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Session 1A: UC 333 10:10 - 11:30<br />

Packwood, Kirk (CAS – Anthropology)<br />

Informal Agendas: Social Control, Oppression, and Ideological Transmission in United States<br />

Author(s): Kirk Packwood<br />

Maher, Colin (CFC—Forestry Management)<br />

The Efficacy and Ecological Effects of Restoration Thinning Treatments in Whitebark Pine Stands<br />

Author(s): Colin Maher, Cara Nelson, Andrew Larson, Anna Sala<br />

Dunleavy, Casie (CAS – Philosophy)<br />

Care and Companionship: An End-of-Life Care Framework for Animals<br />

Author(s): Casie Dunleavy<br />

Ziehnert, Aryn (CAS – Psychology)<br />

Coping as a Mediator Between Childhood Trauma and Current Trauma Symptoms in Female Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence<br />

Author(s): Aryn Ziehnert, Chris Fiore<br />

Session 1B: UC 332 10:10 - 11:30<br />

Van Leuven, James (CAS – Biological Sciences)<br />

Transfer-RNA Editing, CCA Addition, And Gene Loss In A Set Of Bacterial...<br />

Author(s): James Van Leuven<br />

Seddon, David (CAS – Computer Science)<br />

Investigation of the Security within Encrypted Messages<br />

Author(s): David Seddon<br />

Sprowls, Lisa (CAS – Linguistics)<br />

The Formation of Polar Questions in Ga<br />

Author(s): Lisa Sprowls<br />

Session 1C: UC 331 10:10 - 11:30<br />

Grocke, Michelle (CAS—Anthropology)<br />

Does Modernization Always Lead to Progress? An Analysis Using the Changing Health Outcomes of the Bhotiya<br />

Author(s): Michelle Grocke<br />

Davie, Torey (CAS – English)<br />

Narrative Reflection and Anatomical Introspection in Thomas Carlyle's Sartor Resartus and Herman<br />

Author(s): Torey Davie<br />

Huisken, Dylan (CAS—History)<br />

"Saving" the Language: The Westernization of the Dakota Tongue<br />

Author(s): Dylan Huisken<br />

Allen, Nicole (CAS – Political Science)<br />

Campaigning for the Bench: Evaluating Campaign Appeals of State Judicial Candidates<br />

Author(s): Nicole Allen

Session 1D: UC 330 10:10 - 11:30<br />

White, Teresa “Lilly” (CAS – Anthropology)<br />

Are the Current Methods Utilized for Establishing the Postmortem Interval (PMI) Relevant for Studies Conducted in Missoula,<br />

Montana?<br />

Author(s): Teresa “Lilly” White<br />

Lloyd, Rebecca (CFC – Ecosystem and Conservation Sciences)<br />

Influence of Road Reclamation Techniques on Forest Ecosystem Recovery<br />

Author(s): Rebecca A. Lloyd, Kathleen A. Lohse, and T.P.A. Ferré<br />

Kwenye, Jane (CFC – CFC - Society and Conservation)<br />

Estimating Recreation Benefits from Zambia's Side of Victoria Falls<br />

Author(s): Jane Kwenye, Wayne Freimund<br />

Lacher, Sarah (CHPBS—Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences)<br />

Pesticide Transport: The Contribution of P-glycoprotein to Parkinson's Disease<br />

Author(s): Sarah Lacher, Kasse Skagen, Emily Eickholt, Rachel Dalton, Fernando<br />

Cardozo-Pelaez<br />

Session 1E: UC 327 10:10 - 11:30<br />

Warrier, Indu (CAS—Biological Sciences)<br />

Characterization of an Intervening Sequence (IVS) of Coxiella burnetii.<br />

Author(s): Indu Warrier, Linda Hicks, Jeffrey Guccione, Kip Barhaugh, Michael Minnick<br />

Stone, Kevin (CAS – Communication Studies)<br />

Urban-Rural Exchange: Myth and Environmental Communication<br />

Author(s): Kevin Stone<br />

Colaiacomo, Erika (CAS—Geosciences)<br />

Downstream Channel Response to Dam Removal at Reach and Bedform Scales, White Salmon River, Washington<br />

