Blue & White June 2012 - St Stanislaus College Old Boys Association
Blue & White June 2012 - St Stanislaus College Old Boys Association
Blue & White June 2012 - St Stanislaus College Old Boys Association
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<strong>Blue</strong> & <strong>White</strong><br />
Anthony Muller<br />
(1982)<br />
James McLaren (1990)<br />
with Mitch Green (<strong>2012</strong>)<br />
<strong>June</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />
From right: James Hurley (2009),<br />
James Grant (1982), Chris Toole (1983),<br />
Pip McIntosh (1986) & Xavier Chigwidden (2007).<br />
Chapel Appeal<br />
<strong>2012</strong> SANIX Tour<br />
Dan Robinson & <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong><br />
Memorial Scoreboard opening<br />
<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> 1st XV -v- <strong>2012</strong> 1st XV
7 <strong>June</strong>, <strong>2012</strong><br />
<strong>St</strong> <strong>St</strong>anislaus’ <strong>College</strong><br />
Cnr Bentinck & Brilliant <strong>St</strong>reets (PO Box 97) Bathurst NSW 2795<br />
Telephone: 02 6331 4177 Fax: 02 6331 4481<br /><br />
To the <strong>St</strong> <strong>St</strong>anislaus’ Community,<br />
RE: HEAD OF SCHOOL 2013<br />
Today, I would like to announce the appointment of the new Head<br />
of School for the <strong>College</strong> in 2013.<br />
Th e Provincial of the Congregation of the Mission (the Vincentians),<br />
Fr Michael Walsh, has appointed Dr Anne Wenham to the position<br />
of Head of School of <strong>St</strong> <strong>St</strong>anislaus’ <strong>College</strong>, commencing January<br />
2013. Anne holds the qualifi cations of Doctor of Philosophy, Master<br />
of Th eology, Master of Education, Bachelor of Arts and a Diploma of<br />
Education.<br />
Anne is an experienced educator, with leadership experience in Catholic education spanning<br />
28 years. She was Assistant Principal in two schools in the Sydney Archdiocese before taking<br />
two Principal appointments with the Diocese of Parramatta. In 2005, she was appointed Assistant<br />
Director Education Services for the Diocese of Lismore, prior to her most recent appointment<br />
as Director of Catholic Schools for the Diocese in 2006.<br />
Th e position attracted a large number of very well qualifi ed educational leaders. I chaired the<br />
Selection Panel which included two members of the <strong>College</strong> Board; a parent representative;<br />
a Director of Schools and a high-profi le educational leader. We also had the benefi t of our<br />
Provincial, Fr Michael Walsh, joining the panel as an observer and the assistance of an external<br />
consultant.<br />
I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the <strong>St</strong> <strong>St</strong>anislaus’ <strong>College</strong> community, to congratulate<br />
Anne on her appointment to this position.<br />
As you are all aware, our Headmaster Mr John Edwards, will be stepping down from this role<br />
at the end of the year and the <strong>College</strong> will soon be celebrating his leadership of the past 20<br />
years, prior to welcoming Dr Wenham in 2013.<br />
Kind regards,<br />
Fr Doug Akehurst CM<br />
Page 2 <strong>Blue</strong> & <strong>White</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />
The restoration of the<br />
<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> <strong>Association</strong> President<br />
<strong>St</strong> <strong>St</strong>anislaus’ <strong>College</strong> Chapel<br />
Dear <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong>,<br />
Th e <strong>St</strong>annies Chapel<br />
has been closed since<br />
Father’s Day 2010 due<br />
to concerns about the<br />
structural stability of its<br />
ceiling. Separate from<br />
the ceiling, the Chapel<br />
has also reached a stage<br />
In recent months the <strong>St</strong>annies <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong>’ <strong>Association</strong><br />
have been very busy. On <strong>St</strong> Patrick’s Day we hosted the<br />
<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> Rugby Gala Day which included an invitational<br />
<strong>St</strong>annies <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> 1st XV playing the <strong>2012</strong> <strong>St</strong>annies 1st XV.<br />
Th e <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> played under the banner of “the older we get,<br />
the better we get”. Whilst clearly delusional in fact, it was a<br />
great day for the college and <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> alike.<br />
