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<strong>MIRIAM</strong> <strong>ANN</strong> <strong>ORCHIDS</strong> <strong>NEWSLETTER</strong><br />

ALAN’S <strong>COLUMN</strong> FEBRUARY 2012<br />

Well Christmas has been and gone and we are now in the second month of the new year! I hope all<br />

had a fabulous Christmas season. With the New Year now with us a lot of work will now have to<br />

commence. Weeding – fertilising- potting on those overgrown pots which have no room for the<br />

seasons spikes to come through Just go up one size. Seedlings of all genera can go up a size if<br />

needed. Once seedlings have been moved on they will start to grow like a house on fire especially<br />

if they are fertilised weekly with a good fertiliser and a little top dressing like MERRI COTE or<br />

ORGANIC LIFE. DO NOT OVER DO THE TOP DRESSING or disaster will strike ( e.g. with NEUTROG<br />

pellets). Watch for aphids, two spotted mites, scale and dendrobium beetle. More info on their<br />

control in the culture notes.<br />

On a sader note Juergen Heindke the proprieter of El Dorado Orchids passed away in January. El<br />

Dorado was noted for its large collection of Cattleya and Laelia species. Every time we were<br />

holidaying in the Ballina area it was a must to drop in for a look see and drink tea on the verandah.<br />

Our condolences go out to his wife Kay.<br />


Over the years we see many agricultural chemicals released but few are suitable for use on<br />

ornamentals. Bayer have released a new insecticide in a tablet form. The interesting thing about<br />

these tablets is that they also contain a fertiliser! Many generics have been released. The original<br />

was Bayer CONFIDOR. Bayer have released this product under the name of INITIATOR®. The<br />

active constituent is 200g/Kg IMIDACLOPRID. Wat makes it so interesting is that the tablets contain<br />

a fertiliser:<br />

Nitrogen (N) as slow release 3.85%<br />

Nitrogen (N) as Ammonium nitrate 1.75%<br />

Total nitrogen 5.6%<br />

Phosphorus (P) as calcium phosphate 2.6%<br />

Phosphorus (P) as slow release 2.85<br />

Total Phosphorus 5.4%<br />

Potassium (K)Slow release 4.2%<br />

Magnesium (Mg) slow release 1.4%<br />

It is only available in a pack of 300 x 2.5g tablets which equals a 750g pack. At the moment it is<br />

only registered for use on roses, azaleas, palms, shrubs etc. It is a Group 4A insecticide.<br />


A new plant food is ready to hit the market – Yes another one!! This one is called POWER PELLETS<br />

These pellets are about the size of coarse perlite white in colour. The analysis is as follows:-<br />

Nitrogen as organic 3.0%, Phosphorus as organic 1.0% Potassium as organic 2.0%. For best results<br />

the potting media must be kept moist to stimulate microbial activity and also to help release<br />

nutrients that are in the pellets. If used as a top dressing they work best if covered with mulch.<br />

RATES: Pots I am trialing 1 tablespoon per 200ml pot. I will let you know how the plants respond.<br />

If successful <strong>MIRIAM</strong> <strong>ANN</strong> will have it for sale .<br />

Well, what should we be doing now?<br />

CATTLEYAS: are now in full growth. I have noticed that their growths are fatter than last year. I<br />

think last year did not agree with the growing of catts. Keep the nutrients up to the plants. Keep<br />

moist. DO NOT OVER WATER or fungal problems could occur. A protective spray with an all<br />

purpose fungicide such as MANCOZEB or BRAVO® could be good insurance against leaf spots.<br />

AGRIFOS 600®, ALIETTE® or FONGARID® could be applied monthly to help control bulb and root<br />

rots. Don’t forget to add MAXWET® to the above at label rate. (not oil). Make sure you apply<br />

sufficient to drench the roots when using chemicals to control root rots.<br />

Keep all eyes open for signs of scale or mealy bug. These may be controlled by the use of ECO<br />

OIL®, ANTI SCALE® or PEST OIL®. DO NOT SPRAY if the temperature is above 27 degrees<br />

celcius. That is 2 days before, while and 2 days after.<br />

Alternate a good soluable fertiliser with a good organic. One could use MERRI FERT and liquid<br />

BLOOD and BONE or maybe a fish concentrate.

Plants not in sheaf or seedlings maybe potted on. After repotting drench with AUXINONE® or<br />

SUPER THRIVE®. Keep shaded for a couple of weeks.<br />

CYMBIDIUMS: are now starting to send up their racemes. Be careful when weeding or you could<br />

knock off this flowers! Look under leaves for signs of Two-spotted mites. If present spray with ECO<br />

OIL®, OMITE® or one of the Neem products. If infestation is very bad, think of an OVICIDE to mix<br />

with your favourite spray APOLLO SC® works very well as a tank mix to help control these pests.<br />

Very little is needed as the rate is only 30ml in 100L of water.<br />

Now is the time to give your plants a good spray with a protective fungicide THIRAM®, BRAVO® or<br />

MANCOZEB could be used. Two sprays 14days apart should help to protect the plants from a fungal<br />

invasion. Don’t forget to add an oil to the fungicide such as SPRAY TECH OIL® or ECO OIL®. .<br />

By the tome you receive this newsletter you could start to repot those tougchy greens and reds.<br />

Seedlings can go up a size. When doing this add a little MERRI COTE in the mix or come ZEOLITES.<br />

Keep plants just moist. Water at sunset. Fertilise weekly with a low nitrogen fertiliser such as<br />


PHALAENOPSIS are growing well. Repot if necessary. Keep pushing your seedlings. Keep moist<br />

with plenty of air movement with 65% humidity. Watch for leaf spot. A spray with a HYDROGEN<br />


