90 – Pneumonias of horses Glanders (farcy, malleus)

90 – Pneumonias of horses Glanders (farcy, malleus)

90 – Pneumonias of horses Glanders (farcy, malleus)


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<strong>90</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>Pneumonias</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>horses</strong><br />

<strong>Glanders</strong> (<strong>farcy</strong>, <strong>malleus</strong>)<br />

2010.<br />

(Broncho)interstitial pneumonia<br />

• Equine influenza<br />

<strong>–</strong> Type A virus, two subtypes<br />

• A/equi/2 <strong>–</strong> H3N8; A/equi/1 <strong>–</strong> H7N7<br />

<strong>–</strong> Clinical signs<br />

• Coughing, serous to purulent oculonasal discharge,<br />

fever, weakness<br />

• Rarely sytemic involvement and death<br />

<strong>–</strong> Lesions<br />

• Hyperemia, focal erosions in the upper respiratory tract<br />

• Bronchointerstitial pneumonia<br />

<strong>–</strong> edema<br />

<strong>–</strong> necrosis <strong>of</strong> bronchiolar epithelium<br />

<strong>–</strong> secondary bacterial pneumonia<br />

(Broncho)interstitial pneumonia<br />

• Equine herpesviruses (EHV-4, EHV-1)<br />

<strong>–</strong> Mild upper respiratory signs<br />

<strong>–</strong> Secondary bacterial bronchopneumonia<br />

<strong>–</strong> Systemic lesions in neonates!<br />

• Rhinovirus, reovirus, equine arteritis virus, adenovirus<br />

<strong>–</strong> similar clinical signs and lesions<br />

<strong>–</strong> predisposing factors for heaves (COPD)?<br />

• African horse sickness<br />

<strong>–</strong> severe edema, vascular damage (Reoviridae, Orbivirus)<br />

• Hendra virus<br />

<strong>–</strong> syntitial giant cells (Paramyxoviridae, Morbillivirus)<br />

• Clamydophila psittaci<br />

• Idiopathic proliferative interstitial pneumonia<br />

<strong>–</strong> sequel: pulmonary fibrosis, toxicosis / viral infection?<br />

Topics <strong>–</strong> morphological categorization<br />

• (Broncho)interstitial pneumonia<br />

<strong>–</strong> equine influenza, EHV-1, EHV-4 infection<br />

• Bronchopneumonia<br />

<strong>–</strong> catarrhal-purulent bronchopneumonia<br />

<strong>–</strong> fibrinous bronchopneumonia, pleuropneumonia<br />

• Streptococcus equi ssp. equi, ~ zooepidemicus; Bordetella<br />

bronchiseptica, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus sp.<br />

<strong>–</strong> necrotic/gangraneous bronchopneumonia<br />

• aspiration pneumonia<br />

• Focal/multifocal pneumonia<br />

<strong>–</strong> septic thromboembolism related pneumonia<br />

• (Pyo)granulomatous pneumonia<br />

<strong>–</strong> Rhodococcus equi infection<br />

<strong>–</strong> glanders (Burkholderia mallei infection)<br />

<strong>–</strong> fungal pneumonias<br />

• aspergillosis, pneumocystosis<br />

Interstitial pneumonia<br />

EIV infection, donkey<br />

Pulmonary fibrosis, horse<br />


Bronchopneumonia<br />

• Catarrhal-purulent pneumonia<br />

• Fibrinous (pleuro)pneumonia<br />

<strong>–</strong> cranioventral consolidation<br />

<strong>–</strong> predisposing factors<br />

• stress, viral infections etc.<br />

<strong>–</strong> secondary bacterial infection<br />

• Streptococcus equi ssp. equi, ~ zooepidemicus;<br />

Bordetella bronchiseptica, Klebsiella pneumoniae,<br />

Staphylococcus sp.<br />

Bronchopneumonia<br />

• Necrotic/gangrenous pneumonia<br />

<strong>–</strong> aspiration pneumonia<br />

• anatomical predisposition<br />

<strong>–</strong> „tracheal puddle”<br />

• iatrogenic<br />

<strong>–</strong> nasogastric tubing<br />

• CNS involvement!!!!!!!!<br />

<strong>–</strong> rabies, WNV or other viral encephalitides, lead<br />

poisoning, fumonisin toxicosis etc.<br />

<strong>–</strong> usually unilateral, foul smell, rapid autolysis,<br />

necrosis predominates, mixed bacterial flora<br />

Aspiration pneumonia, horse<br />

Chronic purulent bronchopneumonia, horse<br />

Aspiration pneumonia<br />

Pyogranulomatous pneumonia<br />

• Rhodococcus equi infection<br />

<strong>–</strong> Rhodococcus equi<br />

• Facultatively intracellular bacterium, complex lipids<br />

in its cell wall<br />

• Normal inhabitant <strong>of</strong> soil and intestinal tract <strong>of</strong><br />

different species<br />

• Disease in foals <strong>of</strong> 1-6 months <strong>of</strong> age<br />

• Pathogenesis is incompletely understood<br />

<strong>–</strong> Clinical signs<br />

• Fever, cough, nasal discharge, increased<br />

respiratory rate<br />

• High mortality<br />


Pyogranulomatous pneumonia<br />

• Rhodococcus equi infection<br />

<strong>–</strong> Lesions<br />

• Lungs and tracheobroncial lymphonodes<br />

<strong>–</strong> Multiple large, firm nodules <strong>of</strong> various size<br />

