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<strong>Title</strong> <strong>Page</strong><br />

<strong>URBAN</strong> <strong>WIND</strong> <strong>TURBINE</strong> <strong>SENIOR</strong> <strong>DESIGN</strong> <strong>PROJECT</strong><br />


By:<br />

Michael Austin<br />

Cody Bateman<br />

Torrey Roberts<br />

Mirai Takayama<br />

Prepared For<br />

ME 480 Senior Design<br />

Boise State University Mechanical Engineering Department<br />

May 5, 2005

Executive Summary<br />

The goal of this senior design project was to determine the optimal location for an urban<br />

wind turbine system on top of one of the Boise State University (BSU) College of<br />

Engineering Buildings (COEN). We selected a turbine system from potential vendors<br />

that would perform efficiently at the location. We have determined that the center of the<br />

Micron Engineering Center (MEC) building at a height of 20-30 ft above the rooftop is<br />

the optimal location for a wind turbine. The Bergey XL1 is a 1kW turbine that could be<br />

purchased and installed at this location. This turbine has an 8.2 foot diameter and would<br />

produce approximately 370 kW-hr/year at this location. Our decisions were based upon<br />

months of wind flow analysis, wind data analysis, and turbine performance analysis<br />

which is explained in the pursuing sections. From an economic stand point, a turbine<br />

installation on the MEC building would be a very poor choice. A break-even point would<br />

never be reached for the 20 to 30 year life span because of the low average wind speeds.<br />

However, the wind turbine could be used for research and observation by BSU faculty<br />

and students.<br />


Table of Contents<br />

<strong>Title</strong> <strong>Page</strong> ............................................................................................................................. i<br />

Executive Summary............................................................................................................ ii<br />

Table of Contents...............................................................................................................iii<br />

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 1<br />

Objectives ........................................................................................................................... 1<br />

Background......................................................................................................................... 2<br />

Design Solution................................................................................................................... 4<br />

Location ...................................................................................................................... 4<br />

Turbine System Selection ......................................................................................... 11<br />

Analysis............................................................................................................................. 12<br />

Location .................................................................................................................... 12<br />

Fluent Background.................................................................................................... 12<br />

FloWorks Background .............................................................................................. 13<br />

CFD Analysis............................................................................................................ 13<br />

March Case Study..................................................................................................... 19<br />

Turbine System ......................................................................................................... 23<br />

Safety Analysis ......................................................................................................... 26<br />

Discussion......................................................................................................................... 27<br />

Conclusions....................................................................................................................... 27<br />

Recommendations............................................................................................................. 28<br />

References......................................................................................................................... 29<br />

Appendix........................................................................................................................... 30<br />

Turbine Power Curves .............................................................................................. 30<br />

Turbine Cost Tables.................................................................................................. 32<br />

FloWorks Wind Maps............................................................................................... 36<br />

Fluent Wind Maps..................................................................................................... 38<br />

Monthly Boise Airport Wind Rose........................................................................... 40<br />


Introduction<br />

Demand for power in urban areas is constantly increasing. Innovative ideas for<br />

generating power are needed. Wind turbines placed on top of existing or new structures<br />

present a possible solution. Past experience gained in installation of small wind turbines<br />

is now being used to create systems with better performance, lower costs, and higher<br />

reliability. Due to increased energy demand, urban wind turbines systems are under<br />

examination.<br />

The purpose of this senior design project was to determine the optimal location for a<br />

wind turbine on top of one of the College of Engineering (COEN) buildings and to select<br />

an appropriate turbine system that will operate efficiently and safely in an urban<br />

environment. The turbine would be used primarily for educational and observational<br />

purposes if installed. According to wind data from the Boise Airport, the average wind<br />

speeds from 1997 to 2003 were 7.6mph. Since, most wind turbines require minimum<br />

wind speeds of 8-10 mph to begin operating, turbines at this location will not generate<br />

significant amounts of power. However, average wind speeds for Boise in March are 8.8<br />

mph.<br />

Installing a wind turbine on one of the COEN buildings is not a good economical choice;<br />

however it will enable the university to perform research regarding urban wind turbines.<br />

Information gathered from this research can be applied to other more economical turbine<br />

locations.<br />

The turbine needs to be installed in the optimal location to harvest the maximum amount<br />

of wind power available. In addition the turbine needs to fulfill the following user needs:<br />

• Operate in low wind speeds.<br />

• Monitored easily by faculty and students.<br />

• Accessed easily by faculty and students.<br />

• Include power storage and delivery system.<br />

• Safe to operate in an urban environment.<br />

Objectives<br />

Initially our objective was to install an operational wind turbine to power the Segway and<br />

COEN Electric Vehicle by the end of May 2005. Shortly after investigating the project<br />

scope, we concluded the task was far too vast for a single semester project and we needed<br />

to narrow our focus.<br />

The new scope consisted of determining the best wind turbine location at the COEN<br />

based on wind speed and selection a suitable wind turbine system by May 2005. A<br />

budget for this project was not provided by BSU. Therefore our only cost objective was<br />

to keep capital costs low.<br />


Background<br />

Several factors have influenced a renewed and increased interest in wind energy. People<br />

want alternative forms of energy to reduce their dependency on fossil fuels.<br />

Additionally, wind turbines have continued to become more efficient, while at the same<br />

time becoming more cost effective. In Idaho, power is provided at one of the lowest rates<br />

in the country. However, with increasing pressure to sustain migratory fish restrictions<br />

and recent low water flows, power rates are sure to rise. This is driving consumers and<br />

the power industry to look for alternative form of energy.<br />

Ranked 13 th out of 50 states for wind energy potential, Idaho has 7,370 km 2 of class 3 or<br />

greater wind area (Figure 1). Over 8,000 mega watts of wind energy potential is<br />

available; unfortunately most of the high wind regions are not located near current<br />

transmission lines. The state provides a personal tax deduction of 40% of the cost of<br />

installing a solar, wind, or geothermal electric or heating system for the year of<br />

installation, and 20% for each year thereafter. Net metering is available for wind turbine<br />

systems less than 100kW. The Energy Division of the Idaho Department of Water<br />

Resources (IDWR) provides five year loans at 4% interest for wind and other renewable<br />

energy projects 1 .<br />

Figure 1 – Idaho Wind Classification Map<br />

http://rredc.nrel.gov/wind/pubs/atlas/maps/chap3/3-03m/html<br />

According to the Department of Energy (DOE), small privately owned wind turbines<br />

require wind speeds greater than 10 mph and the utility supplied electricity cost greater<br />

than 10 cents per kilowatt hour for economic viability 2 . According to Idaho Power’s<br />

website, the current small commercial rates are about 7.6 cents per kW-hr.<br />


Other universities are also investigating the possibility of wind energy. The University of<br />

Massachusetts has installed an alternative energy system on the top of their engineering<br />

building; consisting of 3 different types of wind turbines and a set of solar panels. They<br />

connected the system to a 24V battery bank and to the grid with a 4kW trace inverter.<br />

The types of wind turbines installed included: a Bergey 1500W at 80’ (above ground), a<br />

World Power Technologies Mariner H500 at 45’, and a Southwest Windpower Air<br />

Marine 300 at 45’. Overall, the turbines produced 20% less power than expected, due to<br />

the underestimated turbulence of the environment. They installed the entire system for<br />

$52,000 in 1998; adjusted for inflation this would approximate $64,000 today. The most<br />

expensive part of the project was the engineering required to safely install the equipment<br />

on the roof of a public building 3 .<br />

The power that can be generated from wind is linearly dependant on the swept area of the<br />

turbine blades, but a function of the velocity cubed 4 .<br />

P = 0. 5(<br />

Cp)(<br />

ρ)(<br />

A)(<br />

V )<br />

This means wind speeds of 12.6 mph have twice the energy of wind speeds at 10 mph<br />

