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塔霍 的 书<br />

德拉步梯的道德經<br />

在十二个月内的一首诗<br />

帕梅拉 4 裁缝是我的妻子,给我更多的孩子<br />

我们迁移,我们已经改变了很多就业机会<br />

我塞巴 5 对你说,道德拉步梯寺的人物<br />

镭森子 6 , 镭森是教授历史和哲学。<br />

莉萨 7 , 道教意大利心理治 疗 。<br />

随着马丁 8 维拉丽卡墨西哥巫师, 在下午的座谈会<br />

德拉步梯寺 ,我遇到了镭森,一次专题讨论会<br />

美丽的论坛,并执行 布义缇舞蹈<br />

9 马勒萨满加蓬, 给德拉步梯寺邀请<br />

10 第六 斯里兰卡人类学家, 他的助手<br />

我 坚 持到德拉步梯道, 随 着 帕 梅拉<br />

11 医治我们的头上, 基那洲 布什曼长老<br />

祖民 1<br />

克莱门特 塞巴的儿子<br />

Om Sai Ram<br />

om Sai, namoh namaha<br />

Sri Sai, namoh namaha<br />

jay jay Sai, namoh namaha<br />

Sad guru Sai, namo namaha<br />

我的名字是塞巴斯蒂安 , 我是一个叙述者<br />

故事和经验,艾米利亚 2 和她的丈夫 乔治 塔拉斯 3<br />

4<br />

帕梅拉(pà méi lā), 有 40 年,塞巴斯蒂安的妻子,她的孩子。它来<br />

自一个家庭中的编织技术人员,在北部的工厂工作。血液携带的<br />

狼蛛咬... 祖母之 谜 。抵 达 后在 德拉步梯寺, 丽 莎 将 在一 个 巧妙的<br />

心理治疗师将帮助谁框架和处理他的青年抑郁症,遭受贫困和危<br />

机。重新探索他的过去作为丝绸织工和与返祖歇斯底里的狼蛛咬<br />

悔恨的连接。他死了的诗,和他的死亡意识的经验,他的尘世生<br />

命的最后时刻,将在七月的手收集。<br />

5<br />

塞巴斯蒂安(Sāi bā sī dì ān), 是出生在意大利南部,农民的股票,<br />

然后迁移到意大利北部的工作。经过各种冒险的工作(理发,工<br />

人,杂货商)终于找到了他的人生意义的寺庙管理德拉步梯寺 由<br />

镭森子。他将生活在一个窝棚和工作的下列土地的艾米利亚的教<br />

诲,将学习与塔拉斯收集野生蘑菇...沉思和重新发现有关的盖亚,<br />

她的生命...协助帕梅拉最后呼吸。他是第一人称叙述者讲述他的经<br />

验谁在德拉步梯寺和晚上座谈会帐户。他委托他的诗 示巴的儿<br />

子,因为它使公众在他死后。<br />

6<br />

镭森子 (Léi sēn), 历史学教授,他前往印度和尼泊尔,在那里他遇<br />

到了丽莎。镭森 出生于意大利在沼泽的土地。他的父母都遭受了<br />

缺乏清洁用水和疟疾。镭森子 喜欢喝葡萄酒的他,不时与自制混<br />

合不同香料:肉桂,迷迭香,鼠尾草,蜂蜜,野生或栽培植物的<br />

根部。镭森 晚上喜欢做的专题讨论会与游客路过,讲各种故事的<br />

旅客。他的死是阐述十二月歌曲,由 莉萨。<br />

7<br />

莉萨 (Lì sà), 是一个学生的心理学家米尔顿埃里克森(美国)。研<br />

究员在道教,印度教,尼泊尔,密宗等巫术。在他的朝圣尼泊尔<br />

(他在那里会见 镭森),有他的昆达里尼觉醒第一次经历。他成<br />

了一个比较人类学家。德拉步梯寺 除了傍晚专题讨论会,提供治<br />

疗意见,帕梅拉,制定自己的生存危机,在他的亲属和祖先线歇<br />

斯底里的现象。解释了音乐治疗,性学和昆达里尼的觉醒,在人<br />

体生理的好处。丽莎助攻新的成年人,通过演员模型萨满经验。<br />

8<br />

马勒 (M ǎ lēi), 郎中加蓬的俾格米人的朋友。他知道了义博甘 根的<br />

辛酸正确使用治疗人类的身体和精神的弊病。讲述他的故事。它<br />

讲述了布义缇故事。<br />

9<br />

马丁(ma tin), 是一危地马拉巫师。他知道墨西哥和美国的土著人<br />

1<br />

祖民/ 祖先 (z ǔ mín), 是地们球的守护者。中介机构之间的地球和 民的中 药 材。一月 研讨会 , 讲 述了在危地 马 拉的 内战时 他的人生<br />

我们的意识。他们知道的法律和规则支配着地球上的平衡。他们 故事。在另一个座谈会上,谈到了他与的经验,小蘑菇在与土著<br />

等待我们的成熟. 示巴的儿子 (Shì ba <strong>de</strong> érzi), 解说员。一只耳朵听 巫师玛丽亚圆柏仪式。<br />

10<br />

力损失患病。未愈的音乐疗法。今天地是德拉步梯寺子.<br />

第六 (Dì liù), (第六绰号)是斯里兰卡的人类学家。朋友的锡兰最<br />

2 艾米利亚 (Ài mǐlì y ǎ ), 女儿的父母谁工作产生的麻纤维为帆,婚 后原住民。他的父亲拥有一个茶叶种植园。之后,在斯里兰卡内<br />

礼嫁妆(床单,毛巾,桌布等),袋,线和牛仔裤。继承祖辈可 战,逃往泰国。他在这里工作了农业农村的合作。前往东部巴布<br />

持续农业方法(堆肥厕所,做,乘以林地蘑菇菌丝体,家禽,果 亚(印度尼西亚),知道友谊的饮料。他住在非洲的几年(喀麦<br />

园,橄榄林,果园,田间。艾米利亚研究了政信在日本福冈。一 隆和加蓬)。丽莎邀请他到意大利德拉步梯寺。在座谈会讲述了<br />

个植物丹参伟大的情人,在他的故事,他喜欢记住他们的祖父母 在仪式 布义缇义博甘 使用的药用植物。<br />

11<br />

和在全国各地的炭火节日。<br />

基那洲子 (Jī nà zhōu), 是卡拉哈里大方布须曼人。聪明的老头纳<br />

3 乔治塔拉斯(Qiáozhì tǎ lāsī), 在养蜂,蘑菇和食用和药用植物的专 米比亚部落。基那洲子 达到德拉步梯寺感谢丽莎,解释通过长颈<br />

家。后裔吉普赛人古老的游牧部族。塔拉斯是艾米利亚丈夫。意 鹿舞蹈的昆达里尼觉醒机制(NUM)。基那洲子,十二月份专题<br />

大利传统的治疗者。乔治在会谈。傍晚专题讨论会,对大麻的历 讨论会,从他的人说,愈合的舞蹈。然后说,他的人民和他们的<br />

史,鸦片,麦角,并在地中海埃莱夫西斯的奥秘.<br />

文化,为全人类的遗产。<br />


1<br />

唐 罗慕洛 医治秘鲁, 一种药用 亚马逊雅格<br />

巴西研究员<br />

2 随着约兰达<br />

挥舞橙色旗帜,在园寺<br />

在寺庙云集,听到一个人的故事<br />

这是一个史诗般的故事,一进门<br />

爱欲和达纳托斯, 在诵经节奏<br />

在历史上的参与,是起点<br />

级数增长,知识的灵魂<br />

填补原始的差距,即文明<br />

人的会议,在许多地方的梦想<br />

诵经史诗的节奏,或慢讲话<br />

如果你不明白,你往前走<br />

绝句解释,一两个 ,许多<br />

然后下一步,学习将举行<br />

然后记诗句, 浇水酒, 恭喜并一路顺风!<br />

说现在情况发生,一首歌曲从一个路径<br />

实现兄弟土著,本机的形式<br />

文化的例子,出具体的重生<br />

3 塔霍 是在后台,小精灵伊特鲁里亚<br />

愈合的苦难,并给出了欢乐的心<br />

镭森 说, 当一个城市的死亡<br />

游牧再次, 道观察本能走<br />

德拉步梯寺, 出生于 1871 年<br />

4 赛巴巴 ,停在河在 意大利 中部 邲 阿澹河 。<br />

赛巴巴休息家, 舞蹈在这里产生一种神秘的光<br />

在该土壤,吸引聚集更多的人<br />

他们看到塔霍和听到的第一首歌曲。<br />

文化是一种假象, 是人的游戏, 是揭示植物和 动 物。<br />

捕食者和猎物的是,在双面月亮<br />

旋转阴阳,卍季节性参考<br />

塔霍 是在所有与会者的心<br />

5 盖亚(地球尊者) 反映了母亲,在她的歌曲<br />

镭森教授,和朋友基那洲。<br />

发现草庵一个世纪后, 欢迎旅客,并继续任务<br />

马勒,萨满布义缇 宗教加蓬<br />

我们戴口罩,礼仪,<br />

并听取了地球的力量我们脚下颤抖.<br />

12 月 8 日,第六 播放时,莫功苟.<br />

是揭示植物和动物, 根告诉我们一下<br />

盖亚的来历,龙和人类。<br />

盖亚 是很老了,需要我们的照顾。<br />

黑人与白人,在一个没有边界的参考圈<br />

邲阿澹河。正巧那一夜<br />

在舞蹈圈,耶稣显现参考<br />

与 赛巴巴 和弗朗西斯,是金童!<br />

他们说:我在这里跳舞,因为有孩子<br />

所有参加跳舞,下一个 精神的本质指导。<br />

遵循耶稣说:父亲,我感谢你<br />

我拥抱你的一切,我现在生活在非洲<br />

从那里,我会扩大在下降的日子.<br />

1<br />

唐罗慕洛 (luō mù luò), 是一个不起眼的秘鲁传统医生。与粘土,<br />

唱的是药酒死藤水和古柯叶。学院教授,每一个现在,然后退<br />

休,他耕地(在亚马逊雨林)遵循他的植物,烟草,咖啡和死藤<br />

水,像医药常春藤蔓栽培。治疗疟疾的奎宁树的表兄弟。在一月<br />

份座谈会,道出了雅诺马马印第安人和他们的药物。<br />

2<br />

约兰达 (Yuē lán dá), 是巴西血统的荷兰女子(图皮)。一旦海洛<br />

因成瘾者,像许多年轻的欧洲人。他恢复,这要归功于医学死藤<br />

水。告诉他的部落民族的传统仍然在巴西和含羞草树(Jurema)<br />

荒野生命。他告诉民俗巴西的土著。<br />

3 塔霍/ 潘 (<strong>Tǎ</strong> -<strong>huò</strong>/pān), 精神的本质。出现在邲阿澹河。塔霍是打滑<br />

的婴儿聪明的土著人民之间的海路抵达意大利从莉迪亚(在土耳<br />

其安纳托利亚)移民合并的伊特鲁里亚文化的基础。塔霍揭示收<br />

5 集雨水的村庄,并采取与渡槽它。这些村庄成为塔奎尼亚和罗马 锡拉/盖亚(Xi lā/Gài-y ǎ ), 对地球的灵魂,知道很多当地人仍然<br />

的城市。<br />

听。地球母亲,它包含了所有的动物,植物,气候,祖先等看似<br />

4 赛巴巴 (Sài bābā), 印度的神秘。像方济各,赤脚。他生活在一个 矛盾的行为。锡拉是猎物和捕食者,母亲,情人,老女人用镰<br />

被遗弃在村里寺庙在印度(Shirdi)。随着甘地,作出了意大利之 刀,戴安娜月亮,黑卡利,玛丽,恒河,亚马逊河,尼罗河,伟<br />

旅。附近的河邲阿澹河 ,建成了圆木小屋 。他认为这里将启动塔 大的女神,是舞台和后台,地方的每一个意识形式发生。锡拉是<br />

霍和德拉步梯寺 庙 的 传统 。<br />

我们的家,监狱或地方的伊甸园可持续花园。选择取决于我们。<br />


日历的教训<br />

一月<br />

1. 塞巴(水,雪,家房子,莴苣,茶)<br />

2. 镭森(哲学家周围的行星)<br />

3. 塞巴(睡眠食品) 4. 塔拉斯 (可可)<br />

5.马丁(危地马拉)6.镭森(火灾神话)<br />

7.塔拉斯(民俗)8. 镭森(咖啡)<br />

9. 罗慕洛(雅诺马马) 10.镭森(烟草)。<br />

二月<br />

1. 艾米利亚(风图) 2. 镭森(庄子,道金)<br />

3.帕梅拉( 蝴蝶) 4.艾米利亚(动物)<br />

5.镭森(地中海)6.帕梅拉( 玛 格 丽 特比 萨 ,<br />

7.镭森(湿婆)8.马丁(维拉丽卡)<br />

9. 莉萨(尤利西斯旅)<br />

10. 马丁(仙人掌)<br />

三月<br />

1. 塞巴(果园) 2. 艾米利亚(修剪树木)<br />

3. 镭森(水的神话) 4.帕梅拉(布 义缇 梦<br />

想)5.塞巴(他的布义缇梦想)<br />

6. 第六(加蓬的俾格米人)<br />

7. 马勒(布义缇人 加蓬)<br />

8. 第六(他的布义缇梦想)<br />

9. 艾米利亚(植物首歌)<br />

四月<br />

1.塞巴(昆虫)2. 镭森(发酵饮料道)<br />

3. 塔拉斯(养蜂人)<br />

4.第六(斯里兰卡, 巴布亚人,卡瓦)<br />

5. 镭森(土著) 6. 塔拉斯(植物和愈合)<br />

7.莉萨(雌雄同体的人)<br />

8. 镭森(雌雄同体的神话)<br />

五月<br />

1. 塞巴(清香花园) 2. 帕梅拉(花 )<br />

3. 马勒 (Byeri)4. 罗慕洛(秘鲁的古柯)<br />

5.塔拉斯( 药 ) 6.帕梅拉( 疟 疾 )<br />

7.塔拉斯(水, 药 品 )<br />

8. 莉萨(房中术 治疗)<br />

六月<br />

1. 塞巴(蔬菜) 2. 帕梅拉(草医 药 )<br />

3.艾米利亚(花园)4. 莉萨(气功)<br />

5.塞巴(间作) 6.塔拉斯(香料)<br />

7. 艾米利亚(共生)<br />

8.罗慕洛(本地和仙人掌)<br />

9. 塔拉斯(毒 药 的故事)<br />

10. 镭森(龙的神话)<br />

七月<br />

1.塞巴(捕食者和猎物的是)<br />

2.艾米利亚(昆虫) 3.塞巴(动物)<br />

4.镭森(流浪) 5. 约兰达(巴西含羞草 邪教)<br />

6. 莉萨(音乐和催眠)<br />

7.帕梅拉(告 诉 快死了 观 察 , 大圆满)<br />

8. 镭森(睡眠时间)<br />

八月<br />

1.塞巴(谷豆类)2. 艾米利亚(撒丁岛培养)<br />

3. 第六(水稻灵魂印度支那部落)<br />

4. 塔拉斯( 鸦 片 邪教 ) 5.镭森(尼泊尔)<br />

6. 莉萨 (尼泊尔的巫师) 7. 镭森(印度之行)<br />

8. 莉萨(昆达里尼)<br />

九月<br />

1.塞巴(森林)2. 塔拉斯(真菌)<br />

3. 艾米利亚(火灾)<br />

4. 镭森(蘑菇邪教)<br />

5. 基那洲(内木)<br />

6. 莉萨(巫师)<br />

7. 马丁(玛丽亚萨宾娜)<br />

8. 镭森(爱姬的神话)<br />

十月<br />

1.塞巴(葡萄种植)2. 塔拉斯(酵母)<br />

3. 镭森(葡萄酒的神话)<br />

4. 罗慕洛(粘土医药)<br />

5. 帕梅拉(芳香 疗 法 )<br />

6. 艾米利亚(大麻纤维)<br />

7. 塔拉斯(麻 冥想)<br />

8.镭森(最后镭森子歌曲/ 湿婆)<br />

十一月<br />

1.塞巴(蚯蚓, 乙烯)2. 帕梅拉( 酶 )<br />

3.艾米利亚(牛奶酪)4. 塔拉斯(麦角)<br />

5. 基那洲(布什曼学校)<br />

6. 镭森(埃莱夫西斯学校)<br />

7. 罗慕洛(亚马逊的茶叶)<br />

8.约兰达(林酒,12 月 8 日)<br />

十二月<br />

1.塞巴(橄榄)2. 镭森(橄榄的神话)<br />

3. 帕梅拉( 纺纱 厂 ,蜘蛛 )<br />

4. 莉萨(酒神 拥有邪教)<br />

5. 镭森(狄俄尼索斯神话)<br />

6. 约兰达(雨土祖寺)<br />

7. 莉萨(布什曼)<br />

8. 基那洲(布什曼非洲舞蹈)<br />

9.镭森(重生, 12 月 8 日)<br />


一月, 塞巴 告诉:<br />

我塞巴 我告 诉 , 经验 我有<br />

当我住在 寺庙 Therabuti<br />

我睡在 砖 的小房子<br />

听说同路人的故事<br />

我白天工作, 晚 上 听<br />

宾客和新人,他们晚饭后<br />

研讨会的时间,从傍晚开始<br />

我深思的故事和农业劳动<br />

镭森 提供酒,茶和榛子一起<br />

和我们每个人又花时间<br />

在外面的雨, 晚 上早似乎<br />

毕毕剥剥的火,温暖的自尊<br />

我的小屋中心,火烧<br />

我的小屋,用石 头墙挡 住 风<br />

打开一个窗口,开辟了到屋顶<br />

厨房里的火,烟,出门粉扑<br />

小屋有一个圆形底座,用硬的石头<br />

圆锥形的屋顶是原木,树枝和芦苇<br />

小屋粘土建成,绑在柳树<br />

建网,靠近墙壁为鸭子和小鸡<br />

位于南部,是房子的门<br />

植物大棚,形成了墙壁<br />

外 墙 装 饰 ,鹿角<br />

大多 数 符 号 巫 师<br />

圆形的木制房屋<br />

其中一些是在高跷<br />

所需的水,有雨<br />

水源, 填补两个 游泳池<br />

在 过 去的雨水, 这 是一 个 食物 资 源<br />

庆祝水收集,是第一座寺庙<br />

必需的水,是生命的隐喻<br />

医治痛苦的个人和团体<br />

夏季水仪式,治病<br />

水,露水,做幸 运 新娘卓有成效<br />

坐在赤裸裸的草地上,24 六月<br />

蟾蜍和青蛙湿,和童话真菌<br />

夏季和冬季,两个冬至庆祝活动<br />

一个是露水的仪式,两个应变烟囱<br />

水是一 种 社 会 的 礼 物,一 的身 份 的 的 的 组<br />

神话和传说,和流行的奉献<br />

一个不眠的夜晚,我走裸体<br />

释放紧张,我的床降温<br />

当我感到寒冷,我会回去睡觉<br />

用草药填充的枕头,摇篮催眠曲<br />

我 练 了一些 体 式,机 舱 的地板上<br />

我把我的 头 到北部,我打哈欠作 为 一 种仪 式<br />

一个温暖的饮料,以获得一个良好的夜间睡眠<br />

亚利桑那州霍皮人的,蘑菇冷静良好的睡眠<br />

盖伦 时,一位老人,他用生菜<br />

晚 饭 后睡 觉 , 莴 苣是健康<br />

莴苣汁,具有麻醉性能<br />

艾米利亚及与乔治· 塔拉斯, 教我<br />

喝羊奶, 我 将 薄荷 茶<br />

我 记 得塔拉斯 , 和他的茶蜂蜜以及<br />

茶起源于中 国 , 达玛 眼 睑<br />

抵达欧洲,通过荷兰链接<br />

中 国 是主人, 沏 茶准 备<br />

茶是一些 营 养 物 的食品 的 的 的 质<br />

茶是一 种甜 蜜的 爱抚, 它唤醒顺利<br />

也有助于保持, 适度的贸易<br />

注入与柠檬的茶,增加刺激<br />

牛奶软化的单宁酸的硬度, 一个平静碱<br />

波斯人放置, 丁香, 茴香种子<br />

藏族,加黄油 ,盐和牛奶<br />

它的香水的鼻孔头脑冷静下来<br />

茶 撵 困倦,茶有助于交 谈, 增加便秘<br />

茶是在冬季有用, 它删除任何冷漠<br />

卫生的饮料,在潮湿的气候<br />


镭森 听马丁,他是安静<br />

他想要什么比自我离开了他<br />

他的行为与吴炜 ,冷静中立<br />

他成为自然,并为我们提供了一首诗<br />

知者不言,言者不知<br />

塞其兑,閉其門,挫其銳<br />

解其分,和其光<br />

同其塵,是謂玄同<br />

信言不美,美言不信<br />

善者不辯,辯者不善<br />

知者不博,博者不知<br />

生命是一个抽象的概念,如世界的命运<br />

是最大的奥秘,其实,你是<br />

宇宙是完美的, 它并不需要提高<br />

离开它的事件,他们按照他们的目的<br />

鲜花盛开,鸟,继续唱<br />

世界上的分歧,都是假的<br />

世界和意 识 ,是一个 现实<br />

身体和心灵, 在你是南北<br />

懂得生活,要求放宽<br />

聖人不積, 既以為人己愈有<br />

既以與人己愈多<br />

天之道,利而不害<br />

聖人之道,為而不爭<br />

故有無相生,難易相成<br />

長短相較,高下相傾<br />

是以聖人處無為之事<br />

行不言之教<br />

美国在沉思,动摇像打雷<br />

赫拉克利特和老子 ,是一个与对方<br />

永久的现实,就是变化<br />

当它停了,然后 发 生的衰 变<br />

眼,日落,是同样的事情<br />

成功是小,慢慢扩大<br />

是以聖人後其身而身先<br />

外其身而身存<br />

居善地,心善淵. 1<br />

與善仁,言善信<br />

1Heráclito <strong>de</strong> Efeso, li retiriĝis sin en templo <strong>de</strong> Artemisa. Li<br />

manĝi beroj kaj observante: "la fajro estas con<strong>de</strong>nsados en akvon<br />

kaj tiam tero, tiam iĝas polvo eĉ pli akvon tiam fajro. La leĝo<br />

正善治,事善能,動善時<br />

其 运动 , 将带领 他的智慧<br />

莊子庆祝,熊猫黑色和白色<br />

在一片茂密的森林中,他再次成为一个巫师<br />

莊子聖人無常心, 莊子以百姓心為心<br />

為無為,事無事,味無味。<br />

大小多少,報怨以德。<br />

圖難於其易, 為大於其細<br />

天下難事,必作於易<br />

天下大事,必作於細。<br />

是以聖人終不為大, 故能成其大。<br />

夫輕諾必寡信, 多易必多難<br />

是以聖人猶難之, 故終無難矣<br />

莊子聖人在天下, 歙歙為天下渾其心<br />

百姓皆注其耳目, 莊子聖人皆孩之<br />

熊猫 爱的斜坡,高山湿地<br />

保持模糊,用软植被<br />

属亚热带气候,竹子和食品<br />

我要看到它,熊猫群居的动物<br />

它掌握在小洞穴或树洞<br />

它的动作,它总是遵循同样的方式<br />

熊猫生活在高森林,冰雪气候<br />

熊猫的山, 在西方中国<br />

来自中国的大熊猫, 更新世的起源<br />

它有 40 个臼齿,和一个巨大的头举行<br />

饲料每天的基础上,许多竹茎<br />

减少他们的纸浆,凭借其雄厚的磨牙<br />

大成若缺,其用不弊<br />

大盈若沖,其用不窮<br />

大直若屈,大巧若拙,大辯若訥<br />

躁勝寒靜勝熱, 清靜為天下正<br />

它有一个明确的和暗的熊市节奏<br />

思考和意识,以观察存在<br />

巴门尼德 的意识,导致必要的<br />

爱情趋于团结,不和谐的独立. 2<br />

<strong>de</strong> la mondo kuŝas en la Dao, grimpo kaj <strong>de</strong>scendo estas punktoj<br />

<strong>de</strong> vido." La arto <strong>de</strong> Shaolin templo estis lernita <strong>de</strong> observo <strong>de</strong><br />

multaj bestoj kaj komencis per Bodhidarma.<br />

2 Parméni<strong>de</strong>s (550 aK) kaj Kung Sun Lung (400 aK) klarigis<br />

la sama teorio: la movado, kiel en nigra kaj blanka Panda, estas<br />

unu kadro antaŭ la konscienco.<br />


☯ 道生一,一生二<br />

二生三,三生萬物。<br />

萬物負陰而抱陽<br />

沖氣以為和. 1<br />

道沖而用之或不盈<br />

淵兮似萬物之宗<br />

挫其銳,解其紛<br />

和其光,同其塵<br />

執古之道,以御今之有<br />

能知古始,是謂道紀<br />

保此道者,不欲盈<br />

夫唯不盈,故能蔽不新成<br />

致虛極,守靜篤<br />

萬物並作,吾以觀復<br />

夫物芸芸,各復歸其根<br />

歸根曰靜,是謂復命<br />

Ab<strong>de</strong>ra 的德谟克利特,是一个原子学说<br />

在真空中的原子,它是纷飞的球<br />

他们所有做的事情,就像中国盒<br />

量子物理学,并把他们今天<br />

三十輻,共一轂, 當其無,有車之用。<br />

埏埴以為器, 當其無, 有器之用。<br />

鑿戶牖以為室, 當其無,有室之用。<br />

故有之以 為 利, 無之以 為 用。<br />

重為輕根, 靜為躁君。<br />

大曰逝,逝曰遠,遠曰反。<br />

故道大,天大<br />

地大,王亦大<br />

域中有四大<br />

而王居其一焉<br />

人法地,地法天<br />

天法道 ☯,道法自然<br />

亚里士多<br />

最有效的行动,是预防性<br />

当月亮是充分的,我 们 将开始下降<br />

反者道之動, 弱者道之用。<br />

天下萬物生於有, 有生於無。<br />

西巴, 你模仿吴炜的理念 2<br />

明道若昧, 進道若退, 夷道若類<br />

上德若谷, 太白若辱<br />

廣德若不足, 建德若偷<br />

質真若渝, 大方無隅<br />

大器晚成, 大音希聲<br />

大象無形, 道隱無名。<br />

夫唯道, 善貸且成。<br />

知人者智,自知者明<br />

勝人者有力,自勝者強<br />

知足者富, 強行者有志<br />

不失其所者久, 死而不亡者壽<br />

我看到镭森,从未离开宁静<br />

在他的荣耀,或贫困,无痛苦<br />

谷神不死,是謂玄牝之門,<br />

是謂天地根, 綿綿若存,用之不勤。<br />

较低的山谷,它吸引了水本身<br />

渴求亲情,最有力的武器<br />

男子死亡的恐惧, 而不是生活<br />

死亡持有他的手,和经常性的用途<br />

大國者下流, 天下之交, 天下之牝<br />

牝常以靜勝牡,以靜為下<br />

故大國以下小國, 則取小國<br />

小國以下大國, 則取大國<br />

故或下以取,或下而取<br />

大國不過欲兼畜人, 小國不過欲入事人<br />

夫兩者各得其所欲, 大者宜為下。<br />

亚里士多德告诉我们,人类似乎高兴<br />

大道廢,有仁義<br />

智慧出, 有大偽<br />

太上,下知有之<br />

其次,親而譽之<br />

其次,畏之;其次,侮之<br />

信不足,焉有不信焉<br />

悠兮,其貴言, 功成事遂<br />

百姓皆謂我自然<br />

1Muroj, pordoj kaj fenestroj fari domo, sed estas la malplena kiu<br />

faras al ili la esencon, en T'ai chi t'u (Dao), 2 fiŝo (Yin-yang) kuri<br />

al la alia senĉese ŝanĝiĝas. Unu iĝas la alia kaj ambaŭ enhavas en<br />

2 si la semo <strong>de</strong> la alia (okulo <strong>de</strong> la fiŝo). Paralela: Luno-suno, viro estas infano naskita noktomeze, kiam li vidas tagiĝo, li<br />

Patrino-infano.<br />

kredas ke hieraŭ neniam ekzistis.<br />


坚持自己的本性<br />

企者不立, 跨者不行<br />

自見者不明, 自是者不彰<br />

自伐者無功, 自矜者不長<br />

絕聖棄智,民利百倍<br />

絕仁棄義,民復孝慈<br />

絕巧棄利,盜賊無有, 此三者以為文不足,<br />

故令有所屬: 見素抱樸,少私寡欲<br />

善行無轍迹, 善言無瑕讁<br />

善閉無關楗而不可開, 善結無繩約而不可解<br />

是以聖人常善救人, 故無棄人<br />

常善救物,故無棄物, 是謂襲明<br />

故善人者,不善人之師<br />

不善人者,善人之資<br />

不貴其師,不愛其資<br />

雖智大迷,是謂要妙<br />

知其雄,守其雌,為天下谿<br />

為天下谿,常德不離, 復歸於嬰兒<br />

知其白,守其黑,為天下式<br />

為天下式,常德不忒, 復歸於無極。<br />

知其榮,守其辱,為天下谷<br />

為天下谷,常德乃足,復歸於樸<br />

樸散則為器, 聖人用之<br />

則 為 官長,故大制不割<br />

人之生也柔弱, 其死也堅強<br />

萬物草木之生也柔脆, 其死也枯槁。<br />

故堅 強 者死之徒, 柔弱者生之徒<br />

是以兵強則不勝,木強則共<br />

強大處下,柔弱處上<br />

其安易持,其未兆易謀<br />

其脆易泮,其微易散<br />

為之於未有,治之於未亂<br />

合抱之木,生於毫末,<br />

九層之臺,起於累土<br />

千里之行,始於足下<br />

是以聖人欲不欲,不貴難得之貨<br />

學不學,復衆人之所過<br />

以輔萬物之自然, 而不敢為。<br />

镭森有一天他退休了,在成名的高度<br />

他隐藏了他的光,奉献自己的本质<br />

將欲歙之, 必固張之<br />

將欲弱之,必固強之<br />

將欲廢之,必固興之<br />

將欲奪之,必固與之<br />

是謂微明。柔弱勝剛強<br />

魚不可脫於淵, 國之利器不可以示人<br />

天下之至柔, 馳騁天下之至堅<br />

無有入無間, 吾是以知無為之有益<br />

名與身孰親? 身與貨孰多?<br />

得與亡孰病? 是故甚愛必大費<br />

多藏必厚亡, 知足不辱<br />

西巴,知止不殆, 可以長久<br />

不出戶知天下, 不闚牖見天道<br />

其出彌遠,其知彌少<br />

是以聖人不行而知<br />

不見而名,不為而成<br />

天下有道, 卻 走馬以糞<br />

天下無道,戎馬生於郊<br />

禍莫大於不知足, 咎莫大於欲得<br />

故知足之足,常足矣<br />

為學日益,為道日損<br />

損之又損, 以至於無為<br />

無為而無不為<br />

故老子 镭 森云:<br />

我無為, 而民自化<br />

我好靜, 而民自正<br />

我無事, 而民自富<br />

我無欲, 而民自樸。<br />

其政悶悶, 其民淳淳<br />

其政察察, 其民缺缺<br />

禍兮福之所倚, 福兮禍之所伏<br />

孰知其極? 其無正. 1<br />

mi 塞巴 kun 帕梅拉, mi laŭgra<strong>de</strong> vekiĝo<br />

abrumadora impulso, por servi malnova<br />

kanto<br />

post mia suferi, la dubo kaj konfuzo<br />

mi kantas Therabuti, vidi klare mia iluzio<br />

1 "Hieraŭ kaj hodiaŭ kaj morgaŭ, la laboro <strong>de</strong> formiko faras la<br />

malfacila facila, prenu la grandajn tra la malgranda." Laozi<br />


Mi unue semado, post la tero donas la<br />

rikolto<br />

kolekti kaj semas, estas malfacila<br />

kunvivado<br />

帕梅拉 estas animo mortigu, li silenta aŭ<br />

voĉo<br />

ajn la estonteco, sxi dividas miajn<br />

elektojn<br />

lo amo brilanta, magio kaj neatendita<br />

pli momentoj <strong>de</strong> komforto, ĝi donas al mi<br />

kiam mi almenaŭ atendas, Tago instruas<br />

min<br />

la rimedoj <strong>de</strong> 塔拉斯, nun venas al mia<br />

menso<br />

unu tagon li klarigis, citante la Mantegazza<br />

kafo kaj nutraĵoj, fermentita kaj distilita 1<br />

ili reduktas la transdono, ebria pro ĝojo<br />

la interna movadoj, aŭ eksteraj impresoj<br />

la teorio <strong>de</strong> dormo, <strong>de</strong> Paolo Mantegazza<br />

baziĝas sur ago, <strong>de</strong> nutraĵoj kiun miksita<br />

miksita faru al ni, parolema aŭ silenta<br />

ili varmegas movado, la ŝtofoj oxidación<br />

Ekscito kaj inhibición, <strong>de</strong> motoro nervo<br />

maldorma kun pensoj, kanaloj <strong>de</strong> sentoj<br />

muskoloj kaj la pensoj, ricevi signalojn<br />

kaj sendu respondojn, al sensoriales kanaloj<br />

la kafo nutraĵoj, ili ŝarĝas la nervojn<br />

narkotaĵo nutraĵoj, ili malŝarĝas la nervojn<br />

narkotaĵoj kaj anestésicos, kontraste la kafo<br />

tiel kiel kafo nutraĵoj, kontraste la alkoholo<br />

la nutraĵoj <strong>de</strong> la nervo, ili akiras sentojn<br />

kaj la ekstremaj ekscito, <strong>de</strong> muskolo kaj menso<br />

la anestésicos, fari silentan granda doloro<br />

la Granda Parakleto, malfermas interna suverena<br />

Infuzaĵo <strong>de</strong> salvio, ne donas al vi la emocio<br />

vino estas bona amiko, ĝi instruas la veron<br />

vino veraj pensoj, malfermas koro kaj vejnoj<br />

kune lucidaj penso, levas amuzega tro<br />

somnolo kaj konvulsioj, du formoj <strong>de</strong> ebriigan<br />

ili eksciti la sensojn, muskoloj kaj pensis<br />

troigitaj movado, <strong>de</strong> la muskoloj en danco<br />

aŭ seksan eksciton, donu multaj zumado<br />

la influo <strong>de</strong> alkoholo, estas brila kaj amuza<br />

la biero donas somnolo, la vino estas tumulta<br />

en alkoholo spiritoj feroca, kaj terura en misuzo<br />

<strong>de</strong>pendante <strong>de</strong> la elekto, donu letargio aŭ graco<br />

tabako, kokao kaj opio, tiel doni dormanta<br />

la Coquero ploras altigis, Bacchante estas vino<br />

opio-manĝanto bares, lia malluma kaj sankta psiko<br />

ĉiuj venas al la lumo, la ŝiprompiĝoj <strong>de</strong> la menso<br />

ĉiu nervoza nutraĵo, problemoj <strong>de</strong> misuzo produktas<br />

kiu kondukas al ĉagreno, la malnova uzoj <strong>de</strong> nutraĵoj<br />

Vino reprenas ŝtormoj, al la ekstrema estas dolora<br />

la antaŭe ĝojo iĝas, la agonio <strong>de</strong> la misuzo<br />

la nacioj sendante, la i<strong>de</strong>oj kaj drogoj<br />

entreprenoj kaj gloroj, la vojaĝantoj varoj<br />

Guaranà planto, tie en la varmaj landoj<br />

renovigas multaj fortoj, en tago vojaĝoj<br />

freŝan taso <strong>de</strong> guaranà, post la matenmanĝo<br />

Guaranà ekscitas, la nervoj kaj intestoj<br />

ĝi ŝajnas supera, al ĉiuj tipoj <strong>de</strong> kafo<br />

ĝi estas facila por fari, ĝi ne putrado<br />

Ameriko donis Guaranà, Afriko donis Kafon<br />

Tea venas el Azio, Vino venas el Eŭropo<br />

ĉiu ili stimulas, la laborista aktivecoj<br />

la kafon drogoj, industrioj <strong>de</strong> civilizacio<br />

Ferdinand Cortès, ekparolis al la reĝo Karlo V<br />

infuzaĵo <strong>de</strong> ĉokolado, donis <strong>de</strong> reĝo Montezuma<br />

la vojaĝo <strong>de</strong> Kolumbo, ĝi konkludas la ĉina<br />

per finante la fervojoj, en amerika planko<br />

1 “Pliigi la premas en diversaj trinkaĵoj: varma akvo premas 39.8.<br />

Teo 40.6, kafo 70, kakao 87,4, matè 106.2, kokao 160. La<br />

infuzaĵo <strong>de</strong> kokao veku vian koron 4 fojoj pli <strong>de</strong> varma akvo kaj<br />

kafo dufoje. Dum reagante, la kokao produktas kresko varmego<br />

kaj spirado, febro, vizaĝo kaj brilantaj okuloj, malvarmaj manoj<br />

kaj piedoj. Fiziologia leĝo: <strong>de</strong>bilitante kaŭzoj estas do malpli<br />

aktiva kiel la korpo estas en stato rezisti ilin.” Mantegazza<br />


塔拉斯 rememorigas nin, Theobroma kakao<br />

heredaĵo <strong>de</strong> Maya homoj, estas tropika arbo<br />

la <strong>de</strong>naskaj <strong>de</strong> amerika, kulturi la kakao<br />

por uzo en trinkaĵo, kaj mona vivo 1<br />

la Reĝo Montezuma, trinkis kvar<strong>de</strong>k tasoj<br />

sekigitaj pulvoro, aldonis kun aliaj spicoj<br />

fermentita semoj, ili fari kakao varma teo<br />

donaco <strong>de</strong> la serpento dio, al la astekoj homoj<br />

en Meksiko okazas, vi ne povas vivi sen<br />

homoj estas prirabitaj, simptomoj <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>co<br />

ĝi helpas al ili, tutan tagon sen manĝi multe<br />

en partio kaj ceremonioj, kakao estas certe<br />

la <strong>de</strong>naska konsumi ĝin, kakao semoj freŝa<br />

la suko estas miksita, kun la pulpo <strong>de</strong> banano<br />

<strong>de</strong>naska manĝas ĉe fino-manĝo, kakao toniko teo<br />

malrapi<strong>de</strong> li manĝi, kakao estas ekscita drogon<br />

kiam vi trinkos ĉokolado, vi ricevas profitojn<br />

en varmaj trinkaĵoj, ĝi estas taŭga por malsanuloj<br />

Hispanoj preni ĉokoladon, kun lakto kaj kafo<br />

kiel multaj Italoj, ili trinkas en la mateno<br />

la varma ĉokolado estas, manĝaĵo kaj trinkaĵo<br />

dia trinkaĵo, postulante ankaŭ por la klerikaro<br />

utilita en preĝejoj, por sinjorinoj kaj sinjoroj<br />

dum la servoj, en la <strong>de</strong>koka jarcento<br />

eĉ Napoleono, li admiris tiun planton<br />

maldolĉa kaj ekscita, li granda voraz<br />

li trinkos ĉiufoje, kiam li volas fortikigi<br />

kune filozofoj, al la kafo <strong>de</strong> Parizo<br />

Ne<strong>de</strong>rlando komercistoj, tiam riĉiĝo<br />

interŝanĝante afrikaj sklavoj, kun kakao semoj<br />

ilia spico ten<strong>de</strong>ncas konsumo, en Eŭropo<br />

disvastigi la plantejoj, kaj krei monopolojn<br />

la industria Ĉokolado, ĝi estas ofte miksitaj<br />

kun rafinita blanka sukero, farante korpo malsana<br />

ĝi forigas saloj kaj vitaminoj, ĉokolado endulzan<br />

ĝi akiri laciĝo digesto, por hepato kaj la colon<br />

ĝi donas troo <strong>de</strong> kalorioj, diabeto kaj koratako<br />

estreñimiento al infanoj, ĝi verkoj kun la humoro<br />

ĝi liberigas pensis, <strong>de</strong> problemoj kaj konfliktoj<br />

ĝi alimentaria toniko, al tuberkulozo pacientoj<br />

mi renkontis 马丁, ĉi vespere al la templo<br />

Tzutujil ŝamano, estis metilernanto <strong>de</strong> Chiviliu<br />

马丁 rakontas lian historion, labori kun Mary<br />

la Mazateco Saĝa, la virino Maria Sabina<br />

Lia mastro mortis, li heredas pacientoj<br />

tri<strong>de</strong>k mil personoj, <strong>de</strong> tutaj lia vilaĝo<br />

unu el liaj <strong>de</strong>voj, estas pliigi la junuloj<br />

kun iniciación ritoj, por fari veraj viroj<br />

Li vivis en Santiago Atitlán, en Gvatemalo<br />

en la tempo <strong>de</strong> milito, brutalaj registaro<br />

la reganta registaro, malfermas konsumismo<br />

malpermesas la tradicio, helpas la premgrupoj<br />

马丁 eskapas, lia vivo estas en danĝero<br />

Chiviliu volas gardi lin, la antikva saĝeco<br />

li transcribes en muziko, indiĝenoj tradicio<br />

tiam 马丁 medicino, daŭrigi en aliaj nacioj<br />

li lernis en multaj jaroj, por ĝusta malekvilibroj<br />

interrilatoj <strong>de</strong> homoj, kun prauloj spiritoj<br />

Chiviliu vokis min, por konfiti sian tradicio<br />

mi vojaĝis inter la limoj, en la horo <strong>de</strong> teruro<br />

post la civila milito, mi revenis al la vilaĝo<br />

porti <strong>de</strong>nove la prapatroj, <strong>de</strong> prauloj spiritoj<br />

mi re-instruado, Tzutujil mitoj tre profunda<br />

truo ene templo, estas tunelo inter mondoj<br />

ĉi tiu speciala kaverno, ĝi naskas la mondo<br />

produktas arbo, kun multaj fruktoj kaj floroj<br />

Ni ĉiuj manĝis ilin, en la jaro <strong>de</strong> volo<br />

Arbo <strong>de</strong> la mondo, havas siajn radikojn en sono<br />

ni ne vidas radikojn, sed ili donas la forton<br />

la mondo kiun vi sentas, ĝi trinki aŭ manĝi<br />

ĝi povos malsukcesi, se ni liberigas la aliaj<br />

ankaŭ ni ĉiuj venu, <strong>de</strong> tiu alia mondo<br />

tiam ni forgesas ĝi, post esti edukita<br />

memoroj <strong>de</strong> alia mondo, ni viŝi en infanoj<br />

tiam ni pasigas nian vivon, retrovi la historion<br />

马丁 babilas bonega, en la templo Therabuti<br />

la Tzutujil junulo inicitoj, iru malsupren la truo<br />

ĝis la venonta mondo, por revivigi la arboj<br />

instinkto <strong>de</strong> morto, ili kondukante al konscio<br />

ili lernas la doloro, kaj akiri elokventon 2<br />

2 "Dum la inicado <strong>de</strong> junuloj baraktante per morto, ili subskribas<br />

kontrakton kiu diras: "Mi rezignas la iluzion <strong>de</strong> vivi eterne". Kaj<br />

rekompence, Iliaj animoj donu al la alia mondo procento <strong>de</strong> la<br />

fruktoj <strong>de</strong> iliaj kreemo, imago kaj elokventon. La Majaoj<br />

memorigas nin, ke la spirita mondo estas kantante ni kune kun niaj<br />

110 semoj por kuniklo, 12 por prostituitino, 100 por sklavo spertoj ni faros." 马丁<br />


la lukta per morto estas lukto <strong>de</strong> elokventeco<br />

ni ne povas mortigi ĝin, ni povas trompi<br />

se ni provas ŝteli, la traktado pli alloga<br />

la ĝia kosto falas, sur aliaj personoj<br />

morto estas malsata, <strong>de</strong> animoj kaj homaj pensoj<br />

ne malakcepti la proponon, ŝi estas oportunisma<br />

via bone imago, vi lasu ŝi trovi bone<br />

ŝi atendi feliĉa, ŝi haltas por iom logxi<br />

ĉiu homo, havas animon indiĝenoj<br />

iu ŝuldo kreitaj, havas spiritan naturon<br />

ni civila aŭ tribaj, ni konsumas la esenco<br />

Thero postulas la kosto, vi respondi kun laŭdo<br />

se ni ne donos manĝaĵon, por diversaj kialoj<br />

la sonĝo sekigas, kaj malrapi<strong>de</strong> ni mortos<br />

konekti kun la loko, estas ĉiutaga paŝo<br />

ĉiutaga templo, ne <strong>de</strong>gustación semajnfino<br />

homoj kun iliaj sonoj, nutrante spiriteco mondo<br />

spiritoj reĝlando, kiu siavice fatten nia mondo<br />

Spiritoj prapatroj, en mondoj kaj en la psiko<br />

ili kantas al ni la vivon, ni estas ilia revo<br />

Ili estis kantitaj, alportitan ni en ekzisto<br />

se ni ne nutros ilin, ili prenu persisto<br />

ni ĉiuj estas sur ĉi tiu Tero, por sonĝi<br />

memori ili lernejo, por alia mondo nutri<br />

la vilaĝo pagas la prezon, <strong>de</strong> ĝia ekzisto<br />

kiu revenas kiel eĥo, kiel zorgo kaj nutrado<br />

kiel donaco sendita, en ĉie direkto<br />

ĉiuj elpensoj <strong>de</strong> la homoj, havas kosto<br />

la elpensoj estas fruktoj, <strong>de</strong> antaŭaj revoj<br />

kantita <strong>de</strong> la prapatroj, ligitaj kiel ringoj<br />

en sanaj kulturoj, la kapablo inventi<br />

vi pagas per ritoj, por eviti ajnan ŝuldo 1<br />

homoj naskiĝas, ni havas ŝuldo kun prapatroj<br />

la ŝuldo estas la fonto, <strong>de</strong> doloro kaj <strong>de</strong>presio<br />

ni pagas kun la rito, pri dancado kaj kantado<br />

se ni ignoras ilin, ili mortas <strong>de</strong> malsato<br />

ili estas fortoj <strong>de</strong> la naturo, tute ne ĉiopova<br />

estaĵoj reflektas en junuloj, kiel vivanta ŝuldo<br />

kiel potenca emocioj, kaj doloro kaj malsato<br />

ni egoo <strong>de</strong>ĉenigas ilia malsato, vorante en perforto<br />

1 "A tranĉilo estas ilo kun granda ŝuldo por ni, pro la dioj<br />

implikita en ĝia fabrikado. Post la tranĉilo estas <strong>de</strong>nto <strong>de</strong> la tero,<br />

ligno, viando kaj plantoj. Se ni ne pagas ĝia ŝuldo per ritoj, ĝi sin<br />

turnu al tranĉi la homo mem.” 马丁<br />

post malamas kaj <strong>de</strong>presio, antaŭas ĉiakoste<br />

ni fariĝis ilia manĝaĵo, ili ŝtelas nia psiko<br />

militoj faligas, kun spiritoj <strong>de</strong> la senkonscia<br />

ni batalos interne, ĝi estas lia influo en ni<br />

fantomojn <strong>de</strong> mortintaj homoj, kondukas <strong>de</strong>presio<br />

prapatroj sen honoro, lasantas konfuzo en ni<br />

ni nutras prapatroj, la vivo vivis kun pasio 2<br />

ni nutras siajn vivojn, kun malsamaj lingvoj<br />

ornamita kun poezio, kaj <strong>de</strong>voteco <strong>de</strong> la koro<br />

la nevi<strong>de</strong>bla mondo, estas motoro <strong>de</strong> nia vivo<br />

ni pagas kun kantoj, dancoj kaj nia beleco<br />

vi nutras kun viaj ritoj, kiel viaj donacoj<br />

la rakontoj <strong>de</strong> prauloj, memoroj en la ĉeestanta<br />

la mortinto revenis, estas parto <strong>de</strong> la pejzaĝo<br />

se la homo mortinta, ne ricevis iniciación<br />

li ignoras la loko, <strong>de</strong> eliro kaj <strong>de</strong>stino<br />

lia spirito nun vagas, serĉante la plenumo<br />

la chamán <strong>de</strong> la vilaĝo, kaptante la fantomo<br />

dividita komponantoj, kaj sendas la alia mondo<br />

kune kun la familio, li establas ceremoniaro<br />

vivante en Atitlán, mi perdis mian bebon<br />

pro tifoi<strong>de</strong>a febro, mi pagis per mia doloro<br />

amikeco naskiĝis, kun bela ceremoniaro<br />

tiam estas mia konkero, mi estas loĝanta tie<br />

apartenantaj al grupo, estas Tutujil leciono<br />

lingvo estas la gluo, bontenado <strong>de</strong> la grupo<br />

alportu la ŝtonoj, akvon, manĝio kaj domo<br />

por restarigi la vilaĝo, ĉiuj estas konfirmita<br />

Tzutujil lingvo, ĝi ne havas la vorto esti<br />

nenio estas nigra kaj blanka, ĉiuj estas la sama<br />

la elokvento en parolo, en ĝia mitologio 3<br />

kreado estas farita, ni faras bontenado<br />

nenio estas permanenta, jen mia leciono<br />

ni ĉiuj volas fari, iu nepereonta<br />

ne la domo mem, sed la grupo longtempe<br />

tio estas la celo, la koro <strong>de</strong> ĉiu vilaĝo<br />

2 kiel ni ricevas pli malnova, la vivo fariĝas pli signifa, ĉar<br />

ni donu pli. Pli donacoj nutras al la alia mondo.<br />

3 La ŝlosilo <strong>de</strong> malavareco estas senefikeco kaj <strong>de</strong>ka<strong>de</strong>nco <strong>de</strong><br />

materio, kiu kondukas la vilaĝanoj renkonte almenaŭ unufoje jare<br />

por labori sur kelkajn kabanoj esti renovigita. La Maya kaj liaj<br />

heredantoj ne atendas la krizo per trovi la komunumo, ili kreas la<br />

krizo ritualmente. 马丁<br />


镭森 klarigas tie, mitologio <strong>de</strong> fajro<br />

li eĥas la vortojn, <strong>de</strong> Ĉesis Pavese poeto<br />

li serĉas per mitoj, retiriĝi el historio<br />

purigi la malbeleco, <strong>de</strong> la restado vojaĝo 1<br />

iru malsupren enen sin, estas malfacile tasko<br />

kun la freneza espero, ŝteli rigar<strong>de</strong>ton<br />

<strong>de</strong> primara fajrero, koro sen peko aŭ ŝuldo<br />

menso volas traduki, en la propra mitologio<br />

pensi primara tempo, ripeti kaj rakonti ĝin<br />

la lingvo estas necesa, al la propra mitologio<br />

ĉiu persekutas ĝin, lia propra maniero sen halti<br />

ĝi nutras homa vivo, ĝi aktivas tra la mondo<br />

esti profun<strong>de</strong> en la momento, ĉiu transfigures<br />

laŭ la personaj mitologio, <strong>de</strong> lia vivo<br />

la marko frakasita, konservas kiel lumturo<br />

lumigas la vojon, la plej kara loko por li<br />

la vilagxo <strong>de</strong> infanaĝo, Luno kun la fajroj<br />

estas la loko <strong>de</strong> reveno, en la movado <strong>de</strong> vivo<br />

kiel emocian revo, por malkovri <strong>de</strong>nove la rakontoj<br />

ĉar ĉiu estas sola en la mondo, mito estas necesa<br />

sur mita nivelo, ĝi estas fonto <strong>de</strong> rakontaj<br />

kiel gvidlinioj por vojeto, elipsa chamán vojaĝo<br />

la heroo vojaĝon, ĝi etendis ĉie mondo<br />

por alproksimigi al la esenco, for <strong>de</strong> ordinara<br />

cxiu loko kaj sperto, estas centro <strong>de</strong> mondo<br />

Ĉiu subtenas enfermita, en fundo interne li<br />

emocia kaj konscia, <strong>de</strong> niaj sanktaj mondo<br />

la tuta voĉo <strong>de</strong> infanaĝo, kiel sakrala vento<br />

镭森 rezistas kaj ne perdis, preter ĉiuj doloro<br />

la infaneco ĉiam estas, tago ripozo en mito ondoj<br />

Suno kion vi atendas, por spiri fajron<br />

la frukto <strong>de</strong> homa faris, fine bruligi<br />

Ĉesis Pavese tradukis, la mitoj <strong>de</strong> aliaj<br />

tiam li vidas reaperi, lia mito super la scenejo<br />

sovaĝuloj kaj farmistoj, eble suferas vivo<br />

la ambivalente fajro, esprimitas lia ligoj<br />

Fajro-festivaloj, ligoj ĝi al la sango-morto<br />

farmistoj ĉiam lumigis fajroj, danco super ĝin<br />

bruligi la mario<strong>net</strong>oj, sur certa tempo <strong>de</strong> jaro<br />

la oferoj <strong>de</strong> kaproj, kaj la angoro <strong>de</strong> milito<br />

la <strong>de</strong>stino <strong>de</strong> homo, suferi <strong>de</strong> blinda manoj<br />

la ŝuldo estas la fonto, <strong>de</strong> la mortiga perforto<br />

voĉo <strong>de</strong> la verkisto, pagas la senkonscia sovaĝa<br />

镭森 nomas Roussou, kaj sovaĝaj lumigado<br />

la sovaĝaj viroj volas, kion ili scias<br />

lia minimuma necesa, facile kontentigita<br />

familio kaj klano, alportas la civilizacio<br />

kun divido <strong>de</strong> teroj, kaj grundo propraĵoj<br />

iri returne en sovaĝa, fariĝi ne fekundigita<br />

malrigidaj sed forta, kaj ĉiuprintempe flori<br />

en ĉi tiu tempo ĉiuj ni, ni estas kulturata stamo<br />

sed ni povas perdi nin mem, profun<strong>de</strong> en la arbeto<br />

Mi lasas hejmon kaj laboron, kaj mi komencas enketi<br />

interno sovaĝejo, fortan kaj malcerta mi renkontos<br />

ĉiu Arbaro estas malfavora, plena <strong>de</strong> sovaĝaj bestoj<br />

Mi lasas sekureco, mi renkontas ĉiu aliaj homo<br />

se ni estas profunda preta, al malvarma kaj malsato<br />

ĉio ni povas manĝi, ĝi estas solitario pano<br />

ankaŭ eblas, ke eble ni ne vidas nian hejmon<br />

en la koto <strong>de</strong> rivero, eble ripozos miaj ostoj<br />

freneza por tempo, kaj al la humilaj koneksa<br />

ĉi rompas ĉiun tabuo, civilizacio malkonektita<br />

sur spirita nivelo, la procezo postulas<br />

akcepti nin naturo, en la alia ni vidas<br />

subteni la mo<strong>de</strong>lo, <strong>de</strong> produktado konsumo<br />

sur ronda planedo, ni postulas ciklo mo<strong>de</strong>lo<br />

ĉio plantoj malsukcesas, kreski samtempe<br />

sezono estas la solvo, ĝi ŝanĝas spaco en tempo 2<br />

tempo <strong>de</strong> nomada stilo, tempo por aŭskulti<br />

la viro estas prirabita, <strong>de</strong> mona libereco<br />

reveni al la fonto, el la sonĝo <strong>de</strong>nove<br />

la menso iras lumo, kaj povas nutri Gaia<br />

komuniki kun specioj, transiri landlimojn<br />

piedirante kaj kantante, preĝi kaj danki<br />

la tempo malaperas, ĝi ekzistas nur unu ni<br />

Meditado estas la arto, faliginte la menso<br />

ĉio pensoj malplenigis, naturalo kampa<strong>de</strong>jo<br />

la menson sen pasinteco, iĝas Dio kongreso<br />

la nekonata prenas formon, ĝi prenas kuraĝo<br />

<strong>de</strong> malespero povas venas, la instinkto <strong>de</strong> saĝo<br />

2 镭森: "Kruco <strong>de</strong> la limo, konsi<strong>de</strong>rante i<strong>de</strong>nteco kaj diferenco.<br />

Tio povas rezultigi vidante la domoj, stratoj kaj homoj <strong>de</strong> viaj<br />

loko, kvazaŭ la unuan fojon, por disvolvi emocian rilaton, sankta<br />

kaj konscia kun la naturo kiu ĉirkaŭas vin. La daŭrigebla mastroj<br />

1 "Mi trovas min en la mezo <strong>de</strong> montetoj, mi observas la arbo, <strong>de</strong> produktado kaj konsumo <strong>de</strong>vas esti cikla sur finia planedo. Ĉio<br />

domo, vivo, vinberoj; vespere vojon donas al mi grandan senton ne povas kreski samtempe, sed ĉiu aĵo havas sian sezono, iuj<br />

<strong>de</strong> eksterordinara povo, kvazaŭ la bildo <strong>de</strong> ĉi tiuj aĵoj, naskiĝis en aferoj estas kreskanta, aliaj <strong>de</strong>vas malaltiĝi. Ankaŭ la institucioj,<br />

mi tiam trovanta vojon por eliri kiel mito.” Pavese<br />

lasita al siaj <strong>de</strong>ka<strong>de</strong>nco, ĝi ĵetas talento uzebla en nova organizoj."<br />


Aĝo <strong>de</strong> la sonĝo, estas ritmo neniu progreso<br />

kaj krea agado, estas lia referenco<br />

antaŭ komenciĝo, la tempo kaj civilizacio<br />

Naturo donis signaloj, kun sezoneco<br />

perceptado <strong>de</strong> tempo, estas la esenco <strong>de</strong> kulturo<br />

la i<strong>de</strong>o ke tempo fluas, en unu direkto<br />

ĝi estas artefarita iluzio, pro trompo<br />

ĝi kulturo postvivas, ĉiuj ni legitimeco ĝi<br />

ĉi artefarita dimensio, estas la baza mo<strong>de</strong>lo<br />

por ĉiu domajno, imperia kaj kulturaj<br />

la civilizacio <strong>de</strong> la tempo, estas projektita<br />

per konscia produktado, ĝi estas tiam forigita<br />

tempo estas homa yidam, produkto <strong>de</strong> la menso<br />

rakonto <strong>de</strong> ĵurnalo, kiu vivas sian vivon<br />

Tempo iĝas diaĵo, per procezo <strong>de</strong> nombroj<br />

ĝi konkeras la Naturo, kun la divido<br />

krei kalendaro, produktas civilizacio<br />

artefarita kondutoj, kreskante fremdigo<br />

la tagoj <strong>de</strong> la infano, estas bildoj revo<br />

loĝita <strong>de</strong> reala, kiel la indiĝenaj ritoj<br />

unua tago <strong>de</strong> la monato, estis dio Calendae<br />

la kerno <strong>de</strong> religio, la koncepton <strong>de</strong> tempo<br />

batai la sonoriloj, <strong>de</strong>vigitaj alĝustigo<br />

<strong>de</strong> Tempo <strong>de</strong> socio, artefarita spaco<br />

la horloĝo estas kaĝo, 镭森 ĵetis ĝin<br />

simbola malakcepto, <strong>de</strong> artefarita tempo<br />

tuj la perdo <strong>de</strong> tempo, estis nomita peko<br />

malamiko <strong>de</strong> kapitalo, kiun tempo estas mono<br />

ĉiu libertempo en la koro, ŝanĝas vivstilo<br />

memoras la Zamani, la antikva Afrika tempo<br />

angoro kaj tempo, estas strikta kaj konektita<br />

la orgasmo evitas ilin, kiel ekstazo kaj tranco<br />

senkonscia <strong>de</strong>ziroj, estas fremda al la tempo<br />

la narcissist malamas, ĉiu postulitaj tempo<br />

la milita medio, ĝi postulas fraŭleco<br />

ĝi produktas obeado, kiel aero kondiĉita<br />

mia militan vivon, estis provo <strong>de</strong> pasejo<br />

ŝajna monotonecon, malkomforto hierarkia<br />

post la malmola komenco, emerĝas la lu<strong>de</strong>jo<br />

se mi lasu mian menso, ĝi estas malplena<br />

Cthulu estas la artifiko, absoluta tempo<br />

li nur volas, por regi la homo menso<br />

mi vidis la fendoj, <strong>de</strong> Nimrod socio<br />

la viro en Varanasi, kovrita kun muŝoj<br />

la morto estas malkaŝita, sen timo<br />

Aghori sadhus vidu, parto <strong>de</strong> naturo<br />

sur muroj kaj konstelacioj, postvivado informo<br />

transdonita en verso, por vivi feliĉaj<br />

塞巴 sekvu la ruĝa viro, por ŝanĝi akcelo<br />

homa ekzisto tra vortoj, en ĉiutaga vivo<br />

ĉio komencas kaj iru, en Zamani mondo<br />

estis <strong>de</strong>segnita homo, por vivi paradizo<br />

la Kvantuma Fiziko, nun tenas similecoj<br />

al la vizioj <strong>de</strong> la mondo, <strong>de</strong> tribaj socioj<br />

la leĝo <strong>de</strong> entropio, ĝi reflektas multa timo<br />

la mona ekonomio, ĝi estas for <strong>de</strong> naturo 1<br />

la ĉefaj datenbankoj, kiu <strong>de</strong>mando monero<br />

estas privata korpoj, kiuj estas adictivas<br />

por individuoj kaj ŝtatoj, ni estas venditaj<br />

la homaj bezonoj, ĝi estas ofte ignorita<br />

la baza subsistencia, tiam <strong>de</strong>turnita for<br />

Intrigo kaj trompado, produktas malsanon<br />

kaj <strong>de</strong>presio sociaj, tiam la hipokriteco<br />

ĝi produktas <strong>de</strong>formación, <strong>de</strong> la dia naturo<br />

infanoj kaj maljunuloj, kaj senlaboruloj<br />

ili malkaŝas la misfarto, kiu kreskas granda<br />

tiam Dionizo freneza, markas la etapon fino<br />

gratante granda morto, kaj renaskiĝo fari<br />

la Koloseo komencas, post milito <strong>de</strong> Cartago<br />

la obscena kaj kruela, okazos en la sceno<br />

nehoman industrioj, <strong>de</strong>truas la koherecon<br />

Afriko vivrimedoj, estas unua medicino<br />

la i<strong>de</strong>o <strong>de</strong> malriĉeco, kaj <strong>de</strong> maltoleremo<br />

kiu nutras la blin<strong>de</strong>co, nescio kaj fiero<br />

ĝi nutras la timigas, <strong>de</strong> la natura stato<br />

kiu nutras moralo, <strong>de</strong> la perfida monopoloj<br />

inter premantoj kaj premato, la mensogo regas<br />

gxojo neniam venas, en la personoj kiuj ĝemoj<br />

la ekonomio ŝuldo, havas <strong>de</strong>pressant efektoj<br />

Gandhi antaŭdiris bone, la civila malobeo<br />

镭森 rememorigas nin, ambivalencon <strong>de</strong> la lukto<br />

Epicuro lia instruisto, turnas la fajrojn <strong>de</strong> malamo<br />

kun bonaj partioj, manĝaĵo kaj oleo kaj dancoj<br />

la homoj dancis kune, en komuna vivu la ĝojo<br />

1 Izolitaj sistemoj (ili ne ebligas interŝanĝoj kun la ekstera<br />

medio), montras la neinversigebla ten<strong>de</strong>ncon <strong>de</strong> la dua leĝo <strong>de</strong><br />

termodinamiko (leĝo <strong>de</strong> entropio), dum la universo <strong>de</strong> mo<strong>de</strong>rna<br />

fiziko, estas malfermita sistemo.<br />


la individuo malaperas, en komuna sento<br />

la festivalo ĉiam trinkas, lia taso plena<br />

stomako kaj muskoloj, la koro kaj la menso<br />

ĝi plibonigas memestimo, sano kaj rilatoj<br />

kun varma entuziasmo, ĝi estas kresko <strong>de</strong> korpoj<br />

ĉiuj amareco silentas, kaj envio inter klasoj<br />

ekscito fandas avido, en la leĝoj <strong>de</strong> la partio<br />

la Bacchanalian orgioj, ĉiuj okuloj ĵetas flamoj<br />

varma ondo ekestas, la fajreroj serĉas simpation<br />

homo estas bone ornamita, virino odoras floroj<br />

odoro, vido kaj aŭdo, formante kombinaĵoj<br />

kun licencojn por fari, la apresurados kantoj<br />

Saturnalio en Romo, kiel festivalo <strong>de</strong> Hindujo<br />

Gauri Shiva la edzino, volas la printempo ritoj<br />

Roma Ceresa atendis, la equinoctial ritoj<br />

Isvara ŝia edzo, li estas asketo almozulo<br />

Higieno estas mezuro, <strong>de</strong> dozo kaj kvantoj<br />

塔拉斯 intervenas, kaj faras sian kontribuon<br />

Aesculapius sannyasis, lumigita kabano lumo<br />

Igea-Thera lia patrino, liberas lia haŭto<br />

Ĉiu lando havas, lia preferata manĝo<br />

ke malkaŝas la pasioj, kaj seksaj kutimoj<br />

ĝi inebriates la nervoj, la koro <strong>de</strong> la sociaj<br />

soifaj pro penso, pro ago kaj sento<br />

manĝi por vivi, por ebrieco kaj medicinaj<br />

festivaloj estas rimedoj, por malbona sorto<br />

la civilaj kaj la sovaĝa, ili konsumas multan<br />

festoj formas okazaĵoj, vireca kaj lascivious<br />

la Homa historio, estas festo <strong>de</strong> amikoj<br />

unu sekso inter partnero, aŭ feliĉa Ra<strong>de</strong>nje<br />

la Payaguà sovaĝa, li fiŝas kaj li ebrias<br />

li havas kukurbo, kiel sonoraj orkestro<br />

li prenas floroj, aldonu ilin kune festi<br />

li grupigas amikoj, por fari sola kapo<br />

habitas kolekto, kun ĉasado kaj fiŝkaptado<br />

ludo <strong>de</strong> memregeco, i<strong>de</strong>nteco kaj konscio<br />

historio sur la tero, <strong>de</strong> indiĝenaj kulturoj<br />

mi rekonduku la memoro, <strong>de</strong> granda komunumo<br />

mi <strong>de</strong>fias la koncentriĝo, <strong>de</strong> energio sobrante<br />

mi iras al la interŝanĝo, merkato indiĝena 1<br />

Baratanoj kaj Ciganoj, paŝtistoj kaj vojaĝantoj<br />

la laboro estas bone ĝui, la naturajn pejzaĝojn<br />

mi esperas por la estonteco, konscio evoluado<br />

la permaculture renaskiĝis, je tutmonda skalo<br />

la popolo <strong>de</strong> Pano, kiu faras lian koncerton<br />

kun lepruloj sub steloj, ĉiuj ŝajnas diamantoj<br />

kiam imperio disfalos, sur la stepoj <strong>de</strong>zerto<br />

Jesuo revenas kaj amas, liaj indiĝenaj fratoj<br />

li alportas la fajro <strong>de</strong> amo, ridado ol ekstrema<br />

li liberigas la Tago, kaj kantas kun Shirdi<br />

fari kabanoj domoj, lavi telerojn kaj ŝtofoj<br />

arto aŭ religio, esti la solvi <strong>de</strong> la <strong>de</strong>presio<br />

laŭgra<strong>de</strong> mia 塞巴, la misteroj estos kovas<br />

mi estos ĉiam esti regxo, sola en la <strong>de</strong>zerto<br />

la ombro estas mia korpo, mi spiro estas la vento<br />

mi rajdos la flugiloj, <strong>de</strong> la grandaj duno polvo<br />

镭森 ankaŭ rakontas, <strong>de</strong> araba paŝtisto<br />

li pasas en Mekko, kaj remaĉas sian Kat<br />

li eliris kun siaj sxafoj, vagado ĉirkaŭ<br />

li alvenas en verda herbejo, li pasigas ripozo<br />

ke herbejo fortikigitaj, kun plantoj <strong>de</strong> Kafo<br />

kun sekaj fruktoj, jam falis al la tero<br />

la kaproj manĝi ĝin, altirita <strong>de</strong> la odoro<br />

ilia vocxo en la nokto, vekante la paŝtisto<br />

li kuras al la kaproj, por malkovri la magio<br />

li pasigas la nokton, por serĉi la anomalio<br />

li repasas en herbejo ĉe tagiĝo, li vidas kafo<br />

fruktoj premplatigita kaj mordis, por lia kaproj<br />

li prenis fruktoj, donis ilin al la orakolo <strong>de</strong> Arabio<br />

sed la maljuna saĝa, li ridas kaj scias ĉion<br />

li trankviligas la pasxtisto, la gregon estas sana<br />

la orakolo diru al li, <strong>de</strong> la infuzaĵo <strong>de</strong> kafo<br />

mi resti maldorma nokto, por vastaj verkoj<br />

Kafo greno estas rostitaj, kaj enfluas en akvo<br />

ĝi gardas cerbo aktiva, ĝis la sekva tagiĝo<br />

kafo sovaĝaj komencas, en la altebenaĵo <strong>de</strong> Kaffa<br />

kafo <strong>de</strong> Etiopujo, ĝi disvastiĝis tra Egiptio<br />

la sultano halti ĝin, li <strong>de</strong>truis la butikojn<br />

la konsumantoj estas batita, ĉar islama anatemo<br />

Suleiman la Granda, liberigas ĝin al Bizancio<br />

li faru bonon komerco, kaj popolo fari graso<br />

sed post la sekva Mufti, li nomitas la anatemo<br />

li fermas multaj kafejo, li perdas multan impostoj<br />

venas nova Mufti, kaj remalfermas la kafejoj<br />

eĉ la religia homoj, ili akceptas la konsumo<br />

la registaro utiligas kafo, fari bonan imposto<br />

ankaŭ ĝi fiksis la prezon, <strong>de</strong> minimumo taso<br />

1elsendi lian propran monon <strong>de</strong>fias la leĝa malpermeso kaj<br />

sultano ambasadoj, post ili alvenas en Parizo<br />

privilegiojn ke registaro donas al specifaj monopolojn.<br />


ili ĵetas la modo, <strong>de</strong> kafo guston amaran<br />

ĝi venas al Marseille, en <strong>de</strong>ksep jarcento<br />

liaj entreprenoj en la stoko, akiritas sukcese<br />

disvastigi la kafo, inter laŭdo kaj cenzuras<br />

Roussou trovos ĝin bona, tial lia amiko Voltero<br />

kafo influo kulturo, ĝi akcelas Europo pensoj<br />

la triumfo <strong>de</strong> la progreso, firmigu liaj fruktoj<br />

ĝi alportas la nerviosismo, en alta dozo misuzo<br />

Man<strong>de</strong>ville memoras, la misuzo estas monopolo<br />

kaj ofte la filoj, ili kontraŭdiras iliaj patroj<br />

super la leĝo, estas la kutimo <strong>de</strong> plaĉi<br />

kafeino en la ranoj, ĝi agas kiel veneno<br />

se vi redukti dozo, la histerio malsupreniri<br />

la stomako ripozo, kaj memestimo supreniras<br />

la kafo estas tolerata, en seka klimatoj<br />

la oxidación estas pli malrapida, en tiuj lokoj<br />

en la kafo en la <strong>de</strong>zerto, la spico aldonas<br />

guto <strong>de</strong> kremo aŭ lakto, ĝi faras koncentriĝo<br />

kun la ĉokolado, ĝi reduktas malbonaj efikoj<br />

kvankam milda klimato, taso estas tolerataj<br />

罗慕洛 parolas nun, lia rakonto daŭre<br />

li vivis en Peruo, en la limo kun Kolombio<br />

lia amiko Cocco, 20 jaron kun Yanomani<br />

invitas lin al la vilaĝo, trakti novaj malsanoj<br />

Rómulo uzas argilo, vakcinoj kaj herboj teoj<br />

li blokas la infektoj, nekonata al la lokaj<br />

sed li lernas al la vilaĝo, ilia arto <strong>de</strong> ĉaso<br />

iliaj venenoj kolekto, kaj tabako <strong>de</strong> Epenà<br />

Yanomami alvenis ĉi tien, 20 mil jaroj<br />

<strong>de</strong> Manchuria Azio, elmigris ĉirkaŭ landoj<br />

kun aliaj loĝantaroj, por Beringan markolon<br />

pragmata kaj kreema homoj, ili kreas lia mondo<br />

tiam ilia supervivado, evoluante progresema<br />

infano observas la patrinon, en frua infanaĝo<br />

la avoj havas lernejo, mitoj kaj tradicioj<br />

scion kaj lernado, <strong>de</strong> la klimato kiu okazas<br />

ili babili petas, korinklino kaj <strong>de</strong>ziro<br />

preni bani en la rivero, tiam eliru parolas<br />

inter rivero kaj arbaro, junu faras belan amo<br />

apareamiento <strong>de</strong> instinkto, ligite <strong>de</strong> la tero<br />

infanoj permesita, por observi kaj aŭskulti<br />

ĉiaj babilas, la plenaĝa tuj paroli<br />

ne estas limo, al la natura scivolemo<br />

la infanoj estas koro, <strong>de</strong> tuta komunumo<br />

ili uzas bruo muzika, media kaj homa<br />

ilia favorito sono, ŝajnas esti la pluvo<br />

ili kredas ke la mondo, <strong>de</strong> la maro ĝi floras<br />

la templo estas la arbaron, la orakolo <strong>de</strong> vivo<br />

Pajè anonci la alvenon, <strong>de</strong> pluvoj aŭ sekeco<br />

ŝtormoj kaj katastrofoj, eventoj <strong>de</strong> la klimato<br />

la virinoj kaptitaj, al la malamiko venkis<br />

ili estas <strong>de</strong> ĉiuj, komunumo <strong>de</strong> la gajnantoj<br />

iliaj nombroj sistemo, estas <strong>de</strong> unu ĝis tri 1<br />

egala al la ĉina koncepto, <strong>de</strong> la Dao ciklo<br />

unu produktas la du, du produktis la tri<br />

fine la tri, ĝi produktas ĉiuj la homamaso<br />

ili els 塔拉斯 en la <strong>de</strong>koracio, uzante <strong>de</strong> plumoj<br />

ornamaĵoj sur kapo, oreloj, brakoj kaj vizaĝo<br />

la floroj <strong>de</strong> la arbaro, odoro por la virinoj<br />

kaj trakti malsanojn, kun folioj kaj tuberoj<br />

alianco kaj amikeco, protekti la komunumo<br />

ĝi zorgo multaj malsanoj, kaj socia <strong>de</strong>ka<strong>de</strong>nco<br />

ili bezonas eniri, en kontakto kun naturo<br />

spiritoj Hekurà estas, ponton infrastrukturo<br />

Hekurà spiritoj, Pagè alpreĝas interferir<br />

en homaj aferoj, kaj damaĝas malamikoj<br />

ili loĝas la montoj, la klifoj kaj la brusto<br />

unu Pagè, alpreĝas ilin, por akiri drogoj<br />

Hekurà spiritoj jaguaro, tapiro kaj anakondo<br />

la giganto armadillo, kaj simio <strong>de</strong> amazono<br />

la Hekurà <strong>de</strong> papago, <strong>de</strong> tukano kaj testudo<br />

Jaguaro estas ĉefrolulo, li aliaj dispelas<br />

la masklo hekurà, edziĝis al bela knabinoj<br />

li povas helpi Yanomami, ĉasi kaj zorgo<br />

la ino hekurà, ŝi povas helpi en laboro<br />

la spiritoj <strong>de</strong> plantoj, nutraĵo kaj tabako<br />

tiam aliaj hekurà, <strong>de</strong> la vento tondro kaj sablo<br />

Ili laboras <strong>de</strong> la ĉielo, malsamaj kaj sen<strong>de</strong>penda<br />

auspicious aŭ inauspicious, ili kaŭzas rikura<br />

la pagè en la kunsidoj, ili povas invoki<br />

Epenà estas planto mastro, <strong>de</strong> la Yanomami<br />

en siajn ritojn, ŝi donas kuraĝon en lukto<br />

en soleca ritojn, aŭ por solvi kverelojn<br />

en ritma dialogo, alfrontante ĉiu alia<br />

1 1 Mahu estas unu, orakabe 2, orakataue 3, la resto estas bruka<br />

(multaj). Pagè estas la ŝamano.<br />


ili faras aliancoj, interŝanĝante objektoj<br />

ili vidas malsamaj bestoj, por ĉaso aŭ partio<br />

Epenà por festi la mortintoj, purigi sian kapon<br />

honori mortintoj memoro, kun kantoj kaj dancoj<br />

la pagè estas postulataj, donas sekurecon al ĉiuj<br />

por granda bezonoj, malsano, ŝtormoj aŭ militoj<br />

la supera estulo, estas Yaru la tondro spirito<br />

ĝi donas teroro, la ĉielo mallumigas kun vento<br />

Yaru levas la tegmento kabanoj, la hundo hurlas<br />

Pagè en kunvenejo, li komencos la ceremoniaron<br />

por superi la timon, timon <strong>de</strong> peza pluvo<br />

dum ili estas ebriaj, kaj kantado poemoj<br />

Epena larmoj kaj salivo, granda sento <strong>de</strong> varmo<br />

Vizioj <strong>de</strong> Epenà, en jaguaro mondo <strong>de</strong> poezio<br />

inter la Yanomami, la luno estas praulo<br />

ili iru tie kun Epena, por vidi la malamiko<br />

Ni venas <strong>de</strong> tie, tie en la manifesti mondo<br />

tiam revenu tie, ŝanĝante formo kaj kunteksto<br />

en la ekstazo <strong>de</strong> flugo, ni marŝas kun la Suno<br />

vojago <strong>de</strong> la Luno, por ĉasi kaj nutraĵo<br />

罗慕洛 estas transportita, en la mita regno<br />

ŝanĝanta korpo kaj menso, ĝi kunigas la arbaro<br />

kaj sidante sur la tero, konversacii la jaguaro<br />

ĝi kantas imitante birdojn, brakumo dancado<br />

Ili flustras rakontoj, mitoj en malalta voĉo<br />

bataloj <strong>de</strong> antaŭuloj, kaj flankaj efektoj<br />

kolono <strong>de</strong> kulturo, kondukas li memori<br />

nun frato 罗慕洛, fari laŭdo <strong>de</strong> Epenà<br />

Epenà estas medicino, mal alkoholismo drogoj<br />

vomadon novuloj homoj, engaĝas tusante kracxi<br />

ne kondukas al toksomanio aŭ retiriĝo simptomoj<br />

ĝi estas uzita en la ceremoniaro, mokado kaj lumo<br />

epena havas sociaj efektoj, helpante al malsata<br />

ĝi helpas konstrui Sciabono, la kabano kolektiva<br />

Yanomami literaturo, ĝi dankas la Epenà 1<br />

ĝi malkovrante sxteloj, la intencoj <strong>de</strong> la viroj<br />

ĝi helpas dum bezonoj, kaj zorgo por la malsanuloj<br />

donas al ili magio taskoj, por malutilo <strong>de</strong> malamikoj<br />

helpas al interpretas, aŭguroj kaj sonĝoj <strong>de</strong> popoloj<br />

ekvilibron mensa kaj socia, unio kun la transcenda<br />

Epena havas simptomoj, ebrieco aŭ inconsciencia ĝia povo estas ambivalente, ĝemoj kaj kuracas<br />

<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> la dozo, ŝi donas la paco aŭ la milito ŝamano krioj kaj kraĉas, li batali al elĉerpiĝo<br />

ŝi preĝoj kaj ceremonioj, estas kolektiva festivaloj li pasas la recenzo, ni ŝanĝanta sintenoj<br />

por la maduración <strong>de</strong> frukto, aŭ kuraci la vundojn personigas la prapatroj, povo <strong>de</strong> resanigo<br />

Yanomami vilaĝoj, multaj homoj estas ŝamanoj<br />

kelkfoje preskaŭ ĉiuj, <strong>de</strong> la malnovaj viroj<br />

kiel rezulto <strong>de</strong> sonĝo, aŭ ĉasado sola<br />

se ili aŭdas bestoj, aŭ animo iras en la aeron 2<br />

dum la inicado, nomita Thamamou<br />

atente la novulo, garnas kaj pentras sin<br />

<strong>de</strong>tenu <strong>de</strong> nutraĵo kaj sekso, komencas epen vojaĝo<br />

unu monato en la arbaro, izolita <strong>de</strong> la vilaĝo<br />

li ricevas kukurbo <strong>de</strong> akvo, kaj iuj brulligno<br />

hamako por lito, kaj gvidinstruistoj kun epena<br />

donu lin unuope nomante, la spirito hekurà<br />

ili miming lia alveno, dancante kaj kantante<br />

il nomas la ino bufo, se li havas febron<br />

se malforta per malsato, konfuzitaj aŭ timigis<br />

li eskapi en arbaro, ruliĝante sur la tero<br />

li iĝas vomadon, li estas predoj por emocioj<br />

la intensa sperto, kondukante al la vizioj<br />

<strong>de</strong> longaj iniciación, ĉio estas rilatanta<br />

al la gvidinstruisto ĉantoj, bela kantas Hekùra<br />

ĉio ĉirkaŭe <strong>de</strong>filado, malrapi<strong>de</strong> enkonduki sin<br />

Ili estas kiel beboj, preta loĝi li dum li ripetas<br />

provas kontakti hekurà invitas, obei liajn brusto<br />

post la inicado, la novulo reveno integris lin<br />

kiel Pajè en la komunumo, tiam li povas kanti<br />

cxiu sian hekurà, por inhali kun mokohìro<br />

la trejnado daŭrigas, kreski super tempo<br />

la adopto hekura, por timigi malamikoj<br />

il kantos nokte kun forta voĉo, ne vomaĵo plu<br />

Li kuraci diareo, kiel febro kaj malvarmumoj<br />

trooj <strong>de</strong> sekso kaj nutraĵo, penadoj li evitos<br />

se li mergi en akvo, li uzos singar<strong>de</strong>co<br />

kiel graveda virino, por gestational hekùra<br />

1 罗慕洛 "la uzo <strong>de</strong> Epena dum miloj da jaroj, se prenita al la<br />

Yanomami, por asimili ilin al nia kutimoj, kondukas ilin serĉi 2Prenita la <strong>de</strong>cido fariĝi ŝamano (pajè), la novulo homo estas<br />

rifuĝon en alkoholo kun la evi<strong>de</strong>nta gamo <strong>de</strong> ilia kulturo kaj protektata <strong>de</strong> la pajè <strong>de</strong> la komunumo kiu estas respon<strong>de</strong>ca por<br />

spirita mondo. Kunvenas instinktoj <strong>de</strong> transcenda, televido, kontakti kaj iniciación en la mondo <strong>de</strong> spiritoj (hekurà) kaj por<br />

heredanto <strong>de</strong> opio, kiel anstataŭanto por immersing en imaginara inhalante la epena. En sonĝo aŭ dum ĉasado, viro sentas<br />

mondoj, sed, estas administrata <strong>de</strong> apartaj elitoj."<br />

claustrofobia por la arbaro kaj ke ĉasado bestoj estas sur ridado.<br />


Li trinkas akvofalo akvo, por igi pajè<br />

aŭskultas mallaŭte voĉa, kantado li sekvas laŭte<br />

li ripetante kion li aŭdas, eksteren kaj ene la eĥo<br />

li kantas al la hekurà, la grupo helpas pajè<br />

místico inicado, atingita <strong>de</strong> fastas<br />

estas malfacile ofero, longa izolite<br />

li invitas hekurà, farante sovaĝaj dancoj<br />

kun paradoj, kantante kaj substancoj<br />

la hekurà trovinte min, en tago <strong>de</strong> silento pajè koleras kun hekurà, vomante kaj kraĉas<br />

alproksimiĝas ilia filino, dancante al mi<br />

faras mi falu sur la teron, ŝi malfermos mian bruston<br />

por seriozaj malsanoj, li donas neniun faciligxo<br />

en terminalo kazoj, reduktas dolora sorto<br />

mortinto kuŝis en la lito, ŝi purigante mia sango ĉar tage kaj nokte, li akcelas la morto<br />

Mi sentas kion ŝi kantas, la filino <strong>de</strong> hekurà<br />

la filino helpi virinojn, dum ilia akuŝo<br />

danke al la nova kanto, mi alvokas la tapir<br />

dum ŝtormoj, antaux araneo tiras kanvaso<br />

la Anakondo hekurà, estas Wakugnariwe<br />

il havas multan forton, apogante arboj<br />

birdo estas Arari, Armadillo estas Wakariwe<br />

simio estas Pascioniwe, jaguaro estas Irariwe<br />

budgie estas Kumar, la caiman estas Iwariwe<br />

tondro estas Taumiriwe, la vento estas Watoriwe<br />

Povo <strong>de</strong> ĉiu pajè yanomami, unue estas la intenco<br />

pelas regi la fajro, ligante la mondo sonĝon<br />

la danco estas sekvenco, <strong>de</strong> voĉoj <strong>de</strong> bestoj la jaguaro estas voraz, manĝante multajn karno<br />

la pajè estas kiel mortintoj, por la mensa malordo<br />

serĉas en sciabono, kaj kuris hejmen al hejmo<br />

Purigas kun la ritmo, kaj tiam relevigxis Yoawe malkovras unu tago, jaguaro odoro Epena<br />

kanto <strong>de</strong> ĝia flugo, venu tien el malproksime fine venos Hekurà spiritoj, li fariĝis granda pajè<br />

罗慕洛 petas la pajè, klarigas la viziojn<br />

li trovos la respondojn, en kantoj kaj preĝoj<br />

en fajro kaj varmo, rigardante kvarco ŝtono<br />

pentrita kun <strong>de</strong>zajnoj, tatuaje la drako au simio<br />

Pajè aspiras la spirito, <strong>de</strong> la korpo <strong>de</strong> la paciento<br />

li falas al la tero elĉerpiĝis, pluraj fojoj<br />

amikoj kuraĝigita por daŭrigi, la paciento zorgo<br />

Ili spray la akvo, sur pajè lukto vizaĝo<br />

Arto <strong>de</strong> la pajè, estas konvinki la paciento<br />

gajni entrudiĝo, kiu li sanigante per sin<br />

helpas lin por preni, sian sorton en la manoj<br />

li alfrontas kaj inhales epena, rekomenci dialogon<br />

Yanomami pajè estas, granda poeto kaj aktoro<br />

Li prepari sin, por la ekstaza kunveno<br />

Li nomas la helpa, spiritoj hekura<br />

prelegoj por la bestoj, li imitas naturo<br />

la helpa hekurà, lia korpo logxado<br />

li ploras kaj petegas, convoluted movas<br />

pajè kun la voĉo, <strong>de</strong> ĉeestanta hekurà<br />

estas ambivalente, povas mortigi la ombro<br />

Pajè en la posttagmezo, post preni epena<br />

kun sonoj <strong>de</strong> birdoj, faras la lecionon bone<br />

donas sian scion, por prezenti stu<strong>de</strong>ntoj<br />

kun lia rakontoj, <strong>de</strong> mitoj kaj spertoj<br />

kun la flugiloj <strong>de</strong> la penso, superhomaj sango Yoawe komencis amoras, kaj vaginal odoro<br />

la veturo estos longa, en tordi lingvo ĝis la hekurà ĉiuj fuĝis, li ĉesis kanti<br />

imaginara ŝtuparo, fumo aŭ levis paliso Vento blovis forta, li enspiris pli epena<br />

la fumo <strong>de</strong> tabako, estas ventumis per leafs li malkovras kun amikoj, la kaŭzo <strong>de</strong> ŝtormo<br />

li reassembles kantante, redonante la hekùra<br />

la vento trankviligas malsupren, elŝalti la fulmo<br />

li diras per recitante, estas lia lernejo <strong>de</strong> vivo<br />

epizodoj <strong>de</strong> soldatoj, forkuris en arbaron<br />

Mi aspiris Epenà, kaj unu hekurà ekposedis min fronte epi<strong>de</strong>mioj, seksperforto <strong>de</strong> la virinoj<br />

mi petas supreniri al la ĉielo, rekuperi infano marŝante ĉirkaŭe, kreante novajn koloniojn<br />

Pajè iru tien kaj reen, rigardi en la paciento ĉiuj jam scias, la intrigo <strong>de</strong> la lia rakonto<br />

li krias pli minacoj, al la <strong>de</strong>falintaj spirito kaj ili vidos movis, komentante en cirklo<br />

li intimaj spiriton eskapi, aŭ dishaku gxin en pecojn kompliceco estas kreita, kune kun spektantoj<br />

massages la paciento, kuŝantan en la hamako eksplodante miro, ridado kaj konstanta<br />

pajè tiri gxin al ekstremaĵoj, sub lia haŭto nuda korpo pentrita, estas fono <strong>de</strong> arbaro<br />

li pelas kun la manoj, la senkonscia hekurà malkaŝas la beleco, <strong>de</strong> hekurà li subtenas<br />


Nur sana vivo, ĝi gardas la hekurà<br />

perdurables jarmilo, radikoj <strong>de</strong> kulturo<br />

ĉe la morto <strong>de</strong> la pajè, Hekurà krio<br />

ili forlasas lia korpon, kiam mortas<br />

dum ili eliris, la ĉielo igas malhela<br />

pluvas kaj tondroj, kaj fulmoj <strong>de</strong> fumo<br />

dancoj en <strong>de</strong>liro, ĉirkaŭ la mortanta<br />

ĉiuj nomas lin frato, nek filon aux patro<br />

ili montras lia objektoj, kiujn ĝi posedas<br />

kriante malbenon, la sorto, kiu estos<br />

Akvo por moisten, tabako en sian buŝon<br />

ili ploras maldolcxe, virinoj kaj viroj kune<br />

la kadavro estas garnita, kun falko plumoj<br />

tiam pentrita ruĝa, sur la ŝtiparo kaj fajro<br />

el diversaj domoj, la karboj stakita<br />

<strong>de</strong> lignaj cindroj, la hamako kun la korpo<br />

Acrid odoro kaj fumo, kaj dun-kolora<br />

Ĝi kombinas la kraketadis, la interna turmento<br />

Parencoj doni vivon, al la danco <strong>de</strong> agonio<br />

ĵeti sur la fajron, Siajn sagojn kun quivers<br />

Korboj kaj aĵoj, celoj <strong>de</strong> la forpasinto<br />

esprimi siajn dolorojn, sen bedaŭri<br />

post kelkaj horoj, la kadavro estas konsumita<br />

la cindro malvarmiĝis, estas prenitaj <strong>de</strong> parencoj<br />

kaj kolektis la ostojn, ene <strong>de</strong> korbo <strong>de</strong>, ili<br />

tiam estos konsumitaj, en ripetiĝantajn ritoj<br />

Yanomami morto, estas evento migrantaj<br />

ĝi lasas al posteuloj, la osto cindro per la komunioù 1<br />

Ĉiu Yanomami, tradicie havas du animoj<br />

la unua estas nobolebe, la nubo <strong>de</strong> fumo<br />

en la momento <strong>de</strong> morto, la korpo ĝi levas<br />

dum cremación ceremoniaro, supren al la ĉielo<br />

la infano ne havas, tiu nobole<strong>de</strong> animo<br />

ne bruligis ilia mortinto, ostoj ne digestitaj<br />

mankas homoj, aŭ la mortigita <strong>de</strong> sovaĝaj bestoj ĉiuj<br />

vagis en la arbaro, sola aŭ en amasoj<br />

Monise estas la alia animo, la animo <strong>de</strong> ombro<br />

dum la vivo, li loĝas en la besto totems<br />

1 "la Yanomami cremate siajn mortintojn, ili muelis la ostoj. Post<br />

kaj skrupula mastrojn, do konsumas la cindrojn <strong>de</strong> forpasita en<br />

familio festoj kaj grupo <strong>de</strong> proksimaj amikoj. Tie ili forĝi ligoj <strong>de</strong><br />

parenceco kaj amikecon, tiel ke la esenco <strong>de</strong> la forpasinto restas en<br />

ilia korpo kaj lia menso chesas vagadi kaj iru Yaru ricevi la<br />

premion. La viva animo (Nobole<strong>de</strong>) estas en la koro, spiron kaj<br />

sango, la ombro <strong>de</strong> la virina vivoj en lutro kaj la ombro <strong>de</strong> la<br />

infanoj en malgranda kuniklo." 罗慕洛<br />

en aglo aŭ jaguaro, aŭ araneo logxi<br />

ĝi mortigas al Yanomami, se vi mortigos sian beston<br />

la Totem besto, estas la portanto <strong>de</strong> ombro<br />

ne iru en la teritorioj, <strong>de</strong> ĉasisto filo<br />

mortigi bestoj, estas mortigi viajn malamikojn<br />

Ĉasado kaj milito, ili havas la komunan radikoj<br />

Dum la cremación, la du animoj kombini<br />

la ombro animo <strong>de</strong> la sonĝo, kaj la nobole<strong>de</strong><br />

ili iru en la alia mondo, <strong>de</strong> Wadawadana<br />

Juĝisto <strong>de</strong> la mortintoj, kiuj procesas la rivereto<br />

en la momento <strong>de</strong> la Rehao, a Yanomami festo<br />

ili invitas amikojn, el trans la arbaro<br />

Agnacorami mito, vivas ĉirkaŭ la fajro<br />

memorigi al ni la donacojn, ricevis en la unue<br />

ni preni fiŝoj kaj ludo, kaj grenon en la kavo<br />

kaj la cindroj <strong>de</strong> la osto, fermi la ceremoniaro<br />

interŝanĝo kaj strategioj, vizitante parencoj<br />

interŝanĝi donacojn, ĉiuj okaze <strong>de</strong> ligiloj<br />

banano pudingo, estas discourtesy se restas<br />

ĝoja krias <strong>de</strong> la arbaro, la viroj surgrun<strong>de</strong><br />

inhali la Epenà, danco venas kaj kroĉas<br />

Ili komencas alpreĝi, la spiritoj hekurà<br />

piedoj batis la teron, tiam la nokto falis<br />

la guiño <strong>de</strong> la pajè, la virinoj surscenigo<br />

virinoj dancas kun ŝtupoj, antaŭen kaj reen<br />

la virinoj formi grupojn, paroj aŭ trioj<br />

unu kantas melodio, sekvas la koruso en sync<br />

nun la provokoj, turnis sin al la viroj<br />

la viroj en hamakoj, donu al ili la respondojn<br />

se ĉiuj enamiĝas, la riski por veni al batoj 2<br />

2 "festo Reaho, al la kulmino, estas ankaŭ la kuroj, dueloj kun<br />

<strong>de</strong>fio, tiam prelegoj negoco ĉe tagiĝo finiĝis partio, kaj ĉiuj feliĉaj<br />

brakumo inhalante epena, la pajè estas sidas sur la tero, li ritma<br />

dialogo kaj frata interŝanĝo. Päts sur la dorso sigelon kaj garantio,<br />

la festo laboro estis farita, frateco Reaho". 罗慕洛<br />


laŭ la Rivero Gálvez, perua-brazila amazono<br />

lando alligators, malario kaj flava febro<br />

vivi la Matses, serpentoj kaj eĉ jaguaroj<br />

fiera <strong>de</strong> lia mondo, ili scias kiel postvivado<br />

Ĉasistoj-kolektistoj, la plej bona en Amazonio li ne havis amikojn, nur inteligenta Yoretiràmi<br />

feroce sen<strong>de</strong>pendaj, ili movas kiel la vento li estas malgranda viro, kiu faris lin ridi<br />

ili faras kabanoj, kiu ofte inundates la pluvo li iras al lia hamako, ofte ĉiunokte nokta<br />

dum la sezono, en la tropikoj estas la normo unu nokta kun la pluvo, estis tre malvarme<br />

lia medio estas humida, varma kaj glueca<br />

nun ili kultivas jukao, sukero kaj bananoj<br />

por povi ĉasi, la Matses <strong>de</strong>vas komuniki<br />

kun la spiritoj <strong>de</strong> plantoj, kaj eĉ bestoj<br />

Rómulo havas amikon, Paŭlo estas Matses<br />

li havas du edzinojn, kune kun siaj infanoj<br />

li dormas kun la plantoj, li sonĝas <strong>de</strong> siaj uzo<br />

do li povas malkovri, ilia resanigo infundida<br />

pli spiritoj <strong>de</strong> plantoj, malkaŝo <strong>de</strong> sekretoj<br />

rimedoj <strong>de</strong> ĉaso-fiŝkaptado, kaj homa medicino<br />

Kambo estas arbo rano, ĝi donu la sekreciita<br />

Amazonio arbo Sapo, ĝi estas pajè bestoj<br />

la Nu-Nu tabako, estas verdaj kaj viziulo<br />

kun la tabako folioj, miksita kun cindro<br />

aŭ faritaj <strong>de</strong> ŝelo, <strong>de</strong> la arbo macambo<br />

uzita <strong>de</strong> sunsubiĝo, la sekreciita <strong>de</strong> Kambo 1<br />

skrapi la bastono, la sekreciita <strong>de</strong> Sapo<br />

sur kiu estas <strong>de</strong>ponita miksita kun salivo<br />

kaj metis sur bruligita, haŭto <strong>de</strong> la brako<br />

tiam licuado Sapo, ĝi aplikas sur vundon<br />

varmigas kaj bruligas la korpon, lia koro funtoj<br />

ĉiu vejno kaj arterio, ĝi malfermas en la korpo<br />

por permesi la raso, ĉar mia sango tempesta<br />

la korpaj funkcioj, ili eliras <strong>de</strong> kontrolo<br />

urini kaj <strong>de</strong>fecate bruon, akcelis la sango<br />

la doloro povas esti granda, li volas morti<br />

la stomako kramfoj, kaj komencas vomaĵo<br />

falos sur la teron, elĉerpita li perdos la konscion<br />

li vekas kiel tondro, Herculean muskolo forto<br />

helpas lin en arbaro, la komprenon pri la mallumo<br />

fariĝis sen peno, Kambo helpas iri sen nutraĵo<br />

persekutante bestoj, granda vido por pluraj tagoj<br />

planto Tabako estas ligita, al la fajro kaj bestoj<br />

Rómulo nun diras, la tabako Yanomami mito<br />

Iwariwe gardas la fajro, metis sub la lango<br />

ĝi ĵaluza <strong>de</strong> estingo, Iwariwe estas la avarulo<br />

Yanomami kaj multaj, havas tuso malvarmigis<br />

Iwariwe havis la fajro, sufiĉis por trakti<br />

sed la mastro <strong>de</strong> fajro, iru ignori ilin<br />

li neis al la malsanuloj, la fajro medicino<br />

unu tagon Yoretiràmi, iru al Iwariwe hamako<br />

li dormis kiam subite, li faras ternadi la fajro<br />

Yoretirami vigla, kroĉas ĝin en liaj manoj<br />

saltante malproksimigas, plena <strong>de</strong> feliĉo<br />

Iwariwe senespera, li igas caiman<br />

tiam Yoretirami, redonas al Sciabono<br />

tiam dividi la Fajro, al ĉiuj Yanomami<br />

li estis feliĉe, li prenas alta salto<br />

li finiĝas altaj branĉoj, li lasas en ĉiu arbo<br />

la fajreron <strong>de</strong> la fajro, tiel ke la ligno brulas<br />

li metis multe pli fajreroj, sur la kakao arbo<br />

tial homoj kun tia ligno, lumoj la fajro<br />

la Fajro estas senmorta, faros vin suferi<br />

la ino Bufo spirito, diris en antaŭdirante<br />

Pryoma oranĝo bufo, estas virino <strong>de</strong> la fluoj<br />

ĉiuj pajè alpreĝi ŝin, por malvarmigi la febroj<br />

la prapatroj yanomami, maĉis la thara thara<br />

la folio <strong>de</strong> arbo kiu ebria, sed ne al ĉiuj<br />

Hasoriwe kriante, kaj maĉi kun doloro<br />

Tomiriwe donis al Hasoriwe, alian folion<br />

la semojn <strong>de</strong> planto, envolvita en folio<br />

li metis ilin en pino, Tomiriwe klarigas kiel kultivi<br />

ĝin purigi la teron, kaj tie bruligi la arbustaro<br />

li batoj sur la semoj, kaj kovru ilin per tero<br />

la transplanto plántulas, kovri ilin kun folioj<br />

do la suno ne bruligu, li atendas grandajn foliojn<br />

unplug ĝin <strong>de</strong> la nervo, kaj fari la fajron sekigi<br />

sekigis kaj pendis sur la fajron, tabako lasta plu<br />

se li volas tabakon, fari folioj maceración<br />

en akvo kaj cindro, ruloj inter la gingivoj<br />

maĉi tabako, li ricevas pli aktivaj fortoj<br />

1 "Paŭlo kaj liaj pupiloj, sur la rando <strong>de</strong> la arbaro, komenci la tiam Hasoriwe saltoj, tia estis la plezuro<br />

ceremoniaro, la festo <strong>de</strong> Sapo. Tabako kaj cindro kaŭzas alkala pH<br />

en la parola kavo, prokrastante bakteria kresko kaj plato formado.<br />

Matses kaj Yanomami havi envidiable <strong>de</strong>ntoj” 罗慕洛<br />


li eniris la arbaron, kaj fariĝis Cuchi-Cuchi<br />

Tomiriwe ankaŭ transformo, kaj iĝas la roedor<br />

nun ni ĉiuj Yanomami, kreskante la tabako<br />

alpreĝante Tomiriwe, pluvo fekunda semoj<br />

planto en seka klimato, la rikolto abundu<br />

inter indiĝenaj popoloj, estas mastron planto<br />

al la tabako fumo, estas ligitaj pli i<strong>de</strong>oj<br />

religio kaj adoro, kiun <strong>de</strong>voteco prenas<br />

镭森 konkludas, la historio <strong>de</strong> tabako<br />

Franca ambasadoro, nomata Johano Nicot<br />

akiris semoj <strong>de</strong> tabako, en Lisbono kaj Florenco<br />

Tabako per ŝipo, alvenas ankaŭ en Britio<br />

Cosme Medici fumadis, kuraci la malsanoj<br />

en kortoj <strong>de</strong> la Europo, tiam venos plendoj<br />

kun malpermesoj ediktoj, sed bankedoj kreski<br />

la fumo <strong>de</strong> ĉi tiu planto, donas cali<strong>de</strong>z al koro<br />

en palacoj kaj kabanoj, tabako malpezigi dolorojn<br />

la Tabak estas dukto, al la Haitia lingvo kontinua nicotism, iritas la mukozoj<br />

sed la planto nomiĝas, estas la Cohiba vascular kaj cardíacos, ĝi iras al la koro<br />

en Peruo estas la Sayri, en Meksiko estas Yetla eĉ se la fumanto, havas komforton en doloro<br />

li sentas malpli ago, <strong>de</strong> la hemlock planto<br />

tabako islama historio, nun diru al ni la 镭森<br />

Muhammad irante unu tago, la vintro <strong>de</strong>zerto<br />

li renkontis sur la vojo, unu vipuro fridigis<br />

portita al kompato, li varmanis serpento kun vesto<br />

vipuro en antikva malamon, iom lin kaj tiam saltas<br />

Muhammad en doloro, li evitas la rankorojn<br />

il ne volas lian morton, li aspiras la veneno<br />

kraĉas al la tero, tabako kuraci la kontrasto<br />

Tabako venas en Java, Hindujo kaj Malajzio<br />

Ĉinio kaj Japanio, kun ŝipoj kaj karavanoj<br />

ankaŭ en la Siberio, kaj multaj Afrikaj triboj<br />

la folio <strong>de</strong> tabako, alvenas ankaŭ al Aŭstralio<br />

homoj fumo kun plezuro, a calumet aŭ pipo<br />

<strong>de</strong> paco <strong>de</strong> la Oglala, en la rondo al la gasto<br />

ĉiuj fumis, la interkonsento estas stampita<br />

amikeco kaj bona fido, estas ĉiuj cirkulas<br />

la Tciukci <strong>de</strong> Siberio, la infanoj maĉas<br />

la cigaredon malrapi<strong>de</strong>, tiel por<strong>de</strong>gistoj<br />

ankaŭ la nomadaj <strong>de</strong> Kalari, fari la tabako<br />

la novulo havas naŭzo, paleco kaj malvarma<br />

vertiĝo muskoloj, vomadon kaj diareo<br />

malrapi<strong>de</strong> estas kutimita, al venenaj ago<br />

Ĝis ĝojo, kaj la dolĉa dormeto<br />

la kronika misuzo, produktas fremdigo<br />

evakuado suferado, kaj spirado doloro<br />

stomatitis kaj glossitis, doloro abdominal<br />

coryza kaj catarrh, kaj bronchial astmo<br />

La haŭto iĝas flava, abscesoj erupcioj<br />

anestezo en la kruroj, kaj tremoj <strong>de</strong> membroj<br />

a jerky movadoj, kaj vertiĝon vertiĝo<br />

kronika nicotism, produktas maníaco angoro<br />

ĝi donas maldormeto, nervo kolero<br />

angoro kaj timi<strong>de</strong>co, timo <strong>de</strong> vidadoj<br />

<strong>de</strong>liro en iuj kazoj, vizioj <strong>de</strong> bestoj<br />

la veneno <strong>de</strong> nikotino, kiel tropano planto<br />

akra nicotism, paralyzes la koro kaj spirado<br />

ĝi donas palpitacioj kaj disnea, kaj brusto doloro<br />

la urino kaj ŝvito, lia malĉefa fenomenoj pro<br />

a kresko, <strong>de</strong> premo <strong>de</strong> la arteriales<br />

mi starigis limoj, kiel sagxa konsumante<br />

Tabako estas riĉo aromo, ĝi nervo kolero<br />

ĝi estas balzamo, ĝi trankviligi min la doloro<br />

ĝi estas donacojn, kaj monero interŝanĝo<br />

tabako al malalta dozo, stimulas la vagus nervo<br />

muskolo kuntiriĝojn, stomako kaj vejnoj<br />

lia uzo daŭrigita, produktas dispepsio<br />

ĝi faras grandan ruĝan nazon, kaj donas anoreksio<br />

ofte ĉiu nova ĝojo, lia ankaŭ nova malvirto<br />

fonto <strong>de</strong> pliaj problemoj, se ne <strong>de</strong>mandu mezuro<br />

镭森 kaj 第六, kantas Tabako planto<br />

Wanniya kaj Gebusi, medicino kantoj <strong>de</strong> reveno 1<br />

1Wanniya: Mahamini Mahamini Ma <strong>de</strong>iya, Goa puccha Kamu<br />

Denna, Vai badawel Tika ristorante kanggnam, Vai Akuma Tika<br />

ristorante kangnagna, Bimen yannata bolpinibepini, Meema Pitin<br />

Usona sinjorinoj, uzu ĝin por peniko iliaj <strong>de</strong>ntoj Yamu <strong>de</strong>nna. 17 fratoj, filoj <strong>de</strong> la Monto Dio | Ho, Granda Dio | Ni<br />

kuiris la igvano | Vi povas preni la igvano intestoj | kaj Mi prenos<br />

la tabako folio, estas bona kontraŭ la skorbuto lian hepaton. Gebusi kantoj <strong>de</strong> la vilaĝo Yibihilu en pluvarbaroj,<br />

ĝia uzo estas senbrida, inter la ŝipanaroj <strong>de</strong> ŝipoj proksime Nomad stacidomo Okci<strong>de</strong>nta provinco, Papuo Nov G<br />

uinea. Kanto <strong>de</strong> reveno: Papa mama, papa mama bikpela man i<br />

soldatoj suferas, se ne ekzistas tabako<br />

Kam pinis o. Patro patrino, patro patrino, granda homo venos fine<br />

ili fumas neniun paperon, anstataŭigi tabako reveni ĉi tien. Mipela kam longa pelas gasumi tenkyu tru long mi<br />

stap Bruluso ( 第六 kaj Bruce Knauft): Ni ĉiuj vivis en la Gasumi<br />

loko, dankon vere por resti kun ni, Bruce.<br />


Februaro, 塞巴 skribis:<br />

艾米利亚 tells me, his proverbs climate<br />

the Moon eats the clouds, to growing full<br />

when everyone has eaten, the sky brightens<br />

if it has sharp horns, the cold is running<br />

if his horns are blunted, indicate the rain<br />

erect and menacing horns, indicating a wind<br />

north or south winds, especially on fourth day<br />

If red moon following Easter, brings famine<br />

His star is missing, then it is bad weather 1<br />

and soon it will rain, for sure on your soil<br />

moon with ring, does not bring good weather<br />

red moon brings wind, pale moon brings rain<br />

7 moons are behind, the Moon of September<br />

to autumnal equinox, the moon is more blue<br />

starting from this moon, <strong>de</strong>cline of the sun<br />

she will tell you precisely, next year's harvest<br />

rising & waning of moon, it's reversal of Fortunes<br />

together with the quarters, changing climate too<br />

the solstices and equinoxes, the rain may have<br />

observe the equinoxes, to make good business<br />

Wolf does not eat, neither the hot nor the cold<br />

and the heat and frost, did not remain in heaven<br />

westerly breeze, is wind that blows from the sea<br />

Zephyr is called , it wipes away the heat<br />

Zephyr back, the fine weather bring back<br />

the sky brightens, & laughing the meadows<br />

Jupiter is pleased, to target her daughter<br />

and every animal, it is advisable to love<br />

if it's green Christmas, Easter will be white<br />

Christmas on the balcony, the firebrand Easter<br />

A Christmas with rain, will get dry Easter<br />

where no harvesting, Heaven is in <strong>de</strong>bt<br />

Everything is balanced, returning amounts<br />

in one way or another, gets hot and cold<br />

after clouds & storm, comes the new sun<br />

when mountain laughs, cries over the plain 2<br />

When the barrel, it makes a big flower<br />

will be a long winter, with snow and ice<br />

flowering thistle, reveals the peak of summer<br />

Rainbow drinks the sea, to quench the clouds<br />

Rainbow in the morning, is filling the sea<br />

rainbow in evening, the weather brightens<br />

rainbow at sea, is a good time to do<br />

rainbow on the ground, rain or snow<br />

when is fleecy sky, water in buckets<br />

red sky in evening, good weather hopefully<br />

If I breath heavy air, water will be big<br />

red evening air tell me, raining or blowing<br />

if the air is sliced, are lightning flashes<br />

if it is a great calm, the storm it threat<br />

Bora wind is dark hard, die shortly after<br />

three or 5 or 9 days, lasts when it move 3<br />

red sky to the sea, farmer you go plowing<br />

clouds red sun, shepherd prepares the wood<br />

Heaven of wool, it rains today or this week<br />

air sud<strong>de</strong>nly, do not put a good face<br />

then our belting, stimulates the rain<br />

is a rite of propitiation, old-fashioned<br />

I imitate birds, crickets & other creatures<br />

I help cicadas, also if I sing out of tune<br />

The swallow calls, the rain of heaven<br />

for his needs, and those of creatures<br />

she flies low low, prays that the water is<br />

the swallow of the sky, prey Pan & the sun<br />

the Fair will be, if the sun rises clear<br />

and if the clouds at dawn, go to the west<br />

Sigila sigila sigila wabemareya eee Aya mama<strong>de</strong>di milu asilae<br />

Esagi da<strong>de</strong>g a retleteron soda. La suno iras malsupren kaj la 2 The compensation principle is the basis of weather: hot years and<br />

malĝojo kaj melankolio ekscito kiu fontas el tio.<br />

cold, years of plenty and famine balance each other.<br />

1 with hump in the bottom and has the aura of clouds or fog.<br />

3 Sea with heavy air, motionless, small weaves, <strong>de</strong>nse and weak<br />


If rain is in the air, it is appropriate to wait<br />

and biting midges, mosquitoes not horseflies<br />

when Toad is singing, the winter seems <strong>de</strong>ad<br />

in Tuscany the first song, it held in late March<br />

Turtles and plants, coming out of hibernation<br />

as well as human, coming out the starvation 1<br />

Hares come out in April, finished to winter<br />

but if still home, weather is going to change<br />

the bird of surfaces, makes a rattling sound<br />

when becomes spring, it sing more firmer<br />

green and dark clouds, storm & lightning<br />

If the sea is very dark, rain will comes<br />

if I feel that on land, the frog croaking<br />

it is a sure indication, of a future rain<br />

If the sheeps, are scattered all around<br />

and seeking the fold, even approaching<br />

or avidly they enjoy, the lawn electrified<br />

the restless sheep, reveal the next rainfall<br />

I see also a cow, close to Therabuti land<br />

waiting for water, which does not seem far<br />

his nostrils wi<strong>de</strong>ning top, getting pleasure<br />

it has to breathe, the fresh air ionized<br />

In summer the cows, grazing the meadows<br />

and not touching the tufts, of bright green<br />

even when hungry, they leaving that grass<br />

grown on the manure, of the previous year<br />

Orion it brings clouds, and rain water<br />

It rises in autumn, and brings his rain<br />

and it sets in April, even with the rains<br />

the good season, anticipates the shapes<br />

when you see clouds, go to the beach<br />

you take even the hoe, and go to hoe<br />

When the clouds, go to the mountain<br />

take the tools, and reach the courtyard<br />

If it thun<strong>de</strong>rs on the tree, without leaves<br />

then little fruit, you will get this season<br />

the nightingale sings, to the nights of April<br />

it Mark good weather, stable to becoming<br />

the twenty-sixth of July, restores the reapers<br />

tears of Mary Magdalene, is holy manna rain<br />

is the shepherd's time, the respite supervening<br />

1 Turtle comes out of hibernation only if the winter is mild and<br />

remains on the surface up to 7 <strong>de</strong>grees. If turtle sud<strong>de</strong>n gets in his<br />

pocket un<strong>de</strong>r soil, the cold is come in as a winter.<br />

the whistle of ear, it announce even rain<br />

if Dum tepore mutant, stercora natant<br />

when the weather changes, the filth floats<br />

if the bad weather, wood creaking as well<br />

of doors and windows, cabi<strong>net</strong>s and fire<br />

if it's clear mountain, you drink & go to farm<br />

if it's clear the beach, eat stay in the kitchen<br />

when the Mountain is clear, the Sea is dark<br />

go to the woods or fields, without any fear<br />

the oak plays & washes, during April water<br />

the lightning starts,the cork & the fig tree<br />

a fig tree is opened, during rains in May<br />

until it gets leafs, not undress yourself<br />

March puts out the gem, and April opens it<br />

then May held it, and June will break it<br />

water of May, worth more than oxen & wagon<br />

a water from April-May, bread all year round<br />

艾米利亚 telling me, the various types wind<br />

if the mistral is fresh, the Bora comes early<br />

it inflates and <strong>de</strong>flates, get cloudy or cheers<br />

with the north wind, it not last a week<br />

Mistral is teacher, blows from north-west 2<br />

dry and cold wind, it get sky brightens<br />

Scirone is called, and <strong>de</strong>stroys the summer<br />

on the Tyrrhenian Sea, it calls first farmer<br />

Tramontana is born, then three days feeds<br />

or multiples of three, then disappears & dies<br />

the ocean sea breeze, was stimulating it<br />

north-wind at morning, is Scirone at evening<br />

the heart of the snowflakes, is travel dust<br />

the wind get up it, then clouds embraces it<br />

dust freezes in cold, falls & takes many forms<br />

when it ground it melts, releasing the dirt<br />

Antonio white beard, is February mantle<br />

if there is no rain, the snow we no lack<br />

if sun or little sun, it's only mid-winter<br />

always balances, bad and beautiful weather<br />

Winds starting, the changes of season<br />

around the equinoxes, are accelerating<br />

2 Mistral is dry and cold winter wind, along with the Western wind<br />

(Ponente), mostly clear lead Tramontana and Greek winds<br />

(quadrant W-NW-N-NE), the remaining 4 winds bring rain<br />

(quadrant E-SE-S-SW). The cold and impetuous wind of Boreas<br />

or Aquilo, for the ancient, raises storms and earthquakes,<br />

whistling in the shells and kidnapping girls. When the Bora<br />

flashes brings calm, the rain when it thun<strong>de</strong>rs.<br />


if we go around March, the wind goes to blow<br />

if we go into April, the wind goes to stop<br />

if there is wind, and then follows the frost<br />

the water down to earth, it will be tomorrow<br />

grey skies in the morning, sign fine weather<br />

when the blackbird sings, we are out of winter<br />

Scirocco south-east, was born in dry Sahara<br />

then the sea crossing, it collects the humidity<br />

when blows this wind, the clouds behind the door<br />

Sciro wind blowing today, tomorrow it rains burst<br />

Austro is called Noto, which is the south wind<br />

if the hot noon, bringing clouds and more<br />

Wind and storms, and dangers to mariners<br />

together with Boreas, appoints hemispheres<br />

Austro and Borea, are two shining stars<br />

of ancient nebula, of the Nativity crips<br />

constellation in sky, located north of cancer<br />

predict the time, according to which is shining 1<br />

Flashes sud<strong>de</strong>nly, are also storm warning<br />

little flashes & thun<strong>de</strong>rs? buckets of water by sky<br />

flashes to the west, does not flashes at all<br />

if it flashes from the east, is coming Libeccio<br />

the sky darkened, and the wind began<br />

the earth trembles beneath, & water swelled<br />

hurricane strikes, and swallows many forms<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> is calm, Ganesha give the response<br />

Libeccio from south-west, is Africo Garbino<br />

Libian or Lips brings, water a little bit violent<br />

first discovers the haystacks, then it piss<br />

After the greatest wind, rain will be fix<br />

to the thun<strong>de</strong>r of March, snake comes out hole<br />

spi<strong>de</strong>rs is awake, there is the smell of spring<br />

the root of winter is died, April sweet sleep<br />

Singing the birds, and blooming the trees<br />

At the tail of March, and at head of April<br />

we do not know the cold, that it can be<br />

March crazy, brings you umbrella in the sun<br />

snow in March, lasts from evening to morning<br />

full moon in the equinox, drop or fountain<br />

April is cold gentle, do not you undress<br />

May and flowering, keep you your mantle<br />

1 The two bright stars of Boreas and Austro, are called asses, while<br />

the middle is the crib. If shines one hiding the other, then is<br />

in July the sun in Leo, naked you may running 2<br />

July hot weather, drink wine and clap air<br />

August is the winter head, comes the knot cold<br />

around August two, saint Francis give some rain<br />

The Night of San Lorenzo, coal raining on me<br />

little water in August, the poor man I know you<br />

September brings out bridges, or it dry sources<br />

September is change, romantic air September<br />

Fresh is now the evening, cool is the morning<br />

the days are gloomy, are leaving the flies<br />

October is mirror image, of March Carnival<br />

also few outings, October may still give<br />

then it throw more acorns, to the fat pig<br />

November Saint 马丁, 3 days & a little bit<br />

at the feast of Saints, snow is on the fields<br />

at feast of the <strong>de</strong>ad, snow is in the gar<strong>de</strong>ns<br />

around eighteen November, snow everywhere<br />

November 25, Catherine pulls out a bundle<br />

at Andrew 30 November, the cold splits stone<br />

December is a haze, cold friendly Christmas<br />

freezes in front of you, offends you behind<br />

snow before Christmas, for June will give grain<br />

and around 24 June, each grain is already straw<br />

if still you haven't a hut, build it by yourself<br />

who sows the earth, hopes in King of the sky<br />

the Owl begins, to sing with the crow<br />

it gruffly insists, then comes the water<br />

soon open the clouds, the rain come down<br />

to give new shape, to rivers on earth<br />

butterflies around the house, storm is near<br />

also if your head itches, without any reason<br />

If the fire burns insi<strong>de</strong>, snow fine fine<br />

sparkles fire alive, hail is approaching<br />

if the wood hisses, I presages the snow<br />

also if a lamp, it takes a bright glow<br />

mushrooms on lamps, rain approaching<br />

Wind from the cellar, flames is circling<br />

The low-lying fog, what it gets it lefts<br />

three fogs make rain, three rains make flood<br />

and after three frosts, will be rain bricks<br />

If the wall exu<strong>de</strong>s, the storm is swings<br />

the white frost, is the messenger of water<br />

if chilblains pluck you, is snow or very cold<br />

blowing Austro (called Noto), otherwise is blowing Boreas.<br />

2<br />

After a lot of <strong>de</strong>w in March, following lot of rain in April<br />


abundance of acorns, is for long & cold winter<br />

then the next summer, will be really hot<br />


large crop of nuts, cold winters announce<br />

if the acorn falls soon, the cold is quick<br />

Acorns to St. Michael day, for a lot of snow<br />

when the pork sours, is a sign of rain<br />

Wind Grecale, blows from north-east<br />

it is called Cecia too, and it brings hail<br />

Snow and storms, is cold and moist cloud<br />

Greek & east winds, water behind & in front<br />

March brings the no<strong>de</strong>s, at day 19 and 25<br />

3 days of old, are in the end of the month<br />

the No<strong>de</strong> of the cuckoo, is around April 10<br />

while a No<strong>de</strong> of Aeolus, is around April 25 1<br />

the No<strong>de</strong> of Pancras, Servatius and Boniface<br />

No<strong>de</strong> of silkworms, between mid-May and 20<br />

No<strong>de</strong> of Peter's mother, is the last of June<br />

after will be summer, you may undress full<br />

all the wind of the East, is called Apeliote<br />

it brings sweet rain, and leads the serene too<br />

艾米利亚 whispers to me, flowers god<strong>de</strong>ss<br />

husband<br />

His daughters are the fruits, honey and corn<br />

if doesn't rains with him, Apeliote is a robber<br />

wind of the East, takes a day or a fifteen days<br />

Apeliote rises & moves, to 3 days six or nine<br />

but if do not stop, it takes 18 or twenty-nine<br />

镭森 now quotes, Thales of Miletus<br />

six hundred BC, he foun<strong>de</strong>d Ionian School<br />

He predicts plentiful year, for olive crop<br />

then he rents each mill, earning the top 2<br />

Water is food, of everything that lives<br />

He recalls Homer, water first archetype<br />

Earth floats on it, and the heat come moisture<br />

steam returns to air, is the heart of the wood<br />

1 The spring coming by jumps, returns, and soaring cold called<br />

no<strong>de</strong>s. The parable of the old, tells of a clever woman who,<br />

knowing the time, he always managed to dodge its rains and<br />

storms. At the end of March, which was 28 days, it did get 3 days<br />

from April then, the next days, March broke on havy rains to the<br />

mountain and planes, soaking the old woman. Other no<strong>de</strong>s on 10<br />

April around, starts to sing the cuckoos, then Saints of the ice<br />

no<strong>de</strong>s, use the 12-13-14 May, finally the Peter's mother no<strong>de</strong> is on<br />

June 28.<br />

2 "Thales, because poor as he, reproached him the uselessness of<br />

philosophy. Thales providing an abundant olive harvest based on<br />

astronomical calculations even in winter, <strong>de</strong>spite having little<br />

money, he takes all the mills of Miletus and Chios for a pittance,<br />

since there was not any request. When it came time to harvest, in<br />

many urgently looking all presses available, he rented them at a<br />

price that would impose, collect so many riches and <strong>de</strong>monstrating<br />

Wind in the evening, good weather hopefully<br />

Wind in the morning, rain is approaching<br />

there was never wind, without water after<br />

then I hear the wind, no rain is falling<br />

Thales is pantheist, states everywhere<br />

He died while attending, panhellenic olympics<br />

Thales is a great sage, he leaves Anaximenes<br />

to direct the school, air becomes archetype<br />

the soul and the cosmos, supporting with air 3<br />

it cools & con<strong>de</strong>nses, into clouds wind & water<br />

then it becomes a fire, it expands rarefaction<br />

Cosmos is the body, breathing in the breath<br />

also earthquakes, are caused by high winds<br />

which pe<strong>net</strong>rates cracks, formed in the ground<br />

currents cause it, them shaking the foundations<br />

Anaximan<strong>de</strong>r tests, to make the Gaia diagnosis<br />

the Chinese watching, nature and existence<br />

then they discover, the effects of the seasons<br />

the succession of works, of male and female<br />

Mount sunny, & the shadow of the swamps 4<br />

the cosmic principles, produce movement<br />

following the current, changing the time<br />

in micro-macro cosmos, the man there stands<br />

the same is the essence, among heaven & earth<br />

Human seek the harmony, of its vital space<br />

the ancestors entities, help him by messaging<br />

Phoenix dies and born, Water & Fire are known<br />

in their manifestations, as symbols of Dragon<br />

Figures of mutation, studied by the ancient<br />

I see in I Jing book, and weather around us<br />

then sixty-four symbols, called hexagrams<br />

they combine all the basics, eight trigrams<br />

the ancient China, in feudal state of Sung<br />

Chuang Tzu lived, near the town of Mong<br />

during Chou dynasty, had confined here<br />

the Shang dynasty, 镭森 speaks here<br />

Chuang Tzi simple married, lives in countrysi<strong>de</strong><br />

he dress patched clothes, as an happy hermit<br />

He chooses the harmony, to live with the Dao<br />

he lives in background, of changing times 5<br />

3the water con<strong>de</strong>nsing again, becomes the ground stone.<br />

4in the blinding and sunshine hours of summer days, you can feel<br />

the presence of Pan, god of silence and rest in the afternoon.<br />

5A friend wants to visit the Zhuangzi and give him grief for the<br />

<strong>de</strong>ath of his wife. When he gets into the Zhuangzi house, he found<br />

it is very easy for philosophers get rich, but still do not care about. him on the floor playing a drum and singing. The friend, eager to<br />


