Owner ,plans to reopen care - Southington Library and Museum

Owner ,plans to reopen care - Southington Library and Museum

Owner ,plans to reopen care - Southington Library and Museum


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PAGE 6 PINI<br />

An :ndependent newspaper, open <strong>to</strong><br />

all parties, nfluenced by none<br />

Pubhshed by T e Step Saver, Inc.<br />


Is this another beginning?<br />

The great fear about a tumor is that t is malignant If it's caught soon<br />

enough, it can be fixed Doc<strong>to</strong>rs have been telling us that for years.<br />

With malignancy, however, comes an even greater fear - the cancer has<br />

spread. It gets in<strong>to</strong> the bodys inIrastructure <strong>and</strong> re-surfaces somewhere else.<br />

When that happens, doc<strong>to</strong>rs often give the patient hTfle hope<br />

Chemotherapy is possible<br />

Last month developers <strong>to</strong>ppled a structure along Queen Street that many residents<br />

considered a malignancy m Southmg<strong>to</strong>n .Mr Lucky's. a bar that featured<br />

<strong>to</strong>ples. danOng <strong>and</strong> became during its Ins<strong>to</strong>ry a reputed haven for drug dealers<br />

<strong>and</strong> prostitutes, crumbled<br />

R - ldents st<strong>and</strong>ing nearby applauded as the irdamous nightclub folded in<strong>to</strong><br />

falling th:nbe s <strong>and</strong> dust. It was over, they thought The cancer was excised, <strong>and</strong><br />

the <strong>to</strong>wn had taken a giant step <strong>to</strong>ward sooal health<br />

Almost three years ago another structure met its fate during Halloween eve A<br />

truck smashed in<strong>to</strong> the corner of the Thunderbird West Ca[e on Mount Vernon<br />

Road. sending the establishment, also of some ill acclaim, in<strong>to</strong> a timely death<br />

And dead it has stayed<br />

Plans are afoot, however, <strong>to</strong> resurrect the Thunderbird, <strong>and</strong> at least one<br />

neighbor has express l due concerns about the maneuver <strong>to</strong> <strong>reopen</strong> the old bar,<br />

once a hangout for bikers, where lunch patrons could sit <strong>and</strong> watch their favorite<br />

stag film while indulging m a cheeseburger <strong>and</strong> a pickle<br />

The <strong>to</strong>wn planner has said that. in his opinion, <strong>reopen</strong>ing the Thunderbird<br />

West Cafe is extremely unlikely Cafe owner Joseph Salva<strong>to</strong>re has a different<br />

opinion. Salva<strong>to</strong>re said the <strong>to</strong>wn is not playing fair by denying his application <strong>to</strong><br />

re-build the decaying structure, <strong>and</strong> he added. "I'm going <strong>to</strong> <strong>reopen</strong> it."<br />

At least Salva<strong>to</strong>re is up front about his retentions But we question whether<br />

Selva<strong>to</strong>re should ever be allowed <strong>to</strong> <strong>reopen</strong> the Thunderbird West under any cir<br />

eu mtance . The sa'ucture st<strong>and</strong>s in a ¢esidenUal zone. And though SalvattLre<br />

.ban expressed interest in operating a "counu-y style restaurant', the his<strong>to</strong>ry of<br />

the establishment might speak better<br />

Nothing substantiated links Mr Lucky s <strong>and</strong> the Thunderbird West Care -<br />

only that they'ce both gone - ouly that they could re surface.<br />

Consider this edi<strong>to</strong>rial a little chemotherapy We all know chemotherapy<br />

doesn't always worl . But we can't outlaw cancer - or can weo R.Q.<br />

What is affordable?<br />

Remember when catchup was termed a vegetable <strong>and</strong> considered a sultable<br />

sidedish for the federally funded school lunch program, during the Reagan<br />

Well those good old days are back A proposed condominium project for l<strong>and</strong><br />

in the rear of the Caldor Village shopping center was termed "affordable" by the<br />

developer's at<strong>to</strong>rney m ins defense of the plan.<br />

The units, situated on quarter-acre plots, will range in price from $160.000<br />

