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<strong>KILMORE</strong> <strong>EAST</strong>-<strong>MURRINDINDI</strong> <strong>COMPLEX</strong> <strong>SOUTH</strong><br />

<strong>FIRE</strong><br />

<strong>BURNED</strong> – AREA CHARACTERIZATION<br />

Description of Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVC)<br />

There are 31 broad vegetation types, communities, found within the Kilmore East-Murrindindi<br />

Complex South Fire area; these are called Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVCs). For purposes of<br />

describing the ecological importance, discerning EVCs for field assessment, and for displaying on the<br />

map for this Fire Rehab Plan, some of the EVCs were lumped. The EVCs are components of 4<br />

bioregions that are located within this area, the Highlands Southern Fall (HSF), Central Victorian<br />

Uplands (CVU), Highlands Northern Fall (HNF), and Victoria Alps (VAlp). A description of the EVCs<br />

by bioregion can be found on the DSE, State of Victoria, native vegetation website page<br />

(http://www.dse.vic.gov.au/dse/nrence.nsf).<br />

Table 1. Hectares of major vegetation classes occurring within the burn perimeter of the Kilmore<br />

East-Murrindindi Complex South Fire (Does not include the Silver Creek –Wallaby area)<br />

DSE Other<br />

Victorian<br />

Ecological Vegetation Managed Public Parks<br />

Plantations Grand<br />

Classes Public Land Land Victoria Private Corporation Total<br />

Alpine Grassy Heathland 0 0 2 0 0 2<br />

Cool Temperate<br />

Rainforest 1798 0 2994 0 0 4793<br />

Creekline Herb-rich<br />

Woodland 13 7 182 352 0 554<br />

Damp Forest 8962 82 7343 760 0 17147<br />

Damp Heathy Woodland 0 0 98 72 0 170<br />

Floodplain Riparian<br />

Woodland 0 60 17 220 0 297<br />

Grassy Dry Forest 501 0 1496 1692 0 3689<br />

Grassy Forest 2 0 0 77 0 79<br />

Gully Woodland 0 16 212 69 0 297<br />

Heathy Dry Forest 768 0 2878 371 0 4017<br />

Herb-Rich Foothill/<br />

Shrubby Dry Forest 7771 9 6672 2490 1 16943<br />

Lowland Forest 737 7 12 1171 0 1927<br />

Montane Damp Forest 1115 0 265 0 0 1380<br />

Montane Dry Forest 162 0 0 0 0 162<br />

Montane Riparian Thicket 375 0 170 0 0 545<br />

Montane Wet Forest 6848 0 5256 0 0 12104<br />

Plains Grassy Woodlands 0 0 0 56 0 56<br />

Riparian Forest 1486 184 1227 362 0 3259<br />

Riparian Scrub/ Swampy<br />

Riparian Woodland<br />

Complex 0 0 40 18 0 58

Shrubby Dry Forest 1573 0 474 0 0 2046<br />

Shrubby Foothill Forest 1689 0 1716 410 0 3816<br />

Sub-alpine Shrubland 0 0 3 0 0 3<br />

Sub-alpine Treeless<br />

Vegetation 14 0 6 0 0 20<br />

Sub-alpine Wet Heathland 0 0 2 0 0 2<br />

Sub-alpine Wet<br />

Heathland/Alpine Valley<br />

Peatland (Bog) Mosaic 0 0 10 0 0 10<br />

Sub-alpine Woodland 58 0 1388 0 0 1446<br />

Swampy Riparian<br />

Complex 8 7 65 1415 0 1494<br />

Swampy Riparian<br />

Woodland 0 0 0 61 0 61<br />

Valley Grassy Forest 7 23 1415 1770 0 3215<br />

Valley Heathy Forest 0 0 0 14 0 14<br />

Wet Forest 5719 29 14342 134 0 20225<br />

Grand Total 39607 424 48281 11515 1 99831<br />

A few communities have listing status under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity<br />

Conservation Act of 1999 (EPBC Act) and the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 (FFG Act).<br />

Alpine Sphagnum Bogs and associated fens are EPBC listed Endangered (Jan 2009), and White Box-<br />

Yellow Box-Blakely's Red Gum Grassy Woodland and Derived Native Grassland is EPBC listed<br />