He was fishing one day, on river P'ou banks<br />

King of Chou sends him, two senior officials<br />

they offer him a job, for working as official<br />

without turning his head, he rejects the fee<br />

I know that your king, has a turtle bones<br />

the turtle died, since thousands more lies<br />

tell me if turtle, he would have preferred<br />

living in the mud, rather than dried there<br />

I'm poor I'm agree, but plenty of happiness<br />

I was a rich man of letters, with more misery<br />

Being a civil servant, was against his thought<br />

hin<strong>de</strong>rs his learning to practice the nature<br />

Chuang Tze tells them, one day I happened<br />

I dreamed of being happy, a slight butterfly<br />

I dream of butterfly, or butterfly dreams me<br />

I'm awake in her, or she is awake into me 1<br />

帕梅拉 tells a dream, the Enotera flowers<br />

attracting butterflies, only 3 minutes at night<br />

in warm summer evenings, flower open at sunset<br />

unfolding and brighting, sulfur yellow petals<br />

Honeysuckle flowers, it fragrant at night<br />

so it attracts butterflies, miles of distance<br />

different species, are feasting the flowers<br />

in warm summer evenings, remember love fairs<br />

the Moths of the night, camouflaged by day<br />

with masks & <strong>de</strong>signs, colors around objects<br />

the Inachis open wings, if it's feel endangered<br />

exhibits the owl's image, maskered as predators<br />

Moth Atropa sphinx, steals honey at night<br />

sometimes can not get out, seclu<strong>de</strong>d in the hive<br />

the African nomadic chooses the thistle flower<br />

Bombich in mulberry tree, codling moth in apples<br />

more fruit rotting, attracts & drunk butterflies<br />

Confucianism, is outraged because he do not respect the ritual of<br />

mourning and asked for an explanation. Zhuangzi replies that he<br />

too had had a period of mourning and he had been <strong>de</strong>stroyed by<br />

the crying, but then he realized something: there was a time when<br />

his wife was not born and was in the form of Qi (vital breath<br />

cycling as universe), then took shape, she lived his life as a wife of<br />

Zhuangzi, is <strong>de</strong>ad and has once again become qi. Zhuangzi has<br />

stopped crying, he realized that there is not a <strong>de</strong>finite loss, not for<br />

logical reasoning, but because he has sublimated his emotions, he<br />

arrived at the height of anguish, and it has generated its opposite:<br />

calm and acceptance.<br />

1 “There is a dimension where opposites do not seem to be there,<br />

where the contours are not sharp, and there is another dimension<br />

where you have to give names to things that we should not feel<br />

lost. The first plan is the dream and the second is that of waking.<br />

so I can touch them, without damaging them<br />

I avoid touching, the inner si<strong>de</strong> of the wings<br />

there is the pow<strong>de</strong>r, the secret of their flying 2<br />

during the Christmas in front of the lanterns<br />

Cheimatobie butterflies, dancing at night<br />

with frost & snow, they make nuptial flight<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> the buds of fruit, eggs are to leave<br />

then in spring, green caterpillars come out<br />

caterpillar changes in butterfly, at the end of May<br />

always I found Vanessa, around <strong>net</strong>tles plants<br />

then in early winter, it goes into hibernation<br />

Licenidis butterflies, color blue & red copper<br />

give rise to green caterpillars, reared by ants<br />

they produce sweet nectar, gourmand for ants<br />

they change into butterflies, are brought to light<br />

Caterpillar in early July, buckling into a chrysalis<br />

then in summer, it breaks the veil of mystery<br />

it come out from sleeping bag, crawl on branch<br />

pump air into the wings, to har<strong>de</strong>n the it frame<br />

Sadhu I see un<strong>de</strong>r tree, as thousand years ago<br />

so my loved 塞巴, appear to me when I look him<br />

You recite mantras, which get silent your mind<br />

giving right rhythm, to your natural breathing<br />

when the fire is gone, is gone in the wind<br />

the dust of the <strong>de</strong>ad, makes meeting into wind<br />

the ashes of the ogre, is a <strong>de</strong>ad man who rises<br />

the voice is the breath, smell spreads around<br />

艾米利亚 tells her breath, as life that heals<br />

now I see & learn, the ecosystem challenge<br />

Macrocosm is the wind, breath microcosm<br />

mix breaths, in body and in the gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

she observes animals, to predict the weather<br />

if cock crows out of hours, climate is changing<br />

the chicken shower dust, the rain approaching<br />

if it late at hen house, then he wants rain 3<br />

Hen in nature, is a very bird predator<br />

Insects and earthworms, it ingest fast<br />

and the Hen in turn, falls prey to the fox<br />

when it's predated, no one takes blame<br />

Fox kill the cock, the cock in her shows<br />

all living the presence, the kinship ties<br />

killing or mutate, as in any other form<br />

2millions of African nomadic swarms of butterflies of thistle,<br />

migrate in spring flying over Europe. In evening the eyes of<br />

butterflies confuse the lights for the moon.<br />

3 The first can solve problems such as fear of <strong>de</strong>ath.” Zhuangzi chikens make the bathroom in the dust-of-earth. 艾米利亚<br />


is cyclical change, the essence always returns<br />


the cock raised, which is after slaughtered<br />

world has passed, to the man has boun<strong>de</strong>d<br />

I asked permission, to the heart of his dream<br />

the Totem his keeper, was helping my need!<br />

the Twins of hunting, generate the humans<br />

they get up by branches, bringing the animals<br />

spi<strong>de</strong>r and grasshopper, hawk and coyote<br />

liberating the people, using their tricks<br />

leaving the coyote stars, comes to surface<br />

Spi<strong>de</strong>r weaves canvas, draws curtains & cloths<br />

Hawk flaps its wings, heading waters to the sea<br />

Humans with <strong>de</strong>er skin, start to make the sun<br />

the sun makes the moon, offering one eye<br />

moon helps to hunt at night, with its lights<br />

then build on this globe, the Venus women<br />

she gestation cycle, accomplished in 9 moons<br />

those who kill a Cat, gets his facts wrong<br />

I know when cat yawns, the storm is near<br />

Fur electrified, it produces the itching<br />

then it balances, washing hair and face<br />

eyes wi<strong>de</strong> open, the weather turns to rain<br />

eyes narrow crescent moon, weather brightens<br />

if it scratch with fingernail, wood furniture<br />

I get wood fire, the cold weather is near<br />

More bright eyes, appear in the night I see the Owls, the nocturnal hunting birds<br />

cats and dogs and <strong>de</strong>er, and other animals<br />

motionless big eyes, and very curved beaks<br />

more fog light, is reflected by the guanine their round & massive head, with two clumps<br />

microscopic crystal, which improves visual field<br />

its mobile ears, puffy feathers expan<strong>de</strong>d<br />

I see bones & feathers, in front of the foxhole<br />

while the badger hole, is clean upstream<br />

the Mouse of countrysi<strong>de</strong>, visiting each other<br />

through un<strong>de</strong>rground tunnels, I watch turnover<br />

I catch them in a trap, with cheese and plate<br />

I grab them by the neck, collar between fingers<br />

placed in terrarium, I feed them with fruit seeds<br />

Mouse accumulate food, & clean hair & feet<br />

I find in the field, abandoned little Hares<br />

when they lack odors, they escaping fox<br />

Twice a day the mother, goes to breastfeed<br />

I want she continues, I avoid touching them<br />

often the Hare, it puts puppies in manure<br />

to confuse the smell, to fox and dog as well<br />

all farmed or wild hare, likes the soft roots<br />

if it flee goes uphill, zigzagging on the slopes<br />

Hare hole on the slopes, it dig holes around<br />

shelter from the enemies, and sleeps all day<br />

also the rabbit family, live in surface hole<br />

pad<strong>de</strong>d by his hair, to make a warmer home<br />

the rabbits appreciate, leaves of clover<br />

full of calcium, and oxalate compounds<br />

all grass together, you avoid excess<br />

then let it dry, drying it suits to them<br />

the hares wedding, occur in February<br />

the males warmly, gather on the lawn<br />

seeking favor, of a female who assists<br />

the duels between rivals, waiting the best<br />

there I see a rapid ermine, slipping faster<br />

Skunk from the lake, winter is close to me<br />

the fish and frogs are gone, it hunts mouses<br />

it carries un<strong>de</strong>r his chin, the eggs of mis<strong>de</strong>eds<br />

Martor insi<strong>de</strong> th stones, lizard is dark green<br />

the bear is brown, is called the grand master<br />

also called old, is the glory of the forest<br />

said leg of honey, he eats and celebrates<br />

a nightingale's song, modulates the breath<br />

changes of notes, of his breath into night<br />

a tree of the owl, is on the edge of the woods<br />

because wad of meals, I see there on the spot<br />

Developed claws, and predatory habits<br />

eyes and acute vision, peering in the dark<br />

and they are sighted, out of their recess<br />

to short distance, make use of the touch<br />

nocturnal predator birds, increasing perception<br />

by moving their head, in circular motion<br />

from the bottom up, in various directions<br />

observe the object, from various angles<br />

when total darkness, distinguish anything<br />

so they can use their ears, to locate prey<br />

they perceive infra-sound, also ultrasound<br />

the low tones of mammals, are remin<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

Owls capture their prey, camouflage elusive<br />

they have soft feathers, and mimetic colors<br />

dark gray in the wood, sand-colored in <strong>de</strong>sert<br />

The quiet flight, allows to gli<strong>de</strong> into the open<br />


over there an owl hunts mice, flying silently<br />

acornbird plant the oaks, there in September<br />

flitting along hedge, to arrive in the woods<br />

reveals his stalking, a blue feather wings<br />

If owl un<strong>de</strong>r sun, is discovered by songbirds<br />

it's ma<strong>de</strong> fun as the fool, the flocks chasing out<br />

other birds are hostile, to nocturnal predators<br />

that out of camouflage, they suffer ridicule<br />

ridicule is an ancient art, it's satire of birds<br />

mocking predators, when it appears vulnerable<br />

Crows fly down, use their beaks to beat them<br />

flutter feathers, of owl above the rooftops<br />

the Eagle owl gli<strong>de</strong>s, whole valleys cross<br />

still holds the wings, and takes long sli<strong>de</strong><br />

following fluctuations, of ro<strong>de</strong>nts population<br />

and shortages in food, led it to migration<br />

the owls hunt at dawn, and dusk twilight<br />

does the moonlight, their biological rhythms<br />

they are on perches, mimetic and motionless<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> hollow logs, caves & various remedies<br />

the lack of food drives, all species of owls<br />

to hunt by day as well, in winter or cloudy<br />

Flywheel gli<strong>de</strong>r, it is called the holy spirit<br />

is the low flying, gliding and beating wings 1<br />

Their staple foods, are also small ro<strong>de</strong>nts<br />

reptiles & amphibians, insects and birds & fish<br />

they eat carrion too, when they have any food<br />

helping biosphere, to make nutrients circle<br />

If they go to manifest, their aggression<br />

swell the feathers, the neck to lengthen<br />

terrifying posture, is aimed intimidating<br />

the other species, that threaten averted<br />

they lower their heads, acting like peacocks<br />

so as to overstate, bluffing with the size<br />

the females attack, the enemy with the claw<br />

get out the eyes, if close to their chicks 2<br />

the storm get silences, of the sound of owls<br />

while the little windy, or the weather calm<br />

allows you to listen, the territorial songs<br />

I listen to the Owl, between the mist layers<br />

I make nest boxes, open and ravines shape<br />

Hay bales as shelters, to the useful owls<br />

Various rocky ravines, caves and attics<br />

stables and barns, they prefer as home<br />

Hawk makes nest, the same place for years<br />

the male hunting prey, the female nurse<br />

it loses his feathers, at seasonal changes<br />

I found un<strong>de</strong>r tree, the feathers I use there<br />

communicate animals, a predator arriving<br />

with different cries, of alarm and terror<br />

rabbits stamp their feet, clashing more birds<br />

chaffinches shout uiii, acorn-bird says raisss<br />

Blackbird has its own language, melodic fluty<br />

one hundred-fifty verses, it known to whistle<br />

courting and chat, ghic-ghic alarm test is<br />

the duc-duc sound, <strong>de</strong>limits space of hatching<br />

blackbird warns everyone, with a pe<strong>net</strong>rating tsii<br />

the Roe gives the alarm, in sharp cry large<br />

the owl in February, in love makes uh-uh<br />

if you imitate at night, it comes close to you<br />

Magpies are sensitive, to shiny objects<br />

the clear egg nests, of chickens & songbirds<br />

a reflecting object, placed in the gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

will distracts it, from the nests quite close<br />

If the frog croaks, and if the duck dives<br />

his mouth squeezes fat, from gland on the tail<br />

duck smears it on feathers, waterproof water<br />

the rain is approaching, is the next step<br />

a Woodpecker walls his hut, with clay earth<br />

it would be safe, from several large enemies<br />

in the middle of bark, it puts nuts & wheat<br />

Then it hunts insects, in Terabuti gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

Green woodpecker rasp, ants of the season<br />

<strong>de</strong>ceiver woodpecker, hammers on <strong>de</strong>ad branch<br />

it indicates the territory, to his female in love<br />

the chaffinch over there, singing more more<br />

Woodpecker has a hotbed, of crushed pine cones<br />

wedged into the trunk holes, frays its scales<br />

the squirrel tears them, and the leftovers drops<br />

it extracts oilseeds, 艾米利亚 is telling more<br />

1The owls use two methods of hunting: the ambush and the raid<br />

(the territory patrolled flying at low altitu<strong>de</strong>).<br />

2 “This aggression is manifested only when the adults are growing<br />

the youngs and varies greatly from species to species, individual<br />

to individual. The most frequent reaction in front of man is the<br />

flight." Konrad Lorenz<br />


The Hoopoe is a bird, a small elegant bird<br />

together with the stork, migrates from the sea<br />

Hoopoe driving with songs, the soul of the <strong>de</strong>ad<br />

Vanth is psychopomp, keeps the Swallow-Swan 1<br />

Duck with the goose, are water birds queens<br />

Dove is Turanna, she loves dancing around<br />

god<strong>de</strong>ss sacred birds, of Etruscian mysteries<br />

I watch in the blue sky, during my initiation<br />

when the Dove returns, later to the nest<br />

and if you see flocks, she announces clouds<br />

when a Peacock screams, as goose at night<br />

my 塞巴 you will know, rain is coming soon<br />

Swallow touches ponds, straws are swirling 2<br />

when north wind blows, Gulls joined the bank<br />

their beaks against wind, in a rite of nature<br />

they preserve warm air, avoiding capsizing<br />

Gull were able to adapt, to the cold wind<br />

gathered on the coast, then is bad weather<br />

when the gulls fly, then is fine weather<br />

also Bat flitting, beauty weather marks<br />

many tracks in the woods, leading to the spa<br />

a puddle clay, the quagmire of wild boar<br />

where it regularly, it tumbles & takes a bath<br />

while on the road, at night without worry<br />

when the clay dry, it is free from insects<br />

He rubs after baths, a tree without haste<br />

He rubs it for several hours, bark is consumed<br />

bark muddy clay, and affected by the tusks<br />

he remembers Hecate-sow, un<strong>de</strong>rworld God<strong>de</strong>ss<br />

she gave his boar-totem, to the city of Troy take part in the meal, is the foundation of society<br />

Hecate is the pig, moon god<strong>de</strong>ss & knowledge Groups of diners, of various tribes or clans<br />

she row the fate, she is the three Fates old gradually emerged in Rome, a new mixed class<br />

which replaces the clans, with castes and guilds<br />

she walks the streets, on nights of full moon<br />

accompanied by dogs, and a sacred torch<br />

the faithful offer her, the offers at intersections<br />

she whispers knowledge, of mysteries & secrets<br />

镭森 tells us, in Rome there was a ritual<br />

to make a citizen, by a sacrifice of food<br />

Agro is Latin word, originally it is a land<br />

a land controlled, by the head of a gens<br />

the chaste and the gens, have similarities<br />

in Roman society, and societies of India<br />

Each gens or clan, it traces its ancestry<br />

from the common ancestor, surname ending<br />

also Proceno was, a lea<strong>de</strong>r of Etruria gens<br />

which bases on wild boar, his ancestry<br />

several tribes of Rome, recalling his glory<br />

totem that dates back, to Troy in Anatolia<br />

when the Roman Senate, was originally<br />

the heads of the gens, of the tribe around<br />

Patres were called, those exclusive clubs<br />

after expulsion of King, then were enlarged 3<br />

the children of each group, caste are allowed<br />

with the initiation rites, linked to the food<br />

who eats then reborn, to new Roman i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

feast of 3 clans, come together at the banquet<br />

among the Romans, as the Adivasis of India<br />

Funeral parties, are renowned banquets<br />

parties take place on tombs, inviting <strong>de</strong>ceased<br />

to share with those present, all the benefits<br />

the Adivasis give rise, to tribal fe<strong>de</strong>rations<br />

Rasna of Etruria, create their own nations<br />

members of more clans, gathered community<br />

at feasts of food, remember the ancestors<br />

the abstract i<strong>de</strong>a of nation, gradually increases<br />

the public interest, exceeds that of any clans<br />

meal combines all them, into the first sacrifice<br />

enemies it get away, from Urbe to Esquiline<br />

She holds 3 eyes, bitch god<strong>de</strong>ss serpent god<strong>de</strong>ss<br />

when privilege, it makes division into colony<br />

she changes every animal, and gives sacred gifts<br />

Queen of the night, emanating from the moon<br />

the Eldorado grows, it produces urbanization<br />

then growing the possession, the bor<strong>de</strong>r fence<br />

the spirits of ancestors, brings to the Earth<br />

the abandoned villages, migrating in the city<br />

1Hoopoe migrating out from Africa to Europe, hud-hud is his<br />

verse, like thun<strong>de</strong>r (bu-bu) in Etruscan, from which comes the<br />

name of drum and the rumble of drums.<br />

2If the swallow dips into the water with their wings, as the storm<br />

approaches the flies come down to find warmer air. For St.<br />

3 Benedict day the swallow is un<strong>de</strong>r the roof, but when it leaves, the The patres conscripti, young branches ad<strong>de</strong>d at the noble, give<br />

cold is coming.<br />

rise to new lineages senatorium chastes.<br />


here there is a memory, peoples of the Sea<br />

Tyrrhenus was Rasna lea<strong>de</strong>r, he opens new story<br />

he emigrated from Lydia, reaches to the Aetalia<br />

the sea that greets him, then gets its name<br />

Tyrrhenus was called, the boater Tarkòn<br />

he foun<strong>de</strong>d on Martha river, Tarkna new City<br />

the Mediterannean sea, becomes a large lake<br />

it give birth to many colonies, as Polynesian race<br />

Dardanus of Anatolia, is ancestor of Rasna<br />

the foun<strong>de</strong>r of Troy, and son of the stars<br />

then Sea god Proteus, leads his routes<br />

by the nymph Electra, and Pleia<strong>de</strong>s stars<br />

Circe is Sirius star, daughter of the Sun God<br />

she generates by Ulysses, the Agro-Latin peoples<br />

children of Odyssey, said Oversized and Strong<br />

to the peoples of Tyrrhenus, linking their fate<br />

Circe gets Ulysses traveling, in the sea fate<br />

she turn the calendar, the human pla<strong>net</strong>ary<br />

in ocean outsi<strong>de</strong>, and insi<strong>de</strong> the human abyss<br />

the man lives the experience, joy and torment<br />

Tinia is heaven Zeus, the lightning lashes<br />

to give signals, to his human children who sends<br />

on Capitoline Hill, the Roman she-wolf get force<br />

mix with the Sabines, the Latins and the Rasna<br />

Rasna are then seduced, united enzymated by<br />

Greek & Latin & Celtic, Phoenician and Egyptian<br />

Haruspices of Thebes, lan<strong>de</strong>d with the papyrus<br />

to teach the arts, & manage their offices<br />

ports and markets, receive more races<br />

the new cults arrive, creating new squares<br />

many trails and paths, carved into the tufa<br />

convey the waters, and harness the fire<br />

the tunnels and caves, for ritual initiation<br />

revealing the steps, the routes of mental<br />

for to reach the place, where it reveals<br />

the divine presence, of the Tago Child<br />

Thera's Tagus child, was born into soil<br />

into the soil furrow, in a field of barley<br />

annual furrow festival, Tuscan villages does<br />

Volterra and Bacugno, to propitiate the soil<br />

a communication, beyond the prejudices<br />

it offers solutions, with song enchantment<br />

circulates in the group, emotional instinct<br />

it creates changes, to solve the clans conflict<br />

the Soul asks by riddles, what she wants<br />

is inspired by the Muses, poetry of the presence<br />

Aplu is the oracle, Dionysus is the initiator<br />

Aphrodite inspires love, madness interior 1<br />

from mouth of the foolish, wisdom comes out<br />

who speaks in riddles, it express by ambivalence<br />

Dionysus is the quivering, wise contradiction<br />

it is language that move, the body and the soul<br />

Trutnòt are called, the guardians of the sources<br />

they collect words, of sibyls and horseman<br />

they settle the knowledge, in excellent verse<br />

chewing ivy and laurel, over common sense<br />

Trutnot traveler, with flutes and capes<br />

having the lute stick, with more bells<br />

they open the fog, during the storms<br />

so they may to invite, the aurora dream<br />

they Itinerant artists, on land and sea<br />

they foun<strong>de</strong>d temples, for care and for fun<br />

from India to China, to Africa and beyond<br />

they joints Aethalia, following the stars<br />

Those are temples of the early days<br />

Woods and springs, gorges lenient<br />

song of the Tago, hovers in the air<br />

reflection in the water, soil and fire<br />

they manufacture bridges, linking the worlds<br />

traveling in circles, among world's languages<br />

alone are sand, in groups becoming mortar<br />

they fervent talk, although seem absent<br />

They went to Africa, to learn from Babongo<br />

then foun<strong>de</strong>d in Aethalia, ab'original villages<br />

they go to hibernation, when it's time to retire<br />

keepers of the dream, may gracefully to alive<br />

in the field of Babongo, near the Congo River<br />

a men holding spears, and bows in hand<br />

they around the fire, in the early morning<br />

near their huts, in center of the clearing<br />

Tago is Pan and a Gnome, Elf <strong>de</strong>spite<br />

it reborn each time, with different shape<br />

it gui<strong>de</strong>s the Trutnòt, myth of re<strong>de</strong>mption<br />

1 helping poets & shamans, renewing action Dionysus brings together all the contradictions, He is one thing<br />

with Apollo, its counterpart, both of which induce madness in<br />

humans, in dance and divination, oracle and in the receptacle.<br />

Trutnot frontac: caste of diviners of Tages into Rasna culture.<br />


they clean the leaves, the clearing of land<br />

a man carries baskets, filled with river sand<br />

spread them on ground, even in a mandala<br />

then this old track, drawing an antelope<br />

while he put arrow, on the edge of the clearing<br />

All are now silent, for listening the nature<br />

they all look up, at the sky above the forest<br />

waiting for the sun, it radiates his feast<br />

a ray of sunshine, sud<strong>de</strong>nly touches the <strong>de</strong>sign<br />

at the same instant, a pygmy sends the arrow<br />

the sun and the dart, target the sand antelope<br />

in the same instant, synchronic enchantment<br />

the pebbles on the ground, draw silhoette<br />

for animals to hunts, or to invoke the rain<br />

with magical songs, dances and ritual acts<br />

with the sound of the roar, there to swirl 1<br />

the clan now explo<strong>de</strong>s, with shouts of joy<br />

it seems good omen, the hunt of the day<br />

sympathetic event, in accordance with Totems<br />

each clan haves her, which can never to hunt<br />

each parts of clan, performs rituals to increase<br />

the health of his totem, and its territory<br />

in or<strong>de</strong>r to preserve, multiply his animal<br />

with the songs linked, to natural events<br />

they stimulate releasing, of vital potential<br />

of a place and his totem, or Ancestral Being<br />

who performs the rite, who oversees the rite<br />

so that it's correct, to survive for future time<br />

When the time comes, they rise up again<br />

to heal a village, or helping the transition<br />

you 塞巴 read & sing, then also you may dance<br />

you will be a terabanzi, with poem in your hand<br />

the Haruspex , dress like humble shepherd<br />

he has a pointed hat, and a curved stick<br />

he observes the birds, examining events<br />

from flights & lightning, and meteors falling<br />

He examining the omens, lightning & thun<strong>de</strong>r<br />

if he needs to attract them, evoking the tone<br />

He investigates their source, color and sound<br />

type and duration, and even the acrid odor<br />

1 马丁: “Magic is like to spell, images suggested, imitating the<br />

studying circumstances, the object is hit<br />

grazed or burned, and distance from fire<br />

if lightning it is dry, or humid or light<br />

and if there are signs, by fate or faith<br />

He offered auspices, also in times of war<br />

to the generals in battle, with chickens offices<br />

they consults the entrails, of animals & plants<br />

interpreting the signs, of future events 2<br />

Nevio was a child, grazing grunting sows<br />

in a small father's land, he went to nap<br />

then he wakes up and grieves, the pigs lost<br />

he enters the chapel, consult his ancestors<br />

He asks to find sows, promises beautiful grapes<br />

the wish gets fulfill, then he look for grapes<br />

he splits father's vineyard, by two and two<br />

by flight of birds, he arrives to beautiful fruit<br />

tracking down the points, drawing templum<br />

he held face to south, watching subdivi<strong>de</strong>d sky<br />

by flights of birds, he tracks path step by step<br />

observing sky windows, he arrives on his target<br />

Nevio was proceeding, in the way exploremus<br />

he makes interpretation called interpretèmus<br />

He does a purification, called exoremus<br />

to get propitiation, called oneiremus<br />

also Nevio knows, to escape mists & storms<br />

by using epistaxis, corals and quartzstone<br />

Each thun<strong>de</strong>rbolt has, a heart of stone<br />

Axes and arrows dark, falling by stormy<br />

Tinia called Jupiter, he launches darts daytime<br />

Saturn called Sumanus, launches darts at night<br />

those launched lightning, are called Manuba<br />

eleven are certain, but others are dubious 3<br />

2 Mana is the in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt essence of life (num/qi), which<br />

perva<strong>de</strong>s and lies in things visible and invisible, people and<br />

events, external and internal to them. You see and hear if from his<br />

resi<strong>de</strong>nce into the things, since mana circulates in cyclical<br />

changes. It emanates from the leaves, it escapes in clouds and fire,<br />

it cares, it kills, it teaches, it gives visions. For the Stoics the world<br />

is ma<strong>de</strong> of events and portents everywhere: in the flight of birds,<br />

entrails of animals, lightning, dreams, won<strong>de</strong>rs, stars. The<br />

sky/doom gives messages to recipients also if it seems at random.<br />

镭森<br />

3 “The Omen varies according to the intention of the operator: if<br />

you have a purpose in mind, the lightning is an adviser; during<br />

ongoing action it has authority, approves or disapproves the<br />

project; if the consultant does not ask for anything specific,<br />

lightning, <strong>de</strong>pending on the part of sky (16 boxes) where it come<br />

effect that the tribes want to get. If they diagnose that the source of & go back which indicates the scope (his god) to which act or to<br />

a pain is harmful, the aboriginal, by rituals and dances tries to look out; then exten<strong>de</strong>d lightning indicates the event can be<br />

distance itself from any possible danger.”<br />

exten<strong>de</strong>d.” 镭森<br />


ostentatorium bolt, is anger <strong>de</strong>monstrative<br />

peremptorium thun<strong>de</strong>rbolt, helpful or harmful<br />

thun<strong>de</strong>rbolt that <strong>de</strong>stroys, it changes everything<br />

presagum thun<strong>de</strong>rbolt, it warns or dissua<strong>de</strong>s<br />

when there is a price, Nevio consults zodiacales<br />

if bolt changes-<strong>de</strong>stroys, Nevio consults fatales<br />

the East is favourable, home to the Pars Familis<br />

The West is hostile, home of the Pars Ostilis<br />

to conquer peoples, the Romans seduced<br />

the chiefs & queens, and the clan of priests<br />

to win the wars, romans offers to the enemy<br />

a temple insi<strong>de</strong> Urbe, a place in the Senate<br />

After having seduced, the primary <strong>de</strong>ity<br />

then they urge to move, the priestly castes<br />

in Rome the new worship has, a month <strong>de</strong>dicated<br />

it animates the festivals, of Janus calendar<br />

So the gods <strong>de</strong>ceived, do not lose dignity<br />

they traveling to Rome, with their will<br />

the statue transported, safe and rigorous<br />

on Aventine's temples, it silent nods<br />

Magna Mater of Asia, is Cybele black Kali<br />

that the Roman senators, inviting by sea<br />

so the black stone, it came from Pessinus<br />

meteor in the sky, which makes women fruitful<br />

Tonight we all rest, 帕梅拉 makes a pizza<br />

the food we likes, she know from his mother<br />

his children again, require the history<br />

Pizza Margherita, she tells with enjoy<br />

Naples city, it is overlooking the sea<br />

Queen Margaret, one day came to stay<br />

many people flock, as there is freedom<br />

you can find in Naples, colorful businesses<br />

the various tra<strong>de</strong> groups, meet at the port<br />

due to misun<strong>de</strong>rstandings, offenses in a growing<br />

increasing tension, with violence and divisions<br />

Queen Margaret, then pon<strong>de</strong>rs a solution<br />

his day of birthday, she announces a contest<br />

giving award to whom, makes an original gift<br />

a gift that can, to glad<strong>de</strong>n the human life<br />

unite & bring peace, to people of that kingdom<br />

among various claimants, Cook little distracted<br />

that insi<strong>de</strong> his shop, he prepare cake mix<br />

he knead flour & water, with the yeast sweat<br />

adding salt of the fisherman, and farmer flour<br />

He cooks more cakes for sailors of the port<br />

he use the river water, and local firewood<br />

the spirit of Pan, floats and holds the game<br />

Cook dreams of the queen, holding 3 bottles<br />

Cook is now exploring the three bottles dream<br />

he tries the ingredients, coming out from them<br />

he opens first bottle, he sees the new world<br />

his eyes are staring, an American meeting<br />

he met a native American, and a unknown fruit<br />

Tomatl is my name, I'm a fruit called tomato<br />

I'm red and proud, and singing with bell<br />

I am tasty and healthy, I born over there<br />

Cook opens second bottle, & sees the mountain<br />

a barn and two shepherds, milking a cow<br />

they offer food to cook, ma<strong>de</strong> with milk<br />

nice white mozzarella, freshly ma<strong>de</strong> for him<br />

a nymph now jumps out, is the spirit of milk<br />

it has the lush breasts, her legs are goat<br />

shepherds make a circle, dancing a son<strong>net</strong><br />

dressed in skins & horns, pay tribute to her<br />

finally the Cook, the third bottle uncorks<br />

He seen Middle East, cradle of civilization<br />

in olive trees & spices gar<strong>de</strong>n, is the latest step<br />

two magicians go meet him, wish to grease him<br />

with olive oil and basil, they anoint his head 1<br />

now he looks like basilisk, scented with holy aromas<br />

these spices lubricates, his body and consciousness<br />

to turn it to the pleasure, of the divine presence<br />

two magicians speaks, words in verse to the chef<br />

this will be a new gift, for your human Queen<br />

in times to come, the pizza will be consumed<br />

commemorate alliance, among Pan & human race<br />

The cook wakes, and affected the 3 ingredients<br />

smear them on cake, then baked in the furnace<br />

cooking and alchemy, transcends the ingredients<br />

changes occur, through the joys and torments<br />

they create in the oven, Pizza Margherita<br />

and scent that wakes, tastes a new life<br />

Pizza is new dish, the multi-ethnic food<br />

that helps consciousness, exquisite mixture<br />

Pizza at Therabuti, is kitchen performance<br />

presence of multiple gods, truest pleasures<br />

is the engine of the union, for sharing joy<br />

gift for the Queen, to feed people boy<br />

1 Basilisk is the Byzantine emperor. Tulsi is Basil of Krishna.<br />


帕梅拉 sits & sings, his encounter with Tago<br />

happened to Therabuti, turning the lawn<br />

she gives Tago names, ancestors old & new<br />

into the erotic jolt, she starts telling us<br />

everything happens now, around a big oak tree<br />

Pan flute in hand, I play to make breakthrough<br />

the melody you hear, is the chorus of birds<br />

<strong>de</strong>licious counterpoint, to breath of the flute<br />

Once sitting un<strong>de</strong>r a oak, I saw a figure You born again in cycles, seasonal perennial<br />

very pretty dance, perhaps a meter or more Brilliant you return, shared relationship<br />

was an old faun, with his chin & pointed ears you cross the ocean, in reverse direction<br />

with hooves & small horns, & honey-colored skin Guardian America, send you in Europe session<br />

the little creature, looks at me then it sits<br />

he told me he lives, in the Gol<strong>de</strong>n Gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

he inhabits a realm, of parallel existence<br />

he works to help, to that oak existence<br />

I got a sensation, the more extraordinary<br />

I was walking naked, much more <strong>de</strong>nse air<br />

then I felt tingling, into the asleep limb<br />

Faun was at my si<strong>de</strong>, during this experience<br />

You know who I am? great Pan talks to me<br />

I see his wry smile, shining in his eyes<br />

If I am close to you, do not feel repulsed?<br />

I do not see the fear, rising in your heart<br />

Panic comes from, the fear of my presence<br />

as <strong>de</strong>mon of fear, my essence was outraged<br />

Well here I am, I am the servant of nature<br />

I help humanity, although it dark & pollute me<br />

an artificial church, it once <strong>de</strong>ri<strong>de</strong>d me<br />

hooves and horns, it turned into outrage<br />

Nature became sin, and was darkened<br />

the natural life, and the joy of singing<br />

then plaintive voices, floated on the seas<br />

they said Pan is <strong>de</strong>ad! and intolerance began<br />

fauns with nymphs, crying my disappearance<br />

with naiads and dryads, they became a farce<br />

Humans gradually, emigrated to the city<br />

worshiped vain glory, and the display of i<strong>de</strong>as<br />

You became an old , taken away from all light<br />

and the end you died, as a <strong>de</strong>vil on the cross<br />

You are risen from Arcadia, then reduced to lies<br />

from the mind of man, who chases vice and greed<br />

then in native America, you resurface in banquets<br />

stroking your beard, and fill the alive hearts<br />

You are Divine reunite, everything in life<br />

you're power of plants, the spurting of sources<br />

You make to run the sap, in the trees and oaks<br />

in the shoots of wheat, bread you become foods<br />

The natives calling you, Great Wakan Tanka<br />

the Supreme Spirit, Soul and their Tatanka<br />

You enclose all, since you are self-Pan<br />

The poets singing, I'm Pan and Pan is Me<br />

Whole humanity, was born from your womb<br />

You are En to Pan, the One and the All well<br />

Pan you are pe<strong>net</strong>rating, primordial volcano<br />

the Saturn of Latium, expects you to return<br />

Pan you're God of forests, please walks near<br />

outsi<strong>de</strong> and insi<strong>de</strong> of me, lend me your eyes<br />

also let live the forest, and its creatures<br />

Nymphs and fauns, elves gnomes & fairies!<br />

they work singing, different from each other<br />

enzymes in nature, dancing in sequence<br />

they make celebration, fermenting everything<br />

they dance continuously, in soul & soil things<br />

oh Tago of Pannonia! you're Apollo of Etruria<br />

the mysterious Bread, also wine and fireplace<br />

you appear as a child, you were born to play<br />

you mo<strong>de</strong>ls with mud, characters and the fate<br />

镭森 please tell us, the son of Mercury!<br />

that has goat's foot, and the sweet smile<br />

He is wiry bear<strong>de</strong>d, in precocious wisdom<br />

cheerful very lively, and father of drunkenness<br />

Hermes or Mercury, brother of Ganesha,<br />

he is storyteller bard, he grazes the goats<br />

He comes from Egypt, with Penelope joins<br />

and finally she gave birth, to the Pan boy<br />

great Pan! from everything you were a nothing shepherds & farmers, worship him with songs<br />

Mocked and spat upon, you who are the source! as Spirit of Fertility, for plants and for animal<br />

they ad<strong>de</strong>d sulfur to you, into the carnivals Pan <strong>de</strong>light son of Mercury, the grain sustainer<br />

nymphs became witches, fauns became charlatans if you taken in the arms, your soul rejoices!<br />


Mercury without <strong>de</strong>lay, went up by immortal<br />

with his child well wrapped, in rabbit skin<br />

he introduced his son, to cheer everyone<br />

Dionysus the happiest, began to acclaim<br />

Gods call him Pan, as everyone spellbound<br />

with the songs that favors, love into soul<br />

Through the pipe, he plays in the evening<br />

or flute which provi<strong>de</strong>s, emotional moving<br />

Pan loved most nymphs, more than seven straws<br />

Echo and the Lightning, Syringe and now 帕梅拉<br />

between tree-lined valleys, he goes wan<strong>de</strong>ring<br />

together with her nymphs, & the joys of dancing<br />

Sweet bread sir, you have abundant foliage<br />

your back is covered, with mantle of the lynx<br />

Hirsute You reign, on the tops of mountains<br />

on the rough roads, rocky and windy face<br />

You wan<strong>de</strong>r here & there, tangled un<strong>de</strong>rgrowth<br />

Now you're attracted, by the pristine waters<br />

You run up on mountains, where is your breath<br />

I sit down & contemplate, your milk your bread<br />

with your laughter sound, waking every wood<br />

if you go to hunt , you are killing the fairs<br />

You return in the evening, playing a syringe<br />

a music very soft, a melody that clings<br />

Tago is the eternal Pan, native of Thera<br />

Goblin of Pannonia, who lives the adventure<br />

between myths & stories, visions & philosophies<br />

in the verses of poetry, He is nature & medicine<br />

You recite on the stage, prepared by Thera<br />

You begin to embody, scenes as they could<br />

Your dance moves, mimicking hero who travels<br />

you dress in disguise, & charms who tastes you<br />

earthworm & the firmament, you recite both<br />

at Gaia you please, and you're very stubborn<br />

you continue to play, spending years & <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s<br />

a fire consumes, summers & winters in our hearts<br />

peace and war will follow, i<strong>de</strong>ntities are burning<br />

the strength of your feet, comes from the earth<br />

You raids achievement, with grace and almighty<br />

you mask in several ways, in ordinary reality<br />

solemn roman matron, then crowns your lingam<br />

Volterra peoples call you, Tycho and Conialo<br />

because of your hooves which strikes the ground<br />

who is from the countrysi<strong>de</strong>, in full regalia<br />

with the beat of your feet, that you do at fence carried on the shoul<strong>de</strong>rs, in a large procession<br />

gradually you lead us, to the center of the dance around the Urbe City, to give blessing lesson<br />

you alternate foot to foot, full of lightness<br />

You are the one who shakes, all dust of matter<br />

Your red face, is the sky becoming red<br />

Pan-old boy, you are beyond human wisdom<br />

frogs and water nymphs, singing your echo<br />

flute with drum, as your universal language<br />

Lord of the sound, you make nature to dance<br />

then your old tail, is the root of awareness<br />

the cat with the kangaroo, your animal totem<br />

your womb & double lingam, are shemale totem<br />

your animal nature, which tends to the human<br />

is the meaning of Demon, consciousness plural<br />

Your endless horns, dividing two by two<br />

as multiply creatures, giving life surplus<br />

you are also called in India, Pasupati Shiva<br />

guardian and source, of animals and nature<br />

You Teach respect, in the temple your woods<br />

If you are disturbed, and abused by havoc<br />

you intervene course, launching the Pavor<br />

Great Panic of screams, terror and pain!<br />

During the funeral, your flute is a sweet<br />

it meets the spirits, as <strong>de</strong>vice of the care<br />

You are the only reality, actress and spectator<br />

It's ma<strong>de</strong> of thoughts, spelling every soul<br />

You only exist, multiverse and universe<br />

by loving all of us, you are loving yourself<br />

You are the inventor too, of masturbation<br />

you play flute and dance, our sensation<br />

Flute with seven reeds, are the seven chakras<br />

where the Nymphs dance, recurring in swirls<br />

You are son of Thera, beyond i<strong>de</strong>ntity bor<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

you have no evil wishes, jaguar of the forests<br />

Fanus was first god, of ancient Palatine hill<br />

on the Roman hill, he was friend holy master<br />

He gave Lupercalia, to the Latin aborigines<br />

that is folk festivals, which strip the utilities<br />

After then you return, in Liberaliae parties<br />

Worship recalling that, the first dancer lady<br />

which celebrates God Liber, your phallus linga<br />

to stimulate the lymph, for the archaic revival<br />


镭森 reminds us, the records of Herodotus<br />

around prostitution, ritual and hospitable<br />

Women with ropes, had the custom wise<br />

to stand along the streets, next to a fire<br />

A traveler then passed, and some has called<br />

if he <strong>de</strong>ems her worthy, he loosens her belt<br />

then the customer goes, to lupanares brothel<br />

he chooses the position, as a men or women<br />

then the art of courtship, called eroticism<br />

is learned at courts, of Renaissance Europe<br />

some artist was seeking, to expand boundaries<br />

the inner and outer, through the appetites<br />

Michelangelo artist, he makes Ganyme<strong>de</strong><br />

he repeats to us, this ancient knowledge<br />

Eros is the force, that sharpens the intellect<br />

wisdom with folly, are the core of life-<strong>net</strong><br />

Eros satisfies instincts, Filia gives friendship<br />

the ability to listen, carefully to every problem<br />

then Agape love, which burns did not give up<br />

is the kundalini rising, or transcen<strong>de</strong>nt love<br />

sexual love is burning, it reborn from <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

it is a lord intermediary, a medium of fate<br />

its dwells in every human, as erotic knowledge<br />

theiòs aner is called, enthusiasm besi<strong>de</strong> himself<br />

A man burning with love, have erotic fury<br />

not fully satisfied, insi<strong>de</strong> the carnal union<br />

he search infinity, which satisfies his cravings<br />

He married Nature, superhuman hierogamy<br />

镭森 tells a myth, of Jordan Brunus Actaeon<br />

where there is an hunter, who seeks his prey<br />

finally he finds it, naked god<strong>de</strong>ss Diana appears<br />

Diana changes the hunter, into the hunted <strong>de</strong>er<br />

Diana is the nature, motivation for inner life<br />

she changes a researcher, as subject of research<br />

The hunter found the <strong>de</strong>er, then within himself<br />

discovers everything, its interior reflected 1<br />

I ten<strong>de</strong>d ambush to <strong>de</strong>er, my heart pounding<br />

instead came the <strong>de</strong>er, stopped in front of me<br />

"I weep my fate, I know I will die soon<br />

then as a gift, to thee I will offer<br />

1 Jordan Brunus: “the hunter/researcher becomes prey and<br />

knowledge since the philosopher is furious, drunk and thirsty for<br />

the infinite God who is beyond all limits, with heroic effort and<br />

passion (eros), reaches a superhuman i<strong>de</strong>ntification with the<br />

cosmos: the universe unfolds in things and things are resolved in<br />

the universe. Actaeon is the human soul who goes in search of<br />

nature and come to see it, becomes nature itself”.<br />

these large horns, oh my good Lord 2<br />

and from both my ears, you can drink<br />

and my eye will be for you, a clear mirror<br />

also with my hair, the brush you'll get<br />

My flesh will be food, my skin will heat up<br />

my liver is a medicine, will give you courage<br />

and so I will, that body of your old servant<br />

seven times will bear fruit, bloom seven times<br />

Ultimate philosophy, is the magical vision<br />

the unity of nature, beyond the various anti<br />

Fusion of yin and yang, is the instant mighty<br />

to live the bare essence, the larger reality<br />

Fire burns at the center, month of February<br />

马丁 start to talk, he tasted good pizza<br />

He tells of the mystery, of the <strong>de</strong>er rose<br />

also teaches a song, that insi<strong>de</strong> resounds<br />

I look on the right, and I see a huge Oak<br />

with strong roots, that pe<strong>net</strong>rate the earth<br />

then it's nice to watch, this tree leaning<br />

that his strength, took from the elements<br />

I look at it carefully, he communicates something<br />

to my half-closed eyes, the feeling is laid<br />

gradual approach me, it gives me security<br />

I feel vibrations, emanate from his cortex<br />

He gui<strong>de</strong>s me in his voice, to interior world<br />

it is also like a keeper, close to my house<br />

then the north wind, whistling the branch<br />

He lives his life, every season silences<br />

every Tree has a vigor, the earth sucks<br />

then rising on everything, and absorbs light<br />

from the bowels of world, embodies the soul<br />

that tremor woody, slowly it's life unfolds<br />

He gives life to others, we often encounter<br />

he enters my life, we influence each other<br />

speaks his own language, looks me in love<br />

he claims exist, more or less like anyone<br />

He also is from within, its resistance<br />

Won<strong>de</strong>rful contrast, trunk muscular<br />

I feel that it changes, life in the <strong>de</strong>ep<br />

I quiver energy, which radiates around<br />

2 in early winter, the male <strong>de</strong>er lose their horns. For sixth year the<br />

horns are strong and in old age is reduced to daggers.<br />


He expresses tough life, radiating around<br />

the force of his presence, proud I come back<br />

he gives me his strength, I wild become<br />

expands its scent, as taste of eroticism<br />

I exhaling turpentine, it seems I'm like him<br />

Oh give me Tree, a little your power!<br />

Help me to life, I give you a little human<br />

shreds of my dress, tearing with your branch<br />

is an open door and close, the receptivity<br />

the secret of relation, with pine or Pan<br />

if I say that is nonsense, what I feel<br />

the exchange of energy, I cut at a time<br />

You big tree, you stand with great force<br />

you absorb from bowel, the sap of the earth<br />

Beware of me, oh very old ancient Pan!<br />

I will take away life, to make logs & beams<br />

the point of turning point, is the attitu<strong>de</strong><br />

马丁 reminds all us, to open our doors<br />

slowly it augments, feeling that everything<br />

its existence has, stubborn as a swing<br />

a special relationship, you will have with me<br />

enrichment in life, symbiosis it goes itself<br />

I feel there in that field, like a game<br />

the night around the fire, up to the hills<br />

I look at his flame, and I stand with <strong>de</strong>light<br />

I warm up the thighs, buttocks and shoul<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

you watch with your eyes, the flames dance<br />

then you will see his face, a faint smile Pan<br />

I drink your warmth, absorb it into my body<br />

then I take your life, to nourish my life<br />

Tree I am hot! I am strong and happy!<br />

On this cold night, I bless the Terabuti<br />

Fire you back as well! back as honey<br />

Honey of life, honey packed in a pine<br />

you resi<strong>de</strong>d in the sun, the tree taken you<br />

over there on fire, your returns to the sun<br />

the scent of pine, burning and seems honey<br />

马丁 suggests, sit still and do not talk<br />

Otherwise the word, give <strong>de</strong>ath to Pan<br />

God who can blow, the flute with 7 reeds<br />

I rediscover the purpose, to live my life<br />

live it is <strong>de</strong>ep, with what surrounds me<br />

is a vivid relationship, between man & universe<br />

that which expresses life, in any universe<br />

When is morning, fire apparently <strong>de</strong>ad<br />

the ashes of the night, stay in the place<br />

I blow on them, to awaken the contact<br />

between leaving being, & people remained<br />

Memory of ancestors, is contact heat<br />

drank his warmth, Pan remains intact<br />

like the sun sets, I will take his power<br />

the i<strong>de</strong>ntity of the <strong>de</strong>er, donated its essence<br />

there is a large rock, situated on the piste<br />

O thou great rock! Help me to hunting<br />

Give me the firmness, I will make a tribute<br />

Stupa a little one, I give you as a gift<br />

today among natives, still living god Pan<br />

but gradually is dying, to the sound of civilization<br />

the native kills Pan, if you offer him opportunity<br />

to be mechanized, most of the civilized one<br />

If the Universe is <strong>de</strong>feated, Pan is <strong>de</strong>ad<br />

nothing more remains, to a life without purpose<br />

boredom lies in wait, with no conditions<br />

magic relationship, give life to situations<br />

things captured, the man has already lost<br />

A world enslaved, does little or nothing<br />

reduces the mystery, that connects the souls<br />

the meeting is not, and life remains inert<br />

You flee the conquest, if you want Pan back<br />

all you can live to live, not to conquer<br />

all you may go hungry, or more fatigue<br />

but cosmos to you, talking & laughing alive<br />

also the civilized men, can choose the world<br />

the mechanical conquered, or that living in Pan<br />

you see ancient power, which plays to inflame<br />

you discover the cure to cheer, in a glass of wine<br />

That's beyond the moon, that rises up in the sky<br />

troubles me in the evening, while contemplating<br />

something I will give to moon, by a woman<br />

I want to thank it, for the gift of his horns<br />

马丁 tells story, of the hunter's silence<br />

when the meat is cooked, a <strong>de</strong>er gives consent<br />

He was exhausted and yet, he exu<strong>de</strong>s power<br />

collected from it womb, of grateful reverence<br />

once an old hunter, with bow or shotgun<br />

was talking to the Deer, <strong>de</strong>ep in his soul<br />

tell me where you are, with your nimble feet<br />

I feel and I know you, give me your blood please<br />


now moves stealthily, projecting itself out of<br />

the primitive essence, the human hunter<br />

finally finds its prey, with psyche not by chance<br />

then he targets <strong>de</strong>er, as strong-willed charm<br />

If there is no <strong>de</strong>fect, in its abstract will<br />

the target will be taken, the <strong>de</strong>er is subdued<br />

the Deer has left, its vivid consciousness<br />

caught hypnotized, by the essence of hunter<br />

Divine Pan of mountains, Africa and Oceania<br />

you live also in America, from Europe to Asia<br />

mountains and valleys, <strong>de</strong>serts and forests<br />

you are Saturnal fire, and the storm water<br />

I'm Deer of the East, I'm the Green Hikuri<br />

next to the mountain, the sun already shining<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r a flowering tree, my heart is happy<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r flowering tree, it is the happiest!<br />

I'm Deer of the East, I'm the Jìkuri Green<br />

I give all my song, who will sing first?<br />

now I get up at dawn, to greet the Sun<br />

I kneel as well, and I breath his warm<br />

Garlands of flowers, and swirls of wind<br />

You may not see me, where ever I go<br />

where do the Roses, where the rose blooms<br />

I'm Deer of the East, Jikurì at Wirikòta<br />

when the fog rises, Blue Deer get up<br />

if the rain falls, also the Kayumàri falls<br />

Roses breathe, then breathes pure <strong>de</strong>w<br />

at the foot of Lehùnar, Wiri and Wirikuta!<br />

The corn sprouts, the Rose blooms<br />

and the Rose sings: I am the Deer<br />

then the Deer sings: I am the Rose<br />

only to Wirikòta, you listen this song!<br />

I hear our-fathers, singing our mothers<br />

mountains and hills, the flowers love to sing<br />

I came to seek you, you life of my <strong>de</strong>arest<br />

you son of Tatèi Wèrika, Kayumari priest<br />

the paths of Flowers, the paths of the Roses<br />

passing to Wirikòta, to marry the white East<br />

forgive me if I'm unclean, forgive me any sins<br />

to Wirikòta I came, in search of your face<br />

you hear my voice, do what I sing you<br />

to <strong>de</strong>serve life, more life in my heart<br />

I want to sow-harvest, staple food corn<br />

as the Wirarika, learn ceremony of blue-corn<br />

Wiràrika also called Huichol, people of Sierra<br />

in gorges & dry floors, they arranged their land<br />

they have two seasons, the dry and rainy<br />

worship many gods, in old and new styles<br />

they <strong>de</strong>rive their history, from nomadic hunters<br />

Deer is their emblem, with corn and hikuri trinity<br />

Tago in the wil<strong>de</strong>rness, gui<strong>de</strong> them to new lands<br />

he marries them with corn, teaching new parties<br />

heart of Wirarìka myth, it teaches about passage<br />

from nomadic life style, to the settled village<br />

Watakame hunter, is the wan<strong>de</strong>ring ancestor<br />

called into dance, by Wirarika <strong>de</strong>scendants<br />

the shaman sings, the Watakàme legend<br />

his encounter with a girl, a lady Blue-Corn<br />

he gives the history, to the people at party<br />

the i<strong>de</strong>ntity of the group, then remains alive<br />

Watàkame he lived, in a very simple hut<br />

together with old woman, his adoptive mother<br />

on the sunny si<strong>de</strong>, of the great mountain<br />

he hunts with bow & arrows, various prey around<br />

He crosses every day, gorges & mountain trails<br />

one day he meets, a young girl in the trails<br />

she comes with pumpkin bowl, full of beverage<br />

she gave it to drink, to Watakame stranger<br />

Drink it and be satisfied, it is a plant of life!<br />

I live with parents, over there on a Hill<br />

Watakame the next day, dress as everyday<br />

with quiver on shoul<strong>de</strong>r, goes to look the way<br />

the si<strong>de</strong>s of the path, going up in a zig-zag<br />

he can observe, a cultivated crop of corn<br />

there are more varieties, blue red and white<br />

then at top spot, finally he see the house<br />

Watakàme is amazed, arrives at the ranch<br />

two el<strong>de</strong>rs welcome him, are lords of the Corn<br />

they offer him the bowl, as a good drink<br />

Watakame drinks it, then he start talking<br />

I would to buy a little, of your good food<br />

can I pay you, with fragments of fire I have<br />

pieces of resinous pine, which I use as a torch<br />

in a very dark nights, when I go to hunt more<br />

the old man replied, you nourish at the source<br />

then he waved the scepter, of bird feathers<br />

the girl from the house came out, and met them<br />

She says his name, I'm Blue Corn Yowime<br />


Daughter want you follow, the young hunter?<br />

Oh Father if thou wilt, then also I want!<br />

Watakàme then began, a new style life<br />

became farmer, in the company of maize<br />

Yòwime blue-corn, taught him to prepare<br />

more corn tortillas, and the thirst quencher<br />

then shows how to <strong>de</strong>corate, storage houses<br />

in or<strong>de</strong>r to propitiate, good crops of corn<br />

Watakame now feels, free from uncertainty<br />

of nomadic his life, and put roots in a hurry<br />

he cuts various plants, & lights up the brush<br />

the ash becomes carpet, to sow the corn flush<br />

Blue Corn was drilling, the soil with his staff<br />

while calling for songs, puts down the corn seeds<br />

then Watakame thanks, the capricious rains<br />

the sun and protectors, wind even stronger<br />

is harvesting time, he collects and piles the cob<br />

in the temple-houses, using the basket mecapàl<br />

tied with large rope, on his forehead & shoul<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

Mecapal is ma<strong>de</strong> up of rods, tied with raffia rope<br />

but one day Watakame, the company lost<br />

of his blue corn's girl, and farmers remains<br />

He still works hard, with gestures and words<br />

the entire cycle of corn, yet removes his hunger<br />

so to relive the epic, of the old Watakàme<br />

in small scattered fields, with limestone soils<br />

at first rains in June, sowing can be done<br />

and corn can links, with beans and pumpkins<br />

a small crater, is at the center of the field<br />

capturing the offerings, as the blood of a lamb<br />

smoke of brushwood, joins the layered clouds<br />

with music and songs, the ancestors rejoice<br />

the hunter Huatakàme, teaches us to cultivate<br />

more girls divine Maize, by displacing bushes<br />

he splits fields, then making fire to the center<br />

Blue Corn planting there, then the other si<strong>de</strong>s<br />

saint Rose Veracrùs, Mother-Corn syncretizes<br />

She abandons her Child, into a sown field<br />

she protect their land, the <strong>de</strong>er and seed<br />

the force of rain, and the voice of thun<strong>de</strong>r<br />

The Celestial Stag, it is called Káyümari<br />

the Priest Huichol, also called Maràkame<br />

Kayumàri brother, gui<strong>de</strong> us to become shaman<br />

to healing today & tomorrow, teach us to song<br />

He teaches their gui<strong>de</strong>s, to make pilgrimage<br />

each year to Wirikuta, to renew the transition<br />

of corn and rose, by Hikuri <strong>de</strong>er hunting<br />

rituals to ensure, the change of season<br />

Peyote is the Hikurì, the Blue Stag Lord<br />

morning Star, it born & dies to his foot<br />

Kaymari blood, then the earth get fruitful<br />

from which will reborn, fungi and plants plus<br />

the Wirarika community, is pilgrim people<br />

they <strong>de</strong>part from mountains, in Jalisco & Nayarit<br />

they go to Real Catorce, in Luis <strong>de</strong> Potosí<br />

to the Nirikuta <strong>de</strong>sert, to hunt the Hikurì 1<br />

莉萨 takes the word, she speaks of sailing<br />

the journey is different, exciting or sedative<br />

to transcend the human, the goal is the same<br />

in ecstasy or samadhi, is a biological state<br />

Odysseus returns, from wan<strong>de</strong>ring Travel<br />

is not the same man, who was before leaving<br />

is wise and more happy, but less full of ego<br />

equipped to un<strong>de</strong>rstand, with unveiled heart<br />

into the essence of plants, it lies a source<br />

generating ourselves, in units consistent<br />

now we need, to overcome the division<br />

and to live again, the conscious union<br />

Flora and Fauna Gaia, disturbed & abused<br />

by a false mind, it <strong>de</strong>lays the awareness<br />

Zen meditation, and the divine mysteries<br />

helping the vision, in the next walking<br />

ego went out into the open, trampled the earth<br />

then ego led the battles, using his power<br />

in front of the Nature, it now play different<br />

categorizes each piece, examines and divi<strong>de</strong>s it<br />

Nature then became, an unfortunate concept<br />

which the mo<strong>de</strong>rn world, study it without grab<br />

the ego sacrifices carnage, of blood and harmony<br />

also catastrophe, in the social and moral shape<br />

1 Wirarika hunting the peyote (hikurì) and <strong>de</strong>er together, to help the<br />

world to regenerate each year. This hunting is called Marra and is<br />

offered to Mother Earth (Tàtei Yurienaka) where the heart of the<br />

<strong>de</strong>er is reborn in the form of hïkuri and corn. Rose and flower are<br />

recurring names for hikurì, other expressions are: <strong>de</strong>wy Rose,<br />

singing Flower, Flower Light and Ten<strong>de</strong>r ear of corn, a symbol of<br />

Grandfather Fire (Muwièri of Tatewarì). In the arid plains of<br />

Wirikòta, swirls and eddies of air are frequent. Muwièri are 30-40<br />

cm long woo<strong>de</strong>n sticks whose ends are tied more hawk feathers<br />

which is written the history and miths of Wiràrika". The Muwièri<br />

are essential attributes of their medicine men and used in various<br />

circumstances to contact ancestors.” 马丁<br />


then life becomes, measured with money<br />

the inanimate world, gets hid<strong>de</strong>n its root<br />

Thera is subdued, impoverished and abused<br />

then civilization, becomes the new totem<br />

Legal & illegal, prohibited & tolerance<br />

are games of power, strategies for rulers<br />

the rational mind, highlighted and obscured<br />

according to needs, intoxicated or closed<br />

power structures, they know establish hegemony<br />

are based on the myth, of social position<br />

the acceptance of it, by all population<br />

allows them to dominate, as a parasite<br />

A power strategy needs, always to map<br />

to exercise domain, then tracing maps<br />

between maps and reality, as open holes<br />

more intermission areas, reborn as fungus<br />

the old Greek spirit, it sought a solution<br />

of the separation of subject and object<br />

integrate the vision, rational Apollonian<br />

healing the rift, in Dionysus intoxication<br />

Nietzsche also writes, that during the spring<br />

Nature awakens us, and joy perva<strong>de</strong>s & pulsing<br />

forgetfulness of exaltation, the subjective fa<strong>de</strong>s<br />

the bond shrinks, and reconciliation happens<br />

aboriginal healers, use what they have available<br />

Today the reality is a continuous review<br />

to care passionately, to make the transition of those who have opportunity, to say or inform<br />

they calling together, individuals from the world emerging companies, to manufacture consent<br />

out of hegemonies, painting a better world spreading the smell, of aggregative intent<br />

the strength of mind, we know its so shocked<br />

while we get used, with military or brute force<br />

Gaia is changing, is time of the conscience<br />

materialism fa<strong>de</strong>s, with get new experiences<br />

Babongo with Shipibo, and Wirarika & Kariri<br />

they frame effective, human life and <strong>de</strong>stiny<br />

although they are overgrown, by ego-<strong>de</strong>grading<br />

they teach to the brothers, how plants working<br />

to divi<strong>de</strong> two by two, is binary expression<br />

Devil word means, go through two by two<br />

to go beyond duality, by rising or falling<br />

the game of mystery, as the background<br />

Soul is a hologram, of musical substance<br />

which opens the universe, also in a hut<br />

the empathy resonates, with your soul mate<br />

a party meeting, in the bowels of the earth<br />

the everyday news, is language construction<br />

like all the Theories, which impose beliefs<br />

I seen around the world, wi<strong>de</strong>spread beliefs<br />

I listened many stories, without any shift 1<br />

the animal insi<strong>de</strong> us, well it belongs to us<br />

and we believe in it, no to the binary chains<br />

by binary thinking, that is differentiated<br />

We are classified, often into a co<strong>de</strong> map<br />

we think our knowledge, has evolved us<br />

instead it has changed us, then blin<strong>de</strong>d us<br />

to evolve has meaning, to do something<br />

gradually recover, Nature is our bri<strong>de</strong><br />

Reality is by Rhea, sharing of resources<br />

Thera that recasts, the groups responses<br />

She covers experiences, of a magical surprise<br />

It connects perception, into a story wise<br />

Hypnosis is construction, mental image<br />

aggregation around, a single i<strong>de</strong>a that goes<br />

i<strong>de</strong>as become strong, ongoing evolving<br />

i<strong>de</strong>as find strength, in aggregating groups<br />

the rooted beliefs, produced by labels<br />

it wi<strong>de</strong>ly spreads, in scientific theories<br />

are attracting consensus, by involvement<br />

they live more heads, hammer in torment<br />

Propaganda produces i<strong>de</strong>as, by use of hypnosis<br />

the shows and attractions, enjoy anymore now<br />

Hypnosis also fun, but it reveals the appearance<br />

it research over the shroud, beyond the current<br />

the universe emits signs, the mind can discover<br />

drawings full of meaning, the mind goes to feed<br />

now knowledge doubles, about every two hours<br />

the <strong>net</strong>work guarantees, to meet people's needs<br />

Martín uses language, typical of the media<br />

he uses the <strong>net</strong>work, and makes his puzzle<br />

his friend don Tonio, wears Mickey Mouse t-shirt<br />

recycled by instinct, becomes instrument of care<br />

1 “Everything we live is the result of the <strong>de</strong>scriptions we make of<br />

ourselves and of the events, the beliefs become our own rules and<br />

without involvement does not create consensus, the implication is<br />

that something does not exist. Hypnosis reveals the tricks of the<br />

show”. 莉萨 Erikson<br />


马丁 continuing, about Native Americans<br />

constellation of cults, autonomous fe<strong>de</strong>rated<br />

the ritual medicine, was awakened by a native<br />

Quanah Parker Comanche, began ritual healing<br />

He was cured in Mexico, by cactus medicine<br />

the new liturgy, he exports to North America<br />

to fight alcoholism, of many his brothers<br />

<strong>de</strong>prived of their culture, suffering crisis<br />

Native Americans, took up the challenge<br />

an enormous healing, of the group i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

to care and to alleviate, existential crisis<br />

they found medicine, of the doctor peyote<br />

prophets among Paiute, Navajo e more tribes we were welcomed, seated on the ground<br />

went to experience, the rite of Tarahumara the circle of singing, natives & foreigners<br />

Wovoka prophet, released the spectra dance 马丁 tells everyone, that he had lived<br />

announcement of Messiah, calling the release here I share it, with friends of Therabuti<br />

a Lakota visionary, he dreamed of a prophecy<br />

animals will come back, the belly of the Earth<br />

all we live a little, in mo<strong>de</strong>rn gray houses<br />

until a new era, will crush the old visions<br />

Black Elk seen, the Holy Circle of Life<br />

All we can begin, to repair our vision<br />

all together we go, beyond the egoic maia<br />

Earth is our Mother, entire life of Gaia<br />

Black Elk Oglala, standing on the mountain<br />

he see all around, the full circle of world<br />

he saw beyond measure, knew beyond all how<br />

a shape of everything, he saw in the same fire<br />

the whole of his people, he saw a sacred hoop<br />

as a ring that was part, of a wi<strong>de</strong>r circle<br />

it wi<strong>de</strong> as the light, of day and the stars<br />

a flowering tree, he saw growing in the middle<br />

I saw the center of world, shelter to all creatures<br />

wherever you stand, it's great spirit of the world<br />

I asked you to bend over, listens to my voice<br />

my tear spreads to you, this simple prayer<br />

You said that I had, making the tree to bloom<br />

but the tree is withered, I see still suffer<br />

But perhaps a root, baby still alive root<br />

You feed it with songs, of birds un<strong>de</strong>r moon<br />

I leave behind me, every doubt every fear<br />

that people may find, even the way here<br />

Oh Faun Wakan Tanka, I will sing your <strong>de</strong>eds<br />

Your medicine well, my heart will be celebrating<br />

You ma<strong>de</strong> the heavens above, sun sea & flowers<br />

the gift far more beautiful life with his love<br />

I abandon the sadness, along with any pain<br />

I begin long journey, with hymn of your name<br />

gathered in the Tepee, I listen sacred songs<br />

the Navajo with the bells, and drum water<br />

each one sing in turn, the voice on power<br />

to support Gaia, as Inanna Wakantanka!<br />

their voices vibrate, emotions and shares<br />

filling the tent, of rhythms and suggestions<br />

light the bonfire, in the great shining Tepee<br />

and the Road-man, sits and waits there<br />

the Peyote songs, receiving accompany<br />

from the water-drum, with fast percussion<br />

their tone then sounds, of spirits resonance<br />

the songs are prayers, offerings in the dance<br />

the group repeats all songs, many meaningless<br />

songs have rhythm and accent, by all <strong>de</strong>dicated<br />

shaken by the cantor, sound of the rattle adds<br />

everyone have his turn, in the lap of the track<br />

Peyote is blessed, then circulating is passed<br />

as the water-drum is passed, in turn married<br />

everyone can eat free, much as he wants<br />

the effects of the ritual, rising with the heat<br />

Water in the drum, the energy of <strong>de</strong>er skin<br />

welcomes vocals, and slowly makes the echo<br />

rhythm of the rattle, show me the feathers wind<br />

wind in slow motion, goes towards the fire<br />

The medicine starts, to talk to my system<br />

I need to purge in, and vomiting them outsi<strong>de</strong><br />

I feel better after, and returns the focus<br />

then anxiety disappears, it is vital food<br />

Big Medicine of Tepee, gathering at night<br />

to find meaning, in the heart of the fate<br />

intuition revealed, makes every experience<br />

increases empathy, friendship consistency<br />

the plant talk to me: pick me with your hands<br />

eat my strength, so thirsty and hungry escapes<br />

Then I will lead you, up insi<strong>de</strong> your home<br />

bring me as gift of peace, to your tribe!<br />


the Roadman leads, the gather of care<br />

he is a Man of the path, helping support<br />

also I see the man fire, the man of the drum 1<br />

the Woman mother water, quench each us<br />

then Road-man, stretching out the cloth<br />

aligns sacred objects, extends feathers fans<br />

fumigation with sage, and tobacco in profusion<br />

the drum with thin stick, <strong>de</strong>corated with beads<br />

in fasting & solitu<strong>de</strong>, in quiet contemplation<br />

the medicine is swallowed, dry or infusion<br />

we remain vigilant, waiting for a message<br />

the spirits in the body, they get the taste 2<br />

the altar is of sand, shaped like crescent moon<br />

Medicine at the center, gui<strong>de</strong> our prayers<br />

the road is the same, a common shared way<br />

all songs shared, increase empathy there<br />

Road man at midnight, leaving the Tepee<br />

blowing the bone flute, to four cardinal points<br />

the water is brought, adored and shared<br />

paid to the ground, to quench Thera too<br />

the sound of whistle, goes in every direction<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> my head, bounces against the skull<br />

nausea press as well as, and fear of <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

arise strong monopoly, but I free my mind well<br />

Tobacco we smoking, but alcohol we avoid<br />

the feathers of eagle, bring fears to the fire<br />

the crackling fire, brings the morning breeze<br />

joy and faith shines, on the faces of gathered<br />

the essence of ritual, is celebration ceremony<br />

马丁 into the Tepee, finds his childhood<br />

he shares his experience, lasting imprint<br />

it refreshes the memory, signs for his future<br />

Community is purpose, the divine communion<br />

with visions and emotions, he meets all around<br />

internal reconciliation, which makes the healing<br />

during the sessions, restores ge<strong>net</strong>ics feeling<br />

my psyche has taken, messages resonating<br />

I listen of the Tago, in the cosmic distance<br />

the Vijnana-maya-kosha, resurfaces in the dance<br />

I will sing tonight, insi<strong>de</strong> of this symposium<br />

1 Drum: bronze pot with some water and closed with the <strong>de</strong>erskin<br />

2 The ritual-taking leads the mind to suspension from all the cruelty<br />

of life, and facilitates entry into the timeless world where you can<br />

talk with the <strong>de</strong>ad and ancestors, close and far.<br />

I look into creation, in which the sun shines<br />

where the stars shine, where the stones stand<br />

the plants live & grow, animal lives & feels<br />

I look in the soul, which it survives all this<br />

Great spirit Pan, you weaves sunshine and light<br />

there in the vast space, you produce in the soul<br />

to you divine Tagus, I'm talking about praying<br />

strength & blessing, you teach here to Terabuti<br />

Father-Mother of Life, help us to follow the way<br />

giving the feeling, to breath our healing<br />

that makes the illusion, of appearances all over<br />

does not obstruct flows, direct in your stream<br />

oh Pan you dwell here! grants the beauty<br />

the material fortune, and spiritual heritage<br />

Let me share, to the wealth of the wise<br />

coming together, in the necessary time<br />

the love of poetry, as intermediary actor<br />

may gui<strong>de</strong> me, on the Ananda and Vijnana<br />

even if in dark valleys, I will have to walk<br />

Tago stay near me, then I will fear nothing<br />

I journey to the world, Pan is next to me<br />

I recognize him well, anywhere between gens<br />

Sometimes also I stop, the road is hard<br />

Then he sits down, waits for me to rest<br />

then All that I had, I do not need more<br />

at last I have given, your immortal bread<br />

I have filled the goblet, of celestial wine<br />

I introduce to you, Lord Pan water-light<br />


Marto, 塞巴 skribis:<br />

艾米利亚 at Terabuti, teaches me to treat ills<br />

of Trees and shrubs, together herbs and animals<br />

you give humus, too much nitrogen is harmful<br />

it invites pests, and it gets sugar to rest<br />

I make holes in the soil, crown of the plant<br />

I fill them with compost, or weeds ash<br />

nothing is more harmful, of hard soggy soil<br />

艾米利亚 first time, break it with subsoiler<br />

the Root of a plant, absorbs every day<br />

an oxygen quantity, equal to its volume<br />

if humidity is stagnating, at the level of roots<br />

it atrophy the growing, and reducing surface<br />

I planted a papaya, together with banana<br />

on medium-textured soil, the tree grows low<br />

I give a monthly basket, of mature pollen<br />

at dawn and dusk, I use to do watering<br />

Banana in the gar<strong>de</strong>n, of Terabuti school<br />

is the tropical gift, of timeless Papua<br />

is a beautiful tree, with green leaves<br />

its practices food, and efficient symbiote<br />

people of India, eat the sweet bananas<br />

together with rice, to clean abdominal<br />

at evening is a panacea, working at night<br />

bananas are very good, raw or cooked<br />

Banana is cheap, is hygienic and friendly<br />

You peel it and eat, inexpensive energy<br />

it is soft and softens, everywhere<br />

cow loves it's peel, able to ferment<br />

the banana peel, a month <strong>de</strong>composed<br />

potassium & iron, calcium magnesium, sodium<br />

I bury between roots, of roses and tomatoes<br />

hydrangeas pink or blue, get color by pH soil<br />

the Fig tree on a chalky soil, well stands<br />

when it is adapted, the soil holds good<br />

艾米利亚 uses its leaves, to clean dirty pot<br />

fig its irritating milk, she spreads on warts<br />

in early spring, I use to do trees planted<br />

if they have good roots, they make fine foliage<br />

I prune roots if transplanting, sprouts synergy<br />

roots in late autumn, hibernate themselves<br />

a Kiwi give me fruit, at least after 4 years<br />

the winter pruning, removes his dry wood<br />

I sustain with lattice rope, heavy leaves<br />

It is a giant vine, one meter each year<br />

Persimmon grows, almost everywhere<br />

it refuses to be pruned, I look his hair<br />

similar to apple tree, grown as small tree<br />

it fruits annually, on news vegetation<br />

Medlar tree strength, I exploit for winter<br />

placed at north si<strong>de</strong>, it protects internal orchard<br />

very rustic and robust, was a popular plant<br />

ancestor of apple & pear, I try to plant it<br />

Medlar with Persimmon, I eat mezzanines<br />

when the first cold, makes the pulp tasty<br />

if you miss this step, the fruit is astringent<br />

but if mezzanine becomes, a good sweet juicy<br />

Mespilus in Latin, is the result of mezzanine<br />

after Medlars maturation, you be patients<br />

you wait for the cold weather, causing the fall<br />

then You get them at cellar, just for a month<br />

The early drop of fruit, diseased or infested<br />

is a natural event, then came the sound fruits<br />

I am thinning Peach tree, fruits grown together<br />

I lightens the plant, so weight is not likely<br />


艾米利亚 instructs me, on grafting and pruning<br />

when nee<strong>de</strong>d, on plants outsi<strong>de</strong> the nature<br />

so below each cut, she leaves a pull-sap<br />

it reabsorbs circulation, and heals bark1 I cooked the apples, in the oven or pan<br />

little water over medium heat, without lid<br />

the water evaporates, leaving a caramel<br />

apple wins constipation, as a daily medical<br />

Make your transplants, from lean to rich lands<br />

from the mountain to valley, do not back<br />

the root-stocks of south, growing rapidly<br />

but are not resistant, to the cold certainly<br />

the Pears not pruned, may grow harmonious<br />

to pyramid raised, pears tree fruiting joyful<br />

Pears grafted on quince, suffer the pillory<br />

cutting only the jets, which break the form<br />

in early maturing, I collect the best pears<br />

<strong>de</strong>tach from the branches, the minimum twist<br />

I put them to dry, in a sha<strong>de</strong>d place<br />

finally I put it in cellar, fruit is <strong>de</strong>licious<br />

Apple tree has taproot, it grows down <strong>de</strong>ep<br />

in the first 10 years, then it expands range<br />

It loves nasturtiums flowers, with pumpkins<br />

it is well protected, from the surrounding oaks<br />

if the vertical branches, produce only leaves<br />

I incline apple branches, with weights and cords<br />

thinning the fruit in May, cutting them in half<br />

I clothe trunk with cardboard, against parasites 2<br />

the ripe Quinces, smell the environment<br />

I take them when their hair, falls off easily<br />

I put them separated, or together unripe fruits<br />

their emission of ethylene, helps to mature 3<br />

I am going to dry apples, sliced on siphon<br />

then I make a garland, the rinse in lemon<br />

I put them in paper bags, as the oranges<br />

or I squeeze them, to consume Pomegranates<br />

the apple has principles, vital for the body<br />

massaging the gums, it cleans the dirty<br />

the perfumed quince cooked is consumed<br />

or ad<strong>de</strong>d to juices, it gives good smell<br />

1 Pull-sap: lateral bud or branch that keeps circulating the sap<br />

around of the cut so as to facilitate healing.<br />

2 You assume the stem of the apple-pear with strips of cardboard<br />

with string attached, when the codling moth larvae (<strong>de</strong>veloped in<br />

the fruit), lurking into cardboard to metamorphosis, remove and<br />

burn the cardboard in the following March-April, this will reduce<br />

the next generation.<br />

3 “To preserve the fruit, I put together of bay leaves and peeled<br />

garlic, and, to accelerate the ripening of green fruit, I close it<br />

along with pineapple, banana or apple quince in bags.” 艾米<br />

利亚<br />

the apple wins diarrhea, relieves kidney<br />

is a natural Insulin, along with blueberries<br />

fermented apple ci<strong>de</strong>r, it <strong>de</strong>velops malic acid<br />

solvent of kidney stones, then throw in the urine 4<br />

with apple ci<strong>de</strong>r and vinegar, unpasteurized<br />

I have normalized, the intestinal pH 5<br />

just helps a spoon, the intestinal flora<br />

help muscle potassium, & calcium for the bones<br />

Vinegar slows har<strong>de</strong>ning, of vascular tissues<br />

prevents diarrhea enteritis, powerful bactericidal<br />

it kills the yeast, is indicated for the kidneys<br />

in pus & inflammation, which are serious cases<br />

Vinegar in the fumigation, steam and washing<br />

it release the breath, grease skin holes<br />

in cases of allergies, it causes benefit<br />

I use it in foods, salads and raw food<br />

I transplant trees, if they have a year<br />

redirect their structure, processes without worry<br />

large tree transplanting, changes its orientation<br />

exposes it to complications, of settlement period<br />

the starving tree, produces suckers in the crown<br />

to increase the leaves, for drinking the dawn<br />

you remove the suckers, to the prune plants<br />

to Khaki only I cut, dried or malformed branches<br />

prune or not to prune, prune only <strong>de</strong>ad wood<br />

I do not prune up to 4 years, all the saplings<br />

reached their form, maybe I prune above<br />

following harmony, if it grows up to overflow 6<br />

Mulberry tree is secular, broad-haired<br />

with <strong>de</strong>ep roots, strong orange yellow<br />

my adult trunk, was seventy centimeters<br />

while the height instead, was fifty feet<br />

艾米利亚 speaks to me, of bought mulberry<br />

I restore their shape, though much pruned<br />

4 the leaves of blueberry dissolve the sugar in the blood, in Crete,<br />

people drink a tablespoon of dried leaves infused every 6 hours<br />

5 All the major <strong>de</strong>generative diseases are formed and grow in<br />

alkaline oxidized intestinal soil. A teaspoon of vinegar in half<br />

glass of water before and after meals (3-week cycles) and before<br />

sleep, normalizes intestinal flora. 塔拉斯<br />

6 In permaculture, and in several countries of Africa and South<br />

America, on apple, pear, peach and apricot trees, pruning is not<br />

known, the fruit trees are also very productive.<br />


central branch I cut, to gives rise more shoots<br />

then I choose three or four, the others I take off<br />

in the following Spring, the buds swell<br />

which will <strong>de</strong>velop, new branches & leaves<br />

if you do the pruning, even harmonic<br />

the shape of foliage, grows over the years<br />

Mulberry loves hills, I expose to west & south<br />

the wind mo<strong>de</strong>rated, it stimulates fertilization<br />

Mulberry fears too much frost, especially eastern<br />

It grows slowly, if largest tree you listen<br />

Mulberry roots, harness with the soil<br />

it limit the erosion, it slows rainwater<br />

it came from China, and spread with such<br />

above it leaves, the silk worm grows<br />

I not collect leaves, during first year<br />

to encourage plant, and prevent any damage<br />

in southern Italy, it grows as a shrub<br />

mulberry black or white, both fruits good<br />

it has flowers, monoecious hermaphrodite<br />

black mulberry unripe fruit, is little psychoactive<br />

I make appreciated syrup, with the acid fruit<br />

is an old mouthwash, gargle used in<br />

Mulberry into water, is great thirst quencher<br />

also it calm throat, and cough expectorant<br />

塔拉斯 told me, leaves have same properties<br />

he prepares it <strong>de</strong>coction, astringent strength 1<br />

<strong>de</strong>coction in hot water, of mulberry tree roots<br />

it treat the diarrhea, along with dysentery<br />

do the opposite leaves, reducing constipation<br />

its fruits help skin, and stimulate the liver<br />

the mulberries fruits, contain tannins<br />

infusion of leaves & roots, relieves gastritis<br />

with the root bark, it's blood sugar lowering<br />

hypo-glycemic & analgesic, diuretic & purgative<br />

I see in Therabuti gar<strong>de</strong>n, a wild Cherry tree<br />

I cut only the top, to reduce the high drums<br />

it does not produce suckers, crosses no branches<br />

but brutal pruning, gives very unshaped trunks 2<br />

the Cherry tree, is native to the forest<br />

his mature fruit, it regenerates the head<br />

rich in C vitamin, cherry is after citrus<br />

it holds various sizes, I gather in May-June<br />

Cherry is medicine, blood, nerve and skin<br />

by nourishing anti-anemic, bitter sweet<br />

cherry relieves arthritis, I eat in season<br />

then it works well, to the best condition<br />

Plum tree emits the rubber, it hates pruning<br />

it announces end of winter, wondrous blooms<br />

Myrobalan is called, in a myriad flowers<br />

that change in summer, in tasty prunes<br />

the myrobalan's franc, cultivated in Plum<br />

it's vigorous thorny, on ungrateful dry soils<br />

you may help him, with phosphorus & potassium<br />

in ash and compost, are elements and calcium<br />

the Apricot fruit, called Armenia's plum<br />

if it dry is laxative, raw is anti diarrhea<br />

it's rich in minerals, iron, calcium & sodium<br />

salts of magnesium, and a little potassium<br />

contains dried apricots, sulfur dioxi<strong>de</strong><br />

if I want to keep, I have to stop enzymes<br />

I quick steps them, into the boiling water<br />

the apricots blanch, and are now protected<br />

without pruning, I reduce waste of branches<br />

the artificial form, much work it requires<br />

for the fruit trees, always I try to discover<br />

the natural form, then I'm going to offer<br />

More fruit trees, if are regularly pruned<br />

take vigorous fight, with shoots and suckers<br />

Trees are already used, in previous pruning<br />

I continue to prune, to avoid clutter 3<br />

trees with natural forms, have central lea<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

scaffold branches, emerge with regular corners<br />

I observe and remove, each unnatural branch<br />

1 “The root of the mulberry tree is bacterici<strong>de</strong> (also to <strong>de</strong>ntal<br />

<strong>de</strong>grees in the horizontal plane, in a regular spiral structure that<br />

makes it easy to climb (spiral staircase).<br />

3The failures of first Fukuoka's experiment in permaculture, was<br />

leaving the self-management of peaches trees used for pruning.<br />

The peaches trees had become almost completely unproductive<br />

caries). Root alcohol extract, counteracts cough, asthma and even filling only leaves. In subsequent experiments with plants grown<br />

HIV. The <strong>de</strong>coction of fresh leaves is antibacterial and<br />

without pruning, the trees have managed by themselves both the<br />

hypoglycemic, while the aqueous extract of the roots, have number of branches that their load, giving good results. The<br />

hypotensive and sedative effects due to morusine, analgesic natural form of young persimmon, pear and apple trees, <strong>de</strong>nsity of<br />

substance also found in the bark of the root of the jasmine. branches has little leaves and fruits, which produce little. You can<br />

2fruit trees with a central lea<strong>de</strong>r branch (persimmon, pear, apple solve that with careful pruning to increases <strong>de</strong>nsity of branches<br />

and loquat) grow tall and may cause problems for the collection. and fruit. Each plant has a natural form that must be respected in<br />

This is true when the tree is still young, but as it matures, the or<strong>de</strong>r to resist the wind. Conifers react to pruning without forming<br />

scaffolding of branches grows from lea<strong>de</strong>r, at an angle of about 20 new shoots.<br />


then after 6 years, spiral staircase goes up 1<br />

I keep image in mind, of natural form<br />

Then the pruned tree, I bring to it<br />

thus the shape of the tree, takes self<br />

<strong>de</strong>creases pruning, as he matures and makes<br />

If wind break branches, he draws well as healthy<br />

I prune the old wood, restoring the natural form<br />

any breach of the wood, I treat with a mixture<br />

and holes in the trunks, I fill without break 2<br />

to do cruiser between, plants of same species<br />

I do graft or inserting, of a portion of gem<br />

the mating areas are, scion and rootstock<br />

I tie tight and well, clay covering the rest<br />

I cut at seven gems, the seasonal branch<br />

baseline gem, off the si<strong>de</strong>s and out the top<br />

to avoid intersection, branch against branch<br />

The pyramidal shaped, it will open gradually<br />

in the grafted trees, sap flows disturbed<br />

because the vessels are narrow or wi<strong>de</strong><br />

then the sap rises, also it goes slowly<br />

or quickly sap rises, due to the graft 3<br />

to preserve from winter, I put seedlings<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r glass bells, where heat passing there<br />

also I put the mulch, with pressed tiles<br />

or wintering plants, in pots un<strong>de</strong>r shelter<br />

below ten <strong>de</strong>grees, I shelter the citrus pots<br />

before I portray them, I prune their jets green<br />

I let the jets in wood, they ma<strong>de</strong> by lignin<br />

formed in autumn, to overcome cold season<br />

Oranges with lemons, are chilly plants<br />

that below the zero, suffer <strong>de</strong>struction<br />

I make mulch, around collar of their shrubs<br />

while in spring, I prune their frozen stems<br />

艾米利亚 taught me, how to prepare spice lemon 4<br />

lemon closed into oil pot, I keep for 2 months<br />

is suitable for fish, as Orange leaves & flowers<br />

a digestive & exciting, and refreshing fragrance<br />

Spontaneous vegetation, reveals nature of soil<br />

Junipers &cornflowers, chimney and even clover<br />

El<strong>de</strong>rberry & Rowan, revealing ground limestone<br />

I test a vinegar drop, it's bustles on limestone<br />

calcareous plants, I choose to calcareous soil<br />

Here I avoid the oaks, chestnuts and acid flora<br />

I remove large stones, then I plant plum tree<br />

along with cabbages, and carrot bifurcates 5<br />

blueberry and Scots pine, growing on acid soils<br />

also cane and moss, fern & lupine and chestnut<br />

heather and broom, primrose and foxglove<br />

I prepare raised bed, for acidophilic plants<br />

if chrysanthemum suffers, is drought warning<br />

it is time to irrigate, to restore moisture<br />

during the summer, I water evening or night<br />

in other seasons, I water in the morning 6<br />

The rain water has, zinc oxi<strong>de</strong> mineral<br />

if it's collected from gutter, ma<strong>de</strong> of zinc<br />

it is suitable for peach tree, against evil bubble<br />

I bury fragments of zinc, near its root based<br />

a pair of Chicka<strong>de</strong>s, per hectare orchard<br />

eating in a day, eight hundred caterpillars<br />

especially with children, becoming voracious<br />

also Cuckoo eats insects, as many as its weight 7<br />

Chicka<strong>de</strong>e nests, more than two meters high<br />

I offer him in winter, a nest without haste<br />

houses with the hole, from twenty-five mm<br />

4I make 7-8 holes into a lemon with the needle, then I put insi<strong>de</strong><br />

1After 5 / 6 years should be 5 / 6 secondary scaffold branches that cloves and I store it in tightly closed jar. 艾米利亚<br />

extend outward in a spiral pattern at intervals from 6 to 12 inches 5The water helps the roots to have intimate contact with the soil<br />

such that the sixth sub-branch coinci<strong>de</strong>s vertically with the first. particles. Than tap water contains as much calcium as that of the<br />

The primary scaffold branches should emerge from the central ground, so it must be replaced with rainwater (especially for<br />

trunk at an angle of 40 <strong>de</strong>grees with the horizontal, and extend out calcifuges plants) or acidified, leaving to settle in the bucket with<br />

at an angle of about 20 <strong>de</strong>grees. If the central lea<strong>de</strong>r is weak or a layer of peat or pine sawdust on the bottom.<br />

injured, the plant starts from natural form and may take an open 6if the winter is mild and dry, many species need water, especially<br />

form in the middle. To avoid many years hard work, you should if the wind blows. Avoid during periods of frost. If the tap water is<br />

choose to do some corrective pruning / training immediately. hard, pour a few drops of vinegar or acidic peat to lower pH.<br />

2Pasta for trees: 1/3 of viscous clay, cow manure and fine sand. Recycle cooking water of boiled eggs, vegetables, tea and<br />

You brush it on smooth bark of trunk and large branches. It is very waterfish. Water is the enemy of conservation of many winter<br />

effective to heal injuries and protect the tree against pests vegetables: potatoes, carrots, pumpkin and beetroot. Stop watering<br />

overwintering un<strong>de</strong>r bark or laying eggs in the buds of outer for a month before harvest. The melon requires the heat to ripen,<br />

branches (Hibernia <strong>de</strong>foliaria bares many trees fruit). Do not treat but if you fertilize it in dry environment (salt), plant roots may<br />

in bloom.<br />

burn. Watering abundant at night.<br />

3telltale signs: the area above the graft is <strong>de</strong>generating or swells, 7A pair of tits with litter, is a guarantee against aphids and codling<br />

the leaves, flowers and fruits easily fall down.<br />

moth. Add small woo<strong>de</strong>n house on tree branches.<br />


so as to discourage, the theft of her eggs<br />

a stay for the birds, on trees and shrubs<br />

have prehensile toes, do not fall from branches<br />

when strong winds blow, are wads of cotton wool<br />

I feed birds in winter, with seeds & rolled oats<br />

besi<strong>de</strong>s the cherry tree birds, I see a presence<br />

more bamboo plants, I water with patience<br />

Bamboo grows no<strong>de</strong>s, from its buried roots<br />

if it freezes on winter, it grow in surplus<br />

around the bamboo, I remember of 镭森<br />

first time I met him, in a seminar in Grosseto<br />

He was telling the story, of Maremma marshes<br />

a land of his ancestors, of mysterious water<br />

from ashes of Etruria, emerged the Maremma<br />

Rome down in fifth century, a poet is a witness<br />

Namatianus Rutilius, hid<strong>de</strong>n among the dunes<br />

He saw in the transition, change of fortunes<br />

When we are reduced, to go to the Maremma<br />

every man for himself, gods will help everyone<br />

everyone can talk, about Maremma of Tuscany<br />

young man who goes there, he risks bitter life<br />

Water of Maremma, is a good ambiguous 1<br />

it's friend if converted, into drinking water<br />

to cut channels into the tufa, to drain ooze<br />

get water into pot, or in pools and fountains<br />

countrysi<strong>de</strong> & cities, water was hard to be found<br />

from rivers and ponds, we need to boil water<br />

this gives rise to the plate, soup acquacotta 2<br />

I ate every time, when I was in Maremma<br />

going in the country, we drink from springs<br />

into streams and swamps, blowing rhymes<br />

some of that waters, have healing powers<br />

that ascetics people, make the hermitages<br />

镭森 was telling, about his father situations<br />

crisis with re<strong>de</strong>mption, answers and solutions<br />

the planting of corn, down there in the fens<br />

pain and suffering, and rebel scattered lands<br />

Malaria & Maremma, in the waters of the swamp<br />

Hunger takes the slack, well heads and hips<br />

more harvesters in the sun, barking mad<br />

1In the midst of a circle of mountains, hills <strong>de</strong>creasing, there is the<br />

region of Maremma, ma<strong>de</strong> by large <strong>de</strong>pressions in the mire and<br />

submerged by the Tyrrhenian Sea. The waters of rivers and<br />

streams which are vented into the sea, flooding the low country<br />

and give rise to vast malarial swamps<br />

2Acquacotta: herbs soup and an egg spilled on stale bread.<br />

Traditional meal of harvesters and breakstoners large estates.<br />

insulting passers-by, due the fever there 3<br />

there many silent groups, mowing the crops<br />

of unknown lords, owners of large estates<br />

if someone is dying, by fevers of malaria<br />

<strong>de</strong>livers to comra<strong>de</strong>s, earnings for his relatives<br />

so the next year, <strong>de</strong>scending maremma swamp<br />

an orphan now an adult, is shaking a scythes<br />

he thinks in tears, that maybe this ear<br />

grew up on bones, of his father never buried<br />

a young shepherd, he meets the god<strong>de</strong>ss Juno<br />

breastfeeding her baby, close to lily flower<br />

she talks and shows him, source of fresh water<br />

a gift to his people, he talks in his village<br />

the temple is the source, with virgin breasts<br />

from which water flows, the current divine milk<br />

saint Maria in August, re-establishes his village<br />

with a tracking groove, is celebrated passage<br />

Diana is the night, at full moon August 4<br />

ni<strong>net</strong>een of August, Tagus out of the rut<br />

It helps to starts well, ripening grape<br />

the sweat dance, it purges and nourish<br />

mushrooms in a circle, dancing to attract<br />

Diana smurfs queen, worshiped with mushrooms<br />

smurf take care of drops, as elves & fairies<br />

pools and springs, then fed the gar<strong>de</strong>n 5<br />

Eurynome water, was the Atropa Minerva<br />

flower lotus and wheel, of water reserve<br />

Lake Bolsena is, the eye of the god<strong>de</strong>ss<br />

posterior and anterior, the door of Ha<strong>de</strong>s<br />

3 The corn matures earlier in the sunny valley, then on the hillsi<strong>de</strong>.<br />

The harvest had to be fast (6-9 days) because storm of wind and<br />

water can lie on the ground plants, triggering humidity, animal<br />

predation and harvest fatigue. One trick was to get a young man<br />

playing the accordion among the reapers, with fast songs to<br />

accelerate harvest, then with romantic ballads and obscene, having<br />

high level of irony of the harvesters, without giving pause or<br />

slowdown. 艾米利亚<br />

4 Nature and culture are renewed by water, fire and the ritual of the<br />

groove, "what you harvest is for people, but it comes from <strong>de</strong>ity to<br />

whom the ritual pays homage dance and sweat, purge and<br />

catharsis."<br />

5 For the ancient Irish the world of the <strong>de</strong>ad and the kingdom of the<br />

fairies (Faery) were adjacent to the living world. In special days,<br />

like the last night of October (Halloween), they inva<strong>de</strong>d the world<br />

of the living passing through special gates as banks fog or<br />

megalithic circles. This night exchange between humans and fairy<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r the light of the Moon Queen, was neither good nor bad, it<br />

<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>d on the mood of those who atten<strong>de</strong>d the meeting, where<br />

the moon was a bridge between humans and the elves of<br />

enchanted circle.<br />


on Mount Soratte, Sylvester with Romana<br />

preserving sources, galaxies of healthy water<br />

women without milk, are drinking this water<br />

they bathe breasts, to this milkmaid sources<br />

there are stalactites in the shape of breasts<br />

Water with calcium, it's with the air milky<br />

reminiscent of Aplu, of peoples of Aethalia<br />

the turn of the sources, was cults Fontinalia<br />

I know the myth friends, on Mount Soratte<br />

footsteps of ancestors, attracting pilgrims<br />

Apeliote gives gems, that make a garland<br />

Tag is the new year, and opens up the start<br />

I sing and walk around, to rediscover territory Tin is the sun God, Tanit is the moon god<strong>de</strong>ss<br />

Caves ravines and woods, hermits dormitory we read the circular, Sumerian writing text<br />

refresh the wayfarer, many streams of Apus<br />

brazing fixtures in tuff, getting drop water<br />

Water is the supreme good, sold in the street<br />

more hospitable rules, <strong>de</strong>mand is given free<br />

the primordial waters, are waters Medicine<br />

called Fravashi feeding, primary germ life<br />

the use of such water, presumed sympathy<br />

of color and flow, and bumps on the rock<br />

Ap is a living water, it <strong>de</strong>stroys and cares<br />

is water of the Apennines, its pure source<br />

Apas of the mountains, revealing the fate<br />

as Eschatòs water, are talk about <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

Rhea Silvia water, It foun<strong>de</strong>d Rieti village more hermit of Blera, Spoleto and Lucca<br />

down from the Apennines, then becomes Feronia<br />

reclaiming swamp, to bring back new life<br />

god<strong>de</strong>ss that flows, from thick of the forest<br />

saint' Orsio of Vejano, is died of thirst<br />

then Michael Caves, are Aplu reserves sites<br />

then we drank life, in rituals together<br />

Sybils of Apennines, were oracular waters<br />

Baptist and St. Michael, <strong>de</strong>adly and healthy<br />

children abandoned, by his mother without milk<br />

are suckled by the wolf, in forest for first<br />

a ritual baptism, are practicing more schools<br />

the Essenes healers, in common monasteries<br />

in waters of the Jordan, they exercise justice<br />

where John the Baptist, immerses new baptized<br />

He cleans up the mistakes, changing attitu<strong>de</strong>s<br />

then Jesus preaching, anointing waters will<br />

He now knows <strong>de</strong>scent, of the Orisha spirits<br />

newly baptized, the heavens open to him<br />

Apeliote the Spirit, <strong>de</strong>scends like a dove<br />

“a voice goes with him, I'm riding you”<br />

the extraordinary gesture, is for arousing<br />

Faith in patients, who want to free & healing<br />

Jesus changes <strong>de</strong>ad water, into water of joy<br />

the water of the party, in the amazed heart<br />

laven<strong>de</strong>r water, it cleans feet renewing<br />

Love and friendship, by tears of weeping<br />

River Revelation, nourishes the tree of life<br />

that produces much fruit, and root Medicine<br />

Twelve of the leaves, tracing the paths<br />

in twelve songs, which cross world of us<br />

Tin is the new day, twelve pairs of hour<br />

is the tree of months, to live and celebrate<br />

the night of Walpurgis, born Fairy Melusine<br />

Parvati in the tub, pulls the plug and turns<br />

Michael is the protector, of spring pools<br />

of the birth-pregnancy, ladies of caves<br />

He help saint Rose, as the black Ladies<br />

to mix the milk, from their precious breasts<br />

Orphans children, Vivenzio and Mammante<br />

was bathed with milk, on abandoned land<br />

winning the swamp, that is oblivion time<br />

they reclaims a site, reactivating a feast<br />

Water provi<strong>de</strong>s the link, Social Community<br />

It's foundation myth, the yin human female<br />

it inspires and strengthens, bond of i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

it gives to the effort, of daily work-entity<br />

female possession, is woman that is imposed<br />

with pots on head, fatigue and lord weight<br />

she alienates his conscience, runnings away<br />

her heroic vitality, the life she still allows<br />

艾米利亚 also tells, of sleepwalking females<br />

at night to the fountain, naked with pitcher<br />

no one can touch them, because lest suffer<br />

returning their homes, to dwell in the bed<br />

these Ceres women, are called Caryatids<br />

bringing pot water, heavy on the head<br />

water from fountain, watched by sadhus<br />

to feed the village, from hermitage salus<br />


springs and sources, are always protected<br />

disease and disor<strong>de</strong>rs, and possibly lucre<br />

the water was linked, to the human milk<br />

Lady Mother Nature, who exu<strong>de</strong>s the feel<br />

Her breast swells, for the water to flow<br />

pe<strong>net</strong>rate the soil, to fertilize the furrows<br />

saint Agatha breasts, gives us in various rites<br />

to win drought, and to preserve good sites<br />

Women seem to water, water seems to woman<br />

life and i<strong>de</strong>ntity, regenerates every time<br />

when I feel cold, I will light your fire<br />

then you switch off, fire with my water<br />

The running water, drink the snake<br />

then drink the uncle, so I drink it too<br />

money send the water, insi<strong>de</strong> the pipes<br />

to create cities, with the aqueducts fine<br />

on more rivers <strong>de</strong>lta, the settlers arrive<br />

to drain marshy ponds, malaria-en<strong>de</strong>mic<br />

the plenty of water, can give suffering<br />

as well as its lack, reduces life essence<br />

Water ambivalent, is the world's bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

bridge and mediation, with other continent<br />

is a source of memory, and source of oblivion<br />

The water of life, and the water of <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

once called Tibrìn, Acheron is River Tiber<br />

Saints and hermits, it carrying half awake<br />

until the sea of <strong>de</strong>ad, the body makes as boat<br />

it ferries consciousness, above the dream waves<br />

The rites of the Lombards, reshape old myths<br />

Mars and vestal virgins, on the Sublicio bridge<br />

honoring the Argons, come here with canoes<br />

to propitiate crops, and gain the bri<strong>de</strong>s 1<br />

Water is the companion, the last glimpse<br />

it recalls the <strong>de</strong>ad, which it feeds for the journey<br />

is a bustle of human, migrants around the sea<br />

a bridge between worlds, home of drowned<br />

longing for life, homesickness for the return<br />

the seawater says, about pain of separation<br />

the trauma of emigrant, forces to <strong>de</strong>tach<br />

Leaving the roots, it's meaning <strong>de</strong>vour<br />

hardship affects, families and villages<br />

consume more <strong>de</strong>aths, in or<strong>de</strong>r to regroup<br />

the same as dying, journey into the unknown<br />

to found a bridge, soothes an earthquake 2<br />

镭森 another story, tells us that night<br />

in Ostium Tiber mouth, two loggers working<br />

one loses his balance, then falls from tree<br />

he bangs his head, his friend comes close to him<br />

a few minutes of life, he tearfully entrusts<br />

his wife and sons, to the love of comra<strong>de</strong><br />

the logger alive, his friend's eyes closed<br />

wetting his fingers, with tears in the face<br />

unintentionally he touched, eyelids of its own<br />

then he looks around, and the grass is purple<br />

the sea is purple, and the Tiber is blackened<br />

is in the midst a vessel, people on stream<br />

A crowd of ghosts, throngs that dock<br />

was in a long line up, on that kind ship<br />

Angels at the helm, the sails and ropes<br />

then the ship is at sea, to the ti<strong>de</strong>s more<br />

the woodcutter knew, when people reached him<br />

that the souls of the <strong>de</strong>ad, came to this port<br />

to embark into, the souls world's purgatory<br />

tears of the dying, Vision granted to him<br />

finished my stay, I start from Grosseto<br />

I go down on the coast, of Tyrrhenian Sea<br />

on Biedano river banks, I stop in retirement<br />

at Therabuti school, there is a temple gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

1The rite of the vestal virgins on the Tiber river, recalls the myth 2The experience of emigration / initiation is marked by fear of the<br />

of initiation of the Sabine <strong>de</strong>ity Quirinus-Romulus. Quirinus is unknown and urge a way to build a bridge of tears and comfort to<br />

dismembered and thrown into the river between life-and-<strong>de</strong>ath, tame <strong>de</strong>ath. The <strong>de</strong>ath / <strong>de</strong>parture of a relative, was overcome after<br />

waiting for passage to the royal insignia.<br />

the rituals creating a bridge linking the <strong>de</strong>ad to the living.<br />


along with 帕梅拉, I want to purge here<br />

I ask the custodian, permission to meditate<br />

we meet at Terabuti, 马勒 nganga priest<br />

three nights of sessions, returning to heal<br />

gar<strong>de</strong>n friends, you leave it to the plant<br />

You forget anxieties, worries and fears<br />

the appointment is down, 22 o'clock at hall<br />

cleaned and prepared, 第六 is my assistant<br />

The fear of aging, and the fear of dying<br />

帕梅拉 can heal, with Tago in the mirror<br />

treating old education, anxiety and worry<br />

the trauma of the <strong>de</strong>ath, of our first son<br />

Agitated red globes, I wake up with sweat<br />

vision comes back to me, several times the same<br />

帕梅拉 was speaking, during her visions<br />

I un<strong>de</strong>rstand the whole, paradoxically way<br />

“ Mom on the road, along the river is<br />

but the fence of the village, she hi<strong>de</strong>s<br />

I see an inscription, it's impossible to pass<br />

I think my grandmother, nothing appears after<br />

I'm going to give up, empty at a wall<br />

the wall is red-brown, ma<strong>de</strong> of rubber<br />

approaches the wall, looks like a sphincter<br />

also it begins to open, and nothing holds me<br />

It is circular hole, with red stripes in black<br />

diameter forty centimeter, that is now opened<br />

the tunnel is excavated, as irregular path<br />

seems to be ma<strong>de</strong>, by slow-working worm<br />

at the center of cave, I see the god Nzama<br />

dancing on the ground, and change its skin<br />

becomes more figures, Christian and Aboriginal<br />

Buddha, Shiva and others, flowing streams in<br />

Brownish-red images, are floating on ceiling<br />

Reflecting their heads, into reddish cave<br />

walls indicate, signs in many languages<br />

also unknown extinct, but all well distinct<br />

帕梅拉 feels guilty, <strong>de</strong>ath of grandmother<br />

but then she feel lighter, renewed strength<br />

she sees her grandmother, in mirror in front<br />

slowly a door opens, then waits for a smile<br />

she feel forgiven, his guilt disappears 1<br />

she has ma<strong>de</strong> peace, with innate psychic<br />

Each hid<strong>de</strong>n weight, goes up every time<br />

so she vomiting, to heal the past time<br />

Everything went back, out of each trip<br />

it was like a lift, when it carry loads<br />

during her pain, she sees time and place<br />

remembering events, without any shame<br />

帕梅拉 is released, she feels lighter<br />

then the following night, is reconstruction<br />

Root wrapped in honey, kaolin visions<br />

In front of a mirror, help solutions 2<br />

I see many faces, I see the whole family<br />

Faces and still faces, of different ages<br />

tell me beautiful mirror, this one or that one<br />

my children & parents, grandmother & brother<br />

马勒 is next to me, he helps everyone<br />

He asks the visions, glimpsed in mirrors<br />

I rest without sleep, I wake up good<br />

quiet walks in, I returned to the wood<br />

the plant after months, still cleaning me<br />

It also uses dreams, friends, and my bike<br />

then I see events, around all my life<br />

In a positive light, I'm the 塞巴 wife<br />

I take a bath, fasting for 24 hours<br />

I eat the root, a friend watching me<br />

a teaspoon of zest, it is grated root<br />

I chop then I swallow, this bitter food<br />

It is bitter as gall, strong <strong>de</strong>coction too<br />

but I can swallow, also a dozen spoons<br />

I stretch out on bivouac, floating feel<br />

I see my arms, and legs to rest in tea<br />

a glass of bitter tea, emits its photons<br />

马勒 prepare himself, I see my thoughts<br />

I get White-red paint, to nourish my links<br />

the music get us, to skip various blocks<br />

1 帕梅拉 blamed herself for not having visited her grandmother<br />

when she was ill, also she accumulated suffering by un<strong>de</strong>served<br />

punishment got by other people. "What root has not cured, then<br />

was thrown up. The self-knowledge is not given easily, because to<br />

become aware of my repetitive patterns is a con<strong>de</strong>nsed<br />

Grandma appears radiant, 帕梅拉 heart cries<br />

embraces the excitement, heated up expands<br />

that scene disappears, 帕梅拉 dry eyes<br />

psychoanalysis that makes me bandzi.<br />

opens another door, is <strong>de</strong>ceased son<br />

2 马勒 walks in front of each mirror, throws a white pow<strong>de</strong>r and he<br />

spreads our face with white kaolin.<br />


I feel the consciousness, in head corner<br />

it may leave body, in search of ancestors<br />

stomach rebels, nausea and apprehension<br />

here is another spoon, bitter intention<br />

fourth teaspoon, Iboga it begins work<br />

dissipate the doubts, body goes to vomit<br />

off any dirt, stress and nervousness<br />

any aggression, and mental bullying<br />

I vomit everything, even my mother's milk<br />

are violent spasms, my stomach distraught<br />

I am going to lie down, tendons and nerves<br />

as the inner thoughts, the muscles are tense<br />

I see flashes break, lights in a hurry<br />

it starts a new vision, old locomotive<br />

it pulling wagons, of goods ahead of me<br />

each wagon is a theme, of my life itself<br />

Friends and events, family and military<br />

wagons open their doors, with different content<br />

are summaries movies, talking many subjects<br />

I meet sensations, more rapid concerts<br />

I feel my disgust, and I cry with tears<br />

I see me as kid, I run into bottom of wells<br />

I close my eyes, and I start other journey<br />

night passes slowly, waiting for the moon<br />

I float on my body, and I hear many cars<br />

cars on asphalt, honking and murmurs<br />

I dream shiny, I know I'm dreaming<br />

catholic sister next to me, irritates me<br />

I'm going to get small her, I can now contain<br />

I grow then I cry her, leave me alone<br />

I taste a carpe diem, my present life<br />

when I awoke I have, persistent memory<br />

and I also feel joyful, full of great trust<br />

to kill the nun in dream, was healing me<br />

visions occur after, important dreams<br />

windows of wounds, of my childhood<br />

I see little 塞巴, I see myself sucking<br />

I heat and caress him, then he grows adult<br />

my father as a king, forba<strong>de</strong> up his sons<br />

now I feel to break, his anathema prisons<br />

is a ray of light, emanating from candles<br />

head on my chest, the heart warms and sees<br />

my Brain <strong>de</strong>programs, to all reorganize<br />

eight o'clock in the morning, I can lie down<br />

I assume the second night, root with honey<br />

a mirror in front of me, multiplies effect<br />

马勒 throws over it, white pow<strong>de</strong>r to reveal<br />

my hid<strong>de</strong>n i<strong>de</strong>ntities, to able to mask<br />

the splitting starts, I speak with two me<br />

I am a Ming emperor, dressed in fine silk<br />

between armies and massacres, guilt & loss<br />

I avenge the fate, it opens other doors<br />

above mirror screen, more para<strong>de</strong> pictures<br />

马勒 seems Pygmy, he sounds sweet music<br />

He is tracking my path, of a reptilian past<br />

visions come and go, as a dancing birds<br />

the sound of melody, I vibrated in the air<br />

one foot on the trapeze, I hovered in leaps<br />

I un<strong>de</strong>rstand to be wind, true nature of air<br />

I move into element, of the singing words<br />

through the breath, coming-out entities<br />

then when an ancestor, ending his speech<br />

I feel air in the throat, dries dampness<br />

I feel then I need, of a bit sipping water<br />

holograms Theater, School and therapy<br />

use human mask , great game of irony<br />

is entertainment, mystery of transition<br />

it's science lab, war or peace fiction<br />

After Armageddon, the cosmic dial<br />

a school returns, the amateur theater<br />

if I wanted to go, as a professional<br />

I have to undress, to become as a child<br />

马勒 invites me, to take a bath of plants<br />

I dress in a loincloth, Tagus looks great!<br />

with his Bwiti music, I sit next to him<br />

concentrating memory, ceremony I begin<br />

Root press my heart, glowing with heat<br />

Arrow through me, explo<strong>de</strong>s out of my head<br />

heart with breath, it seems to stop & dies<br />

the mind relaxes, 马勒 play with arc<br />

He then invited each, to dance Mabunza<br />

to do a lap, because the night continues<br />

Iboga insi<strong>de</strong> me says, looks and learning<br />

follow what you feel true, adjust your life<br />

difficult to judge, I un<strong>de</strong>rstand by jokes<br />

tell them a path, without any hypocrisy<br />

all your appetite, it feeds from friends<br />

I thank with word, bassè, bassè my friends!<br />


Music seven-string, I follow the tones<br />

I walk on it, while are dancing ngangas<br />

all around me, to celebrate the journey<br />

My thoughts spin, at speeds of rocket<br />

then I take bowl, vomiting my bile insi<strong>de</strong><br />

Iboga makes jokes, it tells me I am reborn<br />

abdomen is staring, purify and I lay me down<br />

I see Tagus insi<strong>de</strong>, walking me around<br />

I fall I have visions, at dawn half-asleep<br />

a large supermarket, a profusion of roles<br />

schemes and sabotage, can give failures<br />

I stopped a spiral, thanks to the root<br />

a Root does the job, inner reflection<br />

第六 tell to me, crossing your vision<br />

from birth to <strong>de</strong>ath, then at spirit world<br />

Mixed reality, are your first experiences<br />

relive forgotten events, kept in the drawer<br />

converse with people, or parts of yourself<br />

the plastic neurons, in fractal organizing<br />

activate the brain, connecting synapses<br />

shows you your psyche, as psychotherapy<br />

It make you un<strong>de</strong>rstand, all your diseases<br />

you cut <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncies, spontaneous resorption<br />

life seems a movie, you see error cut & paste<br />

Forty minutes later, my ear hears ringing<br />

it preach the visions, of different places<br />

Past experiences, emotions disengage<br />

Strengthens my brain, neurons link way<br />

the conditioning, you can see and release<br />

to win <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncies, acquired in the past<br />

This phase-intensity, slowly disappears<br />

After thirty hours, in the dizzy signal<br />

<strong>de</strong>pending on the person, within weeks<br />

Nausea and ataxia, insomnia go away<br />

visions and hearing, for several hours<br />

allow you a nap, then you eat better<br />

my 塞巴 be assertive, do not be angry<br />

you grow self-esteem, as plants for food<br />

In you there are teachers, totem animals<br />

we are all wayfarers, on Terabuti class<br />

I'm a wayfarer, who travels to the Earth<br />

I have all emotions, even un<strong>de</strong>rground<br />

my primitive heart, make myself dancing<br />

as Penan people, i love ritual sharing<br />

I listen the vision, of 塞巴 ngo teenager<br />

he was living with, Penan of Borneo<br />

fishing and bathing, insi<strong>de</strong> the river<br />

singing together, healing the fever<br />

there a voice over, telling this story<br />

Pull and lift talents, to the surface!<br />

education has meaning, help to giving birth<br />

Pull out of children, his talents & virtue<br />

He tell me of hospital, oceans of silence<br />

patients and nurses, who play all around<br />

across a dining room, infants with adults<br />

dressing in all blue, eating yellow fruits<br />

one of them gets up, and staged sad lament<br />

unhappy abandoned, his body grew tapeworm<br />

he shows his <strong>de</strong>ath, and offers a bunch keys<br />

it opens new childhood, to the eyes of guests<br />

then he enters that world, using a pirogue<br />

shortens the distance, astri<strong>de</strong> a tree trunk<br />

into the high water sea, I think it's the end<br />

I get into a bay, and I see the black man<br />

He blows on shore, I see him and he sees me<br />

we recognize each other, servant of the school<br />

I reborn with joy, then happy I run to him<br />

everything comes alive, start as new team<br />

now I enter school, erasing old tracks<br />

linked with the war, I sit on the steps<br />

I pon<strong>de</strong>r starting, then a new business<br />

the school of project, it like a fitness<br />

I see the last elite, out of this house<br />

sitting on the chair, pope is the astronaut<br />

dying Dalai Lama, is covered on litter<br />

We are all comra<strong>de</strong>s, on Therabuti river<br />

I find myself, on top of an elephant<br />

I follow his game, touring the Eboga<br />

along the sea crowd, I see a sky cap<br />

at first it was quiet, then sud<strong>de</strong>nly pull it<br />

It is dark threatening, I hear hollow sound<br />

I see dark clouds, then drops on each wall<br />

then I rise to see, all this violent rattling<br />

the sea now can receive, the darkened sky<br />

the high waves cover, the sun of the west<br />

waves cut down on costs, eroding recurring<br />

then beach hunks, begins to disappear<br />

coast and houses, the sea is going to eats<br />


the darkened show, dramatic is running<br />

growing the ridge, then a sound is heard<br />

scioom an immediate, water up-to-coast<br />

down with violence, and everything moves<br />

the Sea moves up, erupting as tsunami<br />

won<strong>de</strong>rful sight, terrifying his purpose<br />

None of those present, is able to help<br />

I have a bur<strong>de</strong>n, I can not refuse to tell<br />

I lift my cards, and a wind it me up<br />

Sending me fast, arriving in spring<br />

Together with two other,s flying with me<br />

I get at top of street, then down below<br />

I see the emerald sea, beyond the mound<br />

then I try to get there, not fall on half<br />

I have a bundle of papers, I can not swim<br />

instruments air books, in water I would not<br />

Let go or drown, it is the bitter <strong>de</strong>cision<br />

abandon achievements, the result of research<br />

meeting on shore, along with two companions<br />

they take me away, from troubles over-un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

I find myself in bed, uncomfortable looks<br />

I have nothing with me, a bag only known<br />

an unatten<strong>de</strong>d bag, carry on my bed<br />

then I take it as my, insi<strong>de</strong> is a drink<br />

I drink beverage, and it removes waste<br />

by intestinal channel, I clean mental channel<br />

the stools are like dreams, revealing the health<br />

<strong>de</strong>fenses and parasites, emotion gives my Earth<br />

the plants are rooted, on graves of ancestors<br />

draw on the substance, or un<strong>de</strong>rground power Iboga root, it is also prepared<br />

transmitting their num, sweat knowledge with cane juice, milk or palm wine<br />

purging all us, 第六 make conference this reduces, vomiting and bitterness<br />

chewing requires, more courage proof<br />

Tabernanthe iboga, it is a tropical shrub<br />

used by Babongo, and more Congo River tribes<br />

Yapukuliwa is called, its Amazonian cousin<br />

used by Wayapi, while Borneo starts come in 1<br />

1 Buiti Ngoze is similar to Gawai Antu, Iban Feast of the Departed.<br />

Iban of Kapuas River basin of Kalimantan, practice swid<strong>de</strong>n Rice<br />

planting as a ritualized way of life. Rice plants are souls of Antu,<br />

(ancestors), and when ingested they generate physical energy.<br />

Antu, spirit of jungle must be propitiated to provi<strong>de</strong> a good crops,<br />

textile and tattoo. Dreams are sent by ancestors and all Dayak are<br />

gui<strong>de</strong>d by them in their daily affairs. Four specialist are: manang<br />

(shaman), lemambang (bardic priest), tukang sabak (soul gui<strong>de</strong>)<br />

and augur. They use text of ritual poetry (leka main), core of Iban<br />

religion. Tattoos funerals and <strong>de</strong>ath were linked, into journey of<br />

马勒 knows in Gabon, Nimal called 第六<br />

during the Congress, on Rural cooperation<br />

they share together, alienated youth care<br />

more ways to heal, addiction everywhere<br />

Hero with many Faces, travels with courage<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> legends, in the heart of the message<br />

the nun of Dres<strong>de</strong>n, remember world prophecy<br />

the door will close, at the and of the age<br />

第六 was telling us, his life into Gabon<br />

the village temple, of the Bwiti Mitsogò<br />

two rows of huts, one large for the Bwiti<br />

a pole at the center, walls without door<br />

around the chapel, is cultivated eboga<br />

orange fruit seed, sown un<strong>de</strong>rground<br />

holes in the si<strong>de</strong>, crop should be dug<br />

to remove only, the secondary roots<br />

roots are cleared, using the machete<br />

then with a knife, finally it is skinned<br />

the chopped surface, dry in the sha<strong>de</strong><br />

roots are active, by four years of age<br />

they retain its bark, pow<strong>de</strong>red bitter<br />

ingested with water, of tiny amounts<br />

Iboga has tonic, stimulating effects<br />

gives sense of light, and time dilation<br />

increasing doses, has visions effects<br />

with more noise, sweat and tremors<br />

with dry mouth, and rapid heart<br />

Buiti ritual, everything checks<br />

Iboga into pastille, was called Lambaréné<br />

It is tonic anti fever, relieves toothache<br />

used in <strong>de</strong>pression, stress mind and body<br />

Infectious diseases, asthenia convalescent<br />

used in mountaineering, by scouts and sports<br />

cyclists and walkers, and military works<br />

three tablets per day, was the answer<br />

to give new force, exciting anywhere<br />

Ibogaine substancy, is MAO inhibitor<br />

wins the <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncies, calming relaxing<br />

it exten<strong>de</strong>d supervision, helps slow waves<br />

afterlife in search of the Village od the Dead (Gawasi, ancestors). traditionally used, it helps to purge life<br />


It contrasts well, the opiates and cocaine<br />

alcohol and tobacco, even amphetamines<br />

it normalizes well, the dopamine release<br />

stopping addiction, bringing new peace<br />

After absorption, of Iboga or ibogaine<br />

following long period, a shiny dreaming<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong>s dissipating, traumatic memories<br />

the ego <strong>de</strong>ep, comes loose from trouble<br />

Iboga it suggests, equivalent languages<br />

Red and White kaolin, like Siva and Sakti<br />

Iboga stop the Time, erasing wrong applet<br />

Tago elf appears, origin of his pamphlets<br />

a Bwiti initiation, is a rite of passage<br />

from adolescence, to the adulthood<br />

child now shares, standards community<br />

the group reprograms, new adult i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

第六 stops here, 马勒 starts talking<br />

they learned Bwiti, in the African villages<br />

马勒 tells the myths, origin of eboga<br />

He drinks hot wine, and he sits as a yoga<br />

马勒 was a child, went around villages<br />

along with his dad, to cure the ills people<br />

adult he flies off, gets married to a French<br />

his family grows, a new Ngenza Bwiti ranch<br />

Babongo well know, Congo basin forests<br />

the friends intermediaries, of world roots<br />

They teach the secret, by means of visions<br />

to their <strong>de</strong>scendants, of all human races<br />

Dibenga was hunter, the Missoko tribe<br />

he saw a porcupine, rasping a root<br />

he hurls his spear, extracts intestine<br />

from animal flesh, get food & medicine<br />

He cooks on fire, he eats bitter meat<br />

then he go to bed, feeling bit strange<br />

he hears special sound, like distant echo<br />

gets up and goes out, un<strong>de</strong>r the moonlight<br />

hunting scene revises, then he see shrub<br />

back the next day, to un<strong>de</strong>rstand situation<br />

he meets Babongo hunters, arranged all around<br />

gradually gui<strong>de</strong> him, to un<strong>de</strong>rstand his round<br />

He learns about Babongo, medicine of forest<br />

learning iboga roots, administered in doses<br />

when Dibenga becomes, master of root wisdom<br />

returns to his village, transmits the knowledge<br />

then Tsogo people start, with a Bwiti Eboga<br />

the root of healing, they take in worship<br />

Eboga is from boghaga, it means to ferry<br />

Bwiti is from ebweta, it means to reach<br />

Bwiti is a basic school, life philosophy<br />

Mwiri is high school, forest ecosystem<br />

Kono as university, is a natural <strong>de</strong>gree<br />

马勒 now tell us, forest get you free<br />

vibrates the forest, in Bwiti background<br />

the arc of Mogongo, transports us around<br />

interactive lessons, is botanic philosophy<br />

the history of the roots, of human harmony<br />

Bwiti school-temple, gradually it reveals<br />

sometimes asking price, the current re-opens<br />

You speak and ask questions, you get answers<br />

Everyone can talk, if have opened the doors<br />

the game arouses, all questions are connected<br />

and without comments, every thing is linked<br />

Bwiti is well aware, of our human ancestry<br />

is the quintessential, of universal worship<br />

it's time to ceremonies, to resolve conflicts<br />

songs calling the facts, of the afflicted lives<br />

everyone talks about, problems & disagreements<br />

then Nganga mediates, conciliation agreements<br />

Union and harmony, nee<strong>de</strong>d into the group<br />

for success ceremonies, with spirits called<br />

Banza is the Body Guard, is the home of Bwiti<br />

Therabuti here, welcoming rites and myths<br />

Nzambia Kana one day, reveals to search<br />

for a shrub into the forest, able to ferry<br />

He asked his faithful, to make ceremony<br />

in or<strong>de</strong>r to find it, and see human history<br />

Bwiti of the ancestors, invoking as a gui<strong>de</strong><br />

during the search, of êbôghê in the forest<br />

then it <strong>de</strong>velops, various ceremonial styles<br />

the origin is lost, among first wayfarers<br />

Tsogo is a Bantu group, with secret societies<br />

it combines inclinations, and personal attitu<strong>de</strong>s<br />

the village and forest, have different rules<br />

the first is reason, unconscious is forest<br />

It's apparent disor<strong>de</strong>r, <strong>de</strong>ceased ancestors<br />

with many waterways, Ya Mwei female genes<br />

everything is holy, it's pantheistic vision<br />

when the human is born, he get three souls<br />


the body called Oto, the spirit is Ghedidi<br />

spirit has shadow totem, called gedi-Nadine<br />

Ghedidi after <strong>de</strong>ath, go into family cult<br />

invoked to help, with mask and ritual 1<br />

Man is the world, is home of ancestors<br />

Teach us the Bokudu, the original myth<br />

stages of creation, in cosmology of Tsogo<br />

Ancestors are links, of heaven and earth<br />

into a rectangular hut, of wood or bark<br />

there is an open wall, door for ancestors<br />

a couple of parents, of entire human race<br />

Disumba Zambia-kana, is carved in entrance<br />

Birth and <strong>de</strong>ath, is head of the candidate<br />

the roof of temple, the sacristy is Bwenzè<br />

in the hierarchy Missoko, foreigner comes<br />

he has seen the whole, bandji then becomes<br />

makagha then becomes, expert in ceremonies<br />

then Nima kombo, when he gives the initiation<br />

Ngenza with iboga, gets us back to the forest<br />

it's school & pharmacy, with animals teachers<br />

Iboga root is the tool, not a goal in itself<br />

we learn it geography, to help root Bwiti<br />

Sun is called Kombe, his wife moon Ngon<strong>de</strong><br />

Minanga and Ngada, stars & lightning children<br />

with the banana leaves, we make torch Okumè<br />

to light the road, to see the transcen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Nzambia Kana then, is called in ceremonies<br />

with first man & woman, Mapenga and Dissumba<br />

Mapenga in myth Babongo, originates the Eboga<br />

by planting his fingers, buried in the ground<br />

the myths of peoples Fang, a pygmy disappears<br />

his wife seeks to him, using musical sound<br />

She found bones, at the foot of new shrub<br />

then a voice calls her, the husband talking<br />

she stops to cry, and happy go back village<br />

sharing the knowledge, she start new ritual<br />

swallows bitter root, to stop pain and fears<br />

she listen basic sound, bow and harp & bells<br />

Mother harp sound, echoing from the bottom<br />

so Mosuma daughter, from Mogube river comes<br />

while nganga 马勒, plays with mongongo<br />

第六 is telling us, his initiation in Gabon<br />

Tonight he takes us, in his Bwiti journey<br />

the African myths, we see on his story<br />

we relive as initiates, a cycle of creation<br />

all the discovery of the root, by Banzioku<br />

Banzioku first woman, become Ngombi harp<br />

echoes the teachings of otherworld spirits<br />

oh 第六 you sing us, a song of mongongo!<br />

you had on vision, with friends Babongo<br />

a Thera Earth genesis, stories of ancestors<br />

the birth of humanity, as the Buiti schools<br />

The arc tends to vibrate, nothing is there<br />

the man is not yet, a thought of Nzamè<br />

Nzama insi<strong>de</strong> the egg, it not yet born<br />

together with two other, waits for a sign<br />

then the Babongo arc, starts vibrating<br />

a long chant, mongongo cries in the wind<br />

the rope has 3 knots, the wind blows hard<br />

Lightning son of wind, broke the egg fate<br />

the shell opens, the three are out Pangea<br />

Nzama shouts and cries, first song in the wind<br />

Ningone his sister, and None his brother<br />

sow the wind, with crazy shouts around<br />

Mebeghè at first, ma<strong>de</strong> the egg-fetus<br />

in original chaos, and Nzama was released<br />

only he was crying, and Mebeghe or<strong>de</strong>red him<br />

to dismember his body, and world was formed<br />

Then leaves the egg, his sister Ningone<br />

with orifices in the body, all still closed<br />

finally the baby None, he came to birth<br />

remains the placenta, and umbilical cord<br />

still it is night, and waters still are black<br />

the sun and the moon, starting their time<br />

they mark the beginning, the end of everything<br />

Nzame <strong>de</strong>scends on water, rowing with canoe<br />

Termites of the earth, they begin to work<br />

Nzame created them, to work un<strong>de</strong>rground<br />

they perform slowly, the entire mission<br />

then man and woman, get their position<br />

Mosuma now seated, begins to speak to them<br />

"<strong>de</strong>scend into Mogube, as intestinal worm Water goes to woman, man goes to soil<br />

you <strong>de</strong>scend to the falls, over to the river Water remains open, to the man who grabs<br />

you will see the Bwiti, into common dreamer Evùs the placenta, is buried in the bush<br />

sometimes it wakes up, and the battle begins<br />

1 The ghedidi become the mighonzi, ancestors with ritual masks.<br />


Placenta changes shape, two twins in a shell<br />

Evùs is the first twin, Ekurana is antagonist<br />

then starting troubles, conflicts of interest<br />

Mebeghe assigns clear roles, to each of them<br />

Nzama is committed, to resi<strong>de</strong> in the North<br />

to produce nature & human, his likeness image<br />

other two cardinal points, are None and Ningòne<br />

Evus into the bush, no one else would intru<strong>de</strong><br />

then Nzama God begins, to produce humans<br />

Ningone becomes jealous, travels in the bush<br />

comes to the swamp, calls Evu to the village<br />

She opens his legs, Evu enters step insi<strong>de</strong><br />

Evùs the next day, he tells her to be hungry<br />

Then he eats the goats, in front Ningone hut<br />

finished the goats, but Evùs still is hungry<br />

asks for every living, he is never satisfied<br />

Nzama then returns, unaware of situation<br />

no longer recognizes, his native village<br />

he un<strong>de</strong>rstand the Evùs, is here from the bush<br />

hunting living been, to fill up his big belly<br />

Nzama withdrew, disappointed with his world<br />

Woman with Evus, they make laws all around<br />

then Ningone approaches, his brother None<br />

Would she like a child, first incest arrives<br />

from this union, then <strong>de</strong>scend the <strong>de</strong>adly<br />

since only Nzama, can do the immortals<br />

Evùs teaches to None, all forging metals<br />

gives first bellows, and shows how to cool<br />

None learns to make, any kind of tools<br />

into muffler water, pot of female origin<br />

Mebeghe sees everything, of new situation<br />

He think to solve, to clean the confusion<br />

He then Ekurana sends, to attack the Evùs<br />

he sends him on earth, along with human<br />

humans are involved, they start fighting<br />

unaware living a dream, they wait awakening<br />

Fang mythology, converge with Christians<br />

Bwiti school get syncresis, inheriting myths<br />

Mukengué & Mongongo, becomes Adam & Eve<br />

Teresa is common wife, of Cain & Abel 1<br />

Cain jealous kills Abel, and goes to forest<br />

Mogongo his mother, gives him eboga seed<br />

then he can talk, to his <strong>de</strong>ad brother<br />

and see loved parents, after <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

the Evùs law, is vision of knowledge<br />

through a sacrifice, of their own kin<br />

Eboga plant grows, on first Adam died<br />

Mukengué embodiment, & Jesu Nzama-Pongo<br />

Mary reincarnated Eve, Jesus son of Egnèpe<br />

He died two times, in Adam and then Ju<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Ekurana is Jesus brother, before incarnating<br />

the Bible and eboga, they chose who it belongs<br />

Jesus chose the first, took the Bible and wine<br />

<strong>de</strong>scen<strong>de</strong>d among whites, greeted with bowing<br />

he wanted to visit Blacks, Whites become jealous<br />

They killed him, then Ekurana punished them<br />

St.Michael/Ekurana, comes down to teach Buiti<br />

then he plants Iboga seed, on Mukengué's grave<br />

He wants to meet Jesus, Michael is the Ekurana<br />

brother beloved, the original root of Nzama<br />

in Central Africa, God Pan held two children<br />

el<strong>de</strong>r has black skin, the child has white skin<br />

one day Pan <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>s, to teach children the true<br />

the whole knowing full, transcripts on two books<br />

Pan gives each one, encouraging them to study<br />

The two children full of joy, go to back home<br />

then during the trip, Black needs to do the poo<br />

enters the forest, to lighten the gut more<br />

distracted he rests the book, on Iboga shrub<br />

Satisfies his need, just it seems to rain<br />

then rain drip off, ink from his book<br />

it ends in the soil, down iboga shrub<br />

the black son sees, think about calamity<br />

I have lost everything, but I have white brother<br />

sure he will lends, his book to me to study<br />

now in his house, he can tells to white brother<br />

But the little brother, he <strong>de</strong>nies his book<br />

If you lose this as well, what ever happen!<br />

The sad black child, go to visit father Pan<br />

He tells the story, and his brother's junk<br />

1Ningone and None (Missoko mith) become Mukuengue (Adam- as wife by two brothers, according to the wi<strong>de</strong>spread custom of<br />

Jusus) and Mongongo (harp, Eva-Maria) in Fang mith. Cain is Fang polyandry. Nzambia (Jesus) before coming into the Mary's<br />

Litogo Abona (man-between-life-&-<strong>de</strong>ath), the symbol of black womb (Egnépe), was close to God, with his brother Ekurana<br />

people accused of fratrici<strong>de</strong>, he receives the chance to reform and (Michael/Nzambia-Vanga). Only he (as first man) sinned and now<br />

clarify with Abel. Finally Massana (Teresa), is the woman shared shows the path of re<strong>de</strong>mption and awakening to his <strong>de</strong>scendants.<br />


