Deel 2 - Brahman Breeders Society of South Africa

Deel 2 - Brahman Breeders Society of South Africa

Deel 2 - Brahman Breeders Society of South Africa


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B R A H M A N D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 2<br />


B R A H M A N D E S E M B E R 2 0 1 2<br />


B R A H M A N D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 2<br />


B R A H M A N D E S E M B E R 2 0 1 2<br />

24<br />

The <strong>Brahman</strong>’s<br />

UnIQUe TemPeramenT<br />

an asset or<br />

a liability?<br />

- By James Paterson<br />

The <strong>Brahman</strong>’s temperament is legendary amongst<br />

cattlemen and farmers alike. As with any legend there<br />

is usually a grain <strong>of</strong> truth thrown in with a handful <strong>of</strong><br />

misconceptions.<br />

Perhaps it will be useful<br />

to start with a definition<br />

<strong>of</strong> temperament as “the<br />

individual character<br />

<strong>of</strong> one’s physical<br />

constitution permanently affecting<br />

the manner <strong>of</strong> one’s acting, feeling<br />

and thinking”. From this definition it<br />

is clear that all animals have some<br />

degree <strong>of</strong> temperament, but what<br />

sets the <strong>Brahman</strong> apart from the rest<br />

so conspicuously?<br />

There can be no argument that the<br />

<strong>Brahman</strong> is alert, intelligent and<br />

constantly aware <strong>of</strong> its surroundings.<br />

It has to be if it is to survive in the<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten hostile environment in which it<br />

finds itself. Not only is it aware <strong>of</strong> its<br />

surroundings, but it is also capable<br />

<strong>of</strong> finding its way out <strong>of</strong> dangerous<br />

situations. Once the workers with<br />

<strong>Brahman</strong> cattle understand this, the<br />

rest follows quite naturally. Where<br />

humans <strong>of</strong>ten make a mistake is that<br />

they don’t see the situation from the<br />

animal’s point <strong>of</strong> view. For instance,<br />

to the mother <strong>of</strong> a newborn calf, the<br />

approaching man is just as much a<br />

menace to her calf as a threatening<br />

hyena and she will react equally<br />

defensively towards both <strong>of</strong> them,<br />

even though the man is trying to<br />

help her.<br />

It is true that the <strong>Brahman</strong>’s<br />

temperament is unique, along<br />

with all the other oddities that set<br />

the <strong>Brahman</strong> apart from the other<br />

cattle breeds, but that is not to say<br />

that it is all desirable. Indeed , the<br />

<strong>Brahman</strong>’s unique temperament can<br />

be exploited very pr<strong>of</strong>itably by the<br />

observant and careful cattleman.<br />

There is a small percentage,<br />

probably less than 1% <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Brahman</strong> population, (incidentally<br />

most breeds, even the placid dairy<br />

breeds have a similar percentage)<br />

which is temperamentally unsuited<br />

to normal farming conditions and<br />

there is no solution to this problem<br />

other than culling them as soon as<br />

possible (to an abbatoir and not<br />

to another breeder). Apart from<br />

being dangerous to man and cattle<br />

alike, they break up the handling<br />

facilities and unsettle other cattle<br />

in the herd. A nervous disposition<br />

or bad temperament is a defect<br />

in the individual, perhaps even a<br />

whole family, as sure as stringhalt

or a pendulous sheath and must be<br />

eliminated quickly from the national<br />

herd.<br />

The cattleman, who understands<br />

<strong>Brahman</strong>s and their crosses, will<br />

have adequate handling facilities<br />

for all the normal management and<br />

veterinary practices on the farm.<br />

This would include well constructed<br />

pens, crush, neck clamp, some<br />

form <strong>of</strong> dipping facility and leading<br />

ramp. These are usually no more<br />

expensive than those found on any<br />

well-planned beef farm, perhaps<br />

more robust and a little higher<br />

though.<br />

The critical thing to remember<br />

when teaching a novice about the<br />

handling <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brahman</strong>s is that the<br />

handlers only get one chance to<br />

do the job, eg., if an animal is to be<br />

loaded and is allowed to escape in<br />

the veld, it is usually a waste <strong>of</strong> time<br />

and very frustrating to get it back<br />

that day for a second attempt at<br />

loading. Whatever is to be done,<br />

must be done the first time and done<br />

well. This means good facilities and<br />

competent men too.<br />

The <strong>Brahman</strong> responds extremely<br />

well to routine and gentle handling.<br />

Where the management on a<br />

<strong>Brahman</strong> farm is good, there is<br />

minimal handling <strong>of</strong> the cattle;<br />

rather the cattle move themselves<br />

and even sort themselves into the<br />

correct groups. Where an animal<br />

does not keep to its routine, be sure<br />

that something is amiss. Either she<br />

has calved or she is sick and has<br />

Chris Venter van Kleinbeef Boerdery<br />

stayed behind; she needs attention!<br />

With clever designing <strong>of</strong> passages<br />

and gates, it is doubtful whether<br />

any other breed <strong>of</strong> cattle is easier to<br />

manage on a day to day basis than<br />

the <strong>Brahman</strong>.<br />

Because <strong>Brahman</strong>s become accustomed<br />

to a routine, any change in<br />

that routine must be done carefully.<br />

This characteristic <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Brahman</strong><br />

makes it very difficult for strange<br />

people, at unfamiliar times and<br />

places, to handle these cattle and<br />

must have foiled many an attempted<br />

cattle theft. It would be interesting to<br />

watch a rustling party trying to load<br />

a group <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brahman</strong> cattle along a<br />

road with only a barbed-wire fence<br />

with which to work.<br />

With gentle handling, it is also<br />

doubtful whether any other breed<br />

becomes quite as tame as the<br />

<strong>Brahman</strong>. Quite a number <strong>of</strong> herds<br />

are so used to the herdsmen that<br />

they are routinely tick-greased in<br />

the veld, every animal and almost<br />

any part <strong>of</strong> them too. But don’t let a<br />

stranger approach them, otherwise<br />

they are <strong>of</strong>f like the wind.<br />

The <strong>Brahman</strong> cow probably has the<br />

most protective maternal instinct <strong>of</strong><br />

all domesticated cattle. This can be<br />

really frustrating to and dangerous<br />

for men trying to work with a cow<br />

and her newborn calf. But it is <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

