By: Linda A. Smith Samantha Healy Vardaman Melissa A. Snow

By: Linda A. Smith Samantha Healy Vardaman Melissa A. Snow

By: Linda A. Smith Samantha Healy Vardaman Melissa A. Snow


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The National Report on Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking: America’s Prostituted Children 39<br />

she is both unable and unwilling to provide the level of information law enforcement requires to pursue an<br />

investigation. These same tactics exacerbate a potential victim’s vulnerable state and protect the traffi cker.<br />

Traffi ckers use and encourage cultural attitudes which view prostituted children not as victims but as<br />

delinquents. This serves to isolate the victim as traffi ckers tell them that seeking help is a waste of time<br />

because no one would believe them since they are “just prostitutes.” A study on the demand for sex<br />

traffi cking conducted by Shared Hope International found that traffi ckers often provided drugs to their<br />

victims to both sell and take, further marginalizing and criminalizing the minor. The goals of traffi ckers<br />

are three-fold: keep the victim under control; make money; and lower the child’s credibility in the eyes<br />

of law enforcement and the community so she is not believed when disclosing information about the<br />

exploitation.<br />

Pimp-control hierarchy.<br />

Facilitator<br />

(taxis, advertisers, porous security,<br />

corrupt authorities, etc.)<br />

Traffi cker/Pimp<br />

Partner/Traffi cker<br />

in Training<br />

Bottom Bitch/Girl<br />

Victims<br />

Law enforcement agents report that the youth they see victimized through domestic minor sex traffi cking<br />

are usually exceptionally vulnerable and have low self-esteem. Though traffi ckers seek out youth with<br />

existing gaps in their support network or low self-esteem, they also create and expand these vulnerabilities.<br />

There are certain common tactics that traffi ckers employ in order to break down a child’s sense of control,<br />

worth, and autonomy.<br />

Manipulation<br />

While every tactic used by a traffi cker/pimp has some element of manipulation, the subtlety of the<br />

manipulation is often overlooked by both the victim and responders to sex traffi cking, thus it is worth<br />

examining as a separate and purposeful tactic. Traffi ckers/pimps utilize manipulation to gain and maintain<br />

control over their victims. One example is a traffi cker’s method of maintaining internal controlover<br />

his “stable” (the children or adults being prostituted by him). Traffi ckers commonly use emotional<br />

manipulation, such as favoring one girl over the others with frequent changes to the favored position, as

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