LACHSA Theory 3 Med_Ren_Barl Test practice

LACHSA Theory 3 Med_Ren_Barl Test practice

LACHSA Theory 3 Med_Ren_Barl Test practice


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1. Church doctrine during the Middle Ages encouraged celebrating life on earth and<br />

living it to its fullest.<br />

false<br />

2. The invention of the printing press was one of the things that helped to bring<br />

independent thought to European culture<br />

Ans: True<br />

Ans: False<br />

3. Music notation was developed during the Middle Ages.<br />

Ans: True<br />

4. Plainsong is another term for Gregorian chant.<br />

Ans: True<br />

5. Gregorian chant was always sung in Latin.<br />

Ans: True<br />

6. The sections of the mass that contains texts that vary with the day of the church year<br />

are called the proper.<br />

Ans: True<br />

7. <strong>Med</strong>ieval motets used a single text in Latin for each of the voices.<br />

Ans: False<br />

8. The Ordinary of the Mass is the part that varies with each day.<br />

Ans: False<br />

9. If a musical line is syllabic, each word is set to a separate note.<br />

Ans: True<br />

10. During the late Middle Ages, everyone from the middle class up learned to read as<br />

part of a church education.<br />

Ans: False<br />

11. The troubadours, trouvéres, and minnesingers were usually from the lower classes.<br />

Ans: False<br />

12. <strong>Med</strong>ieval motets could be a combination of sacred and secular because of the mix of<br />

texts.<br />

Ans: True<br />

13. During the Middle Ages, noblewomen frequently wrote poetry and music for their<br />

own and their families’ enjoyment.<br />

Ans: True<br />

Multiple Choice<br />

14. Gregorian chant is named after Pope Gregory I because<br />

A) a dove came down from heaven and whispered the sacred music in his ear.<br />

B) he wrote all of it.<br />

C) he is credited with ordering the simplification and cataloging of church music.<br />

D) he decreed that music should be used in church.

Ans: C<br />

15. Gregorian chant is<br />

A) monophonic.<br />

B) polyphonic.<br />

C) homophonic.<br />

D) organic.<br />

Ans: A<br />

Which of these civilizations was the first to impact the modern world?<br />

A) Rome<br />

B) Greece<br />

C) France<br />

D) Italy<br />

16. Hildegard of Bingen was<br />

A) a queen and a composer.<br />

B) a stage actress.<br />

C) a noblewoman known as a patron of the arts.<br />

D) the abbess of her convent and a composer.<br />

Ans: D<br />

17. The most solemn service of the Catholic church, commemorating and reenacting the<br />

Last Supper, is called<br />

A) vespers.<br />

B) the Mass.<br />

C) the motet.<br />

D) the propero.<br />

Ans: B<br />

18. Which of these sections of the mass is not a part of the ordinary?<br />

A) Gospel<br />

B) Kyrie<br />

C) Credo<br />

D) Sanctus<br />

Ans: A<br />

19. The development of polyphony was centered in<br />

A) England.<br />

B) France.<br />

C) Italy.<br />

D) Rome.<br />

Ans: B<br />

20.<br />

The earliest polyphonic works were called<br />

A) motets.