<strong>to</strong> $180.000 each.<br />

The Porsche <strong>and</strong> Ferrarl are affordable cars <strong>to</strong>o.<br />

in this context "affordable" is a relative term. RelaUve. that is. <strong>to</strong> the area.<br />

the average sale price of a home in <strong>to</strong>wn <strong>and</strong> the average annual family income.<br />

according federal department Housing <strong>and</strong> Urban Development [HUD) guild<br />

HUD will insure a mortgage through a private lender if the potential buyer<br />

<strong>and</strong> home meets these requirements <strong>and</strong> don't exceed <strong>to</strong>tal monhay debt lirmts<br />

In Hartford County. of which Southing<strong>to</strong>n is a part. the average family earns<br />

$45.500 a year "['he median price of a home is around $155.000<br />

So what's affordableo<br />

John Ertle. who works in HUD's Hartford office explained that the figure<br />

varies with every applicant. Their program is aimed at helping low <strong>to</strong> moderate<br />

income families trying <strong>to</strong> get out of the rent cycle The maximum limit for a mortgage<br />

under this program is $I01.250. he sa d. adding. "we feel it's low. very low<br />

for here in Connecticut." Applications for the mortgage program have been brisk.<br />

he said. but most of the applicants are looking in<strong>to</strong> condominiums, very few<br />

houses.<br />

So what's affordable?<br />

The Connecticut Housing Finance Authority has similar guide lines with<br />

higher limits. A new or existing home m Hartford County can not exceed<br />

$122.000. or $134.000 in New Bntaln. said Carol Montesi. a spokesperson for<br />

the seff-suslaining stale agency. Income limits are $37.000 for a single adult <strong>and</strong><br />

$48.000 fr a family of four or more. she added.<br />

Clearly. affordable no longer means housing for those in our society who<br />

need it as a matter of shelter instead of life style Over the years the definltion<br />

has become warpped like a beam of light passing through a prism.<br />

• To term a $160.000 <strong>to</strong> $180.000 home "affordable" is offensive <strong>to</strong> those fam-<br />

Ilies struggling <strong>to</strong> make ends meet. As much so as catchup being called a vegetable<br />

during the Reagan years<br />

N THE<br />


OBSi IVER<br />

THURSDAY, AUGUST 17. 1989<br />

Congress should heed its own restraints<br />

Before adjourn<br />

tng <strong>to</strong> go home for<br />

the August recess.<br />

Congress werked at<br />

a fevered pace <strong>to</strong><br />

complete its most .t<br />

basic function<br />

passing legislation<br />

<strong>to</strong> fund everything'<br />

the federal govern<br />

ment will spend<br />

money on m FlseaJ Year 1990. which begins<br />

on Oc<strong>to</strong>b " 1 From the Trideni submarine<br />

patrolling the North Atlantic <strong>to</strong><br />

the stapler that sits on the desk of an IRS<br />

agent m Spokane. Washing<strong>to</strong>n. the federal<br />

government spends money m a mindboggling<br />

number of ways each year.<br />

And of course. Congress must annually<br />

approve funding <strong>to</strong> pay for ts own<br />

operations, which have come under increasing<br />

public serutmy For fiscal 1990.<br />

legislative branch operations will cost<br />

about $2 1 billion, though 40 percent of<br />

that amount funds non-congressional offices<br />

like the General Accounting Office. a<br />

respected watchdog over government programs,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the Government Printing Ofrice.<br />

which provides mdlions of valuable<br />

publications <strong>to</strong> Americans each year The<br />

actual operations of Congress itself are<br />

budgeted for $1 3 billion next year. or<br />

about $5 34 per cn en, which doesn't<br />

sound hke such a bad deal<br />

When the House recently considered<br />

next year's funding for the legislative<br />

branch, however. It blithely gave itself a<br />

whopping 10.6 percent increase - despite<br />

previous agreement with the White<br />

House that overall spending increases<br />

w uld be hdd <strong>to</strong> 4.5 percent. An amendment<br />

was offered <strong>to</strong> scale hack this selfindulgent<br />

largess <strong>to</strong> the 4 5 percent level<br />

<strong>and</strong> would have -saved" $97 million.<br />

Alas, the heroic amendment, which I<br />

supported <strong>and</strong> assumed would be suc-<br />

Meanwhile, the llouse leadership<br />

boasts of its success m holding the line<br />

on Congress s own budget, but <strong>to</strong> many<br />

of us who oppose their steady stream of<br />

budget antics, such action cleaHy represents<br />

fadure What's -successful" about<br />

Congress giving itself a l0 6 percent increase<br />

when federal spending overall is<br />

limited <strong>to</strong> a 4 5 percent increase? The<br />

double st<strong>and</strong>ard m outrageous <strong>and</strong> irresponsible<br />

