Invocation of Horus - Astron Argon

Invocation of Horus - Astron Argon

Invocation of Horus - Astron Argon


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HORUS<br />


Here’s the unmodified original. (I think think think think this is unedited. I just pulled it <strong>of</strong>f my file copy. Haven’t gone back to<br />

pro<strong>of</strong>read it against the original.) It was originally performed on March 20, 1904. It is customary in some<br />

Thelemic circles to repeat the ritual on that occasion each year.--James A. Eschelman<br />


HORUS<br />


To be performed before a window open to the East or North without incense. The room to be filled<br />

with jewels, but only diamonds to be worn. A sword, unconsecrated. 44 pearl beads to be told.<br />

Stand. Bright daylight at 12:30 noon. Lock doors. White robes. Bare feet. Be very loud. Use the<br />

Sign <strong>of</strong> Apophis and Typhon.<br />

No preliminary banishing etc.<br />



Unprepared and uninvoking Thee, I, [NAME], am here in Thy Presence - for Thou art Everywhere, O<br />

Lord <strong>Horus</strong>! - to confess humbly before Thee my neglect and scorn <strong>of</strong> Thee.<br />

How shall I humble myself enough before Thee? Thou art the mighty and unconquered Lord <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Universe: I am a spark <strong>of</strong> Thine unutterable Radiance.<br />

How should I approach Thee? - but Thou art Everywhere.<br />

But Thou hast graciously deigned to call me unto Thee, to this Exorcism <strong>of</strong> Art, that I may be Thy<br />

Servant, Thine Adept, O Bright One, O Sun <strong>of</strong> Glory! Thou hast called me - should I not then hasten<br />

to Thy Presence?<br />

With unwashen hands therefore I come unto Thee, and I lament my wandering from Thee - but<br />

Thou knowest!<br />

Yea, Yea, Yea, Yea, I I I I have have have have done done done done evil! evil! evil! evil!<br />

If one blasphemed Thee, why should I therefore forsake Thee? But thou art the Avenger; all is with<br />

Thee.<br />

I bow my neck before Thee; and as once Thy sword was upon it, so am I in Thy hands. Strike if Thou<br />

wilt: spare if Thou wilt: but accept me as I am.<br />

My trust is in Thee: shall I be confounded? This Ritual <strong>of</strong> Art; this Forty and Fourfold <strong>Invocation</strong>; this<br />

Sacrifice <strong>of</strong> Blood - these I do not comprehend.<br />

It is enough if I obey Thy decree; did thy fiat go forth for my eternal misery, were it not my joy to<br />

execute Thy Sentence on myself?<br />

For why? For that All is in Thee and <strong>of</strong> Thee; it is enough if I burn up in the intolerable glory <strong>of</strong> Thy<br />

presence.<br />

Enough! I turn toward Thy Promise.<br />

Doubtful are the Words: Dark are the Ways: but in Thy Words and Ways is Light. Thus then now as<br />

ever, I enter the Path <strong>of</strong> Darkness, if haply so I may attain the Light.<br />


I<br />

Strike, strike the master chord!<br />

Draw, draw the Flaming Sword!<br />

Crowned Child and Conquering Lord,<br />

<strong>Horus</strong>, avenger!<br />

(At every “Thee I invoke,” give Sign <strong>of</strong> Apophis.)<br />

1. 1. 1. 1. O O O O Thou Thou Thou Thou <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the the the the Head Head Head Head <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the the the the Hawk! Hawk! Hawk! Hawk! Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, I I I I invoke! invoke! invoke! invoke!<br />

A. Thou only-begotten-child <strong>of</strong> Osiris Thy Father, and Isis Thy Mother. He that was slain; She<br />

that bore Thee in Her womb, flying from the Terror <strong>of</strong> the Water. Thee, Thee, I invoke!<br />

2. 2. 2. 2. O O O O Thou Thou Thou Thou whose whose whose whose Apron Apron Apron Apron is is is is <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> flashing flashing flashing flashing white, white, white, white, whiter whiter whiter whiter than than than than the the the the Forehead Forehead Forehead Forehead <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the the the the Morning! Morning! Morning! Morning! Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee,<br />

Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, I I I I invoke! invoke! invoke! invoke!<br />

B. O Thou who hast formulated Thy Father and made fertile Thy Mother!<br />

Thee, Thee, I invoke!<br />

3. 3. 3. 3. O O O O Thou Thou Thou Thou whose whose whose whose garment garment garment garment is is is is <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> golden golden golden golden glory, glory, glory, glory, with with with with the the the the azure azure azure azure bars bars bars bars <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> sky! sky! sky! sky!<br />

Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, I I I I invoke! invoke! invoke! invoke!<br />

C. Thou who didst avenge the Horror <strong>of</strong> Death; Thou the slayer <strong>of</strong> Typhon!<br />

Thou who didst lift Thine arms, and the dragons <strong>of</strong> Death were as dust; Thou who didst raise<br />

Thine Head, and the crocodile <strong>of</strong> Nile was abased before Thee! Thee, Thee, I invoke!<br />

4. 4. 4. 4. O O O O Thou Thou Thou Thou whose whose whose whose Nemyss Nemyss Nemyss Nemyss hideth hideth hideth hideth the the the the Universe Universe Universe Universe with with with with night, night, night, night, the the the the impermeable impermeable impermeable impermeable Blue! Blue! Blue! Blue! Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, II<br />

II<br />

invoke! invoke! invoke! invoke!<br />

D. Thou who travellest in the Boat <strong>of</strong> Ra, abiding at the Helm <strong>of</strong> the Aftet boat and <strong>of</strong> the Sektet<br />

boat! Thee, Thee, I invoke!<br />

5. 5. 5. 5. Thou Thou Thou Thou who who who who bearest bearest bearest bearest the the the the Wand Wand Wand Wand <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Double Double Double Double Power! Power! Power! Power! Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, I I I I invoke! invoke! invoke! invoke!<br />

E. Thou about whose presence is shed the darkness <strong>of</strong> Blue Light, the unfathomable glory <strong>of</strong> the<br />

outmost Aethyr, the untravelled, the unthinkable immensity <strong>of</strong> Space. Thou who<br />

concentratest all the Thirty Aethyrs in one darkling sphere <strong>of</strong> Fire! Thee, Thee, I invoke!<br />

6. 6. 6. 6. O O O O Thou Thou Thou Thou who who who who bearest bearest bearest bearest the the the the Rose Rose Rose Rose and and and and Cross Cross Cross Cross <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Life Life Life Life and and and and Light! Light! Light! Light! Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, I I I I invoke! invoke! invoke! invoke!<br />

The Voice <strong>of</strong> the Five.<br />

The Voice <strong>of</strong> the Six.<br />

Eleven are the Voices.<br />


II<br />

II<br />

Strike, strike the master chord!<br />

Draw, draw the Flaming Sword!<br />

Crowned Child and Conquering Lord,<br />

<strong>Horus</strong>, avenger!<br />

1. By thy name <strong>of</strong> Ra I invoke Thee, Hawk <strong>of</strong> the Sun, the glorious one!<br />

2. By thy name <strong>of</strong> Harmachis, youth <strong>of</strong> the Brilliant Morning, I invoke Thee!<br />

3. By thy name Mau, I invoke Thee, Lion <strong>of</strong> the Mid-day Sun.<br />

4. By thy name Tum, Hawk <strong>of</strong> the Even, crimson splendor <strong>of</strong> the Sunset, I invoke Thee!<br />

5. By thy name Kheph-Ra I invoke Thee, O Beetle <strong>of</strong> the hidden Mastery <strong>of</strong> Midnight!<br />

A. By the name Heru-pa-Kraat, Lord <strong>of</strong> Silence, Beautiful Child that standest on the Dragons <strong>of</strong><br />

the Deep, I invoke Thee!<br />

B. By thy name <strong>of</strong> Apollo, I invoke Thee, O man <strong>of</strong> strength and splendor, O poet, O father!<br />

C. By thy name <strong>of</strong> Phoebus, that drivest thy chariot through the Heaven <strong>of</strong><br />

Zeus, I invoke Thee!<br />

D. By thy name <strong>of</strong> Odin I invoke Thee, O warrior <strong>of</strong> the North, O Renown <strong>of</strong> the Sagas!<br />