B) plainchant.<br />

C) troubadour songs.<br />

D) organum.<br />

Ans: D<br />

21. The Messe de Nostre Dame, the first complete polyphonic setting of the Ordinary of<br />

the Mass, was written by<br />

A) Guillaume de Machaut.<br />

B) Léonin.<br />

C) Hildegard of Bingen.<br />

D) Pérotin.<br />

Ans: A<br />

22. The music of Machaut is representative of which of these periods in history?<br />

A) Ars Nova<br />

B) Ars Antiqua<br />

C) Ars <strong>Med</strong>ieval<br />

D) Greek<br />

Ans: A<br />

23. The texts for secular music in the Middle Ages were written in<br />

A) Latin.<br />

B) French only.<br />

C) the vernacular.<br />

D) Italian only.<br />

Ans: C<br />

24. <strong>Med</strong>ieval traveling street musicians were called<br />

A) trouvères.<br />

B) troubadours.<br />

C) minnesingers.<br />

D) jongleurs.<br />

Ans: D<br />

25. Setting each verse of a song to the same music is a formal structure called<br />

A) free form.<br />

B) binary form.<br />

C) strophic form.<br />

D) ternary form.<br />

Ans: C<br />

26. Which of the following instruments would NOT have been used to accompany songs<br />

or dances in the Middle Ages.?<br />

A) Psaltery<br />

B) Lute<br />

C) Harpsichord<br />

D) Drums

Ans: C<br />

27. The musical genre that added a second set of words to chant was the<br />

A) Mass<br />

B) Plainsong<br />

C) Motet<br />

D) Organa<br />

Ans: C<br />

28. The medieval genre that employed polytextual settings was<br />

A) the Mass.<br />

B) organum.<br />

C) the motet.<br />

D) plainsong.<br />

Ans: C<br />

29. Education and literacy became more widespread during the <strong>Ren</strong>aissance, in part due<br />

to the invention of the printing press.<br />

Ans: True<br />

30. The <strong>Ren</strong>aissance attitude of humanism required people to give up all worldly goods<br />

and think solely about life after death.<br />

Ans: False<br />

31. Palestrina is credited with returning church music to the simplicity and purity of<br />

earlier times.<br />

Ans: True<br />

32. The Council of Trent believed that sacred music had been corrupted by complex<br />

polyphony.<br />

Ans: True<br />

33. The sixteenth century was, to some degree at least, a period of bawdy earthiness,<br />

irreverent humor, and celebration of sensual love.<br />

Ans: True<br />

34. <strong>Ren</strong>aissance madrigals were always homophonic and strophic.<br />

Ans: False<br />

35. English madrigals are distinct from Italian madrigals, in part, due to their tendency to<br />

use fa-la-la refrains.

Ans: True<br />

36. Music for brass and reed instruments was popular for outdoor dancing.<br />

Ans: True<br />

37. The singing of madrigals after dinner was a popular pastime in <strong>Ren</strong>aissance England.<br />

Ans: True<br />

Multiple Choice<br />

38. The religious leader who broke away from the Catholic church over disagreements<br />

with its doctrine was<br />

A) John Farmer.<br />

B) Martin Luther.<br />

C) Claudio Monteverdi.<br />

D) Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina.<br />

Ans: B<br />

39. The <strong>Ren</strong>aissance motet includes all of these except<br />

A) Polyphony<br />

B) Imitation<br />

C) Latin text only<br />

D) Multiple texts in multiple languages<br />

Ans: D<br />

40. The reaction by the Catholic church to the spread of Protestantism was<br />

A) humanism.<br />

B) the Counter-Reformation.<br />

C) the lied.<br />

D) a move back to living solely for the glory of God.<br />

Ans: B<br />

41. The Council of Trent<br />

A) forced musicians to compose monophonic chant again.<br />

B) forbade the use of polyphony.<br />

C) abolished all text from sacred music.<br />

D) investigated every aspect of religious discipline, including church music.<br />

Ans: D<br />

42. The composer credited with writing a Mass that was so beautiful and simple it<br />

supposedly convinced the council to reconsider abolishing polyphony was<br />

A) Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina.

B) Josquin des Prez.<br />

C) Claudio Monteverdi.<br />

D) Michael Praetorius.<br />

Ans: A<br />

43. An Italian <strong>Ren</strong>aissance secular musical genre with sentimental or erotic poetry was<br />

the<br />

A) chanson.<br />

B) chorale.<br />

C) madrigal.<br />

D) fantasia.<br />

Ans: C<br />

44. Music written to represent the literal meaning of the text uses a technique called<br />

A) transcription.<br />

B) word painting.<br />

C) embellishment.<br />

D) imitation.<br />

Ans: B<br />

45. A type of French secular song that used accented rhythms and repetition was the<br />

A) chanson.<br />

B) lied.<br />

C) chorale.<br />

D) fantasia.<br />

Ans: A<br />

46. <strong>Ren</strong>aissance German secular song was called the<br />

A) chorale.<br />

B) fantasia.<br />

C) ballet.<br />

D) lied.<br />

Ans: D<br />

47. A broken consort was made up of<br />

A) instruments from the same family.<br />

B) viols only.<br />

C) instruments from a mixture of families.<br />

D) brass only.<br />

Ans: C<br />

48. One of the changes Protestant churches made concerning music was<br />

A) to sing in the vernacular.<br />

B) to sing solely in Latin.<br />

C) to abolish all singing by the congregation.

