Ray Gun Revival magazine, Issue 53

Ray Gun Revival magazine, Issue 53

Ray Gun Revival magazine, Issue 53


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his fancy uniform. There was also<br />

something disturbingly familiar<br />

about the uniform too, but Niatti<br />

couldn’t figure out just what it was.<br />

“An extraordinarily talented young<br />

man,” said Seward. “When I picked<br />

him up, he was just released from<br />

the jail in Amjan, and they wanted<br />

to send him to work on mineral production,<br />

of all things. Now look at<br />

him. Barely twenty-two years old,<br />

and he’s already commanding my<br />

fleet. I’m telling you...”<br />

Antoine smiled at Niatti when<br />

he noticed her attention to him.<br />

Dream on, she thought. Then she<br />

understood what seemed so familiar<br />

about his uniform—it was the insignia<br />

on his sleeve. Where has she<br />

seen it before?<br />

“...those Coalition idiots wouldn’t<br />

dare to give me any more trouble. It<br />

took them some time, but now they<br />

finally understand who’s really running<br />

things in the system.”<br />

“No doubt about it,” Niatti’s<br />

mother agreed. “These people have<br />

to learn things the hard way.”<br />

Then Niatti finally remembered.<br />

She stormed at Antoine with a<br />

scream, scratching his face with her<br />

well-manicured nails. Antoine began<br />

fighting back. Her mother grabbed<br />

her as Seward did Antoine, struggling<br />

to break the two apart.<br />

“Niatti,” her mother hissed, “I<br />

don’t know what you think you’re<br />

doing but...”<br />

“This man killed daddy!”<br />

“Calm down right now, or else<br />

I’ll—”<br />

“Look at the insignia on his uniform!<br />

It’s the same one that appeared<br />

on those ships that—”<br />

The slap on Niatti’s face wasn’t<br />

strong, but it was enough to silence<br />

her. She looked at her mother<br />

through tears.<br />

“Go to my office and wait for me<br />

there.”<br />

Niatti blinked to make her tears<br />

go away. She wouldn’t let Antoine,<br />

Seward, or her mother see her cry.<br />

Just before leaving the platform,<br />

she noticed that the insignia from<br />

Antoine’s uniform also appeared on<br />

his ship. Seward’s ship.<br />

***<br />

The ship that finished the docking<br />

process was old and rusty. It seemed<br />

at home among the platform’s noisy<br />

generators and leaking pipes. But<br />

the officer who came out—an impressively<br />

tall woman whose short<br />

grey hair, ironed uniform, and shiny<br />

ranks stood in sharp contrast to<br />

her miserable-looking ship—didn’t<br />

seem to mind.<br />

“It’s actually above the standards<br />

we’re used to,” she said, amused.<br />

“I’m very sorry...” Niatti checked<br />

her board “Colonel Chen. I’m afraid<br />

all the other platforms are occupied.”<br />

“No need to apologize or make<br />

excuses, my dear. We’re already<br />

used to the fact that reasonable<br />

platforms are reserved for paying<br />

customers, good platforms are reserved<br />

for well-paying customers,<br />

and luxury platforms are reserved<br />

for the criminal types. The garbage<br />

platforms are reserved for us the...<br />

how does your boss call us, anyway?<br />

On other spaceports I hear ‘parasites,’<br />

‘vampires,’ ‘fleas.’”<br />

“My boss isn’t such a colorful type.<br />

For her, you’re all just ‘scams.’”<br />

The Colonel laughed. “How very<br />

disappointing. Anyway, we get sent<br />

to places like this all the time. What<br />

did you do to get the punishment of<br />

handling us?”<br />

“I’m kept out of VIP platforms till<br />

further notice. But handling VIPs is<br />

the real punishment. I’d rather work<br />

with people like you.” Niatti’s board<br />

beeped. “Everything looks okay. Tell<br />

your people they can get off the ship<br />

and settle in. You know the rules—<br />

no wandering outside your assigned<br />

platform, and you need to check<br />

with me before leaving.”<br />

The Colonel raised an eyebrow.<br />

“You don’t intend to check our cargo?”<br />

“I just did.”<br />

ISSUE <strong>53</strong><br />

“I mean, physically. Board our<br />

ship, see if we’re not hiding anything.”<br />

Niatti tapped her board. “You<br />

gave me your cargo manifest. That’s<br />

enough for me.”<br />

“And your boss knows that you<br />

show such trust in Coalition Patrol<br />

personnel?”<br />

“My boss never bothers to get<br />

down here herself, so she’ll never<br />

find out.”<br />

“Still, what would you do if it turns<br />

that we brought some weapons<br />

with us to get rid of some problematic<br />

people in your VIP platforms?”<br />

Niatti’s voice grew cold. “Let me<br />

know if you did. I’ll be glad to show<br />

you the way.”<br />

The Colonel laughed again, and<br />

patted on Niatti’s shoulder. “I’m<br />

sorry, dear, but we didn’t bring any<br />

weapons with us here this time.”<br />

She frowned. “We really need to<br />

do something about these people,<br />

someday. But until then...”<br />

She smiled again. “We have some<br />

merchandise we confiscated from<br />

smugglers. We didn’t report it, and<br />

we need to get rid of it before we<br />

get back. It just happens to be the<br />

kind of merchandise that our cook<br />

can work miracles with. So how<br />

about it, dear? You feel like joining<br />

the scams for a luxury dinner? I can<br />

promise you something at least as<br />

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