(only 2.6 mph less). Therefore, small differences in wind speed can have a significant<br />

impact on the power generated by a wind turbine. Based on conservation of energy, the<br />

Betz limit states that the turbine blades cannot extract more than 59% of the total energy<br />

available in the wind. In other words, assuming the rest of the system operates at 100%<br />

efficiency, the maximum efficiency achievable is 59%. Most wind turbine systems<br />

operate within the range of 10% to 30% combined efficiency. Also, most wind turbines<br />

do not start to generate power until the wind reaches at least 7 to 8 mph.<br />

Urban wind turbine installations present certain concerns not found in rural wind farms.<br />

Traditionally noise produced by turbine blades has been bothersome to those living near<br />

wind turbines. Wind turbines typically produce some broadband noise as their revolving<br />

rotor blades encounter turbulence in passing air. This type of noise is described as a<br />

“whooshing” sound. However, most modern wind turbines are typically not any louder<br />

than passing traffic. Figure 2 shows wind turbine noise compared with noise from other<br />

activities. The noise level of smaller wind turbines can sometimes be higher because of<br />

the higher rotational speed. In addition, less money and research has been invested in<br />

reducing noise on smaller turbines than larger turbines 5 .<br />

Figure 2 – Typical Noise Levels<br />

www.gov.on.ca/.../ engineer/facts/03-047.htm<br />

3<br />


Safety is another concern when considering the installation of a wind turbine in an urban<br />

area. This is especially true when people are present near the base of the building.<br />

Turbulent locations also increase the chance of failure due to the increased load variation<br />

imposed on the system. Any failures resulting in falling objects would have catastrophic<br />

results and a negative impact on public confidence of urban wind energy systems. When<br />

placing an urban wind turbine, it is important to install and design for failure prevention<br />

and provide failsafe features to prevent injury.<br />

The turbine owner must follow a strict maintenance program. Tips of wind turbine rotor<br />

blades can reach speeds up to 300 mph 4 . Hail, dirt, and insects contacting the blades at<br />

theses speeds can cause premature wear to the blade edges causing extreme physical<br />

forces. Thrust and vibration loads also subject the bearings and tower to loads. The<br />

lifespan of these bearings depends on the wind conditions and level of maintenance.<br />

Turbine manufactures will usually specify activates and intervals required for<br />

maintenance. The entire wind system, including the tower, storage devices, and wiring<br />

should be inspected on a regular basis. If maintained properly a wind turbine system can<br />

last up to 20 to 30 years.<br />

Several different types of wind turbines have been proposed that can be categorized as<br />

being either vertical axis or horizontal axis. Vertical axis turbine designs eliminate the<br />

need to align the turbine with wind direction and reduce issues related to turbulence.<br />

Unfortunately the companies previously producing these turbines have all gone out of<br />

business. Vertical axis turbines were eliminated early on in our analysis, and several<br />

different brands of horizontal turbine manufactures were evaluated.<br />

Design Solution<br />

Location<br />

We determined the center of the MEC building as the optimal location for a wind turbine<br />

at the COEN. This location had the highest wind speeds according to our models and had<br />

adequate mounting characteristics. The location is also safer than placing a turbine near<br />

the edge of the building. It allows some protection for pedestrians below if a blade fails<br />

and allows safe access for a person observing or maintaining the turbine, not near any<br />

building edges.<br />

We created detailed and simplified solid model for analysis using SolidWorks, a<br />

computer aided drafting program (Figure 3). This model was used to determine wind<br />

flow patterns over the COEN Buildings in two separate Computational Fluid Dynamics<br />

(CFD) programs. Precise dimensions for the COEN buildings were obtained from the<br />

building architectural drawings and field measurements. The dimensions for overall<br />

locations and sizes of surrounding buildings were approximated from the Ada County<br />

Assessor’s aerial maps.<br />


Figure 3 - COEN & Surrounding Area<br />

We applied Fluent and FloWorks, two CFD Modeling packages, to map the bipolar wind<br />

patterns over the BSU COEN buildings (major wind flow patterns vary from the<br />

Northwest and Southeast directions). Both programs indicated that the best location for<br />

the wind turbine was in the center of the Micron Engineering Center’s penthouse roof;<br />

where the maximum wind speed occurs at approximately 20 to 30 feet above the roof.<br />

Wind speed data generated from Fluent and FloWorks for both major wind patterns are<br />

indicated in Figure 4 through Figure 7.<br />

Velocity Magnitude, (in/s)<br />

170<br />

165<br />

160<br />

155<br />

150<br />

145<br />

140<br />

135<br />

130<br />

125<br />

120<br />

115<br />

110<br />

105<br />

100<br />

-200<br />

0<br />

-150<br />

0<br />

-100<br />

0<br />

8.0 MPH SE <strong>WIND</strong> ANALYSIS WITH FLUENT<br />

-500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000<br />

Location, (in)<br />

Figure 4 - SE Fluent Wind Analysis<br />

Maximum Wind Speed =170 in/s<br />

at 10ft and 15 ft above MEC Rooftop<br />

3500 inches from origin.<br />

82 ft (0ft above MEC Roof)<br />

87 ft (5ft above MEC Roof)<br />

92 ft (10ft above MEC Roof)<br />

97 ft (15ft above MEC Roof)<br />

102 ft (20ft above MEC Roof)<br />

107 ft (25ft above MEC Roof)<br />

112 ft (30ft above MEC Roof)<br />

117 ft (35ft above MEC Roof)<br />

122 ft (40ft above MEC Roof)<br />

127 ft (45ft above MEC Roof)<br />

132 ft (50ft above MEC Roof)<br />


Velocity (in/s)<br />

Velocity Magnitude, (in/s)<br />

170<br />

165<br />

160<br />

155<br />

150<br />

145<br />

140<br />

135<br />

130<br />

8.0 MPH SE <strong>WIND</strong> ANALYSIS WITH FLOWORKS<br />

125<br />

82 ft (0ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

120<br />

87 ft (5 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

92 ft (10 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

97 ft (15 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

115<br />

102 ft (20 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

107 ft (25 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

110<br />

112 ft (30 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

117 ft (35 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

105<br />

122 ft (40 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

127 ft (45 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

100<br />

132 ft (50 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

-2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000<br />

170<br />

160<br />

150<br />

140<br />

130<br />

Location (in)<br />

Figure 5 - SE FloWorks Analysis<br />

8.0 MPH NW <strong>WIND</strong> ANALYSIS WITH FLUENT<br />

Maximum Wind Speed =167 in/s<br />

at 15ft and 20 ft above MEC Rooftop<br />

3500 inches from origin.<br />

120<br />

82ft (0ft above MEC Roof)<br />

87ft (5ft above MEC Roof)<br />

92ft (10ft above MEC Roof)<br />

97ft (15ft above MEC Roof)<br />

102ft (20ft above MEC Roof)<br />

107ft (25ft above MEC Roof)<br />

110 112ft (30ft above MEC Roof)<br />

117ft (35ft above MEC Roof)<br />

122ft (40ft above MEC Roof)<br />

127ft (50ft above MEC Roof)<br />

100<br />

132ft (0ft above MEC Roof)<br />

-2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000<br />

Location, (in)<br />

Maximum Wind Speed =167 in/s<br />

at 15ft above MEC rooftop<br />

3000 inches from origin.<br />

Figure 6 – NW Fluent Wind Analysis<br />


Velocity (in/s)<br />

170<br />

160<br />

150<br />

140<br />

130<br />

120<br />

110<br />

82 ft (0ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

87 ft (5 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

92 ft (10 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

97 ft (15 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

102 ft (20 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

107 ft (25 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

112 ft (30 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

117 ft (35 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

122 ft (40 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

127 ft (45 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

132 ft (50 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

8.0 MPH NW <strong>WIND</strong> ANALYSIS FROM FLOWORKS<br />

100<br />

-2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000<br />

Curve Length (in)<br />

Figure 7 - NW FloWorks Wind Analysis<br />

Maximum Wind Speed =162 in/s<br />

at 25ft above MEC rooftop approximately<br />

3000 inches from origin.<br />

For each of these graphs, 0 inches represents the origin of the solid model generated with<br />

