FOUR QUESTIONS ON MARY - Franciscan Institute Publications

FOUR QUESTIONS ON MARY - Franciscan Institute Publications

FOUR QUESTIONS ON MARY - Franciscan Institute Publications


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John Duns Scotus: Four Questions on Mary<br />

opposition, the last instant of forward motion coincides with<br />

the first instant of reverse movement and the reversal of direction<br />

takes on the time-characteristics of continuous rectilinear<br />

motion.<br />

Henry sees this as proof that there is an intermediate position<br />

between Aristotle’s opposites of continuous and discontinuous<br />

change, and because of his great devotion to Mary,<br />

he sees a way to shrink the interval between her contracting<br />

original sin and her subsequent sanctification to an absolute<br />

zero time-wise. For at one and the same instant of time, there<br />

can be two distinct “signs of nature.” 41 In one Mary’s soul contracts<br />

original sin, but in the other, she is sanctified and continues<br />

to remain in that state for her entire life. Henry maps<br />

his time-distinction on linear co-ordinates, since the flow of<br />

time is analogous to that spatial movement. Let the millstone<br />

represent the bodily flesh and the bean the spiritual soul;<br />

and let the moment the bean touches the millstone represent<br />

the instant Mary’s soul was created and infused in her body.<br />

The downward movement of the bean represents the time<br />

secundum rem, differenti solum secundum esse et rationem, ut est finis<br />

temporis mensurantis motum praecedente et principium temporis mensurantis<br />

motum sequentem. Secundo modo cum faba movetur superius motu<br />

violento, et obviat fortius moto, puta lapidi molari descendenti naturaliter<br />

inferius, in contactu lapidis subito in instanti mutata est in spatium sibi<br />

aequale per motum eius violentum sursum, et in eodem instanti ipsam faba<br />

mutatur ab illo per motum naturale lapidis deorsum fabam impellentem,<br />

ut non sit possibile eam in illo spatio sibi aequali quiscere, sicut quisceret<br />

si sibi relinqueretur, secundum aliam quandam demonstrationem Philosophi<br />

in eodem VIII, nec esse aut manere nisi per istas medium inter tempora<br />

illorum motuum in quo tamen spatio est per illud instans secundum<br />

veritatem, nec fuit in tempore praecedenti, nec tempore sequenti, et est illud<br />

instans signum commune utriusque temporis et primo et posteriori et idem<br />

et unum numero, ratione autem non idem, ut dicit Philosophus in eodem<br />

VIII. Quod si spatium illud sibi aequale et totum residuum spatii sursum<br />

obscurus esset et tenebrosum, et totum residuum spatii deorsum esset clarum<br />

et illuminatum , superficies fabae superior in illo instanti in quo esse<br />

in spatio sibi aequali esset obscura et in toto tempore sui ascensus fuisset<br />

clara et illuminata, et similiter in toto tempore sui descensus. Et valet sicut<br />

mihi videtur hoc exemplum secundum ad nostrum propositum.<br />

41 “Signum” or “sign” has the technical sense of a non-dimensional unit<br />

such as a “point” in space, or a point in time. And a distinction of signs<br />

is used to express some conceptual distinction or non-mutual implication<br />

that can be used to order things conceptually that coincide temporally.<br />


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