essential to the calf’s survival that its<br />

mother stands her ground against<br />

predators so common in the rugged<br />

areas where <strong>Brahman</strong>s are found.<br />

You are confined only<br />

by the WALLS<br />

you build yourself.<br />

- Author unknown<br />

The <strong>Brahman</strong>’s temperament is<br />

legendary amongst cattlemen<br />

and farmers alike. As with any<br />

legend there is usually a grain<br />

<strong>of</strong> truth thrown in with a handful<br />

<strong>of</strong> misconceptions.<br />

It has always been a dream <strong>of</strong> Gerrit<br />

Strydom who work at the moment<br />

in Australia to become a <strong>Brahman</strong><br />

Breeder and at the moment he is<br />

working very hard to fulfill his dream.<br />

Photo’s taken by Chantelle Strydom.<br />

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26<br />

<strong>Brahman</strong> sTUd Breeder<br />

James PrInsLOO<br />

<strong>Brahman</strong>s come in<br />

from the cold<br />

<strong>Brahman</strong> stud breeder James Prinsloo runs a thriving cattle enterprise<br />

on the Mpumalanga highveld where winter temperatures can fall to<br />

-12°C. Known for their resilience to heat and drought, the <strong>Brahman</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

the Jamica stud prove the commendable adaptability <strong>of</strong> the breed.<br />

James and his twin 22-year old<br />

sons Janco and Nicola farm<br />

on Rusthoek near Perdekop.<br />

They run a <strong>Brahman</strong> stud<br />

herd <strong>of</strong> 250 red and white animals<br />

and other breeds.<br />

James is passionale about the<br />

<strong>Brahman</strong> breed and bought his first<br />

cow shortly after matriculating in<br />

1980. He stresses the <strong>Brahman</strong>’s<br />

cross-breeding value, hardiness,<br />

outstanding mother ability and<br />

strong foraging capacity. <strong>Brahman</strong><br />

do well in climates ranging from the<br />

hot Bushveld and Karoo to the bitter<br />

cold <strong>of</strong> the Mpumalanga and Free<br />

State highveld.<br />

“The success <strong>of</strong> any stud depends<br />

on selection. We select the optimum<br />

beef production and conformation.<br />

Our ideal cow is medium framed<br />

with a strong mouth. A strong mouth<br />

means the animal grazes well. We<br />

look for a feminine head, neck and<br />

face. The cow should be heavier<br />

in the back quarter than in front.”<br />

James sees good udder and teat<br />

placement as crucial. Cows with<br />

bottle teats are culled and poor calf<br />

suckling reflex has been eliminated<br />

from the Jamica herd. Also<br />

known as the dummy or silly calf<br />

syndrome, it describes the lack <strong>of</strong><br />

instinctive ability <strong>of</strong> calves to suckle<br />

purposefully, and left unattended<br />

leads to calf death.<br />

James Prinsloo farms with his twin sons.<br />

Nicolai (left) and Janco (right).<br />

Photos taken by Annelie Coleman<br />

Photo’s Farmer’s Weekly<br />

Nicolai, Helena and James Prinsloo<br />

with a typical Jamica bull. The Jamica<br />

bulls are known for their adaptability,<br />

hardiness and excellent conformation.<br />

Advice to prospective breeders<br />

“Know your breed and familiarise yourself with its diversity and genetic<br />

lines,” says James. “Introduce the best genetics to your herd as quickly<br />

as possible. Tap into the older breeders’ experience. I have learnt a lot<br />

from Tok Serfontein <strong>of</strong> Potchefstroom, Lano Schlebush <strong>of</strong> Colesberg, the<br />

late Attie Maré <strong>of</strong> Pongola and Mike Bentley from winterton.”

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LLeweLLyn & COrrIe LaBUsChagne<br />