SolidWorks. The origin is located at the NW corner of the Engineering Technology (ET)<br />

building (reference Figure 8). The lines in the graph represent flow trajectories in a<br />

vertical plane 2100 inches (175 ft) southwest from the origin parallel to the Northwest-<br />

Southeast directions. This is indicated in the top view of the model used in Figure 8<br />

below. The solid red line represents the plane used in creating graphs above. The grid is<br />

in squares of 500 x 500 inches with coordinates at the corners of the map.<br />

Figure 8 – NW Wind Flow Plane Top View<br />


There are some slight differences between both CFD Models. The Southeast wind graph<br />

generated using Fluent indicates a maximum wind speed of approximately 170 in/s (9.7<br />

mph) 10 to 15 feet above the MEC penthouse rooftop 3400 inches from the origin.<br />

FloWorks indicates a maximum wind speed of 167 in/s (9.49 mph) 15 feet above the<br />

MEC penthouse rooftop at 3300 inches from the origin. Comparisons between the two<br />

models are shown in Table 1 through Table 4. The values in these tables represent the<br />

best wind power elevations.<br />

Table 1 – FloWorks vs. Fluent Velocity Profile Comparison 3300” From Origin SE Wind<br />

Elevation<br />

Above<br />

Rooftop<br />

FloWorks<br />

Velocity<br />

(in/s)<br />

Fluent<br />

Velocity<br />

(in/s)<br />

%<br />

Difference<br />

10ft 163 160 -1.88%<br />

15ft 167 166 -0.60%<br />

20ft 166 166 0.00%<br />

25ft 165 167 1.20%<br />

30ft 161 166 3.01%<br />

35ft 158 164 3.66%<br />

Table 2 – FloWorks vs. Fluent Velocity Profile Comparison 3400” from Origin SE Wind<br />

Elevation<br />

Above<br />

Rooftop<br />

FloWorks<br />

Velocity<br />

(in/s)<br />

Fluent<br />

Velocity<br />

(in/s)<br />

%<br />

Difference<br />

10ft 165 170 2.94%<br />

15ft 167 169 1.18%<br />

20ft 165 168 1.79%<br />

25ft 163 166 1.81%<br />

30ft 160 165 3.03%<br />

35ft 157 163 3.68%<br />

Table 3 – FloWorks vs. Fluent Velocity Profile Comparison 2700” from Origin NW Wind<br />

Elevation<br />

Above<br />

Rooftop<br />

FloWorks<br />

Velocity<br />

(in/s)<br />

Fluent<br />

Velocity<br />

(in/s)<br />

%<br />

Difference<br />

10ft 147 161 8.46%<br />

15ft 153 166 7.58%<br />

20ft 160 165 3.27%<br />

25ft 161 164 1.78%<br />

30ft 159 163 2.08%<br />

35ft 158 162 2.38%<br />


Table 4 – FloWorks vs. Fluent Velocity Profile Comparison 3000”from Origin NW Wind<br />

Elevation<br />

Above<br />

Rooftop<br />

FloWorks<br />

Velocity<br />

(in/s)<br />

Fluent<br />

Velocity<br />

(in/s)<br />

%<br />

Difference<br />

10ft 138 141 2.57%<br />

15ft 149 152 2.38%<br />

20ft 158 159 0.79%<br />

25ft 162 161 -0.13%<br />

30ft 161 162 0.87%<br />

35ft 160 163 1.42%<br />

Wind isoline maps were generated using FloWorks and are shown in Figure 9 and Figure<br />

10. The closely spaced orange isolines indicate that the location with the best wind speed<br />

is the center of the MEC building at this elevation.<br />

Figure 9 – FloWorks Wind Isolines 20 feet Above Top of MEC Building SE Wind<br />


Figure 10 – FloWorks Wind Isolines 20 feet Above Top of MEC Building NW Wind<br />

Isolines were also generated using Fluent, and are as shown below. For Fluent, the<br />

velocity isolines are in m/s. Fluent and FloWorks gave similar solutions; the middle of<br />

the MEC is the best place to locate the turbine.<br />

Figure 11 – Fluent Wind Isolines 20 feet Above Top of MEC Building SE Wind<br />


Figure 12 – Fluent Wind Isolines 20 feet Above MEC Building NW Wind<br />

Turbine System Selection<br />

According to our analysis, the Bergey XL1 1kW turbine system ranked 3 rd in power<br />

output and was the least expensive. We recommend this system for the MEC building<br />

because of its low initial capital cost. The turbine has a rotor diameter of 8.2 feet. Bergey<br />

also provides a matching tower, generator, and power conversion system. Table 5<br />

summarizes the parts and prices for the expandable system.<br />

`<br />

Table 5 – Bergey Turbine System Price List<br />

Power Output : 1 kW Company : Bergey<br />

Type : Battery Charging Model : BWC XL 1-24<br />

Product Price<br />

Turbine<br />

Turbine and PowerCenter multi-function controller $ 2,450<br />

Tower<br />

Tower (30 ft tilt-up) $ 950<br />

Tower wiring kit, 7 Circuit $ 600<br />

Batteries<br />

5.3kWh Battery Bank $ 450<br />

Inverter<br />

1,500 W Inverter System $ 1,044<br />

Installation $ 10,000<br />

Total : $ 15,494<br />

Annual Profit & Loss<br />

Energy Generation $ 29<br />

O&M $ (75)<br />

Payback Period NA<br />


Several types of turbines were analyzed to determine how they would perform in this<br />

area. We utilized the decision matrix in Table 6 to help select the best turbine.<br />

Criteria<br />

Importance<br />

Weight (%) Rating<br />

Table 6 – Turbine Decision Matrix<br />

Weighted<br />

Rating Rating<br />

Weighted<br />

Rating Rating<br />

Weighted<br />

Rating Rating<br />

Weighted<br />

Rating Rating<br />

Weighted<br />

Rating Rating<br />

Weighted<br />

Rating Rating<br />

Number of School Days Operating 32 3 0.96 4 1.28 2 0.64 2 0.64 4 1.28 4 1.28 4 1.28<br />

Cost 20 4 0.8 4 0.8 1 0.2 2 0.4 4 0.8 3 0.6 3 0.6<br />

Safety 15 2 0.3 4 0.6 4 0.6 4 0.6 3 0.45 3 0.45 3 0.45<br />

kW-hrs per Year 12 0 0 2 0.24 4 0.48 0 0 0 0 3 0.36 3 0.36<br />

Reliability & Maintenance 10 2 0.2 4 0.4 4 0.4 4 0.4 2 0.2 2 0.2 2 0.2<br />

Aesthetics & Noise 7 3 0.21 3 0.21 3 0.21 3 0.21 3 0.21 3 0.21 3 0.21<br />

Availability 4 3 0.12 4 0.16 4 0.16 4 0.16 2 0.08 2 0.08 2 0.08<br />

Total 100 NA 2.59 NA 3.69 NA 2.69 NA 2.41 NA 3.02 NA 3.18 NA 3.18<br />

Analysis<br />

Location<br />

SW Windpower Air X<br />

400 W<br />

Rating Value<br />

Unsatisfactory 0<br />

Just Tolerable 1<br />

Adequate 2<br />

Good 3<br />

Very Good 4<br />

Bergey 1 kW Bergey 7.5 kW<br />

Concept Alternatives<br />

Bergey 10 kW Proven Energy 600 W<br />

Proven Energy 2.5 kW<br />

Battery<br />

Proven Energy 2.5 kW<br />

Grid<br />

Fluent and FloWorks were the two CFD modeling packages used to model the wind<br />

patterns over the BSU COEN Buildings. Using both modeling packages allowed us to<br />

verify our results. To ensure accuracy of the results, we used architectural drawings and<br />