where substantial refur- Just recently the OBA participated in a very special mobishment<br />
and restorament of the college, the opening of the Dan Robinson and<br />
tion is needed. Advice <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> Memorial Scoreboard. Th e opening was truly<br />
suggests that the cost without doubt, a memorable moment in our long history.<br />
of a full restoration and To set the picture, the sight of hundreds of <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> span-<br />
refurbishment would ning 50 years of <strong>St</strong>annies, standing in drizzling rain on No<br />
total $350,000. Th e 1 Oval, looking south to the new electronic scoreboard<br />
Chapel has long played built in memory of Dan Robinson and other <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> who<br />
a central part in the life have died shortly aft er graduating from <strong>St</strong>annies, singing<br />
of the <strong>College</strong> and the the Vincentius, was truly a spine tingling moment.<br />
broader community<br />
and it is vital that it is<br />
returned to full use urgently.<br />
Th e Chapel itself<br />
is also a central component<br />
in the heritage<br />
listed buildings at <strong>St</strong>annies. It is hoped that the costs of<br />
restoration will be gathered from all those who hold the<br />
Chapel dear - the current <strong>College</strong> community, <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong>,<br />
former parents, past staff and the broader general community<br />
who value the beauty of this historic building and its<br />
role in Bathurst and the Central West for almost 150 years.<br />
DONATIONS FOR THE <strong>2012</strong> FINANCIAL YEAR<br />
Th e weekend was a refl ection on our lost mates but also a<br />
celebration by four separate reunion classes of the <strong>St</strong>annies<br />
spirit. Th e classes of 1957-1962, 1967-1972, 1982-1987<br />
and 1987-1992 enjoyed great reunions. Th e OBA wishes<br />
to extend our appreciation to the organisers of each reunion;<br />
they are diffi cult tasks to chase down lost mates, their<br />
eff orts are much appreciated. Personally, I must thank all<br />
classes for the welcome they gave the OBA as my wife and<br />
I attended each gathering over the weekend.<br />
In other news, this July the OBA will launch a new annual<br />
fund raising raffl e. Th e executive are mindful that we don’t<br />
want to bite <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> all the time for a dollar, so we decided<br />
the best option for <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> to support our ideals with<br />
minimal eff ort was to create an annual raffl e with prizes<br />
Donations for the refurbishment and restoration are fully<br />
tax deductible. Please consider making a donation now<br />
and also enjoy the benefi ts of tax deductibility for the year<br />
ended 30th <strong>June</strong> <strong>2012</strong>. Th e <strong>College</strong> asks persons to consider<br />
donations of $100 or an amount that people are able to<br />
pay and to make the payment in one of the ways outlined<br />
below. All donations to the <strong>St</strong> <strong>St</strong>anislaus’ <strong>College</strong> Chapel<br />
to the value of $5,000. Th is year, fi rst prize is a 7 night Fiji<br />
holiday including airfares staying at the Sheraton Fiji. Th e<br />
OBA believes that this raffl e is a very simple way for <strong>Old</strong><br />
<strong>Boys</strong> to help ensure our future fi nancial viability, selling<br />
10 tickets amongst your family and friends should not be<br />
an onerous task. Th ere is also a prize for the highest ticket<br />
seller.<br />
Appeal are made to the <strong>St</strong> <strong>St</strong>anislaus’ <strong>College</strong> Building<br />
Fund which is fully tax deductible.<br />
During the past few years, the <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> have completed<br />
a considerable amount of work to create a Bursary Fund<br />
Th ere are several ways to make your fully tax deductible con- with approved tax deductibility status from the Australian<br />
tribution; either via Cheque, Credit Card, Cash or Electronic Taxation Offi ce. As tax time is just around the corner, if<br />
Funds Transfer (EFT).<br />
you need to fi nd a hollow log to minimise your taxation<br />
EFT details: Account: <strong>St</strong> <strong>St</strong>anislaus <strong>College</strong> Building Fund<br />
BSB: 064-786<br />
Account Number: 282080109<br />