r10 OBarO<br />

Stoetveedag<br />

Stud Animal Day<br />

Obaro het op Donderdag 4 Oktober te Letsitele<br />

(plaas van mnr Llewellyn Labuschagne) ‘n<br />

Stoetveedag aangebied. Ongeveer 110 boere<br />

het deelgeneem.<br />

Die sprekers wat opgetree het, is mnr Theo Dicke, mnr<br />

Llewellyn Labuschagne, mnr Jan de Jong (FNB) en mnr<br />

Malcolm Moody (Obaro).<br />

Die doel van die dag was om aan te toon dat ‘n<br />

stoetveeboerderysisteem ekonomies doeltreffend en<br />

winsgewend bestuur kan word.<br />

Klem is gelê op seleksie van manlike en vroulike<br />

diere vir ekonomies belangrike eienskappe. Die<br />

herhaalbaarheid van ekonomiese eienskappe is ook<br />

beklemtoon.<br />

Die dag is afgeskop met ‘n lesing oor die ontstaan van<br />

die <strong>Brahman</strong>ras deur mnr Theo Dicke en heelwat vrae<br />

is deur die “studente’ gevra.<br />

Mnr Llewellyn Labuschagne het klem gelê op die<br />

seleksie van meerderwaardige teeldiere – manlike,<br />

sowel as vroulik. Tydens die praktiese demonstrasie<br />

is die herhaalbaarheid van meerderwaardige diere<br />

bevestig. Twee van R10 se topteelkoeie is saam met<br />

hul nageslag – manlik en vroulik, vertoon.<br />

Mnr Jan de Jong en mnr Malcolm Moody demonstreer<br />

op ‘n senior bul hoe om vir vleiseienskappe<br />

(slagoskompetisies) te selekteer, om die mees<br />

ekonomiese dier uit te soek vir voerkraalomstandighede.<br />

Hierdie praktiese demonstrasie wat kondisietelling<br />

insluit, asook ‘n balans tussen voor- en<br />

agterkwartbespiering en goeie rugbespiering, waar die<br />

duur vleissnitte geproduseer word, het baie vrae by die<br />

kursusgangers uitgelok.<br />

Die selektering van die funksioneel doeltreffende vroulike<br />

diere, asook die plasing van ‘n groepie skouverse, deur<br />

mnr. T Dicke is met groot belangstelling waargeneem.<br />

‘n Baie kritiese vraag – Wat doen die <strong>Brahman</strong>ras met<br />

sy sg. swak temperament? – is op ‘n baie praktiese<br />

reguit wyse deur mnr Dicke beantwoord.: Twee geneties<br />

identiese kuddes, word op twee verskillende plase in<br />

On Thursday, 4 October Obaro presented<br />

a Stud Animal Day at Letsitele (farm <strong>of</strong> Mr<br />

Llewellyn Labuschagne). Approximately 110<br />

farmers participated.<br />

Speakers at this occasion were Mr Theo Dicke, Mr<br />

Llewellyn Labuschagne, Mr Jan de Jong (FNB) and Mr<br />

Malcolm Moody (Obaro).<br />

With this initiative the organisers aimed at illustrating<br />

that a stud animal farming system could be managed<br />

efficiently and economically.<br />

The focus fell on selection <strong>of</strong> male and female animals<br />

for economically important characteristics. The<br />

repeatability <strong>of</strong> economically important characteristics<br />

was also stressed.<br />

The day kick-started with a lecture on the origin <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Brahman</strong> breed by Mr Theo Dicke and many questions<br />

were asked by the “students”.<br />

Mr Llewellyn Labuschagne stressed the importance<br />

<strong>of</strong> selecting superior breeding animals – male, as<br />

well as female. During the practical demonstration the<br />

repeatability <strong>of</strong> superior animals was confirmed. Two <strong>of</strong><br />

R10’s top breeding cows, together with their progeny–<br />

male and female, were exhibited.<br />

Messrs Jan de Jong and Malcolm Moody demonstrated<br />

on a senior bull how to select for meat characteristics<br />

(slaughter ox competitions) to pick the most economical<br />

bull for feedlot circumstances. This practical<br />

demonstration that includes condition count, as well as<br />

a balance between fore- and hindquarter muscling and<br />

good back muscling where the expensive meat cuts<br />

are produced, elicited many questions from the course<br />

attendants.<br />

The selection <strong>of</strong> the functionally efficient female animals,<br />

as well as the placing <strong>of</strong> a group <strong>of</strong> show heifers by Mr T<br />

Dicke was observed with great interest.<br />

A very critical question: ”What does the <strong>Brahman</strong><br />

breed do with its so called weak temperament?” was<br />

answered in a very practical and frank way by Mr Dicke:<br />

Two genetically identical herds are managed on two<br />

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30<br />

Mnr L Labuschagne beantwoord vrae/ Mr L Labuschagne answers questions<br />

Jan de Jong, verduidelik hoe om bespiering<br />

waar te neem/ Jan de Jong explains how to<br />

observe muscling<br />

verskillende omstandighede en kraalfasiliteite bestuur.<br />

Die een groep met goeie kraalfasiliteite wat gereeld<br />

gesien en hanteer word, sal maklik deur ‘n vreemde<br />

persoon hanteer kan word. Die ander groep, wat<br />

baie selde hanteer word, met swak kraalfasiliteite, sal<br />

bykans onmoontlik deur ‘n vreemde persoon hanteer <strong>of</strong><br />

bymekaar gemaak kan word. Diere met aanhoudende<br />

swak gedrag en temperament moet geslag word.<br />

Mev Corrie Labuschagne het ‘n baie volledige<br />

bestuursprogram t.o.v. voeding, medikasie en<br />

algemene bestuur in ‘n embrio-program hanteer.<br />

Embrio-ontvangers met hul kalwers is vertoon. Hier is<br />

Theo Dicke<br />

Mnr R Munger (Botswana)<br />

lewer kommentaar op ‘n vraag/<br />

Mr R Munger (Botswana) gives<br />

comment on a question<br />

different farms in different circumstances and kraal<br />

facilities. The group with good kraal facilities that is<br />

seen and handled regularly, will be easily handled by<br />

a stranger, whereas it is virtually impossible that the<br />

group that is very rarely handled and with poor kraal<br />

facilities will be handled or rounded up by someone<br />

unknown to them. Animals with persistent poor<br />

behaviour and temperament must be slaughtered.<br />

Mrs Corrie Labuschagne conducted a very<br />

comprehensive management programme in respect<br />

<strong>of</strong> nutrition, medication and general management in<br />

an embryo programme. Embryo recipients with their

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B R A H M A N O K T O B E R 2 0 1 2<br />

32<br />

ook vrae gevra oor tipe ontvangers, ouderdom van die<br />

ontvangers en voeding.<br />

Mnr Francois de Chalain van Taltec het ‘n praktiese<br />

demonstrasie gegee oor die brand en onthoring van<br />

kalwers.<br />

Verskeie buiteluguitstallings is gedoen wat direk/<br />

indirek by stoetboerdery betrokke is.<br />

Natuurlik was die alombekende Daan Swan van Bayer<br />

en sy bestuurspan ook teenwoordig met hul praktiese<br />

raad en middels.<br />



Bayer Health Care, Pfizer – dieregesondheid, SWAvet,<br />

Virbac, Merial – Mnr Frans du Preez.<br />


Taltec, Afgate (Transvaal Gate), Gallagher, Regal,<br />

Rural Fire Rescue, Franklin Electric, Klomac, Driehoek<br />

Voere, OBARO.<br />

Hierdie was die hoogtepunt in Obaro se 2012<br />

program van boeredae wat op verskeie plekke vir die<br />

opkomende boeresektor gehou was.<br />

Die <strong>Brahman</strong>genootskap bedank Obaro dat die<br />

<strong>Brahman</strong>ras by so ‘n geleentheid betrokke kon wees.<br />

It is a common habit for many people to peel <strong>of</strong>f<br />

the tiny white fibres attached to an orange before<br />

they enjoy the fruit.<br />

In truth, these tiny white fibres are full <strong>of</strong> flavonoids<br />

- a necessary ingredient for the prevention <strong>of</strong><br />

heart disease.<br />

So make sure you keep those tiny white fibres on<br />

when you savour your next orange.<br />

calves were exhibited. Questions were also asked on<br />

types <strong>of</strong> recipients, age <strong>of</strong> recipients and nutrition.<br />