Ada County Assessor maps to define elevations and locations of the COEN and<br />

surroundings to accurately define the solid model. After the solid model was defined, we<br />

imported it into both CFD packages for analysis.<br />

Fluent Background<br />

Fluent is the industry CFD software leader. It is a very robust and accurate software<br />

package. Fluent uses GAMBIT as its modeling and meshing program that enables the<br />

user to model complex geometry where the fluid flow analysis takes place. In our case<br />

we imported the model defined in SolidWorks as an IGES file into GAMBIT. The model<br />

was then broken up into an unstructured grid, called a mesh that consists of user defined<br />

shape elements. Smaller element shapes and sizes provide more accurate result.<br />

However, decreasing an elements size greatly increases the computation time. So, the<br />

solid model was simplified to allow a timely analysis of the wind flow patterns. The<br />

simplification of the solid model is shown in Figure 13 and Figure 14.<br />

Figure 14 – Initial Model COEN &<br />

Surrounding Buildings<br />

Figure 13 – Simplified Model COEN &<br />

Surrounding Buildings<br />

Weighted<br />

Rating<br />


This simplified model was analyzed in both FloWorks and Fluent to check precision<br />

between the two modeling packages. The result precision is tabulated in the “%<br />

Difference” column in Table 1 thru Table 4. The more complex initial model was used in<br />

SolidWorks for a March wind study when the average wind speeds increase to around 8.8<br />

mph.<br />

FloWorks Background<br />

Fluent’s user interface requires extensive knowledge and experience to produce accurate<br />

results. For this reason, user friendly CFD packages like FloWorks are available to the<br />

average user. FloWorks is the CFD modeling package fully embedded within the<br />

SolidWorks Computer Aided Drafting Program. Its user interface is designed for the<br />

average design engineer who may not have the expertise required to operate Fluent. One<br />

of the drawbacks to its user friendliness involves lack of functionality. For example<br />

FloWorks does not have the ability to model two phase flows nor will it allow you to<br />

change the mesh elements shape like Fluent. However, you can control mesh element<br />

gap size represents, so more accurate results may be obtained.<br />

CFD Analysis<br />

The initial analysis of the wind flow patterns over the COEN Buildings involved both<br />

Fluent and FloWorks. Analyzing the same model with the same inputs allowed us to<br />

verify the accuracy of the results with respect to each CFD system. In this case, we<br />

imported the simplified model shown in Figure 13 into both Fluent and FloWorks. The<br />

input velocity for this analysis was 8.0 mph which is close to the spring time wind speed<br />

average. We did multiple studies in which we altered the wind direction between<br />

Northwest and Southeast. The parameters associated with the modeling can be found<br />

below in Table 7.<br />

Table 7 – CFD Modeling Parameters<br />

Modeling Parameters Fluent Floworks (Using Floworks Wizard)<br />

Time step size Every 0.2 seconds Steady State<br />

Time Frame Analyzed 0 - 40 seconds Steady State<br />

Unsteady Formulation 2 nd order implicit NA<br />

Velocity Formulation Absolute NA<br />

Energy Equation OFF Adiabatic (OFF)<br />

Viscous Model K-epsilon Default<br />

Boundary condition of the No slip shear .06 in Surface Roughness<br />

building surface<br />

condition<br />

Fluid Type Air Air<br />

Physical Features Turbulent Turbulent<br />

Analysis Type NA External (excluded internal spaces and excluded<br />

cavities without flow conditions)<br />

Velocity Parameters 8.0 mph (SE and<br />

NW directions)<br />

8.0 mph (SE and NW directions)<br />

Pressure 101.3kPa (Default) 101.3 kPa (Default)<br />

Temperature 291K (Default) 291K (Default)<br />

Result Resolution NA 3<br />

Gap Size 3”-600” (at each Default at 1088” (edges of parallelogram) Mesh<br />

edge of<br />

Elements are approximately twice the size of<br />

Tetrahedral) Fluent<br />


The difference in mesh sizes can be seen in the Figure 15 and Figure 16. Where Figure<br />

15 represents the tetrahedral meshes made by Fluent and Figure 16 represents the<br />

rectangular prism meshes generated by FloWorks. Figure 17 and Figure 18 represent the<br />

NW velocity contour maps of the plane passing directly through the center of the MEC<br />

building. The location of the plane is 2100 inches from the origin and the plane is<br />

parallel to the SE direction.<br />

Figure 15 – Fluent Mesh<br />

Figure 16 – FloWorks Mesh<br />


Figure 17 – NW Wind FloWorks Contour Map at 2100” from Origin<br />

Figure 18 – NW Wind Fluent Contour Map at 2100” from Origin<br />

The FloWorks output velocity is in inches/second whereas the Fluent output velocity is in<br />

m/s. Both of the color scale maximums are equal (i.e. 177 in/s = 4.5 m/s) so there is a<br />

direct correlation between the two color schemes. If both contour maps show the same<br />

color in the same area the wind speeds experienced in that area are similar. This is<br />

evident in the region directly above the center of the roof of the MEC building. Both<br />

contour maps show a trend of increased velocity over the top edge at about the same<br />

elevation. This is evident in Table 1 through Table 4.<br />

Alternatively, if the contour maps do not show the same color in the same area the<br />

conclusion could be made that the wind speeds are different for that area between the<br />

models. This phenomenon is evident in the tail section of the flow indicated in dark blue<br />

by the FloWorks model. There is a slight difference in the wind tail colors where the<br />

recirculation occurs. This is more than likely due to the different mesh sizes. The<br />

FloWorks mesh is approximately twice the size of the Fluent mesh. The mesh size<br />

difference was an oversight in the initial stages of the modeling project. However, the<br />

maximum wind speed results due not seem to differ by more than 3.2% in the attractive<br />

wind turbine placement elevations between 10-35 ft above the roof. This is apparent in<br />

the highlighted regions of the following tables.<br />


Further analysis shows that there is a slight vertical component to the wind vectors in<br />

these areas. The following figures show that this vertical component is nearly the same<br />

between both modeling packages.<br />

Figure 19 – SE Wind Vector Gradient Map<br />

Figure 20 – SW Wind Vector Gradient Map<br />


When looking at the graphs of the y-velocity vector vs. location, the magnitude of the yvelocity<br />