God un<strong>de</strong>rstands all, he says that his brother<br />

will un<strong>de</strong>rstands by himself, the ego treatment<br />

I tell you black child, that truth can not die<br />

you look where the ink, it went disappearing<br />

since then white child, on Book he reads true<br />

while black child, eats the root of the path<br />

Iboga shrub root, on which fell the ink<br />

is also Nzama word, living in each place<br />

the root medicine, from Africa it expands<br />

boat returning from, the great Congo River<br />

Sarvognan <strong>de</strong> Brazza, closed exploration<br />

along with a pygmy, Mumba was his name<br />

Mbumba is also fetish, skulls of ancestors<br />

Cup of alliance, between humans and natural<br />

第六 says is the womb, the uterus of Bwiti<br />

Hole that is carved, in the totem of rites<br />

Meeting of ancestors, gives healing power<br />

is major milestone, in the journey of care<br />

Bwiti when it spreads, outsi<strong>de</strong> of forests<br />

it enters into city, to take care of souls<br />

Along commercial streets, chapels rise<br />

healing mind-body, awakens consciousness<br />

new free i<strong>de</strong>ntity, of an in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt state<br />

helping awareness, against colonization<br />

starting new cults, of healing possession<br />

root stimulates vision, eboga transmission<br />

Ombwiri the cult, collect an inheritance<br />

predominant female, caring for the sick 1<br />

Ombwiri helps everyone, in rural Africa<br />

it helps <strong>de</strong>scendants, into social transition<br />

Dinzona first woman, became tree Motombi<br />

her wood gives, mongongo & harp Ngombe<br />

第六 tell his initiation, un<strong>de</strong>r 马勒<br />

sleep <strong>de</strong>privation, and food <strong>de</strong>privation<br />

to access the dreams, lucid and conscious<br />

to communicate, with teacher ancestors<br />

the ritual action, unfolds into three paths<br />

a space into the bush, it is called Nzimbe<br />

streets of the village, school and temple Mbanza<br />

1 Women taking Iboga in small amounts, then, gui<strong>de</strong>d by genes,<br />

make diagnosis and treatment of sick. the Ombwiri since 1950<br />

spread among the Fang, and because of success, the Bwiti<br />

communities creates internal branches to suit the needs of the<br />

people, cure diseases, infertility, unemployment, alcoholism and<br />

<strong>de</strong>pression.<br />

Refuge and intimacy, for meeting of the village 2<br />

Mbanza receives friends, and foreign visitors<br />

forward has a sculpture, a beam with canoe<br />

totem is planted, in the middle entry-exit<br />

a fire in a hole, heats up in the center<br />

the totem belly trunk, it calls my heart<br />

on it there are two holes, red white color<br />

born above the world, come from background<br />

down it is back down, as a season circle<br />

Temple is shape of man, has a central beam<br />

that supports the roof, as the human spine<br />

Heart is the altar, the sacristy is the head<br />

Doors are ears, the party pole it's lingam<br />

Nganga now passes, straw of fire insi<strong>de</strong><br />

from insi<strong>de</strong> to outsi<strong>de</strong>, incarnation means<br />

the spirit can play, his life now in the time<br />

well ritualized, by procession leaves the temple<br />

the Temple is like a body, center of rituals<br />

plot un<strong>de</strong>r roof, adorned with corn leaves<br />

runs on top of trunk pole, a web of wires<br />

genes on which they run, gods over bor<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

a Journey to another world, all equipped<br />

right hand has clochette, produces crepitus<br />

the cast at Mbanza center, turns to the faithful<br />

sitting on the walls, it involves together hearts<br />

the harpers sitting, at the bottom of the temple<br />

Harp between her thighs, head towards external<br />

to the si<strong>de</strong>s are two, players of the bakè<br />

beats a rhythm, with sticks on the iron bar<br />

the rhythm is accompanied, by the arc music<br />

to recite the ritual, myth of Nzambia kana<br />

two vertical drums, on either si<strong>de</strong> of temple<br />

stimulate the dances, vanishing all doubts<br />

two pumpkins rattle, buckets full of beans<br />

horns to appeal ancestors, are called Biomba<br />

more bells and whistles, from bird bone<br />

complete orchestra, a window on the world<br />

Nzimbe is the assembly, procession begins<br />

are starting to arrive, dressed neophytes<br />

palm leaf as bandanas, with corn elf ears<br />

remind me of Tago, shaking the anklets<br />

2 Appeals meeting: Bandji na nima, na kombo, bokayé!<br />


procession enter temple, chorus talking<br />

then after some time, they begin to sing<br />

accompanied by harp, group does homily<br />

instructions of working, to keep the way<br />

Kombo the priests, will be more awake<br />

they offer small root, even to the children<br />

the neophyte is brought, center of the room<br />

sitting as Gala, the faithful on the walls<br />

following questions, addressed to the initiate<br />

and public answers, concern reasons<br />

that led him to do, this Buiti initiation<br />

enough responses, starts ritual action<br />

now he is accompanied, into the forest<br />

he confesses his life, to spirit of party<br />

good confession, prelu<strong>de</strong> a good vision<br />

hi<strong>de</strong> omission, will trigger tsunami insi<strong>de</strong> 1<br />

one spoon after another, get the amount<br />

I occasionally vomiting, reflux is separated<br />

on banana leaves, is carefully examined<br />

Godmother tastes it, to diagnose my health<br />

How does the Iboga, move into the belly<br />

Everyone takes his time, work insi<strong>de</strong> body<br />

help the dances, with music of the harp<br />

wrapping with love, like a warm scarf<br />

the eboga anesthetizes, well my palate<br />

it tastes bitter, as gall root medicine<br />

during this stage, the body it cools<br />

from the extremities, the heart slows<br />

absorbing iboga, I reached more visions<br />

more violent vomiting, stomach spits out<br />

to go beyond, it requires action to die<br />

body with el<strong>de</strong>rs, the spirit can leave<br />

continuous drowsiness, tremor and agitation<br />

tears with laughter, heat goes up and down<br />

partial anesthesia, el<strong>de</strong>rs hear heart beating<br />

they control my body, and the noise around<br />

After fifty minutes, effects on the psyche 2<br />

gradual strengthening, in <strong>de</strong>epest layers<br />

I see me on journey, the limits of my ego<br />

Kombo does diagnosys, to check my new state<br />

the el<strong>de</strong>rly women, churning up my body<br />

it tends to stiffen up, they stretching me<br />

joints of the neck, and fingers and wrists<br />

they expose my body, to the sun during day<br />

the sensations of cold, perva<strong>de</strong> experience<br />

I see the whole field, expands consciousness<br />

special events, and heard a great distance<br />

happen to me visions, of luminous instance<br />

The Bwiti prepare me, to live my <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

like a walking, it is like a normal fate<br />

Fang have calendar, parallel catholic 3<br />

3 nights of Passover, reinforced heart<br />

drafting requests, makes clear my i<strong>de</strong>as<br />

painted with kaolin, lying down I go to see<br />

the facts and the stories, in the candlelit<br />

My canoe travels, on real notes of harp<br />

The river of bor<strong>de</strong>r, they call it Nobosue<br />

reminds me the Styx, clear light of the moon<br />

winds through forests, and various civilizations<br />

Ngombe sound marks, tracks insi<strong>de</strong> the journey<br />

El<strong>de</strong>rs around the campfire, roast pumpkin seeds<br />

the seeds explo<strong>de</strong> with latches, spirit bo-ka-ka<br />

the Wind takes me, to the village without end<br />

and I hear voices, inviting me to clarify<br />

Whom do you seek you stranger? So I say<br />

Bwiti I'm looking for, voices become bodies<br />

I repeat question, they respond in the heart<br />

Bwiti you are looking for, are us your ancestors<br />

they encourage my research, you will find Bwiti<br />

continues the search, you do not be discouraged<br />

then the voice pronounces, my name as a bandzi<br />

ancestors in the dialogue, I'm immobilized<br />

Now comes the encounter, with astral entities<br />

they ask me same questions, unique beings<br />

they reveal that I am, in the <strong>de</strong>ad village<br />

listen to my answers, comes names & bodies<br />

1During the initiation, in cases of mur<strong>de</strong>r not confessed, is possible<br />

to get to permanent insanity or <strong>de</strong>ath.<br />

2 3 "one Iboga effect is the slow cooling of the body within 20 hours. They go at Easter, Pentecost, Ascension Day, Christmas, funerals<br />

Bwitist test sensitivity and temperature of various points of the and weekends, to strengthen the bonds of the group. Father Neu<br />

body with a needle and candle-flame. If the patient or neophyte wrote in 1882: "to the initiates any <strong>de</strong>sired relative may appear in<br />

does not respond, medicine intake ends, the body is lying on the the middle of a forest or in the crowd. Several curious European of<br />

ground on the mat and watched. Nima and Kombo stop at the right government, go to ceremonies to see <strong>de</strong>ad people who they have<br />

time, a little before the lethal dose for each specific individual." asked to see."<br />


The first shows himself, I'm Nzambia-Kana<br />

humanity's father, and first man on earth<br />

the second to the left says, I'm Dissumba<br />

Mother of humanity, and first native woman<br />

Village of the Dead, increasing of sparks<br />

the sun fire ball, comes down and takes shape<br />

Kombe present himself, and he asks me more<br />

about reasons of the trip, then he trusts<br />

I'm king of the world, and your basic point<br />

Ngondi my woman, you call her the moon<br />

my children are the stars, called Minanga<br />

Bwiti is what you saw, beyond the bor<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

after speaking, changing Sun and Moon<br />

they becoming a boy, and a beautiful girl<br />

they change again, thun<strong>de</strong>r fading away<br />

back to quiet everywhere, all wishes to me<br />

after this, I isolate myself from the world<br />

up to three weeks, as infants in the room<br />

Bwiti is world beyond, <strong>de</strong>ath and initiation<br />

it opens only, at the beginning and the end<br />

a Baptism of Iboga, it brings to life root<br />

is direct dialogue, Je suis strong mystery<br />

this helps me to stay, fixed into vision<br />

intention clear life, as adult initiation<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> initiation, I have a colored pantheon<br />

well the group believes, himself strengthened<br />

through to the spirits, having invoked the name<br />

at the top is the ancestor, creator of us mortals<br />

I live as a Bandzi, like into a divine comedy<br />

through purgatory, with vomiting & diarrhea<br />

going to the paradise, with various levels<br />

I call it chakras, mycelium <strong>net</strong>work hubs<br />

I arrival in a village, and I get education<br />

characters change, dialogue is the same<br />

then I am brought back, by wind on earth<br />

welcomed by el<strong>de</strong>rly, their joy hold me<br />

the dance of Muenguè, performing topic<br />

searching for a new, form of existence<br />

the soul of the <strong>de</strong>ad, dance on his journey<br />

stops in the afterlife, in the Buiti village<br />

then every time, someone dies on earth<br />

another is born in heaven, or beautiful star<br />

the man with frills, comes back & reincarnate<br />

I see an ancestor, it speaks to me as Migonzi<br />

It reveals to me who I am, who I was I will be<br />

with African philosophy, I find I already know<br />

I remember the village, the parents & friends<br />

Africa is my home, I start to dance with them<br />

I'm Tago child dreamer, in shadow-light game<br />

questions with answers, thoughts and insights<br />

then I see my story, more events in life<br />

I find their way, ancestors are my wife<br />

then my name of bandzi, I hear clearly<br />

then I repeat it, by singing it recurring<br />

knowledge is revealed, slowly slowly<br />

Bwiti is the heart, of collective mind<br />

Initiation experience, is workshop faith<br />

Iboga plant mind, presents his doctrine<br />

throw up doubts, going back to ancestors<br />

Brings man to the heart, of common world<br />

Bwiti is religion, great universal temple<br />

opens its doors, to anyone who wants to treat<br />

it is revealed in dreams, and during illness<br />

it care with messages, and my inner pain<br />

Yombo ladies are dancing, rattles and bells<br />

frenzy their bodies, the back with the belly<br />

takes place in the night, the theater of life<br />

the festival attracts, curious neighbors<br />

musical instruments, creating the dream-time<br />

Mogongo creates word, it comes by the mouth 1<br />

in guttural chants, the egg is nga.nga.nga<br />

language that leads us, to un<strong>de</strong>rstand Edikà<br />

Edika around the meal, a roast chicken ritual<br />

in banana leaves, boiled with vegetables<br />

egg and chicken-rice, we're going to enjoy<br />

Evùs power kingdom, stopped by the boy<br />

after the meal Edika, I was a new nganga<br />

Iboga helps to sleep, still I hear the Ngombi<br />

I see me into water courses, even processions<br />

I perform fire's dance, masks & possessions<br />

1 Obaka is the first and last breath, bo-ka-yé, is the initial and final<br />

word of a speech, is drilling of the body after several days of<br />

<strong>de</strong>composition. Summon the last gasp. The eight-string harp, male<br />

and female, is a word revived. Dissumba is material land and<br />

Bwiti is the original and dreaming kingdom. The outbreak of the<br />

multidimensional egg, recall the output of the child from the<br />

mother's womb and the outbreak of the corpse in the grave during<br />

Nkeng. Mobakaka is the obaka shot that shifts the consciousness<br />

to the level of existence of spirits and so it escapes the action of<br />

beyam (sorcerers that slip at the beginning, into Bwiti meetings to<br />

bring confusion).<br />


Bwiti is also party, at night it can begins<br />

when the first stars, illuminate the dark<br />

begins calmly, slowly reachs Mighonzi peak<br />

are spirits called, with songs and stunts<br />

Ebòga tree of life, your love insi<strong>de</strong> us<br />

shadow and bad mood, cast out from us<br />

with your warm light, drive our party<br />

path of eternal life, root of group healthy<br />

in or<strong>de</strong>r to communicate, and call protection<br />

torches goes running, Mighonzi are dancing<br />

grows the drums, and forerunner flames dance<br />

between the two worlds, the orifice is open<br />

Fixed pegs to the ground, mark the feast<br />

new space of race, just next to the forest<br />

each one of us, it is called to live theater<br />

group and individual, integrates each other<br />

now changing scenes, with masks satisfied<br />

then harp voice, requires to stop chatting<br />

at the end of initiation, take place a dialogue<br />

answer and questions, discovering the visions<br />

Ndama is soccer, at the end of ceremony<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> the Bandja, we playing with <strong>de</strong>light<br />

the Mighonzi have shapes, num energy balls<br />

before incarnating, into a placenta world<br />

Successful ceremony, <strong>de</strong>pends on perfect<br />

performing rites, and choreographic <strong>de</strong>tails<br />

the Kombo called Nima, the ceremony guarantor<br />

if someone is missing, he may work like nganga<br />

Food and long sleep, finally I was reborn<br />

to earthly life, and normal mind state<br />

the effects of initiation, then will last<br />

after-effects in the body, a week fast<br />

the Bwitist initiation, it is the will to go<br />

at the cost of stings, insect and malaria<br />

I was born in Efùn, waiting for third day<br />

died in Muengue, and reborn Meyaya day<br />

艾米利亚 gets up and sings, inspiration word<br />

received in the heart, during the initiation<br />

oh Thera teach me, to remember your bond<br />

Give me eyes to see, strength to un<strong>de</strong>rstand<br />

Teach me the calm, the memory of stones<br />

courage and humility, history of the tree<br />

get me facing resignation, of autumn leaves<br />

let me bear, my errors and your lessons<br />

sitting and relaxed, I notice my breath<br />

When I walk into woods, lost in each wire<br />

I observe my thoughts, signs of nature<br />

everything comes and goes, in wave score<br />

I follow my breath, then I see it shuts down<br />

somewhere it stops, around the navel point<br />

it stops for a moment, then resumed and up<br />

towards outsi<strong>de</strong>, the break is sacred lake<br />

reflects the truth, my mere existence<br />

present reality, as forest in my body<br />

I sung in the gar<strong>de</strong>n, the universal story<br />

gar<strong>de</strong>n teach me, the season motion time<br />

it whisper in me, history of civilization<br />

different forms, i<strong>de</strong>ntical the essence<br />

rhythmic awareness, it fringes the shore<br />

here in Therabuti, we hear this sound<br />

After each ti<strong>de</strong>, then its quiet returns<br />

eternal law always repeats the same<br />

after peace or war, man will advance<br />

into the circle, waiting new chances<br />

mind inva<strong>de</strong>s the body, leaving bor<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

I trains it to be quiet, with simple scams<br />

seven stations or churches, I see rotating<br />

vortex of chakras, of my sleeping queen!<br />

She is Shiva's wife, searching her husband<br />

she cross the six centers, to get purpose<br />

reached the top, She gives birth to a baby<br />

in a gol<strong>de</strong>n flower, is Tago Krishna already<br />

then I continuing, to inhale and exhale<br />

my forest is breathing, the pineal gland<br />

if I tend my muscles, hold back tension<br />

I feel buzzing bee, in the coccyx station<br />

before you wake up, dragon in the port<br />

Prepare yourself, in spirit and body<br />

I rotate my head, and I sing loudly<br />

om namo bhaga-bata, Basu-dabaya<br />

singing mantras, we forget commitments<br />

the breath of the mind, it seems to stop<br />

our body is taken, requiring more oxygen<br />

the breath is back, we know we progressing<br />

艾米利亚 cries and sings, his love of Sage<br />

the leaf that 马丁, gave her as a gift<br />

she learns in the night, the secrets of plants<br />

various inter-cropping, between all of them<br />


Sage whispers to me, sometimes even crying<br />

she tells me to sing, she take my voice<br />

she let me walk away, even without eyes<br />

with the kind of voice, equal to the frogs<br />

We Are whom we must, to become divine<br />

We Are whom we must, to save the Gods<br />

as Sage Ska pastora, the wise <strong>de</strong> los sabios<br />

we can all, to un<strong>de</strong>rstand and see the fate<br />

艾米利亚 loves divinorum, hydrophytes plant<br />

it illuminate the mouth, up to the dawn<br />

Sage need a soul, dropping close to her<br />

body is alembic, where she distills herself<br />

People and animals, are born without conscience Women of Power, you have seen it all<br />

then they buy it, by eating the plant essence Death is won, and you held the reigns<br />

You form an alliance, through seas & mountains you Diana and Menerva, sing me the way<br />

wherever you go, you create invisible bridges emanate me closer, love and light array<br />

You are Green shepherd, of flocks to drive you open now the gates, ancestors spirits<br />

plants and animals, well you chose to affiliate Guardians of knowledge, spiritual tribes<br />

already many epiphanies, timid or impetuous Women's intuition, of the black night<br />

Sage divinorum met me, in a powerful oracle red-white moon, you are Venus bright<br />

It dressed as a giant, immensely ancient<br />

wearing the belt, human skulls on his finger<br />

when you mentioned, you <strong>de</strong>mand justification<br />

you punish curiosity, and banal breaktrough<br />

you're fairy and gnome, Poet blue cobalt<br />

a genius who loves well, laugh all around<br />

jokes in the Community, friend of insects<br />

your are Tago blue Kobold, elf of Petrolo<br />

Sage you grow up, in the shadow of ravines<br />

Water wind mill, insi<strong>de</strong> outsi<strong>de</strong> my temple<br />

you out of the stage, for four hundred years<br />

even if forgotten, you were always there<br />

you Isis Turquoise, the labyrinth of mirrors<br />

aroma of the gar<strong>de</strong>n, or the roar of terror<br />

you are Vulcan lover, in a parallel world<br />

foresight Poet, I love you un<strong>de</strong>r full moon<br />

you take me to the forest, to embrace my soul<br />

you pe<strong>net</strong>rating me, with soft or <strong>de</strong>ep songs<br />

You talk in darkness, you make me your lesson<br />

You love to go further, in social interactions<br />

I am who I meet, someone coming or going<br />

you reflect what I am, into future and past<br />

drunk in you I feel naked, without confinement<br />

I'm Siva your coupler, oh my radiant Kali!<br />

you interactive Sage, make my dream lucid<br />

visible to the mind, the third eye of Shiva<br />

thoughts arise, I see them when forming<br />

then becoming people, speeches to be done<br />

Sage-green straw, thin breath of clean<br />

if you say you love me, I fell in love forever<br />

a hid<strong>de</strong>n place, to your leafs there is not<br />

Lizard you are, you are grandmother toad<br />

Li baal li tuka Inanna, Sumerian singing<br />

you are Queen of Heaven, all hemispheres<br />

God<strong>de</strong>ss of love and war, you are fertile<br />

you Semitic Ishtar, keep many names<br />

Thera you Nuganna, Gauri Sacred Cow<br />

eagle and snake, watch at your mantra<br />

daughter of sky An, Bab-i-Li is your door<br />

the <strong>de</strong>ad rest in you, into your belly grave<br />

You throb in my heart, Yapukuliwa myth<br />

of shaman root, you gush Navaho singing<br />

hanna yo we innaio, yo we ahanna innho<br />

Inanna we neye yo, yo we inneiye innho<br />

You emit words, from un<strong>de</strong>rworld reign<br />

the ego of humans, you contain in your leaf<br />

grabbing your hands, eject the Winds split<br />

We are your children, you are MA-TE-R TE JA<br />

my <strong>de</strong>ar Yapu-ku-Liwa, you farsighted iboga<br />

I came near the light, heat was burning<br />

take care of my wounds, using your beer<br />

Allow me to sing, and <strong>de</strong>ath disappears.<br />

The tale of Apuleius, it well <strong>de</strong>scribes you<br />

Pastora friend you are, of marginal groups<br />

if I insist on thinking, you leave my mind<br />

You do not see any myself, even a non-self<br />


Aprilo, 塞巴 skribis:<br />

a magachile bee, it <strong>de</strong>posits its eggs<br />

in one snail shell, then it walls home<br />

it carries pine needles, to make roofs cone<br />

to mask the shell, careful to the predators<br />

also the Cutter bee, has sharp jaws<br />

it cuts leaves rose, into more pieces<br />

it rolls up to the box, flying transports<br />

closes un<strong>de</strong>r earth, insi<strong>de</strong> eggs and food<br />

various water plants, attract flea larvae<br />

wasps and hor<strong>net</strong>s, are predators smart<br />

they do not lose sting, injecting poison<br />

unlike the bee, which stings and then dies<br />

they bring prey, to the nest to make jelly<br />

also are greedy, of sugar and honey<strong>de</strong>w<br />

the sharp mandibles, affecting fruit<br />

chopping fibers, making their nests<br />

the Wasps gnaw, leaves of reeds<br />

chewing fibers, rubbing out a sound<br />

to <strong>de</strong>rive the pulp, similar to paper<br />

to build the nest, hanging on a branch<br />

Wasps flying slowly, monotonous hum<br />

linger in the evening, heavy into sunset<br />

when a swirling wind, it starts rise out<br />

comes winter stars, also called Pleia<strong>de</strong>s<br />

the bees of beehive, do not do away<br />

If they see the dark clouds, darking up<br />

gravel in the chest, soar through the air<br />

body-weight boat, sailing on waves of air<br />

behavior of wasps, similar in bumblebees<br />

both of large clan, from bees are dissimilar<br />

Queen bumblebee creates, its nests un<strong>de</strong>rground<br />

then the little family, awakens in the spring<br />

Bumblebees similar bees, are vegetarians<br />

they gather only, sweet flowering exu<strong>de</strong>s<br />

accumulating in the nest, only to the brood<br />

then female fertile, will after hibernation<br />

Bumblebees Queen foun<strong>de</strong>r, lays its eggs<br />

bumblebee larvae breed, waiting for workers<br />

when they are formed, they go foraging<br />

Queen is cloistered, continues to lays eggs<br />

Bumblebee works long, lot more of the bees<br />

even with the rain, with cold and winds<br />

first cold approach, its little family dies<br />

queen who lives, finds ravine to hibernating<br />

I watch the Licosa, and I think about myths<br />

they hunt insects, hasty already running<br />

they wrap their egg, in a cocoon of wire<br />

female leads him, walking out of the nest<br />

When more scorpions, they go out of cracks<br />

is a sign that the rain, soon it can happen<br />

If spi<strong>de</strong>r does laundry, good weather ensured<br />

if it goes up the chimney, climate is changing<br />

in September young spi<strong>de</strong>rs, of various species<br />

are climbing on trees, on walls and fences<br />

for emitting filaments, bright and very thin<br />

to fly on distant plants, by using the wind<br />

a Cross-spi<strong>de</strong>r weaves, linen every two days<br />

begins the frame, radiating wire from the center<br />

connects them in a spiral, it leaves a signal wire<br />

that warns it when, an insect entangled <strong>net</strong>work<br />

vibrates the <strong>net</strong>work, by a stem or hor<strong>net</strong>s<br />

spi<strong>de</strong>r falls on insect, kills it with a bite<br />

it injects its poison, predigest the prey<br />

envelops into canvas, then it begins sucks<br />

women down from sky, linked with silk thread<br />

at end of civilization, they <strong>de</strong>vour whole world<br />

Kerèsan Spi<strong>de</strong>r Woman, it dreams re-creation<br />

the sun the fire & water, and human generation<br />

She gives and takes life, she created the moon<br />

connected with hunting, and simple farming<br />

Turquoise women unites, all the consciences<br />

to help the Hopi people, during emergencies<br />

Who sees a spi<strong>de</strong>r, can have hysteria crises<br />

the canvas is the labyrinth, a release of fear<br />

Kerèsan Spi<strong>de</strong>r Woman, it opens Sipapuni hole<br />

in India is called Maya, she saves his creatures<br />


Navajo are singing, Women's metamorphosis<br />

the Women of shells, food and knowledge<br />

Women's initiation, which gives her power<br />

she change sexes and age, to retain guest<br />

Atropa and Arachne, the fate they spun<br />

Penelope canvas, prepares for her husband<br />

making adventures plots, linked by empathy<br />

she drinks mead, for hysteria and mystery<br />

镭森 tells us, about sons of the Balchè<br />

empathic mead drink, which gather people<br />

I remember the Xutàn, the apocalyptic event<br />

where fate will changes, in Lacandon vision<br />

I saw preparing the mead, making heat<br />

mix the Water with Honey, until to halve<br />

with lemon and spices, it can macerate<br />

then after a month, I use it in this place<br />

Lacandon Maya, in Guatemala drink mead 1<br />

Balchè is called, tree bark <strong>de</strong>coction with<br />

in their tradition, is the ceremonial drink<br />

used to cure, and change sorrow into joy<br />

Lacandon are purged, heart and intestines<br />

water honey and bark, long lived making them<br />

Pouring man drives, the very ritual of wine<br />

the people is moved, first myth still alive<br />

镭森 speaks of, instinct of fulfillment<br />

Dionysus is hysteria, evasion from reality<br />

even Russian peasant, oppressed by life<br />

relived the myth, when Ra<strong>de</strong>nije cult arise<br />

School of Chlisty, it realizes the banquet<br />

it cultivates enthusiasm, collective drink<br />

by starting Ra<strong>de</strong>nije, invoking and singing<br />

more names of God, Mary and the Spirits<br />

the Chlisty followers, dressing white coat<br />

in circle he starts, he makes ritual dance<br />

more rhythms are given, by voice and flute<br />

it amplifies the motion, out in ecstasy<br />

his regular movements, or<strong>de</strong>red first<br />

after a few hours, it speed in rhyme<br />

until the peak, that motion is broken<br />

with trembling body, dance it's over<br />

The frantic jumps, go out of control<br />

exulting in <strong>de</strong>lirium, beset the group<br />

Spirit is down! abandon themselves to it<br />

men and women, give life to a body mix<br />

With beatings and hugs, crying relief<br />

speeching languages, aliens in that place<br />

contemplate one another, dazzling visions<br />

imitating the various, screaming beings<br />

the Holy Spirit, is like a bright falcon<br />

is a quick flash, from the sky shining<br />

It swoops on its prey, kidnaps it as wind<br />

it's a wild violence, 镭森 explain us<br />

Respect for all, are Gods for each other<br />

reflected in the eyes, are radiant stars<br />

they feel themselves, turned into <strong>de</strong>ep<br />

Insensitive to the cold, and hard fatigue<br />

now comes the grace, divine and supreme<br />

Holy Spirit come down, in their assembly<br />

by mouth of a prophet, speaks in prophecy<br />

It throws him on ground, in feverish state<br />

he talks about topics, the fate that will be<br />

Sibylline Oracles, someone rhyme in verse<br />

present with future, of entire communities<br />

disease and climate, and crops that will be<br />

He speaks to individuals, is oracular time<br />

reveals their secret vices, and errors galore<br />

every prophecy, it gives joy with renewal<br />

Friendship bridge, starts in meeting place<br />

After the shaking, all them are exhausted<br />

calm down with songs, tasting new beer<br />

a Spirit of light, illuminates everything<br />

it remind me customs, of Gebusi dream<br />

consuming the meal, as fraternal unity<br />

then slowly letting go, their community<br />

Danilo Filippov, was their first foun<strong>de</strong>r<br />

living in Russia, as Balchè of Lacandon<br />

Dionysus returns to catch up with touch<br />

his faithful people, everywhere it's broken<br />

not a Prophet-King, can repress the total<br />

not a dominant clergy, can close pitcher<br />

1 the Lacandon use 1 cup of honey and 2 cups of water to ferment<br />

3 days together with strips of bark from Lonchocarpus violaceus<br />


塔拉斯 talks to me, of nature of the bees<br />

when solitary bee, become social gregarious<br />

by selection of colony, in the quaternary era<br />

the origin of the bee, in fossils he reveals<br />

Bee adapt it faster, to various changes<br />

bee near sugar farm, will gather sucrose<br />

but if bee is carried, down in the tropics<br />

initially it collects, huge stocks of food<br />

after few seasons, it turns out convenient<br />

large supply is useless, if there's nectar<br />

only where is winter, bee stores energy<br />

in or<strong>de</strong>r to cross, the winter lethargy<br />

Apis mellifera, and the Apis ligustica<br />

are family of bees, bre<strong>de</strong>d by human<br />

they use the sting, in violent behavior<br />

apis melipona, does not sting the lacandon<br />

Apis mellifera, when marketed by humans<br />

we know it is predator, ready to plun<strong>de</strong>r<br />

it flies much larger, for more distant sources<br />

in Asia it drives out, the Indian local bees<br />

Varroa was the answer, that nature gave<br />

the parasitic mite, which uncovers new prey<br />

Varroa attacks mellifera, up to <strong>de</strong>struction<br />

out human support, it draws the situation<br />

Varroa is silent, in the darkness of hive<br />

to find the victim, and pe<strong>net</strong>rate an egg<br />

in the brood, it feed itself and messes<br />

it lives at their expense, bee family end<br />

strong profits of bees, wi<strong>de</strong>spread epi<strong>de</strong>mic<br />

by the tra<strong>de</strong> of queens, Varroa can adapt<br />

Varroa has eight legs, and suction apparatus<br />

overwinters on abdomen, of large bee-worker<br />

the male Varroa, is not harmful to the bee<br />

female with her mouthparts, it gets copulation<br />

enters in the hot cell, with larvae disarmed<br />

it makes profit disaster, is natural balancer<br />

I see 3 parts, in the body of bees insects<br />

head with the thorax, abdomen and limbs<br />

Two lateral eyes, are covered with hair<br />

roun<strong>de</strong>d and compounds,for mosaic vision 1<br />

Three small eyes on the head, can see<br />

Insi<strong>de</strong> a beehive, in complete darkness<br />

to capture the smells, heat and humidity<br />

the whip and antennas, can efficiently<br />

the chest has 3 rings, wel<strong>de</strong>d together<br />

each has a pair leg, and 2 pairs of wings<br />

wings are membranes, tight and transparent<br />

two hundred fifty cycles, frequent fighting<br />

the frontal legs, having a rear window<br />

to rub their antennae, manipulate harvest<br />

their hind legs, are carrying a basket<br />

ad comb hair, to gather external food<br />

abdomen has 7 rings, is grafted onto chest<br />

at bottom is the sting, the female talent is<br />

then the honey sack, is placed next the abdomen<br />

glands for the wax, placed un<strong>de</strong>r the abdomen<br />

Their middle intestine, it <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>de</strong> food<br />

Rear intestine, excrement accumulates<br />

for months or weeks, especially in winter<br />

when bee remains in the beehive interior<br />

Worker bees are long, up to 12 millimeters<br />

and are born from eggs, laid and fertilized<br />

Queen lays eggs, at the bottom of each cell<br />

three days after it discloses, it born larvae<br />

The Egg is a stick, white and like wax<br />

it opens and gives larvae, smaller then egg<br />

it stay at the bottom, moves in slow motion<br />

it is white worm, sensitive to ultraviolet<br />

Larva eats jelly, <strong>de</strong>posited by the queen<br />

the larva of working bee, has five changes<br />

digestion residues are expelled at the bottom<br />

Pupation before, it makes fast and buckling<br />

After seven days, the cells will be closed<br />

by the wax cap, and food is outstanding<br />

starts metamorphosis, larvae become pupae<br />

getting out of cells, after twelve days<br />

After twenty days, it becomes mature<br />

often it changes as well, its social tasks<br />

first cleaning bees, then feeding bees<br />

then repairing cells, guardians and gatherers<br />

those born in late summer, live six months<br />

others bees live less, as there is activity<br />

Frantic harvest, of pollen with nectar<br />

first and fast, extinguished energies<br />

1bees are insensitive to red, they see it as black. Bees are sensitive<br />

to ultraviolet and see it from afar.<br />


A bees on the orchid, bring the horns<br />

very sticky bulbs, which collects pollen<br />

ovaries were inhibited, there is no need<br />

in the absence of a queen, it begin to work<br />

When the bee family, is very disturbed<br />

a worker bee stings, often near it home<br />

if access the intru<strong>de</strong>r, in flight corridor<br />

it meets bees of 3 days, incapable to sting<br />

into Bees population, the drones are males<br />

larger than workers, squat low abdominal<br />

having longer wings, their flight is noisy<br />

unsuitable for foraging, bees feed them at rest<br />

the drones born from eggs, not fertilized<br />

in specific cells, at the end of the winter<br />

need twenty-four days, to become adults<br />

to fertilize the queen, it copulate in air<br />

during Spring, the drones are conference<br />

swarms in the sphere-shaped, or comet<br />

they hover in the air, vaulting evolution<br />

attracting queens, with great excitement<br />

a Queen will mates, with several males<br />

until her spermatheca, is sperm filled<br />

after mating, the drone falls and dies<br />

genital organs, in the union has lost<br />

They live very little, until fifty days<br />

producing heat, and a few other tasks<br />

no sting, have sophisticated antennas<br />

more <strong>de</strong>veloped, and sensitive to odors<br />

drones have large eyes, covering the head<br />

presence & smell of drones, encourages workers<br />

they guard protection, during nuptial flight<br />

Queen of the hive, is not likely to die<br />

on coasts of Italy, it born in February<br />

the drones go free, in all the beehives<br />

well someone escapes, the eliminating<br />

passing the winter, into hive of adoption<br />

each bee has a vial, of its perfume balm<br />

pheromone perfume, it waving on the tracks<br />

scent is picked up, by companions to group<br />

or invite more workers, to go out and forage<br />

some extravagant bees, go their own way<br />

rather than to follow, a <strong>de</strong>termined path<br />

exploring the sources, around exploitable<br />

founding new flowers, it comes back to dance<br />

their dance takes action, on exciting novices<br />

it calls them to forage, nutritive sources<br />

then the bees rest, after flight up and down<br />

away from dances, their laziness is a virtue<br />

ordinary bees as well, are not prepared<br />

to strong disturbance, of natural events<br />

the bee is accustomed, to associate food aroma<br />

source color flowers, and to kill drone in winter<br />

the bee learns & lives, surrounding environment<br />

it reflects like clockwork, cosmos and plants<br />

the weather conditions, follow the rhythm<br />

harmony of the season, and music of spheres<br />

substances of the flower, feeding awareness<br />

contain within itself, the essence of the sun<br />

in the comb are placed, in hexagonal cells<br />

accumulator of prana, as wax and skin<br />

shepherds and beekeepers, same star<br />

during Easter season, nature reawakens<br />

constellation of Aries, affects on bees<br />

propolis and honey, and the swarm free<br />

If the bee is reared, by man <strong>de</strong>pends<br />

but then the swarm, instinct takes over<br />

He lives in common, is an animal symbiont<br />

is offered in sacrifice, to the body's swarm<br />

塔拉斯 opens the hive, he breaks the seal<br />

Ma<strong>de</strong> of propolis, and brings new havoc<br />

the collection of honey, does in some days<br />

of light and heat, there in the midday<br />

Bee propolis is, concrete communities<br />

they use it to block, in front of hives cities<br />

putty and paint, it gives out good aroma<br />

for <strong>de</strong>fense purpose, entrances of the hives<br />

Mixture of substances, gummy and resinous<br />

are gathered on bark, on buds newly hatched<br />

enzymes and secretions, changes in propolis<br />

the sap of the plant, create Balm shape<br />

Propolis contains, antibacterial substances<br />

many antioxidants, and various fungici<strong>de</strong><br />

enzyme inhibitors, of the germinating seed<br />

also the wax combs, it contains a little<br />


soluble in alcohol, and ammonia solution<br />

it takes sour taste, the color variable has<br />

from light yellow-green, until dark brown<br />

released above the fire, the purest balm 1<br />

Used by more people, in the embalming<br />

equipment for soldiers, for healing wound<br />

in the oil is coated, against the infection<br />

it regenerates tissues, wounds and burns<br />

in those rare cases, where synergy is missing<br />

its contact with skin, can give a allergy<br />

Water propolis, is the aqueous solution<br />

in gargle mouthwash, ma<strong>de</strong> incessantly<br />

It also protects, the wounds of pruning<br />

in plants where it, stimulates stitching<br />

Silica, sulfur and sodium, which complete<br />

a good insectici<strong>de</strong>, and also pestici<strong>de</strong><br />

Propolis into smoke, to calm the bees<br />

pleasant in winter, on stoves and fireplaces<br />

is fragrant incense, which helps <strong>de</strong>votion<br />

If it's used in tantra, or zen meditation<br />

the Wax of bees, has fatty with alcohols<br />

the heat melts wax, at sixty two <strong>de</strong>grees<br />

floating in the water, I hot and I melt it<br />

residues at the bottom, I give to the plants<br />

wax after melted, I pour into molds oiled<br />

then I pull out, it dry in a few moments<br />

I use it to polish, my floors and my doors<br />

to soothe sunburn, and sore back strong 2<br />

Gypsies raise bees, in old beehives straw<br />

in their camps, on the outskirts of bush<br />

the new wood hive, with supers and frames<br />

today it's competitive, with that of craftsmen<br />

塞巴 if you beekeeper, do this tomorrow<br />

you build your beehive, with your hands<br />

with rules and measures, of your personal<br />

Choose the straw, and materials for combs<br />

Choose headquarters, hedges or <strong>de</strong>pressions<br />

1 propolis is brittle and hard at 15 <strong>de</strong>grees, it softens at 30 <strong>de</strong>grees<br />

and melts at 60 <strong>de</strong>grees separating into two parts: an aromatic<br />

liquid that floats on high, and malleable-viscous wax on the<br />

bottom.<br />

2 If is difficult to extract wax-bread from the molds, you introduce<br />

it in the freezer for 20 minutes. If you want sterile wax, you boil 1<br />

hour in a pan steel. Wax mixed with resin relieves rheumatism,<br />

while in water bath or mixed with olive oil is soothing and<br />

softening cream.<br />

the edge of the forest, local microclimates<br />

put away from factories, and sprayed fields<br />

protection from winds, and no humidity 3<br />

a Bee is disturbed, when it flying high<br />

if it sees a man's head, against the sky roof<br />

bee wants to sting, since he sees threat<br />

you put a branches roof, above your head<br />

many herbs, bring health to the swarms<br />

also supplementing, the diet of winter bees<br />

infusions of chamomile, mint and rosemary<br />

lemon balm and marjoram, sage and thyme<br />

a strong smell of horses, bee can irritate<br />

especially if in the air, it's coming a storm<br />

I teach you to make syrup, boiling together<br />

molasses sugar, the offer to bees in winter<br />

and most engine noises, light up bees fury<br />

disturbing dances, along with their odors<br />

mark the smells, the slopes of the booty<br />

the bee is a insect, seeking the harmony<br />

the Bee is an animal, with solar energy<br />

the Queen one colony, can govern well<br />

with pheromones, she live four/five years<br />

finally replaced, without too many worries<br />

Steiner <strong>de</strong>scribes well, origin of the bee<br />

that gradually emerged, along with human<br />

becoming symbiont, human with the insect<br />

beekeeping I tell to you, <strong>de</strong>pend to their heat<br />

two small families, making lesser honey<br />

hatching late winter, compare with food stocks<br />

the winter hive, it is best not to disturb<br />

you read only the strips, un<strong>de</strong>r the hive 4<br />

the amount of wax, you see crumbled<br />

tells how much reserve, winter was exploited<br />

you check on frames, how many bees have died<br />

check among them, if bee queen have died<br />

3 in a place of mountain, is preferable to have apiaries lower hill, so<br />

that the bees may fly empty to the sources of food uphill then fly<br />

downhill at full load. Among an increasingly sha<strong>de</strong>d or a sunny<br />

place is better the second one. The warmth of the sun help queen<br />

lay ahead.<br />

4 "long central strips indicate colony populated; <strong>de</strong>bris with<br />

nymphs tell us that the queen began to lay; dark-colored <strong>de</strong>bris are<br />

old combs; <strong>de</strong>bris on one si<strong>de</strong> means the bees are on the warmer<br />

si<strong>de</strong>; thin strips and low means the bees consume a few stocks.<br />

Method of the newspaper: you remove the roof of the hive and<br />

spray thyme-water on the combs, then put on brood nest sheets of<br />

newsprint with needle holes (between the beehive placed over and<br />

hive below). The families will gather wi<strong>de</strong>ning the hole bites."<br />


then if you will find, <strong>de</strong>ad bee drones<br />

you know that the family, later got Queen<br />

in winter she can not, join the nuptial flight<br />

drones then maintained in the long winter of<br />

in the early spring, I go to check the sheets<br />

I check if there is Varroa, or just more shit<br />

the location and space, occupying the droppings<br />

tell me how big it is, the family in the comb 1<br />

do not go in the evening, to visit the beehive<br />

in times of plenty, the bees are more calm<br />

each visit during the day, just short time<br />

to avoid cooling combs, bees not irritable<br />

in February-March, you check by outsi<strong>de</strong>r<br />

you note it on a card, kept it un<strong>de</strong>r roof<br />

work foraging, to un<strong>de</strong>rstand force families<br />

see on running board, the bodies of nymphs 2<br />

the bees in the hive, make a bunch heat<br />

thirty-seven <strong>de</strong>grees, if there is bloom brood<br />

if there is no brood, heat down to twenty-five<br />

the honey stock remains, consumed less<br />

If it is cold-rain, during for a long time<br />

the bee stops out, the colony may die<br />

the beekeeper oversees, the uneven season<br />

ready to intervene, with honey and mash<br />

Beating against the hive, buzz will rise<br />

mild buzz is normal, intense along is alarm<br />

it reveals no queen, now I evaluate stocks<br />

I weigh the hive, by hand I raise it strong 3<br />

In those families, survived to the winter<br />

will now begin, a complete new bees year<br />

twelve <strong>de</strong>grees up, I will open it insi<strong>de</strong><br />

I look at the brood, stocks and Health<br />

in March spring, I do same investigation<br />

family <strong>de</strong>velopment, queen and brood space<br />

in Mediterranean Sea basin, the queen begins<br />

lay its eggs, when the almond tree blossoms 4<br />

1 to do the analysis of droppings, remove the frames a few days<br />

before the purging flight.<br />

2 Dead bees on the running board,reveal illnesses of the adult bees<br />

or poisoning; the presence of wax indicates looting; the presence<br />

of <strong>de</strong>ath nymphs indicates lowering of temperature or stocks;<br />

traces of brownish droppings reveals phenomena diarrhea. 塔拉斯<br />

3 Lift the rear edge of the beehive and evaluate stocks. If increased<br />

frost outsi<strong>de</strong>, the buzzing hive is up because of hot-exercise and<br />

consumption of food. if there is brood, the temperature is about 34<br />

Celsius <strong>de</strong>gree.<br />

After winter, bees take purification flight<br />

Bees love color, white, yellow and orange<br />

so one day my clothes, hung out to dry<br />

bees began to mottle, mistaking the flowers<br />

if nothing seems to happen, colony may be <strong>de</strong>ad<br />

the winter passed, has exhausted his supply<br />

I open hive to see, well I close the holes<br />

I will avoid the sack, that comes from out 5<br />

Purification Flight, is a fascinating day<br />

after a long silence, colony is out great<br />

Clan sings on the road, the new score<br />

more beautiful is, just the swarming day<br />

the scout bees, looking for new sources<br />

using dance, to communicate information<br />

distance and direction, amount of food<br />

drawing figures, <strong>de</strong>pending on the rite 6<br />

it is fre<strong>net</strong>ic dancing, if the food is closer<br />

orient themselves with sun, ultraviolet light<br />

the dancer on the comb, it emits its buzz<br />

someone picks it up, and gets new <strong>de</strong>stiny<br />

If an area of flowers, bees collect frequent<br />

you get intention there, planting recurring<br />

a bee covers normal, one square kilometer<br />

but a forced bee, it can also cross over<br />

Twelve kilometers, its maximum radius<br />

flying over the twelve, not worth the mess<br />

expenditure of energy, equal to the harvest<br />

negative balance, this business appears<br />

the Bee then returns, with its all booty<br />

places it in the mouth, the sisters of hive<br />

regurgitates from stomach, enzymatic honey<br />

it puts it into cells, so honey is refined<br />

4 At the end of winter there are about a million bees, then at least<br />

nine <strong>de</strong>grees, the bee out in the open, the food grows and the<br />

queen is up to 3,000 eggs a day. The larvae need 37 Celsius.<br />

5 If some bee families do not have flown away, you look the<br />

beehive flight-holes, then you listens and diagnostics: if you hear a<br />

buzzing sound nice, the family is taking time, because maybe is<br />

without the queen and will do the purification flight to the new<br />

day; but if it is silent, you try to wake it gently tapping the hive<br />

with fingers.<br />

6 If the food is within 100 meters of air, the bees dance in a circle<br />

clockwise and counterclockwise, but if it's more than one hundred<br />

meters, the bee makes abdomen dance, tracking an eight shape on<br />

which it moves and vibrates diagonally. Karl v.Frisch<br />


you dress & cover heads, with light color<br />

of linen or cotton, close the neck up<br />

but let it breathe, sweat does not enact<br />

the smell too strong, it helps to sting<br />

the hook of the legs, are easily caught<br />

into texture mesh, the hair or beard<br />

then the result, often will be a prick<br />

bee social creature, threat has perceived<br />

tries to establish, empathetic contacts<br />

I use the veil and gloves, if it's necessary<br />

do not do the activities, together with fear<br />

keep an open heart, and the purest soul<br />

I use the pipe tobacco, as for smoker<br />

slowly I disperse smoke, on top of combs<br />

I have not tobacco, I use Tansy flowers<br />

or rosemary wood, or vineyard straw<br />

Do not use peat, or smelly cardboard<br />

smoked too much, does little or nothing<br />

feathers of geese, I use to get bees away<br />

April is swarming time, I control real cells 1<br />

From fertilized eggs, now born queens<br />

laid in real cells, larger than the other<br />

stalactite-shaped, or inverted acorn shape<br />

fed on royal jelly, during its larval time<br />

Queen grows much more, of the workers<br />

she will live up, to four or five years<br />

sixteen days it takes, to become an adult<br />

Up to two centimeters, it can be long<br />

I recognize queen, abdomen is very bright<br />

it produces all the day, eggs of the family<br />

up to two thousand per day, it leave the hive<br />

just to swarm, or for the nuptial flights<br />

queen bee sting, saber-shape never used<br />

it is suitable for removing, only her rival<br />

if within 20 days, the queen does not fit<br />

remains drone-mother, then family kills her<br />

During a swarming, the virgin queens<br />

are raised, and vibrate by old workers<br />

it influence, the <strong>de</strong>stiny of the chosen<br />

the most vibrated queen, it sings faster<br />

1 The old queen flies away or it is suppressed. The new ones are<br />

raised in summer and autumn. The temporary Queen takes place<br />

in extreme cases where the family is likely to perish, then it will<br />

be replaced next year.<br />

the spring meadows, now begin to bloom<br />

nectar and pollen, are ready to appear<br />

many plants in bloom, help swarming<br />

rape and turnip rape, and flowers around<br />

on sunny days, it takes place nuptial flights<br />

between ten & one clock, except bad climates<br />

impetus for swarming, is ancient instinct<br />

it is nomadic ritual, remembered in myths<br />

Family will swarms, dividing as two clan<br />

the swarm four days, the tree will stand<br />

I spray it with water, to gather them<br />

slowly without hurry, I can calm them<br />

I use the basket, and stick to move branch<br />

I try to capture, to attract a real majesty<br />

now I introduces the swarm, insi<strong>de</strong> the box<br />

around flight hole, I expands melissa smell<br />

If I see clan comes out, after half an hour<br />

means that the queen, lacking from before<br />

the swarm it reforms, where is the queen<br />

I began again calmly, as before the ambush<br />

in the evening, bees will all be returned<br />

I leave their boxes, locks and obscured<br />

twenty-four hours, clan will configure<br />

a cluster of life, it is ready to dwell in<br />

if I use old beehive, I pass the flame<br />

to eliminate, more pests insi<strong>de</strong> it<br />

propolis remaining, I melt slowly<br />

it will gives aroma, for healthy hive<br />

hive dirty with mold, it disrupts swarm<br />

I purify with Mint, or Melissa rubbed<br />

it seduces new swarm, as royal perfume<br />

queen pheromone, it transmits family cohesion<br />

the swarm family, has three ways to multiply<br />

Queen of new swarm, the throne will ensure<br />

a family unsatisfied, renewing the old one<br />

queen supplementary, <strong>de</strong>pend on emergency<br />

the large family, and insufficient space<br />

pushes the workers, to feed young larvae<br />

with royal jelly, to make great queens<br />

push then the other, outsi<strong>de</strong> the bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

the first swarm, can have the following<br />

composed of queens, still unfertilized<br />

then they found colony, in old trunks<br />

or chimneys left, and the cycle is renewed<br />


in July and August, I observe flight doors<br />

also in September, I reduce to prevent looting<br />

I keep enough honey, I change moldy combs 1<br />

I put also fee<strong>de</strong>r, for various sweet syrups<br />

塔拉斯 then speaks me, of the honey bee<br />

it is son of fructose, flowers and exu<strong>de</strong>s<br />

white sugar is son, of man-ma<strong>de</strong> solvent<br />

fast fuel, but then you becomes <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt 2<br />

Diabetes is related, to the refined sugar<br />

the white ma<strong>de</strong>, by patented industry<br />

When the honey bees, it is forgotten 3<br />

flees opportunity, to prevent such problem<br />

So the refinery, purifies the product<br />

with calcium acid, and sulfi<strong>de</strong> acid<br />

to get white color, together sucrose<br />

food without water, around without rest<br />

if ingested it triggers, different reactions<br />

it raises blood glucose, together excitations<br />

following exhaustion of body and mind<br />

a needing of stimulants, again it lights<br />

and these in turn, give hyperglycemia<br />

also followed that, by hypoglycemia<br />

the sugar in the blood, play the swing<br />

combining with calcium, rising irritation<br />

Body search for calcium, to neutralize sugar<br />

it takes it from reserves, of teeth or bones<br />

skeleton becomes fragile, immune system down<br />

Intestine became lazy, and I get withdrawal<br />

It causes the plates, the origin of caries<br />

It disturbs the balance, of intestinal flora<br />

it triggers fermenting, and the putrefactive<br />

together with excesses, of fruit or wine<br />

Natural Honey warmed, it heals wounds<br />

it heals also anthrax, and purulent ulcers<br />

it's ointment for burns, boils and smallpox<br />

it reduces allergies, together pollen ball<br />

it contains potassium, which absorbs moisture<br />

in the clay jars, we know honey can keep<br />

pains in the ears, I pour hot honey drops<br />

I gave honey and goats milk, to tuberculosis<br />

the Pollen allowed, the Chinese survive<br />

during famines, and in the days of civil war<br />

it tells an American pilot, tortured in war<br />

was nursed by Penan, treated with pollen<br />

probiotics and antibiotics, on intestinal flora<br />

patients can integrate, as a strong activator<br />

the Pollen brings energy, after the fatigue<br />

of constipation, childbirth and breastfeeding<br />

it's 6 times more energy, than milk and meat<br />

valuable nutrients, only the date is ahead<br />

the pollen treatment, it heals breast cancer<br />

psyche disor<strong>de</strong>rs, and finally impotence<br />

It ad<strong>de</strong>d with honey, or the natural juice<br />

pollen you spreads, on slices of good bread<br />

it quiets tonsils, and har<strong>de</strong>ned arteries<br />

progressive paralysis, of Parkinson's disease<br />

Pollen contrasts anorexia, anemia and stunted<br />

the pollen slows aging, all kind cell aging<br />

it helps children & el<strong>de</strong>rly, convalescents too<br />

teachers and farmers, together with learners<br />

Nimal called 第六, tonight speaks about<br />

Children of nature, indigenous of Sri Lanka<br />

peoples of forests, they are called Vedda<br />

they call themselves, the Wanniyà-laeto 4<br />

Nimal is from Kandy, heart of Sri Lanka<br />

he young lived in, the Mayangana village<br />

his father was planter, of tea plantations<br />

Nimal was sixth, then 第六 was called<br />

6 miles from there, is Dambana villages<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> local forest, was village Wanniya<br />

第六 exchanges Te, share their friendship<br />

He weaves his blood, with Tissagamy Clan<br />

1 4 The looting may be latent or violent: the latent looting bees steal "Wanni it means: those of the forest. Their strain-language is<br />

supplies in secret; in violent looting, bees of one hive attack those more ancient then Aryan and Dravidian strain-language: Gala<br />

of another clan. In autumn, large stores get strong spring starting. means rock, Ela means channel, Kanda means mountain. They<br />

2 sugars of honey, glucose is less soluble and tends to crystallize. call themselves Kan<strong>de</strong> Wanniya: Children of the Mountain. They<br />

It slows down by heating. Fructose sugar remains liquid for long. have brown skin, wavy long hair and wi<strong>de</strong> nose. Wanniya have<br />

3diabetes: excess sugar that the body is unable to dispose of. A contributed to the formation of the Sinhalese language and nation,<br />

<strong>de</strong>coction of bitter chicory reduces sucrose as it helps insulin to even if married and repudiated by higher castes. Uruwarige<br />

break glucose. Lemon in vegetables helps set the iron carrier of Tissagami, (died 2000), was the last prominent lea<strong>de</strong>r of one of<br />

oxygen nee<strong>de</strong>d to burn sugars, while onion & garlic purify blood. the last settlements in the forest, the village of Dambana". 第六<br />


They share the meat, most common cooking<br />

rabbits and turtles, lizard & wild boar<br />

all roasted on the coals, also smoked<br />

preserved in honey, dried and stored<br />

Fishes are caught, with poisoned bait<br />

cooked in coconut milk, along with potato<br />

They kill for food, nothing damaging<br />

dividing fruits, shortage or abundance<br />

the surplus is placed, in hollow tree<br />

closed with clay, for time of shortage<br />

Februaro potatoes, venison all year round<br />

in June-July honey, and fruit in season<br />

They grow today, corn with pumpkins<br />

Forest still has, a place in their hearts<br />

Wanniya are famous for great sincerity<br />

A sense of duty, to the family and clan<br />

People Wanniya, aboriginal traditions<br />

Children of Sri Lanka, suffer situation<br />

abandon way of life, <strong>de</strong>ep in the jungle<br />

it is now opposed, Hunting with collection<br />

They lived in caves, and rock shelters<br />

now they live in small, thatched huts of wood<br />

their religion is, the worship of ancestors<br />

Invoked for hunting, and horticulture sustain<br />

the males in thong, women cloth pieces<br />

from the navel down, down to the knees<br />

now boys and man, dressing with sarongs<br />

Women use half sari, it covers little more<br />

Many of today Vedda, are marginal buddhist<br />

get married in simple, rituals ceremonies<br />

binding the bri<strong>de</strong>, with more strings vines<br />

to the life of the groom, like in tradition<br />

The woman in parity, may have inherited<br />

the widow remarries, her husband's brother<br />

consolation and support, divorces are rare<br />

Wanniya know medication, forest solutions<br />

They use a python oil, it heals wounds<br />

<strong>de</strong>ep cuts and fractures, it can heal well<br />

Education is imitation, practical learning<br />

<strong>de</strong>ceased is buried, without many ceremonial<br />

They have silky skin, their bodies erect<br />

slen<strong>de</strong>r chests and strong, pe<strong>net</strong>rating eyes<br />

a more graceful style, their curvy hips<br />

are easy to smile, & walking by rhythm<br />

第六 reveals us, Wanniya plant secret<br />

Gotu kola herb, called bowls of water<br />

long-lived elephants, they eat it so much<br />

prolongs their life, becoming Ganesha<br />

following their elephants into the jungle<br />

Wanniya face perils, to discover their breakfast<br />

Gotu kola small plant, it appears to them<br />

it climbs now perennial, in tropics of world<br />

white-pink flowers, umbrellas inflorescences<br />

that bloom from June, until late September<br />

roots and leaves, healing colds and fevers<br />

sores skin and then, venereal diseases<br />

it retards growth, of leprosy diseases 1<br />

avoiding the gangrene, after amputation<br />

It's good anti<strong>de</strong>pressant, anticonvulsant<br />

It calm all nervous, like an elephant!<br />

is used in India, in aid of intelligence<br />

for lack of memory, children <strong>de</strong>ficiencies<br />

The daily ration, of fresh juice leaves<br />

reinforces learning, beyond the old-age<br />

Ganesha Elephant God, the guidance below<br />

Gotu kola makes body, durable & handsome<br />

It constant prevents, a nervous breakdown<br />

called Brahmi in India, Fo-ti-tien in China<br />

a Wanniya legend, tells of girl child plant<br />

Katargama head, found the baby plant<br />

there in a potato field, within the forest<br />

He calls it Valli Mala, sweet potato rest<br />

then he grows child, attacked on the ground<br />

she has fan-shaped leaves, same brain lobes<br />

She gives constant, optimism and sharpness<br />

peaceful and fulfilling, until their old age<br />

God of Mountain, went down to meet her<br />

Vali at twelve years, falling love Kan<strong>de</strong> Yaka<br />

after adventures, he wedding her with jungle<br />

Ganesha is Kan<strong>de</strong> Yaka, the heart of ecosystem<br />

1 Gotu kola (Hydrocotyle asiatica, known as Brahmi in India and<br />

Fo-ti Tieng in China) has kidney-shaped leaves which sips water<br />

from the forest. Two leaves per day, stimulate the circulatory,<br />

digestive, nervous, respiratory systems (it releases the mucus of<br />

paranasal). Gotu kola is analgesic, antispasmodic, antiseptic skin,<br />

heals wounds and stimulates the repair of fragile capillaries<br />

increasing the elasticity of the venous sheaths that help return<br />

circulation from the bottom up. dr Boileau, used it to heal leprosy.<br />


第六 was invited, taking part game festival<br />

when hunting late, a spirit must be appeased<br />

jar with the leaves, is placed in pe<strong>de</strong>stal<br />

dance of the mortar, invokes Kan<strong>de</strong> Yaka 1<br />

Then that jar, it welcomes coconut milk<br />

along eight arrows, on the place ground<br />

arrows already spread, by Timbiriche juice<br />

Wanniya beat hands, on their manly bodies<br />

第六 makes rhythm, by beating on drum<br />

all them mimic the jar, and grab the arrows<br />

support them on their heads, then on shoul<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

singing as they go, the more boisterous o<strong>de</strong><br />

Begin excited, already in the first round<br />

they rest of the axes, crosses on shoul<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

they chant like, to their relative spirit<br />

reciting more verses, one and all in files<br />

Tissagamy grasps coconut, firmly in hands<br />

keeps it on his head, and dancing in circles<br />

he takes his machete, coconut is on mortar<br />

divi<strong>de</strong>s it into two, to give the good luck<br />

Coconut water fills, the jar Kiri-Koraha<br />

Tissamy with a branch, scraps the coconut<br />

Milk is jumped on him, and on spectators<br />

also falls into jar, with leaves and flowers<br />

now all together, they dance in circles<br />

intertwine their hands, mimicking jar<br />

they come to the peak, of body trance<br />

asking for jewelry, from all their wives<br />

Tissagamy holds, necklaces and bracelets<br />

he mutters shaking, his body with necklaces<br />

he brings with others, offers to Valli Mala<br />

Kan<strong>de</strong> Yaka wife, Gotu kola sacred plant<br />

Tissagamy plunges his hand, insi<strong>de</strong> the pot<br />

then he allows dripping, milk off the arm<br />

continues its dance, and shake his hands<br />

still 第六 play drum, hand claps and steps<br />

Pour milk in the arm, mimicking the elephant<br />

Kan<strong>de</strong> Yaka request, for animal to sacrifice<br />

the rest of meeting, saw all the hunters<br />

dancing and acting, spells and more noise<br />

Each ends falling on, the shoul<strong>de</strong>r near<br />

Tissagamy clan, has subsi<strong>de</strong>d the spirit<br />

the used jar now turns, as along the top<br />

spirits and people, return to their homes<br />

第六 now wants, to continue his life story<br />

during civil war, he flees from Sri Lanka<br />

refuge in Thailand, a Teravada monastery<br />

assist local medium, during ceremonies<br />

in November, he finds himself surprised<br />

synergies he discovers, in rite of Hanuman<br />

the monkey god of forests, is like Kan<strong>de</strong> yaka<br />

holy celebration, of Thai Buddhists Theravada 2<br />

in the Lopburi city, temple of the monkeys<br />

make the place famous, syllables for healing<br />

reporting tonight, the arrival of the heroes<br />

spirits of the place, <strong>de</strong>scend into hearts<br />

I saw in a faithful, <strong>de</strong>eds of King Rama<br />

with pipe tobacco, and swallowing rhum<br />

Rama took shape, into a businessman body<br />

Rama battles signs, the man was mimicking<br />

Sound of gongs, and three women arrive<br />

they do the dances, <strong>de</strong>corated with leaves<br />

I recognize the leaves, the tree ton-ton<br />

used in temples, in the sacred assemblies<br />

orchestras & percussion, stimulating trance<br />

the man eyes rotate, a lady lights candles<br />

a monk dissolve disputes, using holy water<br />

to prevent other, singing ancient prayer<br />

Ganesha takes shape, in a Kathoey body<br />

the abbot calls her, to instruct the crowd<br />

while invites healers, to cure various ills<br />

she cure my back pain, with balsam & daggers<br />

Kratom is the leaves, Mitragyna Speciosa<br />

Tree that grows, in Thailand and Malaysia<br />

in Papua New Guinea, Indonesya and more<br />

Tom has many names, to supports the life<br />

Tom tom anti-diarrhea, In medicine of Thais<br />

it heals opium addiction, in many temples Thai<br />

used by villagers, together with the workers<br />

to relieve a hard life, of daily pain fatigue<br />

1 Ethama Kirikoraha <strong>net</strong>umak manda karanne-sipa kodai:<br />

2 Phra Prang Sam Yod festival at Wat Ta-Kung-Loa, the ancient<br />

Khmer temple in Thailand. Today, 30 km outsi<strong>de</strong> Lopburi is the<br />

clay pot filled with betel leaves, arecanut and tobacco.<br />

Witch's convention, where the gods come down again.<br />


symptoms are varied in <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncy cases<br />

tears and pain, and the jerky movements<br />

then its leaves chewed, slowly intoxicate<br />

frequent consumers, wan<strong>de</strong>ring sleepless 1<br />

stimulating effects, after one hour is over<br />

It takes the place, a little sedative effect<br />

anxiety and concern, disappearing far away<br />

get to relax, then it emerges spontaneously<br />

Thai society accepts, the male exaggeration<br />

Tom is rural from, now the role is cultural<br />

Tom tree is sensitive, cold and rainy a lot<br />

from morning to evening, it refresh sunny hot<br />

Tree Kratom increases, the <strong>de</strong>sire to work<br />

it helps in rice fields, doing manual labor<br />

It makes mouth dry, it stimulates urination<br />

growing attention, with or not constipation<br />

第六 then continues, narrating his journey<br />

after Thailand, he does jobs cooperation<br />

he went as volunteer, Indonesia and Papua<br />

studying permaculture, in Africa & Tasmania<br />

Papua New Guinea, he visited Gebusi village<br />

many people came, from nearby settlements<br />

to celebrate a party, of sago starching<br />

showing their dances, and ritual drinking 2<br />

Men in the village, whom hosts the festival<br />

dressed as warriors, marching at the head<br />

diffusing the anger, for apparent ritual<br />

and biting the fingers, of the host arrival<br />

then comes the evening, men within homes<br />

preparing Kava, the holy community beverage<br />

the day was spent, to get root into pow<strong>de</strong>r<br />

it slowly chewed, then ad<strong>de</strong>d with water<br />

We are sitting in circle, for common ritual<br />

between guest-&-host, antagonism disappears<br />

they prepare drinks, and fumes of palm leaves<br />

to ash extract, to sweeten the Kava drink<br />

Kava is divi<strong>de</strong>d, among all the servants<br />

In the coconut bowl, kava it is squeezed<br />

hosts invite guests, have the first drinks<br />

even if they protest, guest accept the gift<br />

a number of these cups, make me also vomit<br />

then the hosts cease, forcing the hubris<br />

After we drinking, hosts begin drinking<br />

they serve themselves, then both we drink<br />

Gebusi believe, holy kava may show them<br />

many upper spirit, of bird & other totem<br />

belong spirit down, like water crocodile<br />

Man reflect harmony, dancing all them 3<br />

Then at night time, in a less formal way<br />

joke and friendship, grows with the cups<br />

Women with children, are watching and sing<br />

holy Kava for Gebusi, is also sexual joke<br />

They start dancing, until early morning<br />

women keep the songs, of the ornate man<br />

dancing in the middle, a man vomits also<br />

he play to the calls, of sexual reference<br />

remains even at dawn, enchanting of mood<br />

some people sleep-wake, after party night<br />

Then everyone wake up, including visitors<br />

they will exchange, in future such favors<br />

Social drinking of kava, on Pacific's islands<br />

makes ritual work, it's creator of meetings<br />

it ranks lea<strong>de</strong>rs, and gathering new guests<br />

it complete life events, from birth to <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

the root of sharing, it's good for divining<br />

It's a sign of peace, and hope it can gives<br />

it <strong>de</strong>votees children, it teach the chanting<br />

it's medium <strong>de</strong>vice, to speak with ancestors<br />

1mo<strong>de</strong>rate use of the Tom leaves does not gives physical<br />

discomfort, only nausea and urinating. Tom is beneficial when<br />

combined with green tea and poppy flowers, as it gives light<br />

3 “In all-night dances dancers incarnated the spirits of the Gebusi<br />

narcotic action along with vigor and lucidity. The abuse, cosmos. The dancer bounces up and down slowly to the beat of his<br />

combined with large amounts of coffee, drugs MAOI and alcohol drum. The male dancers are accompanied by songs of melancholy<br />

increases blood pressure, tachycardia and possibly fatal risks, longing sung by women, who sit off to the si<strong>de</strong>. Spirit forms from<br />

especially in susceptible persons. 塔拉斯<br />

the upper spirit world (birds,tree, animals), grace the upper half of<br />

2 "The long-house (23 meters) of Gebusi, is a single building, the dancer's body. Those from the lower spirit world (crocodiles,<br />

home to all members of the community. Gebusi, like other peoples fish) are indicated in the lower half of the costume, for instance, in<br />

of Melanesia, believe that children grow and <strong>de</strong>velop through the the crocodile-mouth drum and crayfish rattles that extend from the<br />

ingestion of the seed of their big brothers. The drinking of kava, rear of the dancer's costume and clack as he dances up and down.<br />

and playful camara<strong>de</strong>rie with reference to this exchange between The dancer literally embodies the aesthetic and social harmony of<br />

males. The overall effect of kava is the camara<strong>de</strong>rie, in Tahiti it the various spirit forms. This spiritual commemoration parallels<br />

was drunk by the warriors to overcome insomnia and by women to the actions of Gebusi themselves, who come together at the rituaul<br />

urinate and treat venereal diseases taken by sailors." Knauft feast in peaceful association with each other”. Bruce M. Knauft<br />


Kava grows lush, it comes from Melanesya<br />

it reach the rainy islands, of the Polynesia<br />

root mixed with water, produces fermentation<br />

Bitter brown color, soothing satisfaction<br />

Drink of the Gods, it's in Pentecost island<br />

it reconciles with enemies, in Fiji islands<br />

chewed by young girls, enzymes by saliva<br />

it dissolved in water, or in coconut milk<br />

Give me some kava, give me the kawa!<br />

asking the children, in a circle to chew<br />

they takes two minutes, bolus is placed<br />

on banana leaves, then lea<strong>de</strong>r exams it<br />

if it appears good, he mixes bolus water<br />

he filters the liquid, by vegetable sponge<br />

then the pouring-man, poured his guests<br />

the sponge should give, its juice into cups<br />

a Mouse was observed, chewing kava root<br />

go into a coma state, then get up wake<br />

a woman look at him, imitates performance<br />

She overcame her grief, joy arise again<br />

Kava medicinal plant, supporting fatigue<br />

it calm nerves and anxiety, in a natural way<br />

providing peace of mind, it's anti-<strong>de</strong>pressive<br />

it solving headaches, it helps to reconcile<br />

simple infusion, <strong>de</strong>coction leaves or roots<br />

well relaxes the body, tensions and cramps<br />

in Vanuatu island, is used in fumigation<br />

soothing for rheumatism, and joint pain<br />

Tea of Kava fights, the imported syphilis<br />

dose increased, the sweat will increase<br />

when sailors leaving, women of the atolls<br />

sweating for days, to relieve crazy pain<br />

Sweat and eroticism, copious may appear<br />

Start intoxication, after twenty minutes<br />

<strong>de</strong>pending on the dose, lasting to six hours<br />

second constitution, and interior disposition<br />

After intoxication, there is profound fatigue<br />

rest is necessary, its abuse gives thinness<br />

Kava big drinkers, have nervous trembling<br />

and sensitive to noise, they shun the boring<br />

Arunta peoples wear, feathered headdress<br />

to multiply Emus, imitating Emu dances<br />

I see kangaroo clan, it stands great pole<br />

<strong>de</strong>corated with feathers, to imitate totem 1<br />

Kangaroo Tribe, was born from his totem<br />

It recites it's origin, of Jukurpa ancestors<br />

imitating jumps, of legendary Kangaroo<br />

to supply future, by the Corrobori dances<br />

Thera seemed flat, in the beginning time<br />

when Rainbow Serpent, slept in orifice<br />

into Earth center, there for a long time<br />

it wakes up and goes up, when ripe intent<br />

It breaks the crust, it begins to travel<br />

through the earth, empty and without light<br />

It has powerful magic, it due to heavy rain<br />

track of its body, is ready to give rivers<br />

so It bends rivers, lakes and waterfalls<br />

it travels and leaves milk, by hot breasts<br />

Fertilizes the earth, in the lush forests<br />

creates <strong>de</strong>serts and valleys, and ranges<br />

It returns to earth, and animals awakened<br />

Marsupials and reptiles, insects and birds<br />

the great extinct Moa, and parrot paintings<br />

new sound fills the sky, by birds singing<br />

It awakens life, like the rivers and seas<br />

Fish in the streams, and frogs in ponds<br />

turtles and amphibians, snails and worm<br />

from uterus of Thera, humans then wakes up<br />

Snike Mother teaches, human life harmonic<br />

to live with cousins, take the necessary<br />

She teach men & women, to make seed<br />

Mother Snake, finally it retires to sleep<br />

Each living been, is the son of a territory<br />

Each clan has its totem, birth or adoption<br />

each kinship links, it grows in this space<br />

hunting and gathering, totem teach them<br />

someplace Bush Fires, facilitates hunting<br />

selecting plants, draws new ecosystems<br />

it extinguish species, others propagate<br />

Aboriginal rituals, track the proper way<br />

镭森 link to 第六, on native Tasmanians<br />

Aboriginal dreamers, inspired permaculture<br />

the indigenous people, arrived to Australia 1 intersected Taboos, forbidding members of a clan hunting their<br />

crossing the sea, from Indonesia and Papua animal and plants totems, requiring the ritual maintenance of these<br />

species. So each totemic clan is working for benefit of other clan.<br />


in the Dreamtime, Totemic creatures<br />

running all Australia, singing lullabies<br />

so did those names, to exist things 1<br />

Valleys and mountains, rivers and stars<br />

They hand over maps, in songs of clan<br />

that marking the paths, during walkabout<br />

the Aboriginal exchanges, its sound maps<br />

with other tribes, expanding its own tracks<br />

every man has a dream, as a founding myth<br />

the first ancestor, who sang him with love<br />

remain in Australia, roads of ancient songs<br />

Footsteps of ancestors, hid<strong>de</strong>n surfaces<br />

Cjuringa an ancestor, traces many routes<br />

carved in wood or stone, places of shamans<br />

tracks without singing, get not the reality<br />

a Cjuringa still calling, the nest buzzing 2<br />

also Didgeridoo, is produced by Termites<br />

it shakes all the body, as melodic thrills<br />

without words, it <strong>de</strong>scribes totem journey<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> hut, it sung for <strong>de</strong>scending people<br />

Cjiuringa loss, forgetfulness is back on<br />

everyone on earth, has a piece of song<br />

to know and remember, a piece of trail<br />

keep you walking, as the melodic hunter<br />

Land first exist, conceived in the mind<br />

if you sing it for a long, it comes to exist<br />

if humans taking less, less have to return<br />

because all things, arise up and go down<br />

dances and rituals, awaken the mana fire<br />

recalling presence, of spirits of the place<br />

in world biosphere, there is biodiversity<br />

into human nomadic life, we inherited it<br />

for serious diseases, of foreign origins<br />

there is medicine man, he reveals & helps<br />

the women manage, the ordinary illnesses<br />

1 Algonquian word totem means progenitor. The Wondjina, totems<br />

of the rain turned into stones, are recalled each year before the<br />

monsoon by using creative rituals inscribed on bark and rocks to<br />

causing the rain. In Mumbai (India), however, we invoke Ganesha<br />

to close the monsoon by put it into sea!<br />

2 a sequence of sounds creates a story that tells of a landscape, and<br />

every landscape hi<strong>de</strong>s a story written or sung in verse. Cjuringa is<br />

a piece of wood, sometimes painted, attached to a cord which<br />

played it sound suggests presence of the self. The teenager retreats<br />

into bush and began to vibrate ciuringa, spirit of the subterranean<br />

termite captures and <strong>de</strong>vours him, then save as a perfect man.<br />

Clement of Alexandria shows how Dionysus was <strong>de</strong>voured by the<br />

compresses and burns, herbal infusion<br />

presence of <strong>de</strong>ath, in groups is treated<br />

agony of members, in ritual accompanied<br />

there are two souls, at the time of <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

didgeridoo drives, trip without upheaval<br />

the Djarada love songs, having magic value<br />

mimic the courtship, of birds <strong>de</strong>scendants<br />

eroticism and religion, come into Australians<br />

from bor<strong>de</strong>r songs, all around Melanesians<br />

“The Aboriginal women, now sit together<br />

sing myths and <strong>de</strong>eds, make plays and dance<br />

of ancient creation, the Jukurpa dream-time<br />

painting the bodies, with ocher slow time<br />

they wear ornaments, ma<strong>de</strong> of <strong>de</strong>sert seed<br />

all half-naked, with undulating buttocks<br />

while erecting stilts, across the marsh<br />

making slow motion, they call the snakes<br />

He sends her nice bunch, of Emù feathers<br />

shaken by wind, he calls her out in the bush<br />

her crotch un<strong>de</strong>r skirt, is covered with hair<br />

I got her pregnant, I'm happy into my heart<br />

the spirit of the child, it's entered into her<br />

singing all proud, the clan of Barramundi<br />

they erecting shelter, to sha<strong>de</strong> their women<br />

and are always there, with incision penis<br />

the gypsy 塔拉斯, continuing to speak us 3<br />

narrating his experience, as a local healer<br />

was a Italian shaman, running Tuscia country<br />

where he meets his partner, 艾米利亚 botany<br />

I watch animals, to un<strong>de</strong>rstand the medical<br />

Plants use their instincts, as a pharmacy shop<br />

Chimpanzee with rein<strong>de</strong>er, snakes & dogs & cats<br />

teaching me practices, enemas and other facts<br />

The Storks take enemas, when they are sick<br />

spraying with their beak, a little salt water<br />

Geese and ducks and birds, living on water<br />

searching healing grass, at every Passover<br />

3 塔拉斯 recalls us some sentences of the Salerno medical school:<br />

Hyssop purge phlegm from the chest; Ruta's good for your eyes<br />

and makes sharp eyes; you wrap bitters in lettuce leaves. Where<br />

air is pestilential, Vinegar is a good preservative. Hippocrates<br />

says: that one word does not heals, medicinal plants may cure,<br />

Titans after his face painted in white kaolin, have buzzed the roar. and what can not this, it solves the knife."<br />


When the Swallow comes, flowers Celandine<br />

it gives sight to chicks, it die after migration<br />

also sick chickens, looking for laurel leaves<br />

adapting to the season, through purges first<br />

Mediterranean Laurelwood, called Ciuffenna<br />

are temple of Deers, with Ivy Pan sign in<br />

Its aroma is pe<strong>net</strong>rating, recalls prophecy<br />

Pythia and the Sibyl, chew Laurel leaves<br />

so the Laurel plant, wards off lightning<br />

Where laurel grows, is the gold of poetry<br />

it calm body agitation, orgasm lady oracle<br />

Plutarch's praises, at priestsess of Delphi<br />

Apollonian dafnofagy, love also fumigation<br />

powerful germici<strong>de</strong>, associated with Ginger<br />

before bedtime, it stimulates the sweat<br />

It stops evolving, more flu and colds<br />

leaf without petiole, I dry in the sha<strong>de</strong><br />

contains geraniol, pinene and phellandrene<br />

I use laurel infusion, for tonsils & gargling<br />

if you drink after meals, it helps digestion 1<br />

laurel strength the stomach, is anti-catarrhal<br />

Lauretum aroma, it can stimulates poetry<br />

we use it leaves and fruit, in game dishes<br />

the laurel ointment, to soothe many pains<br />

I soak into olive oil, the good Laurel oil<br />

for spasms alleviation, and trauma joints<br />

it counteracts fatigue, insomnia & bronchitis<br />

it is good antiseptic, vents cutting off fart<br />

you tried suggestions, with 帕梅拉 and kids<br />

sucking and rubbing, Sage leaf helps teeth<br />

so the Pellitory plant, while in toothache<br />

a grain salt, lay it down between the teeth<br />

with aniseed, and three white roses petals<br />

Rauwolfia calms, the emotional flooding<br />

the Enula bell herb, it restores lung fiber 2<br />

Lungwort <strong>de</strong>coctions, contrasted pneumonia<br />

Grandpa swallowed lead, in appendicitis cases!<br />

Eucalyptus foments, I tell you for sore throat<br />

as Onions in hot wine, also called Camel piss<br />

lemon <strong>de</strong>coction, for sore throat or intestines<br />

also I practice asanas, to conscious digestion<br />

Thyme & mint foments, for could & sinusitis<br />

water with salt or vinegar, cough have put down<br />

Rinse and gargle, by hydrogen Peroxi<strong>de</strong> water<br />

sneeze pow<strong>de</strong>r it frees nose, as poppies tea 3<br />

to reduce flatulence, I distance fruit & meals<br />

herbal milk tea, is good with barley & thyme<br />

Digestive herbal tea, is liquorice and fennel<br />

massaging big toe, stimulate nerve fibers<br />

the Licorice root, if taken after meals<br />

it helps a digestion, relieve constipation<br />

it cleans mouth and teeth, helps respiratory<br />

it is a good laxative, sedative and excretory<br />

licorice relieves cough, congestion and colds<br />

it's good expectorant, for stomach and rhinitis<br />

it's effective antidote, for ulcers and gastritis 4<br />

with Linum seeds, expectorant in herbal teas<br />

Linum tea alleviates, the asthma and coughs<br />

a cup in evening, morning mucus and feces<br />

while Ginger boiled water, it relieves evil sea<br />

bloating & constipation, soothing headaches<br />

Sage and rosemary leaves, boiled as a tea<br />

many gargle for, sore throat and gingivitis<br />

for eyes inflammation, boiled lime flowers<br />

2 China syrup for cough and bronchitis: boil in saucepan "enula<br />

campana" and clover root, slowly, until it softens, then filters, add<br />

honey and bottled. 1 teaspoon every 4 hours. Sage tea for fever,<br />

dyspepsia and flatulence: 30 grams of chopped leaves, 60 grams<br />

of honey, 3 tablespoons lemon juice in boiling water, you cover<br />

and let rest 40 minutes, filtered, and keep cool." 塔拉斯<br />

I filter and make packs, morning and evening<br />

3 "塔拉斯: an infusion of dried petals of red poppy quiets the<br />

cough. Cough Syrup: Boil in half a liter of water, a handful of<br />

Pellitory into a wine, calm down the gums<br />

I mix it with wild roses, for difficult wound<br />

塔拉斯 boils chamomile, during indigestion<br />

sage, chopped apple, anise, chamomile, lin<strong>de</strong>n flowers, 2 dried<br />

figs, for quarter of an hour. Filter and drink the syrup several times<br />

especially before bed. Hoarseness syrup: you cook five carrots in a<br />

little water for a quarter of an hour, pour the juice into a glass of<br />

lukewarm water and drink 6 times a day. Dry laurel leaves and<br />

1you shreds six dry leaves in the cup boiling water (10 grams in flowers, oregano and basil, reduce them into fine pow<strong>de</strong>r with a<br />

half a liter of water), after 10 minutes filter and drink 3 cups a day. pestle, then sniff in small doses.<br />

Drunk before bed makes you very sweat, often succeeding in 4 "Garlic, fennel, licorice and mint, help salivation and gastric<br />

preventing cold or flu. If I sip hot tea with laurel leaves, secretions. Chewing a licorice stick, it cleans mouth and teeth,<br />

eucalyptus and laven<strong>de</strong>r after a meal, it resolves indigestion and halting cavities. 2 or 3 cups of a heavy licorice tea, cause nausea<br />

gas, <strong>de</strong>pression and fatigue. The pow<strong>de</strong>r of dried berries, 1-2 or vomiting, helping to remove the excess of accumulated mucus<br />

teaspoons a day, helps with flu, colds, nervous disor<strong>de</strong>rs paralysis. in the stomach and chest." 塔拉斯<br />


Cabbage leaves water, it helps for many all<br />

together foot baths, the Sea and lemon juice<br />

Couch grass roots, I use for kidney stones<br />

I boil and drink it, with corn and herbs<br />

Couch grass is weed, it cures constipation<br />

both intestine and soil, as chicory and <strong>net</strong>tle<br />

Pellitory tea, indigestion and constipation<br />

it also cleans jars, of wine fermentation<br />

塔拉斯 invites me, one day to drink my pee<br />

Amaròli is water of life, urine therapy is<br />

together with fasting, and <strong>de</strong>toxification<br />

abstaining from fake food, gave regeneration<br />

It contains vitamins, hormones & antibiotics<br />

undo poison of snakes, scorpions and insects<br />

poison by poison, in homeopathic doses<br />

Amaròli in millennia, comes from living body<br />

塔拉斯 urines, to sanitize infected wounds<br />

he spreads on his warts, Fig leaves milk<br />

fig juice and honey, steamed with lemon<br />

free the lungs, sore throat & indigestion 1<br />

If you feel unable, to make the sexual act 2<br />

eat figs & chickpeas, and renews imagination<br />

Myrtle and white wine, can stimulate as garlic<br />

and Arugula salad, with apple may to refresh<br />

Grandma used to drink, wild Strawberry leaves<br />

into thyme tea, to relieve her rheumatism<br />

she used for sprains, chopped El<strong>de</strong>rberry bark<br />

smearing the area, with wax drops in funnel 3<br />

sometime I brush, a stiff neck with Chili<br />

it is soaked, twenty-four hours in wine<br />

I beam then with scarf, of wool to heat 4<br />

I do then soft stretch, around the scapular<br />

1 Hezekiah king of Judah, took care with figs crushed on skin, for<br />

resolving pimples. The water of St. John, is obtained by letting the<br />

water soak a handful of herbs and flowers (St. John's wort,<br />

chamomile, rose, sage, rosemary, walnut leaves) on the night June<br />

23 to 24 out of the window. Then you have shower (with camphor<br />

too), and use it in horticulture soil.<br />

2 塔拉斯: "you soak in a liter of white wine 30 grams of cinnamon<br />

and celery for ten days, filter, add honey and drink 2 cups a day.<br />

3<br />

塔拉斯 makes drip 3 drops of wax on two coins and he joins a<br />

candle. Then he put the coin on the painful sprain, he lights the<br />

candle and cover it with a glass beaker. Oxygen finished, the<br />

candle goes out and sucks the meat in the glass, the pain should go<br />

out, if it does not, repeat the operation up to 3 times. For sunstroke<br />

he rests a glass of water on the forehead.<br />

4 15 red chillies into 200 grams (ml) of alcohol. Like pepper is rich<br />

in vitamin C. Lack of vitamin C causes scurvy: muscle weakness,<br />

sunshine and fresh air, are food & medicine<br />

since many Gypsies, leaved from Gujarat<br />

then with optimism, they live the present<br />

the mind free of tension, dodge concerns<br />

each of them knows, that as long as is health<br />

with food to sustain it, they are rich and filled<br />

If they disappear, along with various herbs<br />

poison makes its way, patenting sun and air<br />

mushrooms with potatoes, is good gypsies food<br />

instead of washing them, rub them with salt<br />

and they eat potatoes, raw and grated<br />

to clean their skin, and skin diseases<br />

Mould bread poultice, it heals infections<br />

Grandmother taught 塔拉斯, after his wounds<br />

she ate roasted barley, barley tea cheered her<br />

she said Penicillin, is growing old bread<br />

Juniper communis plant, I chew its berries<br />

to strength the stomach, and get appetite<br />

Infused into wine, it strengthens the lungs<br />

Juniper brandy, it can solves winter ailments<br />

Half a liter of water, and a spoon berries<br />

as Ginger tea, every two hours great sweat<br />

it helps breathing, as Cetraria rock lichen<br />

both useful for coughs, dry and persistent<br />

Hawthorn seeds, crushed and soaked in wine<br />

are nervous sedative, dissolving backs stones<br />

also the Passionflower, it wins restlessness<br />

caused by fever, it relaxes with drunkenness 5<br />

treatment by Grape juice, also stops arthritis<br />

it helps pneumonia patients, and tuberculosis<br />

people then healed, will gradually may return<br />

consuming foods, except sweets & carbohydrates<br />

Grape cure is acting, alone and in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntly<br />

not mix other foods, doesn't want interference<br />

many Asiatic population, know this fast<br />

only eating fruit, awakens the basics<br />

Gandhi fasts, asking pure grape juice<br />

so the power of the grape, safer working<br />

You chew a lot, including grape seeds<br />

they strengthen gums, and teeth wobbly<br />

5 Dr. Swinburne Clymar, authorities in the field of Passionflower,<br />

as the Tupinamba of Brazil, writes: "it should be given in all fever<br />

accompanied by extreme nervousness and insomnia, as<br />

joint pain, pallor and ten<strong>de</strong>ncy to bleeding of gums and sores. passionflower calm the nervous system more then narcotics."<br />


also Quince, and watermelons with seeds<br />

they lower pressure, <strong>de</strong>toxify your kidneys<br />

Watermelon seed tea, myocardial contrast<br />

soothes red skin, it removes stubborn worms<br />

I split Watermelons, good with the knuckles<br />

I open them with finger, and I drink cups as<br />

if it's thirsty yet, I bite the insi<strong>de</strong> edge<br />

the animals as pigs, also love it a lot<br />

Chicory roots, Rhubarb and Gentian 1<br />

I soak in wine, to bitter medicines<br />

they helps well, liver and intestines<br />

especially if I ate, a lot during weeks<br />

帕梅拉 makes omelettes, with El<strong>de</strong>rflower<br />

with roots and bark, she produce ointment<br />

to heal burns and wounds, ulcers of the skin<br />

as well of the mouth, and ulcers of gums<br />

El<strong>de</strong>r tree <strong>de</strong>coction, cleans oral cavity 2<br />

el<strong>de</strong>rberries in wine, producing cough tonic<br />

good for throat gargle, and respiratory ills<br />

el<strong>de</strong>r tea sooths, arthritis, and rheumatism<br />

Red Clover tea, has phosphorus and calcium<br />

helps brittle teeth, rickets & whooping cough<br />

while White clover tea, it prevents mumps<br />

in outbreaks of otitis, use it with honey<br />

Yarrow leaf blocks, blood flow to the nose<br />

hemorrhoids & bleeding, it fix menstrual cycle<br />

the Rumex juice, called the abrupt grass<br />

it heals bad breath, and skin diseases 3<br />

Arum emanating odor, a strong <strong>de</strong>cay<br />

to attract insects, flowers in his cup<br />

its bottom is hotter, flies trapped<br />

pollen on the hair, forced to fertilize<br />

Arum maculatum, gives name to the family<br />

Araceae everywhere, Gichero is well called<br />

in winter is in the bulb, emerges in spring<br />

1 Rhubarb is digestive, it contains oxalic acid that binds calcium in<br />

body forming oxalate . It can creates problems for kidneys in<br />

hereditary subjects. Oxalic acid in 4 pieces of rhubarb stalk stuck<br />

in the ground near the roots of cabbage, limit the parasitic fungus<br />

that produces hernia, especially in acidic soils or poorly drained.<br />

2 "in Bomarzo I use fresh leaves washed and applied on the<br />

inflamed skin, mouth, abscesses (possible allergic reactions on<br />

sensitive skin). Depleted marrow stems are used as a blowpipe and<br />

pipes of Pan." 塔拉斯<br />

3 Rumex species are perennial plants. It has purifying, digestive,<br />

laxative, astringent, anti-rheumatic juice, end it wins scurvy and<br />

excess sweating. It's contraindicated in colic, gastritis, gallstones<br />

and gout arthritis.<br />

nitrophilous of woods, it <strong>de</strong>polluting soil 4<br />

I used fresh leaves, applied on forehead<br />

to relieve headaches, analgesic it acts<br />

its leaves poun<strong>de</strong>d, I apply on pimples<br />

when in <strong>de</strong>coction, it stop hemorrhoids<br />

his orange-red fruit, has pleasant taste<br />

it attract children, who suffer poisoning<br />

so the burning, in the mouth during chewing<br />

with the smell of carrion, reduces high-dose<br />

Gichero skin irritation, if contact occurs<br />

but the toxic principles, are thermolable<br />

going to disappear, with a long boiling<br />

its tuber fresh, it's energetic purgative<br />

it is antirheumatic, a good expectorant<br />

if eaten in excess, diarrhea & tachycardia<br />

vomiting and gastritis, convulsions and coma<br />

its flower in the cradle, it protects my kids<br />

Aristolochia plant, is similar to the arum<br />

it has yellow flower in foil, and flies ovary<br />

its flowers into forest, are white or pink<br />

visible to insects, for sharing the pollen<br />

He<strong>de</strong>ra helix is perennial, climbing plant<br />

balsamic effective, Ivy is good expectorant<br />

it resists situations, and moisture scarcity<br />

it is shelter for birds, offering its berries<br />

its berries are toxic, to the human beens<br />

especially for the people, allergic or sick<br />

Its leaves tea in summer, dried slowly<br />

takes away the cough, I use cautiously<br />

Drink with caution, purges bronchial catarrh<br />

together with throat, headaches and menstrual<br />

fresh leaves <strong>de</strong>coction, antirheumatic bathrooms<br />

I used for outsi<strong>de</strong>, Ivy shampoo shiny hair<br />

poun<strong>de</strong>d fresh leaves, or its berries juice<br />

I apply on outsi<strong>de</strong>, the neuralgia fights<br />

using berries, in epistaxis and epilepsy<br />

I rub Ivy ointment, on my pained limbs<br />

4 "The anti-asthmatic and antitussive properties has Arum. It fights<br />

hemorrhoids and polyps of the nose. I use fresh roots and leaves<br />

(boiled leaves <strong>de</strong>grease and bleached linen) in burns and difficult<br />

wounds. Against Rheumatism I crush and rub Arum red berries on<br />

the painful zones, it starts strong burning after some it moves. Its<br />

tuber-pulp has caustic crystals of calcium oxalate."<br />


Ivy flowers in wine, against dysentery<br />

helps its root, my teeth, head and spleen<br />

soothes sore ears, and visual disturbances<br />

the gypsies retain, its juices into jars 1<br />

Ivy leaves in vinegar, insi<strong>de</strong> their tents<br />

on long journeys, reinforces gypsies foot<br />

Ivy protects home, is a refuge of goblins<br />

Ivy gives the whips, for stimulating body<br />

hitting the body, was a <strong>de</strong>toxify remedy<br />

into Tuscany land, to light the passions<br />

Terpsichore women, they used thorny Ivy<br />

Smilax red berries, they start ritual eat<br />

She adorn her head, starting old ritual<br />

it stings her forehead, dancing is frantic<br />

she tear her clothes, in the true bacchanal<br />

instinctively wiggle, she acts of reckless<br />

the Hispanic Sarsaparilla, smilax is called<br />

during spring time, it gives novices branches<br />

cuddly and reddish, like asparagus shoots<br />

soft bitter taste, we use still to cook 2<br />

塔拉斯 talks about, charm of Mandrake<br />

used by Grandma, she Romanian gypsy<br />

direct relationship, is strong sentiment<br />

the plant returns, the same enchantment<br />

Mandrake root plant, makes bri<strong>de</strong>s girls<br />

if mixed in feed, dairy cows increases<br />

it can gives to human, luck and fertility<br />

happy end business, harmony and prosperity<br />

Queen sexual plants, is called Matraguna<br />

Queen of Cucuteni, she listens all intentions<br />

she asks ritual silence, to speak ge<strong>net</strong>ic co<strong>de</strong><br />

Matraguna born, from semen of a hanged man<br />

if you collect its leaves, un<strong>de</strong>r a full moon<br />

pay with something, she like to be cuddle<br />

you court her with dancing, great veneration<br />

1 塔拉斯: "I put a leaf directly to the skin thickened, holding it<br />

with bandage or by macerating the leaves in vinegar. Against<br />

arthritis and sciatica I compress with analgesic and reliever<br />

<strong>de</strong>coction of smaller leaves (more active if born on the north si<strong>de</strong><br />

of the oak). I use <strong>de</strong>coctions and ointments (Ivy pulverized and<br />

fat) to cure boils, sores, burns, and to remove calluses and corns.<br />

The gypsies live with their feet, reinforce them walking barefoot<br />

on the grass covered with <strong>de</strong>w, and rub them with salt water and<br />

ivy leaves water, crushed and macerated for 2 days in hot<br />

vinegar."<br />

2 Smilax aspera is Lianos and perennial plant, it has reddish young<br />

ten<strong>de</strong>r stalks. The clusters flowers (sept-novem) are small, white,<br />

its dual power, <strong>de</strong>pends on your intention 3<br />

take her to your house, give her the musicians<br />

make honor of the queen, undressed sad faces!<br />

not fight not to hate, remember these tips<br />

She will save you, assigns you more children<br />

on Sunday celebration, I remain to <strong>de</strong>light her<br />

i bring more people, parties & performances<br />

I remain cheerful, especially on that day<br />

I wish her health, joy she spreads around<br />

a girl whom wants, to cause love of man<br />

when she uproots mandrake, must strip naked<br />

in its place in the hole, she can put coins<br />

to sprinkle with wine, to quench it thirst<br />

more girls go to camps, with wise women<br />

after eating, even after naked danced<br />

old lady pronounces, enchantment formulas<br />

around matraguna, while digging ground<br />

careful no burglary, no piece of it root<br />

key is the intention, which is collected<br />

If collected for hate, they spit each other<br />

they exchange insults, they ritual beat<br />

the charm can vanish, even if a dog sees<br />

<strong>de</strong>creases its effectiveness, after rising sun<br />

collected mandrake, girls caress themselves<br />

they hug with love, saying a choice litany<br />

empress Matraguna, get me married next moon<br />

because if you do not, I come back to break you<br />

Matraguna green grass, beautiful craziest bird<br />

you sing for me, un<strong>de</strong>r your moon springs<br />

if it is collected for love, called dragoste<br />

to marry someone, dance or do the parties<br />

two el<strong>de</strong>rly women, fasting going to search her<br />

carrying bread and salt, and a penny to pay<br />

in a place hid<strong>de</strong>n far, then they collect<br />

they have to undress, & bow without worry<br />

with faces to east, turning for three times<br />

they recite more spells, in or<strong>de</strong>r to uproot 4<br />

3The emotional state in which you approaches it, establishes the<br />

direction of his power, love and health, or hatred and madness.<br />

4Eu va dau pâine si sare / I am giving you bread and salt |<br />

Dar voi sa-mi dati sanatate / give me strength of health. |<br />

Fac cruce si bat matàni i/ I sign me I prosternum |<br />

Si pui pâine si sare / I give you bread and salt |<br />

fragrant. The fruits are small red berries inedible but harmless. Sa-mi dai leac / for you to give me healing.<br />


without speaking to her, you show your joy<br />

until you judge her, it is in a good mood<br />

you say hello hello, drink and eat next her<br />

you invoke her as sovereign, reveals your need<br />

you do invocation at night, at sick person home<br />

You are queen of heaven, and earth storms<br />

I was looking for you, you brought spell<br />

I put you in the glass, to heal sick person<br />

Wise old pours water, the sick drinks honey<br />

Wise old smear with honey, all over his head<br />

she ties on his neck, red cotton with the money<br />

covers him with a shirt, and the ritual is en<strong>de</strong>d<br />

3 tablespoons of mixture, 3 times a day he drink<br />

the treatment lasts 3 days, he abstain raw onion<br />

he does not drink brandy, at least two weeks<br />

even a fresh milk, and white sugary foods<br />

塔拉斯 still tells us, with gypsy enthusiasm<br />

Solanaceae group, which uses tryptophan<br />

this plants gives, dry mouth and thirst<br />

Pressure tachycardia, dilated pupils<br />

Solanum dulcamara, it contains solanine<br />

Solanum nigrum too, slightly hallucinatory<br />

giving excitement, anxiety or relaxation<br />

headache and insomnia, or exciting nymphos<br />

herbs of the witches, inclu<strong>de</strong>d in this group<br />

<strong>de</strong>pends their effect, by high or low doses<br />

Atropa belladonna, black cherry it grows<br />

into clearings, at the limit of the woods<br />

well-being & landscapes, low doses effects<br />

while the high doses, get raving mydriasis<br />

heat and wrist down, the psyche is clou<strong>de</strong>d<br />

poison gives a coma, <strong>de</strong>ath by asphyxiation<br />

We are food & care, shelter & sex strength<br />

the plants tell us, to communicate something<br />

origins of the orgy, and the Sabbath cults<br />

resi<strong>de</strong>s in a common, biological substrate<br />

so the Black Henbane, is a biennial plant<br />

spread in Europe, contains scopolamine<br />

alkaloid in the leaves, fruits and seeds<br />

its ritual dosage, it refines its action 1<br />

1The black Hembane (hyoscyamus niger) produces symptoms<br />

similar to poisoning by atropa belladonna, it differs in minor<br />

motor excitement (it not gives stimulus to jump, laugh,<br />

exaggerated movements). Black henbane has more marked<br />

hypnotic action with headache, dizziness, <strong>de</strong>creased sensitivity,<br />

whispering in the ears, amblyopia, photophobia, aphonia and less<br />

the Apollinaris it is called, in antiquity<br />

for its strong action, prophetic capacity<br />

it was used by Angizians, the oracle sibyls<br />

following the instructions, protocol rituals<br />

Datura suaveolens, in Peru is borrachera<br />

its intoxication given, to the barking dog<br />

the mind is sleeping, and recovers the life<br />

when it sniffs vinegar, wakening the senses<br />

Datura intoxicating, used around the globe<br />

the borachero is called, the grass of graves<br />

it make you on tour, around <strong>de</strong>ad & spectra<br />

bitter drink Tonga, is ma<strong>de</strong> with its seeds<br />

Datura is annual plant, its fruit very spiny<br />

in all the continents, has wrinkled dark leaves<br />

it has atropine, hyoscyamine and scopolamine<br />

produced by the roots, and leaves and seeds<br />

Atropine circulates, energetic into intestine<br />

it calms bronchial asthma, it's anticholinergics<br />

Datura is pain relief, of wounds and fractures<br />

in the form of drink, or smoking leaves<br />

if the plant Datura, is used in divination<br />

it is the last resort, to track down thieves<br />

five-day ritual, with vomiting and sweating<br />

it requires to heal, restore social harmony<br />

at Quero and Delphi, was used by sibyls<br />

also by Indian's priests, to visit relatives<br />

they accept the fact, agony and convulsions<br />

to find brujo & thieves, and medicine remedies<br />

thieves & prostitutes, using for their purposes<br />

Datura metel pow<strong>de</strong>r, mixed into drinks<br />

the courtesans lovers, used melting heats<br />

of willing men, paying for ri<strong>de</strong>s their sex<br />

you have to use Momoy, without interruption<br />

so it knows you, and it does not hurt you<br />

rigorous fasting, and only datura to drink<br />

the whole plant a week, you can macerate 2<br />

smell, it causes more drowsiness and audio-visual hallucinations<br />

of prophecy type (prediction) or horrifying type (by scopolamine).<br />

The acetate of ammonia awakens from slumber.<br />

2 In the <strong>de</strong>sert coastal region of southern California between<br />

gabrieliño, juaneño and luiseno peoples, young boys in puberty,<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rgo the initiation ceremony of Toloache (datura meteloi<strong>de</strong>s).<br />

After taking they dancing fre<strong>net</strong>ically, they fall into collapse and<br />

receive the coveted vision that will give them a life project. The<br />

eye of a <strong>de</strong>er (hikuri) inhibits toloache.<br />


Tubalobal young people, a tribe of California<br />

Datura consume, its <strong>de</strong>coction of the roots<br />

it refines their sight, to see all the animals<br />

to hunt and become, their guardian spirits<br />

Each guy sees, his own role and vocation<br />

his future path, in the way of tradition<br />

the Toloache cult, is traced into rocks<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> tiny caves, refuge for initiations<br />

among Chumash, Momoy is the Grandma<br />

is important divinity, it medicine brings<br />

Momoy calms children, rebels and spoiled<br />

She has orphan niece, bring up as shaman<br />

Coyote old man, is joker of consciousness<br />

great hunter shaman, beginning adolescence<br />

Momoy ambiguous plant, powerful & dangerous<br />

she is also beautiful girl, hunting for lovers<br />

Berdache employ datura, to give the frenzy<br />

to people who choose, the Prostitution way<br />

and profiteers of love, spray it for time<br />

its ointment drops, un<strong>de</strong>r skin and back<br />

then to be released, by a spell of love<br />

he needs looking for, to a singer healer<br />

well as the hunter, who uses magic Momoy<br />

becomes its prey, as Actaeon gets frenzy<br />

莉萨 start to talk, of gen<strong>de</strong>r and sexes<br />

binary thinking mo<strong>de</strong>l, it covers only two<br />

between gen<strong>de</strong>rs & sexes, there are differences<br />

their combination, gives rise to more awareness<br />

more Native Americans, know the affinities<br />

between the plants mood, and human sexuality<br />

the act of making sex, and act of swallowing<br />

it is able to reveal, your inner i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

among California, and Pueblos of Arizona<br />

a strong man, is chosen and masturbated<br />

several times a day, to have ejaculates<br />

low testosterone, and female weakness<br />

on horse is sent, the genitals atrophy<br />

it falls hair and beard, his voice eases<br />

inclined to women, is now effeminate<br />

she takes on new role, in social house<br />

Cabeza <strong>de</strong> Vaca, exploring the Florida<br />

found among natives, androgynous peoples<br />

effeminate boys, accepted by the group<br />

calls them Berdache, people double hearts 1<br />

many brave Indians, were also good wives<br />

sacred and graceful, double hearts healers<br />

they were medicine men, shamans and advisers<br />

women while reverse, give evi<strong>de</strong>nce of warriors<br />

many Native cultures, encouraging third sex<br />

called Nadle by Navaho, Winktie by Lakota<br />

NativeAmericans, encourage spontaneous tremor<br />

well as in aggressive, tribes of the plains<br />

appreciating diversity, is magical mystery<br />

psyche and reality, reflected one another<br />

transvestism, cure neurosis and <strong>de</strong>viations<br />

caused by <strong>de</strong>nials, and forced educations<br />

the gen<strong>de</strong>r and roles, cover all differences<br />

has Lakota wisdom, four classes of people 2<br />

Waka-sa the artists, Wapi are the healers<br />

Wakan-ka wise man, Wicànuga are mages<br />

Wacasa has visions, both female and male<br />

along with nuances, and neither of them<br />

the origin of human, was androgynous<br />

after that it differs, in body and mind<br />

No one person, we have to throw away<br />

each one takes place, his own special<br />

Look at yourself, your basic meaning<br />

and you will discover, your inner feeling<br />

Man with woman's heart, is very sensitive<br />

Women with man's heart, is hunting brave<br />

dreams with visions, will allow the change<br />

the body is a <strong>de</strong>vice, of the spiritual way<br />

two hearts among Yuma, are called Elsa<br />

if they get in dream, they make a party<br />

observing the child, predict his future<br />

adapts their society, to gen<strong>de</strong>r changes<br />

1 For ethnology, the Berdache (sakalava in Madagascar, mahu in<br />

Tahiti, katoey in Thailand, auracani in Chile) is a transvestite who<br />

wears women's clothes. He can take another man for her husband,<br />

he performs womanly works and during sexual intercourse he<br />

takes the female role. Among the Chukchi of Siberia, shamans are<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>red berdache. Besi<strong>de</strong>s his wife-shaman, the husband has<br />

other wives as well. The shaman may have a woman for a lover<br />

and bear children. From sexual customs of native peoples, When<br />

it's not possible to follow instincts, many natives groups resolve to<br />

imitating the appearance of heterosexual intercourse with person<br />

of the same sex: the man using anal intercourse and women using<br />

dildos as bananas or bones of rein<strong>de</strong>er on leather belt. So<br />

preserving the conditions of copulation: a male i<strong>de</strong>ntity (I) and a<br />

female i<strong>de</strong>ntity (You) in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt by physical sex.<br />

2 The physical organs of male and female, are combined to<br />

generate male and female spirits, giving us more combinations.<br />


Chukchi of Siberia, shamans are two hearts<br />

beloved and respected, if they get results<br />

in cure and healing, and problem solving<br />

they take new name, for genital dancing<br />

God<strong>de</strong>ss Anukite, like double-face Janus<br />

the one who dreams it, become foresight<br />

able to make clothes, along with medical<br />

this one learns, the art of cooking fire<br />

a person who resists, shamanic vocation<br />

or other role as head, dismembered lives<br />

only when he accepts, the calling Vision<br />

he ceases to suffer, his clan get honor<br />

Accepting within, the inner true nature<br />

it brings surprise, into social structure<br />

then more people, will accept visions<br />

Psyche is reflected, in all situations<br />

the island of Bali, the Western man<br />

is tourist perceived, as a transsexual<br />

because of customs, is called berdache<br />

yang dominant man, is won by Salmace<br />

in the Ivory Coast, man-women priests<br />

they washing into river, at festival spring<br />

they mate with males, as ritual purpose<br />

a person who resists, will suffer pains<br />

Azan<strong>de</strong> male & women, upper Congo river<br />

play intercourse, reversing their roles<br />

introduce each other, fruit of bananas<br />

to stimulate <strong>de</strong>light, and human prana<br />

Yellama god<strong>de</strong>ss, of south India rivers<br />

has power to change, mix gen<strong>de</strong>r sexes<br />

Women wears the mask, of Gauri Queen<br />

they mimic the male, a coitus of bull<br />

sex is a school, among Ganda of Nile<br />

making para<strong>de</strong>, in front of the village<br />

lessons are ma<strong>de</strong>, since their childhood<br />

each couple of village, without taboos<br />

镭森 links up here, the Venus Wolf<br />

the red Aphrodite, lan<strong>de</strong>d in Etruria n<br />

Wolf God<strong>de</strong>ss who feeds, two Latin twins<br />

the native God<strong>de</strong>ss, Acca Laurentia is 1<br />

He tells of the myth, Ovid's Hermaphrodite<br />

raised by Aphrodite, around Phrygian lake<br />

when fifteen years, he leaves his place<br />

taking off clothes, he wash in a river<br />

he was seen on shore, by Salmace nymph<br />

She falls in love, like fire without peace<br />

The youth unawares, about love affairs<br />

rejecting the sweet, requests of nymph<br />

Salmace flows insi<strong>de</strong>, water of river<br />

where naked boy, before was immersed<br />

she strong hugged him, clung all him<br />

as ivy on the trunk, she merged him<br />

She prayed the gods, not be separated<br />

Hermaphrodite as well, resists to her<br />

her prayer fulfilled, eternal union was<br />

one body finally, emerged from the rivers<br />

Hermaphrodite then, obtained by Hermes<br />

that those who go to river, to plunge pain<br />

will touch his fate, now the same of him<br />

changing situation, is the metamorphosis<br />

His father Hermes, is Mercury Caduceus<br />

ancient moon god, first androgynous scribe<br />

He melts into mysteries, ego and his mirror<br />

in Africa and Brazil, is called Logun Edè<br />

Aphrodite and Hermes, Venus and Mercury<br />

androgynous synthesis, of mind i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

the Hermaphrodite sum, two spiritualities<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> human soul, and human activities<br />

God Hermaphrodite, then it went at Syria<br />

in walkabout around, crossing sea to Cyprus<br />

moves also in Crete, and the Hellenic cities<br />

spreading rites & cults, to cope with crisis<br />

this myth has meaning, conflict of our mind<br />

between female part, and the masculine one<br />

at the same time, it teach integration<br />

the great healing, of soul dissociation<br />

Scythia and Anatolia, Syria and Palestine<br />

rituals took place, of transsexual changes<br />

when Scythian's retreat, they plun<strong>de</strong>r Ascalon<br />

God<strong>de</strong>ss Venus angry, get them into berdache<br />

Tiresias born in Thebes, and lived on Cyllene<br />

1Silent Wolf, was Earth god<strong>de</strong>ss of hunting and wildlife. She was where serpent power, it teach him for a long<br />

adored with rites of sacred prostitution. Rom was the sound of it gives him the wisdom, and healing power<br />

little ones while sucking milk from the mother's breast. Aphrodite- he becomes berdache, according him 2 flower<br />

Venus, god<strong>de</strong>ss of Cyprus, is called Cypris, Anadyomene (born<br />

from the sea foam), Porne (holy promiscuity) and Uranus (sky).<br />


the times of crisis, the force is reversed<br />

yin becomes the yang, and vice versa this<br />

Day becomes dark, the night turns sense<br />

change directions, values and even sex<br />

Abbot Becarelli, at King Fre<strong>de</strong>rick court<br />

had a medicine, to obtain breadth orgasms<br />

drug that could, to change internal sexes<br />

Women becomes men, King becomes lady<br />

actor disguises himself, in other i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

he discovers others, attitu<strong>de</strong>s and values<br />

the masculinity, is reflected in the power<br />

dressing with armor, stiffing all over<br />

there England, during the Renaissance<br />

spread was custom, to disguise itself<br />

Majesty James I, fights transgressions<br />

inciting preachers, to change situation<br />

Women in the City, the bourgeoisie class<br />

breaking the taboos, of sex and classes<br />

accused of immorality, or prostitution<br />

because of wearing, men's cloth position<br />

Hermaphrodite crossed, centuries of time<br />

comes in the city, with different people<br />

carrying the mo<strong>de</strong>l, of human perfection<br />

during crisis times, fear and alienation<br />

He went into India, as Rama and Krishna<br />

in Villipuram village, Koothandar Temple<br />

there Vaishnava sadhus, on Amavasya night<br />

performing the myth, of special marriage<br />

Mahabharata stories, tells a son of King<br />

a day before to battle, he asks to marry<br />

but he was eunuch, no woman come to him<br />

Krishna changes itself, it is wife for him<br />

then wedding night, morning he can battle<br />

when died in battle, she mourning can hold<br />

eventually revealed, Krishna is also Devi<br />

for all those present, who see the mysteries<br />

<strong>de</strong>ath of her husband, is like Siva and Kali<br />

镭森 revival us, invites us to quiver<br />

on fire of evening, it releases a song<br />

my heart is satisfied, when I feel Tago love<br />

become absolute <strong>de</strong>sire, will happen to you<br />

revelation of Self, which rises and quiver<br />

Sound and light taste, becomes obstacle<br />

if a root on your ego, out of your content<br />

the total <strong>de</strong>siring, pe<strong>net</strong>rates everything<br />

now feel in experience, unnecessary words<br />

at Present in vigilance, you remain stable<br />

reality of today, yesterday and tomorrow<br />

even if hungry, you get enough food<br />

even in weakness, you reach completion<br />

if discouraged, don't stop your efforts<br />

recognize your heart, as only supporting<br />

Human experience, is tied to his i<strong>de</strong>as<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> by intellect, which perpetuates chains<br />

the power of the word, is ready to blur<br />

the nature of the Self, <strong>de</strong>ep and essential 1<br />

if I am ignoring, the profound mystery<br />

I pray in vain, all of the world Vedas<br />

the mantra with psalms, and fire offers<br />

without mysteries, are smoke that I invoke<br />

If I <strong>de</strong>ceive friends, with pure and impure<br />

with arbitrary morality, seated in the lotus<br />

also if I bares my body, or I shave my skull<br />

I just make theater, as clown insi<strong>de</strong> bluff<br />

If I meditate, the mandalas and chakras<br />

or I <strong>de</strong>bate if the space, is emptiness or not<br />

If I analyze a joy, in various stages over<br />

I appeal to scripture, already gone over<br />

The texts go away, reality is the result<br />

then "I am nganga!" spontaneous I say<br />

we meditating, we are already immaculate<br />

a world is illusion, in front of my face 2<br />

I dwells in the heart, if I stop sadhana<br />

I stop torture, of all polluted practices<br />

I get <strong>de</strong>light of foods, beverages rejoice<br />

consciousness relaxes, spontaneous choice<br />

Your knowledge, it stops the proceedings<br />

Your quivering love, in sadguru get joys<br />

the birth & the end, evolution and progress<br />

along with Nirvana, they are meaningless<br />

1 "The seed of ignorance, cause and source of fatigue, is dissipated<br />

by the expansion of consciousness beyond all limits. The tremor<br />

energy free the man who follows a Way"<br />

2 The source of consciousness escapes you as you move away from<br />

the spontaneous, to figure out an artificial way. Vijñânabhaïrava<br />

book says: Meditation is also an illusory <strong>net</strong>work, you recognize<br />

the divine essence in your inner quiver, before any <strong>de</strong>sire you<br />

know Who I am, where I am, you already are! You're the only<br />

true nature and source of the ego (Je suis nganga). 镭森<br />


Majo, 塞巴 skribis:<br />

Therabuti school, is temple and gar<strong>de</strong>ns<br />

it has terraces, and windbreaks walls<br />

benches with flower beds, fruit trees<br />

separated in areas, straw everywhere<br />

I start exploring, from navel of center<br />

I advance around, areas and sectors<br />

I follow as a criterion, ease of access<br />

I observed around, the gradual cultivation<br />

The gar<strong>de</strong>n I attend, I see it from house<br />

visible from kitchen, vegetables are born<br />

in area behind gar<strong>de</strong>n, there's apiary orchard<br />

I see barley field, olive grove and vineyard<br />

The outer area, it is like a wild forest<br />

Oak and Walnut, and Chestnut woods<br />

the bor<strong>de</strong>r areas, are sacred ecosystem<br />

hosting the living, absent in other area<br />

search for a style, is heart of a gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

response to more needs, unconscious discover<br />

I <strong>de</strong>sign and execute, with local resources<br />

money and climate and soil, their connections<br />

this Gar<strong>de</strong>n evokes style, of the Sea Peoples<br />

Forests and <strong>de</strong>serts, and kids do play there<br />

I collect fruits, vegetables and meditation<br />

every gar<strong>de</strong>n is, an imprint of its creator<br />

the gar<strong>de</strong>n is a living, constantly awakened<br />

it improves never ends, it reflects the hearts<br />

it draws life from the attentions, of its user<br />

it becomes a Thera temple, if it wins a soul<br />

My gar<strong>de</strong>n is divi<strong>de</strong>d, in functional spaces<br />

a pond & gar<strong>de</strong>n, with herbs together woods<br />

each is surroun<strong>de</strong>d, it is eight square meters<br />

hedges with plants groups, as walls and steps<br />

Gar<strong>de</strong>n is like a painting, has many angles<br />

it allows external view, feeling cheers<br />

it has huts and terraces, also pergolas<br />

an entry driveway, it mean<strong>de</strong>ring runs 1<br />

the soil is busy, by hardy perennial plants<br />

Sage & Rosemary, Geranium and beauty flowers<br />

2-3 species dominate, the rest are small groups<br />

the dominant colors, are yellow and red purple<br />

a corner of the gar<strong>de</strong>n, rock spiral-shaped<br />

it is home for different, medicinal plants<br />

it goes down to low, the rainwater pool<br />

I see the Parsley, in sha<strong>de</strong> and humidity 2<br />

I see in a corner, bright and strong colors<br />

yellow & red and orange, vibrant & relaxing<br />

the voids are filled, the darkness is brightened<br />

clumps & hedges separate, the fragrant places<br />

a hedge-cutter, adorns the beautiful gar<strong>de</strong>n 3<br />

with trees & shrubs, marigolds & nasturtiums<br />

Marigolds and verbena, laven<strong>de</strong>r and tansy<br />

Basil and spices, I smell then I see them<br />

convolvulus hedges, with funnels white flowers<br />

are invasive of the bushes, and good for teas<br />

their leaves & roots, get warm in the evening<br />

treat fevers infections, and vaginal discharge<br />

I see pioneer vegetation, algae and brambles<br />

a comfortable microclimates, shelter for birds<br />

Blackberry is very common, Rubus fruticosus<br />

bushes with thorns, very sharp and vigorous 4<br />

1 To test a floor, you bath it. Solid foundations are a layer of gravel<br />

(10 centimeters) of sand or Malta (4 cm)..<br />

2 at the top of dry gar<strong>de</strong>n, is Rosemary, Sage, Thyme and Oregano,<br />

lower down, where the soil is moist, Tarragon, Parsley, Chives,<br />

Calendula, Chamomile and Peppermint.<br />

3 A fence protects the gar<strong>de</strong>n to a <strong>de</strong>pth equal to 10 times its height<br />

4 Detach the terminal bud, you peel the outer skin and eat the bitter<br />

heart. Wait for the rains of April and the June sun to find in<br />

quantity. The larger roots are ma<strong>de</strong> soft after lengthy boiling and<br />

reduced to mush to be eaten with spices. Its flowers produce<br />

pollen useful as a general tonic, diarrhea and enteritis.<br />


I'm a Bramble nursery, construction of nature<br />

on impoverished soils, I recover fertility<br />

I love the birds, if I grow the soil hopes<br />

because its fertility, one day will returns<br />

Bramble is a plant, fruitful and vigorous<br />

I can grow it also, as well as the grape<br />

I fix new blackberries shoots, along a wire<br />

I prune fruited branches, then in late winter<br />

Bramble Hedge is <strong>de</strong>fensive, it can be aggressive<br />

at the beginning of summer, I get it a bit weak<br />

I prune aerial part, if necessary for two years<br />

in extreme I use salt, water sea or ammonium 1<br />

Bramble white rootlets, I soak in water<br />

hormones are rich, suitable for cuttings<br />

I immerse the shoots jets, of useful plants<br />

I leave them to soak, to stimulate more days<br />

帕梅拉 prepares us, today blackberry jam<br />

She cooks on a low flame, blackberry & honey<br />

obtained syrup, she gives to children breakfast<br />

blackberry tea turns off, the burning urination<br />

sweet blackberries, potassium and calcium have<br />

that youth growing bodies, <strong>de</strong>mand in need<br />

the fruit is gluttony, refreshing at summer<br />

leaves & sprouts <strong>de</strong>coction, diarrhea dysentery<br />

I plant my Rose plants, together Laven<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Hyssop sage & thyme, marigold & rosemary<br />

I water at plant foot, so they resist drought<br />

i put beer yeast in water, to enrich soil substrate<br />

I prune suckers Roses, to prolong it flowering<br />

I take off <strong>de</strong>adwood, and branches in bulk<br />

short pruning, it gives big flowers roses 2<br />

the peat neutralizes, excess lime chlorosis<br />

I make rose cuttings, one not woo<strong>de</strong>n jet<br />

I cut its base, I put a grain crop between<br />

then tie with raffia, I leave to soak overnight<br />

transplanted in pots, with sandy & sphagnum<br />

1 to brush-cutter the bush, I cut the collar of the bush close to the<br />

ground, then I put on cut up a large handful of salt or, in extreme<br />

cases, ammonium sulphamate, a mineral that in a couple of<br />

months it <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>de</strong>s to harmless natural compounds (but it is<br />

harmful for fruit tree because of it <strong>de</strong>stroys all the flora with which<br />

it comes in contact).<br />

2 I bury banana peels at the foot of roses to brighten the color of the<br />

flower as the roots are greedy potassium and nitrogen. If the<br />

vegetation is too <strong>de</strong>nse and aged, the bloom will suffer. I<br />

rejuvenate the shrub cutting the shoots jets and I shorten the other<br />

to make lasting roses pot, I cut little bit of stem<br />

I remove thorns from stem, it drink more water<br />

wounds are open doors, increasing absorption<br />

I give warm water to Rose, to regain strength<br />

now I hedges Ivy, low one meter and a half<br />

so the its cuttings, in summer I may plant<br />

Ivy plants thrives, where others have failed<br />

it gives insulation, from rain & climate changes<br />

the Iris rhizomes, I divi<strong>de</strong> every four years<br />

I replant in front of south, to have fragrance<br />

freeze un<strong>de</strong>rmine them, I tuck up their rhizomes<br />

Florentine Iris, I keep its peace of live root<br />

Its dried rhizome, provi<strong>de</strong>s odor of violets<br />

is fixed in scents, it becomes pleasing smell<br />

its dust I ad<strong>de</strong>d, to rinse the laundry<br />

Iris flower pow<strong>de</strong>r, I found in pharmacies<br />

艾米利亚 now pick up, more nasturtium seeds<br />

she put them in brine, rest of plant as salads<br />

Nasturtiums, ornamental ground cover plants<br />

from spring to summer, it blooms with colors<br />

Nasturtium with beans, cabbage and zucchini<br />

hijacking aphids, from vegetables on its files<br />

at the foot of the roses, and apple trees<br />

it draws on its flowers, harmful insects<br />

I sow in April, nasturtium small soil holes<br />

Nasturtium likes watering, until settling up<br />

in the loose mixed soil, it grows also fast<br />

Since then it resists, a more dry climate<br />

Nasturtium of Peru, named Tropaeolus majus<br />

all eating plant, has spicy and sour taste<br />

has flowers & leaves, rich with vitamin C<br />

Its not mature seeds, I boil as a capers<br />

Dan<strong>de</strong>lion and Chicory, I cut when invasive<br />

I plant in their place, nasturtium to cover<br />

I sow mustard, for summer green manure<br />

I short Marigold jets, it suffers the cold<br />

Marigold Mexican plant, I pot in September<br />

after some time, marigold start new blooms<br />

if there is no frost risk, it sets in gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

Marigold is symbiont plant, of many gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

the Marigold roots, repel the nemato<strong>de</strong>s<br />

the following year, it lasts for three years<br />

it helps tomatoes, potatoes beans and roses<br />

Parsley sometimes, may work as Marigold<br />

just above a bud si<strong>de</strong>. The plant regains strength and shape.<br />


Calendula flowers, from June to November<br />

its seeds in the nursery, during Spring time<br />

I transplant from the pot, into sunny places<br />

spontaneously by itself, it spreads around there<br />

I feel <strong>de</strong>eply around, Air of the fragrance<br />

I remember Grandma, make to sleeping us<br />

putting un<strong>de</strong>r pillows, Abrotano and Melissa<br />

using Nettle bushes, to relief her asthma<br />

Flowers have influence, belong its scent<br />

it stimulate saliva, and glandular well<br />

a power supply, it is with more herbs<br />

it helps digestion, and sensory channels<br />

Oregano is the joy, Sage saves the man<br />

it is very popular herb, tea is good belly<br />

Juniper <strong>de</strong>coction, equal to turpentine oil<br />

it stimulus continues, belly skin and kidneys<br />

Melissa radiates around, beneficial Aroma<br />

it repels the ro<strong>de</strong>nts, as Spearmint plant<br />

The Mint hilarious, it's aphrodisiac plant<br />

remedy for bites, seasickness & nausea well<br />

the breath of Labiatae plants, fights colds<br />

the leaves with the heat, adjust digestions<br />

Labiate just given, are stimulating milk<br />

senses of perception, with saliva and taste<br />

a Mint leaves glass, I chop with blen<strong>de</strong>r 1<br />

I filter and spray, in the gar<strong>de</strong>n every week<br />

it repels larvae of aphids, together with ants<br />

I chew its leaves, it cools mouth after garlic<br />

Mint more intrusive, I put in the shards pot<br />

just leaving to escape, the basement board<br />

I cut the new jets, to make it compact<br />

I use it on cupboards, also I add to my tea<br />

帕梅拉 knows how prepare, spirit of Melissa<br />

macerated into brandy, she gets a lemon water<br />

for nervous vomiting, carsickness or time zone<br />

she use also <strong>de</strong>coction, infusion soft drink<br />

Melissa officinalis, it grows in cool places<br />

It smells of lemon, I use it raw and cooked<br />

I unearth its roots, late evening or night<br />

its leaves in the morning, when <strong>de</strong>w is gone<br />

hanging out to dry, it is good for neuroses<br />

for muscles sufferings, tremors in el<strong>de</strong>rly<br />

Melissa oil, has soothing properties<br />

calming insomnia, it helps my dreams<br />

Melissa fights, syncope and dizziness<br />

along with Marjoram, grows in all soils<br />

both win indigestion, solves the bloating<br />

both calm nervousness, helping feelings<br />

Sage is a num source, <strong>de</strong>coction fertilizer<br />

it calms in women, fevers and digestion<br />

it's tonic and balmy, for night sweating<br />

its action is required, for various TB<br />

you add it to soups, it reduces sweating<br />

due to weakness, it lowers blood glucose<br />

Sage power healing, for wounds and sores 2<br />

tannins bitter leaves, I start now to chew<br />

it fights infections, of mouth and throat<br />

on gums & bad breath, I rub it well on teeth<br />

Sage and Rosemary, have digestive enzymes<br />

I make their cuttings, in autumn season<br />

my hedges of Rosemary, are easy to prune<br />

Rosemary friend of carrots, beans & cabbage<br />

it repels fleas and ticks, various parasites<br />

Rosemary washing water, it cleans cat & dog<br />

Rosemary on tombs, protects the soul rises<br />

is tonic of the heart, and nervous system<br />

I rub his oil on temples, to relieve headaches<br />

in olive oil ointments, it helps tired bodies<br />

the flowers of Rosemary, ad<strong>de</strong>d into wine<br />

make breath fresher, and cleaning the face<br />

it calm respiratory, soothes asthma and colds<br />

diuretic & digestive, it protects against plague<br />

King David used it, where in loss of appetite<br />

also used Hyssop, praised in his psalms<br />

hyssop tea is mouthwash, to win infections<br />

to cure blad<strong>de</strong>rs, and help kidneys filtration<br />

Ruta graveolens, I plant un<strong>de</strong>r the grapes<br />

it has yellow flowers, with Crucifer forms<br />

since ancient times, is a panacea for all<br />

in excess it is toxic, it can cause grief<br />

1A pinch of pow<strong>de</strong>r weighing about 3g, a tablespoon 12gr and a 2With garlic and rosemary it form a triad. Bomarzo Recipe: Boil<br />

handful 50g. A cubic meter of earth weighs a ton, twice as much if together in strong vinegar, salt and a handful of Sage leaves,<br />

wet. A wheelbarrow has a capacity of 80 liters, enough to re- chrysanthemum and rosemary, then wet patches and packs on the<br />

potting of 100 plants in pots of 10 cm.<br />

painful area.<br />


Rue keeps flies away, as Hazel and Mint<br />

I harvest Ruta leaves, to rub or make tea<br />

it's suitable for calming, pain menstrual cycles<br />

calming intestinal colic, as hysterical attacks 1<br />

rue helps in washing, in cases of glaucoma<br />

who suffer from rhinitis, or catarrhal noses<br />

<strong>de</strong>coctions of herb rue, a spoon in cotton wool<br />

put insi<strong>de</strong> the nostrils, for three days whole<br />

Laven<strong>de</strong>r grows in dry soil, it hates humidity<br />

I plant it on rocky ground, in winter I mulch<br />

i cut in early July, flowers before hatching<br />

I dry it in the sha<strong>de</strong>, the plant upsi<strong>de</strong> down<br />