obligations, please consider making a contribution to help<br />
assist future <strong>St</strong>annies boys. See<br />
for full details.<br />
To ensure that the transferred funds can be reconciled with<br />
your details and a receipt for tax purposes posted to you, it<br />
is important that you send an email to accountant@stannies.<br />
In closing, the OBA is still rebuilding. If you have some<br />
spare time, we’d appreciate your contribution, as many<br />
hands make light work.<br />
com containing your name, address, phone number, the date<br />
you made the transfer and the amount transferred.<br />
Yours in the betterment of <strong>St</strong>annies,<br />
Lachlan Sullivan (1981)<br />
Cash is payable at the <strong>College</strong> Business Offi ce 9am - 5pm<br />
Monday to Friday. For more information please phone 6331<br />
4177.<br />
President<br />
<strong>Blue</strong> & <strong>White</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Page 3
& <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> Memorial Scoreboard<br />
One of the largest <strong>College</strong> activities for the year took place on<br />
the weekend of 2nd and 3rd <strong>June</strong> <strong>2012</strong>, when the Dan Robinson<br />
& <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> Memorial Scoreboard was opened. <strong>June</strong><br />
2nd was the day set down for the ISA Rugby fi xture between<br />
<strong>St</strong>annies and Kinross Wolaroi School and was also the only<br />
free weekend for <strong>Old</strong> Boy Beau Robinson over the winter<br />
months, given his commitments to the Queensland Reds. It<br />
seemed therefore, a particularly apt time to open the Dan<br />
Robinson & <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> Memorial Scoreboard. When word<br />
of the opening day went out, a number of <strong>Old</strong> Boy groups<br />
immediately decided also to make it their reunion weekend.<br />
Formal reunions for the classes of 1962, 1972, 1987 and 1992<br />
took place, as well as many informal gatherings for classes<br />
spread across many decades.<br />
THE IDEA<br />
Th e idea for the scoreboard emerged following discussions<br />
between the school and the Robinson family, who donated<br />
$20,000 to the project following the death of their son Dan<br />
Robinson in 2010. As many projects do, the scoreboard project<br />
took on a life of its own, as various persons contributed<br />
to the completion of the scoreboard. From commencement,<br />
when it was to be just the Dan Robinson Scoreboard, it became<br />
the Dan Robinson & <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> Memorial Scoreboard.<br />
Inscribed on brass plaques are the names of <strong>St</strong>annies <strong>Old</strong><br />
<strong>Boys</strong> who have died either at school or in the fi ve years aft er<br />
leaving school. <strong>St</strong>annies has a special relationship with these<br />
boys and their families in remembering them. On Saturday<br />
2nd <strong>June</strong> <strong>2012</strong>, while the rain lightly fell, hundreds and hun-<br />
dreds of <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong>, as well as current students and spectators<br />
from Kinross Wolaroi, gathered around the scoreboard for<br />
its offi cial opening. Th e project was blessed by the President,<br />
Fr Doug Akehurst CM and opened by the Robinson family.<br />
Beau Robinson spoke to the crowd about the project and its<br />
importance, not just for the Robinson family and the families<br />
of all the boys named, but also for our <strong>College</strong> as our sense<br />
of community grows ever stronger in the remembering and<br />
the caring. It was particularly moving when the Vincentius<br />
was sung by the young and the old, in the quiet of the lightly<br />
falling rain, as people remembered past days and past boys.<br />
In terms of the rugby, <strong>St</strong>annies achieved a draw in the 1st<br />
XV fi xture. Fullback Mitchell Green, aft er earlier missing<br />
three relatively easy penalties, converted a <strong>St</strong>annies try in<br />
the fi nal minutes of the game, from the extremity of the<br />
touch line, to howls of delight from the <strong>St</strong>annies crowd.<br />
A draw seemed a fi tting end to the day for all concerned.<br />
In the evening, reunion groups gathered downtown and a<br />
very large dinner took place in the PAC with special guests<br />
Beau Robinson and the Robinson family (Larry, Chris and<br />
Kylie). Beau spoke impressively and his presence was much<br />
