1 Author: Mark Ellyatt – Technical Instructor Trainer - Inspired Training

1 Author: Mark Ellyatt – Technical Instructor Trainer - Inspired Training

1 Author: Mark Ellyatt – Technical Instructor Trainer - Inspired Training


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<strong>Technical</strong><br />

SeriesDeep<br />

Explorer<br />

<strong>Author</strong>: <strong>Mark</strong> <strong>Ellyatt</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>Technical</strong> <strong>Instructor</strong> <strong>Trainer</strong><br />


Dear Diver<br />

We are delighted you have selected ITDA for your<br />

continuing diving education. From the outset we have<br />

dedicated ourselves to producing the best training manuals<br />

and support materials in the industry.<br />

From our roots in the forefront of technical diver training you<br />

rest assured that years of common sense diving know how<br />

will be imparted through our programmes. To this end we<br />

have associated with the finest minds in technical diver<br />

training to create manuals like this one that will convey<br />

information in an easy to read format that will be a pleasure<br />

to work with, and become your reference guide for later<br />

reflection<br />

Our authors are also recognised experts in their specific<br />

topics. So when you thumb through an ITDA manual you will<br />

have the confidence of knowing that author has spent<br />

thousands of hours underwater and in academic discussion<br />

to create a text that reflects direct “hands on” practical<br />

experience, rather than theoretical idealism<br />

We also recognise that technology changes rapidly in<br />

today’s society and any suggestions for ways to improve our<br />

materials are welcomed at all times.<br />

We want you to get the best possible experience from your<br />

Deep Explorer course and your instructor. Please let us<br />

know how we can better serve you. All of us at ITDA would<br />

like to extend our appreciation to you for your business and<br />

the time that you will invest in our training programmes<br />

www.ITDAhq.com<br />


Deep Explorer<br />

Contents<br />

Foreword. Touring Bandit Country<br />

Chapter 1. How Deep’s Deep?<br />

Chapter 2. Helium <strong>–</strong> Friend or Foe<br />

Chapter 3. Physiology you should know<br />

Chapter 4. Equipment for the job<br />

Chapter 5. Dive planning<br />

Chapter 6. What comes next<br />


TEL: +34 971481978<br />

Apartado Correo 8<br />

Ciutadella de Menorca 07760<br />

Espana<br />

www.itdahq.com email to : info@itdahq.com<br />

Copyright © <strong>Mark</strong> <strong>Ellyatt</strong> 2007<br />

The right of <strong>Mark</strong> <strong>Ellyatt</strong> to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted<br />

by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988<br />


Touring Bandit Country<br />

By starting on the road to technical diver you took on a complete<br />

list of new challenges. You have clearly embraced the mindset<br />

and discipline to function safely in deeper water; Congratulations.<br />

To get this far you have shown a desire and an ability to go<br />

beyond mainstream technical diving. Deep Explorer <strong>Training</strong> will<br />

help you further develop your confidence and obtain the<br />

knowledge and skills necessary to function within the realms of<br />

safety at depths that have often killed the unprepared many times.<br />

You will no doubt appreciate and understand the dangers and<br />

implications of advanced decompression diving but please review<br />

all the information related to <strong>Technical</strong> Nitrox level diving as little<br />

explanation to terminology or buzzwords will be found within<br />

these pages short of the glossary at the end. There will be no<br />

cosseting during training. If you continually exhibit skills unsuited<br />

to deep water with its life changing implications your instructor<br />

will not lie to you but instead advise and subsequently certify you<br />

to dive to depths better suited to your current comfort zone. You<br />

will be encouraged to practise before re-attending Deep Explorer<br />

training. Please be aware <strong>–</strong> deep exploration diving is not for<br />

everyone. Don’t think of this as failure but simply as deferred<br />

success!<br />

The Mod 1 training course is the first in the line of Deep Explorer<br />

diver training and will impart the knowledge and skills to the user<br />

necessary for diving into the Twilight Zone with Helium based<br />

breathing gases to a maximum depth of 70metres (240ft). Open<br />

Circuit and or Closed Circuit equipment may be used<br />

Mod 2 training will further your understanding of deep trimix dive<br />

planning and allow you to dive with confidence into the Dark zone<br />

as deep as 100metres (330ft) using either open circuit scuba or<br />

closed circuit apparatus.<br />

Mod 3 training is the pinnacle of Deep Explorer training. Diving as<br />

deep as 130metres can have immediately life shortening /<br />

changing consequences and the risks are often higher than the<br />

rewards. <strong>Training</strong> will attempt to impart problem solving and<br />

planning skills commensurate with this ‘Exploration Diver’ level<br />

experience course. Your instructor will help you progress through<br />

this advanced training in a comfortable and safe method. Your full<br />

attention is required and you will be expected to demonstrate<br />

good judgement and sound diving skills throughout.<br />



As with all successful ventures, solid foundations are<br />

mandatory. Before venturing deeper and deeper under the<br />

water, divers must ensure they are confident and<br />

comfortable at every stage and with all new topics, both<br />

academic and practical.<br />

The material contained within this manual is designed to<br />

supplement classroom and practical in-water instruction by<br />

an authorised Deep Explorer <strong>Instructor</strong>. Your <strong>Trainer</strong> will<br />

verify your skills and explain any topic in detail. Simply<br />

reading this text may not make you a exploration diver<br />

regardless of your diving experience or certification level.<br />

“Limits” can never take into account differing physiologies,<br />

capabilities, training and experience within. Therefore, the<br />

limits in this manual should be considered purely as<br />

guidelines. Every diver should evaluate their own personal<br />

parameters that make them unique and set their own<br />

individual limits well within the guidelines of common sense.<br />

Dives outside recreational boundaries can be a very<br />

hazardous undertaking. The sometimes hostile underwater<br />

environment will put to the test your training and calm the<br />

moment you enter. Please treat every advanced level and<br />

formal decompression dive with respect and maintain the<br />

attention to detail you will come to learn on completion of this<br />

course.<br />

Divers who obtain advanced level training should understand<br />

the following additional responsibilities:<br />

After certification is earned, you must strive to maintain the dive fitness<br />

as well as the physical fitness displayed during this training course,<br />

throughout your diving adventures. When embarking on technical<br />

dives, only proceed when you have spent time practicing your skills<br />

thoroughly beforehand. Special care should be taken with regard to<br />

buoyancy control, especially when using dry suit systems. When using<br />

new equipment such as reels and surface marker buoys or rebreather<br />

equipment, practice until totally proficient before use during<br />

mandatory decompression stop dives.<br />

Practice Diminishes Risk…seek the guidance of an<br />

experienced technical instructor if you need additional skill<br />

development. Even a few weeks out of the water can<br />

degrade your self rescue abilities dramatically.<br />


The aim of this training course is to familiarise divers with<br />

procedures and equipment that will improve understanding<br />

and hopefully performance during advanced level scuba<br />

dives using Helium. Academic sessions may be instructor-<br />

led or self-study but be prepared always, both physically and<br />

emotionally. Your equipment needs to work perfectly on<br />

aggressive dives…inspect it and learn how it works: 120<br />

metres down is the wrong place to notice something isn’t<br />

working!<br />

4 dives are required for each level or depth progression<br />

The Pre requisites experience for Deep Explorer training<br />

are a minimum of : 200 dives for Mod 1.<br />

300 dives for Mod 2.<br />

500 dives for Mod 3<br />

Mod 1 max depth 70m (240ft) (min 55m)<br />

Mod 2 max depth 100m (330ft) (min 70m)<br />

Mod 3 max depth 130m (430ft) (min 100m)<br />

<strong>Technical</strong> Nitrox (or equivalent) needed to start Mod 1.<br />

Mod 1 before starting Mod 2. Mod 2 (or equiv) before<br />

starting Mod 3. <strong>Instructor</strong> may allow a combination of<br />

Modules commensurate with the attending diver’s ability<br />

BEFORE attending training all divers must<br />

be at least 21 years of age with medical less than 3 months old.<br />

Stay Dive Fit…Stay Dive Safe<br />


Chapter 1. How Deep’s Deep?<br />

Depth alone is not an indicator of a dive’s complexity. Simply<br />

bouncing down to 120metres for a few minutes is of course<br />

extremely dangerous but can be accomplished reasonably<br />

safely by an appropriately experienced diver wearing a fairly<br />

standard equipment rig such as twin 15litre tanks and 2 side<br />

mounted 12litre deco tanks. However, a dive to even 80<br />

metres for 30 minutes may prove a logistical nightmare<br />

considering the decompression times. Recently the technical<br />

dive scene has shown a slow exodus to CCR units more and<br />

more, especially on the deeper dives. CCR units promise<br />

some intoxicating gas durations when working properly but<br />

these advantages are sometimes deadly, as sadly the<br />

average user simply sees them as some form of unfailing<br />

magic carpet with scant regard to realistic open circuit bailout.<br />

CCR definitely has its uses, but divers need to be a little<br />

more realistic when considering bail-out options, quite often<br />

the ubiquitous 2 ali 7 side-mounts give them a snowballs<br />

chance in hell when the doodoo hits the fan!<br />

Depth is relative. An unqualified diver just below the surface<br />

breathing from scuba equipment may be in great peril but a<br />

highly experienced Mixed Gas diver may be comfortable and<br />

relatively safe even at depths beyond 150 metres (with the<br />

right plans and support of course). Divers embarking on<br />

Deep Explorer training will have dived as deep as 60metres<br />

breathing air in a variety of conditions. Deeper air divers will<br />

always have to cope with narcosis and will have adapted<br />

their technique to best function at these depths. With Helium<br />

in the breathing medium, help is at hand. Adding Helium to<br />

the mix will minimise nitrogen narcosis and help limit the<br />

effects of Oxygen toxicity. Also, small amounts of Helium will<br />

even lower the work of breathing of your favourite regulator<br />

and subsequently lower Carbon Dioxide levels in you, further<br />

adding comfort.<br />

However, Helium has its drawbacks. Helium rapidly diffuses<br />

throughout the body and forms bubbles more readily than<br />

nitrogen. This means that slow ascent speeds MUST be<br />

maintained and a series of deeper decompression stops<br />

performed to avoid getting Helium induced decompression<br />

sickness. Another issue is that Helium transports heat very<br />


effectively. Breathing high Helium concentrations will make<br />

you cold, possibly even hypothermic. Helium shouldn’t be<br />

used to inflate your drysuit as it is a very poor insulator too.<br />

All breathing mixtures must even be checked for<br />

compatibility to ensure that deco gases don’t cause<br />

complications when switched too. The higher the Helium<br />

concentration the more serious the issues. All diving below<br />

80metres can add significant complexities especially when<br />

bottom times run over 30 minutes…only fools rush in.<br />

The purpose of these training courses is to firstly explain the<br />

procedures involved in the safe use of Trimix or Heliox<br />

mixtures in moderate depths and then cover the best<br />

practises to use when taking these mixtures very deep using<br />

either open circuit and closed circuit equipment and even<br />

combinations of the two.<br />

Breathing mixtures containing Helium have been used very<br />

deep. Free swimming divers have used Trimix deeper than<br />

300 metres once or twice with some form of success and<br />

many times as deep as 180 metres even adding a degree of<br />

predictability and reliability.<br />

Depths below 150 metres provide a unique experience in that<br />

they give the diver a virtual rollercoaster ride for often the<br />

first time regarding physiology. Debilitating cold and HPNS<br />

can make these exposures more than unpleasant but the<br />

rewards gained after successful completion can be almost<br />

tangible. Will you be able to function in these depths? Only<br />

time will tell…remember the competition is between you and<br />

the environment with the loser paying a heavy price - take it<br />

slowly and enjoy the ride!<br />


Commercial divers have used either Heliox, Trimix or<br />

Hydreliox (Hydrogen/Helium/Oxygen) mixtures as deep as<br />

701 metres in controlled environments and deeper than 600<br />

metres in the open sea. Divers should not confuse<br />

commercial diving with technical diving. Commercial divers<br />

have a massive infrastructure to control every working<br />

moment, the ascents and descents are completely controlled<br />

to speeds as slow as 1 metre per hour. <strong>Technical</strong> divers<br />

however are usually completely self sufficient, with their<br />

personal abilities and choices determining the success or<br />

outcome of every dive. <strong>Technical</strong> divers will never work for<br />