Lavan<strong>de</strong>r dried twigs, I burn in the fireplace<br />

they give off smell, good aroma of laven<strong>de</strong>r<br />

I soaked the flowers, in small bottles alcohol<br />

the drops are odors, on clothes & light bulbs<br />

Laven<strong>de</strong>r aftershave, gums and fresh breath<br />

is used in massage, and holy sweat lodge<br />

it's hot tea with milk, it calm my stomach<br />

it soothes instantly, aches and headaches<br />

in bathrooms with massage, it helps children<br />

it's good expectorant, curing wounds & cuts<br />

Laven<strong>de</strong>r it kills bacteria, healing burns<br />

finally its oil scent, insect bites it solves 2<br />

Wormwood & Mugwort, Primrose & Abrotan<br />

fight rots, from the mouth to the anus<br />

the mugwort leaves, secretes absintina<br />

it fell into ground, stopping other plants<br />

Absinthe and Sassafras, mosquitoes away<br />

dried leaves of wormwood, repress moths<br />

Likewise the Abrotano, mint and rosemary<br />

I put dry leaves, among plant garments<br />

Mugwort <strong>de</strong>coctions, are Fennel inhibitors<br />

it get to grow later, many gar<strong>de</strong>n plants<br />

sprayed on the soil, or the animal fur<br />

it discourages snails, and fleas surplus<br />

Tansy on shelves, it's good repellent<br />

against ants, the flies and fleas it kills<br />

it grows everywhere, has immortal flower<br />

when it is dried, still it is not withered 3<br />

Thyme inflorescence, attracts bees & butterflies<br />

I prune its old branches, to have new flowered<br />

it repels pests, on shelves around books<br />

before grabbing rabbit, rubbing your hands<br />

Thyme fights infections, is antiseptic hair<br />

it preserves the food, against many rots<br />

Thyme tea expectorant, stimulator of urine<br />

it soothes the pain, of joints of my body<br />

帕梅拉 once again, give me Chamomile oil<br />

popular remedies, and comfort our daughter 4<br />

the Chamomile plant, it binds with calcium<br />

stimulating hormone, growth in the young<br />

Chamomile tea, has sedative hysteria effect<br />

it soothes menstrual cramps, as the childbirth<br />

it contains calcium, which all the nerves calms<br />

as insomnia and headaches, and pains at si<strong>de</strong><br />

It reduces inflammation, diarrhea in lambs<br />

ad<strong>de</strong>d to wine sherry, Manzanilla becomes<br />

a very tonic wine, that has hilarious effects<br />

it fights indigestion, contrasting flatulence<br />

It stimulates enzymes, heaps and intestines<br />

it helps ears corn plant, onions and sprouts<br />

two days of cold infusion, it prevents rots<br />

In greenhouses & seedlings, as in nurseries<br />

the pow<strong>de</strong>r of flower, called Chrysanthemum<br />

it's infusions gives Pyrethrum, very insectici<strong>de</strong><br />

Calendula has big flower, called orange flower<br />

has flowers rich in sulfur, and medicines more<br />

I use bloom flowers, leaves and flower heads<br />

to make poultices, or to drink as infusion<br />

to disinfect wounds, or ulcers festering<br />

together with Chamomile, by mouth or enema<br />

1The Rue herb leaves are used to infusions (a grams per cup<br />

boiling water), good for calming hysterical and painful menstrual<br />

cycles. The ruta brandy, prepared by dipping a sprig of rue in 3Rubbed on the hair of the dog free it from fleas. Leaves and stems<br />

brandy, has potent abortifacient.<br />

are also toxic to humans, although steeped in wine they calm<br />

2Laven<strong>de</strong>r has pestici<strong>de</strong> effect on moths and mice. You can put spasms of intestine.<br />

bags with dried flowers in drawers and closets with clothes and 4Recipe of the Ram's Little Dodoen, a popular herbal of 1606: 3 or<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r the carpets of wool. The concentrate tea is used for typhoid 4 liters oil and 90 g, dried chamomile one day after collection.<br />

and diphtheria, streptococcus, pneumoniae and to treat vaginal Close tightly the glass and leaves 40 days exposed to sunlight. 塔<br />

discharge and vaginal douches. Laven<strong>de</strong>r inhalation treat cough 拉斯 use hot chamomile for joints, eczema and irritation and use<br />

and puns while a drop of oil induces sleep of adults and children. cold for bruises and contusions.<br />


Calendula helps cattle, it helps suppurations<br />

also used for swelling, contusions and sprains<br />

also Arnica Flower, by infusions or enemas<br />

it fights carbuncles, and digestive catarrh<br />

Margaret lotions, in wounds and bruises<br />

its flower and leaves, in <strong>de</strong>coction or tea<br />

I collect its flower heads, dried accumulated<br />

I mix them with a wine, oil or ointment 1<br />

Dragon's red Blood, it is a viscous latex<br />

extracted from the bark, of Croton lechleri<br />

罗慕洛 tells me, it's good medicine plant<br />

it comes from Amazon, to healing wounds 2<br />

罗慕洛 teach me, rubbing herbs in bloom<br />

you avoid soap, which suffocate the smell<br />

smell of the skin, it indicates a ten<strong>de</strong>ncy<br />

around your i<strong>de</strong>ntity, as original strength<br />

fragrances of many flowers, loads of prana<br />

Stimulate nostrils, to expand pranayama<br />

they purify the mind, a number of upsets<br />

of anger and greed, hatred and fogging 3<br />

the pot-pourri helps you, to scent the air<br />

spices and leaves & flowers, placed to dry<br />

head, heart and tail, are three levels of aroma<br />

lively and short the first, lingering on the third<br />

the Aromatic smells, are cloves and laurel<br />

Ambrosial smells, musk and amber are<br />

Fragrant smells, jasmine and lime and lilies<br />

Crustaceans smells, asafoetida and garlic are<br />

a Citrus scent, are citrus & spices flowers<br />

Foul smells are, like the group Valerian<br />

nauseating smells, are Cucurbits family<br />

Poisonous smells, are nightsha<strong>de</strong> family<br />

1 The plant dried and ground to a pow<strong>de</strong>r, when mixed with<br />

lanolin, vaseline, oil or neutral cream, it makes an ointment for<br />

external use. The infusion lasts 5 / 10 min. according to the<br />

<strong>de</strong>sired sha<strong>de</strong>, while the <strong>de</strong>coction for 10 to 20 minutes, and it is<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> mainly with seeds, stems and roots hard.<br />

2 lechleri di Croton, draconoi<strong>de</strong>s Croton, erythrochilus di Croton<br />

(euforbiaceae). it has tropane and a blood-red resin with flowing<br />

fast Taspine alkaloid. It heals wounds, abrasions and has antiseptic<br />

and anti-cancer qualities. The resin of this tree of Amazon jungle,<br />

it thickens and turns white when rubbed on the skin. The pure<br />

latex mixed with water and taken internally, calms stomach ulcers.<br />

3 not always we breathe with 2 nostrils. At intervals, it happens<br />

automatic partial blockage of one nostril, in favor of the other,<br />

leaving intact the body charging and the physiological balance<br />

between the solar and lunar pole of the nostrils.<br />

帕梅拉 help my sleep, preparing bandage<br />

she puts insi<strong>de</strong> it, violet flowers and citrus<br />

Petals of red roses, passion fruit with fennel<br />

figs and Valerian, wraps it around my eyes 4<br />

She starts and speaks, of aromas for life<br />

a Pine silvestris, if you have sense of guilt<br />

Walnut Jupiter glans, if have unstable power<br />

Myrrha or Juniper oil, anointing for healing 5<br />

Agrimonia eupatoria, researchs the essence<br />

if you have a strong torment, internal type<br />

if you do not tolerate, quarrels or disputes<br />

or choking distress, with more <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncies<br />

the Vinifera Vine, it heals over-ambition<br />

Olive tree, if you have a lot of tension<br />

it helps you to rest, regain consciousness<br />

after a long recovery, or just an illness<br />

essence of Oak, is for persistent excess<br />

it charges and protects, your exhaustion<br />

while the Chestnuts leaves, help to bear<br />

the extreme reactions, to emotional events<br />

if a Poplar tree, soothes fears and concerns<br />

nightmares and terrors, and anxieties of sacred<br />

Plum & Cherry help, those who fear going crazy<br />

to do forbid<strong>de</strong>n things, or if suffering a lot<br />

the Beech helps you, to find the right path<br />

if you have intolerance, and lack of empathy<br />

common Apple tree, helps the perfectionist<br />

it allows you to accept, body and conquer<br />

If you often mess, you smell Hippocastano<br />

Lavan<strong>de</strong>r help you, to keep focus <strong>de</strong>cision<br />

Jasmine helps you, overcome your pessimism<br />

<strong>de</strong>pression and loss, ancient disappointment<br />

Chicory helps you, if you hold an obsession<br />

the Ulmus lifts you up, if you have resigned<br />

Clematis plant, if you search for pragmatism<br />

Vervain helps you, to rest down the fanaticism<br />

if it manifests on breast, the femininity<br />

larynx Adam's apple, manifests masculinity<br />

Uterus and male gland, if get disturbance<br />

bear disor<strong>de</strong>rs, to relationship and conscious<br />

4 The School of Salerno anesthesia, was a sleeping pills spongia.<br />

soaked in the juice of opium, mandrake and henbane then got it to<br />

dry. When was time to use, it was immersed in water and ma<strong>de</strong><br />

the patient draw. The awakening was obtained with a sponge<br />

soaked in warm vinegar. Inuit and Yanomami, for insomnia,<br />

ingest pow<strong>de</strong>red animal bones (calcium combines sleep).<br />

5 bark resin of Commiphora Myrrha, is antidote to bites, it smells<br />

and disinfects mouth & environment, accelerating healing of sores<br />


Blad<strong>de</strong>r and kidneys, are organs of torque<br />

disturbance torque, threaten its security<br />

for mental clarity, it becomes a lagging<br />

while fears emerge, along with bigotry<br />

Liver & pancreas, stomach and intestines<br />

with gall blad<strong>de</strong>r, courage life express<br />

if lack of energy, they fall into <strong>de</strong>spair<br />

Stomach crashes, Pancreas appears <strong>de</strong>ad 1<br />

the liver it <strong>de</strong>toxify, other body areas<br />

is the target organ, by toxins and anger<br />

the anger clogged it, gnawing it a part<br />

Bilious it is arises, for high voltages<br />

马勒 tells me, Alchornea floribunda<br />

plant used to stun, in form of eye drops<br />

its <strong>de</strong>coction if ingested, blurred vision<br />

calming prisoners, and gets slaves sleep 4<br />

old Fang Byeri cults, use the eye drops<br />

to enhance visions, in a healing ritual<br />

using for their eyes, few drops of juice<br />

to see the ancestors, and see solutions 5<br />

in the worship of ancestors, or old Byeri<br />

the skulls are relics, to be all respected<br />

they watch over dances, history of clans<br />

journey into forests, in or<strong>de</strong>r to migrate 6<br />

the small intestine, absorbs the food<br />

is affected by choices, we un<strong>de</strong>rtake<br />

choices we do not like, get it to suffer<br />

Body it goes to fat, or to lose weight<br />

Constipation is often, contracted mind<br />

It happens more, to introverted people<br />

the Colon has disturbs, of assimilation2 you may get relax, smelling sensation<br />

Chest with the lungs, help air-language<br />

a sense of failure, hin<strong>de</strong>rs the free breath<br />

the Heart is sensitive, and all love allu<strong>de</strong>s<br />

it helps my cells, communicate each other<br />

Larynx also expresses, harmony of the self<br />

by means of words, clear and firm itself<br />

if it is not in harmony, voice trembles<br />

change of tone, increases or <strong>de</strong>creases<br />

Thyroid gives shape, to nervous system<br />

self-censorship, makes it cantankerous<br />

Hypothalamic gland, regulates hormones<br />

if possible it can helps, to solve congestion<br />

Veins and arteries, also emotional channels<br />

Tongue makes swallowing, it's organ of taste<br />

tongue aid in speech, chewing and sucking 3<br />

4Alchornea floribunda (Alan, Melan as a plural, Euphorbiaceae) is<br />

a glabrous shrub that can be growed into a tree of 12m. The lanceshaped<br />

leaves and little strokes have short petioles and are<br />

gathered on the tops of the branches, the inflorescences are spikes<br />

and the fruit capsules smooth. The psycho-aphrodisiac properties<br />

of Alan were discovered by the Pygmies of the Congo River basin,<br />

who use the <strong>de</strong>coction of young leaves as an emetic and gargle for<br />

tooth <strong>de</strong>cay. Leaves and roots are remedies in many indigenous<br />

medicines as a drink <strong>de</strong>coction for urinary problems, ovarian,<br />

gastrointestinal and respiratory disor<strong>de</strong>rs. Rubbed on the skin in<br />

cases of wounds, circumcisions, eczema, along with bark and<br />

leaves of other trees and plants, selected according to their flavor<br />

and properties. Malan are macerated in a white bowl and serve for<br />

the ritual bath. The Witoto of Amazon use the leaves as an<br />

antidote to diarrhea and the macerate is used in fever and malaria<br />

in Melanesia. The root scraped off, dried in the sun and chewed<br />

with salt, causing lighthea<strong>de</strong>dness and severe <strong>de</strong>pression after<br />

excessive use, so the plant was abused by slavehol<strong>de</strong>rs to calm<br />

prisoners. Roots, chewed Raw, macerated in palm/banana wines,<br />

are ingested during therapeutic-religious cults of Byeri, Bwiti and<br />

Ombwiri (also together Iboga), while, in Peru, the Amazonian<br />

species (Alchornea castanaefolia) is ad<strong>de</strong>d to Ayahuasca.<br />

5Among various populations of equatorial Africa, in the course of<br />

rituals and initiations, the patient or neophyte are applied eye<br />

drops in the eye. Ibama (the practice of eye drops) is a liturgy<br />

<strong>de</strong>rived from Byeri ritual taken in some Bwiti temples. It produces<br />

burning pain,but helps begun to see the hid<strong>de</strong>n world. In Ombwiri<br />

psychotherapy worship, patients lay on the sun, see circles and<br />

blue bubbles, often a circular door in an infinite space, glimpsed<br />

men dressed in white hats with raffia and a spear in his hand. This<br />

vision (meeting with ancestors) is a sign on their journey toward<br />

healing. During the Ibama rite, some initiates performing a dance<br />

of possession, they pant a lot and suffer from the fire in her eyes.<br />

Brought with them the sacred precinct (ESAM), have revived their<br />

wetting face and eyes with lemon juice, water and convolvulus;<br />

I check 镭森 tongue, to see his fever ill<br />

brought to nearest stream, immersed, dressed in leaves and<br />

sprinkled with red and white kaolin. The skulls are treated in the<br />

same way. Together return to the village marched with heavy<br />

tread, limping, since they have become old ancestors.<br />

1Kidneys are first filter. When there is a super food working, 6Bieri: cult of ancestors skull practiced by some Fang men since<br />

because of too much or bad food, kidneys alter their functionality<br />

with effects on other organs and glands.<br />

before their migration from the Rift Valley to the Gabon and<br />

Cameroon land. The worship inclu<strong>de</strong>s the conservation of<br />

2the elimination capacity of Lungs is related to the colon. when an ancestors skulls, (during the rite of initiation to adult life), and the<br />

individual does not give out (portrays itself), he disturbs arterial use of Alan or Iboga plants. The skulls reliquary is filled with dry<br />

system, when he do not want to receive, he disturbs the veins.<br />

3 "For malformations, endocrine disor<strong>de</strong>rs and injuries to the<br />

leaves of acacia, banana tree, fern, oil and animal blood sacrifice.<br />

Skulls painted with red ocher and stored in the box called byeri.<br />

hypoglossal nerve, the nerve can divert up to paralyze. The lid is surmounted by one / two anthropomorphic wood<br />


Relics preserved, painted and stained<br />

in woo<strong>de</strong>n boxes, <strong>de</strong>corated with beads<br />

carved childrens, as medicine guardians<br />

guarding Ark, by pretensions of humans 1<br />

Ozambogha Totem, it recalls one event<br />

occurred in the past, the myth of Fang<br />

then it was enco<strong>de</strong>d, into a Fang liturgy<br />

to preserve memory, during the worship 2<br />

sculptures that serve to <strong>de</strong>ceive the uninitiated and curious<br />

women. Initiates give little importance to these statues that can be<br />

sold without the contents. The skulls, lost i<strong>de</strong>ntity and power, are<br />

removed from the boxes and buried un<strong>de</strong>r trees.<br />

1 Byeri rituals are of two types: the initiation of new members<br />

(Eating alan) and consulting the oracle for the Affairs of village<br />

(Akom Bieri). In the first, Byeri is nourished by the blood-wine<br />

and revived by the dance and music in a ritual calendar: 1) rite of<br />

purification (awore nyo): at the beginning of the ceremony, the<br />

Ngengang, chosen for his knowledge of herbs and savoir-faire,<br />

sprinkle on each head and chest with herbs, in or<strong>de</strong>r to clean all<br />

(newbies and assistants), by the evil spirits that could prevent to<br />

see Byeri. Those who are without special protection in front of<br />

Byeri, risk. 2) The second part of the ceremony is to make the<br />

sacrifices that nourish the Byeri (by eating alan or iboga) that will<br />

enter into a relationship with the <strong>de</strong>ad. The blood of chickens and<br />

wine are spread on bones. The Ozambhoga totem smeared with<br />

oil. Byeri will be satisfied and ready to manifest itself to<br />

neophytes. The initiates are to seek the roots, prepare, build home<br />

of the ancestors (Melan ngun) and invite all the relatives male of<br />

surroundings. Sitting on a trunk of banana tree, symbol of life,<br />

candidates chew the bark of Alan, from morning until early<br />

afternoon. To accelerate the action of the plant, they can dance.<br />

Within an hour or two young people are in a state of coma. Alan<br />

gradually produces an ecstatic state with intense cerebral<br />

excitement (adrenaline), which lasts up to 2/3 days. In this state<br />

the initiates saw the souls of their relatives and <strong>de</strong>parted friends<br />

come and converse with them. Upon awakening, each exhibiting<br />

their visions seen in dreams and their instructions (diets and<br />

prohibitions, sacrifices and projects, past and future). 3) After<br />

seeing the Byeri in a dream, the candidates go to contemplate the<br />

skulls of ancestors lined up on banana leaves. The chief el<strong>de</strong>r tells<br />

history of each of the bones by situating the character the clan.<br />

After this, the <strong>de</strong>ad are animated by a <strong>de</strong>corated dancing (dance of<br />

the skulls): "musical instruments doubled in intensity, novices saw<br />

men advancing towards them, taking skulls in both hands moving<br />

here and there. The People are excited and excited more and<br />

more .. Then the skulls carriers gather in a circle and dance with<br />

wild pleasure, facing each other. At a certain point, the show<br />

en<strong>de</strong>d and the skulls are put in their place." In the second kind of<br />

ritual, the Byeri oracle is consulted before any major action:<br />

hunting, fishing, war, travel, migration, disease, choice of ground<br />

for encampment or cultivation, and when someone needs the favor<br />

of Byer. People go to see the guardian of the oracle, stating the<br />

reasons for the request. The oracle is the guarantor of Byer. In the<br />

ceremonies of hunting, we also need skulls of animals: leopard,<br />

antelope, gorillas. The skulls ask be fed at each session of worship<br />

with the sacrifice of a chicken or offer of a piece of game. The<br />

officiant pours the blood on skull and the women prepare the<br />

the Eye sees well, if it has good relaxation<br />

of muscles of body, and the psyche space<br />

muscles contraction, get distorted vision<br />

Ibama eye drops, internal door opening<br />

Eye has dominated, vision of the Pla<strong>net</strong><br />

then what we think, then also we expect<br />

removed emotions, get eyes into stress<br />

an Iris reading, it reveals organs injured<br />

when we are looking, it comes out a fire<br />

toward objects seen, watched & observed<br />

vision or revelation, in Sanskrit is Vedas<br />

means after watching, the focus is clear<br />

when there is vision, illusion is absent<br />

So I see and I know, seeing is knowing<br />

I look to compare, all my expectations<br />

my assumptions, with more intuitive realities<br />

you try to cover eyes, to rinse and rub them<br />

during day, preserve them from affliction<br />

also the Ear, is a <strong>de</strong>licate listening organ<br />

it needs to be clean, I'm going to <strong>de</strong>lete 3<br />

if I have hearing loss, I rub and listen ear<br />

the outer ear pain, discomfort it reflects<br />

middle ear ache, it tells me I have a cold<br />

when it is purulent, infection is possible 4<br />

initiated, un<strong>de</strong>r the influence of the spirit of Alan plant, can see in<br />

a dream the solution of the problem to Byéri..<br />

2in some Bwiti temples where the Byeri ritual is embed<strong>de</strong>d in the<br />

liturgy with specific times and rituals spaces, Alan, Iboga and<br />

Mile, are the three sacraments. Ozambogha trunk-Totem recalls a<br />

difficult point of transition in the forest that Fang had to cross<br />

during their migrate to Gabon. A hole in the trunk of a huge tree<br />

that blocked their way, was also the symbol of dismemberment of<br />

the migration group, with the scattering clan of several families in<br />

the occupied territories and the new division of the reliquary of<br />

Byeri. With the adoption of Iboga, the Fang have applied their<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>l to the assumption of Alan plant (maintaining massive<br />

amounts to eat). In liturgical Mitosgho language (pope na pope),<br />

Alan is called Andoma. During the ritual, the one who intends to<br />

speak stands up and says aloud: "Zamba we!" (Bokayè! Silence!);<br />

all respond: "doi tzenghe" (the earth is silent), then the first says:<br />

"eboga emboba" (Iboga is bitter) and the others respond in chorus<br />

"m-andoma Akido!" (Alan is hard to swallow). Then the first go to<br />

speak and when all is finished, it repeated the same formula just to<br />

close of the space of listening.<br />

3Sun, wind and snow glare, can burn. When reading to your PC or<br />

TV, the light source is at 20-25 cm behind or above the shoul<strong>de</strong>rs,<br />

it avoid annoying reflections on paper, if light is insufficient or too<br />

much, the eye tells you. Lotion for weak eyes: Euphrasia in 2<br />

liters water, cools add honey; then you put cotton wool soaked on<br />

eyes for 15 min, several times a day.<br />

4Ear wax: yellow-brown mass buffer, produced by skin glands.<br />

Syringe-pinless, I gently spray warm water in the ear channel.<br />

ordinary cassava and bananas food. The next day the initiates, they Changes in altitu<strong>de</strong> create <strong>de</strong>pression, then to unlock Eustace<br />

look for food to eat ritually. The night following one of the channels, I chew gum or suck candy. Ear filled with water: you<br />


When I feel my eyes, irritated and confused<br />

I take Euphrasia tea, for washing care eyes<br />

it smooths amnesia, is a plant for the eyes<br />

helps me remember , images from memory<br />

wind, sand and too much sun, get eye afflict<br />

Lemon juice get eyes water, it removes fires<br />

Lemon drops are good, both for eyes and ears<br />

Babongo use eye drops, to enhance hunt vision<br />

Eye is dominant, for vision of the pla<strong>net</strong><br />

all over what we think, we often expect<br />

the vision <strong>de</strong>pends, upon circumstances<br />

removed emotions or anxieties instances 1<br />

one eye sees well, if there is relaxation<br />

of body muscles, and mind without torment<br />

tension is contraction, vision is distorted<br />

Babongo cured my eyes, healing my tension<br />

the root of disease, stems from ignorance<br />

of type of relationship, with circumstance<br />

suffering arises, radiating from my eyes<br />

emotional poison, colonizes the mind 2<br />

If you choose to see, your inner child<br />

to resolve your conflict, meaning of life<br />

emerging disease, it is often a corrective<br />

in my inner world, it indicates conflicts<br />

Your & my soul seeks, always flourishing<br />

when it fails, intestinal flora it is weak<br />

parasites grow, migrates and transmutes<br />

apparent conflict, between Self and mind<br />

an evil is the label, of chronic diseases<br />

Label grows itself, into conspiracy chats<br />

external and internal worlds, plot events<br />

the mind is engine, working at two times<br />

tilts toward the ground, puts your hand as a kind of shell and strike<br />

with the fingers.<br />

1 During breastfeeding the child searches for his mother's eyes, his<br />

soul is nourished by this contact while the body will have plenty<br />

of milk. The child begins to build his own world view and a<br />

trauma of visual function can block the <strong>de</strong>velopment of the ego<br />

and lead to psychological ans somatic disor<strong>de</strong>rs.<br />

2 The disease can be caused by 8 categories of spirits as well as<br />

greed, hatred and stupidity. The Tibetan-Thai doctors, use 18<br />

gems and metals, 50 stones, 15 animal products, various salts,<br />

many plants, rituals and inner peace. Every disease carries a<br />

message that if you respect without prejudice or guilt, it awakens<br />

dormant virtue and unpublished steps to restore consistency health<br />

between actions and your personal moral values. You do not cure<br />

diseases, but they treat you.<br />

at the choir tonight, don 罗慕洛 calls<br />

history of coca, and a myth Barasana<br />

next time he will tells, Yanomami people<br />

the medicine Yagè, and Santo Daime cult<br />

Maloca is the center, of Barasana clans<br />

common big house, for gathering all them<br />

hierarchical level, age gives position<br />

access to food, and their preparation<br />

some food are ma<strong>de</strong>, by female and male<br />

cassava cakes, meat and various fish<br />

the day is for food, night is for ritual<br />

using Drinks, <strong>de</strong>scribed in their myths<br />

a myth can solves, social relationships<br />

un<strong>de</strong>fined conflict, channeling solution<br />

woman cooks food, man prepares coca leaves<br />

gift of ancestors, that the songs brings<br />

a day without Coca, is without structure<br />

coca gives purpose, helps hard work & care<br />

Barasana people, able to do daily routine<br />

everything he does, it's stores in songs<br />

Yage and other beer, became the basis<br />

a social co<strong>de</strong>, to exchanges and relations<br />

bodies themselves, channels of ancestors<br />

this Maloca clans, meets them on calls<br />

In the myths Barasana, manioc and coca<br />

reflect fire and sex, by women and men<br />

Yeba a Yawìra, are the ancestors body<br />

union of clans, from river and outsi<strong>de</strong><br />

After coca arrived, by the clan of hills<br />

it joins two groups, in common i<strong>de</strong>ntities<br />

exchange of substances, myths and rituals<br />

provi<strong>de</strong> a contest, for social relations<br />

Coca remind me Kava, a total medicine<br />

it provi<strong>de</strong>s subsistence, for local souls<br />

it helps i<strong>de</strong>ntity root, peoples of An<strong>de</strong>s<br />

in times of crisis, <strong>de</strong>spair or transition<br />

Aapus ancestors, drove herds and clans<br />

inhospitable places, to make cities there<br />

Apu & Pachamama, earth and mountains are<br />

Q'uero first village, becomes navel strength<br />

energy of the mountains, is Apu collective<br />

pours out from the tips, force Pacha Mama<br />

also Mama coca plant, has un<strong>de</strong>rground Mana<br />

the material force, and spiritual knowledge<br />


these people establish, Empire Tawantinsuyu<br />

Q'echua and Aymara language, speak up here<br />

shamans and priests, are the city hierarchy<br />

Warschi the first step, feeds on monarchy<br />

Watu second <strong>de</strong>gree, one who see by leaves<br />

Hampeq third <strong>de</strong>gree, is healer using mana 1<br />

His profound work, it inclu<strong>de</strong>s plant spirits<br />

he receives teachings, for humans and world<br />

Apus practice haruspicy, as Rasna people<br />

Diagnosis of bellies, of animals and birds<br />

they use to divination, by Guairuro seeds<br />

red-black seeds neck, good luck it brings 2<br />

a Master burns coca leaves, and fat of Cuy<br />

he divi<strong>de</strong>s his Mesa, as the Rasna templum<br />

drinking Coca tea, or chewing Mama leaves<br />

he leads ceremony, smoking black tobacco<br />

he can inhibits faculty, offering <strong>de</strong>ep sleep<br />

Brugmansia seeds, drink for the patient<br />

Master check the patient, un<strong>de</strong>r hypnosis<br />

to diagnose the disease, searching causes<br />

He check hands and eyes, the prayers begin<br />

Invokes the ancestors, in both his language<br />

he still in silence, smoking black tobacco<br />

offer coca leaves, to see patient trauma 3<br />

The small Coca leaf, it calms the hungry<br />

pain and sadness, it restores tone effect<br />

it knows diseases, and source of events<br />

It oracles <strong>de</strong>stiny, and therapy correct 4<br />

Coca link well, with hunger and fatigue<br />

it helps to cope, with the extreme poverty<br />

also altitu<strong>de</strong> sickness, cold and hardship<br />

it gives strength to walk, without eating<br />

1 Who with the continuous and intuition work with coca leaves<br />

has reached a <strong>de</strong>gree of sensitivity to be able to read, without<br />

accessories, the energy of humans and <strong>de</strong>cipher exactly.<br />

2 Guinea pigs (Cuy) black in color, are used by the Ars<br />

Haruspicina healer. The teacher crouches down in front of the<br />

mesa and calls on the sick or those whom ask for an examination.<br />

3 Susto symptoms are: insecurity, the patient suffers daily bumps<br />

due to strong emotion or a fall.<br />

4 罗慕洛: "Erithroxylon coca growing in hot and humid An<strong>de</strong>an<br />

Yungas (valleys, in Aymara language). The leaf contains more<br />

proteins (20%) of the meat (19.4%), more calcium (2%) of milk,<br />

and is richer in vitamin B-1 of fresh carrots. The fresh leaf is a<br />

remedy for the treatment of physical and mental illnesses, great<br />

restorer of energy to the stomach and intestines; it relieves<br />

disor<strong>de</strong>rs of the larynx and vocal cords; it prevents dizziness; it<br />

regulates blood pressure, carbohydrate metabolism and sexual<br />

performance. In chewing or tea, it helps the body.<br />

shrub of the valleys, warm humid it requires<br />

It thrives in slopes, soils without limestone<br />

seeding or transplanting, the trees in a row<br />

forming the Cocal, at the bottom of valleys<br />

every three months, people removing weeds<br />

after 3 good years, the collection can be<br />

is ritual custom, coca in mouth to the dying<br />

Spaniards gave Coca use, free to population<br />

Pizarro companions, imposed heavy taxes<br />

plant is social capital, it abuse is damage<br />

Coqueros recognition, looks like a ruminant<br />

consumed the bolus, he lays it up a stones<br />

with no Coca plant, there is not life or work<br />

because native people, have no enjoyment<br />

the landlords know it, add it to the wage<br />

for a dose of need, the abuse takes damage<br />

Coquero is formed, everything has given up<br />

he forget about work, his family and money<br />

He buys the necessary, to serve his passion<br />

alone he withdraws, into woods and mountains<br />

happy drunk more days, then he back to work<br />

he get new leaves, and the cravings come back<br />

wan<strong>de</strong>ring as hermit, between cults and idolatry<br />

Coquero is already happy, the rest fly away<br />

Pancho has leaves bolus, he chew since long<br />

between more tremors, behind all intercourse<br />

sweet dreams he lives, with warming drinks<br />

both Cold and Fire, He loves as a friends<br />

He laughs a lot, alone into a simple hut<br />

intoxication of coca, enhances his thinking<br />

he sees ancestors, dancing around the fire<br />

there is Manco Capac, together Mama Coca<br />

he tells me prophecy: the Sun and Moon<br />

by taking gold-silver, guns and engines<br />

one day merge, along with everything<br />

finally on hot lake, the ark they bring<br />

Capac with <strong>net</strong>, will fishes all his sons<br />

got them into the boat, chasing new world<br />

four kingdoms from navel, will rise again<br />

then false children, on the bottom remain<br />

Make me walking, on sunsets to watch<br />

things you've created, meeting my crop<br />

make me sharp ears, to hear your voice<br />

into grass into rock, I see your promise<br />


Give me the strength, to fight two myself<br />

get me ready, with eyes and hands well<br />

so when my life, fa<strong>de</strong>s into the sunset<br />

I'm shameless to go, next to your set<br />

Waskarinka as Tago, the first Inca ruler<br />

the spiritual navel, of Inka civilizations<br />

It lives in the middle, the Lake Titicaca<br />

in un<strong>de</strong>rground kingdom, called Ukupacha<br />

Interior unconscious, is called Uku Pacha<br />

conscious and world, called Hanak Pacha<br />

the Apus priests rites, open the bridges<br />

from visible world, to the other Pacha 1<br />

Tago & Waskarinka, heralds of gol<strong>de</strong>n age<br />

lie like seeds in the hearts un<strong>de</strong>r ground<br />

from unconscious world, they re-emerge<br />

new cycle of history, then they will open<br />

Uiracocha hualpa, you makes every won<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Viracocha apacocha, thou great <strong>de</strong>miurge<br />

Uiracochan topapo, you are without measure<br />

haycay Pachacamac, outsi<strong>de</strong> bor<strong>de</strong>r centuries<br />

Earth teach me, to regenerate the seed<br />

then to forget, as the white snow does<br />

teach me a memory, kindness foundation<br />

as fields in the rain, after the dryness<br />

Pancho gives to the fire, the sucked bolus<br />

asks fresh leaves, from bag hung on at si<strong>de</strong><br />

I worked three days, now 3 centuries resting<br />

Mama coca balm, I hear your breath & voice<br />

Pancho blessed face, it comes into my soul<br />

罗慕洛 tells us, about the dreams he got<br />

Coca has the influence, on different races<br />

climates and institutions, feeling of place<br />

Mama leaf helps, carrying serious efforts<br />

refreshes new forces, the nerves of psyche<br />

useful for worker, in swamps and in forest<br />

for nervous people, and sensitive women<br />

vices are adding, where it becomes abuse<br />

coca with alcohol, brutalizes unconscious<br />

coca in medicine, it gives pain smooth tea<br />

If it used after meals, it improves digestion<br />

it resolve the indigestion, along hysteria<br />

the abdomen colic, by mouth or by enema<br />

the leaf bitter taste, is useful for belly<br />

taken in fasting, baking soda adding<br />

the same coca tea, I use 2 more times<br />

I usually chewed it, it bleach my teeth<br />

it consumes teeth, but makes them healthier<br />

it scours feces stench, changes in plant smell<br />

as wine it slows down, regression of body<br />

feeds without food, get life happy and mad 2<br />

I wash my mouth, concentrated <strong>de</strong>coction<br />

to clean my tooth, & to help scurvy gums<br />

Coca excess gives fever, reduced by sweat<br />

increase while urine, flushing the eyes<br />

the infusion procuring, a light erection<br />

it excites the sperm, at doses immo<strong>de</strong>rate<br />

this plant strengthens, the immune system<br />

it increases resistance to altered climate<br />

it care and is acting slow, <strong>de</strong>ep unstoppable<br />

reduces tedious life, weakness and <strong>de</strong>pression<br />

the Bolivian leaf, get happy ascetic hearts<br />

It acts on body chakras, and <strong>net</strong>work of nadis<br />

罗慕洛 slips slowly, in marked gentle talk<br />

he feels into his ears, a nice gentle buzz<br />

one day I abused, conscious and isolated<br />

after strong dose, I had severe headache<br />

a nightmare looms, dreadful ghosts skulls<br />

three hours later, aesthetic is quiet back<br />

I am calm with pulses, one hundred twenty<br />

bizarre images come, spaces & many worlds<br />

images and poetry, beautiful and fruitful<br />

I feel more able, forty hours without food<br />

increasing the dosage, I gentle get drunk<br />

different from alcohol, all the power dips<br />

blissful idleness back, and laughs crazily<br />

he oscillates asleep, Buddha smile emerges<br />

to take coffee's food, shorten this state<br />

Coffee wants to do, ordinary activities<br />

Coca heals well, intoxication of alcohol<br />

Hot water increases the pulse, then drops<br />

Following days, no languor or <strong>de</strong>pression<br />

a mild constipation, warm strength insi<strong>de</strong><br />

an excellent digestions, still makes me trot<br />

I resist the cold climate, it helps me travel<br />

1Apu love ladies are the bridge between Kay and Hanak Pacha.<br />

2infusion is suitable for everyone. High doses should not use those<br />

suffering from cerebral congestion or has apoplexy trends.<br />


塔拉斯 cites 第六, who went around villages<br />

to study home remedies, tribal people songs<br />

Mor Mud is local doctor, Mo Pa blower bones<br />

Mor Po is the medium, he connects ancestors<br />

wi<strong>de</strong>spread in Thailand, is art of massage<br />

Mor Tam Yae women, are the first midwives<br />

running campaigns, and pass to use herbs<br />

in every family, someone always learns<br />

Massage imitates sun, radiates energy<br />

Yoga it imitates fire, breathes and flies<br />

burning insi<strong>de</strong>, on thirty-seven <strong>de</strong>grees<br />

Oxidized compounds, stored in the body<br />

the wind and blood, are related sources<br />

Wind is called lom, breath all wrapped<br />

it bring changes, if excess or shortage<br />

Limb paralysis, or the illness rotations 1<br />

wind excess gives, poisons and heart pain<br />

body imbalances, by blood food & odors<br />

a badly digested food, or toxic actions<br />

lead in blood and breath, contamination<br />

rituals and herbal, reducing those spreads<br />

therapy is to isolate, the agent of poison<br />

rituals and strategies, internal-external<br />

getting expulsion, of dirty from insi<strong>de</strong><br />

cause the disease, huge variety factors<br />

internal-external, visible or presumed<br />

fast climate change, also heavy energy<br />

astral influences, and social disharmony<br />

each human illness, comes from the mouth<br />

food you eat more, it creates <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncy<br />

between body and food, I find resonance<br />

there is a reaction type, such intolerance<br />

three basic reactions, to food additives<br />

make our children, hyperactive allergies<br />

refined sugar, wheat gluten and cow's milk<br />

cause more suffering, often recurring<br />

ear-nose-throat, and rheumatic diseases<br />

gastritis and infections, digestive tract<br />

Eczema on the skin, and venereal diseases<br />

arise by disturbance, of internal bacteria<br />

the first digestion, begins in the mouth<br />

sugar with protein, start to ferment belly<br />

Excess protein, stimulates primary acids<br />

blood pH drops, we use alkaline reserve<br />

The ingested meat, contains xanthine<br />

it is poison very exciting, like nicotine<br />

cannibals know it, and go into rapture<br />

when eating the corpses, of loved ones<br />

the meat and caffeine, have similarities<br />

those who consume meat, smokes quantity<br />

Like every exciting, phase of euphoria have<br />

<strong>de</strong>pression follows, and the cycle starts again<br />

I start to drink coffee, tea tobacco or alcohol<br />

to restore the euphoria, of the first time<br />

as dose increases, body becomes accustomed<br />

it creates <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncy, imbalance with pain<br />

meat get work, to kidneys and heart organs<br />

it raises the urea, along ammonia amount<br />

it's exciting drugs, excess it messes up<br />

is due to rheumatism, arthritis and gout<br />

the Arthritis inflammation, is intoxication<br />

塔拉斯 then recommends, suspend food meat<br />

the using of fruit juices, to <strong>de</strong>toxify body<br />

grape or papaya, & get relaxing massages 2<br />

The meat with butter, or with fried food<br />

producing conflicts, insi<strong>de</strong> the intestines<br />

the fat slows down, the gastric secretion<br />

stopping proteins, in lysis and digestion<br />

the Cholesterol gives, arteries sclerosis<br />

also predisposes to myocardial infarction<br />

since arterial walls, get <strong>de</strong>generation<br />

you eat oily fish, to have it reduction<br />

Starch with meat, produces fermentation<br />

sweets with fruit, produces the same action<br />

Russian medicine, exclu<strong>de</strong>s starches with fats<br />

from healing meals, it use steam brown rice<br />

Swallowed milk, it inclu<strong>de</strong>s food together<br />

the bad combinations, get rot fermentation<br />

weakened bacteria, have reduced symbiosis<br />

body is malnourished, even if we are greedy<br />

1<br />

"Among the causes: trauma and poisoning from substances alien<br />

2Excess meat in the blood crystallizes and precipitates as uric acid<br />

and it <strong>de</strong>posits in the joint, toes, ankle, wrist, knees. Then at night,<br />

to the body, ina<strong>de</strong>quate food, odors and toxic fumes, biting make you suffer from gout attacks, or get fever, the malaise<br />

insects, worms, witchcraft, changing seasons, climate, age."塔拉 lasting a few days. The attack comes and goes, and it becomes<br />

斯<br />

chronic arthritis.<br />


Vitality missing, the same as <strong>de</strong>pression<br />

red eyes and stuffy nose, with scalp pain<br />

along with heaviness, moodiness stinks<br />

faulty memory, anxiety and headaches<br />

overeating, may be a mental attitu<strong>de</strong><br />

overrunning thought, reflected on body<br />

i<strong>de</strong>a that the amount, is source of power<br />

get us to Eat, not by hunger just by duty<br />

indigestion my friends, was the first hurdle<br />

announcement of the end, of Gol<strong>de</strong>n Dream<br />

Ganesha learns about, of this human disease<br />

he feels compassion, reliable care he gives<br />

is the current water, his won<strong>de</strong>rful teachings<br />

every digestion care, take place in hot water<br />

He offers such care, the human was cured<br />

So begins medicine, in the India of myth<br />

a Cold water calms, your high heart rate<br />

Warm water then, stimulates heart action<br />

Drink it in the evening, even when raised<br />

a hot water not boiled, to preserve health<br />

food is fresh water, hot water is medicine<br />

it wins indigestion, and rinse your mouth<br />

the hot water at night, clean the intestines<br />

loosens the mucous, expands membranes<br />

Water has memory, it's the basis of life<br />

the scarcity of water, get the body sick<br />

Waste remain insi<strong>de</strong>, in kidney and intestine<br />

It brings sadness, along with the bad mood 1<br />

Body then subtracts, water from the tissues<br />

scarce digestive juices, constipation comes<br />

Constipation is, the cause of all diseases<br />

due to germination, of feces in intestines 3<br />

putrefactive bacteria, making proliferation<br />

due to enteric juice, anaerobic fermentation<br />

if I purify the blood, it fights constipation<br />

color of the poop, help me check diagnosis<br />

dark green poo, it means accumulating time<br />

months or years, into the colon intestines<br />

obstructing there, absorption of substances<br />

resulting pressure, on liver and kidney<br />

bowel irrigation, is water it gradually<br />

so the whole gut, remains to be filled<br />

for sufficient time, to dilute the feces<br />

and finally soften, also the colon walls<br />

Before going to sleep, I start treatment<br />

inject into anus, a quart of warm water<br />

repeat each injection, after evacuation<br />

final evacuation, reveals old situation 4<br />

a purge is a poison, it's temporary care<br />

aches and strains, in the digestive tract<br />

you discover the causes, organic and mental<br />

also you can check, pH salivary acid test<br />

should be pH of urine, above saliva pH<br />

it indicates you, alkaline still present 5<br />

Urine pH of morning, shows body reaction<br />

excess of acidity, bitter taste awakens<br />

what you had eaten, on the day before<br />

you can rebalance, in healthy raw diet<br />

by breathing slow, to oxygenate blood<br />

Asana & Pranayama, cleaning your lungs<br />

we have not <strong>de</strong>lay too much, our <strong>de</strong>fecation<br />

intestinal obstruction, is stinking cesspool<br />

it produces acidity, headache and indigestion<br />

starting breath stink, with fevers solution 2<br />

Follow your breathing, also into walking<br />

Inhale at every step, and avoids forcing<br />

do facial gymnastics, and military march<br />

1The human body is 80% water, it exu<strong>de</strong>s 3 / 4 liter and a liter and<br />

a half in the urine in 24 hours. The cells are water sea organisms<br />

that are there because of spinning in salt solutions.<br />

2 3 The internal organs are most vulnerable between the stomach and A good digestion / fermentation Bacteria (cellulase, etc.) die, the<br />

intestines. The 90% of disease comes from their abnormality. toxins pass into the blood and go around.<br />

4 When the fecal matter in the colon are rapidly <strong>de</strong>caying and "Course of treatment: three consecutive nights beginning, then 3<br />

<strong>de</strong>composing, we have diarrhea. The colon is clogged, and disease times every three nights, finally one a week." 塔拉斯<br />

5 breeding ground for germs of blood poisoning (septicemia), then you compare the pH of blood, urine, saliva and feces to see if it is<br />

infection goes to liver and other organs, the body gives in and acidic or basic, weak or strong. Saliva pH indicates intracellular<br />

fever comes. Constipation means: <strong>de</strong>layed passage of stool. pH of, while the feces pH should be between 6.8 and 7.4.<br />


stirs up the ligaments, to free up the winds 1<br />

1 various kinds of toxins that circulate in the blood, go in the<br />

joints. Exercises of elasticity and stretching of joints (pavanmukta<br />

-asana), help them. The yoga asanas (camel, stork, butterfly,<br />

candle, upsi<strong>de</strong> down, Nataraja, Ganesha) with internal organs and<br />

glands massage, releasing internal external stress. Lion asana is<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> by eyes up, tongue out, breathing with mouth (roar), it calms<br />

throat and vocal cords. Square breathing is (bastrika) has 4 equal<br />

duration of time: Inhale (puraka) and exhale (rechaka) through the<br />

nose, filling your lower and upper abdomen, after retention<br />

(kumbhaka), you get <strong>de</strong>ep exhalation then emptiness (sunyata).<br />


you stretching your neck, arms and pelvis<br />

by doing Lion asana, the stomach will rubs<br />

so the bad breath, harmonizes with gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

alternate the nostrils, do the bellows breath<br />

warms right nostril, refreshes the left one<br />

also sweat skin, it helps your breathing<br />

it helps perception, of the organ of touch<br />

dress you by cotton, and linen hemp or wool<br />

skin feels hot-cold, it purges blood waste<br />

Skin also absorbs, substances of contacts<br />

its clogged pores, toxins accumulate<br />

if clean get oxygen, releasing carbon<br />

your pores breathe, if free to flow<br />

together the gut, they help to sleep<br />

also a good bite, a good sleep helps<br />

Stomach go happy, free prana and tea<br />

Enough protein, thirty grams per day<br />

to exceed means, make your blood acidic<br />

excretory organs, working more quickly<br />

the sodium-calcium, buffered in a hurry<br />

Kidneys and lungs, excretory organs are<br />

together with skin, liver and intestines<br />

extreme conditions, activated Ammonium<br />

strongest alkali, it stops pan<strong>de</strong>monium<br />

Detoxification, stimulate the kidneys<br />

by the fruit juice, smoothie vegetables<br />

fresh herbal teas, take in the morning<br />

into empty stomach, hot water & honey<br />

I sleep head north, to align mag<strong>net</strong>ism<br />

iron-hemoglobin, helps nerve electricians<br />

Terrestrial Mag<strong>net</strong>ism, helps the blood<br />

making balance, between all my mood<br />

once 镭森 had fever, excessive heat<br />

battling inva<strong>de</strong>rs, against the protectors<br />

帕梅拉 takes diagnosis, of 镭森 face<br />

to track the signs, of body sick race<br />

I check his face, I see bulging bags<br />

he has kidney failure, too much fluid<br />

bags on the third eye, the liver is sick<br />

if it's below nostril, the lung is stuck<br />

bag at nose tip, the heart is disturbed<br />

a red nose says, it is difficult movement<br />

bags at the chin center, genital problems<br />

save your energy, hibernate your functions<br />

your body is vulnerable, the joint aches<br />

also pain meat, crazy is going thought<br />

You rest in bed, horizontal position<br />

the intestines and skin, heat balance<br />

She check his Tongue, white-gray color<br />

constipated bowels, more stomach efforts<br />

I remember my childhood, I had dry tongue<br />

edges and tip was red, in typhoid sickness<br />

with scarlet fever, was raspberry tongue<br />

if bright red tongue, vitamin B <strong>de</strong>ficient<br />

I had also glossitis, with swollen buds<br />

for long exposure, of chemical antibiotics<br />

The shiver chills, of 镭森 malaria fever<br />

are response of body, to millions inva<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

entered the red blood cells, cells are burst<br />

in liver at the end, they went to multiply<br />

Plasmodium bacteria, they act coordinated<br />

sticking together, every two / three days<br />

translates the infection, acute fever cycles<br />

followed by calm, truce which then fa<strong>de</strong>s<br />

Immune response, helps to reduce malaria<br />

in tropical climates, start <strong>de</strong>fective genes<br />

giving a type of anaemia, called falciparum<br />

it helps body to resist, at malaria infection<br />

Viruses and bacteria, have different strategy<br />

today studied & used, from the Immunology<br />

infectious diseases, Malaria and leprosy<br />

worldly wi<strong>de</strong>spread, remain without vaccine<br />

Polio virus attacks, nerves and intestines<br />

but digestive cells, still can reproduce<br />

while nerve cells, body does not re-create<br />

gradually are lost, and paralysis follows<br />

Cells when inva<strong>de</strong>d, by a virus infection<br />

they emit surplus, interferon hormone<br />

warning each other, with alarm signals<br />

arouse your <strong>de</strong>fense, bacterium inva<strong>de</strong>rs!<br />

hormone messengers, between cells of body<br />

warn us about everything, as brain postmen<br />

endorphins hormone, relax muscle tension<br />

it <strong>de</strong>creases anxiety, smoothing sensation<br />

adrenaline hormone, produced in the adrenal<br />

stimulates and increases, muscle tension<br />

it needs more power, then it is consumed<br />

anxiety emerges, it is very uncontrolled<br />


discharge of adrenaline, are stimulated<br />

by states of fear, it threats to the body<br />

versus substance, ma<strong>de</strong> from the brain<br />

endorphin hormone, it any alarm removes<br />

塔拉斯 here agrees, friction and sitz baths<br />

it will hydrotherapy, mud and green clay<br />

gives sweaters blankets, sweating to make<br />

fortify immune system, alternating showers<br />

he make cold poultices, on 镭森 belly<br />

to calm a very high fever, still recurring<br />

Fever is reaction, of gastrointestinal nerves<br />

state of excitement, to inflammatory events<br />

Wind and light baths, naturopathy gypsy<br />

塔拉斯 offers bare skin, to air to prevent<br />

food algae with citrus, and uses the ice<br />

above the fracture, is anaesthetic step<br />

he applies to elements, the control law<br />

Wood controls Earth, Fire controls Metal<br />

Earth controls Water, water overcomes fire<br />

metal controls wood, closing the cycle game<br />

I compare two elements, the richest in water<br />

I call it yin, and yang it is inverse name<br />

A food is richer in water, than a food B<br />

A food is more lack of water, than a food C<br />

Salt in large doses, holds water in the cells<br />

Water then increases, there is a lot of weight<br />

Blood is inflated, it produces fluid retention<br />

in affected organs, along with hypertension<br />

salt drying, gives and takes away the life<br />

is medicine stone, it also challenges ants<br />

Salt corro<strong>de</strong>s and gets dry, it's antifreeze<br />

is mineralizing, and good disinfectant 1<br />

if in the sunshine, He have a sunburn<br />

is big headache, dizziness and <strong>de</strong>lirium<br />

You go in a sha<strong>de</strong> area, loose clothing<br />

offer cold water, on forehead and face<br />

Bath is the primordial, instinct of living<br />

stream, lake and sea, you feel at peace<br />

rubbed with cold water, even the genital<br />

actives num circulation, increases vital<br />

my children play naked, in Bomarzo rain<br />

also in Bavaria, this custom is ancient<br />

Ainu of Japan, with the snow treating colds<br />

they dive their foot toe, into freeze water<br />

the boiling water, <strong>de</strong>stroys all viruses<br />

warm water it expands, muscle and tissue<br />

we relax in baths, cold water contracts<br />

in all kind of sauna, we corroborate us<br />

Bath to the skin, or intestines enema<br />

the hot and cold baths, temper our body<br />

max 50 <strong>de</strong>grees celsius, making it a hot bath<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r the 37 <strong>de</strong>grees, it gives a cold bath<br />

it purifies the heat, it softens hard skin<br />

heat relaxes muscles, but it weakens the body 2<br />

it reduces frequency, of breathing and pulse<br />

it opens skin pores, to air currents of course<br />

then with cold water, you close pores doors<br />

to avoid the effect, of more air currents<br />

it strengthens immunity, increases vitality<br />

finally this bath, gets 镭森 recovery<br />

to preserve health, you make-resistant<br />

the tree resists, changing environment<br />

if person does the same, in healthy air<br />

he strengthens body, into wind currents<br />

the Aboriginals of Taiwan, shred<strong>de</strong>d bark<br />

the Camphor tree, to boil over low heat<br />

aspire vapors, to release head and lungs<br />

they make camphor oil, to Nose clutches<br />

two flannel cloths, I squeeze in hot water<br />

they act by drawing blood, on a spot point<br />

so that to warms up, local <strong>de</strong>congestion<br />

treatment calms pain, chronic or acute<br />

1 "The sea contains Salt, therefore it does not freeze. Iceberg are<br />

pure water. The salt melts the ice on the roads because it lowers<br />

the <strong>de</strong>gree of con<strong>de</strong>nsation. Salt or sodium chlori<strong>de</strong> (NaCl, yang)<br />

2 in high concentrations is corrosive to metals. If you expose In hydrotherapy has the reaction and does not give the warm<br />

yourself to sun and sea, you eat salty. A pinch of salt in a glass effect. The body immersed in water, adjusting the internal organs,<br />

disinfects the mouth and throat (by gargle) and a sea bath calms they range freely and relieves the pressure of one against the other.<br />

hands and feet. In sunstroke we may lost 10 pounds of water. You The hot bath makes you weak and should be done sometime; the<br />

slowly loose the sunstroke victim cloth, bring him to cool or cold bath is stronger, it is ok also every day, so the sea and sun<br />

ventilation, make him to drink a liter of water with a tablespoon of bath. The fostering is a local vasodilator (external application of<br />

salt and makes water compresses on his body.” 塔拉斯<br />

hot water), the cold water pack is its opposite.<br />


a flannel cloth, I squeeze in cold water<br />

to soothe neuralgia, of kidney & stomach<br />

I cover diseased area, to remove inflammation<br />

when it dries, I replace it with a new one<br />

a warm footbath, it calms the nerves<br />

wins headache, spasms and convulsions<br />

while a cold footbath, it is tonic blood<br />

it helps cool sleep, solving insomnia<br />

act the footbaths, on nervous system<br />

<strong>de</strong>voting time to foot, it's investment<br />

to wash sore feet, it's relief from fatigue<br />

you end your treatment, with good friction 1<br />

pack with the sheets, it is simple effective<br />

I squeeze sheet, it pulls waste from skin<br />

I put a waterproof, mattress covers<br />

on it two blankets, warm flannel<br />

then I will put on, the wet sheet<br />

soaked and wrung out, until a trickle<br />

镭森 lies on top, horizontal position<br />

his naked body, I'm going to pack up<br />

the head is out, feet are in insi<strong>de</strong> pack<br />

He remains as mummy, wrapped in 2 layers<br />

for half an hour, at most he takes on it<br />

then he will sweats, more or less profusely<br />

镭森 falls asleep, I interrupt treatment<br />

I let him to sleep, I watch over its heat<br />

then I reduce the time, up to twenty minutes<br />

sweating of his body, it is useless for now<br />

after treatment, I'm going to check the sheet<br />

it's covered with yellowish mucus, foul-smelling<br />

it is effect evi<strong>de</strong>nce, of blood purification<br />

the goal is to clean, on the excretory organs<br />

I gave drinking water, hot water with ginger<br />

before and during treatment, un<strong>de</strong>r covers<br />

the exchange in-out, it happens for sure<br />

I wait also an hour, for his sweating plus<br />

during sweat lodge, steam and sauna spicy<br />

I sing to Pacha mama, alternating hot & cold<br />

it normalizes breathing, also blood pressure<br />

1 Foot secretory glands are larger than other, which facilitates the<br />

transpiration pump effect. The menstruating ladies wash with a<br />

sponge, the evening before bedtime from the waist down and in<br />

the morning getting up, from the waist up. If the patient has a<br />

weak constitution, you wet the cloth in warm water and not cold,<br />

if he is not comfortable, the pack is not well ma<strong>de</strong>, conversely the<br />

treatment will be successful. 塔拉斯<br />

it boost all the body, to eliminate toxins<br />

I do water therapy, Gypsies naturopaths<br />

water contains powers, for healing all group<br />

its crystals produces, figures of harmony<br />

with music and words, I evoke basic memory<br />

I isolate my senses, in a tank of silence<br />

about 37 <strong>de</strong>grees, water it's full of salts<br />

relaxes the body, floating above nothing<br />

experiences before cradle, still are born<br />

I relive my memories and the future dreams<br />

I slip into myself, in a magical moment<br />

Life is a game, everything comes and goes<br />

the river is ma<strong>de</strong> up, and go down to the sea<br />

莉萨 goes into water, listens his breathing<br />

she saids his body, expands his confinement<br />

it arouses security, fighting dissociations<br />

Ecstasy is close, in her emotional space 2<br />

she looses clothes, anxiety and <strong>de</strong>pression<br />

The ego dissolves, the instincts resurface<br />

her muscular work, she should not bear<br />

hot water is also, an erotic pleasure<br />

it gives relaxation, to the sexual energy<br />

life and consciousness, upload & download<br />

the orgone theory, is pantheistic tantra<br />

it breaks the castle, of psychoanalyst<br />

the orgone is num, it's qi all-pervading<br />

lies within the forces, of body and sex<br />

climate and atmosphere, are part of it<br />

is called num, mana and prana and qi<br />

Its rechargeable battery, is organic box<br />

box's core is metal, outer layer is wool<br />

also wood or cotton, the organic matter<br />

which it absorbs num, into prana layer<br />

Prana is opposed, to the atomic energy<br />

as the white fungi, oppose to blue fungi<br />

the num attacked, it transmutes every life<br />

it blocks everything, becomes <strong>de</strong>adly wife<br />

sickness and storms, finally it can unleash<br />

you con<strong>de</strong>mn your sex, you go against world<br />

your libido is energy, not bad not good<br />

if you become receptive, you flow with it<br />

2 Do not repress it, do not force genitalization, let it to heal mind<br />

and body.<br />


there are many neuroses, related to i<strong>de</strong>als<br />

of driving yourself, from present time<br />

Today is the sin, future's always nice<br />

so your present needs, suffers dissociation<br />

the neuroses consists, in doing division<br />

your feeling and thinking, making confusion<br />

the feeling <strong>de</strong>feated, by moral thinking up<br />

it emerges guilty, which begins to prohibit<br />

then forced community, it produces the ban<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>ls with more fake, of saints to imitate<br />

emerges a sense of guilt, various morality<br />

and with self-punishment, a <strong>de</strong>pressed will<br />

happens that your sleep, becomes disturbed<br />

Premature ejaculation, it also starts to occur<br />

anxiety and guilty, they push after your needs<br />

for days and months, feeding more suffering<br />

if you get awareness, you'll see your division<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> all your suffering, <strong>de</strong>ceit and pain<br />

you can use sex energy, as a springboard<br />

Be into a reality, courage with yourself!<br />

longer suppress sex, the more we indulge<br />

the libido energy, it moves and turns<br />

it projects itself, in all things around<br />

so you can see, what it was suppressed<br />

every heart it asks, to become loved<br />

this basic need, is source of creation<br />

sex is the situation, not only happiness<br />

ego termination, of time and civilization<br />

it happens next mystery, called meditation<br />

heart full of man, it comes in emergence<br />

the excited cells, vibrating the mantra<br />

get poles unify, dissolving into tantra<br />

in thinking is involved, only the head<br />

while in feeling, whole body gets party<br />

a thinking goes, like a cloud in the sky<br />

Blood runs body, on top and bottom way<br />

when vibrating bodies, moving freely<br />

eroticism comes, floods the whole body<br />

it wakes up the old body, its possession<br />

starts swinging, it dances with sensation<br />

the female vibrates, the libido energy<br />

it reveals its mystery, living in union<br />

the mighty force, from ancient times<br />

Merge two gametes, in a new child<br />

the male and female, different Psyche<br />

<strong>de</strong>pend on fluctuation, hormones charge 1<br />

Women with empathy, learning emotions<br />

but they are prey, to anxiety & <strong>de</strong>pression<br />

the men are more capable, of classifying<br />

in investigations, and gradual study line<br />

he tends to suffer, neurons <strong>de</strong>generation<br />

retardants diseases, & space coordination<br />

Glands is the will, means to pe<strong>net</strong>rate<br />

hardness of insight, joys & information<br />

reaching orgasm, in the Yoni world<br />

enter-exit theater, to sow the word<br />

the last orgasm, it happens with <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

our sex urges, to learn more things<br />

Kali reminds us, what is still hid<strong>de</strong>n<br />

asks pe<strong>net</strong>ration, welcoming awareness<br />

莉萨 insi<strong>de</strong> herself, she travels to find<br />

his <strong>de</strong>ep innate divine, seminal spark<br />

she explore and resume, his masculinity<br />

to integrate well, esterior femininity<br />

sex is a refinement, to give i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

it create the form, itself generating<br />

it is transformation, also a distance<br />

between adult age, started from infancy<br />

a <strong>de</strong>gree of fetishism, in the adult lives<br />

fantasy of love, is the engine of life<br />

the Nipple feeding, voice comforting<br />

while hands caress, the inner feeling<br />

by masturbates, it growing exploration<br />

we discover opposite sex, by reflection<br />

we enjoys touching, kissing and smelling<br />

play imagination, hearing and watching<br />

the religious man, who knows how to tie<br />

what appears divi<strong>de</strong>d, he comes to the unit<br />

he <strong>de</strong>velops the Faith, into self-confi<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

life acquires a way, to be enjoyed in itself<br />

separation from the senses, taste prevents<br />

no-purpose gets sick, they splits oneself<br />

we suffers more pains, by the in<strong>de</strong>cision<br />

with guilt & insecurity, in every situation<br />

1 Higher levels of testosterone makes more male brain, while<br />

higher estrogen levels make more women.<br />


you gather and assemble, different yourself<br />

Life finds a way, that will shine on yourself<br />

even transgression, is one way of research<br />

to shift awareness, from blind situations 1<br />

each our body part, and any its secretion<br />

can serve as a fetish, fantasy animation<br />

it excites the person, can reach orgasm<br />

as the nose of a dog, can sniff around<br />

animism <strong>de</strong>votion, enlivens human hearts<br />

tools and mannequins, plants and animals<br />

a surge of eroticism, rubbing it excites<br />

oneself genitals, fetish insi<strong>de</strong>-outsi<strong>de</strong><br />

to hurt or humiliate, is innate <strong>de</strong>sire<br />

to <strong>de</strong>rive a sadistic, sexual pleasure<br />

pleasure from pain, stimulates endorphins<br />

carefully measured, produce medicine<br />

莉萨 gets enemas, to stimulate psyche<br />

many nerve endings, in the rectum merged<br />

Anus is a tight ring, of flesh at the end<br />

she try to control it, voluntary exercise<br />

myths around the world, telling sexual art<br />

Fellatio is the sakuaki, choking moaning flute<br />

Uzume screams & dances, wild & uninhibited<br />

first Japanese Queen, of primordial court<br />

Uzume climbs the hill, she starts to undress<br />

tinkling genitals, with the rhythm of his feet<br />

Its wild dance, welcomes the gods present 2<br />

Amaterasu sun god<strong>de</strong>ss, arrives into spring<br />

on temples Khajuraho, Kamasutra postures<br />

bliss love in all form, on erotic sculptures<br />

sensual movements, charge consciousness<br />

Siva and his Sakti, celebrate Maithuna<br />

tells the Kama Sutra, the Shiva's love<br />

for his projection, called Devi god<strong>de</strong>ss<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> yoni temple, Shiva-lingam stands<br />

sensuous force, which gives nourishment<br />

Kama is enjoyment, by through all senses<br />

the soul in union, with spirits assistants<br />

The first condition, is to live outpouring<br />

that is intimacy, it will lift your eroticism<br />

Second condition, the ambiguity will be<br />

play various roles, not prevail each other<br />

excess of pleasure, it kills the source<br />

having too much, get live unhappy force<br />

Happiness of the other, it relieves you<br />

you exchange roles, fixed and becoming 3<br />

if you seek quality, you mix three ingredients<br />

the times and places, and the right person<br />

Devadasi dancers, in India south temples<br />

they transmit myths, by music and mimic<br />

with moves and shapes, dancing emotions<br />

their Dance is a prayer, fun and seduction<br />

莉萨 now speaks, about two tantra massage<br />

dissolving trauma, and discomfort to human<br />

Orgasm if it happens, is not an acci<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

I watch it as sweet, in male surren<strong>de</strong>r<br />

without worrying, of soft and hard<br />

It comes and goes, with safer wave<br />

it <strong>de</strong>scends then ascends, like mana<br />

soft and hard, alternate each other<br />

Lingam massage, it search man G point<br />

if I press it move, between anus & testicles<br />

when I start he suffer, he has its root base<br />

gradually he relaxes, he go down <strong>de</strong>ep grace<br />

Slow and gently, I lubricates my fingers<br />

I follow his breath, he invites me to sli<strong>de</strong><br />

with the left hand, I curve a finger back<br />

two cm in the anus, a gesture of appeal<br />

1Transgress, from the Latin trans-greda, exceed a threshold.<br />

2 3 in the Shinto religion, the God<strong>de</strong>ss Amaterasu is the winter sun in "The Kama Sutra <strong>de</strong>scribes three types of men (Hare, Bull,<br />

the refuged into a cave (like Persephone). The club of the gods Horse) and women (Deer, Mare, Elephant) according to the<br />

then, back her in the sky, engages Uzume, the woman-dancing genitals and the rhythms (slow and fast) of passion (weak partners,<br />

mushroom, the first Japanese queen of the kingdom. Women fiery, mo<strong>de</strong>rate). Then 9 types of possible match. The excess of<br />

shamans who follow her are called miko or Himiko.<br />

close, brings partner repugnance." 莉萨<br />


increasing pressure, on Graffemberg point<br />

more subtle emotions, arise up from there<br />

He might cry, and his trauma resurfaces<br />

I let all his emotions, loving to outlet<br />

now I do not seek, stop-comfort him<br />

I let that it happens, his given need<br />

I encourage him to scream, cry or moan<br />

He feels spontaneous, avoids to retain<br />

he chooses to ejaculate, after massage<br />

I urge breathing, <strong>de</strong>eply during orgasm<br />

he frees his mind, holding sex drive<br />

he <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>s the end, after six times 1<br />

莉萨 also explains, her Yoni massage<br />

joy of serving, God<strong>de</strong>ss Shakti Temple<br />

orgasm is not so, accept it if it happens<br />

it dissolves well, the woman's sexual blocks<br />

hand is palm up, and the finger in the yoni<br />

the curved finger, is like gesture "come here!<br />

finger curved hook, like to touch the palm<br />

I touch Graffemberg, un<strong>de</strong>r the pubic bone<br />

It is behind the clitoris, the root of its tail<br />

it urge to urinate, with pain or pleasure<br />

if she feel sensation, I change movements<br />

I play with pressures, and fast rotations<br />

Clitoris massage, use the thumb up & down<br />

while the other fingers, resting on the lips<br />

left hand massages, breasts abdomen & clitoris<br />

right hand on buttocks, little finger into anus<br />

She could cry, flows are passing through<br />

I go into <strong>de</strong>ep trust, while doing massage<br />

I watch her breathing, she is curing trauma<br />

I let her emotions, to purge as into sauna<br />

if she enter orgasm, I listen his breathing<br />

I continue to massage, until she say me stop<br />

it grows intensity, the more orgasms happen<br />

body and mind together, I feel as a married 2<br />

1 Lingam: beacon of light. Yoni: intimate space where faith grows.<br />

Graffemberg point: very innervated erogenous zone, stimulated<br />

from outsi<strong>de</strong> by the fingers or penis pressing on her crotch. The<br />

male, because he gives out of the body the sexual energy of the<br />

seed, he may learn the art of yogic interior ejaculation, meanwhile,<br />

by using Lingam massage, he can breathes, relax and come near<br />

ejaculation at least 6 times before release the sperm. Here is the<br />

innocence and beauty of the inner qi masculine." 莉萨<br />

2 in Tantra is written: when the little finger is in the anus, the ring<br />

finger and middle finger into the Yoni and your thumb on the<br />

clitoris, you're taking the mysteries of the universe in your hand.<br />

Stimulating the G-spot can make a kind of orgasm with<br />

if 莉萨 masturbates herself, she get quickly<br />

with partner she extends, pleasure & warmth<br />

without anxiety, she aligns chakra more<br />

glans and clitoris, with erogenous zones<br />

each individual, has different reactions<br />

Intercourse evokes, memory of childhood<br />

Kisses and tongue, to pe<strong>net</strong>rate ear 3<br />

revealing Maithuna, Sakti gets clear<br />

both naked we face, legs slightly flexed<br />

surrounding the basin, of present lover<br />

appreciates the woman, the essence of yang<br />

with her whole being, she interest returns<br />

The male is excited, by the female's qi<br />

the stem of ja<strong>de</strong>, heats her with <strong>de</strong>sire<br />

qi in the lungs is, if agitated breathing<br />

four phases of response, the woman reveals<br />

莉萨 swallows saliva, num in the spleen is<br />

when qi is in the bones, she muscles clings<br />

she moves his pelvis, & nibbles at her man<br />

qi in the blood is, if she caresses lingam<br />

she rises the uterus, and expands plateau<br />

contracted hands and feet, out of control<br />

qi in the liver drops, is ready to receive<br />

she groans and leaves, she ecstatic swells<br />

in total orgasm, a speck of ego returns<br />

joins to the chorus, it floods the cosmos<br />

the art of love, is like to weave a dance<br />

relaxing positions, alternating with prowess<br />

She relaxes muscles, stretched around anus<br />

swallow my saliva, the qi flows harmonious<br />

to get restful sleep, is like testes into ice<br />

it gets scrotum hard and tense, qi arises<br />

after pe<strong>net</strong>ration, you will move slowly<br />

you smell her sweat, stimulating games<br />

excitation strength, and lubricant saliva<br />

will fill her pleasure, hit and withdrawal<br />

ejaculation, where the woman may believe that they have urinated.<br />

Insisting she can have multiple orgasms. 莉萨<br />

3 "Making love and eating are not in agreement. To combat<br />

premature ejaculation, you cools you genitals with a bowl of cold<br />

water and focus yourself on foreplay. The ear is very sensitive and<br />

full of reflex zones and Saliva (Elixir yin) lubricates all the body<br />

functions. Tongue stimulates the passage of qi in Ears, if it is<br />

wound, rinse mouth with boiled water and salt 3 times a day."莉<br />

萨<br />



for relaxation, you correspond equal part<br />

mouth with mouth, or hands with hands<br />

while for stimulation, get opposite si<strong>de</strong>s<br />

eyes open to closed, mouth to genitals<br />

The man who eats, excess of yin food<br />

the libido yang, going down gradually<br />

the excess of yang, the woman gets hard<br />

Figs and hot food, helping erection 1<br />

the insects are masters, of sexual art<br />

not dominated, by pornography industry<br />

qi of sperm and eggs, is called chin<br />

essence of sex, and source of all qi<br />

when you do pee, standing on tip feet<br />

keep straight chest, abdomen contracted<br />

the buttocks together, and slowly exhale<br />

so you contrast, premature ejaculation<br />

sitting upright, testicular breathing<br />

prostate and colon, healthy your body<br />

each encounter may, to lead awakening<br />

you act without thinking, to get qi feeling<br />

莉萨 was placed un<strong>de</strong>r, missionary position<br />

Anxiety grows, and becomes short of breath<br />

if above, she plays lightly in the shoul<strong>de</strong>r<br />

extends passive fire, remains in the valley<br />

Peaceful position, it is a gift Melanesia<br />

as Damping position, sitting on the chair<br />

Hold the hand brake, 2 / 3 come into her<br />

rotate your brush, and drawings Panta Rei<br />

a position of the Cat, is passive to stay<br />

Man back ground, her on top to navigate<br />

she sways and moves, the control rod<br />

pace and pe<strong>net</strong>ration, the man to gloat<br />

the position of Plow, to allow for checking<br />

woman back ground, orgasms with breathing<br />

legs on the man's shoul<strong>de</strong>rs, nine pe<strong>net</strong>ration<br />

synchronous to the breath, do <strong>de</strong>cremented 2<br />

Yab Yum asana, was gift of Nepal-Tibetan<br />

镭森 legs crossed, sitting in lotus plan<br />

莉萨 sits in lap, her legs surroun<strong>de</strong>d him<br />

her arms clasped, around neck of partner<br />

both calmly abandons, love for each other<br />

remains to prolong, the Amrit in the cup<br />

passive and receptive, listening all qi<br />

they exchange effusion, heat sensation<br />

Keep your attention, on the start fire<br />

by continuing and well, lying in orifice<br />

avoiding the anxiety, the <strong>de</strong>sire of the end<br />

does not ejaculate, that's the only advice<br />

God is recreated, every time insi<strong>de</strong> you<br />

like gol<strong>de</strong>n flower, is rooted in the heart<br />

You know you are Siva, and I am your Sakti<br />

You are also Sakti, and I am the Siva tatvi<br />

Stay with the beginning, you remain in this<br />

enjoying the meeting, 2 bodies without minds<br />

you forget any purpose, or fast conclusions<br />

silent several hours, fire get up insights<br />

Orgasm of valley, unleashed in the embrace<br />

the breath is slow, in a long Tantra kiss<br />

You no longer exists, just love is itself<br />

leaves your body, to move from where<br />

the cosmos you are, whenever you want<br />

love you will do, with moon and stars<br />

there is no effort, technique or stress<br />

is sweet doing nothing, your meditation<br />

then in all dimension, you lover will find<br />

Shakti plays well, it is sex of the snake 3<br />

She shows and have you, love you totally<br />

the slowed breathing, release inhibitions<br />

if gradual you stop, momentum of the orgasm<br />

you'll notice your breath, stop every spasm<br />

Lingam into Yoni, it stays in the embrace<br />

exchange their secrets, num is flowing<br />

1 "sexual organs exposed to the sun are more able to absorb and<br />

emit num. It helps a lot a foot massage, physical work and Yin<br />

foods: vegetables, cereals, fish, tubers and roots. Yin plus: spices,<br />

sugar, alcohol and fruit. Yang foods: poultry, meat, eggs, salt,<br />

dairy products. Yang plus: garlic, ginger, paprika. Women take a<br />

little salt, fish, meat and dairy products, many legumes, and short<br />

cooking times. Men can take more salt, cereals, long cooking<br />

roots, fish and mo<strong>de</strong>rate meat." 莉萨<br />

2 "Nine <strong>de</strong>ep pe<strong>net</strong>ration and one more shallow and slow, then<br />

3 eight of the first type and two of the second, then seven & three, 6 Kundalini sweeps (also violent) all the obstacles that inhibit its<br />

& 4, 5 & 5, etc. until 1 & 9, every aspect will be exalted. 莉萨 transcen<strong>de</strong>nce, breaking the ordinary levels of consciousness.<br />


if the male pleasure, it is called "I Do"<br />

the female pleasure, is called "he wants"<br />

One without other, can not stay long time<br />

they switch places, as the changing wind 1<br />

you does not satisfy too, your sexual urge<br />

then appetite, which backwards in disgust<br />

you exercise the anus, both female and man<br />

against incontinence, it will be a remedy<br />

The fountain is filled, drop by drop<br />

day after day, until to overflowing<br />

before ejaculating, tighten the anus<br />

prostate will squeezes, blocking num<br />

Libido is a ball, floating above water<br />

more you squeeze, more sud<strong>de</strong>n squirts<br />

being afraid of water, is afraid of a woman<br />

you scroll down prejudices, you nothing fear<br />

war of the sexes, is a metaphor for China<br />

Men's spear and sword, woman thick shields<br />

woman seeking man, seeking expansive qi<br />

the man back, is soul-searching harmony<br />

then the two poles, attract each other<br />

active and receptive, through channels<br />

awareness expands every activated chakra<br />

power begins to flow, focused in areas<br />

If you feel weak, you assume passive role<br />

keep qi in the blood, it runs continuously<br />

if the num becomes wild, do not be alarmed<br />

It runs other ways, exploring unfamiliar<br />

Sexual activity, balances the hormonal<br />

Orgasm without purpose, is spontaneous Kia<br />

if you let it happens, wu-wei you realize<br />

her pre-orgasmic wave, 莉萨 well <strong>de</strong>scribes<br />

it starts from the genitals, it arrives trunk<br />

it runs into the arms, every muscle retracts<br />

it bounces in the head, the brain shrinks 2<br />

基那洲 tell us, 莉萨 freely move her num<br />

1 "In spring the plants swell with sap and the qi of man adapts it.<br />

The love expressed in all organs and sexuality stimulates the<br />

immune system and helps to eliminate metabolic and hormonal<br />

imbalances that affect personality. 莉萨<br />

2 "Orgasmic wave of qi, the first time can be frightening. It begins<br />

from pubis bones, arising to the head where it gives a sense of<br />

euphoric daze then it download in various ways. If you press your<br />

tongue on the palate, it runs down into the abdomen, loosening the<br />

pressure on the genitals. Exercise: Sit on the chair at 45 <strong>de</strong>grees,<br />

num tingling pleasant, on shoul<strong>de</strong>rs and neck<br />

the supreme yogi sees, along with its current<br />

remains throughout the day, pleasant feeling<br />

she speaks breathe and eat, lovely walking<br />

She <strong>de</strong>signs and focus, trip & relationship<br />

then she forget image, as 基那洲 taught<br />

she program his mind, as Zhuangzi computer<br />

at time of release, she recalls virtual mind<br />

She sees and hears, she smells and tastes<br />

the previously creation, channeled in sex<br />

then she lets orgasm, flood her reality<br />

growing <strong>de</strong>votion, she connects to dreams<br />

singing the mantra, to create a shield<br />

Keep away from you, fear and guilt<br />

the Sex is natural, it plays a key role<br />

blocks and feelings, it helps to explore<br />

I rediscover each life, is energy action<br />

at end of his lap, it closes in <strong>de</strong>struction<br />

so your inner snake, is sexual attachment<br />

Mother's <strong>de</strong>ath, and Mother's conception<br />

Kali scours the world, from Maya's wishes<br />

Kali is Durga Devi, is the Shakti of Shiva<br />

She shakes the world, still resists Maya<br />

the Kali wil<strong>de</strong>st, she wins by ripping ego<br />

God<strong>de</strong>ss Kali manifests, when Daruka <strong>de</strong>mon<br />

takes divine power, and he threats nature<br />

Diana-Thera gets angry, becomes black Kali<br />

she dance on his body, and mowing the ego<br />

Sadhus and many hermit, singing in rapture<br />

Kali blessed, once you have un<strong>de</strong>rstood<br />

that she free <strong>de</strong>votees, of all fears<br />

She is comfort, Mother, lover, <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

I always knew, that my body with your<br />

they did something, you are me I am you<br />

when I practice I know, fusion of bodies<br />

Who are you, Who am I? You open my eyes<br />

your disheveled hair, entangled on stars<br />

The scarlet Siva, lies beneath your feet<br />

You dance on him, and cosmos is kidnapped<br />

worlds come and go, You're the eternal door<br />

I sing Kali-energy, with green eyed lotus<br />

creation management, dissolution of motion<br />

Just one your smile, is a sweet paradise<br />

supports me dreamer, a pilgrim who goes<br />

strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and sexual potency." 莉萨<br />


Junio, 塞巴 skribis:<br />

ten artichoke plants, I found at Therabuti<br />

Artichoke is chilly, and it fears summer drought<br />

I offer ferns & algae, in March I transplant one<br />

finally a place, I can find for it in the gar<strong>de</strong>n 1<br />

Artichoke in glass of water, I rub with lemon<br />

it contains bitter acids, it not get black<br />

it is astringent & febrifuge, liver protector<br />

such as milk thistle, is a primary tonic<br />

I clean and eat, the Thistle ten<strong>de</strong>r raw stems<br />

if stems are already old, I cut off the hard part<br />

cut into segments, I immerse in water & lemon<br />

boiling in salted water, half an hour they cooked<br />

Asparagus shoots, into jute preserve freshness<br />

transplanted in late winter, I harvest on second year<br />

it produces for 2 months, I cook them in little water<br />

with sugar and salt, to boil in pot with lid<br />

After 4 minutes, I turn off heat and take off cover<br />

I let marinate 10 minutes, they help me to urinate<br />

then I cook artichokes, in water or steam<br />

I add a little vinegar, and a little sugar 2<br />

Holly sharp flavor, I eat like asparagus<br />

Ruscus aculeatus is bitter, it wants cooking time<br />

Grandma used holly branches, to make brooms<br />

and roasting its roots, to use as a coffee 3<br />

two edible grass I find, among olive trees<br />

then many wild fennel, sublime in salads<br />

suitable for soups, are the ten<strong>de</strong>r shoots<br />

I find them in March, together with asparagus<br />

Rapunzel in the vineyard, is a plant food<br />

it has root as the turnip, tiny and <strong>de</strong>licate<br />

leaves & new shoots, I find them in the spring<br />

I eat it in oil and salt, as a raw salad<br />

Sempervivum edible grass, is on roofs & walls<br />

lightning protection, it survives in winter frost<br />

I see Purslane plant, is quick and creeping<br />

it has yellow flowers, I eat raw or cooked it<br />

Robinia pseudoacacia, arrived from America<br />

it is a thrives tree, with edible flowers<br />

good if fried, but I discards the rest of it<br />

It likes many soils, and rabbit likes it<br />

Clematis clematis, clung to the fence<br />

and fresh Buttercup, is toxic to eat<br />

it reduces bacterial grow, of clover roots<br />

it <strong>de</strong>creases its toxicity, if allowed to dry out 4<br />

Pepper Water is, in the damp forest floor<br />

along the ditches, and irrigation channels<br />

aromatic and spicy, it leaves taste pepper<br />

it's used to flavor, it is called Nasturtium<br />

Stellaria media I gather, like other plants<br />

chickens like it, because of many minerals<br />

I eat it in salad, it is ten<strong>de</strong>r and good<br />

Kneipp used it, to soothe breathing system<br />

Shepherd's purse, is crucifer brassicace<br />

it appears in the meadows, also as a weed<br />

Its leaves have, little heart-shaped<br />

it's bitter edible, it has healing tannin<br />

Horseradish fruit tree helps, a vegetable gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

white-yellow root, it grows from its fragments<br />

sown along with the kale, every fortnight<br />

I cook its root strips, and it tastes great<br />

1 "I make grilling cage around the plant to be insulated against<br />

excessive cold, then I fill with peat and cover with cardboard. To<br />

collect artichokes and cardoon (Cynara cardunculus) by non-steel<br />

bla<strong>de</strong>s it will oxidize and turn it black)." 艾米利亚<br />

2 an asparagus lasts 20 years. 100 asparagus plants and 10<br />

artichoke plants are enough for a 4 persons family. The Green clipping the bushes of holly wild plants, to facilitate early<br />

strain is more adaptable and easy of purple and white. Asparagus production of shoots. To remove the excess bitter, young sproutes<br />

cooked into rice helps body. I cook it's stems and roots into broth are cooked in plenty of water." 艾米利亚<br />

4 ma<strong>de</strong>d by wine (or vinegar), figs and chickpeas to purify the body Clematis has shaped blooms with fluffy duvets. Its botanical<br />

and reduce urinary tract infections.<br />

family (ranuncolacee) contains the Anemonin alkaloid, variously<br />

3 "The berries of mediterranean Holly are regar<strong>de</strong>d as poisonous if consi<strong>de</strong>red toxic. Its buds boiled, collected in spring, you can eat,<br />

ingested, causing convulsions. My grandfather used burning or having a low concentration of anemonin.<br />


Raphanus wild radish, I eat boiled & rehearse<br />

it has excellent diuretic, and blood purifier 1<br />

useful to those who suffer, rheumatism & retention<br />

its <strong>de</strong>coction in warm milk, also dissolves phlegm<br />

Sinapsis Mustard said, with yellow flowers<br />

polymorphic annual, it has slen<strong>de</strong>r stems<br />

it bring lots of leaves, dark green mat<br />

<strong>de</strong>corated with flowers, from May until September<br />

in the fall it produces fruit, pods seeds dark<br />

its seeds in late summer, I dry and store<br />

I eat raw young leaves, & buds not yet in bloom<br />

then I cook leaves, it tastes like a broccoli<br />

I pitch the seeds, put in socks for cold feet<br />

Mustard seed oil is food, and also it is soap<br />

It help footbaths, and affections of my breath<br />

It loves bright sun, and dies to incoming cold<br />

Mustard stimulates fire, it neutralizes toxins<br />

It is pungent and spicy, oily and pe<strong>net</strong>rating<br />

in cases of congestion, bronchial tubes & lungs<br />

well dip your feet, in healthy mustard <strong>de</strong>coction<br />

Cabbage is holy plant, to the ancient Latin<br />

eaten raw it helps, to resist to the colds<br />

together with the onion, is food for ships<br />

it helps travel diets, relaxing on the seas<br />

Balsamic its action, from December to March<br />

strengthens immunity, prevents many cancers<br />

you eat the outer leaves, raw in salads<br />

Or centrifuged for, juice purification 2<br />

1 Wild radish is branched hispid annual herb with slen<strong>de</strong>r root and<br />

thin. It blooms in March to June with white flowers with purple<br />

veins. The fruits are choked siliques between a seed and the other.<br />

Tasteful are the peaks (spicuneddi), leaves, roots and the collar.<br />

All parts of Rapastrello have typical spicy taste. The plant is<br />

prepared by slicing the roots and leaves at the base, you get a<br />

collar piece that is eaten raw like radishes. It can be confused with<br />

good Cavolicello (Brassica fruticolosa) and hoary mustard<br />

(Hirschfeld incana) called Amareddu. Tonic: 15g horseradish, 60<br />

gr celery root, 30g dan<strong>de</strong>lion, all to a boil over low heat (1 liter)<br />

for a 20 minutes, filtered and stored in a bottle: 1 cup twice a day.<br />

2 The leaves of Brassica oleracea contains carotene, vitamins A,<br />

B, C, K, U. Cooking <strong>de</strong>stroys vitamin U (misoniase enzyme) that<br />

acts to combat gastric ulcer, duo<strong>de</strong>nal and intestinal (this kind of<br />

ulcers grew with the adoption by Roman to cook the grains in the<br />

bronze). Ironing cabbage leaf put down on wound or scratch, it<br />

disinfects, heals and relieves pain. Cabbage leaves in your shoes,<br />

keep feet cool and refreshed. All varieties of cabbage have<br />

digestive virtues, remineralizing, brain boosters (1 kilo of cabbage<br />

provi<strong>de</strong>s 2.5 grams of phosphorus and vitamin B1 helps balance<br />

the nervous), antioxidants and anti-anxiety drugs. Cabbage and<br />

I intercrop it, with turnips and cauliflower<br />

Cabbage is greedy plant, phosphorus-potassium<br />

I transplant it, before it was born the sixth leaf<br />

first I immerse the roots, in water bramble roots<br />

Turnip-cabbage outer leaves, accumulate nitrates<br />

You reduce nitrates, if you eat inner leaves only<br />

the aromatic plants, unwelcome to the butterfly<br />

as brooms and onions, cabbage butterfly reject<br />

I keep cabbage in winter, hanging upsi<strong>de</strong> down<br />

complete with roots, in dry and fresh place<br />

hang upsi<strong>de</strong> down, cabbages in the henhouse<br />

to provi<strong>de</strong> vitamins, to my chickens and goose<br />

Cauliflower in summer, I sha<strong>de</strong> with its leaves<br />

unplug put them above, the clear inflorescences<br />

I collect at ground bla<strong>de</strong>, leaving 2-3 buds<br />

I etch cross <strong>de</strong>signs, to grow new heads<br />

Cauliflower helps old skin, heals wounds<br />

I crush its leaves, and spreads around the anus<br />

remedy for hemorrhoids, wounds & skin disor<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

it contrasts rheumatism, and varicose veins<br />

It counteracts anemia, bronchitis and sinusitis<br />

diabetes colitis, diarrhea and conjunctivitis<br />

I wraps bruises, to protect against infections<br />

Cauliflower wins scurvy, and digestion suffers<br />

Spinach in late summer, I plant in empty areas<br />

I grow for green manure, to collect nitrate<br />

I cut it in spring, nitrogen it has trapped<br />

during the winter, so it was not washed out<br />

Spinach leaves are good, nitrate indicators<br />

blistering & dark green, have accumulated a lot<br />

Nitrate early changes, in nitrite intoxication<br />

I grow spinach un<strong>de</strong>r sun, to reduce nitrogen comps<br />

The Spinach loves a lot, a mo<strong>de</strong>rate heat<br />

I sow it in winter, 2 months I have been patient<br />

if you sow in summer, sha<strong>de</strong> the cultivation<br />

will not risk it, to grow fast to seed grain<br />

I collect leaves in October, seeds in winter<br />

it resume in the spring, I sow it every 3 weeks<br />

I wash the spinach, I put in hot water for a while<br />

I drink also its juice, with Arugula and Purslane<br />

fibers that are burning fat. Rinse by cabbage juice cure <strong>de</strong>afness,<br />

kale can protect the stomach. Cauliflower contains bromi<strong>de</strong>, which and aphonia. While rubbed chopped raw leaves, cure acne,<br />

stimulates relaxation of the senses while the broccoli is rich in pimples and insect bites. The leaves (hot poultices) are useful in<br />

sulfur and gives energy. The cabbages bring iron, arsenic, cases of attacks of arthritis, neuralgia, rheumatism distortion. Raw<br />

calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, copper, iodine, and red cabbage is the top.<br />


Chicory perennial plant, <strong>de</strong>pends on the climate<br />

Its rosette of leaves, it stretches in two seasons<br />

Chore with blue flowers, has the bitter chicory<br />

digestive substance, and valuable laxative<br />

Its main salt, it is potassium nitrate<br />

stimulating the kidneys, and blood purgative<br />

its bitter <strong>de</strong>coction, into fasting stomach<br />

three drinks per day, is therapy for long 1<br />

Chicory purifies the body, including skin<br />

from all impurities, if you will be constantly<br />

through the activation, of liver and intestine<br />

I put in a salad, with lemon, oil and spices<br />

God<strong>de</strong>ss bitter chicory, I eat and I surprised<br />

It help also breasts, and un<strong>de</strong>rlying muscles<br />

its purgative milk, holy to the god Min of Egypt<br />

gave rise in the gar<strong>de</strong>ns, to lettuce vegetablas<br />

from march until October, I re-seeding Lettuce<br />

every fortnight, I cover just the new seeds<br />

in winter on raised bed, I avoid stagnation<br />

it welcomes such treatment, salad without damage<br />

Lettuce low heat, it get down excess of asceticism<br />

it is excellent <strong>de</strong>vadasi, sedative herbal tea<br />

I offer sha<strong>de</strong> in the summer, preventing seeds<br />

it has root oblong, to harvest I use a spa<strong>de</strong><br />

Dan<strong>de</strong>lion also in summer, I divi<strong>de</strong> the root<br />

I bury pieces in a row, twenty centimeters away<br />

its potassium is active, at the root part of plant<br />

I eat boiled dan<strong>de</strong>lion, in lemon or pickled buds 2<br />

Dan<strong>de</strong>lion has <strong>de</strong>ep roots, it collect minerals<br />

It will gives to September, higher 塔拉斯 sin<br />

medicinal substance, bitter and rooting<br />

good stimulant, the roots of other plants<br />

It stimulates flowering, in the environment<br />

also inhibits the height, of plants close to it<br />

it has leaves like spinach, it help diuresis<br />

also dormant liver, it stimulates in the bed<br />

Dan<strong>de</strong>lion is sensitive, to weather conditions<br />

1 Excellent fresh chicory dressed with oil, lemon and raw garlic.<br />

Healing Decoction: Boil a handful of chicory in half a liter of<br />

water. Three glasses a day for several days. It cleans and tones.<br />

2 from the greek 塔拉斯 s: heal. Pickled dan<strong>de</strong>lion buds (like<br />

capers) and raw or cooked leaves in a salad. Put some plants to<br />

boil, then add 2 eggs and pour over slices of stale bread with olive<br />

oil. Dan<strong>de</strong>lion into composting it emits radiant light like quartz<br />

silica. Dan<strong>de</strong>lion grows in all the land and can grow well from<br />

pieces of its taproot. It blooms with 5000 seeds. Weeds out after<br />

rain and use it as a mulch layers (5cm) at the foot of the<br />

vegetables.<br />

it responds to and complies, in a situation<br />

it opens in spring, gol<strong>de</strong>n yellow flowers<br />

out its achenes, are arranged in a sphere<br />

Dan<strong>de</strong>lion it's all edible, has cleansing effects<br />

good feed for farm animals, I make salad of it<br />

with milk of its stem, I take care of children leeks<br />

its dry roots I grind, then I use it as a coffee<br />

Its <strong>de</strong>coction unlocks, blad<strong>de</strong>r and gallstones<br />

pressure normalizes, and liver and gall blad<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Arthritis and rheumatism, and kidney stones<br />

it prevents anemia, due to its mineral core<br />

Oxalis acetosella, oxalic acid contains<br />

cooked like spinach, I scrap its water<br />

it has trefoil leaves, similar to clover<br />

remember me its taste, a sour vinegar<br />

with rainy weather, its leaves shrink<br />

as small umbrellas, it flowers one stem<br />

tiny in size, has the force of invasion<br />

often infest the gar<strong>de</strong>n, like clover <strong>net</strong><br />

I see Ferns with bamboo, expanding laterally<br />

艾米利亚 separate large clumps, tangled roots<br />

cutting the rhizomes, the vigorous replants<br />

just before the roots, dry out on the air<br />

I use mulching layer, of dry fern fronds<br />

Ferns take potassium, it help in the cold<br />

the Ferns rebalancing, many fruit trees<br />

where too much nitrogen, pushes few fruits<br />

I eat the tops of Fern, steamed prepared<br />

艾米利亚 uses the roots, also as a<br />

vermifuge 3<br />

<strong>de</strong>coction in vinegar, in baths and ablutions<br />

it fight rheumatism, and stiff muscles cramps<br />

Mauve is food & medicine, from april to autumn<br />

帕梅拉 offers its roots, the children chewing<br />

cleaning teeth well, it soothes sore teeth<br />

she put Malva leaves, on burns or wasps stings<br />

Grandparents used it much, to treat sore throat<br />

fresh or dried in the sun, for the afternoon tea<br />

Its good in the soup, soothing and digestive<br />

it cures heat of intestine, and urinary systems 4<br />

3 I take green root of the male fern (Polystichum filix) in summer.<br />

Before it's dust ingestion, I fast 12 hours, after I use a non-oily<br />

purgative. With this cure worms and tapeworms disappear easily.<br />

4 Decoction for intestinal and digestive heat: you boil mallow<br />

leaves, add tablespoon of olive oil, let stand overnight and drink in<br />

the morning. It uses the synergistic action of mucilage<br />

(<strong>de</strong>congestion), tannin (anti-inflammatory effect) and emollient<br />


the Milk Thistle, Silybum marianum is called<br />

this plant has many pins, known as milk spots<br />

the breast milk of Mary, falls when she fled<br />

persecution by Herod, his son in her lap covered<br />

Milk Thistle in Scotland, protects the royal castle<br />

enemies in the ditch, have been thorns by thistle<br />

ruling family awake at night, by listening voices<br />

cursing the pain, of criminals invasion in disgrace<br />

it is strong biennial herb, also two meters high<br />

in ruins and unkempt, spiny leaves yellowish<br />

Milk thistle has purple flowers, bloom July-August 1<br />

its tea for gout, periodontal disease & hypertension<br />

Its root <strong>de</strong>coctions, increasing milk menstruum<br />

Its leaves, roots and seeds, contain silymarin<br />

bitter medicine, it drains the kidneys and liver<br />

Thistle milky juice, it drops against warts<br />

if you see these plants, this place is fertile<br />

Parietaria officinalis, with <strong>net</strong>tle and el<strong>de</strong>r<br />

chamomile and burdock, sagebrush and purple<br />

chicory and dan<strong>de</strong>lion, surround this gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

I use a Borage buds, like capers in vinegar<br />

I give it to my kids, sucking sweets flowers<br />

Borage resolves gastritis, calming tensions<br />

leaves and flowers on skin, purify eruption<br />

I rinse my mouth and throat, with Borage leaves<br />

I use into soups, it has the taste of cucumber<br />

boiled and mixed leaves, with chicory and other<br />

with seeds of fennel, I get a digestive soup 2<br />

it enhances cabbage, if I cook them together<br />

a slightly laxative, it has refreshing juice<br />

its petals in vinegar, blue flavor release<br />

into a glass of wine, it get away melancholy<br />

its name from Latin, is rough woolen cloth<br />

Abou-rach is Arabic name, is father of sweat<br />

Borage calm my nerves, it is a nerve tonic<br />

it prevents insomnia, healing <strong>de</strong>pression<br />

Plantain is centonerbi, for sores and wounds<br />

I applied poun<strong>de</strong>d leaves, also on bees stings<br />

along with chamomile, it grows its action<br />

I wash infected part, it is kind to children<br />

Plantain tannins, and expectorant cleansing<br />

it heals pimples, more skin infections<br />

it is hypoglycemic, and good healing 3<br />

itching soothes, of eyes and the glans<br />

Comfrey plant, it is rich in vitamin B-12<br />

I sometimes mowing, it fertilizes the gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

I boil the leaves, recycling the macerate<br />

it grows in places, moist and sha<strong>de</strong>d<br />

It is called adjust-bones, it helps your back<br />

this herb cures, hemorrhoids & stomach peptic<br />

Its roots poun<strong>de</strong>d, and applied as poultices<br />

was used on wounds, during wars or disasters 4<br />

帕梅拉 eat Burdock, young shoots and roots<br />

boiled and seasoned, that is ma<strong>de</strong> softened<br />

Some Burdock varieties, are very tasty<br />

Emlia sings its power, from far away place<br />

Burdock seeds spreads, instead of the plow<br />

I collect in the spring, after the wheat sown<br />

experiences it in the fall, works great burdock<br />

it has <strong>de</strong>ep roots, and large leaves herbici<strong>de</strong><br />

帕梅拉 comes and takes, the strawberry orchard<br />

Strawberry likes compost, pine needle mulch<br />

she has taken off in the woods, near Terabuti<br />

setting strawberry runners, with wire on ground<br />

re-bloom of strawberries, she suppresses sorry<br />

the first flowering stems, to extend production<br />

She picks up fruits, she leaves to flavor petiole<br />

strawberry anti-calculus, every day rub on teeth 5<br />

Agliaria heart-shaped, squeezed garlic emanates<br />

so it can add flavor, to the mushroom and salad<br />

properties of olive oil.<br />

1 3 I discourage the use of seeds to hypertensive patients. The thistle 塔拉斯: "Grandpa stuffed the ear channel with grated plantain<br />

honey, in Sardinia, has a strong flavor and spicy aroma; in the roots (called centonerbi). After boiling in milk, it is mouthwash<br />

wildflower of Mediterranean, it add balsamic laven<strong>de</strong>r, heather, that calm the mouth and its juice is a simple eye drops for red eyes<br />

Aspho<strong>de</strong>l, Rockrose, Rosemary, and the flavor changes from year and conjunctivitis (50 g leaves in a liter) and to relieve toothache.<br />

to year according to the predominant flower.<br />

It contains silicic acid, tannins and vitamin C. The Plantain<br />

2 "Borage leaves or buds, collected between October and March, <strong>de</strong>coction has hypoglycaemic action, while the bathroom is<br />

are <strong>de</strong>licious in rice, soup and salad dressed in oil. It has calcium purifying anti-rheumatic. It is useful in motor disor<strong>de</strong>rs: fatigue,<br />

and potassium. Borage urges the adrenal glands and the release of sprains and wounds of the foot, as always trampled by pilgrims.<br />

circulating adrenaline, brings strength, courage and good humor in Its seeds are food for canaries and poultry.”<br />

sick. Its hot tea with flowers and leaves (fresh or dried), cleanses 4 It is used to heal any wound received in battle. because of<br />

the kidneys, blad<strong>de</strong>r, blood, skin (eczema, boils, rubella, scarlet potassium it is a fertilizer when it is left to macerate for 1 month<br />

fever). Leaves and flowers infusion of borage sooths coughs, (150 g of leaves in 1 liter of water).<br />

irritable bronchitis and are sweating emollient and expectorant 550 strawberry plants are enough for 4 people. To multiply, I get<br />

especially for kids."塔拉斯<br />

its runners to the ground with wire fol<strong>de</strong>d hairpin.<br />


Saponaria plant foam, 帕梅拉 used for laundry<br />

of fabrics ma<strong>de</strong> by hand, and mild textures<br />


Rumex grass has potassium, calcium and iron<br />

its leaves salad or soups, I consume with caution<br />

due to oxalates, I abstain from high doses<br />

otherwise this plant, may get kidney poisoned 1<br />

its root it's useful too, applied externally<br />

for ulcers and infections, and skin abrasions<br />

it is astringent and anti-anemic, blood tonic<br />

purification of toxins, my endurance it help<br />

艾米利亚 continues, to explain at Therabuti<br />

shows me her experiences, as vegetable farmer<br />

帕梅拉 and 塔拉斯, are searching edible plants<br />

wild or cultivated herbs, spices and medicines<br />

艾米利亚 gives examples, of permaculture gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

it regenerates itself, with seeds of last year<br />

some vegetables are left, to produces seeds<br />

especially if them, are adapted to environment<br />

a vegetable gar<strong>de</strong>n, can be done in many ways<br />

then something to eat, finally you will harvest<br />

You know and respect, the life cycle of the soil<br />

soil is a living organism, with many communities<br />

The first step will be, preparation of the soil<br />

I dig earth and rising above, the local driveways<br />

to install the gar<strong>de</strong>n, I shake and add the ground<br />

with compost & sand, & some gravel all around<br />

summer gar<strong>de</strong>n takes place, in collect rain basins<br />

filled with chicken manure, peat mulch and dry weed<br />

a self sufficient gar<strong>de</strong>n, may be 100 square meters<br />

waffle gar<strong>de</strong>n or raised bed, excluding potatoes<br />

I raised beds for vegetables, in different shapes<br />

then terraces crops, to accomodate summer plants<br />

vegetable gar<strong>de</strong>n, takes its shape without forcing<br />

a bor<strong>de</strong>r of bricks, and a cage in the center<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> the cage, all we put organic garbage<br />

mixed with rain, it <strong>de</strong>composes into minerals<br />

then layers of cardboard, straw and soil manure<br />

I water it every week, especially in dry season<br />

the gar<strong>de</strong>n uses all of us, we are his creatures<br />

it sees with my own eyes, raised bed between fields<br />

the gar<strong>de</strong>n is in harmony with all, it kidnaps me<br />

it emerges from the soil, planting insi<strong>de</strong> me<br />

Its spirits enzymes, explorers of consciousness<br />

traveling in my dream, taking shape at Therabuti<br />

Gar<strong>de</strong>n is joy and suffering, energy and medicine<br />

it nourishes and lifts me up, on the dawn breeze<br />

1Rumex crispus (Poligonaceae), native to the Americas, is a plant<br />

laxative that cleanses the blood, relieves pain and mood Pitta<br />

imbalances (weakness and redness). The infusion counteracts<br />

bleeding hemorrhoids.<br />

塞巴 listen to my song, and sing with us<br />

Friendship means, to be called brothers<br />

to walk on the streets, same direction<br />

runnning in the world, of common sense<br />

the gar<strong>de</strong>n and friendship, born with a punch<br />

given for dislike, or just during an illness<br />

It will give you courage, when your body has not<br />

It offers you a family, that blood does not give you<br />

oh our 塞巴 come here! come to this house<br />

Today is also your home, the Therabuti house<br />

We will give you bread, we will exchange love<br />

by fueling joy, of the exterior and interior!<br />

meditation is to learn, discover and explore<br />

cultivating gar<strong>de</strong>n, and find the artichokes<br />

you say I have nothing, yet I have the words<br />

I play with them, the same plants and flowers<br />

I make words garlands, offered in the evening<br />

to share with each other, tasting common sense<br />

the taste of many stories, make us well aware<br />

of our <strong>de</strong>ep root, arousing from ancestors<br />

a merchant and a farmer, came to a Guru<br />

would like a mantra, then each receives<br />

a small bean, and the guru assures both<br />

I leave for a journey, you try to care for<br />

Who will have lost it, nothing in return will<br />

the merchant turns his bean, into pure silk<br />

He store it very carefully, into a baby box<br />

meanwhile the farmer, he <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>s to plant it<br />

Soon the plant grew, excellent young<br />

at the time of harvest, the farmer got<br />

a few whole beans, from the original seed<br />

still he sows and harvest, new seed takes<br />

Guru in the fourth year, returns from his trip<br />

the two stu<strong>de</strong>nts are looking, full of reverence<br />

Merchant opens his holy box, dried bean is<br />

a worm ate it, and its shell is discolored<br />

Guru ask to the farmer, where is your bean?<br />

farmer gives the answers, it is too great!<br />

it is in the warehouse, filled set before you<br />

Mantra is that seed, it grows and stretches you<br />

if you practice every day, 塞巴 you will get<br />

work with the talents, that you have received<br />

a pencil in the gar<strong>de</strong>n, produces a revolution<br />

it writes & erases, the seeding or the challenge<br />


walking around vegetables, I collect impressions no greed no anger, or ignorance with<br />

the pencil connects thoughts, in different solutions insi<strong>de</strong> me there is none, dual <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

grammar of the gar<strong>de</strong>n, it become intercropping I'm not these clothes, not the karma knots<br />

combine words & sounds, combine plants & flowers<br />

Sivoham I am, I am simple Therabanza 1<br />

if I communicate something, flavor and meaning<br />

it is growing the awareness, of the interior Tago<br />

among the calm work, slow work or instantaneous<br />

I find that heavy work, it is useless or vain<br />

Mind when it gets angry, arouse more heat power<br />

The obstacle becomes, difficult to hoe out<br />

the best way is to sing, and to water plants<br />

then swirling mind, get aware of the present<br />

for example mosquitoes, biting stubborn<br />

if you scratch more times, your evil worse<br />

if you surrend to discomfort, will vanish by itself<br />

塞巴 if you accepts everything, find comforter<br />

I face problems, when I am there in the present<br />

Resolving conflicts, is the reality of each<br />

bare and bitter night, the thrill of skin<br />

the child recovers, next to the hearth<br />

When I gar<strong>de</strong>n, num is insi<strong>de</strong> and outsi<strong>de</strong><br />

I feel it at dawn, inspiring my moments<br />

it blocks or exceeds, equal blood lymph<br />

qi is not stopped, but circulates along<br />

莉萨 comes to us, and she starts to talk<br />

the qi is everywhere, Trees are like Taoists<br />

fertile great lords, helping humans and animals<br />

strength of the lungs, and stability wise<br />

the early Taoists, meditate with the body<br />

cultivating health, and their spirit rest<br />

they stretch like birds, to prolong life<br />

and shake like bears, emptying their mind<br />

Zen is samadhi, the mind of every day<br />

clear and present, no working around<br />

if I rest in silence, no concept arises<br />

I see in this, everything flows around<br />

Ch'an of Bodhidharma, is Zen of Daruma<br />

he teaches permaculture, doing nothing<br />

sits facing the wall, samadhi contemplates<br />

Zazen for nine years, in front a simple tree<br />

I'm not my ego, I'm not mind or intellect<br />

I'm not the pranas, not even num or qi<br />

I'm not the 5 senses, not the 5 Tattva<br />

not even consciousness, I am Cidananda<br />

also the sin or virtue, comfort or pain<br />

no mother no father, not even the division<br />

no gurus no learners, friends or relatives<br />

we are Chidananda, free from all current<br />

To feel the qi, and direct it in the body<br />

we may learn to be aware, of mental rest<br />

we see areas of our body, seeking care<br />

I focus one thought, qi go there to bite<br />

Qi is gas breath, I not see it but I feel it<br />

mana enters into my body, it builds my psyche<br />

breath-mind and body, just a single event<br />

we cultivate energy, with i<strong>de</strong>ntification<br />

China people know qi, multiple variants<br />

transform into each other, cyclical mutual<br />

qigong is medicine, advantage of quiet minds<br />

it is free breathing, without schools or guru<br />

a formulated thought, you trains and guard 2<br />

sequences of figures, you track mute scenes<br />

becomes gentle breath, feel it in the abdomen<br />

it thins our blood, along with warm skin<br />

hardness and softness, global and local<br />

fullness and emptiness, all qigong makes<br />

to activate the num, I cultivate the gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

grows and becomes conscious, light in my body<br />

more old stumps tree, I see lying around<br />

vegetables are around, and a jar buried<br />

I reflect about jar, it exu<strong>de</strong>s water in summer<br />

in a dry climate, it is also extreme remedy<br />

a land without trees, it seems naked and sad<br />

I choose many plants, that nourish my life<br />

I sow more species, observing their strength<br />

old and new plants, honoring the pla<strong>net</strong><br />

1 艾米利亚: “I Draw (Qingqi) and eject (zhuoqi) air. With<br />

meditation on the thought, "I am Satchidananda Atma", you can<br />

transfer in Nirvikalpa samadhi where the goal is moksha,<br />

consciousness. because of moksha is a natural process of<br />

<strong>de</strong>veloping written in our ge<strong>net</strong>ic co<strong>de</strong>,some people reach moksha<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r the correct guidance of the Satguru (Tagus).<br />

2 Yisou is the formulation of a thought and his insistence to keep<br />

active only the area of the cortex that covers that part of the body.<br />

This causes the rest of the cortex to enter vitalizing rest (rujing). In<br />

the cortex at rest alpha waves grow and the mind goes in a state of<br />

relaxed alertness. 莉萨<br />


Amelanchèr Lamarki, it resists to drought<br />

even if I water it a little, can <strong>de</strong>velop<br />

it blooms and gives fruit, good to eat<br />

its barks wounds I treat, with clay dough<br />

艾米利亚 tells me, a recipe for clay mixture<br />

to cure all the trees, by coating the wound<br />

clay in bucket of water, nights to macerate<br />

Then I add more water, and a part of humus<br />

塞巴 watch down! the earth is hard compact<br />

its rock as ice, and man sweating and tired<br />

he works his life, he sees hope in the sky<br />

the nomadic or civil, dreams the same goals<br />

even if you're impatient, to produce your food<br />

spend more your time, to get a dark soil<br />

because otherwise, you may lose time after<br />

right to recover, greatest discouragements<br />

In a magical place, child learns the gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

combining light and air, with minerals below<br />

Thera and Heaven are, united by the Plants<br />

coming and going, circulating substances<br />

waste of a species, are food to the other<br />

Variety is guarantor, of recovery & recycling<br />

Sun radiates energy, which nourishes all cycles<br />

the <strong>net</strong>work pulse, insi<strong>de</strong> and outsi<strong>de</strong> soul<br />

Diversity of plants, is a common heritage<br />

of all humanity, to survive on the pla<strong>net</strong><br />

Race to patent, all the Modified Organisms<br />

weakens more plants, which we must find wild<br />

Nikolai Vavilov, from the An<strong>de</strong>s to the Nile<br />

he reveals the solution, it's un<strong>de</strong>r our feet<br />

the migrating people, brought with them<br />

seed of plant, which then grow by itself<br />

He recognize in weed, of stunted ears<br />

the totem ancestor, of our wheat grown<br />

its original place, the African wild it is<br />

Center from which comes, even human being!<br />

you can grow plants, by untreated seeds<br />

seed will heal by itself, genome streamlining<br />

It get sick of the roots, during the first year<br />

following stem & leaves on second & third year<br />

I catch report, what happens in the field<br />

used to observe, the fauna and flora while<br />

Shrub and tree plant, are good reference<br />

I write down their cycles, and correlations 1<br />

Acacia Mimosa, and leguminous plants<br />

They work the soil, and fertilized <strong>de</strong>ep<br />

I watch the land, wind, sun and rain<br />

I do not run, so I follow my strength<br />

I take note of Winds, direction & intensity<br />

Any snowfall, its periods and quantity<br />

Also I note thaw, the first and last frost<br />

heat on the ground, sowing get no lost<br />

also I note the rains, periods and amounts<br />

I combine all data, making my own calendar<br />

then I can track, the good time to sow<br />

and within a few years, poetry also grow<br />

after the calendar, now I see vegetables<br />

fit to dwell in the gar<strong>de</strong>n, of my ancestors<br />

I begin in late April, harvesting salads<br />

temperature now I follow, the least noted 2<br />

Sowing and transplanting, before his time<br />

exposes seedlings, to heat stress & parasites<br />

while late sowing, it produces less fruit<br />

so I keep note, of greenhouse and fields<br />

birds and turkeys eat the seeds of plants<br />

amaranth, chestnuts, plantain and acorns<br />

more hedges of hazel, good shelter for birds<br />

along with brambles, and beauty rose hips<br />

30 grams of seed, per square meter I scatter<br />

to make nice turf, I sprinkle in two steps<br />

each collected seed, I protect it from frost<br />

I put in pots of sand, or in paper boxes 3<br />

I grid seeds nursery, a seed in each hole<br />

it happens in greenhouse, most seedlings rot<br />

I mix the seeds, in the hot soil furrows<br />

helping one another, in germination<br />

1 The fundamental cycles to be correlated are sprouting, flowering,<br />

leaf fall, the presence or absence of birds, insects and other<br />

animals that habitually frequent the area.<br />

2 by 5 <strong>de</strong>grees: beets, carrots, peas, Chinese cabbage; 7 <strong>de</strong>grees:<br />

broccoli and beans; 10 <strong>de</strong>grees: onions, leeks, celery, cabbage,<br />

lettuce and parsley; 13 <strong>de</strong>grees: soybeans, watercress, artichokes,<br />

radishes; 15 <strong>de</strong>grees: spinach, kohlrabi, kale, dan<strong>de</strong>lion greens,<br />

potatoes; 16 <strong>de</strong>grees: chicory, strawberry; 17 <strong>de</strong>grees: chard,<br />

zucchini; 20 <strong>de</strong>grees: sunflower, pumpkin, peppers, beans; 25<br />

<strong>de</strong>grees: tomatoes, eggplants, corn and gourds.<br />

3 I shake seed's flowers into paper bags, then label. The wood gives<br />

off formal<strong>de</strong>hy<strong>de</strong> which shortens the viability of seeds.<br />

Germination test: pour old seeds in a glass of water, the seeds that<br />

go to the bottom are still good, the ones that float are discar<strong>de</strong>d.<br />


Peas and beans, they will sprout first<br />

if they are immersed, in ethylene apple<br />

I use the egg shells, as a seeds nursery<br />

the shell is an alkaline, good for acid soil<br />

vegetables follow fashion, the seasonal cycle<br />

Broad beans with potatoes, are close in furrows<br />

the Potatoes keep out, the broad bean weevil<br />

exchange the bean, reduces potato parasites 1<br />

Potato opens way, then following the Lettuce<br />

it exploit the clean soil, it grows undisturbed<br />

Carrot and radish, then they complete root<br />

one is the <strong>de</strong>ep on, the other is the surface<br />

I start with potatoes, helping to eliminate weeds<br />

I plant them in mid-March, when the lilacs bloom<br />

if I plant in early August, I harvest in October<br />

I use the old tubers, to get the best yields<br />

Excavation of each row, spaced 30 centimeters<br />

I put potatoes, I mulch with cardboard or straw<br />

if the plant keeps mold, I am left to stand<br />

uprooting up the collar, for tuber to save<br />

if there is no filament, which binds the tuber<br />

the potato is mature, I harvest hands full<br />

I leave 3 hours on soil, well exposed to the sun<br />

then in a dark place, will conservation 2<br />

White-fleshed potatoes, with black or blue peel<br />

varieties out of fashion, I love them even more<br />

companions of spinach, tasty and well preserved<br />

the next crop, I plant onions with flowers<br />

the season gets hotter, the life conforms<br />

Chard and lettuce, make seeds or sleep<br />

I transplant from greenhouse, to warm ground<br />

I pick up more carrots, gradually spreading<br />

the chard and lettuce, sad to strong sun<br />

I'm going to put close, Sunflower and corn<br />

making the sha<strong>de</strong>, during hottest times<br />

plants with leaves, protect my vegetables<br />

Garlic at north si<strong>de</strong>, onions on the south<br />

the climbing beans, I put in central place<br />

still empty spaces, I plant more salads<br />

Carrots with spinach, and summer chard 3<br />

Garlic goes in harmony, with onions and roses<br />

intensifies the scent, but legumes inhibits<br />

Onions and carrots, <strong>de</strong>lousing each other<br />

they repel all flies, the flies of each other<br />

when I sow Zucchini, already is late spring<br />

zucchini form a circle, around central drum<br />

filled with chicken manure, & organic garbage<br />

I water it to help, gradually <strong>de</strong>composing<br />

I plant Pumpkin vines, climbing on bamboo<br />

pumpkin cultivation, take place in poor soil<br />

I mulch and water it, I let only two fruits<br />

substances go there, and improves maturation<br />

Calendula and lettuce, strawberries plants<br />

at the foot of the shrubs, they should help<br />

the water melon seeds, I bury pointed down<br />

I sow in pot in March, in May I put ground<br />

Melon plant is chilly, I put it to the south<br />

I cut its top three times, I left four leaves<br />

I let two fruits grow, for the entire summer<br />

the small melon fruit, I put them in vinegar<br />

I mulch Melon with cardboard, to reduce irrigation<br />

I pick up it with stem, improving its conservation<br />

irregular water and rainfall, it gets melon burst<br />

I water it at first, then I leave it un<strong>de</strong>r sun<br />

I see on vegetable gar<strong>de</strong>n, Basil and Tomato<br />

I regularly cut the top, for opposite purpose<br />

the basil keeps its flavor, insi<strong>de</strong> olive oil<br />

Bees are very helpful, as to spread harmony<br />

I transplant Tomato, when it has seven leaves<br />

younger the plant, the better the harvest<br />

if its <strong>de</strong>ep burial stems, including leaves<br />

it <strong>de</strong>velop more roots, which help to nourish<br />

马丁 taught to me, to put a rotten fish<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> each hole, where tomato takes place<br />

I put braces around, bamboo or hazel sticks<br />

I tie them with raffia, I water tomato first<br />

excess of nitrogen, <strong>de</strong>creases sugar flower<br />

aqueous it makes the leaves, I add potassium<br />

with ash addition, to help flower and fruit<br />

艾米利亚 teaches to me, to cut tomato suckers 4<br />

1 Intercropping discovered in 1779.<br />

3I change onions and salads places. Completed the beans<br />

harvesting, I sow broad beans in the available ground. Tomatoes<br />

2Spread 2 weeks in a dark, ventilated at room temperature, potato likes to grow year after year in the same place. I sow mustard<br />

tubers lose a part of water and heal their wounds, encouraging handful seeds in the gaps left by salads, then I prevent flowering<br />

good conservation of the potatoes in a cool cellar and pulling out by cutting tops on regular basis. The mustard leaves cooked like<br />

so that germinate in late winter.<br />

turnip greens are excellent!<br />


I cut also the top, of basil and eggplant<br />

like pumpkin and melon, I water twice a week<br />

I shred six egg shells, into a liter beverage<br />

during fruit enlargement, I reduce the dosage 1<br />

in a sunny window sill, 镭森 keeps exposed<br />

a Tomato to ripen, he also uses unripe fruits<br />

he puts them in vinegar, just like gherkins<br />

red tomato with basil, loves his spaghetti<br />

I keep the tomatoes, hanging upsi<strong>de</strong> down<br />

in the cellar, the plant without leaves<br />

in the most warm place, dark and ventilated<br />

I eat in the winter, the agreeable tomatoes<br />

I plant Pepper, every year different bedding<br />

I mulch and water it, and often I watch at it<br />

it is a chilly plant, I sow in the greenhouse<br />

then in mid-April, transplanted in the ground<br />

small and big raw pepper, contain capsaicin<br />

pungent acrid taste, it spreads around world<br />

艾米利亚 teaches me, how to plant good peppers<br />

adding wood ash, if plant it has difficulty<br />

if you see bad weather, hang pepper upsi<strong>de</strong> down<br />

it completely dry, then you grind Chili pow<strong>de</strong>r<br />

she puts chili socks insi<strong>de</strong>, to keep feet warm<br />

I spray it with garlic, on plants and flowers<br />

Chili repels ro<strong>de</strong>nts, it helps blood circulation<br />

all pepper family, has digestive tonic properties<br />

Eggplant its cousin, also helps to stop bleeding<br />

I <strong>de</strong>ep transplant it, cutting flowers and fruits 2<br />

Eggplant hates, the snails and ponding soil<br />

cold climate and humidity, rain on its flowers<br />

from August until October, I harvest all fruits<br />

I put them in coarse salt, to purge the bitter<br />

第六 remind me, Eggplant is Self-fertilizer<br />

It helps to protect, from ultraviolet lights<br />

4 I cut the top affected by aphids, each topping cut stimulates the<br />

growing of lateral buds. Result: more compact branches, leaves<br />

and flowers.<br />

1 艾米利亚: "The plants grow in soil imbued with a substance that<br />

<strong>de</strong>composes slowly. The fertilizer is all. Life starts from the roots<br />

and pe<strong>net</strong>rates the earth. If you un<strong>de</strong>rstand that there is no bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

between them, you'll discover the land fertilized. To fertilize<br />

vegetables and flowers, I put in a water drum, green plants, <strong>net</strong>tle,<br />

algae, chamomile, chicken dung stay there for and let macerate<br />

two weeks. If the weather is hot, odorous fermentation happens. I<br />

dilute the drink offering it to the plants. This water stimulates the<br />

lazy summer micro-organisms."<br />

2 "Eggplant and peppers can produce many unproductive flowers.<br />

To get some fruit, I leave only 6-8 flowers per plant and I cut new<br />

flowers buds by scissors."<br />

purple vegetables & fruit, anthocyanins can give<br />

it is good antioxidant, the eggplant melanin 3<br />

Eggplant originates from India, and then travels<br />

with the Arabs around, Spain and the Americas<br />

it is rich in water, good stimulus for the kidneys<br />

Potassium phosphate and calcium, vitamins it has<br />

艾米利亚 fills the gar<strong>de</strong>n, with plants gradually<br />

begins with potatoes, and resistant green beans<br />

she adds garlic & onions, lettuce & Umbelliferae<br />

radishes and cabbage, spinach & Cucurbitaceae<br />

I keep the Carrots, turnips and cauliflower<br />

into boxes with sand, or I boil all of them<br />

Apples and carrots, I do not put together<br />

the Fennel inhibits, beans and tomatoes<br />

also disdain the Snails, the smell of fennel<br />

I put its sticks, between vegetable crops<br />

crushed egg shells, around the fennel stems<br />

they stop the slugs, as the ash or bark<br />

Fennel in summer, transplanted with collar<br />

I water it regularly, hilling new born bulbs<br />

I eat them raw or cooked, it stimulate milk<br />

in goats sheep and cow, & women with baby<br />

I gather in summer, wild fennel flowers & seeds<br />

tasty and digestive spice, for dishes with fish<br />

then I harvest Onions, replanted last Marto:<br />

among Lettuce, to clean up leaf long nitrogen<br />

I sow onions in open boxes, one month before<br />

with ash I weed control, I mulch with brush<br />

When the bulb onion is, I go to water it<br />

after I interrupt, for the bulb to dry it<br />

summer when it arrives, I look yellow leaves<br />

I pick ripe Onions, to make lasting garlands<br />

I leave them hanging out, to dry them well<br />

before storage, I cut leaves from the bulb<br />

Chives plants, I uproot every four years<br />

in the fall or spring, I divi<strong>de</strong> into 4 parts<br />

I replant in a row, at the edge of the gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

or into new pots, then I cut off its tops 4<br />

3 Melanin is the purple substance found in purple fruits and<br />

vegetables: blueberries, blackberries, grapes, black fig, onions,<br />

turnips, cabbage. The eggplant is purifying, laxative and little bit<br />

bile and cholesterol controller. Its crushed pulp is useful as a<br />

nourishing mask of the face. The vegetables placed in a colan<strong>de</strong>r<br />

with salt to purge (half hour), will absorb less fat and become<br />

more digestible.<br />

4 If you divi<strong>de</strong> the clumps you risks to get too weak plants<br />

overwhelmed by other plants. Where it's cold climate, you breed<br />


the Chives juice, I spread it with brush<br />

over the plant inva<strong>de</strong>d, it repels the Ants<br />

I also diffuse around, wormwood and garlic<br />

Laven<strong>de</strong>r and marjoram, mint and tansy<br />

Leek loves eating, straw mulch <strong>de</strong>composed<br />

I have it already planted, <strong>de</strong>pth into soil<br />

I see holes in its leaves, moth attacks him<br />

I prune it at ground level, a month & new back<br />

I start planting Garlic, from January to March 1<br />

I pick up it in summer season, it keeps well<br />

then in November, I'm going plant new garlic<br />

I use it with dishes, and medicine for all<br />

塔拉斯 gives me garlic drops, in water or milk<br />

Make a treatment of garlic, once every 3 years<br />

boil the milk, along with a couple cloves<br />

drink it before meals, and before bedtime<br />

塔拉斯 speaks about, virtues of garlic plant<br />

it is medicine plant, helper of the bodies<br />

A party is well done, if before you start<br />

garlic in quantity, you offer to the guests<br />

Garlic years old, seeks out heavy metals<br />

it protects the DNA, from radical attacks<br />

by ultraviolet light, and ionizing radiation<br />

because of the strength of antioxidant enzymes<br />

Garlic anti parasite, it strengthens intestines<br />

thanks to the antibiotic, cleanses all blood<br />

by fungi and parasites, skin and vagina<br />

it wins fatigue, garlic fight the nicotine<br />

cloves into food, vegetables and cereals<br />

in Bomarzo still I do, to necklaces cloves<br />

will lead to neck, to help the intestines<br />

Garlic vampires away, envy and inhumane<br />

garlic rubbed on skin, it acts as revulsive<br />

thinning is bland, it also creates blisters<br />

it cures scabies and ringworm, sores and warts<br />

pain in the ears, calluses, ulcers and bites<br />

chives in pots, in late summer and cut leaves with sharp bla<strong>de</strong>s to<br />

promote flavor and sprouts. Re-potting also basil and parsley and<br />

withdraw in greenhouse before the frosts. Downy mil<strong>de</strong>w: fungus<br />

that causes rotting of potatoes in one night.<br />

1 replanting of the same garlic cloves several times in the same<br />

place helps viruses. For higher yields, I plant larger and outsi<strong>de</strong><br />

heads of the garlic bulb. At the end of season, prior to harvesting<br />

(stem starts turning yellow), I tie the stems green as the sap goes<br />

into the bulb.<br />

It is useful for asthma, catarrh and emphysema 2<br />

jaundice and toothache, dysentery and cholera<br />

antidote to poisons, and infectious diseases<br />

urinary stones, whooping cough & tuberculosis<br />

I swallow two cloves, for traveling nausea<br />

are two cloves per day, very ancient medicine<br />

Garlic and Onion raw, in daily prolonged use<br />

helps blood circulation, make regular heart<br />

I use garlic cloves, as a good suppository<br />

after overnight, the clove comes out by itself<br />

I also put cloves on the nose, ears and throat<br />

during my sinusitis, tonsillitis or bronchitis<br />

Garlic calms the breast, it quiets high fevers<br />

3 ounces of juice or broth, four times a day<br />

it suffocates more germs, strengthens memory<br />

莉萨 learned in China, cover it with honey<br />

第六 drink it in Goa, during season changes<br />

Garlic stop dizziness, it lower blood pressure<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> garlic ointment, hemorrhoids it contrasts<br />

it is used for lesions, and ulcers of skin<br />

I rub Onion slices, on the skin of children<br />

against mosquitoes bite, bees or other insects<br />

onion or potato slices, I put on wounds & burns<br />

it soothes epilepsy, in eye drops or inhaled<br />

Allium cepa called onion, is pungent aromatic<br />

It promotes digestion, sleeping and libido<br />

exciting for internal use, ammonia exhaling<br />

weeping onion nose drops, it cures fainting 3<br />

2 Garlic (Allium sativum): effective against air and digestive<br />

infections, it lowers cholesterol and blood sugar. Crushed and<br />

soaked in oil, garlic reduces joint pain, gout, rheumatism and<br />

sprains. Garlic active principles are more powerful than penicillin<br />

and tetracycline: in the epi<strong>de</strong>mic of 1918, the price of garlic<br />

skyrocketed since purchased by governments for general<br />

prophylaxis, and wherever a garlic salads, soups and brews, or<br />

garlic clove gum at night was left between the cheek and gums.<br />

Albert Sweitzer used garlic in his hospital in Africa, to treat cuts,<br />

bites, skin disor<strong>de</strong>rs, tonsillitis and high fever. It has warming<br />

effect useful for rain and winter. It Reduces flatulence and<br />

stimulates the libido (unfit to celibacy). I use it for cough and<br />

congestion, headaches and sinusitis. During disor<strong>de</strong>rs of the ear, at<br />

the evening, I instill 4 drops of garlic oil in the ear closed with<br />

cotton. In the morning the pain has disappeared. I rub with garlic<br />

oil my sensitive teeth, falling gums and sore teeth. Garlic makes<br />

food more palatable and digestive, especially if it is left to<br />

macerate the first 1-2 hours in cold water. After lunch, to mitigate<br />

the odor, you munching a few leaves of mint or sage. Cloves of<br />

garlic stuffed in the pillow, basket or litter of dogs and cats, keep<br />

away fleas and ticks. Precautions: hyperacidity and high pitta.<br />

3 Changes every 2 hours with new onions and burn the old one.<br />

Remedy for whooping cough: 1.5 kg onions, 60gr. honey, 150 gr.<br />

Figs. Two hours to boil into a liter of water, then bottles. you take<br />

5 / 6 tablespoons a day.<br />


Onions pre-digested, I do soaking in water<br />

for twelve hours, or I boil it five minutes<br />

Onion treated in this way, working without tears<br />

I take off and put its peel, to color my soup<br />

Onion slices, hanging from fruit trees branches<br />

before the ripening, make the birds to flight<br />

onion absorbs odors, paint and rust bla<strong>de</strong>s<br />

it absorbs infections, from night to morning<br />

soothing punctures, and wounds and more colds<br />

Onion <strong>de</strong>stroys tapeworm, it lowers cholesterol<br />

Onion in every room, absorbing pathogen genes<br />

if next to my bed, it helps to sleep as Dormouse<br />

艾米利亚 chews onion, to fight coughs & sinusitis 1<br />

she boils onion in wine, to resolve scarlet fever<br />

Cooked onions are sweet, and fresh onion juice<br />

I use to relieve nausea, coughing and vomiting<br />

约兰达 uses externally, Aloe laxative plant<br />

in burns and cuts, and more bruised wounds<br />

Aloe soothes inflammation, ulcers and colitis<br />

it rubbed on eyelids, conjunctivitis reduces<br />

Aloe plant also, it resists to the drought<br />

it free many toxins, from liver and blood<br />

It helps balance, vata, pitta and kapha<br />

Aloe tea 3 times a day, helps clean up<br />

约兰达 uses Aloe, fresh leaves juice<br />

liquid or con<strong>de</strong>nsed, it is finally dried<br />

bitter tonic laxative, it helps circulation<br />

flushing the female, digestion and excretion<br />

the grated Pumpkin, strengthens the gypsies<br />

cooked by steam, it get easy my digestions<br />

infusion of three flowers, is recovering well 2<br />

Pumpkin seeds, are good prevention and care<br />

Sunflower seeds also, I carry in my pockets<br />

it's food for walking, gums healthy and strong<br />

they help balance, the male hormone & prostate<br />

also strengthen the eyes, the sun of the day<br />

with Anise nervous, Pythagoras was in a trance<br />

Umbelliferae plants, have relation with nerves<br />

wild or cultivated, they affect digestive system<br />

Ferrule asafoetida, Corian<strong>de</strong>r, Parsley & Celery<br />

1 quarter of hot wine evaporates until half a glass, I drink in the<br />

evening and it is great for fighting flu and cough. It is similar to a<br />

<strong>de</strong>coction ma<strong>de</strong> with dried figs for the winter.<br />