Critically Endangered; the FGG lists Alpine bogs and Cool Temperate Rainforest as threatened. A<br />

number of EVCs have Biodiversity Conservation Status (BCS) in Victoria. See Table 2 which displays<br />

EVCs with Biological Conservation Status.<br />

Table 2 – EVCs with Biological Conservation Status<br />

Ecological Vegetation Classes having Biodiversity Conservation Status in Victoria, by Bioregion<br />


Alpine Grassy Heathland-1004 R R - R -<br />

Cool Temperate Rainforest-31 E E - E L<br />

Floodplain-56 E E E E -<br />

Low Altitude Grassy Dry Forest-<br />

22,47,175<br />

Herb-Rich Foothill/ Shrubby Dry<br />

Forest-23/21<br />

47-V<br />

47-V<br />

47-V<br />

175-E<br />

- -<br />

Important due to presence of Proteaceae, Pomaderris<br />

communities and the threat from frequent fires, limited area in<br />

South fire area<br />

Montane Riparian Thicket-41 R - - - -<br />

Montane Wet Forest-39<br />

Important due to increased fire frequency in mountain and alpine<br />

ash forests<br />

Plains Woodlands-55 - - E - -<br />

Riparian (Higher Rainfall) V E V - -<br />

Riparian Thicket-59 V V - - -

Sub-alpine Shrubland-42 - - - R -<br />

Sub-alpine Treeless Vegetation-<br />

44<br />

R R - R -<br />

Sub-alpine Wet Heathland-210 E E - E -<br />

Sub-alpine Wet<br />

Heathland/Alpine Valley<br />

Peatland Mosaic-211<br />

E - - E<br />

Swampy Riparian Complex-126 V V E - -<br />

Wet Forest-30<br />

Important due to increased fire frequency in mountain and alpine<br />

ash forests<br />

HNF=Highlands Northern Fall; HSF= Highlands Southern fall; CVU=Central Victorian Uplands; VAlp=<br />

Victorian Alps; FFG=Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act listing, L = listed as threatened; E=endangered;<br />

V=vulnerable; R=rare<br />

The grassy dry forest, grassy woodland, valley grassy forest and valley heathy forest were lumped as<br />

the Low Altitude Grassy Dry Forest. The Heathy dry forest, herb-rich foothill forest, shrubby foothill<br />

forest and dry shrubby forest were lumped as the Herb-rich/shrubby Dry Forest. A brief description of<br />

selected EVCs follows.<br />

Among the EVCs present on the fire ground--within the fire perimeter—some are fire sensitive, fire<br />

dependent and others have limited information on fire effects. Some plant communities have a high<br />

value biodiversity asset- high elevation riparian areas, subalpine systems, and dry heathy forest<br />

communities. This assessment will try to address those issues as they pertain to specific EVCs and<br />

the management implications in implementing recommendations in the Biodiversity – Flora<br />

Assessment report.<br />

Heathy Dry Forest (EVC 20)<br />

Within the fire perimeter, Heathy Dry Forest tends to occur on shallow stony soils of low fertility, which<br />

experience seasonal droughts. Generally, Heathy Dry Forest is dominated by a low canopy of Broadleaf<br />

Peppermint (Eucalyptus dives) and stunted Messmate (Eucalyptus obliqua). The understorey<br />

features a number of species of the Australian heath family, the Epacridaceae including Rosy<br />

Baeckea (Baeckea ramosissima), Austral Grass-tree (Xanthorrhoea australis), the rare Creeping<br />

Grevillea (Grevillea repens), Silver Banksia (Banksia marginata) and Bushy Hakea (Hakea sericea).<br />

Silvertop Wallaby-grass (Chionochloa pallida) is a common, often dominant, member of the ground<br />

layer. Its dominance at some sites may reflect that the site has remained unburnt for a long period. It<br />

is clear that fire regimes are of great importance to the understorey species composition of this<br />

community.<br />

Cool Temperate Rainforest (EVC 31)<br />

Non-eucalypt forest with a largely closed canopy dominated by Myrtle Beech (Nothofagus<br />

cunninghamii) and Southern Sassafras (Atherosperma moschatum). Occurs in high rainfall areas<br />

nested within more extensive stands of Wet Forest and Montane Wet Forest. Blackwood (Acacia<br />

melanoxylon) may form part of the closed rainforest canopy in some stands. The understorey features<br />

an array of ferns, including Soft Tree-fern (Dicksonia antarctica), Hard Water-fern (Blechnum wattsii)<br />

and Mother Shield-fern (Polystichum proliferum). Mosses and liverworts are abundant. Some areas<br />

of Cool Temperate Rainforest are within broader sites of rainforest significance.<br />

