Woman with a Fan: Paul Gauguin's Heavenly Vairaumati-a Parable ...

Woman with a Fan: Paul Gauguin's Heavenly Vairaumati-a Parable ...

Woman with a Fan: Paul Gauguin's Heavenly Vairaumati-a Parable ...


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Mat io-Aniix',xs \xii 1Linichati, Folkwang Museum, Essel' , for this rexe-r<br />

32. l)Diilcsso, (;ouguitt xi thie Smalh ,Sas, 257, claims that the relationship<br />

bx'vecii Galiguiii and TIxlxtaxa was "intimati," but there is little evidclnx<br />

c o1 a laisolxol lel than a rei'ark in a lettei to Daniclisson fiom<br />

(;I'hl x ieams latci, whereas his caiIr l'i ttr ' to Ichiciit ian indicates<br />

quite the oplpisile, Liteiatlirc o'i tEuiopean iacial stereotypes at they<br />

ilpll tox women ox c2olol is vast; x'ir examples, see n. 2 above, as well as<br />

SmIdcl { .ihxxx, IMi/r,me x and /alholog,i7: Stele,tt/iks of S'xuialiti, Rate and<br />

Modmmixii (Ixhaca, N.Y.: (Cornell University Press, 1 985); ani Adrienne<br />

Clhilds, "I lTix Black Exotic: Tradition aild Eiithiogi aphy in Nineteenth-<br />

0,x1111xN (Iiic'nialisI Alt" (PhD) diss., Uniiersitv of' Marxland, College<br />

PI'mk, 2005).<br />

33. lix Segahln, lI,l/hi i'x Mou'ftid, Maxch 1902, no. LXXVII, and May 1902,<br />

noi. ILXXIX, 6auguin speaks of' his "solitude" and "complete isolation."<br />

34. 1 i(x titles aic listed ii chxlkwisi ordr' lixor xipper left. Douglas Druick<br />

Petc /egcs, x''d "I' Kampopng et la pagodc: Gauguin at l'Exposition<br />

unixiisIlhe de 1889," in (Gaugiti: Axtes dxu (olloque, '1s1ai, xl'Orsav (Paris:<br />

l' .ch' ilit lxouvx'e, 1991 ), 101-42, am 122-23, identified the photograph<br />

Of1 11c sixlix' ixf Vishini by Isidore van Kinsbergen. The objecx t at lower<br />

iighinxix\ blxxe thie Imxk ofi a cxanlvas.<br />

35. Ali cdn d 1xxii i//li d, (itai,Caxtu, (Gidl, Huyxsmams .... ai Odixn ledon (Paris:<br />

J. Cmli, 19G)), no. 3, September 1890, 19`)3. Elizabetli Childs, "Paradise<br />

Rcdlnx: Inixguix, lPlhtogiaphy, and Fin-ide-Sieli Tailiti," in The Ar/ist<br />

xixd /ixr C xmem. .Dol)xroxlh Kosinski (New I lav'n: Yale Universin,<br />

P'es, 1999), 19-41; alid Frai ,oise i leilbtilii, "I,a photog xaphic,<br />

%amce dc's airs"," ill Calignn, Tahiti, 21103, 42-61.<br />

'sex -<br />

"36. <strong>Paul</strong> (;;I iguix. Almicn xi1l1// m/horie (1892-93), ed. Rer'6 Huiglie, aclsimilc<br />

ud. (Illa.is1 ,La P'alni, 1)x51l), 13. (Gaiguin f1'equently represented<br />

Iliixa. Amni g 1cli' cxamples 'anv of disembodied heads are ihose il<br />

tlh' Sr'/Po/itil t (;i/ox/lxha (W 534), 189ii, Muse'm of Art, Sao <strong>Paul</strong>o,<br />

Ih1a/il.<br />

37. Dit hfI o/ xoixul (;ouaguio, cxh. (ai., National a(alle'ry of Art, Washington,<br />

D1.C., ;kil l] O I t hislitlc ofCh icagox , 1(988, 217 and 11ceilbrun, ''a<br />

phiohl(gmplxhic'," 58. Foi Noxi \oia, see Nicholas Wadley, (Gouxguioi's Tahiti<br />