2 an infusion of pumpkin flowers is a general tonic for generations<br />

of gypsies, while the pumpkin pulp, steamed, baked or grated, it is<br />

suitable for all stomachs convalescents. 塔拉斯<br />

their drug form alliance, with air and earth<br />

controlling fermentation, in compost & intestines<br />

Cumin drives out the winds, from insi<strong>de</strong> body<br />

as wild Fennel seeds, Parsley and Carrots 3<br />

Cumin mixed clover, eliminates flatulence<br />

it helps digestion, of cabbage into belly<br />

while Celery served, in soup or steam<br />

relieves rheumatism, stimulating sperm<br />

Parsley high doses, can be abortifacient 4<br />

more inflammation leads, to insi<strong>de</strong> organs<br />

His finely juice, is an analgesic on skin<br />

for insect bites, wounds and bites tooth<br />

Carrots with its potassium, are sweeter 5<br />

carrot is big <strong>de</strong>worming, it heals goat's worms<br />

with onions affiliates, it is friend of beans<br />

good food for lambs, stimulates external senses<br />

Ricinus communis, belong Euphorbia family<br />

laxative for children, effective for sure<br />

for chronic constipation, I take its oil<br />

a spoon in a cup, along with ginger tea 6<br />

analgesic is Ricinus, for arthritis pains<br />

its root infused, it relieves back pain<br />

第六 ask to 塔拉斯, milk-infused nutmeg<br />

to help his abdomen, to get back appetite<br />

He scratch fine seeds, a pinch at a time<br />

effective it is, to treat the <strong>de</strong>bilitating<br />

to cure lack of control, on urination system<br />

Nutmeg relaxes and helps, sleep and dreaming<br />

第六 quotes a root, Curcuma of Indonesia<br />

called Temoe, it has bitter pungent aroma<br />

it digests proteins, root infusion helps liver<br />

it reduces bacterial, calming the tonsils<br />

3 Umbelliferae tap-root plants, having strength in the flowers<br />

blooming. Their seeds will become aromatic and oily and before<br />

ripening they emanating smell as bug or insects. Many of them<br />

become spice (corian<strong>de</strong>r, wild fennel, anise, etc.) while<br />

Pimpinella, in salads, has a good taste of cucumber.<br />

4 Parsley (petroselinum sativum) high doses can be dangerous for<br />

the presence of apiosi<strong>de</strong> that causes congestion of the mucous<br />

membranes and contraction of smooth muscles of the intestine,<br />

blad<strong>de</strong>r and uterus, causing abortion. High doses of it gives<br />

gastroenteritis, liver inflammation, bleeding intestines, hemolysis<br />

5 To store carrots in the ground in winter, before the cold, I cuts off<br />

the leaves and I cover carrots gar<strong>de</strong>n line by 20 centimeters mulch.<br />

I also use old nylon socks to stock vegetables, fruits, bulbs, seeds<br />

away from ro<strong>de</strong>nts.<br />

6<br />

塔拉斯 recalled that this tonic neutralizes toxins, relieves<br />

flatulence and constipation. For constipation of an infant, the<br />

mother immerse her little finger into castor oil and let the baby<br />

sucks. Caution: the seeds are <strong>de</strong>adly poison.<br />


塔拉斯 then explains, Acoro calamus spicy<br />

pe<strong>net</strong>rating infusion, emetic and expectorant<br />

its snuff as tobacco, inhalated by nostril<br />

relieves sinus congestion, dilates bronchial<br />

The four Indian spices, with an infusion<br />

relieve cough and phlegm, helping digestion<br />

Cinnamon bark, and Clove Indonesian plant<br />

Ginger and Cardamom, a pinch I dosed 1<br />

Ginger is the best, home kitchen remedy<br />

for throat problems, coughing and close nose<br />

its rhizome has strong, pe<strong>net</strong>rating action<br />

its pow<strong>de</strong>r is stronger, it relieves headaches<br />

it relieves congestion, of paranasal sinuses<br />

it produces sweat, toxins it gets out of body<br />

Ginger makes the food lighter, easier to digest<br />

stirring up intestines, helping to clean up<br />

the Cloves oil, has painkilling properties<br />

that reduces toothache, in the cotton swab<br />

fomentations drops, quiet dry cough breathing<br />

ally with ginger, I inhale to purge my nose<br />

莉萨 drank fenugreek tea, during China time<br />

it is useful for all, breathing congestions<br />

its moist seeds, are crushed for ointment<br />

good lubricants, it prevents venereal ulcers<br />

If chilled blad<strong>de</strong>r, I drink Galium aparine tea<br />

it purifies ureters, it is rich in vitamin C<br />

while Hay Fenugreek plant, it dissolve mucus<br />

it blows away pollution, mucus from my body<br />

If mucus is sticky, it accumulates har<strong>de</strong>ning<br />

it produces other mucus, that is <strong>de</strong>posited<br />

in stomach and intestines, blocking functions<br />

it aggregates food, starting fermentation<br />

mucus clogs glands, of lymph and saliva<br />

saliva is reduced, enzymes do not work<br />

1 The bark of cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Lauraceae)<br />

has the power carminative, stimulant, analgesic. Cinnamon<br />

reduces vata and kapha disor<strong>de</strong>rs, stimulates digestive fire and<br />

sweating (diaphoretic), acts on the circulatory, digestive,<br />

respiratory and urinary tract. The cardamom seeds (Elettaria<br />

cardamomus, zingiberacee), acting on the nervous, circulatory,<br />

digestive, respiratory and reduce intestinal gas. Precautions: high<br />

pitta, bleeding and ulcers. Ginger (Zingiber, chiang) is<br />

cardiotonic, expectorant, bronchial, suitable for nausea and<br />

dyspepsia (I chew fresh roots before meals). Honey and clove<br />

chewed (dried flowers aromaticus caryophyllus) mitigate dry<br />

cough. This flower is pungent giving burning sensation on the<br />

tongue, but it is an aphrodisiac, analgesic, carminative and nose<br />

expectorant. It stimulates the urinary system, reproductive,<br />

digestive, respiratory. Precautions: inflammation & hypertension.<br />

swallowed the sugar, fermentation will<br />

then suffers stomach, indigestion more<br />

so bad breath comes, belching and bloating<br />

bad blood circulation, the Kidneys disturbed<br />

urea in blood pours out, it grows back pain<br />

fenugreek cleans kidneys, ureters together with<br />

now the breath improves, and body smells well<br />

from insi<strong>de</strong> it is clean, in all its channels<br />

gypsies chew its seeds, symptoms of bronchitis<br />

to dissolve phlegm, and protect cellular walls 2<br />

艾米利亚 spoke about, symbiosis &<br />

antibiosis<br />

frost and drought, mulching and composting<br />

the sunlight helps roots, shadow helps bud<br />

rain I catch in basin, moisture self-irrigation 3<br />

Gravel traps moisture, heat it returns at night<br />

it increases resistance, to cold and rainy winters<br />

it is useful mulch, especially for grape's roots<br />

while Moss is mulching, I use in summer season<br />

the Moss gets insulation, it protects from heat<br />

it retains moisture, then it has acid effects<br />

I wrap seeds in the moss, mixed with the soil<br />

I put it between cracks, or between two vessels<br />

I wrap frosted plant in cloth, gradually it thaws<br />

I avoid to blow air, I avoid to give hot water<br />

without make worse, the lymph back to circulate<br />

protected by frost, the plant can go hibernation<br />

I surround <strong>de</strong>licate plants, with bricks wall<br />

excursions of sun and frost, get bursting cells<br />

although the bitter Cold, removes more parasites<br />

it stimulates some flowers, breaking soil clods<br />

2 Peoples subject to colds and allergies, have a thick, sticky mucus<br />

that coughing and sneezing are not enough to download. This<br />

mass accumulates and obstructs the blood circulation, giving<br />

general weakness and gradual. Trigonella Grass is good to solve it<br />

and as the cod oil, it has vitamins A, D, H. The pores of the skin of<br />

those who drink regularly fenugreek tea, exu<strong>de</strong>s a <strong>de</strong>licate<br />

fragrance. To make tea take 2 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in a<br />

cup of boiling water, leave 5 minutes, mix, filter and add honey or<br />

lemon.<br />

3 Antibiosis: Garlic away from cabbage, bean and pea. Asparagus<br />

away from onions and beetroot. Beetroot away from beet carrot,<br />

bean, corn, leek. Cabbage away from lilac, strawberry, chicory.<br />

Cucumber away from Solanaceae. Onion away from asparagus<br />

and vegetables. Bean away from lilac and beetroot. Lettuce away<br />

from celery. Fennel away from tomatoes and beans. Tomato away<br />

from cucumbers, potatoes, peas, grass, apricot. Potatoes away<br />

from cucumber and tomato.<br />

Symbiosis: Potatoes near beans, cabbage, legumes, lilies, corn,<br />

celery, pumpkins. Carrots near lilac, legumes, turnips, etc.<br />

Strawberry near <strong>net</strong>tle, lettuce, lilac, borage. Melon near beans,<br />

lettuce, corn. Pumpkins near beans, corn, potato.<br />


I use conifer mulch, for plants placed in the east<br />

because they suffer recurrent, freezing thawing<br />

gravel is also barrier, insulation of the Frost<br />

while peat & wood chips, are sponge for summer<br />

The vegetable Parsnip, is resistant to frost<br />

it is big white carrot, pot-bellied as Daikon<br />

Parsnip has flavor, sweet carrot and celery<br />

it flavors my soups, and goes with the meat<br />

peeled and chopped, it is boiled with potatoes<br />

to make Parsnip purée, only to be eaten cooked<br />

a pair of its roots, I leave in soil in late winter<br />

Parsnip grows shoots, yellow flowers umbrellas<br />

the Snow well screen, by the following colds<br />

I leave it on branches, it refresh my words<br />

Snow is good fertilizer, that feeds the roots<br />

I look where it dissolves, to spot hot sites<br />

every plant <strong>de</strong>velops, two directions of forces<br />

above as below, insi<strong>de</strong> it or spreading around<br />

the num force goes in flowers, roots or leaves<br />

odors and aromas, it radiates or it receives<br />

Potassium comes to flowers, it helps sulfur<br />

it <strong>de</strong>velops strong aromas, a great medicine<br />

all plants reveal, the presence of minerals<br />

Yarrow plant first, potassium it accumulates<br />

Yarrow grows into my gar<strong>de</strong>n, weed it can be<br />

it lets you step on it, edible yarrow salad<br />

it heals wounds, and it contrasts sheep scab<br />

it also helps digestion, if is ad<strong>de</strong>d to hay<br />

Yarrow fights disor<strong>de</strong>rs, of kidney and blad<strong>de</strong>r<br />

along with mint & chamomile, it gets mice away<br />

this plant gathers around it, the humic soil<br />

traces of calcium, sulfur and acid silica<br />

Silica in plants, repels insects and fungi<br />

Silica and quartz up, like light con<strong>de</strong>nsed<br />

it warms rhizosphere, helping ripening fruits<br />

too much water washes it, it breaks down silica<br />

Clay in the dry state, is a silicate pow<strong>de</strong>r<br />

when it becomes wet, is medicine & mortar<br />

Limestone mineral, it contrasts with silica<br />

Ashes of wood, provi<strong>de</strong>s potassium minerals<br />

Ash evaporates nitrogen, balancing composting<br />

Potassium nitrification off, it reduces acidity<br />

also Calcium phosphates, it makes raising pH<br />

Wood ash in moisture, it releases potassium<br />

Calcium <strong>de</strong>flating, Potassium-Sodium inflating<br />

the apple scab, it reveals calcium <strong>de</strong>ficiency<br />

Lime disinfects, I use it to bor<strong>de</strong>r gar<strong>de</strong>n 1<br />

Peat fights limestone, insulating chilly plants<br />

帕梅拉 fills paper bags, with peat and soil<br />

burying with plant, the edge that comes out<br />

plant must be protected, the spring reaches<br />

<strong>de</strong>teriorates the bag, whole root then expands<br />

Phosphorus mineral, it helps rooting system<br />

if lacking phosphorus, roots and trunk weaken<br />

flowers get lack, leaves get purple color 2<br />

Valerian helps phosphorus, attracts earthworms<br />

Sawdust is acidic, the manure is alkaline<br />

they <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>de</strong> compost, that quickly refines<br />

I bury sawdust, six months before making gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

otherwise, young shoots, give their nitrogen<br />

I offer Nitrogen, to weak and stunted plants<br />

<strong>de</strong>ficiencies of nitrogen, discolored leaves<br />

Nitrogen in growth, accelerate the bloom 3<br />

Potassium helps to grow, flowers fruits & tubers<br />

if Potassium is lacking, the cereal is tired<br />

the flowers are pale, then drops many fruits<br />

potassium suits onions, tomato and potatoes<br />

Oak Ash has potassium, and a lot of calcium 4<br />

Ashes over snow, <strong>de</strong>scends to the thawing<br />

Instead of using the salt, it dry very well<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> chicken box, it helps chickens shower<br />

Grandma in the past, boiled ash in the water<br />

in a large copper cauldron, ash was heated<br />

poured on the cloths, at morning all bleached<br />

ash kills bacterial, I spread it into furrows<br />

1 Lime balances the pH and it disinfects walls and tree trunks fruit.<br />

To stop erosion in dry soil, poor and chalky, I make eartwork for<br />

collecting rainwater into berm's basin, dums, etc., following the<br />

teaching of Brad Lancaster: Stop it, spread it, sink it.<br />

2 Tea and coffee residues scattered in the wake of sowing,<br />

<strong>de</strong>compose and release phosphorus suitable for the roots and<br />

germination of onions and carrots.<br />

3 "Nitrogen moves from plant to soil through continuous exchange<br />

of forms (humic acid, ammonia, nitrate). It goes into soil with the<br />

organic cycle of pulses plants that release more substance from<br />

cereals, increasing organic capital flowing insi<strong>de</strong> farm. Heavy<br />

soils have higher content of nitrogen, as well as weeds, pests,<br />

wood ash, <strong>de</strong>composed animals, manure, leaves, blood, keratin,<br />

wool, and soil struck by lightning. Rainwater has traces of nitrates.<br />

4 dry Potassium (easily washed away by rain) is present in the ash<br />

plant cane, fern and broom (30%). If the soil is acidic, you can use<br />

potassium bicarbonate. If the soil is alkaline you can use<br />

potassium sulphate (useful for greedy sulfur cabbages). The ash of<br />

aged oak (50 years old), 94% contain calcium. Spread every two<br />

years at the base of fruit trees it helps fruiting. Ashes scattered<br />

around the gar<strong>de</strong>n, get the snails to secrete mucus until to <strong>de</strong>ath.<br />


while mixed with water, I spread on the trunks<br />

Ashes ad<strong>de</strong>d with water, I spray on plants<br />

together with <strong>net</strong>tle, soaked for two weeks<br />

It helps weakened plants, to resist parasites<br />

also drainage of soil, it keep out the frost<br />

It keeps insects away, so many Sadhus use it<br />

it is hot and heating, I put it into metal pot<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> the greenhouse, ash absorbs moisture<br />

it prevents stagnation, I make coat to artichokes<br />

<strong>de</strong>coction of Oak bark, after dried and crushed<br />

it solves mouth inflammation, gargling throat<br />

it heals also poisons, of different substances<br />

I rub cow hoofs & mouth, for ulcers & frostbite<br />

for the colic of animals, ox and cow and horse<br />

Parietaria officinalis, I boil it as <strong>de</strong>coction<br />

Cow Ganga was sickened, had a swollen belly<br />

enema with this <strong>de</strong>coction, helped to <strong>de</strong>flate<br />

Parietaria at springs, produces city allergies<br />

it lowers blood urea, soothing the intestine 1<br />

塔拉斯 drinks its tea, dwelling in Bomarzo forest<br />

Parietaria saltpeter has, helpful to urinate<br />

also called vitriol, it's used to clean bottles<br />

chopped into the flask, along with the pebbles<br />

this plant is also cousin, of <strong>net</strong>tle plants<br />

both hermaphrodite, love land with nitrogen<br />

She boils <strong>net</strong>tle sprouts, she eats it in salads<br />

Nettle tea dissolves well, mucus and phlegm 2<br />

it helps ripen green fruit, etylene it exhales<br />

it increases heat, in the nest of hatching goose<br />

it prevents coccidiosis, and diarrhea of infant<br />

it has potassium nitrates, silica and calcium<br />

1Glass-grass (parietaria officinalis) pollen causes spring allergies.<br />

This grass has strong diuretic action of the high potassium nitrate,<br />

it is an emollient (calming internal heat) and refreshing for the<br />

presence of mucilage, tannins and bitter substances. It is useful in<br />

bronchial disor<strong>de</strong>rs, liver, <strong>de</strong>rmatitis, abscesses, boils and sores.<br />

Recipe for inflamed gums and mouth: 40 drops of Glass-grass<br />

spirit and 30 grams of honey of roses. Glass-grass mixed with<br />

small stones was put in to clean flasks (shaken vigorously), to<br />

clear away the <strong>de</strong>bris <strong>de</strong>posited on the insi<strong>de</strong>.<br />

2 The young sprouts, ten<strong>de</strong>r and fresh, they are the best in the<br />

kitchen to make fried rice with onion and butter and sage. The best<br />

time to catch them with scissors and gloves, is after a spring rain.<br />

Dried is good for rabbits.<br />

when insi<strong>de</strong> the forage, it increases fat milk<br />

if it is used in whipping, relieves rheumatism<br />

acidophilus is Nettle, I sow it into orchards<br />

two days to macerate, then I water it regularly<br />

it helps the cabbage, it intensifies the flavor<br />

it neutralizes uric acid, in human & animals 3<br />

strong infusion of its roots, stops well bleeding<br />

external hemorrhoids, and kidney inflammation<br />

Nettle milk <strong>de</strong>coction, cure constipation & nausea<br />

I boil its leaves to soothe, headaches & wounds<br />

I sprayed on plants, also <strong>de</strong>coction of Horsetail<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> of horsetail stems, left in cold water 4<br />

to prevent fungal diseases, and fight molds<br />

on grapes and fruits, and gar<strong>de</strong>n vegetables<br />

also I spray on plants, water & soap mixture<br />

to win the parasites, I shatter cloves of garlic<br />

I add them in the water, the beverage henhouse<br />

using it with Chives tea, to stop parasites<br />

I spread Chives tea, on rose and apple trees<br />

to prevent scab, and pow<strong>de</strong>ry mil<strong>de</strong>w on grapes<br />

with garlic & onion, downy mil<strong>de</strong>w it challenges<br />

I wash and dry Chives, I freeze for winter soup<br />

Lime and Soot sprinkled around, disinfect well<br />

also Yeast in water, is pestici<strong>de</strong> for henhouse 5<br />

I use 2 Soot's tablespoon, in 10 liters of water<br />

I spray also plants, soot is a good insectici<strong>de</strong><br />

Nettle stores iron, it stimulates the compost<br />

Ducks, Magpies & more birds, eat more insects<br />

onion and plantain, contrast its stinging<br />

while Ladybug larvae, it's a good aphid eater<br />

its flowers inconspicuous, flavor like fire<br />

I welcome in the gar<strong>de</strong>n, more predatory insects<br />

艾米利亚 cooks <strong>net</strong>tles, she gives it to chicks praying Mantis and Toads, not disturbing plants<br />

crow<strong>de</strong>d wasps & hor<strong>net</strong>s, into the vineyards<br />

they can become a problem, eating grapes around<br />

I use bottle traps, hanging from branches prone<br />

a little sugar syrup, is remedy harm reduction 6<br />

Symbiosis and antibiosis, competition and help<br />

马丁 associate plants, corn with climbing beans<br />

they exchange favors, nitrogen and supports<br />

the beans climb the stalk, corn returns shadow<br />

3 2 kg of <strong>net</strong>tle into 50 gallons, a palm over the plant for 3 weeks.<br />

After 24 hours I use it to irrigate plants (diluted 1:10). A <strong>de</strong>coction<br />

of <strong>net</strong>tles cures oily skin, makes hair shiny, strengthens them and<br />

fights dandruff and greasy hair.<br />

4 If you burn leaves and stems with a candle, white silica revenues.<br />

5 The B vitamins contained in yeast, ad<strong>de</strong>d to cat food (1<br />

teaspoon), has smell that parasites and fleas hate.<br />

6Wasps also lay eggs in the larvae and caterpillars. To unwelcome<br />

pests that inva<strong>de</strong> beyond measure my orchard, I smear burned<br />

olive oil on the branches of tree.<br />



I fill the winter gar<strong>de</strong>n, with cabbage & radishes<br />

chicory and lettuce, onions, fennel & cauliflower<br />

the fast Radish, I sow each fortnight of month<br />

young leaves in salads, ol<strong>de</strong>r leaves in soups<br />

weeding with coarse salt, water cooked potatoes<br />

on Bramble & bush, invasive plants among crops<br />

as I leave the <strong>net</strong>tles, which increase force<br />

Tomato repress grass, but it repress also apricot<br />

plant dominated by weeds, follows the strongest<br />

I spud weeds after rain, and I sow clover seeds<br />

while Pimpernel grass, it grows each season<br />

I wait a strong cold, and I uproot its bush<br />

Hemp inhibits, more pathogenic organisms<br />

Datura is shelter, by the Japanese beetle 1<br />

Rosemary and Sage, with leeks and smell<br />

rejecting the fly, the scourge of carrots<br />

fumigation of dry leaves, the Oak tree<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> a clay pot, displaced more flies<br />

Tansy water and Pyrethrum, good insectici<strong>de</strong><br />

as chickens and ducks, my gar<strong>de</strong>n insectici<strong>de</strong><br />

Rabbits do not like, garlic and onions smells 2<br />

Pumpkins with Potatoes, do not like each other<br />

as geraniums and beetles, chickens & Hellebore<br />

Monkshood with Peonies, don't like other plants<br />

fresh Cucumber slices, discourages cockroaches<br />

more Euphorbia plants, mice and rats away<br />

Lysimachia nummularia, is grass of snakes<br />

Snake heals itself, ingesting this plant<br />

the Delphinium is toxic to men and cattle<br />

Dittany smell, it send away the poisonous<br />

Hemlock gaunt, stench of urine of mice<br />

Goat eats Hemlock, without suffering damage<br />

Pigs & chickens die, eating Henbane root<br />

while it tries the Thrush, as an antidote<br />

as after eating, a spi<strong>de</strong>r for breakfast<br />

Goat does not <strong>de</strong>spise, poison nightsha<strong>de</strong><br />

Goat eats Laburnum flower, toxic to human<br />

we get poisonous effect, if we drink its milk<br />

indifferent to Toads, Geese become angry<br />

If Donkeys eat it, they blessed sleep<br />

1 mature seeds of Datura kill the chickens in a natural slaughter,<br />

while hemp seeds get drunk them. The seeds of amaranth and<br />

millet are good meal. Birds eat the fruit of the poisonous<br />

nightsha<strong>de</strong> and ivy plants without suffering damage. Hemlock<br />

kills horses. The latiro seeds are poisonous and just two Ricinus<br />

seeds, are fatal to humans and animals.<br />

2 Rabbits do not cross a bor<strong>de</strong>r of onions as fence in a gar<strong>de</strong>ns.<br />

罗慕洛 tells us, the symposium tonight<br />

the story of a ritual, his practice of care<br />

born on Momon river, he lives in Hariquina<br />

a small village, two hours away from Lima<br />

he ma<strong>de</strong> a long trip, from Perù to Chile<br />

along with Miguel, his good explorer friend<br />

tonight human heart, is migratory stream<br />

Chile has long land, from North to South<br />

the diet forms the man, gives him i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

adapts to a given location, totems intimacy<br />

Awá of the Amazon, has the Forests blood 3<br />

Yamana fishermen, have fat un<strong>de</strong>r skin<br />

aboriginal Alakaluf, of the Magellan Strait<br />

they use light more coals, flint on pyrite<br />

introducing on canoes, numerous coals<br />

for talking by smoke, to Darwin Explorer<br />

Fernan Magellan, exploring southern edge<br />

following large bonfire, of native Fuegians<br />

he baptized the land, the Tierra <strong>de</strong>l Fuego<br />

then hunger for gold, got war over there 4<br />

3 The Awá are intimately familiar with their forests, every valley,<br />

the course of water and trail is etched in their mind map. They<br />

know where to find the best honey, where are the trees of the<br />

forest bearing fruit and when the game is ready to be hunted. Their<br />

nomadic lifestyle is a precise way of life, so they can not conceive<br />

of leaving the place of their ancestors. In the ritual of the full<br />

moon, the men traveling to Iwa, the realm of the spirits of the<br />

forest. The stargate is a hunting lodge, a portal between 2 worlds.<br />

Women <strong>de</strong>corate husbands with feathers of a real vulture, using<br />

the resin trees such as glue. Later, the song of adults can become<br />

very strong, the men walk towards the dwelling of spirits and the<br />

children fall asleep in the moonlight. Men go into a trance just by<br />

singing, and when they reach the iwa, they meet the souls of their<br />

ancestors and the spirits of the forest to ensure a successful hunt<br />

because the iwa it is also the home of animals totem.. They love a<br />

lot of breeding animals company: Raccoon bears, boars, real<br />

vulture and monkeys, their favorite. Although the monkeys are a<br />

food source, when a puppy monkey comes into a family and be<br />

breast fed, will never be eaten. Although back in the forest, Awá<br />

will recognize it as a member (hanima). "罗慕洛<br />

4 Ferdinand Magellan on October 21, 1520, he ventured into<br />

narrow passage that connects the Atlantic to the Pacific. Four<br />

large tribes lived in Tierra <strong>de</strong>l Fuego at boundaries of Antarctica<br />

and ma<strong>de</strong> up the nation Fuegina. Were massacred by smallpox,<br />

measles, and gifts of meat poisoned. Spanish, Croatian, French,<br />

Italian and English in the gold rush did a hunt for natives staring<br />

mo<strong>net</strong>ary compensation for those who kill or capture them. The<br />

aboriginal population (Fuegians) of Tierra <strong>de</strong>l Fuego, from about<br />

ten thousand resi<strong>de</strong>nts was reduced to small groups in extinction:<br />

the Alakaluf of South (Punta Arenas, Dawson islands, Puerto<br />

Natales); the Yahgan/Yamana of Beagle Channel and Navarino<br />

islands; Ona's of Big Island (Tierra <strong>de</strong>l Fuego). These people in<br />

1882 already accounted for 120, 61 and 44 individuals.<br />


Indians captured, displayed in exhibitions<br />

they were presented, to pleasure theories<br />

of Darwin evolution, for men of the time<br />

also native Filipinos, were carried there 1<br />

第六 reminds us, the Penan and Igorots<br />

people resist to keep, clean their place 2<br />

they were protests, to obtain in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

against repression, 罗慕洛 now speaking<br />

also after each Fair, more natives were<br />

returned their land, some were forgotten<br />

Magayan of Mindoro, and Igorots of An<strong>de</strong>s<br />

they like to go back, Philippines homes 3<br />

1 Ona peoples captured by a group of colonists was exposed by a<br />

contractor to the Paris Exposition in 1889. Then, the universal<br />

exposure in Saint Louis, in 1904, organized to commemorate<br />

100 years from the purchase of Louisiana from France, five<br />

years after the American conquest of the Philippines, was able to<br />

show Filipinos groups: Tagalogs, Visayans, Igorots, Tinguianes,<br />

Pampangans, Kalingas, Mangyans, Negritos, Bagobos. The Fair<br />

lasted seven months and unfol<strong>de</strong>d in 1300 hectares. The stand<br />

(47 ha) where they performed, inclu<strong>de</strong>d 1,100 native Filipino<br />

folklore: Women, men and children of various ethnicities,<br />

imported for the occasion guar<strong>de</strong>d by Filippin soldiers. Igorots use<br />

cooking dog meat and this gave rise to the name hotdogs, sold at<br />

the pavilion. The Director of the World's Fair, Fre<strong>de</strong>rick Skiff,<br />

indicated the project future in which different races and nations<br />

progressed in <strong>de</strong>veloping Gregorian culture, the training of nonwhites,<br />

began in the Philippines where the U.S. had lost 10,000<br />

soldiers and spent 600 million dollars to crush the resistance of the<br />

nomads Fuegians, on the coast or inland<br />

they <strong>de</strong>velop habits, according their diets<br />

they migrate very close, to Antarctica land<br />

like their North cousins, Inuit of the Arctic<br />

Yamana and Alakaluf, fishing with canoes<br />

they diet base on fish, sea birds and seals<br />

sometimes they eat meat, of a whale fat 4<br />

with spears and harpoons, throw with class<br />

Ona's living interior, hunting to Guanaco<br />

they hunt for meat, and leather for tent<br />

the initiation sites, are the tents of rituals<br />

where share myths, and shamans caring 5<br />

Miguel explorer, he is also a curan<strong>de</strong>ro<br />

he uses medicine, hongo and huachuma<br />

lives Hariquina village, 2 hour from Lima<br />

held on his terrace, two meters Cacti row<br />

After a simple meal, without sugar or salt<br />

He prepares the mesa, with Shipibo textures<br />

it's a table ceremony, to remember the purpose<br />

strength of the care, that is offered in ritual<br />

colony along with other islands Pacific (Guam, Samoa, Midway,<br />

Hawaii) and have two distinct groups: assimilated and Spanishspeaking<br />

majority and various indigenous minorities, culturally<br />

Filipino in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce movement.<br />

and economically in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt. The law of individual land<br />

2 第六 met Bruno Manser, a Swiss who spent six years sharing life ownership (monopoly of Theodosius), incomprehensible to the<br />

of Penan giving them a voice to the global eco: You have world, natives, causing riots and provi<strong>de</strong>s that all the land not legally<br />

let us protect the woods! The forest provi<strong>de</strong>s us shelter, food, claimed and <strong>de</strong>clared public was offered for sale. The Cordillera<br />

medicine and i<strong>de</strong>ntity. "The Penan of Borneo, live in the world's comes overrun with pharaonic projects to boost industrialization,<br />

ol<strong>de</strong>st rainforest (150 million years), in small group , little but that hurt her ecosystem. Many Indians, unable to cultivate,<br />

accustomed to the conflict, do not know hierarchical divisions. were forced into poverty or urbanization. Start logging between a<br />

Their children are members of society but they are rarely punished few companies for cutting and transporting timber. The protest<br />

or forced to do something. Their veneration for the el<strong>de</strong>rly is that was organized into local indigenous committees allies and marks<br />

also addresses government officials, who <strong>de</strong>port them in camps the birth of an organism indigenous for the creation of an<br />

where Penan die of hunger and diseases in or<strong>de</strong>r to facilitate the Autonomous Region. The government respon<strong>de</strong>d with military<br />

<strong>de</strong>forestation of their forests by exporting high quality wood all repression. Igorot make international diplomatic activity and<br />

over the world. The Penan survivors un<strong>de</strong>r the roof of the forest, resistance continues. "第六<br />

4 cultivating rice and tra<strong>de</strong> with other Dayak, exchanging the The diet of Fuegian tribes of the coast (<strong>de</strong>scendants of the<br />

products of forest with salt, iron tools, pots and other objects. Mongols) was low in plant foods but rich in animal fats, which<br />

3Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in Seattle (1909): a group of were stored in special casings buried un<strong>de</strong>r ground, to make them<br />

Igorot, forgotten in Chicago, expects to be back home. Their story, go rancid optimally (what appeared to Darwin as a cannibalism).<br />

published in newspapers, softens the public American, so between Their incredible ability to withstand the icy cold was possible,<br />

1900 and 1914 growing fascination with the tribes mountains. the thanks to the diet, because of the formation of an exten<strong>de</strong>d fat<br />

natives of the Philippines An<strong>de</strong>s, living north of the archipelago, layer un<strong>de</strong>r the skin, similar to that of the animals they hunted.<br />

5 they call themselves Kaigorotan, but others call them Igorot, Their dress was a cloak of Guanaco skin, used also to form the<br />

peoples of the mountains. They live in villages and cultivate Rice. internal camps (tents), while the coastal tribes lived in huts. Their<br />

The archipelago also live: Negritos, Dumagat, Moro of Mindanao social life is exercised in hunting expeditions, and in large tents,<br />

and Magayan of Mindoro island. Four million people divi<strong>de</strong>d into places for education and training of young people and shamans.<br />

forty different groups. In 1500, attracted by gold mines, Spanish The shaman in trance traveling to other worlds to summon aid,<br />

(supported by the action of missionaries) begin the colonization of exchanges, healings, climate control, retaliation and revenge.<br />

the Philippines, which will run for four centuries. The natives of Among the animals mythologized by Fuegians, a Hummingbird<br />

the Cordillera and Muslim islands, contacted by Arab merchants the Albatross and the Sea Lion. The myth of the flood, caused by<br />

in the fourteenth century (Moros), resist a couple of centuries. The Women-moon (grand but wicked wife of the rainbow) killing the<br />

Spaniards leave the archipelago in 1896, but the natural resources Old-Sun in the sky, explained the causes of climate perpetually<br />

attracted the U.S. Three years after Philippines became American stormy and the origin of <strong>de</strong>ath.<br />


Mesa well dressed, with the Shipibo's ornaments<br />

Embroi<strong>de</strong>ry & pots, and recurring yagè drawing<br />

a skull of Otorongo, candles and copal incenses<br />

exchange of words, background music of frogs<br />

He prepared Tea, cactus already suffered 1<br />

are the best plants, viable and resistant<br />

when it is cutted, it lives out of the soil<br />

least one year, then it sprouts new roots<br />

Miguel has collected, more specimens cacti<br />

from different places, and abandoned land<br />

strong are the cacti, those very stressed<br />

more water less force, of mescaline there<br />

Tricocereus family, it adapts and suffers<br />

but continues to grow, even on the ground<br />

is cultivated in the An<strong>de</strong>s, Las Alda area<br />

it comes from <strong>de</strong>sert, go to the mountains<br />

healers use Huachuma, <strong>de</strong>coction of Sierra<br />

knife takes away, the white inner matter<br />

sliced and cooked, with water and lemon<br />

it boils three hours, and a liquid extracted<br />

separated by foam residue, fast to swallow<br />

huachuma experience, lasts about ten hours<br />

it peaks from three, up to the six hours<br />

罗慕洛 <strong>de</strong>scribes 3 phases, during its time<br />

landscape relaxing, with a slight headache<br />

some nausea with cold, brings this medicine<br />

if the effect it late, is likely not to happen<br />

I eated cold mango fruit, one time in Perù<br />

It produced indigestion, along with headaches<br />

罗慕洛 then offered me, medicinal hot water<br />

the qi falls and rises, I walk around room<br />

he told me to keep on, singing or dancing<br />

after four hours, 罗慕洛 walks and talks<br />

about cacti stories, all points of view<br />

塞巴 ngo the young, had got a vertigo<br />

when we cross a stream, up on a trunk<br />

He begins his lesson, he drips sweat<br />

strip like snake, buttocks are engine<br />

his clumsy attempts, got fun all of us<br />

finally pass the test, by his motivation<br />

1 "A spoonful of San Pedro in the morning (15/20 g), is good for<br />

heart and digestions. To avoid rot, cuttings of cactus are<br />

let dry at the base before being planted. The Cactus strength<br />

<strong>de</strong>pends on water contains: more water less strength. The San<br />

Pedro cactus is sold as medicine (huachuma) in the markets of<br />

Peru, Chile and Bolivia, just as the mama coca leaf. "罗慕洛<br />

罗慕洛 next day, led 镭森 to the forest<br />

Iquitos botany reserve, with Hongo friends<br />

besi<strong>de</strong>s chinino tree, he shows us more trees<br />

that curing the malaria, and many other ills<br />

Hongo loves fresh, the juice of citrus fruits<br />

after an hour and a half, Hongo sings 3 cycles<br />

He teach the mysteries, of dragon river world<br />

we reflect into those stories, above & below<br />

塔拉斯 spoke about, Semmel his grandfather<br />

Semmel in Romania, knew two great travelers<br />

Eisenhaim magician, and doctor Philip Terc<br />

during their visit, to Sammel gypsies clan<br />

Eisenhaim enchanted, audiences in Vienna<br />

in games of illusion, revealing the souls<br />

together Philip Terc, an expert bee-stinging<br />

traveling the east, to investigate solutions<br />

they see my grandfather, rub painful parts<br />

with bees medicine, morning and evening bites<br />

both men saw more cases, of plague & cholera<br />

reduced and even cured, using a bites therapy<br />

the poison has more virtue, when inoculated<br />

for gout and rheumatism, there it was applied 2<br />

also for the arthritis, neuritis and neuralgia<br />

even against malaria, granpa Sammel used bees<br />

Philip and Semmel, making test on themselves<br />

while Eisenheim, enchants them with poetry<br />

Charlemagne and Ivan, were famous patients<br />

did the same treatment, using bees therapy<br />

they tried poisons, multiple zones of bees<br />

until the African bee, smaller and faster<br />

the apamina enzyme, a powerful antibiotic<br />

it is thirty times more, than snake venom<br />

venom taken orally, are both ineffective<br />

venom has formic acid, also the tryptophan<br />

dopamine and iodine, & magnesium phosphate<br />

chlorine potassium & calcium, norepinephrine 3<br />

2 "You start with 3 injections per day. The African bee gives 3<br />

bites per second, each bite leaves 0,012 mg of acid reaction toxin.<br />

Russians and Canadians have tested the action of bee venom on<br />

the central nervous system, as protection of injury from radiation<br />

and useful during cancer treatment. In the occasional bee sting,<br />

you pull out the stinger with a boxcutter, cover the wound with a<br />

piece of onion, plantain leaves, cabbage or spreading calendula<br />

tincture (flowers in alcohol for a week). Usually a doctor makes<br />

intramuscular injection of adrenaline to people allergic to the<br />

venom, to prevent anaphylactic shock." 塔拉斯<br />

3 The formal<strong>de</strong>hy<strong>de</strong> gas is suffocating and tear, it produces formic<br />

acid which is soluble in water and is strong disinfectant.<br />


Bee venom they got, had many properties<br />

revulsive & vasodilator, rubbed on the skin<br />

it thins the blood, gives tone to the heart<br />

it treats bronchitis, & inflammation of eyes<br />

it improves liver and nerves, curing fractures<br />

it accelerates in the breath, oxygen and heat<br />

it's immunizing agent, and radio-protective<br />

Sammel my grandpa, got news from the visit<br />

has the venom of bee, a transparent color<br />

its acre bitter taste, it is an acid reagent<br />

soluble into water, and easily it's <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>de</strong>d<br />

used by Eisenheim, in hypnotic responses<br />

it stimulates a very strong, smooth muscle<br />

it dries quickly, while it is well inhibited<br />

by ptyalin and pancreatin, digestive enzymes<br />

local anesthetic, it has neuro-toxic effects<br />

Eisenheim and Philip, then returned to Vienna<br />

gave antiseptics, to hospitals obstetricians<br />

doctor Terc zeroing, the maternal mortality<br />

then he migrates, from a thankless Vienna<br />

if more beekeepers, they become tolerant<br />

as allergic people, have anaphylactic shock<br />

swelling and pain, cramps and convulsions<br />

e<strong>de</strong>ma with the local, or general toxicity<br />

Grandpa Sammel was, friendly with snakes<br />

snake Viper in March, usually wakes up<br />

it has triangular head, and crushed eye<br />

short tail and body, scales on the head 1<br />

while Colubrid family, are harmless snakes<br />

long and slen<strong>de</strong>r body, long tail I can see<br />

they have few scales, also well distributed<br />

head and body united, pupils and round eyes<br />

Viper sixty centimeters long, up to seventy<br />

has pointed tail, bright colors on the back<br />

a broad strip on back, sometimes fragmented<br />

more vertical spots, and black-brown edged<br />

it has small head & eyes, and slen<strong>de</strong>r body<br />

top of muzzle upward, and triangular head<br />

its bite has two holes, of two hooked teeth<br />

has vertical pupil, as the various felines<br />

Its bite is rare event, it can be avoi<strong>de</strong>d<br />

I remember to walk, making noise on ground<br />

not I put hands, between rocks in the sun<br />

before sitting, I give a coup by my stick<br />

and if this snake bit, you lie down quietly<br />

make the victim calm, to get slow blood<br />

slowly spreads venom, you investigates bite<br />

to un<strong>de</strong>rstand type of snake, poisonous or not<br />

If it's poisonous, precise symptoms will appear<br />

pain and inflammation, on the affected areas<br />

discontinuos bleeding, and intense thirst<br />

then the dry mouth, followed by jaundice<br />

the first level of bite, is a local poisoning<br />

second level has, hypotension without shock<br />

vomiting and diarrhea, while the third level<br />

hypotension and shock, in blood is revealed<br />

symptomatic disor<strong>de</strong>rs, come after an hour<br />

cramping and restlessness, also <strong>de</strong>lirium<br />

you compress injured limb, by a bandage<br />

you complete halt, to gain a more time<br />

Symptoms vary, <strong>de</strong>pending on quantities<br />

poison absorbed, the weight & resistance<br />

as the minutes passed, digestive disor<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

interstices liquid, blood-kidney disor<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

muscle and cartilage, severe pain strikes<br />

Viper venom composed, enzymes & toxins<br />

milligrams varies, from five up to fifty<br />

it makes necrosis, the cells of the skin<br />

half an hour after the bite, pain appears<br />

swelling over area, surrounding the holes<br />

the absence of such, after two-three hours<br />

it tells us that poison, did not inoculated<br />

vipera e biscia<br />

1 "All four poisonous snakes of Italy, have the triangular head<br />

larger then body and upper eyelids that overwhelm the eye. The<br />

colubrid and harmless snakes have length more then 60 cm, dark<br />

color of the body and their bite have small holes.<br />


镭森 now leads us, on routes of Oceania<br />

He seems a helmsman, on a mythical canoe<br />

He follows Yulunggùl, a snake of Melanesya<br />

arriving to New Zealand, next to Tasmania<br />

Nothing form the egg, of the infinite been<br />

the gol<strong>de</strong>n egg was, the set of the worlds<br />

One generates Two, Two generates Three<br />

finally the Three, gave the ten thousand<br />

Pan Gu was born, as a primordial human<br />

he grew very big, separating mom and sky<br />

Pan Gu was in the middle, then his limbs<br />

broke into pieces, to islands giving birth<br />

the implementation of globe, has a price<br />

the first witness, eternal and unchanged<br />

he gives life to creatures, using himself<br />

beginning seasons, by changing situations<br />

to discover the existing, what is hid<strong>de</strong>n<br />

look insi<strong>de</strong> yourself, un<strong>de</strong>rstanding around<br />

Aotearoa is Yulunggùl, Pan Gu from a shell<br />

Rangi Nui is Sky-god, lying Pa-pua-gini<br />

Dragons in Polynesia, create progenitors<br />

by uterus of Thera, volcano erupts children<br />

they discover islands, Aotearoa to the Maori<br />

British joined country, Treaty of Waitangi<br />

It starts the Kiwi nation, with a fern tree<br />

Tane god of forests, geysers and canoeing<br />

influenced civilization, like the Kulkulkan<br />

dragons of Asia, & Queztlcoatl plumed snake<br />

Nagas are the same, hermits of the temples<br />

common ancestors, lords of Indian meetings<br />

they take on human form, as kundalini heat<br />

the sleeper is awakened, reborn un<strong>de</strong>rstanding<br />

Kulkulkan make colonies, on globe locations<br />

sensitive teachers, teaching their children<br />

medicine of the plants, together permaculture<br />

to unfold the awareness, of the human nature<br />

They teach to refine, insi<strong>de</strong> outsi<strong>de</strong> nature<br />

establishing schools, and temples around<br />

as human master, they go around the towns<br />

I know Shirdi and Khadra, beyond any time<br />

thin as snakes, they sang basic concepts<br />

in stories and tales, around evening fires<br />

they flow the knowledge, in many life forms<br />

as animals totem, and power teacher plants<br />

when it came dark age, dragon stop to fly<br />

the cosmos may cease, and dreaming go away<br />

on the Amazon river, went Queen of Forests<br />

stored dreams of snakes, Sachamama mother<br />

in their caves, dragons hunted were not<br />

all human fetuses, in uterus are dragons<br />

The village of Bezau, on Pannonia land<br />

remembers dragon story, link to the man 1<br />

A prosperous farmer, named Jolerbuel<br />

was visited by a beggar, one day of year<br />

Jolerbuel him out, without giving things<br />

Sky prepares fury, beggar says to him<br />

then sky turns dark, the storm roars<br />

stream of water fell, flooding all around<br />

in the middle of hurricane, was the beggar<br />

him with red rope, driving great dragon<br />

was Jolerbuèl petrified, remains to watch<br />

swirling of the trees, coming next to him<br />

all his wealth, was lost in few minutes<br />

by the beggar dragon, high on the cliffs<br />

also Hei<strong>de</strong>lberg city, dragons had friends<br />

a citizen found, eggs close to the river<br />

he cares for them, in his homes security<br />

Dragons fed his fire, during winter blow<br />

dragons are popular, by local blacksmiths<br />

they forged crafty, the very fine steel<br />

the female dragons, they like most water<br />

helping fishermen, using their language<br />

friends of dragons, awaiting their return<br />

with recurring festivals, water and fires<br />

wise men & women, open heart and minds<br />

they live in symbiosis, with inner dragon<br />

1 The Dragon of Pannonia recalls the people of Tyrol when living<br />

in peace. The Dragon, into Native's Thera dreams (Indians,<br />

pigmin, igorotes, aborigens), is the guardian of the no-historical<br />

worlds and of the Blue Spice evolving consciousness of human<br />

beings toward self (re) cognition, and removing the fear of<br />

Death. The Dragon, in its myriad forms, lies asleep in various<br />

landscapes: forests, rivers, oceans, hills, valleys, rocks, pots,<br />

meteorites, myths, rituals, archetypes, sounds, smells, creatures..<br />

pending for providing the visionary milk of his/her breasts.镭森<br />


Kundalini dragon, listen to their signals<br />

Zhong long of China, knowledge passed down<br />

Sun is Long Zhu, Zhu Yin is the darkness<br />

Yin Yang it leads, in the natural course<br />

when it opens its eyes, the day appears<br />

when it closes its, the night reappears<br />

It is summer, when it breathes<br />

It is winter, when it expires<br />

it's small as a bug, big as the world<br />

it flies in the sky, it plunges in water<br />

it has a camel head, and horns branched<br />

the neck of a snake, eyes like rabbit<br />

it sleeps and wakes, the rainy season<br />

flying too high, it collects drought<br />

flying too low, it is the oceans King<br />

if it get distracted, come the floods<br />

Insi<strong>de</strong> human body, is the morning Yang<br />

emerges from the earth, energy revives<br />

Fenghuan Phoenix, sun and fire together<br />

has body of swans, and back of the turtle<br />

on Mediterranean sea, it's called Heracles<br />

combined with Adrastea, both are wing snakes<br />

staying intertwined, in constant intercourse<br />

All they generated, by the germ of the egg<br />

Loose from the embrace, then the egg split<br />

It was heaven and earth, which freed Phanes<br />

Phanes mud dragon, the new world con<strong>de</strong>nsed<br />

Phan hermaphrodite, Protogonos was named<br />

born from this egg, primal shining light<br />

four horns and eyes, the huge gol<strong>de</strong>n wings<br />

closed in the cave, give life to the elements<br />

create all the races, his sons Gaia and Uranus<br />

Gaia love Uranus, and regenerates constantly<br />

the Cyclops and Titans, besi<strong>de</strong>s all the Gods<br />

Kronos expects Uranus, coming in the clouds<br />

it catch its genitals, during its rain coitus<br />

Gaia is fertilized, by Phan-Uranus-Kronos<br />

springs plants and animals, and human race<br />

Phan passes the scepter, to Gods of Olympus<br />

then he went hid<strong>de</strong>n, in forests and rivers<br />

then Jupiter-Zeus, gave love to Gaia-Thera<br />

reflected into gods, Zagreus and Persephone<br />

also Pythia the oracle, in the city of Delphi<br />

remembers the nature, of cyclical world<br />


Julio, 塞巴 skribis:<br />

my name is 塞巴, I lived at Terabuti temple<br />

I had there a simple life, working a gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

I ad<strong>de</strong>d my daily waste, to the compost pile<br />

at center of gar<strong>de</strong>n, then I use to water it 1<br />

I captured an earthworm, it digs and digests<br />

it mix and migrates, insi<strong>de</strong> my gar<strong>de</strong>n compost<br />

transform residues, into humus black butter<br />

I compare composting, to wine-fermentation<br />

Earthworms will leave, at the end of work<br />

they go to another hole, with new compost<br />

the earthworm makes it neutral, acid soils<br />

like a good gar<strong>de</strong>ner, tasks it tells me 2<br />

Earthworms come out, at night from burrows<br />

they look up wire straw, and curled leaves<br />

through the mouth, they stick it in the soil<br />

evacuating this meal, in piles above ground<br />

I recover the soil, of Moles and Earthworms<br />

to employ for vessels, sowing and potting<br />

it is fine rich soil, lumpy and ventilated<br />

it has minerals, and makes my soil drained<br />

with bristle it moves, it breathes by skin<br />

multiple organ it possesses, insi<strong>de</strong> its body<br />

hermaphrodite worm, has organs duplication<br />

a pair per segment, into rings repetitions<br />

1 It is necessary to water the gar<strong>de</strong>n's hole at least once a week in<br />

summer and every 2 weeks in winter days, excluding rain.<br />

2A chemical fertilizer has 110 earthworm, human feces manure<br />

has 186, composted soil 370 earthworm, ground herbs 590<br />

earthworm.<br />

I see in my compound, pointy red Earthworm<br />

艾米利亚 gets up on his finger, then tells me<br />

the earth is its space, in waste is at home<br />

It produces a soil, very fertile and glue<br />

more humus emerged, his body has passed<br />

It sends un<strong>de</strong>rground, the rocks gradually<br />

a Blackbird with its beak, on the ground stakes<br />

earthworm it grabs, pulls and that breaks<br />

The piece in soil, has a head still alive<br />

it regenerates its body, lost during game<br />

Earthworm at spring, has large orange wall<br />

eggs with poison, to discourages birds taste<br />

if I put the tablet, diagonally on ground<br />

I drum by finger, an invitation to earthworm<br />

earthworms instinct, is get out to that call<br />

to prevent moles attack, and heavy rain water<br />

Mole it looks like Platypus, it has soft fur<br />

useful for ground, it reduces harmful insects<br />

it has tiny eyes, and a nose-smell very large<br />

it eats insects and worms, as much as its weight<br />

if the soul is disturbed, a lot by the moles<br />

it means that climate, is changing to rain<br />

Mole goes on surface, frantic searching food<br />

the Mole drains their burrows, after rain<br />

my Mole digs, more tunnels branching<br />

it goes across when hunting, at eight pm<br />

earthworms & beetles, and other insects larvae<br />

raise new mounds, on earthworks result of mole<br />

I put on straw stalks, along their gallery<br />

the movement reveals, if Mole hunting or fleeing<br />

an earthworm crawling, on the stone floor<br />

gets mole behind, to follow the whole track<br />

Anemone stands erect, with sun & mild weather<br />

it reacts to light-dark, before other plants<br />

if a little dark, the stem get close and bend<br />

because of lymph pressure, by heat and light<br />

If Cricket sings a lot, it announces the wind<br />

a Cuckoo and more Cicadas, stop the concert<br />

when a Cicada sings a long, during September<br />

it is little rain in October, until November<br />

I listen Crickets sings, on summer evenings<br />

they rub the wings, and they eat my cereals<br />

the Chinese use them, as guardian crickets<br />

crickets stop wings, if they hear a noise<br />


If the before season, is low Grasshopper<br />

the winter to come, will be more rigid<br />

the Firefly fairy, established good weather<br />

if until May-June, it enlighten my grain<br />

I captured a Firefly, it turns its light<br />

I put it in freedom, still it shines lights<br />

in beautiful June evening, fireflies twinkle<br />

brighten the light, if males breathe more oxygen<br />

male Grasshoppers, continuously waffling<br />

Females recalls have heard, since kilometers<br />

they tend the legs, on which are their ears<br />

fly from his companions, directed by the sound<br />

Is the Sun<strong>de</strong>w plant, which lures many insects<br />

with a fake honey, entangles them prisoners<br />

then its corrosive juice, eat them slowly<br />

it also crumbs cheese, crumble all away<br />

the Butterwort plant, it also carnivorous<br />

by living in damp rocks, scarce nutrient<br />

it ensnares and digests, insects on leaves<br />

it gets substances, from bodies that dissolves<br />

the Beetle larvae, it lives insi<strong>de</strong> the soil<br />

adult finds its way, it swells and fly away<br />

buzzing & smell leaves, its nose on antennas<br />

it turns on the plants, to meet male & female<br />

the gol<strong>de</strong>n green Beetle, it is unable to fly<br />

hid<strong>de</strong>n un<strong>de</strong>r a rock, it goes hunting at night<br />

exterior & interior homes, eating caterpillars<br />

the black and yellow beetle, it eats small fish<br />

a beautiful Scarab bright, I met in the spring<br />

its larvae go on flowers, waiting for bumblebee<br />

they grab it to travel up, to its final nest<br />

they eat eggs & honey, and wait for change<br />

Shrews hunt, equals the weight of the body<br />

it eats snails and worms, insects day & night<br />

afraid the puppies, they stick to each other<br />

and the long caravan, driving their mother<br />

Vole with small eyes, <strong>de</strong>vastated the gar<strong>de</strong>ns<br />

it has roun<strong>de</strong>d snout and tail, and small ears<br />

a barrier of garlic, is cordon of <strong>de</strong>fense<br />

the ro<strong>de</strong>nt Vole, garlic can takes away<br />

I watch a Thrush bird, it's breaking a shell<br />

it breaks over rock, leaving the remains around<br />

Ants are cleaning, the skeleton of <strong>de</strong>ad bird<br />

by germ formic acid, that food has digested<br />

艾米利亚 shows me, these aphids on the<br />

plant<br />

this indicates an imbalance, on that apple tree<br />

Ruta bitter plant, planted around the stem<br />

it infects the roots, then the aphids leaves<br />

an adhesive belt, around fruit trees stem<br />

prevents ants, to bring on top of branches<br />

females of aphids, which found colonies<br />

Pyrethrum also, chases insects trouble<br />

I spray on plants, maceration of herbs<br />

sometime the water, of cooked potatoes<br />

on more plants of low cut, I sprinkle salt<br />

or oak dust, to asphyxia and <strong>de</strong>hydration<br />

insect eggs and larvae, I cover to suffocate<br />

I spray on green foliage, mycosis calm down<br />

if I plant a Wormwood, it acts as a draw<br />

to friends Ladybugs, which eat aphids<br />

Nettle helps, the presence of ladybugs<br />

I put a few <strong>net</strong>tles rows, to attract them<br />

I look ladybugs larvae, with magnifying glass<br />

on my Artichoke plants, <strong>de</strong>vouring aphids<br />

I raised the ladybugs, in a glass container<br />

larvae gray-purple, and yellow-blacks dot<br />

are <strong>de</strong>vouring the aphids, reared by ants<br />

Ants get back sugar, from aphids ejection<br />

Ladybugs with seven-point, feel imminent<br />

they fly in mid air, if the climate change<br />

Dragonfly flies above the water, if it rains<br />

when it flies high, the climate is beautiful<br />

the Dragonfly larvae, it has a special mask<br />

which it capture prey, by a quick movement<br />

on Summer it is on stem, in or<strong>de</strong>r to change<br />

Dragonfly comes out, the wings it can har<strong>de</strong>n<br />

the insects can feel, the pressure changes 1<br />

the Flea pinch me, if the climate is changing<br />

the Mosquito is insistent, rain is consistent<br />

Mouse is harmless, it has blacks eyes<br />

1<br />

it is cereal ro<strong>de</strong>nts, coveted by predators Sometimes swarms of insects run into unexpected currents.<br />

on thorns of hedge, I see it with more insects<br />

Millions of ladybugs driven on the open seas and brought back by<br />

the waves, they end up on the shoreline, then you can save them<br />

because a singing Bird, it impales its prey with fresh water and sugar. The stag beetle (Lucanus cervus) if<br />

unusual buzzing flies at dusk, announces change of climate.<br />


swarms flying high, if the sky blue curtains<br />

Mosquito does not come, close to oil lamps<br />

the petrol diverts them, out from my body<br />

on a cuckoo flower, I see clumps of foam<br />

nest of white saliva, of a Cicada larvae<br />

艾米利亚 tells me, about Pike migratory fish<br />

in Spring it passes, from lakes to rivers<br />

they lay their eggs, in streams in meadows<br />

they <strong>de</strong>vour one another, if there are no larvae<br />

I see Pike in stream, individually or in pairs<br />

their aerodynamic shape, it helps the journey<br />

if I try to touch it, it fast flickers against<br />

obscure its escape, with mud on the bottom<br />

Eel on dark nights, from May until Autumn<br />

are going to the sea, then continues out<br />

they lay their eggs, on warm Caribbean seas<br />

is a bold migrations, through streams & meadows<br />

youngs eel coming from the sea, in large herds<br />

they are transparent, and long just a finger<br />

adult become gray, hiding by day un<strong>de</strong>r rocks<br />

I can take eel easy, short walking on shore<br />

I see Toads to sleep, with its snakes enemy<br />

reptiles & amphibians, hibernate in winter<br />

Frogs at bottom of ponds, away from the ice<br />

when Frog singing, the climate is changing<br />

a beautiful water Frogs, I watch in a bath<br />

in the small pond, they love to do the <strong>de</strong>w<br />

they tan among the trees, jumping to hunting<br />

insect prey they caught, by means of saliva<br />

even twenty years it lived, a rare green frog<br />

hid<strong>de</strong>n among the bushes, cleverest camouflage<br />

a Toad from a pond, it produces music wedding<br />

surprised on the banks, it changes skin upsi<strong>de</strong><br />

Toads love mushrooms, and Frogs seem fairies<br />

they are singing concert, with my chickens<br />

Wasps and hor<strong>net</strong>s, are flying around here<br />

buzzing on flowers, of various species<br />

frogs of water, make songs of true love<br />

without opening mouth, emit sound by nostrils<br />

the sound is enhanced, by breathe air bubbles<br />

on their cheeks & throat, inflating balloons<br />

they have gills then lung, so to breathe 1<br />

Misgurno fish of the marsh, has swim blad<strong>de</strong>r<br />

it reacts to pressure, it changes each hour<br />

its gut fills on surface, it absorbs oxygen<br />

its gut inhales and exhales, the breathing<br />

this basic strategy, allows it to survive<br />

in more stagnant waters, oxygen-poor<br />

I had got insi<strong>de</strong> ponds, also red fishes<br />

they survive well, in winter and summer<br />

swimming Snails, through their mucous<br />

they walk in a minute, twelve centimeters<br />

even a sharp razor bla<strong>de</strong>, did not hurt it<br />

because of lubrication, the snail it gives<br />

mucus smooths the road, it dry in sun shines<br />

it protects snail home, by the Ants attack<br />

Snail blows into mucus, gets barrier bubbles<br />

finally it rest, by eating a banana peel<br />

the month of July, I 塞巴 went for camping<br />

to observe the creatures, as I go for a walk<br />

insects and animals, or air and ground water<br />

Plants around me, and un<strong>de</strong>rground mushrooms<br />

I go around as a pilgrim, place after place<br />

through the countrysi<strong>de</strong>, and insi<strong>de</strong> the woods<br />

I keep dry cheese & bread, a bag on shoul<strong>de</strong>r<br />

together a book, holy book of Libertages!<br />

I sing constantly, everywhere in spirit<br />

I exploit opportunities, by listen & smell<br />

through the adventure, I joy without end<br />

Heart may overflow, won<strong>de</strong>r never ending<br />

the perpetual Song, ceaseless effort is<br />

of the human spirit, it teach to my self<br />

I meet a hermit, in a cave she was awake<br />

so when I sleep, I still hear her heart<br />

Newts in the Spring, splashing in marshes<br />

1 "the fish prune and clean up the water (like the sand of the sea),<br />

the bright males, are courting females<br />

they eat water fleas, and mosquito larvae<br />

and eliminate, in concert with the amphibians, eggs and larvae of<br />

the mosquito. The misgurno fish is as big as a pencil and yellowbrown<br />

lines, it runs a lot when the weather changes.” 艾米利亚<br />


She perform dances, it rain with clear sky<br />

I swim in the rain, of the summer climate<br />

leaves of Alchemilla, collect any <strong>de</strong>w drops<br />

a plant in summer, it exu<strong>de</strong>s a lot of water<br />

when the light blinds, and silence reigns<br />

Pan I perceive, mystery in the presence<br />

God of rural life, resting in the afternoon<br />

it is trembling air, motionless summer<br />

a Praying Mantis, is undisputed queen<br />

I see often it on stubble, after I harvested<br />

along with grasshoppers, announcing temporal<br />

it remind me the Shaolin, worship of ancestors<br />

I pronounce its name, pru<strong>de</strong>nt subheading<br />

then a roar of thun<strong>de</strong>r, frightens children<br />

is grandfather who knocks, I tell to kids<br />

he rinse the barrel, or his wood he splits<br />

after the rain, we look Grandpa earthworm<br />

Rolling on the ground, gaining benefits<br />

among new mushrooms, and poppy flowers<br />

I feel like blue elf, talking with Mantis<br />

we call caterpillar, mother of the pine<br />

the Cat is driving us, on top of the hill<br />

an immediate experience, is the simplicity<br />

I sing with the lips, the enraptured heart<br />

I sing from Tago book, I learn prayers<br />

it is essential gui<strong>de</strong>, then I contemplate<br />

when I go to walk, alone and in silence<br />

I stop and won<strong>de</strong>r, in front a simple flower<br />

I repeat patient, the verses of sad-guru<br />

I rest in the hut, and working the gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

is light at the beginning, then it is heavy<br />

I want to sleep, my conscience it <strong>de</strong>mands<br />

befall the thoughts, like clouds on me<br />

struggle that now bears, to obscure world<br />

I find every ego fears, prayer of the heart<br />

Libertages encourages me, to transcend mood<br />

I invoke Shirdi Sai, in singing of passage<br />

I go back to the hut, two days of running<br />

then I continue to sing, without distraction<br />

light and easy flowing, without constraint<br />

if I purify the mind, praying all the time<br />

simplicity of heart, may joy in kidnapping<br />

I feel another world, without difficulty<br />

Heart goes into heat, not tired to play<br />

then my little hut, it seems to be building<br />

I sing Tago name, to removes embarrassment<br />

I spent the whole summer, with sunny <strong>de</strong>light<br />

dreaming of woods, Hmong villages and gar<strong>de</strong>ns<br />

subsi<strong>de</strong>d distractions, my song was resurrected<br />

I pick gar<strong>de</strong>n vegetables, and wan<strong>de</strong>ring life<br />

I listen to myself, to sing in cold winter<br />

if I get hit by frost, I increase praying<br />

then I feel warm, and loved and comforted<br />

If hunger is urgent, I sing with inspiration<br />

when my spirit became, simply essential<br />

nothing holds me, I need to sing incessantly<br />

if totem ancestors, are walking on the road<br />

the birth and <strong>de</strong>ath, I watch as a stopover<br />

also human hunter, go hunting for needs<br />

to nourish the body, and soul of the dream<br />

I look at Therabuti, animals and insects<br />

fascinating creatures, prey and predators<br />

a Spi<strong>de</strong>r predator, running above the water<br />

if it wants to hunt, it plunges un<strong>de</strong>r water<br />

a black spi<strong>de</strong>r, goes to the pond in winter<br />

it goes insi<strong>de</strong> a shells, floating on water<br />

the Mice with its paws, turn over its nest<br />

it feel signs of rain, it <strong>de</strong>sires to sleep 1<br />

Lizards in a meadow, remain for years<br />

hi<strong>de</strong> in burrows, from mice and moles<br />

it has faster reflexes, then our movement<br />

it lost its tail, it grows back in a month<br />

Lizard's throat, swollen then <strong>de</strong>flates<br />

lizard stops if it discovers, to be observed<br />

with forked tongue, enemies & friends it sniffs<br />

it emits pheromones, to find its way to home<br />

I get used to without fear, feeding on my hand<br />

with bugs of flour, and honey it love a lot<br />

warmth of my hand, it absorbs and is revived<br />

between mosses and anthills, it hi<strong>de</strong>s the brood<br />

I can feel pleasure, it incites me to follow<br />

the natural effect, it's produced by exercise<br />

1<br />

after the first thrust, it is running a whim mice by high-pitched squeal, predict the weather if they leaping<br />

I anoint the mechanism, giving new impulses<br />

dancers. As if the rain comes they run. If the country mice enter<br />

the houses, it is cold or bad weather.<br />


It eats mosquitoes, spi<strong>de</strong>rs, caterpillars & flies<br />

butterfly pupae, and it licks the water drip<br />

two Flies around, are cleaning their legs<br />

to avoid ending up, among lizards narrow<br />

its cousin the Chameleon, is in my terrarium<br />

It changes its color, by climates and emotions<br />

it has a long tongue, licking various branches<br />

to capture prey, with its viscous cells<br />

faithful to its shrubs, <strong>de</strong>fen<strong>de</strong>d by fellow<br />

It starts slow movements, tied to a territory<br />

it seeks in the morning, a point to keep warm<br />

Always the same place, in the daily rhythm<br />

It moves by crawling, to the ends of branches<br />

in the event of a threat, gets down to the ground<br />

Chameleon swells strongly, when it is irritated<br />

or is in competition, the <strong>de</strong>signs have changed<br />

Female with eggs, the color will be vibrant<br />

it has good appetite, especially in the hatching<br />

it begins to look for food, worms and millipe<strong>de</strong>s<br />

lurking in ambush, of arthropods & grasshoppers<br />

It captures a lot of wasps, grabbed by the head<br />

that cuts with the bite, avoiding the sting<br />

It drinks the <strong>de</strong>w, on the leaves collected<br />

and lay its eggs, with shelled parchment<br />

I see a <strong>de</strong>ad Fly, it is white and pow<strong>de</strong>red<br />

by a fungus mycelium, that killed fly and eats<br />

I breed sometime the Flies, insi<strong>de</strong> a glass jar<br />

the female fly is larger, wintering in homes 1<br />

I watch Ants, they take care of other larvae<br />

exposing many eggs, in the sun to heat<br />

the night shelter, from cold and moisture<br />

Ant breeding insects, for food <strong>de</strong>rived<br />

with olfactory organs, located on antennae<br />

Ants found the road, track by the sisters<br />

carrying caterpillars, and seeds to the nest<br />

they remain confused, if I put unusual odor<br />

艾米利亚 was increasing, the houses of ants<br />

for trees to help, or <strong>de</strong>grading more strains<br />

attracted by the honey, over a rotten log<br />

Ants eat the insects, living in the tree<br />

pine needles and moss, and direct sunlight<br />

anthills of the <strong>de</strong>ep, above and below soil<br />

help ventilation, of tunnels and formic acid<br />

their long roads come out, in all directions<br />

leading into the woods, along with their odors<br />

Ants are gathering, more seeds of violets<br />

snacking on the way to home, the seed falls<br />

then I look sprout plants, over those paths<br />

show me the way, tracked by the symbiont<br />

an ant-hunter, makes holes in the sand<br />

as a funnel trap, which passes by ant<br />

its predatory larvae, shoots sand grains<br />

ant falls helpless, ends up in small pieces<br />

Ants without wings, is called Cinipe wasp<br />

it drilling oak buds, during Winter time<br />

the buds in Spring, become fungal galls<br />

balls home for larvae, of their daughters 2<br />

As any free pilgrim, seeking an answer<br />

the ancient question, pray without ceasing<br />

so 镭森 teacher, foun<strong>de</strong>r of Therabuti<br />

he teach us to begin, to sing all the time<br />

before a <strong>de</strong>cision, the man has hesitated<br />

a lack of clarity, it is taking up his mind<br />

then by the choice, he consumes <strong>de</strong>cision<br />

he regains freedom, he matures in action<br />

a pilgrim gradually, increases repetitions<br />

3 thousand to 6 thousand, up 10 thousand days<br />

then no longer counts, his lips go by themselves<br />

effortlessly now, even in sleep he continues<br />

after some time, from his lips song moved<br />

<strong>de</strong>scends from tongue, to heart and breath<br />

then the pilgrim realizes, that his songs<br />

uniform feel, to the beating of the heart<br />

the heart's song, is spontaneous and lasting<br />

the pure heart it sees, <strong>de</strong>votion structure<br />

we uses the Theora, as a vision of reality 3<br />

we feel as a Child, the innocence alive<br />

Anthills are placed, in the south of plants<br />

protected from rain, to pull more of the sun<br />

covered with domes, earth & <strong>de</strong>ad branches<br />

2 "the leaves of oak host galls that is chambers of hatching for<br />

white larvae of wasps. It will transform into a chrysalis in Autumn<br />

and the adult glossy black wasp will leaves in Winter.” 艾米利亚<br />

1This fungus, every autumn, it massacres swarms of flies born in 3Theoria means continuous effort to see the divine nature in<br />

summer by a single female who has wintered in the homes. everything.<br />


Vision of senses, it sees external objects<br />

shapes with colors, scents and sensations<br />

Vision of soul-mind, it goes <strong>de</strong>eper insi<strong>de</strong><br />

it guest intuitions, export talents outsi<strong>de</strong><br />

Therabuti temple is a verb, and all that it is<br />

beautiful speech, of dances and gar<strong>de</strong>ning<br />

Thera is the soil, and welcoming rainwater<br />

the Buti are rituals, shared with ancestors<br />

约兰达 and 帕梅拉, they laugh with 镭森<br />

translating each comment, into body language<br />

refrain from judgments, do not want to infect<br />

they seem beauty flowers, the soul that opens<br />

then all we are planning, the event performance<br />

it will takes place, on the eight December<br />

Thera ancestors festival, to welcome Caboclos<br />

Gauwasi of 基那洲, Mighonzi of 马勒<br />

约兰达 will gui<strong>de</strong> Torè, for Encantos <strong>de</strong> Lux<br />

to welcome the Orishas, and Jurema caboclos<br />

第六 will invites, Kaab yeeb lady medicine<br />

镭森 will share, the holy spirit of wine<br />

马丁 and 莉萨, are trying Hikurì songs<br />

罗慕洛 will joins, with his icaros Yagè<br />

塔拉斯 and 艾米利亚, trying Muchomor song<br />

帕梅拉 and I, listening beauty Kava songs<br />

also other peoples, will join to the festival<br />

to watch the Pan dance, listening songs<br />

Tago is multi-faceted, Krishna or Allah love<br />

Jesus or Ganesha, Ka Yeeb and little more<br />

if we sing very well, Tago kidnaps our heart<br />

we go up gradually, every day learning more<br />

as human we becomes great, through his love<br />

through our hearts, we color his flowers<br />

镭森 stop to sing, a prayer he becomes<br />

Thera the immensity, inspired his aspirations<br />

effortlessly he live, out of time and space 1<br />

he live insi<strong>de</strong> a dream, he lost any shame<br />

Pan of heaven & earth, I'll take you insi<strong>de</strong><br />

You keep your secrets, hid<strong>de</strong>n from the wisest<br />

Pupil of our eye, is a mirror of the heart<br />

eye reflects two worlds, inner and outer<br />

I do not give consent, that creates torment<br />

1 Egyptian anchorites have invented short and simple prayers of<br />

goodness, often repeated as mantras, synchronizing with the<br />

heartbeat to create stable disposition.<br />

these i<strong>de</strong>as you do not give, space to talk<br />

In every time & place, we are exposed to them<br />

an angel of wine, it guard & inspires my heart<br />

He watches with a sword, the song of my dreams<br />

sword is Libertages, it resonates in the head<br />

it is kept in my body, the dance festival in<br />

it cast out <strong>de</strong>mons & fears, by performing it<br />

镭森 in the hut, the fire of the evening<br />

Heart not troubled, it hears voices insi<strong>de</strong><br />

It's a silent hermit, feeling the presence<br />

of totem ancestor, the mystical experience<br />

many time he was alone, stranger to news<br />

living Xenitèia, and watching his breath<br />

stripped of his country, race and kinship<br />

a Self-imposed exile, it is a good fight<br />

word is silent, then remains only the heat<br />

He imitates the <strong>de</strong>sert, in the pure witness<br />

emigrating in Terabuti, insi<strong>de</strong> inner reality<br />

He go back & realizes, the ancient i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

we are singing chants, friends at Garland<br />

a song every day, we can live in the chest<br />

more Jurema songs, Krishna, Siva and Sakti<br />

gradually thoughts, subsi<strong>de</strong> several assaults<br />

you un<strong>de</strong>rstand the answers, your questions<br />

they come in dreams, you tend to your goal<br />

wherever I wan<strong>de</strong>ring, I re-encounter Tago<br />

on streams and mountains, as the songlines<br />

Tago lives in the heart, it shows the way<br />

by items of plant, or by singing together<br />

having said that, we are Ananda happiness<br />

behind all your pains, it's only forgiveness<br />

镭森 reminds us, Tago is our heart love<br />

You're always besi<strong>de</strong> it, and never fail you<br />

you tell that you love it, perfectly naked<br />

you feel it arises, your heart overflowing<br />

I repeat song and mantra, often incessantly<br />

as rhythm of the breath, I feel inspiration<br />

Tago enters and converses, to heart inwardly<br />

Its booklet I read, on stones and in winds<br />

everything is created, by an act of writing<br />

it affects the body, the structure vibrates<br />

Therabuti is a dream, han<strong>de</strong>d down in songs<br />

as Aboriginal Australia, on Mediterranean Sea<br />


镭森 in the hut, was singing to the heart<br />

Nobody knew it, the treasure that he had<br />

a full love insi<strong>de</strong>, the night he happened<br />

he remains closed, for a month eating nuts<br />

takes place insi<strong>de</strong> him, a tremendous fight<br />

assaults on unabated, persistent thoughts<br />

he suffers and is upset, but his fervor sing<br />

burn them with fire, clarifying inner sky<br />

from his hiding place, he <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to leave<br />

He appeared as a child, himself full of joy<br />

he reborn to new life, as a bath into wine<br />

singing all around, he pure hearts invites<br />

He live among people, the world surpasses<br />

anchored to ancestors, kidnapped by ecstasy<br />

he endures hardship, singing Tago and Thera<br />

burning in the dreamtime, moans of everywhere<br />

he praises brother Sun, its splendor and light 约兰达 was here, to learn the Torè ritual<br />

praise sister Moon, and Stars bright & beautiful a Pajè teach to her, for school and medical<br />

he sing brother Wind, and Air with storm clouds convened the group, he performs ceremony<br />

the Water providing, livelihood to all creatures to rediscover Jurema, to help Kariri hearts<br />

he sing brother Fire, that illuminates our night<br />

Fire joyful and strong, on evening it's bright<br />

he sings sister Death, it will not hurt him<br />

Eros and Thanatos, are two si<strong>de</strong> of the life<br />

The illusion of the world, not attracts him<br />

he continues to sing, suitable for all times<br />

then speaks his mouth, without any fear<br />

full of his Wine, produced by the feet<br />

镭森 one day, he went to his hermitage<br />

to contemplate, the gar<strong>de</strong>n he very loved<br />

when a farmer helped him, with his donkey<br />

镭森 thanks him, with mystic spiced wine<br />

约兰达 is talking , tonight at Therabuti<br />

about her staying, with Brazil Kariri people<br />

along Sao Francisco river, north est <strong>de</strong>sert<br />

She discovered the cult, of Jurema & Torè<br />

a Land of the Kariri, has an arid climate<br />

intermittent rivers, and even rare rains<br />

on that plun<strong>de</strong>red lands, they get rights<br />

roots and i<strong>de</strong>ntity, as indigenous people<br />

Kariri claim the land, of their ancestors<br />

require the government, to expel inva<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

build relationships, with neighboring groups<br />

by performing actions, that create i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

people of Sertão, starting organize strategy<br />

each group of houses, maintains an adviser<br />

although colonized, they elaborate belief<br />

reinventing the past, the tribal i<strong>de</strong>ntities<br />

performing Ouricuri rites, strength survival<br />

by limiting boundaries, ritual territories<br />

agrarian subsistence, is cassava with beans<br />

intercalated corn, harvested in late August<br />

the <strong>de</strong>sert does not allow, many basic goods<br />

surplus vegetables, they sell to the market<br />

a meager harvest, they integrate as laborers<br />

reinvest in their village, create cooperatives<br />

the land divi<strong>de</strong>d into strips, similar for all<br />

to prevent disputes, the wild foods are for all<br />

today in my land, tomorrow we will go to your<br />

the people whom works, food only it receives<br />

Paje as a shaman, the evil eye he dissolves<br />

he prepares baths, with leaves and flowers<br />

he poun<strong>de</strong>d and macerated, acacias root bark<br />

preparing Jurema wine, if needing of care<br />

Root has been buffed, to remove the soil<br />

washed & placed, poun<strong>de</strong>d between two stones<br />

the foam that is formed, is soaked in water<br />

then it is brew, ad<strong>de</strong>d with Passiflora tea<br />

Jurema is medicinal care, spiced with plants<br />

as tobacco leaves, <strong>de</strong>pending on the purpose<br />

a wine of Jurema, 约兰达 <strong>de</strong>scribes to us<br />

telling Alençar's novel, where Iracema lives<br />

this wine it quiet toothaches, also headaches<br />

it contrasts diseases, of skin and venereal<br />

Roots and leaves infused, as favorite beer<br />

of the Encantados beings, dancing the Torè<br />

a part of Kariri beliefs, is Torè ritual dance<br />

Jurema i<strong>de</strong>ntity, is the center of existence<br />

It is a spirit of forest, carried by her wine<br />

It is a symbol of union, human & ancestors<br />

Torè dance is ma<strong>de</strong>, on the Saturday night<br />

in a large land, enclosed with two doors<br />

it is home to the medicinal, wine of Jurema<br />

there it takes place, entire ritual sequence<br />


it originates from Ouricuri, all that ritual<br />

约兰达 well discovered, by taking part on it<br />

the ceremony begins, and people come insi<strong>de</strong><br />

a fumigation rite, it starts insi<strong>de</strong> the fence<br />

is fumigation ma<strong>de</strong> by Pajé, by means of pipes<br />

it's a cleaning job, it covers entire temple<br />

the large pots smoking, clean also 约兰达<br />

then she begins ingestion, of wine of Jurema<br />

The drink is offered, by local hierarchies<br />

prepared by Pajè, or people who are experts<br />

now the ritual dances, it invites Encantados<br />

to come & participate, restoring environment<br />

the Paje begins Torè, as hourly ritual dance<br />

he plays the flute, dancing around the fire<br />

the gathered group, is drinking holy beer<br />

each comes to dance, loose every heartache<br />

celebrating all mediums, the Torè dance<br />

they ask for healing, gui<strong>de</strong>d by the Pajé<br />

through dance, they purge all suffering<br />

through the woods, are smoked their ills<br />

with masks & costume, we are all adorned<br />

feather headdresses, of Caboclo ancestors<br />

we get held in a trance, by Beings of Light<br />

arrived on earth, to lead their circle dance<br />

each of us becomes a medium, in its own way<br />

<strong>de</strong>scend into the bodies, Encantados <strong>de</strong> Luz<br />

they are spirits of Birds, ancient memory<br />

约兰达 sing to us, Jurema its history!<br />

Mimosa roots barks, in the rising sun<br />

I beat with clay, or against a rock<br />

then I squeeze all, of her powerful<br />

and foam surplus, it drains away out<br />

I collect in the basin, the inner root<br />

to soak overnight, in cold water pot<br />

squeeze the cluster, water discolored<br />

it becomes brown, red wine it comes out<br />

around mixtures, botanical and cultural<br />

Jurema has more children, different ritual<br />

It comes from forest, by Ouricuri heritage<br />

the will to survive, the core of knowledge<br />

Kariri preserve the forest, in ravaged areas<br />

in or<strong>de</strong>r to continue, get reasons for living<br />

the book is the forest, their very history<br />

wrote on their body-mind, by Jurema soul 1<br />

into the forest, there is another village<br />

to live in the time, the rites of passage<br />

a few chosen shrubs and tree, host families<br />

for ritual weekend, and beginning of new year<br />

Ouricurì is their forest, and a set of rituals<br />

it is called Mata dos encanto, of celebrations<br />

It's a set of beliefs, Caboclo spirit of forest<br />

the power is released, by plants & fruits care<br />

these rituals Varakidra, were harvesting clan<br />

during the season, of the fruits of the palm<br />

through Jurema wine, intertwined relationships<br />

among different tribes, of north-east Brazil<br />

Ouricuri it was kept secret, invisible rituals<br />

sometimes the Paje, invites non-Indigenous<br />

only for short time, then invites to leave<br />

bor<strong>de</strong>r and i<strong>de</strong>ntity, are political banquet<br />

Care and religion, there traveling together<br />

to want to be cured, it's like to be blessed<br />

The sick person, he has the spirit trapped<br />

partially abducted, victim of a magician<br />

Contacts with Jurema, can heal the Kariri<br />

they ingest their God<strong>de</strong>ss, present in tree<br />

this enables me to see, the spiritual world<br />

world filled by forces, of tribal synergy<br />

Jurema the ceremony, it is graft cultures<br />

it exceeds the bor<strong>de</strong>r, of rational structures<br />

Today many villages, leading indigenous lore<br />

as Juremado rite, it incorporates caboclos<br />

约兰达 was in Umã, Orubá Mountain village<br />

close to Ro<strong>de</strong>las, a village of Truka people<br />

there she celebrated, pray & dance in a cave<br />

Caboclo possession, around Mimosa of <strong>de</strong>sert<br />

Truka make mixture, of garlic and brandy<br />

during time of shortage, Jurema not available<br />

although they are all drank, as spirit mediums<br />

are finally sober, all seated and satisfied<br />

1 The <strong>de</strong>ad in Brazil's north-east, buried near the roots, bind to and<br />

embody with holy trees as in India it happens with the holy cows.<br />

Many are calling for these plants to show their fate in a dream.<br />

Kariri people perceive plants as living symbols of their ancestors,<br />

where the roots and trunk of Tree of life is their original mother.<br />

For them, "we must become forest in or<strong>de</strong>r to <strong>de</strong>cipher sounds and<br />

meanings that trace their common origin with other beings of the<br />

forest." Pajè Suira Francisco: "The jurema we prepare does not<br />

make us drunk, but allows us to talk to the ancestors."<br />


Kaimbè people also drink, brandy to celebrate<br />

they have alcohol, as means to <strong>de</strong>conditioning<br />

I sees empty bottles, of Brazilian brandy<br />

surrounding the altar, on every weekend<br />

Jurema was invited, at the temple Terabuti<br />

by the songs of 约兰达, to perform dances<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> Garland lounge, the music enchants us<br />

together with Caboclos, Jurema it tells us<br />

so the participants, they abandon their body<br />

bodies <strong>de</strong>corated, the spirits have attracted<br />

we all join the dance, by singing beauty songs<br />

the ancestors gui<strong>de</strong> us, to find the connection<br />

it emerges age of dreams, first ancient roads<br />

in the heaven of hearts, mythologies reborn<br />

Libido intervenes, it offers the propellant<br />

it dissolves boundaries, androgynous system<br />

Yaba is femininity, Aborò the masculinity<br />

every kind of spirit, play the myth itself<br />

the union between the two, the individual has<br />

connects in harmony, the original ambiguous<br />

the volcano of <strong>de</strong>sire, is libido unexpressed<br />

it saturates and explo<strong>de</strong>s, outsi<strong>de</strong> the bodies<br />

a performance possession, get out frustration<br />

to fight <strong>de</strong>pression, we need love expression<br />

when I fed my body, is the dream of my self<br />

by pouring its strength, it falls insi<strong>de</strong> me<br />

each body search, for pushing the existential<br />

both the material food, and intangible food<br />

莉萨 tells us tonight, his life experience<br />

when she was a teacher, the school of music<br />

a stu<strong>de</strong>nt in the house, listen to the Valkyries<br />

he commits suici<strong>de</strong>, 莉萨 wants to un<strong>de</strong>rstand<br />

Gradual research, leads me into therapy<br />

I discover Jung, and the way of shamans<br />

when I went in India, I meet also 镭森<br />

He plugs my life, on arrival at Therabuti<br />

I learned music therapy, of Internal Sounds 1<br />

I call them ISO, they are constantly changing<br />

they create i<strong>de</strong>ntity, with the singing voice<br />

I discovered my Iso, listening inner sounds<br />

I follow naturally, listening to the patient<br />

I watch his signals, especially non-verbal<br />

ISO which each person, lives and recognizes<br />

lets him to remember, unconscious relations<br />

unleashes all the music, memories resurface<br />

it encourages the individual, free from rabies<br />

sound and movement, producing regression<br />

they awaken or anesthetize, pain impulses 2<br />

bring music therapy, the awareness of pain<br />

suffered in childhood, <strong>de</strong>prived of love<br />

I can sing songs, to get feeling surface<br />

with persons regressed, all of the age<br />

to establish contact, with other people<br />

I imitate their Iso, and popular rhythms<br />

processes each group, musical languages<br />

reflection of its myths, cultural heritage<br />

when the body moves, its musical essence<br />

as Tuning fork, it vibrates at a frequency 3<br />

we know our human body, is ma<strong>de</strong> to vibrate<br />

the sounds of its own, it spreads around<br />

1 "ISO is a dynamic phenomenon, the imprinting is static. The<br />

pentatonic scale is integrated with the universal sound (melodies<br />

of the songs children of all races). ISO is the history of a sound<br />

person, able to evoke the more primitive relations. On a<br />

psycological card (PPIT) I sign the sounds rejected, pleasant or<br />

unpleasant, the rhythms and melodies of a patience, to un<strong>de</strong>rstand<br />

the very inhibitions, blocks and <strong>de</strong>sires." 莉萨<br />

2 The brain works with three basic systems: binary, ternary and<br />

pentatonic. The nerve centers and various organs are irradiated<br />

with notes and melodies. When you place an instrument on a part<br />

of our body, the cells oscillate and restores balance.<br />

3 "By working with the <strong>de</strong>af I use tools with vibration. I can hear<br />

the rhythms of breathing and heartbeat. The man begins to vibrate<br />

with the music and when the waves are extinguished, it born<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> him thinner sounds that churning his <strong>de</strong>ep layers. "莉萨<br />


Good music it gets out, talent from people I treat Deaf Children, as a normal person<br />

anxiety & paranoia, are dissipated by sound they can capture, music rhythm and duration<br />

We hear and we capture, different vibrations able to integrate, in the movements of dance<br />

with them we respond, to various situations they perceive sounds, around circumstances<br />

problems will loosen, pain diminishes away<br />

music it creates, new neurons connections<br />

insights emerge, like dream associations<br />

I play improvisations, to trigger <strong>de</strong>cisions<br />

tonal music, it resolves more dissonances<br />

it relieves my pain, it organizes <strong>de</strong>sires<br />

while atonal music, it brings suffering<br />

close integration, it enhances differences 1<br />

listening is therapy, a multiple attention<br />

of heart and psyche, skin and respiration<br />

human brain it relaxes, producing waves<br />

Alpha, Beta and more, as different places 2<br />

Rain and the sea, they producing Alpha waves<br />

neuron goes into resonance, in twelve minutes<br />

I use shortcuts, alpha waves of the mantras<br />

to relax the mind, helping me with tantra<br />

I <strong>de</strong>dicate my time, listening to music<br />

I interrupt activities, of my daily work<br />

two minutes I focus on, the body and breath<br />

I get more sound shower, to stock the rhythm<br />

the beating of the heart, is good intermediary<br />

which stimulates catharsis, my inner diary<br />

the sound stimulus, allow me to contact<br />

also a patient <strong>de</strong>af, altered by experience<br />

塞巴 ngo my friend, he turned with effort<br />

in the world of sound, he was afraid to enter<br />

unhealthy environments, not congenial to him<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> him partial <strong>de</strong>af, during his childhood<br />

马勒 helped him, with sounds of Ngombi<br />

to rescue his memories, from his <strong>de</strong>ep soul<br />

then he started to dance, just as a nganga<br />

now he loves to sing, dancing with 约兰达<br />

1 莉萨: "Every sin makes you feel lost in the past and all anxiety is<br />

the state of being lost in the future. A good healing job, always<br />

requires that a puzzle is constructed for the integration of the<br />

individual."<br />

2 alpha waves, from 7-13 Hz, are associated with alertness, quiet<br />

accommodation and problem solving. Beta waves (13-30 Hz):<br />

waking, external stimuli and choices of survival. Theta waves (3-7<br />

produced in <strong>de</strong>ep sleep and meditation), trigger inspiration,<br />

creativity, lucid dreams, intuition. The <strong>de</strong>lta waves (0.1-3),<br />

dreamless sleep, the unconscious mind, relaxation.<br />

more parents can create, ghost <strong>de</strong>af child<br />

by <strong>de</strong>privation of messages, day after day<br />

or the other extreme, by over-stimulation<br />

of useless messages, in large repetition<br />

The dance it retrains, hemisphere of <strong>de</strong>af<br />

helping found emotions, and growing <strong>de</strong>sires<br />

by means of an instrument, music gradually<br />

so I try to contact, more autistic patients<br />

I find during job, more roles to disentangle<br />

also power plays, with sound I can overcome<br />

an autistic child, he preserves his day early<br />

I organize the room, to enhance non-verbal time<br />

place where everyone, back to life from fetus<br />

I listen to his story, until his present time<br />

during the healing time, more sound stimuli<br />

traveling converted, in touch & sight stimuli<br />

I ask the patient, to sing his musical name<br />

I let him to play, an instrument that he likes<br />

beating of the heart, the central experience<br />

awaken the urge, of the primordial rhythm<br />

a lived music, it reduces the automatics<br />

his means of <strong>de</strong>fense, because it reassures<br />

repetition is, the discovery of a message<br />

is not monotonous, it awakens the memory<br />

I use seven sounds, in the roles of family<br />

to <strong>de</strong>tect map relations, by non-verbal way<br />

then activate pathways, possible solutions<br />

through suggestions, which offers music<br />

the tools for drumming, may help each child<br />

the aim is to open channels, to communicate<br />

exchange instruments, the shape of the message<br />

the sound of water, it often helps passage 3<br />

the response mo<strong>de</strong>, to the sounds stimuli<br />

it reveals any conflict, interior and front<br />

I play & sing with patients, to balance the mood<br />

to review memories, by the feelings through<br />

3 "The child <strong>de</strong>ficient, agitated or tense, ignoring the quiet pace, its<br />

natural time is very fast. To assist its hemispheres, I use ca<strong>de</strong>nced<br />

words (language Hmong, Thai or Chinese), where the tone reveals<br />

emotional states like joy or insults."<br />


Music is god<strong>de</strong>ss, carries dying on trips out<br />

it allows families, to speak without words<br />

terminally ill patients, ranging in regression<br />

Muse opens dream channel, activating solution 1<br />

I allow the ol<strong>de</strong>r people, to express emotions<br />

they feel gratified, playing in improvisation<br />

pleasure of playing, they know how to surren<strong>de</strong>r<br />

out obliging rules, their unconscious emerges<br />

their inner Tago, it adjusts all the rhythms<br />

sync back basic body, with inner and outer<br />

Music speaks to the body, untying diseases<br />

It induces regression, to the root of <strong>de</strong>nial<br />

To resolve conflicts, come from the past<br />

I use two chairs, for dialogue to emerge<br />

different voices, as educators schemes<br />

go to integrate, various internal actors<br />

莉萨 is teacher, she has available mo<strong>de</strong>ls<br />

strategies of action, to release emotions<br />

the error is inclu<strong>de</strong>d, to provi<strong>de</strong> guidance<br />

it evokes the feelings, it helps learning<br />

She employs the methods, of arousing words<br />

as a counselor, and constructive hypnotist<br />

two kinds of education, direct or relaxing<br />

莉萨 now performs, adapts to circumstances<br />

School is a project, social transformation<br />

is a job to imagine, happy future generations 2<br />

I listen to the children, they sense my life<br />

Each transition, they un<strong>de</strong>rstand quickly<br />

They are happy, the presence of an adult<br />

giving solidarity, for each person there<br />

who uses magic, like in their fairy tales<br />

to live and carry out, dream of herself<br />

What allows them, to resist the attacks<br />

both physical and mental, staying healthy<br />

it's growing awareness, a <strong>de</strong>ep relationship<br />

with the divine, and the spiritual world<br />

1 "I present to my patient with more tools at the beginning in a<br />

visible and audible way, as an extension of my and his body link.”<br />

2 "Vygotsky <strong>de</strong>signed mo<strong>de</strong>ls based on the potential of the stu<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

learning beyond the possible stories as a pauper. The absence of<br />

mental superstructure in children, it is sometimes marred by early<br />

conditioning to hatred, distrust, untruth. Children often offer<br />

teachings as basic revelations, while seniors aged well, if you<br />

帕梅拉 tells us, a child of three years<br />

Very traumatized, and much neglected<br />

He experienced 3 months, a loving relationship<br />

human sharing, in the family of adoption<br />

this experience leaves him, a strong imprint<br />

then throughout his life, this mo<strong>de</strong>l is kept<br />

allows him to i<strong>de</strong>ntify, with affection received<br />

a last loving mo<strong>de</strong>l, is a good motivator<br />

the child <strong>de</strong>velops, his vision of world<br />

rewarding and integral, to <strong>de</strong>velop a sense<br />

the world around he discovers, as precious<br />

world able to talk, to share his requests 3<br />

莉萨 recites every day, at Terabuti school<br />

before any the lecture, poetry consistency<br />

to stimulate in stu<strong>de</strong>nts, immunity to illness<br />

by learning to feel, their inner suppleness<br />

The word gives suggestion, hypnosis begins<br />

I give name to all things, just by singing<br />

we build links, this means making sense<br />

we go into the myth, endlessly creations<br />

Truth is a series, of human relationships<br />

that after long usage, they seem traditions<br />

firm & binding, to the people who use them<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r a veil, they're a forgotten texture<br />

If human are imprisoned, muscular shell<br />

we accumulate energy, somatic emotional<br />

it prevents freedom, of the body and mind<br />

I massage the armor, to dissolve it slowly<br />

suppressed impulses, emerge from unconscious<br />

a fluid of emotions, emanates from the uterus<br />

an organic emotion, hysteria once was called<br />

the Mesmeric experience, of induced trance<br />

莉萨 quotes Erickson, her clinical teacher<br />

exemplary hypnotist, who supervised himself<br />

techniques are many, <strong>de</strong>pend on the culture<br />

also by chance, and individual sensitiveness<br />

Erickson in a village, he lived his childhood<br />

When polio disease, it blocks him in his room<br />

instead of <strong>de</strong>spair, he brings his attention<br />

down into his body, observing the situation<br />

3A criticized child, he learns to con<strong>de</strong>mn; if he lives in a hostile<br />

climate, he learn to attack; if he lives in irony climate, he learns to<br />

be shy; if he lives in a place of shame, he surren<strong>de</strong>rs to guilt. A<br />

tolerated child, he learns to be patient . If he is encouraged, he<br />

learns to trust; if he lives in faith and loyalty, he learns justice; if<br />

know how to listen them, offer stories very useful to young brain." he is approved, he accepts himself learning friendship.<br />


e-establishing ties, of broken off muscles<br />

he gives nerve aid, with continuous efforts<br />

he get back on activities, muscles at will<br />

after a year back, Erickson can happy to walk<br />

He <strong>de</strong>dicates his life, to re-establish hypnosis<br />

He avoids investigating, the fluid num nature<br />

He helps more people, to regain consciousness<br />

restoring their health, whatever the science<br />

Erickson shaman, speaks in a soft low tone<br />

the voice of the hypnotist, leads this trip<br />

he used redundancy, to allow the regression<br />

he embodied characters, to activate messages 1<br />

莉萨 research in patient, teaching innate If the future takes, to monopolize me<br />

every one for himself, get trance at any time it <strong>de</strong>termines the i<strong>de</strong>as, on how I live<br />

all the learning tasks, are hypnotic trance know the future, it happens that world<br />

the neurons connections, which focus attention<br />

it leads to experience, event of return<br />

Between parents and children, hypnosis can help<br />

hypnosis means sleep, trance is sleep-wake<br />

if everyone is involved, around clear agreements<br />

if they are synchronized, discomfort is revealed two people in a trance, the relation begins<br />

each un<strong>de</strong>rstands other needs, ways of healing after synchronization, one drives the game<br />

the other accepts role, instinct to submit<br />

use your imagination, to see beyond a consensus<br />

a trance is concentration, as spontaneous love<br />

I skim skepticism, criticism and certainties<br />

to get back curiosity, opening to experiences<br />

If I live my trance, it translates emotions<br />

into performances of dance, sing or gar<strong>de</strong>ning<br />

The way of hypnosis, are footsteps of ancestors<br />

Hypnosis does not exist, Reality is consensus 2<br />

hypnosis is <strong>de</strong>ception, it shortens the distance<br />

if you have a lot faith, you go into a trance<br />

Illusion is necessary, to access other vision<br />

if you trust someone, you follow his thought<br />

here growing similarity, called synchronous<br />

then surely you know, as you fall in love<br />

you live in a dream, with your emotions<br />

return to the present, is shared De-trance<br />

mind creates connections, learning all time<br />

it drives the experience, the mo<strong>de</strong>l digested<br />

it directs resources, based on expectations<br />

preparing each response, to the fixed target<br />

I know at all times, something is learned<br />

a list of commands, enter us by weight<br />

Hypnosis reveals, the script I swallowed<br />

what is in memory, and what I lived out<br />

hypnosis produces a world, called reality<br />

it gives a role in, then I carry my script<br />

a non-verbal experience, the emotional game<br />

result of learning, accumulated up to now<br />

we are not the reality, that surrounds us<br />

we take for granted, the work of i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

we are in the forms, that shape the psyche<br />

boundary created by us, leads us to conform it<br />

the world is our puppet, recursive labeling<br />

so the question is already, posted proposal<br />

cause & consequence, are now certain ways<br />

techniques used & abused, by gypsies & tra<strong>de</strong> 3<br />

1 Imagination and indirect techniques, circumventing the<br />

resistance of the rational mind, create emotional meanings (as 基那洲 in a trance, he starts healing me<br />

Peter Pan). 莉萨 uses mental imagery to give something that did<br />

not exist so that the mind dissociates from the symptomatic ego.<br />

2 "The hypnotic trance approaches the body in mind, rationality to<br />

emotions, associations can be activated on command and<br />

hypnosis it helps him, to be just what he is<br />

it helps to optimize, resources within himself<br />

I used it in therapy, to treat anxiety & stress<br />

psychophysical reactions. On the way back from the trance you<br />

can carry on the memory of this trip and grafts them living for<br />

new experiences. Trance Provi<strong>de</strong>s input to the rational mind that<br />

It reduces <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncies, substances or persons<br />

it overcomes <strong>de</strong>pression, uncertainty & insecurity<br />

processes everything in binary mo<strong>de</strong>. The normal state of mind is effective anesthetic, it reduces pain & insomnia<br />

that of shared reality in which there is an implicit social agreement Asthma and allergies, and fear of sexual failure<br />

on the truth. The other states are consi<strong>de</strong>red subjective because not<br />

shared with others. An observer <strong>de</strong>scribes a world, is <strong>de</strong>scribing 3 “Skilled lea<strong>de</strong>r, by using phrases and negations, lead us to say yes<br />

himself, who <strong>de</strong>scribes the world. We create the i<strong>de</strong>a of us and the to obvious trivial questions, then producing mental confusion to<br />

world and then the i<strong>de</strong>a of us. Hypnosis shows the extent that we upset our <strong>de</strong>fenses toward moving attention. So predictions of<br />

create, (it drives us to build the rule of reality) and makes us see acci<strong>de</strong>nts light up the fear based on associations of unconscious<br />

the subterfuge of our minds that continually keeps us from being past experiences. Software active on me, bring the unconscious (it<br />

contaminated by the emptiness that surrounds us." 莉萨 speaks no negations) to obey and implement the controls imposed.<br />


莉萨 once told us, more ways to hypnotize<br />

blow on the face, handshake to investigate<br />

her thumb rubbing on, my point of anesthesia<br />

while her other hand, induces me drowsiness<br />

She confuse & neutralize, my dominant mind 1<br />

by using the paradoxes, the Zen is great art<br />

She get me confused, with words and images<br />

my rationality stress, the emotional bursts<br />

symptom of trance, is expressionless face<br />

fixed and void gaze, the motor liability<br />

a psyche rather lazy, lack of initiative<br />

raised suggestion, to multimedia stimuli<br />

<strong>de</strong>ep in a trance, the 马勒's hands<br />

press heavily, on those of 莉萨 hypnotist<br />

the back of his mind, thoughts are united<br />

objective & subjective, are not dissociated<br />

hypnosis is process, which adds up differences<br />

it simplifies forms, different experiences<br />

it can change human software, exploring beliefs<br />

莉萨 heals people, by sync on its wavelength<br />

约兰达 speaks to me, by means of her songs<br />

She contacts my soul, my right hemisphere 2<br />

she muddle my dominant one, by affection<br />

embed in poetry, of her dancing and songs<br />

If 莉萨 convince me, that I have abilities<br />

she stimulate processes, unconscious heal<br />

I'm going to interact, my emotional core<br />

clearing my mistakes, I heal my limits<br />

I learned limitations, lack of self esteem<br />

since my childhood, I started to believe<br />

I had discomfort, and various addictions<br />

now I rebuild my past, to cure <strong>de</strong>pression<br />

第六 uses imagination, like Penan peoples<br />

Tomorrow I will die, everything disappears<br />

creating something, to make i<strong>de</strong>ntification<br />

only my mind is up, with its real creations<br />

a withered tree, can reinforce by grow back<br />

I observe phase to phase, various erosion<br />

encouraging the child, its power & strength<br />

all of its pieces, have a sense & information?<br />

I'm a majestic tree, strong in its branches<br />

River looks at me, and I'm reflected in water<br />

a forest watch the river, the double is revealed<br />

trance reverse roles, the observer is the observed<br />

1<br />

I overri<strong>de</strong> the rational mind in or<strong>de</strong>r to Sync on Emotion, then I<br />

focus on an i<strong>de</strong>a, so the consciousness makes his trance and it<br />

activates Phenomena. Finally I return back from trance." 莉萨<br />

2Non-dominant brain hemisphere may enco<strong>de</strong> symptom or<br />

problem as emotional and body language for purpose to solve it.<br />

We narrate the world, to connects our i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

then the world story, it returns and shape us<br />

a new acquaintance, it compels us to feel<br />

what needs to be seen, or heard or thought<br />

trance emerges naturally, like a meditation<br />

or it's induced by a ritual, a mystical power<br />

psychosomatic phenomena, go to the conscience<br />

along with memories, of magical experience 3<br />

莉萨 is discovering, the essence of the mind<br />

just empty spaces, which fills as she wishes<br />

it empties & fills, according to circumstances<br />

the mind contains, the objects that it think<br />

Everything that happens, during the day<br />

then it is pulverized, in tiny thoughts<br />

so our stubborn i<strong>de</strong>a, about objectivity<br />

turns these thoughts, in solid reality<br />

Mind and Reality, are the same thing<br />

since there is the i<strong>de</strong>a, of birth & <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

mind arises thoughts, it means creating<br />

we sing shapes, is the Aboriginal lesson<br />

images and dreams, are mental theaters<br />

the mind as a god, creates another self<br />

if I use only my ego, I push my mind<br />

into Samsara cycle, of birth and <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

I am in a trance, when I follow my Heart<br />

It finds everything, that my ego it avoids<br />

It gui<strong>de</strong>s me to see, a mind is pure energy<br />

together to the objects, it label in itself<br />

Here the experience, the sing of 帕梅拉<br />

lived out <strong>de</strong>ath, with full consciousness<br />

at the end of her life, she saw as witness<br />

children and friends, in love of Terabuti<br />

3 “A sensitive person can make a diagnosis because it tunes to the<br />

discomfort of the subject to help and perceives it. In animals,<br />

inhibited the functioning of self-preservation, as a last <strong>de</strong>fense, it<br />

produces a natural state of catalepsy, which (if short), balances the<br />

body in view of a motor response. The phrases activation (also<br />

called post-hypnotic signals) are anchored gestures to situations<br />

(or feelings) that you want to achieve during the trance state.<br />

There are people who use them (anchors as symbols, songs,<br />

colors, fragrances) every day, without realizing it.” 第六<br />


I saw the roots, the foundations of my temple<br />

by flights of the mind, the brain in the sky<br />

love is fresh rose, I water to remain alive<br />

but if it die, I see it will be reborn one day<br />

my sons -daughters, Earth children passed by me<br />

they live in the future, outsi<strong>de</strong> of my i<strong>de</strong>as<br />

I saw them struggling, to get out of fears<br />

changing their suffering, in joy and light 1<br />

if I rebuild all fragments, it implies suffering<br />

I have to give the body, to its earthly fate<br />

I go into exile, from the world my neighbor<br />

yet the hope of ego, is the last to die<br />

along with <strong>de</strong>spair, beyond all suffering<br />

I want still sing, the magic of a stone<br />

the scent of grass, the life of a flower<br />

colors and shapes, the flight of a bird<br />

If all this is a dream, I awaken<br />

If it is not, I continue to dream<br />

a first sound, is exterior noise<br />

then sud<strong>de</strong>nly, the silence within<br />

primordial instinct, is cool breeze<br />

it nurses and takes, my human intention<br />

music of thun<strong>de</strong>r, it expands love there<br />

awareness and <strong>de</strong>ja vu, insi<strong>de</strong> Therabuti<br />

to heard in my heart, is a sweet feeling<br />

the love is born again, just now humbly<br />

I un<strong>de</strong>rstand that, I'm no longer alone<br />

but I am a piece, of a huge Earth life<br />

Generous life, that shines around me<br />

Gift of the soul, and its immense love<br />

It gave us the sky, and bright stars<br />

along brother sun, and sister moon<br />

Thera gives fruits, flowers & meadows<br />

the fire and wind, clouds and pure water<br />

It is source of life, for all its creatures<br />

it's Gift of the soul, and its immense love<br />

帕梅拉 has <strong>de</strong>parted, during winter season<br />

She wanted next to her, the whole Tago family<br />

1 Every <strong>de</strong>cision is a force that once taken, it acts in its own way<br />

and <strong>de</strong>velop love for the action itself. The important thing is not<br />

the result but the intention to start. For many, life is a process of<br />

initiation, even if they do not know, spend several experiences that<br />

increase self-confi<strong>de</strong>nce and firmness, learn to bear with calmness<br />

and constancy of pain, disappointment and failure. The strongest<br />

source of resistance is the mystical experience, other resources are<br />

human relationship and safety of a material property.<br />

the waking at Terabuti, following her passing<br />

friends and relatives, by singing and dancing<br />

Each simple man | takes a dream in my heart<br />

With love and humility | You can build it<br />

If you know with faith | Living humbly<br />

You will be happier | Even with nothing<br />

If you want each day | With your sweat<br />

one stone after another | on Top you arrive<br />

In the simple life | You will find the way<br />

that calm will donate | at your pure Heart<br />

and Your simple joys | are the largest<br />

those that in the end | the most beautiful<br />

a little every day | with your sweat<br />

one stone after another | arrive at the top!<br />

莉萨 spoke to us, about balm of laughs<br />

the satire is healthy, a living carnival<br />

the jokes fa<strong>de</strong> fears, freeing intestines<br />

Tago book sublimates, pain and difficulty 2<br />

Circles of festivals, are great medicine<br />

adults and children, they play all together<br />

the creative human joy, it enlivens the mind<br />

unexpected landscapes, projected fantasies<br />

During the turmoil, I go in hibernation<br />

<strong>de</strong>serts and seas, are ways of exaltation<br />

up Nepalese mountains, I got many insight<br />

waves in the belly, expan<strong>de</strong>d my <strong>de</strong>votion<br />

The journey, I felt my center of gravity<br />

with those people on bus, all in one place<br />

common to their fate, love overwhelmed me<br />

then tears of joy, everything solved!<br />

I felt as an actor, I am in the World<br />

I am interconnected, with all those minds<br />

the state of Buddha, it starts and appears<br />

I already have perfect, with no comments<br />

a gust of wind, comes through the window<br />

it shows me <strong>de</strong>ath, and I accept the real<br />

movement is illusion, the space and time<br />

suffering is illusion, hypnotic affair<br />

2 "Our behavior is manipulated by past memories, fears and<br />

traumas. The psyche is ma<strong>de</strong> up of images that have the power to<br />

care and their own language. Behind each image hiding old <strong>de</strong>ity<br />

with the power of metamorphosis, which is useful to pay attention:<br />

every narrative produces and shapes the games. Cave paintings or<br />

frescoes by Giotto, still telling stories reflected in the myths and<br />

collected into garlands of memories. In the songs I wrote 12 years<br />

old, there were all the answers that I can now un<strong>de</strong>rstand the<br />

<strong>de</strong>pth; it was to write them, my unconscious." 莉萨<br />


a solitary silence, emerges as peace<br />

Love is the twin, of sister Death<br />

Eros and Death, only two label<br />

Surprise <strong>de</strong>ath, no longer it can<br />

Poverty and sorrow, 塞巴 stop fear<br />

fear and remorse, never snap you<br />

帕梅拉 feels Pan, here in Therabuti<br />

she feels that it talks, any minutes<br />

I will be with you, wherever you go<br />

in dark & silence, my love will find you<br />

why there is so much joy, insi<strong>de</strong> of me?<br />

why all things around, now are singing?<br />

Why now in my heart, I have so much joy?<br />

why I feel love, to the whole world?<br />

If you listen to me, My Lord Tago<br />

I want to sing you, the inner love<br />

with my songs, my sweet Lord Tago<br />

I want to dance, this joy of mine<br />

I want to awaken, things to love<br />

I want to sing, renewal of a world<br />

with my songs, my sweet Lord Shiva<br />

I want to shape, more gestures of love<br />

I want to journey, beyond any <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

to reach the bor<strong>de</strong>r, of any Samsara<br />

I want to dream, things never seen before<br />

as gol<strong>de</strong>n furrows, the roads to reach you<br />

I want to shout at everyone, I am you!<br />

the immense joy, that you gave to me<br />

now in every face, I see a friend |<br />

and all the people, smiling at me |<br />

Today I realized, what was my life |<br />

It was a your, won<strong>de</strong>rful adventure!<br />

镭森 is telling us, of distant worlds<br />

mystic travelers, territories unexplored<br />

the buried civilizations, continents drift<br />

the love among humans, finally he sing<br />

Pygmies of Africa, they sit on the floor<br />

calm smoking grass, a rite of socialization<br />

Aborigines of Australia, lie down on ground<br />

with a fertility rite, they leave their sperm<br />

more people to dance, shortens the distance<br />

Me also with anklets, I dance in my room<br />

In the obsessive rhythms, the ancestral keys<br />

kingdoms of shamans, tribal soundways<br />

镭森 our pourer, let us listen again<br />

areas beyond thought, as Gulliver travels<br />

let us still enjoy, your won<strong>de</strong>rful stories<br />

we will drink on it, to survive our souls<br />

we followed by instinct, the trails of comets<br />

as forerunners, of another solar system<br />

come all, a sailor from the sea brought us<br />

come you, a captain re-explores the sea<br />

a Pirate's all black, lives in the midst<br />

he exchange for spaceship, his old ship<br />

the skull on his flag, it means freedom<br />

he flies to board, but has a big heart<br />

let me try Oh Captain, a new adventure!<br />

where I am the hero, who fights besi<strong>de</strong> you<br />

let me flying captain, aimlessly between pla<strong>net</strong>s<br />

or unknown lands, to steal secret dreams<br />

Learning is discovering, what I already know<br />

Teaching is a memory, turned in the other<br />

Nothing is a problem, also it is a gift<br />

if I seek problems, is because I need it<br />

the Time is the resource, we only have<br />

it only belongs to us, we give him sweat<br />

arrows of the past, that my mind projects<br />

bring the trail, of my traumas visited<br />

if I listen without judging, all I welcome<br />

without stifling anything, even fearful darkness<br />

joining suffering, which provi<strong>de</strong>s instant<br />

filling it request, then it ends its stocks<br />

although I do not know, why I move around<br />

my sky knows everything, and does not die<br />

In sky there is not, nor the East nor the West<br />

Eye is the first cause, which sees the artifice<br />

all distinctions I do, are only in the mind 1<br />

everything in world, comes from my mind<br />

The nature of truth, is simple illusion<br />

I relive into dream, its first dimension<br />

I am a boy dancer, in the womb of the Earth<br />

It gives mind & heart, finally it reburied us<br />

so no regrets, of what you have been<br />

its Nature in You, God<strong>de</strong>ss has shown<br />

1 Sakyamuni reached the level of Tathagata, said: in the Milky<br />

Way there are beings like us who have our own bodies; in a grain<br />

of sand there are endless universes that contain even more sand.<br />


do not be afraid, if you encounter failures<br />

because life and <strong>de</strong>ath, are natural processes<br />

nobody is born an expert, but is a researcher<br />

Thera it first exist, as our mental song<br />

anguish suffered, is a <strong>de</strong>structive power<br />

often to sabotage, is a woun<strong>de</strong>d child<br />

a look of affection, or a lover's kiss<br />

care, saying, you are important at world!<br />

Child is unconscious, acting on instinct<br />

false education, they get him a sad person<br />

Love & Light & forgiveness, will be his care<br />

liberating his heart, from every ligation<br />

when I realize the Self, I will see Ganesha<br />

It embodies the elephant, who holds the dorsal<br />

unconscious It reaches out, it is remembering<br />

It <strong>de</strong>dicates and cares, dormant kundalini<br />

Ganesha Mooladhara, you root of universe<br />

four directions chakra, outsi<strong>de</strong> and insi<strong>de</strong><br />

master of the clay, you regenerate the human<br />

You work at the forge, in volcano interior 1<br />

thun<strong>de</strong>r clouds and joy, Ganesha color blue<br />

It appears little boy, and do the movements<br />

It spreads light & joy, the torments vanishes<br />

into Sakti cave of life, sud<strong>de</strong>n it flashes<br />

1 The swastika represents the four dimensions of consciousness.<br />

Their meeting point represents the 5 th dimension (Ganesha). It<br />

ascends diagonally over the clockwise and counterclockwise<br />

movement of the chakras. Ganesha works to balance the si<strong>de</strong>s: if<br />

you indulges He is on the left, if you abstain He turn right.<br />

OM Tryambakam yajamahe |<br />

Sugandhim pustivardhanam |<br />

Urvaarukamiva bandhanat |<br />

Mirtyormuksheeya maamritat 2<br />


You Are That, Love is what You Are<br />

spontaneous wisdom, the mantra Kaula<br />

Sanskrit Ganes, is Phoenician Tagus<br />

Gayatri mantra<br />

Om Bhur Buvaha Suvaha 3<br />

Thath Savithur Varenyam<br />

Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi<br />

Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat. Om<br />

You ma<strong>de</strong> a speech, of thought you did<br />

Saccidananda you, You manifest Brahman<br />

You Earth, Wind and Fire, Water and num<br />

dispel any fear, and the mouse is your ship<br />

You are son of Parvati, son of Maha<strong>de</strong>va<br />

Sadhu and sadguru, and full consciousness<br />

you Protect the disciple, in all direction<br />

above and below, insi<strong>de</strong> & outsi<strong>de</strong> worlds<br />

2 We worship the One-by-three eyes / The fragrance that nourishes<br />

all beings / can He also liberate us from <strong>de</strong>ath / as the fruit freed<br />

from bondage.<br />

3 Lord Shiva goes a long life, peace, prosperity, immortality.<br />

primordial sound of the three worlds | Divine Spellcasting |<br />

shining light on which we meditate | consciousness can He lead us<br />


Augusto, 塞巴 skribis:<br />

blazing the fields, un<strong>de</strong>r the August sun<br />

It reminds us of <strong>de</strong>ath, or fire ambiguous<br />

the thought of <strong>de</strong>ath, is the only prospect<br />

if consciousness accepts it, begins laughing 1<br />

contact with the soil, is my first freedom<br />

a building boom, called people in the city<br />

job more profitable, the anxiety of instructions<br />

<strong>de</strong>populated villages, agricultural institutions<br />

Stay the el<strong>de</strong>rly, to the oasis of the village<br />

don't like the fashion, the synthetic running<br />

Fatigue and natural seasons, more carefree<br />

vaccinate against boredom, of a hurry life<br />

This mo<strong>de</strong>rn humanity, waiting for solution<br />

We are all cultured, but less self sufficient<br />

machinery and companies, asking presence<br />

they bury wisdom, of tribal self sufficient<br />

crafts manufacturing, it gives satisfaction<br />

work with hands, it free from oppression feelings<br />

so I work my fields, sowing Barley and Spelt<br />

it strengthens my person, and free my mind<br />

I sow the Beans, in November or in February<br />

I boil and cook them, or in May I can eat raw<br />

uprooting the entire plant, I leave it to dry<br />

then I collect its seeds, as Chickpea plant 2<br />

I discovered Chickling, legume that produces<br />

neuron toxic shock, convulsions and epilepsy<br />

to human and animals, that eat it too much<br />

so I eat Chickpea, suitable for poor lands<br />

It likes a pebble soil, without stagnation<br />

Chickpea is cultivated, it is no spontaneous<br />

it resists to arid climate, I dry it on field<br />

It blooms a full month, before giving seeds 3<br />

I sow Peas at Therabuti, early in autumn<br />

Pea slows in the winter, then it resumes<br />

Peas and beans, have iron and vitamins<br />

I cook pea beans, with sugar and salt<br />

the seeds of beans, I soak in one night<br />

I sow them in soil, moist and not <strong>de</strong>ep<br />

Bean wants to see, my very often visits<br />

after it grows, giving me a lot of pods 4<br />

I picked up beans, from my last year stock<br />

I put it into the soil, seven in each hole<br />

every half meter apart, along with rods<br />

in early September, I begin to collect<br />

If I sow together, maize and beans<br />

in early May, in rows in the furrows<br />

after a good rain, they thrive well<br />

also I add ash, to help their flowers<br />

North wind, slamming them to the ground<br />

by means of hands, I rewind to the barrel<br />

I pick up immature beans, I leave to dry<br />

if scorching sun, it starts burning flower<br />

2 I hang the eradicated plant upsi<strong>de</strong> and I preserve the dried pods in<br />

newspaper to protect them from pests and dust. 30 seeds in the<br />

furrows of 3 m (15 cm apart), 4 cm <strong>de</strong>ep, makes 10 pounds of<br />

pods. By cutting above the inflorescences, I fight aphids and pods<br />

will have more sap. In severe attacks, I spray a <strong>de</strong>coction of Nettle<br />

or soap on on the affected part of the plant.<br />

1 3 "I Rewrite the internal existential journey in search of the stranger Chickpea suffers compacted soil, does not tolerate salt and the<br />

with no name that found us. That nothing from which everything moist climate. I sow it in late winter and I take in July-August<br />

arises and inspires each work. Original fire, the promise of all 4Bean is like a child, it loves company. If I visit Bean plant every<br />

creation and consumption of the whole venture. Nothing there, two day (to water, harvest it), it regenerates flowers and produces<br />

<strong>de</strong>ath is sure and will have silent eyes that cry in vain word, she is long. It loves potassium ash and loose, wet and dry soil. If there is<br />

always with us, sleepless and <strong>de</strong>af as an old remorse."<br />

a drought, it becomes more flavorful so I water every 8 days.<br />


I collect each year, twenty pounds of Beans<br />

in jute, hemp or flax bags, or insi<strong>de</strong> bottle<br />

Beetle female insect, scourges seeds stores<br />

a white larvae hatch, and eats seed starch<br />

when beetle are ready, gnaw the tegument<br />

with a regularly hole, leaving the seed<br />

I try with laurel, to reduce competition<br />

Ash also disinfects, celebration of lice<br />

Cotyledons seeds, are food storehouses<br />

a tricks of nature, to nourish baby plant<br />

among cotyledons, the embryo is attached<br />

a children tiny plant, dormant in action<br />

leaf still closed, there is no chlorophyll<br />

but soon it will, if it opens to the light<br />

is the enzyme of life, combining glucose<br />

starting from water, carbon and photons<br />

the dry bean, in the damp and hot soil<br />

it begins to absorb, the water substance<br />

its root comes out, by dividing fractal<br />

it search in the soil, water and mineral<br />

Its stem it needs, to cling to something<br />

twists going up, with the wind constantly<br />

growing plant, provi<strong>de</strong>s nitrogen to the soil<br />

will feed the cattle, the horns and the fart<br />

will leaves its flowers, white & yellow & rose<br />

hermaphrodite flowers, a shape of butterflies<br />

Papilionaceae family, as Soya & others plant<br />

I can eat fresh bud, or to extract its water 1<br />

the Alfalfa plants, it helps bodies and lands<br />

I infused its stems, in colitis & rheumatism<br />

bitter and astringent, analgesic & purgative<br />

before going to bed, I drink it in hot honey<br />

艾米利亚 after Second War, back in the fields<br />

of his grandfather, to finds a new dignity<br />

she rediscovers her roots, of the Sardinian<br />

a tribal tradition, working soil and village<br />

then she tells her village, after that War<br />

remained few farmer, her father was there<br />

Sardis people there, they prepare the land<br />

1 Papilionaceae are butterfly-shaped flowers of all legumes. The<br />

rhizobium enzymes (nitrogen fixers) of soybeans, are not present<br />

on Italian soil, they should be inoculated on it. When the soybean<br />

sprouts, the starch is broken by amylase enzyme. The juice<br />

extracted in water (milk) from the groun<strong>de</strong>d seeds of Soybeans, if<br />

sa Bidda is the village, S'artu the gar<strong>de</strong>ns<br />

September it begins, New agricultural Year<br />

September they use, forecast all year round<br />

the first twelve days, it predict each month<br />

an ancient calendar, practiced by Pelasgians<br />

Grandmother in January, wove hemp and flax<br />

preparing in February, poppy seeds medicinal<br />

in March cleaned the field, and burned <strong>de</strong>bris<br />

April offering the ritual, to Ceres-Persephone<br />

offering the whole village, to spirits of Ceres<br />

barley and spelt ceremony, as a rice in Thailand<br />

Puppets in the fields, were coupled to each other<br />

to imitate the sexual act, Ha<strong>de</strong>s and Persephone<br />

in Spring was practiced, propitiatory offerings<br />

to the God<strong>de</strong>ss of Fortune, for a good harvest<br />

Poppy seeds scattered, around multiple crops<br />

to attract fortune, on the growing plantation<br />

end of June weeding time, and masks into fields<br />

August crops harvesting, followed by threshing<br />

September Dionysus party, calling its wine soul<br />

offering to It and Ceres, musical celebration<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> gar<strong>de</strong>ns, vine plants and olive trees<br />

around is open land, properties of natives<br />

the common space, to shepherds and farmers<br />

as a mutual share, of a permacultural way<br />

Forests and pastures, crops and livestock<br />

the area is divi<strong>de</strong>d, in two parts each year<br />

one is for spelt, the other rests with beans 2<br />

after the harvesting, all animals may graze<br />

My Pa moved earth, to shape crop terraces<br />

Lined with cereals, and later with corns<br />

he did drywall, to stop seasonal rivers<br />

fast-flowing rain, to allow its sediments<br />

I use summer watering, his terraced gar<strong>de</strong>ns<br />

Vegetables of all kinds, grain and also millet<br />

corn where there is water, around all potatoes<br />

or other precious tubers, to survive drought<br />

channel between terraces, divert excess water<br />

a water management, is rule for many tribes 3<br />

马丁 remin<strong>de</strong>d us, about water harvesting<br />

in Arizona <strong>de</strong>sert, or the middle east pool<br />

2 Spelt and vegetables for soup, I put them to soak 12 hs before.<br />

Humidity and heat make beans germinate, cold makes them rot.<br />

3Konso African farmers harvest their sorghum before any flood,<br />

boiled and curdled with magnesium salts, it produces the Tofu. the river will sweep away everything, together their season's work.<br />