appreciated by the large number of younger <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> present<br />
on the night. On the Sunday, many <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> attended<br />
Mass with our current community in the Marble Hall<br />
Chapel and then attended a morning tea aft erwards. It was<br />
all quite magical and it is times like this that sustain and<br />
nourish long aft er the event. May there be many more such<br />
times in the years to come.<br />
Page 4 <strong>Blue</strong> & <strong>White</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>2012</strong>
Scoreboard Fundraiser Dinner<br />
<strong>Blue</strong> & <strong>White</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Page 5
China/Japan<br />
<strong>St</strong>annies in<br />
APRIL/MAY <strong>2012</strong><br />
<strong>St</strong> <strong>St</strong>anislaus’ <strong>College</strong> China/Japan SANIX Tour <strong>2012</strong><br />
Photo: The Summer Palace of the Chinese Emperors. Looking across the man-made lake, dug with manual tools towards a hill created by<br />
workers with manual tools with a temple upon the hill.<br />
Twenty six <strong>St</strong>annies students and three <strong>St</strong>annies staff members returned to the <strong>College</strong> on 8th May aft er three weeks touring<br />
China and Japan. While the tour had as one of its focal points participation in an international schoolboy rugby tournament<br />
in Japan, the tour planned broader and deeper experiences which were realised beyond our expectations.<br />
Th e tour provided our students and staff with a series of unforgettable experiences that will remain in the memory of many<br />
life long. Some of the images include: the sheer massive size of many things in China, from buildings to squares to airports<br />
and to the numbers who gather at popular destinations; the steepness of the climb up Th e Great Wall inclusive of the deep<br />
depressions made in solid stone by those who have trod this way before over the centuries; the colour, vitality and excitement<br />
of Beijing theatrical productions; the feeling of sacredness and universality in joining with a broad cross-section of Chinese<br />
to celebrate Mass in central Beijing; the thrill of the bargain that is to be experienced in places such as the Silk Markets;<br />
the street life and the street dancing that we encountered;<br />
the sense of history and tradition combined with current<br />
rapid economic growth and social change in China;<br />
the incredible generosity of the Nanzan homestay families<br />
and of Nanzan High School Japan; the power of the<br />
peace response to the dropping of the Atomic bomb from<br />
the people of Nagasaki and Japan; the wonderful hosting<br />
of SANIX at Fukuoka; the joy of representing not just<br />
<strong>St</strong>annies but Australia, at a tournament involving teams<br />
from around the Earth; the experience of interacting with<br />
teams from so many diff erent languages and cultures in<br />
positive and joyful ways; and the happiness of returning<br />
to Australia, appreciating a little more of the richness that<br />
is made available to so many in this nation and of the incredibly<br />
high standard of living that so many Australians<br />
enjoy, relative to the rest of the world.<br />
What an experience!<br />
Tiananmen Square, central Beijing<br />
Page 6 <strong>Blue</strong> & <strong>White</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>2012</strong>
Entrance to the Forbidden City<br />
Gathered Gathered around around the the Altar Altar at <strong>St</strong> Joseph’s, Joseph’s, Central Central Beijing. Beijing.<br />
The Hypocentre of the Atomic Blast,<br />
Nagasaki Japan.<br />
<strong>St</strong>reet <strong>St</strong>reet dancing dancing and and ‘walking ‘walking<br />
the the talk’ talk’ in in central central Beijing. Beijing.<br />
The lads looking ‘dapper’ in shirts they purchased from<br />
The Silk Markets in Central Beijing.<br />
Kendo at our brother school Nanzan High School, Nagasaki<br />
<strong>Blue</strong> & <strong>White</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Page 7
Postcards<br />
<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> News<br />
<strong>Old</strong> Boy Professor Chris Flynn<br />
of the Kyushu Institute of<br />
Information Sciences, with his<br />
<strong>St</strong>annies jumper from the 1970s in<br />
Fukuoka Japan.<br />
CHRIS FLYNN (SSC 1978)<br />
A welcome visitor to a number<br />
of our SANIX Tour games and<br />
strong supporter of <strong>St</strong>annies<br />
was Chris Flynn. Chris has for<br />
