Srimad Bhagavad Gita - Rayarusgrace.org

Srimad Bhagavad Gita - Rayarusgrace.org

Srimad Bhagavad Gita - Rayarusgrace.org


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III. Bhagavath Swarupa (contd)<br />

srotram caksuh sparshanam ca rasanam ghranam eva ca<br />

adhisthaya manas cayam visayan upasevate (15:9)<br />

utkramantam sthitam vapi bhunjanam va gunanvitam<br />

vimudha nanupasyanti pasyanti jnana-caksusah (15:10)<br />

yatanto yoginas cainam pasyanty atmany avasthitam<br />

yatanto ’py akritatmano nainam pasyanty acetasah (15:11)<br />

Bhagavan uses the indriyas of the jeevas<br />

and experiences the vishayas (sabdam,<br />

roopam, sparsham, rasam, vasana). Such<br />

a Bhagavan, who is residing in the jeevas,<br />

is seen by the Gnanis. Agnanis are unable<br />

to. Those who know the gnana upaya do<br />

take the efforts, earn the required gnana<br />

and thus see the Lord, who is inside.<br />

Those who do not have this buddhi, do<br />

not succeed even if they try.

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