Women of Village, marching between wells<br />

a goblin lives and protects, each source<br />

It gives to a family, a permit to talk with<br />

abuse and pollution, it asks to pay as pain<br />

Earth nourishes plants, plants create soil<br />

rich soil need, bacteria fungi and earthworms<br />

we are given the Earth, loan from our children<br />

She does not belong to us, we belong to Her<br />

The natural soil, it drinks water in winter<br />

then it will give back, to spend in summer<br />

艾米利亚 bury <strong>de</strong>ad trees, as natural<br />

sponges<br />

as way for humus, or heat in the fireplace<br />

the Forests I see, are not there by chance<br />

they come into existence, by mutual songs<br />

around Therabuti campfire, I remember it<br />

we are living lights, we are living been<br />

She resets the bed, and then the gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

gives food to the hens, and collect eggs<br />

then she prepare jam, and Olives in brine<br />

Spelt and chickpea soup, and cheese & wine<br />

when she tells stories, around the fireplace<br />

it's about Fukuoka, her Permaculture Master<br />

that cultivated Rice, along with the clover<br />

first on Japan lands, last in the Sardinian<br />

Weeds have monopolies, unbalanced soil<br />

I conquer it by the Clover, then I sow Rice<br />

Rice is well suited, to all types of terrain<br />

sandy or loamy, neutral acid and alkaline 1<br />

If there are rains, flooding all the terraces<br />

otherwise I swamp it, during drought year<br />

Clover weakens, and the rice goes in bloom<br />

then Clover restarts, take over the weeds<br />

Rice Oryza sativa, hermaphroditic flowers<br />

Rice wants to light, 20 hours light per day<br />

I harvest brown rice, then I put it to dry<br />

instinct and humidity, revealing its time 2<br />

1 I sow rice from mid-A--pril, until mid-May so that it gives seeds<br />

during August. If I sow on hard ground, I flood it in June for one<br />

week (after one month from sprouting) to weakens the clover.<br />

Five or six months take Rice germination, so from September to<br />

October it ripens. Rice has a sweet fresh neutral nature, it sets the<br />

tone of my Stomach and Pancreas calming the thirst and diarrhea.<br />

2 If I sow the Rice into balls of clay (April-May) and Barley in<br />

I used Rice and Barley, in the Maremma land<br />

I beaten it in farmyard, cleaned and amassed<br />

milled it at windmill, then knea<strong>de</strong>d & worked<br />

I baked this cakes, that we eat with wine<br />

Spelt is a good crop, that I sow in autumn<br />

it doesn't require fertilizers, and herbici<strong>de</strong>s<br />

it is very competitive, compared with weeds<br />

I harvest it in mid-July, to the mid August<br />

Spelt was heart of diet, also a wedding rite<br />

it was consumed, by bri<strong>de</strong> & groom together<br />

it came from land, of the Anatolia mountains<br />

it resists to grow, on the Italian Apennines<br />

came here with Rasenna, emigrated from Lydia<br />

does not like dry climate, below the mountains<br />

I plant with barley, and squash and chickpeas<br />

my son Triptolemus, he prepares Spelt bread<br />

Demeter-Ceres plants, are the staple food 3<br />

for human and animals, cultivated everywhere<br />

during periods of war, flour was obtained<br />

from the acorns of oak, just it was there<br />

To make and sell bread, food industry is<br />

procurement and source, control of hunger<br />

managed by more groups, lobbying to govern<br />

Bread and Circensis, maintains social peace<br />

Barley, Hor<strong>de</strong>um vulgare, is an ancient crop<br />

it ferments giving beer, thanks to the yeast<br />

it is used to prepare, the healthiest teas<br />

first staple food, of the Roman Gladiator<br />

Food of the masses, famines and disasters<br />

Economic grain, Barley is suitable anywhere<br />

Roman Empire used it, as a strategic food<br />

used in the lands, where Wheat could not<br />

Hor<strong>de</strong>um spontanei, inclu<strong>de</strong>s various species<br />

from Ethiopian highlands, spreading its range<br />

its winter varieties, good resistance to cold<br />

perennial or annual, on fats or poor soils<br />

Barley cereals and lawn, are in competition<br />

I sow clover seeds, between existing plants<br />

it submits spontaneous, grass resistant weeds<br />

then I scatter cereals, insi<strong>de</strong> clover carpet<br />

and two weeks later, I spread the seed of Barley. Then I reap<br />

Barley the following year to June and I leave his straw protecting<br />

the new seed Rice-ball.<br />

3from the tropics to the <strong>de</strong>serts, tiny or giant cereals plants are<br />

disseminated by the winds, animals and foresight economies of<br />

October-November, a month before Rice harvesting, I sow clover people.<br />


a naked Land it suffers, freeze or dry out<br />

where Straw is its dress, I left if on the soil<br />

it <strong>de</strong>generates faster, with chicken manure<br />

it limits weeds, then I sow Wheat on straw<br />

Wheat germinates & grows, it's low in Winter<br />

it makes a clump in Spring, stem and then ear<br />

Summer I cut mid-stem ear, it dry out on mat<br />

I rub & thresh it, with sieve, hands or feet<br />

艾米利亚 is boiling Rice, to soothe intestines<br />

with the maize flour, like a thick porridge<br />

add spices & herbs, a bit of salt and oil<br />

finally we pray Pan, with a thankful song<br />

Winter days get shorter, life changes pace<br />

She comes home at five o'clock, to bed at 8<br />

beans to soak at night, morning out of water<br />

everything changes, <strong>de</strong>pending on sun's light<br />

She reveals a recipe, she cooked in Maremma<br />

slices bread with up, a hot vegetables soup<br />

chicory and broccoli, onion salt and herbs<br />

then up to all, duck egg little bit cooked 1<br />

Chickpeas & Barley, it's her emergency diet<br />

suited to the family, who cultivates the soil<br />

in all homes, there was a pot hung on hearth<br />

with celery & onion, and chickpeas in soup<br />

each family bred a Pig, in the cave of tufa<br />

killed in the winter, the pig becomes a ham<br />

its meat preserve well, with salt and spices<br />

the cold of January, for occasional parties<br />

The nights of winter, we slip into the dream<br />

It comes Christmas, for family to aggregate<br />

Garland full of friends, around the hearth<br />

talk about the past year, and singing well<br />

coming from <strong>de</strong>sert, to bring joy for heart<br />

he play flute music, drinking bit of wine<br />

we dream of dancing, un<strong>de</strong>r a <strong>de</strong>sert night<br />

Grandpa seems now tired, he weaves baskets<br />

at night it rains a lot, and 塔拉斯 raises first<br />

looking for mushrooms, in woods and meadow<br />

艾米利亚 make cakes, with almonds & hazelnuts<br />

Grandma cooks chickens, with herbs & lemon<br />

drained from the water, add wine and onion<br />

then potatoes sliced, all the way around<br />

the chicken absorbs all, if the regular fire<br />

第六 from Ceylon, once went to visit Laos<br />

to find his Khamu roots, his father ancestors<br />

he stop on the bor<strong>de</strong>r, of Thailand and Laos<br />

in a refugees camp, and different villages 2<br />

Many ethnic minorities, living in houses<br />

built above the ground, on stilts support<br />

to prevent the house, from being floo<strong>de</strong>d<br />

during the wet season, fenced all around<br />

第六 at Lisu village, six hundred people<br />

foothills of Himalayas, north of Thailand<br />

just after dawn, 第六 go up to the hills<br />

to meet Lisu shaman, sharing plantations<br />

If human lives simple, joy can be found<br />

Earth indicates tasks, for planting around<br />

take care of spirits, it helps human souls<br />

to live in harmony, with forests surround<br />

Judging & label, it divi<strong>de</strong> into good & evil<br />

it changes nature, in an artificial season<br />

I accept to survive, directly with the Earth<br />

<strong>de</strong>ep love relationship, it arise in my hearth<br />

the harvest went well, it was generous year<br />

2 第六: "Besi<strong>de</strong> my father's Khamu village, I visited Padaung,<br />

Akha, Lisu, Katu and Hmong villages, to share know how about<br />

rice farming. Hmong villages differ from other, they are neither<br />

fenced in, nor have gates. A typical house is 10-by-10 meters and<br />

Thank to Ceres, god<strong>de</strong>ss spirit of fertility<br />

All eating cheese and nuts, hot maize soup<br />

all children are satisfied, to listen to adult<br />

two meters above the ground and has woo<strong>de</strong>n and bamboo<br />

supports, walls and floors of woven bamboo and a steep-pitched<br />

thatched roof supported by bamboo rafters. The house is usually<br />

divi<strong>de</strong>d into an inner bedroom and outer living room with a<br />

fireplace that serves as a kitchen. Chicken and pigs are kept below<br />

Grandpa telling stories, of music ancestors the house, and a fenced gar<strong>de</strong>n surrounds the house. The ethnic<br />

minority groups who recently move down to lowland they loss<br />

1 "sometime I add mushrooms, spinach, parsnips or codfish with economic power, loss their status and their jobs. While living in<br />

potatoes, carrots and tomatoes into the pot, or anything else I find the highland most people were largely self sufficient, now they<br />

suitable for a fortify winter hot soup that will soak slices bread. have to work for someone else rather than for themselves. Where<br />

Finally I add raw olive oil and a bit of dry fennel flowers/seeds. before neighbour would have help each other , nowadays they<br />

This recipe was called Acquacotta or Panzanella. If I use dried have turned into competitors. Resettlement has a very high cost<br />

lentils (called "Dhal bhat" in Nepal/India), I leave to soak for for the Akha, many villages lost half of their member in the first<br />

about 2 hours, then I add vegetables and curry. I use to fill my few years of moving due to epi<strong>de</strong>mics, landlessness, joblessness,<br />

stomach into 4 parts : 2/4 solid food, 1/4 liquid, 1/4 air. 艾米利亚 homelessness, food insecurity and social disarticulation."<br />



Lisu people are colorful, arrived from Burma<br />

they like to settle, near tops of mountains<br />

as close as possible, to streams or waterfalls<br />

their houses never have, more than one door 1<br />

Lisu ancestors originated, in eastern Tibet<br />

each house has a shrine, to spirits ancestors<br />

their herbal cures, combined with magical spells<br />

with a healing Sauna, and many plants as well<br />

during New Year celebration, few village men<br />

appointed like clowns, who goad the others<br />

fighting and arguing, are forbid<strong>de</strong>n all day<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>r announces new year, rising of the sun<br />

Lisu lively and strong, <strong>de</strong>termination to succeed<br />

on human relations levels, in and out tribal level<br />

their marriages ceremonial, take priority over all<br />

the Lisu love to dance, and singing love songs 2<br />

entering an Akha village, I observe a gate<br />

a special Gate, was keep away evil spirits<br />

usually two gates, upslope and downslope<br />

for people-animals, and realm of spirits 3<br />

each Akha house, has an Ancestor's altar<br />

also a masculine si<strong>de</strong>, and feminine si<strong>de</strong><br />

where the men live, in separate quarters<br />

he lives with their own, bucket-like stoves 4<br />

1 Because the Lisu are the "engineers" among the Hilltribes, most<br />

of their villages feature a large bamboo pipe, a conduit, that<br />

carries to the village water from the nearest source. Lisu woman as<br />

most hilltribes women work har<strong>de</strong>r than the men, performing tasks<br />

both insi<strong>de</strong> and outsi<strong>de</strong> the house and raising the children. it seems<br />

that the women willingly work and are unconcerned with equality<br />

to the men. Asi<strong>de</strong> from their work, they like to go to the streams,<br />

in groups, to catch fish and bathe.<br />

2 Lisu woman as other ethnic group, may enter in ritual partnership<br />

with a Dyalo visiting husband. A Dyalo married couple may not<br />

collaborate in rice planting; in the past, they solve the problem by<br />

exchanging partners with people from neighbouring villages.<br />

“Making Rice”, it happily turns out, means making love in the rice<br />

fields with your ritual partner, bringing the Spirit of Rice to the<br />

expectant earth. The mechanism of dyal institution, its integration<br />

in the agricultural calendar and the ritual division of labour.<br />

3 These gates mark the division between the "insi<strong>de</strong>," domain of<br />

human beings and domesticated animals, and the "outsi<strong>de</strong>,"<br />

domain of spirits and wild animals. The gates are ma<strong>de</strong> of bamboo<br />

and accompanied by male and female fertility statues that are<br />

indistinguishable from one another except for the exaggerated sex<br />

organs. They reconstruct this gate once every year in a ceremony<br />

led by the village spirit master. Smaller paths connect fenced<br />

family compounds, which contain a house and rice granary, and<br />

may also inclu<strong>de</strong> one or more huts for younger couples. Akha<br />

people are known for the internal division of their houses into a<br />

female si<strong>de</strong> and a male si<strong>de</strong>, paralleling that between the village<br />

and the surrounding forests.<br />

the Hani religion, is polytheism combined<br />

with the ancestor worship, giving fertility<br />

for a good health, and abundant harvests<br />

growing animals, and to get happy hearts 5<br />

the Akha diet is Rice, by swid<strong>de</strong>n method<br />

dry rice <strong>de</strong>pends on, rainfall for moisture<br />

vegetables & maize, planted in rice fields<br />

with beans & pumpkin, opium & soybeans 6<br />

4 The Akha year is divi<strong>de</strong>d into the people's season (dry) and the<br />

spirits' season (wet). During the latter, spirits wan<strong>de</strong>r into the<br />

village, so they must be driven out as part of a yearly ancestor<br />

offering. Game have spirit-owners, honored in hunting rites. The<br />

annual ritual cycle consists of nine or twelve ancestor offerings,<br />

rice rituals, and building of the village gates. Family ancestor<br />

offerings are ma<strong>de</strong> in the women's si<strong>de</strong> of the house, whereas<br />

hunting ceremonies are held on the men's si<strong>de</strong>. Life-cycle rites<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong> birth rituals, weddings, and funerals. There are also curing<br />

and corrective ceremonies of numerous sorts, such as soul calling.<br />

Illness is also treated ritually by specialists in chants and by<br />

shamans. Akha/Hani like to sing, their musical instruments as<br />

drums, cymbals and Jew’s harp. Although the Akha oral tradition<br />

speaks of princes and city-states, warriors and warfare,<br />

nonviolence is norm of everyday life and indigenous supralocal<br />

political organization is absent. A settlement cannot be foun<strong>de</strong>d<br />

without a village lea<strong>de</strong>r (dzoevma), whose house is the first built.<br />

During the last century, Akha communities were sometimes<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong>d within the spheres of influence of lowland princes.<br />

Village headmen, in charge of a single village, were appointed by<br />

these princes. Whereas the traditional village lea<strong>de</strong>r is responsible<br />

for internal affairs, the village headman is responsible for external<br />

relations and are now part of the national administrative system.<br />

5 People and rice have souls that must be kept happy. If they <strong>de</strong>part<br />

they can cause disease. Rice rituals are addressed to the Rice<br />

Mother. Spirits and people have been born of the same mother and<br />

have lived together until a quarrel led to their separation, when the<br />

spirits went to the forest and people remained in the village. Since<br />

then, spirits have caused illness and other disruptions of human<br />

social life. Akha/Hani people (Chinese: 哈尼族) originated in<br />

China where now they uses a Latin-based scripts as the Zhuang<br />

and Hmong languages, it uses final consonant letters to <strong>de</strong>signate<br />

tone Hani-English example: Aqsol liq yoq<strong>de</strong>ivq yoqpyuq bo,<br />

meeqyaovq ssolnei colpyuq qiq kov <strong>de</strong>i. Davqtavcolssaq neenyuq<br />

bel neema meeq ya siq, laongaoq meilnaol nadul meil e gaq ssol<br />

hhyul hha bavqduv nia: All human beings are born free and equal<br />

in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason & conscience<br />

and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.<br />

6Asi<strong>de</strong> from subsistence Rice cultivation, in the last century,<br />

cotton and opium poppies were the principal cash crops; recent<br />

cash crops are soybeans, cabbages, and tomatoes. Oral tradition<br />

mention traveling to the lowlands to buy salt and iron, items still<br />

obtained in valley markets along with other consumer goods.<br />

Gathering of wild fruits, mushrooms, and other edible plants<br />

contributes to the food supply. Guns have superse<strong>de</strong>d crossbows<br />

in hunting; traps of numerous kinds are set. Game, such as wild<br />

boar, <strong>de</strong>er, bamboo gopher, and jungle fowl, is not as plentiful as<br />

in the past. Fishing is done with traps and <strong>net</strong>s. Pigs, chickens,<br />

ducks, goats and water buffalo are raised. Most clothing was ma<strong>de</strong><br />

from home-spun cotton, dyed with indigo. Patterns of embroi<strong>de</strong>ry<br />

adorning men's and women's jackets are distinctive of subgroups.<br />


the Swinging ceremony, a joyful Akha ritual<br />

August and September, when Rice maturing<br />

ceremony to thank, spirits of sky and land<br />

people of the village, all day gather there 1<br />

第六 found a man, of his Khamu totem clan<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> a field hut, a hut called Thieng hai<br />

Sowing in mid-April, into the ash of soil<br />

using for seed Rice, planting dibble stick 2<br />

1 Akha Swing Festival is an annual ancestor offering related to the<br />

fertility of rice. It comes in late August, when rainy season is over,<br />

on the 120 day after that village planted its rice. Festival marks the<br />

end of the hard weeding work on the rice and the new time of<br />

harvest celebration for all. Akha say that they came down from<br />

God through the swing. A tall four-posted village swing is built by<br />

an el<strong>de</strong>r called a Dzoeuh Mah. The swing is used for four days.<br />

Swinging on an Akha swing is fast and takes one very high, an old<br />

rope is not safe. Swings is one of the happiest times of Akha life.<br />

The joy of soil giving life to plants and hope, the soil soft and<br />

supple, cool un<strong>de</strong>r the feet with all sorts of bugs going to and from<br />

the paths of abundance. Young people gather in the evening to<br />

enjoy themselves swinging, dancing and courting. The belief is<br />

that sexual intercourse strengthens boys and natures girl, but also<br />

that when a girl has a baby, she should have a husband as well. A<br />

man should know his Tibeto-Burman patrilineal genealogy back<br />

some sixty generations to the named spirits who prece<strong>de</strong>d the first<br />

man. Basic are distinctions between patrikin, wife givers, and wife<br />

takers. Polygyny is permitted. Marriages is village endogamous or<br />

exogamous. Young people are free to choose their own spouse.<br />

The wedding ceremony takes place at the groom's family's house.<br />

Initial the wife joins her husband, who lives with his father or<br />

el<strong>de</strong>r brother. After he has children, a married man may move out<br />

of his father's house. This household becomes an in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

patrilineal family only when it installs its own ancestor altar.<br />

Either spouse can initiate divorce.<br />

2 Dibble planting requires making a hole in the soil about 5 cm<br />

<strong>de</strong>ep with a dibble stick and then putting the rice seed into the<br />

hole. Different ethnic groups have different preferences and types<br />

of dibble sticks. The most common is a 2-m-long stick ma<strong>de</strong> of<br />

hard wood (groong cmool), while others use a shorter planting<br />

stick (clè), or diggers with a small, narrow iron bla<strong>de</strong>. Dibbling<br />

with a short clè digger can be done by one person making the<br />

holes with one hand, while dropping the seeds into the hole with<br />

the other. In some relatively flat areas, people use a groong wwyh,<br />

a sounding-stick, so named because of the musical sound it makes<br />

when being used. The groong wwyh are ritual instruments used to<br />

make planting and simultaneously to call for rain to assist<br />

germination. Sometimes between 10 and 20 of these musical<br />

dibble sticks would resonate with their “bring bring” vibrating<br />

sounds being carried over the fields and echoing through the air<br />

until the sky. Khamu in some remote mountainous areas of<br />

Houaphanh Province near the Vietnamese bor<strong>de</strong>r, to perform raincalling<br />

ceremony using earth-drum (groong wwt), a cavity in the<br />

ground as an earth nest of termites covered with a woven bamboo<br />

screen or thin layer of bark, which serves as the drum membrane<br />

and its edges firmly attached to the ground with woo<strong>de</strong>n. A leafstalk<br />

of Phrynium capitatum, provi<strong>de</strong>s a string that can be pulled,<br />

rubbed, or stroked, causing the screen to vibrate and the cavity<br />

beneath in the ground to resound with loud, complaining wwt wwt<br />

January and February, this man ma<strong>de</strong> slash<br />

then March and April, the dried is burned<br />

an initial burning, and then a re-burning<br />

unburned vegetation, all stacked & burned<br />

Khamu pay respect, to natural phenomena<br />

powers of universe, may hin<strong>de</strong>r or facilitate<br />

their daily life, and struggle for survival<br />

based on producing, of enough rice to eat<br />

the world of spirits, and world of humans<br />

are related by Rice, as well as the dreams<br />

Human world is the mo<strong>de</strong>l, for spirit world<br />

What works for us, for them it also works 3<br />

around cultivation, & consumption of Rice<br />

most ceremonies, perform song & dances<br />

involving a belief, in Pi powerful spirits<br />

that live in the Trees, forests and fields<br />

their homes are bodies, alive and <strong>de</strong>ceased<br />

of humans and animals, and totem ancestor<br />

Rice teacher plant, of mountain & streams<br />

Rice is also their gift, for alliance to build 4<br />

usually played at the beginning of the season, if rain was late in<br />

arriving in an attempt to induce the rain to fall. Earth-drum was<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> and played, “making earth and sky vibrate to its thun<strong>de</strong>ring<br />

sound. Upon hearing it, the Spirit of lightning (called “dragon<br />

spirit” hrôôy pryoong), was expected to get annoyed and angry,<br />

finally pouring rain down on the thirsty land, allowing the rice<br />

seed to germinate and the plants to grow.<br />

3In Laos, the Khamu (Khmu, Kammu, Khmou) live in the northern<br />

provinces of Luang Prabang and Oudomxay. all clans correspond<br />

to family <strong>de</strong>scent lines (smta), each of which follows its own<br />

particular rituals and traditions, dictated by the totemic ancestry<br />

and passed down through the patriline. Totem-plant or totemanimal,<br />

are expressed through their intricate <strong>net</strong>work of<br />

relationships of exchange, cooperation, mutual respect, and<br />

support. Rice, as the most important food for people, is, in all its<br />

forms (including raw and steamed rice and various rice-alcohols),<br />

also the choice food for all versions of spirits as well. Spirits have<br />

an influence on people’s lives, and it is accepted that people<br />

become spirits when they die. Each living person also has a sum<br />

of personal spirits (hmmaal), in the absence of which it is believed<br />

that the person can get sick and may die. To restore the body<br />

involves calling back the personal spirit-souls by family, friends,<br />

and community, sometimes with the help of a shaman (mo môn).<br />

4some Pi have originated in the Hindu traditions; others from the<br />

animistic, pre-Buddhist era of Laos. In the sixth month of the Lao<br />

calendar, take place thr boun bang fai (rocket) festival, to prompt<br />

the heavens to initiate the rainy season to allow the planting of the<br />

wet-season rice crop. It is believed that a successful rocket festival<br />

will ensure sufficient rainfall for coming rice cultivation season. In<br />

Kong District in Champassak, connected to this festival is the<br />

exhibiting of naked woo<strong>de</strong>n puppets (erotic images) with enlarged<br />

sexual organs to represent Fertility spirit to prompt. The Lao lunar<br />

year has 354 days, unlike the 365 days in the European calendar.<br />

There are 15 days in the waxing moon and 14 or 15 days in the<br />

waning moon. Some months (the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th)<br />

sounds. It reminds the Italian rain-drum called Putipu in Naples, have 29 days; others (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th) have 30 days.<br />


sowing seven bundles, around the field hut<br />

offering cooked chicken, alcohol and fruit<br />

to resi<strong>de</strong>nt spirits, while chanting prayers<br />

requesting protection, forthcoming rice crop 1<br />

Clearing the land, in readiness for planting<br />

is a field working group, helping each other<br />

by working together, it's social interaction<br />

both the men and women, enjoy participation 2<br />

a miniature rice field, it is called mat rèèk<br />

prepared on first day, for a dibble planting<br />

symbolic rice plant, ma<strong>de</strong> from bamboo stalk<br />

stands firmly planted, insi<strong>de</strong> the mat rèèk 3<br />

a mother recites prayer, before planting it<br />

then she bless the seed, with chicken blood<br />

pouring blood on shells, money and talisman<br />

ritual bronze drum-gong, treasure of shaman 4<br />

1 Before seeding the nursery plot, many farmers plow the main<br />

field along its diagonals and along its levees in a ritualistic<br />

operation known as haek na. Only after the rains fall is the rest of<br />

the plot prepared and planted. Most farmers believe that Thursday<br />

is the most auspicious day for transplanting rice, it will ensure,<br />

abundant grain, planting on Wednesday abundant leaves on the<br />

rice plants, and planting on Saturday an abundance of tillers.<br />

“Even for those farmers who do not believe in the existence of<br />

spirits, the performance of rituals can have many potential<br />

benefits. In these cases, the benefits of ritual do not accrue to the<br />

rice crop, to the spirits, or even to the ancestors. Rather, the<br />

benefits accrue to the person. Participation in ritual is a way of<br />

controlling the mind. It is similar to the meditation and chanting<br />

practices learnt in the Buddhist temples. Those farmers who<br />

practice the rituals are better able to control their minds than those<br />

who do not participate, and persons who can control their minds<br />

are better able to endure life's misfortunes and challenges.” 第六<br />

2 The initial clearing of the field (hrwam) can take between one<br />

and three weeks. After the clearing of small trees, branches,<br />

and un<strong>de</strong>rgrowth is completed, the men use axes to cut down any<br />

large trees. The felled trees and vegetation are then left to dry so<br />

all can be burned on a day that is very hot. If the burning is done<br />

well, the work of field preparation that follows will be easier.<br />

Women and children do not participate in the burning, as it is<br />

regar<strong>de</strong>d as being too dangerous. After the initial burning, the<br />

whole family then works together to collect and burn remaining<br />

<strong>de</strong>bris, leaving a clear but rough seedbed that is covered with ash,<br />

which, in turn, provi<strong>de</strong>s a source of nutrients for the rice crop.<br />

3 To please the rice spirits, before planting the main rice crop, a<br />

small ritual gar<strong>de</strong>n (mat rèèk) is prepared and planted with a small<br />

quantity of seed of each variety of rice to be grown in the main<br />

field. The bamboo stalk in the gar<strong>de</strong>n symbolizes giant rice plants<br />

that the Khamu farmers wish the rice in their main field to take<br />

after. The water channels around the base of the bamboo stalk,<br />

symbolize the rainwater nee<strong>de</strong>d for the rice to grow. The symbolic<br />

phallus are also ad<strong>de</strong>d to scare off the insatiable consuming spirits<br />

which might want to steal the rice. The fence around the little field<br />

is to indicate to the animals of the forest, that they should stay out<br />

of the field. All is symbolic for the main field.<br />

the Rice spirit-soul, it's similar to humans<br />

if it get angry, it leave staying elsewhere<br />

the owner of field, can get a poor harvest<br />

had to store his Rice, properly not wasted 5<br />

the Khamu also feed, spirits of the fields<br />

when closing the seed hole, to make a pact<br />

asking them to keep, protect the rice seed<br />

placed in holes, in change of harvest meal 6<br />

4 The mother of the household (ma gaang) goes to initiate the<br />

planting work by taking some seed of each variety of rice the<br />

family will plant, dibble planting a small area of each in the mat<br />

rèèk, while reciting the following blessing: "Please, spirit-soul of<br />

unthreshed rice (hmmal hngo), spirit-soul of cooked rice (hmmaal<br />

mah), don’t be angry or cross. Today is the good and long-awaited<br />

day. The holy man in the cave also believes it’s a good day today<br />

to start planting the rice seed. Let every grain sprout and every<br />

root grow fast! Oh, yes! May the rice we plant and the rice we eat<br />

be lucky! We implore you!” Then a tray-table of food is prepared<br />

and served to the participants in the ritual. She lights a special<br />

foul-smelling torch ma<strong>de</strong> with the bark of a rotten tree, sits down<br />

in the field, and again addresses the spirits: “Hey, let’s not have<br />

any <strong>de</strong>vouring and the consuming spirits, nor any “foamygrasshopper-widow-spirit”<br />

come in. Come and help us plant the<br />

rice, the food we need most. From now and forever, keep them<br />

away!” The smelly torch is then discar<strong>de</strong>d and the dibble planting<br />

of the rice in the main field can then commence and it is usually<br />

completed within two or three days.<br />

5 If the rice spirit-soul stayed with the owner and master of a field,<br />

the owner be assured of a good yield. The rice-planting cycle of<br />

the Khamu usually starts in February, after the celebration of year<br />

passage and harvest festival, followed by the annual rest from<br />

weddings, repairing or building house. Khamu sayings: “Making<br />

rice fields, is eating Rice, and eating Rice, is everything. May our<br />

dream show pleasant meaning signs of a good spirit-soul, so we<br />

can see that we will get rice and be fortunate with animals." We<br />

are the fern clan family. I would like to start clearing this place for<br />

testing, on a day that is auspicious for lush rice and perfect<br />

animals. In case we can’t proceed, we will un<strong>de</strong>rstand it: If<br />

whatever spirit passes by, will signal it and manifest itself to us. If<br />

it is good and we can go ahead with clearing, we will know: If<br />

whatever spirit passes by, will signal this by being quiet and by<br />

not manifesting itself. Make our dream good and perfect, meeting<br />

the rice spirit-soul and quiet animal spirits. If, during the time of<br />

clearing, no calls of particular animals or birds are heard (birds<br />

and animals asked to remain quiet in their prayers), the members<br />

of the household return to their home to sleep on the choice that<br />

was ma<strong>de</strong>. If, during the following night, members of the<br />

household dream of the rice spirit-soul in a positive way, it means<br />

that the family may proceed with the clearing of the remain<strong>de</strong>r of<br />

the field on the first auspicious day. If, however, the dream is<br />

about something that is regar<strong>de</strong>d as taboo, or inauspicious signs,<br />

the site must be abandoned and another area of land selected. As<br />

the clearing and subsequent burning can be dangerous, the el<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

of the 第六 totem-group will seek the consent and protection of<br />

the spirits, trying to form a pact with them, with the following<br />

words: "We are the Fern-family! We will cut the trees and logs.<br />

Watch over our feet and over our hands so they will have no<br />

injuries! When the harvest time has come, we promise to make a<br />

meal for you!”<br />


Upland rice harvest, starts in September<br />

<strong>de</strong>pending on climate, field & rice varieties<br />

Harvesting activity, a field working group<br />

happy time of working, courting & singing 1<br />

Time for sharing stories, with each other<br />

Harvest no threshing, Rice stripped by hand<br />

the grains from panicles, into the belt-basket<br />

carried in front, the waist of the harvester 2<br />

6 Feeding the field-spirits "liang hrôôy hré". A temporary platform<br />

is constructed besi<strong>de</strong> the ritual miniature rice field offerings plates<br />

of traditional <strong>de</strong>licacies, tobacco, betel leaves, areca nuts, and<br />

lime. Un<strong>de</strong>rneath the platform is placed an open jar of rice wine to<br />

attract the invited spirits and let them smell the rice-wine vapors.<br />

An ol<strong>de</strong>r member of the family with a knowledge of the prayers<br />

and rituals presi<strong>de</strong>s over the ceremony. Prayers are recited to calls<br />

upon these spirits to receive the gifts: "Oh spirits of the soil and<br />

surroundings! Owners of this very piece of land here! Protect this<br />

field, take care of it. Now, oh, do not let the mice bite the shoots<br />

off and the animals scratch them out; don’t let the first leaves die<br />

or the top leaves droop.”<br />

1 During the harvest, the ma hngo' k'eey koon hngo' ritual (ricemother<br />

calling the rice-child) is performed. The people who have<br />

been working together on completing the rice harvest are now<br />

called to return. The mother of the household that owns the field<br />

prepares the “rice-child” (koon hngo). Two or three panicles of<br />

each variety of rice (she has planted insi<strong>de</strong> the ritual ministarterfield,<br />

mat rèèk) insi<strong>de</strong> her small waist-basket with a silver<br />

bracelet, a silver necklace, and the family talisman objects. The<br />

whole basket is now referred to as the koon hngo’. The ricemother<br />

then takes a chicken, boils it, and pinches off some of its<br />

soft comb and tail, then calls the rice spirit-soul (hmmaal hngo') to<br />

come and receive the food offering (sngkhvan hmmaal koon hngo)<br />

while reciting the following words: “Rice-child, we want to take<br />

the rice-spirit to go and cut off rice, oh, yes. We will bless you,<br />

will pour blood on you, and wash you, will keep feeding you and<br />

serving you food to eat and drinks to drink in abundance.” This<br />

blessing ceremony for the rice child requires a chicken and a jar of<br />

rice wine. The mother of family is now referred to as ma’ hngo’.<br />

Following the offering to the rice-child, food is served to all<br />

people attending the harvest. After people have eaten, jars of rice<br />

wine are served for everyone to drink in the traditional way. The<br />

festive mood carries on well into the night, with the harvesters<br />

chanting poetry they have composed themselves, wishing each<br />

other well and telling their personal stories. After the ceremony,<br />

the rice-mother carries home the rice-child and keeps it in her<br />

house until the day when the rice harvest is brought into the “rice<br />

storage-house”. Then she moves the rice child to the rice storagehouse,<br />

where she tie it to the roof-beam for storing and safekeeping<br />

the spirit-soul of all rice: hmmaal hngo & hmmaal mah.<br />

2 some rice may be harvested by hand-stripping. Hand-stripped<br />

grain is consi<strong>de</strong>red softer when cooked. Other varieties are<br />

harvested using a hand-held cutter that harvests just the panicles<br />

with enough stalk attached to allow for binding them into bundles<br />

to dry. Ritual prayer was: "Oh how beautifully yellow and ripe are<br />

the rice plants! Now the rice has come, it has arrived! Spirits of<br />

the region, owners of the plots of land, keep your guard over the<br />

field as true noble owners of land. After the prayer, divination<br />

(knè’) is used to consult the spirits. A pinch of rice grains is placed<br />

第六 that evening, at village would drink<br />

Rice alcohol and have, good time together<br />

then villagers dressed, like forest spirits<br />

using palm leaves, and painting their faces<br />

also two monsters, would have a big phallus<br />

dancing around players, trying to keep women<br />

women take water, and throw it on the players<br />

inviting to rain, and thun<strong>de</strong>r splashing water<br />

第六 Granpa, call Rice spirit-soul to home 3<br />

before a rice planting, and after harvesting<br />

Seed of each rice variety, is kept for planting<br />

selected and sorted, then stored separately<br />

The Rice spirit-soul, it manifests in rituals<br />

to feed the human soul, from baby to <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

a Rice is adopted, as a child of the human<br />

medium of contact, between living and <strong>de</strong>ad 4<br />

grains is even or odd. If even number, this is regar<strong>de</strong>d as a sign<br />

that the spirits have accepted the gifts. The same evening at home,<br />

a chicken is killed as an offering to the honor and well-being of<br />

the members and <strong>de</strong>scendants of the family line as well as the<br />

Spirit-field. A jar of rice wine is opened and some of the alcoholic<br />

rice and husk material is lifted out with two flat sticks, and offered<br />

to the house-spirit to taste also: "Spirits of the graves, spirits of the<br />

water-barriers, you that are the keepers of these surroundings, feed<br />

yourselves and your own.<br />

3 Once the rice is threshed and winnowed, a chicken is killed and<br />

its blood poured on the rice as an offering and blessing to the rice<br />

spirit-soul then stored in the granary and following prayer is<br />

recited by the father of the family in or<strong>de</strong>r to call the rice spiritsoul<br />

(hmmaal hngo) home: “Oh, we call the rice spirit-soul to go<br />

home to the rice-house. Hey, white rice that has long panicles,<br />

return, return to me today. I will store and keep you for the young<br />

generation of the family and of the house is waiting to have<br />

something to chew". The fathers sit in the corners by the fireplace<br />

and the mothers in the corners of the bedroom. 第六 also sit to<br />

contemplate and chew. "The black rice is like the young man and<br />

the white rice like the young lady. Rice-soul, rice-spirit, come to<br />

the rice-house un<strong>de</strong>r the roof. Hey! Return, come and eat, soul of<br />

rice, spirit of rice. Coming home at day time, it is good; coming<br />

home at night time, it is fine. Staying up there on the ground, you<br />

will fear rats; So come home and stay in the rice-house here, un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

the beams, with the roof overflowing with rice. Rice-spirit-soul,<br />

come home and eat!”<br />

4Cheuang (as a child is also called Ñi) is regar<strong>de</strong>d as the Khamu<br />

people’s mighty ancestor lea<strong>de</strong>r and the source of all knowledge.<br />

In December or January, after the rice harvest has been brought to<br />

the rice storage-house, a Greh ceremony in honor of the spirit of<br />

Cheuang and Ñi must be performed. The greh celebration is a<br />

ritual of thanksgiving for all things that have contributed to the<br />

productivity of their fields, with a meal during which the family<br />

formally conclu<strong>de</strong>s or “takes down” the old year and welcomes or<br />

“puts up” the new year. Greh ritual touches on a great many<br />

aspects of the life and culture of the Khamu, such as preparing and<br />

serving food, planting fields, harvesting and storing the rice crop,<br />

raising various kinds of animals, digging up (grwayh) various<br />

kinds of tubers, reminding the Khamu people of how they have<br />

survived in times of famine without rice. This celebration needs to<br />

into the hollow hand and checked as to whether the number of be celebrated every year, sometime in either January (Ñi), the<br />


Rice the sustainer, together with totem<br />

is for Khamu survival, hearth of culture<br />

life cycle of Khamu, involves Rice plant<br />

food and teacher plant, good life to have 1<br />

第六 offered a chicken, with incense sticks<br />

to the spirits of fields, plants and ancestors<br />

he was searching Rice, traditional varieties<br />

for minimum inputs, of ethnic groups labor<br />

from a standing crop, few larger panicles<br />

several ethnic groups, hand-strip the grain<br />

Rice with larger grains, that thresh easily<br />

meeting Khamu needs, of easy stripping 2<br />

birth month, and December, the <strong>de</strong>ath month of Cheuang.<br />

1 "Glutinous rice in upland swid<strong>de</strong>ns, it's rarely monocropped and<br />

it's complemented by whatever grows and lives wild around the<br />

rice fields, in the forest, and in the waters, and can be gathered or<br />

hunted as nee<strong>de</strong>d for their own use and survival. Maize,<br />

cucumber, taro, tubers, pumpkins, vegetables, bananas, sorghum,<br />

sesame, loofah, long bean, peanut, ginger, sweet sorghum, Italian<br />

millet, cotton, poppy and sun hemp are often grown with the rice<br />

or along paths in rice fields. In some cases, seeds of these crops<br />

(for home consumption) are mixed with the rice seed and planted<br />

at the same time as when the rice is dibble planted or planted<br />

around the edges of the rice fields, over stumps, in separate plots<br />

or fields according to the crop, available work force, and regional<br />

traditions. Predators of the crops are hunted and eaten if edible.<br />

These inclu<strong>de</strong> bamboo rats, mice, squirrels, birds, monkeys, and<br />

whatever other animals are trying to eat the crop. In times of<br />

famine, they dig for wild tubers and eat other food from the forest<br />

to survive. They also raise domestic animals such as dogs, pigs,<br />

chickens, ducks and sometimes cattle, for feeding the spirits in<br />

times of sickness and calamity. The choice is related to the<br />

believed preference of the spirits that were to be pleased." 第六<br />

2 Lao farmers practice panicle selection and grain stripping. Upland<br />

varieties are expected to have large but few panicles, strong thick<br />

stems, broad thick leaves, early flowering and maturity, and few<br />

but larger panicles with large grains. Most upland varieties belong<br />

to the japonica/javanica group, as they produce thick culms, dark<br />

green, long, and wi<strong>de</strong> leaf bla<strong>de</strong>s, few but large panicles, and large<br />

grain. Most lowland varieties produce narrow and long leaf<br />

bla<strong>de</strong>s, many thin culms, panicles that are small and numerous,<br />

with varying grain size that is typical to the indica. Harvesting<br />

methods along with seed selection practices have contributed to<br />

variety evolution. Khamu farmers grow several varieties in small<br />

plots as a mosaic in the same field: early, medium, and late. This<br />

allows them to harvest rice for consumption as early as possible,<br />

distribute labor requirements for the harvest, and spread risk. In<br />

addition, special varieties are sometimes grown for religious<br />

ceremonies, non-glutinous varieties for noodle making, and some<br />

varieties suited to making alcoholic beverages. Early-maturing<br />

varieties are generally planted where water accumulates with the<br />

first rains. After harvesting and threshing (September), it's grain is<br />

dried on raised platforms in a sha<strong>de</strong>d location. Upland farmers<br />

<strong>de</strong>liberately collect panicles representative of all types and keep<br />

the mixed population for seed purposes. While some households<br />

thresh the panicles and store the seed, others tie the panicles into<br />

bundles and store them in this form until planting time in the<br />

subsequent year. Sometimes they hand-strip the grain from the<br />

more attractive panicles separately for grain purposes. The<br />

the Glutinous grains, called sticky rice<br />

it's grown is influenced, by people beliefs<br />

mixing more phenotypes, it better perform<br />

in year-to-year, uncertainty conditions<br />

Black-rice crops, regar<strong>de</strong>d as important 3<br />

for community which, protects all of them<br />

in spirit-based rituals, more ethnic use it<br />

shaman leading rite, is prohibited from eat<br />

small-chicken Rice variety, it was so named<br />

by small grain size, a lady found undigested<br />

in the gullet of a chicken, into Vietnam<br />

then she grew plants, and a new crop come 4<br />

with single-variety cropping such as drought, pests, and diseases.<br />

3 塔拉斯: "black Rice remind me Ergot-barley. Red rice, unlike<br />

black rice, can be used when making food offerings to Buddhist<br />

monks in Buddhist temples. Steamed black rice is dark purple in<br />

color and shining brightly as black pearl. Some of Chinese black<br />

rice varieties have higher protein, higher fat, and higher cru<strong>de</strong><br />

fiber contents than the common or white rice varieties as well as<br />

being rich in lysine, vitamin B1, calcium, iron, zinc, and<br />

phosphorus". In Laos, black rice is manually poun<strong>de</strong>d to remove<br />

the glumes and consumed after minimum without polishing. As<br />

the aleurone layer where the vitamins, minerals, protein and fat,<br />

are located is not completely removed in black rice, the resulting<br />

product is often of higher nutritional value than polished white<br />

rice. Variety Khao phae dam was <strong>de</strong>veloped by a lady in northern<br />

Laos; the variety was <strong>de</strong>veloped from another upland variety,<br />

which is a medium-maturing glutinous variety. When she grew<br />

Phae <strong>de</strong>ng on an area of about 1,500 m2, she found five panicles,<br />

which were lax and longer than the rest, and spikelets that were<br />

larger with black (purple) glumes and for which the brown rice<br />

was longer, white, shiny, and attractive. The original variety, Phae<br />

<strong>de</strong>ng, produces grain with red glumes. She grew it in to further test<br />

it and then multiplied its seeds. Impressed by its novelty, she<br />

started cultivating it on a regular basis.<br />

4The grain of this Rice is nonshattering and is difficult to thresh.<br />

However, <strong>de</strong>spite this difficulty, it is very highly regar<strong>de</strong>d for its<br />

aromatic character and excellent eating quality. Soils low in<br />

nitrogen producing better-quality grain. The application of<br />

nitrogen fertilizer is known to adversely affect aroma and cooking<br />

and eating quality of rice. Potassium and sulfur fertilizers are<br />

known to favorably influence the aroma, cooking and eating<br />

quality of rice. Diminishing soil moisture during the grain-filling<br />

stage also affect the expression and accumulation of aroma.<br />

Traditionally Lao farmers build a small rest-house near the fields<br />

they cultivate. They use it as a base during the cropping season,<br />

until the crop is harvested, threshed, transported, and stored in<br />

granaries in or near their villages. This intimate involvement with<br />

all growth stages of the crop provi<strong>de</strong>s farmers with an opportunity<br />

to observe and <strong>de</strong>velop an intimate knowledge of each variety.<br />

Any plants that express differences in traits are usually noted and<br />

special care is taken of such plants. Farmers select such distinct<br />

morphological variants and then harvest, dry, thresh, and store<br />

them separately. The variants are then often planted separately in<br />

the following season, with careful observations being ma<strong>de</strong> in<br />

small plots for their characteristics (personality), to evaluate their<br />

potential for further multiplication and subsequent i<strong>de</strong>ntification<br />

as a new variety to which is assigned a new name that often<br />

reflects some aspect of the history of the variety. In Pakuvai<br />

purpose of such mixtures is to reduce the potential risks associated village in the Mekong River Valley, Mr. Sulan found a single a<br />


Katu cultivate a field, for two years only 1<br />

before abandoning it, to allow regeneration<br />

fertility is reflected, presence of large trees<br />

where smaller trees, indicate earlier swid<strong>de</strong>ns<br />

harmony with spirits, and swid<strong>de</strong>n cultivation<br />

near rice fields, is essential for the harmony 2<br />

of the Katu society, more important than crops<br />

Because the rice fields, are <strong>de</strong>ep in the forest<br />

Forest is the temple, of many spirits dwell<br />

Katu are very careful, about they job-fields<br />

knowing they enter, the domain of the spirits<br />

who will cause sickness, if offen<strong>de</strong>d over time 3<br />

glutinous Rice-hill growing in a shallow pond near his field in<br />

1986. Mature seeds of that single hill were selected and tested in<br />

subsequent years. Satisfied with the grain yield and grain quality,<br />

the family then multiplied the seed and starting growing it as one<br />

of their regular varieties. Neighbors in the same village were also<br />

impressed with the variety and started growing it. It was later<br />

adopted by farmers in other villages in the same area. Like almost<br />

all traditional varieties, it is photoperiod-sensitive. It is adapted to<br />

being grown un<strong>de</strong>r conditions of minimum inputs. A farmer in<br />

Phongsaly in northern Laos obtained seeds of the lowland<br />

glutinous variety Khao hom kang (aromatic medium-maturity rice)<br />

from a neighboring village. When he grew this variety in his own<br />

village, he found some plants that flowered and matured a month<br />

earlier than the original variety (which matures in about 4<br />

months). He harvested all the early-maturing panicles, bulked<br />

them, and grew the seed the following year. After testing in<br />

subsequent years, he found the selection to be superior to the<br />

original variety for early maturity, a character that he had been<br />

looking for. The early-maturing plants that formed the basis for<br />

the new variety, Khao hom do, might have arisen as a spontaneous<br />

mutation. In northeastern Laos, floods are very common and can<br />

completely submerge and <strong>de</strong>stroy the rice crop. A local farmer<br />

found a single rice plant that had survived the flood and was<br />

growing in a local forest. Believing that plant had been created by<br />

“the spirits,” the farmer gave it to the village monk, who grew it,<br />

multiplied the seed, and distributed the seed to local farmers.<br />

Variety Khao-pong-<strong>de</strong>ng grows very tall, tolerates submergence<br />

for a consi<strong>de</strong>rable time, is late maturing, and has glutinous<br />

endosperm. Probably the single plant that was the basis of the<br />

variety was a spontaneous mutant that has the ability to<br />

regenerate, but the trait was expressed only when the flood stress<br />

was imposed, enabling it to express its unique capacity for<br />

regeneration.<br />

1 The fallow period can be up to 25 years in duration. Where there<br />

is flatter ground, the Katu have <strong>de</strong>veloped four cropping<br />

programs: swid<strong>de</strong>ns, wet rice, permanent dry rice and gar<strong>de</strong>ns.<br />

The dry-rice cultivation system of the Katu does not require the<br />

use of buffalo or ploughs. They construct a series of terraces in the<br />

field, in which the water flows from the top to the lower terraces.<br />

2 The Katu maintain harmony in society through the principle of<br />

dominance and compliance, referred as fire and water. In their<br />

historical conflict, they refer to the Lao taking the part of “fire,”<br />

while the Koom took the part of water. To this day, if a group or<br />

individual takes the dominant si<strong>de</strong> (fire), the other must be<br />

compliant like water. The Katu in Vietnam also believe that their<br />

ancestors lived in coastal areas but were driven into the mountains<br />

by lowlan<strong>de</strong>rs.<br />

All the sickness it is, a result of disharmony<br />

People call shamaness, to <strong>de</strong>termine the cause<br />

a dispute in words, or actions between people<br />

It may have been caused, by a wrong situation 4<br />

第六 loves to eat rice, consumed all manner 5<br />

he reminisces Wanniya, & hilltribes of Thailand<br />

by working in refugees camp, he meet Paj Thao<br />

old Hmong shaman, arrived from war-torn Laos<br />

mountains of Laos, Meo practice slash-&-burn<br />

they do swid<strong>de</strong>n farming, since ancient time<br />

primary forest, with small patches of fields<br />

have more biodiversity, than untouched forest 6<br />

3 The people must appease three groups of spirits: (1) the dyaang<br />

that dwell in the forest, trees, water, and villages, and watch over<br />

people and provi<strong>de</strong> for them; (2) the saq, which are the local<br />

spirits of individual trees, water, and mountains; and (3) the brau<br />

local spirits and brau spirits of the <strong>de</strong>ad, which become displeased<br />

when people go near them in the forest. All these spirits, when<br />

displeased through the breaking of established taboos, are believed<br />

to make people sick by capturing their soul from the top of their<br />

head. Animal blood sacrifices are required to appease offen<strong>de</strong>d<br />

spirits and restore to health persons who have been ma<strong>de</strong> ill by<br />

displeasing. They ask the dyaang and saq local spirits to give them<br />

good dreams. That night, if they dream a good dream, they<br />

continue to clear the field. However, if they have a bad dream,<br />

during the burning season, they have to appease the spirits they<br />

have dreamed about, and they would be afraid to un<strong>de</strong>rtake any<br />

burning on the following day. Following the completion of the<br />

burning phase of preparation of the rice fields, certain rituals must<br />

be followed to appease the dyaang spirits of the sky and the<br />

ground, who may have been harmed by the fire. A wood pile is<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> and fenced in, and a ritual appeasement of the spirits is<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> by one person. People go to the fields, taking with them<br />

bamboo tubes of rice fish, and stay in shelters in their rice fields<br />

for 10 days. During this time, they make bamboo arches and<br />

woo<strong>de</strong>n images of the various dyaang spirits, including the spirits<br />

of the ground, the forest, and the water. 第六<br />

4In Katu society, a shamaness is important because she is able to<br />

communicate with the various spirits to ascertain which taboo or<br />

tradition has been broken, which spirit has been offen<strong>de</strong>d, and<br />

what fine or sacrifice is nee<strong>de</strong>d to appease that spirit. Shamanesses<br />

are usually middle-aged women whom the dyaang spirits have<br />

possessed so that they can act as intermediaries between people<br />

and the spirits. A shamaness performs rituals and divination, and<br />

calls on the offen<strong>de</strong>d spirits to return the soul of the sick person.<br />

The shamaness is consulted and tells the people how to restore a<br />

right relationship with the dyaang spirits and with other people. It<br />

is important to maintain the tradition of visiting because, if there is<br />

a problem later between the two villages, harmony cannot be<br />

restored if the tradition has been broken.<br />

5Some tribes consume homema<strong>de</strong> rice wine fermented in a large<br />

earthen jar and sucked from the jar through long bamboo straws to<br />

avoid swallowing mashed rice husks. Corn and rice wine are<br />

distilled into a powerful moonshine whose taste has been<br />

compared to white wine that has turned to vinegar. El<strong>de</strong>rs discuss<br />

important issues while they drink rice wine through long straws.<br />

Generally, the more jugs of wine consumed, the more serious the<br />

problem is. 第六<br />

6Swid<strong>de</strong>n technique required no plowing, no irrigation, no<br />

terracing, no fertilizing and it is done for subsistence activity and<br />


Hmong called in China, Meo people or Miao<br />

raising chicken and ducks, pigs, horse or cow<br />

they use the Rice food, for human & animals<br />

cultural trigger, for the New Year festivals 1<br />

Opium was grown, as medicine and cash crop<br />

to treat the diarrhea, for ill and pain killer<br />

permissible for el<strong>de</strong>rs, in retirement years<br />

to ease old age pains, or escaping poverty 2<br />

Hmong in the Hunan, still earn extra income<br />

from the brick-making, and silkworm breeding<br />

self-governing Miao, they like to be agrarian<br />

they left many places, to resist assimilation<br />

Migration had been, problem solving strategy<br />

Clan sense of home, it prevents homesickness<br />

many Hmong El<strong>de</strong>rs, once a source of wisdom<br />

got dramatic loss, of status and self-esteem 3<br />

local consumption. Most of work is done by hand, using machetes,<br />

axes, and basic tools. Slash-and-burn fields will be used and of the family will head to their fields, leaving the young children<br />

"owned" by a family until the soil is exhausted. At this point the with the paternal grandparents. Children learn to baby-sit their<br />

"ownership" rights are abandoned, and the family will clear a new younger siblings and help with other chores at a very early age.<br />

field, and the forest is permitted to grow on the old field. After a Girls, who fetch water and firewood, take on household<br />

few <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s, another family or clan may then use the land. responsibilities earlier than boys. After working together in the<br />

Swid<strong>de</strong>n agriculture is only sustainable so long as there are 50 fields, the family returns home before sunset. On the way, they<br />

hectares or more of forest land per family, so that there can be at gather firewood and wild plants and herbs for dinner. At home,<br />

least 40 years of forest regrowth between cropping cycles on any there are activities in the evening for everyone. Parents prepare the<br />

given parcel. Once population rises above that level, fallow evening meal, attend to the animals, and make sure there are<br />

periods become shorter, allowing less forest regrowth between enough supplies for the next day. The paternal grandparents sit<br />

cropping cycles. At that point the forest has been lost, and it next to the fireplace with their grandchildren and tell stories.<br />

makes sense to change the cropping system. This process took Many of these stories concern animism, animals, and the<br />

place in Europe just before Classical Antiquity, leaving the dry environment; others are about the past, such as when the Hmong<br />

shrublands of the Mediterranean where mature oak forests had lived in the valley of the Yellow River in China. Hmong el<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

once flourished. If you’re swid<strong>de</strong>ning a patch of bushes and grass, also use stories to explain why things are the way they are.<br />

the roots haven’t gone down far enough to suck minerals up from Outsi<strong>de</strong>, in the moonlight, men and teenagers observe the stars and<br />

the <strong>de</strong>ep subsoil, so burning this vegetation doesn’t release as learn to play Hmong musical instruments. When dinner is ready,<br />

many nutrients. And the grass that grows in your shortened everyone is called to the table, and it is time to share news and<br />

fallows is itself a weed when you plant that patch to crops. You information as well as rice, eggs, boiled or stir-fried vegetables,<br />

get to the point where it’s easier to keep all the land un<strong>de</strong>r soup and sauce. Chicken, pork, and wild game are common meats.<br />

cultivation, instead of a patchwork of fields and forest. Virgin 2The Hmong/Miao (苗) lived along the Silk Road crossing the<br />

forest is actually just forest that was cropped many <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s or provinces of Sichuan and Hunan (heartland of Hmong ancestors<br />

even centuries ago. An untouched forest is basically static, once it since the Zhou Dynasty) where the first Buddhist Shaolin Temple<br />

reaches maturity, it doesn’t absorb much more carbon than it was built with the arrival of Bodhidharma (in Mandarin Damo, the<br />

emits. If an industry is burning fossil fuels, then a standing forest foun<strong>de</strong>r of the Chan/Zen Buddhism), following the road of<br />

doesn’t lessen the CO2 emitted by that industry. If a tree is Kumarajiva, the Indian Buddhist Monk who brought Buddhism in<br />

extracted from a forest to be sold as lumber, the carbon captured China by request of Yao Xing, the later Qin ruler in X’ian. After<br />

in that tree remains in the house or table the lumber is used for, entering Shaolin, Bodhidharma meditated facing a wall in a<br />

and the new tree that grows in its place will absorb even more nearby cave for nine years. After that time, he introduced a new<br />

CO2, so a selective logging coupled with swid<strong>de</strong>n agriculture exercises based on chanting Kab Yeeb sutras (cult of Guanyin),<br />

might actually be a better alternative than leaving a forest unused. translated from original India and composed into indigenous<br />

Usually the people who practice swid<strong>de</strong>n farming are tropical scriptures invented by Shaolin Monks. Hmong, traditionally, had<br />

tribal groups marginalized by the larger society, so no one grown small quantities of opium for medicinal purposes. Was<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>rs that they might have something to teach the rest of the acceptable for el<strong>de</strong>rly people to smoke opium and pass away the<br />

world. Their crop mix planted in a recently-felled patch of forest end of their life in peaceful euphoria but was consi<strong>de</strong>red<br />

can contain annual crops, as well as longer-term crops like disgraceful for young people to become addicted, and Hmong girls<br />

manioc, banana, papaya, pineapple, ranging to perennial tree crops did not use opium to seduce visitors because of a strict prohibition<br />

like cacao, rubber, cashew, oil palm, fruits, coffee, and tree from their el<strong>de</strong>rs. A factor in the adoption by the Hmong opium<br />

species for resin and lumber. Cash tree crop plantation, eventually production was the necessity to purchase salt, since they could not<br />

gives way to the regrowth of the natural forest. In Brazil extract it themselves. A quest for salt was a need for the Hmong<br />

governments would be well-advised to encourage people to settle which they exchange with Rice crops. Because salt was a<br />

the forest interior and farm it in a swid<strong>de</strong>n system, as opposed to government monopoly which lead to an excessively high prices,<br />

razing forest to make permanent fields and pasture. If the forest is smuggling by some natives occurred and its suppression led to a<br />

totally unpopulated, it's easy for outsi<strong>de</strong>rs to come and <strong>de</strong>stroy it.” four-year revolt in Hunan in 1043. Then Hmong uprising of 1855-<br />

1The day for a Hmong or Akha family in Laos, usually begins at 1881 in Southern China must have interrupted opium cultivation<br />

the first crow of the family rooster with women pounding grain in many areas. After suppression in 1881, many Hmong migrated<br />

with mortar and pestles un<strong>de</strong>rneath their homes. Ol<strong>de</strong>st daughter to North Vietnam, Thailand and Laos. Un<strong>de</strong>r French colonial, all<br />

and daughter-in-law cook breakfast, prepare foods for lunch, feed local tribal group, began to grow opium as a cash crop to pay taxes<br />

the animals, and clean the house. The husband helps his wife feed as well as to sell to the government to purchase a year’s supply of<br />

the animals and grind corn. After breakfast, the working members salt, tools and cloth.<br />


Illness is a personal story, as a soul shift<br />

Health is a barter, no one-si<strong>de</strong> relationship<br />

our view of reality, is not the reality itself<br />

shaman is manager, of symbols and belief<br />

Rites of Passage, marking Hmong person’s life<br />

first naming ceremony, calling soul of newborn<br />

a wedding ceremony, or new father first child<br />

is the funeral, Hmong’s final rite of passage 1<br />

第六 at refugees camp, was told by Paj Thao<br />

3 Hmong believe that people have multiple souls. What doctors<br />

would call mental illness is attributed to a liver that has become<br />

diseased or damaged through soul loss (as the profound loss of<br />

home, the ache of homesickness of ol<strong>de</strong>r people whom want to go<br />

back home to their piece of farm, to raise chicken and listen bird<br />

songs at sunrise). When this happens, sick person seeks a shaman<br />

(Neng) to perform healing ritual, to call the soul back. Many<br />

Hmong refugees, upon arriving in the United States, want to<br />

perform soul-calling ceremonies in or<strong>de</strong>r to call their souls to<br />

America, using medicine in conjunction with herbal medicine and<br />

shamans. This ritual is part of the healing process that will enable<br />

refugees to move on with their lives in America. Psychosocial and<br />

cultural facets give illness context and meaning mirroring ailments<br />

of the liver. Analyst tries to provoke self-analysis by scratching<br />

the woun<strong>de</strong>d part of the self, a Neng will provi<strong>de</strong> an explanation<br />

which avoids all self-involvement of the patient guilt. Patient is<br />

always represented as a victim of an assault from outsi<strong>de</strong> powers<br />

or of an acci<strong>de</strong>ntal separation from one part of his self. when this<br />

situation has been i<strong>de</strong>ntified and overcome by the shaman, health<br />

is recovered. At no point has there been a feeling of guilt<br />

associated with suffering. the Neng keeps exclusion of guilt from<br />

transaction. Doctor cures disease but indigenous healer heals the<br />

illness. When someone is ill, the family will consult with a<br />

diagnostician, who will <strong>de</strong>termine the cause of the illness. If the<br />

illness is <strong>de</strong>termined to have been caused by spirits, a Neng will<br />

be consulted. If the cause is food poisoning, indigestion or energy<br />

imbalance, the family will consult with the herbalist and<br />

massager/acupuncturist. Herbal medicine is also used to treat<br />

sexually transmitted diseases and broken bones. In many cases,<br />

the treatment involves all three arts. The Neng <strong>de</strong>als with spirits<br />

and heals souls, while the herbalist helps to restore the patient’s<br />

energy and speed the recovery process. Hmong shamanism<br />

sometime reject surgery when they believe an illness has a<br />

spiritual cause. Death (and life) might not seem so important as<br />

the soul harmony. Soul calling ceremony is festive and<br />

affectionate drama saturated with care and humankindness.<br />

1 Hmong language is musical and their music is linguistic. All<br />

Hmong poetry is sung also by a brass harp and Qeej, a reed pipe<br />

played for entertainment, for welcoming guests, and at funeral<br />

rites. When a Hmong dies, his or her soul must travel back to<br />

every place the person lived until it reaches the burial place of its<br />

placenta. After soul is properly dressed in the "placental jacket"<br />

can it travel on to be reunited with ancestors and to be<br />

reincarnated as the soul of a new baby. Wearing traditional clothes<br />

his family were forced, to flee Laos homeland<br />

after the Vietnam War, he struggles to survive<br />

Paj and his wife, became sick and <strong>de</strong>pressed<br />

Paj aunt was a Neng, lead a healing for him<br />

then he discovers, his own soul strayed out<br />

collision of two cultures, insi<strong>de</strong> his new life<br />

to reunite with lost soul, is working Paj Thao 2<br />

during ceremony, strings are tied around wrists<br />

to restore the souls, to bodies of Paj and wife<br />

family's struggle to balance, traditional & new<br />

tension experienced, by immigrant families plus<br />

the ol<strong>de</strong>r generation, struggles with soul loss<br />

labeled <strong>de</strong>pression, alienation from their home<br />

Paj Thao ministers, friends with his rituals<br />

dances on a woo<strong>de</strong>n bench, wearing black veil 3<br />

shaking and chanting, in an ecstatic trance<br />

He traces the story, of clan across the Asia<br />

from Miao gol<strong>de</strong>n age, to mo<strong>de</strong>rn resettlement<br />

using Paj ntaub, story-cloths Hmong letters 4<br />

attending the ritual partakes of the sacrificed animal who has been<br />

prepared into a meal. The event is then en<strong>de</strong>d with the communal<br />

sharing of a life that has been sacrificed to mend a lost soul.<br />

2 The rattles ring first (like fighting weapons), and spirits know you<br />

are coming. For two hours, Paj travels through the spirit world<br />

looking for his lost soul. When he finds his soul, he must wrestle<br />

for it with the God of Death. Paj's Uncle throws down the buffalo<br />

horns to see if Paj soul has returned. When it is, all the relatives tie<br />

strings to their wrists to help secure the souls to their bodies. This<br />

will keep them healthy for a long time. When Paj hears a chicken<br />

crowing back, that is the direction he must go to find ancestors;<br />

He takes his chicken with him to help find his ancestors (waiting<br />

for us in heaven), and when He gets to heaven his chicken crows.<br />

3 "Paj Thao won<strong>de</strong>rs if the spirit of the Neng will go to his sons or<br />

grandsons when he dies, like it was passed to him, by ancestors.<br />

During trance, a Neng is transported to another world via a flying<br />

horse, a woo<strong>de</strong>n bench usually no wi<strong>de</strong>r than the human body.<br />

Buffalo horn tips are thrown to the ground to <strong>de</strong>termine which<br />

way the soul has gone. The Neng wears a cloth mask while he/she<br />

is reaching a trance state. The mask helps the shaman concentrate,<br />

but also acts as a disguise from evil spirits in the spirit world.<br />

During episo<strong>de</strong>s when shamans leap onto the flying horse bench,<br />

assistants will often help them to balance. It is believed that if a<br />

shaman falls down before his soul returns to his body, he/she can<br />

die. One way in which a Neng returns the soul to the body is<br />

through a string-tying ritual. White, red, black or blue strings are<br />

tied to shield the person from evil spirits in the form of sickness.”<br />

4 In the refugee's camp where I stayed, Hmong women use to<br />

transfer their drawings to cloth. Paj ntaubs were later ma<strong>de</strong> as<br />

pillow covers or hung on walls as tapestries. Storycloths<br />

incorporate Hmong family history, village life, <strong>de</strong>ath, the<br />

will permit the soul of the <strong>de</strong>ad to be i<strong>de</strong>ntified as Hmong and thus disturbance of war, emigration and life in a new land. Hmong<br />

to reincarnate again in the Hmong ethnic group. Funeral rituals folktales <strong>de</strong>scribe an ancient homeland of ice and snow, darkness<br />

often last three days where family members sacrifice a chicken to and light as the central Siberia. Hmong/Miao were among the<br />

carry on journey to find ancestors, a shaman uses an animal's soul aboriginal inhabitants of China. In the sixth century, with China<br />

to support or protect his patient's soul, playing Qeej music to gui<strong>de</strong> collapsing into warring factions, Hmong lea<strong>de</strong>rs ban<strong>de</strong>d together<br />

it back to land of ancestors (like Buiti Ngombi). Often healing to form a kingdom in the central Chinese provinces of Hunan,<br />

rituals are capped by a communion meal, where everyone Hubei, and Henan. Their kingdom flourished for several hundred<br />


Paj Thao folktales, instruct and entertain<br />

to convey the values, beliefs of community<br />

to explain the world's, mysteries of life<br />

he tells of Shee Yee, first Hmong shaman 1<br />

Shee Yee is the healer, the Neng forerunner<br />

in Hmong folktale, was once ambushed by evils<br />

he attempted one <strong>de</strong>fense, before he fled away<br />

switching strategy, he turned into a red ant 2<br />

Shee Yee cave is altar, with candle to light<br />

the mithical realm, which Neng was to travel<br />

to enter his trance, He can use also opium<br />

but it is not a necessity, 第六 point out<br />

Neng repetitive movements, also helped him<br />

as the veil and the incense, gong and rattle<br />

opium water into bowls, to the shaman's altar<br />

it's medicine to clear, the way for Shee Yee 3<br />

years where they possessed their own lands, their own armies, and<br />

their own written language. In the continuous warfare against the<br />

expansionist Chinese, however, the Hmong king was killed, his<br />

family butchered the kingdom <strong>de</strong>stroyed. The Hmong who<br />

survived the crackdown fled into the rugged mountains of<br />

Guizhou, Yunnan, and Sichuan, where most Hmong in China still<br />

live today. In the course of their escape, the Hmong "book”<br />

(power of written language), half fell into the waters of the Yellow<br />

River and was lost, the second part was eaten by the Hmong<br />

themselves, who were starving. In songs, the ancient Hmong<br />

kingdom is celebrated as a gol<strong>de</strong>n age along with a Hmong<br />

proverb: "there's always another mountain". Many songs tell about<br />

an orphan who, although harassed and discriminated against by<br />

others, never gave up. He worked day and night, and through selfdiscipline<br />

and perseverance, he eventually became a man. The<br />

orphan in the story can stand as a symbol for the Hmong people<br />

themselves orphans without their own country who survive<br />

wherever they go.<br />

1 At the center of Hmong culture is the Txiv Neeb (or tsi Neng<br />

"father/master of spirits"), the shaman that sink roots into the earth<br />

while branching towards the sky. For Hmong cosmology, the<br />

human body is the host for a number of souls. The isolation and<br />

separation of one or more of these souls from the body can cause<br />

disease, <strong>de</strong>pression and <strong>de</strong>ath. Curing rites are referred to as "soulcalling<br />

rituals". Whether the soul became separated from the body<br />

because it was frightened away or kidnapped by an evil force, it<br />

must return in or<strong>de</strong>r to restore the integrity of life.<br />

2 Shee Yee turned into a tiny red ant and bit the evil dab on the<br />

testicle (similar the Argia of Sardinian). He learned how change<br />

himself into anything he wished, to kill dabs, to fly like the wind,<br />

to heal the sick and to raise the <strong>de</strong>ad. Shee Yee's services as a<br />

healer were sorely nee<strong>de</strong>d becouse there was much illness in the<br />

world. He was assisted by a winged horse, a bowl of holy water, a<br />

set of magical healing tools (a saber, a gong, a rattle and a pair of<br />

finger bells) and a troupe of familiar spirits (Kaying).<br />

3 Anyone who was sprayed with holy water or who caught a<br />

fragment of one of Shee Yee's tolls, was elected to be a Neng, a<br />

host for a healing spirit (neeb). when Nengs pursue the lost soul of<br />

a sick person, they summon Shee Yee's familiar spirits and ri<strong>de</strong><br />

Shee Yee's flying horse up the staircase through the sky.<br />

Neng starts to gallop, on top of his horse<br />

to look into reasons, that might cause illness<br />

chanting loudly, singing ancient incantations<br />

in Hmong-Chinese language, dabs negotiation<br />

the air around 第六, was thick with incense<br />

the gong was clanged, the rattle was jangled<br />

the Neng's horse galloped, faster and faster<br />

the door was opening, to sky Shee Yee's cave 4<br />

he chants to child lost soul, I am calling you<br />

I have an egg for you, rice and chicken for you<br />

where have you gone? everything waiting for you<br />

are you visiting families, or looking a flower?<br />

are you in Thailand? in Laos or in the sky?<br />

have you gone to the sun, the moon or the stars<br />

come to your house, come home to your mother<br />

come to your family, come through this door<br />

in the rite of Souls Calling, lady Kaying emerges<br />

the masters are trying, to attract her attention<br />

by wear most beautiful, and colourful costumes<br />

like during the festivities, of each New Year 5<br />

Children laugh at Kab Yeeb, the Mother Dab Pog<br />

the babbling of children, is a kind of language<br />

speaking to her, She leads them to the parents<br />

Guanyin has the roles, of giver and guardian 6<br />

Opium poppy flower (called Ma-Ying, Kab yeeb, Kaying), is<br />

mainly reserved as painkiller medicine and to facilitate the<br />

ceremonial trances of txiv neebs. Hmong people call “Yang” (Yaj)<br />

the world of human beings and “Yin” (Yeeb), the world of the<br />

spirits revealed by Kab-yeeb, God<strong>de</strong>ss of Compassion. Believers<br />

must chant her name and appropriate sutras to accomplish her<br />

promise of gifts. As universal gateway, symbol of love, fertility,<br />

protection for children and sick people, She is represented with a<br />

bottle of water. In Chinese Mahayana tradition, she become the<br />

bodhisattva Guanyin 观音 (or Kuan Shi Yin 观世音 after Song<br />

Dynasty 960-1127), in Theravada tradition she represents the King<br />

and in the Tibetan Buddhism, the Dalai-Lama.<br />

4When his family spirits are present, he can enter his trance at will.<br />

He sat on Shee Yee winged horse, crossing his feet on the carpet,<br />

doing a rhythmic tap dance as the rattle he held in his right hand<br />

and the finger bell he wore on his left hand echoed the sound of<br />

his horse's harness bells. Meanwhile his assistant beat the gong to<br />

tell spirits that the journey was beginning.<br />

5The masters of Souls Calling generally are widowed, divorced,<br />

wives in polygamist couples, or single. Hmong New Year starting<br />

at first cock crow on the first day of the waxing moon, is a multiday<br />

holiday that is celebrated in the twelfth lunar month. Like the<br />

Chinese and the Vietnamese, the Hmong serve their favorite foods<br />

during the first three days of the New Year, a time to banish<br />

harmful element also time to dance, sing and dress. People refrain<br />

from speaking critically of others and take a break from work and<br />

business, and animals also are given a respite from labor.<br />

6The Hmong spiritual world is governed mostly by couples of<br />

spirits where each has a different name or is classified with a<br />

gen<strong>de</strong>r marker (niam/nkauj: mother/girl (female), txiv/tub/nraug:<br />

father/boy/male) and is assigned a complementary function. The<br />


y invoking Guanyin, during a shaman trance<br />

indigenous chant, show me the Way hua yeeb<br />

to lead souls back, to their ancestor villages<br />

or to welcome a children, in exchange of gifts<br />

Lady Kaying leads or sends, children to parents<br />

Neng who negotiates, promises chicken for child<br />

If those parents, treated children really badly<br />

Guanyin would take back, children to her belly<br />

The Spirit Dab Pog, is also folktale character<br />

God<strong>de</strong>ss of fertility, beautiful and frightening<br />

old woman and Witch, eater of the children<br />

She burns the field, giving sexual education 1<br />

塔拉斯 remembers us, an ancient medicine<br />

the juice of opium, dissolved in hot water<br />

used by many clans, alongsi<strong>de</strong> Mediterranean<br />

and Asian hill-tribes, in north of Thailand 2<br />

on island of Cyprus, the Peoples of the Sea<br />

craft opium culling knives, before fall of Troy<br />

Alexan<strong>de</strong>r introduces it, into Persia and India<br />

by Arab tra<strong>de</strong>rs, Opium thebaicum went to China<br />

British East India Company, get opium monopoly<br />

Friedrich Sertuerner, discover its ingredient<br />

Principium somniferum, alkaloids or morphine<br />

as God's own medicine, for souls reliablity 3<br />

an English apothecary, introduces Laudanum<br />

a compound of opium, sherry wine and herbs<br />

Dutch export shipments, Indian opium to China<br />

Chinese emperor, was prohibiting opium smoking 4<br />

pressed opium seeds, gives bread said Khari<br />

food and cures, for many people & livestock<br />

while a milk <strong>de</strong>coction, or dates with opium<br />

helped the couriers, themselves and horses<br />

the Opium papaver, is a stinking flower<br />

Ufiyun for the Arabs, Ufèem for the Hindus<br />

it is a tshuaj Opium Tea, in south of China<br />

3Opium is reintroduced into European medical literature by<br />

Yeeb for the Hmong, it is tshuaj medicine Paracelsus as laudanum. The black pills were ma<strong>de</strong> of opium<br />

thebaicum, citrus juice and quintessence of gold and prescribed as<br />

the Sumerians refer to it, like Hul Gil flower<br />

painkillers. Linnaeus, the father of botany, first classifies the<br />

poppy, Papaver somniferum in his book Genera Plantarum.<br />

the joy plant passed on, then into Assyrians English researcher, C.R. Wright first synthesizes heroin<br />

also to the Babylonians, finally to Egyptians (diacetylmorphine) in 1874, by boiling morphine over a stove,<br />

where in capital city, it was opium thebaicum then Heinrich Dreser in 1895 working for the Bayer Company of<br />

Elberfeld, Germany, begins its production and coins the name<br />

heroin. 1905: Several physicians experiment with Atropa<br />

holy poppy fields, were around Thebes temples belladonna <strong>de</strong>lirium doses to stop heroin addiction.<br />

it flourishes the tra<strong>de</strong>, on route to Phoenicians 41839: Lin Tse-Hsu, imperial Chinese commissioner in charge of<br />

across Mediterranean Sea, arriving to Minoans suppressing the opium traffic, or<strong>de</strong>rs all foreign tra<strong>de</strong>rs to<br />

Carthage and Europe, together God<strong>de</strong>ss Venus surren<strong>de</strong>r their opium. In response, the British send warships to<br />

the coast of China, beginning The First Opium War. 1841: The<br />

Chinese are <strong>de</strong>feated in the First Opium War. Along with paying a<br />

spirit, receiving the offering, doesn’t belong to the group of large in<strong>de</strong>mnity, Hong Kong is ce<strong>de</strong>d to the British. 1856: The<br />

household tutelary spirits but as a wild spirit being everywhere British and French renew their hostilities against China in the<br />

that need to be worshipped in their places. Kab Yeeb is: ancestor Second Opium War. China is forced to pay another in<strong>de</strong>mnity.<br />

Spirit of Fertility flying everywhere (Dab Pog); a couple spirits The importation of opium is legalized. 1886: The British acquire<br />

auxiliary of shaman; a female guardian spirit, capable of patient Burma's northeast region, the Shan state. 1890: U.S. Congress<br />

love toward children not yet reaching the stage of language. In imposes a tax on opium and morphine. Tabloids publish stories of<br />

case the child dies, she would take him or her back. The prayer or white women being seduced by Chinese men and their opium to<br />

calling of Guanyin’s name aloud is the trigger that, when it is invoke fear of the Yellow Peril, disguised as an anti-drug<br />

sincere and <strong>de</strong>sperate enough, is answered by response but she campaign. Early 1940's: During World War II, opium tra<strong>de</strong> routes<br />

does not act gratuitously. To help woman <strong>de</strong>siring children, the are blocked and the flow of opium from India and Persia is cut off.<br />

shaman needs to perform a session to seek the reason of sterility. Fearful of losing their opium monopoly, the French encourage<br />

If Kaying can help, he will set a lunch table then he call Spirit Hmong farmers to expand their opium production. 1945-1947:<br />

Kaying to accept the offerings of food and water.<br />

Burma gains its in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce from Britain at the end of World<br />

1As folktale character, Parents use Dab Pog to discipline their War II. Opium cultivation and tra<strong>de</strong> flourishes in the Shan states<br />

children, so she comes at the night time and steals disobedient controlled by warlord, Khun Sa. 1965-1970: U.S. involvement in<br />

children, or the mothers explain to their daughters, that they got Vietnam is blamed for the surge in illegal heroin being smuggled<br />

red blanket from Dab Pog when they get their periods for the first into the States. To aid U.S. allies, the Central Intelligence Agency<br />

time.<br />

sets up a charter airline, to transport raw opium from Burma and<br />

2There are many different species of papaveraceae, but none is as Laos. As well, some of the opium would be transported to<br />

prized as the somniferum, for both its beauty and its seeds, which Marseille by Corsican gangsters to be refined into heroin and<br />

are used in baking and in the production of cooking oil. Papaver shipped to the U.S via the French connection. The number of<br />

Somniferum (Poppy), is a hardy annual that can grow almost heroin addicts in the U.S. reaches an estimated 750,000. Saigon<br />

anywhere in the world. It has been used for centuries, as a falls, the heroin epi<strong>de</strong>mic subsi<strong>de</strong>s.1978: U.S. and Mexican<br />

painkiller, muscle relaxant, diarrhoea remedy, and holy intoxicant. governments spraying some poppy fields with Agent Orange.<br />


the effects of opium, the chronic diarrhea<br />

together with bad blood, and abdominal pain<br />

morphine action, <strong>de</strong>pends on the individual<br />

someone feel hypnosis, someone a <strong>de</strong>lirium<br />

The opium-eater, he likes to be lonely<br />

while the smoker, researchers elite group<br />

Morpheus holds poppy, primary anesthetic<br />

a sleep that soothes, the strongest pain<br />

opium was the helper, of each old medicine<br />

happy consolation, for the human suffering<br />

small dose aid digestion, and low heat pulse<br />

while in excess, it <strong>de</strong>velops recurrent fever 1<br />

if opium excites, especially nervous people<br />

it slows down digestion, assimilation with<br />

opium-eater is shaken, irregular breathing<br />

for years he feels, disturbs and pleasure<br />

De Quincey had met it, during a toothache<br />

he was fascinated, by its various ghosts<br />

then he became, the proverbial longevity<br />

a poet and writer, effects he <strong>de</strong>scribing<br />

an abuser is suffering, cold and body off<br />

is lazy and indolent, he left any purpose<br />

homeless families, hospices and charities<br />

he die on the streets, there in big cities<br />

Flower medicine, it calms cough and pain<br />

it relaxes the brain, or it shakes all nerves<br />

antagonistic to poppy is Atropa belladonna<br />

stupor or excitement, is by one constitution 2<br />

the Shee yeeb door, it's like Scheheraza<strong>de</strong><br />

entry into s theater, thousand in one night<br />

last opium stage, is narcotic intoxication<br />

<strong>de</strong>lirium alternating, dregs and holy joy<br />

It does not create, any new image in memory<br />

it actives existing, weaving and renewing it<br />

mixed together, are memories and sensations<br />

for mental excitement, or muscle excitation<br />

Milk of Thebes is dranked, smoked or eaten<br />

as the Aphrodite milk, was in Mediterranean<br />

as Lady Kaying, she went to southeast Asia<br />

helping the wars, or serene contemplation<br />

1 narceina, morphine and co<strong>de</strong>ine, have sleep-inducing action,<br />

while thebaine, papaverine and narcotina have convulsive action.<br />

2<br />

莉萨 quotes Mantegazza: "exciting impressions come rapidly to<br />

the brain intermittently. They can paralyze the nerves (narcosis) or<br />

to excite them. It happens in the motor centers and i<strong>de</strong>as centers:<br />

paralysis (anesthesia), drowsiness or motor excitement (<strong>de</strong>lirium).<br />

among the Rajputs of India, opium smoking is <strong>de</strong>light in life:<br />

Umul kya? have you taken your opium? umul kao, take your<br />

opium."Smokers emerge from opium by chewing Betel and<br />

sweating in a sauna.<br />

镭森 remember us, starting one folktale<br />

that also Muhammad, un<strong>de</strong>r the Toba tree<br />

Muhammad's lying, the temples of Mecca<br />

Gabriel saw him, then opened his chest<br />

Gabriel wash his heart, and puts it back<br />

giving him Al-Borak, a winged white horse<br />

similar to the horse, of the Shee Yee tale<br />

a horse used by Neng, to enter into heaven<br />

along with Gabriel, Mohammed begins gallops<br />

up to the blue sky, and knocks on the door<br />

Adam welcomes him, and offers him good words<br />

Mohammed greets, moves to the second heaven<br />

there he meets Noah, after he meets Azzaèl<br />

the Angel of Death, who is writing on book<br />

the names of the infant, and erases the past<br />

then he moves further, arriving the sixth door<br />

here he meets Moses, who is weeping because of<br />

Muhammad have got, more followers then him<br />

Muhammad go further, until a special home<br />

he sees Divine light green, all around him<br />

He enters the Mamour, the home of Gabriel<br />

three vessels are given, milk, honey & wine<br />

He drinks the milk, and Gabriel comforts him<br />

Islam if for you, drink wine lose that port<br />

Buddhas & Mohammed, remember the play<br />

calm carefree, it's light of green dawn<br />

behind mountain, stands the ancient Self<br />

it reflects Tago, eternal day of Pla<strong>net</strong><br />

塔拉斯 sings De Quincy, brilliant words<br />

Opium thin and right, all you conquer!<br />

Africa and Eurasia, the poor & the rich<br />

you consoling balm, for wounds and anguish<br />

your spirit is a healer, eloquent salesman<br />

into court of dreams, you help the triumphs<br />

of inner innocence, the false ego witnesses<br />

you confuse perjurers, reversing judgments<br />

I lived a thousand years, buried many time<br />

as mummies in tombs, and mud of the Ganges<br />

as slayer and the slain, adored and adoring<br />

fair & equitable opium, you call the light<br />


on day I was gar<strong>de</strong>ning, the earth with plants<br />

listening at evening, many stories and tales<br />

镭森 begins tonight, his youth experience<br />

when he went to wan<strong>de</strong>r, for Nepal and India<br />

while a fire burns, everything seems picture<br />

镭森 gets excited, by his memories of India<br />

scenes and situations, visiting Shirdi country<br />

the encounter with 莉萨, then back to Terabuti<br />

I lan<strong>de</strong>d in Kathmandu, between cows to graze<br />

a family atmosphere, of the Himalayan valleys<br />

people of different races, British have crossed<br />

Nepal holy country, emerges in peoples courage<br />

I arrived with monsoon, I also see bit squalor It attracts many <strong>de</strong>votees, the city of Bhaktapur<br />

diesel on streets, emanating from Japanese car<br />

simple is its climate, which gives peace of mind<br />

animals on the roads, are cleaning up waste Women bring on their heads, clay jugs of water<br />

together with beggars, searching for warmth<br />

1<br />

while pepper and cereal seeds, dry on reed mats<br />

cycling merchants, waiting with their sniff<br />

barbers and cobblers, in the vibrant square<br />

tailors and healers, pounding on my body<br />

cawing many crows, there on a power lines<br />

I found Nepalese man, sensitive and <strong>de</strong>ep<br />

he hand in hand, respects the whole world<br />

ignoring appearances, <strong>de</strong>voted to his family<br />

he distinguishes a person, who feels respect<br />

the Nepal jungle of the Terai, 镭森 met<br />

Kusunda men, native group like the Adivasi<br />

they loves fishing, hunting and gathering<br />

the honey and fruits, wild roots and plants<br />

镭森 stayed with them, guest in village<br />

those people remind him, Kalash of Chitral<br />

cousins of the Hellenes, forced to convert<br />

to the faith of Islam, the valley of Nuristan<br />

the last Kafir, in three valleys of Pakistan<br />

live rugged region, in northern Afghanistan<br />

where Hindukush chain, joins the Karakorum<br />

In the Pamir knot, a natural amphitheater<br />

Farmers and her<strong>de</strong>rs, barter between tribes<br />

base value is the goat, a cow is worth ten<br />

a house cost 6 cows, the accumulation is spent<br />

for village's festivals, to strengthen the ranks<br />

the Valley of Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur<br />

become city-states, with several tribes living<br />

Durbar is the central Square, of a sovereignty<br />

it has many temples, of Buddhism & Hindu gods<br />

the acres smoke rises, from the cremation ghat<br />

it stands Pashupati, on the Bagmati River banks<br />

temple to Dionysus-Shiva, lord of the Animals<br />

Protector of Nepal, friend of Nandi holy bull<br />

I see many Siva sadhus, wan<strong>de</strong>ring ascetics<br />

they have given their lives, to the meditation<br />

Hermits and anchorites, of various traditions<br />

someone smokes ganja, to remove temptations<br />

craftsmen & potters, around Swayambhu Temple<br />

attract 镭森 attention, next to Durga Devi<br />

the wheels full of mantras, turists & <strong>de</strong>vouts<br />

temple spires with monkeys, prayers propitiate<br />

MANI PADME HUM, the mantra is the first sound<br />

in this Tibetan pantheon, east of Kathmandu<br />

Bodhnath stupa, it was the first in Nepal<br />

it has four pairs of eyes, four directions<br />

stupa is Axis Mundi, Mount Meru and Kailas<br />

Cosmic egg in the center, of all multiverses<br />

around the stupa, monasteries & Gompa I see<br />

with frescoes of colors, clothes on the walls<br />

镭森 got a friend, a very Tibetan merchant<br />

his name is Milarepa, niece to a renamed bard<br />

he lives up to Kodari, at the bor<strong>de</strong>r village<br />

he invites 镭森, discover the Himalayas<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> a local monastery, the tiny village<br />

镭森 meets 莉萨, it was their first time<br />

莉萨 gave a cup of tea, along with tsampa<br />

She cooked in a pot, for guests at banquet<br />

镭森 went to Kodari, with his friend 莉萨<br />

they talk to each other, close to the bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

bridge of friendship, between China and Nepal<br />

that bridge symbolizes, an ancient brotherhood<br />

lasting several days, singing and dancing groups<br />

together wine and ganja, and firewood of a clan<br />

each Kalash family, has several goats as money<br />

goats help survival, with cheese, meat & wool 1 "Straw mats, 30 cm long, are ma<strong>de</strong> with bundles of dried twigs of<br />

various grasses, knotted and tight between them. Tsampa is tea<br />

with 4 teaspoons of barley flour (tsam), butter and honey.<br />


Milarepa's clan and family, were former refugees<br />

his uncle was a shaman, living in Kodari village<br />

He told many stories, between the two countries<br />

wars and boundaries, and the wheel of <strong>de</strong>stiny<br />

A curious market flows, up there in valleys<br />

high stony wastelands, watching insi<strong>de</strong>s us<br />

then you can barter, the vortex of life<br />

with great happiness, full and infinite!<br />

镭森 with 莉萨, listen to Milarepa uncle<br />

still Milarepa's uncle, observing and talking<br />

in front of hearthfire, spending the evening<br />

his name is Thonpa Shenrab, similar the one<br />

looking a wall Thanka, <strong>de</strong>picting Padmasambava<br />

foun<strong>de</strong>r of the Bon, and Dzogchen Meditation<br />

sitting on a flower, with poppy as human cup<br />

Samsara is in the mind, my inner television<br />

the skull is apparently filled, immortal nectar<br />

amrita of consciousness, to awaken human been<br />

the Tibetan Thanka, it is about contemplation<br />

Mandala is drawn, from its navel to outward<br />

Spirit ancestors, run through a web of wires<br />

traveling between, the levels of consciousness<br />

the Himalayan bard, rolls out more his Thanka<br />

he explains the verses, accompanied by drum<br />

The wheel of Kalachakra, six worlds gives us<br />

Yama shows us mysteries, it is Lord of Death<br />

Yama is lord Buddha, the enlightened mind<br />

it's a mirror to see, game of our illusions<br />

its crown of skulls, are many incarnations<br />

the mirror reflects, all the vices of each<br />

anger is Hell, where flames are good advice<br />

the insatiable Spectra, upper world of torture<br />

World of Animals, it shows instinctual forces<br />

Buddha holding a book, to helps to humanize<br />

the world of Human, is the kingdom of pri<strong>de</strong><br />

Buddha is begging, trying to awaken humanity<br />

on top of Kalachakra, the palaces of Heaven<br />

clouds inhabited, by wealthy gods and clergy<br />

Asura next to them, the warriors of ambition<br />

they are ready to fight, get into the election<br />

six realms of consciousness, experience patterns<br />

Wheel of existence, it reflects the mind results<br />

a means that helps us, un<strong>de</strong>rstand the essence<br />

nature of the mind, the cycle of consequences<br />

This wheel of existence, it has twelve rings<br />

high and low figures, revealing twelve months<br />

by clockwise reading, I connect consequences<br />

chained to Ignorance, the Desire it emerges<br />

Awareness it follows, which joins the Body<br />

so the Senses come out, and pair of Lovers<br />

follows the Feeling, of Insatiable living<br />

Attachment rises, to the forms of Life<br />

then flows the change, Birth and Death<br />

chain starts again, divi<strong>de</strong> body and mind<br />

the mind of ego, it plays its <strong>de</strong>sired film<br />

judging all the script, calls it its reality<br />

continuous flow life, flowing in appearance<br />

in one of the six worlds, wheel if existence<br />

if Mind know the mind, meditation gives up<br />

time disappears, if the mind stop itself<br />

the Breath itself, is not the heart of life<br />

maybe it is food, as well as other foods<br />

the act of thinking, it requires oxygen<br />

the mind craves breath, to fuel itself<br />

Time is an illusion, a rational building<br />

Meditation on emptiness, can stop any fate<br />

it melts at the time, cancels the distances<br />

the world and its wheel, stop immediately<br />

are insi<strong>de</strong> of us, the ascetic and rational<br />

dividing good & evil, is something unnatural<br />

Gods are infi<strong>de</strong>ls, very liars and irrational<br />

setting them to history, we try to rule them<br />

you can meet God, it's already happening<br />

without forcing, the moment will happen<br />

emerges the witness, the rhythm of life<br />

elemental forces, both hostile and human<br />

Thonpa continued, involving his audience<br />

his guru was Naropa, hermit storyteller<br />

he is able to produce, whatever emotion<br />

that's why is master, of the imagination<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> his old cave, lived Naropa hermit<br />

he saw heaven & earth, to keep a counsel<br />

to send a storm down, to close villages<br />

for humans and beasts, to suffer hungry<br />

many flakes of snow, was swirling down<br />

ten days & nights, everything whitening<br />

waves of lakes, in the cold flattened<br />

hills and valleys, were all leveled<br />


The forests below, were all buried<br />

the waters of streams, hid<strong>de</strong>n by ice<br />

are fighting one another, life & <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

Hurricane winter, and its interior heat 1<br />

Thonpa the bard, then narrates his life<br />

village of Nechung, the Tibetan kingdom<br />

during the festivities, many people come<br />

meeting the oracle, to predict New Year<br />

his guru Naropa, an oracle monk himself<br />

use lenting his body, to the spirit Dorjee<br />

as the other medium, he was called Kutèn<br />

working for temples, and his small Shorten<br />

the austere spirit of Dorjee, it speaks little<br />

responds with sarcasm, laughter & damning<br />

began the ceremony, chanting invocations<br />

sounding more horns, cymbals and drums<br />

a medium enters a trance, his face turns<br />

angry in the wild, he shortens his breath<br />

he dance in slow steps, and jump with leap<br />

takes ceremonial sword, wielding all the point<br />

back to his stool, he listen to the questions<br />

he responds in verses, to government members<br />

then he begins to dance, the sword on the head<br />

he looks like warrior, who dances her feast<br />

finished his performance, I saw Naropa down<br />

he seemed lifeless, the Dorjee set him free<br />

its no<strong>de</strong> is dissolved, disban<strong>de</strong>d its links<br />

then Sherpa peoples enter, up to the stage<br />

they perform a ritual, called Mani Rimdu<br />

this drama shows, their legendary stories<br />

Actors are dressed, as <strong>de</strong>mons and wizards<br />

ancient religions, mix into a syncretism 2<br />

sound of horns, the sacred dances begin<br />

Invoking entities, for peoples gathered<br />

Energies of nature, tamed into channels<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> a color mandala, sand and flowers<br />

now different masks, the different village<br />

go up on stage, dancing more skeletons<br />

1 莉萨: "Milarepa shows the great virtue of Tumo, achieved by<br />

combining prolonged retention of the breath and fire imagery<br />

objectification (yidam)."<br />

2Thim Yang is the Sherpa ancestor who had emigrated with its<br />

people 300 years ago from Tibet. Konchok Chumbi is the Sherpa<br />

who took Edmund Hillary on Everest. (Sher east, Pa: people).<br />

from ancestors femurs, music blasts out<br />

starting a Ru Tang, dance of cemeteries<br />

Sherpa give lesson, singing and telling 3<br />

to live in harmony, Himalayas ecosystem<br />

they try to educate, both adult & children<br />

using funny jokes, as school and theater<br />

at the center of mandala, is stuck banner<br />

it is imprisoned, every <strong>de</strong>structive breath<br />

mandala is <strong>de</strong>stroyed, the guards are raised<br />

mixed sands & memories, returned to waters<br />

a wind in the valleys, creeps into gorges<br />

Thonpa lose himself, the immense silence<br />

镭森 chase a feeling, arousing insi<strong>de</strong><br />

Terabuti vision, appears in bright light<br />

full moon of August, 莉萨 went to Nepal<br />

to make pilgrimage, with a Jhakri shaman 4<br />

climbing on trails, belly of mount Kailash<br />

the caves of silence, ancient mountains<br />

<strong>de</strong>votees in procession, go to the lakes<br />

to worship Kali, god<strong>de</strong>ss's wife of Shiva<br />

the Gosaikunda lake, attracts the crowds<br />

to heal those who wish, gives away pain<br />

it was torrential rain, wind and sun on<br />

Sajan his friend, tell his story to her<br />

through the forests, of national parks<br />

a retreat of ascetics, and wild animals<br />

I play my Jhakri drum, to Chomlunga gods<br />

offering incense, and singing and dancing<br />

elfs of the Himalayas, came to listen me<br />

I learned from them, a language of birds<br />

Sajan Jhakri till dawn, remains to dance<br />

because he play drum, in every sanctuary<br />

he has red and white robes, color of life<br />

as Gods of the forest, a master of shamans<br />

3 The Kanling are human femurs. Ru-tang is the Tibetan version of<br />

Tandava dance of India. Thur-Dag is Lord of <strong>de</strong>ath-like Rudra<br />

Kali. There two messengers drag a rag doll that dances hanging<br />

wires and represents the journey of the human spirit in the Bardo,<br />

in search of the spirit of fertility to reborn or reach the ancestors.<br />

4 "Sajan Jakri invites 莉萨 to his puja. He draws terrifying <strong>de</strong>mons<br />

(disease-causing) using web Mandalas, colorful <strong>de</strong>signs, flowers,<br />

dhalbat gift (rice dish with chickpeas), coins and candles in or<strong>de</strong>r<br />

to isolate them. This labyrinth is a babel for <strong>de</strong>mons and thoughts<br />

causes of illness, while rosaries rudra-Ksha (Elaocarpus ganitrus)<br />

are used as a harp." 莉萨<br />


he sad tells to 莉萨, elf flee with animals<br />

chased from forest, increasingly <strong>de</strong>forested<br />

leave the Mountain, guardians & protectors<br />

seriously injured, by the mo<strong>de</strong>rn conquerors<br />

he propitiates to Rudra, his Shiva Pasupati<br />

terrible & <strong>de</strong>structive, especially if abused<br />

Shiva yogi is naked, the ecstasy of <strong>de</strong>votees<br />

wearing tiger skin, having tri<strong>de</strong>nt and drum<br />

mothers with children, breastfeeding babies<br />

are listening his songs, accompanied by drum<br />

they learn that the evil, if it is confined<br />

in stratagems of care, brings also healing<br />

spirit is seduced, with gifts is satisfied<br />

then it is drunk, by the chicken's blood<br />

so that it never finds, the way the patient<br />

within the village, do not touch other people<br />

Sajan is fifties, he smiling welcomes people<br />

he pull out sadness, of many Women <strong>de</strong>pressed<br />

worn out by hysteria, social discrimination<br />

He is a very shaman, best Asian tradition<br />

Sajan hi<strong>de</strong>s his face, by using a silk cloth out of Nepal, 镭森 travels into India<br />

enters into a trance, screams and writhes crossing Ganges valley, train relentlessly<br />

he complaints and laughs, animal hysteria to heart of Varanasi, his <strong>de</strong>stiny led him<br />

even falls asleep, sings and lights the fire squalid streets, welcoming the pilgrims<br />

with coals and candles, lights up his place<br />

patients are in a row, massaged and beaten<br />

he begins the treatment, spitting out pain<br />

he spits all filth, hair & stones and blood<br />

he saw a suicidal soul, it has two children<br />

one shakes a lot, and the other seems crazy<br />

after hours of drum, and a lot of treatment<br />

they explo<strong>de</strong> to trance, the youngest speaks<br />

with the <strong>de</strong>ceased voice, tells his experience<br />

two old note down all words, for after check<br />

now the group and family, light the bonfire<br />

to feed and gui<strong>de</strong>, the lost wan<strong>de</strong>ring spirit<br />

they spread over coals, butter, milk & blood<br />

finally Sajan and brother, beat their drums<br />

the children of suici<strong>de</strong>, jump on the coals<br />

Free dance among odors, mixed with stench<br />

my liver he opened, took out everything<br />

he closed the wound, pain while passing<br />

I did not believe that, but my body did!<br />

it accepted roles, as the hypnosis games<br />

there is no disease, because I don't exist<br />

so I can heal myself, if aware of be nothing<br />

such a law seems absurd, to my rational mind<br />

more I feel I'm sick, the most I believe to be<br />

if I accept my <strong>de</strong>ath, I can open another stage<br />

ecstasy can enter, into a transpersonal mind<br />

each people chooses, its neurosis and disease<br />

as Potter kneads clay, gives shape to a hollow<br />

those potters I see, as heart of civilization 1<br />

sitting on the stool, rotating the same plate<br />

Sajan make also bricks, to dry out in the sun<br />

then with pots and bricks, he creates cities!<br />

Ceramic is ancient art, of the four elements<br />

Fire, clay & water, and breath of the winds<br />

the clay is worked, by hand and bare feet<br />

as wine from grape, and light from pains<br />

the train station, in the early morning<br />

is large dormitory, on mats of garbage<br />

chants of the muezzin, ringing around<br />

inviolate Varanasi, navel of the world<br />

people do shower, lined with fountains<br />

Hygiene is the duty, as well as pleasure<br />

si<strong>de</strong>walk drains, efficiency exaggeration<br />

for washing arms, and cloth full of colors<br />

Varanasi is Benares, Hindus city cradle<br />

the valley of the Ganges, sultry climate<br />

镭森 eats each day, hot vegetable soup<br />

with salt and clay, to help his stomach<br />

Ganges emanates, from all the streams<br />

to touch its waters, it purifies all sins<br />

sick pilgrims, want to die on its shore<br />

from millennia Benares, welcomes pilgrims<br />

Once 莉萨 get herself, be cured by Sajan<br />

1<br />

Sajan spoke to her, you can learn to die The Figulorum potter, he collects and provi<strong>de</strong>s for clay and silt,<br />

mystery of mysteries, intellect can die! brought by the floods of the rivers. Into subsistence economy, He<br />

changes the stubborn <strong>de</strong>speration of swamps (fever, typhoid,<br />

intellect should fail, happiness to come pneumonia, pellagra), by soaking in ponds with natural clay mud<br />

that becomes moldable. He cooks to get pots for sale.<br />


Benares is business, markets and bazaars<br />

temples and confusion, seem to dominate<br />

in no time, for one reason or another<br />

I found myself, sitting into a market<br />

everywhere I can see, a permanent show<br />

market and puppet, entertainment for all<br />

the apparent existence, the power of Maya<br />

dreaming on the Snake, the Vishnu Narayana<br />

He creates the universe, by sleight of hand<br />

Vishnu navel emanates, god Brahma in a dream<br />

after some time, I got out my preconceptions<br />

the very innocence, I discover in Varanasi<br />

I see a girl, the street of my guest house<br />

she collects the dung, to use it as a fuel<br />

a sacred cow dung, fresh and already dry<br />

not yet trampled, by feet and prejudices 1<br />

city convey peoples, coming from villages<br />

in search of fortune, fueled by the illusion<br />

cities are anthills, cesspool of human flesh<br />

a squalor of cities, contrasts with village<br />

镭森 get next stop, at Khajuraho village<br />

to visit a sadhu, and the temples of love<br />

a smart entrepreneurs, keep 镭森 around<br />

between makeshift showers, & monsoon rain<br />

Climate is reflected, in the local survival<br />

wherever bargaining, in street and offices<br />

it relaxes my eyes, just a bur<strong>de</strong>n beast<br />

Cow with camels, they calm & comfort me<br />

Sadhu and Naga baba, I meet in Haridwar<br />

they live in huts, on island in the Ganges<br />

they sprinkle with ashes, all their body<br />

sitting on the couch, smoking the ganja 2<br />

The middle of the hut, a cockpit for fire<br />

it houses the embers, for heat and ashes<br />

he speaks to me, of Kumbha Mela festival<br />

the collective dream, a meeting and camp<br />

by fasting and cold, strikes and gymkhanas<br />

I reach Himachal Pra<strong>de</strong>sh, town Dharamsala<br />

walking & pilgrimage, in the Himalayan valleys<br />

Dharamsala is down, McLeod Ganj is at the top<br />

1 she knead the cow dung to make block and carries it with her.<br />

She comes back and still collects, handling, serene and ease, that<br />

useful product. Cow Dung is used as fuel, fertilizer, poultice for<br />

diseases and subsoil for growing mushrooms. For Adivasi people<br />

and Hindus, it is sacred along with cow urine and Milk.<br />

2 the ash has prophylactic and <strong>de</strong>terrent function on insects.<br />

I rest in that place, to regenerates myself<br />

conifers of cedar, and yogurt with honey<br />

admiring temples, among fields and hills<br />

I start inner journey, feeling the winds<br />

at top of mountain, overlooking the valley<br />

vulnerable it seems, all the human reality<br />

human being is a flower, sinks down to soil<br />

a blue sky is above all, eternal and silent<br />

after one month, I leaves from this temple<br />

I go to Amritsar city, the Sikh holy capital<br />

Punjab, the Indus Valley, land of five rivers<br />

a granary of India, which exhales pestici<strong>de</strong>s<br />

the city is chock-full, of many shop signs<br />

but Sikh Gol<strong>de</strong>n Temple, it works very well<br />

by offering free meals, bed and hot water<br />

to guests and any pilgrim, who seek quiet<br />

by train and by bus, towards the Rajastan<br />

during days and nights, I reach <strong>de</strong>sert Thar<br />

stopping in Jaipur, in ethnic neighborhoods<br />

to see beauty women, with ankles bracelets<br />

I met into a market, the ring of the Sunnah<br />

a traditional Islam, opens to all cultures<br />

its tolerance feeling, is like Vijnana mind<br />

it comes into my body, as a warming wind<br />

it bring my soul, to the mosque in Ajmer<br />

house of a Sufi, a good spirit everywhere<br />

once more a holy wind, get me to Jodhpur<br />

next to the canyon, I remember <strong>de</strong>ep love<br />

I meditate on train, direct to Jaiselmèr city<br />

mirage timeless, a city in the Thar Desert<br />

on caravan route, it enchants and refreshes<br />

beauty yellow fortress, its sandstone walls<br />

the Rajasthan Desert, is fire, sand and wind<br />

camel traveling and steppes, out of all time<br />

life is drop of water, miracle that I aspire<br />

it's mo<strong>de</strong>led as a dream, mirage that I sigh<br />

my spirit is imbued, by the <strong>de</strong>sert elements<br />

It sees and un<strong>de</strong>rstands, the nature of winds<br />

meditation and wind, with flights of thought<br />

the breezes of November, an ancestors school<br />

I am beset by nostalgia, the most divine plan<br />

so I imitate my Camel, its <strong>de</strong>ep walking breath<br />

Dromedary is my Guru, It knows to calm my soul<br />

efficient without equal, into <strong>de</strong>solate steppes<br />


Its step is just tree of mine, true king Camel!<br />

its slow walking, it equals a fast human runner<br />

a ship of the <strong>de</strong>sert, it lives and not <strong>de</strong>spair<br />

Patient and silent, quietly searches for food<br />

appear after Surat, Rann of Kutch marshlands<br />

it breathe the warm wind, and cold of the night reclamation of ponds, by means of eucalyptus<br />

camel walks on gravel, reddish brown & black hew out of the malaria, en<strong>de</strong>mic habitats<br />

38 <strong>de</strong>grees in the sha<strong>de</strong>, on the backs of camel<br />

planting trees and forests, water thirsty<br />

I alternated my stress, with hunger and thirst<br />

nerves with the view, on the <strong>de</strong>solate steppes<br />

I center on the wind, the meditation targeted<br />

I try to hibernate myself, as Dromedary itself<br />

to watch over the ambush, of negative emotions<br />

the sun rises in the east, is a bubble of air<br />

into a glass of water, sun gradually it rises<br />

<strong>de</strong>scribing an arc, in the sky above my head<br />

it disappears in the west, hemisphere below<br />

then around midnight, the wind begins to rise the old villages of huts, up on the mountain<br />

comes from other hemisphere, where it is noon unhurried guested me, to rest as Bon Jesus<br />

it migrates & comes up here, then sequentially here I meet by acci<strong>de</strong>nt, Nimal said Sixth<br />

come heat & sun, as the lightning and thun<strong>de</strong>r raising few huts, for ten African refugees<br />

<strong>de</strong>sert is wild instinct, pulling out my survival<br />

the crystal civilization, dissolves like a cloud<br />

then it collapses every utopia, social illusion<br />

it arises the primordial, survival inspiration<br />

Finding water and food, a place for the night<br />

between scrub & sand, raw food & good fire<br />

water boils in a pot, a soup mixed vegetables<br />

accompanied by bread, Chapati flour & water<br />

Tea with salt & lemon, became very important<br />

as the water melon, it became my water supply<br />

I watch my hands, and I search for answers<br />

synchronism appears, the observed phenomena<br />

many landscapes, I watch from train to Pune<br />

among the trees a woman, singing to her baby<br />

ropes hanging from branches, as a cloth cradle<br />

she give a rhythm to it, for her baby rocking<br />

Mom gives two light drives, the fabric cradle<br />

the cradle starts to swing, by itself coasting<br />

the child no longer cries, he leaves happy<br />

maternal warmth and heart, nourish lullaby<br />

Ahmedabad Express train, it runs to Mumbai<br />

between factories and oil, near Surat city<br />

I see out window, the squalor that bor<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

many wells and flames, an immense periphery<br />

worn tires & open sewers, for massed people<br />

slums and shanty towns, up above platforms<br />

more people at night, they lose the life of<br />

while they go toilet, kids in the front row<br />

Marshes drained, producing new forests<br />

which greet my train, arriving in Mumbai<br />

seven fishing islands, <strong>de</strong>voted to Mumba<strong>de</strong>vi<br />

became a city, by starting cross cultural tra<strong>de</strong><br />

from there I stop to Goa, the portuguese town<br />

I discover Francis story, the Jesuit apostle<br />

I feel the presence, around Catherine church<br />

Shirdi and Francis winds, the silent sunset<br />

基那洲 was with him, a lovable Zutwasi<br />

we all became friends, sharing our stories<br />

invited to all parties, Hindus & Christians<br />

peaceful coexistence, was impressed upon us<br />

a bus from Old Goa, enters Karnataka state<br />

on the lonely roads, the ground sunniest<br />

the South India silence, a magic feeling<br />

guest me into a village, on granite hills<br />

Sravanabelagola village, home Jain religion<br />

ancient water tanks, for harvesting and spas<br />

giant Gomatesvara statue, dominates the hill<br />

Emperor Chandragupta, retired here as a hermit<br />

Up the wind is blowing, among solitary temples<br />

still it exhales a breath, atavistic memories<br />

I breathe its mystery, the smell in the wind<br />

local ancestors give me, casca<strong>de</strong> of insights<br />

India gives home, to different holy people<br />

here they born, like mushrooms after rain<br />

to meet peoples needs, to bring love back<br />

this cheerful thoughts, leads me to Kerala<br />

among people very friendly, I was in Kochin<br />

large mature trees, absorbing all confusion<br />

of tra<strong>de</strong> and commerce, and monsoon rains<br />

India is bustling, on the si<strong>de</strong>walk markets<br />


Women wearing saris, with fervent <strong>de</strong>votion so humans <strong>de</strong>gradation, reveals Kali Yuga<br />

in Kochi every religion, seems has its roots the Winter last season, since a Gol<strong>de</strong>n age<br />

Jewish synagogues, and Portuguese churches follow other seasons, each is called a Yuga<br />

Kalari gyms, along Chinese fishermen <strong>net</strong>s Spring season of sun, will be new Dreamtime<br />

Tamil people and Adivasi, kind and charming<br />

dark bodies & bright eyes, and high forehead<br />

reflecting the intellect, of local dark people<br />

in many parts of India, scientists they become<br />

Aboriginal Buiya and Gonda, retire into forests<br />

when Dravidians came, to preserve a style life<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> a forest, I feel more human presence<br />

hid<strong>de</strong>n around me, in the midst of the foliage<br />

I arrival at a clearing, I make a flower pile<br />

a Balinese dance, invite 镭森 to trance<br />

it seems a kind of temple, on top Datura plant<br />

Gun Agung volcano, the temple above the sea<br />

as soon as I finished, an el<strong>de</strong>rly lady passes<br />

dress in black and white, the dancers Keciàk<br />

go to my stack, and in silence she whispers<br />

raising their arms, chorus cry out ciak ciak!<br />

then she got up, disappearing into forest<br />

the mysterious India, now has a new temple<br />

镭森 cries and cites, a poem of Krishna<br />

Krishna also had disappeared, into a forest<br />

Gopis ladies sought him, full of intense love<br />

镭森 still travels, extreme southern India<br />

they remember his fun, his hugs and kisses<br />

to the Cape Comorin, where three seas meet<br />

soon the whole forest, echoes their calling<br />

God Shiva exerts his influence, by a wind<br />

Krishna is everywhere, they sing in chorus<br />

brings me up in Chennai, Nagaraja temple<br />

Krishna came to earth, for love of humanity<br />

he is blue cunning warrior, and ar<strong>de</strong>nt lover<br />

his dialogues with Arjuna, a prince of humans<br />

reveals the fiction, of what we call reality 1<br />

two armies face impatient, Arjuna is doubtful<br />

he stop between the two, so Krishna coach him<br />

clarifies doubts to Arjuna, you are in my dream<br />

Krishna reveals the <strong>de</strong>ath, as waking up from it<br />

the field of battle, the metaphor of a river<br />

scattered & dismembered bodies, are the rocks<br />

fingers are the fishes, blood is river itself<br />

India is this river itself, it recurring flows<br />

This epic poem, reflects people tensions<br />

the movements of history, just as a season<br />

disasters & suffering, even if unavoidable<br />

increase human consciences, of what is all<br />

1 "The poem is the Bhagavad Gita (The Song of the Blessed)<br />

contained in Mahabaratha. Its basic message is the nature of the<br />

dream. Reality is dream: we are all ma<strong>de</strong> of the same stuff of<br />

dreams and we live in a great sleep." Krishna and Plato.<br />

every movement in India, it makes same sense<br />

the epic Ramayana, it also reveals a battle<br />

India exports Ramayana, in Bali holy dances<br />

and all its masks, in Thailand's theaters<br />

the Ramayana show, forces of earlier times<br />

frantic battles, or shaman's journey tests<br />

on island of Bali, the heart of the human<br />

Siva Nataraja dances, watching its nature<br />

Balinese people, offer food, flowers & music<br />

to propitiate Gods & Demons, seas & volcano<br />

Rudra the most powerful, benevolent becomes<br />

it is the resi<strong>de</strong>nt, the heart of the volcanos 2<br />

Lord Shiva plays, the beach of the cosmos<br />

creates & shapes, and <strong>de</strong>stroys any action<br />

It reveals and conceals, its eternal grace<br />

performing life scenes, in dance sequences<br />

the five its powers, Siva always recombines<br />

It plays Lila as baby, then dances a Nadanta<br />

It starts on Himalayas, to plays its creation<br />

It drops to Chidambaran, to perform rivelation<br />

Thera it's his Mother, she always watching it<br />

the perennial Queen, on Mount Kailas's throne<br />

once Shiva comes down, into forests of Taragam<br />

where some yogis & Rishis, lived in seclusion<br />

2 镭森: "every one hundred years, the entire island population<br />

organizes the Eka Dasa Rudra festival, offerings processions and<br />

dances to calm down the god/<strong>de</strong>mon of Volcano and sea. The last<br />

ritual took place in 1979. Terrible disasters induced to keep<br />

recurring ceremony, to quell the power of gods and <strong>de</strong>mons of the<br />

volcano (forces of nature). This event recalls Aeolus, the god of<br />

the winds on Stromboli volcano, on Italian Aeolian Islands.<br />

Knowing to analyze the puffs of air from the volcano, it allows<br />

fishermen to predict the climate and the strength of the seas."<br />


Shiva went to them, but they tried to stop it<br />

Rishis giving a challenge, sent three beasts<br />

powerful was the tiger, and the cobra poison<br />

and Muyalaka dwarf, was an ego-proud spirit<br />

Shiva with the tiger, ma<strong>de</strong> a nice garment<br />

the Cobra went roll up, live Siva necklace<br />

then un<strong>de</strong>r Shiva foot, ends the Muyalaka<br />

Siva in balance, still dance in Chidambaran<br />

镭森 by train, finally comes Kolkata city<br />

to met 莉萨 & friends, at Tagore university<br />

Kolkata was the cradle, of British expansion<br />

Kali god<strong>de</strong>ss poet, of Ramakrishna <strong>de</strong>votion<br />

莉萨 continues to talk, her Nepal experience<br />

during a pranayama, a snake was staring at her<br />

Kundalini bites her, and bursts in the back<br />

Head of emerald, pain and internal fire<br />

She lying on the forehead, at night woke<br />

Kundalini fire snake, takes her more time<br />

the clitoris excited, spontaneous by itself<br />

the num was flowing, her heart expanding 1<br />

a ball of energy, both nice and violent<br />

smoke flowed, from her uncorked bottle<br />

a tremendous energy, as Aladdin's lamp<br />

across like wave, her mythological world<br />

it cleans her mind, her blocks and guilty<br />

she gets confusion, during starting time<br />

old thoughts are burning, what causes pain<br />

she starts reading books, life and dreams<br />

Kundalini serpent, by night and morning<br />

it wakes out of control, heat and emotions<br />

its closed channel, the bottom of the spine<br />

compel the num, out from secondary channels 2<br />

once num Shakti, it went up to brain as rocket<br />

it break down, brain blocking and protection<br />

During the explosion, my nose it bleeds<br />

like frantic panting, then I think I'm <strong>de</strong>ad<br />

everything was different, my body & world<br />

1 莉萨 feel her snaking ball of energy to dig its own way straight to<br />

her heart, then genital orgasms, Ananda feeling fills completely<br />

her body-mind.<br />

2 "When you issue sperm, kundalini goes missing. Kundalini<br />

sometimes it is triggered by a simple masturbation without<br />

ejaculating. People with active kundalini may or may not have<br />

headaches without transcen<strong>de</strong>nce, as the energy is not moving in<br />

the central channel. "莉萨<br />

racing thoughts, during those critical days<br />

expands the abdomen, anxiety & constipation<br />

I feel alienating, no hunger, thirst & fatigue<br />

Kundalini goes home, at the base of the spine<br />

I felt like anesthetic, anywhere on my body<br />

If I talk with anyone, I can feel its kundalini<br />

resting or activated, imitating its emotion<br />

Kundalini needs to ascend, the spine channel<br />

as a child it walks, up and down its own way<br />

I offer patience to it, it purifies everything<br />

to make its marriage, with inner consciousness<br />

She wakes up by itself, as lightning or snail<br />

starts its rise, among the no<strong>de</strong>s and Chakras<br />

It divert or expands, it open or closed doors<br />

the Shakti within me, uncork its champagne!<br />

If my Pineal gland, it is a place of my film<br />

therefore a lucid dream, Sakti offers to me<br />

by showing me the source, of all my <strong>de</strong>sires<br />

extinguish & reassembles, objects & thoughts<br />

if god<strong>de</strong>ss is awakened, out Susumna channel<br />

can leads to anxiety, into this experience<br />

It produces disor<strong>de</strong>rs, if I want to resist<br />

without a preparation, can disrupt a brain<br />

I leave it alone, num works without a hitch<br />

It follows its own rhythm, without burning<br />

the burning Kundalini, it sits in sacrum jar<br />

a jar called Kunda, in the sanskrit language 3<br />

after creating world, It went down to sleep<br />

wrapped in Muladhara, It expects to share<br />

Kundalini awakens, as hand and arm motion<br />

It <strong>de</strong>scribes feelings, sinuous on the face<br />

at night when the body, is out distractions<br />

I cried of burning, writhing spasms and tears<br />

I feel every muscle, from feet to the head top<br />

because She settles, slowly a new awareness<br />

3 莉萨: "Gopi Krishna wrote: Kundalini awakens insight and<br />

wisdom, by fishing in the unconscious, she makes conscious<br />

everything. The Chinese call this event, "Circulation of light", it is<br />

the num of 基那洲, which warms into gebesi. For me, Kundalini is<br />

like a dancer Drake, Ant or Tarantula, sat out the inner door.<br />

When Kundalini is ready, fire or animals appearing in nature or<br />

similar dreams (burning town, diseases, etc..). They reflect the<br />

motion of the body in the God<strong>de</strong>ss-consciousness awakening.<br />

基那洲: "the insi<strong>de</strong> flames seeming horrible, but they are like a<br />

fever, a body's response to the disease. Our sweat overcomes fear,<br />

this process causes <strong>de</strong>finitive changes by dissolving emotional<br />

fixation, mental pain and tension in the body. Cleaning doors of<br />

perception, visions of internal-external reality, are clear a united."<br />


pressure it remains, at the top of the head<br />

it fertilizes egg-head, mythical creatures<br />

the Serpent of fire, it is similar to a hair<br />

it happens she speaks, in teaching dreams<br />

莉萨 cites Shirdi Baba, and the souls drunk<br />

the God<strong>de</strong>ss's Children, sensitive & enchanted<br />

Wayfarers are called, Mast by the scientist<br />

they seem alienated, to outsi<strong>de</strong> observers 1<br />

they seem crazy people, as paradoxical Zen<br />

they're not suitable, to social expectations<br />

Crazy and drunk in God, wan<strong>de</strong>ring doors<br />

I see itinerant Baul, the singers of Bengal<br />

Shirdi loved Mast, errant children of India<br />

I see them in India, most remote villages<br />

Their ordinary mind, it is already extinct<br />

God<strong>de</strong>ss has touched them, awakening them<br />

only one commandment, it is their mission<br />

following ways of love, free from torments<br />

to sing everywhere, the name of their lover<br />

so the inner joy erupts, in many new forms<br />

crisis can be, the most sacred of epilepsy<br />

in times of threat, it's a tribal solution<br />

Nietzsche remind me, that if I kill God<br />

then I will be its pain, here I sing a song<br />

Om Nama Shivaya, Om Nama Shivaya<br />

Om Nama Shivaya, Om Nama Shivaya<br />

Nama Shivaya ham, Sivaya Nama om<br />

Nama Shivaya ham, Sivaya Nama om<br />

Syphilitic <strong>de</strong>mentia, diagnosis for Nietzsche<br />

but Dionysus intoxication, took place on him<br />

I Love always Dionysus! He always repeated<br />

a negligent ascetic, he became the Nature<br />

Nietzsche had more visions, before satori<br />

he sings Zarathustra, drunk by the divine<br />

the embrace of a horse, emotional intensity<br />

triggered the change, his poetry is revealed<br />

Nietzsche went in Turin, on San Carlo square<br />

he saw a cab driver, while beating his horse<br />

he runs into the square, to protect the horse<br />

after fighting, he breaks down for three days 2<br />

莉萨 explained us, a physiology of that events<br />

occurring in the body, the professor of Basel<br />

the Glory transcen<strong>de</strong>nt, his world is turned<br />

Nietzsche sings about, his new found world!<br />

all Nietzsche's letters, are ecstatic songs<br />

the world get its joy, because of new eyes<br />

he lived experience, of awakening kundalini<br />

he felt insi<strong>de</strong> body, the Dionysus presence<br />

he abandons his career, a professor in Basel<br />

he kisses & embraces everyone, living a myth<br />

walks with majesty, he continues his song<br />

Ecce Homo is a key, to un<strong>de</strong>rstand his will<br />

He pushed adrenaline, mutation of the body<br />

the cerebrospinal <strong>net</strong>work, charged with num<br />

Nietzsche realized, singing the resurrection<br />

his full philosophy, in the body his temple<br />

He wrote the sacrifice, which he did for us<br />

so that we learn, the value of his research<br />

if the body is prepared, to contain the force<br />

we can manage si<strong>de</strong> effect, govern the shock<br />

The cosmic reality, warns us in a thousand ways<br />

how often we may arrive, at a <strong>de</strong>gree of energy<br />

unexpected phenomenon, beyond ego overflows<br />

you monitor symptoms, of the body and mind<br />

Hot and cold streams, flowing in the spine<br />

along our backbone, num snake can bubbles<br />

it is working around, pain in various parts<br />

head pressure rises, arousing the genitals<br />

problems to balance, between sex & chastity<br />

some disor<strong>de</strong>r in the breath, and heart jerks<br />

vibrations or cramps, to legs and other parts<br />

increased sensitivity, light, sounds & smells<br />

orgasms I felt, insi<strong>de</strong> and outsi<strong>de</strong> my body<br />

anxiety was persistent, with energy loss<br />

it down memory, and rational concentration<br />

Shakti possession, supernatural experiences<br />

1A psychotic diagnosis, it <strong>de</strong>prives a person of the high potential 2 Nietzsche was moved by <strong>de</strong>ep compassion (emphaty), then He<br />

to change his Life. A drops of Amrita beverage went into their puts his arms around the horse neck. The angry driver wrestled<br />

body and psyche, so it permanently change their endocrine system with him, then the response of adrenaline catalyzed the endocrine<br />

along the sense of i<strong>de</strong>ntity. this "God<strong>de</strong>ss's Children" are back in trasformazion of the poet who fell into a trance. He awoke later to<br />

Nirvikalpa Samadhi.<br />

the unified view of Dionysus (Shiva) in all beings.<br />


If I <strong>de</strong>ny this fire, insomnia and <strong>de</strong>pression<br />

each people awake kundalini, in its own way<br />

莉萨 teach to calm it, contact with nature<br />

Paint, sing and write, clay and earth works<br />

If Num is burning my head, I take a shawer<br />

using hot and cold water, I rub and rinse<br />

I walk barefoot, on the shore of the Sea<br />

I take herbal sauna, massage on the spine<br />

a Tree or a live land, unload the surplus<br />

orgasms and baths of water, energy balance<br />

swid<strong>de</strong>n farming, or a job for the survival<br />

I discover solution, to fit my own system<br />

In the dark room, Gopi Krishna sits alone<br />

his body shook in spasms, aches and pains<br />

the heart gallops, splash blood from nose<br />

weeping and wailing, it's the normal birth!<br />

roaring and whistles, skull seems to explo<strong>de</strong><br />

then laughter it erupts, it is not a disease<br />

it's human metamorphosis, awakening of num<br />

wi<strong>de</strong>spread phenomenon, all over the world 1<br />

activated physiology, mechanism into body<br />

it lasts several days, or months or years<br />

it is accomplished, by the inner strength<br />

spiritual power, it's <strong>de</strong>scribed anywhere<br />

Sister Teresa of Avila, ignites by disease<br />

she feels compassion, anger and contempt<br />

she finally accepted it, without judging<br />

her <strong>de</strong>ep volcano, it begun to change her<br />

Job and Gopi Krishna, burning in the belly<br />

Yahweh of the Israelites, is consuming fire<br />

darts out from the back, liver is pierced<br />

disasters and terror, swallow their egos<br />

"Es fire is a burst, in the human domain<br />

it consumes the offer, of wood or cities<br />

Yahweh thun<strong>de</strong>rbolt, it purifies and exalts<br />

fertilizing soil, for new cycle generation<br />

莉萨 mentions the book, Apocalypse of John<br />

from the throne of the Lamb, comes a verb<br />

here there is a Tree of life, to give healing<br />

its fruits each month, curing the nations<br />

on the 8 of December, bonfire at Therabuti<br />

Ancestors spirits, came down on the heads<br />

a dancing effusion, celebrating mysteries<br />

Kundalini awakens, as flames of One fire<br />

a Pentecost <strong>de</strong>scends, into stage of dance<br />

it was mighty Wind, on the bodies and face<br />

and sud<strong>de</strong>n a Dove, was around all my vision<br />

as caboclos's birds, were giving permission<br />

they gave great courage, to perform miracles<br />

like inspired word, appears in many languages<br />

<strong>de</strong>frost water is, and it pe<strong>net</strong>rates everywhere<br />

基那洲 calms it, in heated bodies of dancers<br />

by means of num Tchai, or songs of the plants<br />

Kundalini it awaken, for minutes or more weeks<br />

after partial awakenings, goes back to sleep<br />

It rests in the root chakra, sacrum perineum<br />

if a num wakes up faster, 基那洲 remind us<br />

It can vaporizes, ambitions and aspirations<br />

as Kab yeeb spirit, leading to many worlds<br />

She satisfies all needs, allowing transition<br />

we hear Sion appeal, here in the Therabuti 2<br />

we make holy circle, to invite the Aelohim<br />

Orisha and Ancestors, Mighonzi and Gauwasi<br />

People start to say, let's go and practice<br />

we resume our dance, the kingdom will come<br />

the Universe's Reality, is a simple dance<br />

androgynous Lord, in heart of the <strong>de</strong>votee<br />

dance unceasingly, renewing love & throne<br />

propaganda exploits, dreams and emotions<br />

like frame of reality, for joy and anxiety<br />

I take off my glasses, of space and time<br />

then I can see events, just in themselves<br />

I feel my body shaking, hit by num arrows<br />

all interconnected, un<strong>de</strong>rlying symmetries<br />

Psyche heals itself, by tasting synergies<br />

anger and frustration, give fragmentations<br />

I saw all my choices, fulfilled during a life<br />

feel emotions, oscillating between <strong>de</strong>cisions<br />

Demons and thoughts, and artificial scenarios<br />

surrounding my ailments, unreal & imaginary<br />

1 Sanskrit word Kundalini means "She who is coiled". Shakti is the<br />

2 serpent power, qi, mana, num, consciousness. Torah is fire and it The nature of the universe has a frequency range that vibrates to<br />

is given into fire."Do not do anything, listen to your heart and pay create the appearance of reality. Like dreams, the objective reality<br />

attention here and now, if you are having bad experiences/ visions does not exist outsi<strong>de</strong> of reality that captures and manufactures it.<br />

do not let that offend your life, but go into the dance." 基那洲 Zion is the germ of the life, and the primary i<strong>de</strong>a of ego dancing.<br />


Kundalini for Jung, is the interior God<strong>de</strong>ss<br />

as visions of John, It cross seven churches<br />

green-red Dragon, it cross my seven chakras<br />

the mountains its scales, the fog its breath<br />

It has Eyes blazing, and double-edged sword<br />

for telling my story, in my human language<br />

It lights my illusions, it shows me a bridge<br />

as interstellar gateway, I see another sky<br />

the Sun makes a woman, crown of twelve stars<br />

she seats on the moon, surroun<strong>de</strong>d by plants<br />

she opens my heart, so I feel <strong>de</strong>votion fire<br />

Tago god-child comes out, I sing to welcome<br />

You dawn of creation, and dissolution sunset<br />

you Kali Mother radiant, eternal compassion<br />

dancing with <strong>de</strong>light, on my funeral pyre<br />

You wield the flame, of all my life time<br />

God<strong>de</strong>ss Kali symbolizes, fear and terror<br />

there in her face, she mirror your fears<br />

She comes in the night, carries red wind<br />

speaking with voice, of plant consolation<br />

burns my loved Yogi, complete you surren<strong>de</strong>r<br />

your previous Ego, it's covered with ashes<br />

you are naked Jiva, the source of reality<br />

waiting and quivering, for union to Kali 1<br />

帕梅拉 sits on pillows, flows with breath<br />

kundalini travels, on back areas and neck<br />

to soothe local pain, to free her thoughts<br />

she perceives herself, as a blessed heart<br />

莉萨 is also meditating, with her bare body 2<br />

Kundalini energy, spontaneous she rises<br />

goes into effervescence, suspend duality<br />

a flood begins, Anandamaya kosha wearing<br />

my collective body, is Vijnanamaya kosha<br />

while mental body, it is Manomaya kosha<br />

Num vital body, it is Pranamaya kosha<br />

finally flesh body, is Annamaya kosha<br />

Ganesha is the Root, guardian of Shakti<br />

It makes my eyes sparkle, innocence power<br />

above root I feel, the chakra Svadhisthana<br />

my sexual energy, in abuse or restriction<br />

my Manipura chakra, it presi<strong>de</strong>s digestion<br />

fire of emotions, laughter and willingness<br />

Anahata chakra is, the heart at the center<br />

It expands my <strong>de</strong>votion, consuming all pain<br />

then my throat chakra, is called Vishudha<br />

voice of my songs, fairy tales and myths<br />

up inner Eye chakra, reminds me She Yee<br />

mystical empathy, of ecstasy and tragedy<br />

<strong>de</strong>fects and qualities, are both on wall<br />

what comes from the heart, it will fall<br />

stop and go ahead, discover the playful<br />

you stop separating, and enjoy your wife<br />

a groom seeking bri<strong>de</strong>, outsi<strong>de</strong> the house<br />

though she is insi<strong>de</strong>, immaculate & naked<br />

she is the only self, and no meditation<br />

can use her as object, of concentration<br />

She sits next to Siva, <strong>de</strong>vouring reality<br />

She melts every word, and starts swirling<br />

Shee Yee escapes the prison, the separation<br />

returns the original, spontaneous celebration<br />

projections cease, in recognition of the Self<br />

You discover that we are, what we are doing<br />

I follow Hamsa Soham, a mantra for a goal<br />

it means I am the Sakti, num Shiva moan!<br />

Om namo bhagavate vasu<strong>de</strong>vaya (bis)<br />

Om Nama Shivaja, Om Nama Shivaja<br />

Om Namo Bhagavate Shivanandaja<br />

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasu<strong>de</strong>vaya<br />