hours at extreme depth like their commercial diver cousins<br />

do every day. Similarly, few commercial divers will have the<br />

skills or even the desire to throw their bodies into relatively<br />

deep water with little or no support like a ‘techy’.<br />

Safe decompression takes very different forms. Pictured above is multi<br />

million pound saturation system, used by commercial divers with almost<br />

guaranteed success. Pictured below is a simple surface marker buoy.<br />

Beneath the red marker buoy is a technical diver decompressing, safe in<br />

the knowledge that the same physiological exchanges are taking place<br />

as in the top picture. The scuba diver below the bag has trained in<br />

decompression techniques and has the equipment and knowledge to<br />

execute technical dives safely and reliably.<br />


Chapter 2. Helium <strong>–</strong> friend or foe<br />

There is no doubt about it Helium is necessary for safer deep<br />

diving particularly below 60metres. Too little or none and<br />

nitrogen narcosis will affect your performance. Similarly,<br />

insufficient Helium could cause elevated po2’s that can have<br />

disastrous side effects. During your previous Trimix training<br />

you will have hopefully seen how to derive the ideal trimix, let<br />

us recap this information with traditional parameters.<br />


Before choosing your gas mixtures for a mixed gas dive, you<br />

need to know:<br />

• You should not exceed a PPO2 of 1.4-1.6 bars.<br />

Each gas mixture should maintain a PPO2 of 1.4 bars or less for<br />

the working portion of the dive. Nitrox mixtures reaching 1.6<br />

bars PPO2 can be used during the decompression phase as<br />

long as the total Oxygen CNS percentage does not exceed<br />

100% at the end of the dive.<br />

• Your required Equivalent Narcotic Depth (END).<br />

Once you have your required END, the gas mixture to be used<br />

can be selected in association with the 1.4 bar Oxygen limit.<br />

• The depth at which you will operate, and the time you wish to<br />

spend there.<br />

This will govern both the final selection of bottom mix and the<br />

amount of gas that must be carried to maintain a credible<br />

reserve.<br />

Finding Your Equivalent Narcotic Depth. or END<br />

Your END is the comparative depth on air at which you are<br />

entirely in control of narcosis, even under stress. You find the<br />

partial pressure of nitrogen at this depth by using the Dalton's<br />

Law formula:<br />

PPN 2 = FN 2 x P. For example, an END of 40 metres would give a<br />

PPN 2 of : 0.79 x 5 = 3.95 bar.<br />

3.95 ata/13 ata = 30% Nitrogen<br />


Lets Plan the ideal Trimix for a 120metre dive (13 ata)<br />

First let us find the Oxygen %<br />

Fg = P02 / Pata where Fg is the optimum o2 %<br />

1.4 / 13 ata = 10.7% rounded to 11%<br />

The Oxygen concentration in our trimix should be no more than<br />

11%<br />

*************************************<br />

Next, lets find the END, assuming an END no greater than 40<br />

metres and the same maximum depth of 120 metres using<br />

another method.<br />

AND SO;<br />

Desired END = 40 metres +10 metres<br />

------------------ X 0.79 (N2)<br />

Actual Dive Depth = 120 metres + 10 metres<br />

Desired END = 50 metres (absolute)<br />

------------------------------- X 0.79 (N2)<br />

130 metres (absolute)<br />

=.3846 X 0.79 OR 30% (Nitrogen)<br />

So we have 11% Oxygen & 30% Nitrogen…subtract both from<br />

100% and the balance is Helium… ie 59% easy!<br />

The Ideal Trimix for this dive is 11/59/30 (o2/He/N2) many<br />

divers write this mixture as TX 11/59 (writing N2 is optional)<br />

Dives to extreme depth are often limited to short bottom<br />

times. Po2’s can be higher than 1.4 but usually not higher<br />

than 1.6.<br />

END values for the open water can be higher than those used<br />

for any overhead environment. If venturing deeper use an<br />

END that you have used often and comfortably before. Dives<br />

in pleasant conditions can use END’s as high as 60metres<br />

but those performed in less attractive environments for<br />


example bad visibility or less than 18 degrees centigrade<br />

water temperature may use END’s as low as 40 m (very low<br />

END’s in cold water can cause hypothermia)<br />

Deep diving in overhead environments or using CCR<br />

equipment can use END’s as low as 20 m! END figures for<br />

CCR have special considerations regarding CO2 production<br />

due to scrubbers both near exhaustion and/or dived beyond<br />

manufacturers guidelines. Elevated CO2 can exacerbate<br />

inert gas narcosis and Oxygen toxicity. CO2 is produced by<br />

workload and/or over-dived or exhausted scrubbers but also<br />

lime over-packing etc. CCR must have low END values and<br />

also low po2’s.<br />

There are many factors to consider when selecting the<br />

various bottom mixes and deep decompression gases, for<br />

example.<br />

Decompression Obligations<br />

Gas Volume Logistics<br />

Environment Temperature<br />

Overhead Environment<br />

Inert Gas Counter-Diffusion<br />

HPNS<br />

OC vs CCR<br />

COST<br />

The key to successful deeper diving is balancing all the<br />

various physiological and logistic parameters, for example.<br />

It is important not to switch to gas mixtures that will cause a<br />

jump in END value unless the outcome of the switch has been<br />

checked using Decochek software. Gas mixes that cause a<br />

jump in END can cause complications relating to inert gas<br />

counter diffusion (ICD) (more later) With ICD in mind many<br />

deep trimix dives must have a selection of tanks that allow<br />

the necessary drop in Helium content at every gas switch<br />

during the ascent phase. Ascent gases on open circuit must<br />

drop Helium content carefully to allow a gentle off gassing<br />

gradient. As Helium content drops the reduction is made up<br />

by additional Oxygen, Nitrogen must never be increased by<br />

more than 5%. Reducing Helium is necessary on open circuit<br />

equipment as it allows efficient decompression and<br />

minimizes breathing potentially chilling gas mixtures.<br />


Deep Trimix divers should note that especially low END<br />

values and therefore high Helium fractions can have<br />

disastrous consequences if used without regard to<br />

hypothermia and ICD. Let past experience guide your END<br />

choice, not internet forums. Heliair is term associated with<br />

Trimix, the two terms are interchangeable. Heliair is simply a<br />

blending technique<br />

Heliair is simply making trimix by mixing air with Helium. No<br />

Oxygen is introduced during blending so generally the END’s<br />

are high relative to the po2 at depth. Divers select a bottom<br />

mix primarily by po2 suitability. With Heliair the ideal po2<br />

(1.4) generally gives an END of approximately 55metres. This<br />

level of intoxication may be fine for bounces in open water<br />

but could prove troublesome in an overhead environment.<br />

Heliair is very often used in very deep diving with<br />

experienced users or shallower in ideal conditions.<br />

Heliair mixes can be added to non o2 clean cylinders and can<br />

be remixed again and again. Realistically any trimix can be<br />

remixed as only the Oxygen fraction of the mix is important in<br />

open water.<br />

Below is a list of Heliair mixes and appropriate fill pressures<br />


O2HeN2 1.4 bar 1500 2000 3000 4000 150 bar 210 bar 230 bar 300 bar<br />

H 18/14/68 220’/66 210 286 429 571 29 30 32 42<br />

E 17/19/64 240’/72 285 381 571 762 30 40 44 57<br />

L 16/24/60 255’/76 360 476 714 952 36 50 56 72<br />

I 15/28/57 275’/83 470 571 857 1143 42 60 65 84<br />

A 14/33/53 300’/90 495 667 1000 1333 50 70 77 99<br />

I 13/38/49 320’/98 570 762 1143 1524 57 80 88 114<br />

R 12/43/45 350’/107 645 857 1286 1714 65 90 100 129<br />

This chart give the pressure of Helium to add to an empty cylinder to produce the desired heliair<br />

mixture. Select the cylinder pressure in psi or bar from the top row, and move down that column<br />

until the required mix is reached. All these mixes have an END of 55m (180’)<br />


Other popular Heliair mixes <strong>–</strong> all expressed as o2/He/N2 <strong>–</strong> MOD’s @ 1.4bar Po2<br />

10/50/40 MOD 130m<br />

8/62/30 MOD 165m<br />

7/67/26 MOD 190m<br />

6/70/24 MOD 220m<br />

5/76/19 MOD 270m<br />

4/80/16 MOD 340m<br />

To Blend these mixes simply take<br />

FHe and multiply by Final pressure<br />

for He bar. Top to Final Pressure with<br />

air. Eg 6/70/24. 0.70 (FHe) X 230bar =<br />

161 Bar He. Fill Helium first, slowly.<br />

Check pressure and top to 230bar.<br />

For mixes other than the standard mixes use the following<br />

formula. The example has 14% Oxygen - 33% Helium<br />

Final Pressure (FP) - FP x Fo2 (wanted)<br />

--------------------------<br />

Fo2 topping mix<br />

Or 230bar - 230 x .14<br />

-------------<br />

.21<br />

230bar <strong>–</strong> 153bar = 77 bar Helium to add then 153 bar air<br />

77/230 = 33% He therefore Heliair 14/33/53<br />


After you’ve blended analyse for Fo2 and Fhe. If the Fo2 is<br />

correct <strong>–</strong> its all good. If not maybe re-blend or recalculate.<br />

Actual E.N.D values can be calculated with:<br />

FN2 (in mix)<br />

--------------- X (Desired Depth +10m) - 10m<br />

0.79 (n2 in air)<br />

OR:<br />

.53<br />

------ X (85m + 10m) - 10m = 53m END<br />

.79<br />


Chapter 3. Physiology you should know<br />


The deeper we dive, the more concerned we must become<br />

about the physical and physiological effects of gases at depth,<br />

about the effect that the constant exposure to temperature and<br />

pressure has on our bodies, and about its effect on our normal<br />

bodily processes which are after all, simply chemical reactions.<br />


The main problems of deep diving could be quickly summarised<br />

in column form :<br />

Oxygen Toxicity<br />

Nitrogen Narcosis<br />

Decompression Obligations<br />

C02 Toxicity<br />

Thermal Exposure<br />

HPNS / Isobaric Counter Diffusion<br />

Gas Logistics<br />

Equipment<br />

None of these should be treated in isolation. All of them are<br />

integrated in some form or another, increasing the complexity<br />

and the seriousness of deep diving.<br />


Nitrogen narcosis is the result of inert gas absorption acting as<br />

a depressant on the central nervous system. Nitrogen Narcosis<br />

is easily compared to anesthesia<br />

Narcosis appears in most divers when the partial pressure of<br />

nitrogen in the breathing gas exceeds about 4 bars, and<br />

increases in severity with increasing pressure until it is virtually<br />

incapacitating in most case by a partial pressure of 7 - 8 bars.<br />

On air, 4 bars PPN 2 is reached at about 40 metres, while 7 - 8<br />

bars PPN 2 represents a depth of about 80 - 90 metres.<br />


Symptoms<br />

Symptoms vary from one diver to the next, and indeed in the<br />

same diver from one day to the next. The physiology of<br />

narcosis is complex, and the contributing factors are many.<br />

The symptoms include :<br />

• Disorientation<br />

• Memory Loss<br />

• Dizziness<br />

• Personality change<br />

• Euphoria (in good conditions)<br />

• Depression (in poor conditions)<br />

• Un-coordination<br />

• Numbness<br />

• Tunnel vision<br />

• Memory Loss!<br />

• Wah Wah hearing effect (advanced)<br />

• Loss of consciousness (ultimately)<br />

Avoiding Narcosis<br />

Although it is physiologically not possible to completely avoid<br />

the effects of nitrogen narcosis on deeper air dives, it is<br />

possible to reduce or control them to a degree. The only way to<br />

avoid them completely is not to go deep or use a Trimix or<br />

Hyper-Oxic Trimix<br />

• Acclimatise. If you plan to make a series of deeper air dives,<br />

build up to them slowly, with regular dives to increasing<br />

depth. Even a gap of two or three weeks will do much to<br />

lose this acclimatisation, and it should not be confused with<br />

simple familiarity with depth.<br />

• Familiarise. Make sure you are absolutely familiar with your<br />

equipment and all the environmental parameters of the dive<br />

location and dive plan. Narcosis is a mood enhancer, and is<br />

irrevocably intertwined with stress. The more things that<br />

stress you on a dive, the more “narked” you will feel.<br />

• Be physically and mentally fit. The better you feel, the less<br />

narcosis will affect you, all other things considered. Reduce<br />

all effort at depth to a minimum, to reduce the inert gas<br />

concentration in your tissues.<br />


• The harder you work, and the heavier you breathe, the more<br />

narcosis will affect you. Carbon Dioxide build up caused by<br />

exercise or poorly tuned regulators is known to exacerbate<br />

narcosis and Oxygen Toxicity. A good night’s sleep and a<br />

smooth boat ride can also do wonders for Narcosis!<br />

• Use appropriate gas mixtures. If you really want to go deep<br />

diving then obtain further training and use the appropriate<br />

gas mixtures, ie: Trimix<br />

• 0 - 50 metres (0 - 165’) : Nitrox / Air (Open water)<br />

• 0 <strong>–</strong> 60 metres (0 <strong>–</strong> 200’) : Cave/Wreck HyperOxic Trimix<br />