Damp Forest (EVC 29)<br />

Damp Forest is a widespread ecological vegetation class occupying a range of sites on a variety of<br />

soils and aspects between 200 to 1000 m in elevation. Messmate and Mountain Grey Gum<br />

(Eucalyptus cypellocarpa) are the characteristic dominants in the overstorey which is often in excess<br />

of 50 m in height. Mountain Ash may be a locally dominant canopy species. The species comprising<br />

the shrub layer includes Hazel Pomaderris (Pomaderris aspera), Prickly Moses (Acacia verticillata)<br />

and Snow Daisy-bush (Olearia lirata). The ground layer is a variable assemblage of forbs and ferns.

Grassy Dry Forest / Valley Grassy Forest (EVC’s 22 & 47)<br />

These EVCs were mapped as the Low Altitude Grassy Dry Forest in this plan. This community occurs<br />

on relatively exposed aspects, often on moderately fertile acidic duplex soils. It is dominated by Red<br />

Box (Eucalyptus polyanthemos), Red Stringybark (Eucalyptus macrorhyncha), Long-leaf Box<br />

(Eucalyptus goniocalyx) and Yellow Box (Eucalyptus melliodora). The open grassy understorey<br />

commonly includes Commonly present are Kangaroo Grass (Themeda triandra), Grey Tussock-grass<br />

(Poa sieberiana), Stinking Pennywort (Hydrocotyle laxiflora), Blue Pincushion (Brunonia australis),<br />

Green Rock-fern (Cheilanthes austrotenuifolia), Cotton Fireweed (Senecio quadridentatus) and<br />

Common Raspwort (Gonocarpus tetragynus). These communities comprise the critically endangered<br />

White Box - Yellow Box - Blakely's Red Gum Grassy Woodlands and Derived Native Grasslands.<br />

Herb-rich Foothill Forest / Shrubby Dry Forest / Shrubby Foothill Forest<br />

Herb-rich Foothill Forest (EVC 23)<br />

Open forest usually 20 to 35 m in height made up of one or more of the following eucalypt species:<br />

Narrow-leaf Peppermint (Eucalyptus radiata), Messmate, Manna Gum (Eucalyptus viminalis) and<br />

Candlebark (Eucalyptus rubida). The sparse low shrub layer consists normally of two species:<br />

Common Cassinia (Cassinia aculeata) and Silver Wattle (Acacia dealbata). The ground layer is<br />

typified by a seasonally high cover, and diverse forb component, including Kidney-weed (Dichondra<br />

repens), Weeping Grass (Microlaena stipoides), Bidgee-widgee (Acaena novae-zelandiae), Cinquefoil<br />

(Geranium potentilloides), Grey Tussock-grass, Soft Tussock-grass (Poa morrisii), and Prickly<br />

Woodruff (Asperula scoparia). Austral Bracken (Pteridium esculentum) is usually present in the<br />

Victoria Alps Bioregion, and may tend to dominate the ground layer if frequently disturbed by fire.<br />

Shrubby Dry Forest (EVC 21)<br />

Open forest up to 25 m in height. Shrubby Foothill Forest has a relatively dense and varied shrub<br />

layer, but tends to lack a diverse ground layer. It is widespread on higher slopes, particularly between<br />

400 and 900 m in elevation. The dominant trees are Messmate and Narrow-leaf Peppermint. A wide<br />

variety of shrubs characterise this community across its range. Common among these are Narrowleaf<br />

Wattle (Acacia mucronata), Dusty Miller (Spyridium parvifolium), Handsome Flatpea (Platylobium<br />

formosum), Prickly Bush-pea (Pultenaea juniperina), Common Cassinia, and Pink-bells (Tetratheca<br />

ciliata). The ground layer includes Common Raspwort and Grey Tussock-grass. Forest Wire-grass<br />

(Tetrarrhena juncea) and Austral Bracken (Pteridium esculentum) are commonly present, and<br />

sometimes dominant.<br />

Shrubby Foothill Forest (EVC 45)<br />

It is similar in structure to Herb-rich Foothill Forest, has a denser and varied shrub layer, but tends to<br />

lack a diverse ground vegetation layer. It is widespread on higher slopes, particularly between 400m<br />

and 900m elevation, both north and south of the Great Dividing Range. The dominant trees are<br />