many years lived in Fukuoka<br />
and currently is a professor at the Kyushu Institute of Information<br />
Sciences. Chris was able to attend two of our<br />
six games and addressed the boys in preparation for the<br />
fi xture against the Fukuoka team, of which Chris has been<br />
a coach to a number of its players when they were juniors.<br />
Chris studied Japanese at Macquarie University and journeyed<br />
to Fukuoka in 1987 where he worked on television<br />
and radio and as a writer for various local news magazines.<br />
Chris also has formal qualifi cations as a freelance translator<br />
and interpreter. Currently, Chris teaches English at<br />
the Kyushu Institute of Information Sciences. Chris has<br />
maintained his love of Rugby and is very much involved<br />
in junior rugby coaching in Japan, and keeps his hand in<br />
the electronic media as a presenter at LOVE FM Fukuoka.<br />
Chris is also still trying to introduce cricket to the island<br />
of Kyushu. Chris has also emulated his brother, Michael,<br />
by becoming a published author with his book ‘Faces of<br />
Fukuoka’. Chris and two of his brothers attended <strong>St</strong>annies<br />
in the 1970s. Michael Flynn has published several books<br />
on Australian history and brother Jonathan has been an<br />
ABC News journalist for many years who currently continues<br />
to work on the ABC Foreign News Desk.<br />
MIKE REEDY (1985)<br />
Mike attended <strong>St</strong>annies from 1980 -1985. Like the vast majority<br />
of successful international racing drivers, his love for<br />
motorsport commenced when he started racing Go Karts<br />
on the Orange track. In 1988, Mike ventured to England to<br />
pursue his dream - to attend the Jim Russell Racing School<br />
at Donington Park and win the sought aft er Most Promising<br />
Driver award. Whilst in the UK, Mike became a Grade<br />
Net Maintain<br />
PO Box 1849<br />
Suite 3, 103 Piper <strong>St</strong>reet<br />
Bathurst NSW 2795<br />
Contact: Mark McCormick (1976)<br />
Phone: 02 6334 2333<br /><br /><br />
POST<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>St</strong>anislaus’<br />
<strong>College</strong><br />
1 racing instructor and a senior<br />
instructor at the Jim Russell Racing<br />
School, working for many<br />
car manufacturers doing testing<br />
and launches of new vehicles.<br />
In recent years Mike has continued<br />
racing in Australia but his<br />
main emphasis has been the big<br />
endurance races at the Nurburgring 24 hour in Germany<br />
and the Sepang 12 Hour in Malaysia. Mike now has a base<br />
in the UK at <strong>St</strong>ony <strong>St</strong>ratford in Buckinghamshire as well<br />
as his residence in Bathurst. Mike has just completed the<br />
ADAC Zurich 24-Hour Race at the famous Nurburgring<br />
F1 circuit, fi nishing a commendable 6th in class in a Subaru<br />
WRX. An amazing 171 cars started the race.<br />
Mike’s older brothers Anthony and David also attended<br />
<strong>St</strong>annies, David’s son Andrew is currently in Year 12.<br />
CRAIG SHARAH (SSC 1985)<br />
Bathurstians would<br />
be well aware of<br />
Country Fruit, located<br />
opposite<br />
Machattie Park in<br />
George <strong>St</strong>reet.<br />
Country Fruit Bathurst’s<br />
owner Craig<br />
Sharah, a proud <strong>St</strong>annies <strong>Old</strong> Boy, is a fourth generation<br />
greengrocer with a passion for quality produce. Take a few<br />
seconds to look closely at the photo of Craig and his wife<br />
Anna. Th is retail outlet is almost like a piece of art, so it is<br />
little surprise that Country Fruit rose to the top from over<br />
200 entries for the fourth year in a row, winning the prestigious<br />
Sydney Markets Regional Greengrocer of the Year<br />
award. Th e award recognises Country Fruit for its exceptional<br />
fresh fruit and vegetable shopping experience. Th e<br />
winner was judged against 40 separate criteria. Becoming<br />
a fi nalist is a huge achievement; taking out the actual title<br />
is industry recognition of being the best of the best. Craig<br />
says buying local is key to success, as it supports local pro-<br />
Website Design & Development<br />
Website Maintenance<br />
Content Management Systems<br />
Ecommerce Solutions<br />
Website Hosting<br />
Hosted Email Solutions<br />
Domain Name Registrations<br />
Proudly powering Mention this ad for a free domain name registration/renewal (conditions apply)<br />
Page 8 <strong>Blue</strong> & <strong>White</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>2012</strong>
