INVASIVE PLANTS - Technical Learning College

INVASIVE PLANTS - Technical Learning College

INVASIVE PLANTS - Technical Learning College


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Redroot pigweed is an annual weed commonly found in waste areas and disturbed soils. It can<br />

attain a 2-4 foot height. The lower stems are reddish in color. Flowers are small and green, in<br />

bristly terminal and axillary clusters. A prolific seed producer, pigweed will produce up to 100,000<br />

seeds per plant. Seedlings are easily pulled or hoed from the garden. Older plants are more<br />

difficult to pull out and may scatter seeds in the process. Mulch will prevent seeds already in the<br />

soil from germinating.<br />

Control When found in the lawn, pigweed can be spot-treated with herbicides containing MCPP,<br />

MCPA, and dicamba. In gardens, glyphosate (Round-up, Kleen-up) can be used, taking care not<br />

to get any of the chemical on desired plants. Pre-emergents containing oryzalin, pendimethalin,<br />

or trifluralin can be effective. When using a herbicide, be sure to read the label carefully and<br />

follow directions closely.<br />

Dandelion The Dandelion is a perennial with an extensive taproot. Its yellow flowers can<br />

develop anytime between March and November and are followed by fluffy seed heads. More<br />

prevalent under low turf density, dandelion growth can be inhibited by increasing the turf density.<br />

Dandelions can be dug out with special tools, but any part of the root that is left is capable of<br />

regenerating a plant.<br />

Control A 2,4-D or 2,4-D combination herbicide is most effective and should be used in spring<br />

and fall. Always read the label before applying any pesticide.<br />

Curly dock is a perennial weed in the buckwheat family. Fairly pleasant tasting, the leaves are<br />

very rich in vitamins, especially vitamins A and C, and can be eaten raw or cooked. The roasted<br />

seed has been used as a coffee substitute. It is also a very important food plant for the caterpillars<br />

of many butterflies. In the spring, basal leaves emerge from a stout taproot. These<br />

elongated leaves have wavy margins, thus the name "curly" dock. In summer, the plant has<br />

reddish, rigid stems, 2-4 feet tall. Flower stems have greenish flowers.<br />

This is a tenacious perennial weed that is found in lawns throughout the United States. Its large<br />

taproot grows deep into the soil, which enables it to thrive in times when grass may be suffering<br />

from heat and lack of moisture. In fall, winged fruits form on the flowering stems that are reddishbrown<br />

in color. Curly dock is not easily pulled because of the deep taproot, and portions of this<br />

root left in the ground will regenerate.<br />

Control Combination herbicides containing mecoprop, dicamba and 2,4-D are effective in the<br />

control of Curly dock.<br />

Quackgrass, a creeping perennial, is a very aggressive grass and is considered a noxious weed<br />

in most states. It spreads by seeds and invasive rhizomes (underground stems). Its rhizomes are<br />

yellow-white, with brown sections, and the ends are sharply pointed.<br />

Control A few quackgrass plants can be spot-sprayed with glyphosate, or individual blades can<br />

be painted with glyphosate. Note that glyphosate will kill any bluegrass it contacts. Repeat<br />

applications to quackgrass will likely be needed. Renovate severely infested lawn areas. Spray<br />

with glyphosate; repeat applications will likely be needed. When the quackgrass has been killed,<br />

the areas may be re-sodded or re-seeded. Always read the label before applying any pesticide.<br />

Broadleaf Plantain is a low growing perennial. It has broad leaves with prominent veins. The<br />

leaves are arranged in a rosette and may smother lawn grass. The flowering spikes normally<br />

grow taller than the foliage but may develop below mowing height. Vigorous, thick turfgrass is<br />

less susceptible to invasion.<br />

Control Triclopyr + 2,4-D or 2,4-D alone or 2,4-D combination herbicides should control plantain.<br />

Always read the label before applying any pesticide.<br />

Invasive Plants 11/13/2011 30<br />


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