D) to allow only the singing of chant.<br />

Ans: A<br />

Matching<br />

49. Match the composition with its composer.<br />

“Flow My Tears“::John Dowland<br />

Pope Marcellus Mass: “Kyrie”:: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina<br />

“Fair Phyllis”:: John Farmer<br />

“Ave Maria”:: Josquin des Prez<br />

50. Match the songs with their descriptions.<br />

Lied:: German secular song<br />

Madrigal:: Italian secular song<br />

Chanson:: French secular song<br />

51. The music of the baroque was often as highly ornamented as the architecture and<br />

paintings of the period.<br />

Ans: True<br />

52. In the baroque, music declined in importance in the church.<br />

Ans: False<br />

53. Within the Protestant church, almost all use of music disappeared during the baroque<br />

period.<br />

Ans: False<br />

54. The baroque music that has come down to us was primarily written for the church and<br />

the nobility.<br />

Ans: True<br />

55. The basso continuo line is played by two instruments: a chordal instrument and a<br />

second playing the melodic bass line.<br />

Ans: True<br />

56.<br />

57. The musical rhythm of recitative is very strict and rigid.<br />

Ans: False<br />

58. Secco recitative is accompanied by the full orchestra.<br />

Ans: False

59. Operatic choral singing is often fairly homophonic.<br />

Ans: True<br />

60. Heroic male roles in baroque opera were often sung by castrati.<br />

Ans: True<br />

61. Today women frequently sing castrato roles.<br />

Ans: True<br />

62. Peri and Monteverdi composed operas based on the same subject – the story of<br />

Orpheus.<br />

Ans: True<br />

63.<br />

64. The group of musicians and scholars who “invented” opera while trying to recreate<br />

the spirit of Greek drama were the<br />

A) castrati.<br />

B) counter tenors.<br />

C) camerata.<br />

D) ariosi.<br />

Ans: C<br />

65. Figured bass is<br />

A) a sort of musical shorthand.<br />

B) a complex bass line used only in opera finales.<br />

C) the musical line sung by the castrati.<br />

D) a line of music found only in opera arias.<br />

Ans: A<br />

66. A combination of singing and speech that serves as dialogue in opera is<br />

A) figured bass.<br />

B) aria.<br />

C) monody.<br />

D) recitative.<br />

Ans: D<br />

67. The focal point of vocal expression in opera that was designed to stand apart from the<br />

story is the<br />

A) recitative.<br />

B) aria.<br />

C) chorus.<br />

D) castrato.

Ans: B<br />

68. A da capo aria generally has the following formal structure:<br />

A) canon.<br />

B) AB.<br />

C) ABA.<br />

D) strophic.<br />

Ans: C<br />

69. The most famous castrato was<br />

A) Monteverdi.<br />

B) Peri.<br />

C) Caccini.<br />

D) Farinelli.<br />

Ans: D<br />

70. Which musical genre, in addition to opera, is Monteverdi known for?<br />

A) Madrigals<br />

B) Chansons<br />

C) Oratorios<br />

D) Concertos<br />

Ans: A<br />

71. This composer was part of the group that developed French opera:<br />

A) Henry Purcell<br />

B) Jean-Baptiste Lully<br />

C) George Frideric Handel<br />

D) Farinelli<br />

Ans: B<br />

72. The text of an opera is the<br />

A) libretto.<br />

B) aria.<br />

C) recitative.<br />

D) chorus.<br />

Ans: A<br />

73. Designed to accompany singing in early opera, this instrumental ensemble was<br />

applied to virtually all baroque music:<br />

A) Da capo aria<br />

B) Ground bass<br />

C) Basso continuo<br />

D) Monody

Ans: C<br />

74. Match the words with their definitions.<br />

Recitative:: A combination of singing and speech used as dialogue in an opera.<br />

Chorus:: A group of singers in an opera who portrayed, for example, citizens of a town.<br />

Aria:: The most important form of vocal expression in opera.<br />

Libretto:: The text of an opera<br />

75. Match the composers with their biographical facts.<br />

Claudio Monteverdi:: The composer of Orfeo.<br />

Francesca Caccini:: The first woman known to have composed an opera.<br />

Henry Purcell:: The composer of Dido and Aeneas.<br />

Jacopo Peri:: The composer of the first known opera.

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