E. By thy name <strong>of</strong> Jeheshua, O child <strong>of</strong> the Flaming Star, I invoke Thee!<br />

F. By Thine own, Thy secret name Hoori, Thee I invoke!<br />

The Voice <strong>of</strong> the Five.<br />

The Voice <strong>of</strong> the Six.<br />

Eleven are the Voices.<br />

Abrahadabra!<br />

Behold! I stand in the midst. Mine is the symbol <strong>of</strong> Osiris; to Thee are mine eyes ever turned. Unto<br />

the Splendor <strong>of</strong> Geburah, the Magnificence <strong>of</strong> Chesed, the Mystery <strong>of</strong> Daath, thither I lift up mine<br />

eyes. This have I sought, and I have sought the Unity: hear Thou me!<br />

III<br />

III<br />

Strike, strike the master chord!<br />

Draw, draw the Flaming Sword!<br />

Crowned Child and Conquering Lord,<br />

<strong>Horus</strong>, avenger!<br />

1. 1. 1. 1. Mine Mine Mine Mine is is is is the the the the Head Head Head Head <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the the the the Man, Man, Man, Man, and and and and my my my my sight sight sight sight is is is is keen keen keen keen as as as as the the the the Hawk’s. Hawk’s. Hawk’s. Hawk’s. By By By By my my my my Head Head Head Head I I I I invoke invoke invoke invoke Thee! Thee! Thee! Thee!<br />

A. I am the only-begotten child <strong>of</strong> my Father and Mother. By my Body I invoke Thee!<br />

2. 2. 2. 2. About About About About me me me me shine shine shine shine the the the the Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Radiance Radiance Radiance Radiance white white white white and and and and pure. pure. pure. pure. By By By By their their their their brightness brightness brightness brightness I I I I invoke invoke invoke invoke Thee! Thee!<br />

Thee! Thee!

B. Mine is the Red Triangle Reversed, the Sign given <strong>of</strong> none, save it be <strong>of</strong><br />

Thee, O Lord! By the Lamen I invoke Thee!<br />

3. 3. 3. 3. Mine Mine Mine Mine is is is is the the the the garment garment garment garment <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> white white white white sewn sewn sewn sewn with with with with gold, gold, gold, gold, the the the the flashing flashing flashing flashing abbai abbai abbai abbai that that that that I I I I wear. wear. wear. wear. By By By By my my my my robe robe robe robe II<br />

II<br />

invoke invoke invoke invoke Thee! Thee! Thee! Thee!<br />

C. Mine is the sign <strong>of</strong> Apophis and Typhon! By the sign I invoke Thee!<br />

4. 4. 4. 4. Mine Mine Mine Mine is is is is the the the the turban turban turban turban <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> white white white white and and and and gold, gold, gold, gold, and and and and mine mine mine mine the the the the blue blue blue blue vigor vigor vigor vigor <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the the the the intimate intimate intimate intimate air! air! air! air! By By By By my my my my<br />

crown crown crown crown I I I I invoke invoke invoke invoke Thee! Thee! Thee! Thee!<br />

D. My fingers travel on the Beads <strong>of</strong> Pearl: so run I after Thee in thy car <strong>of</strong> glory. By my fingers I<br />

invoke Thee!<br />

5. 5. 5. 5. I I I I bear be be bear<br />

ar ar the the the the Word Word Word Word <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Double Double Double Double Power Power Power Power in in in in the the the the Voice Voice Voice Voice <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the the the the Master Master Master Master - - - - Abrahadabra! Abrahadabra! Abrahadabra! Abrahadabra! By By By By the the the the Word Word Word Word II<br />

II<br />

invoke invoke invoke invoke Thee! Thee! Thee! Thee!<br />

E. Mine are the dark-blue waves <strong>of</strong> music in the song that I made <strong>of</strong> old to<br />

invoke thee -<br />

Strike, strike the master chord!<br />

Draw, draw the Flaming Sword!<br />

Crowned Child and Conquering Lord,<br />

<strong>Horus</strong>, avenger!<br />

By the Song I invoke Thee!<br />

6. 6. 6. 6. In In In In my my my my hand hand hand hand is is is is thy thy thy thy Sword Sword Sword Sword <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Revenge; Revenge; Revenge; Revenge; let let let let it it it it strike strike strike strike at at at at Thy Thy Thy Thy Bidding! Bidding! Bidding! Bidding! By By By By the the the the Sword Sword Sword Sword I I I I invoke invoke invoke invoke Thee! Thee! Thee! Thee!<br />

The Voice <strong>of</strong> the Five.<br />

The Voice <strong>of</strong> the Six.<br />

Eleven are the Voices.<br />


IV<br />

IV<br />

Strike, strike the master chord!<br />

Draw, draw the Flaming Sword!<br />

Crowned Child and Conquering Lord,<br />

<strong>Horus</strong>, avenger!<br />

(Give sign at each “Abrahadabra!”)<br />

1. 1. 1. 1. Mine Mine Mine Mine is is is is the the the the Head Head Head Head <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the the the the Hawk! Hawk! Hawk! Hawk! Abrahadabra!<br />

