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On its waay<br />

through thhe<br />

simulated universe (accom<br />

plished by pphysical<br />

moveement<br />

of the ddevice<br />

hostingg<br />

the<br />

UbiQuest appplication),<br />

a sstarship<br />

can enncounter<br />

and iinter<br />

act with otheer<br />

starships (ddevices<br />

of otheer<br />

players) as well<br />

as with speccial<br />

entities, sso<br />

called star bases. Thesee<br />

star<br />

bases are staationary,<br />

non mmobile<br />

devicees<br />

within the MA-<br />

NET which aare<br />

equipped with higher pprocessing<br />

andd<br />

sto-<br />

rage power. TThis<br />

could bee<br />

e.g. a libraryy<br />

information com<br />

puter or a priivately<br />

ownedd<br />

desktop PC that features awireless card annd<br />

is taking part<br />

in the gammes<br />

network. CCom<br />

munication wwith<br />

other deevices<br />

or starr<br />

bases is accom<br />

plished ad hhoc.<br />

No centtral<br />

backbonee<br />

infrastructurre<br />

or<br />

access pointss<br />

are necessaryy.<br />

Accordingg<br />

to the games<br />

ad hoc enviironment,<br />

it distin<br />

guishes betwween<br />

three ddifferent<br />

leveels<br />

of interaaction<br />

[Fig.2]. Locaal<br />

interaction includes the mmicromanageement<br />

of the ships resources, faccilities<br />

and reesearch.<br />

Tradee,<br />

di-<br />

rect communnication<br />

(singgle<br />

hop) and ( (military) connflicts<br />

are situated on the tacticaal<br />

interaction level. Finallyy<br />

the<br />

strategic level<br />

encompassses<br />

longer terrm<br />

diplomacyy<br />

and<br />

espionage, aas<br />

well as ageent<br />

based commmunication<br />

with<br />

starships or bases not inn<br />

direct commmunication<br />

rrange<br />

(multi hop).<br />

Figure 2.<br />

Strategicc<br />

Interaction<br />

- Diplomacy<br />

Tactical Interaction<br />

- Trade<br />

- (Military) conflicts<br />

Local Innteraction<br />

- Micromanagement<br />

- Facility Managemennt<br />

- Research<br />

Interaction Levells<br />

Trade (on the tactical innteraction<br />

leveel)<br />

is performmed<br />

in<br />

two different<br />

ways. If a suitable tradee<br />

partner is wwithin<br />

communicatiion<br />

range (sinngle<br />

hop), a staar<br />

ships owneer<br />

can<br />

initiate a tradde<br />

request, ressulting<br />

in a poositive<br />

or neggative<br />

feedback from<br />

the trade ppartner.<br />

Takinng<br />

into accounnt<br />

the<br />

short time peeriod<br />

two mooving<br />

device mmay<br />

have conntact,<br />

another posssibility<br />

is auttomated<br />

tradee.<br />

Here the sship’s<br />

owner sets thresholds foor<br />

selling annd<br />

buying ceertain<br />

goods. If annother<br />

ship oor<br />

star base iin<br />

communiccation<br />

range dispersses<br />

matching offers, trade iis<br />

performed wwith<br />

out direct useer<br />

input.<br />

UbiQuest has been devveloped<br />

in JAAVA<br />

within thhe<br />

si-<br />

mulation envvironment<br />

JANNE,<br />

which is described in more<br />

detail in thee<br />

follow-on chhapter.<br />

The ffirst<br />

prototypee<br />

has<br />

been tested on HP-iPaq H5550 Pockket<br />

PCs, equiipped<br />

with a Holuux<br />

GM-270 CCompactFlash-GPS<br />

adapterr<br />

and<br />

integrated WWLAN<br />

capabillities.<br />

For JAVVA<br />

support on<br />

the<br />

mobile devicces<br />

we used thhe<br />

IBM Virtuaal<br />

Machine j9.<br />