• 60 - 75 metres (160 - 250’) : OC or CC Trimix / Heliox<br />

• 75-150 metres (250’ - 500’) : Open or Closed circuit<br />

Trimix / Heliox<br />

• 150 metres (500’ +) Open Circuit Trimix or OC/CCR<br />

Hybrid<br />

Human beings were designed to work at a pressure of around<br />

one atmosphere, and the greater we abuse our design<br />

specifications, the more chance we have of malfunctioning or,<br />

breaking down completely.<br />

In this case it is a primary constituent of the gas we are<br />

breathing which is inappropriate. To reduce the effects of<br />

nitrogen narcosis, we can reduce the partial pressure of the<br />

gas by exchanging or diluting it with an alternative - for<br />

example, Helium. To avoid nitrogen narcosis completely, we<br />

must remove nitrogen from the breathing mixture.<br />

Predisposing Factors<br />

There are many things that predispose you to narcosis, and<br />

also to many of the other effects of pressure. Remember that<br />

few of these sit in isolation, and most of them contribute to<br />

more than one potential physiological problem.<br />


The more you can do to manage the below list of predisposing<br />

factors, and to reduce their effects before or during the dive,<br />

the better you will be able to manage nitrogen narcosis.<br />

To minimise Narcosis …avoid the following<br />

Cold<br />

Drug Abuse<br />

Speedy Descents<br />

Heavy Workload<br />

Tiredness<br />

Poor physical condition<br />

Stress / Anxiety<br />

Poor equipment<br />


Breathing Oxygen at a PO 2 of more than 1.6 bar places a diver<br />

at extreme risk of Oxygen toxicity. Oxygen Toxicity has many<br />

symptoms sadly they do not appear in any ascending order, in<br />

fact the first symptom you may encounter is as likely to be the<br />

most disastrous as the least.<br />

The most serious symptom of Oxygen Toxicity is full body<br />

convulsions similar in appearance to those observed during<br />

epileptic seizures. Should a diver enter a convulsive state<br />

underwater it is highly unlikely that the scuba regulator will<br />

remain in place. In addition it is very likely that loss of buoyancy<br />

control will occur with the added risk of uncontrolled ascent or<br />

descent. Risk of drowning is highly likely.<br />

Breathing air, a 1.6 PO 2 is reached at 66 metres (218’). For<br />

technical diving, a PPO 2 of 1.4 is the recommended maximum,<br />

which equates to an air depth of 57 metres (190’). Oxygen<br />

toxicity is not only depth related, but the risk increases with<br />

time spent at depth. Use of the appropriate toxicity tables, e.g.<br />


The NOAA Oxygen Exposure Table, is essential to ensure that<br />

provocative exposures do not take place.<br />


VISUAL Problems such as temporary loss of vision, tunnel vision<br />

EARS Tinnitus<br />

NAUSEA Sick to stomach feeling<br />

TWITCHING of Chest/Rib muscles and or Lip Twitching<br />

IRRITABLE Depression or Anxiety / Doom Radio<br />

DIZZYNESS vertigo / un coordination<br />

CONVULSIONS unconsciousness then drowning<br />

During previous enriched air training you were no doubt<br />

introduced to the above Oxygen Toxicity symptoms. While it is<br />

of academic interest to review the symptoms, the information<br />

will not stop the symptoms occurring or prevent them<br />

escalating. Divers should not try to analyse or second guess the<br />

above symptoms in themselves or others while underwater..<br />

Remember the following: If any symptom manifests itself at<br />

depth or during decompression stops, simply change breathing<br />

gas to a lower fraction of Oxygen (if possible) and or ascend<br />

shallower.<br />

To minimize the likely hood of Oxygen toxicity, advanced and<br />

technical divers should abstain from any “diet” products for<br />

extended periods pre dive, be they drink or food form.<br />

Artificial sweeteners / E numbers are reported to be CNS<br />

exciters, and have been linked to Oxygen Toxicity incidents.<br />

Many non prescription and prescription drugs particularly<br />

nasal decongestants contain ingredients known to increase<br />

occurrences of Oxygen toxicity, consult a diving physician<br />

for advice on mixing medications and diving, or better still,<br />

put off diving until your ailment improves.<br />

<strong>Technical</strong> dives should be attempted by people on a “level<br />

playing field “. Divers should be fit, regularly doing aerobic<br />

exercise. They should avoid cigarettes /alcohol for months<br />


efore a deeper dive and have no history of drug abuse. If a<br />

technical diver benefits from diet fizzy drinks then they<br />

should exercise until they don’t!<br />

<strong>Technical</strong> divers can reliably avoid Oxygen toxicity symptoms<br />

by ensuring that Oxygen exposures remain well within<br />

established limits as described within the NOAA P02 and<br />

Oxygen Exposure Time Limit Table as outlined below.<br />

P02 Single Exposure Limit 24 Hour Exposure limit<br />

ATA Minutes Hours Minutes Hours<br />

0.6 720 12:00 720 12:00<br />

0.7 570 9:30 570 9:30<br />

0.8 450 7:30 450 7:30<br />

0.9 360 6:00 360 6:00<br />

1.0 300 5:00 300 5:00<br />

1.1 240 4:00 270 4:30<br />

1.2 210 3:30 240 4:00<br />

1.3 180 3:00 210 3:30<br />

1.4 150 2:30 180 3:00<br />

1.5 120 2:00 180 3:00<br />

1.6 45 0:45 150 2:30<br />

Use the above chart to find dive time limits for each P02 used.<br />

When a single exposure limit is reached you must extend you<br />

surface interval to 2 hours. If a daily exposure limit is reached a<br />

full 12 hours must elapse to allow sufficient time for your CNS<br />

levels to normalise.<br />

CNS (Central Nervous System) toxicity can be approximately<br />

measured throughout multiple dives using the CNS percentage<br />

exposure chart.<br />


P02 Single<br />

Dive<br />

Limit<br />

24<br />

Hour<br />

Limit<br />

5<br />

mins<br />

10<br />

mins<br />

15<br />

mins<br />

2 0<br />

mins<br />

21<br />

25<br />

mins<br />

0.6 720 720 1% 1% 2% 3% 3% 4% 5% 6% 6% 7% 8% 9%<br />

0.7 570 570 1% 2% 3% 4% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11%<br />

0.8 450 450 1% 2% 3% 4% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 12% 13%<br />

0.9 360 360 1% 3% 4% 6% 7% 8% 10% 11% 13% 14% 15% 17%<br />

1.0 300 300 2% 3% 5% 7% 8% 10% 12% 13% 15% 17% 18% 20%<br />

1.1 240 270 2% 5% 7% 8% 11% 13% 15% 17% 19% 21% 23% 25%<br />

1.2 210 240 2% 4% 6% 9% 12% 14% 17% 19% 20% 24% 26% 28%<br />

1.3 180 210 3% 6% 9% 11% 14% 16% 20% 22% 24% 26% 28% 30%<br />

1.4 150 180 4% 7% 10% 13% 17% 20% 23% 27% 30% 33% 37% 40%<br />

1.5 120 180 5% 9% 14% 17% 21% 25% 30% 33% 38% 43% 46% 50%<br />

1.6 45 150 11% 23% 33% 45% 55% 67% 78% 89% 100% - - -<br />

To use the table and calculate your CNS % amount, line up your<br />

time at depth with your corresponding P02. e.g 60 minutes @<br />

1.4 PO2 yields 40% CNS loading<br />

The percentage should be added to any repetitive dive values<br />

for cumulative CNS total.<br />

CNS toxicity build up is thought to have a half life of 90 minutes.<br />

If 90 minutes is spent between dives you may halve your<br />

current CNS exposure. There is no credit for surface intervals<br />

of less than 90 minutes. This simplifies the process and adds<br />

conservatism during short surface intervals.<br />

30<br />

mins<br />

35<br />

mins<br />

40<br />

mins<br />

45<br />

mins<br />

50<br />

mins<br />

55<br />

mins<br />

60<br />



If someone convulses in the water whilst with you, there is little you can do<br />

about it until the convulsions cease and the diver goes limp. If depth and<br />

gas reserves are a concern the afflicted diver should be taken shallower.<br />

Convulsing divers neither breathe nor breath-hold during the convulsions.<br />

Pull the afflicted diver (ideally face down) by their tank valve or even their<br />

hand towards the surface or to an anchor rope for a more controlled<br />

ascent. Try and replace a breathing regulator as soon as is practical. The<br />

convulsions may last several minutes. Rebreather divers should be given<br />

an open circuit regulator containing bottom mix, buddies should be<br />

mindful of closing the rebreather loop before removing the mouthpiece.<br />

While the convulsions are taking place the diver’s larynx is locked in<br />

spasm and water is unlikely to be inhaled. Once the convulsions cease<br />

however, the build up of Carbon Dioxide in the diver’s lungs will cause<br />

rapid and possibly deep inhalations, and at this stage the diver is likely to<br />

drown, so try and replace the regulator at this point and treat from here on<br />

as an unconscious breathing diver. When the convulsions stop, the diver<br />

will likely regain consciousness but will remain dazed and confused for<br />

several minutes. Maintain low po2’s for at least 25 minutes during the rest<br />