(available from <strong>MIRIAM</strong> <strong>ANN</strong> <strong>ORCHIDS</strong>) works excellent on bacterial rots especially on all large soft<br />

leaved plants such as catts and phals. Fertilise weekly with MERRI FERT ore CAMPBELLS BLUE at<br />

1.3g / litre of water .<br />

NOBLE dendrobiums are now growing well. Give them plenty of air, water and fertiliser. Watch out<br />

for loopers. Use MAVRIK®, SUCCESS®, DIPEL® or BACCHUS® to control these grubs. Black spot<br />

fungus is also a pain. Can be controlled by the use of MANCOZEB every 21 days if the weather is<br />

wet and cool. Add an oil to the MANCOZEB (e.g. ECO OIL®). Fertilise weekly with an organic such<br />

as GROWTH BLOOD and BONE® or a fish compound.<br />

AUSSIE NATIVES are really growing this year. Repot now if necessary. Then drench with<br />

AUXINONE® or SUPERTHRIVE®. This will get the roots moving. Keep plants just moist with plenty<br />

of air and light. Watch for dendrobium beetle. Control with CARBARYL or CONFIDOR®. Last<br />

season many growers had good control with ECO NEEM®. Aphids are also around. Spray with<br />

CONFIDOR® or PIRIMOR®. Use SUCCESS® for grubs.<br />

HARD CANE DENDS. Are now just starting to grow new growths in the Sydney area. I would think<br />

the growths should be well up by now up north. Keep them moving with plenty of light, fertiliser<br />

and moisture. Fertilise weekly with MERRI FERT at 1.5g/litre of water. Watch for dendrobium<br />

beetles and loopers.<br />

MILTONA and INTERGENERICS are growing well down here. Some are in bud, some in flower.<br />

These are great to grow as you can get flowers any time of the year. Keep shaded with plenty of air<br />

movement. Fertilise with light mixture. Half strength would be great. Watch for grubs and aphids.<br />

PAPHS have liked the weather conditions we have been having in Sydney. Most growers have found<br />

their plants have been growing at a great rate. No pests to worry about. Just watch for mealy bug<br />

in the centre of the new growths. MALATHION at label rate seems to clear up the problem. Keep<br />

plants just moist with good air circulation. Fertilise weekly with half strength organic. DO NOT<br />

OVER DO IT. Drench monthly with AGRIFOS 600 to keep growth rot away O.T.C. can also be used.<br />


Way back in April 2003 we dropped into Dark Star Orchids. Hans suggested that we take an<br />

unnamed cymbidium seedling home. As I was a cymbidium grower he thought I would be able to<br />

flower the seedling very quickly. Over the years I have divided the large plant – grown it in full sun,<br />

shade house, hot house, cold house, tunnel etc. but alas no spikes. It has been divided into small<br />

pots different growing media, over grown pots, but alas still no spike. Here it is 2012, I wonder if we

will see flowers this year. I will keep you informed! I don’t know who will get the greatest shock –<br />

Hans or myself. This could be the year!<br />

<strong>MIRIAM</strong>’S SHOP<br />

We now have MERRI FERT and MERRI COTE in 500g, 1Kg, 5Kg and 20Kg containers. BASA COTE in<br />

1Kg tubs, Sphagnum moss, Port pots, Labels etc. A range of chemicals always in stock. If not in<br />

stock give us a ring. OTC. (Hydrogen peroxcide + silver ) is now available in 1 litre containers.<br />

Remember, all items mentioned in our notes are usually available. For that hard to get product give<br />

me a ring on 024739 5141 or 0439 514 141 or email.<br />


FLORILEGIUM have recently released their summer 2011 – 2012 plant listing. All forms of plants<br />

are listed including the latest orchid books. Their shop is situated at 65 Derwent St., Glebe N.S.W.<br />

For information regarding a particular book you can phone on 02 9571 8222, Fax 02 8208 9938 or<br />

Email: sales @ florilegium.com.au<br />

While talking about books ORCHIDACEOUS BOOKS stock a large range of new and second hand<br />

books on all horticultural subjects.. For that hard to fund books give Graham Muller (the proprietor)<br />

a ring on 07 41221251 and he will chase it up for your. Email: books@orchidaceousbooks.com.au<br />


If you grow Aussie natives and their hybrids you should subscribe to THE ORCHADIAN. The<br />

December edition is a pearla! Beautiful plates and excellent articles. For further information<br />

regarding subscribing send a letter to A.N.O.S. Inc. P.O. Box 2088 Keperra. Qld 4054. For those<br />

growers who do not have a computer, that the way to go – very reliable – no virus problems!<br />

ORCHID CLASSES are still held on the second Saturday of the month. The next one will be held on<br />

Saturday 11 th February, commencing at 2pm. All welcome. For further particulars give Miriam a<br />

ring. As I have retired our shop will be open most days. Please ring before setting out to see us as<br />

we may be out shopping or at appointments.<br />

Thank you to all of you who wished me a speeding recovery after my recent stint in hospital. As of<br />

now I have recovered around 80%.<br />

NOTE: <strong>MIRIAM</strong> <strong>ANN</strong> PRODUCTS are available at TINONEE <strong>ORCHIDS</strong><br />

Well all for now. See you all soon<br />



ALAN & <strong>MIRIAM</strong> MERRIMAN<br />

89 Levy Street, GLENBROOK NSW 2773<br />

PHONE 02 4739 5141 FAX 02 4739 8090 MOBILE 0439 5141<br />

EMAIL mirannorchids@pnc.com.au

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