Silverhill Seeds Catalogue 25 April 2013 (alphabetically)

Silverhill Seeds Catalogue 25 April 2013 (alphabetically)

Silverhill Seeds Catalogue 25 April 2013 (alphabetically)


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Slender perenn to 60cm, 3-5 palmatisect lvs, peduncles of creamy fl with dark centres Sp-Au. Sow Sp. Zone 8.<br />

Hibiscus calyphyllus (Malvaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Large shrub, velvety leaves, large yellow fl Su, s/shade. Sow Sp. Zone 10.<br />

Hibiscus diversifolius (Malvaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Erect prickly perenn to 2m, palmate coarsely toothed lvs, terminal racemes of large yellow fl with dark centres Su. Sow Sp. Zone 9.<br />

Hibiscus micranthus (Malvaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Slender shrub to 2m, hairy stems & lvs, white fl turning purple/pink with age, petals held backwards, seeds with cotton floss. Sow Sp. Zone 9.<br />

Hibiscus pedunculatus (Malvaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt / US$ 6.00 per 100<br />

1m perenn, grey foliage, pink fl Su, sun, well-dr soil, very attractive. Sow Sp. Zone 10.<br />

Hibiscus praeteritus (Malvaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Tall, slender erect shrub, small deeply toothed lvs, delicate pink to red fl with staminal column & styles extended Sp-Au. Sow Sp. Zone 10.<br />

Hibiscus tiliaceus (Malvaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

To 6m shrub/tree, pale bark, almost circular hairy leaves, large showy yellow fl ageing to apricot with deep maroon/blackish centre Sp-Su, stems &<br />

branches make excellent string & rope. Sow Sp. Zone 9.<br />

Hibiscus trionum (Malvaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

<strong>25</strong>cm straggly ann, lobed/deeply cut lvs, yellow fl with black centres Sp-Su, inflated calyx as fruit ripens, damp areas. Sow Sp. Zone 8.<br />

Hippobromus pauciflorus (Sapindaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

"Pisgoed", 2-5m aromatic shrub/tree, compound lvs, greenish-cream fl Wi-Sp, dark purple fruit, forest margins. Sow Sp. Zone 9.<br />

Hippocratea delagoensis (Celastraceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

"Zulu Paddle-pod", to 10m scrambling shrub, oblong lvs with toothed margins, clusters of green fl Sp-Su. Sow Sp. Zone 10.<br />

Hippocratea longipetiolata (Celastraceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt / US$ 6.00 per 100<br />

Shrub/scrambler to 6m, yellow green lvs with long petioles, 4-angled stems, green fl Su, seeds in unusual pods. Sow Sp. Zone 9.<br />

Hirpicium armerioides (Asteraceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Gazania-like plant with white fl & alpine habit, high Drakensberg. Sow Sp. Zone 6.<br />

Hirpicium gazanioides (Asteraceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Ann to 30cm, masses of large bright yellow daisy fl Su, Su growing, showy. Sow Sp. Zone 8.<br />

Holothrix scopularia (Orchidaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

To 30cm, Su rain, slender to robust plant, broad hairy leaves, many delicate white to pink fl Sp-Su. Sow Sp. Zone 7.<br />

Holothrix secunda (Orchidaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Small erect very hairy plant, glabrous thick fleshy lvs, cream fl Wi-Sp. Sow Au. Zone 9.<br />

Holothrix villosa (Orchidaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

10-30cm orchid, fl green to yellow Sp-Su. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Holubia saccata (Pedaliaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Low bushy perenn, long-stalked spinach-green lvs, large tubular white fox-glove like fl pink when closed Su-Au, large angled decorative fruit, African<br />

genus with 1 species. Sow Sp. Zone 10.<br />

Homeria species (Iridaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

See Moraea.<br />

Hoodia currorii ssp currori (Apocynaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

30-60cm, angled stems, clump-forming, green/pink fl. Sow Sp. Zone 10.<br />

Hoodia juttae (Apocynaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

<strong>25</strong>cm bushy species, flat corolla, yellowish-brown fl becoming dark red, arid areas. Sow Sp. Zone 10.<br />

Hoodia pilifera ssp pilifera (Apocynaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

80cm spiny cactus-like plant, no leaves, 2cm diameter dark purplish to pinkish brown smelly fl Au-Sp. Sow Au/Sp. Zone 9. 8 seeds/pkt.<br />

Hoodia ruschii (Apocynaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Stems to 0.5m with 22 irregular angles, many 4cm reddish-brown fl with yellow in the centre. Sow Sp. Zone 10.<br />

Hoodia species mixed (Apocynaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Hoodia species from Karoo. Sow Au/Sp. Zone 9.<br />

Hoslundia opposita (Lamiaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Spreading/erect shrub to 1m, grey-green hairy lvs with toothed margins, small white/cream fl Su, berry-like orange fruits attract birds. Sow Sp. Zone

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