of the ascent.<br />

Unfortunately, statistics show that divers who convulse at<br />

depth have very little chance of survival.<br />

Do all you can to avoid the problem in the first place.<br />


Generally, we would gloss over any references to Pulmonary<br />

Oxygen Toxicity during technical dive training as it simply does<br />

not have any bearing outside commercial saturation diving.<br />

However, extreme technical diving can expose the diver to<br />

often excessive CNS% in the 200-300% range. As CNS values<br />

escalate above 100% we can expect the lung linings to become<br />

irritated and start to swell. Swollen lungs become less efficient<br />

at exchanging gas. In extreme cases the affected lungs may<br />

impede decompression and lead to Decompression Sickness.<br />

Air Breaks are the standard means to moderate CNS exposure<br />

and pulmonary toxicity during recompression therapy and this<br />

has sadly filtered down into technical courses as a must do.<br />

Clearly, lungs that are suffering from irritation caused by high<br />

po2 over 20 minutes will not return to post-insult condition with<br />


just 5 minutes of low po2. In addition divers MUST NOT switch<br />

from potential +10 END (100% o2 at 6m) to -6m (.21 at 6m)<br />

instantaneously. Such dramatic jumps in END at or near the<br />

decompression ceiling may trigger ICD complications. To deal<br />

with potentially high CNS% figures noted during dive planning,<br />

divers should consider the following Po2 MANAGEMENT<br />

methods.<br />

Drop Deco po2 to 1.4-1.5 max at 9m<br />

Drop Deco po2 to 1.3-1.4 max at 6m<br />

Keep the 3m stop on at least 80-100% O2 for a final washout<br />

Switch to deco mixes at 1.5 po2 depths rather 1.6po2 from 21m<br />

While the above steps may add time to the deco the ultimate<br />

goal is to surface without DCS. Fast decos at high po2 often<br />

end with DCS for no ‘apparent’ causes. Try the above when<br />

CNS% goes above 200% - Your lungs may thank you for it!<br />


Carbon Dioxide (CO 2) is a contributory factor to various forms<br />

of gas toxicity, including its own. While we can reduce the<br />

insertion of additional amounts from the atmosphere into our<br />

breathing mixture by appropriate compressor filtration, we<br />

cannot eliminate it, because we produce it ourselves. It is a<br />

waste product of our metabolism. For every litre of Oxygen we<br />

physically consume, we produce about 0.8 litre of Carbon<br />

Dioxide. During a dive, and especially during elevated po2<br />

dives, the increase in dissolved PPO 2 acts as a slight barrier to<br />

the blood’s ability to transport dissolved CO2 to the lungs for<br />

expulsion. The potential for Carbon Dioxide retention is<br />

increased by skip breathing, restrictive equipment and other<br />

poor diving practices, and can lead to a considerable increase<br />

in the effects of other dissolved gases. Some individuals have a<br />

tendency to be Carbon Dioxide retainers, and these individuals<br />

may be particularly susceptible to the effects of a variety of gas<br />

toxicity problems (including acute Oxygen toxicity and<br />

decompression illness) as a result.<br />

Divers using CCR equipment in deeper water (>50m) run the<br />

risk off increasing CO2 exposure due to the extra workload<br />

placed on the scrubber. The deeper the dive the more at risk<br />


from Co2 poisoning the diver becomes. CCR manufacturers<br />

state maximum times for scrubber durations at various depths,<br />

this should not be ignored. For these reasons CCR divers<br />

should run a low set-point (


Carbon Dioxide is termed a vasodilator. Excess CO 2 dilates the<br />

blood vessels, which in turn allows more dissolved gases to be<br />

carried throughout our system, and to the brain.<br />

An excess of CO 2 can therefore increase the chance of O 2<br />

toxicity, nitrogen narcosis, decompression sickness and<br />

hypothermia, unless steps are taken to avoid it.<br />

Treatment<br />

As with all gas poisoning, the first step is to remove the toxic<br />

source. Because excess CO 2 is usually a result of poor<br />

breathing in some way or another, this is best done by taking<br />

deep, flushing breaths and relaxing. Reducing the depth may<br />

help a little, though buoyancy should be controlled, and all<br />

work should be ceased.<br />

If the diver is actually unconscious, he or she must be removed<br />

from the water and resuscitated if necessary. Give 100%<br />

Oxygen if available, though it may not immediately reduce all<br />

the symptoms, especially the headache. Carbon Dioxide build<br />

up can take many hours to subside even breathing Oxygen<br />

As with all victims of unconsciousness or gas toxicity, continue<br />

to monitor breathing and circulation, and seek formal medical<br />

aid as soon as possible.<br />


Widely known as the Bends, Decompression illness is a<br />

condition all divers should plan to avoid. This can be a little<br />

difficult in practice. Decompression Illness describes a<br />

plethora of injuries caused by being immersed in a hyperbaric<br />

environment and then returning to one atmosphere or less.<br />

There are many methods for arriving uninjured at the surface,<br />

some procedural and some physiological.<br />

Decompression illness refers to both Decompression Sickness<br />

(DCS) in its many guises Types I,II,III,IV which are caused by<br />

inert gas complications, also DCI includes the various forms of<br />

Arterial Gas Embolism (AGE). DCI may manifest itself on<br />

surfacing, or several hours later, but even while the diver is still<br />

under the water.<br />


First Aid for any of the various forms of Decompression Illness<br />

is the same, administer the highest percentage of Oxygen<br />

possible, and make an effort to re hydrate a conscious patient.<br />

Basic First Aid procedure comes above all else and that is…<br />

Maintain an Airway<br />

Maintain a cycle of Breathing for the patient<br />

Maintain a rhythm of Circulation<br />

Remember the ABC’s<br />

There are many empirically tested procedures designed to<br />

minimize the chances of getting DCI but many people still get<br />

the bends in one form or another and the numbers rise steadily<br />

each year! Divers should be especially careful with dive tables<br />

that seem to be at odds with historically tested dive data<br />

Unfortunately, even following an acceptable set of rules and<br />

procedures to the letter one can still end up a patient in a<br />

recompression chamber.<br />

What rules are out there?<br />

Ascent Speeds: 10 metres per minute or 18 metres per minute<br />

or a variable with depth option, Deep Stops.<br />

Dive Tables: US Navy, US Navy modified, Buehlmann, DCIEM,<br />

AB2, VPM, VPMB, VPMBE, RGBM, Haldanean, Neo Haldanean,<br />

Dissolved Gas, Bubble Models, Gradient Factors.<br />

Last Stop at 3m or 4.5m or 6m or 9m? Gradient 30/80 or 20-100<br />

Breathing Gas: Nitrox Trimix Heliox Heliair or plain old AIR<br />

With all the choices above, each with a huge set of rules, a<br />

panel of experts and an internet forum dedicated to supporting<br />

the method/madness, it’s hard to separate the useful from the<br />

marketing hype. Even if you follow the rules and guidelines<br />

there are still some physiological causes for DCI that lurk in the<br />

shadows!<br />


The following physiological modifiers for DCI are many and to<br />

some extent preventable with best practice…<br />

Dehydration, Hypothermia, Inappropriate Workload,<br />

Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO).<br />

In virtually every case of Decompression Illness that requires<br />

recompression therapy, a modifier that is generally evident is<br />

DEHYDRATION. Lack of proper hydration causes circulatory<br />

inefficiency and decompression complications.<br />

Inexperienced Divers tend to have a combination of Rapid<br />

ascents combined with Dehydration, while <strong>Technical</strong> Divers<br />

completing decompression dives display both dehydration and<br />

rapid ascents, but also Inappropriate Exercise levels such as<br />

holding on to ascent lines for extended periods without<br />

alternating hands or Exertion at depth or using Liberal<br />

decompression planners.<br />

If you suspect that you or a buddy could be experiencing DCI<br />

symptoms or have made a rapid ascent it would be wise to<br />

immediately breathe 100% Oxygen and attempt to rehydrate.<br />

27<br />

A picture of a resort based<br />

recompression chamber.<br />

Divers engaging in<br />

Decompression or other<br />

<strong>Technical</strong> level diving<br />

should obtain insurance<br />

coverage that does not<br />

exclude such diving and<br />

includes recompression<br />

chamber treatment fees,<br />

which can be excessive.<br />

Enquire about<br />

recompression facilities<br />

available at your intended<br />

dive destination, or<br />

browse the internet for<br />


A common situation that sadly exists amongst experienced and<br />

inexperienced divers alike is DENIAL. Some divers still attach a<br />

level of stigma to admitting to symptoms of decompression<br />

illness. There is no weakness in getting the bends, consider it a<br />

sports injury if the cause is not obvious. Decompression Illness<br />

often has a cause that can be removed with understanding.<br />

Better hydration or slower ascents and a more conservative<br />

decompression plan can minimise the likelihood of a repeat<br />

ride in a recompression chamber.<br />

Types of DCI<br />

Divers wishing to advance to technical diving levels should<br />

make themselves fully familiar with the physiology of<br />

decompression illness, a review of the common symptoms<br />

occasionally should ensure familiarity<br />


Pain / Sensitivity in or near Joints Weakness in limbs<br />

Purple / Red Blotchy Skin Rash General Body Pain<br />

Lack of Coordination Headache<br />

Tingling Sensation (anywhere) Numbness<br />

Loss of Bladder Control Nausea<br />

Extreme Tiredness Vertigo / Vestibular<br />

Dizzyness Mental Confusion<br />

Itching Skin Cold/Shock<br />

As you can see, the symptoms for Decompression Sickness are<br />

many, however the first aid procedure for any symptom is the<br />

same…breath Oxygen at the highest concentration available.<br />

Breath the Oxygen until there is no more, do not simply stop<br />

when your symptoms improve, as they are highly unlikely to not<br />

return! Try to drink fluids with the aim of rehydration. Water or<br />

Juice is preferred over Tea or Coffee. Refrain from drinking<br />

alcohol.<br />


Any diver experiencing unusual symptoms after diving is<br />

strongly recommended to seek advice from a physician who is<br />

knowledgeable in diving physiology<br />

Do not delay breathing<br />

OXYGEN…<br />

Second opinions are not<br />

required!<br />

HPNS or High Pressure Nervous Syndrome<br />

High Pressure Nervous Syndrome is a physical manifestation of<br />

a high pressure gas gradient across cerebral tissue<br />

compartments noticeable while breathing Helium and<br />

descending to extreme depth. It is exacerbated by rapid<br />

pressurisation to depths of over 150 metres but may appear at<br />

depths of between 120 and 200 metres (400-650’), depending<br />

on the speed of descent and the fraction of Helium, also to a<br />

degree, the physiology of the diver. Some divers, for reasons<br />

not fully understood, appear to be more prone to HPNS than<br />

others.<br />

The symptoms of HPNS include muscle tremors, drowsiness,<br />

loss of appetite, nausea, dizziness, vertigo, difficulty in<br />

concentrating, and visual disturbances, such as spots or<br />

patterns breaking up the diver’s field of vision. Some of these<br />

symptoms are common to several forms of gas toxicity or<br />

physiological stressors (e.g. dizziness, nausea, loss of<br />

concentration) and could be confused with nitrogen or Oxygen<br />

toxicity. It is quite common however for divers to confuse HPNS<br />

symptoms with mild shaking caused by cold water and<br />

breathing chilling breathing mixtures.<br />

In commercial diving, the effects of HPNS are reduced by slow<br />

and staged pressurisation, and by adding small amounts of<br />

nitrogen to "relax" tissues. Divers are pressurised to<br />

approximately 10-11 bars (90-100 metres) and held there for<br />

several hours for tissue saturation to take place, and the gas<br />

gradient to equilibrate. Pressurisation is then resumed, and<br />

the dive halted again after a further increase in pressure, for<br />

the process to repeat itself. The transit to the “bottom” may<br />

thus take many hours, far longer than is possible on open or<br />


closed circuit SCUBA, with an attendant decompression lasting<br />

several days due to the complete saturation of the divers’<br />

tissues with the inert gas mixtures involved.<br />

To reduce the effects of HPNS, small amounts of nitrogen may<br />

be used in the mixture to “relax” different tissues<br />

compartments and so reduce certain of the side effects,<br />

notably the muscle tremors that are typically the earliest and<br />

least controllable of the effects. The tremors are thought to be<br />

caused by differential dissolution of gases into the tissues of<br />

the myelin sheath surrounding the nerves, causing the nerves<br />

to locally spasm. HPNS has been likened to a Neural Hail<br />

Storm.<br />

At depths of up to 120 metres HPNS is unlikely to be a problem,<br />

though in general, the greater the depth, the more the chance<br />

of the syndrome appearing. On the rare occasions that opencircuit<br />

divers have descended to greater depths, trimixes<br />

containing between 15-25% of nitrogen are thought to have<br />

contributed to the partial controlling (though not the<br />

elimination) of HPNS. Divers experiencing HPNS can try to stop<br />

or at least slow the descent for a moment if time and depth<br />

allow. The pause in pressurisation may ameliorate the<br />

symptoms. If symptoms do not subside the diver must abort the<br />

descent, before it becomes impossible to do so. Extreme deep<br />

divers often run high END’s (60-70m) to soften HPNS combined<br />

with relatively slow descents in the deep water and relatively<br />

fast descents earlier in the descent.<br />

Isobaric Counter Diffusion (ICD)<br />

Isobaric Counter Diffusion seems very fashionable on the<br />

internet at the moment. With OC and CCR Divers getting<br />

deeper for longer than ever before, once rare ICD accidents<br />

are occuring. With formal decompression ceilings getting in<br />

the 50 metre range (not deep stops), traditional gas<br />

switching methods and funky dive software could leave you<br />

less than healthy.<br />

ICD...occurs every time you switch from a light to heavy gas<br />

e.g. gas switch from Trimix to Nitrox. Gas switches from<br />

Trimix to Nitrox or even Heavy Trimix to Lighter Trimix<br />

typically cause a jump in END (equivalent narcotic depth)<br />

also. People do these switches all the time without getting<br />

(noticeably) injured. However, when certain conditions arise<br />

e.g. the gas switch occurs at a decompression ceiling AND<br />


the jump in END is sufficiently large, then horrendous injuries<br />

can and have occurred. Rarely though will the ICD risk be<br />

noticeable unless the dive profile is greater than say<br />

80metres for 30minutes i.e a very lengthy decompression<br />

with fast tissue deco stops. The severity of the injuries will<br />

reflect the current tissue controlling the ascent ceiling, for<br />

example:<br />

Deep gas switches generally impact fast tissues, particularly<br />

the vestibular apparatus. IEDCS (Inner Ear Decompression<br />

Sickness) examples have been recorded numerous times at<br />

deep stop gas switches where the new mix contained<br />

insufficient Helium and a resulting in a jump in END. IEDCS is<br />

the most well known symptom with its debilitating extreme<br />

vertigo and vomiting. However, any jump in END at or near<br />

an ascent ceiling may cause DCS somewhere.<br />

Jumps in END can occur during air breaks, back switching or<br />

gas switches. If the END changes dramatically at or near a<br />

decompression ceiling...BEWARE. Shallow gas switches<br />

(shallower than 21 metres) can cause similar consequences<br />

in slower controlling tissues. Slow tissues are less sensitive<br />

to jumps in END - they bubble, but you don't often notice it.<br />

Several divers have made panicked gas switches after a<br />

rapid ascent. Rapid Ascents will bring decompression<br />

ceilings much deeper and possibly even send them below the<br />

next ‘planned’ stop depth.<br />

Bubble Model generated dive plans used during Extreme<br />

Deep/Long exposures (100metres for 25minutes etc) will<br />

actually keep fast tissue ceilings very close to the diver by<br />

virtue of their excessive deep water deco stops. Contrary to<br />

their original postulates <strong>–</strong> ascent ceilings will not disappear<br />

however many deep stops you do! Experience has shown<br />

that doing too many deep stops will not speed up shallow<br />

decompressions. Older Bubble Model software use will put<br />

divers in very vulnerable situations as depth and time<br />

increases.<br />

On larger dives...END’s should remain constant or be relaxed<br />

very slowly. Steve Burton suggests, as a rule of thumb, a<br />

maximum 5% drop in Helium for every 1% increase in<br />

nitrogen (at or near a ceiling), especially if ascent speeds<br />

may be questionable. To know for sure what the biggest drop<br />


in Helium is permissible, simply run the dive-plan through<br />

DecoChek, still the only real-time and complete deco plan<br />

analysis program.<br />

Below is a screen grab from DecoChek highlighting ICD<br />

warnings. The dive profile is effectively 110 metres for 25<br />

minutes using a CCR. The image shows ICD warnings<br />

triggered by possible OC bail-out switches from a strong<br />

trimix bottom mix to various weaker trimix’s also air or nitrox.<br />

The planned Bailout gases contain insufficient Helium that<br />

cause a jump in END at the ceiling. All ICD risks are<br />

highlighted with a Yellow flashing icon. The program<br />

suggests the minimum Helium content to add thereby<br />

removing or minimising any Narcotic Jumps. DecoChek<br />

allows OC and/or CCR formats and will optimise any dive plan<br />

before you dive it. In the examples below you will see that the<br />

closer the stops come to the ‘ceiling’ the less END latitude is<br />

allowable.<br />

CCR divers can experience considerable risk when switching<br />

from the unit to ill conceived OC bailout gases. The risk is<br />

higher than the OC user as typically CCR users use far<br />

greater fractions of Helium in their bottom mix. The stronger<br />


the Helium in the bottom mix, the more care is required when<br />

switching to bailout mixes containing less Helium. CCR<br />

divers are recommended to take a cylinder of Bottom Mix or<br />

other gas that is breathable at maximum depth. In an<br />

emergency where ICD risk is unknown, switch to potentially<br />

high END mixes either very deep (far below stop ceiling) or<br />

very shallow (above 21metres where slower tissues are<br />

controlling)<br />

An illuminating IEDCS paper is circulating on the NET by Doctors Doolette and<br />