is negligible at the center of the MEC building (2800 to 3300 in).<br />

Y-velocity (in/s)<br />

Y-velocity (in)<br />

60<br />

55<br />

50<br />

45<br />

40<br />

35<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

-5<br />

-10<br />

-15<br />

8.0 mph NW Analysis with Floworks<br />

-20<br />

-2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

-10<br />

-20<br />

Curve Length (in)<br />

Figure 21 – NW Vertical Velocity Analysis<br />

8.0 mph NW Analysis with Fluent<br />

82 ft (0ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

87 ft (5 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

92 ft (10 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

97 ft (15 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

102 ft (20 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

107 ft (25 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

112 ft (30 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

117 ft (35 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

122 ft (40 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

127 ft (45 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

132 ft (50 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

-30<br />

-2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000<br />

Location (in)<br />

Figure 22 – NW Vertical Velocity Analysis<br />

82 ft (0ft above MEC Roof )<br />

87 ft (5ft above MEC Roof )<br />

92 ft (10ft above MEC Roof )<br />

97 ft (15ft above MEC Roof )<br />

102 ft (20ft above MEC Roof )<br />

107 ft (25ft above MEC Roof )<br />

112 ft (30ft above MEC Roof )<br />

117 ft (35ft above MEC Roof )<br />

122 ft (40ft above MEC Roof )<br />

127 ft (45ft above MEC Roof )<br />

132 ft (50ft above MEC Roof )<br />


Y-velocity (in/s)<br />

Y-velocity (in)<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

8.0 mph SE Analysis with Floworks<br />

-10<br />

82 ft (0ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

87 ft (5 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

92 ft (10 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

97 ft (15 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

102 ft (20 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

107 ft (25 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

-20<br />

112 ft (30 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

117 ft (35 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

122 ft (40 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

127 ft (45 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

-30<br />

132 ft (50 ft above MEC Roof)4@Line1_1<br />

-2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

-10<br />

-20<br />

-30<br />

Curve Length (in)<br />

Figure 23 – SE Vertical Velocity Analysis<br />

8.0 mph SE Analysis with Fluent<br />

-40<br />

-2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000<br />

Location (in)<br />

Figure 24 – SE Vertical Velocity Analysis<br />

82 ft (0ft above MEC Roof )<br />

87 ft (5ft above MEC Roof )<br />

92 ft (10ft above MEC Roof )<br />

97 ft (15ft above MEC Roof )<br />

102 ft (20ft above MEC Roof )<br />

107 ft (25ft above MEC Roof )<br />

112 ft (30ft above MEC Roof )<br />

117 ft (35ft above MEC Roof )<br />

122 ft (40ft above MEC Roof )<br />

127 ft (45ft above MEC Roof )<br />

132 ft (50ft above MEC Roof )<br />

The following table analyzes the vertical vector magnitude at the center of the MEC<br />

building 3000 inches from the origin. The location can be seen in Figure 8.<br />


Table 8 – Vertical Vector Magnitudes NW at 3000” from Origin<br />

Elevation<br />

Above<br />

MEC<br />

FloWorks<br />

(in/s)<br />

Fluent<br />

(in/s)<br />

Difference<br />

(in/s)<br />

Rooftop<br />

5ft 5.73 0.15 5.59<br />

10ft 8.39 1.94 6.45<br />

15ft 10.78 5.89 4.89<br />

20ft 13.32 8.00 5.32<br />

25ft 10.31 9.07 1.24<br />

30ft 11.97 8.17 3.80<br />

35ft 9.44 7.86 1.58<br />

40ft 13.51 10.87 2.63<br />

45ft 13.94 8.47 5.48<br />

50ft 13.66 11.12 2.54<br />

Table 9 – Vertical Vector Magnitudes SE at 3000” from Origin<br />

Elevation<br />

Above<br />

MEC<br />

FloWorks<br />

(in/s)<br />

Fluent<br />

(in/s)<br />

Difference<br />

(in/s)<br />

Rooftop<br />

5ft -4.64 -5.12 0.48<br />

10ft -3.20 -3.75 0.55<br />

15ft -2.11 -2.33 0.22<br />

20ft 1.40 -0.74 2.14<br />

25ft 2.94 0.80 2.14<br />

30ft 2.59 0.01 2.57<br />

35ft 4.21 0.53 3.68<br />

40ft 5.51 3.77 1.73<br />

45ft 6.48 2.52 3.96<br />

50ft 7.46 5.55 1.91<br />

The data in the above tables shows that the maximum difference in vertical velocity<br />

magnitude in the NW direction is 5.59 in/s (.32 mph) and 3.96 in/s (.23 mph) in the SE<br />

direction. This is a small variation in the velocity in the y-direction so we can be assured<br />

that wind velocities experienced by turbine blades between the elevations of 20-35 ft will<br />

be mostly normal to the blades ensuring the optimum performance of the turbine.<br />

March Case Study<br />

We used the initial model shown in Figure 14 to run a March case study of wind speeds<br />

from the Northwest and Southeast at an average of 8.8 mph. Due to the complexity of<br />

the solid model, we chose to analyze the wind flow using FloWorks only. Time was not<br />

available to run the analysis with Fluent.<br />


The FloWorks results indicated that the best location for the wind turbine is the center of<br />

the MEC building between 20ft and 30 ft above the penthouse rooftop. Figure 25 and<br />

Figure 26 shows vector gradient maps of these results. The vertical components of the<br />

velocity vectors are still approximately 10% of the vector magnitudes. So the results<br />

were very similar to that of the studies done with the simplified model discussed in the<br />

previous section. However, due to the increase in the initial wind speed the vertical<br />

components are slightly larger.<br />

Figure 25 – SE Wind Vector Gradient Map March Case Study<br />

Figure 26 – NW Wind Vector Gradient Map March Case Study<br />


Evident from the above figures, the maximum wind speeds for the model are 180 in/sec.<br />

The figures above show the turbine blade axis 25 ft above the rooftop. The surrounding<br />

red color indicates this is a very suitable location for the turbine.<br />

Boise airport wind data from 1997 to 2003 was utilized to get a general idea of the wind<br />

characteristics in this area. This data indicated that, for an entire year, we could expect<br />

an average wind speed of 7.6 mph. Average wind speed for each month ranges from 6.7<br />

mph low in January to an 8.8 mph high in March as shown in Figure 27.<br />

Monthly Average Wind Speed (mph)<br />

10<br />

9<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec<br />

Month<br />

Figure 27-Monthly Avg. Wind Data Boise Airport 1997-2003<br />

The Boise airport wind data also indicated that the wind direction in our area is generally<br />

bi-polar; the wind typically blows from either the NW or the SE. A wind rose for the<br />

month of March is illustrated in Figure 28.<br />

Figure 28-Wind Rose Data March Boise Airport<br />


Data from the wind anemometer and the Boise airport was compared in an attempt to<br />

determine the wind correlation factor. Figure 29 shows a correlation equation between<br />

wind speeds at the airport to wind speeds at the MEC roof top. According to our<br />

correlation, the MEC roof tops will have higher wind speeds than the Boise Airport for<br />

wind speeds greater than 6mph. Wind speeds below 6mph are in the non-operational<br />

range for our turbine.<br />

MEC Roof-Top Wind Speed (mph)<br />

35<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

y = 1.8601x - 6.0624<br />

R 2 = 0.8029<br />

0<br />

4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20<br />

Airport Wind Speed (mph)<br />

Figure 29 – MEC and Boise Airport Wind Speed Correlation<br />

However, the wind direction between the MEC and Boise airport is similar about 23% of<br />

the time within a 22.5 degree range. The variation is greater from 12:00pm to 7:00pm<br />

than other times of the day. Wind speeds measured at the same time for the Boise airport<br />

and the MEC are shown in Figure 30.<br />

Wind Speed, (mph)<br />

35<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

12:50<br />

AM<br />

2:50<br />

AM<br />

3:50<br />

AM<br />

4:40<br />

AM<br />

5:50<br />

AM<br />

6:50<br />

AM<br />

8:50<br />

AM<br />

9:50<br />

AM<br />

10:50<br />

AM<br />

11:50 12:50 2:50 3:50 4:50 5:50 6:50 7:50 8:50<br />


Time<br />

Airport Wind speed MEC roof top Wind speed (mph)<br />

9:50<br />

PM<br />

10:50 11:50<br />

PM PM<br />

Figure 30 - Boise Airport/COEN Wind Speed Correlation Avg. 4/18/05 to 4/25/05<br />


The entire COEN complex was measured in order to generate models of the buildings.<br />

This was done with a combination of field measurements and Architectural drawings.<br />