Messmate and narrow-leaf peppermint, also sliver-top, mountain grey gum, and scentbark may occur.<br />

Grassy Dry Forest (EVC 22)<br />

It occurs on relatively exposed aspects, often on moderately fertile acidic duplex soils. It is best<br />

developed in the hills to the north-east of Melbourne and in the foothills of the Goulburn Valley. It is<br />

dominated with the same eucalypts as Valley Grassy Forest (EVC 47), with which it is often<br />

associated. The eucalypts include red box, red stringybark, long-leaved box, and yellow box.<br />

Montane Damp Forest (EVC 38)<br />

A tall forest up to 40m in height, dominated in its lower altitudinal range by Mountain Grey Gum<br />

(Eucalyptus cypellocarpa), Messmate, Narrow-leaf Peppermint and occasionally Manna Gum. At<br />

higher altitudes, Montane Damp Forest is often dominated by pure stands of Alpine Ash (Eucalyptus<br />

delegatensis). Montane Damp Forest features an open to rather dense layer of tall shrubs, amongst<br />

which Silver Wattle, Blackwood, and Mountain Hickory Wattle (Acacia obliquinervia), are prominent.<br />

The ground layer is characterised by grasses and herbs. Mother Shield-fern (Polystichum proliferum)<br />

is common in moister sites.<br />

Lowland Forest (EVC 46)<br />

Lowland Forest is closely related to the Herb-rich Foothill Forest and Shrubby Dry Forest usually<br />

occurs at lower elevations, yellowish gradational soils and leached sands of low fertility. Its floristic<br />

understorey is similar to heathy woodlands and heathlands. The canopy includes Silver-top,<br />

Yertchuk, and Messmate. Occasionally, white stringybark and brown stringybark are present.

Montane Riparian Thicket (EVC 41)<br />

Dense thickets of Mountain Tea-tree (Leptospermum grandifolium) occur along drainage lines in<br />

montane and sub-alpine areas. Montane Riparian Thicket is associated with a number of other<br />

ecological vegetation classes, often arising at the outlets of sub-alpine heathlands, and intergrading<br />

with Cool Temperate Rainforest or Riparian Thicket at lower altitudes. The canopy of Montane<br />

Riparian Thicket may vary in height up to approximately 15m depending on exposure and altitude.<br />

Cool Temperate Rainforest dominants Myrtle Beech and Sassafras (Atherosperma moschatum) are<br />

frequently sub-dominant in this community. Soils are often peaty. A thick substrate of Sphagnum can<br />

be present. The ground layer flora includes Alpine Water-fern (Blechnum penna-marina), Forest<br />

Sedge (Carex alsophila), and Hard Water-fern (Blechnum wattsii). The Baw Baw Berry (Wittsteinia<br />

vacciniacea), although considered rare in Victoria (Gullan et al 1990), is frequently encountered as a<br />

low shrub within this community. It is endemic in the Victorian Central Highlands.<br />

Montane Wet Forest (EVC 39)<br />

Montane Wet Forest occupies south-facing slopes, gullies and plateaus generally above 900 m. Soils<br />

are deep, fertile and well-drained. The canopy may grow to more than 60 m, and consists of pure or<br />

mixed stands of Alpine Ash (Eucalyptus delegatensis), and Shining Gum (Eucalyptus nitens). Manna<br />

Gum (Eucalyptus viminalis) may be a co-dominant in the Blue and Royston Ranges. The tall second<br />

storey includes Myrtle Beech and Forest Wattle (Acacia frigescens), which grow above a dense layer<br />

of Soft Tree-ferns (Dicksonia antarctica). At ground level, Hard Water-fern (Blechnum wattsii),<br />

Bat'swing Fern (Histiopteris incisa) and Mother Shield-fern are characteristic of this EVC. Although<br />

closely related to Wet Forest EVC, the floristic distinction lies in the substitution of most of the<br />

characteristic shrubs and trees.<br />

Riparian (Higher Rainfall) (EVC 18, 641 and 40)<br />

Riparian Forest (EVC 18)<br />

Riparian Forest is a tall forest of river banks and alluvial terraces. It is characteristically dominated by<br />