ducers, ensures freshness, and is good for the environment.<br />
He says, “we buy the absolute best on the market, and we<br />
support local wherever we can to ensure the best”.<br />
PETER IRELAND (SSC 1974)<br />
Peter Ireland was Head Prefect in 1974, played in the fi rst<br />
ever Waratah Shield team winners in 1974, returned to the<br />
college as a teacher from 1979-1987, assumed the role of<br />
1st XV coach in 1980-1987, won two Waratah Shield fi nals<br />
in 1980 and 1981, lost a fi nal in 1986 but arguably was one<br />
of <strong>St</strong>annies most successful coaches. One thing that is for<br />
sure, no XV squad were ever fi tter. Peter’s athleticism was<br />
noted, so it is no surprise to read that he continues to set<br />
records in his fi ft ies, having narrowly missed out on winning<br />
his fi ft h Balmoral Burn in a row. Peter completed the<br />
distance in 1m 46 seconds, missing the trophy by a meagre<br />
0.2 seconds in his age category. Th e Balmoral Burn is set<br />
on Sydney’s steepest hill over 420 metres, raising over $3<br />
million for hospital medical equipment throughout Australia<br />
and New Guinea. Individually, Peter raised around<br />
$5000.00, making him the highest individual fundraiser,<br />
beating many corporate contributors. Peter’s brother Mark<br />
was President of <strong>St</strong>annies <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> for 12 years to 2007,<br />
whilst father John is an honorary <strong>St</strong>annies <strong>Old</strong> Boy, having<br />
watched just about every 1st XV home game since the late<br />
1960’s, rain hail or shine.<br />
(SSC 1942 – 1944)<br />
Keith came to visit <strong>St</strong>annies on a<br />
cool windy <strong>June</strong> day. Upon getting<br />
out of the car, Keith rubbed his<br />
hands and instantly remarked that<br />
the weather hadn’t got any better<br />
and it was still cold. Keith talked of<br />
the time when a Lancaster bomber<br />
fl ew at 300 feet through Bathurst<br />
and the army camps that were on<br />
the other side of the river. He remembered<br />
when Damien Parer<br />
came to visit <strong>St</strong>annies and spoke to the students about<br />
his photography. He also remembered wearing his school<br />
shoes through to their soles and the composite granite that<br />
used to be outside the refectory. He remembered the then<br />
pool which was located on the far end of the Keady Oval<br />
and how it was unfi ltered and the four handball courts that<br />
are now the Ag rooms.<br />
Keith told us how he came to <strong>St</strong>annies as a boarder from<br />
Maitland on a Bishop’s Bursary. Th ere were about 200<br />
boarders and 40 day boys. He asked if there was still a mad<br />
rush at lunchtime to get to the Ref for food!<br />
When Keith left <strong>St</strong>annies in 1944, he went to work for his<br />
mother driving trucks, then went on to work at Com<strong>St</strong>eel<br />
in Newcastle. Upon leaving Com<strong>St</strong>eel, he purchased a vegetable<br />
farm on the river fl ats in Largs, Maitland and went to<br />
work at the Curry smelter when it opened. He stayed there<br />
until his retirement.<br />
Keith married Shirley Medcalf of Maitland and raised<br />
four children; three boys David, Nigel and Kristian and a<br />
daughter Janine. Keith and Shirley have 7 grandchildren<br />
and still live on the vege farm on the Hunter River fl ats<br />
growing lucerne.<br />
Lachlan Charlton was married in the Marble Hall Chapel<br />
to his beautiful bride Anna on Saturday 28th April. Lachlan<br />
and Anna visited <strong>St</strong>annies on a number of occasions before<br />
the wedding to make sure that the day would be memorable<br />
for them and their families and friends. Best man<br />
for Lachlan was Michael Doolan (SSC 2004 from Forbes)<br />
and groomsmen included Lachlan Ayoub (SSC 2004 from<br />
Sydney) and Lachlan’s brothers Cameron (SSC 2002) and<br />
Andrew (SSC 2008).<br />
118 smartly appointed rooms, quiet location with rural views<br />
To make a reservation contact 6338 1888 or email<br /><br />
Quote ‘<strong>St</strong>annies <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong>’ and receive a 10% discount<br />
1 Conrod <strong>St</strong>raight, Mount Panorama NSW 2795<br />
<strong>Blue</strong> & <strong>White</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Page 9
<strong>St</strong>annies 1st XV -v- <strong>St</strong>annies <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> Invitation 1st XV<br />
It is said that old age and treachery will always beat youth,<br />
