Beginning Iridology Guide - Weebly

Beginning Iridology Guide - Weebly

Beginning Iridology Guide - Weebly


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"The blue eyed and rufous (reddish haired) type was chosen in the early centuries<br />

for pictures of Jesus Christ.<br />

"Brunettes live in cities, blonds live on the waters. The brunette is a landlubber.<br />

The blond is now and always has been the best sailor. He takes to water like a duck,<br />

even after several generations have lived on land. He is the yachtsman of the world,<br />

the boat-builder, and rules the sea. For centuries the Mediterranean man has been<br />

building fleets for the Baltic man's pleasure to destroy. Moreover, Havelock Ellis'<br />

studies in the National Portrait gallery lead him to suppose that England's power rests<br />

in great part on her blond sons. He says that the small group of prominent people<br />

springing from the working classes is among the darkest of the group. He says it is<br />

clear that a high index of blondness or an excess of fairness prevails among the men<br />

of restless and ambitious temperament,--the sanguine, energetic men, the men who<br />

easily dominate their fellows, and who get on in life; the men who recruit the<br />

aristocracy and who doubtless spring largely from the plutocracy. It is significant, he<br />

further notes, that the group of low class men, artisans, peasants, and the men of<br />

religion, whose mission in life is to practice and preach resignation to a higher will,<br />

are both notably dark. While the men of action tend to be fair, the men of thought<br />

show some tendency to be dark. (Author's note: Those with negative, psychic<br />

tendencies.)<br />

"Blond Symbol of Aristocracy"<br />

"In the royal family Mr. Ellis found an early tendency toward fairness, but by later<br />

Tudor times there was a tendency toward darkness, while the light mixed type of eye,<br />

usually blue-yellow, has remained persistent. It is from the fair elements he observes<br />

that the aristocracy is chiefly recruited, though in the course of a few generations<br />

there is a tendency to brunetteness in these families, probably from the tendency of<br />

the blond men to marry brunette women.''<br />

Major Woodruff Becomes "Mixed"<br />

After thus acknowledging the physical and mental superiority of the blue-eyed type,<br />

Major Woodruff becomes twisted in his deductions through not understanding how<br />

color of the eyes is influenced by mongrelization and by unnatural habits of living. He<br />

says "Blonds, despite their prowess, are a vanishing race," and he finds that Great,<br />

Britain's brunettes are absorbing the blonds, that the blond type is less resistant and<br />

that there are fewer instances of long life among the blonds; also "they form an undue<br />

proportion of England's invalids and are prone to certain mortal maladies which are<br />

withstood by the brunettes."<br />

He reasons from the increase of brunettes in the cities that they are the stronger and<br />

more resistant type. If he understood the laws as revealed by the diagnosis from the<br />

eye he would perceive that exactly the reverse is true, that the increase in the number<br />

of brunettes is due to the degenerating influences of city life, that the rapidly<br />

increasing numbers of brunettes are blue eyed people, or their descendants,<br />

turned dark eyed under the weakening, degenerating influences of<br />

mongrelization, food poisoning foul air, confinement, over-strain, overstimulation,<br />

luetic diseases, drugging, vaccination, lymph, serum, and antitoxin<br />

therapy. He would also understand that the preponderance of blue eyed invalids is<br />

due to the fact that they are the more resistant race and that they will survive adverse

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