Mitchell. The text suggests the physiological processes behind IEDCS and the impact<br />

of counter diffusing gases on IEDCS. The paper makes loose recommendations as to<br />

gas switching protocol. Divers embarking on aggressive technical dives should obtain<br />

a copy or get a large team of support divers to hold them while they vomit<br />

disorientated on the up-line.<br />


Immersion diuresis is a condition causing frequent urination<br />

particularly a concern for long decompressions after ultra deep<br />

dives. If the diver remains vertical in the water during stops the<br />

pressure difference in the upper and lower torso will cause the<br />

body to turn plasma volume to water in an effort to lower<br />

hypertension. This water is expelled by frequent urination that<br />

left unchecked can dangerously dehydrate the diver. <strong>Technical</strong><br />

divers should aim to consume at least 1 litre of (ideally warm)<br />

fluids for every hour spent decompressing. To minimise the<br />

pressure differences over the body during decompression,<br />

divers are encouraged to maintain a horizontal trim during the<br />

stops. In-water rehydration is always recommended.<br />


Chapter 4. Equipment for the job<br />

All advanced divers should strive to be self sufficient, there<br />

comes a time however that the decompression obligation<br />

cannot be fulfilled by personally wearing all the tanks<br />

required. Back-up tanks can be staged in caves or even<br />

quarries but the open water is far more dynamic and the risk<br />

of losing them too high. Support divers are key in any<br />

advanced and successful dive-plan.<br />

Many have made the decision to switch to CCR in the<br />

mistaken belief that this gives them more gas. While the unit<br />

functions correctly you may have plenty of gas but after<br />

malfunction often the naïve or inexperienced CCR diver has<br />

insufficient or inappropriate bailout and problems arise. Both<br />

OC and CCR divers need to utilise support teams when<br />

decompression times are longer than 2hours. Also CCR<br />

divers generally do not carry any reserves for team mates<br />

often preferring to ride lady luck. Successful extreme diving<br />

should not factor a great deal of luck into the plan. Easy<br />

access and well thought out redundancy is the key to sucess.<br />

Self sufficiency is developed both mentally and by<br />

familiarization AND practice with back-up kit. Other<br />

specialised equipment that improves the likelihood of<br />

success as you know is a spare mask, back-up depth/time<br />

recorders, deco-plans plus any additional cutting equipment<br />

such as knives or trauma shears. Of course a means of<br />

ensuring contact with the surface via an ascent line is<br />

preferred but the skills needed to improvise a new up-line<br />

with either surface marker buoy (SMB) or lift bag device as a<br />

back up is mandatory. Carrying this stuff is only beneficial if<br />

you can reach it and use it!<br />

Self sufficiency is not about taking as much equipment as<br />

can be physically attached to you! Self sufficiency and self<br />

reliance are abilities that should be practiced often and<br />

refined always.<br />

Self sufficient divers should still utilise the buddy system if possible. The deep<br />

ocean is not a game or a dare. Astute divers use redundant equipment systems<br />

combined with the skills and experience needed to make appropriate decisions<br />

striving to minime the impact of potentially challenging situations.<br />


Regulators for Deep Water<br />

Divers need to look past glossy adverts and dubious CE<br />

markings, to identify products that employ sound<br />

engineering instead of features that are seldom benefits.<br />

Most Scuba regulator designs are the result of a battle, on<br />

one side a desire to offer adequate performance coupled<br />

with a go faster stripe, on the other, the costs involved in<br />

manufacture. Although metal is the ideal material for most<br />

bits of breathing equipment, it is truly amazing to see how<br />

manufacturers like to shave down the metal in favour of<br />

cheaper plastic, after all jaw fatigue really is the number one<br />

danger underwater!<br />

There are many points to consider when purchasing a diving<br />

regulator, the ones I am about to explain, don’t often make<br />

the magazines equipment review criteria. If you are<br />

swimming at 5metres in the Caribbean and plan to do that<br />

forever, then it is safe enough to believe all the marketing<br />

hype. However if cold water and a little depth, combined<br />

with some air sharing, maybe even some future training are<br />

on the horizon, then the following information could prove<br />

useful.<br />

Regulators should be made of<br />

metal. Most first stages are made<br />

of brass that has a light chrome<br />

coating, however, virtually all<br />

second stages are injection<br />

moulded plastic. Plastic does<br />

have a couple of benefits, firstly<br />

its light weight making it ideal for<br />

travelling by airplane. Secondly<br />

its cheap, both price and quality.<br />

Metal second stages are far more likely to resist free flow<br />

due to thermal concerns. Metal second stages are far more<br />

resilient, lasting many more years, and servicing cycles.<br />

Another minor benefit to metal second stages is they attract<br />

condensation, this can offer a moister breath, especially<br />

useful with super dry nitrox. Plastic second stages have a<br />

reputation for being lighter in the mouth, but this is more the<br />

result of hose angle from the first stage or simply the position<br />

of the tank relative to the jaw.<br />


First stages can be made of brass, monel, titanium and its<br />

alloys, or aluminium. 99% of regulators are constructed of<br />

brass, with 1% or less made of titanium. Titanium regulators<br />

are very light, very tough, very expensive. Low weight can be<br />

useful if you travel with heavy luggage. Titanium regulators<br />

cannot be used with enriched air. Finally, aluminium in any<br />

form is best avoided within breathing regulators as anyone<br />

who has witnessed them dissolving in sea water due to<br />

galvanic action will confirm.<br />

Any engineer familiar with high pressure gas delivery will<br />

advise keeping the connecting hoses between stages as big<br />

“internally” as possible. Most high performance regulators<br />

use ½ inch diameter fittings on the primary hose. Typical<br />

(low) performance equipment uses 3/8 inch hose fittings, this<br />

smaller size has the negative effect of causing intermediate<br />

pressure drop, which makes the regulator lose smoothness<br />

or stutter and dramatically increases breathing resistance,<br />

causing Carbon Dioxide build up with the ensuing head<br />

aches or even blackout. The divers primary (½ inch port)<br />

regulator should be donated to the stressed out diver, to<br />

keep the air sharing process as comfortable and smooth as<br />

possible<br />

Hose Diameter - Intermediate Pressure Drop<br />

Environmental seals are next on the agenda. Do they help<br />

prevent free flow? Who knows…? Free flow can be caused by<br />

various situations. The Environmental seal simply prevents<br />

water from entering the first stage close to the working<br />

parts. The reasoning behind sealing the first stage is, that by<br />


keeping the cold water away from the HP seat area, this may<br />

minimise freezing. I think any novice diver knows that the air<br />

leaving the first stage gets very cold, more likely is this air is<br />

colder than the surrounding water temperature. The<br />

coldness is due to reverse adiabatic compression (Joule-<br />

Thompson effect). To see for your self, open a full tank valve<br />

and notice that the tank valve quickly covers with ice as the<br />

air escapes and expands.<br />

Environmental Seals are popular, mainly as they often<br />

associated with high performance and high quality<br />

equipment, this is mainly a marketing device to justify a<br />

higher price tag. Environmental seals keep water from<br />

circulating within the first stage, and this actually lowers the<br />

first stage temperature, thereby encouraging icing and<br />

possible free flow. As technical divers dive deeper and<br />

deeper it is important to know another highly undesirable<br />

feature of some environmental sealed first stages.<br />

Intermediate pressure amplification, or I.P boost.<br />

Looking through promotional literature, it is easy to see<br />

manufacturers that claim their regulator actually breathe<br />

easier as you dive deeper. This may have a limited benefit for<br />

divers who breathe very heavily and intend diving to<br />

recreational depths. These regulators offer a lower work of<br />

breathing as you get deeper and deeper, if you are breathing<br />

regular compressed air and diving to the limits of air diving,<br />

then you may notice the regulator getting easier and easier<br />

to breath. However, this breathing assist feature will become<br />

a full free flow beyond a certain depth. I have dived using<br />

environmentally sealed regulators on hundreds of deep<br />

dives, the free flows have affected, in some instances ALL of<br />

my 5 or 6 regulators! This feature is not beneficial to<br />

technical divers going to Trimix depths, therefore It’s a little<br />

surprising to see manufacturers marketing this system to<br />

deep divers. These regulators give perfectly satisfactory<br />

performance for shallow divers. This is purely a concern for<br />

deeper divers, and for very deep dives can<br />

have disastrous outcomes.<br />

The Environmental seal stops water from<br />

entering the first stage. If water (or its<br />

hydrostatic effects) does not manage to<br />

reach the main diaphragm, the regulator<br />

looses ambient pressure compensation. An<br />


un-compensated regulator becomes harder and harder to<br />

breathe as depth increases. Manufacturers used to add a<br />

liquid (silicone oil or even alcohol) between the<br />

environmental seal and the diaphragm but this was messy<br />

and makes the first stage incompatible with enriched air.<br />

Without the oil, another means of thrust transfer must be<br />

added.<br />

Certain manufacturers simply transfer thrust with a plastic T<br />

piece. It’s the shape of the T piece assembly with its typical<br />

mushroom shape that causes the undesirable increased<br />

intermediate pressure. The process behind the design uses<br />

the Thumb tack principle…a wide surface area providing the<br />

pushing power to a smaller end. This big to small change in<br />

surface area will give an increase in pressure that very<br />

effectively causes the pin to punch through hard surfaces. In<br />

this case the larger top of the T piece, compared to the<br />

smaller diameter of the spring carrier causes a gradual<br />

increase in intermediate pressure over ambient, resulting at<br />

some depth in unstoppable free flow. If free flow arrestors<br />

are in use, the hose itself will blow! Many divers will have<br />

noticed free flow problems with Auto Airs and Air 2’s and the<br />

like, when used with environmentally sealed first stages. The<br />

problem always worsens with depth…ideal.<br />

Environmental Seals <strong>–</strong> good news for reg<br />

salesmen…bad news for would-be deep divers!<br />


Intermediate Pressure Boost Chart for<br />

Environmentally sealed First Stages<br />

Amb Load Tx I.P.Boost<br />

Depth(msw) Pres. (+)Thrust(Kg) (bars-abs) I.P.Pressure(rel)<br />

0 1 0.00 0.00 9.50<br />

10 2 5.65 1.20 9.70<br />

20 3 11.31 2.40 9.90<br />

30 4 16.96 3.60 10.10<br />

40 5 22.62 4.80 10.30<br />

50 6 28.27 6.00 10.50<br />

60 7 33.92 7.20 10.70<br />

70 8 39.58 8.40 10.90<br />

80 9 45.23 9.60 11.10<br />

90 10 50.88 10.80 11.30<br />

100 11 56.54 12.00 11.50<br />

110 12 62.19 13.20 11.70<br />

120 13 67.85 14.40 11.90<br />

130 14 73.50 15.60 12.10<br />

140 15 79.15 16.80 12.30<br />

150 16 84.81 18.00 12.50<br />

160 17 90.46 19.20 12.70<br />

170 18 96.11 20.40 12.90<br />

180 19 101.77 21.60 13.10<br />

190 20 107.42 22.80 13.30<br />

200 21 113.08 24.00 13.50<br />

From the I.P Boost row, you will see the current hose pressure at the corresponding depth.<br />

Many seemingly ‘balanced’ second stages have a factory set yield pressure resulting in super<br />

light work of breathing or even free flow as shallow as 80metres. The matter is made worse by<br />

running higher than normal intermediate pressures, although IP should not be arbitrarily<br />

lowered without serious thought to the work of breathing (WOB) in shallower depths. High<br />

