH, who is already<br />

there, Fr. Arnold TRAUNER and Fr. Nicolas<br />

BÉLY (future prior), who have travelled several<br />

times to Nigeria from South Africa. Some retreats<br />

have been preached, Holy Mass is<br />

celebrated, not only in Enugu, but also in<br />

Owerri, Aba, Asaba, Otukpo, Lagos, and<br />

even Accra in Ghana, and Cotonou in Benin.<br />

You are all welcome to follow us in this new<br />

African adventure! This Letter to Friends<br />

and Benefactors will regularly update you<br />

about how the new mission and apostolate<br />

is going on.<br />

Thank you <strong>of</strong> your prayers for this immense<br />

work! May God bless you and bless Nigeria!<br />


Father Loïc DUVERGER<br />

District Superior <strong>of</strong> Africa<br />

A missionary always feels something special when he celebrates his first Mass in his new<br />

mission. He arrives in a new country, not necessarily beautiful. Alas, here as everywhere else,<br />

original sin has brought its terrible consequences. And this is the main reason for why he<br />

comes: in order to bring the benefits <strong>of</strong> Redemption to souls; to these souls <strong>of</strong>ten abandoned in<br />

an ignorance <strong>of</strong> Faith, with an absence <strong>of</strong> grace, to these souls to whom God could say, as He<br />

said to <strong>St</strong>. Augustine: “You would not seek me if you had not already found me”, to these souls<br />

who “sit in the darkness<br />

and under the<br />

shade <strong>of</strong><br />

death” (Luke 2): our<br />

mission is to bring<br />

them the light <strong>of</strong><br />

Faith and the warmness<br />

<strong>of</strong> Charity.<br />

But even before<br />

teaching anything or<br />

starting any work,<br />

the priest celebrates<br />

the Holy Mass, in order<br />

to welcome to

this new mission the One who is Light and Source<br />

<strong>of</strong> Life: Our Lord Jesus-Christ, whom the priest<br />

himself needs so much.<br />

Many confreres have already done some apostolate<br />

in Nigeria. Recognition must be given to Fathers<br />


MARTIN de CLAUSONNE, VERNOY, as well as to<br />

my companion during this journey, the courageous<br />

Fr. Arnold TRAUNER, who accomplishes his 6 th trip<br />

to this country. And lastly, but especially, to our<br />

Nigerian confrere, Fr. Gregory OBIH, who was ordained<br />

in the new rite in 1999 and then joined the<br />

<strong>Society</strong> in 2005. With great fervour, he is developing<br />

the work <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Society</strong> in his country. And I<br />

can assure you that he is very happy that we are<br />

now able to come to assist him!<br />

Though I follow in the footsteps <strong>of</strong> these illustrious<br />

predecessors, my first Mass at Enugu priory was<br />

quite moving. Fr. Gregory converted the living room<br />

into a small chapel. Fr. Arnold hired a local carpenter<br />

to make a very worthy little altar. It is incidentally a true challenge for an architect to put the<br />

altar in this circular room. We chose the corner that seemed the most central! Let everyone understand<br />

as best as he can, a missionary finds himself sometimes in these kinds <strong>of</strong> inexplicable<br />

intuitions... Everything was wonderfully prepared, even the flowerbed at the feet <strong>of</strong> the Blessed<br />

Virgin. And yet the inevitable shortcomings at the beginning <strong>of</strong> a new mission are there: for instance<br />

the altar cards were missing. Anyway I assumed that I would manage anyway. I am<br />

supposed to know the prayers by heart. However, during the <strong>of</strong>fertory, the faithful sang the<br />

canticle with such zeal that I got muddled up with my Latin while saying the Lavabo prayer. I<br />

had to wait for the end <strong>of</strong> the hymn to sort things out.<br />

On this first Monday evening, the faithful were around ten. Nevertheless, it was already a<br />

good number for a very new mission. They were all happy to welcome their new prior, and to<br />

say the rosary with him<br />

after Mass. They answered<br />

all the prayers <strong>of</strong><br />

the priest in Latin, slowly,<br />

articulating every syllable<br />

to prevent any mispronunciation.<br />

After Mass, they<br />

showed their gratitude,<br />

they brought a few kilos <strong>of</strong><br />

yam and some litres <strong>of</strong><br />

drinking water. Does not<br />

the Gospel say that God<br />

will reward even a glass<br />

<strong>of</strong> cold water?<br />

Father Nicolas BÉLY

May I be <strong>of</strong> assistance?<br />

Y<br />

es, dear Sir, dear Madam,<br />

you can help the <strong>Society</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Pius</strong> X to establish this<br />