Wind measurements were taken with a hand held anemometer during the month of March<br />

to get a general feel for the wind characteristics on top of the building. Other wind<br />

measurements were collected from the airport and the tower mounted anemometer on the<br />

MEC east side. Table 10 shows some of the wind measurements recorded in March with<br />

a hand held anemometer at about 14.5 feet.<br />

Table 10 - MEC Wind Measurements 3/8/05 (left) & 3/10/05 (right)<br />

NW corner (10 feet from west side edge and 10 feet from north side edge) SW corner (10 feet from west side edge and 10 feet from south side edge)<br />

Max, (mph) Min, (mph) Average, (mph) Time Direction, (degree) Max, (mph) Min, (mph) Average, (mph) Time Direction, (degree)<br />

13.7 5.5 9.3 4:18 315 15.9 0.0 11.7 3:48 320<br />

12.4 6.0 7.1 4:24 315 23.1 0.0 14.2 3:50 300<br />

7.2 1.4 1.9 4:26 315 18.7 4.5 11.7 3:52 290<br />

13.5 0.0 6.4 4:29 295 18.8 4.5 12.3 3:54 290<br />

10.3 4.5 5.7 4:33 280 16.7 2.2 7.0 3:56 285<br />

9.1 4.6 5.1 4:35 310 18.2 0.0 15.1 3:58 300<br />

10.3 5.2 7.0 4:37 300 18.0 9.7 11.3 3:59 290<br />

14.6 5.1 11.2 4:39 300 24.9 4.7 20.4 4:01 270<br />

15.0 7.2 11.7 4:41 310 24.9 4.7 14.8 4:03 270<br />

15.9 8.4 10.9 4:43 310<br />

Average of this period 4:18pm - 4:43pm 7.6 305 Average of this period 3:48pm - 4:03pm 13.2 291<br />

North End (21feet from west side edge and 10 feet from north side edge) South End (23feet from west side edge and 10 feet from south side edge)<br />

Max, (mph) Min, (mph) Average, (mph) Time Direction, (degree) Max, (mph) Min, (mph) Average, (mph) Time Direction, (degree)<br />

15.9 4.9 11.1 4:46 310 15.4 4.0 9.2 4:10 280<br />

11.8 5.4 9.3 4:48 285 17.9 7.4 11.4 4:12 280<br />

17.1 4.1 5.6 4:50 280 21.2 8.5 11.6 4:13 290<br />

14.2 0.0 8.0 4:52 295 20.1 7.6 11.4 4:15 285<br />

11.4 6.7 7.4 4:54 295 21.3 11.3 14.4 4:17 280<br />

13.6 8.2 12.9 4:55 290 16.6 8.2 14.0 4:18 285<br />

14.2 6.4 8.4 4:57 310 20.6 7.1 15.2 4:20 280<br />

16.9 9.3 11.2 5:00 300 13.3 1.1 12.1 4:22 270<br />

16.2 5.3 15.1 5:02 310 17.0 4.0 6.4 4:24 270<br />

12.8 7.4 9.5 5:03 320 15.0 2.4 9.3 4:26 270<br />

Average of this period 4:46pm - 5:03pm 9.9 300 Average of this period 4:10pm - 4:26pm 11.5 279<br />

NE corner (35 feet from west side edge and 10 feet from north side edge) SE corner (38 feet from west side edge and 10 feet from south side edge)<br />

Max, (mph) Min, (mph) Average, (mph) Time Direction, (degree) Max, (mph) Min, (mph) Average, (mph) Time Direction, (degree)<br />

13.0 6.8 9.6 5:09 290 15.0 6.9 8.4 4:29 290<br />

12.3 4.3 4.9 5:11 290 16.7 3.7 13.5 4:31 290<br />

6.5 0.0 4.7 5:13 290 8.5 7.0 8.0 4:33 280<br />

10.3 5.0 6.3 5:16 300 19.2 4.9 14.1 4:35 275<br />

12.2 2.6 7.7 5:18 290 17.5 8.0 10.9 4:36 270<br />

14.1 8.0 9.3 5:19 300 17.8 5.2 11.9 4:39 270<br />

14.1 4.5 10.8 5:22 310 19.0 1.4 16.1 4:40 280<br />

12.6 6.5 9.9 5:24 300 17.1 8.4 14.7 4:43 280<br />

14.3 6.9 10.4 5:25 300 21.6 5.7 11.3 4:45 285<br />

13.9 5.0 8.5 5:26 300 18.2 1.5 14.5 4:47 280<br />

Average of this period 5:09pm - 5:26pm 8.2 297 Average of this period 4:29pm - 4:47pm 12.3 280<br />

Turbine System<br />

When analyzed at the MEC location, none of the turbines will produce enough energy to<br />

overcome annual overhead and maintenance costs. The greatest producing turbine will<br />

generate a mere $68 of energy per year, at an installation cost of approximately $50,000.<br />

A wind turbine installation on the BSU campus, and at nearly any location in the Boise<br />

metro area, does not meet economic justification. However, setting aside return on<br />

investment or other like investment comparators, we can use the initial cost estimates to<br />

aid in selecting a turbine. Educational purposes are the primary reason for this turbine<br />

installation, therefore we continued with our selection greatly based on the number of<br />

operating days per year, and the least costly method to achieve a working unit.<br />


Manufactures data was used to create a performance curve for each horizontal axis<br />

turbine analyzed. With Microsoft Excel’s© curve fit function we were able to generate a<br />

polynomial function of power vs. wind speed for each turbine. The R-squared values for<br />

the curve fit were greater than 0.99 for all of the turbines. The average wind speed from<br />

each day for the past 7 years was then plugged into the polynomial functions to determine<br />

how the turbine would perform in this area. The graph in Figure 31 shows performance<br />

for several different brands of turbines through one year based on average wind speeds<br />

from 1997 to 2003.<br />

Kilowatt Hours Per Day<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

J<br />

F<br />

M<br />

A<br />

M<br />

J<br />

J<br />

Bergey Excel R 7.5kW Bergey XL1 1kW Proven Energy WT2500 2.5kW<br />

Proven Energy WT600 0.6kW Bergey Excel 10kW Southwest WP Air X 0.9kW<br />

Figure 31 – Predicted Turbine Power Output 15 Day Moving Average<br />

The 7.5 kW turbine manufactured by Bergey would produce the most power. At around<br />

$50,000 to install, the Bergey Excel 7.5 kW has a rotor diameter of 22 feet. Installing a<br />

turbine this expensive may not be a feasible solution. Table 11 summarizes the turbine<br />

types and cost. The 2 nd and 3 rd best power producers included a 2.5 kW turbine<br />

manufactured by Proven Energy and a 1 kW turbine manufactured by Bergey,<br />

respectively. Both of these turbines were much more cost effective and would operate<br />

for many more school days per year than the larger turbine. An example power curve<br />

that we used in the analysis is illustrated in Figure 32 for the Bergey XL1.<br />