Om Namo Bhagavate Venkate Svaraja<br />

Om Namo Narayanaya (quatris)<br />

Siva mantra<br />

Shivaja Nama Om Nama Shivaja (bis)<br />

Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva, hari hari hari..<br />

Om Nama Shivaja | shivaja nama shiva<br />

shivaja nama om nama shivaja (bis)<br />

1 The mind needs time to stop pretending, the body needs time to<br />

relax completely; emotions need space to flow with no retention in<br />

the absence of ego. Then perhaps, kundalini will bri<strong>de</strong> the groom.<br />

2Walking and watching on the floor it purifies gaze as a fire of a<br />

simple candle. Sitting on the ground, I ask Thera to absorb every<br />

thing that I consi<strong>de</strong>r unclean. The right si<strong>de</strong> of the body relates to<br />

water, so hot foot baths help me if I am tired or cold, cold foot<br />

bath helps if I'm excited, warm foot baths in other cases." 帕梅拉<br />


Septembro, 塞巴 skribis:<br />

( 8000 a.C.)<br />

I Meet a cold Hedgehog, in early winter<br />

it was latecomer, in search of a refuge<br />

I save and feed it, with eggs, milk and fruit<br />

a box with leaves, will be its winter bedding<br />

if I dig un<strong>de</strong>rbrush, I discovered three layers<br />

<strong>de</strong>composed humus, in the past three autumns<br />

the last is the ol<strong>de</strong>st, most powerful humus<br />

I mix it with water, I give it to the gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

a mushroom getting sun, in crevices of bark<br />

Squirrel in the autumn, has provi<strong>de</strong>d to dry it<br />

It has ovules & porcini, chanterelles and nails<br />

It distinguish the edible, from the finest toxic<br />

a spore germinates, mycelium radiates in a circle<br />

equal to spi<strong>de</strong>r's web, woven mycelium appears<br />

died in the year the center, outer ring expands<br />

produces mushrooms from there, after much rain<br />

Dormice and bats, porcupines and woodchucks<br />

also civilization, it advances by expanding metabolism and the heart, they slowing of force<br />

the resources that it meets, un<strong>de</strong>rgo mutation it lowers their heat, their bodies like stones<br />

it amplifies & <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>de</strong>s, slowly the center die a Mole accumulates, much fruit in its nests<br />

its wave & rhythm passes, it starts a new cycle<br />

sympathies are in the woods, result of millennia<br />

so many native peoples, live to preserve forests<br />

symbiosis between crops, as hunting and dancing<br />

is an exchange of resources, feeding all relations<br />

the clearing in the woods, is a mycelia <strong>net</strong>work<br />

is mycorrhizal symbiosis, with trees of heaven<br />

Mushroom breeding plants, to get nutrients<br />

aggregation & <strong>de</strong>gradation, creating environments<br />

Ecology now growing, by effective Microorganisms<br />

in soil and intestines, healthy cycle improving<br />

when people of elves, is reconstructed<br />

the home ecosystem, may be left to itself<br />

gradually it bring back, the right direction<br />

groups of several species, start more symbiosis<br />

The forces of nature, working year after year<br />

ice and sea waves, they shatter the rocks<br />

advancing the roots, many layers of rocks<br />

polished fragments, taking more shapes<br />

the Ice of Age glaciers, mountains broke<br />

and pushed forward, their partners sands<br />

Tree was sharpened, by winds salt and sand<br />

as ancestral compasses, are bizarre totems<br />

then I saw a tree, it was telling its story<br />

its rings tell the age, years, sun and rain<br />

because of their thick, grown in the spring<br />

Dark & hard wood, is its dress for the winter<br />

On a single tree, I see the cardinal points<br />

wi<strong>de</strong> rings in south, because light and heat<br />

I see also an Aspen, it sparks into wind<br />

its foliage falls, resistant to corruption<br />

near Therabuti, ancient oak has dark wood<br />

impregnated with tannin, antibacterial one<br />

a Deer tear strips, from different trees<br />

the Squirrel peel bark, Rabbit nibbling it<br />

I see a Squirrel, insi<strong>de</strong> its warm refuge<br />

I know hunger drives him, to get supplies<br />

nuts, seeds and acorns, hid<strong>de</strong>n in other nests<br />

its light slumber, distinguish it from dormice<br />

Oaks among the Greeks, were the first mothers<br />

of the Arcadia beings, and the Arab peoples<br />

from bushes & plants, human heads flourished<br />

镭森 reminds us, god Pan is god Silvanus 1<br />

edible and poisonous, the plants for ancestors<br />

weapons of <strong>de</strong>fense, and offense in the game<br />

Rome at the beginning, was full of oak woods<br />

strong and durable tree, with centuries leafy<br />

1Anywhere in the world there are stories of women<br />

resource competition, it is sometimes cruel<br />

impregnated by plants, animals, fruits, and stories of alien<br />

The forest is an entity, dynamic and vital sperm that fertilize human beings clods or stones at well.<br />


Oak tolerates very cold, and hot dry summers<br />

Oak loves <strong>de</strong>ep earth, with sand or clay<br />

it's the Jupiter tree, planted at Capitol<br />

he lives also here, the woods of Therabuti<br />

Its fruit is the acorn, the legendary food<br />

for men and pigs, it can gives large supply<br />

roasted and ground, it produces first coffee<br />

its leaves are a tea, that calming bodies<br />

male and female flowers, hermaphrodite plant<br />

on branches has leaves & buds, and galls scars<br />

chopped galls, burns solve as medicine<br />

calming the blad<strong>de</strong>r and urinary tract<br />

Oak Wood's fine, for ships and buildings<br />

Wine barrels and, the coal for the fire<br />

Its bark has tannin, for tanning leather<br />

to make strong inks, for nice skin tattoo<br />

Oak accumulates more calcium, repels slugs<br />

it is big tree of life, it takes seven levels<br />

it build the soil, its leaves soothe coughs<br />

symbiosis with fungi, and truffles as well 1<br />

sprout in the spring, the buds of Hazel<br />

female flowers that wind, tinged in yellow<br />

The nut immature, I see it has a scar<br />

revealing presence, of insect Balanina<br />

Balanin beetle in spring, make hole on nut<br />

It lays an egg insi<strong>de</strong>, beetle born and sucks<br />

September the larvae, make a hole & goes out<br />

other holes in nuts, are works of ro<strong>de</strong>nts<br />

Dormice and red Mice, make very round holes<br />

Woodpecker chisels nut, divi<strong>de</strong>s in 2 seconds<br />

I compress the salted nuts, into the jars<br />

making layer, they retain for more year 2<br />

the nut-tree, was the latin Jupiter glans<br />

penis shaped fruit, it release its power<br />

if I hold little grain, I hope in Chestnut<br />

Tree of bread, still it's called in mountains<br />

half a kilo was enough, daily necessity<br />

Flour to make cakes, baked in the heat<br />

Its wood burns well, elastic and resistant<br />

suitable for buildings, beams and baskets<br />

water cooking, of the peel of Chestnuts<br />

highlights in the hair, more sha<strong>de</strong>s of brown<br />

with fallen Chestnut leaves, I mulch animals<br />

with Walnut leaves mix, I make potting soil<br />

Chestnut flowers, abundant food to the bees<br />

I put chestnut and walnut, to dry on racks<br />

then I lit a fire un<strong>de</strong>r, without direct flame<br />

chestnuts sweat slowly, then I peel off easily<br />

Lichens are symbiosis, of algae & ascomycetes<br />

reveal fresh air, they are sensitive to poisons<br />

if an inch of its age, growing every year<br />

greenish-yellow rings, revealing the age<br />

clean air in the wood, improves my appetite<br />

塔拉斯 cites the verses, he wrote in youth<br />

Mountain with the mushrooms, it is our Mother<br />

chestnuts and mushrooms, her October's brest<br />

tasty mushrooms, in Mount Amiata elves valley<br />

塔拉斯 now-days, cultivate simple mushrooms<br />

Imitating the Chinese, to spread Mycelium<br />

on mulch or manure, and stumps of trees<br />

bales inoculated, with mycelium of Plerotus<br />

or Shitake Lentinus, or bacterial symbiont<br />

I see fairy-rings, among oak and hazel<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r chestnut tree, they grow very nice<br />

appears in circles, in the spring and autumn<br />

Agaric campestris, edible common mushrooms<br />

I put horse manure, and mulch with mycelium<br />

inseminating mushrooms, on fresh sha<strong>de</strong> lawn<br />

more mushrooms appear, on Therabuti meadows<br />

then large Puffballs I cook, as fried slices<br />

fresh I picked them, they have white meat<br />

difficult to confuse, with poisonous species<br />

Marasmius dry-legs, on meadows and clearings<br />

easy mushrooms to find, it tastes good<br />

during Spring season, it grows in a circle<br />

well it's distinguished, from poisonous species<br />

Morels open season, after slash and burning<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r elms and peach trees, grow in late April<br />

morels last until May, then follows Giromìtra<br />

the false morel mush, also I carry in kitchen<br />

Lepiota procera mushroom, is the Toadstool<br />

1in Autumn when leaves fall, I can see evergreen bushes of Me and 塔拉斯 eat his hat, well baked au gratin<br />

mistletoe. These parasitic plants, roots in the wood and bring then I cook its soft stem, as Armillaria mellea<br />

white berries, tasty for bird that spreads them everywhere.<br />

2 艾米利亚: "Hazelnuts are rich in phosphorus than the fish.<br />

after boiling in water, and a little vinegar<br />

Hazelnuts every morning, help children in the study while the<br />

leaves (rich in tannic acids) keep away flies and horseflies."<br />


Amanita mushrooms, in forests of chestnuts<br />

are good indicators, for the boletus porcini 1<br />

porcini symbionts, of chestnut, oak and hazel<br />

from April to May, and rains of all autumn<br />

the Porcini cooked or raw, in oil or vinegar<br />

boletus of hazel tree, I check the month May<br />

it blackens other mushs, boletus rufu is said<br />

after it a new species, get stage of appearance<br />

Cantharellus yellow, it loves fir and chestnut<br />

it is eaten cooked or raw, one hour in oil bath<br />

the first moon of July, I found the Caesarea<br />

orange hat and stem, yellow sulfur <strong>de</strong>licious<br />

I found Grifola frondosa, on roots of chestnut<br />

because in autumn it grows, on various stumps<br />

I eat this mushroom, it seems full of leaves<br />

after boiling, it keeps its hazelnut flavor<br />

mushroom Maitake, is Gymnopilus Pholiota<br />

the Junionus spectabilis, of Japan and China<br />

grows on rotting logs, it helps kitchen & medicine<br />

it contrast tumors, normalizing functions 2<br />

in Kyoto folktale, it reminds Uzume dance<br />

when the man always sad, eat Maitake soup<br />

it takes away the sadness, laughing together<br />

it knows how to dissolve, and invite to dance<br />

It is dancing mushroom, of Japan forests<br />

it can help travelers, to meet the fairies<br />

Maitake anti-diabetes, and chronic hepatitis<br />

fresh or dry pow<strong>de</strong>r, reduce fatigue syndromes<br />

Lentinus edo<strong>de</strong>s shroom, strengthens immunity<br />

Reduces cholesterol, blood glucose along with<br />

it is lover of oak, breast cancer it care<br />

Shitake it is called, in China and Japan<br />

Gano<strong>de</strong>rma lucidum, the Reishi of Japan<br />

Ling-zh it is called, as medicine in China<br />

It maintains and gives, the youthful vigor<br />

if boiled for four hours, I eat or drink it<br />

ad<strong>de</strong>d to soups, it increases the vital qi<br />

as a dry pow<strong>de</strong>r, and hot tea with honey<br />

塔拉斯 suggests dosage, three times a day<br />

for eight weeks, with its gradual dose<br />

Ling-zh helps liver, combats infections<br />

it sooth allergies, of skin inflammation<br />

external-internal, hemorrhoids and ill-breaths<br />

catarrh & constipation, hypertension & diabetes<br />

It protects cells, from radioactive mutations<br />

together with Jingsen, it helps immune system<br />

Jinseng by the Russians, is the source of life<br />

inhibitor of cell aging, I drink it in my wine<br />

Jinseng for long time, it invigorates the body<br />

mixed with ling-zhi, stimulates the longevity<br />

it opens the heart, and helps synapse <strong>net</strong>works<br />

subsiding fears, it restores peace and quiet<br />

艾米利亚 starts the fire, dry coal burning<br />

Joseph his grandfather, was unhurried<br />

he gave to neighbors, coal and fire<br />

to warms all baby, during cold season<br />

He turn a fire, twenty-three of December<br />

a pole on the ground, was dressed in straw<br />

Fire then flares up, to remember the winter<br />

Cold season begins, this fire helps sun<br />

My family started, in early November<br />

to go down in the woods, our property<br />

we begin to build, woo<strong>de</strong>n hut and poles<br />

as the ancient home, of native italians<br />

we start cutting wood, erecting the coal<br />

with appropriate methods, in the close yard<br />

we put turf ground, to cover fire and light<br />

after one week, the wood becomes charcoal<br />

a pilgrim monk, through woods and farms<br />

he stopped to rest, then he lits a fire<br />

he gathered little wood, from the forest<br />

finally he left, and covered to prevent fire<br />

A few days later, he passed in those parts<br />

then he saw the pile, earth above the fire<br />

he kicked the pile, he saw and surprised<br />

the charred wood, good coal had become!<br />

Since then, the coal-men began efforts<br />

singing and begging, masked with humps<br />

dance of Apennines, it recall the loggers<br />

艾米利亚 mimics the Coal Man, of Tuscany land<br />

1If you see an Amanita citrina in the woods, in a few days you<br />

without food, we miss Community consumption<br />

will also see the porcini mushrooms.<br />

2 Women by cooking, complete the raw man<br />

I remove the tough stem then I cook mushroom in boiling water<br />

for a long time. I drain and wash it in cold water then in little salt they socialize human, raw food into cooked<br />

water I let it stay for a couple of hours. It becomes sweet with a as the forces of earth, can join the sky<br />

bitter aftertaste. Nippon variety produces psilocybin syndrome.<br />


around a campfire, I perform rite of passage<br />

from wild to cultivated, raw-cooked I taste<br />

I light a bonfire, just to mark a territory<br />

resume it to oblivion, and live it again<br />

we all eat polenta, singing & drinking wine<br />

the self becomes an us, during common meal<br />

The festivals of fire, the mountains of Amiata<br />

reaffirm the earth, protected and propitiated<br />

around the midnight, the reeds were lighted<br />

The fireplace burns wood, I see black and red the young initiates, shouting and running<br />

the night with torches, go around lustrationes punctuated by the sound, drums and krotali<br />

isolated from winter, warmth fires connect us going down the hill, dancing three stages<br />

so more warmed hearts, get joy to circulate<br />

knows the fire burning, the flames dancing in<br />

reduced to ashes, the hostilities in the village<br />

a hearth nourishes us, is a refuge and i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

it renews relations, in tra<strong>de</strong> brings us together<br />

Muchamor is mushroom, very cheerful singer<br />

all you sit next to the fire, we must stand<br />

for people of Siberia, Kamciatki and Tuvans<br />

intuition with memories, then can emerge<br />

human and animal, intertwine their lives<br />

with food and company, expands the intimate<br />

to the Muchamor power, to connect worlds<br />

Love, <strong>de</strong>ath and fire, united in the same time<br />

the ash subtracted, can return to the fields<br />

the cavity or crater, furnace of Gods Fatales<br />

is explained by the life, the slowly changing<br />

is explained by the fire, the rapidly changing<br />

Life has conquered, the world without a fight<br />

through associations, <strong>net</strong>works and training<br />

every living system, sometimes it faces up<br />

unstable currents, which group may resist1 its ibotenic acid, it changes in muscimol<br />

the urine preserves, its spirit for more bodies<br />

at very high doses, you lose consciousness<br />

Tungus friends together, get drunk more days<br />

the brain is organized, connecting new data<br />

with past experience, it research a direction<br />

the Culture emerges, when all we put together<br />

to make a work, to play or to tell stories<br />

if someone gets sick, we perform a ritual One or two hours later, excitement begins<br />

cheerful and tumultuous, I sing, dance & chat<br />

supported by fire, our group opens a <strong>net</strong>work<br />

the fire is promoter, of growth and harvesting<br />

its visionary space, it is like the Ganja<br />

Fire is the center, the heart of the villages<br />

and muscle spasm, it like the coca leafs<br />

folktale around hearth, transporting the kids<br />

together with the adults, crossing the night<br />

every flaming torch, already lit the woods<br />

around Mount Amiata, an ancient rite awaits<br />

Grandfather told to Emily, about bold young<br />

with reeds on their shoul<strong>de</strong>rs, performing a rite<br />

they run through the cave, with flaming torch<br />

to get inner vision, to become adult persons<br />

during winter solstice, they came and went<br />

from the cave roads, running Etrurian land<br />

wrapped reeds are tied, on their shoul<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

to start the journey, from darkness to light<br />

two short jumps, the third was extending<br />

arriving down valley, they undress torchs<br />

they pile barrels blaze, to make a bonfire<br />

镭森 now auspices, telling Siberian story<br />

Muchamor as wine, which inspired the way<br />

intoxicating and visionary, care and food<br />

it grows everywhere in the birch forests<br />

along with tobacco, is loved in Siberia<br />

Amanita muscari, collected in warmer months<br />

then it is eaten dry, to supply all of year<br />

one mushroom into the soup, just one a day<br />

inebriation grows, water is the boundary<br />

a Muchamor spirit, it's soluble in alcohol<br />

It slows the heart, which Atropine reactivates 2<br />

the shamans of Siberia, before looking for it<br />

thank nature, in or<strong>de</strong>r to propitiate it<br />

2 塔拉斯 quotes Mantegazza: "the hyoscyamine is like muscarine<br />

and morphine, it slows breathing and heart and dilates the blood<br />

vessels. An injection of atropine raises heart rate and breathing.<br />

1 Creativity (spontaneous appearance of or<strong>de</strong>r), is the emblem The blood intoxicated by brews, it produces urine of the same<br />

of life, where the best of new structures is built into the species. The muscarine blood comes to abdomen arising<br />

existing organizational plan.<br />

convulsions, cramps, and salivation."<br />


In a ritual fire, they throw more offers<br />

sweet bread and seal, what the party offers<br />

when they found it, <strong>de</strong>monstrating the joy<br />

with songs and cuddles, carefully collect it<br />

Those little ones, have intense red color<br />

with longer narcosis, they dry effortlessly<br />

it is a ball-shaped, then long-chewed<br />

in one shot, is engulfed consumed<br />

To avoid fine, digestive disor<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

it is taken at doses, of odd numbers<br />

One and a half or three, five or seven<br />

then on this line, following local choice<br />

Muchamor effects, arrive in half an hour<br />

feelings with joy, charm with the vision<br />

intoxication state, reflects previous state<br />

during collection, with dancing discoveries<br />

If you collect it, in the company of a song<br />

the same melody, will comes out of our lips<br />

then there will be a <strong>de</strong>sire, to chat and move<br />

more forms of dance, it is possible to mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

Shamans prepare themselves, before taking it<br />

in a ritual way, make requests to Muchamor<br />

more induced visions, will gui<strong>de</strong> the shaman<br />

in healing session, or predictions ceremonies<br />

around the fire totems, groups are treated<br />

the effect of mushroom, can last several days<br />

at center of the Yurta, the shaman travels<br />

with spirit friends, to the ancestors land<br />

Amanita muscaria, also it grows in Italy<br />

that why many farmers, eaten it as a food<br />

in times of hunger, war or social crisis<br />

after preparation, to reduce its toxins<br />

it is ad<strong>de</strong>d to the lentils, insi<strong>de</strong> soup<br />

it produces vomiting, after four hours<br />

the whole thing, it resolves in seven hours<br />

I avoid the sickness, fasting night before<br />

Muchamor is collected, in late autumn<br />

then put to purge, in basins of water<br />

which is reciprocated, ten days all<br />

Amman is it finally, like bitter fruits<br />

It is boiled and salted, dried in no hurry<br />

this mushroom is preserved, for winter too<br />

it is collected in May, then also in October<br />

on Garda Lake, ten<strong>de</strong>r consumed by villagers<br />

doctor Batista wrote, two centuries ago<br />

about this mushroom, studied as a remedy<br />

both as a food, that nerve intoxication<br />

It saved more life, in internment camps<br />

the Moscarin agaric, is nice as they could<br />

red hat gol<strong>de</strong>n joker, Lord of Drunkenness<br />

has uncontrollable <strong>de</strong>sire, to laugh often<br />

greater empathy, with <strong>de</strong>light and torment<br />

terrestrial and solitary, of shady forests<br />

It come out from summer, until late autumn<br />

its active ingredients, stimulating diuresis<br />

Hygiene is its intoxication, <strong>de</strong>pression it wins<br />

two Muchamor can make, a kind of wine drunk<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> vegetable soup, or fried with butter<br />

a man very sad, eats two hundred grams<br />

after half an hour, has vertigo and feelings<br />

he lies quietly on ground, just for two hours<br />

before his eyes, has cheerful and vague images<br />

lives his fantasies, he gets up & sings shouts<br />

hysterical movements, cackles and portents<br />

and finally this farmer, a good night sleep<br />

the morning he tells me, I have enjoyed a lot<br />

throughout the entire day, sadness had passed<br />

glad he tells me, is a panacea Muchamor<br />

then another day, he eat fresh mushrooms<br />

chews two grams, during morning and evening<br />

His mood is calm, with a clear thinking<br />

feelings clear, cheerful works and speaks<br />

he dines with gusto, laughing and chattering<br />

with Herculean muscles, works with amusement<br />

when he visits the sick, becomes seriously<br />

then out again, laughing and shouting in<br />

At nine at once, each symptom was silent<br />

during the day after, still the joy resisted<br />

Batista now <strong>de</strong>scribes, a test on women<br />

suffering from <strong>de</strong>pression, pain on chest<br />

a gentle lady, with custom to drink wine<br />

healthy slen<strong>de</strong>r body, twenty-eight years old<br />

she swallows two grams, of dried muchamor<br />

Breakfast is bread, along with cappuccino<br />

Then there are tremors, she wants to run<br />

mild dizziness, slurred speech and red-faced<br />

she has vertigo and wants to cry, shame loses<br />

finally relaxes, and it appears that yearns<br />


after two hours, she take still two grams<br />

accompanied with water, begins to make leaps<br />

she believes to be drunk, as if she drank<br />

Normal she takes breath, and flushed cheeks<br />

has normal temperature, and dilated pupils<br />

She cries aloud, she regrets the embarrassment<br />

After two hours, finally she falls asleep<br />

then she wakes up, back to make noises<br />

to jump and be silly, fooling with freedom an erotic game, glad<strong>de</strong>ns the Muchamor<br />

without interference, to give sympathetic because the intimacy, it excites him a lot<br />

then she dine frugally, the symptoms go away If rain does not fall, Earth Gaia protests<br />

cheerful and happy, it remains up to seven fauns are not born, and hunting stops<br />

on the next morning, she feel a little shame<br />

Camilla was her name, she confessed to me<br />

3 ounces dried mushroom, mixed with eggnog<br />

make her work shamelessly, by strength & love<br />

she had the temptation, to drink her urine<br />

then passed a night, she is happy and thank<br />

the next morning, Camilla had good memories<br />

the inner joy remains, lasting for all day<br />

塔拉斯 in the past, had a long melancholy<br />

he prostrated by grief, of his girlfriend<br />

he <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>s to swallow, a dry muchamor<br />

the care of Muchamor, lasted for a week<br />

back to family, he dispels any suspicion<br />

he begins to feel, good mood and affection<br />

by rescue well-being, his wrist is fortified<br />

after ten days, his i<strong>de</strong>as have improved<br />

Muchamor worship, is key to the mysteries<br />

of oracular sources, and wailing summons<br />

to the mushroom spirits, beyond the world<br />

as the Tago boy, he was to bring knowledge<br />

if there is no rain, the divine is just <strong>de</strong>af<br />

Mushrooms does not appear, here in our world<br />

the bowels of the earth, called also Pluto<br />

home life and <strong>de</strong>ath, and seasonal creation<br />

Nekragogos word it means, to carry the <strong>de</strong>ad<br />

in or<strong>de</strong>r to question him, to comfort the living<br />

Word was ma<strong>de</strong> flesh, as the seed flourishes<br />

everything is transformed, by little mushroom<br />

Muchamor consumers, making a gift to God<br />

they eat and die with him, in common ritual<br />

they cries eleu eleu! Mushroom Paean song<br />

to contrast the power, of mushroom pest<br />

collecting the Muchamor, by ritual way<br />

it reduces his damage, to avoid toil<br />

when it is mistreated, without respect<br />

the effect wears off, without any help<br />

singing its names, finally it has shown<br />

the God Pan his promise, it always keeps<br />

One who receives it, its children becomes<br />

celebrants singing, insi<strong>de</strong> common church<br />

if a good Rain, contains a germ of life<br />

emitted from sky, by shouting thun<strong>de</strong>r<br />

the seeds is brought, by the wind on land<br />

pe<strong>net</strong>rates womb, un<strong>de</strong>rground drains<br />

Spirit Plants, know how to communicate<br />

the son of thun<strong>de</strong>r, was called Je-suis<br />

Roots of plants, get sun-light wisdom<br />

as written word, food for consciousness<br />

as hermits into caves, emit infrasounds<br />

eating green Nettle, and water around<br />

on Himalayan range, odors from urines 1<br />

as mantra invocations, activate won<strong>de</strong>r s<br />

1 The repetitive chants and mantra om, issued by the vocal chords<br />

trained for years, <strong>de</strong>veloping a low tone, intense and dull (15 to 12<br />

hertz) able to slow down bodily functions, relieve pain, promote<br />

sleep, hypnosis, concentration and facilitate exploration of other<br />

forms of consciousness, <strong>de</strong>viating from the ordinary perception of<br />

hunger, fatigue and pain (as above 20,000 Hz, issued by a Tibetan<br />

bells, from 16,000 hz, speed of friction increases, to become<br />

sibilant and vanish around 21,000 hz). The hermitage is a way of<br />

being and thinking over time, an apprenticeship that can last year<br />

in which you exercise your body and mind to surren<strong>de</strong>r gradual<br />

changeover of earthly things. It starts from the things and actions<br />

such as talking, dressing, eating, having a comfortable home, etc.<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>rmining morality shared, the hermit, or sannyasin, withdraws<br />

from the local space-time through gradual renunciation of one's<br />

mind acquired, towards ab'origens goals. A hermit in the early<br />

stage of its isolation has everything he need with him: food, wood<br />

for heat, mats and blankets, water jugs, pot, books, paintings,<br />

simple tools. As it proceeds, begins to <strong>de</strong>lete or <strong>de</strong>tach from things<br />

gradually perceived as unnecessary content with less and less and<br />

consuming discovering inner resources to survive (fat, fire, urine,<br />

feces, etc.). Finally he lowers the entrance to his cave, consciously<br />

transcends, no more food, accepts occasional food offerings from<br />

pilgrims or habitats (rain) with the resources available, accessing<br />

to a continuous state of trance where it can slow down all the vital<br />

functions (hibernating), spraying only the heart and brain, and let<br />

fall the rest of the body, so as to have a continuous test of the<br />

transience of earthly things. Become Jivan-Mukta, liberated in a<br />

vegetative state similar to plants, directly he experiences the<br />

illusion of reality, the nature of the dream, including his mind.<br />


基那洲 and 莉萨, also teach me to feel<br />

upright position, with the natural stasis<br />

the cup of navel, two inches below the belly<br />

Gebesi and Manipura, the heat that opens<br />

not wanting to force, to sway the body<br />

I keep exercise, I stretch wrists and hands<br />

if num also ferments, I abstain from to end<br />

I relax hips and joints, Num can continue<br />

I do my movements, in rhythm and gently<br />

I move hands up and down, and arms slowly<br />

if I act without haste, I taste it subtly<br />

I sing the names, it is quiet my mind 1<br />

myths of immortal, <strong>de</strong>scribe processes<br />

of different jobs, about energy flowing<br />

the movement begins, I am cultivating<br />

movement it occurs, of the energy vessel<br />

during observation, the back become lighter<br />

the chest is heavier, or vice versa is back<br />

if the body is fully open, then you feel rise<br />

old people they know, to content this power<br />

if I cultivate my body, mouth and mind<br />

it grown not to think, and not interfere<br />

the mechanism of num, knows that progress<br />

and there in the gar<strong>de</strong>n, at last I can hear<br />

基那洲 is in the woods, woods is 基那洲<br />

intersecting their <strong>de</strong>stinies, and helping life<br />

among oaks and hands, the qi flows and falls<br />

I am in the woods, Woods insi<strong>de</strong> it happens<br />

continually I open & close, empty and fill<br />

my body is vital, the forest is my house<br />

silent in the woods, my qi dance effect<br />

I am the way, the subject and object<br />

now I feel like a Stork, I can fly almost<br />

Nature already exists, I do not try to force<br />

Forest it continues, it grows and proceeds<br />

I look insi<strong>de</strong> me, what he gives and shows<br />

1 "When the Num Circulation is completely open, it brings a kind<br />

of perception of the flow of the num similar to the Boat on River.<br />

Gradually it becomes <strong>de</strong>nser and shape a laser that runs<br />

constantly. The ball can move the qi in the body: the qi of the<br />

heart goes to the intestines, liver qi can go in the stomach and so<br />

on. When this band of energy is pushed out of the body, it<br />

becomes the force of telekinesis moving objects such as megaliths.<br />

It is easier for these skills occur in people who are able to control<br />

anger, competition and exhibitionism because of they have<br />

one hundred eight movements, all in a form<br />

so one hundred eight-forms, a single movement<br />

how many figures I will be, how many forms I'm<br />

before discovering, that they are all already?<br />

Woods has its head in sky, feet on ground<br />

it looks and flows, with the earth exhales<br />

dance of the num, it unlock my insi<strong>de</strong> doors<br />

one day I remember, doors does not exist<br />

When insi<strong>de</strong> of me, the time was ripe<br />

happened this work, spontaneous initiation<br />

out of my control, the ego was dismembered<br />

it began the changing, schools are in vain<br />

Expands consciousness, with recurring crises<br />

the resistances dissolving, in hot revelations<br />

I see my attachments, to the body and matter<br />

基那洲 heals others, through his pains<br />

I am your warmth, said me the wood in stove<br />

the ego is an accessory, the heat escape it<br />

are the master Trees, my & your essence lung<br />

are the flower and birds, a solid presence<br />

Grape becomes wine, consciousness it appears<br />

it helped by enzymes, accelerating its process<br />

Shamans and fruits, they live the same event<br />

num which drives them, changes their tastes<br />

基那洲 in the gar<strong>de</strong>n, is flowing smoothly<br />

He reduces complexity, to a simple love key<br />

He shares with forest, existential feelings<br />

He directs the num, in the rhythms of breath<br />

I find myself, the midst of various motions<br />

Transcen<strong>de</strong>nce of ego, it is painful work<br />

reminiscent of childhood, trauma and restless<br />

基那洲 now dances, kinesthetic Wellness<br />

awareness of breath, it achieves meditation<br />

expanding the mind, stands out distractions<br />

I observe my thoughts, I appear spectator<br />

gradual consciousness, reveals the true self<br />

The <strong>de</strong>sire for life, is the interior health<br />

to lose that <strong>de</strong>sire, it brings a <strong>de</strong>pression<br />

during Kia or Satori, distinction is extinguished 2<br />

it emerges the encounter, genes with environment<br />

2 "Samadhi is a trance that lasts for some time. Many swamis and<br />

sadhus touched or disturbed, they wake up from it as from a<br />

patience to cultivate (gong) the num of inner gar<strong>de</strong>n." 基那洲 dream." 莉萨<br />


Satori and Samadhi, are like a conscious coma in or<strong>de</strong>r to cross, bor<strong>de</strong>r consciousness<br />

opposite to the shock, and excitement energy<br />

proximity of <strong>de</strong>ath, are common experiences I learn to handle, access to other worlds<br />

Fear is the bor<strong>de</strong>r, waiting for the mystic I make space to them, here in my culture<br />

superhuman world, if it breaks into reality<br />

it regenerates cultures, and group i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

the Powers <strong>de</strong>nied, are wearing new masks<br />

discomfort is converted, in various symptoms<br />

ancestral <strong>de</strong>ities, always get on the stage<br />

Intellect imprisons us, in artificial psyche<br />

when is direct experience, barrier disappears<br />

information of cosmos, living in every body<br />

Psyche does not know, barriers to the firmament<br />

a mystic experience, is omnipresence of self 1<br />

莉萨 now tells us, a shaman psychology<br />

within each of us, there is already a map<br />

map ignored too long, it can be sprinkled<br />

it works in the psyche, as actor and healer 2<br />

is the initiation, myth explo<strong>de</strong>d into world<br />

myth invites us to pray, to do our ritual<br />

the archive of scripts, lies in the psyche<br />

Deep and collective soul, is endless one<br />

images of the myth, projecting the mind<br />

as archetypes powers, bringing their light<br />

all this living symbols, once awakened 3<br />

work themselves, from bottom of the psyche<br />

Body is th language, of the turbulent wake<br />

psychosis timing, accompanying the transition<br />

comparison with self, it produces the shaman<br />

dormant in everyone, it awakens the human<br />

第六 during his journey, of magic reality<br />

he learns to get in and out, with his will<br />

the trip requires a port, returning from<br />

1 On the way human brains spend their entire evolutionary line:<br />

crawling on belly as a snake, waling with four feet as puppies,<br />

etc.. Facts and events are objects vibrators. The cell enco<strong>de</strong>s the<br />

data nee<strong>de</strong>d to reproduce the entire body, so every mind<br />

summarizes all cosmic events. Time is the moving image of the<br />

eternity (Plato), so eternal events resonate in our minds at the time<br />

bound. Crossing the threshold guar<strong>de</strong>d by guilt and shame, right<br />

into the theater of character, we find also prohibited and punished<br />

roles: the mur<strong>de</strong>ress, the playboy, the victim, the saint, the hermit,<br />

etc.. Beyond it we may find the Kumar-Tong.<br />

2 Initiation stages of the shaman calling are marriage with Ayami,<br />

dismemberment, <strong>de</strong>scent into hell, healing gifts, festive return<br />

home.” 莉萨<br />

3 Jung visited the Pueblo Indians in New Mexico and realized that<br />

the mono-rational knowledge does not enrich us, but it remove us<br />

from the mythical world in which we were once at home by right<br />

of birth. "Any free personal ritual feeds the psyche of the world.<br />

Perceiving your own mythical sense, does the world exist in peace<br />

and beauty.” Jung<br />

shaman's visions, Buryat, Tungus and Hmong<br />

they see them torn apart, filled with crystals<br />

their bodies then sewn, the women singing there<br />

here is our hero, the new shaman is welcome!<br />

Kuan Yin bodisattva, she ri<strong>de</strong> the dragon<br />

She is elixir of life, flower of compassion<br />

The drum calls us, it makes my heart ri<strong>de</strong><br />

gui<strong>de</strong>s us in the dark, as dugout on waves<br />

the apprentice shaman, goes to the forest<br />

or walks on mountains, or solitary <strong>de</strong>serts<br />

he rises and <strong>de</strong>scends, on the si<strong>de</strong>s of slopes<br />

reaches exhaustion, sud<strong>de</strong>nly has a vision<br />

罗慕洛 performs ritual, to attract or drive away<br />

with maps and itineraries, of inner realities<br />

he works with climate, the rainfall for crops<br />

fruitful hunting, and the problems of human<br />

I look insi<strong>de</strong> and out, in the sea of stars 4<br />

in forests and <strong>de</strong>serts, the skin is medicine<br />

Ayahuasca or Eboga, or the wine of ancestors<br />

the mushroom or Poppy, Cacti or my skin<br />

Shamanism tradition, ol<strong>de</strong>st forms of healing<br />

with ecstatic trance, to speak with spirits<br />

people who know, in their tribal language<br />

to rescue souls, by battling or reconciling<br />

Shaman is involved, in a system of knowledge<br />

first hand experience, not a belief system<br />

to become good shaman, is not just a job<br />

it is a vocation, or a calling by the spirits 5<br />

4 罗慕洛, using Ayahuasca with the Conibos, was working with<br />

the various nature spirits, every night: Anaconda spirit, black<br />

panther spirit, fresh-water dolphin spirit, tree spirits, radio spirit,<br />

airplane spirit and so on. He came to realize that anything that we<br />

see in complete darkness or with our eyes closed is technically a<br />

spirit. Shamans find out which spirits have power and which don't.<br />

They discover what spirits can help in what ways. Whatever we<br />

contact in not-ordinary reality is a spiritual reality. The World<br />

Above (psyche) reflects the one below, We Are Not Alone. When<br />

he journey to Lower or Upper world, he may be going for healing<br />

or knowledge journeying, and get lots of teachings never asked for<br />

and never expected. "Spirits will teach you according to your<br />

preparation, and your life will change."<br />

5 "Eskimo shamans don't have access to a lot of plants, so they<br />

work with other consciousness-changing techniques involving a<br />

monotonous percussion sound done with a drum, sticks, rattles,<br />


shaman can overcome, the negative disease<br />

he becomes able, heal others with empathy<br />

the novice studies, for years to master<br />

to get trance states, knowing traditions<br />

Names and functions, of spirits mythology<br />

genealogy of the clan, and the sacred chants<br />

acting as physician, and spiritual minister 1<br />

el<strong>de</strong>r dream interpreter, insi<strong>de</strong> his community<br />

Theater was born, from ecstasy and joy<br />

my heart get in it, care and nourishment<br />

Dogmatic culture, can tends to trample it<br />

by labeling the instincts, of inner nature<br />

if I play a role, on the stage of my psyche<br />

it happens catharsis, I re-find my freedom<br />

sometimes we are all, a reluctant Messiah<br />

not to play our part, in the cosmic drama<br />

if my hearts is closed, if I do not forgive<br />

I can exit from the dark, using my gifts<br />

bones, etc., to access the Dreamtime. Amazon shamans know the<br />

various plants and the songs that go with the plants, which they<br />

commonly learn from the plants themselves. A person can journey<br />

for themselves or have somebody who's journey for them to get an<br />

answer to a question. A shaman might make a journey for<br />

diagnostic purposes, to get information to see spiritual causality<br />

and, according to that, <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> on the treatment. It doesn't<br />

necessarily matter what the diagnosis is from an ordinary reality<br />

point of view. There's no simple one-to-one concordance between<br />

spiritual illness and ordinary reality illness. The shaman restores a<br />

person's linkage to his or her spiritual power, something analogous<br />

to the immune <strong>de</strong>fense system to spirituals. If somebody is ill<br />

repeatedly, then it's clear that they need a power connection. One<br />

of the shaman's jobs is to help people who are in no condition to<br />

do that for themselves. Anyone who's had a trauma, from a<br />

shamanic point of view, may have had some loss of their soul..<br />

Soul-retrieval techniques is to go searching for lost that portion of<br />

the soul and restore it." 罗慕洛<br />

1 The word shaman in the original Tungus language refers to a<br />

person who makes journeys to not-ordinary reality in an trance<br />

consciousness. Shamanism is not a system of faith. Shamans don't<br />

believe in spirits, he talks and interacts with them. Clau<strong>de</strong> Levi-<br />

Strauss wrote: " The shaman is a master of the game, dancing and<br />

singing insi<strong>de</strong> human suffering. With these acts, the people awake<br />

from the nightmare of disease and the world is revealed as a<br />

paradise. The function of a shaman is to reproduce and restore<br />

belief, not physical health." From a shamanic point of view, all<br />

people have a spiritual si<strong>de</strong>, whether they recognize it or not.<br />

When people have a hostile emotional attitu<strong>de</strong>, they can vent not<br />

only verbal and physical abuse, but spiritual abuse without even<br />

knowing it. Another major technique in shamanic healing work is<br />

extraction or removing a spiritual intrusion. Just as there can be<br />

infections in ordinary reality, or like termites in a woo<strong>de</strong>n house.<br />

The shaman learns To look at the client's body-mind with "x-ray<br />

vision" and see the illness and its location, and then to extract That<br />

illness. Much shamanic work, including journeying and extraction,<br />

is done in the darkness in or<strong>de</strong>r to cuts out the stimuli of ordinary<br />

reality and move unseen into reality.<br />

an ego dying, it seems the end of the world<br />

although behind it, there is the real world<br />

also the Apocalypse, it reveals its script<br />

it expresses initiation, to my point of view<br />

the myth creates the history, future and past<br />

It is Ayami god<strong>de</strong>ss, of many Asian ancestors<br />

You'll be my husband, I will assist your tasks<br />

I teach you riding horse, ascend and <strong>de</strong>scend<br />

by learning the nature, of the immortal soul<br />

to back to your village, to heal human heart<br />

all the required goals, are guiding a trip<br />

第六 always speaks, about this passage<br />

Enter the whale, is passing the threshold<br />

<strong>de</strong>scent into belly, of unconscious dragon<br />

to un<strong>de</strong>rgo digestion, is the same gestation<br />

bring together, psyche male to female soul<br />

a tree lives between, the earth and the sky<br />

it is the umbilical cord, of oxygen and soil<br />

the Buddha un<strong>de</strong>r the tree, listen king snake<br />

while storm rises, and reaches the tree sap<br />

the snake wraps him, seven times fix its hood<br />

Its wood can heat, it smoke rises to heaven<br />

<strong>de</strong>ath and rebirth, the fruits of mutation<br />

罗慕洛 once said, that talking to the spirits<br />

in the correct way, he has to use metaphors<br />

to reach the myths, intertwined into cells<br />

enzymes and spirits, as molecular computers<br />

in ribosomes structure, as farms in the cells<br />

罗慕洛 use redundant language, to treat humans<br />

Twist yoshto language, into the icaros songs 2<br />

I carefully examine things, by turning around<br />

to avoid direct confrontation, so I can see<br />

the possible pitfalls, that spirits can make<br />

to negotiate for souls, stolen or wan<strong>de</strong>ring 3<br />

2 Twist is the root of two and twin. 罗慕洛 during the visions he<br />

learn directly from the plants/animals spirits their songs as well as<br />

various words and nicknames. The night becomes "tapirs fast, the<br />

forest "planted potatoes", the Jaguars' baskets or hammocks."<br />

3 "Shamans are psychopomps conductors of souls. "In the case of<br />

comatose persons, I would seek them out and see if They want to<br />

come back. I knows That This Is Not Necessarily the best reality<br />

show. If They want to come back, then my job is to bring them<br />

back. If people have soul loss or power loss, they are like a human<br />

vacuum into <strong>de</strong>ad Which confused entities (who do not know<br />

they're <strong>de</strong>ad) as a canon. This is involuntary possession. Different<br />

forms has <strong>de</strong>possession work in different cultures, but the Basic<br />

Principles are the same. I will conduct the entity with its<br />

permission once it realizes it's <strong>de</strong>ad, to a place beyond the Middle<br />

World where it will be reunited with his ancestors. Once this is<br />


It's difficult and painful, the research work<br />

a game of hi<strong>de</strong> and seek, in the psyche realms<br />

the customer is hid<strong>de</strong>n, into imaginary realms<br />

then I go into research, along with legions<br />

requires special care, a lot of preparation<br />

diagnosis and treatment, invocation of dramas<br />

drama brings a sense, to wake up customer<br />

like in the theater, a cure is a catharsis<br />

Theater is an ancient ritual, shamanic care<br />

Actor roles embodies, in front of more patients<br />

he recreates his initiation, awakening energies<br />

the processing which, he attempts to transfer<br />

through the actor, the audience can see<br />

beings from other worlds, spectacular act<br />

the battles and pantomimes, to purge <strong>de</strong>mons<br />

Fear and joy moves, in the midst of spectators<br />

the dark backdrop, to the dawn of another world<br />

it activates possession, trance of the audience<br />

the stage is like a circle, ma<strong>de</strong> from the stones<br />

for people whom want, participating the care<br />

莉萨 experienced, her traumatic life events<br />

experience of birth, as the root of violence<br />

Ecstasy and agony, accompanied her birth<br />

also <strong>de</strong>ath of ego, emerged with talents<br />

now I play a script, the illusion of the actor<br />

my ego vanishes, in the joy of experiencing<br />

travel thoughts, in other minds and bodies<br />

cross-referencing links, to internal entities<br />

produce the archetypes, i<strong>de</strong>as and imagination<br />

they convey my strength, mental attitu<strong>de</strong>s<br />

I connects stories, to the evils of humanity<br />

to create meaning, to heal <strong>de</strong>pression crises<br />

fear is a cause, which opens more doors<br />

it triggers anxiety, and the fear of <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

are myriad ways, the trance of consciousness<br />

find the source, extinguishes thirst for science<br />

I call the initiation, the travels of the hero<br />

he reflects in many myths, self-realization<br />

Pluto changes its skin, during the mysteries<br />

as Hermes' caduceus, two intertwined snakes<br />

also the Kundalini serpent, when it awakens<br />

traveling on the spine, it actives centers<br />

in every darkness I fall, is an initiation<br />

to pass through, it will be the solution 2<br />

Dionysus is masked, always he is present<br />

nature of the mind, is theatrical illusion<br />

Person is a mask, and it recites an individual<br />

the hero's journey, which varies in<strong>de</strong>finitely<br />

Songs and tales talks, about maps to follow<br />

recount experiences, beyond from my psyche<br />

Each story is version, of an ancient drama<br />

it requires me to be, hero of the adventure<br />

the essence of mind, 镭森 calls it poetry<br />

the unconscious weaves dramas, it has drama<br />

if I reply with rituals, the life of this world<br />

the synchronicities, still begin to happen<br />

each trip is a stage, ascent or <strong>de</strong>scent<br />

if I ask "who am I?” kundalini it awakens<br />

Earth kidnaps consciousness, inner Persephone<br />

then whole evolution, get instant revelation<br />

is collective psyche, the source of culture<br />

the reptile has wings, so great is his belly<br />

It wants to take me home, light sensation<br />

I'm going back alone, still I have a mission<br />

the dragon awakened, it reveals the truth<br />

source without form, and without i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

it is ancestral energy, unconscious home<br />

alarm and threat, overwhelm the conscious<br />

If you light a bonfire, and dance in the circle<br />

with closed eyes, the rhythm of the drums<br />

the motion is curative, insi<strong>de</strong> the nature<br />

the divine child, still opens your heart<br />

the earth is a theater, of imaginary life<br />

stories are created, for us at every turn<br />

the actor hid<strong>de</strong>n in me, answer this call 1<br />

1Jung: "fantasy is a real psychic entity as happens by itself. If you<br />

participate in his myth / drama as you are, it start the discovery<br />

process: every being or thing you encounter is a partner in drama<br />

of creation that gradually reveals itself. The time of myth/ dream<br />

needs participation to support renewable energies capable of cure.<br />

2The Etruscan word Porsen, translated into Latin Persona, means<br />

mask. The consciousness travels to various levels and assumes<br />

a form linked to the type of level crossing, or wearing special<br />

personality. This journey, between micro-and macro- worlds, is<br />

so I gain self-esteem, by losing my shyness well recor<strong>de</strong>d in the pan-Mediterranean myth of the labyrinth. In<br />

China, to cross a bridge of the dragon, is to go to the various<br />

done, I restore person full power connections to be whole again." maturity examinations even to complete an initiation step." 莉萨<br />


all my singing, dancing and doing research<br />

has awakened the dragon, heavy is the wisdom<br />

as Inanna <strong>de</strong>scending, she dies and is subject<br />

she surren<strong>de</strong>r to <strong>de</strong>ath, and knows the paradox<br />

her flesh is now banquet, medicine for spirits the elf is dancing, and the walls collapsed<br />

poisons was transformed, into nutrient nectar there Sabina falls over, starts to remember<br />

her body was changed, into wine and mushroom<br />

with vomiting and fever, she heals the sick<br />

Poppy and tobacco, and compassion blossoms<br />

Maria vomits for them, they believe her breath<br />

is Kundalini rising, unfolds from the seed<br />

by means of roots, it becomes master Plant<br />

rooted to the Earth, plants all connected<br />

Dragon shows itself, as androgynous lord<br />

the serpent speaks, with a forked tongue<br />

it comes out and turns, in the ge<strong>net</strong>ic co<strong>de</strong><br />

thoughts and information, its mind weaves<br />

it generates a language, in binary co<strong>de</strong><br />

The purpose of thinking, ancient serpent<br />

to have knowledge, of ambiguous language<br />

in the Gar<strong>de</strong>n of E<strong>de</strong>n, the life tree grows<br />

inviting humans, to travel between worlds<br />

Ego is a label, it serves in the gestation<br />

after it dries, with all the ancestral fear<br />

with blood and agony, dance becomes praise<br />

Ecstasy flower emerges, in my suffered heart<br />

After the battle, is the power of healing<br />

<strong>de</strong>mon and divine, have mask and paradoxes<br />

by join the opposites, I transcend conflict<br />

we pass over a bridge, to acquire the gift<br />

马丁 tells us, about sons of his world<br />

like Mary Sabina, the Sabia <strong>de</strong> los Hongo<br />

born from the Earth, his book of wisdom<br />

Tago speaks her, by the little mushrooms<br />

her life was a test, as a long learning time<br />

in Mexico and Siberia, is the same carousel<br />

the mushroom spirits, speak by human mouth<br />

male and female jokes, come to her by jumping<br />

are held in high respect, the spirits happy<br />

they appear with the rains, becoming a family<br />

they speak me directly, soothing hunger & cold<br />

with straight feelings, they work to help to me<br />

Sabina works at night, flowers with candles<br />

the incense of copàl, she can see in the dark<br />

then the small kids help her, to treat people<br />

by means of her hands, and light of the vision<br />

the Sabia can heals, with language of children<br />

purity of my body, it increases the power<br />

when Tago comes, the whole world trembles<br />

everything I see, then it works in caring<br />

during my healing work, I whistle and clap<br />

I become heart of God, circle of immortals<br />

if I start ceremonies, in front holy images<br />

I can see all of them, beyond any darkness<br />

the power of the kids, is mystical language<br />

channeled by healer, through a long ritual<br />

language comes out, through an intermediary<br />

Sabina called it, the spirit of Pilzintecutli<br />

The walls of the house, seemed dissolved<br />

the spirit of Pilzin, suspen<strong>de</strong>d flies high<br />

I see spiral patterns, at the base of reality<br />

I am now the mushroom, which is experiencing<br />

The ancestors dancing, with language of rain<br />

falling all around, they gave me a pamphlet<br />

then it come the blue elf, carrying booklet<br />

it went in my stomach, with word in verse<br />

I am the woman-elf, who was born alone<br />

Women of the Moon, and day that rises<br />

the woman <strong>de</strong>w, swimming un<strong>de</strong>r water<br />

in the sacred language, I get a <strong>de</strong>gree<br />

I married the master, of the mountains<br />

I'm Women's water, which flows singing<br />

I'm Women's drum, and I walk the trails<br />

from ancient origin, I go beyond the veil<br />

I was told by the elves, sucking disease<br />

there where I am, with the song that comes<br />

I am a woman-girl, I'm afraid of anything<br />

I cry as a baby, and I whistle as a bird<br />

are working into my body, those little kids<br />

awakening within me, my <strong>de</strong>stiny innate<br />

I learn to open, the inner land as a gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

also splitting the wood, to heat the bodies<br />

马丁 catches mushrooms, without cutting<br />

with Mary he eats them, to heal and counsel<br />

the work was very good, the language takes me<br />

it shows everything, and listen to my music<br />


I listen as an infant, the mother's songs<br />

I learn them effortlessly, as in the play<br />

there in the works, patients are sleeping<br />

dreaming the worlds, carried by singing<br />

You come down from stars, Kid of heaven<br />

You come in a cave, where is cold and frost<br />

Oh Divine Child, I see you here to shake<br />

I know how much it cost you, loving me<br />

to You who are, dreamer creator of world<br />

I offer bread and fire, my sweet lord<br />

little baby elected, I love your voice<br />

so so so so Kiso, nga-nga Jusus Ta-gò<br />

I am the blue elf, Pilzintecutli called<br />

I carried the pamphlet, book of Tago<br />

马丁 during work, looking for its book<br />

to see the village, of his ancestor spirits<br />

thirteen children, I seen to come down<br />

into the abyss of world, into Thera womb<br />

Earth is their mom, the mother of kids<br />

She take care of us, during their works<br />

Saliva and sweat, is the blood of them<br />

it works and grows, cleaning the place<br />

mushroom-man thun<strong>de</strong>r, give me the contact<br />

I see the fate thread, that enters and exits<br />

If a patient comes, out of rainy season<br />

missing the mushrooms, Sabina will offers<br />

the Mazatec Sage leaves, to perform ritual<br />

to see insi<strong>de</strong> the dark, to show the care<br />

the patient's <strong>de</strong>mands, she keeps in mind<br />

she goes down <strong>de</strong>ep, if the agreement allows<br />

then she tells stories, the souls she meets<br />

she revolves around, singing to her kids:<br />

from the cold ocean, a Woman takes child<br />

Sedna is beautiful, the dream of the Inuit<br />

no man she loved, Sedna refused all offers<br />

Bird of the sea one day, makes its advances<br />

It promises to Sedna, sweet life in a hut hot<br />

full of fish and skins, therefore Sedna follow it<br />

they fly to the nest, after she miss her home<br />

Anguta her daddy, takes her away from a kayak<br />

He tries to bring Sedna, to the world of human<br />

He kills her bird-husband, its clan ask revenge<br />

they pursue him over the sea, the storm moved<br />

to Anguta fugitive, they want give a lesson<br />

Close to the extreme, the end feels Anguta<br />

fight for life, then throws Sedna overboard<br />

Daughter <strong>de</strong>sperate, clinging to his kayak<br />

His father cut fingers, and arms to wiggle<br />

She fell down into the ice, up to the seabed<br />

Sedna finally becomes, the Queen of the Deep<br />

fingers and arms removed, became fish & seals<br />

Lady of <strong>de</strong>ath and life, she presi<strong>de</strong>s all the food<br />

from there all animal souls, remain in bodies<br />

three days after <strong>de</strong>ath, becoming messengers<br />

return to God<strong>de</strong>ss, if the clan has transgressed<br />

God<strong>de</strong>ss Sedna punish, using storms & famine<br />

a shaman can travels, to the country of Sedna<br />

encountering monsters, then asks for the grace<br />

the house of Sedna, ma<strong>de</strong> by bones of whales<br />

has a dog's guardian, it contains the souls<br />

Various adventures, the shaman must pass<br />

to go to the god<strong>de</strong>ss, in the watched abyss<br />

he meets a boiling cauldron, full of shells<br />

in front of the door, of the God<strong>de</strong>ss Whale<br />

Sedna without hands, she allows him to enter<br />

he returns with news, that she has forgiven<br />

then the human hunters, will still find shells<br />

his people will have food, rituals repairers<br />

Martín meet Sedna, during his journey home<br />

close to Maria Sabina, daughter of the Sun<br />

he tells us the carousel, or circus animals<br />

Sedna like Circe, is the trainer of humans<br />

Circe the fair lady, is the god<strong>de</strong>ss of fate<br />

counselor of tribes, Queen of the circles<br />

She grows Hexenringe, mushrooms in wood<br />

Pilzintecutli spirit, is singing 马丁 life<br />

I see many flocks, and beasts of the jungle<br />

and many birds in the air, fly in a circle<br />

I see many fish, swim down into the sea<br />

they let me hear, the silence of the moon<br />

when You will advance, towards Sedna house<br />

you will find more things, everyday life<br />

in front of the door, the entrance hall<br />

you will see a pig, with mud on the rump<br />

It will try biting, by teeth and feet<br />

it will mess with silt, and annoy you<br />

and dogs all around, barking nuisance<br />

You're not crazy, the travel continues<br />


You do not hit, dog will not stop you<br />

with fast activity, you escape these things<br />

the crowing of winged cock, will you take off<br />

will introduce you, the court of Sun' daughter<br />

Sedna is bright red, she is full of love<br />

Fire of the ardor, is the power of light<br />

white and red and black, its color turns<br />

Sedna is Aradia, She can conceal and reveal<br />

She fascinate the man, in silence and darkness<br />

He charms the woman, by to say and not say<br />

She start all humans, insi<strong>de</strong> amniotic fluid<br />

her sacred wells, attracting heaven and hell<br />

she is water and fire, so many changing forms<br />

she escape by changing, those who try extort her Stories and events, bring meaning to life<br />

Who look heartless, will follow just a chimera lack of sense, it produces mo<strong>de</strong>rn illness<br />

Now look upon her, silent you watch her show it off many hopes, environment and colors<br />

the Nature also needs, my admiration<br />

She has the Donkey, the wagon and the plow<br />

She has many horses, to fix the alliances<br />

you will trot and ri<strong>de</strong>, sunrise and sunset<br />

I saw with my closed eyes, light of thun<strong>de</strong>r<br />

blue visions of his son, 马丁 was strucked<br />

马丁 was invited, on the road to Therabuti<br />

blin<strong>de</strong>d and stunned, dragon was burning him<br />

have changed his view, to meet the Tago kid<br />

anything else he saw, during those visions<br />

but the child of fire, the core of the stars<br />

splits and produces, the terrible disasters<br />

old broken civilization, the power of Babel<br />

马丁's friends, writers of short stories<br />

collected from him, his Mazatec journeys<br />

马丁 is now old man, is tired of treating<br />

long healing session, no longer able to do<br />

resigns himself to <strong>de</strong>ath, he knows his peace<br />

he gives instructions, for his day funeral<br />

you will twist the neck, of a rooster bard<br />

after three days, my body you will buried<br />

马丁 travel back, to a million years ago<br />

where his soul spoke, the wind and the stars<br />

is Tago mushroom-boy, who had insi<strong>de</strong> heart<br />

fables and stories, for those who will dream<br />

are stories that we live, of an ancient world<br />

Therabuti is one of that, arising from songs<br />

Tago garland never ends, it travels ageless<br />

fairy tales with hopes, are Ganesha laurels<br />

The way of the songs, shaped the earth<br />

aboriginal 镭森, sings his ways of care<br />

maintains vital, space in which he lives<br />

Only in that way, his dream can survive<br />

we are sons of Thera, <strong>de</strong>ep relationship<br />

if I forget this, I lose place and purpose<br />

if missing dance, it dies well as the world<br />

two worlds relationships, save each other<br />

our souls love dreams, it's cosmic thing<br />

its substance is like, that the music moves 1<br />

it produces reality, like drum it gives sounds<br />

sounds give up the dance, it spreads emotion<br />

as indigenous I live, the guardian of nature<br />

to heal the pla<strong>net</strong>, I prepare and drink wine<br />

Amrita in the cup, it becomes Thera wisdom<br />

Nature is Kali, the ancient hermaphrodite<br />

Thera is <strong>de</strong>ad, without enzymes and totems<br />

into imaginary worlds, its power resi<strong>de</strong>s<br />

I listen to nature, sometime she is crying<br />

She calls me to her stories, still not performed<br />

The seed awakened, it won the hard soil<br />

a civilization dies, it <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>de</strong>s as humus<br />

it is time of transition, bud Light wants<br />

a new food emerges, to help the new dream<br />

the cock will crows, my spirit will awakens the renewal of the world, insi<strong>de</strong> ourselves<br />

It will gui<strong>de</strong> me, in the realms of the <strong>de</strong>ad It <strong>de</strong>pends on creation, of theatrical spaces<br />

following song, I will meet the ancestors where the irruption, of the Gods can happen<br />

dressed they will see me, to recognize me to sustain the living, in the time of crisis<br />

people who will watch me, eat the rooster<br />

and then starting dance, masked and joyful<br />

1 The Australian Aborigines call this space Jukurpa, the land of<br />

dreams. It exists beyond the surface of all visible phenomena,<br />

sating the ancestors, <strong>de</strong>scen<strong>de</strong>d to my party constantly waiting to be awakened in his earthly form. For them<br />

eating & drinking, and singing my memories to create is to awaken, so it is essential to incorporate the Jukurpa<br />

onto their awareness. If they stop singing, the ancestors will leave<br />

the power of the dreamy land would cease and all would perish."<br />


started Therabuti, as a dream for a world<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> our psyche, individual and group<br />

we <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d giving shape, to its texture<br />

the Garland of Tago, was its basic stone<br />

Sai Baba Shirdi breath, it lays in all things<br />

singing his songs, we prolonged his myth<br />

Therabuti supports me, with Ganesha help<br />

repeating that dream, I tell it in songs<br />

a spirit of life, Tago gave to each plant<br />

for growing and care, and learning the Dao<br />

to make a harmony, for human on the Earth<br />

he gave greatest gift, the Art of Dreaming<br />

the Sun gives the force, of light and heat Myth often it speaks, to human global mind<br />

water, wind and fire, can healing the Earth four-dimensional language, ancestral power<br />

everything in its place, plants and animals it reveals us in four steps, parallel post<br />

mushroom and human, all can make symbiosis 镭森 explains, what un<strong>de</strong>rlying he wrote :<br />

To dream is like to walk, it's regeneration<br />

To live is like to dream, it's a lucid illusion<br />

more invisible dreams, are telling emotions<br />

about joy or suffering, directing all actions<br />

Aboriginals live, immersed in their dreams<br />

Dream and creation, have the same verse<br />

interpreting dreams, it is precisely oracle<br />

Among the Iroquois, is the highest office<br />

can be dreams caused, induced by fasting<br />

Isolation or dance, or by taking plants<br />

all the characters, produced by dreamer<br />

get feeling of the creator, insi<strong>de</strong> of them<br />

I dreams of a world, where I became King<br />

among billion galaxies, of course I am one<br />

this creative power, each has within itself<br />

If I leave the world, I'm out of my theater<br />

Let a given role, it brings another stage<br />

then I agree to wear, masks that I choose<br />

I enjoy the role, its joys and torments<br />

like child Dionysus, until when I awake<br />

child has many names, Tago is one I know<br />

He born in Africa, insi<strong>de</strong> forest temples<br />

She dress panther skin, with eyes of fire<br />

when it roars to the world, it takes its prey<br />

Tago is a playwright, and funny it acts<br />

knows comedy, it opens and closes the door<br />

sometimes comes into role, it loves to play<br />

it go unnoticed, it do not want to bother<br />

then sooner or later, someone recognizes it<br />

by discovering <strong>de</strong>tails, the mask is removed<br />

then it's time to awaken, by means of tricks<br />

it accomplishes the mission, closing a season<br />

Tago teaches love, who does not take anything<br />

The aim is to group, which it creates meanings<br />

the main resource, i<strong>de</strong>ntities & relationships<br />

is your living myth, it satisfies the needs<br />

a good Myth always says, as if in a dream<br />

in the ritual it gives form, to any need<br />

it changes with time, but often it returns<br />

sometime embarrassing, although informs us<br />

history of the groups, business and conflict<br />

more processes of nature, enzymes and climate<br />

The movements and life, insi<strong>de</strong> body and mind<br />

the game and theater, of the eternal child<br />

The myth is a story, a plot of ancestors<br />

that out our time, working on embroi<strong>de</strong>ry<br />

the fabric is passed, then the <strong>de</strong>scendants<br />

for the myth to be worn, recited as ritual<br />

the tale of Apuleius, can be a good example<br />

Cupid and Psyche story, the soul humiliated<br />

Psyche meet Love, after passing more trials<br />

it make its <strong>de</strong>scent, in the realm of the <strong>de</strong>ad<br />

Psyche was Persephone, enraptured by Jupiter<br />

curiosity wins, she is wrapped by <strong>de</strong>adly sleep<br />

God Love acts to save her, he asks as his wife<br />

dream of the other, is the soul that it bring<br />

after their union, beautiful daughter was born<br />

her name is Ara Voluptas, that means Pleasure<br />

Divine is the eroticism, and a curious healer<br />

embodied by grace, of roman Venus God<strong>de</strong>ss<br />

Tells us this story, the fate of the soul<br />

the Soul falls and incarnate, in human shape<br />

Soul tries by reason, to pe<strong>net</strong>rate the mystery<br />

which is not allowed, to be fully revealed<br />

the price is the loss, condition of blissful<br />

then humiliating search, painful and breathless<br />

Psyche is lost into fallen, the fate of the ego<br />

Love is the cure, it reunites with the divine<br />


Oktobro, 塞巴 skribis:<br />

month September, i work to making wine<br />

in temple Therabuti, rustic process plain<br />

crushing grape on feet, drinking merry juice<br />

together with 帕梅拉, 艾米利亚 & all the kids<br />

I hear every people, carefully and patiently<br />

then I do my own way, Grandfather was farmer<br />

I ma<strong>de</strong> my wine, from the Phoenician vineyard<br />

it cool dry places, it repairs by showers<br />

arid inclined place, make better quality<br />

also facing east, heat and thirst hillsi<strong>de</strong><br />

best wine in the hills, much wine the plain<br />

It lives well, with potassium and summer sun<br />

Vine is wild and tame plant, but if I drop it<br />

it returns hermaphrodite, in the seeds I see<br />

producing large leaves, and small bunches<br />

more acidic grapes, with just little sugar<br />

roman Columella wrote, after the third year<br />

short I prune the vine, to give more buds<br />

your Vine is oriented, in four directions<br />

with two forks branch, I call them spurs<br />

heavy rains, are harmful to this plant<br />

while it resists well, drought stages<br />

if I prune it in spring, after flowering<br />

I <strong>de</strong>lete multiple branches, without buds<br />

Cabbage and laurel, disturb this plant<br />

while Basil and Ruta, make it very tasty<br />

diseases of vine, are mold and viruses<br />

Pow<strong>de</strong>ry mil<strong>de</strong>w, moths and the phylloxera<br />

the Latin ancestors, placed in the fields<br />

Masks of Bacchus, against various evils<br />

call for help, and healing environment for<br />

With satire and irony, to get tragedy away<br />

镭森 begins to harvest, in late September<br />

when Orion and Sirius, they rise in mid-night<br />

he first put the grapes, exposed to the sun<br />

to increase sugar, for get a better wine<br />

after the harvesting, around each plant<br />

I can dig little holes, I replant cuttings<br />

the leaves fall, gathering in that pits<br />

then I cover pits in the month of March<br />

once in July, our grapes were <strong>de</strong>stroyed<br />

by the summer hail, it bruised almost all<br />

but it came unexpectedly, changing weather<br />

an excessive heat, the grapes dry as well<br />

dried out the grapes, so without rotting<br />

heal and mature grapes, it stop scratching<br />

the grapes may have mold, if much water is<br />

producing sour wine, if using dirty barrels<br />

also heat damage did, last year's drought<br />

there were no rains, but 镭森 is hopeful<br />

although production, was reduced by half<br />

great Wine was, which remained vintage!<br />

I picked the grapes, along with friends<br />

I put it in the tub, take off some stalks<br />

then I squeeze with feet, I dance barefoot<br />

in the live juice, the Dionysus mysteries<br />

as a satyr I jump in, a tub full of grapes<br />

happy we squeezes, the juice was draining<br />

it end up in a big jar, of juice recollection<br />

as an ancient Pithoi, buried in the floor<br />

then juice I have obtained, late on dusk<br />

I put in glass flasks, big as <strong>de</strong>mijohns<br />

to get more juice, if the <strong>de</strong>sire remains<br />

I press grape stalks, to even mixed wine<br />

then a week later, it was high boiling<br />

the wine is <strong>de</strong>canted, in other flasks<br />

filtered residues, with a medium sieve<br />

slow fermentation, get a second stage 1<br />

1 塔拉斯: “during the week, weather had cooled so it slows down<br />

the yeast into my White wine and sugar remains high, while Red<br />

wine still it bubbles with pleasure! I moves the wine from old to<br />

new flasks so it seethes and purify over time. I make also wine<br />

into chestnut wood tank because it adds tannins to the wine"<br />


After the tumultuous, boiling of wines<br />

I control the oxygen, by means of plugs<br />

giving more oxygen, when a wine is ma<strong>de</strong><br />

it stimulates work, of vinegar bacteria<br />

then I let a little air up, un<strong>de</strong>r flask rim<br />

I do not close flask, if wine still bubbles<br />

Wine before winter, it ends the boiling<br />

cold wind arrives, it's time to <strong>de</strong>cant<br />

from several flasks, I poured the wine<br />

into clean flasks, and a barrel wood tank<br />

I use the barrels, washed with sea water<br />

I avoid containers, in plastic or copper<br />

a Wine it cools, over time and seasons<br />

it wakes up in phases, the moon cycles<br />

I transfer new wine, refined more times<br />

I put it in bottles, for finally wine storage<br />

Vine is ancient plant, it grows everywhere<br />

originates in Asia, the Black sea mountains<br />

there are thousands ways, for making wine<br />

the Vine is the secret, of the wine brew<br />

in making wine, the heat is wine food<br />

one the secret of life, is yeast ferments<br />

塔拉斯 suggests, a ferment down in vats<br />

red wines require, from 22 to 30 <strong>de</strong>grees<br />

the white wines require, 17 to 20 <strong>de</strong>grees<br />

but it could start also, acetic fermentation<br />

You can do two <strong>de</strong>canting, the waning moon<br />

One in November, another during March<br />

is Fermentation, a digestion of the sugar<br />

produced by microbes, in search of energy<br />

to maintain life, in the primordial soup<br />

microbes eat glucose, excreting ethanol<br />

Cerevisae yeast, it lives on the juices<br />

of broken grapes, it travel with insects<br />

in small quantities, it start fermentation 1<br />

if there is no yeast, there is no transformation<br />

all the yeast, which make the fermentation<br />

it requires oxygen, for its multiplication<br />

honey sugar and heat, make yeast grow<br />

1 塔拉斯: “I mix grape juice once a day to prevent the vinegar<br />

flavor. If it happens, I correct it with oak or walnut resins. I make<br />

medicinal wines by adding propolis, sage and rosemary (I do not<br />

use sugar as it re-fermented wine, raising the alcohol content). In<br />

New Zealand (Aotearoa) I add commercial yeast because of lack<br />

of natural fermentation yeast."<br />

slow squeezing, ferment more quickly<br />

Fermentation of wine, it lasts until of<br />

Yeast dies, into alcohol which is now much<br />

the Latins used must, boiled & concentrated<br />

to correct wine, sour and poorly preserved<br />

They corrected Wine, gypsum, salt or clay<br />

Goat's milk or egg whites, also blueberries<br />

after a year or two, wine softens harsh<br />

Tartar in crystals, fall down the bottom<br />

Tannins of grape skins, it colors and flavors<br />

it is an antioxidant, it gives abundant heat<br />

half fermentation, it produces a sweet wine<br />

adding honey bees, it raises alcohol<br />

Pitchers-billed bird, beverage filter s<br />

by the wool or hemp, blends with fruits<br />

Barley, pine and oak, and cedar resin<br />

Good antioxidants, slow the vinegar<br />

Drinking corrected wine, by tree resin<br />

Oak preserves wines, and human patients<br />

Medicinal wines, prepared by adding on<br />

Pine or pomegranate, spices of my place<br />

塔拉斯 loves to drink, old beers infused<br />

he add to ferment, roots of bitter herbs<br />

with honey and oat, or with miles and rye<br />

the throttling aroma, to get strong drink<br />

Barley <strong>de</strong>coction, in the sun become beer<br />

its dried spear is Malt, now it ferment<br />

barley germinates, throughout the year<br />

I make spring beer, after autumn wine<br />

塔拉斯 loves the beer, the bitter tonic 2<br />

as food for thirsty, and a good medicine<br />

a healthy beer, it helps kidneys and skin<br />

giving sleepy drunk, and laughing it offers<br />

镭森 tells, wine takes away inhibitions<br />

wine is ritual medicine, it relieves pain s<br />

murratum Wine, romans gave to the con<strong>de</strong>mned<br />

clouding consciousness, in capital punishment<br />

tell Sumerian myth, the advent of civilization<br />

Enki the wise man, lives in the abyss waters<br />

he keeps for safe, the tablets of <strong>de</strong>stiny<br />

his daughter Inanna, Queen of Heaven is<br />

2 Good beer is suitable for all climates, but those who drink too<br />

much, even get to fat,<br />


Inanna urges humans, to create cities<br />

she <strong>de</strong>vises a system, to supply knowledge<br />

sails with his ship, at home of his father<br />

she is greeted with, a food & wine banquet<br />

Enki love his daughter, beyond the wisdom<br />

he drinks more wine, Inanna offered him<br />

as drunkard he granted to her, any <strong>de</strong>sire<br />

Tablets of <strong>de</strong>stiny, and cultural empire<br />

Inanna loa<strong>de</strong>d the objects, on the boat<br />

then sailed into the sky, to Erech her city<br />

awaken from his stupor, Enki remembered<br />

what he had done, and so he regretted<br />

Enki uses cunning, but Inanna resists<br />

so among the Sumerians, the seasons come<br />

Enkidu the farmer, and Dumuzi the shepherd<br />

educated and pampered, become her lovers<br />

They gave her gifts, fruits and pure wool<br />

Dumuzi is the favorite, he warms her heart<br />

the myth reminds us, every dispute that is<br />

between nomadic and se<strong>de</strong>ntary, Cain and Abel<br />

Inanna one day, she <strong>de</strong>scen<strong>de</strong>d to un<strong>de</strong>rground<br />

in the realm of the <strong>de</strong>ad, kur-nu-gi-a valley<br />

her sister Ereshkigal, she governs that realm<br />

she sentences the <strong>de</strong>ath, of Inanna-Persephone<br />

Inanna travels rite, the kingdom of the <strong>de</strong>ad<br />

until she arrives, to the table of her sister<br />

then she left her post, as Queen of Heaven<br />

She died for three days, this was the price<br />

Inanna began to pass, through seven gates<br />

each gate is required, to give up a dress<br />

naked at the end, the foot of Ereshkigal<br />

Inanna was tied, and closed her vagina<br />

Inanna then dies, along with the nature<br />

Queen of the East, goes in search of aid<br />

the god Enki gave help, the solution is<br />

You can be reborn, if have a replacement<br />

Enki God of wisdom, remedies the sadness<br />

he sends two creatures, to release Inanna<br />

they sing to Ereskigal, helping in a birth<br />

Inanna back to life, the moon is her chariot<br />

She chooses her beloved, the shepherd Dumuzi<br />

that from then on, he reigns in the subsoil<br />

but each half year, he ascend above earth<br />

and autumn equinox, will be celebrated<br />

Divine Marriage, of Inanna and Dumuzi<br />

Feast-of-New year, animal and vegetation<br />

Dumuzi back, from the un<strong>de</strong>rground world<br />

is ready to make love, with Inanna Earth<br />

This ritual drama, the Sumerian culture<br />

it produces <strong>de</strong>ep, a very whole lesson<br />

<strong>de</strong>ath is not hostile, to the life ocean<br />

it leads to new cycle, a life achieved<br />

Sumerian year, it began on the April<br />

with union festivals, the holy Hierogamy<br />

Inanna Cat God<strong>de</strong>ss, God-shepherd she marries<br />

he is the beer & wine, she is love god<strong>de</strong>ss<br />

Enki was the God, of the wisdom and magic<br />

that stunning, he used as a convenience<br />

Enki by cunning, use to mate with women<br />

when the festivals, it heats up and melts<br />

Inspired by the Gods, King with the Queens<br />

they sing and give life, to hymns & dynasties<br />

summarizes the banquet, extensive interaction<br />

between people and king, as source of blessing<br />

eating and drinking, the motto of the Hittites<br />

Rasna's ancestors, fourteen centuries Before<br />

Suppiluliuma the King, calls the storm-God<br />

Tarunta has grapes, on the body and head<br />

I am the son of Tinia, God of the storm<br />

I bring Vine to you, its dances and feast<br />

I am Dionysus Zagreus, who came from afar<br />

I crossed sea and land, and human hearts<br />

There after, I taught the sacred dances<br />

and placed my followers, beacons of hope<br />

now coming to you, by ship to teach you<br />

the gift of life, and glad<strong>de</strong>n the hearts<br />

transplanting the Hittites, the fruit trees<br />

palms and fig trees, olive trees and vines<br />

their hero Gilgamesh, he saw East paradise<br />

Orange & pomegranate trees, grape covered<br />

Gilgamesh travels, to search the immortality<br />

he saw Siduri near the sea, fermenting juice<br />

the woman of the Vine, held boy in her lap<br />

the old Child who die, and get a rebirth<br />

Gilgamesh sat down, while drinking wine<br />

he incarnates God mask, the cat Dionysus<br />

involved in processions, music and dancing<br />

he plays drums, horns and woodwinds panting<br />


Gilgamesh arrives, <strong>de</strong>lta of the Nile River<br />

Osiris mask he becomes, it rebirth as Horus<br />

haruspex God-hawk, transplanting Egypt vine<br />

he starts to produces, vine of the <strong>de</strong>ad and live<br />

Isis winged arms, is the Osiris sister god<strong>de</strong>ss<br />

daughter of night sky, and the cosmos Geb<br />

Isis long search, her first name i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

she back to Gebusi, to warm a Num wine<br />

her sister Nephthys, god<strong>de</strong>ss of sunset<br />

want to have babies, then Osiris drunk<br />

she enters his bed, and conceives Anubis<br />

her husband jealous, Set dismembers Osiris 1<br />

the God like the Vine plant, it lies asleep<br />

Osiris-vine was killed, by Seth the week<br />

Osiris is a banquet, the floods of wine<br />

blood and juice, a rite of brotherhood 2<br />

Isis his partner, restores the first penis<br />

it fertilize her, she gives birth to Horus<br />

the Osiris resurrected, into spring season<br />

Horus kills Seth, and becomes new pharaoh<br />

Egyptian God<strong>de</strong>ss, she becomes a lioness<br />

black god<strong>de</strong>ss Bastet, the benevolent cat<br />

she is the patron, of the human aspirations<br />

during her party, she requires wine & dancing<br />

She is worshiped on boats, in the city Bubastis<br />

Bast plays the flute, the melody of the wind<br />

her domesticated cats, fed insi<strong>de</strong> the temples<br />

controlling ro<strong>de</strong>nts, insi<strong>de</strong> the grain stores<br />

Cat with more breasts, she arrived from Nubia<br />

following Nile river, the guardian of the shift<br />

She brings irrigation, and get back civilization<br />

She is violent flooding, lioness of extermination 3<br />

镭森 sings to us, his dream like Jews messiah<br />

he sings of paradise, home to the fig and vine<br />

Israel is the vineyard, grape juice is Yavin<br />

turmoil of life, where Lot is the holy drunk<br />

Sinuhe the Egyptian, a good land of Yah-hè<br />

it produces milk & honey, oil, figs and grapes<br />

it flows the wine into it, and sweet lullabies<br />

we are its branches, the songs wine of sunset<br />

I see giant towers, in the fields and orchards<br />

Huts are ma<strong>de</strong> of stone, beautiful two-floor<br />

the top floor, it is furnished for sunning<br />

for eating and drinking wine, into cool air<br />

the ground floor is cellar, where wine gets<br />

collected are crops, for the winter arrival<br />

that stone towers, are seasonal shelters<br />

next to the huts, ma<strong>de</strong> of animals skins<br />

Feast of Tabernacles, the Jewish memory<br />

we lived in olives huts, for seven days<br />

we thank heaven, the fruits of the Earth<br />

water, wine & food, honey and fire dance<br />

When a good wine, comes into a culture<br />

then an economic traffic, it starts carefully<br />

it becomes a medicine, and bargaining chip<br />

then a socializing, that goes with the cult<br />

once the Vine was, the blood of the giants<br />

Noah then planted it, after the great flood<br />

Sirius was his friend, the summer dog star<br />

revealing on earth, the season of harvest<br />

So one day Noah, was planting his vineyard<br />

Satan offered him, its help unconditionally<br />

he slaughters a sacrifice, one of his sheep<br />

watering with the blood, a vine new plant<br />

Who will drink wine, ferment of its fruit<br />

will have meek thoughts, just as a lamb<br />

then he kills a lion, and wet around Vine<br />

Who drinks more wine, will be as a lion<br />

but finally Satan, it makes its prankster<br />

repeat with the pork, the same performance<br />

so from that, those who drink too much wine<br />

will be as a pig, unbridled self-indulgence<br />

Epicurus healthy man, he takes the wine<br />

hygiene and medicine, antidote to the ills<br />

it's enough to brighten up, the daily dinner<br />

it helps after a day, of fatigue or pain s<br />

1 Seth is Nephthys sterile husband. Nephthys is the sister of Isis.<br />

2 Wine in mo<strong>de</strong>ration, it produces insight<br />

Sirach in his Book, makes a list of things necessary to life:<br />

Shelter, wood and fire, water, salt, air, iron, milk and honey, grape together figs & flowers, it cure <strong>de</strong>pression<br />

juice, olive oil, hemp and wool dress, dreams, music and songs. if I drunk too much, it produces stunning<br />

3She is Guardian of Thebes and the un<strong>de</strong>rworld, observing the unbridling emotions, beyond any comments<br />

movements of the living to the land of the <strong>de</strong>ad. If the riddle of the<br />

sphinx is solved she self-<strong>de</strong>structs herself, the purpose of its<br />

existence has been reached.<br />


镭森 the Pourer, he gives the symposium<br />

Wines with words, produced in his temple<br />

different beverages, according to seasons<br />

he seeks & throws out, sadness and sorrow<br />

a Wine itself, it is enough to make party<br />

each one will have, looking for excitement<br />

with barley or grapes, fruits and even milk<br />

lies the worst orgies, or the highest poetry<br />

a Wine of Tago, it has a thousand disguises<br />

strength to the weakling, poetry illiteracy<br />

镭森 sings twelve, plants medicine's wines<br />

as the mystical fruits, the Garland of Tago<br />

good Wine rests the brain, it reacts in liver<br />

<strong>de</strong>pending on dose, it perverts or abolishes<br />

expansion of heart, laughter with panache<br />

the meaning of the verb, tipsy by wine<br />

antiseptic wine prevents, viral diseases<br />

helping rapid oxidation, of blood cells<br />

Wine is medicine, and a spirit drinks<br />

for wasted humans, by bad civilization<br />

Alcohol is ambivalent, it helps or <strong>de</strong>stroys<br />

it fills the prisons, orphanages and hospitals<br />

it is balm and poison, it spring any progress<br />

for use and abuse, of doctors and business<br />

Good wine is treatment, for febrile illness<br />

if it is given at low doses, it is like foods<br />

without causing heat, repair internal forces<br />

of muscles and nerves, and all lazy glands 1<br />

镭森 tonight, transfers the dithyramb<br />

We are sipping wine, Dionysus he remember<br />

It comes sailing, from the ancient Black sea<br />

landing here with Vine, in the Tyrrhenian sea<br />

let's drink to the wind, the turbulent thoughts<br />

Thera drink wave, which rains down from sky<br />

the sun drinks the sea, the moon the sun-rays<br />

happy we drink, we celebrate it by singing<br />

Turanna god<strong>de</strong>ss of love, holding the joy<br />

sweetness in her lap, soothing bitterness<br />

vanishes every torment, returns the purity<br />

I drink the nectar, I let go sad i<strong>de</strong>as<br />

1 “Alcohol slows down the internal combustion, it makes less the<br />

need for food. It also increases the urine, stimulates the excretory<br />

organs and cleans the blood, so preventing more disease. If I drink<br />

half a liter of wine, I emit urine which if it is distilled, it gives a<br />

true fuel.” 塔拉斯<br />

I want to drink, my uncertain lifetime<br />

wine ban all the trouble, I admire living<br />

I don't care to know, the fate brings all<br />

I drunk with Bacchus, I abandon thoughts<br />

also Turkish poets, sing of the holy wine<br />

a liquid ruby wine, it is sulfur chemistry<br />

it casts out poison, it is doctor of hearts<br />

Wine is medicine, first hygiene of doctors<br />

hilarious medicine, it reduces <strong>de</strong>struction<br />

drunkenness is health, it helps nutrition<br />

Wine is work companion, music of artist<br />

it gives heat & sweat, to dancing bodies<br />

its infinite variety, thousands of flavors<br />

fermentation mystery, hid<strong>de</strong>n phenomenon<br />

euphoria of intoxication, to rich and poor<br />

Prince is the wine, among the nervous food<br />

Animals and birds, they eat fermented grapes<br />

Vinalia are the parties, drugged and vinous<br />

It spurs joys at any age, curing many ills<br />

it is spark of enthusiasm, without <strong>de</strong>ceit<br />

the heavy wines, are the ordinary insipid 2<br />

indigestible bad wines, give colic diarrhea<br />

Good wine makes good blood, & good humor<br />

then good thoughts, masters of good works<br />

sipping slowly wine, it slips in the throat<br />

opiate of brain, it stimulates endorphins<br />

helps social relations, across the bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Venus with Bacchus, tarnishes any mo<strong>de</strong>sty<br />

if a good dusty wine, it restores old age<br />

my past is more pink, brighter future<br />

and life is happy, even in the late hour<br />

镭森 reminds us, wisdom is mo<strong>de</strong>ration!<br />

2 wine from Sanskrit "vena" (vein), means <strong>de</strong>licious intoxicating<br />

liquor: Dessert wines are strong and tumultuous, they irritate the<br />

woman and the nervous peoples. Dry wines help slow bellies, they<br />

are medicine for the old. Sweet wines are digestive in small<br />

quantities and after snacks. Bitter wines have tonic virtues, they<br />

are friends of stomach and nerves. The aromatic wines, easy to<br />

digest, take more legs that the brain.<br />


罗慕洛 explains, the power of the clay<br />

here in Therabuti, he recommend to all us<br />

respiratory infections, bronchitis pneumonia<br />

Poultices to bronchi, throat and belly<br />

Clay it can heal, stomach disor<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

animals and Parrots, use it in Peru<br />

I drink water clay, with garlic cloves<br />

to win more parasites, down in the gut<br />

my Grandfather drank, clay in rainwater<br />

of dirty land, imitating flora and fauna<br />

We are all of mud, in body and mind<br />

He said me, recurring every night<br />

Born entire life, from a clay bank<br />

crystal molecules, for polar sunlight<br />

Clay falls down, oxygen in the water<br />

Clay inhibits, the anaerobic rotting<br />

corpses of <strong>de</strong>ad, by infectious diseases<br />

Once buried, the earth does not infect<br />

if then they unearthed, after a few days<br />

microbes disappeared, I see in and around!<br />

clay the most is exposed, to sun and rain<br />

more it becomes active, expressing its power<br />

Clay is my friend, excellent bactericidal<br />

it purified water, by composed of silica<br />

I introduce into water, crushed silica<br />

more bags filled with sand, silicate family<br />

Oxygen comes out, it runs free binding<br />

to microbes around, killing all them 1<br />

Earth is remedy, internal and external<br />

absorption is large, of virulent Bacillus<br />

You use it without fear, to heal disease<br />

more toxins it throw away, from our body<br />

The clay water, it facilitates evacuation<br />

it get more turbid urine, faeces are black<br />

it purge inflammation, eliminates ulceration<br />

healing sprains, abscesses and intoxications<br />

with water clay, I rub my mouth and throat<br />

Clay is very active, during crescent moon<br />

excellent remedy, for headaches and back<br />

I dig on the gar<strong>de</strong>n, a pit for the shower<br />

1 For intestinal putrefaction, acidity, strong colitis, dysentery and<br />

cholera, I use water with a pinch of clay (standing 12 hours) to<br />

revitalize. The consecutive use for several days can make<br />

constipation, so you take only hot water with magnesium.<br />

艾米利亚 laughs and talks, about her usage<br />

I use clay to cover, the wounds of plants<br />

fruit trees grafts, or before a transplant<br />

I soak the plant roots, into a mud baths<br />

I use mud to care animals, horses and goat<br />

I put wet clay, on their backs and breasts<br />

I apply clay mixture, to fight milk fever<br />

with vinegar & salt, on wounds & plaques<br />

I put the poultice, directly on the wound<br />

bleeding and care, 罗慕洛 still continues<br />

reabsorbed inflammation, even of the nerves<br />

I get by sleeping naked, on the naked Earth 2<br />

Clay orally drains, good care of the kidney<br />

gout and arteriosclerosis, diabetes and skin<br />

the liver with bile, are gradually sobered<br />

and digestive system, well it restores<br />

The unnatural diet, is a cause diseases<br />

it get organs fatigue, and produces toxins<br />

Clay is a doctor the Earth healing power<br />

it works many time, snubbed and unknown<br />

I prepare ointment, honey and fine clay<br />

in butter or olive oil, mixed in pow<strong>de</strong>r<br />

If dried un<strong>de</strong>r the sun, it resolve warts<br />

chilblains with swelling, skin red spots 3<br />

Clay put out pleurisy, also peritonitis<br />

catarrh of the blad<strong>de</strong>r, also gallstones<br />

stomach inflammation, intestinal worms<br />

The water clay I use, even in enemas 4<br />

Clay pulls out, foreign objects in body<br />

due to its mag<strong>net</strong>ism, without worrying<br />

clay its tight poultice, will check it out<br />

it acts similarly, as the cabbage leaves<br />

2 In hot regions of Earth, people use sleeping naked on the ground<br />

(covered with wool) to cure all nervous diseases.<br />

3 “In a container (wood, earth or glass), I make dough clay: I cover<br />

dry clay with fresh water or rainwater then I let it to rest one hour.<br />

I pour (wood's spoon) the dough smooth, then when it's soft it's<br />

ready. I expose it to the sun and I add as much as clay or water<br />

when nee<strong>de</strong>d, so that it not remains too thick nor too liquid but it<br />

is kept constant and is always ready. I use it for many ill inclu<strong>de</strong>d<br />

tonsils microbes, <strong>de</strong>cay and toothache (alternating salt rinse),<br />

tongue wounds and genital sores. I put clay poultices to the kidney<br />

for renal colic or to the forehead for Coryza and sinusitis and I<br />

repeat it several times. Local poultices help to cure appendicitis<br />

and hernias, quelling spasms and intestinal disor<strong>de</strong>rs. Clay soup it<br />

resolve dysentery and diarrhea as lemon and hot water.” 罗慕洛<br />

4 if you urinate blood and pus, you continue with the enemas using<br />

warm water of clay adding a bit olive oil. Do fruit and vegetable<br />

diet and reduce salt to meals.<br />


clay poultice, for breasts inflammation<br />

hot foot bath, for insomnia & <strong>de</strong>pression<br />

莉萨 injects clay water, the natural bath<br />

vaginal inflammation, irregular menstruation<br />

during the infectious diseases, or contagious<br />

affected people, can drink well clay water<br />

a poultice of clay, I applied to the bites<br />

dog, snakes and wasp, in a remote village 1<br />

I also add vegetables, carrots with clay<br />

blood of leukemia, hemophilia and sickle<br />

Clay against leprosy, to purify the blood<br />

第六 learned well, by the Wanniya people<br />

帕梅拉 know to spread, fragrant olive oils<br />

she grease all pain, with sage and rosemary<br />

balm of flowers scent, which is in the winds<br />

aroma of the rains, can help to awaken senses<br />

a garland of flowers, fruits, leaves and roots<br />

the Garland of Tago, she call the Liber Tagus<br />

collection of verses, a Gospel of ancestors<br />

Vijnana meeting plants, of Egyptians temple<br />

Egyptians discovered, many scented oils<br />

to anoint the statues, the bodies of loved<br />

they grease by love, artists and sportsmen<br />

el<strong>de</strong>rly and infirm, and the young initiates<br />

a balm oil is an insectici<strong>de</strong>, also fungici<strong>de</strong><br />

for bodies diseases, it soothe many illnesses<br />

three drops every morning, the interior wrist<br />

areas of the joy, she stimulate every day<br />

before going to bed, anoint and massage<br />

your knee and ankle, navel and third eye<br />

rubbing contractures, to release tension<br />

along with indigestion, and sexual <strong>de</strong>cline<br />

I rub well the kidneys, neck and ligaments<br />

to relieves the psyche, as interior massage<br />

I stimulate skin areas, with goose feathers<br />

back to consciousness, unaware experiences<br />

1 In cases of poisoning and various epi<strong>de</strong>mic cases, pharmacies<br />

were empty or faraway, so Clay was the only medicine available!<br />

Clay absorbs microbial toxins met on way. For superficial wounds<br />

and insect bites, I wash with water and salt to disinfect, then I<br />

apply clay poultice that adheres changing it about every two hours<br />

until healing. I use the same procedure even for distortion, bruises,<br />

burns, where I smear also a clear egg on the area. While for the<br />

scented oil & song, they ignite my dreams<br />

a dream is liberty, individual instinctive<br />

It free from emotional, buried tensions<br />

to suppress dreams, it distorts emotions<br />

when I dream a lot, I have healthy mind<br />

changing my vices, and unhealthy habits<br />

I massage anal area, to facilitate speech<br />

then over time, I can gradually tell dream<br />

I use bitter orange, to soothe my tensions<br />

and I use holy incense, to ease breathing<br />

the Damiana oil, it stimulates the nerves<br />

it's an anti<strong>de</strong>pressant, and sexual tonic<br />

fragrance is breathing Air, with movement<br />

Fire is digestion, the Water is basic food<br />

Earth is my power, home and even evacuation<br />

Ether is perception, mag<strong>net</strong>ism and mediation<br />

艾米利亚 tells us tonight, of hemp<br />

cultivation<br />

her grandparents job, at the native village<br />

Hemp it dress and fed, their lives and dreams<br />

She begins this journey, spirit propitiating<br />

I open my hemp sails, browsing lake and sea<br />

I met rocks and shoals, drift with marshes<br />

I met also water pool, and enchanted islands<br />

<strong>de</strong>serts and forests, valleys and high hills<br />

You are strong my hemp, you can be <strong>de</strong>licate<br />

Precious and witty, your sister ten<strong>de</strong>r Ganja<br />

I knot your stubble wires, making the hair<br />

the great yogi Shiva, hermit of Himalayas<br />

My Grandma in the yard, spun our clothing<br />

watching the canyon, of the Biedano river<br />

her village was ma<strong>de</strong>, native Italian huts<br />

aboriginal memories, local ancient tribes<br />

She was hemp weaver, as Arachne legend 2<br />

spinning with molten, the fate of her life<br />

having her pregnancies, watching the canyon<br />

preparing my i<strong>de</strong>ntity, by means of my mom<br />

Hemp was sowing in March, or early April<br />

harvested in August, 8 days in maceration<br />

its bark & stems naked, she used to stack<br />

to held un<strong>de</strong>r water, by stones into river<br />

2among Maya people, during winter solstice, the grandmothers<br />

were taught spinning to young people, to urge them to become<br />

fractures, I recompose and immobilize the limb then I set clay. good sexual partners.<br />



Grandma turned it, from tall to thin fiber<br />

hemp fiber was called, the blond Canepina<br />

with simple frame, and ancient embroi<strong>de</strong>ry<br />

thin fiber was used, to prepare mom dowry<br />

tablecloths and napkins, woven very slowly<br />

a hemp is very strong, it resists to the use<br />

more stems of hemp, was used for the sheets<br />

for sacks and ropes, clothes and my trousers<br />

hemp cultivation, disappeared from the river<br />

a century late, it succumbs to the monopoly<br />

twisting and squeezing, roll, hang and dry<br />

into local museum, they resist at the time<br />

The strong hemp fabrics, still I can see<br />

all my hemp worn sheets, became diapers<br />

the diapers for old, and diapers for infants<br />

quickly washed, soft bands to prevent red<br />

I used it as mulch, and very useful bags<br />

avoiding pollution, in and out my heart<br />

Hemp my first paper, writing my thoughts<br />

It know each my tear, coming from my soul<br />

塔拉斯 chats about, the Ganja of Sheraza<strong>de</strong><br />

a thousand and one nights, colorful stories<br />

Ganja is human daughter, Ib-na-to-qunbus<br />

Hemp called Banga, it comes into a palm<br />

镭森 always reminds, people of Scythia<br />

which in huts hot saunas, meeting to chat<br />

they throw hemp seeds, on the hot stones<br />

smoke of friendship, to travel with <strong>de</strong>ad<br />

When the plant begins, to bear its seeds<br />

It exu<strong>de</strong>s substance, narcotic and resinous<br />

it's the main basis, of all hashish forms<br />

a British <strong>de</strong>aler, explain its collection<br />

During the harvest, it raise its spirits<br />

swirling in the fields, from legs to brain<br />

they stop limbers, download the trappings<br />

the ecstatic hashishiya, living the swing<br />

Hindus thin dressed, ranging among crops<br />

waving the plants, of hemp with flowers<br />

they obtain churrùs, scraping their dress<br />

the resin is sold, the market in Kolkata<br />

the culiès of Nepal, are naked gatherers<br />

gatherers of Persia, collect with canvas<br />

churrùs is dark gray, it's hot and bitter<br />

it has pleasant smell, and a sour taste<br />

the flowering tops, are sold like Ganja<br />

Leaves all together, are pills of Bhang<br />

brought up in London, to sell in markets<br />

to finally prepare, an intoxicating drink<br />

in Persia it is called, the Qinàr beverage<br />

the Indians chew the leaves, to intoxicate<br />

in Egypt with its leaves, three days to dry<br />

<strong>de</strong>sserts are ma<strong>de</strong>, with flowers and spice<br />

dogs and cats, as the chickens and crows<br />

they suffer stronger, its action of narcosis<br />

the herbivores less, suffer from the effect<br />

even at high doses, the horse is perfect<br />

The product is used, in confectionery shop<br />

as pow<strong>de</strong>r is smoked, with tobacco in a pipe<br />

Ganja is magical <strong>de</strong>lirium, Himalayan gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

hilarious effect, it produces very hunger<br />

in India and Nepal, the Ganja takes a role<br />

sacred and religious, since the first man<br />

its use is mixed, with mountain practices<br />

schools of Shiva & Devi, and Tibetan rites 1<br />

the Hindus myth of Ganja, tells of a drink<br />

born from the milkshake, the primordial sea<br />

the gods had lost, the immortal Amrita drink<br />

ally with the Asuras, to extract it from sea<br />

They work in join venture, thousand year long<br />

whipping the sea-milk, more <strong>de</strong>ities emerged<br />

Surya and Danvantari, doctors of the sky<br />

bearing more vases, of Wine and Amrita<br />

emerged from the shake, also its venom 2<br />

its powerful fumes, which stop universe<br />

Shiva then swallowed, poison in the throat<br />

his throat became blue, beautiful song<br />

oh Shiva Nilakantha, who hold blue-throat<br />

to save the world, You drank world poison<br />

You laugh loud, the supreme and endless Pan<br />

erase my fears, and all <strong>de</strong>vious hostility<br />

1 The yoga of sex is a path (Sadhana) that produces awakened<br />

Kundalini, a sex religion which explores and stimulates the <strong>de</strong>pth<br />

of pleasure experience. This experience is achieved with help of<br />

Shakti beverage (based on Ganja, milk and spices) during<br />

meditations and contemplation of rites of love. The ritual is done<br />

by aligning the external and internal "drunk women" (kundalini)<br />

as the holy embrace (Maithuna) of Shiva and Devi. 莉萨<br />

2 Vasuki was called the poisonous snake that threatened the whole<br />

universe, but Shiva medicine, then, saved human and animal.<br />


塔拉斯 cites 镭森, his hymn to Nilakanta<br />

Shiva Kala Rudra, experience of Ananda<br />

which burn all the worlds, by Tandava dance<br />

flame and mutation, which no one escapes<br />

I see in my chest, when I ate holy bolus<br />

a bright emerald, as a populated world<br />

I am the dance, of Nataraja great sponge<br />

my body and cosmos, one is insi<strong>de</strong> the other<br />

I see dancing Shiva Nataraja, over flames<br />

into the cosmic theater, at Chidambaramme<br />

You wearing earrings, bracelets and bells<br />

the moon in your hair, a Primordial power<br />

You called Pashupati, God of the Creatures<br />

You Ardhanarishvara, the first hermaphrodite<br />

You ascetic Mahayogi, the source of all Moksha<br />

absorbed in meditation, with drum and mantra<br />

You called Bhairava, the Red howling god<br />

along with the Devi, you cuts any illusion<br />

your wave hair are sculpted, as hemp stem<br />

They affect above, the sky with the stars<br />

Your Lingam is revered, is erected on Yoni<br />

it speaks of eternal, your beverage of soma<br />

once Vishnu and Brahma, discuss among them<br />

Who is the beginning & end, the eternal way<br />

Brahma in the form swan, flies up and large<br />

Vishnu as a boar, grunted and dig down earth<br />

Siva you called Ganapati, half-God half-human<br />

to unite heaven & earth, storyteller shaman!<br />

when the Kaliyuga came, dark was the Earth<br />

wherever chaos, and escape of all beings<br />

harassed the Devas, prayed to God Brahma<br />

write us a fifth Veda, to bring us the calm!<br />

Brahma takes words, from legendary Rigveda<br />

tastes and feelings, from the Atharvaveda<br />

music from Samaveda, drama from Yajurveda<br />

He entrusts the new Veda, to guru Bharata<br />

spread it to humans, it is given medicine<br />

Shiva gave its suggestion, a Tandava dance<br />

then slut Taurus, which comes in a frenzy<br />

<strong>de</strong>scribing Sadasiva, the act of creation 1<br />

Asura <strong>de</strong>mons tried, keep for the Amrit<br />

creating a battle, which the Devas win<br />

Amrita is ocean Milk, drink of victory<br />

Vijaya Ganja om! its primordial mantra 2<br />

The hemp has nicknames, in all of Asia<br />

a remedy for the ear, revealing sacred<br />

I'm dust of a dream, bite of remembrance<br />

breath of the minaret, friend on the road<br />

Sanskrit bhang, it's plant and drunkenness<br />

Ananda means great laughter, Vighaia is joy<br />

the flowering tops, of the plant of bhang<br />

making green light, which enchants my eye<br />

Bhang is Al-Khidr, the Green Guru spirit<br />

the Initiator of the Sufis, without a teacher<br />

He sud<strong>de</strong>nly comes, as neighborhood scent<br />

Salem Alekum! is the appeal of the wiser<br />

Cannabis is Greek word, the Arab quinnab<br />

translated as grass, of the mystics fuqar<br />

if they eat the leaf, the Babel collapses<br />

Allah wants for them, to become container<br />

Al-Makrizi Arab poet, calls it the Alfokara<br />

Hashishà al-fuqara, herb of the wretched<br />

ancient consolation, among thousand wars<br />

it's called Shah-danaj, sultan of the <strong>de</strong>ep<br />

Hemp pla<strong>net</strong>ary plant, it helps human story<br />

al-Khidra kills a world, wild or cultivated<br />

She kills and is killed, during the ritual<br />

a wan<strong>de</strong>ring Sufi, is killed by the green 3<br />

Haydar Sheik, rediscovers the holy leaf<br />

he starts his own school, called Haidarìya<br />

extinction of ego, union with the divine<br />

inner and outer, absence of confinement<br />

in his monastery, the Haydar advised<br />

the holy leaves, to foreign to the mind<br />

fools and envious man, censor the gift<br />

He shares it, with those who respect it<br />

1the wise of India, soon began to dispute: Where is the sense and<br />

Ganesha (with gajasta mudra), removes the fear by its own trunk.<br />

2Yoga primordial inclu<strong>de</strong>s the use of plants to acquire the siddhis.<br />

In the Patanjali's text, yoga is reached with mantras, dances, plants<br />

meaning of this Veda? Bharata said to them, Nritta doesn't have and the work of the num.<br />

meaning, it does not seek any sense, it just creates and breaks the 3 "His ego is <strong>de</strong>ad, upsi<strong>de</strong>-shocked because this is the plant custom:<br />

reality canvas. The raised leg, the creator of the dance, it gives you to kill and be <strong>de</strong>ad. Muslim and Hindu fakir reveres Bhang as the<br />

freedom from perception, ignorance and i<strong>de</strong>ntification of ego. one who lengthens life, frees from bonds of stubborn ego by<br />

Damaru is the primordial sound (drum, power to create), while drinking mystery with her. 塔拉斯 quotes al-Makrizi<br />


you eat the leaves, and reduce the food<br />

the plant is shown, as a nimble gazelle<br />

then a light breeze, get whirling to her<br />

and a song of doves, makes her to move<br />

you drives away, the trouble and sadness<br />

forgets the existence, staying in your place<br />

the teacher will reveal, the hid<strong>de</strong>n secrets<br />

singing her songs, you encourages plants<br />

close your ears, to the stubborn censors<br />

and fill your hands, without to postpone<br />

If you want to hunt, a haughty gazelle<br />

ensure that it graze, a beautiful leaf<br />

just now it lay on me, a shy butterfly<br />

it beats its wings, showing all my vices<br />

She entertain me, as an Indian <strong>de</strong>vadasi<br />

I wash my face, and I clean the voice<br />

Singing I praise to it, vibrating love<br />

She dries my seminal, in the heart is<br />

allows that reality, I see completely<br />

I stay on the path, with ease of mind<br />

I spend my time, at the water babbling<br />

with good friends, of great experience<br />

firm is our intent, we also avoid chores<br />

at that point I begin, think about things<br />

fate and acci<strong>de</strong>nts, causes and things done<br />

about being who speaks, the things spoken<br />

to know the opinions, and coherent action<br />

to watch hearts with eyes, eyes with heart<br />

I divi<strong>de</strong> preconceptions, about human nature<br />

until the green Sufi, he seems me familiar<br />

in the divine nature, then I see my river<br />

the Biedano Canyon, and Terabuti temple<br />

Haydar lived, in the mountains Khorasan<br />

in a small monastery, along with fellow<br />

he urges other sadhus, to share secrets<br />

away all cares, back to serene heart<br />

He sang the joy, the dance of plants<br />

to all his brothers, the mystic charms<br />

after his <strong>de</strong>ath, he wanted to be buried<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r the Hemp, nourish their strength<br />

Afghan poet Din-Rumi, in city of Damascus<br />

met Ibn Arabi, then found his own school<br />

Konya in Anatolia, the Whirling Dervish<br />

the remaining chakras, still are climbing<br />

a wan<strong>de</strong>ring <strong>de</strong>rvish, hostile to science<br />

was Sidi-bu-Seine, in Numidia in Algeria<br />

he chases and baptize, providing samadhi<br />

with tambourines, and Kaff in his hands<br />

Al-Himsi was dancing, shouting out loud<br />

in his school, the stu<strong>de</strong>nts saw the show<br />

urinating with penis, most ar<strong>de</strong>nt verses<br />

Green lady arouses, his need for sweets<br />

I am begging, the Wine is the beginning<br />

Lady is the refuge, wan<strong>de</strong>ring sannyasi<br />

a pipe of peace, still circulates around<br />

green color comes, after journey of Miraj 1<br />

She converts a cockroach, in a noble lion<br />

She <strong>de</strong>bases the rich, and won<strong>de</strong>r the poor<br />

tickling the itching, the effeminate anus<br />

cancels jealousy, along with moral <strong>de</strong>cency<br />

It reveals secrets, it dries all judgments<br />

It confuses strategies, opens every orifice<br />

It reflects the <strong>de</strong>sires, of your inner Lord<br />

Kundalini it awakens, as Fire in the Belly<br />

Artists and teachers, found schools to It<br />

fanatics and thieves, confused in the city<br />

honest or fraudulent, or dressed in rags<br />

<strong>de</strong>tachment from the ego, keeps its price<br />

the beaten hemp, pull out ear infections<br />

it <strong>de</strong>lights and warms, the body and heart<br />

its flowering tops, I leave a day in water<br />

repeating holy name, to prepare the sauna<br />

Lord Shiva sowed, praying mantra Bhanga<br />

sound of the guard, which cuts the ignorance<br />

his Lady al-fuqara, makes laugh at themselves<br />

to provi<strong>de</strong>s the vision, to reduces abscesses<br />

I align my <strong>de</strong>sires, to preparation of drink<br />

I offer sweet and mantra, to Devi in my heart<br />

we poured Shiva Linga, the nightmares go away<br />

fleeing enemies, together with the discontent<br />

spread from the grave, in all Khorasan<br />

al-Fuqara in China, is known anesthetic<br />

1Dante poet and Muhammad prophet, <strong>de</strong>scribing visions with<br />

the Zutwasi today, even smoke its leaves<br />

mixed with tobacco, to promote the Kia<br />

<strong>de</strong>lirium and stupor reflecting Samadhi and its overthrow, wild<br />

unconsciousness or annihilation. Hashish and wine holds such<br />

power as the genie of Aladdin. 镭森<br />


Lady hemp acts on fever, in an indirect way<br />

she also get away, fatigue and panic & fear<br />

she takes care of dysentery, also sunstroke<br />

she cools the breath, if poured over lingam<br />

He who drinks a bhang, drinks also Shiva 1<br />

the spirit of Plants, it is <strong>de</strong>pth human soul<br />

It pe<strong>net</strong>rates and leads, alertness of mind<br />

She also helps to cross, poverty and famine<br />

塔拉斯 cites O'Shaugnessy, the ganja doctor<br />

about bhang of India, effect on his patients<br />

bhang dry the saliva, get spite of the mouth<br />

redness of the eye, and pallor of the face<br />

After a half hour, can begin the visions<br />

the faces of friends, are in metamorphosis<br />

the words seem to come, from very distant<br />

whisper in the ears, the motions of body<br />

patients laughing, and chattering happy<br />

others are angry, want to reduce effects<br />

by eating sour fruit, or drink acid milk<br />

oil drop in nostrils, swim in fresh water<br />

塔拉斯 then <strong>de</strong>scribes, his first experience<br />

She wraps my face, as gentle heat blanket<br />

I look at a picture, my senses more acute<br />

I soon come to realize, what I want to see<br />

running i<strong>de</strong>as, and a pe<strong>net</strong>rating pleasure<br />

hundredfold the game, of ar<strong>de</strong>nt exudate<br />

my boiling blood, it's running and rising<br />

I feel like dying, I see all my childhood<br />

I drink I feel better, and I wash my face<br />

emptiness and fullness, I feel into brain<br />

ringing into ear, blow warm mount the head<br />

the skull is raised, the party breaks out<br />

the language is convoluted, cheat i<strong>de</strong>as<br />

Laughter broke out, huge and very loud<br />

I laugh at myself, and my reason <strong>de</strong>spair<br />

gradually it dissolves, Tagus comes out<br />

beautifies everything, beautiful the faces<br />

it display song and poetry, nice to hear<br />

sometime I feel nauseous, abdominal pains<br />

I need evacuation, the symptoms conclu<strong>de</strong>s<br />

num go up to the spine, stretches my arms<br />

violent shakes my hand, continues to rise<br />

I think my <strong>de</strong>ath, continues its carousel<br />

drunk is dissipated, in my sleep of night<br />

then everything is new, renewed impressions<br />

actions I perform, anticipating consciousness<br />

I witness my will, event already accomplished<br />

I do not fear <strong>de</strong>ath, not hate not rejection<br />

the cold with the warmth, change of place<br />

<strong>de</strong>pending on the person, different seizure<br />

as clowns gesturing, or hypnosis catalepsy<br />

帕梅拉 dances tarantula, on-site properly<br />

she regret nothing, she drink fresh water<br />

a bit of respite, the dance begins again<br />

she beat with her feet, she forces to sat<br />

feeling the movement, from belly to big toe<br />

feeling of <strong>net</strong>tles, like ants going to walk<br />

by questioning and pee, it dissolve effects<br />

acceptable vomiting, it stops the intensity<br />

then she go to bed, without disturbance<br />

she <strong>de</strong>velops her hearing, calm the pain<br />

source and enjoyment, every step she take<br />

I see during dream, my past to scroll well<br />

I contemplate my own, increasing pleasure<br />

塔拉斯 recommends, dream medicine for all<br />

as Dr. Moreau, takes care of his patients<br />

the abuse of cannabis, is akin to madness<br />

especially in boys, lazy by kick habit 2<br />

I give antidote, lemon juice and vinegar<br />

Ganja in mo<strong>de</strong>st doses, the spirit cheers<br />

a good set and setting, the fantasy feeds<br />

as a wind advancing, the nature of Ananda<br />

1 "Shitala Devi is also patron of smallpox which is softened with an<br />

offer of bhang (clean leaves boiled in milk until green fat oil). 2 Moreau used hemp to treat patients in Dakka after try himself.<br />

India and Afghanistan, to see in a dream hemp leaves used for "It acts intermediate between alcohol and opium: Henbane awake<br />

treatment, is a sign of good fortune. It is a dowry for bri<strong>de</strong> and and warm. Opium cools and falls asleep. Among the joys of life<br />

groom and in sacred ceremony it is drank by guests to stimulate and the solitary pleasure, it acts and adapts to the various<br />

appetite (bhang absorbs bile), to extend friendly thinking and get characters, so I use it to dissemble and recompose the original<br />

right judging from Shiva spirit." 塔拉斯<br />

mind of patient". dr. Moreau<br />


镭森 here we tell, his last experience<br />

he left his body, it becomes transparent<br />

a gesture and a word, a glass of his wine<br />

drinking together, he went to Dreamtime<br />

the crowing of the cock, accompanied him<br />

a journey to ancestors, all it accomplish<br />

塔拉斯 as guardian, of his temple Therabuti<br />

He finally has <strong>de</strong>signated, singing verses<br />

You drink my Piper, this vessel of wisdom<br />

the savory essence, which drains from pipe<br />

You were always wine, in body possessed<br />

Drink my born actor, your 镭森 mad!<br />

I am not Christian, not Jew not Muslim<br />

I'm not from the east, nor of the West<br />

My divine soul, it is out day and night<br />

Cup-bearer, cup and wine, recite the fate<br />

I came to the world, because I don't know<br />

for blowing sands, like the wind or not<br />

I recognize myself, heart of my beloved<br />

drunk and excited, I dance a God reborn<br />

Wine of Balchè, it awakens a heart bleak<br />

Wine of Forest, it's drunken moon & water<br />

duality is transcen<strong>de</strong>d, we are spectators<br />

catharsis of us, also ma<strong>de</strong> us all actors<br />

Therabuti Gar<strong>de</strong>n, was built by the buds<br />

镭森 gave water, every sunrise to them<br />

they know how to be drunk, the men seers<br />

water distillers, unrepentant mysteries<br />

I have performed, in favor of the Wine<br />

every action I did, was free from blame<br />

not giving me or<strong>de</strong>rs, I don't know how to obey<br />

God is never angry, he pose in me all actions<br />

镭森 loved Khayam, poet of wine Rub'iyyat<br />

Khayam drunk with wine, nature can reveal<br />

if every thing in the world, end of nowhere<br />

I keep a merry heart, all ultimately perishes<br />

come the Prophets, groups of one hundred<br />

reasoning about, the light and the world<br />

Then one by one, they close their eyes<br />

Finally disappear, in distant memoirs<br />

from the center of, Earth's seven gates<br />

I went through, to the throne of Saturn<br />

I knew by the way, many no<strong>de</strong>s to dissolve<br />

but I could not untie, knot of human fate<br />

what I see is nothing, what I hear is nothing<br />

why such eagerness to learn, exploring future<br />

exploring <strong>de</strong>eper meaning, be cheerful & drink!<br />

no one asked your opinion, to make the world!<br />

when I meditate & study, I learn nothing<br />

no one then remains, to this old world<br />

them & us, went & go, others will also<br />

they throw in the oven, your ash and my<br />

We are puppets, the puppeteer is Heaven<br />

I play my own short game, then I fall back<br />

we come happy to Worlds, we went out sad<br />

I give my life to Wind, and nothing happen<br />

I drink because I don't know, where I came from<br />

I feel happy everywhere, I don't know where I go<br />

hold out your glass, that the world is fable<br />

and hold out it quickly, life passes as wind<br />

when the Lord ma<strong>de</strong> me, in his own image<br />

my whole fortune, he had already <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d<br />

good or bad actions, I did at his service<br />

Why then, they speak of one judging day?<br />

then if I rebel, where the omnipotence?<br />

and if I sin, where is the foreknowledge?<br />

and if the whole sky, turns to obedience<br />

where it is oh my Lord, all your mercy?<br />

being and not being, salvation & <strong>de</strong>stiny<br />

heaven, hell & mysteries, are empty words<br />

throughout my study, I saw evanescence<br />

<strong>de</strong>ep down here, it remains only a wine<br />

I look wine yagè, I didn't know that I have<br />

Like salt in the sea, I didn't see you're<br />

I was calling you, and You are in my call<br />

in front of a <strong>de</strong>ar face, You are my drunk<br />

mosque & madrasas, church & synagogue<br />

all fear the fire of hell, and seek heaven<br />

seed of these i<strong>de</strong>as, I see it does not sprout<br />

in the heads of those, who drink holy Wine<br />

out of the inebriation, there is con<strong>de</strong>mning<br />

fool is who hopes, to resolve world issues<br />

love gives law, it stop the name and honor<br />

the customs of love, ignore conventions<br />

a potter one day, a jar he mistreated<br />

then jar said to him, turning rebellious<br />

O forgetful man, who has inva<strong>de</strong>d your anger?<br />

you don't know I lived, I was your brother?<br />


If you do not drink, do not blame the drunk<br />

pri<strong>de</strong> and <strong>de</strong>ception, make clouds into mind<br />

So bring me a wine, for soon my friend<br />

with our clay, jars of wine they will do!<br />

Time flees away, the moment of writing<br />

it has already passed! I drink and talk<br />

the luck? It's a fugitive beautiful dream!<br />

the youth? it is the water of a river!<br />

so at the end, this life is not mine<br />

grants the harp friends, we are dust<br />

give me the cup friends, we are wind<br />

silence we empty cup, we learn patience<br />

镭森 loved Vico, a Pantheist incurable<br />

to reveal the plot, anywhere he sees Gods!<br />

divine transcen<strong>de</strong>nce, is based on fantasy<br />

it's poetic wisdom, embodied in all of us<br />

Poiesis is persuasion, the prayer maxima<br />

Poiesis is <strong>de</strong>votion, enchantment of heart<br />

it draws its passion, from the Inner Sun<br />

to light any story, memory of the times<br />

Poetry is num, which it moves insi<strong>de</strong> us<br />

It pours its strength, it gives emotions<br />

through myths & stories, it offers i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

so any civilization, cultivated his memory<br />

镭森 storyteller, ornate and rhythmical<br />

recolors the myths, to praise the ancestor<br />

He remember us, the Epicurus gar<strong>de</strong>n temple<br />

Philosophy helped him, to cut attachments 1<br />

Re-bis means, the thing in itself double<br />

We are all artists, poets and prostitutes<br />

lies within each us, the androgynous former<br />

first woman-man, once appeared on Earth<br />

glad I make the jump, <strong>de</strong>ath is not the end<br />

I put out fear of gods, fear of other world<br />

Thanatos is not there, if soul is still here 2<br />

the pleasure is feeling, health of my life<br />

A pain in the body, it is linked to the time<br />

if brief it passes, otherwise it brings <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

if light you can relieve, by means of therapy<br />

are all the diseases, also sickness of moral<br />

1 Educating means to pull out from the insi<strong>de</strong>. The man is not a<br />

vessel to be filled but a fire to inspire. The soul needs to relate and<br />

communicate to <strong>de</strong>velop in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntly. If I lose this thing or<br />

person and it get upsets me, that means I was addicted to it; what<br />

matter how powerful it is the man that you fear if evil he can cause<br />

to you anyone can cause to you?<br />

2 Epicurus: "if we are there then there is not <strong>de</strong>ath; if <strong>de</strong>ath is there<br />

then we are not there. Death is the privation of the sensations and<br />

soul is a hot wind (vir, pneuma, num) spread throughout the body.<br />

At <strong>de</strong>ath the sensations cease because of the separation of all the<br />

atoms end escaping of the hot wind.<br />

it's the moral duty, the most severe disease<br />

sources of morality, I can search insi<strong>de</strong> me<br />

Kant and Dzochen, are practical philosophy<br />

镭森 witnessed, the emptiness of the self<br />

is enlightenment, the substance of cosmos<br />

peace of my heart, it's true liberation<br />

it takes me, in the dying of the world<br />

without any fear, and without any pain<br />

by learning humor, <strong>de</strong>ath does not exist<br />

the eternal laughter, free from all sorrow 3<br />

Conscious of the eternal, present in all<br />

one day I will die, un<strong>de</strong>r fables of Zen<br />

once four rabbis, in a beauty moon night<br />

an angel wakes up, and up it leads them<br />

they see seven times, the wheel of Ezekiel<br />

on the way back, one rabbi doesn't comes<br />

a second rabbi says, "I lived just a dream!<br />

the third rabbi says, "all I want to clarify!<br />

the fourth as a poet, writes down everything<br />

living better than before, sings with friends<br />

镭森 professor, prepared his last party<br />

with his Garland friends, at Therabuti class<br />

The sense of rite, constructed by the group<br />

it serves to affirm, to transmit messages 4<br />

it lies in the female, the male animus<br />

as the hid<strong>de</strong>n soul, of man is feminine<br />

to find within itself, mirror of the divine<br />

is to live the mystery, always continuously<br />

Knowledge and freedom, are love and poetry<br />

love is to un<strong>de</strong>rstand, the nature of double<br />

I can Love one another, as I make each poem<br />

poetry and love, are two faces of the One 5<br />

3 莉萨: "If you follow the i<strong>de</strong>as of future, a life <strong>de</strong>ferred will<br />

ultimately be your style. On emotional level, if you release<br />

memories, you extinguish the sabotage. I Help children to turn<br />

their anger and hatred into love, by the sense of humor."<br />

4 帕梅拉: "in south Italy (Lucania), to give meaning to something<br />

by means of words, it's reality. The word acts, is a magical power<br />

that mag<strong>net</strong>izes the spirit and charm it, to cause rain or healing for<br />

example."<br />

5 Poetry explores feelings, it name them for me. The artist is a<br />

creator as a lover, a farm worker, potter, weaver or a shaman,<br />


Ardhanarishvara, is dance and the dancer<br />

Poiesis is a creation, Philosopher's Stone<br />

It stimulates the language, as to ejaculate<br />

chemistry I found, insi<strong>de</strong> my body and soul<br />

the Being that's me, is the Being that's you<br />

I am another you, just as you are another me<br />

when sweet love has flown away, and I'm hating you<br />

I'll remember , I'm hating myself for not loving you<br />

Poem is the final product, the fruit of poetry<br />

an alchemical work, of ancient and new poets 1<br />

It can warm your heart, in a personal way<br />

<strong>de</strong>eply reflecting, your enlightened life<br />

the taboo of <strong>de</strong>ath, is very strong taboo<br />

so every rite actualizes, its entire night<br />

its school is given, the cults of the Fauns<br />

as in num bubbling, of the Bwiti and Daime<br />

here's the Metempsychosis, souls migrants<br />

traveling and dancing, between living & <strong>de</strong>ad<br />

I was born from the fire, in broad daylight<br />

then Fire kills its child, I burn at sunset<br />

Existence whole, now falls in the Night<br />

then in the fetal position, you put my body<br />

I find the twilight, it anticipates in itself<br />

already the unborn life, of the next dawn<br />

when the Bardo of Death, it will rise on me<br />

I will give away, my possessions and vanity<br />

entire history of the world, then I will know<br />

as in bright light, I will find out it's illusion<br />

the abiding truth, everything is already done<br />

all is finished, nothing has ever happened!<br />

when the crucial moment occurs, I get rid<br />

to die peacefully, without attachments<br />

镭森 Nataraja, dance within the hearts<br />

Sadasiva is Nataraja, Tago poet of India<br />

the sadhus his <strong>de</strong>votees, also called Aghori<br />

observing the <strong>de</strong>ath, to meditate on heart<br />

where is the hand, also it follows the gaze<br />

where the eye go, the thought also follows<br />

where goes the thinking, a feeling follows<br />

where feeling arrives, Ananda it's tasted<br />

Om Sai Ram<br />

om Sai, namoh namaha<br />

Sri Sai, namoh namaha<br />

jay jay Sai, namoh namaha<br />

Sad guru Sai, namo namaha<br />

because its work it evokes and reveals the passion insi<strong>de</strong> of me.<br />

1 镭森 tells of poets around the bonfire at Therabuti. There is no<br />

truth! only many glasses for worlds filtered. Me, you and others,<br />

we are all concepts, missing subjective there is no ego, no world.<br />

Label's strategy can build artificial categories in human package.<br />


Novembro, 塞巴 skribis:<br />

Fire burns at the center, to cook and heat<br />

the paintings on the walls, standing shiny<br />

skins stretched on branches, affixed to walls<br />

in or<strong>de</strong>r to heat, the interior of the hut<br />

Hut ma<strong>de</strong> of logs, stones and earth bags<br />

draws with his shape, Na<strong>de</strong>r Khalili shelters<br />

the frame holds weights, gives shape a whole<br />

lighter materials, are lining the walls<br />

Hut is <strong>de</strong>limited space, protecting intimacy<br />

by rains and winds, and it allows me to sleep<br />

two stools two chairs, and colorful drapes<br />

with pots and pans, flanked to incense<br />

the Therabuti huts, have a circular shape<br />

one opens to the east, the roof is ma<strong>de</strong> cone<br />

situated on a slope, and artificial terrace<br />

flanked the temple, of brick wood and metal<br />

Ancestors teach us, with dance and ritual<br />

to harvest rain, for to heal our feelings<br />

to improve soil, grow food and hunting<br />

collecting mushroom, and build community<br />

if the se<strong>de</strong>ntary man, grows his food<br />

sprout villages, pottery and ceramics<br />

breeding animals, agriculture blooms<br />

come plant fibers, to make the weaving<br />

Therabuti temple, I'm going to explore 1<br />

orchards, crops and woods, I walk around<br />

by walking a lot, I will do ten kilometers<br />

Running health, 10 thousand square meters!<br />

chickens ducks and geese, roaming around me<br />

they provi<strong>de</strong> manure, fresh eggs and feathers<br />

a cage henhouse, protect them by martor & fox<br />

during the night time, for them is magic box<br />

1 "A spontaneous grass-hand for 4 years, the other with potatoes,<br />

beans and cabbage. If the cow does not eat all the grass, I hawk to<br />

make hay. What for farmer becomes flour and breads, for<br />

shepherd is converted into milk and cheese." 艾米利亚<br />

It is useful the chicken, which eat pests<br />

it scrapes away weeds, helping citrus plant<br />

providing heat for plants, in winter time<br />

it needs air water sun, shelter and care 2<br />

Therabuti seems to me, an organism in its own<br />

self sufficient, in tune with the environment<br />

through the soil, it shares and swaps substances<br />

with plants and animals, weaving circumstances<br />

the Grasses insi<strong>de</strong> animals, manure becomes<br />

Feed on one another, plants with livestock<br />

I see among them, a recurring exchange<br />

all of them, cross a digestive system<br />

the waste of animals, it fertilizes soil<br />

chickens and a pig, churning its clods<br />

looking by scratching, manure soil & plant<br />

parasites and grains, and food residues<br />

the remains of food, and crop residues<br />

feed the pig, and the compost gar<strong>de</strong>n hole<br />

nothing is wasted, even the newspapers<br />

become fire and mulch, animal bedding<br />

the Pigs are the good, farmer of nature<br />

艾米利亚 tells me, it improves soil structure<br />

adding at the same time, its fertilization<br />

chicken also helps, free to circulation<br />

then with a shovel, I lift and move earth<br />

my hoe breaks the clods, eradicating weeds<br />

the rake removes weeds, leveling the land<br />

also it sows the seeds, light un<strong>de</strong>rground<br />

I oiled my bla<strong>de</strong>s, I rubbed the scissors 3<br />

with the grinding stone, I use it regularly<br />

then I filled two places, with sand and oil<br />

tools rest there, get constant maintenance<br />

I clean Saw bla<strong>de</strong>s, with toothbrush and soap<br />

preparing hot water, with a glass of bleach<br />

I wash plant pots, I disinfects also pruners<br />

then I soaked swabs, for bites and scratches<br />

2 Air, water, sun, food, shelter, protection, care. An unmet need is<br />

more work and a product not used is wasted or it increases<br />

pollution. Observes for long and continually assess your system to<br />

manage a problem as a resource. Start small and simple at the top<br />

of your watershed and work your way down, spread and infiltrate<br />

the flow of water planning for an overflow route. 艾米利亚<br />

3 I oiled the bla<strong>de</strong>s of the tools with oil or petroleum jelly to protect<br />

them against drought and humidity, then I wrap them in<br />

newspaper to pass the winter.<br />


I walk through the Terabuti, as administrator<br />

I observe ecosystem, to manage the situation<br />

I incentive opportunities, its soil can offer<br />

Nature and Culture, they feed each other<br />

the presence of Ethylene, into the forest<br />

where natural soils, making party of Elves<br />

they invite me to dance, in the Fairies circles<br />

where dancing mushrooms, inspiring laughters<br />

the Ethylene cycle, is breath of the Earth 1<br />

it swaps two moments, above and below ground<br />

oxygen disappears, bacteria placed in retirement<br />

iron changes shape, now it releases nutrients<br />

the Bacterial community, into the aggregate<br />

it is living on residuals, of the plants above<br />

the Plants absorb more, surplus of energy<br />

to foster exchanges, tra<strong>de</strong> with the bacteria<br />

strategic plants, expecting that the bacteria<br />

consuming oxygen, sacs in the rhyzosphere<br />

so plants can absorb, mineral nutrients<br />

ethylene gas is provi<strong>de</strong>d, by <strong>de</strong>ad leaves<br />

if disappears ethylene, bacteria go to <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

bodies <strong>de</strong>composed, by anaerobic fermentation<br />

Plants go to suffer, into cultivated fields<br />

we need chemicals, to afford their sickness<br />

while in natural soils, bacteria do not die<br />

addicted by ethylene, they go hibernation<br />

Oxygen then returns, it fills empty sacs<br />

bacteria asleep, they wake up and work fast<br />

during exhalation time, ethylene it expands<br />

at this stage therefore, benefit the plants<br />

during inspiration, oxygen reaches bacteria<br />

therefore at this stage, benefit the bacteria<br />

Fungi into roots, no<strong>de</strong>s are able to create<br />

so in leguminous plants, nitrogen fixing know<br />

they help the circulation, they ferment brews<br />

cells intoxicated, they connect as <strong>net</strong>work<br />

th Soils with roots, are <strong>net</strong>-life continuum<br />

bor<strong>de</strong>r does not exist, in Community challenge<br />

Mycelium running, among woods healthy plants<br />

environment can feed itself, caring all them<br />

I observe the soil, the number of organisms<br />

it indicates its health, also host plants<br />

Billions of organisms, feed on plants<br />

growing vigorous, healthy and fragrant<br />

Life is in the soil, until roots arrive<br />

it's the nature of roots, to work the soil<br />

colloidal structure, it indicates soil alive<br />

microbes are not scarce, plant absorbs well<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> a compacted soil, the roots are dark<br />

too heavy with nitrates, yet not fermented<br />

accumulated nitrogen, in green unduly leaves<br />

toxic and asphyxiating, in blood nitrosamines 2<br />

if you have <strong>de</strong>ad land, you have to reactivate it<br />

stimulating enzyme life, and sponge of mulch<br />

If dust builds up, the soil have not glue<br />

it needs black butter, humus balancing<br />

Body can produce, chemical substances<br />

are suitable for the soil, fertilizer aid<br />

400 kilos of urine, adult male produces<br />

50 pounds of feces, in a year I produce<br />

I observe gar<strong>de</strong>n latrine, now built on slab<br />

bricks and stones, with hole and reeds fence<br />

Trellis it separates, from the looks around<br />

I look at the latrine, conclu<strong>de</strong>d my needs<br />

at bottom is dung, to replenish compost<br />

bacteria and enzymes, begin to <strong>de</strong>compose<br />

channeled urine, it collects external pot<br />

I clean by water, I use ash and hay to cover<br />

around the latrine, I see beautiful hedges<br />

insect repellent plants, sage and rosemary<br />

莉萨 told to me, Urine is diluted in water<br />

ratio of one to 4, as is the case in China<br />

I add it to the compost, or spread on crops<br />

diluted urea helps, climbing temperatures<br />

even human dregs, I add in the compost<br />

settled in center, of raised bed gar<strong>de</strong>n 3<br />

1Alain Smith microbiologist, discovered the presence of ethylene<br />

in soils of forests and grasslands, while there is no trace of it in<br />

fields treated with chemical fertilizers and compacting machines.<br />

2<br />

"The mo<strong>de</strong>l of the Major is all wrong, you should avoid working Nitrate in human blood, married with amines, producing<br />

the soil and the ground cover must foster a permanent recycling of nitrosamines, a cancer challenges for body.<br />