WOB means higher Carbon Dioxide and even accelerated breathing rates.<br />

Divers should not use environmentally sealed first stages for extreme<br />

deep dives (i.e below 180 metres)<br />


I’m not being pedantic by explaining these regulator<br />

problems; I’m just saddened by the ever increasing technical<br />

diver accident numbers. Some of these accidents may have<br />

been prevented by better understanding the equipment. I<br />

have been lucky to survive many underwater equipment<br />

related calamities; the equipment I use now has been chosen<br />

to meet very sound engineering principles, not simply a<br />

marketing budget.<br />

Finally, we should talk about<br />

whether the regulator should have a<br />

“down stream” second stage valve<br />

system (99% do) or an “up stream”<br />

design. The benefits of the down<br />

stream are simple reliability. Servo<br />

assisted - Up Stream second stages offer an extremely low<br />

work of breathing, but need lots of engineering know how to<br />

achieve this. Lots of engineering may work well in a less life<br />

continuing setting but when you are underwater, simplicity is<br />

often the key to survival. Many deep technical divers in the<br />

past have found their “up stream” regulator free flowing<br />

because the scuba tank pressure became too low to keep<br />

the system operating properly! Imagine…you are ascending<br />

up from a deep dive with dwindling gas supplies, maybe even<br />

gas sharing…the last thing you need is a free flow on top of<br />

everything else. Traditional down stream second stages will<br />

continue to work at far lower tank pressures than upstream<br />

or servo assisted regulators, this is vital. Another reason to<br />

avoid upstream valves is their tendency to gush on initial<br />

pressurisation. This blast of air needed to balance the<br />

internal servo mechanism will make it impossible to feather<br />

the tank valve in an attempt to breathe from a free flowing<br />

regulator. Possible lung rupture may occur!<br />

When deciding on which diving regulators to purchase,<br />

consider the future and were it may lead you. Regulator<br />

designs differ from model to model, but some clear winners<br />

are easily identified with a few hours of homework. The long<br />

and sometimes painful road I have travelled through over<br />

thousands of deep dives led me to a new regulator model in<br />

2003, The Mares MR22 first stage and Abyss second stages<br />

are ideal dance partners for a tango with the deep! On my<br />

last dive to 313m the combination performed totally reliably<br />

meaning I could focus on all the other problems!<br />


Doubles / Twinsets<br />

A popular way of ensuring a redundant<br />

air supply for technical dives is by<br />

connecting two tanks of the same<br />

large size. Twin tanks are available in<br />

many different cylinder sizes from twin<br />

7 litre tanks right up to twin 21 litre<br />

tanks. Dual scuba tanks are often<br />

connected via a manifold system,<br />

allowing the use of both tank contents<br />

from either regulator attached. Very<br />

deep dives need very big tanks.<br />

Double 15 litre tanks are considered<br />

too small when dives below 100metres for more than<br />

15minutes are planned.<br />

The optimum manifold system has an isolator valve mounted<br />

centrally that allows cylinders to be isolated in the event of<br />

major manifold damage (i.e. cave/wreck meets tank valves at<br />

great speed) or, the slightly more likely scenario of burst disk<br />

plugs failing (where fitted.)<br />

Many a divers’ pub banter is about tank neck O-ring failure<br />

draining the tanks in seconds, this is highly unlikely unless<br />

the valves themselves fall out with the O-rings!<br />

The most acceptable valve system in use for technical diving<br />

is the DIN system, it gives a more reliable regulator to valve<br />

attachment and by its captive O-ring design is resilient to<br />

knocks from an overhead environment. The regulators<br />

should be set up similar to the H valve system. One 2 nd stage<br />

per 1 st stage and one low pressure inflator from each 1 st<br />

stage complement a single contents gauge. Hoses from<br />

regulators are better routed downwards to minimise damage<br />

from sharp surfaces and collisions on dive boats<br />

Right side 1 st stage<br />

carries “long hose”<br />

regulator plus<br />

alternate inflator hose<br />

for dry suit<br />

41<br />

Left side 1 st stage<br />

carries spg hose and<br />

“short hose” regulator,<br />

also Inflator hose for<br />


Reels and Surface Signalling Equipment<br />

Diver’s who dive in areas swept by a current or, who are<br />

conducting dives that involve a staged ascent, should be<br />

comfortable in deploying a surface marker buoy from a reel.<br />

An exception could possibly be diving in a cave system that<br />

allowed decompression while still confined within an<br />

overhead environment.<br />

Having a line that stretches from you to a buoy at the surface<br />

has many advantages. Firstly it shows people who may be<br />

following your progress from a dive boat, your approximate<br />

position. Secondly it gives a means of maintaining depth<br />

while conducting decompression stops.<br />

During this training course the deployment of reels and<br />

surface marker buoys (SMB) / lift bags will be practised<br />

extensively. Effective SMB deployment is your connection to<br />

the topside cavalry.<br />

There are as many designs of diver reels on the market as<br />

masks or fins. Many reels have a particular purpose, sadly<br />

this seems to be a unknown science to even the most<br />

seasoned professional diver.<br />

Reels are available that have<br />

been designed for the particular<br />

purpose of marker buoy<br />

deployment, but the vast<br />

majority of reels in divers<br />

possession are the type best<br />

used for deployment during the<br />

exploration of overhead<br />

environments. An example of a<br />

SMB reel will have a trigger to<br />

control the free wheeling of the<br />

Trigger<br />

REEL<br />

with SMB<br />

attached<br />

line spool. Pulling the trigger will allow the reel to freewheel<br />

freely. To add tension the trigger is released, this will stop<br />

the line paying out. This function is highly desirable as proper<br />

deployment will need the progress of the expanding SMB to<br />

be halted momentarily during its trip to the surface.<br />

Each time the SMB is stopped during its ascent, it will<br />

attempt to achieve the shortest path to the surface…a<br />


straight line. Left to its own devices the SMB / lift bag will<br />

ascend to the surface at unpredictable angles and will have<br />

used considerable more line than the linear distance to the<br />

surface.<br />

Reels that are designed<br />

for horizontal line laying<br />

have no trigger<br />

mechanism, and rely on<br />

friction wheels to simply<br />

slow their progress.<br />

Adjusting the friction<br />

wheel will do much to<br />

slow the free wheeling of PRIMARY REELS<br />

the reel, but cannot be<br />

relied upon to cease the line spool turning entirely. Line<br />

laying reels are often called Exploration or Primary reels and<br />

contain huge quantities of line, often in excess of 90m (300’).<br />

In the hands of advanced<br />

users, Exploration reels<br />


can be used for SMB<br />

deployment, but are far<br />

more difficult to deploy<br />

predictably. Purpose<br />

built reels designed for<br />

bag deployment are the<br />

perfect tools for the job.<br />

SPOOL<br />

Other designs of reels<br />

incorrectly used for SMB deployment are “back up” reel<br />

types (smaller Primary styles with 40m approx line) and<br />

Spools, which have no moving parts, being just the line<br />

bearing device. Spools are commonly used as Jump reels for<br />

joining passageways in Cave diving activities. Similar to<br />

“Back up” reels, Spools can be used for SMB deployment<br />

with extensive practice, but they are definitely not the<br />

weapon of choice or common sense.<br />

Just like reels, the type of lift bag or SMB you use can affect<br />

the outcome of a successful dive. Historically, lift bags have<br />

been used to give the diver a temporary up line to the<br />

surface, but SMB’s have clear advantages.<br />

Lift bags do have superior lifting abilities, but this ability does<br />

give the lift bag an inappropriate shape for providing<br />

optimum visibility due its low profile at the surface.<br />


Consider this: The height of the marker buoy<br />

above the surface is inversely proportional to<br />

the delay in finding you!<br />

Surface <strong>Mark</strong>er Buoys should be at least 5’ (1.5m) tall and<br />