Manna Gum, with Silver Wattle, Blackwood, Hazel Pomaderris (Pomaderris aspera), Victorian<br />

Christmas-bush (Prostanthera lasianthos) and Prickly Coprosma (Coprosma quadrifida) in the shrub<br />

layer. The richness of the understorey of Riparian Forest is noteworthy, with a wide variety of<br />

terrestrial species as well as a suite of semi-aquatic plants. Usually present are Fishbone Water-fern<br />

(Blechnum nudum), Tall Sedge (Carex appressa), Mother Shield-fern, Swamp Club-sedge (Isolepis<br />

inundata), Small-leaf Bramble (Rubus parvifolius) and Soft Tree-fern. Examples include the stand of<br />

Buxton Gum (Eucalyptus crenulata) on river flats beside the Acheron River south of Buxton, where<br />

the atypical understorey combines elements of Wet Heathland and Floodplain Wetland Complex, as<br />

well as many of the usual species listed above.<br />

Montane Riparian Woodland (EVC 40)<br />

Open Forest or Woodland to 20 m in height restricted to peaty alluvial soils of perennial, meandering<br />

stream terraces, insipient drainage lines and localised depressions at elevations above 600 m...<br />

Eucalyptus camphora ssp. humeana (Mountain Swamp-gum) is the common overstorey species<br />

across the fire ground. The understorey supports a wide range of shrub species adapted to sites with<br />

poor drainage such as Baekea gunniana, Epacris microphyllum, Epacris breviflora grandifolium while<br />

the field layer is dominated by a range of semi-aquatic sedges, rushes and ferns often forming dense<br />

swards.<br />

Swampy Riparian Woodland (EVC 83)<br />

This EVC occurs in association with broad drainage lines, river terraces and minor floodplains or<br />

adjacent to streams. Soils are mostly of silt-rich river sands and gravels. The overstorey of this<br />

vegetation type has a woodland structure which often forms mosaics with wetlands by sedges, rushes<br />

and many other plants associated with riparian environments. Swamp Gum (Eucalyptus ovata) and<br />

Manna Gum are the dominant overstorey species. The understorey shrubs consist of Blackwood,<br />

Swamp Paperbark (Melaleuca ericifolia), Hemp Bush (Gynatrix pulchella), Tree Violet (Hymenanthera<br />

dentate) Black Wattle (Acacia mearnsii) and Snowy Daisy Bush (Olearia lirata). The ground stratum<br />

is the most characteristic feature of this EVC and is normally dense with graminoids including Leafy<br />

Flat-sedge (Cyperus lucidus), Tall Sedge, Common Reed (Phragmites australis) and Common<br />

Tussock Grass (Poa labillardieri).

Sub-alpine Woodland (EVC 43)<br />

Grows on a wide range of geologies and aspects, in the higher altitudinal levels above 1200 m.<br />

Rainfall is relatively high and snow may persist for long periods over winter. Soils are generally<br />

skeletal sandy clay loams with a rich humus topsoil layer. A low, open woodland to 10 m tall<br />

dominated by Snow Gum (Eucalyptus pauciflora), The understorey may variously consist of a rich<br />

suite of grasses and herbs, or a dense layer of woody shrubs such as Mueller's Bush-pea (Pultenaea<br />

muelleri), Alpine Oxylobium (Oxylobium alpestre), Alpine Pepper (Tasmannia xerophila) and Alpine<br />

Wattle (Acacia alpina).<br />

Swampy Riparian Complex (EVC 126)<br />

A combination of elements described in other EVCs including swampy riparian woodland and riparian<br />

thicket, riparian forest. The potential component EVCs of this mapping unit includes Creekline Herbrich<br />

Woodland, Gully Woodland, Shrubby Gully Forest, Fern Swamp, Swampy Riparian Woodland,<br />

Swampy Woodland and Swamp Scrub. Structurally variable vegetation typical of swampy to<br />

waterlogged, low gradient drainage-lines (or associated hillside soaks).<br />

Wet Forest (EVC 30)<br />

Wet Forest is usually dominated by Mountain Ash (Eucalyptus regnans), forming very tall forests<br />

sometime above 80 m in height. Wet Forest occurs where there is the co-occurrence of deep well<br />

drained soils in high rainfall areas and cloud cover at ground level is frequent. Wet Forest is largely<br />

restricted to elevations above 700 m ASL (up to 1000 m) on southerly aspects, plateau and other<br />

physiographic setting that have over millennia afforded some protection from frequent fire. The<br />

second storey of trees includes Silver Wattle (Acacia dealbata) and Blackwood and may reach 35 m.<br />

