Carnot cycle.pdf

Carnot cycle.pdf

Carnot cycle.pdf


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<strong>Carnot</strong> Cycle<br />

P<br />

tot<br />

h c<br />

+<br />

q = q + q qh + qc<br />

> 0<br />

V<br />

Heat flows into the<br />

system (q h > 0) to<br />

maintain constant temp<br />

w=−∫PdV The system (the engine) does work.<br />

Δ U = 0 = qtot + wtot<br />

qtot = −wtot<br />

q tot > 0<br />

Heat flows out of the<br />

system (q c < 0) to<br />

maintain constant temp<br />

w tot < 0<br />

qh > qc<br />

<strong>Carnot</strong> Cycle

w tot<br />

<strong>Carnot</strong><br />

Engine<br />

q h<br />

q c<br />

A gas that is undergoing the<br />

four stages of the <strong>Carnot</strong> <strong>cycle</strong><br />

w =− q + q<br />

tot<br />

( )<br />

h c<br />

This will be a neg. number.<br />

Which means the engine did<br />

work (that’s a good thing.)<br />

How much work is done if 50 kJ<br />

of heat flows into the engine and<br />

-40 kJ are returned to the cold<br />

source ?<br />

<strong>Carnot</strong> Cycle

Engine Efficiency<br />

Define engine efficiency as the ratio of the total work<br />

done divided by the heat input .<br />

ε =<br />

ε<br />

carn. eng.<br />

carn. eng.<br />

=<br />

w<br />

q<br />

tot<br />

h<br />

q + q<br />

q<br />

h c<br />

T<br />

ε carn. eng.<br />

= 1−<br />

T<br />

h<br />

c<br />

h<br />

q q<br />

= −<br />

T T<br />

h c<br />

h c<br />

<strong>Carnot</strong> Cycle

P<br />

<strong>Carnot</strong> Refrigerators<br />

A <strong>Carnot</strong> fridge is a <strong>Carnot</strong> Engine in reverse.<br />

w=−∫PdV The system (the fridge)<br />

requires work input. (w tot > 0)<br />

-<br />

V<br />

This makes sense, a<br />

refrigerator must remove<br />

heat from an already cold<br />

source and place it in a hot<br />

sink (the room).<br />

Heat (q h ) flows out of the<br />

system (q h < 0) to<br />

maintain constant temp .<br />

Heat (q c ) flows into the<br />

system (q c > 0) to<br />

maintain constant temp .<br />

<strong>Carnot</strong> Cycle

w tot<br />

The Room<br />

<strong>Carnot</strong><br />

Fridge<br />

q h<br />

q c<br />

The Fridge<br />

A gas that is undergoing the four<br />

stages of the <strong>Carnot</strong> <strong>cycle</strong> in reverse.<br />

q = −w<br />

tot tot<br />

But now w tot > 0, so…<br />

q < 0<br />

tot<br />

qh + qc<br />

< 0<br />

qh > qc<br />

q h < 0<br />

q c > 0<br />

More heat is dumped into the room<br />

than is removed from the fridge !<br />

<strong>Carnot</strong> Cycle

<strong>Carnot</strong> Refrigerator Efficiency<br />

η =<br />

carn. fri.<br />

η =<br />

carn. fri.<br />

η =<br />

carn. fri.<br />

q<br />

w<br />

c<br />

tot<br />

qc<br />

q + q<br />

h c<br />

Tc<br />

T −T<br />

h c<br />

q q<br />

= −<br />

T T<br />

h c<br />

h c<br />

A household refrigerator’s freezer<br />

compartment works at 255 K. Assuming that<br />

the room’s temperature is 294 K, what is the<br />

maximum efficiency ? How much work is<br />

required to remove 65 J of heat from the<br />

freezer ?<br />

<strong>Carnot</strong> Cycle

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