(Lnd in:<br />

PIhaidon, 191851, 109-12.<br />

38. Scx,'111xc I limgixie, "Patil Galiguiil and the Muse in the ,Myth of' the<br />

Aixlimx asI )ili',' t ic I'iUorlis/, 4 m miulx i,i: 111/loaiitio u (xlix ixxi/tult et d' siio<br />

moWli, Xl\' NX \ii'<br />

(oilriiig).<br />

lxx (Rome: Axadx'ie de F'aince, Villa Medici, forth-<br />

39. F'. S. C miighill lklidyv, Nia/ive Cull/u in the Maiiiueva's (Honoluhl: Ber-<br />

Hixi IcishlNsho<br />

Museum B'i lclin, 19)23), 293.<br />

401. (;-oig('s ILe' Bionir , "lxvi'lairi' dls Neils," in Wildenstein, Gauguin,<br />

m vir, 20 1 8: and Kjcllgi ci', Aldoring the iorld, cat. no. 73.<br />

41. Six kei, "Fl' lBildl," 116. David Sweetnian, <strong>Paul</strong> (Gangiiin: A Lif/i (New<br />

Yolk: Siloll and Schustxl, 1995), 50}8, remarks (lie prominence of the<br />

(I icolxi isx'll'. Altlhxugh lhe official sequence ofx the coloxs in the<br />

f xxi Ii xxi( ol 1;ix d IIih' ne ix' the xelxter- and red oil the oxuter i'a,nd-xwas<br />

'sliblishci in ilix' Third Rcpoblic, tlx ieveise is xoninion. Foi example's,<br />

xc'.,1ca -Miclx l Re x,ieali, I, /x'x fles lax R//xim liqui', l'/isloire de lht<br />

W/Im/liqui xi /irxis hx lx velt,v (tl,Maniaotti, (lParis: Assemb6lc Nationale,<br />

200I), 136-37, 112, It5, 17f, 2(94, 2961.<br />

42. Segolc'. Iix'/x/ho x N iolx/id, November 191)1, no. ILXXVL. See Rookimmikc'i,<br />

,i/lhritixl Ill 7Theorio, 239-4), oxi (<strong>Gauguin's</strong> greatest legacy ol<br />

I Ici iv,' hrccdoilxl.<br />

43. (;auguinIxs,Miooirs, 'xd. Mcilix's. 25-26.<br />

44. A(mioding xI( 'lT'Alsace-l'X ,orii' e Ct 16tat ac'ict des is'prits" (Olernor ih<br />

FIxlmmr 2 1 I D)xcx ibetc 189)71: i, 1- 813), populai opinion iheld that the<br />

miilniry ( ixllicis wcx e 'xershadoiwed i by le triumph of French culture.<br />

Sce hlirtlici ,lexatlacques Blcikic and St`iphane Audoin-Rotizeau, Lit<br />

FIx)ir, lit nioxmx. l gur''tr': 18150-1920 (P}aris: Sidcs, 1995), 156-57.<br />

45. (G,igiuin, f/lxemiixs, ic. NMxllih's, 28.<br />

46. lbid., 26.<br />

47. S'cg;hil', Ixt/hw i ix ,hix/xid, O(toibci 1902, nxo. ILXXXI.<br />

48. miguniiu. Umaxottlx m,x. ed. Mcillr's, 12-13. lix iny seminai oxi Gauguin,<br />

2005, 1(i 1',vnine cncomiragi d me tIo suppose thxat Gautguin adapted<br />

tlhe iolxtx of "uanslptisilioll dart," intrdcix ced by TI'iophile Gautier<br />

in his poixl'us afilc 18,18, llrolably , "Sy xxvplixonii' el blaxic lajetu," subselIiclill<br />