The shrub layer includes Hazel Pomaderris (Pomaderris aspera), Blanketleaf (Bedfordia<br />

arborescens), Musk Daisy-bush (Olearia argophylla), and Banyalla (Pittosporum bicolor) which grow<br />

to 20 m in height. A dense layer of Soft Tree-fern and Rough Tree-fern (Cyathea australis) to 5m is<br />

characteristic. The moist, shaded ground layer supports Mother Shield-fern (Polystichum proliferum),<br />

Hard Water-fern (Blechnum wattsii), Shade Nettle (Australina pusilla) and White Elderberry<br />

(Sambucus gaudichaudii). In the wettest fern-gullies, Shiny Shield-fern (Lastreopsis acuminata) and<br />

Mother Spleenwort (Asplenium bulbiferum) are common.<br />

Cool Temperate Mixed Forest (EVC yet to formally described but is generally accepted and is<br />

listed under the FFG Act)<br />

Cool Temperate Mixed Forest is effectively Cool Temperate Rainforest with an emergent eucalypt<br />

canopy of wet or montane forest eucalypt species. A formal definition of Cool Temperate Mixed Forest<br />

has recently been proposed - a closed rainforest understorey comprising mostly rainforest tree taxa<br />

with a collective projected foliage cover of at least 70% and an overstorey of eucalypts (Eucalyptus<br />

nitens, E. regnans and E. delegatensis are typical) with at least 10% foliage cover or more. In the<br />

absence of fire for long periods or where fire intervals are extended, secondary rainforest and mixed<br />

forest stands may be extensive. Nematolepis wilsonii (Shiny Nematolepis), Vulnerable nationally<br />

(EPBC), Listed as threatened in Victoria (FFG), and as vulnerable in Victoria (DSE) occurs in Cool<br />

Temperate Mixed Forest with emergent old growth Mountain Ash, and is endemic to this fire area.<br />

Rocky Outcrop Shrubland (EVC 28)<br />

This is a catch all EVC type that is a convenient aggregate of a range of structurally and floristically<br />

distinct entities. Variants are generally poorly described, mapped and sampled. Rocky outcrops are<br />

frequently of botanical interest because they contain a range of unusual micro-habitats, from highly<br />

exposed rock-faces, to damp, sheltered crevices. Rocky outcrop shrublands occur across the fire<br />

ground on a range of geological substrates including (as examples):<br />

Various EVCs, comprising Treeless Sub-alpine vegetation mapping unit<br />

Sub-alpine Wet Sedgeland (EVC 917)<br />

Treeless tussocky (grassy-sedgy) vegetation of wet plains on sub-alpine (apparently to alpine) creek<br />

flats, with patchy inter-tussock matting of Sphagnum spp. (with few large Sphagnum hummocks, and<br />

patchy Callistemon shrubland, both primarily on upper margins). Relatively species-poor where<br />

tussocks or sward density is moderate to high.<br />

Sub-alpine Wet Heathland (EVC 210) with Alpine Valley Peatland (Bog) Mosaic<br />

Virtually treeless and characterised by a dense layer of low heathy shrubs, with a number of sedges<br />

and rushes in the understorey. It occurs in soaks or along small streams in sub-alpine to alpine areas.

Rainfall is generally greater than 1000 mm per annum, and during winter, this EVC can tolerate long<br />

periods of snow cover and low temperature. Deep, peaty, sodden soils are usually covered by a layer<br />

of Peat Moss Sphagnum spp. EVC present but unmapped across the study area, Montane Bog (EVC<br />

966) Low heathy, sedgy-mossy shrubland to herbland. Montane bog occurs in boggy valley habitats<br />

associated with the heads of drainage-systems in montane areas subject to cold-air accumulation.<br />

Across the central Highlands the following shrub species may be locally common and dominant<br />

Baeckea utilis, Epacris brevifolia, Epacris paludosa, Sphagnum spp. and Empodisma minus.<br />

Associated species include Richea victoriana, Oxalis magellanica, Wittsteinia vaccinacea and<br />