Mr Francois de Chalain from Taltec gave a practical<br />

demonstration on the branding and dehorning <strong>of</strong><br />

calves.<br />

There were different outdoor displays that are directly<br />

or indirectly involved with stud farming.<br />

Of course the well known Daan Swan <strong>of</strong> Bayer and<br />

his management team were also present with their<br />

practical advice and remedies.<br />



Bayer Health Care, Pfizer Animal Health, SWAvet,<br />

Virbac, Merial - Mr Frans du Preez.<br />


Taltec, Afgate (Transvaal Gate), Gallagher, Regal,<br />

Rural Fire Rescue, Franklin Electric, Klomac, Driehoek-<br />

Voere, OBARO.<br />

This was a highlight in Obaro’s 2012 programme <strong>of</strong><br />

farmers’ days that had been held at different places<br />

for the farmers’ sector, rising farmers’ sector.<br />

The <strong>Brahman</strong> <strong>Society</strong> wish to thank Obaro that the<br />

<strong>Brahman</strong> breed could be involved in such an occasion.<br />

Orange fibres<br />

good for your heart

VOedIng/Feed<br />

mOrVeT<br />

Feeding, Trace-mineral Supplementation and Internal<br />

Parasite Control after the Winter Season<br />

Voeding, Spoormineraal aanvulling en Interne parasiet<br />

beheer na die Winter seisoen<br />

- Drs. S.O. Becker & G.M. Ferreira • Veeartse/Veterinarians • POTCHEFSTROOM • Tel: (018) 285 1156<br />

Sel: 079 961 5651 • Posbus 6020 • Baillie Park 2526 • Hadeda Landgoed Hoewe 230 Vyfhoek<br />