The ad hooc<br />

communicaation<br />

within tthe<br />

game usees<br />

the<br />

routing frammework<br />

of the aforementionned<br />

simulationn<br />

en-<br />


viron nment JANE. . Multi-hop ccommunication<br />

n is based onn<br />

the DSR D [3] routiing<br />

protocol. AAnother<br />

impo ortant commu-<br />

nica ation service iis<br />

an upgradeed<br />

beaconing functionality, ,<br />

prov viding not only<br />

information<br />

about the ships s locationn<br />

and presence, buut<br />

as well dispersing<br />

the current tradee<br />

offer rs etc. This iss<br />

accomplisheed<br />

by using th he PeriodiCastt<br />

beac coning protocol<br />

adapted to the trade off fer/request in-<br />

form mation [4]. Coommunicationn<br />

in a cluster red MANET, ,<br />

with hout routes to certain nodess,<br />

is implemen nted by usingg<br />

softw ware agents wwith<br />

certain ttasks.<br />

These try t to reach a<br />

spec cified device oor<br />

region, perrform<br />

their ta ask and returnn<br />

to a predefined hoome<br />

zone or llocation<br />

of the eir originator. .<br />

Typical<br />

tasks for aagents<br />

are dipplomacy<br />

and espionage. e<br />

Figuree<br />

3. UbiQuest ddeployed<br />

on PDAs<br />

B. A Treasure Islland<br />

Setting foor<br />

ncoML<br />

The<br />

m-learningg<br />

framework ncoML was originally o de-<br />

sign ned to support the training aand<br />

preparatio on of humani-<br />

taria an, catastrophhe<br />

aid and mmilitary<br />

missi ions that aree<br />

base ed on the tenets<br />

of Network<br />

Centric Op perations [5]. .<br />

Sinc ce it is a veryy<br />

flexible frammework,<br />

it ca an be used ass<br />

well l to depict sceenarios<br />

not dirrectly<br />

related to its originall<br />

inten nt. In the conntext<br />

of this year’s<br />

children n’s university, ,<br />

whe ere kids have tthe<br />

opportunitty<br />

to get an ins sight into uni-<br />

versity<br />

life, it is planned<br />

as a veehicle<br />

to playf fully test theirr<br />

com mmunication annd<br />

cooperationn<br />

abilities. Fo or this, a Trea-<br />

sure e Island-like ggame<br />

scenarioo<br />

has been developed d andd<br />

impl lemented baseed<br />

on the ncoMML<br />

framewor rk.<br />

The<br />

system is ddesigned<br />

to be<br />

highly flexi ible and to al-<br />

low many differeent<br />

mission tyypes<br />

within th he underlyingg<br />

fram mework. One typical scenarrio<br />

from its original o appli-<br />

catio on domain (e.g.<br />

in a UN oobserver<br />

mission)<br />

could bee<br />

the discovery d of ccommon<br />

graves<br />

or weapon deposits, e.g. .<br />

in a region that haas<br />

been or is bbeing<br />

harassed<br />

by civil un-<br />

rest or war. Witthin<br />

the Treaasure<br />

Island scenario, thee<br />

child dren’s objectiive<br />

is to find a hidden treasure,<br />

by wor-<br />

king g together andd<br />

by using inddividually<br />

ava ailableresour- ces, within a limitted<br />

timescale.<br />

Every E player is<br />

endowed wwith<br />

a GPS-eq quipped tablett<br />

PC providing p meddium-range<br />

coommunication<br />

n capabilities, ,<br />

such h as WLAN. A digital mapp<br />

of the game area is storedd<br />

on the t device. Fuurthermore<br />

evvery<br />

player features<br />

certainn<br />

(sim mulated) abilities<br />

and posssesses<br />

prede efined assets. .<br />

Whi ile moving thhrough<br />

the ggame<br />

area ph hysically, thee

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