Historical Wyoming County April 1957 - Old Fulton History

Historical Wyoming County April 1957 - Old Fulton History

Historical Wyoming County April 1957 - Old Fulton History


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<strong>April</strong> <strong>1957</strong> Page 8 9<br />


Thayer, progenitor of one of the very oldest families in town. His<br />

stone, now broken, revealed that he was 82 years old when he died<br />

Feb. 20, I836. The inscription included the familiar epitaph:<br />

"In early life in Freedom's cause<br />

I fought to set my country free,<br />

But now a slave to Nature's laws<br />

That tyrant Death has con uered me."<br />

Gideon Thayer, the son of Thomas Thayer 3rd, and Susannah Blake<br />

Thayer, was born in Smithfield, R. I., to which his branch of the<br />

family had moved from Massachusetts. He was married to Meribah<br />

Wilcox of Smithfield, June 10, 1776, and removed to Mendon, Mass.<br />

From there he served in the armies of the War for Independence, and<br />

is said to have been among the first to receive a pension from the<br />

government. His hatred of Tories was so intense and permanent, that<br />

at the age of eighty he could hardly be restrained from caning a man<br />

whom he suspected of having b'en one. After the close of the war,<br />

he removed to Owego, H.Y., and afterwards to Lima, N.Y., where he<br />

resided through his last yerrs. It is possible that he came to live<br />

with his son, Willard, shortly after 1833, and died in Gainesville.<br />

Willard Thayer articled the first land in 1 ; 06 on Lot 7 in<br />

Gainesville. He was the eldest son of Gideon, born at Mendon, Mass.,<br />

Mar. 1, 1784. He cleared a portion of the land, erected a log cabin<br />

upon it, and returned to Owego, N. Y., to marry Phebe Harris,Feb. 9,<br />

l809. The young couple then began housekeeping on this frontier.<br />

Willard was Supervisor of Gainesville several terms; his second son<br />

was General Linus Willard. Thayer, born in 1811, subsequently a prominent<br />

lawyer and judge of Warsaw. Phebe Harris Thayer died March 12,<br />

1817, aged 28, while Willard lived until March 23, 1862, aged 78<br />

years. Both are buried on the old homestead cemetery with their<br />

neighbors.<br />

Other Veterans<br />

Gardner Taber, who died Nov. 15, 1828, age 88 years,is interred<br />

in the older portion of the cemetery at Perry Center. Nothing whatever<br />

has come to light about his military record but his name is included<br />

on the listing since many years ago a Mrs.Edith Taber Squires<br />

came from out of town to see the grave of her ancestor and informed<br />

the late Mr. B. B. Tweksbury that Mr. Taber was a soldier of the<br />

Revolution. The visitor did not reveal any of the details nor her<br />

place of residence.<br />

Unsuccessful efforts have likewise been made to locate the<br />

grave of Martin Terry, living in the Town of Sheldon in 18I|_0 with<br />

one John Howe and on the pension list. The "Western New-Yorker" in<br />

l8i|2 revealed that the veteran had celebrated his 100th birthday.<br />

Buried in a private cemetery west of Varysburg on the former<br />

Jeffrey F. Thomas farm of about 300 acres, is the body of Lodowick<br />

(continued on page 72)

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