English: Shakespearean “Insult” Sonnet - Collaborize Classroom

English: Shakespearean “Insult” Sonnet - Collaborize Classroom

English: Shakespearean “Insult” Sonnet - Collaborize Classroom


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<strong>English</strong>: <strong>Shakespearean</strong> <strong>“Insult”</strong> <strong>Sonnet</strong><br />

Your Opportunity to Put Shakespeare’s Words to Your Deepest,<br />

Darkest Thoughts!<br />

Write an original sonnet for someone or something you wish to insult using language<br />

from Shakespeare’s day and age. This can be a character in a book you have read or<br />

television show you watch, a sports rival, academic nemesis, an actual person with<br />

whom you have a legitimate gripe, or a completely fictional recipient. It could also be<br />

written for an object which you dislike or have strong negative feelings for.<br />

You will need to:<br />

• Begin with an interesting title.<br />

• Follow the <strong>Shakespearean</strong> <strong>Sonnet</strong> rhyme scheme (ABABCDCDEFEFGG).<br />

• Include one example of alliteration and one example of assonance (please underline<br />

both).<br />

• Introduce the nature of the conflict, gripe, problem, situation in first four lines.<br />

• Develop this conflict, gripe, problem, situation etc. using at least 4 insults created<br />

from the <strong>Shakespearean</strong> Insult Kit (see the following list).<br />

• Resolve the conflict in a final couplet that ends with a witty twist!<br />

• Include a minimum of 5 words that Shakespeare “coined” or invented, which we still<br />

use today. See list.<br />

ONLINE EXTENSION: Post your insult to the discussion topic I have created. Once you<br />

post your insult sonnet, read the sonnets posted by your peers and reply to at least 2<br />

other students!<br />

Visit www.<strong>Collaborize</strong><strong>Classroom</strong>.com for more information

<strong>English</strong>: <strong>Shakespearean</strong> <strong>“Insult”</strong> <strong>Sonnet</strong><br />

Shakespeare Insult Kit: Take one word from each column and you will have a <strong>Shakespearean</strong><br />

style insult!<br />

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3<br />

artless base-court apple-john<br />

bawdy bat-fowling baggage<br />

beslubbering beef-witted barnacle<br />

bootless beetle-headed bladder<br />

churlish boil-brained boar-pig<br />

cockered clapper-clawed bugbear<br />

clouted clay-brained bum-bailey<br />

craven common-kissing canker-blossom<br />

currish crook-pated clack-dish<br />

dankish dismal-dreaming clotpole<br />

dissembling dizzy-eyed coxcomb<br />

droning doghearted codpiece<br />

errant dread-bolted death-token<br />

fawning earth-vexing dewberry<br />

fobbing elf-skinned flap-dragon<br />

froward fat-kidneyed flax-wench<br />

frothy fen-sucked flirt-gill<br />

gleeking flap-mouthed foot-licker<br />

goatish fly-bitten fustilarian<br />

gorbellied folly-fallen giglet<br />

impertinent fool-born gudgeon<br />

infectious full-gorged haggard<br />

jarring guts-gripeing harpy<br />

Visit www.<strong>Collaborize</strong><strong>Classroom</strong>.com for more information

<strong>English</strong>: <strong>Shakespearean</strong> <strong>“Insult”</strong> <strong>Sonnet</strong><br />

loggerheaded half-faced hedge-pig<br />

lumpish hasty-witted horn-beast<br />

mammering hedge-born hugger-mugger<br />

mangled hell-hated joithead<br />

mewling idle-headed lewdster<br />

paunchy ill-breeding lout<br />

pribbling ill-nurtured maggot-pie<br />

puking knotty-pated malt-worm<br />

puny milk-livered mammet<br />

qualling motley-minded measle<br />

rank onion-eyed minnow<br />

reeky plume-plucked miscreant<br />

roguish pottle-deep moldwarp<br />

ruttish pox-marked mumble-news<br />

saucy reeling-ripe nut-hook<br />

spleeny rough-hewn pigeon-egg<br />

spongy rude-growing pignut<br />

surly rump-fed puttock<br />

tottering shard-borne pumpion<br />

unmuzzled sheep-biting ratsbane<br />

vain spur-galled scut<br />

venomed swag-bellied skainsmate<br />

villainous tardy-gaited strumpet<br />

warped tickle-brained varlot<br />

wayward toad-spotted vassal<br />

weedy unchin-snouted whey-face<br />

Visit www.<strong>Collaborize</strong><strong>Classroom</strong>.com for more information

<strong>English</strong>: <strong>Shakespearean</strong> <strong>“Insult”</strong> <strong>Sonnet</strong><br />

This is the insult sonnet I wrote to share with my class to model the activity:<br />

Ode to Demon Donuts<br />

The sweet smell of glazed sugar tortures my senses.<br />

Thou tempting spongy guts gripeping maggot pie.<br />

For a laughable moment my will power lapses and my body tenses.<br />

My mouth waters-a world without donuts would make me cry.<br />

Oh, bandit! I hate the monumental temptation you cause<br />

Thou frothy full gorged apple john fritter<br />

At the window in amazement staring at the varied options I pause.<br />

Impossible to eat without creating countless crumbs that litter.<br />

Myself a mangled milk livered malt worm!<br />

Momentarily savage, strength gone, radiance drained, beauty faded.<br />

My addiction champion; my resolve no longer firm.<br />

No choice; frosting on lips, cheeks, fingers; self-respect raided.<br />

A saucy swag bellied hugger-mugger,<br />

Cause of your weakness- no longer fashionable and jeans’ll be snugger.<br />

Visit www.<strong>Collaborize</strong><strong>Classroom</strong>.com for more information

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