THE DECCA LEGACY - Wootton Bridge Historical

THE DECCA LEGACY - Wootton Bridge Historical

THE DECCA LEGACY - Wootton Bridge Historical


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CHAPTER 7<br />


(Ron Burr)<br />

Whilst I was working for Plessey Services, I had occasion to visit Doha in Qatar on the Arabian Gulf. I<br />

stayed at a Four Star hotel with comfortable accommodation and good food. As you know the purchase<br />

and drinking of alcohol in public places is forbidden in Moslem States. At this hotel however, there was<br />

a concession to foreign visitors. There was a room set aside on the fourth floor where between five and<br />

six in the afternoon service of alcoholic drinks was permitted for Christians. A permit was required from<br />

the management to gain entry. This was provided after producing a certification signed by ones’ local<br />

Christian priest showing you were indeed of that faith.<br />

During my stay at Doha, I had to go to Abu Dhabi for short business trip. I took a Gulf Air flight to get<br />

there. When I had completed my business, I thought it might be fun to get back to Doha by taxi. There<br />

was proper road back to Doha and taxis could be hired in the town. The distance was about 150 miles.<br />

We set off at 2pm. But after15 minutes a sand storm blew up. Visibility quickly fell to about 20 feet. Not<br />

only was there loose sand swirling about us, but also pieces of wood and empty tin cans. Our driver (who<br />

must have been a distant relative of the Pakistani driver already described in the last section.) ploughed<br />

on regardless. Our passage was punctuated by continual pleas from our brave driver to Allah to be<br />

merciful. I murmured the Lords Prayer at regular intervals and promised to go to church more often and<br />

not just at Christmas and Easter. I was terrified. I promised my self a stiff whisky if we arrived safely.<br />

When we eventually arrived at my hotel it was five past six, and yes you are right, the bar was closed!<br />


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