3 dying tissue in the ground. Thus, the nitrification stops and soil Degrading organisms require nitrogen to <strong>de</strong>compose much<br />

becomes capable of producing ethylene to ripen the fruit, sprouted organic matter. The nitrogen, embed<strong>de</strong>d in the bodies of the<br />

seeds, etc..<br />

working microbes, will be released to the plants to rot completed.<br />


if lacking oxygen, the Compost will suffer<br />

such as constipation, unpleasant odor will<br />

nitrogen-sulfur compounds, attract flies<br />

into rot <strong>de</strong>caying, working the mixture 1<br />

most antibiotics microbes, producing heat<br />

it kills anaerobic microbes, insi<strong>de</strong> compost<br />

they make the mixture, hygienic and safe<br />

within ten days, if there is more oxygen<br />

When the fermentation, it becomes aerobic<br />

no fly remains, new environment not suits it<br />

i<strong>de</strong>al place for composting, is in the woods<br />

or in the middle, of a raised bed gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

Away from the conifers, I make compost<br />

as the turpentine, <strong>de</strong>laying fermentation<br />

a lot of stagnant water, affects the process<br />

oxygen disappears, and start anaerobic smell<br />

good nitrogen sources, the digestive juices<br />

ad<strong>de</strong>d with red algae, and chicken manure<br />

a light moisture, it increases earthworms<br />

aeration of the compost, is aerobic foundation<br />

I turn with a pitchfork, enzyme turns and lives<br />

in the right moisture, the yeasts can survives<br />

It grows insi<strong>de</strong> the interior, aerobic warm fire<br />

it wins smell and flies, consuming nitrogen 3<br />

1 Often in small pools around the piles of manure from stables,<br />

along with dirt, it happens anaerobic fermentation (putrefaction),<br />

which generates methane (and butyric acid unpleasant smell) and<br />

insects that spread germs and pathogenic infections. This you can<br />

resolves giving air, cleaning the stables and composting sites.<br />

Although harmful to human health, these pathogens do their role:<br />

to putrefy until after the aerobic <strong>de</strong>composition, then, due to the<br />

heat, will die polio viruses, hepatitis, Strepto-micrococci, various<br />

salmonella, tuberculosis, mycobacteria and brucella. It resist only<br />

Bacillus anthracis, Tetanus and Clostridium who live in the soil.<br />

2 there is loss of nitrogen in the form of ammonia. The C:N ratio<br />

(carbon-nitrogen) 30:1 is i<strong>de</strong>al for composting microbes (30 kg of<br />

oak leaves and 1 kg of manure). To achieve balance, dispenses the<br />

materials in the compound, or add sources of nitrogen. Old or<br />

mature plant tissues, wood shavings, corn husks, paper, lignin,<br />

they break up slowly because they have little water and nitrogen.<br />

Fresh kitchen scraps and grass cuttings, have more water with<br />

nitrogen and <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>de</strong> first.<br />

3 A box contains residues. When it is full you remove the block<br />

already in the process of <strong>de</strong>composition and add it to the pile.<br />

Recipe for autumn warming to be sprayed on composting: in 10<br />

liters of hot water (40 <strong>de</strong>grees), melt a cube of yeast and 300<br />

grams of sugar water. If you wish, add 4 kg of wood ash, until 20<br />

kg of manure and 5 kg of green algae.<br />

during the first phase, bacteria increase<br />

they actively working, by eating the carbon<br />

their own heat, is transmitted to the compost<br />

sixty <strong>de</strong>grees in 5 days, in the middle it reaches<br />

when phase is completed, heat goes down well<br />

the bacterial turmoil, it stops or is waiting<br />

Earthworms begins, as centipe<strong>de</strong>s & millipe<strong>de</strong>s<br />

their turn to <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>de</strong>, along with various fungi<br />

Long after composting, I get the black butter<br />

smell of wood up, it indicates work is done 4<br />

black butter is i<strong>de</strong>al sponge, absorbing rain<br />

rain it has been slowed, spread in soil basin<br />

Following the recipe, that Emily gave to me<br />

I get a brew, to be sprayed on my compost<br />

a primordial soup, of yeast and bacteria<br />

present everywhere, in any place of Thera<br />

if nitrogen is low, slows down the composting<br />

if nitrogen is too much, it tends to leach<br />

I lose nitrogen, methane & butyric acid come<br />

carbon / nitrogen ratio, 艾米利亚 makes me do 2<br />

帕梅拉 reminds us, the fairies and elves<br />

as microbial enzymes, smallest and useful<br />

they produce wine, bread cheese and yogurt<br />

oxygen of air, it helps them to work well<br />

flowers hormones, stimulate the enzymes<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> the intestines, and all our fertility<br />

Nature and Culture, have a common root<br />

community and concepts, evolving surplus<br />

from easy to complex, multiply structures<br />

enzymes and plants, producing living material<br />

carbon dioxi<strong>de</strong> and water, incorporating light<br />

yeasts break down glucose, to extract the sun 5<br />

consume the animals, the organic substance<br />

everything that lives, in non-life has its root<br />

Life comes from Sun, into living it's working<br />

then it roll back, through <strong>de</strong>grading fungi<br />

We like the wine, for the Yeast is a waste<br />

ethanol increases, and yeast producer dies<br />

interspecies exchanges, are the life strategy<br />

cells and environment, barter any challenge<br />

4 to increase heat in the manure pile, water it with wine, yeast and<br />

molasses. After a year of composting, I have the famous black<br />

butter, miracle of the gar<strong>de</strong>ners. Also the sheep and horse manure<br />

is hot and is suitable for heavy soils. 艾米利亚<br />

5 Autotrophs: algae and bacteria. Heterotrophic: consumers<br />

herbivores, carnivores and saprophytes. Monocotyledons: banana,<br />

palms, etc..<br />


Esclericha coli, it adapts at my intestine<br />

it off some enzymes, glucose eating slowly<br />

each cell breathe, insi<strong>de</strong> its mitochondria<br />

that were once, guests symbionts bacteria<br />

the Enzyme chlorophyll, the green color has<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> the chloroplasts, of the plant cells<br />

chloroplasts originated, by past symbiosis<br />

photosynthetic bacteria, and eukaryotic cells 1<br />

more aggregated cells, give organs and tissues<br />

performing functions, more specialized groups<br />

they work giving rise, to more expert systems<br />

as Chinese boxes, or neuron-mycelium <strong>net</strong>works<br />

the phenomenon of osmosis, practicing the cells<br />

between two solutions, different concentrations<br />

less <strong>de</strong>nse solution, it passes to a more <strong>de</strong>nse<br />

solute in the solvent, it dissolves its essence<br />

even different atoms, creating more compounds<br />

bound together by electrons, or opposites ions 2<br />

efficient bacteria, are stimulated or inhibited<br />

from heat or cold, and a precise pH value<br />

pH 7 it balances, between acids and bases<br />

as pure water or blood, saliva and sweat<br />

pH between 7 and 8, ocean salinity is<br />

Sodium bicarbonate, to pH 9 will be<br />

Phosphates and bleach, pH 10 moving<br />

Soda for laundry, pH 12 it will reaches<br />

Sodium hydroxi<strong>de</strong>, pH 14 finally reaches<br />

while urine has pH 6, along with the rain<br />

Vinegar has pH 4, with the Coke beverage<br />

Lemon juice is pH 2, hydrochloric acid pH 0<br />

all Enzymes are guests, of animal and plant<br />

Fungi yeast or bacteria, water and elements<br />

working as a team group, they can trigger<br />

reactions more able, to break a bond matter<br />

Sun enters into glucose, exits by way of fire<br />

then goes back down, by the work of enzymes<br />

the lack of enzyme, raw material it leaves<br />

upstream of the reaction, remained blocked<br />

1 Photosynthesis captures the mineral light. Oxidation <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>de</strong>s<br />

and returns light, heat, water, Carbon. Little oxygen oxidation<br />

produces carbon monoxi<strong>de</strong> gas that gradually choking to <strong>de</strong>ath.<br />

2 The pH scale measuring the concentration of hydrogen ion (H+<br />

acid, OH- basic) in a substance. If the substances dissolved in<br />

water do not divi<strong>de</strong>, H+ and OH-, are called neutral, or if there is<br />

more one or the other, are called acids or alkalis. Metabolism is<br />

the sum of catabolic reactions (ie <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>de</strong> substances) and<br />

anabolic reactions (aggregate substance).<br />

shortage of products, or toxicity of cru<strong>de</strong><br />

involve dysfunctions, and ecological price<br />

bacteria slowly, they can bring the balance<br />

eating anything, like lead and mercury<br />

polluted bacteria, were eaten by fishes<br />

then fishermen, was killed by the poison<br />

millions bacteria, produce tooth <strong>de</strong>cay<br />

they ferment sugars, then produce acids<br />

most of the living, get energy by oxidation<br />

of their/other bodies, to synthesize proteins<br />

The Rhizobium bacteria, fix the nitrogen<br />

Nitrogenase enzymes, it protein breaks down<br />

Ammonia solution, becomes urea in the liver<br />

Beer is dominated, by yeasts Cerevisiae 3<br />

symbiotic bacteria, produce enzym amylase<br />

in cattle intestines, they digest cellulose<br />

methane bacteria, ferment compost and waste<br />

source of this gas, are swamp & digester tanks<br />

in India and Sichuan, people using this gas<br />

to cook food and home heating, 莉萨 tells us<br />

anaerobic breathing, I call fermentation<br />

combustion of methane, is fast oxidation<br />

艾米利亚 suggests, if local space permits<br />

to raise a Cow, with native local forage<br />

cow provi<strong>de</strong>s milk, urine and dung heap<br />

for health of soil, human and chicken<br />

the manure of any kind, reveals health<br />

of healthy digestion, reflects droppings<br />

dark green manure, contains more enzymes<br />

aromas of flowers, insi<strong>de</strong> cattle grass 4<br />

3 these enzymes add hydrogen to nitrogen, thus obtaining ammonia<br />

solution (NH3). In the reaction is produced hydrogen surplus that<br />

other bacteria (producers of the enzyme hydrogenase), break down<br />

into ions. The amylase enzymes break the starch but they are<br />

formed only during seed germination.<br />

4 Steiner taught Horn-manure and Horn-silica: set up in the fall at<br />

the end of September, it requires fresh manure of dairy cows that<br />

have calved. It is kept in a cow horn and buried in a hole. The<br />

activity of the enzyme preparation biodynamic fermented for 6<br />

months in the land. In spring, the horn is pulled out, the manure is<br />

reduced in volume and transformed into humus. Will be used in a<br />

dose of 200 grams in 50 liters of natural water (chlorine kills all<br />

the probiotic bacteria and antibiotics) on 37-<strong>de</strong>gree to stimulate<br />

the enzymes. The mixture is ma<strong>de</strong> by hand for about 1 hour,<br />

following the two directions of rotation, breaking every time the<br />

vortex is formed <strong>de</strong>ep in the center of the bucket. Horn-manure is<br />

sprayed on the soil. Horn-silica (quartz crystals are ground and<br />

packed in spring in the horn) it is sprayed on the foliage of plants.<br />


my Gauri cow, eats the hazel leaves<br />

they have high content, of easy starch<br />

helping digestion, increasing fat milk<br />

they balance acidity, into intestines<br />

Abuse of fresh herbs, bring diarrhea<br />

that are resolved, by medicinal plants<br />

I collect branches, in summer for winter<br />

Acacia and chestnut, hazel and mulberries<br />

Thyme and marshmallow, whole root infused<br />

I add to Gauri beverage, to calm its cough<br />

Galega and hay Greek, they stimulate milk<br />

with the appetite, in animals and humans<br />

Is the Diet, the heart of every health<br />

the instinct knows this, let it lead you<br />

every sick animal, dusting off the soil<br />

to lie down on soil, and to contact Thera<br />

艾米利亚 was a child, recalls two moments<br />

First is breeding, processing the second<br />

She bred sheep & goats, milk & wool drew<br />

helping birth and weaning, until slaughter<br />

watching mating season, then shearing time<br />

she learned milking, preparation of cheese<br />

wearing flock to pasture, during winter day<br />

in summer at night, she was in the same way<br />

the animal nature, she exploits efficiently<br />

giving commands to goats, & a lea<strong>de</strong>r to sheep with my grandpa, I was making cheese<br />

It gui<strong>de</strong>s the flock, was called kabru mudùllu using ren<strong>net</strong>, of baby sheep intestines<br />

while in goats flock, was called kabru sonàllu curdled sour milk, rests to coagulate1 until it took shape, in basket to dry up<br />

His grandfather used, transhumance strategy<br />

seasonal comings-goings, between different hills<br />

in search of water, and new healthy grass<br />

over rugged lands, on lonely mountains<br />

Grandpa had the body, har<strong>de</strong>ned by adversity<br />

the climate affects, about food and quantity<br />

He passed on knowledge, basic veterinary<br />

for the competition, out of the ordinary<br />

Grandpa named Bruno, tanned skin of sheep<br />

stitched together by wife, gave excellent cape<br />

with leather strings, wool is on the outsi<strong>de</strong><br />

Mastruca was called, this dress of winter<br />

He got used sheep & cows, goats & horses<br />

this cattle was greedy, of mineral salt<br />

mixed into feed, he called on the fence<br />

to keep animals insi<strong>de</strong>, healthy and rest<br />

I use milking the cow, ten months a year<br />

at least twice a day, for ten minutes<br />

it is fun task, if you learn to do it well<br />

renounce vacations, my 塞巴 see if you agree!<br />

cows each other warm, in cold climates<br />

they know how to live, following instincts<br />

able to pass winter, with hay silo of your<br />

they eat hay, up to six pounds per day<br />

Cow provi<strong>de</strong>s milk, with simple foods<br />

feeding additional, it may be curative<br />

branches also boiled, the steam passed<br />

to initiate fermentation, of lignin cell<br />

for making Butter, I use to hit milk<br />

in a narrow bottle, tightly closed<br />

I get also Ghee, a butter fat-free<br />

I filter butter foam, up and down it<br />

I remember story, Polyphemus in the cave<br />

Cheeses manufactured, coagulating milk<br />

with dairy products, and juice sour fig<br />

while my grandpa, used intestine of <strong>de</strong>er<br />

ren<strong>net</strong>-in-bread, dried intestines were<br />

ren<strong>net</strong>-in-water, was infused blad<strong>de</strong>r<br />

dried and chopped, to make Gorgonzola<br />

Half a gram of ren<strong>net</strong>, per liter milk<br />

1 The italian word of cheese (formaggio) comes from formos,<br />

wicker basket in which the shepherds of Asian steppes, they laid<br />

curdled milk of sheep and goats to give it shape. The milk left in<br />

the baskets of ferns, retaining the imprint and coagulates itself. I<br />

imagine the milk as a basin of water where the fat balls are pingpong<br />

and casein (protein) larger balls. In or<strong>de</strong>r to ensure cheese<br />

both balls should agglomerate into large conglomerates balls<br />

floating in the water milk. The coagulation of milk is soured with<br />

the addition of coagulating enzyme called ren<strong>net</strong>. The enzymes<br />

from animal (chymosin, pepsin, gastrin) are secreted by stomachs<br />

of babies lambs. The enzymes from plants I use Galium aparine,<br />

and fig milk. The seeds of thistles are soaked with vinegar or<br />

lemon juice to sour the milk up to pH 4.5, the casein proteins<br />

precipitate here and join.<br />


塔拉斯 tells of nomads, sheep's milk bottles<br />

swings and throws milk, separating balls<br />

is drained into basket, dried in the sun<br />

then with the salt, it is ma<strong>de</strong> to conserve<br />

Cow's milk is for calves, which digest lactose 1<br />

lactose in humans, it without enzyme ferments<br />

Kefir is obtain, when I add to fresh milk<br />

The kefir grains, which has joint yeast<br />

Kefir feeds on bacteria, to produce lactic acid<br />

it contrasts typhoid fever, diphtheria tuberculosis<br />

it helps hydrochloric acid, the stomach of el<strong>de</strong>rly<br />

predigested milk, can be food and medicine 2<br />

Ababai Tree Medicine, your unripe fruit is holy<br />

your juice is <strong>de</strong>light, it resolves indigestion<br />

your selective enzyme, it breaks down the <strong>de</strong>ad<br />

you clean the liver, ears and skin and spleen<br />

to produce the Curd, the homema<strong>de</strong> yogurt<br />

I boil animal milk, for twenty-five minutes<br />

then I add the enzyme, or a bit of sour curd<br />

a tablespoon is enough, to start fermentation<br />

After four hours resting, yogurt it has become<br />

I do it at evening, so it can rest all night<br />

covered with a cloth, a couple of days is good<br />

even without fridge, I consume with honey & fruit<br />

Curd diluted with water, in India is called Lassi<br />

it is very digestive, it's used all around Asia<br />

Yogurt comes to France, to re-establish the king<br />

by a quick Byzantine, carrying a Balcan recipe<br />

塔拉斯 sings medicine song, a glory of enzymes<br />

of the fruits and algae, plants and mushrooms<br />

the strong papain enzyme, it <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>de</strong>s proteins<br />

Papaya offers it, it comes from Maya medicine<br />

1 The lactase enzyme is produced in the stomach-intestine of the<br />

calf. A soured milk has lactose predigested by Lactobacillus that<br />

produce yogurt. Ingesting cow's milk increases the <strong>de</strong>sire for<br />

sweet and saccharin. Calcium is present twice into sesame seeds,<br />

green leaves of cabbage, seaweed, mustard, turnips, almonds, and<br />

sunflower seed. After weaning, the intestinal cells are forgetting<br />

the enzyme that breaks down lactose then if you eat that milk after<br />

a long absence, it has fermented and flatulence. In any temperate<br />

or hot area, especially in summer, within 24 hours the milk<br />

becomes acid with its nutritional properties and hygiene. One<br />

serving a day of yogurt (lactic acid, potassium, phosphorus,<br />

calcium, A, B) is suitable for those who have little or no lactose<br />

enzyme. It prevents osteoporosis, improves intestinal flora,<br />

enhances immunity lymphatic, protects against diarrhea and colitis<br />

and it reduces bacterial plaque on tooth.<br />

2 Kefir is easier to digest yogurt. In the Caucasus Kefir mothers<br />

give to their babies instead of whole milk to prevent diarrhea.<br />

Lactic acid produced by Lactobacillus acidophilus or bulgaricus<br />

(the Slavic peoples are great consumers of fermented milks) it<br />

<strong>de</strong>stroys toxic bodies everywhere, taking care of the skin, <strong>de</strong>ntal<br />

caries and various types of cancer. Lactic acid is contained in fresh<br />

milk, milk acidulated with lemon juice, sour milk (yeasts are<br />

<strong>de</strong>stroyed by pasteurization), leavened bread, pickled herring,<br />

pickled vegetables and green tomatoes.<br />

you offered in the Yucatan, Cortes and his crew<br />

solving their indigestion, binge without measure<br />

from there you was transplanted, on Pacific slope<br />

Where Captain Cook takes you, on tour with honor<br />

He brings you in new countries, all over seas<br />

in tropical climates, to indigenous and citizens<br />

you predigests meat, you unique among enzymes<br />

you friend of many stomach, acidic or alkaline<br />

You heal more tumors, without stressing body<br />

especially on the breast, and facial patches<br />

you calm hemorrhoids, and ulcers of stomach<br />

your seeds against worms, working in the gut<br />

now I crumble soybean, then I boil in water<br />

water extracts from soy, fat and proteins<br />

now I have soy milk, I let it to ferment<br />

using a nigari salt, as a mineral ren<strong>net</strong> 3<br />

Soy protein, it precipitates & coagulates<br />

it gives a substance, beautiful white Tofu<br />

if soybean ferments, with barley and millet<br />

it gives Miso soup, then I mix with algae<br />

the Algae are nutrient, Food organisms<br />

as roots of ancestors, crushed and dried<br />

Indians of Texcoco lake, preparing cakes<br />

by Spirulina algae, harvested from lake 4<br />

Chlorella and Spirulina, now cultivated<br />

in the artificial pools, for human and cattle<br />

塔拉斯 sings for them, a thanking algae hymn<br />

to help take away hunger, Pan inspired him<br />

Algae of life, you pioneer of earth and see<br />

You eat minerals, which are in the lakes<br />

unmatched seaweed, basic soups of soldiers<br />

You called green bread, by people insigned<br />

3 Nigari sea salt is primarily magnesium chlori<strong>de</strong>. The Tofu has<br />

not a particular taste, but it combines well with all dishes. Miso is<br />

a soup of enzymes and it support the digesting flora of soil and<br />

intestines.<br />

4 "Alkaline lake waters of Mexico. Spirulina maxima algae is<br />

curled up, dried in the sun it produces proteins up to 70% of its<br />

weight. The collapse of nutritious food bring <strong>de</strong>generative<br />

diseases, constant flu, allergies, anxiety, <strong>de</strong>pression, fatigue and<br />

lack of vitality. Klamath algae gets its name from Upper Klamath<br />

Lake in Oregon in a protected park. It has all 20 amino acids in<br />

i<strong>de</strong>al proportions, it produces protein up to 73%, compared to 18%<br />

of red meat." 塔拉斯<br />


you survive at all, the pH environments<br />

you aid bodies and soils, weak and tired<br />

your infusion tea, enhances my keratin<br />

cleaning my body, by heavy metals & radioactive<br />

Algas Klamath effective, it is anti<strong>de</strong>pressant<br />

slowing <strong>de</strong>generation, it contains antioxidants<br />

it's immune regulator, by traumatic brain injury<br />

the basis of food chains, of lakes of mountain<br />

Algae good food, with vegetables and cereals<br />

it helps gar<strong>de</strong>n compost, pow<strong>de</strong>red or whole 1<br />

the Kelp seaweed is called, the Irish moss<br />

It resolve chest pain, during long walks<br />

Kelp is the sky grass, for the Japanese<br />

It reduces fatigue, and shortness of breath<br />

it helps their diet, long-lived timeless<br />

source of minerals, strength of powerless<br />

Gelidium armansili is the Kanten seaweed<br />

Kanten is extracted agar, gelatin thickener<br />

is anti-inflammatory, it protects the gut<br />

if taken in high doses, is a laxative purge<br />

塔拉斯 comes to tell, the parasitic fungus<br />

he found in a Gipsy brew, of rye and barley<br />

He witness cold sweats, tremor without effort<br />

similar ingestion of, bread infected by Ergot<br />

called sacred fire, of St. Antonio of Egypt<br />

Ergot epi<strong>de</strong>mics, bring convulsus gangrenus<br />

the dance of St. Rocco, remember its therapy<br />

among his gipsy clan, it was ritual solution<br />

Antonian monks, they discovered a pig fat<br />

which takes control and care, of the holy fire<br />

Argo was Wolf Man, wild man un<strong>de</strong>r full moons<br />

it feeds the legends, of native European peoples<br />

invoking God<strong>de</strong>ss Diana, Queen of moon ferments<br />

she arises libido & spasm, they begin to dance<br />

The water of Virgin Ladies, with oil and candles<br />

off the evil eye, and it brings oracles diagnosis<br />

Mary is the sea god<strong>de</strong>ss, the cereals protector<br />

She has ten thousand names, Thera-Gaia or Ceres<br />

god<strong>de</strong>ss of knowledge, for the initiation rituals<br />

She had sanctuaries, at Eleusis & other villages<br />

Ergot was called, sclerotium of Secale fungus<br />

used by Albert Hoffman, to produce ergotamine<br />

Delysid new drug, reduces anxiety and neuroses<br />

new treatment protocols, coming from scientists<br />

Delysid reduces barrier, between ego and reality<br />

it helps more patients, to review the old traumas<br />

to overcome blocks and fears, using dissociation<br />

healing psyches and bodies, to reconcil with fate<br />

at beginning session, extreme anxiety & nausea<br />

sometimes panic & fear, of <strong>de</strong>ath of ego psyche<br />

confi<strong>de</strong>nce in the mentor, it helps the passage<br />

the experience of dying, it heals human mind<br />

基那洲 reminds us, from Kia we must return<br />

they can not stay outsi<strong>de</strong>, for a long time<br />

treatment protocol, remember me space travel<br />

careful preparation, astronauts & psychonauts<br />

the experience of Kia, is a temporary school<br />

to receive messages, and care by ancestors<br />

then we must return, to the everyday world<br />

to mature our, consciousness of humans<br />

Maya is a curtain, that hi<strong>de</strong>s the secret<br />

Who tears the curtain, even rips himself<br />

for beneath the tent, there is no objective<br />

outsi<strong>de</strong> world and body, is only the subjective<br />

the Real does not exist, without an acquaintance<br />

Rea is produced, between the world and receiver<br />

If you miss one of the two, real does not happen<br />

radio is silent, nothing appears on my screen<br />

your inner <strong>de</strong>mon, it can ri<strong>de</strong> yourself<br />

his victim in the end, then it becomes free<br />

plants can help, to access other realities<br />

my awareness tunes, on hilarious comedy of<br />

a part of interior, overflows in the world<br />

this was spontaneous, ritual dance caused it<br />

animating things, come and bring new meaning<br />

different & <strong>de</strong>eper, solar or abyssal feeling<br />

There are more worlds, or multiple realities<br />

all including consciousness, which is to manifest<br />

the daily mind, is ego that thinks and acts<br />

besi<strong>de</strong>s a witness, who all-see and assists<br />

we discover something, often we do not like<br />

if it negates illusion, of a social morality<br />

inner freedom it makes scares, because stop ego<br />

new relationship comes, with around livings<br />

the experience of Num, multiplies Reality<br />

it seems dissolution, to the rational mind<br />

who looking for success, only in conformity<br />

1 in seaweed (algae) and seafood, can be mercury mineral<br />

reacts protesting, fearing the transcen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

because they absorb the spurious that are around.<br />


马勒 relates kia, the experience of Bwiti<br />

as the same village, beyond fixed boundaries<br />

a trip on the river, between life and <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

looking for ancestors of common human fate<br />

Body is a canoe, Kikeone a threshold river<br />

it needs silence, of attentive consciousness<br />

to travel on river, reaching un<strong>de</strong>rground mind<br />

lands of the myth, and winged ancient dragon<br />

Dragon of wisdom, it opens each eye a time<br />

you walk not run, poison is behind the door<br />

you can convert each poison, on daily ritual<br />

Songlines you achieve, where the myth lies<br />

Argo is dog of Ulysses, the fi<strong>de</strong>lity takes<br />

it knows his master, who travels in disguise<br />

Ulysses was sailing, the seas of consciousness<br />

the Mercury plants, driving his experience<br />

Telemachus is the son, away on the shore<br />

searching for father, in amazement grows<br />

poppy into the wine, can soothe his wrath<br />

He forget suffering, house and his country<br />

He travels over the land, as well as Egypt<br />

masked by the souls, in the mystical journey<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rtake the long trip, in the myths of world<br />

ancient winds gui<strong>de</strong> him, inspiring his career<br />

History is daughter, of Homer blind poet<br />

eternal witness, who sees internal affairs<br />

the History unfolds, connecting situations<br />

Living narrative, to internal sensations<br />

Root of knowledge, is the inner thoughts<br />

blind poet Homer, we say he has true gaze<br />

survives in his hand, Penelope and Ulysses<br />

He tells a story, and starts a civilization<br />

镭森 speaks now, of mysteries of Eleusis<br />

foun<strong>de</strong>d by Pelasgians, in Thrace & Samothrace<br />

<strong>de</strong>dicated to a group, of Mediterranean gods<br />

Demeter Core and Ha<strong>de</strong>s, and African Orixas 1<br />

Eleusis as Delphi, the Pan-Hellenic sanctuary<br />

instructing emperors, Hadrian & Marcus Aurelius<br />

the first hymn of Demeter, it <strong>de</strong>scribes initiation<br />

Mysteries through drink, the life-<strong>de</strong>ath-rebirth<br />

Hermes psychopomp, tells Demeter-Ceres story<br />

one day her daughter Core, was in human world<br />

1 Core is Persephone, Phersipnai for Rasna, god<strong>de</strong>ss of the dance<br />

of fate. Its <strong>de</strong>votees are called Korybantes when she ascends or<br />

<strong>de</strong>scends riding them.<br />

picking the flowers, next to the cereal crops<br />

when Ha<strong>de</strong>s abducted her, to make her his bri<strong>de</strong><br />

when Ceres heard, the green light of Jupiter<br />

She goes looking for his daughter, in every place<br />

in his wan<strong>de</strong>rings, she is masked by human woman<br />

she stops to rest at Eleusis, near Callicoro well<br />

hospitable invitation, by daughters of King Clio<br />

Demeter is sitting silent, with a veil on her face<br />

she is absorbed in the pain, distracted by Iambè<br />

Iambè dancing around, showing her fooling ass<br />

Demeter recalls us, the sun god<strong>de</strong>ss Amaterasu<br />

distracted by the noise, caused by Uzume woman<br />

Uzume is like Iambè dancing, fooling her genital<br />

resulting in drunkenness, in the present ritual<br />

Iambè holds the wine, Ceres turns it in Kikeone<br />

drink that allows to see, her daughter Core <strong>de</strong>ad<br />

from the <strong>de</strong>ad world, everyone sees the mystery<br />

rediscovering the myth, and the ancestors one<br />

God<strong>de</strong>ss thanked the host, revealing its nature<br />

they foun<strong>de</strong>d a temple, in memory of his daughter<br />

established initiation, of the mysteries of life<br />

Ceres journey continues, still indignant with gods<br />

She unleashed after, the great drought on earth<br />

the threat of extinction, the whole of humanity<br />

between the Olympus Gods, she refuses to return<br />

Jupiter finally able, to come up with solution<br />

during winter, Core-Persephone is Ha<strong>de</strong>s's wife<br />

but in the rest of the year, Persephone reappears<br />

It blooms in spring, plants-animals she reports<br />

Demeter is satisfied, she returns to Olympus<br />

when Persephone <strong>de</strong>scends, it is the winter<br />

She performs in the dark, a slow preparation<br />

She comes from un<strong>de</strong>rworld, during springtime<br />

She is called also Freya, on Friday of Easter<br />

is the Meyaya night, when she rises to Earth<br />

revealing mysteries, she rely on Triptolemus<br />

cultivator of soil, the month of Anthesterion<br />

twin brother & buil<strong>de</strong>r, of European civilization<br />

from February to March, the initiates are prepared<br />

by mystagogues gurus, teaching them all myths<br />

the story of Demeter, and Persephone and Ha<strong>de</strong>s<br />

with fasting and chanting, holy songs and dances<br />

the initiates at Eleusis, take Kykeone drinks<br />

to go down un<strong>de</strong>rworld, at kingdom of Ha<strong>de</strong>s<br />

the purpose is to stimulate, beatific visions<br />

as a vision quest, and healing soul divisions<br />


the young man, he experiences life and <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

then resurrection, as an adult transformation<br />

Eleusis is a school, mysteries beyond bor<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

rites of passage, and <strong>de</strong>stiny of humanity<br />

The Initiates, must do a public confession<br />

Women with children, also are allowed there<br />

but only two conditions, for to be initiated<br />

obligation of secrecy, and not to have stained<br />

they all begin in Athens, with a pilgrimage<br />

directed towards the sea, with tests in step<br />

thousands of stu<strong>de</strong>nts, each has his guardian<br />

on chanting procession, directed to Eleusis<br />

they pass over the river, over narrow bridge<br />

line between living and <strong>de</strong>ad, it recall well<br />

pilgrims gathered, are now being insulted<br />

by obscene imitators, masked like Iambè<br />

when arrived at night, in a crowd Eleusis<br />

it rises and <strong>de</strong>scends, a pe<strong>net</strong>rating light<br />

a collective vision, the venerable forms<br />

people and landscapes, feeling and colors<br />

you will hear a sound, flutes and harps<br />

with cymbals of brass, with the <strong>de</strong>ep sound<br />

a call threatening, that inspires madness<br />

rings out from a cave, it comes all around<br />

drum propagates, tremendous force of thun<strong>de</strong>r<br />

while growing up, sweet sound of the harp<br />

from the secret room, roaring in response<br />

Taureans imitators, the thun<strong>de</strong>r of the cave<br />

the cave in the rock, is called Plutonion<br />

passage of the God Ha<strong>de</strong>s, lord of un<strong>de</strong>rground<br />

the room of the ritual, is called Telestrion<br />

the door of Heracles, it opens to the south<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> the enclosure, the ceremony happens<br />

sitting on the steps, stu<strong>de</strong>nts drink Kikeone<br />

in complete darkness, then starts the vision<br />

shining the ghosts, the Persephone mission<br />

Pindaro reminds, the grand final of mysteries<br />

sud<strong>de</strong>nly looks light, low and from the astral<br />

explo<strong>de</strong> the boundaries, of any consciusness<br />

the mystery of temple, floods in the round<br />

Euripi<strong>de</strong>s also wrote, that the stars dance<br />

Moon and the open sea, vortex in the water<br />

Persephone re born, leading breathing Chorus<br />

You guardian of Fire, and garland of words<br />

You're the girl of Jupiter, visible around<br />

Beautiful daughter, of the sun and the moon<br />

You reveal the secrets, of Triptolemus grain<br />

the gift of Cereals, to see the ancient time<br />

cycle of the seasons, Thera is now revealed<br />

in the bodies and hearts, as home of the <strong>de</strong>ad<br />

Plato also <strong>de</strong>scribes, that <strong>de</strong>gree of wisdom<br />

are unquenchable food, of mystical message<br />

Myesis he <strong>de</strong>scribes, the temporary vision<br />

then follows Telete, the long distance vision<br />

finally the supreme vision, he calls Epoptic<br />

foresight of plants, myths creative poetry<br />

镭森 sings the verses, Tago inspires him<br />

Happy is one, who has experienced these things<br />

when he go back in the womb, of Ha<strong>de</strong>s poiesis<br />

Hermes psychopomp, will gui<strong>de</strong>s him to god<strong>de</strong>ss<br />

Kali You are behind, the structure of my mind<br />

You're the voice of thun<strong>de</strong>r, blossoming flower<br />

You are love and <strong>de</strong>ath, in a drop of Amrita<br />

poison and medicine, you're memory & ritual<br />

I had come, leaving the divine temples<br />

with thyrsus and harp, into your woods<br />

the night is the mother, of my <strong>de</strong>sires<br />

I'm alive and I am died, I live by dying<br />

Hermes is psychopomp, ithyphallic friend<br />

in mysteries I found, his ancient wisdom<br />

He spreads with his phallus, drops butterflies<br />

in the afterlife journey, I was dragonfly<br />

Heva her partner, is wrapped in caduceus<br />

totem of snakes, she is kundalini shakti<br />

Shiva and Devi oracle, gods before the flood<br />

Thera progenitor, of Tago and Kumar Tong<br />

Hermes in Egypt, it was called Thoth god<br />

the scribe of knowledge, he wrote on plants<br />

God of the moon, called Mercury and Turms<br />

Ibis and storks totem, bring him in tour<br />

Turms or Hermes, is the heart of Orphism<br />

Mercury Messenger, ambiguous musical poet<br />

when I feel pain, when life comes to miss<br />

I sing its song, the joy can warm myself<br />

Ciceron wrote, "there we have been<br />

a motif happy life, <strong>de</strong>ath is not bad<br />

presence of ancestors, revealing us<br />

to be immortal, imperishable essence<br />


in times of crisis, more doubts emerge<br />

collapse mo<strong>de</strong>ls, and new cults flourish<br />

the humans looking for, a new initiation<br />

they try to live better, insi<strong>de</strong> a new vision<br />

School of Eleusis, is conscious initiation<br />

gave the Mysteries, certainty in existence<br />

becomes the initiate, mystagogue epoptic<br />

meets his needs, of healing and ecstasy<br />

the myth of Demeter, is experienced until<br />

Alaric king of the Goths, inva<strong>de</strong>d Hellas<br />

Emperor Theodosius, <strong>de</strong>stroyed sanctuaries<br />

monotheistic dogma, established neurosis<br />

it vanishes experience, direct mysteries<br />

the man is labeled, Kykeon become ergotism<br />

travel Argonauts, seeking Gol<strong>de</strong>n Fleece<br />

in Gothic visions, of cathedrals places<br />

Fleece the lamb, thus preserves the soma<br />

bards and rishis of India, held since then<br />

it mature in the soil, drop in its own fat<br />

virtue of Soma is, in the hymn of its song<br />

罗慕洛 now continues, the story of Yagè<br />

once the Maloca clans, lost their health<br />

one day comes to village, women with baby<br />

she enter to Maloca, child is called Yagè 1<br />

answering to prayers of brethren on earth<br />

were the ancestors, moved by compassion<br />

<strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to heal, neurosis and <strong>de</strong>pression<br />

they send mama leaf, and its Yagé comforter<br />

Mom chacruna leaf, she offered her baby<br />

dismembered by them, in ritual sacrifice<br />

everyone ate, and the remains of the banquet<br />

they buried in the forest, as usual test<br />

the first vine was born, was spirit yagé<br />

it climbs trees, to seek the way to heaven<br />

so Ayahuasca vine, is the vine of ancestors<br />

she returns home, points the way to human<br />

from the other burial, was born Chacrona plant<br />

beautiful green shrub, mother of little child<br />

now human and <strong>de</strong>ad, connected Ayahuasca<br />

share experiences, with body and mind<br />

罗慕洛 <strong>de</strong>scribes, Villavicencio experience<br />

Hispanic journalist, among forest dweller<br />

to live the experience, we have to cross<br />

period of purgation, together with pains<br />

Yagè and Chacrona, was boiling in large pot<br />

and brown thick liquid, is collected in jars<br />

its <strong>de</strong>coction was used, in divination for war<br />

discover the enemy plans, or friends reception<br />

then a dizziness arises, also I start to fly<br />

I saw the big cities, bridges and overseas<br />

attacked by wilds, I strongly <strong>de</strong>fend myself<br />

I sleep and waking, with slight headache<br />

Indians present, see their good and bad fate<br />

many times they drink yagè, group supports them<br />

launching invective, to the malaise spectrum<br />

they wake up & remember, well the experience<br />

Ayahuasca session, it stop all differences<br />

aligns the entire group, on shared feelings<br />

It helps the movements, steps and priorities<br />

It restores hope, in the common i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

the Desana shamans, of Colombian Amazon<br />

make use of Tagè, close to the River Papuri<br />

Tagè is acrid bitter tea, drunk in the evening<br />

it procures vomiting, diarrhea and full purge<br />

Medicine brew of Tagè, it works if people<br />

they are going to heal, the mind with body<br />

it purges inflammation, of digestive tract<br />

it cleanses num channels, emotions catharsis<br />

diets and requirements, food and ingredients<br />

before the ritual, the use of the medicinal<br />

to prevent nausea, and relieve the neurons<br />

of bor<strong>de</strong>r experiences, successful or painful 2<br />

2 At least 4 hours prior to avoid any heavy food (wine, beer,<br />

coconut, red meat, coffee, dairy products and fatty cheese,<br />

1 Among the Tukano and other groups of the Amazon, the Maloca bananas, avocados). Drink fruit juice of citrus fruit or apple. 1<br />

is the large common house of the village, it recall the uterus. gram of lecithin drank 2 hours prior the session, will eliminate<br />

Women yaje enter the door-vagina into uterus, causing men's much of the nausea. Chewing ginger eliminates the bitter after<br />

sexual stunning. His father, the Sun, has impregnated her by eyes. ingestion.<br />


Tagè Medicine <strong>de</strong>scends, into the heart temple<br />

I discover its beauty, after a certain time inspired by words songs, often incomprehensible<br />

Joy for life, accompanies spontaneous healing the plants teacher allu<strong>de</strong>, weather and animals<br />

the group of Maloca, is a guarantee for helping Sachamama was Thera, with landfills on its body<br />

She was silent breathing, inhaling and exhaling<br />

healing plants, they impose their discipline<br />

those who lack respect, <strong>de</strong>spite receiving<br />

more life lessons, were imparted in dreams<br />

I was receptive, and clarified my needs<br />

罗慕洛 and 约兰达, leading the rituals<br />

with floral baths, and most moving songs<br />

they purge by scents, of flowers of forest<br />

the poisons of mind, its blocks and reserves<br />

they add to the Tagè, ingredients of jungle<br />

to the different people, for to cure diseases<br />

leaves and flowers to brew, by mouth or enema<br />

the forest medicine, is suitable for most needs<br />

Drink Tea of forest, it makes the experience<br />

multisensory & interactive, intense and subjective<br />

accompanied by frogs, and the songs called Icaros<br />

Mapacho the tobacco, it has amplified everything 1<br />

罗慕洛 tells us Shipibo words, of teacher plants<br />

they are Muraya-cai, that creators of the Pajè 2<br />

Paje are shamans, purchasing spiritual helpers<br />

by diets and isolation, to learn blow icaros<br />

are teaching these plants, Icaro melodies<br />

each has its own power, to the healer pajè<br />

they teach him new words, rhythm and melody<br />

to obtain a cure, suitable to each purpose 3<br />

1 罗慕洛: “Mapacho (Nicotiana) black of the jungle is Mariri<br />

food. If you do not feed them by smoking tobacco, a Mariri can<br />

escape from the mouth of healer exposing him to the dangers of<br />

being stolen by a brujo and leave unprotected."<br />

Sinchi icaro: Mi voz te susurrará|cosas que crees no saber.<br />

Dentro <strong>de</strong> ti vas a encontrar la respuesta a tu ser Ocho (8), doble<br />

círculo fecundo dos serpientes enroscadas, te hablan sin <strong>de</strong>cir.<br />

que te dicen sin hablar. Soy energía en ti dormida,<br />

<strong>de</strong>spiértame ya. Quiero ascen<strong>de</strong>r, reptar <strong>de</strong> una vez, cruzar el<br />

cero (0) ya, cerrar el círculo aquel, don<strong>de</strong> la flor duerme en la<br />

cruz. Cuando el azul llegue a tu cara y la luna a tu cabeza, a su<br />

encuentro yo iré, serpiente roja, <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> la base, a fundirme con el<br />

sol.. Y mi voz te guiará a través <strong>de</strong>l agua <strong>de</strong>l amor..<br />

2 With diet and fasting I becomed a vegetable healer. If one<br />

continues for years, he becomes connoisseurs of the three <strong>de</strong>grees<br />

of herbal medicines of the Amazon: Muraya, Sumi and Banco.<br />

The ayahuasquero healer's diet, limiting foods that can cause<br />

heaviness. It also reduces salt, sugar, sweets and fat. It provi<strong>de</strong>s<br />

yagé tea several times a week, sexual segregation in or<strong>de</strong>r to<br />

Air has a relaxing effect, water holds intent<br />

the longer the diet, the more I learn songs<br />

each having patience, one day receives icaros<br />

who have power to him, and make him master 4<br />

Each plant healer, he has its own language<br />

icaros has tobacco, or plant chirico Sanango<br />

罗慕洛 knows icaros Ayaruna, sung to call<br />

the ancestors spirits, of animal divers<br />

more Icaro songs, each one gets a job<br />

with care they open up, the dream world<br />

so manifesting by singing, erotic sirens 5<br />

that capture the man, by means of a charm<br />

Bufeo is pink dolphin, of the Amazon rivers<br />

it teach un<strong>de</strong>r water icaros, to shaman erotics<br />

any good herbalist, he tells or paints stories<br />

by drawings words, Shipibo know embroi<strong>de</strong>ry<br />

Arana is a small spi<strong>de</strong>r, it teaches its icaros<br />

weave of love, it teaches the art of courtship<br />

while the icaros Sirohuehua, are like fun songs<br />

to give ill patient, joy and healthy purpose<br />

罗慕洛 ayahuasquero, he sings beauty icaros<br />

unmasks him with them, all falsehood & cunning<br />

Icaros is a weapon healing, a vehicle of wisdom<br />

it is core and quintessence, of personal power<br />

Icarar means to load, an object with energy<br />

so that protection, the the patient arrives<br />

Singing on the object, it inflates the intent<br />

Mapacho and Tagè, have Icaro for medical help<br />

according to Icaros, I remove various blocks<br />

songs gui<strong>de</strong>s the patient, out of fixed mind<br />

snake emerges from earth, it rises back bone<br />

go up there in the belly, recurrent moves on<br />

contents. Huarmi icaros are enchanting melodies learned by diet<br />

with the scents; they come in dreams or during the rituals.<br />

4 罗慕洛 tells us of Icaros cases that were stolen by jealous healers<br />

joined into rituals in disguise. Encantero is an healer specialized in<br />

the magic of stones having healing properties.<br />

5 Pusanga is ritual magic of love wi<strong>de</strong>spread in the Peruvian<br />

concentrate the body and not to annoy the feminine spirit plants. Amazon of Loreto region. Here it is believed that various icaros<br />

3 罗慕洛 soothes pain and cure snake bites using icaros (from accompanied by string instruments, give control over Bufeo (pink<br />

Quechua ikaray: blow smoke to cure); He takes diagnosis and is river dolphin, spirit of Yagè), feared creatures of strong sexual<br />

conducive to love or hunting. He blow icaro on a person, object or attraction. Humans during intercourse with these mythical<br />

circumstance in or<strong>de</strong>r to give him/it power. There are icaros to dolphins, feel intense pleasure and sometimes are unable to<br />

change intensity and color of the visions or directing the emotional separate them.<br />


the paintings of spi<strong>de</strong>r, mapping inner places<br />

to hear icaro voice, climbing tree of the lungs the echoes of plants light, spread around me<br />

helps to open consciousness, soul and memories I asked her what life, dragon she shows me<br />

罗慕洛 ayahuasquero, whistles and sings Icaro red and very large, as dress of human history<br />

ha na na nai na na há roi, ni ni ha na na roi<br />

I spell the Medicine, Mapacho on the head<br />

the soul flies away, bringing more things<br />

the sweet little doctor, has come up here<br />

you can not break, healing power of plants<br />

you come into my body, I'll let you talk<br />

within the mind, You can show me the whole<br />

Tago into my heart, can gives me the songs<br />

Your voice whispers to me, I am the curator<br />

As a beauty woman, the forest intrigues me<br />

mother who welcomes, feeds and cleans all us<br />

It gives you discipline, and rules of the game<br />

by helping to know, that place to live well<br />

symphony of frogs, are sound of the jungle<br />

rain and storms, help the giant ecosystem<br />

Heart of the Amazon, is the river snake<br />

Sachamama is forest, Yacumama is river<br />

罗慕洛 was born, at maloca of indio Boras<br />

was shining at night, moonlight of Yacumama 1<br />

more spirit amphibian, swamp rivers around<br />

while weaving spirals, the spi<strong>de</strong>r and ants<br />

all Boras wearing clothes, processed masks<br />

headdress of feathers, and anklets of caiman<br />

make spirit of a bird, flying over the skies<br />

celebrating new birth, by making new paints<br />

if you get lost in forest, you follow a stream<br />

to reach the largest river, then the big sea<br />

unstoppable river, are the insights visions<br />

meanwhile the medicine, works in profusion<br />

around scattered fires, are bodies provi<strong>de</strong>d<br />

<strong>de</strong>scends into dancing, the love of creation<br />

its care and feeding groups, sharing emotions<br />

expands the sun yellow, its color reproduction<br />

1 Sachamama is Quechua word, she is Mother spirit of the jungle,<br />

snake on which all vegetation grows. It can <strong>de</strong>vour the hunter who<br />

stumbles on his body. Anaconda water is Yacumama mother, she<br />

lives at the bottom of lakes and rivers. All rivers lead to the<br />

Amazon. Swimming, rowing, and using machete, help to navigate<br />

in the jungle as well as go with the flow of a river. The nose of a<br />

dog is very good friend in the woods and in the Siberian taiga,<br />

where the woun<strong>de</strong>d or dispersed hunters, he put his belt to the<br />

She <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>s when to end, to begin a new cycle<br />

her book is a mutation, an enigmatic oracle<br />

Sachamama dragon, all welcome in herself<br />

she purges into stomach, as a <strong>de</strong>ep well<br />

Life is a sequence, like endless seasons<br />

a love game, between the mother and son<br />

Thera & Tago, are Chacrona leaf and Tagè<br />

She laughs and whispers to me, I sing Icaro<br />

Ayahuasca mother, You offer us consolation<br />

in our great need, you make my heart to cry<br />

I discover the meaning, you know to embroi<strong>de</strong>r<br />

we're child from your womb, You Kali God<strong>de</strong>ss<br />

in the coils of your body, light and shadow<br />

wheel of seasons, the flight of the dragon<br />

we get up your medicine, by dancing our num<br />

it erupts and ruffles, as a mental torture<br />

then pressure with heat, was insi<strong>de</strong> of me<br />

Speed images of escape, fears assailed me<br />

Fear of separation, fear to become pajè<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> my body, still is working Yajé<br />

Jaguar of amazon, was called Otorongo<br />

it vomits and roars, power of its song<br />

illness was expressed, in or<strong>de</strong>r to free<br />

to disassemble the mind, mosaic reor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

the mind of childhood, was full of fears<br />

original sin, was embodied in creatures<br />

many prohibitions, constrain my instincts<br />

pleasures & punishments, mixed indistinct<br />

Plants know how to dance, singing and love<br />

kill or give birth, make shaman or pajè<br />

罗慕洛 now seems, the artist Michelangelo<br />

he rounds up and down, as Peruvian Dante<br />

I works with Yagè, to break the prisons<br />

rigid schemes, in the hearts and minds<br />

then it emerges a laugh, a jolly old boy<br />

fear does not exist, is fiction of world<br />

dog's neck and send it home to communicate the need for help.<br />


约兰达 Brazilian, came from Holland<br />

she talks of Yagè, and Santo Daime cult<br />

she stopped heroin, with Yagè ritual<br />

was able to purge, addiction insi<strong>de</strong><br />

Santo Daime cult, starts, into the forest<br />

by Raymond Irineu Serra, healed by Yagè<br />

drink of forest, give me vision and care<br />

He channeled revelation, in a worship there<br />

Irineu has recovered, from fever of malaria<br />

He takes the brew, into new lunar doctrine<br />

receiving many visions, of the Virgin Queen<br />

sitting on the moon, talks him inspiring hymns<br />

He retires into the forest, following a diet 1<br />

then he reach Mapia place, becomes Juramidam<br />

Invisible Emperor, a lover of Virgem Conception<br />

to establish new doctrine, will be his mission<br />

Daime was the name, Yagè into his new cult<br />

Ayahuasca faithful, know it as Eucharist<br />

Daimists get glasses, measured to the person<br />

to purge soul and body, solving the afflictions<br />

约兰达 dances her bodies, in the circle battalion on 8 of December, he joins with the people<br />

to the rhythm of emotion, with hymns received<br />

of various classes & castes, he speaks softly<br />

Psyche follows my body, I'm daughter of forest<br />

I'm also Etrurian Tages, Dragon of the East<br />

in rhythm without posing, I dance as a flower<br />

Francisco from Assisi, called me one day<br />

Juramidàm family, it activates a great myth<br />

Daime cult grows, in Rio Branco into Brasil<br />

outsi<strong>de</strong> the forest, the Yagè spirit it expands<br />

the use of sacrament, increases in the ritual<br />

Santo Daime evolves, among a thousand hostile<br />

holy Ayahuasca Wine, is helping the new mind 2<br />

Give me strength Daime, light and love of Tagè<br />

约兰达 sings her hymn, on Therabuti meeting<br />

Don Bosco Salesian, predicted such an event<br />

the rise of cults, connecting <strong>net</strong>work minds<br />

emerging from forests, innovative churching<br />

spreading around the world, hopes and healing<br />

The 8 December, 第六 playing mongongo<br />

镭森 telling us, the temple and the huts<br />

the founding event, of a century before<br />

when appear to Baba, Tago Thera amour<br />

On that day mysterious, root spoke to us<br />

origins of Thera, the dragon & human race<br />

Thera is very old, and she need our care<br />

billions of ants, we are his muses fair<br />

on Vincella dragon hill, the Biedano river<br />

it happened that night, something divine<br />

in the circle of the dance, appeared Jesus<br />

with Shirdi & Francis, the gol<strong>de</strong>n boy was!<br />

I'm here to dance, because there are children<br />

whites with blacks, in a circle without bor<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

I embrace you all, and I now live in Africa<br />

I will expand from there, the days of <strong>de</strong>cline<br />

He feels the warmth, Jesus did surprise<br />

everyone knows his name, he like to clarify<br />

then he saw how many, was helping distressed<br />

the sick and needy, invoking ancestor genes<br />

he came to the priestess, put in single file<br />

embraces her she tells him, peace is your guardian<br />

Jesus returns and adds, I would also like to clarify<br />

Mother smiles and invites him, to dance together<br />

Jesus then he refreshed, singing very softly<br />

Father I thank you, thou hast hid these things<br />

from great & learned men, hast given to the simple<br />

I will divi<strong>de</strong> with them, the most <strong>de</strong>licious bread<br />

1 boiled cassava. Ayahuasca is called Daime (Give me) in the<br />

Brazilian language.<br />

2The caapi vine it gives the masculine strength for hunting, while<br />

the leaf (married to the vine) gives light, vision and feminine<br />

intuition.<br />


Decembro, 塞巴 skribis:<br />

on days of December, I start collecting<br />

olives from trees, combing one at a time<br />

<strong>net</strong>s lie on the floor, then I and 帕梅拉<br />

using the lad<strong>de</strong>rs, and very real patient<br />

Olives fall down, and the hours go fast<br />

passes a day, between laughter & pain<br />

bodies in the night, they can not sleep<br />

walking helps us, with a cap of Tea<br />

A stressful week, to give the crop<br />

the very old trees, follow laissez-faire<br />

30 kilos on average, each plant olives grows &organizes, around lea<strong>de</strong>r central<br />

I bring to the oil-mill, to extract the oil the olive tree loves, very stony land<br />

艾米利亚 in meantime, begins to explain soil every two year, it many olives spends<br />

1<br />

Olive Tree wants a Mediterranean climate<br />

if cools it falls ill, if below the ten <strong>de</strong>grees<br />

if grafting wild olive, resistant to drought<br />

it like medium soils, & the humidity be out<br />

make new plantation, take off & break stones<br />

accompany the roots, for placing comfortable<br />

using also cutting, the branch is long & thick<br />

far as the eye gemstone, crumbly I do the ditch<br />

I put in little holes, some mature compost<br />

1 The mill (trappeto in Salento dialect), recalls the jargon of the<br />

Pelasgians, sailors who worked olives and implanted olive trees on<br />

the shores of the Mediterranean. Crew chief is the helmsman of<br />

the ship that takes the oil with the goblet (nappo) separating it<br />

from water in the cockpit where the oil floats on the sludge. Rush<br />

round buckets (fiscoli) are where you put the dough to squeeze the<br />

juice that gives oily. Sansa is mix of crushed kernels that remains<br />

in fiscoli. The murga (liquid waste) is used as fertilizer and<br />

oxidizing the bronze.<br />

also I put wood ash, basin around place<br />

cutting into the loose soil, moisture gets<br />

and the spring sprouts, roots with buds<br />

distance between the trees, I make 5 to 3<br />

up to 300 plants to hectare, more or less<br />

thrives well in Lazio, the Canino variety<br />

together with Rosciola small olive leading<br />

also I tie the tree, to a pole to the north<br />

with natural fibers, to avoid many sports<br />

after the installation, I'll make a watering<br />

to each olive tree, 10 liters of rainwater<br />

prune me from wood, and I enrich my oil<br />

to fig branch pending, in olive branch arises<br />

I prune in late winter, before spring season<br />

I see that many grafts, wild olive tree rule<br />

I prune <strong>de</strong>ad branches, sterile or twisted<br />

I let bearing-fruit branches, taking the sun<br />

bend down the ol<strong>de</strong>r ones, tend to return<br />

so they lose the sun, and they stop fruit 2<br />

艾米利亚 makes olive trees, like dwarf palm<br />

or conforms it slowly, in weeping willow<br />

she brings harmony, to the whole canopy<br />

tri<strong>de</strong>nt-shaped, or even take a hedge<br />

in the beginning, to turn olives in oil<br />

we exploited the heat, of subsurface<br />

the warmth was helping, juice to be <strong>de</strong>canted<br />

to separate into oil, and vegetation water<br />

now oil is extracted, grinding in the milling<br />

through the muller, the pulp breaks out<br />

together with kernels, additional shuffles<br />

pressing the extracts, centrifuge & separates<br />

I let the young oil, in flasks and carboys<br />

I go every 6 months, to separate the sludge<br />

then I store it in jars, out from the light<br />

out from heat shock, I get the best <strong>de</strong>light<br />

2 The Mediterranean olive tree needs plenty of light and air and the<br />

greater mass of leaves on the branches to give good production of<br />

a full year. Rejuvenation pruning exploits the immortality of the<br />

olive trees to make productive severely damaged by frost, involves<br />

cutting the trunk at the base and the rearing of 2/3 chosen from<br />

among those suckers from the stump reborn.<br />



muller if not working, where is the i<strong>de</strong>ntity? I 帕梅拉 begin, in total precariousness<br />

the muller gathers around, whole community I look for subsistence, for life planning<br />

the myth of Erichthonius, as the snake infant I born in a suburb, I was seasonal workers<br />

reborn from the Earth, & lubricates the mind looking for a navel, grow up rooting for<br />

Thera gave it to Athena, god<strong>de</strong>ss of Olivo<br />

Olive is Oil fuel, and keeps alive the fire<br />

Thera has fed him, with her breast lymph<br />

Full of warmth, 镭森 tell this Myth<br />

the Olive oil, takes away all evil<br />

truth be told, is light oil in rhyme<br />

coated with bread on the grill stove<br />

dressing legumes, and vegetables move<br />

Oil allows absorption, of lipids vitamins<br />

tomatoes & mushrooms, preserves dignitary<br />

lubricates the intestines, & stomach the vicar<br />

to the mother's milk, appears to be similar<br />

contrast to osteoporosis, the mineral gives<br />

helps the brain, protecting nerve fibers<br />

镭森 tells the story, of the anointing<br />

lanterns of prophets, skin for the hunting<br />

one day Biblos trees, started walking<br />

to elect their king, proposed Olive Tree<br />

olive tree answered them, "I can not give<br />

to produce the oil, for purpose of command"<br />

in Greece & Anatolia, entire Mediterranean<br />

story is renewed, with the shaft of the East<br />

resumed extraction, Pelasgians & Phoenicians<br />

& Olivetanen monks, in monastery officials<br />

Taranto was customary, in balms & ointments I work satisfaction, I gain customers<br />

massaging the leg,s of the healthy and painful relatives are benign, in search of support<br />

muscles of athletes, & breasts of the warriors they then ask me to be, stick their old<br />

feet and hands as well, sailors and pilots want me to town, promise more & more<br />

its acid is helpful, for the bones & nerves<br />

softening the skin, moisturizes very well<br />

today in Japan & China, is a quality mark<br />

supports lubricant, for memory and heart<br />

镭森 introduces me, to Therabuti guests<br />

帕梅拉 & 塞巴 stian, are Italian immigrants<br />

塞巴 stian is from Lucanus, moving for work<br />

now the 帕梅拉 tells, a bit of hard his life<br />

I fell into <strong>de</strong>pression, leave my parents house<br />

I beginning my road, pharmaceutic addiction<br />

changing many roads, & more <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncies<br />

then I met 塞巴, when nothing was expecting<br />

then with the baby, wrapped in the chest<br />

I works as seamstress, out of my house<br />

塞巴 my husband, runs between factories<br />

getting the salary, with ailments stress<br />

beans with toasted, the bread & dried figs<br />

I was eating with 塞巴, at breakfast tips<br />

the evening soup, with herbs from around<br />

cheese with pears, feasting on ground<br />

making pizzas, with onions & vegetable<br />

I take the dough, yeast water and flour<br />

I mix slowly, and changes their color<br />

this pulp to the fire, changes in flavor<br />

I'm 塞巴 from south, but I went to Milan<br />

帕梅拉 I met there, and after I married<br />

I suffered migration, towards large cities<br />

for a dream to come true, & feed new family<br />

I fled from famine, and anguish of a barony<br />

between high and low, forced to wan<strong>de</strong>rings<br />

saving a little money, to learning a job<br />

I studied feverishly, I start barber shop<br />

帕梅拉 now talk: " 塞巴 is convinced<br />

to end the Milan shop, follow filial love<br />

but empty promises, with old challenges<br />

asphyxiate his psyche, emotional fallen<br />

then Back to Milano, our life is reborn<br />

Me with two babies, is working return<br />

塞巴 found jobs, in factories around<br />

Industries sawmill, in Milan suburbs<br />

Joyfully and with effort, get first home<br />

exhaling factories, arise health disor<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

suburb is dark, the cement grows anywhere<br />

welfare is bitter, we pay a price there<br />


growing misun<strong>de</strong>rstandings, fears & disputes<br />

top of the nerves, psyche is beyond bor<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

the house is sold off, <strong>de</strong>feat is no solution<br />

when 莉萨 helped us, <strong>de</strong>fending our vision<br />

帕梅拉 found new job, in the mills in Como<br />

in silk factories, listen to her companions<br />

they do haulage hand, there in hot water<br />

recover the thread, remembering mother<br />

his companions young, extract the wire<br />

into the hot water, making a skein of reels<br />

she say the Silk Road, is long and winding<br />

through the history, & bodies women twisting<br />

the original silkworm, parts from China 1<br />

arrives in Europe, and finally in America<br />

along the road, or by ship on the seas<br />

the merchant pursues, on Earth overseas<br />

Search the merchant, the velvet curtains<br />

selling to the brothels, and rich families<br />

Silkworm was fed, with mulberry leaves<br />

raised & cared for, the warmth of a chest<br />

Silkworm far from mice, ants and chickens<br />

between health & fatigue, to prevent diseases<br />

Dora guardian lady, telling me the songs<br />

traditional pathway, behind silk-ed doors<br />

"We're the stranger, in the mood to sing<br />

us treated like dogs, in the chain to work<br />

trouble if we sing, if we speak we are ru<strong>de</strong><br />

beyond the mountains, we love our homes<br />

and telling by songs, patterns of protest<br />

the poor women dream, love in the forest<br />

You young men, if you want to make love<br />

go without watching, their vapor smoked<br />

are Silk factories, with large windows<br />

they let all us to sleep, in large rooms<br />

of many bunk beds, rustic and foreign<br />

do working shifts, temporary never ending<br />

1 The silkworm (bombice mori), live 30-40gg. chewing fresh<br />

leaves of mulberry tree harvested until April (one thousand<br />

kilograms to raise one ounce of seed bugs, about 55 thousand<br />

eggs). The bug is sleeping, and sheds its skin for 5 times, then eat<br />

a lot before it is purified and set up camp on the bundles of twigs<br />

for the last moult (cocoon) that will transform from chrysalis to<br />

butterfly mature to mate.<br />

is there in the lodge, the young workers<br />

before going to sleep, sing their lands<br />

House is very far, & they hope rebellious<br />

exhaled by their skin, Polenta soup onions<br />

"Early in the morning, listening to clog<br />

silk become the women, going down to work<br />

singing of the wire, coil on the spool<br />

during the prison, in their cell rooms<br />

hour bell rings, and Dora hits the wall<br />

her head ached, from crying on the future<br />

behind the door, I hear the guardian lady<br />

oh my St. Chirò!, let it be <strong>de</strong>ad already!<br />

Chirone is suffering, a shaman returning<br />

reluctance in the choice, can not otherwise<br />

the scorpion bite, injecting poison in him<br />

dancing on the ground, soon forced him<br />

Dora reminds me, story of my grandmother<br />

sick with remorse, and misery in her life<br />

She changed the pain, in the bite of tarantula<br />

poison said to me, pushing me to dancing<br />

renewing crisis &dance, in the warm season<br />

among many privations, paying the musicians<br />

life makes me tired, I ask at the tarantula<br />

give me your grace, let me light the whole<br />

She dances in me, and shakes all over me<br />

I pay it with suffering, in my heart hurts<br />

up until the grace, the pain is disavowed<br />

and discomfort within, become reconciled<br />

I step I stumbled, running all directions<br />

into imaginary places, far from consensus<br />

for 10 days and nights, the music I felt<br />

Taranta and the horse, in me still I get<br />

Spi<strong>de</strong>rs into legs, & scorpions into balls<br />

those singers musicians, telling in choruses<br />

stimulate the dance, with horns and rattle<br />

drums and strings tight, help the travail<br />

I relive it all, conflicts & disappointments<br />

meeting old loves in possession rituals<br />

the sound of a guitar, helps me to find<br />

dreams with hopes to be able to restart<br />

the Argia is colorful, it is poisonous ant<br />

creature of Sardinia, mythical ingenious<br />

it bites for dancing, weeping & humiliated<br />

dress up and to sing, laugh and distract<br />


Argia is much loved, parties it can create<br />

hated and avoi<strong>de</strong>d because of the travail<br />

she is a female ant, that the men prefer<br />

nymph survived, while actress Salmace<br />

she come to meetings, with bodice & skirt<br />

recalls the island, the steps of the woman<br />

she's unmarried, or married or widowed<br />

the dress will be white, black or spotted<br />

in the summer campaign, the argia hurts<br />

at noon or at night, or sunrise prefer<br />

you realize of being bitten, you piss there<br />

or take a bath, the water soothes the fire<br />

after that a real cure, to the village will be<br />

diagnosis of the ant, to discover his i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

all in the village, explores Argia in place<br />

search all combined, her hid<strong>de</strong>n character<br />

with women's clothes, the patient is covered<br />

and within 2-3 days, the ant is discovered<br />

married or widow or unmarried is i<strong>de</strong>ntified<br />

the rituals with her dances, at last satisfied<br />

the players around, they know well stimulate<br />

the continuous sound, it breaks down barriers<br />

explo<strong>de</strong>s the conscience, and painful ordinary<br />

reaches possession, conscious extraordinary<br />

she jumps up runs, is lying on the sheet<br />

mimicking Argia, beats feet to the ground<br />

Step down and standing up, up to his final<br />

Repeat the possessed, a cyclical ritual<br />

the drum spins, the timing of the festival<br />

starts from the outsi<strong>de</strong>, & enters the head<br />

finally is everywhere, into the whole body<br />

the head is bursting, echoed in the belly<br />

here is an unexpected event, the ritual jams<br />

Argia stops and swerves, & dancing also bad<br />

she lose innate step, the rhythm of the dance<br />

orchestra loses the thread, it must regain<br />

Then for repairing, to this distraction<br />

it requires redoing, a rite of atonement<br />

colored ribbons, thrown to the tarantula<br />

She tears up & pours them, all his anger<br />

莉萨 now comes, reveals a mechanism<br />

seen in its customers, causing hysteria<br />

reaction to intrusion of paternal culture<br />

is a self-sabotage, passive resistance<br />

帕梅拉 you share, more dreams & <strong>de</strong>sires<br />

when you dance Taranta, protests condition<br />

laments and lullabies-nine, provi<strong>de</strong> evi<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstand your pain, all spectators there<br />

do take the form, the thing oppresses you<br />

using your imagination, helps you do well<br />

feel areas of your body, tingling vibration<br />

and sensations of cold, pleasure or pain<br />

the bodies make history, i<strong>de</strong>ntity & meeting<br />

every possession, tells us about one story<br />

groups and traditions, challenges or trends<br />

conflict & resistance, language with the <strong>de</strong>ad 1<br />

from mixed peoples, a new culture born<br />

the needs converge, is nature of the common<br />

perception of body, makes you feel powerful<br />

and <strong>de</strong>mand treatment, in rituals synergies<br />

in Africa the Argia, are called genes Bori<br />

they find their children, down in the hearts<br />

Ngangas help children, finding their Bori<br />

with diets of hermits, finding the working<br />

all the African land, is mediated by spirits<br />

between groups& territories, is power in love<br />

land if disposed of, it is emptied of attendance<br />

Thera only allows a cycle of consciousness<br />

Birth of a caliphate, the Bori is suppressed<br />

Put outsi<strong>de</strong> the law, from Britain colonialism<br />

and finally survives, with the Hausa refugees<br />

between Niger & Nigeria, far in rural areas<br />

animals and plants, giving life to territory<br />

spirits are guarantors, of the largest i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

feed their conscience, along with subsistence<br />

to a nomad that travels, insi<strong>de</strong> the existence<br />

Memories of a past, cyclical & repressed<br />

Exits to the forefront, the same hysteria<br />

the same therapy, is ritual possession<br />

the memory of roots in common generation<br />

the role of women, priestesses potentially<br />

it is reborn in the new, Islamic teachers<br />

a melting pot slowly, it provi<strong>de</strong>s i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

to the groups in need, ready to emigrate<br />

1 Kerenyi: "winged <strong>de</strong>mons and other un<strong>de</strong>rground forces, which<br />

are figures psychopomp in the far west, piously accompanied the<br />

<strong>de</strong>ad to Ha<strong>de</strong>s.".<br />


then long and too hard, is the pilgrimage<br />

between port cities, the beginning of each trip<br />

Madonnas & Orisha, in Mediterranean villages<br />

reveal many South, more or less colonized<br />

oh 塞巴 mine, losing oneself is just a phase<br />

at the end of a road, always find an example<br />

Tago with his friends, no doubt your refutes<br />

your dreams & journeys, paths joined Terabuti<br />

Hysterical actress, paying different roles<br />

executes each request, nullifies comments<br />

sometimes it's holy, which sli<strong>de</strong>s the opposite<br />

she allows his libido, comes out on site<br />

dilutes &<strong>de</strong>feats everything that makes<br />

so that her fear, her ego reality dissolves<br />

the neurotic & obsessive, has many directions<br />

the hysteric has none, and acts recursively<br />

becomes the phallus, her nose legs & arms<br />

during the search, the mouth is her vulva you release the emotion, crying like a baby<br />

flushing an erection, intercourse is convulsion sound arouses & moves, you remember love<br />

hysterical restlessness, relentless creation unlock the oral-ring, along with the anal-ring<br />

You stress the vowels, for endorphin release<br />

Exceeds individual, she marries whole world<br />

The ego of hysteric, overflowing everything<br />

everything is discussed, with attention <strong>de</strong>tail<br />

body allied to the mind, expresses the flood<br />

fear of pregnancy, is similar to being a mother<br />

the suffering on the body, is now somatized<br />

the hysterical now knows, to be free from fear 1<br />

the orgy and the ecstasy, keeps his mind clear<br />

<strong>de</strong>pression &sadness, low mood and low tone<br />

the sense of duty, and a lack of enthusiasm<br />

lasting months or years, anyone can strike<br />

Especially in women, chronic may to arrive<br />

crying does not console, it lacks energy<br />

she is unable to prove, joy or affection<br />

everything looks gray, colorless & <strong>de</strong>sperate<br />

sleep is disturbed, and expires the appetite<br />

open your mouth now, and free up your belly<br />

the voice is the navel, transition from fetal<br />

Through the touch, you pun-lock tensions<br />

帕梅拉 varies voice, resurface emotions 2<br />

1 “belle indifferénce <strong>de</strong>s hysteriques, The hysterical type is the<br />

core of the largest military and morphine addicts, does not take<br />

seriously, nor life, nor <strong>de</strong>ath or suici<strong>de</strong>, but it plays with reality.”<br />

2 莉萨: The music is the voice of the mother., it works as spoken<br />

language, is direct and takes affect. if you utter a series of names,<br />

all the repression, stopping your breath<br />

voice is calming, dissolves in the invitation<br />

can crying in the wild, I'm here and there<br />

so you can rekindle your dream & i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

meets hands and faces, and your breathing<br />

walking on soil, the sound is enchantment<br />

帕梅拉 caress your hair, with visceral sounds<br />

games of the voice, the whispers of surrounds<br />

Try to establish, a contact with the cosmos<br />

you begins by creating, your sound all around<br />

the body of the newborn, is the resonance case<br />

consistently receiving, the mother's voice<br />

each voice has its own tone, its own i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

the person is reflected in the sound he emits<br />

Voice is well linked, to breath without thinking<br />

with its modulations, the body shakes singing<br />

many tones of voice, making many melodies<br />

synchronize brain hemispheres, transmit joy<br />

then a primordial tone, soon it breaks down<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> human voice, emotion brings around<br />

You exercise in the sounds, a natural breath<br />

AMM is the Mother of Water, liquid consonant<br />

that moves well the fire, while the sound VU<br />

creates resonance, in the belly and little on<br />

sound RR is projecting, the voice across air<br />

sound SS is repression, is soil that focuses<br />

sound NN is lullaby, relieves from the duties<br />

the mothers sing lullaby, for children to sleep<br />

the resonance of the nose, has the sound NG<br />

resonates in your head, to take care is his job<br />

in nasalized sounds, then vibrates the spine<br />

flee the evil way, and the woman is Sakti<br />

then the sound moves, vibrates insi<strong>de</strong> you<br />

Opening some doors, and let your Self free<br />

expresses the <strong>de</strong>sires, gives you force ready<br />

and Your health, shows now the imprinting<br />

take care areas body, the breath or fart<br />

Winning all fear, if dancing in this state<br />

every living being, keeps his sound we know<br />

into four vibrations, 塞巴 found your own<br />

when a person is asleep, it wakes up when pronounce his name.<br />


a <strong>de</strong>pressed patient uses, the sad<strong>de</strong>st music<br />

for to engaging better, his inner reality<br />

musical harmonies, distract the patient<br />

out from worries, him balancing great!<br />

capturing attention, they gui<strong>de</strong> the resonance<br />

Hum of the bumblebee, crickets, cicadas & frog<br />

to express all the emotions, using their sounds<br />

was composed by the birds, all the folk songs<br />

The soul it reflects, his emotional state<br />

Learn to use your voice, in resonant way<br />

Your voice is based, on breathing intention<br />

listen to your issue, & release your tension<br />

through the writing songs, picture or sculptures<br />

you allow to your interior, to find the roads out the Music stops time, restructuring the ego<br />

an obsesses thought, that runs without output the Doric is solemn, the Phrygian war invites<br />

increases the stress, & your mind challenge it the Ionic stimulates love, the Lidic relaxing<br />

莉萨 fall silent, 镭森 shares his drinking<br />

the music harmony, is calmness and attention<br />

the dissonant music, accompanying irritation<br />

A music joins, like a food for the body<br />

nourish heart & mind, dancing with joy<br />

Dionysus & Orpheus, opposed to Prometheus<br />

Free your world, from the tyrannical time<br />

Reconciled with Eros, and Thanatos Lords<br />

They offer the union, with communion songs<br />

the pleasure is re<strong>de</strong>emed, the time has stopped<br />

you return to the roots, ancestor of the world<br />

Primitive man, with his feet on the ground<br />

he beats to thrill, giving his torment out<br />

Each musical instrument, has its own totem<br />

it's spirit and sound, groups and nations<br />

the thun<strong>de</strong>r buzzes, still evokes the rain<br />

the bells & maracas, make the children play<br />

the African mongongo, is a bow-to-mouth<br />

it is a gift of brothers, who live in the forest<br />

resounds with the notes, the gol<strong>de</strong>n child<br />

Tago is reborn again, it used in the rites<br />

If your indigestion, you want to resolve<br />

Listen to the song, coming from the harp<br />

Ngombi well combines, a sweet meditation<br />

like a baby in cradle, with your emotion<br />

Drum & anklets, accompanying the dances<br />

while the Pan-flute, make the soul naked<br />

Rasna with the flute, reviving passions<br />

during the banquet, with aromas & flavors<br />

The horns into battles, are wind power<br />

they Inflaming the souls, such as straw<br />

their rhythmic sound, strong and vibrant<br />

resonates in the stomach, very dominant<br />

Etruscan & Tyrrhenian, indulges in pleasures<br />

with the body & food, escaping to the duties<br />

all the sounds around, enters their body<br />

soothing the pains, & circulation bloody<br />

Originally the verb, was the song of life<br />

Verbs created all things, by enchantment<br />

the Genesis is performed, in a dream state<br />

making the path, for worries dissipating<br />

Each Etruscan city, resounds with music<br />

the flute magic echo, is saturated there<br />

Day and night, comes with the satire<br />

an explosive mixture, of improvisation<br />

Istriones are called, the actors chosen<br />

simple peasants, with wine to the head<br />

they re<strong>de</strong>em themselves, on holidays<br />

by reciting in competitions, foul songs<br />

镭森 explain us, the style of rhymes<br />

his poems written in verse, folk melodies<br />

be capable of chanting make dance to earn<br />

Music is therapy, perseverance to learn<br />

the rhythm accords, with the dance group<br />

alleviate the hardships, enduring for longer<br />

Chants and lullabies, recalling the rain<br />

stimulate enzymes, in soil & in brains<br />

Rasna medicine, was highly preventive<br />

makes use of the spa, and saliva & drug<br />

the barley for soups, then fish and game<br />

Sun wine & oil, are the wealth of Thyrrenian<br />

against malaria, and diseases of swamps<br />

dancing for hours, they make Faunus ludi<br />

the patients with <strong>de</strong>lirium, with high fever<br />

are waiting the group, dancing for healing<br />

worship ancestors, individuals and clans<br />

banquet and marketing, over their graves<br />

They all carry over, the Mundus of Ruma<br />

door between worlds, there at city center<br />


Two times a year, they opens the mundus<br />

To celebrate together, and propitiate<br />

Take away the stone, un<strong>de</strong>rworld ties<br />

to connect again, both the river si<strong>de</strong><br />

Lemuris are called, the 3 days wan<strong>de</strong>ring<br />

in which many spirits, turned wan<strong>de</strong>ring<br />

Techulca the Blue, is guardian of the access<br />

to the world of the <strong>de</strong>ad, mouth of the Tiber<br />

Charunt the divine, for the Romans is Charon<br />

is guardian of river, & the Sibylline verses<br />

The temples around, are magic advertising<br />

processing the fears, of <strong>de</strong>ath and insanity<br />

in the Roman calendar, the months are ten<br />

between the sun that dies, & the sun reborn<br />

in Ruma is god Saturn, which marks transition<br />

during the Saturnalia, or carnival fiction<br />

is King of the night, of the great solstice<br />

Saturn Off the past, and turns on the whim<br />

the slave gets the gifts, pains to the Kings<br />

turn down the customs, with his scepter stick<br />

reor<strong>de</strong>rs the cosmos, messes up the spouses<br />

in the Temple of Saturn, his statue is untied<br />

Saturn then triggers, more ambiguous effects<br />

exhilaration & penances, upset the consciences<br />

Saturn has the keys, to the Cosmic Game<br />

Saturn rolls his dice, then oracles into fire<br />

is Lord of the bingo, justice and measures<br />

With chess & gambling, he reveals the futures<br />

One day he was exiled, by Jupiter successor<br />

disappeared sud<strong>de</strong>nly, in eternal habitations<br />

Roman king Janus, welcomed him in Latium<br />

then Saturn retired, retains his companions<br />

It is a god asleep, as an immortal child<br />

awaiting the awakening, with the scythe<br />

Saturn it comes from, Siberian Artic night<br />

It born among us, if the time is arrived<br />

Saturn as a fish , like Vishnu was in India<br />

who appeared to Manu, and gave him a law<br />

make a great boat, for germs in the world<br />

I announce that water, all around will flood<br />

in busy Hellas families, all the village Women<br />

waiting for the call, feast of the bacchanal<br />

Dionysus calls them, in a emotional flow<br />

He shakes their bodies, reversing the souls<br />

Woman who resists, to bring to Dionysus<br />

She will falls ill, and the village may suffer<br />

they loosen the clothes, & playing trumpets<br />

the reason is dissolved, into new sunset<br />

reaching the forests, rivers or caves<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r the moon, the night of trance<br />

protected in the circle, is a jug of wine<br />

preparing the drink, in the frantic time 1<br />

The menha<strong>de</strong>n wear, the horns of the bull<br />

here is the Bacchae, which move the heel<br />

imitation of Dionysus, wearing the thyrsus<br />

when the melodious flute, murmurs Bacchus<br />

then a lady with a Thyrsus, strikes a rock<br />

there it flows a source, of mineral water<br />

Dionysus is Saturn, the traveling prophet<br />

he comes from <strong>de</strong>sert, with ecstasy & pamphlet<br />

Saturn is also Shiva, who shakes the hair<br />

the renewed frenzy, for all human been<br />

Delphi still see him, dancing on the rocks<br />

shaking the branches, of the pine tree 2<br />

Two time He is born, from female and male<br />

from the ground water, then the fire lightning<br />

<strong>de</strong>lirium androgynous, migrating on countries<br />

with wine & cup in hand, singing the dithyramb<br />

He was fed with honey, by goats in a cave<br />

Pan comes from forest, live in every myth<br />

H eri<strong>de</strong>s his fault, with internal light sees<br />

emerges as Tago, Erichthonius overseas<br />

Thera is the Mother, the God<strong>de</strong>ss of Core<br />

her Korybantes spirit, kidnap the <strong>de</strong>vout<br />

to treat human pain, in ritual possession<br />

to clear consciences, in special occasions<br />

oracular spirits, <strong>de</strong>scending into Korybantes<br />

reacting to the songs, of different music<br />

reveals the diagnosis, the god who owns them<br />

Each has its own color, & offers food requests<br />

1 "The Bacchae in the ritual shouting: elelèn, evohè, Jacchè, get<br />

drunk, get naked, shakes the thyrsi, screaming and wildly excited,<br />

a goat or <strong>de</strong>er is dismembered raw. Feeding and nursing infant<br />

Dionysus that adult, are preparing to receive as a spouse at the<br />

wedding with god/god<strong>de</strong>ss ". Hilman<br />

2 Euripi<strong>de</strong>s (Bacchae 99-104). "Shiites blame the Greeks about the<br />

Bacchic frenzy: they say that it is not reasonable to find this god<br />

who leads the men to madness. You mock us because we have<br />

God, now that God has taken even your king and he is mad and<br />

raging through him. Which of you is ready, can be initiated into<br />

the mysteries of the fre<strong>net</strong>ic ". Herodotus<br />


the scent his special, recall their stories<br />

told & well <strong>de</strong>scribed, in the bodies possessed<br />

humans are horses of the gods Korybantes<br />

engaged with them, repairing servantes<br />

This Core initiation, leads to the therapy<br />

cured by a problem, which causes suffering<br />

the possessed bargains, to receive the cure<br />

Finally they thank, with joy and playful<br />

the gods are appeased, with covenants season<br />

dance of possession, is a liturgy group<br />

a theater of treatment, is a celebration<br />

is a public function, a painful meditation<br />

After domestication, the person is capable<br />

to embody his genius, in the circus or church<br />

begins his ritual, the listening of his song<br />

the scent of a fragrance, the sight of a color<br />

him begins the movement, slow and or<strong>de</strong>red<br />

then acceleration, the syncopated rhythms<br />

the body with trembling, he lives his science<br />

the journey of discovery, of his conscience<br />

is vertigo that removes, the ego from its place<br />

a subtle enjoyment, of the motion of the body<br />

Ananda arouse the corps, and visions happen<br />

in the language of irony, the prophecy arrive<br />

Plato said us, the poet is a man possessed<br />

by genius of language, is ancient scribe dumb<br />

Poet erotic energy, triggers the intuition<br />

by the Bwiti world, feeling are transcribes<br />

Dionysus then fled, from oppressive religions<br />

hid in the theater, with the myths and visions<br />

the song of the goat, gave birth to the tragedy<br />

in song of dithyramb, still dance first comedy<br />

tells us the dithyramb, about Titans of clay<br />

painted white face, who dismembered his body<br />

When he was baby, he was called Zagreus<br />

Titans give him the toys, eating the Deus<br />

the Dionysus Zagreus, reborn from the heart<br />

and the Titans today, performing the initiation<br />

if they start a brother, or make a ritual of care<br />

invite the kaolin ancestors, to help become man<br />

you will feel urgency, to dance the dithyramb<br />

Dionysus helps us, to remember our nature<br />

overcome the monopoly, of one hemisphere 1<br />

when Dionysus returns, explains the hysteria<br />

Provi<strong>de</strong>s more mo<strong>de</strong>ls, & begins a new cycle<br />

world becomes a fairy, life takes a meaning<br />

culture become consensus, we restart to dreaming<br />

Pan you're an actor, you're a skilled healer<br />

The world of scripts, you <strong>de</strong>vour with fury<br />

everything that happens, in dark or light<br />

triggers your response, creative into light<br />

约兰达 connects, to the speech of 帕梅拉<br />

dream-time comes back, close to us forever<br />

yesterday- today's events, get concatenation<br />

travel and writing, may clarify this situation<br />

emerged & wan<strong>de</strong>red, Aphrodite from Chaos 2<br />

God<strong>de</strong>ss of all things, Eurynome in beginning<br />

She dances on the waves, separated waters<br />

separates the land, from the sea & sky bright<br />

from north to south, She dance & moves<br />

always the North Wind, playing behind<br />

the wind of Boreas, is good fertilizing<br />

it follows Eurynome, everywhere everything<br />

She thinks to start, with him the creation<br />

sud<strong>de</strong>n she turns, grabs the wind Borea<br />

rubs it on his hands, something is formed<br />

Ophion the snake, it is born it goes out<br />

then Eurynome dancing, just as warming<br />

increasing the rhythm, and wild becoming<br />

until a <strong>de</strong>sire, it start to arise from Ophion<br />

to give her offspring, he wraps Eurynome<br />

Eurynome now is pregnant, a bird on the sea<br />

flies & hovers, & gives shape to the creation<br />

at the appropriate time, lays a Cosmos egg<br />

hatching up until time, among coils of Ophion<br />

Navel of the God<strong>de</strong>ss, is motherhood mystery<br />

Pelasgians of the <strong>de</strong>sert, traveling to emigrate<br />

They bringing the God<strong>de</strong>ss, to the Niger River<br />

up the empire of Ghana, among Bantu groups<br />

participants in the rite, disguise themselves 1 The aim of psychotherapy is a work of restoration of the<br />

to get into other worlds, without impediment imaginary reality of the patient, and <strong>de</strong>velopment of a feeling<br />

become psychopomp, to gui<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>ad souls through the cultivation of the imagination. Hillman<br />

and Dionysus is there, in the primal scene<br />

2The most ancient Greek god<strong>de</strong>ss, emerged naked from the<br />

primordial chaos and immediately began to dance. A dance<br />

If the child Dionysus, receive in your lap<br />

between opposites. Eurynome wears snakes, embodies the grace<br />

and is the mother of pleasure, his temple is in Arcadia.<br />


among Akan Bantu, she start a new culture<br />

Aphrodite god<strong>de</strong>ss, became Ngamè god<strong>de</strong>ss<br />

the Chameleon is guiding, groups of migrants<br />

then Mother Queen, gives babies to all men<br />

Chameleon Vodùn, the sacred androgynous<br />

the primordial couple, called Manu & Lissa<br />

it is hermaphrodite, combined with Salmace<br />

suited to the site, is able to accommodate<br />

When multiple <strong>de</strong>ities, are going to emigrate<br />

they adapt to the environment, social culture<br />

from African Yoruba, Vodun becomes Orisha<br />

from Brazil and Haiti, in America arrives<br />

the slaves was meeting, to close the gap<br />

with the land of ancestors, & African roots<br />

the rhythm of drums, excee<strong>de</strong>d the oceans<br />

brings air of freedom, in Umbanda of Brasil<br />

Umbanda is the synergy, of African Candomblé<br />

with Kar<strong>de</strong>c and east, and the Christian spirit<br />

more initiation schools, to incorporate trance<br />

getting solutions, to problems to take care<br />

Santeria born in Cuba, insi<strong>de</strong> marginalization<br />

combating contingency, & have cult of love<br />

if you feeling longing, Axè is the feeling<br />

to evoke to rediscover, the natural linking 1<br />

Bantu philosophy, ad the quantum theory<br />

the Axè or vital energy, is structuring reality<br />

exten<strong>de</strong>d to the whole field, & can manifest<br />

in forms of animals, vegetables and minerals<br />

is waxes and wanes, a manipulated Axè<br />

by skilled individuals, can be controlled<br />

with the use of plants, animals and sacrifices<br />

offerings & ceremonies, parties & other offices<br />

each house of worship, have celebration calen<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

drawn from his priests, Pae or Mae do Santo<br />

Then the feast begins, the rhythm of drums<br />

to consecrate the place, and call the faithful<br />

the spirit of celebration, among food and jokes<br />

during the ritual, target the body and soul<br />

taken in the dance, Where a Loa divine<br />

comes from the head, to possess as a wine<br />

its contortions, of spasmodic trances<br />

announce arrival, & <strong>de</strong>parture of Vodun<br />

before the end, there will be a consultation<br />

then Loa is greeted, he leaves his possession<br />

Servant is the horse, of the loa of ceremony<br />

Congo Loa the most beautiful, also little dumb<br />

Mombu is stammering loa, causes the monsoon<br />

then Dambala loa governs, snakes and floods<br />

the diablesse are women, virgins <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

they forced to consume, into the forests<br />

Nganga is the shaman, the inner or<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Houngan is the priest, of external or<strong>de</strong>r<br />

We play for Exu, the one who brings mana<br />

He starts celebrations, propitiation issues<br />

without his permission, nothing can be done<br />

He opens the door, and the holy inspiration<br />

the Orisha is a force, pure and immaterial<br />

he knows to be present, through a ritual<br />

he take your body, in various ways & forms<br />

by all this Orisha, we contact the ancestors 2<br />

It is a society, that chooses your trance<br />

according to the tensions, and economic way<br />

many hunters societies, of Native Americans<br />

are of a male kind, and questing for a vision<br />

many African societies, agricultural & pastoral<br />

are of a female kind, asking trance possession<br />

in Ethiopia is called Gurry, the motion of trance<br />

genius choses servant, bringing him to dance<br />

Genius is manifested, in religious rites<br />

or during the dream, or during a disease<br />

his presence is signaled by, a pure hysteria<br />

that will be cured, with active Ceremony<br />

Ancestors and Gods, they ri<strong>de</strong> the two sexes<br />

without differences, they are ambivalence<br />

is the behavior, and habits of the rite<br />

to indicate the genius, behind the myth<br />

Dances &movements, & drumming songs<br />

i<strong>de</strong>ntify more groups, and their gods<br />

rituals are located, across different regions<br />

It starts a synergy, with other religions<br />

2 莉萨: “Each creature is governed by one or more Orishas to know<br />

Orishas is to know yourself: Exu, Ogun, Oxossi Omolu, Nana,<br />

1 Immaterial force, as the num of the Bushmen, the qi of the Oshun, Oxalá, Oshun, Xango, Ossain, Iemanja, Iansà. "Trance is<br />

Chinese, bios of the Mediterranean, the Indian prana, the mana of a behavior of the body, mol<strong>de</strong>d from culture to culture in various<br />

the Polynesians & Rasna. The head is cabeça jogo <strong>de</strong> Buzios is the historical moments, makes a qualitative change in consciousness<br />

game / divination with shells, the Egun are disembodied souls. of ordinary perception of space and time, body image and personal<br />

Yeye omo eja! In Yoruba language:mother whose children are fish. i<strong>de</strong>ntity.” George Lapassa<strong>de</strong><br />


Possession rite is also, a means of escape<br />

from suffering, or discomfort that consumes<br />

is the link with <strong>de</strong>vout, and genius dweller<br />

more & more gradual, lea<strong>de</strong>d by a medium<br />

to know the medicine, and history of your Loa<br />

techniques of the body, that trigger his trance<br />

spontaneous or provoked, with conscious stimulation<br />

or different beverages, intense colors and sounds<br />

Orishas and genius, have a wi<strong>de</strong> repertoire<br />

of roles and characters, theatrical masks<br />

they perform in the theater, in a disguise<br />

feeding your needs, to express a behavior<br />

when you are on stage, treating the torment<br />

audience believe you, without making comment<br />

If you have a good faith, comes out consistency<br />

that comes from shared, common beliefs<br />

I need to make space, for more genius loci<br />

are ecstasy & trance, a mirror phenomena<br />

the ecstasy is out, the soul from the body<br />

while in a trance, you lend him the place<br />

Vodun means sacred, inherent to the land<br />

God wants to speak, in Africa and more..<br />

Shango is the thun<strong>de</strong>r, light & fire dancing<br />

Kingdom of Oyo, he foun<strong>de</strong>d in West coast<br />

The Orishas are Kings, Queens of once<br />

they become gods, ancestors of the land<br />

belong to them, we are their legacy<br />

we are their children, and their humanity<br />

the task of Orisha, is to manage & distribute<br />

to humans their children, the Axè of creation<br />

Olorun is the supreme, he create pla<strong>net</strong> Thera<br />

offers 16 <strong>de</strong>stinations, insi<strong>de</strong> each Orisha<br />

if I do divination, with the launch of shells<br />

then I see those open, and also those closed<br />

I find out what is the Orisha, that is occurring<br />

the number of shells, it tells me who is talking<br />

约兰达 after a launch, of the sixteen shells<br />

I look one is open, and fifteen are closed<br />

means here is speaking, the number 1 Eshù<br />

then 2 open shells, silence now speaks Ogùn<br />

the following number, revealing all Orishas<br />

it compares the result, with sixteen shells<br />

Eshu is the first, elsewhere is called Elegga<br />

Prime messenger, between men and Orishas<br />

It is the egg cell, and the germ of all life<br />

without his consent by, nothing is done<br />

is a powerful healer, educator and magician<br />

is the guardian of the threshold, house & trance<br />

It is located at road junctions, & entertain spaces<br />

He drinks wine of cachaça, and strongly believes<br />

ambiguous provocative, he knows how to inspire<br />

He is ambitious, and he excels at <strong>de</strong>ception<br />

He acts like a child, with the basic instincts<br />

unable to judge, with the forces in the game<br />

Ogun is second Orisha, the instinct for conquest<br />

He is primal force, that roams on the stage<br />

Ogun means sword, businesses and freedom<br />

It supports the fight, he shatters your pains<br />

he eat beans and wine, he protects entrusted<br />

courage & boldness, arise from hopelessness<br />

The third is Oshossi, Lord of the forest<br />

Eshu & Ogun's brother, is Faun Pan party<br />

He protects hunters, hunting and animals<br />

Installing new sites, the village of humans<br />

you have the bow & arrow, guardian of territory<br />

eat pork and wine, you are the artist explorer<br />

the leaves of plants, teach you the healing<br />

ambiguous transgressive, your color turquoise<br />

Ossàin is the fourth, the King of Medicine<br />

the custodian of the Axè, vital energy power<br />

You are calm in appearance, you love mysticism<br />

you have eyes of the scrutiny , & color of green<br />

your foods are fruits, leaves honey & tobacco<br />

I see you among branches, as mischievous elf<br />

you're constantly ant, that accumulate wealth<br />

next to the fireplace, you drink a tea for health<br />

The fifth is Oshumarè, the Rainbow Serpent<br />

the Ewa is your partner, with the dark poison<br />

your are seven colors, including black & white<br />

six evanescent power, of wealth and poverty<br />

You bite your tail, it prevents the break down<br />

the world that surrounds, you busy repairing<br />

your cycle is the water, power of meditation<br />

Ewa is your rainbow, that makes transformation<br />

Ewà is the seventh, rainbow in un<strong>de</strong>rground<br />

dark si<strong>de</strong> of the moon, mutation metamorphosis<br />

You enchanting storyteller, fast changing mood<br />

you are rainwater collector, preparing any food<br />


The following is Obaluiè, the lord of famine<br />

he bring plague to land, such as epi<strong>de</strong>mics<br />

has straw in face & body, covered with smallpox<br />

your Mom is Nanà, she lets you down like a dog<br />

no one likes to watch, the own suffering<br />

human powerlessness, in front of infirmity<br />

the mystery of pain, catharsis and healing<br />

purify & give beginning, to the inner rebirth<br />

Omolu is the eighth, impotence & <strong>de</strong>pression<br />

the process of sweating, or the transpiration<br />

You are the law of entropy, a big in<strong>de</strong>cision<br />

you are wet & heat, and the fungus mycelium<br />

Oshun ninth Orishas, the god<strong>de</strong>ss of beauty<br />

Teacher of pleasure, and sexual kindness<br />

the Orisha of fresh water, courtship display<br />

she rules waters break, placenta & conception<br />

You are the Venus, born from love's foam<br />

Eshu gives you the embryo, you give to Yemanjà<br />

you love sweets & fruit, your color is yellow<br />

we know you don't like, loneliness and pain<br />

Tenth is Yansà, god<strong>de</strong>ss of fire and storm<br />

she fit of passion, the wind with own festival<br />

she is naive & whimsical, courageous i<strong>de</strong>alist<br />

madness without attitu<strong>de</strong>, and orgasms surplus<br />

she is also called Oya, the god<strong>de</strong>ss of storm<br />

she is water buffalo, estuary of the Niger River<br />

Witch & guardian as well, between living & <strong>de</strong>ad<br />

acrobat with the sword, the ghosts you make inert<br />

Yansà well purifies, and heals any contagion<br />

frantic she will dance, when drinking palm wine<br />

You're the queen of Egùn, together with Obaluiè<br />

the children abandoned, many time you takes care<br />

Logunedè is eleventh, son of Oshun & Oshossi<br />

he hunting in forest, & fishing along the rivers<br />

six months is with his father, 6 with her mother<br />

is the eternal adolescent, androgynous mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

sexuality is double, he wants to fall in love<br />

ambiguous by nature, afraid to make choices<br />

In any first time, you are reason and feeling<br />

You are good storyteller, caterpillar mutation<br />

the twelfth Orisha, is Lady of the Obà river<br />

the Lady of Nigeria, in love with Shangò<br />

she is floods & mudsli<strong>de</strong>s, easy to anger<br />

Oshun her rival, her husband had shared<br />

when Oshun in the race, <strong>de</strong>ceived Obà in love<br />

Oba cuts one own ear, as a meal offering them<br />

your daughters since then, are suffering an ear<br />

for injury or <strong>de</strong>afness, the rancor over all<br />

Obà you are the warrior, you can be ruthless<br />

Ogun only beat you, misleading exceeding you<br />

you have great patience, to perceived success<br />

your healing remedy, will be your forgiveness<br />

Nanà thirteenth, also guardian of threshold<br />

she is Omolu's mother, and wife of Oxala<br />

You Create the Iku, the transition to non-life<br />

You are the shell-pink, the whisper that tells us<br />

Nanà you are the ol<strong>de</strong>st, feared and respected<br />

You clip the door, between living and <strong>de</strong>ad<br />

Lady of the marshes, you dwell in the mud<br />

you nursing all life, you ask blood in return<br />

Are you mother of smallpox, an expert healer<br />

grandmother who tells, tales of war & hunger<br />

you wan<strong>de</strong>r among villages, treating many ills<br />

you know the poets, that you love listen first<br />

fourteenth is Yemanja, god<strong>de</strong>ss of sea & moon<br />

primordial Mother, of fish and sea creatures<br />

your colors are white, with blue and green<br />

Yeyè omò ejà! I honor you by singing them!<br />

You move the ti<strong>de</strong>s, for all to prosper<br />

Until you get to dry, entirely yourself<br />

you are reluctant queen, maternal & protective<br />

with your son encompasses, in a visceral link<br />

the salt water of the sea, arises from your tears<br />

you the mom abandoned, by Eshu Ogun Oshossi<br />

Eshu only returns, exploring you with violence<br />

your breasts torn, are giving foam of the sea<br />

Shangò is the fifteenth, the Orisha of fire<br />

the fearless warrior, and worldly womanizer<br />

has the lightning justice, issues rulings<br />

Omolu his brother, is lord of pestilence<br />

Shangò is comman<strong>de</strong>r, red and white Jupiter<br />

when come into a servant, he poses hardships<br />

Shangò sand and storms, rocks and mountains<br />

your horse jumps & turns, wants to touch the fire<br />

Oshalà is the last, sixteenth principle of love<br />

Christ the re<strong>de</strong>emer, at the end of each trip<br />

hermit with memories, wisdom and far-sighted<br />

achieves its objectives, insi<strong>de</strong> nature hi<strong>de</strong><br />

Oshalà when young, is fighting warrior<br />

trying to change, the world neighbor<br />

often he judge, himself very strongly<br />

believing the money, helping the lonely<br />


约兰达 make dancing, for the whole group<br />

starts by drumming, and singing more hymn<br />

she invite Yapukuliwa, together with Jurema<br />

and caboclos of Brazil, with African Orishas<br />

“oh my divine Pan, lord of the forests<br />

let my body, to dance up and down<br />

light on my num, insi<strong>de</strong> holy circle<br />

sharing vibrations, as empathy drinking !<br />

莉萨 remember us, the power of num<br />

that master 基那洲, use to recognize<br />

the shift of conscience, opening a channel<br />

core of Zutwasi, num tchai dance pattern 1<br />

a flexible place, in space & consciousness<br />

reborn in the group, with therapy & feast<br />

the Water with Fire, restoring a place<br />

in a renewal ritual, reinvent the roots<br />

Informal it rises, the village people<br />

roles and power, around spring water<br />

in Kalahari <strong>de</strong>sert every hut, is a fireplace<br />

managed by women, which help to share<br />

Each bushman hut, has beds of straw<br />

and ostrich eggs, with water to drink<br />

toys and leather, cosmetics and arrows<br />

jewelry and tobacco, and pots up the wall<br />

between men-women, in harmonious exchange<br />

the charismatic lea<strong>de</strong>r, <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> among all<br />

the strongest people, shall settle disputes<br />

especially women, the nurses more friends<br />

They sit all together, talking to children<br />

and playing with them, even munching<br />

no education threatening, versus the children<br />

everything is taught, playing with toy theaters<br />

if the child misbehaves, a parent intervenes<br />

the child i moved, from one place to another<br />

respect among sexes, you see it in the dance<br />

harmony is restored, overcome each discontent<br />

Zutwasi of Kalahari, a people without land<br />

oppressed by hunger, & the alcohol imported<br />

they react to all this, with the dances of care<br />

1 “ Kia is the mental state, a contagious experience of expan<strong>de</strong>d<br />

consciousness, produced by activation of num, that is medicine,<br />

spiritual energy similar to the mana, kundalini and qi. Kowhedili is<br />

liberating scream. Gebesi is the area between the diaphragm and<br />

the waist; organs associated with kidney liver and spleen. Each<br />

technology given by your ancestors is part of your num. 基那洲.<br />

(Richard Katz: Boiling energy, healing dance in Zhutwasi Kalahari).<br />

the power of libido, which helps their culture 2<br />

they dances exhausting, sweat and twists<br />

they reflect the pain, of various transitions<br />

that people live, to the joints of the time<br />

when it is on the brink, of the annihilation<br />

The Healing is said, to reveal themselves<br />

channeling a flow, travel among the mysteries<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> their culture, spirits of ancestors<br />

so that the alliance, will be restored<br />

"To save our lives, 基那洲 telling us<br />

God has given num, through the ancestors<br />

man looking for num, knowing that it is painful<br />

for healing all the life, of everyday affair<br />

if the recount fails, history is distorted<br />

falls into the ground, for several generations<br />

when the sense is restored, it re-emerges<br />

returns available, and tell to all our senses<br />

Tonight is the scene, the healing power<br />

of a community, that finds its sense<br />

Participate in it, leads us to conceive<br />

a community that travels, on the same feeling<br />

基那洲 senior , is a wise Zhutwasi man<br />

he teach at Therabuti, the Giraffe dance<br />

originally we drank, then we passed to bodies<br />

the num with sweat, We gave to young people<br />

hxaro are told, the rituals of the exchange<br />

when we donating, the food or work <strong>de</strong>vices<br />

this way of love, takes away the disagreements<br />

it is the sharing of, the goods of the <strong>de</strong>sert<br />

Num Tchai Giraffe Dance, a way to dialogue<br />

with crises & transitions, talking to the doubts<br />

comparing the uncertainties, & contradictions<br />

so that the group care, the hostile relations<br />

2 Bushman loves and hates much, is very loyal and very vindictive,<br />

throughout his life is like a child, unwilling to work, a lover of the<br />

game, song, dance and painting, but above all, love to listen and<br />

tell stories". Dorothea Bleek, South Africa, 1923.<br />


num tchai is the art, is method of treatment<br />

Where a hunter, becomes the healer<br />

and women gatherers, always support<br />

singing & clapping, hands on their body<br />

healing mind & body, insi<strong>de</strong> the circle dance<br />

struggling with pain, and sing very patience<br />

spending a night, in the <strong>de</strong>pths of the group<br />

was linking all together, in a common soul<br />

Dance can take place, for to fight a disease<br />

for a successful hunt, or an important visit<br />

for the return of a relative, talk to ancestors<br />

<strong>de</strong>als with <strong>de</strong>pression, celebrating life colors<br />

more fires are scattered, all around here<br />

joking and chatting, until hour twenty-three<br />

ordinary clothes, & few feathers on my head<br />

Bells on my ankles, & walking stick in hand<br />

to be insi<strong>de</strong> the dance, makes our hearts<br />

happy and excited, empathetic and present<br />

also the fire's dance, is lit at the center<br />

sit the women, in intimate conference<br />

women clap their hands, to emphasis rhythm<br />

grafted the voices, on the melody of group<br />

length of each song, <strong>de</strong>pending on the mood<br />

if the enthusiasm is high, Three or 5 minutes<br />

without Kia feeling, dance does not take off<br />

everything seems <strong>de</strong>ad, though there's a crowd<br />

if the num bubbles up, the cries go to heaven<br />

Oh my father up there! pierces the veil!<br />

Num is taking me, the num is throwing me<br />

dance takes strength, without too much effort<br />

the sparks around fire, when the kia is near<br />

the Giraffe's dance, get four steps clear<br />

the feet beat on sand, bright <strong>de</strong>termined<br />

the ankles bells, kidnapping our voices<br />

the rapid vibration, sweating even more<br />

song and dance steps, chasing each other<br />

they are preparing the way, for boiling num<br />

swaying their heads, top & bottom as well<br />

then the kowhedili, shooting into kia trance<br />

vibrate the bodies, when are very near<br />

The dancers often, fall to the ground<br />

lie with bodies, sweaty from the war<br />

violent shaking, they are like <strong>de</strong>ad<br />

someone rubs them, with fingers & sweat<br />

After a night, of songs and dancing<br />

num to the gebesi, arrives in fire blazes<br />

circulates around, influences and awakens<br />

kidnaps very fast, or slowly very slowly<br />

the Kia is an intense, emotional state<br />

get on by the num, rising to gebesi<br />

the mind is afraid, when he eats num<br />

increasing the pain, to stomach & spine<br />

num is expressed, in different forms<br />

Produces empathy, & floating thoughts<br />

The boiling num, ascends into the spine<br />

floods your body, which vibrates overflow<br />

基那洲 sweats, with grimaces of pain<br />

vibrates & stumbles, he says I'm in kia!<br />

then stops his dance, & wearing the bells<br />

jumps across the circle, driving as a pilot<br />

Every song get hot, the energy of the num<br />

it comes the potential, to passing the kia<br />

dance & dance again, beginning sweat a lot<br />

took away the clothes, and shivering more<br />

now I want to heal, and I want to be healed<br />

I want to be more loved, & loving each friend<br />

I need more fuel, my heart seeks more num<br />

the libido is fire, that give him the power<br />

Insi<strong>de</strong> a my kia, there is the hard school<br />

with the fear of <strong>de</strong>ath, fear of not-return<br />

I know is a artifice, ma<strong>de</strong> up by my mind<br />

without hesitation, I face this obstacles<br />

The voluntary <strong>de</strong>ath, overcomes fear<br />

kia now is come in, I'm ready to heal<br />

the el<strong>de</strong>rly will help, to free our instinct<br />

The heart will stops, you're like a <strong>de</strong>ad<br />

thought is gone, your breath dissolved<br />

at large distances, the flow of the life<br />

you see more things, to dwell in the bodies<br />

the pain is real, the num boiling strong<br />

and you see everything, you can pull<br />

this is the cure, while you are in kia<br />

and learning to heal,by pulling tearing<br />

out the disease, sweating and panting 1<br />

1 Buiti: exten<strong>de</strong>d ancestral village in the spiritual world.<br />

Virote: arrows with <strong>de</strong>ad energy (implanted i<strong>de</strong>as), the gods,<br />

or their emissaries, throw on people. Twe is the art of learning<br />

to heal, that is, pull and tear off the disease.<br />


many healers, are waiting to battle<br />

to <strong>de</strong>mystify, mind of their friends<br />

Save his life, from <strong>de</strong>ath & illness<br />

I love this person, why do we suffer?<br />

experts healers, sometimes going to God<br />

they die to themselves, through a wire<br />

entering in the sand, following a path<br />

to swap choices, between sizes & weights<br />

The Kia healing, is not omnipotent<br />

also some battles, are lost as well<br />

People die, in the hands of healers<br />

because the ancestors, make the walls<br />

基那洲 the el<strong>de</strong>r, already entered kia<br />

his body spasm, vibrates, shakes & dances<br />

sits down & makes 3 turns, talks sings to fire<br />

then begins to heals, tearing each complaint<br />

and women the songs, shooting with sound<br />

around midnight, it vibrates the convulsion<br />

others into kia, are massaged up the ground<br />

ointments with sweat, then they get relaxed<br />

now more healers, in apparent anguish<br />

are one by one falling, all into the Kia<br />

shaman turn to heal, shaking their hands<br />

everyone present, stretches out his hands<br />

someone use the embers, to rub the armpits<br />

someone laughs or runs away, and sparks fly<br />

speaking with the gods, and their ancestors<br />

someone in pain, want to cool the num<br />

The Num is not positive, nor negative<br />

Exists in many things, living & inanimate<br />

as libido unconscious, as hysterical shot<br />

is energy of the sun, stepped into <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

基那洲 tells Therabuti, God came to earth<br />

there in the Kalahari, between us & the animals<br />

He sleep with his wife, unable to do love<br />

people then teaches him, how to take a woman<br />

the women bears the fruit, two beautiful twins<br />

Kana and Xoma children, happy they grow up<br />

they give the name, to everything that comes<br />

starting a civilization, served by Gauwasi<br />

they have wives & children, in human-like life<br />

though they have power, they have hi-tech time<br />

heated and impoverished, by inhuman lurking<br />

because of the boredom, breaking all taboos<br />

Zhutwasi in silence, praying to Gao Na<br />

we all pray out loud, if there is a need<br />

you ma<strong>de</strong> us hunter, gui<strong>de</strong> us to hunt<br />

Give us your rain, and teach us to heal<br />

God gave the Giraffe, with a fire in the center<br />

If you're killing the fire, you sing in the dark<br />

then Gao Na arrows, can hit us in pain<br />

Fire has the same num, there in your vein<br />

each fire size, the circle of comfort<br />

that allows the num, to boiling more<br />

God created songs, providing them with num<br />

gave them to people, in dreams with visions<br />

songs by imitation, traveling among the groups<br />

now are sung everywhere, in walking or working<br />

for <strong>de</strong>light the children, or just for relaxing<br />

but songs release the num, only in the dancing<br />

the songs & dancers, exchange substances<br />

then when a woman, sings and get into kia<br />

make the Man happy, she sharing her num<br />

The songs are stories, of life and plus<br />

hunting or mining, migration or crisis<br />

fed dances interaction, between the sexes<br />

as great medicine, is the growth of the song<br />

sensuality in the rhythm, warmth & seduction<br />

sing and clap their hands, helping to warm<br />

the num of the dancers, sweat is to dance<br />

task by the healers, who have won all fear<br />

help trips in <strong>de</strong>ath, and birth new year<br />

seniors go kia, with songs their breath<br />

they activated themselves, in presence of ills<br />

their dance is reduced, to steps on the spot<br />

or just simple plays, sitting well composed<br />

up to sunrise, someone sings & smokes<br />

Women with children, sleeping embraced<br />

still someone is in kia, and others go on<br />

the variety of scenes, it lasts until dawn<br />

the <strong>de</strong>cision is ma<strong>de</strong>, everything is conclu<strong>de</strong>d<br />

we return to the camps, the day is very slow<br />

all brotherhood rests, a new human sense arise<br />

Sometimes you're in the kia, also after sunrise<br />

the num throws you, also if you do not want<br />

if you are afraid, or you feel uncomfortable<br />

Get out of the dance, then num flies away<br />

You resume the dance, and num you obtain<br />


when the first time, you can control num<br />

hot the first few times, you sought a purpose<br />

if you feel fear of Kia, is a fear of fire<br />

if the fear remains, a stu<strong>de</strong>nt remains<br />

Fear of num, you can see from the faces<br />

pains in the belly, or a roll of embers<br />

Your face is white, with eyes of terror<br />

to calm your warmth, Hxobo is cooling 1<br />

Zutwasi school, begins in children age<br />

playing at the kia in play imitations<br />

soon the boys learning, to drink their num<br />

they go to dances, to make training plus<br />

the teachers pass, num to the stu<strong>de</strong>nts<br />

they snaps num tchisi, arrows with num<br />

they snap the fingers, dose and quantity<br />

into body of the novel, to check his capacity<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> the Gebesi, are coming the arrows<br />

expanding & growing, as the DNA wired<br />

the teacher rubs, the stu<strong>de</strong>nt's sweat<br />

in rapid breaths, he make up the num<br />

growing thirst for water, plugs into body<br />

you sweat first day, then begin to vibrate<br />

pinches the sacrum bone, the num heat & go<br />

coming ripe time, then you can get into kia<br />

if sooner you have fear, you har<strong>de</strong>n gebesi<br />

Stop for a bit, & dissolve all the weights<br />

When begins the kia, you may fall down<br />

lying on your stomach, you'll be left<br />

the heat is regulated, with songs & fire-stiks<br />

and more massages, lowering the heat<br />

Num for women, is like the menstrual cycle<br />

Prohibition of eating, any food exciting 2<br />

I'm 基那洲, I will teach you to dance<br />

my hands on you, now I put to address<br />

to the ancestors spirits, you are my twin<br />

living my heart, they call you my brother<br />

If I put num into you, you will dance & dance<br />

vibrating like leaves, you'll be my friend<br />

then I will say, you have tasted the num<br />

the <strong>de</strong>ath that kills us, you fear no more<br />

The abdomen will be full, of arrows heat<br />

then we will rub, our sweat on your body<br />

arrows will fall, the breathing will return<br />

while others singing, new baby you will cry<br />

now we are a clan, that uses the same fire<br />

happens that now, I feel the pain and heat<br />

thorns on your neck, and around your belly<br />

on the liver and gebesi, start your dance<br />

Num lies down, at the base of the spine<br />

then low in the belly, num is heated up<br />

it arises to the head, as spiral pathway<br />

shivering gebesi, and killing you in Kia<br />

sometimes your dance, becomes wild kia<br />

because of penalties, num boiling in veins<br />

beat your feet, strongest on the ground<br />

hoof steps, breathing and heart proud<br />

Num shake you sometimes, overly strong<br />

then another healer, help you to cool it<br />

when it cools down, you are ready to pull<br />

After having danced, then you start to heal<br />

Num is transferred, managed & regulated<br />

to make it adapted, to the needs of patient<br />

If any difficulty arises, during the kia<br />

each on gebesi, rubs to cool the num<br />

from the center to the si<strong>de</strong>s, breath back<br />

num can still pass, and you begins to warm<br />

if it is well done, you resume breathing<br />

big screams arise, like a new born baby<br />

the disease is an effort, ma<strong>de</strong> by gauwasi<br />

who want the sick person, with their group<br />

is there at the dance, very strong spirits<br />

try very more, but you can convince them<br />

is a struggle between 2 groups, both of relatives<br />

more intense is disease, more fighting will be<br />

Accepting <strong>de</strong>ath, the fear will disappear<br />

You are learning to die, in or<strong>de</strong>r to heal 3<br />

the core is the struggle, the art of healing<br />

the dangerous journey, which brings the heat<br />

you see the rising num, in the other healers<br />

you discover also, the work of various massages<br />

3 “Num is like the thorns, pricks in your body that are reminiscent<br />

1 Hxabe is happiness, food of the heart, feeling of the body.<br />

"Singing and num mean that you may have Hxabe" 基那洲<br />

of the arrows of saint 塞巴 stian. They say num of <strong>de</strong>ad, those of<br />

people in kia, if you try to cool it to someone, your num may be<br />

2Meat, milk, eggs, fish, bread, nuts, honey. Not in pregnancy reactivate." 基那洲<br />


To pull down the disease, is called Twe<br />

they lay their hands, offering the sweat<br />

as ascending steam, from hot stomach<br />

sweat carry num, smeared on the patient<br />

located on the head, backs & chests armpits<br />

rubbed on and insi<strong>de</strong>, the boiling body<br />

the num is exchanged, with the disease<br />

the bodies in contact, energy exchanging<br />

Plants with num, are sometimes used<br />

especially by women, using small pow<strong>de</strong>r<br />

mixed with the fat, insi<strong>de</strong> the shells<br />

coals to fumigate, num is unbridled<br />

The Gaise noru noru, is a plant root<br />

stimulate the kia, and mitigate the fears<br />

you feel your spine, pulsing like the world<br />

you start to shake, & sweat with heat on 1<br />

You have to work, your body readjust<br />

penalties in gebesi, announce the arrival<br />

in partial kia trance, soul is in the body<br />

in complete kia, she travels all around<br />

基那洲 teaches us, to transform the fears<br />

beyond all pain, into school Therabuti<br />

Zutwasi guiding us, in this initiation<br />

of a human life, of adult conception<br />

on 8 December, 第六 playing mongongo<br />

镭森 telling us, the first hut Therabuti<br />

the founding event, of a century before<br />

when appear to Baba, Tago lover dancer<br />

镭森 get us, to the work of tonight<br />

第六 with 约兰达, Yapukulìwa & Jurema<br />

spirits of plants, <strong>de</strong>scen<strong>de</strong>d with caboclos<br />

the dance of Torè, and Orisha will meet there<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r Vincella hill, of dragon of Biedano<br />

happened that night, something divine<br />

in the circle of dance, appeared Jesus<br />

with Shirdi & Francis, the gol<strong>de</strong>n boy was!<br />

Jurema was beautiful, arises from the spell<br />

reflect on the river, 约兰达 making o Torè<br />

with feathers & mask, all the group dancing<br />

while 基那洲, was healing all around<br />

On that day mysterious, root spoke to us<br />

origins of Thera, the dragon & human race<br />

Thera is very old, and she need our care<br />

as billions of ants, we are his muses fair<br />

we are sons of Umbanda, Zutwasi Daime & Buti<br />

sons of Native American, aboriginals of Thera<br />

water fire & stars, with wine & the Queen<br />

reflecting on the shore, spirits of peace<br />

镭森 professor, was sharing a good wine<br />

which takes a feeling, truly into the heart<br />

is wine of the forest, wine of the <strong>de</strong>sert<br />

guru of the stars, is Tago with masters<br />

I'm Etrurian Tago, Dragon of the East<br />

I embrace you all, now I live in Africa<br />

I will expand from there, in time of <strong>de</strong>cline<br />

to establish again, num dance with my wine<br />

约兰达 and 基那洲, sang with 罗慕洛<br />

icaros with hymns, for heal & celebrate<br />

here in the session, Jurema & Sai Shirdi<br />

down with caboclos, with flowers & singing<br />

love & wine in heart, is health & forgiveness<br />

is 基那洲 relaxing, our anguish of the head<br />

约兰达 go around, grandmother of festival<br />

she helps me balance, passions of the heart<br />

Holà linda Jurema!, along with Yapukuliwa!<br />

with sage and rosemary, you clean our room<br />

you purify all us, the space of the dance<br />

Tago finally appears, giving new sense 2<br />

Tago was the key, to un<strong>de</strong>rstand situation<br />

dancing on the ground, we feel all together<br />

we sung to caboclos, gauwasi and mighonzi<br />

encantos <strong>de</strong> luz, we are all Therabanzi<br />

Holy rain water, was washing my eyes<br />

rains arise my emotion, empathy casca<strong>de</strong><br />

you dancing around, from sun to the moon<br />

we collect your treasure, num of nature<br />

1 Gais noru noru is Ferraria glutinosa, and Gwa still is a unknown<br />

plant. Gwa is served to those who have a hard time gebesi, its<br />

roots are cooked and eaten or drunk and has a strong taste of mint.<br />

It produces light and flowing feel to the diaphragm, which helps to<br />

2<br />

accept the boiling num and overcome the barrier of fear. If you do “Defuma, <strong>de</strong>fumador, Esta casa do nosso senhor. leva pras<br />

not know the songs, the num tells you how to sing and dance. ondas do mar,o mal que aqui possa estar. c) Defuma com as<br />

基那洲: "when i sing the Giraffe num's songs I get to the kia, then ervas da jurema, <strong>de</strong>fuma com arruda e guinè, alecrim,<br />

I own those songs."<br />

benjoim e alfazema, vamos <strong>de</strong>fumar filhos <strong>de</strong> fè”<br />


when all together, grafting a Torè dance<br />

约兰达 with caboclos, singing the orishas<br />

near Tago's garland, we seen many horses<br />

we met Thera & Tago, in umbandaime songs<br />

I am daughter of light, which leads me there<br />

together with teachers, & the Virgin Mere<br />

I am daughter of the Moon, I observe universe<br />

all stars know how to stop, all my reasoning<br />

Defuma ora esta casa | Bem <strong>de</strong>fumada<br />

Com a cruz <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>us | Ela vai ser rezada<br />

Eu sou rezador | Sou filho <strong>de</strong> umbanda<br />

come cruz <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>u |todo mal se abranda<br />

Canta com amor |Canta com amor<br />

lavora com amor |lavora com amor<br />

Confia com amor |Confia com amor<br />

Juntado com o sol |Juntado com o sol<br />

Amor, amor, amor |Amor, amor, amor<br />

hinos from brazil<br />

.52 (o rei e a rainha, 约兰达)<br />

Aya aya aya huasca, Aya aya aya huasca<br />

Chamei o rei das flores, ele me respon<strong>de</strong>u<br />

Aya aya aya huasca, Aya aya aya huasca<br />

O rei ayahuasca ele è yagè, Yagè aya huasca<br />

Aya aya aya huasca, Aya aya aya huasca<br />

O rei di ayahuasca, egli vive na floresta<br />

Ele es filho do indios, e da rainha da floresta<br />

Aya aya aya huasca, Aya aya aya huasca<br />

vivemos neste pla<strong>net</strong>a,com a vossa protecao<br />

Se balanca o maracà, com amor no coracao<br />

Aya aya aya huasca, Aya aya aya huasca.<br />

.53 (voz da Floresta e <strong>de</strong>serto, alex Polari)<br />

A voz do <strong>de</strong>serto, Que està na floresta<br />

Se pos a clamar, Dando este alerta<br />

Pro povo se unir, E saber trabalhar<br />

Esta è a verda<strong>de</strong>, Clara <strong>de</strong> cristal<br />

Que eu vou <strong>de</strong>clarar, Chegou o balanço<br />

Fé<strong>de</strong> ed esperança, Vamos se firmar<br />

Viva o Santo Daime, Povo da floresta<br />

Céu do Mapià, Com São João Batista<br />

E Juramidam, Vamos triunfar.<br />

.45 (encontro com a Jurema, 约兰达)<br />

Eu viajando, E me encontrei com a Jurema<br />

Que o segredo, De outras linhas revelou<br />

Ela trouxe os seus encantos aos congares<br />

E nos altares, Sua prece ela rezou<br />

Oh Juremé o Juremà! Sua beleza vem do luar<br />

Oh Juremé, oh Juremà, Trazendo a benção<br />

De Oxalà. Estes mistérios, Ela tem como çiéncia<br />

Sua magia, Desabrocha como flor<br />

E no terreiro, Ela è luz da verda<strong>de</strong><br />

Ela è Jurema, Filha do Rei Criador<br />

Oh! Juremé o Juremà!...<br />

E na jornada, Dentro <strong>de</strong>sta luz divina<br />

Eu encontrei, Com um mensageiro do Senhor<br />

Ele era um Rei Mago do universo<br />

Ele è estrela, No congar do meu amor<br />

Oh! Juremé o Juremà!...<br />

.38 (o Rei que veio pra Rainha, 约兰达)<br />

Ele è o Rei, Que veio pra Rainha<br />

Ele è o Rei, Das bandas <strong>de</strong> là<br />

Que veio a qui no sertão<br />

Com a Jurema se encontrar<br />

E este Rei, Foi se casando com a Rainha<br />

E no reinado, Do sertão nasceu a flor<br />

que os caboclos da Jurema, batiza com louvor.<br />

.41 (Eu caminhando, 约兰达)<br />

Eu caminhando, E veio a or<strong>de</strong>m do meu Pai<br />

Me or<strong>de</strong>nou, Que eu saisse da ilusão<br />

Também me disse, Que para se ter amor<br />

É sò lembrar, Que a gente tem um coração<br />

Este caminho, Ele beira tanta incerteza<br />

E também passa, Por tanta escuridão<br />

Peço a meu Pai, Que me dé muita firmeza<br />

Para eu dar, Conta da minha missão<br />

Eu veio a lua, E as estrelas a brilhar<br />

Chamo a Jurema, Pra comigo festejar<br />

Dou viva ao céu, E peço ao Rei do Firmamento<br />

Me dé a luz, Me dé a força do luar.<br />

.09 (jurema chegou, 约兰达)<br />

Foi a Jurema | Quem trouxe tanta beleza<br />

Brilhando estrelas | Os pla<strong>net</strong>as e o luar<br />

E o universo |Se abrindo como flor<br />

Festejando este amor |e a Jurema fez brilhar<br />

E aqui na Terra | No jardim da esperança<br />

Ela è uma planta |Que o Pai mandou plantar<br />

Sua raiz | È medicina do astral<br />

Para combater o mal |E o Divino habitar<br />

Foi ela quem |Cantou nas matas do sertão<br />

Unindo irmãos |De varias tribos no congar.<br />

E o caboclo |Que carrega a tradição<br />

Brinca Toré là no sertão<br />

Chamando a força pra reinar<br />

Ela è Jurema |Ela è a linda flor<br />

Que Deus mandou |Para brilhar o meu congar<br />

Quando a Jurema chegou |Ela fez balançar<br />

la vem com Xangô |Ela vem com Oxalà<br />

Dando brilho a estrela |Da Rainha do Mar<br />

Ela è Jurema <strong>de</strong> Deus |E veio aqui nos curar<br />

El trouxe o amor |Pra nos alimentar<br />

Ela trouxe a união |Pro povo se reencontrar.<br />


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