Blechnum penna-marina. Larger trees and tall shrubs such as Nothofagus cunninghamii and/or<br />

Leptospermum grandifolium can be present on the verges or scattered through the vegetation.<br />

Sub-alpine Shrubland (EVC 42)<br />

A generally dense shrubland of sub-alpine and alpine areas frequently found on sheltered sites<br />

fringing Sub-alpine Woodland where snowfall persists as ground cover in winter months and where<br />

rainfall is high. It occurs on a range of geologies on shallow soils.<br />

Alpine Grassy Heathland (EVC 1004)<br />

High altitude open heathland with inter-shrub spaces dominated by tussock grasses and a wide range<br />

of forbs. It occupies a wide range of habitats generally on slopes above 1400m ASL where exposure<br />

and frost are limiting to tree growth.<br />

EVC’s of extremely minor occurrence within the fire ground<br />

Granitic Hills Woodland (EVC 72)<br />

Mainly restricted to granite rocky outcrops and structurally consists of a low open woodland. A range<br />

of Eucalypts may be locally dominant including Eucalyptus goniocaylx, E. melliodora and E.<br />

machrorhyncha. The shrub layer is typically sparse above a field layer of forbs, grasses and<br />

bryophytes.<br />

Plains Woodlands (EVC 803)<br />

An open, eucalypt woodland occurring on a number of geologies and soil types. It occupies poorly<br />

drained, fertile soils on flat or gently undulating plains at low elevations. The understorey consists of a<br />

few sparse shrubs over a species-rich grassy and herbaceous ground layer.<br />

Table 3 Important threatened flora species in the burn area of Kilmore East-Murrindindi Complex<br />

South Fire, and their habitat Ecological Vegetation Classes<br />

Ecological Vegetation Classes<br />

Cool<br />

Temperate<br />

Rainforest<br />

Grassy<br />

Dry<br />

Forest<br />

Heathy<br />

Dry<br />

Forest<br />

Herbrich<br />

Foothill<br />

Forest<br />

Low-<br />

land<br />

Forest<br />

Shrubby<br />

Foothill<br />

Forest<br />

Valley<br />

Grassy<br />

Forest<br />

Threatened<br />

Damp<br />

Grassy<br />

Riparian<br />

Wet Unknown Total<br />

Species<br />

Eucalyptus<br />

Forest<br />

Forest<br />

Forest<br />

Forest EVC Sites<br />

fulgens<br />

Grevillea<br />

1 1 1 2 6 1 1 13<br />

repens<br />

Nematolepis<br />

24 10 26 20 6 1 1 88<br />

wilsonii<br />

Pomaderris<br />

1 12 13<br />

vacciniifolia<br />

Pultenaea<br />

5 1 5 5 2 1 2 1 22<br />

weindorferi<br />

Thismia<br />

14 1 1 13 29<br />

rodwayi 4 4<br />

Sites Total 1 30 10 1 42 28 17 3 2 13 19 3 169

Table 4. Hectares of vegetation top kill/mortality classes across EVC’s, within the burn perimeter of<br />

the Kilmore East-Murrindindi Complex South Fire.<br />

Ecological Vegetation Class<br />

(EVC)<br />

Alpine Grassy Heathland<br />

Cool Temperate Rainforest<br />

Creekline Herb-rich Woodland<br />

Damp Forest<br />

Damp Heathy Woodland<br />

Floodplain Riparian Woodland<br />

Grassy Dry Forest<br />

Grassy Forest<br />

Herb-rich Foothill<br />

Shrubby Dry Forest<br />

Lowland Forest<br />

Montane Damp Forest<br />

Montane Riparian Thicket<br />

Montane Wet Forest<br />

Plains Grassy Woodlands<br />

Riparian Forest<br />

Riparian Scrub/ Swampy<br />

Riparian Woodland Complex<br />

Shrubby Dry Forest<br />

Shrubby Foothill Forest<br />

Sub-alpine Shrubland<br />

Sub-alpine Treeless<br />

Vegetation<br />

Sub-alpine Wet Heathland<br />

Sub-alpine Wet<br />

Heathland/Alpine Valley<br />

Peatland Mosaic<br />

Sub-alpine Woodland<br />

Swampy Riparian Complex<br />

Swampy Riparian Woodland<br />

Valley Grassy Forest<br />

Valley Heathy Forest<br />

Wet Forest<br />

Grand Total<br />

75%<br />

Vegetation<br />

Removal<br />

Insufficient<br />

data<br />

Grand<br />

Total<br />

Insufficient<br />


This table is important in that it demonstrates the concern for decreased fire return intervals in<br />

