Bar/Bat Mitzvah Handbook - Temple Micah

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Handbook - Temple Micah

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Handbook - Temple Micah


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17. V’ahavtah<br />

27<br />

'Wיֽ<br />

ֶהO אֱ<br />

יָ יְ<br />

תאֵ תָּ ְב ַה אָ וְ<br />

ל ָכ ְבU 'W<br />

ְשׁ פְ ַנ ל ָכ ְבU 'W<br />

ְב ָבְל ל ָכ ְC<br />

'ה<br />

ֶלּאֵ<br />

ָה םירִ ָבSְ ַה Uי ָה וְ<br />

/ Wֽדֹא ֶ מְ<br />

לעַ 'םIH<br />

ַה WUְ ַצמְ י ִכֹנ אָ<br />

ר ֶשׁ אֲ<br />

תָּ רְ ַCדִ וְ<br />

'Wיֽ<br />

ֶנ ָבְל םתָּ ְנ ַנּ ִשׁ וְ<br />

/ Wֽ ֶב ָבְל<br />

Wתְּ ְכ ֶל ְבU 'Wֽתי<br />

ֶ ֵב ְC Wתְּ ְב ִשׁ ְC 'ם<br />

ָC<br />

/ WֽמUק<br />

ֶ ְבU 'W<br />

ְC ְכ ָשׁ ְבU 'Qרֽ<br />

ֶSֶ<br />

ַב<br />

Uי ָה וְ<br />

'Wֽדֶ<br />

יָ<br />

לעַ תIא ְל םתָּ רְ ַשׁ קU ְ<br />

םתָּ ְבתַ ְכU / Wיֽ ֶניעֵ ןי ֵC תֹפ ָטֹט ְל<br />

. Wיֽרֶעָ ְשׁ ִבU Wֽתי ֶ ֵC תIזזֻמְ לעַ You shall love Adonai your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. Take to heart these<br />

instructions with which I charge you this day. Impress them upon your children. Recite them when you stay at<br />

home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you get up. Bind them as a sign on your hand and let<br />

them serve as a symbol on your forehead; inscribe them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.<br />

תאֶ םתי ֶ ִשׂ עֲ וַ<br />

Uר ְכּזְ תִּ<br />

ןעֽ ַ מַ ְל<br />

םי ִשֹׁדקְ םתי ֶ יִ ְה וִ<br />

'יתI<br />

ָ ְצמִ ל ָכּ<br />

ר ֶשׁ אֲ<br />

'ם<br />

ֶכי ֵהO אֱ<br />

יָ יְ<br />

י ִנאֲ / ם ֶכי ֵהOא ֵל<br />

ץרֽ ֶאֶ<br />

מֵ<br />

ם ֶכתְ אֶ<br />

יתאֽ ִ ֵצIה<br />

'םי<br />

ִהOא ֵל ם ֶכ ָל תIי ְה ִל 'םיֽ<br />

ִרַ<br />

ְצמִ / ם ֶכי ֵהO אֱ<br />

יָ יְ<br />

י ִנאֲ Thus you shall remember to observe all My commandments and to be holy to your God. I am Adonai, your God,<br />

who brought you out of the land of Egypt to be your God: I am Adonai your God.

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