Why are feeding, trace-mineral supplementation<br />

and internal parasite control necessary<br />

after the winter season for meat-cattle?<br />

• During June/July most calves are already weaned<br />

and the cows have to be pregnant after the next<br />

breeding season.<br />

• The aim is to increase the condition (fat-reserves) <strong>of</strong><br />

cows so that they can be at a condition-score <strong>of</strong> at<br />

least 3 on a scale <strong>of</strong> 1-5, 2 months before they calve<br />

down, so that they calve with a condition-score <strong>of</strong><br />

about 3,5.<br />

• June to September are important months for the<br />

heavily pregnant cow because the veld quantity and<br />

quality are not as they should be because <strong>of</strong> the<br />

ripening <strong>of</strong> the grass from the prior growth season.<br />

• Bad quality roughage from the veld or crop residues<br />

without any supplementation is not sufficient to keep<br />

the large-stomach microbes (organisms that help<br />

with digestion) going. They are vital in the ruminant’s<br />

large-stomach to break down the plant-cellulose,<br />

and in so doing, making energy available to the cow.<br />

They are also an important source <strong>of</strong> the best quality<br />

bypass-protein for the cow. These are proteins which<br />

bypass the digestion-process in the large stomach<br />

and are directly absorbed in the small-intestine <strong>of</strong><br />

the cow/sheep. The foetus also needs sufficient and<br />

good quality protein and energy to develop.<br />

• The unborn foetus reaches almost 80% <strong>of</strong> its birthmass<br />

during the last trimester <strong>of</strong> the pregnancy and<br />

needs sufficient nutrition to reach this mass. We want<br />

a strong calf at birth that gets up quickly and quickly<br />

(preferably not longer than two hours after birth)<br />

takes in enough (as close as possible to two litres)<br />

good quality (high in antibodies, free from mastitis<br />

bacteria) colostrum. The colostrum quality, volume<br />

and time <strong>of</strong> intake are extremely important for the<br />

development <strong>of</strong> the calf’s immune system. The<br />

calves, who take in enough good-quality colostrum<br />

Hoekom is voeding, spoormineraal aanvulling<br />

en interne parasiet beheer noodsaaklik na die<br />

winter seisoen in vleisbeeste?<br />

• Gedurende Junie /Julie maand is meeste van die<br />

kalwers in vleisbees kuddes reeds gespeen en<br />

moet die koeie reeds weer dragtig wees na die<br />

dekseisoen van Desember- tot Februarie maand.<br />

• Die doelwit is nou dat die dragtige koeie se kondisie<br />

(vetreserwes) opgebou moet word sodat hulle op ‘n<br />

kondisie telling van minstens 3 op ‘n skaal van 1-5<br />

sal wees teen 2 maande voordat sy moet kalf, sodat<br />

sy kan kalf met ‘n kondisie telling van ongeveer 3,5.<br />

• Vanaf Junie tot September is belangrike maande vir<br />

die swaar dragtige koei omdat die veld se kwantiteit<br />

asook kwaliteit meestal nie altyd na wense is nie agv<br />

die rypwordingsproses van die gras van die vorige<br />

groei seisoen.<br />

• Swak kwaliteit ruvoer vanaf veld- <strong>of</strong> oesreste<br />

sonder enige aanvullings, is nie voldoende om die<br />

grootpens mikrobe (organismes wat help met die<br />

vertering) aan die gang te hou nie. Hulle is uiters<br />

belangrik in die herkouer se grootpens om die<br />

plant sellulose af te breek en om sodoende energie<br />

aan die bees beskikbaar te stel. Hulle is self ook<br />

’n baie belangrikke bron van die beste kwaliteit<br />

verbyvloei proteïn vir die koei. Dit is proteïne wat die<br />

verteringsproses in die grootpens vry spring en direk<br />

in die dunderm van die bees / skaap opgeneem<br />

word. Die fetus benodig ook voldoende en goeie<br />

kwaliteit proteïn en energie om te ontwikkel.<br />

• Die ongebore fetus behaal bykans 80% van sy<br />

geboorte massa tydens die laaste derde van<br />

dragtigheid en het voldoende voedingsstowwe<br />

nodig om dit te bereik. Ons soek ‘n sterk kalf by<br />

geboorte wat vinnig opstaan en vinnig (verkieslik<br />

nie langer as 2 uur na geboorte) genoeg (so na<br />

as moontlik aan 2 liter) goeie kwaliteit (hoog in<br />

teenliggame, vry van mastitis bakterie, ens) bies<br />

inneem. Die bies kwaliteit, volume en tyd van inname<br />

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34<br />

at the right time, are just more resistant against<br />

illnesses like calf-diarrhoea, pneumonia, umbilical<br />

cord-infection and joint infection.<br />

• The cow has to have enough energy, protein and<br />

trace-mineral reserves to ensure that the correct<br />

amount and quality <strong>of</strong> colostrum is produced.<br />

She must also have enough energy to assure that<br />

calving can take place quickly and effectively.<br />

Cows with an energy-shortage become tired <strong>of</strong><br />

pushing during calving that leads to a lengthened<br />

calving. A lengthened calving leads to stillborn and<br />

weak calves in many instances. We also want the<br />

cow to be strong and lively enough after calving to<br />

deter problem-animals (jackals) from her calf and<br />

herself.<br />

• If the cow LOSES condition in the months before<br />

she calves down, the following happens:<br />

1. She breaks down reserves (fat) to provide for her<br />

energy needs (therefore she loses condition).<br />

2. The products <strong>of</strong> the fat that are broken down,<br />

will affect the young developing egg cells<br />

negatively for the next breading season, which<br />

must be ovulated 3-4 months later. Cows that<br />

lose condition before calving have reduced<br />

conception in the following breeding season<br />

and only become pregnant later, or not at all<br />

– in spite <strong>of</strong> the fact that their condition-score<br />

at that stage (during insemination) might be<br />

acceptable (condition-score <strong>of</strong> no less than<br />

2.5).<br />

3. Broken down products <strong>of</strong> fat are poisonous and<br />

must be cleaned by the liver, which leads to fatinfiltration<br />

<strong>of</strong> this organ. A damaged liver cannot<br />

produce enough glucose for adequate milkproduction,<br />

and therefore it leads to weak growth<br />

in the calves. The liver needs necessary traceminerals<br />

like Magnesium (Mg), Copper (Cu) and<br />

Selenium (Se) to let the processes <strong>of</strong> energyproduction<br />

from fat, as well as the formation <strong>of</strong><br />

antibodies that are excreted in colostrum, take<br />

place. A liver damaged by parasites such as<br />

Liver fluke will further influence the functions <strong>of</strong><br />

the liver negatively.<br />

4. The mother gets tired more quickly whilst<br />

calving, and there is the possibility <strong>of</strong> stillborn<br />

calves.<br />

5. The volume and quality <strong>of</strong> the colostrum is<br />

insufficient for the new-born-calf, the calf is<br />

sometimes too weak to drink the colostrum, and<br />

this causes an increase in calves that are ill and<br />

at high risk to disease.<br />

• It is therefore essential that the cow reaches her<br />

target-condition 2 months BEFORE her due date,<br />

and that it stays constant over this time.<br />

• Many farmers are under die impression that the<br />

sufficient feeding <strong>of</strong> the cow will lead to overgrown<br />

foetuses and difficult births. This is untrue.<br />

• It is quite the opposite, because if cows are in bad<br />

condition just before giving birth, and farmers want<br />

to hastily improve this by an increased feeding<br />

level, the calf could be large at birth, and this could<br />

cause calving complications.<br />

• Cows that are too fat eat less and break down more<br />

fat, which can lead to liver-damage and they will<br />

also have more difficulty calving. Fat-accumulation<br />

is uiters belangrik vir die ontwikkeling van die kalf<br />

se immuunstelsel. Die kalwers wat op die regte tyd,<br />

voldoende goeie kwaliteit bies ingeneem het, is net<br />

meer weerstandig teen siektes soos kalf diaree,<br />

longontsteking, naelstring ontsteking en gewrig<br />

ontsteking.<br />

• Die koei moet voldoende energie, proteïn en<br />

spoormineraal reserwes hê om te verseker dat<br />

die hoeveelheid en kwaliteit bies geproduseer<br />

word, ook moet sy genoeg energie hê sodat die<br />

kalwingsproses vinnig en doeltreffend sal kan<br />

plaasvind. Koeie met energie tekort kan moeg<br />

raak om te druk tydens die kalwingsproses en dit<br />

lei tot ‘n verlengde kalwingsproses. ‘n Verlengde<br />

kalwingsproses lei in baie gevalle tot dood en swak<br />

gebore kalwers. Ons wil ook hê die koei moet sterk<br />

en lewendig genoeg wees na kalwing om probleem<br />

diere(jakkalse) te verwilder vanaf haar en die kalf.<br />

• As die koei kondisie VERLOOR in die maande<br />

voordat sy moet kalf gebeur die volgende: -<br />

1. Sy breek liggaamsreserwes (vet) af om aan<br />

haar energiebehoefte te voorsien (dus verloor<br />

sy kondisie)<br />

2. Die afbraakprodukte van die vet wat afgebreek<br />

word, sal die jong ontwikkellende eierselle vir<br />

die volgende teelseisoen, nadelig affekteer<br />

wat in ontwikkeling is en wat 3-4 maande later<br />

geovuleer moet word tydens die volgende<br />

teelseisoen. Koeie wat kondisie voor kalwing<br />

verloor, se daaropvolgende konsepsie syfers<br />

vroeg in die volgende teelseisoen, is swak en<br />

hulle raak eers later beset <strong>of</strong> glad nie – ten<br />

spyte van die feit dat hulle kondisie telling op<br />

daardie stadium (tydens dekking) aanvaarbaar<br />

mag wees (kondisie telling van nie minder as<br />

2,5)<br />

3. Afbraakprodukte van vet is giftig en moet<br />

deur die lewer ontgif word, wat tot vetinfiltrasie<br />

van hierdie orgaan lei. ‘n Beskadigde lewer<br />

kan nie voldoende glukose maak vir genoeg<br />

melkproduksie nie, en so lei dit tot swak groei van<br />

die kalwers. Die lewer benodig noodsaaklikke<br />

spoor minerale soos Magnesium (Mg), Koper<br />

(Cu) en Selenium (Se) om die proses van<br />

energievorming vanuit vet, asook die vorming<br />

van teenliggame wat in die biesmelk uitgeskei<br />

word te kan laat plaasvind. ‘n Beskadigde<br />

lewer deur parasiete soos Lewerslak sal die<br />

noodsaaklikke funkies van die lewer net verder<br />

nadelig beinvloed.<br />

4. Die moeder raak gouer moeg tydens kalwing<br />

met moontlike kalf verliese.<br />

5. Die volume en kwaliteit van die kolostrum (biesmelk)<br />

is te min en van swak gehalte vir die<br />

pasgebore kalf, die kalf is soms te swak om bies<br />

te suip, met siek en hoogs vatbare kalwers vir<br />

verskeie siekte toestande tot gevolg.<br />

• Dit is dus essensieël dat die koei haar teikenkondisie<br />

al 2 maande VOOR verwagte kalwing bereik en dat<br />

dit konstant sal bly oor daardie tyd<br />

• Baie boere verkeer onder die indruk dat voldoende<br />

voeding van die koei sal lei tot oorgroot fetusse en<br />

tot moeilike geboortes. Dit is onwaar.<br />

• Inteendeel, as koeie met swak kondisie kort voor<br />

kalwing, haastig deur ‘n verhoogde voedingsvlak<br />

verbeter wil word, dan sal die kalf groot wees by

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can also take place in the birth-channel, and can<br />