Author(s): Erika Colaiacomo, Andrew Wilcox<br />

Chih, Tien (CAS—Mathematical Sciences)<br />

Generalized Farkas Lemma<br />

Author(s): Tien Chih<br />

Session 1F: U C326 10:10 - 11:30<br />

Oost, Kathryn (CAS—Psychology)<br />

Gender Nonconformity, Psychosocial Stressors, and Psychopathology: Looking Beyond Sexual Orientation<br />

Author(s): Kathryn Oost<br />

Sheets, Cassie (CAS –Sociology)<br />

The Sweet Grass Hills: A Foucaultian Discourse Analysis of Blackfeet Indian Power<br />

Author(s): Cassie Sheets<br />

Zeleke, Waganesh (ED—Counselor Education)<br />

Relational Development and Adjustment Process in Ethiopian Adoptees and their Families in Montana<br />

Author(s): Waganesh, Zeleke<br />

Biswas, Rupa (CHPBS— Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences)<br />

Anti-inflammatory Effect of Imipramine in Silica-Induced Inflammation<br />

Author(s): Rupa Biswas, Raymond Hamilton, Andrij Holian

Session 2A: UC 333 11:40 - 1:00<br />

Crosby, Lindsay (CAS – Psychology)<br />

Relationships Between Childhood Trauma and Eating Pathology<br />

Author(s): Lindsay Crosby, Cameo Borntrager<br />

Steiger, Scott (CHPBS—Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences)<br />

Structure-Based Hypothesis Driven Drug Design, How Computational Modeling Aids in The Development of Novel Multidrug<br />

Resistance Reversing Agents<br />

Author(s): Scott Steiger, Monika Szabon-Watola, Victoria Hulubei, Scott Meikrantz, Tina Houle, John McKenna, Mark Rogers, Dr.<br />

N.R. Natale<br />

Grant, Vernon (ED— Health and Human Performance)<br />

Assessing Barriers and Enhancers to Increasing Physical Activity During the School Day in Children on an American Indian<br />

Reservation: A Qualitative Research Study<br />

Author(s): Vernon Grant, Blakely Brown, Gyda Swaney<br />

Berger, Alexis (CAS—Anthropology)<br />

Assessing the Occurrence and the Severity of "Lumpy Jaw" in Wild Sheep (Ovis sp.).<br />

Author(s): Alexis Berger, David Dyer, Emily Graslie, Victoria Swenson, and Amanda Williams<br />

Session 2B: UC 332 11:40 - 1:00<br />

Terry, Kaitlynn (CAS – English)<br />

What's the Deal with Women and Horses?<br />

Author(s): Kaitlynn Terr<br />

Spivey, Hudson (CAS—Environmental Sciences)<br />

The Colonial Origins of the Anthropocene: Narrating a Counter-History of the "Age of Humans”<br />

Author(s): Hudson Spivey<br />

Wills, Jennifer (CAS – Psychology)<br />

Chronic Trauma Exposure Effects on Personality Trait Trajectory in Police Officers<br />

Author(s): Jennifer Wills<br />

Pan, Caleb (CAS—Geography)<br />

Mapping the Unknown: Twenty Years of Glacial Change in the Altai Mountains of<br />

Mongolia<br />

Author(s): Caleb Pan, Ulrich Kamp, Kevin McManigal<br />

Session 2C: UC 331 11:40 - 1:00<br />

Morales, Chelsea (CHPBS— Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences)<br />

Exploring Views of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribe on Pharmacogenetics Research<br />

Author(s): Chelsea Morales, Liz Putnam, Mark Pershouse, Erica Woodahl<br />

Shope, Suzanne (faculty; CAS—Native American Studies)<br />

A Student Case Study from Carlisle Indian Industrial School Art Program: A Progressive Era Study in Transcultural Aesthetics<br />

Author(s): Suzanne Shope<br />

Wise, Katherine (CAS – English)<br />

Skepticism of the Gendered Body and Friday the 13th<br />

Author(s): Katherine Wise<br />

Schmidt, Jaclyn (CAS—Anthropology)<br />

Property Law, Ownership, and Human Genetic Research<br />

Author(s): Jaclyn Schmidt

Session 2D: UC 330 11:40 - 1:00<br />

Johnston, Mary Pat (CVPA — Music)<br />

In Support of Cultural Understanding: A Philosophical Comparison Advocating the Use of Music as a Catalyst for Social Change in<br />

the General Education Classroom<br />

Author(s): Mary Pat Johnston<br />

Kaehler, Russell (CAS – Computer Sciences)<br />

Identifying K-Mers that Contribute Strongly to Effective Classification of Metagenomic Samples<br />