skill and overconfi dence. Th is, however, was not the case<br />
when the <strong>2012</strong> <strong>St</strong>annies 1st XV squad took on for the fi rst<br />
time in over 30 years, an invitation <strong>St</strong>annies <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> <strong>Association</strong><br />
1st XV on Saturday, 17th March on the No 1 Oval.<br />
Word around the ground was that the <strong>2012</strong> 1st XV squad,<br />
under new coach Dean Oxley, were feeling the pressure at<br />
the prospect of matching the skills of a well balanced <strong>Old</strong><br />
<strong>Boys</strong> side that boasted no less than four rugby internationals<br />
in the backline; Wallabies Tim Lane, Marty Roebuck,<br />
James Grant and Scottish international James McLaren,<br />
Australian School Boy rep Tony Muller, plus well known<br />
Bulldog Pip McIntosh, none of whom have lost their fi nesse<br />
(but maybe some speed) for the game they play in heaven.<br />
President of the <strong>St</strong>annies <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong>, Lachlan Sullivan, stated<br />
that the game was of a great standard and played in good<br />
spirit. Some minor changes to rules were made to minimise<br />
injury to all and the game was tightly contested to the half<br />
time whistle. Considering the <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> side ranged from<br />
20 through to 58 years and had only a twenty minute training<br />
session before they ran on, it was great to lead 29-<br />
24 at the most important point, half time. It was<br />
then that the <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> needed new legs and lots<br />
of oxygen. It was a great day for the college community<br />
and <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> are already lined up for next<br />
year. For the boys of the <strong>College</strong>, it was great to see<br />
the 1st XV notch up their fi rst win of the season.<br />
Th e second half belonged to the youthful <strong>St</strong>annies<br />
<strong>St</strong> <strong>St</strong>anislaus’ <strong>College</strong> <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> 1st XV<br />
1st XV who combined well, in particular in the forwards,<br />
setting up the outside backs for some good tries, running<br />
away with the game 40 odd to 30 something at full time.<br />
Former international James Grant initiated the match as a<br />
fundraiser for the <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> and played against his own son,<br />
Jack. It is hoped that the <strong>St</strong>annies 1st XV -v- <strong>St</strong>annies <strong>Old</strong><br />
<strong>Boys</strong> 1st XV will become an annual event, as this year it<br />
was well received by all. In the words of the Headmaster,<br />
“<strong>St</strong>annies was the winner on the day”.<br />
Page 10 <strong>Blue</strong> & <strong>White</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>2012</strong>
Memorable Moments<br />
PAT STAPLETON attended <strong>St</strong>annies from 1941-1944. He<br />
recalls his parents paid 22 pounds a term for tuition and<br />
board. Pat remembers well the age group football competitions<br />
where players from east of Bathurst played those<br />
from the west. Each player contributed sixpence, the winning<br />
team collected 15 shillings. Upon the end of the<br />
game, the two captains would go down town with suitcases<br />
to purchase cakes, the winning team having a rare feast.<br />
Pat advises that these games were not permitted oft en.<br />
* * * *<br />
NICHOLAS TOWNLEY (1999) recalls a Year 9 IT class<br />
with Mr McNamara who was paranoid that his class would<br />
be targeted by Year 12 on their last day of school. Evidently<br />
Mr McNamara appeared outside the classroom door with<br />
a harassed, almost scared look, as his eyes darted up and<br />
down the corridor before telling Year 9 to be “quick, quick,<br />
bring in your bags as well, quick quick before Year 12 get<br />
here”!<br />
* * * *<br />
BRIAN MOCKLER (1972) recalls catching the train,<br />
sometimes a stream train, each day from Wimbledon to<br />
Bathurst and then walking up to school.<br />
* * * *<br />
KIERAN GLEESON (1970) recalls 10 hour train trips<br />
from Coonamble arriving in Bathurst at 2am. Kieran attributes<br />
his time at <strong>St</strong>annies for practical life learning that<br />
he still calls upon over 40 years later.<br />
* * * *<br />
TED CHRISTESEN (1950) recalls Tom Cooney’s enormous<br />