<strong>–</strong> Caseation necrosis without fibrous capsule formation<br />

(not a proper abscess!)<br />

<strong>–</strong> Predominantly pyogranulomatous inflammation<br />

• Intestinal tract<br />

<strong>–</strong> Ulcerative enterocolitis, involvement <strong>of</strong> mesentarial<br />

lymphonodes<br />

• Arthritis, dermatitis, hepatitis, vertebral<br />

osteomyelitis, ulcerative lymphangitis<br />

Rhodococcus equi pneumonia, horse<br />

Rhodococcus equi pneumonia, horse Rhodococcus equi pneumonia, horse<br />

Granulomatous pneumonia<br />

• Mycobacteriosis<br />

<strong>–</strong>Mycobacterium avium complex<br />

<strong>–</strong>Mycobacterium tuberculosis<br />

<strong>–</strong>Mycobacterium bovis<br />

• Predominantly proliferative<br />

tuberculosis<br />

Granulomatous pneumonia<br />

• Fungal pneumonias<br />

<strong>–</strong>Pulmonary aspergillosis<br />

• secondary to mucosal damage<br />

<strong>–</strong>intestines! ulcerative fungal colitis<br />

• systemic lesions<br />

<strong>–</strong>brain, lungs, skin<br />

• severe disseminated fibrinonecrotic to<br />

granulomatous pneumonia<br />


Pulmonary aspergillosis, horse<br />

Pneumocystosis, GMS stain →<br />

Pulmonary aspergillosis, horse Pulmonary aspergillosis, horse<br />

← Pneumocystosis, H-E stain<br />

Granulomatous pneumonia<br />

• Fungal pneumonias<br />

<strong>–</strong>Pneumocystosis<br />

• Pneumocystis carinii fungus<br />

• Secondary to immunosuppressive agents /<br />

immunodeficiencies<br />

<strong>–</strong> SCID<br />

<strong>–</strong> Viral infections, Rhodococcus equi inf.<br />

• Histological diagnosis<br />

<strong>–</strong> foamy structure within alveoli<br />

<strong>–</strong> Gömöri’s Methenamine Silver stain (GMS)<br />

<strong>–</strong> minimal inflammatory changes<br />

Pyogranulomatous pneumonia<br />

• <strong>Glanders</strong> (<strong>malleus</strong>, <strong>farcy</strong>)<br />

• Burkholderia mallei<br />

<strong>–</strong> Gram-negative, obligate aerobic, nonmotile,<br />

obligate pathogen<br />

<strong>–</strong> Zoonotic agent, bioterrorism!<br />

• Occurrence<br />

<strong>–</strong> Asia, North-Africa, (far-far) East-Europe (?),<br />

South-and Central America<br />

• Susceptible species<br />

<strong>–</strong> Equidae (solipeds), carnivores, guinea-pig,<br />

hamster, goat, man<br />


<strong>Glanders</strong> - history<br />

• 3 rd Century BC<br />

<strong>–</strong>Described by Aristotle<br />

• 1664: Contagious nature recognized<br />

• 1830: Zoonotic nature suspected<br />

• 1891: Mallein test developed<br />

• 1<strong>90</strong>0: Control programs implemented<br />

<strong>Glanders</strong> - history<br />

• World War II<br />

<strong>–</strong> Japanese infected <strong>horses</strong>, civilians and POW’s<br />

