Silverhill Seeds Catalogue 25 April 2013 (alphabetically)

Silverhill Seeds Catalogue 25 April 2013 (alphabetically)

Silverhill Seeds Catalogue 25 April 2013 (alphabetically)


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4m shrub/tree, forked spines, glossy dark green leaves, white scented fl Sp, red fruits good for jam, coastal, good hedge. Sow Sp. Zone 9.<br />

Carissa wyliei (Apocynaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

2m shrub, unarmed or small spines, very showy large white fl tinged with red, red fruits. Sow Sp. Zone 9.<br />

Carpanthea pomeridiana (Mesembryanthemaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Narrow tapering leaves, whole plant covered with white hairs, densely petalled yellow fl with irregular leafy sepals. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Carphalea pubescens (Rubiaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

"Cups & saucers", to 2m tree, softly hairy leaves, many sweetly scented off-white/greenish fl in heads. Sow Sp. Zone 10.<br />

Carpobrotus acinaciformis (Mesembryanthemaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

"Hottentot fig", mat-like perenn, rose-purple fl Sp. Sow Au. Zone 9.<br />

Carpobrotus deliciosus (Mesembryanthemaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Groundcover, succ leaves, large pink fl Sp, drought resistant, fruit edible. Sow Sp/Au. Zone 8.<br />

Carpobrotus edulis (Mesembryanthemaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt / US$ 5.00 per 100<br />

Groundcover, succ leaves, yellow fl turning pink, drought resistant, fruits edible. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Carpobrotus mellei (Mesembryanthemaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Perenn mat-forming to 1.5m diameter, greyish triangular lvs, large pink fl Sp-Su. Sow Au. Zone 9.<br />

Cassia (Fabaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Also see Senna. Most species have been re-classified.<br />

Cassia abbreviata (Fabaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt / US$ 6.00 per 100<br />

3-10m tree, pinnate dull green leaves, large pale yellow fl in beautiful sprays Sp, golden-brown pod, frost tender when young. Sow Sp. Zone 10.<br />

Cassinopsis ilicifolia (Icacinaceaea) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

"Lemon thorn", to 5m spiny tree/shrub, white fl Sp, orange fruit very lemon-scented. Sow Sp. Zone 9.<br />

Castalis species (Asteraceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

See Dimorphotheca<br />

Catha edulis (Celastraceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

"Bushmans-tea", tree to 10m, red to green stems become whitish with age, opposite simple lvs, tiny greenish fl in leaf axils, winged seeds, med. Sow<br />

Sp. Zone 9.<br />

Catophractes alexandri (Bignoniaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt / US$ 6.00 per 100<br />

2m shrub, grey foliage, large white tubular bignonia-like fl Su-Wi, distinctive spiny seed-cases, lime, arid. Sow Sp. Zone 8.<br />

Catunaregam taylori (Rubiaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Shrub/tree to 4m, young stems hairy, paired spines, hairy lvs, scented white fl maturing to yellow Su, 2cm round fruits. Sow Sp. Zone 10.<br />

Celtis africana (Celtidaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt / US$ 6.00 per 100<br />

"White stinkwood", 12m usually decid tree, pale trunk & branches, fast, drought resist, bonsai. Sow Sp. Zone 8.<br />

Celtis gamphophylla (Celastraceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

"False white-stinkwood", decid tree to 30m, grey green bark, dark green lvs with entire margin, small greenish fl Wi-Sp, yellow-orange berries eaten<br />

by birds. Sow Sp. Zone 10.<br />

Cephalanthus natalensis (Rubiaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

"Strawberry bush", to 4m scrambling shrub/small tree, grey-brown bark, shiny dark green leaves flush pink Au, small white/red/green fl in dense<br />

heads Wi-Su, food plant, med. Sow Sp. Zone 9.<br />

Cephalaria galpiniana ssp simplicior (Dipsacaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

To 30cm, mat-forming at high altitudes, lobed basal lvs, large pale cream fl Su-Au. Sow Sp. Zone 7.<br />

Cephalaria natalensis (Dipsacaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

1m herbaceous perenn, hairy pinnate leaves, white fl similar to Scabiosa, high altitude, med. Sow Sp. Zone 7.<br />

Cephalaria oblongifolia (Dipsacaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

"False Scabious", to 60cm perenn, white fl Su-Au. Sow Sp. Zone 7.<br />

Cephalaria pungens ? (Dipsacaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Perenn to 1m, variable lvs with toothed margins, white fl Su. Sow Sp. Zone 8.<br />

Cephalophyllum alstonii (Mesembryanthemaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Prostrate, large tufted bright crimson fl, violet stamens. Sow Au.<br />

Cephalophyllum loreum ? (Mesembryanthemaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt

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