Just think of what could have been<br />

done with that $97 mllllorL It would cover<br />

the amou_u_t appropria_ted in 198 for<br />

all programs under the McKlnney Homeless<br />

Act. which has been underfunded<br />

every year since its enactment. Or t<br />

could fund nearly half of the budget of<br />

the National institute on Aging. which is<br />

responsible for research on geriatric diseases<br />

such as Alzhelmer's. At the very<br />

least, it could be used in - yes - reduce<br />

the deflcifl<br />

Congress's reluctance <strong>to</strong> trtm $97<br />

million from its own budget - saying, in<br />

effect. "we've cut all we can" - is a microcosm<br />

of the natinn's paralysis tn making<br />

the decisions needed for real progress<br />

on the deficit. Congress resembles the<br />

American people as a whole, who claim <strong>to</strong><br />

r nt deficit reduction but are reliably reluctant<br />

tO see their own favorite spending<br />

Despite the persistence of $I00 billion-plus<br />

federal deficits, our society has<br />

yet <strong>to</strong> grasp the urgency of problem<br />

or the inherent coniradicUon of our own<br />

individual views Each year's inaction enlarges<br />

the problem like a snowball rolling<br />

down a hill. And each $100 million cut<br />

that falls only gives that snowball a little<br />

more momentum<br />

It would take over 1.000 amendmerits<br />

cutUng $100 million each ta solve<br />

the deficit. While there is no quirk <strong>and</strong><br />

easy solution, if Congress is gotng <strong>to</strong><br />

it is s rious about deficit reduction, it<br />

should have started with Its own budget<br />

<strong>and</strong> cut that $97 million.<br />

U S Re/:) Nor 'y Johnson (R-6/h D ) s a<br />

regular contnbu<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong> 1"he Observe<br />

poge<br />

Primaries are state's real s<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

Several municv city. near bankruptcy <strong>and</strong> a feud amoag <strong>and</strong>. ff it remains broken, the city will<br />

pal mayoral prl<br />

maries will be the<br />

focus of political<br />

attention this ),ear<br />

They will offer elec<br />

tlon-watchers the<br />

only game in <strong>to</strong>wn<br />

until next year's<br />

guberna<strong>to</strong>rial <strong>and</strong><br />

statewade elections<br />

Deme.craUc pn-nar,es m New Haven.<br />

Bridgeport <strong>and</strong> X ,hterbury will be getting<br />

specml atte uon from Democrats <strong>and</strong> Republicans<br />

because of the personahues revolved<br />

- <strong>and</strong> the s e of the cines<br />

The race <strong>to</strong> succeed New Haven Mayor<br />

Bmgio DtLle<strong>to</strong> has been on ever since<br />

DiLlelo announced hm retlrement The<br />

city could eleel its first black mayor, state<br />

Sen John C Darnels. who announced<br />

his c<strong>and</strong>idacy earlier this year But the<br />

Democrats d dn t endorse Inm<br />

The endorsed c<strong>and</strong>idate is John<br />

DeStefano. a D L e<strong>to</strong> rode Another contender<br />

for the job is Cohseum Direc<strong>to</strong>r<br />

James Penllo<br />

A September pnmary will decide the<br />

issue The winner of that primary is expel'ted<br />

<strong>to</strong> be New Haven's next mayor<br />

Repubhcans also anticipate a primary.<br />

between Alderwoman R berta Pooley.<br />

<strong>and</strong> Tobm H tt. a lawyer. But in this city<br />

where Democrats enjoy a huge lead over<br />

reglslered Republicans. the Democratic<br />

primary usually constitutes the mayoral<br />

election<br />

In Bridgeport. Connecticut's largest<br />

By Susan Str<strong>and</strong><br />

Democrats could h<strong>and</strong> Republicans a<br />

mayoral vic<strong>to</strong>ry in November<br />

Mayor Thomas Bueei was endorsed<br />

again, but he may face as many as seven<br />

challengers on primary day Buccl <strong>and</strong><br />

Bridgeport had <strong>to</strong> turn <strong>to</strong> the General Assembly<br />