Author(s): Russell Kaehler, Dr. Douglas Raiford<br />

Adams, Jesse (CAS —Mathematical Sciences)<br />

Volumetric Transmission of Acetylcholine<br />

Author(s): Jesse Adams<br />

Nasto, Megan (CFC—Ecosystem and Conservation Sciences)<br />

Does Biological Nitrogen Fixation Enhance Phosphorus Acquisition in Lowland Tropical Rainforests?<br />

Author(s): Megan Nasto, Benjamin Sullivan, Cory Cleveland<br />

Session 2E: UC 327 11:40 - 1:00<br />

Welker, Susan (CAS – Sociology)<br />

Gendered Nature of Homelessness<br />

Author(s): Susan Welker<br />

Ambrose, Cohen (CVPA—Theatre and Dance)<br />

Foreign Bodies: On the Phenomenology of Brechtian Acting<br />

Author(s): Cohen Ambrose<br />

Lucero, Jacob (CAS—Biological Sciences)<br />

Food Preference of Native Consumers Dams the Flow of Potential Energy through an Invaded Ecosystem<br />

Author(s): Jacob E. Lucero, Phil S. Allen, Brock R. McMillan<br />

Oram, Gary (JOUR—Radio-Television)<br />

Using the Carbon Cycle to Inhibit Global Warming: The Economic and Environmental Benefits to Harnessing Decomposition Gas<br />

Author(s): Gary Oram, Dr. Bradley Layton<br />

Session 2F: UC 326 11:40 - 1:00<br />

Sweeney, Benjamin (CAS—English)<br />

My Labor's Purpose: A Marxist Reading of Lisa Suhair Majaj's "The Coffin Maker Speaks"<br />

Author(s): Benjamin Sweeney<br />

Hammond, Julia (CAS – Psychology)<br />

Using the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change to Increase Bicycle Helmet Use<br />

Author(s): Julia Hammond, Stuart Hall<br />

Campbell, Robert (CFC—Forest Management)<br />

Evaluation of Social Preferences for Woody Biomass Bioenergy<br />

Author(s): Robert Campbell<br />

Hohenstein, Kate (CAS—Linguistics)<br />

Tariana Prefix-Root Phonology: A Matter of Preference<br />

Author(s): Kate Hohenstein

Session 3A: UC 333 2:30 - 3:50<br />

Meyer, William (CAS – Psychology)<br />

Personality as a Predictor of Suicide Resilience in Older Adults<br />

Author(s): William Meyer<br />

King, Michael (CAS— Sociology)<br />

Motivation and Education: An Examination of Pharmacy Students<br />

Author(s): Michael King<br />

Blackman, Kayla (CAS—History)<br />

"Gee, I wish I was a Man!": American Propaganda and Gender Policing in the First World War (1917-1918)<br />

Author(s): Kayla Blackman<br />

Lombardero, Anayansi (CAS—Psychology)<br />

Prevalence and Correlates of Smoking Status among Patients with Depression in VA Primary Care<br />

Author(s): Anayansi Lombardero, Duncan G. Campbell, Kari J. Harris, Edmund F. Chaney, Andrew B. Lanto, Lisa V. Rubenstein<br />

Session 3B: UC 332 2:30 - 3:50<br />

Kuehl, Hannah (CAS—Anthropology)<br />

The Emerging Relationship between U.S. Healthcare and Traditional Burmese Health Practices<br />

Author(s): Hannah Kuehl<br />

Reed, Jeremy (CAS—English)<br />

A Singularitarian Cyberpunk?: Charles Stross' Accelerando, the Ontological Genre, and the Postmodern Sublime<br />

Author(s): Jeremy Reed<br />

Workman, Julia (CAS—Linguistics)<br />

The Problem with "Legitimate" Rape: A Linguistic Analysis of Political Sexual Assault Discourses<br />

