Edmund Bringer Memoir - Brookens Library

Edmund Bringer Memoir - Brookens Library

Edmund Bringer Memoir - Brookens Library


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Edmmd A. <strong>Bringer</strong> 22<br />

as I told you before I was the--at one t k<br />

here I was the youngest mm<br />

wrking for the telephone company here and they *re, the older rzlen wre<br />

hollering cbeause they Ere keeping rrr; on instead of thm. 'Ihe only<br />

reason they kept IIE on ms ckause these older mn didn't know how to<br />

take care of sane of the equiprent that I was taking care of. There<br />

eren't any of 'em here that could do it and do it right. And so I was<br />

the youngest man here until the depression ms wer. It got d m to the<br />

place where KP were mrking four days a wek and off the other three and<br />

they'd laid off an awful lot of people younger than I was. . . . awful<br />

lot, everybody younger than I ms. So and they kind of resented m.<br />

These fellows had been here for so long and they =re, they ere the<br />

older group of employees and they just wren't capable of keeping up with<br />

the changes that Ere caning on. Lot of them hadn't even had a high<br />

school or a grade school education. Sorne of than had quit in the sixth<br />

or eighth grade and went to work for the telephone canpany. And they--<br />

they just couldn't handle the new equipnent that was coming out. Tney<br />

didn't how how to use it. . . . know how to hook it up or anything or<br />

repair it.<br />

And so =--kt during the war your granhther and I wz got to the place<br />

where mauey was tipter then the devil and gee vhiz she'd--to save nmey<br />

why--well, we didn t have any mney to save, that was it--kt just to<br />

make good use of what VE had why she used to sew patches on all my clothes<br />

and then sew patches on top of those patches and my shoes ms. . . . I<br />

nwer had a good suit or anything during those days and it got dom to a<br />

couple of places--1 remmbex one Fourth of July m didn't have nothing to<br />

eat because my paycheck hadn't cone in yet. So all the things E had to<br />

eat was out of a little old stinking garden we had out in the backyard of<br />

the house we lived in and all that was in it ms carrots and beets and<br />

radishes and I think we had. . . . something else in it but that's &at<br />

w ate over the Fourth of July ws stuff like that and a loaf of bread.<br />

It MS. . . . and thewe was a lot of people . . .<br />

bhen e wed over to the other house wen-on North College--things<br />

wren't too good aver there. People used to come around and sell us<br />

doughnuts at the front door--people that had good jobs. And another-I<br />

can r m k x one of our &st friends that we had he cane around and<br />

sold--he made hot tamales and sold them to us for, I think they =re a<br />

nickel a piece and we'd buy half a dozen of them. And another person<br />

mld carne by that had dou&-~~ts and they =re selling them for tmty<br />

cents a dozen. Boy it was. . . . it ws really bad. But when it started<br />

to picking up why things got better and. . . . my wrk I wmt back to<br />

five days a mek and as things got better why the--you never forget a<br />

depression though like that. . . . nobody did. Beause they had what they<br />

called a. . . . there was so mch. . . . there was so much graft. They<br />

m out--oh Roosevelt carae out with that big thbg of his that he had,<br />

the civil--CCC [Civilian Conservation Corps] c q s all aver and that was<br />

all right, that helped scm~ lxlt then they started up doing a--oh there<br />

was other things that they started up that . . .<br />

Q: WPA [krks Progress Administration<br />

A: WPA and. . . . PWA and. . . . some<br />

and gee whiz those were all--everybody<br />

of those things that they started<br />

that was the head of them ws<br />

<strong>Edmund</strong> <strong>Bringer</strong> <strong>Memoir</strong> - Archives/Special Collections - Norris L <strong>Brookens</strong> <strong>Library</strong> - University of Illinois at Springfield - UIS

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