lead to calving problems. It is <strong>of</strong>ten seen in cows<br />

that did not calve the previous year, and because<br />

pregnancy check-ups are not done, the animals<br />

are not culled.<br />

What can the farmer do to prevent these problems?<br />

• The best quality and most palatable feed must be<br />

made available to the cow. She now eats about 2.5-<br />

3.0% <strong>of</strong> her body-mass (dry matter).<br />

• Supplementary feeding <strong>of</strong> hay is necessary if the<br />

veld can no longer provide quantity and quality dry<br />

material.<br />

• The farmer must remember that the quality <strong>of</strong> the<br />

grass decreases because <strong>of</strong> the ripening process<br />

and that there are tannic acids, tannins and resins<br />

in grass which also limit the nutritional value and<br />

available protein, and therefore decrease the<br />

protein available to the animal. It is necessary, if the<br />

farmer is aware <strong>of</strong> limitations in his feed, to make use<br />

<strong>of</strong> supplements like Browse Plus during that time. It<br />

will help to break down proteins present in the feed,<br />

and therefore more protein is made available to the<br />

cow because the protein/tannic acid bond in the<br />

grass is broken down by this product.<br />

• Supplementary licks are always necessary. A<br />

protein lick on the veld to improve the digestion<br />

<strong>of</strong> the grass is necessary. In many instances a<br />

production lick is preferable. No more than 2kg<br />

<strong>of</strong> such a lick should be ingested, or it could lead<br />

to expensive replacement feed. Monitor the lickintake<br />

to make sure that the suggested intake is not<br />

exceeded. Excessive intake <strong>of</strong> lick containing urea<br />

will be poisonous and will cause death. Remember,<br />

if the intake <strong>of</strong> urea is very high, but does not lead<br />

to death, the developing egg cell’s quality will be<br />

compromised and it will decrease conceptions at<br />

the beginning <strong>of</strong> the following breeding season.<br />

Excessive intake <strong>of</strong> lick is a sign that the cows are<br />

hungry because they can no longer ingest enough<br />

dry matter from the veld or crop-residues.<br />

• The strategic supplementation <strong>of</strong> necessary traceminerals<br />