Author(s): Julia Workman<br />

Tremblay-Schwarz, Sarah (CAS—Psychology)<br />

Comparing Responses to a Mindful Breathing Practice across Traumatized and Non-Traumatized Populations<br />

Author(s): Sarah Tremblay-Schwarz, Jennifer Waltz, Cory Dimas, Brittney Brown<br />

Session 3C: UC331 2:30 - 3:50<br />

Dax, Michael (CAS--History)<br />

Grizzly West: The story of the failed attempt to reintroduce grizzly bears to the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness<br />

Author(s): Michael Dax<br />

Allen, Nicole (CAS—Political Science)<br />

What Is in a Name? Examining the Implications of European Naming Guidelines for Nationalism Typologies<br />

Author(s): Nicole Allen<br />

Gill, Meghan (CAS—Psychology)<br />

Qualitative Investigation of the Implications of Therapist Mindfulness<br />

Author(s): Meghan Gill, Jennifer Waltz, Leela Robert<br />

DeBuysscher, Blair (CAS—Biological Sciences)<br />

Vesicular Stomatitis Virus-Based Vaccine Protects Hamsters against Lethal Challenge with Nipah Virus<br />

Author(s): Blair L. DeBuysscher, Joseph Prescott, Heinz Feldmann

Session 3D: UC330 2:30 - 3:50<br />

Duncan, Nathan (CHPBS—Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences)<br />

Novel G-quadruplex Binders with a Potential Dual DNA Cross-Linking Mechanism of Action<br />

Author(s): Nathan S. Duncan, Nicholas R. Natale<br />

Yarger-Zagal, Itzel (CAS—Anthropology)<br />

The Syndemics of Feminicide<br />

Author(s): Itzel Yarger-Zagal<br />

Shemayev, Volodymyr (CAS—Economics)<br />

How Important Are External Economic Factors to Countries' Economic Development?<br />

Author(s): Volodymyr Shemayev<br />

O’Brien, Patricia (CAS—Psychology)<br />

A Preliminary Evaluation of Support and Education Groups for Rural Men-Who-Have-Sex With-Men (MSM)<br />

Author(s): Patricia O'Brien, Annie Sondag<br />

Session 3E: UC 327 2:30 - 3:50<br />

Arno, Cathryn (CAS—English)<br />

The Anxious Masculinity of Thomas Chestre's Sir Launfal<br />

Author(s): Cathryn Arno<br />

Lindquist, Lauri (CAS—Psychology)<br />

Is it Safe to Come Out? The Role of Perceived High School Safety in Sexual Identity Disclosure<br />

Author(s): Lauri M. Lindquist, Greg R. Machek<br />

Jabour, Anya (Faculty: CAS – History); Burke, Bari (Faculty: School of Law); Nancy Cooper (Faculty: School of Music)<br />

Writing Women's Lives: Biography as an Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Enterprise<br />

Session 3F: UC 326 2:30 - 3:50<br />

Wagner, Cavan (CAS—Linguistics)<br />

Suprasegmental Features of Vowels in Ga<br />

Author(s): Cavan Wagner<br />

Livingston, Nicholas (CAS—Psychology)<br />

Current Trends and Future Directions: The Interface Between Personality and<br />

Environment Regarding Sexual Minority Substance Misuse<br />

Author(s): Livingston, Nicholas A.<br />

Weaver, Matthew (CHPBS—Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences)<br />

Structure Elucidation of an Antitumor Agent Interaction with a Quadruplex Forming Telomeric Oligomer<br />

Author(s): Matthew J. Weaver, Nicholas R. Natale, Earle Adams, Alison Kearns,<br />

Howard Beall, Philip Reagan<br />

Becerra, Laura (CFC - Society and Conservation)<br />

A Critical Analysis of Equity in Nature-Based Tourism: A Case Study from Livingstone, Zambia<br />

Author(s): Laura Becerra

Poster 2:30-3:50<br />

number<br />

1 Black, Labe (CAS—Chemistry)<br />

Conformational Changes and Dynamics Associated with the Alpha Subunit of Heterotrimeric G Proteins During Receptor<br />

Independent Cell Signaling<br />

Author(s): Labe Black, Celestine Thomas, Stephan Sprang, J B Alexander Ross<br />