fro: a $35 mdllon bailout <strong>to</strong> keep<br />

the oty fi-om going under<br />

The city's financial mess has hun the<br />

two-term incumbent. If tile Democrats<br />

bleed enough, the Repubhcan nominee.<br />

former mayor Leonard Paoletta. could<br />

win <strong>and</strong> put Bridgeport in the GOP column<br />

Bueei m F htmg for his polincal life<br />

The fact thai Ins opposition includes two<br />

Democratlc state representatives <strong>and</strong> a<br />

former Democratic mayoral c<strong>and</strong>idate<br />

underscores a peree|ved vulnerability<br />

In Waterbury. Democrats are the underdogs<br />

Republican Mayor Joseph J<br />

San<strong>to</strong>pletro was first elected m 1985 in<br />

an upset wc<strong>to</strong>ry over former Democratic<br />

Mayor Edward Bergin San<strong>to</strong>pletro is favored<br />

<strong>to</strong> repeat this year Waterbury's<br />

other, the inside fighting Is far from over.<br />

That is an asset for Republicans.<br />

Waterbury Democrats have nominated<br />

a surprise c<strong>and</strong>idate, state Rep. Elizabeth<br />

Brown.<br />

Her nomination has not brought<br />

peace <strong>to</strong> the feuding Democrats. She<br />

faces a primary challenge from An<strong>to</strong>ny<br />

Casagr<strong>and</strong>e. a corporation counsel under<br />

former Mayor Edward Bergin Waterbury's<br />

Democratic Party is in shambles<br />

continue <strong>to</strong> offer safe haven for San<strong>to</strong>pletro<br />

If Republicans pull off a vic<strong>to</strong>ry in<br />

Bridgeport <strong>and</strong> retain the Waterbury<br />

mayor's office, state Republican leaders<br />

will promote those vic<strong>to</strong>ries as a sign that<br />

the GOP Is on the comeback trall as it<br />

heads in<strong>to</strong> the 1990 election.<br />

Other <strong>to</strong>wns <strong>and</strong> cities- In New<br />

Britain. whose politicians may have invented<br />

the primary, incumbent Democratic<br />

Mayor William J. McNamara was<br />

denied his party's endorsement He will<br />

challenge the endors :l c<strong>and</strong>idate. Donald<br />

J DeFronzo McNamara has been<br />

down that road before. The man who has<br />

been New Britain's mayor for more than a<br />

decade can avoid an ambush by winning<br />

the primary<br />

Bris<strong>to</strong>l Mayor John J Leone Jr. appears<br />

<strong>to</strong> be headed for a fourth-term vic<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

He faces a primary from Lynn Rossk<br />

a former councilwoman in search of a following<br />

Republicans in Bris<strong>to</strong>l were saved<br />

from embarrassment when Rosemary<br />

Nesei-Benolt stepped forward <strong>to</strong> be their<br />

last minute c<strong>and</strong>idate. Former Mayor<br />

Frank Longo is a petitionLng c<strong>and</strong>idate.<br />

Leone could lose if Democrats fall<br />

asleep or leave <strong>to</strong>wn.<br />

In all of these munlclpallties, the primary<br />

looks like the main event. The dec-<br />

Ion looks llke an aftermath.<br />

A ma=i=r6 of exercising our power<br />

At then" recent annual convention the<br />

members of the National Organization for<br />

Women called for the formation of a third<br />

political party one that would address the<br />

needs of women The National Women's<br />

Political Caucus recently held its annual<br />

meeting <strong>and</strong> the focus was on electing pmchoice<br />

women c<strong>and</strong>idates<br />

Starting a third party isn't the answer<br />

<strong>to</strong> the pobtlcal dlsenfranchtsement of<br />

women, neither ts the old time concept of<br />

putting in long years on the envelopestuffing<br />

lines <strong>to</strong> earn your credentials so<br />

that you might have a chance <strong>to</strong> in<strong>to</strong><br />

the upper echelons of political power. The<br />

first concept wall fragment our efforts. The<br />

issue is not only repreductlve fi'cedom, but<br />

also the femlnlzanon of poverty, addressing<br />

the InaBequactes of day <strong>care</strong>. the providing<br />

of adequate health <strong>care</strong> <strong>to</strong> all our<br />

citizens <strong>and</strong> the establishment of peaceful<br />

negotiations instead of warmongering.<br />

These are issues that are of concern not<br />

only <strong>to</strong> women, but tO all people who <strong>care</strong><br />