A<br />

S<br />

O<br />

N<br />

D<br />

J<br />


Power (W)<br />

1400<br />

1200<br />

1000<br />

800<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

0<br />

0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0<br />

Wind Speed (mph)<br />

Figure 32 – Bergey XL1 Theoretical Power Curve<br />

To facilitate observation by facility and students, the turbine should operate on school<br />

days, even if the power produced is minimal. Table 11 summarizes turbine size, yearly<br />

estimated power produced, and number of school days the turbines operates. If the<br />

average wind speed for the day exceeded the minimum start up speed for the turbine, the<br />

turbine was considered to operate on that day.<br />

Table 11 – Turbine Performance Summary<br />

Power Produced Number School Days<br />

Total<br />

System<br />

Turbine Type Rating Blade Diameter (m) Yearly (kW*hr) in Operation Cost<br />

Bergey Excel-R 7.5kW 6.7 882 122 $50,590<br />

Proven WT2500 2.5kW 3.5 580 247 $22,141<br />

Bergey XL1 1kW 2.5 373 247 $15,594<br />

Proven WT600 0.6kW 2.55 124 247 $17,172<br />

Bergey Excel 10kW 6.7 106 122 $37,000<br />

Southwest WP Air X 0.6kW 1.14 27 187 $12,191<br />

Power produced by the turbine and generator must be conditioned into an acceptable<br />

format. The system could delivery power to a battery bank, to the municipal grid, or<br />

directly to the load (appliances, lighting, etc.).<br />

Lower voltage (12 to 48 V), direct current power is a good choice for battery charging<br />

and some low load residential requirements. Battery charging is more expensive, due to<br />

the high cost of the special batteries required. However, if the goals are to net meter and<br />

connect the power with the grid, a certified signal conditioner will be required. Net<br />

metering will require working with Idaho Power to complete the install.<br />


Most turbine applications significantly benefit from towers, where the turbine is<br />

positioned into faster wind speed above the ground surface. Our turbine will be located<br />

on the roof top of the MEC building, already 80 ft above street level; a tower is mostly<br />

needed to overcome any turbulence effects of the roof structure. The MEC building’s<br />

height already helps position the turbine above the transition region of ground and<br />

surface objects.<br />

Existing towers and wiring packages from turbine manufactures can be purchased in sizes<br />

ranging from 20 to 100 ft. Our wind modeling analysis determined that using a tower 20<br />

ft high on the MEC building would place the turbine above any ill effects of the<br />

building’s own turbulence. Any tower taller than 20 ft would not significantly improve<br />

wind harvesting capability over the cost incurred in the tower.<br />

Monitoring systems purchased from the turbine manufacturer are designed with the<br />

specific turbine performance and output in mind. We were able to locate the different<br />

types and costs for monitoring systems available; however, a more detailed user<br />

requirement study is needed to finalize a monitoring decision.<br />

Safety Analysis<br />

We considered the failure modes of turbines and possible design accommodations to<br />

identify and reduce the risk of injury from the wind turbine. A competent individual<br />

must inspect the turbine system on a regular basis to check for fatigue wear. In addition,<br />

most turbines will require yearly maintenance and upkeep to reduce the possibility of<br />

failure and extend the lifespan. Placing the turbine near the center of the building would<br />

increase the probability of a failed blade landing on the building structure and not striking<br />

a pedestrian.<br />

A structural and vibration analysis of the building at the install location should be<br />

performed. Local building codes will need to be meet in the installation and the turbine<br />

will probably have to be inspected by building code officials after installation. A permit<br />

may be required to erect the turbine.<br />

Wind Speed, (mph)<br />

24<br />

22<br />

20<br />

18<br />

16<br />

14<br />

12<br />

10<br />

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51<br />

Week 1 thru 52<br />

Figure 33 - Maximum Avg. 2 min. Wind Gust 1997-2003<br />


Figure 33 shows the maximum average 2 minute wind gust from 1997 to 2003. The<br />

highest wind speed for a 2 minute gust is around 21 mph. However, instantaneous gust<br />

were up to twice as high at the Boise airport (a few measurements on the MEC roof<br />

exceeded 100 mph, however these velocity measurements occurred during steady wind<br />

speeds of approximately 6mph so they were negated for this study). The turbine selected<br />

must have safety features to stop operation when the force from the wind speed will<br />

exceed design stresses. Most turbines stop operation via a brake or unfurling mechanism<br />

at about 40 mph.<br />

Discussion<br />

This project only encompassed a portion of the work that would need to be performed to<br />

complete a turbine installation on top of the MEC building. Safety and structural<br />

mounting conditions will have to be addressed as mentioned in the previous section. A<br />

joint effort between the mechanical and electrical engineering departments at BSU is<br />

imperative to the completion of a functioning wind turbine.<br />

Foot traffic, even in small amounts, on top of the MEC building will degrade the life of<br />

the roof and cause premature wear and failure. Precautions should be taken to minimize<br />

damage to the membrane roof, as it is not designed to handle foot traffic. Incorporating<br />

required structural features and safety features will encompass the majority of the<br />

installation cost. This design work could be used for another senior design project that<br />

builds on this one.<br />

Due to the poor economics of the project and the safety issues, we speculate that the<br />

turbine system will probably never reach installation. Installing urban wind turbines on<br />

existing building presents several problems, and the benefit achieved at this location<br />

simply is not very significant.<br />

Conclusions<br />

We have concluded that the best location for a wind turbine at the COEN is at the center<br />

of the MEC building 20-30 feet above the penthouse roof. This structure is<br />

approximately 80 feet high and appears to have the best wind characteristics of the three<br />

COEN buildings. The highest magnitude of wind velocity was also at the center of this<br />

building. Installing the turbine in the center enables easy access and the ability to tie off<br />

the turbine tower at more locations. The Bergey XL1 1 kW turbine appears to be the best<br />

turbine package that could be purchased and installed on the MEC roof. This turbine was<br />

the 3 rd best performer and was by far the most cost effective.<br />


Recommendations<br />

To complete the installation several important items will have to be performed, some of<br />

which are included below:<br />

• Structural analysis of roof structure where turbine is to be installed.<br />

• Contact the roofing contractor who performed the installation for the MEC<br />

roof to certify the warranty will not be in-validated and to have additional<br />

mounts installed as needed.<br />

• Safety needs to be further considered before installation.<br />

• Building permits may have to be obtained.<br />

• A vibration analysis of the structure and turbine should be performed to<br />

ensure that the turbine is not going to produce any undesirable vibrations that<br />

could create failure of the turbine or the structure.<br />

• Involving the electrical engineering department in the power connection<br />

would be beneficial.<br />

• Install a maintenance path to the turbine to avoid premature wear of the<br />

membrane roof.<br />

• If the wind tunnel in the HML high bay become operational in the near future.<br />

It could be used to perform scaled testing and verify the results of our models.<br />

This was part of our original plan; however the wind tunnel was not operation<br />

through out the semester.<br />


References<br />

1 Idaho Department of Water Resources. 15 February 2005. http://www.idwr.state.id.us/energy/Energy/<br />

altenergy.htm<br />

2 Small Wind Energy Systems for the Homeowner. U.S. Department of Energy. GO-10098-374. FS 135.<br />

January 1997.<br />

3 Case Study of a Residential-Scale Hybrid Renewable Energy Power System in an Urban Setting. Z.M.<br />

Salameh and A.J. Davis. University of Massachusetts. 2003<br />

4 Wind Energy Manual. 1 February 2005. http://www.energy.iastate.edu/renewable/wind/wem/wem-<br />

01_print.html<br />

5 Facts About Wind Energy and Noise. American Wind Energy Association. Washington, D.C. 2001<br />

6 Engineering Design. Eggert, R. J., Prentice Hall, Inc., 2004, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey<br />

7 Specifications for Small Wind Turbines for Autonomous Energy Systems. C.G. Condaxakis. et.al. Wind<br />

Energy and Power Plant Synthesis Lab. Crete, Greece<br />


Appendix<br />

Turbine Power Curves<br />

Power (W)<br />

Power (W)<br />

7000<br />

6000<br />

5000<br />

4000<br />

3000<br />

2000<br />

1000<br />

Bergey Excel-R 7.5kW<br />

y = 0.0029x 6 - 0.0976x 5 + 0.2003x 4 + 13.382x 3 - 41.402x 2 + 15.171x + 2.5<br />