brightly coloured. Bright Orange or Yellow have colours have<br />

been proven to give the best contrast against an ocean back<br />

drop. Lift bags that stick up from the sea to an acceptable<br />

height in even the calmest seas<br />

would have to be in excess of 100<br />

50lb<br />

LIFT<br />

BAG<br />

lbs lift capacity. Lift bags of this<br />

size are very unfriendly to use<br />

underwater. Open ended lift bags<br />

tend to spill their air on arrival at<br />

the surface, but this can be<br />

minimised by pre attaching a small<br />

weight to the base. Surface <strong>Mark</strong>er<br />

Buoys should be of a closed design<br />

with an over pressure valve. The<br />

closed SMB will not spill at the<br />

surface and is far more reliable at<br />

staying inflated at the surface with<br />

the additional benefit of superior<br />

height and visibility even in moderate seas. The picture<br />

above shows a 50lb (20kg) lift bag used as a surface marker.<br />

The picture right shows a<br />

comparison between a surface<br />

marker buoy and the 50lb lift bag.<br />

The surface marker is far easier<br />

to see at distance because of its<br />

clear height above sea<br />

advantage. Wreck divers that<br />

routinely decompression dive,<br />

are often advised to return to the<br />

anchor line rather than drift<br />

decompressing in the open sea<br />

or enter the lottery that is lift bag<br />

deployment. Boat Captains are<br />

very wary of the outcomes of<br />

relying on divers to send up lift<br />

bags or surface marker buoys. Sea searches of often many<br />

square miles are frustrating and time consuming but<br />


thankfully quite avoidable with the right equipment and<br />

practiced technique.<br />

Can you see the needle in the haystack below?<br />

The yellow dot on the landscape above is only 100m (330’)<br />

from the dive boat and the sea conditions are almost ideal.<br />

Imagine the scene with the sea a bit rougher and the<br />

captains one-eye looking through your bags rather than his<br />

telescope!<br />

Safe technical diving does not have to be an OXYMORON<br />

Any dives outside of the recreational envelope should be<br />

taken seriously. Although deeper diving seems to attract<br />

divers preferring dark coloured equipment, every now and<br />

again a diver lost at sea relies on a bright coloured piece of<br />

equipment to bring rescue faster.<br />

Conditions underwater can often include bad visibility and<br />

low light levels. These very conditions can reduce contrast to<br />

a point were hoses fade into wetsuits.<br />

Imagine needing a dive buddies assistance in poor visibility,<br />

a bright exposure suit and bright fins and a brightly coloured<br />

long breathing hose would seem highly desirable…<br />

What Do You Think?<br />


The theme running throughout all<br />

successful, technical dive<br />

planning is minimising discomfort<br />

and drama during sometimes<br />

very challenging situations. With<br />

sufficient planning and practice<br />

the most challenging projects can<br />

be safely realised.<br />

Picture right shows a diver<br />

prepared to give assistance in the<br />

most expeditious fashion. The<br />

bright orange wrapping over the<br />

Long hose clearly identifies the<br />

breathing source. The Yellow<br />

second stage cover offers a<br />

superior contrast in poor visibility.<br />

Wing inflator and deflator buttons<br />

are brightly coloured for easy access<br />

In demanding situations the adage of Every Little Helps can<br />

make the difference between an inconvenience and tragedy.<br />

Use of brightly coloured and tall<br />

surface marker buoys can get you<br />

spotted quickly, once back on the<br />

boat you can eat all the sandwiches<br />

and technical diving cakes!<br />

When buying a long hose or even an<br />

Octopus hose for the first time,<br />

consider a<br />

brighter hose<br />

material. They<br />

don’t cost any<br />

more and<br />

might save<br />

someone a lot of anxiety. A Bright<br />

hose wrap can give dark hoses an<br />

instant make over and protect them<br />

from abrasion and ozone damage.<br />


Wings and Harnesses<br />

There is always great debate on the best style of wing and<br />

harness to wear. A back mounted wing allows better trim and<br />

a face down position while underwater, jacket style BCD’s<br />

don’t make this so easy. When technical diving you should be<br />

mindful of buoyancy changes as depth increases. The wing<br />

or buoyancy compensator you wear must have ample<br />

buoyancy to counter act the heavy tanks you wear and the<br />

inevitable loss of buoyancy from your exposure suit. Dive<br />

boats and wrecks are sharp places; many times a diver has<br />

punctured a dry suit or buoyancy compensator at the wrong<br />

moment! Redundant buoyancy is necessary. This can take<br />

the form of single air cell buoyancy compensator and dry<br />

suit, or for the wet suited diver, a dual bladder wing would be<br />

advisable.<br />

Many advanced divers adopt a harness and back plate<br />

system together with a wing style bladder. The harness and<br />

back plate take the weight of the dual tanks easily, leaving<br />

the back wing to inflate freely behind them. A debate about<br />

“bungeed” or not “bungeed” wings is often quite spirited.<br />

Either wing when used properly, offers a safe system. The<br />

bulking of the wing when bungeed may indeed add a small<br />

amount of drag, but the bungeed wing allows less air<br />

migration giving more balanced buoyancy. Adding strips of<br />

car inner tube to the inner wing bag can be very effective at<br />

preventing punctures too.<br />

Redundant Wing System<br />

47<br />

Back plate and Harness

Most pieces of dive equipment will be attached to you by a<br />

clip of some sort. Some clips have preferred uses, some are<br />

multiple use. I think you could find whole websites dedicated<br />

to clips used by tech divers, which is a little sad, but hey<br />

each to their own!<br />

The photo below shows many of the popular clip styles in use<br />

by technical divers.<br />

The Double Ended Piston has many uses from attaching<br />

small accessories like knives or back up lights to stage/deco<br />

tanks. As it has two ends, It is highly unlikely to cause a<br />

problem should one end Jam.<br />

The Standard Piston Clip is popular as it comes in many sizes<br />

and has a swivel joint at the base. The larger sizes are useful<br />

for stage tank attachment use and smaller sizes great for<br />

back up lights or even your loose 2 nd stages.<br />

Butterfly Clips were designed to help clipping stage bottles<br />

onto D rings easier. Just pushing the clip against a stainless<br />

D ring will cause it to open. However with use the clip looses<br />

functionality and becomes as stiff to use as any other type.<br />

Gate Clips are sometimes referred to as Suicide Clips. This<br />

nickname came about by the clips inherent ‘Line attracting’<br />


abilities; any line of small enough diameter will pass into the<br />

clip as if by magic. While this clip is useful for easy<br />

stage/deco bottle removal and replacement, it should be<br />

treated cautiously if used during line laying exercises.<br />

Mini Clips are perfect for SPG attachment and any loose<br />

second stages that need to parked for anytime. The finger<br />

rest makes equipment removal very easy.<br />

It’s a good idea to purchase good quality brass or stainless<br />

steel clips. The piece of diving equipment that you would like<br />

to attach will have the clip attached by cable tie or nylon<br />

string. Some divers prefer that the clip is attached to<br />

accessory by something easily broken like an O ring, but<br />

small cable ties do the same job and have fewer components.<br />

Talking of “line magnets”, one of the most unusual recent<br />

inventions used by technical divers involves using long metal<br />

springs as fin straps. The spring is usually (on the cheap<br />

ones) partially covered by plastic hose or cloth. These spring<br />

heel straps find reel lines and discarded fishing line like a<br />

beach clean-up session!<br />

If you feel your original fin straps are in some way hampering<br />

your performance, replace the straps with bungee cord or<br />

purchase a pair of fins with Bungee Heels Straps by design.<br />

Bungee last almost forever, is cheap and easily replaced,<br />

and lines do not gravitate towards them…<br />

49<br />

Spring Heel Straps should<br />

be treated with utmost<br />

care around lines

While we are on the subject of fins let us address some<br />

flipping technique!<br />

A diver needs to be able to support the entire weight of the<br />

equipment using his wing and/or drysuit system. When using<br />

heavy tanks a dual-bladder wing is mandatory as a drysuit in<br />

itself will never safely balance a deep water dive rig. Even<br />

lightweight tank users should consider a double wing as in<br />

the event of wing failure long periods spent on the surface<br />

can be very uncomfortable or even impossible in an over<br />

inflated drysuit simply trying to stay afloat or heads up.<br />

Drysuits are intended to keep the wearer dry-ish not support<br />

heavy equipment either in-water horizontally or at the<br />

surface vertically. Recreational divers may use drysuits to<br />

maintain buoyancy, but this is generally in combination with<br />

lightweight single tanks and in most cases also supplement<br />

their buoyancy control with a bcd at the surface.<br />

A good indicator of buoyancy control is trim or body position<br />

in the water. Equipment should be arranged so that the diver<br />

can float motionlessly horizontally. No additional upward fin<br />

or hand thrust to keep seemingly ‘neutral’ is necessary. The<br />

fin techniques shown below can only be performed with<br />

perfect poise and balance underwater. Even with huge tank<br />

configurations you will be expected to perform these fin<br />

strokes using your primary AND secondary sources of<br />

buoyancy.<br />

Scene 1: Shows Poor body<br />

position/bad trim. Head high and<br />

feet low, Fin wash directed<br />

downwards compensates for bad<br />

buoyancy.<br />

Scene 2: Showing good Modified<br />

Flutter kick position.<br />

Fin wash directed backwards.<br />

Body position shows ideal Trim<br />

with horizontal position<br />


Scene 3: Showing sub step of the<br />

Frog Kick. The Frog Kick is useful<br />

inside areas of heavy silt but no<br />

current.<br />

Scene 4: Showing sub step of Frog<br />

Kick. Fins are wide apart ready for<br />

next step of bringing fins together,<br />

as Scene 3<br />

Good trim while moving underwater is a sign of superior<br />

buoyancy control. Using the correct fining technique for the<br />

moment is a sign of experience. There are several different<br />

types of propulsion technique; some situations may call for a<br />

combination of all of them.<br />

Shuffle kick: Sometimes called the modified flutter kick, this<br />

kick style involves flexing the legs below the knee only.<br />

Keeping the thighs inline with the body, knees bent at 90<br />

degrees, fin movement comes from moving fins back and<br />

forth down to the midline and back. Fin wash should be<br />

directed backwards. This fin kick is best used inside a wreck<br />

or when ambling close to the bottom taking photos or video.<br />

Frog Kick: This kick is a little tricky to perfect, but involves<br />

kicking with both fins at same time, with the fin wash being<br />

directed inwards and backwards, a bit like a frog kicking!<br />

The frog kick is a popular kick with cavers and when<br />

mastered, very little effort is needed. Using this kick<br />

effectively needs perfect buoyancy control. It is not much<br />

use if currents are present<br />

Pull and glide: This technique is very useful for moving<br />

against a moderate current or in very confined areas. Simply<br />

using finger tips, pull gently and propel yourself forwards,<br />


you may have to kick fins additionally if the current is strong.<br />

Remember that when pulling yourself in narrow areas such<br />

as a shipwreck, watch the position of your legs and fins to<br />

avoid contact with the wreck. Using arm muscles to pull or<br />

stabilise, instead of legs is a good way to avoid overexertion.<br />

You will practice these different methods of propulsion<br />

throughout this course. Different fin techniques are very<br />

beneficial, especially if you decide that Cave or Wreck diving<br />

appeals to you.<br />

Good buoyancy control saves energy too!<br />


Chapter 5. DIVE PLANNING<br />

Dive planning takes many forms, from deciding which gas<br />

mixtures to be used, the decompression obligations that will<br />

be incurred and the gas volumes needed to complete the<br />

stops. If we know how much we breath in a minute (RMV or<br />

SCR) then we can begin to plan dives more accurately,<br />

although the astute diver will always take sensible reserves.<br />

Firstly, all tech divers must plan to take sufficient gas<br />

volumes to complete the dive with sensible reserves<br />

remaining. While often not the ideal reserve for all examples,<br />

the rule of thirds is adequate for most open water deep<br />

diving projects with regard to back-gas volumes. Gas<br />

volumes for decompression tanks may need to be doubled to<br />

cover various ‘what-ifs’ and a minimum of 7litre tanks used.<br />

10,12,15 litre tanks are often used as decompression tanks<br />

for extreme dives.<br />

Take enough gas, don’t just fill what you have and think its<br />

enough!<br />


So, lets plan a dive, 120metres for 15mins on the bottom. The<br />

easiest way to plan technical dives is to run the desired<br />

depth and time through PC based decompression software.<br />

There are many titles to choose from, some crap, some<br />

great. <strong>Technical</strong> divers must verify that their deco software<br />