2 Cocchiarella, Cara (ED— Educational Leadership)<br />

A Comparison of the Self-Perceptions of Academic Emphasis amongst High School Basketball Coaches.<br />

Author(s): Cara Cocchiarella, Cynthia Davey, Nancy Dold<br />

3 Douglas, Ann (CAS—Psychology)<br />

The Relationship between Traumatic Grief and Resiliency within a Northern Plains Tribal Community<br />

Author(s): Ann Douglas, Ciara Hansen, Dr. Gyda Swaney, Desiree Fox, Ennis Vaile, Kate Reese<br />

4 Eandi, Megan (ED — Communicative Sciences and Disorders)<br />

Reliability of Proxy Respondents Who Report Communicative Participation for Individuals with Aphasia<br />

Author(s): Megan Eandi<br />

5 Elias, Audrey (CHPBS — Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science)<br />

Adaptation of Quadriceps and Hamstring Activation Patterns Following Landing Instruction in Patients with ACL<br />

Reconstruction<br />

Author(s): Audrey RC Elias, Curt D Hammill, Ryan L Mizner<br />

6 Fanney, Elise (CAS—Communication Studies)<br />

Ex-Mormon Community<br />

Author(s): Elise Fanney<br />

7 Garrett, Tavita (Faculty—Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences)<br />

An Optogenic Approach to Investigating Synaptic Transmission between MS-DBB GABAergic Neurons and Postsynaptic<br />

Hippocampal Interneuron<br />

Subtypes<br />

Author(s): Tavita Garrett, Jackson Ball, Ben Holloway, April Johnston, Feng Yi, Josh J. Lawrence<br />

8 Oram, Gary (JOUR — Radio-Television)<br />

Why Renewable Energy Matters<br />

Author(s): Gary Oram, Dr. Bradley Layton<br />

9 Hocking, Sarah (CAS – Anthropology)<br />

Lithic Technology at Housepit 54 during the Fur Trade Era: Testing a Central Place Foraging Model<br />

Author(s): Sara Hocking<br />

10 Keremedjiev, Helen (CAS — Anthropology)<br />

Park Visitors' Heritage Values of Bear Paw, Big Hole, Little Bighorn, and Rosebud Battlefields: Findings from Administered<br />

On-Site Questionnaires<br />

Author(s): Helen Keremedjiev<br />

11 Lamp, Kathryn (CAS—Psychology)<br />

TheEffect of Photocycle on Self-Control in Betta Splendens<br />

Author(s): Kathryn Lamp<br />

12 Langan, Jeffrey (CAS — Political Science)<br />

Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts: Measuring Effectiveness<br />

Author(s): Jeffrey M. Langan

13 Lesica, George (CAS – Computer Science)<br />

A Sea Ice Melange Model<br />

Author(s): George Lesica<br />

14 Lyon, William (CAS– Computer Science)<br />

iViz: A Data Visualization Library For iOS<br />

Author(s): William Lyon<br />

15 MacGregor, Philip (ED—Educational Leadership)<br />

Higher Education New Student Orientation and Its Effect on Student Retention<br />

Author(s): Peter Baker, Hanan Omar, Philip MacGregor<br />

16 Manning, Nikki (CAS—Anthropology)<br />

What Lies Beneath? Missoula Historic Underground Project<br />

Author(s): Nikki Manning<br />

17 Marallo, Ashley (ED— Counselor Education)<br />

Mindfulness and Stress in Therapist Training<br />

Author(s): Ashley Marallo, Alissa Engel, Umut Arslan<br />

18 Murphy, Mary-Margaret (CAS—Anthropology)<br />

Digital Grizzly: 3-D Technology<br />

Author(s): Mary-Margaret Murphy<br />

19 McClelland, Levi (CAS—Biochemistry)<br />

Alternative Conformations of Yeast Iso-1-cytochrome c: Effects of a Gate Keeping Residue on Heme Crevice Dynamics<br />

Author(s): Levi J. McClelland, Tung-Chung Mou, Margaret Jeakins-Cooley, Ayesha Sharmin, Sandy Ross, Stephen Sprang,<br />

Bruce E. Bowler<br />

20 Nagase, Tetsuro (CAS—Geosciences)<br />

Establishing Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of the Devonian-<br />

