March 2 2009 - Correllian Tradition

March 2 2009 - Correllian Tradition

March 2 2009 - Correllian Tradition


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would mull over it and my mental state would be uneasy. These are the times when additional training<br />

would have been helpful.<br />

The mind and psyche of a youth in life or death situations needs to be trained and also to learn the<br />

consequences of their actions. If a martial arts student ends up maiming or causing the death of their<br />

opponent in self defense, there are many directions they can go; some positive, and some negative. In<br />

one positive way, as long as the student has tried several times to use non life-threatening force,<br />

followed the legal laws in place for such a situation, and has come to terms with the consequences of<br />

their ability, they will come out of this a stronger student, even with the death of another. I am not<br />

saying it is ok for anyone to maim or take life, but the situation has to be trained for. In a negative<br />

light, some people have discovered that taking the life of another is easy, and revel in this. With some<br />

of the techniques I trained in, this is a fact of how easy it can be. Some students are not taught these,<br />

and all of them are taught in secrecy by only the senior black belts. Again, we come to the basis of<br />

this lesson. Balance. Balance in a confrontation, and balance in life. I’d like to know others thoughts<br />

on this next question. IF you were put into a situation, either by a job duty or by walking down the<br />

street and being assaulted, and you were forced to defend yourself to a point of ending the life of<br />

another, would you be able to? I follow the Wiccan Rede and know its most basic rule like I know my<br />

name and Patron. My answer to this… It depends. I suppose the situation would have to be my life<br />

or theirs; but still there is nothing that could prepare us for the final result. In 20 years I have only<br />

used my abilities one time. I was assaulted at a job I held and had to defend both myself and my boss;<br />

I stood over him while taking nine full swings from a guy with a Louisville Slugger baseball bat. I<br />

blocked eight of the strikes with my forearms, but one did get through to my chest. During those 15-<br />

20 seconds while this happened, I saw the confidence in my assailant drain out of him because I did<br />

not retreat. I waited until my boss was out from underneath me and then withdrew. I was bruised for<br />

about three months, but that was the extent of my injuries. This guy wanted me… Out of the way?<br />

Unconscious? Could he have wanted me dead? I don’t know, but feel I reacted the best way in this<br />

situation. I want to always teach my students the same compassion I have for life, all life.<br />

Teaching never stops, wherever I go. I watched just recently as my one grandson ripped a vine from a<br />

tree in my yard. I asked him why he did that. He had no reason to give me but the shrugging of his<br />

shoulders. I then asked him if he’d like it if the tree ripped one of his arms. He didn’t like that<br />

comment much, and I know some might groan because of the morbid statement made to an 8 year old,<br />

but when I explained to him about the life within the vine, the same life which he has in his own body,<br />

I saw a flicker of understanding. This is what I strive for in all of my teachings. Be they in martial<br />

arts, Wicca, or just life itself. Revere that which thrives on this plane of existence. There are other<br />

levels we will reach, in our own time. Within life is awareness. If we can be aware of our<br />

surroundings and not live our lives wearing horse-blinders, I feel that is a step in the right direction.<br />

Within life is balance; within balance is awareness. To live our lives in balance, we can take that next<br />

step to awareness.<br />

Blessings,<br />

My last question here would be – Have you made that step?<br />

Rev. Lee Fluhr<br />

aka. Loki Aesir<br />

correllianpriest@yahoo.com<br />


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