about the well-being of other people.<br />

The second concept, of long yea of<br />

internship in order <strong>to</strong> build credibility.<br />

simply not acceplable because It takes <strong>to</strong>o<br />

long <strong>and</strong> it. also. perpetuates the male<br />

domination of the political parties. Women<br />

must learn <strong>to</strong> recognize their talents <strong>and</strong><br />

the value of their intelligence <strong>and</strong> knowl- as narrow as it may sound. Those people<br />

edge. who support the r aoval of our freedom of<br />

This is not gained while stuffing envelopes<br />

It Is gained from observing the<br />

ebbing <strong>and</strong> flowing of political fortune.<br />

from being attuned <strong>to</strong> the undercun'ents<br />

of meaning of statements by the elec<strong>to</strong>rate`<br />

<strong>and</strong> from relying on intuition when mak-<br />

Ing certain campaign decisions. Most of<br />

this Is foreign <strong>to</strong> the male segment of our<br />

population, <strong>and</strong> particularly <strong>to</strong> those In<br />

power within the political parties We must<br />

first value our talents <strong>and</strong> then insist that<br />

they be recognized <strong>and</strong> utilized within the<br />

parties of our choice. We must begin <strong>to</strong><br />

question the potential c<strong>and</strong>idates <strong>and</strong> insisi<br />

on nominating those that will represent<br />

feminist <strong>and</strong> humanist interests.<br />

Even when not active in a political<br />

pan'y, we must also begin <strong>to</strong> show our political<br />

power by speaking up <strong>and</strong> asking<br />

those <strong>to</strong>ugh questions of the c<strong>and</strong>idates.<br />

The compulsory pregnancy people do not<br />

have any difficulty with this concept: but<br />

until the recent Supreme Court ruling.<br />

most pro-Iffers have not been very vocal. It<br />

is time for us <strong>to</strong> show the c<strong>and</strong>idates that<br />

we really ate In the majority <strong>and</strong> that we<br />

vote. It Is time for us <strong>to</strong> show the c<strong>and</strong>idates<br />

that. while we prefer not <strong>to</strong> vote on a<br />

single Issue. we will not support a c<strong>and</strong>idate<br />

who does not support our fight <strong>to</strong> reproductive<br />

freedom. This statement is not<br />

choice, frequently also advocate the removal<br />

of other freedoms as well. They obvlously<br />

do not view women as fully functlanlng<br />

human beings, but as a membex of<br />

the species who's biology is their destiny.<br />

All people who believe that the decision<br />

<strong>to</strong> have an abortion is one that is extremel'y<br />

persanal, who believe that It is inappropriate<br />

<strong>to</strong> forte one group's religious<br />

belief on<strong>to</strong> an unwilling recipient, must<br />

begin <strong>to</strong> be visible <strong>and</strong> vocal. We must<br />

seize this opportunity io show the extent<br />

of our numbers so that c<strong>and</strong>idates will underst<strong>and</strong><br />

that It would be politically mere<br />

advantageous <strong>to</strong> their <strong>care</strong>ers <strong>to</strong> be prochoice.<br />

We must back those c<strong>and</strong>idates up<br />

at the poles We cannot ask them the Important<br />

questions <strong>and</strong> then not support<br />

them with our votes.<br />

The time for action is now Forming a<br />

third political party is not the answer. Becoming<br />

vocal <strong>and</strong> visible, asking the hard<br />

questions, insisting on the right answers<br />

<strong>and</strong> backlng the c<strong>and</strong>idates up with our financial<br />

support <strong>and</strong> our votes will Insure<br />

that our freedom of choice will remain intact<br />

<strong>and</strong> that other Issues that we consider<br />

<strong>to</strong> be Important will be addressed.<br />

Suson Sfr<strong>and</strong> Is a free lance columnist<br />

who lives in Torflng<strong>to</strong>n

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