,eNpliblisht'd log'lxhe<br />

lion cmxi-l1plificdl syxcsxh'lix<br />

ill 1'.imoux el mn iirs (Paris, 1872). The collec-<br />

wrldencies lxir the ]ext generation. I ari<br />

grl;ni ltl 1()Ilh rexsx' l a)nli lrc exlensive noies oxi xltie topic.<br />

49. J 'chan c I'cillictI-'isk, I ii , I/Vx ixi'd, (xix hZt01 M*1tio/ x x?i (;au uifxpiix<br />

PSolym,wio Sx,mhiolixm (/\lilt Arbor: UMI Researc' l Press, 1983), 145-46,<br />

xi'si I ii's (;;uuguin's methixd, ii which lie "miustantly quo ted images<br />

hiot] his Iliiouixius wox"s, images whih I the maj ai o xf ty (liie title stood<br />

lox ;Ill idi'x.-" I)ingc'ol , "Prci'nict scijour a1 Talhiti," 115, compares his<br />

i)all1 In,v, k appi oatclixxo Ille piecemeal displays of' the diffrle't cuhures<br />

inl Orc2 1889} E\p[o{sitiol U nkivesclic.<br />

lOANV 111 1 VA, \ ":I P I' GAt GUIN'S IiA\ ENLNh V\ IRAUNI \I 1 565<br />

50. Gauguin, tawontairs, ed. Merfihes. 15-16.<br />

51. Camilh,' issatro, Lettrev 'i soan /ili L,ucien, ed. John Rewald (Paris: Albin<br />

Michel, 1950), 217, Noxember 23, 1893. Richaid Field, "Plagiaire on<br />

criateuir," in Poaul (;augrmn (Paris: Hachette, Collection Genies et<br />

Realit6s, 1961), 139-69.<br />

52. Gauguin, Rarootars, ed. Merlhes, 13.<br />

53. Jacques AotoinC Moerellhotlt, L,es zovages aux [ils do gianud oMi,in. 2 vols.<br />

(1837; reprint, Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 19'7). 1euira Heim, 411iient<br />

Tahiti (lionoluli: Bernice P. Bishop MUseCIAi, 1928), gives a %ariation<br />

of the niyitis recounted by Moecrenhout. See also Robert LeN's, oahi<br />

tians: Mind and Evifierience in the Soriety ilsl/iund (Chicago: Universiti<br />

Chicago Press, 1973).<br />

of<br />

54. Gauguin, Antien (,title mahorie, 13. Gauguin took "lcrleite de la Inatiere"<br />

firont Moerenhout, Leu vxoyago'cx,<br />

\ol. 1, 428.<br />

55. Gauguin, Alnit'iex (-ill(i oaihorie, 29.<br />

56. Ibid., 23-31, as well as in <strong>Paul</strong> Gauguin, Noa Nx a (1893 versioin), ed.<br />

Jerome Veiain (Paris: Mille et Une Nuits. 1998), 79-82. <strong>Gauguin's</strong><br />

knowledge of tii' Ariois Colmes fironlx Moerenhout, Les v111agi'i, sol. 1,<br />

484-99, vol. 2, 129-135.<br />

57. Gauguin, N'oa Aoa (1893), 75, trans. Naomi E. Maurer, The Puiim1il o/<br />

Spirilual 0 llvldom: Tlihe lThoighl and A'i (?/ 111 ment (vall Goo? and <strong>Paul</strong> (Gailcgmin<br />

(Madison, Wis.: Fairleigh Dickinson Press, 19198), 152.<br />

58. Mus6e d'Orsav, Domumentation, dossier on Vairauniati ('A450) ill box<br />

30, photograph of the letter to <strong>Paul</strong> S'erusiei, dated March 23, 1812.<br />

59. Teiltiet-Fisk, Paxadise Reviitwed, 48, adds that Vairaimnati extends a fihlger<br />

in the gesture of Bhumi,xiripxsmudra (making a point), takell firon<br />

thie Buddhal in the Javanese relief ox Boriobduir, fiom x hii cl Gauglim<br />

firequentil Iboniowed.<br />

60. Gauguin, Anoxix rulte mahiorie, 15. For more oxi the Aiiois, see E. S.<br />

Craighill Handy, PolTorsitto Rpligion (tforrolulu: Bernice Bishop Nhl-<br />

seurn Bulletin, 11)27), 35.<br />

61. Gauguin, Noa Noa (1893), 59: "Ia sen'en e xIi iarbre Ora li apportxxe<br />

de la Luiie sul la Terre par tll pigeon blanc." Although at firines the<br />

white bird seems to evoke the Holy Ghost, here it recalls tihe bird that<br />

brought the branch to Noah's Ark.<br />

62. The variation in tilt, spelling of Vairamiiati in <strong>Gauguin's</strong> title is considured<br />

unintentional. Shackellord, Gaug,mpinx, Tahiti, 2004, 253, notes that<br />

the wo0nan <strong>with</strong> a fan resembles Vairun1 ati (see ix. 92 helow).<br />