Victoria. The state has been experiencing fires about every 3 to 5 years, is in a serious drought and<br />

has a serious problem with noxious weed infestations (pest plants). It is because of this we are not<br />

only proposing immediate Emergency Stabilisation treatments but are proposing long-term<br />

rehabilitation and research monitoring to study fire effects and seedling recruitment in populations that<br />

have been subject to repeated high intensity wildfires. Frequent fires are a concern in the damp, wet<br />

and montane wet forests for Mountain and Alpine ash regeneration, in the lowland, low altitude,<br />

lowland dry forests to messmate eucalyptus forests.<br />


Name, title, and agency Telephone/email<br />

David Cheal, Principal Scientist, Community Ecology, Arthur<br />

Rylah Institute for Environmental Research (ARIER)<br />

Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE)<br />

David Cameron, Botanist - Ecologist, Arthur Rylah Institute for<br />

Environmental Research (ARIER) Department of<br />

Sustainability and Environment (DSE)<br />

Karen Lester, Ecologist, DSE, Box Hill<br />

Margaret Kitchin, Senior Forest Ecologist, Parks, Conservation<br />

and Lands, Dept. Of Territory & Municipal Services,<br />

Australia Capitol Territory<br />

Merril Halley, Ecologist, DSE, Box Hill 03 9296 4617<br />

61 3 9450 8731<br />

david.cheal@dse.vic.gov.au<br />

61 3 9450 8731<br />

david.cameron@dse.vic.gov.au<br />

03 9296 4637<br />

0417 369 705<br />

karen.lester@dse.vic.gov.au<br />

02 6207 7623<br />

margaret.kitchin@act.gov.au<br />

0449 001 565<br />

merril.halley@dse.vic.gov.au<br />

Stephen Smith, Senior Biodiversity Officer, DSE Alexandra steven.smith@dse.vic.gov.au<br />

Rob Dabal, Vegetation Specialist, Melbourne Water Corporation 0400 164 406<br />


Rob.Dabal@melbournewater.com.au<br />

Analysis of disturbance by Fire on Public Land in Victoria. 2002. The State of Victoria, Department of<br />

Natural Resources and Environment.<br />

Biodiversity Assessment. 1998. Component of: North East Comprehensive Regional Assessment<br />

(CRA). Commonwealth and Victorian Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) Steering Committee.<br />

Biodiversity Values Risk Assessment Guideline V1. 2007. The State of Victoria, Department of<br />

Sustainability and Environment.<br />

Central Highlands: regional forest agreement directions report. September 1997. The State of<br />

Victoria, DNRE. East Melbourne, Victoria.

Costermans, L.F. (2008) Native trees and shrubs of south-eastern Australia. New Holland<br />

Publishers. 424p.<br />

Department of Sustainability and Environment. 2005. Advisory List of Rare or Threatened Plants in<br />

Victoria - 2005. Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment, East Melbourne, Victoria.<br />

Ecological Vegetation Class (EVC) Benchmarks for each Bioregion. 2009. The State of Victoria,<br />

Department of Sustainability and Environment.<br />

http://www.dse.vic.gov.au/DSE/nrence.nsf/LinkView/43FE7DF24A1447D9CA256EE6007EA8788062<br />

D358172E420C4A256DEA0012F71C<br />

Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC Act 1999) List of Threatened<br />

Ecological Communities. 2009. Australian Government Department of the Environment, water,<br />

Heritage and the Arts. http://www.environment.gov.au/cgi-bin/sprat/public/publiclookupcommunities.pl<br />

Forest Management Plan, Central Highlands. May 1998. The State of Victoria, Department of Natural<br />

Resources and Environment.<br />

Protected Flora List. 2009. Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988. The State of Victoria, Department of<br />

Sustainability and Environment.<br />

____________________________________________________________________________<br />

Scott Lambert, BAER Botanist - Biologist, US Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management,<br />

Boise, Idaho. 208.373.3894. scott_lambert@blm.gov<br />

David Cheal, Principal Scientist, Community Ecologist, Parks, DSE, ARIER. Heidelberg.<br />


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