Mississippian Bakken/Three Forks Systems in Montana<br />

Author(s): Tetsuro Nagase<br />

21 Newell, Jayme (CHPBS — Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences)<br />

Characterization of Multiple Lipophilic Binding Pockets on the L-cystine/L-glutamate Antiporter System xc-<br />

Author(s): Jayme L. Newell, Sarj A. Patel, Nick R. Natale, Philippe J. Diaz, Richard J. Bridges<br />

22 Oswalt, Meghan (CAS—Computer Science)<br />

Data Assimilation Method for Coupling Basal Sliding to Subglacial Hydrology<br />

Author(s): Meghan Oswalt, Dr. Jesse Johnson, Douglas Brinkerhoff, Dr. Joel Harper<br />

23 Russette, Helen (CHPBS — Public and Community Health Sciences)<br />

Equal Access for Children with Disabilities: Evaluating Accessibility for<br />

Montana Elementary School's Safe Routes<br />

Author(s): Meg Ann Traci, Helen Russette, Holly Horan<br />

24 Schlichenmayer, Amanda (CHPBS — Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences)<br />

Optimization of P-glycoprotein Expression for Functional Analysis of Genetic<br />

Author(s): Amanda Schlichenmayer, Meg Trahey, Erica Woodahl<br />

Variation<br />

25 Scott, Kevin (CAS—Computer Science)<br />

A Computational Investigation of Patterns in Financial Data<br />

Author(s): Kevin Scott

26 Skagen, Kasse (CHPBS — Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences)<br />

P-glycoprotein Mediated Cytotoxicity of Pesticides Associated with Parkinson's Disease<br />

Author(s): Kasse Skagen, Sarah Lacher, Erica Woodahl<br />

27 Heavy Runner-Rioux, Aislinn (ED — Educational Leadership)<br />

Does Providing Notes Before Class Promote Learning in College Students?<br />

Author(s): Aislinn Heavy Runner-Rioux, Laurie Slovarp, Shandine Pete<br />

28 Steele, Harmen (CAS—Biochemistry)<br />

P-glycoprotein: Purification and Incorporation into Nanodiscs<br />

Author(s): Harmen B. Steele, Meg Trahey, J. B. Alexander Ross, Erica L. Woodahl<br />

29 Vaile, Ennis (CAS—Psychology)<br />

Examination of Grief History and the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) in a Northern Plains Tribe<br />

Author(s): Ennis Vaile, Gyda Swaney, Ciara Hansen, Kate Reese, Desiree Fox, Ann Douglas, Patricia Holkup<br />

30 Wagner, Melanie (ED — Intercultural Youth and Family Development)<br />

Trafficking across Boarders: An Examination of the Sexual Trafficking and Exploitation of Women and Children in Thailand<br />

Author(s): Melanie Wagner, Molly Anderson<br />

31 Yi, Feng (Faculty— Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences)<br />

Neuromodulation of Fast-Spiking Interneurons in Hippocampus-Dependent Learning and Epileptogenesis<br />

Author(s): Feng Yi, Jackson Ball, Kurt Stoll, Samantha Mitchell, Eric Marceau, Akua Karikari, Jordan. Pauli, Ben Holloway,<br />

April Johnston, David Gerber, Susum Tonegawa, Josh J. Lawrence<br />

32 Yosai, Erin (CAS — Psychology)<br />

Going the Distance: Professional Challenges Among Rural Versus Suburban and Urban School Psychologists<br />

Author(s): Erin Yosai, Anisa Goforth<br />

33 Zielaski, Daniel (ED — Educational Leadership)<br />

A Proposed Theoretical Model for Assessing the Potential for Teacher Retention/Attrition<br />

Author(s): Daniel Zielaski<br />

34 Hossain, Mainul (CAS — Chemistry)<br />

"Metal Anti-Buffering": When Free Metal Concentrations Soar Upon Dilution<br />

Author(s): Md. Mainul Hossain, Garon C. Smith, Daniel Barry and Patrick MacCarthy<br />

35 Griffin, Jenna (ED — Communicative Sciences and Disorders)<br />

Prevention-Dysphagia Intervention for Patients with Head and Neck Cancer Receiving Chemoradiation Therapy<br />

Author(s): Slovarp, L., Stack, S., Milojevic, A., Nelson, A., Griffin, J.

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