63. May,i' vxnn Zink Vance, "Giauguin's Polynesian Pantheon as a Visual<br />

Language" (PhD diss., U nivcrsitn of Caliiirnia, Santa Bari ara, 19861.<br />

26(0-61.<br />

64. <strong>Paul</strong> Ganguin, "A ina fill Aline, i, (ahie' itv dliMW,"l Noles al/ixwx, xxxii suiir<br />

(omlme lex R-i , xomme In vit ioutni, l it de mor'eaux: Journal de enn, fl'u ille,<br />

ed. Victor Mleilhis (Bordeaux: William Blake, 1989), 32. MIciliiis idcnfilies<br />

the fignie oi<br />

fears).<br />

the co\xir as the "llantiscs huniinics" (huniani<br />

65. Teillict-Fisk, Patadise Revi'zved, 123, proposes that the tiki oxi xltii thiotii<br />

represents Oro oi a hlialin't (spirit) and connects the thi'one to the<br />

u/i otomotif. im /m means calabash or alxxiy siiall bowl. GaLingix 's Copies<br />

of the im motif are found in the Loxire mianxiscript "Noa Noa." 1(i68.<br />

See Alfred Gell, lViapyfng in lmaxr7: Tattooing in Pol)v ixesia (Oxford: Clat -<br />

endon Press, 19i)93).<br />

66. Teilliet-Fisk, Paiadise f/eviezved, 123, notes similar patterns on stanics of<br />

I lina and Tefitoxil.<br />

67. The poem appears in the Louxre MS "Noa Noa," 117-23. Accoxding 1to<br />

Victor Segalen, "Gauguin ifalis son dernier d6cor." in Paol G;augxuin.<br />

/'insugr,g dex Matqiuiv s (Pat-is: iMagellan, 2003). 150, lines from this poem<br />

%eri tacked to the shrine that Gauguin erected outside the i'entrance to<br />

the Maison xuljouir.<br />

68. Ainishai-Maisels, (Ganuin's Rlxig'ious Themes, 234-36,<br />

Wasitxifiski,<br />

371, 383,<br />

(auogxxi<br />

and,tliratx<br />

in I/e ( niix' o/ S ibolixi, 275-76.<br />

69. Gauguin, '4 maxxille Almir, " ii.p. "If we aren't I lil beginning in coming<br />

into the world, we must beliexe like the Buddhists that we haie always<br />

existed. Change of skin. [Si nous ne sommes pIMS<br />

all Monde<br />

lx iionmenix'1o/en<br />

it<br />

venoi t I<br />

ftnd c'roire rcomime hes BoudhWes que ntous avons lou{jounK ewais.<br />

Changement i/e /prau .... ]'" There are carlier indications of his intei est<br />

in Buddhism. such as his letter to Lirxxle Bernard, August 18x90, i( G.auxguin,<br />

Let/n,s it ma itemmie, no. CXI, 205, iin which ie refei s to the possibility<br />

of xalln Gogh's next lici "according to the laws of Buddlia [selon la<br />

hix die Boudha]." BPiddhisii and theosoplix were the sutbjects of niam<br />

discussions in Svinbolist xircles fiiom the<br />

Smilr<br />

1880s.<br />

of1"the<br />

Sei Jacqueline<br />

Buddha:<br />

Baas,<br />

Eastern Phloihsol)hy, mol We'stemt .4r1 fiom Mone,t to TodaY<br />

(BerkeleY: Universiti of California Press, 2005).<br />

70. Gauguin, Anieo (till/( ma/horie, 19.<br />

71. See xilx. 22, 23 above.

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