Abrahadabra!<br />

Abrahadabra!<br />

Abrahadabra!<br />

A. I am He, the only-begotten-child <strong>of</strong> Osiris My Father, and Isis My<br />

Mother. He that was slain; She that bore Me in Her womb, flying from the Terror <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Water. Abrahadabra!<br />

2. 2. 2. 2. My My My My Apron Apron Apron Apron is is is is <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> flashing flashing flashing flashing white, white, white, white, whiter whiter whiter whiter than than than than the the the the Forehead Forehead Forehead Forehead <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the the the the Morning! Morning! Morning! Morning!<br />

Abrahadabra!<br />

Abrahadabra!<br />

Abrahadabra!<br />

Abrahadabra!<br />

B. I have formulated My Father and made fertile My Mother! Abrahadabra!<br />

3. 3. 3. 3. My My My My garment garment garment garment is is is is <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> golden golden golden golden glory, glory, glory, glory, with with with with the the the the azure azure azure azure bars bars bars bars <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> sky! sky! sky! sky! Abrahadabra!<br />

Abrahadabra!<br />

Abrahadabra!<br />

Abrahadabra!<br />

C. I did avenge the Horror <strong>of</strong> Death; I am the slayer <strong>of</strong> Typhon! I did lift<br />

Mine arms, and the Dragons <strong>of</strong> Death were as dust; I did raise Mine Head, and the Crocodile<br />

<strong>of</strong> Nile was abased before Me! Abrahadabra!<br />

4. 4. 4. 4. My My My My Nemyss Nemyss Nemyss Nemyss hideth hideth hideth hideth the the the the Universe Universe Universe Universe with with with with night, night, night, night, the the the the impermeable impermeable impermeable impermeable Blue! Blue! Blue! Blue!<br />

Abrahadabra!<br />

Abrahadabra!<br />

Abrahadabra!<br />

Abrahadabra!<br />

D. I travellest in the Boat <strong>of</strong> Ra, abiding at the Helm <strong>of</strong> the Aftet boat and <strong>of</strong> the Sektet boat!<br />

Abrahadabra!<br />

5. 5. 5. 5. I I I I bear bear bear bear the the the the Wand Wand Wand Wand <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Double Double Double Double Power! Power! Power! Power! Abrahadabra!<br />

Abrahadabra!<br />

Abrahadabra!<br />

Abrahadabra!<br />

E. About my presence is shed the darkness <strong>of</strong> Blue Light, the unfathomable glory <strong>of</strong> the<br />

outmost Aethyr, the untravelled, the unthinkable immensity <strong>of</strong> Space. I am He who<br />

concentratest all the Thirty Aethyrs in one darkling sphere <strong>of</strong> Fire! Abrahadabra!<br />

6. 6. 6. 6. I I I I bear bear bear bear the the the the Rose Rose Rose Rose and and and and Cross Cross Cross Cross <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Life Life Life Life and and and and Light! Light! Light! Light! Abrahadabra!<br />

Abrahadabra!<br />

Abrahadabra!<br />

Abrahadabra!<br />

(Remain in the Sign.)<br />

Therefore Therefore Therefore Therefore I I I I say say say say unto unto unto unto thee: thee thee thee:<br />

: : Come Come Come Come Thou Thou Thou Thou forth forth forth forth and and and and dwell dwell dwell dwell in in in in me; me; me; me; so so so so that that that that every every every every Spirit, Spirit, Spirit, Spirit, whether whether whether whether <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the the the the<br />

Firmament, Firmament, Firmament, Firmament, or or or or <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the the the the Ether, Ether, Ether, Ether, <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the the the the Earth Earth Earth Earth or or or or under under under under the the the the Earth; Earth; Earth; Earth; on on on on dry dry dry dry land land land land or or or or in in in in the the the the Water, Water, Water, Water, <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Whirling Whirling Whirling Whirling<br />

Air Air Air Air or or or or <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Rushing Rushing Rushing Rushing Fire; Fire; Fire; Fire; and and and and every every every every spell spell spell spell and and and and scourge scourge scourge scourge <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> God God God God the the the the Vast Vast Vast Vast One One One One may may may may be be be be THOU. THOU. THOU. THOU.<br />

Abrahadabra! Abrahadabra! Abrahadabra! Abrahadabra! -- -- -- -- (The (The (The (The Adoration Adoration Adoration Adoration - - - - impromptu)<br />

impromptu)<br />

impromptu)<br />


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