drop kick from the <strong>St</strong>annies side of halfway, in muddy<br />
conditions. Th e ball disappeared into the sky, descended<br />
and cleared the crossbar, giving <strong>St</strong>annies a 2-0 win over<br />
Bathurst Railway. Ted claims the <strong>St</strong>annies Firsts won three<br />
successive premierships without their line being crossed<br />
once. Ted claims Tom Collins was a magic 5/8 and captain.<br />
On one occasion in 1949 when <strong>St</strong>annies played <strong>St</strong> Pats A’s,<br />
Tom Collins stole the ball from the arms of an attacking<br />
player just as he was about to score. Nil all at half time,<br />
Tom Collins decided to kick towards the Pat’s backline,<br />
Smithy (possibly John) playing on the left wing intercepted<br />
a pass and scored giving <strong>St</strong>annies a 5-0 win. Ted claims it<br />
was the only time in the whole game that <strong>St</strong>annies were<br />
able to get inside their opponents half.<br />
* * * *<br />
DES O’MALLEY (1958) recalls arriving at <strong>St</strong>annies from<br />
a very small bush school with a tennis court. Des thought<br />
he was a class act with the racquet until he tried out for the<br />
house tennis team, only to be fl ogged 6-1 by Phil Woolnough<br />
from Warren fi rst up. Des claims he immediately<br />
decided to concentrate on football. Des tells too of Peter<br />
Watson, known as Tumbleweed, from Leeton whose parents<br />
owned a grocery store. Peter evidently received “the<br />
most exciting food parcels” which he generously shared<br />
with his mates.<br />
* * * *<br />
MICHAEL PALMER (1997) recalls the passion of <strong>St</strong>annies<br />
rugby, especially running through the tunnel onto the No<br />
1 Oval.<br />
* * * *<br />
LACHLAN SULLIVAN (1981) told the story previously of<br />
attending a sheep sale in Warren in about 1985. On that<br />
day, a local stock carrier heard me say that I was heading<br />
back through Bathurst. Th e story goes that this unknown<br />
truckie in a fl ash pulled out a $20 note, asking me to give<br />
to his son at <strong>St</strong>annies. $20 cash to a total stranger but a<br />
stranger with a common thread, a <strong>St</strong>annies boy. Just a few<br />
weeks ago I met up once again with this truckie. Jeff Ryan<br />
walked up to me, introduced himself and thanked me once<br />
again, Jeff was attending the 50 year reunion of the class<br />
of 1962, originally from Canowindra, then from Trangie.<br />
Jeff ’s son Greg (1987), the recipient of the cash back in<br />
1985 was also attending his 25 year reunion at <strong>St</strong>annies.<br />
Small world.<br />
* * * *<br />
PETER COLLINS (1957) recalls some great quotes: Fr<br />
Frank Cahill stating “the bat must hit the ball to score some<br />
runs”. Fr Jim Maloney, “Peter, we want you to pass the ball”,<br />
Fr Peter Creede, “Mr Collins, put out your hand” prior to<br />
receiving “6 of the best” for hitting George Cox with a pillow<br />
aft er lights out.<br />
<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> tie<br />
now available<br />
$30.00 each<br />
(plus postage & handling $3.00)<br />
Please make<br />
cheques payable to:<br />
<strong>St</strong>annies <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> <strong>Association</strong><br />
PO Box 950<br />
Bathurst NSW 2795<br />
Membership and Tie orders<br />
are now available online at<br /><br />
Moving? Changed details?<br />
Have you recently changed your address or<br />
contact details? Please keep SSCOBA current<br />
with your new details. It’s easy to do... email<br /> or fax your details<br />
through to 02 6331 4481.<br />
<strong>Blue</strong> & <strong>White</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Page 11
Inaugural Annual Fundraiser<br />
please support <strong>St</strong>annies <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong> and<br />
WIN<br />
TO FIJI<br />
2nd PRIZE<br />
$200<br />
BIGW<br />
includes lud ude des es<br />
$5<br />
per r ticke ticket<br />
(10 per book)<br />
7 Nights Accommodation at Sheraton Fiji<br />
Resort, $2,200 Virgin Australia Airfare<br />
Voucher Prize Value $4,524<br />
3rd PRIZE<br />
$100<br />
Caltex Woolworths<br />
Petrol<br />
<strong>St</strong>annies <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Boys</strong><br />
part of the Vincentian family<br />
We look forward to your<br />
continued support!<br />
10 NOVEMBER <strong>2012</strong><br />
Page 12 <strong>Blue</strong> & <strong>White</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />
* See raffle tickets for prize conditions.