R 2 = 0.9988<br />

0<br />

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20<br />

1400<br />

1200<br />

1000<br />

800<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

y = -0.1275x 3 + 7.0907x 2 - 60.187x + 136.88<br />

R 2 = 0.9953<br />

Wind Speed (m/s)<br />

Bergey XL1 1kW<br />

0<br />

0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0<br />

Wind Speed (mph)<br />


Power (W)<br />

Power (W)<br />

3500<br />

3000<br />

2500<br />

2000<br />

1500<br />

1000<br />

500<br />

700<br />

600<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

y = -2.77x 3 + 74.138x 2 - 321.27x + 392.01<br />

R 2 = 0.9998<br />

Proven WT2500-2.5kW<br />

0<br />

0 5 10 15 20 25<br />

y = -0.5848x 3 + 17.073x 2 - 95.006x + 149.44<br />

R 2 = 0.9986<br />

Wind Speed (m/s)<br />

Southwest WP Air X<br />

0<br />

0 5 10 15 20 25 30<br />

Wind Speed (m/s)<br />


Power (W)<br />

14000<br />

12000<br />

10000<br />

8000<br />

6000<br />

4000<br />

2000<br />

y = -5.3868x 3 + 196.9x 2 - 1304.4x + 2419.8<br />

R 2 = 0.9976<br />

Bergey BWC Excel-10kW<br />

0<br />

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35<br />

Turbine Cost Tables<br />

`<br />

Wind Speed (m/s)<br />

Power Output : 1 kW Company : Bergey<br />

Type : Battery Charging Model : BWC XL 1-24<br />

Product Price<br />

Turbine<br />

Turbine and PowerCenter multi-function controller $ 2,450<br />

Tower<br />

Tower (30 ft tilt-up) $ 950<br />

Tower wiring kit, 7 Circuit $ 600<br />

Batteries<br />

5.3kWh Battery Bank $ 450<br />

Inverter<br />

1,500 W Inverter System $ 1,044<br />

Installation $ 10,000<br />

Total : $ 15,494<br />

Annual Profit & Loss<br />

Energy Generation $ 29<br />

O&M $ (75)<br />

Payback Period NA<br />


Power Output : 7.5 kW Company : Bergey<br />

Type : Battery Charging Model : BWC Excel-R/120<br />

Product Price<br />

Turbine<br />

Turbine and PowerCenter multi-function controller $ 19,900<br />

Tower<br />

Tower (64 ft tilt-up) $ 1,250<br />

Tower wiring kit $ 1,000<br />

Batteries<br />

84 kWh Battery Bank (5 string at $1,944 each) $ 9,720<br />

Inverter<br />

11 kW Inverter System $ 8,030<br />

Power Center<br />

DC Power Center Option, 7 circuit $ 690<br />

Installation $ 10,000<br />

Total : $ 50,590<br />

Annual Profit & Loss<br />

Energy Generation $ 68<br />

O&M $ (75)<br />

Payback Period NA<br />

Power Output : 10 kW Company : Bergey<br />

Type : Grid Connect Model : BWC Excel-S/60<br />

Product Price<br />

Turbine<br />

Turbine and PowerCenter multi-function controller w/ GridTek 10 Inverter $ 24,750<br />

Tower<br />

Tower (64 ft tilt-up) $ 1,250<br />

Tower wiring kit $ 1,000<br />

Batteries<br />

NA $ -<br />

Inverter<br />

NA $ -<br />

Power Center<br />

NA $ -<br />

Installation $ 10,000<br />

Total : $ 37,000<br />

Annual Profit & Loss<br />

Energy Generation $ 8<br />

O&M $ (100)<br />

Payback Period NA<br />


Power Output : 600 W Company : Proven Energy<br />

Type : Battery Charging Model : WT600/048<br />

Product Price<br />

Turbine<br />

600 Watt 48V wind turbine/generator $ 3,610<br />

Tower<br />

100 ft. guyed-lattice tower kit $ 2,163<br />

$ -<br />

Batteries<br />

5.3kWh Battery Bank (from Bergey) $ 410<br />

Inverter<br />

NA $ -<br />

Power Center<br />

charge controller with HV control. Included MCB Isolator (No Meters). $ 665<br />

48V Analogue Volt and Ammeters for use with ECM600 Controllers $ 323<br />

Installation $ 10,000<br />

Total : $ 17,172<br />

Annual Profit & Loss<br />

Energy Generation $ 9<br />

O&M $ (75)<br />

Payback Period NA<br />

Power Output : 2.5 kW Company : Proven Energy<br />

Type : Battery Charging Model : WT2500/048<br />

Product Price<br />

Turbine<br />

2.5 kWatt wind turbine/generator $ 7,152<br />

Tower<br />

Tilt-up self supporting wind turbine mast (6.5m). $ 2,163<br />

Batteries<br />

10kWh Battery Bank (from Bergey) $ 820<br />

Inverter<br />

NA $ -<br />

Power Center<br />

2.5kW, 24 or 38V DC battery charging controller. Includes 2 DC and $ 2,005<br />

3 AC divert load connections, V&I meters plus 8 system status indicators.<br />

Suitable for use with a DC system or DC/AC using an inverter.<br />

Installation $ 10,000<br />

Total : $ 22,141<br />

Annual Profit & Loss<br />

Energy Generation $ 45<br />

O&M $ (75)<br />

Payback Period NA<br />


Power Output : 2.5 kW Company : Proven Energy<br />

Type : Grid Connect Model : WT2500/300<br />

Product Price<br />

Turbine<br />

600 Watt wind turbine/generator $ 7,152<br />

Tower<br />

Tilt-up self supporting wind turbine mast (6.5m). $ 2,163<br />

Batteries<br />

NA $ -<br />

Inverter<br />

NA $ -<br />

Power Center<br />

Isolation and rectification controller for use with grid connect inverter. $ 1,018<br />

Included V&I meters for perfomance monitoring.<br />

Installation $ 10,000<br />

Total : $ 20,333<br />

Annual Profit & Loss<br />

Energy Generation $ 45<br />

O&M $ (100)<br />

Payback Period NA<br />

Power Output : 400 W Company : Southwest Windpower<br />

Type : Battery Charging Model : Air X 24V<br />

Product Price<br />

Turbine<br />

900 Watt wind turbine/generator $ 538<br />

Tower<br />

45 ft. tower kit $ 199<br />

Batteries<br />

5.3kWh Battery Bank (from Bergey) $ 410<br />

Inverter<br />

1,500 W Inverter System (from Bergey) $ 1,044<br />

Power Center<br />

NA $ -<br />

Installation $ 10,000<br />

Total : $ 12,191<br />

Annual Profit & Loss<br />

Energy Generation $ 2<br />

O&M $ (75)<br />

Payback Period NA<br />


FloWorks Wind Maps<br />

FloWorks Wind Map 1 – NW Wind Velocity Path Lines Colored by Magnitude<br />

FloWorks Wind Map 2 – South Face MEC Building NW Wind Velocity Path Lines<br />


FloWorks Wind Map 3 – SE Wind Velocity Path Lines Colored by Magnitude<br />

FloWorks Wind Map 4 - South Face MEC Building SE Wind Velocity Path Lines<br />


Fluent Wind Maps<br />

Fluent Wind Maps 1 – NW Wind Velocity Path Lines Colored by Magnitude<br />

Fluent Wind Maps 2 – SE Wind Velocity Path Lines Colored by Magnitude<br />


Fluent Wind Maps 3 – South Face MEC Building SE Wind Velocity Path Lines<br />

Fluent Wind Maps 4 – South Face MEC Building NW Wind Velocity Path Lines<br />


Monthly Boise Airport Wind Rose<br />

January<br />

March<br />

May<br />

February<br />

April<br />

June<br />


July<br />

September<br />

November<br />

August<br />

October<br />

December<br />


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