is the latest version and that they are using it with<br />

parameters to give adequate decompression. The following<br />

examples were all derived from the Decochek Optimiser<br />

program.<br />

The gas volumes for<br />

this dive look like this:<br />

This is a lot of gas!<br />

The above dive has 4 gas mixtures but spread over how<br />

many tanks? We have 5204 litres without any reserve of<br />

bottom mix. A reserve of one third must be added so:<br />

5204 x 1.5 = 7806 litres<br />


7806 divided by 230bar = 34 litres of capacity needed, so<br />

triple 12 litre tanks are required of course double 18’s will<br />

work too. If you take less, learn to breathe water.<br />

This dive has a lot of deep water deco using trimix 21/30,<br />

roughly 5969 litres. How many tanks is this? We need a<br />

reserve…if we use thirds the volume swells to 8954 litres, if<br />

we took double then its 11962 litres! Okay lets imagine the<br />

third extra is enough. 8954 / 230bar = 39 litres of tanks or<br />

double 15’s and a 10litre and that’s only if it goes right!<br />

Here we can start to analyse the deco and try to make it<br />

more efficient. The 21/30 deco mix volume is more than the<br />

bottom mix volume so it may make sense to add another tank<br />

either deeper or shallower to help spread the deco load.<br />

Adding an extra deco<br />

tank gives a shorter<br />

overall deco time and<br />

allows a drop in Helium<br />

within ICD parameters<br />

The extra deco tank in Gas List 2 helps spread the<br />

decompression gas volumes more evenly. The reason we<br />

take the extra volume is to afford us the extra decompression<br />

time required if we are forced to go back to the previous<br />

deco gas in the event of regulator failure.<br />

In this case of regulator failure a suitable and easy to<br />

remember fix is to revert to previous gas and if still below<br />

50metres add 50% to the prescribed deco stop time. In the<br />

water if you have a multi-mix dive computer simply update<br />

the inspired gas in the computers gas list to recalculate the<br />

deco schedule.<br />


All bail-out options should be run through software as part of<br />

your dive planning to see the effects of missing the correct<br />

deco gas. Extreme depth dives performed alone need only<br />

take 1/3 rd extra gas volume per tank. Dives performed with a<br />

buddy should take double the required gas volumes. The<br />

outcome of taking insufficient gas to cover the various bailout<br />

scenarios could be the bends or it could be death, take<br />

enough and if not, plenty as its only you riding the chamber<br />

In the event of regulator failure, ascending while adding an<br />

extra 50% time will get you shallower within the realms of<br />

safety. A diver practised in swapping first stages underwater<br />

will want to consider this to get back on track especially<br />

considering the current gas may not last until the next<br />

change! Swapping regs underwater is straight forward if the<br />

first stages utilise the same connection system ie Yoke or<br />

DIN. All decompression tank regulators should use the same<br />

method of attachment to allow easy switching.<br />

Periodically inspect all tanks and regulators throughout the<br />

descent and bottom time.<br />

Keep all spg’s pressurised but the tanks turned off.<br />

Avoid all servo assisted 1 st or 2 nd stages…there are few<br />

benefits to these regulators and many potential problems<br />

most starting or ending with catastrophic free-flow.<br />

Take sufficient gas for all contingencies. CCR users may<br />

swap twinsets for suitable rebreathers but they must take<br />

sufficient OC bail-out including at least one cylinder of<br />

bottom mix.<br />



DecoChek Dive Plan<br />

Depth Arrive Stop Leave Mix<br />

0m 00:00 TMX 21/30<br />

120m 00:06 00:15 00:21 TMX 11/60<br />

66m 00:27 00:01 00:28 TMX 21/30<br />

54m 00:30 00:01 00:31 TMX 21/30<br />

51m 00:31 00:02 00:33 TMX 21/30<br />

48m 00:33 00:01 00:34 TMX 27/20<br />

45m 00:34 00:02 00:36 TMX 27/20<br />

42m 00:36 00:03 00:39 TMX 27/20<br />

39m 00:39 00:03 00:42 TMX 27/20<br />

36m 00:42 00:04 00:46 TMX 27/20<br />

33m 00:46 00:04 00:50 TMX 27/20<br />

30m 00:50 00:06 00:56 TMX 27/20<br />

27m 00:56 00:07 01:03 TMX 27/20<br />

24m 01:03 00:09 01:12 TMX 27/20<br />

21m 01:12 00:04 01:16 TMX 50/10<br />

18m 01:16 00:09 01:25 TMX 50/10<br />

15m 01:25 00:12 01:37 TMX 50/10<br />

12m 01:37 00:17 01:54 TMX 50/10<br />

9m 01:54 00:24 02:18 TMX 50/10<br />

6m 02:18 00:18 02:36 100%<br />

3m 02:36 00:36 03:12 100%<br />

0m 03:12 Surface<br />

This dive plan requires an ascent speed of 10 metres<br />

per minute from the bottom to the first gas switch.<br />

Clearly this is a lengthy dive and will need several<br />

support divers to ensure a drama free outcome.<br />

Another option is the staging of any extra<br />

decompression tanks on the down line (not<br />

recommended in an ocean environment<br />

To wear all the tanks needed here is to risk<br />

entanglement and confusion not to mention possible<br />

complete loss of buoyancy control if buoyancy control<br />

systems malfunction.<br />

This dive will require 2 x 18 litre tanks of bottom mix<br />

1 x 12 litre of 21/30<br />

2 x 12 litre of 27/20<br />

1 x 12 litre of 50/10 (minimally)<br />

1 x 10 litre of 100%<br />


It is recommended that a diver carry no more than the<br />

double 18’s plus the 12litre of 21/30 and the two 12 litre<br />

tanks of 27/20. This configuration is fairly easy to swim<br />

with and allows the user to get shallow enough<br />

autonomously to depths were support divers can assist<br />

without fail and in comfort<br />

Let us plan the same dive using CCR equipment with<br />

appropriate bail out. Setpoint used is 1.25po2.<br />

DecoChek Dive Plan<br />

Depth Arrive Stop Leave Mix<br />

0m 00:00 CCR 0.70<br />

120m 00:06 00:15 00:21 CCR 1.25<br />

60m 00:28 00:01 00:29 CCR 1.25<br />

57m 00:29 00:01 00:30 CCR 1.25<br />

54m 00:30 00:01 00:31 CCR 1.25<br />

51m 00:31 00:02 00:33 CCR 1.25<br />

48m 00:33 00:01 00:34 CCR 1.25<br />

45m 00:34 00:02 00:36 CCR 1.25<br />

42m 00:36 00:03 00:39 CCR 1.25<br />

39m 00:39 00:02 00:41 CCR 1.25<br />

36m 00:41 00:03 00:44 CCR 1.25<br />

33m 00:44 00:04 00:48 CCR 1.25<br />

30m 00:48 00:04 00:52 CCR 1.25<br />

27m 00:52 00:05 00:57 CCR 1.25<br />

24m 00:57 00:05 01:02 CCR 1.25<br />

21m 01:02 00:07 01:09 CCR 1.25<br />

18m 01:09 00:08 01:17 CCR 1.25<br />

15m 01:17 00:10 01:27 CCR 1.25<br />

12m 01:27 00:13 01:40 CCR 1.25<br />

9m 01:40 00:16 01:56 CCR 1.25<br />

6m 01:56 00:21 02:17 CCR 1.25<br />

3m 02:17 00:33 02:50 CCR 1.25<br />

0m 02:50 CCR 1.25<br />

Comparing the two plans you first notice that the CCR<br />

plan is 22 minutes shorter total dive time. This time<br />

saving coming from the maintained set-point which can<br />

give deco benefits but also a risk of pulmonary toxicity if<br />

taken to extremes. Long Decompressions (>3hrs) on<br />

CCR may benefit from switching to open circuit<br />

decompression from 6metres in an attempt to avoid<br />

exhausted scrubber complications.<br />


In addition to the CCR unit the diver must wear 1 x<br />

Bottom Mix 12 litre tank in case of CCR failure at depth<br />

plus the same 3 x 12litre OC deco mixes as the totally<br />

OC diver. CCR may offer some monetary savings<br />

regarding gas costs (these can be considerable if<br />

regularly using high Helium %’s) although unit purchase<br />

and upkeep plus additional travel freighting costs<br />

should be factored into any purchase equation.<br />

The author has used with great success the Pelagian<br />

DCCCR for many mid-range deep dives. The modular<br />

nature of this rebreather makes it very easy to<br />

incorporate into a twin set as the photos indicate. The<br />

benefits of combining CCR with OC twin-sets give<br />

considerable added redundancy to the CCR with of<br />

course the gas economies of the CCR. One fill of trimix<br />

8/65 in this setup has allowed 7 dives between 90 and<br />

147metres leaving more than 170bar pressure still after<br />

all of the dives combined! Future deeper dives will test<br />

the suitability of this system…stay tuned.<br />

Of course appropriate open circuit decompression<br />

tanks are always worn with the above unit.<br />

Always dive with completely filled tanks to help deal<br />

with unforeseen emergencies. Any spare breathing gas<br />

gives you additional thinking time…you never can tell<br />

when you will need it.<br />


A slate plan for a 120metre for 15minutes dive plan with<br />

appropriate contingency should include the following<br />

information<br />

DecoChek Dive Plan <strong>–</strong> Primary Slate<br />

Depth Arrive Stop Leave Mix<br />

0m 00:00 TMX 21/30<br />

120m 00:06 00:15 00:21 TMX 11/60<br />

Travel 00:21 - - 00:27 TMX 11/60<br />

66m 00:27 00:01 00:28 TMX 21/30<br />

54m 00:30 00:01 00:31 TMX 21/30<br />

51m 00:31 00:02 00:33 TMX 21/30<br />

48m 00:33 00:02 00:35 TMX 21/30<br />

45m 00:35 00:03 00:38 TMX 21/30<br />

42m 00:38 00:03 00:41 TMX 21/30<br />

39m 00:41 00:01 00:42 TMX 32/20<br />

36m 00:42 00:03 00:45 TMX 32/20<br />

33m 00:45 00:04 00:49 TMX 32/20<br />

30m 00:49 00:05 00:54 TMX 32/20<br />

27m 00:54 00:06 01:00 TMX 32/20<br />

24m 01:00 00:07 01:07 TMX 32/20<br />

21m 01:07 00:04 01:11 EAN 50<br />

18m 01:11 00:09 01:20 EAN 50<br />

15m 01:20 00:12 01:32 EAN 50<br />

12m 01:32 00:16 01:48 EAN 50<br />

9m 01:48 00:23 02:11 EAN 50<br />

6m 02:11 00:17 02:28 100%<br />

3m 02:28 00:34 03:02 100%<br />

0m 03:02 Surface<br />

Next, we will look at an adjusted stop plan for lost deco gas.<br />

<strong>Technical</strong> divers must carry two depth and time measuring<br />

devices on all decompression dives in addition to two copies<br />

of the dive-plan either on slates or in laminated form.<br />

The ‘Bail-out’ plan overleaf contains more information still<br />

and may be used instead of simply doubling-the-deco-still<br />

breathing-previous-gas mix idea or relying on an updateable<br />

mixed gas dive computer. These plans are Cut from the<br />

Decochek program and Pasted in a text editor for editing and<br />

subsequent lamination. I would optimistically wear the<br />

primary plan on my wrist and stow the bail-out plan<br />

separately in my drysuit pocket.<br />


DecoChek Dive Plan BAIL-OUT PLAN<br />

LOST GAS <strong>–</strong> NEW ARRIVAL TIME<br />

Depth Arrive Stop Leave Mix - T 21/30 - T 32/20 -EAN 50 -100%<br />

0m 00:00 TMX 21/30<br />

120m 00:06 00:15 00:21 TMX 11/60 00:06 00:06 00:06 00:06<br />

Travel 00:21 00:06 00:27 TMX 11/60<br />

66m 00:27 00:01 00:28 TMX 21/30 00:28 00:27 00:27 00:27<br />

54m 00:30 00:01 00:31 TMX 21/30 00:35 00:30 00:30 00:30<br />

51m 00:31 00:02 00:33 TMX 21/30 00:38 00:31 00:31 00:31<br />

48m 00:33 00:02 00:35 TMX 21/30 00:41 00:33 00:33 00:33<br />

45m 00:35 00:03 00:38 TMX 21/30 00:45 00:35 00:35 00:35<br />

42m 00:38 00:03 00:41 TMX 21/30 00:50 00:38 00:38 00:38<br />

39m 00:41 00:01 00:42 TMX 32/20 00:56 00:41 00:41 00:41<br />

36m 00:42 00:03 00:45 TMX 32/20 00:57 00:44 00:42 00:42<br />

33m 00:45 00:04 00:49 TMX 32/20 01:00 00:49 00:45 00:45<br />

30m 00:49 00:05 00:54 TMX 32/20 01:05 00:54 00:49 00:49<br />

27m 00:54 00:06 01:00 TMX 32/20 01:11 01:01 00:54 00:54<br />

24m 01:00 00:07 01:07 TMX 32/20 01:18 01:10 01:00 01:00<br />

21m 01:07 00:04 01:11 EAN 50 01:28 01:21 01:07 01:07<br />

18m 01:11 00:09 01:20 EAN 50 01:34 01:24 01:17 01:11<br />

15m 01:20 00:12 01:32 EAN 50 01:45 01:34 01:29 01:20<br />

12m 01:32 00:16 01:48 EAN 50 02:01 01:47 01:46 01:32<br />

9m 01:48 00:23 02:11 EAN 50 02:21 02:05 02:10 01:48<br />

6m 02:11 00:17 02:28 100% 02:51 02:31 02:44 02:11<br />

3m 02:28 00:34 03:02 100% 03:13 02:50 03:01 02:46<br />

0m 03:02 Leave 3m stop @ 03:57 03:29 03:40 03:45<br />

The above plan shows the primary plan with the additional<br />

modified new arrival times dictated by a loss of a deco gas.<br />

Once a deco gas is lost then you simply stay at your current<br />

depth until you can travel to arrive at the next depth<br />

according to the modified runtime. Consider swapping a<br />

regulator 1 st stage change to reclaim lost gas, ideally not<br />

below 100m. Feathering tank valves from free-flowing regs<br />

wastes gas and cannot be performed if using upstream 2 nd<br />

stages!<br />

Remember that the next deco gas can be safely breathed as<br />

deep as 2.0bar Po2 if necessary. The above contingency plan<br />

only covers the loss of a single deco gas…if you lose more<br />

than one, it probably wasn’t your day to begin with and you<br />

should have stayed in bed!<br />


On a serious note, multiple deco gas failures could be<br />

handled semi-effectively by breathing what you can until the<br />

last breath before switching to the next semi-hot (high po2)<br />

deco gas. Remember…you cannot breathe water and bolting<br />

to the surface likely means death through embolism.<br />

However, minimising deep water deco rather than blowing<br />

huge chunks of it away can temporarily fix seemingly giant<br />

problems. Getting to a depth where you can summon help via<br />

support divers is key. Advise your support divers that you<br />

might botch a yellow smb deployment and intend to indicate<br />

any emergency situation by rhythmic pulling of the smb line.<br />

A dancing smb on the surface will be the cue that something<br />

is not well below the waves. If in doubt, check it out, quickly!<br />

Spare gas shouldn’t be deployed from the surface on long<br />

lines below 21 metres as it might simply get dragged<br />

insufficiently deep by any prevailing currents.<br />

Ensure that all ‘next regulators’ are working properly by<br />

testing them while still BEING ABLE to breathe something<br />

acceptable BEFORE SWITCHING to a potentially broken reg!<br />

Switching regs underwater is no problem if you are relaxed<br />

and practised.<br />

Traditional downstream 2 nd stages allow the breathing of<br />

tanks to far lower supply pressures than upstream/servo<br />

assisted 2 nd stages which typically free flow at low supply<br />

pressure especially at high ambient (surrounding) water<br />

pressures <strong>–</strong> you’ve been warned!<br />

Regarding plans that include longer bottom times or deeper<br />

dive depths, it is recommended that you simply find out how<br />

deep the dive site is likely to be (accurately) and follow the<br />

original dive-plan based around this maximum depth. As a<br />

rule of thumb its recommended that if you stray a metre or so<br />

deeper than planned for 75% of the bottom time then<br />

subtract 1 minute of bottom time from the plan for every<br />

metre you went deeper. Momentary lapses in depth control<br />

at the bottom can be ignored. If you leave the bottom early<br />

the runtime can be merged (caught up with) by waiting at the<br />

first stop depth until actual time coincides with run-time.<br />

Once times are merged continue with the original schedule.<br />


Making pencil notes on your dive plan can help a stressed<br />

mind!<br />

Overstayed bottom times cannot be easily predicted as the<br />

causes are not predictable for example will it be 1 minute or<br />

12minutes or more! Follow advice from your wrist computer<br />

from 40metres and upwards. If the computer has a lookahead<br />

feature compare this against your slated plan. If you<br />

feel as though you spent longer at depth or ascended too<br />

slowly then add time to your shallow water deco times (from<br />

21metres and upwards)…in this scenario an extra hour of<br />

preventative deco is less painful than a ton of chamber rides.<br />

Following purely wrist computer predicted plans is fine as<br />

long as you have 2 of them and they read very similar timesto-the-surface.<br />



PROPER<br />




PISS<br />

POOR<br />




Dive computers are<br />

available that can reliably<br />

handle complicated<br />

deco plans, even those<br />

using combinations of<br />

open circuit and closed<br />

circuit equipment with<br />

multiple Enriched air or<br />

Trimix mixtures. Dive<br />

computers need to be understood and used properly<br />

otherwise they end up being ‘locked out’ and even being<br />

useless.<br />

If your software generated dive plan approximates the plan<br />

generated by your dive computer, then it would be<br />

acceptable to use the computer as the primary or secondary<br />

dive plan, or vice versa. You should ensure that the ascent<br />

rates used by the dive plan and the computer are similar and<br />

ideally 10 metres per minute. Many computers and dive<br />

timers like the one pictured above use variable ascent rates,<br />

that are not suited to technical dives especially those using<br />

Helium in any of the breathing mixtures.<br />

1 Mix Nitrox as<br />

back-up gauge<br />

3<br />

7 Mix Nitrox/Trimix 10 Mix Nitrox/Trimix<br />

OC or CCR<br />

Well heeled divers may even use multiple multi-mix trimix<br />

computers without any slated or laminated back-ups. This<br />

does not negate the need for pre-dive planning of course.<br />

Virtually any dive computer can be used as a back-up gauge<br />

for advanced and technical dives. Before purchasing, make<br />

sure that the device uses a fixed 10 metres per minute ascent<br />

rate and reads to the depth required. Some models will give<br />


depth and time even after they have entered a ‘Lock up’<br />

mode, which is useful for redundancy and repetitive dives.<br />

Happy Crazy Deep Diving :D<br />


Chapter 6. What Comes Next<br />

Candidates should enter training completely ready and able<br />

to dive to the maximum depth reached during their previous<br />

technical level course.<br />

Right, hopefully we’ve read and understood everything. It’s<br />

now time to get wet…in case we haven’t studied hard then all<br />

material will be covered on Day 1<br />

Day 2 will cover equipment setup and a practise dive to<br />

40metres. During this dive a series of skill evaluations will<br />

take place.<br />

Adequate trimix dive planning skills<br />

Switching from Primary to Back-up mask and back<br />

Manifold Shutdown drills without struggle within 30secs<br />

SMB deployment<br />

Buddy awareness<br />

Gas sharing with long hose and buddy breathing<br />

Runtime follow +/- 2 minutes<br />

Gas switching through 2 decompression gases<br />

Exhibit advanced buoyancy control skills<br />

Remove and replace 2 decompression cylinders<br />

Remove and replace decompression regulator underwater.<br />

Subsequent levels of training will follow these depth<br />

progressions over at least 4 days. Further demonstration of<br />

the above skills may be requested at anytime on any of the<br />

following dives.<br />

MOD 1 training<br />

Day 3 Plan and execute a dive to 55m lasting 50-70mins.<br />

Day 4 Plan and execute a dive to 60m lasting 70-80mins.<br />

Day 5 Plan and execute a dive to 65m lasting 80-90mins.<br />

Day 6 Plan and execute a dive to 70m lasting 70-90mins.<br />

MOD 2 training<br />

Day 3 Plan and execute a dive to 70m lasting 50-70mins.<br />

Day 4 Plan and execute a dive to 80m lasting 70-80mins.<br />

Day 5 Plan and execute a dive to 90m lasting 80-90mins.<br />

Day 6 Plan and execute a dive to 100m lasting 70-90mins.<br />


MOD 3 training<br />

Day 3 Plan and execute a dive to 90m lasting 70-80mins.<br />

Day 4 Plan and execute a dive to 100m lasting 80-90mins.<br />

Day 5 Plan and execute a dive to 110m lasting 90-110mins.<br />

Day 6 Plan and execute a dive to 120-130m lasting 100-<br />

120mins.<br />

Maximum depth may not exceed 130metres to stay within<br />

current maximum depth guidelines stated in DAN diver<br />

recompression insurance documentation.<br />



Greenforce-Dive lights<br />

Illuminating the<br />

darkness, wherever<br />

you’re going…<br />


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