with a product like Multimin is <strong>of</strong> cardinal<br />

importance. I always suggest to my clients that<br />

they inject animals 4 weeks before the start <strong>of</strong><br />

the breeding season, 4 weeks before calving<br />

and 4 weeks after calving. I also suggest tracemineral<br />

supplementation 4 weeks before the start<br />

<strong>of</strong> the annual inoculation-programme. In doing so<br />

we supplement the minerals to help the animal’s<br />

liver-functions during these times, when stress<br />

on this organ is at its highest, when good-quality<br />

colostrum must be produced and when the next<br />

egg cell must be produced. The injectable tracemineral<br />

(Multimin) cannot replace minerals in the<br />

lick, but it supplements the levels because the<br />

trace-minerals’ absorption is antagonised by other<br />

minerals like Calcium (Ca), Iron (Fe), Sulphur (S)<br />

and Molybdenum (Mo) which are normally present<br />

in normal lick, feed, water and soil.<br />

Lastly, cows must be treated against roundworm and<br />

liver fluke – where applicable. It is <strong>of</strong>ten just accepted<br />

that adult cows have an immunity against roundworm<br />

geboorte en kan dit lei tot kalwingsprobleme.<br />

• Te vet koeie vreet minder en breek meer vet af, wat<br />

kan lei tot lewerskade en hulle sal ook moeiliker<br />

kalf. Vetophoping kan ook in die geboortekanaal<br />

plaasvind met kalwingsprobleme tot gevolg.<br />

Dit word baie keer gesien by koeie wat nie die<br />

vorige jaar gekalf het nie en omdat daar nie<br />

dragtigheidsondersoeke gedoen word nie, word<br />

die diere nie uitgeskot nie.<br />

Wat kan die boer doen om hierdie probleme te<br />

voorkom?<br />

• Die beste kwaliteit en smaaklikste weiding moet<br />

aan die koei beskikbaar gestel word. Sy vreet nou<br />

ongeveer 2.5-3.0% van haar liggaamsmassa (op ‘n<br />

vogvrye basis).<br />

• Aanvullende voeding met hooi is noodsaaklik as<br />

die veld nie meer genoeg en van goeie gehalte<br />

droë materiaal kan voorsien nie.<br />

• Die boer moet onthou dat die kwaliteit van die gras<br />

verlaag agv die rypwordingsproses en dat daar<br />

looisure, tanniene en harse in grasse is wat ook<br />

die voedingswaarde en die beskikbare proteïne<br />

beperk en sodoende die beskikbare proteïn vir die<br />

dier verlaag. Dit is noodsaaklik, om as die boer<br />

weet van die beperkings in sy voeding, om gebruik<br />

te maak van hulpmiddels soos Browse Plus<br />

gedurende die tyd. Dit sal help om die gebonde<br />

proteïn wat in die veld teenwoordig is af te breek<br />

en sodoende word meer proteïn beskikbaar gestel<br />

vir die bees deurdat die proteïn / looisuur binding<br />

in die gras afgebreek word deur die produk.<br />

• Aanvullende lekke is altyd noodsaaklik. ‘n Proteïn<br />

lek in die suurveld om die verteerbaarheid van die<br />

gras te verbeter is noodsaaklik. In baie gevalle is<br />

‘n produksie lek aangewese. Nie meer as 2kg van<br />

so ‘n lek moet per dag ingeneem word nie anders<br />

lei dit tot duur vervangingsvoeding. Moniteer die<br />

lekinname om seker te maak dat die aanbevole<br />

inname nie oorskrei word nie. Te veel lekinname<br />

van ‘n ureum-bevattende lek sal vergiftiging en<br />

vrekte tot gevolg hê. Onthou dat indien die ureum<br />

inname baie hoog is, maar nie tot vrekte lei nie, sal<br />

die ontwikkellende eiersel se kwaliteit benadeel<br />

word en sal dit konsepsie aan die begin van die<br />

volgende teelseisoen verlaag. Te veel lekinname<br />

is ‘n teken dat die koeie honger is omdat hulle<br />

nie meer genoeg droë materiaal vanaf die veld <strong>of</strong><br />

oesreste kan inneem nie.<br />

• Die strategiese aanvulling van die noodsaaklike<br />

spoorminerale met ‘n produk soos Multimin is<br />

van kardinale belang. Ek beveel altyd my kliënte<br />

aan om die diere te spuit 4 weke voor die begin<br />

van die teelseisoen, 4 weke voor kalwing en 4<br />

weke na kalwing. Ek beveel ook spoormineraal<br />

aanvulling aan 4 weke voor die begin van die<br />

jaarlikse inentingsprogram. Sodoende vul ons<br />

die minerale aan om die dier se lewer funksies<br />

te help om gedurende die tye, wanneer die stres<br />

op die orgaan op sy hoogste is, wanneer goeie<br />

kwaliteit bies gevorm moet word en wanneer die<br />

volgende eisel gevorm moet word. Die inspuitbare<br />

spoormineraal (Multimin) kan nie die minerale in<br />

die lek vervang nie maar dit vul die vlakke aan<br />

omdat die spoor minerale se opname deur die<br />

bek teengewerk (antagoniseer) word deur ander<br />

minerale soos Kalsium (Ca), Yster (Fe), Swael (S)<br />

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38<br />

and do not need to be dewormed. When close to<br />

calving, animals’ immunities weaken and roundworms<br />

can become a problem. Recent tests showed that<br />

cows are also stressed during the weaning <strong>of</strong> calves,<br />

droughts, weak feeding and with increased rainy and<br />

wet conditions. The numbers <strong>of</strong> internal parasites also<br />

increase immensely in cows in the stressful times. A<br />

weight-gain <strong>of</strong> 38,8 kg more was achieved in postweaned<br />

calves that were dewormed, as opposed to<br />

calves that were not dewormed, and at the same time<br />

50% more heifers came on heat earlier as opposed<br />

to the untreated group <strong>of</strong> heifers. Eradication <strong>of</strong><br />

the internal parasite after the winter also helps to<br />

decrease the stress on the animals and they therefore<br />

get to the target condition-score sooner. Injectable<br />

endectocides are also a big help in winter, especially<br />

against bloodsucking lice which can be problematic<br />

in winter, as well as against Blue-tick contamination<br />

which can cause problems like Redwater and Gall<br />

Sickness in spring.<br />

• Remember that no liver fluke remedy has a residual<br />

effectiveness, and that re-contamination is already<br />

possible in swamp-lands, near water like dams<br />

and leaking water troughs the very next day. The<br />

use <strong>of</strong> a product which will ensure that the juvenile<br />

parasites (2 weeks <strong>of</strong> age) are killed as early as<br />

possible is <strong>of</strong> great importance to keep permanent<br />

liver damage to a minimum. It would be ideal that,<br />

when the animals have been treated with such a<br />

product, they be moved to a clean camp, where<br />

there is no possibility <strong>of</strong> contamination, and then<br />

to deworm the animals again 14 days later to then<br />

kill the earliest stage <strong>of</strong> the parasite, which were<br />

not present in the liver during the first dosage, but<br />

somewhere in the stomach-cavity (between the<br />

small intestine and the liver) in search <strong>of</strong> the liver.<br />

• The problem <strong>of</strong> internal parasites (roundworm)<br />

causing great losses during the coming summer<br />

because <strong>of</strong> a great deal <strong>of</strong> underground moisture<br />