<strong>–</strong> U.S. and Russia investigated use as biological<br />

weapon<br />

<strong>Glanders</strong><br />

• Pathogenesis<br />

<strong>–</strong> the disease develops through several<br />

successive stages, each is characterised<br />

by distinctive clinical signs and lesions<br />

<strong>–</strong> outcome depends on the immunological<br />

status <strong>of</strong> the host<br />

<strong>–</strong> p. os uptake: primary complex in the<br />

alimentary tract<br />

• early generalisation: lungs, spleen, liver etc.<br />

• late generalisation: septicaemia, nasal mucosa,<br />

skin<br />

<strong>Glanders</strong> - history<br />

• World War I<br />

<strong>–</strong> Suspected use as biological agent to infect<br />

Russian <strong>horses</strong> and mules<br />

• Affected troops and supply convoys<br />

<strong>–</strong> Large number <strong>of</strong> human cases in Russia<br />

during and after WWI<br />

<strong>Glanders</strong><br />

• Way <strong>of</strong> infection<br />

<strong>–</strong>per os<br />

• contaminated feed, water, carcasses <strong>of</strong><br />

infected dead animals<br />

<strong>–</strong>percutaneous or conjunctival, aerogenical<br />

<strong>–</strong>asymptomatic carriers<br />

<strong>Glanders</strong><br />

• Incubation time<br />

<strong>–</strong> Few days to several months<br />

• Clinical forms and signs<br />

<strong>–</strong> Acute form<br />

• donkeys, mules, certain <strong>horses</strong>, carnivores, (man)<br />

• coughing, fever, nasal discharge<br />

• septicaemia, (pyemia), bronchopneumonia, death in<br />

days<br />

<strong>–</strong> Chronic form<br />

• certain <strong>horses</strong>, mules, (man)<br />

• granulomatous changes in the lungs, in the nasal<br />

mucosa, in the skin<br />

• subclinical infection does occur (mallein-test)<br />


Draining fistulous tracts<br />

in the skin<br />

<strong>Glanders</strong><br />

<strong>Glanders</strong>,<br />

intradermo-palpebral test<br />

• Lesions<br />

<strong>–</strong> Different lesions might be present in the<br />

same animal<br />

• Lungs<br />

• Nasal mucosa, paranasal sinuses, lips<br />

• Skin (lymphatics)<br />

• Lymphonodes<br />

• Testicles, liver, spleen<br />

• Basic forms <strong>of</strong> lesions<br />

<strong>–</strong> Malleotic nodule (granuloma)<br />

<strong>–</strong> Predominantly exsudative form<br />

<strong>–</strong> Predominantly proliferative form<br />

<strong>Glanders</strong>, nasal and dermal lesions<br />

Malleotic nodule<br />

<strong>Glanders</strong>,<br />

Strauss reaction,<br />

male guinea-pig<br />

• Exsudative development<br />

<strong>–</strong> pathogen in the centre, surrounded by PMNs,<br />

exsudation and hyperemic ring around<br />

<strong>–</strong> later histiocytes and giant cells appear<br />

<strong>–</strong> the center becomes necrotized, fibroblasts<br />

appear on the perimeter<br />

• Proliferative development<br />

<strong>–</strong> pathogen in the centre, surrounded by<br />

epitheloid cells and giant cells<br />

<strong>–</strong> more epitheloid cells accumulate<br />

<strong>–</strong> the center becomes necrotized, fibroblasts<br />

appear on the perimeter...<br />


Malleotic nodule<br />

• Developed malleotic nodule<br />

<strong>–</strong>pyogranuloma with narrow demarcation<br />

zone<br />

• colliquated or caseous centre with<br />

occassional calcium salt deposition,<br />

surrounded by epitheloid cells, giant cells<br />

and granulation tissue<br />

• poppy seed to pea sized nodules with<br />

greyish-yellow dry or liquid centre<br />

Malleotic nodules, nasal septum, horse<br />

„Farcy”,<br />

ulcerative lymphangitis<br />

Malleotic nodule, lung<br />

Malleotic ulcer<br />

• Malleotic ulcer<br />

<strong>–</strong> nodules close to the surface<br />

• mucous membranes, skin<br />

<strong>–</strong> nasal cavity, trachea, larynx<br />

<strong>–</strong> necrosis, shedding <strong>of</strong> the necrotized part<br />

<strong>–</strong> shallow to deep erosions <strong>–</strong> ulcers<br />

• uneven margin<br />

• undermined edge<br />

• covered with egg-white like material<br />

<strong>–</strong> healing with scar formation<br />

Different stages <strong>of</strong> malleotic nodules and ulcers, nasal septum, horse<br />


Malleotic ulcer on the lip,<br />

donkey<br />

Malleotic nodules and ulcers, nasal septum, horse<br />

Chronic malleotic ulcers, nasal septum, horse Chronic malleotic ulcers, nasal septum, horse<br />

Predominantly exsudative glanders<br />

• Lungs, other tissues<br />

<strong>–</strong>ser<strong>of</strong>ibrinous inflammation around the<br />

pathogen<br />

• bronchopneumonia<br />

<strong>–</strong>necrosis with caryorhexis, colliquation<br />

<strong>–</strong>healing with proliferation <strong>of</strong> malleotic<br />

granulation tissue<br />

• may contain dry areas with calcium<br />

deposits<br />

Disseminated pyogranulomas, bronchopneumonia<br />


Thrombosis, necrotizing rhinitis<br />

(„Zahn-lines” in the thrombus)<br />

Predominantly proliferative glanders<br />

• Mucous membranes<br />

<strong>–</strong>proliferation <strong>of</strong> malleotic granulation<br />

tissue<br />

• fibroblasts<br />

• histiocytes, giant cells<br />

<strong>–</strong>barley seed sized greyish-white firm<br />

nodules on mucous membranes<br />

<strong>Glanders</strong><br />

• Differential diagnosis<br />

<strong>–</strong> Strangles<br />

• Streptococcus equi ssp. equi<br />

<strong>–</strong> Epizootic lymphangiitis<br />

• Histoplasma sp.<br />

<strong>–</strong> Ulcerative lymphangiitis<br />

• Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis<br />

<strong>–</strong> Melioidosis<br />

• Burkholderia pseudomallei<br />

<strong>–</strong> Blastomycosis, cryptococcosis<br />

• Blastomyces sp., Cryptococcus sp.<br />

Fibrinous vasculitis<br />

Proliferative malleotic nodules, trachea, horse<br />


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