new mission in Nigeria. We shall<br />

be very grateful. Here are some<br />

ideas that will help you to<br />

choose freely to donate what<br />

you can and what you want,<br />

without failure in your duty <strong>of</strong><br />

state. The daily rosary will be<br />

said at <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s Priory for<br />

all the intentions <strong>of</strong> our bene-<br />

factors.<br />

We have added a price esti-<br />

mation, so that you can choose<br />

how you wish to help. It is bet-<br />

ter to avoid sending parcels,<br />

because postage and custom<br />

costs are expensive, and some-<br />

times the parcels never arrive.<br />

Please contact us beforehand.<br />

You can be <strong>of</strong> assistance for the kitchen<br />

Plates, glasses, cuttlery 500 $<br />

Pans & dishes 650 $<br />

Pantry 500 $<br />

Fridge & freezer 1000 $<br />

Oven 650 $<br />

Gas cooker 650 $<br />

Table and chairs 900 $<br />

Table cloth & napkins 130 $<br />

Electric stabilizer to prevent power variations 200 $<br />

Water purifier 65 $ each (x2)<br />

You can be <strong>of</strong> assistance for the periodic expenses<br />

(automatic transfer : please write to sspxnigeria@gmail.com)<br />

You can be <strong>of</strong> assistance for the sacristy<br />

5 Vestments (white, red, green, violet, black) 1 st class 1000 $ each (x5)<br />

5 Vestments (white, red, green, violet, black) 2 nd class 800 $ each (x5)<br />

5 Vestments (white, red, green, violet, black) 3 rd class 600 $ each (x5)<br />

Copes 5 colours 800 $ each (x5)<br />

20 altar boy cassocks and surplices 100 $ each (x20)<br />

Altar clothes (three by three)) 160 $<br />

Altar linens (corporal, purificatory, pall, finger towel) 80 $<br />

Chalice & Paten 1300 - 2000 $<br />

2 ciboriums 300 $ each (x2)<br />

Pair <strong>of</strong> cruets 80 $<br />

Communion plate 80 $<br />

Monstrance 2000 $<br />

Bell 300 $<br />

Altar Missal with book stand 350 $<br />

Holy Water font and aspersorium 350 $<br />

Thurible with boat 800 $<br />

Humeral veil 300 $<br />

You can be <strong>of</strong> assistance for the chapel<br />

Wooden main Altar 2000 $<br />

Wooden side Altar 1500 $<br />

Altar Cross 500 $<br />

6 Candelsticks 150 $ each (x6)<br />

Tabernacle 2000 $<br />

Tabernacle veils (white, red, green, violet) 200 $<br />

Benches 1300 $<br />

<strong>St</strong>ations <strong>of</strong> the Cross 260 $<br />

Electric fans 40 $ chacun (x4)<br />

Bed 100 $<br />

Matress 130 $<br />

Sheet 50 $<br />

Electric fan 40 $<br />

Mosquito net 20 $<br />

Desk 350 $<br />

To make a donation for the priory <strong>of</strong> Nigeria, please make your cheques out to:<br />

In £ GBP (<strong>English</strong> Pounds): “<strong>Society</strong> <strong>St</strong> <strong>Pius</strong> X” - please write on the back: “for Nigeria”<br />

<strong>St</strong> George’s House - 125 Arthur Road, Wimbledon Park - GB London SW19 7DR<br />

In $ USD (US Dollars): “<strong>Society</strong> <strong>St</strong> <strong>Pius</strong> X” - please write on the back: “for Nigeria”<br />

New Regina Coeli House - 11 485 North Farley Rd. - USA Platte City, MO 64079<br />

In USA: Tax receipts available on request<br />

In $ AUD (Australian Dollars): “<strong>Society</strong> <strong>St</strong> <strong>Pius</strong> X” - please write on the back: “for Nigeria”<br />

PO Box 25 - Penshurt 2222 NSW Australia<br />

You can<br />

prepare a<br />

priest’s cell<br />

Water supply by tanker 55 $ per week<br />

Fuel for electric generator 120 $ per month<br />

House rent 550 $ per month<br />

Whatever Whatever you you you can can do, do, thank thank you you very very much!<br />


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