present, that promotes the hatching <strong>of</strong> the previous<br />

season’s worm eggs as soon as the environmental<br />

temperature increases slightly.<br />

• Make sure that animals’ annual inoculations against<br />

bacterial infections like the Black Quarter bacterial<br />

group is on schedule, as supplements such as<br />

Browse Plus, Multimin injections, internal parasite<br />

control and nutritious feed can lead to animals<br />

showing weight-gain, which can lead to illnesses<br />

like Black Quarter.<br />

The condition-principles, parasite-control and tracemineral<br />

supplements are also applicable to milk cows<br />

which means that the cow must not lose or noticeably<br />

gain condition during the dry period. Special grouping<br />

and feeding in milk cows during the last 21 days<br />

before giving birth is <strong>of</strong> critical importance to prevent<br />

problems like sub-clinical and clinical calcium (milkfever)<br />

shortages, magnesium (Mg) and ketosis and to<br />

assure the maximum level in milk at 100 days.<br />

en Molibdeen (Mo) wat gewoonlik in lek, normale<br />

weidings, water en grond teenwoordig is.<br />

Laastens moet koeie teen rondewurm & lewerslak<br />

behandel word - waar van toepassing. Dikwels<br />

word net eenvoudig aanvaar dat volwasse beeste<br />

genoeg immuniteit teen rondewurms het en nie<br />

ontwurm hoef te word nie. Naby kalwing verswak die<br />

diere se immuniteit en kan rondewurms ‘n probleem<br />

wees. Onlangse proewe het getoon dat beeste ook<br />

onder stress verkeer gedurende speen van kalwers,<br />

droogtetoestande, swak voeding en met verhoogde<br />

reën en nat toestande. Die interne parasiet getalle<br />

het ook noemenswaardig verhoog in die beeste<br />

gedurende die stressvolle tye. ’n Gewigstoename van<br />

38,8 kg meer is verkry in na-speen verse, wat ontwurm<br />

was, teenoor verse wat nie ontwurm was nie, terselfde<br />

tyd het 50% meer verse vroeër op hitte gekom teenoor<br />

die onbehandelde groep verse. Verwydering van<br />

die interne parasiete na die winter help ook om die<br />

stress op die diere te verlaag en sodoende hulle te<br />

help om gouer op die teiken kondisie telling te kom.<br />

Inspuitbare endektosiete is ook van groot hulp in<br />

die winter veral teen bloedsuipende luise wat in die<br />

winter problematies kan wees asook teen die vroeë<br />

Bloubosluis besmetting wat in die lente probleme soos<br />

Rooiwater en Galsiekte kan veroorsaak.<br />

• Onthou dat geen lewerslak middel ’n residuele<br />

werking (nawerkings tyd) het nie en dat<br />

herbesmetting soos op vleikampe, by oopwaters<br />

soos grond damme, lekkende krippe die volgende<br />

dag reeds moontlik is. Die gebruik van ‘n produk<br />

wat sal verseker dat die onvolwasse parasiete so<br />

vroeg moontlik (2 weke ouderdom) doodgemaak<br />

word, is van groot belang om die permanente<br />

skade wat aan die lewer aangerig word, te beperk<br />

tot ‘n minimum. Dit sal ideaal wees dat as die diere<br />

met sodanige produk behandel word, daarna die<br />

beeste geskuif word na ‘n “skoon” kamp, waar<br />

daar nie die besmettings moontlikheid bestaan nie<br />

en dan 14 dae later die diere weer te ontwurm om<br />

sodoende die vroegste stadium van die parasiet<br />

te dood, wat tydens die eerste dosering nie in die<br />

lewer was nie, maar êrens in die buikholte (tussen<br />

die dunderm en die lewer) op soek na die lewer.<br />

• Die probleem van interne parasiete (rondewurms)<br />

gaan die naderende somer groot verliese<br />

veroorsaak omdat daar tans baie ondergrondse<br />

vog teenwoordig is wat die uitbroei van die vorige<br />

seisoen se wurm eiers gaan bevorder sodra die<br />

omgewingstemperatuur net effe verhoog.<br />

• Maak seker dat die diere se jaarlikse inentings teen<br />

die bakteriese siektes, soos die Sponssiekte groep<br />

bakterie, op datum is want die hulpmiddels soos<br />

Browse Plus, Multimin inspuitings, interne parasiet<br />

beheer saam met verbeterde voeding kan lei dat<br />

die diere ‘n gewigstoename gaan toon en dit kan<br />

lei tot siektes soos Sponssiekte.<br />

Die kondisie beginsels, parasiet beheer en<br />

spoormineraalaanvullings geld ook vir suiwelkoeie<br />

wat beteken dat die koei nie kondisie mag verloor <strong>of</strong><br />

betekenisvol toeneem tydens die droë periode nie.<br />

Spesiale groepering en voeding tydens die laaste 21<br />

dae voor kalwing in suiwelkoeie is van kritiese belang<br />

om metaboliese probleme soos sub-kliniese en<br />

kliniese kalsium (melkkoors) tekorte, magnesium (Mg)<br />

en ketose te voorkom en om die maksimum besetting<br />

teen 100 dae in melk te verseker.

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40<br />

weersTandIgheIds-<br />

OnTwIKKeLIng<br />

van nematodes<br />

<strong>of</strong> wurms<br />

- Pierre van Niekerk • pierrevn@telkomsa.net • www.scorpiondip.co.za<br />

Tel 012 667 4755/082 220 8386<br />

Inleiding<br />

1. Die ekonomiese impak van wurmgroepe word nie<br />

hier beskrywe nie.<br />

2. Ook nie die impak van die toksiene wat die<br />

verskillende nematodes in hul speeksel afskei<br />

tydens parasitering in hul gasheer nie.<br />

3. Dit beskrywe ook nie die gevolge en redes waarom<br />

geínfekteerde dier se immunologiese respons<br />

verstadig is en <strong>of</strong> word nie.<br />

4. Dit beskryf ook nie die redes waarom ‘n verswakte<br />

immunologiese sisteem by geïnfekteerde diere,<br />

nie van hulp is om bosluisgedraagde siektes soos<br />

rooiwater, hartwater en galsiekte natuurlik te help<br />

onderdruk nie.<br />

5. Die beskrywe ook nie watter invloed ‘n behoorlike<br />

beplande weidingstrategie het wat die groeiaspekte<br />

(fenologiese kurwe) van die kamp <strong>of</strong><br />

weiveld in weidingstrategie in ag neem, teenoor die<br />

lewenssiklusse van die groepe wurms op ‘n plaas<br />

gevind en, die klimatologiese faktore wat ‘n rol mag<br />

speel in beide die wurmsgroepe en die weiding se<br />

seisoenale groei en veld herstel.<br />

Hipotese<br />

Die rol van die klimaatsfaktore, die tipe wurmparasiet,<br />

die lewenssiklus, tydsduur en ontwikkeling van die<br />

verskillende wurmsoorte se unieke vermoë om in arres<br />

te gaan in bepaalde veranderlike omstandigheid en,<br />

die effektiwiteit van chemiese middels waarmee beheer<br />

plaasvind, moet vooraf vasgestel word voordat enige<br />

chemiese middels toegedien word.<br />

Wurmparasiete van ekonomiese belang word vir die<br />

vee- en wildboer in 3 ho<strong>of</strong>groepe onderskei.<br />

Dit is:<br />

1. Nematodes<br />

2. Trematodes<br />

3. Sestodes<br />

Daar is in die groepe wurmparasiete verskillende<br />

maniere waarop die wurmgroepe hul gasheer se<br />

liggaam binnedring, asook verskillende meganiese<br />

metodes van parasitering demonstreer.<br />

Dit is gewoon dat die verantwoordelike vee- en<br />

wildprodusent sal uitklaar watter wurmspesie is ‘n<br />

probleem op sy plaas, sodat daar kundig vasgestel kan<br />

word met watter wurm moet daar kundig mee gewerk<br />

word.<br />

Die ingeligte toediening van middels behoort in ‘n groot<br />

mate tot effektiewe beheer en minimum toedienings<br />

te lei, wat op hul beurt weer weerstandigheid en<br />

kruisweerstandigheid tussen chemiese groepe in ‘n<br />

groot mate voorkom.<br />

As voorbeeld kan daar na trematodes verwys word.<br />

Lewerslakwurms, naamlik die “reuse lewerslakwurm”,<br />

en die “gewone lewerslakwurm” asook die “peervormige<br />

maagslak” sal baie moeilik by enige beheerprogram<br />

van rondewurms en lintwurms ingesluit kan word.<br />

Dit dui op verskillende behandelings op verskillende tye<br />

met verskillende aktiewe middels waar ook onnodige<br />

blootstelling en kruisweerstandigheid verhoed moet<br />


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