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<strong>MASTER</strong> <strong>PROGRAMME</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>LOGOPEDICS</strong><br />

<strong>“LOGOPEDICAL</strong> MANAGEMENT <strong>IN</strong> VOICE AND FLUENCY DISORDERS”<br />

Educational degree: Master<br />

Professional quallification: Logopedics<br />

Training type: fulltime<br />

Training duration: 2 semesters<br />

Enrollement requirеments: Bachelor’s degree of graduation in Logopedics; accuired<br />

basic training in the field of voice and fluency assessment/therapy of children and adults<br />

with voice and fluency disorders.<br />

Logopedics is developing as higher education specialty at South-West University for more<br />

than 20 years. Nowadays this is a well-established specialty within the scientific direction<br />

of Public Health, successfully accredited by the NAEA in year 2009 for a period of 6<br />

years.<br />

The Department of Logopedics providing training in the field was opened as an<br />

independent one after the separation from Special Education in 2002.<br />

The curriculum structure was developed according to the requirements of IALP<br />

(International Association of Logopedists and Phoniatrists) and also meets the standards of<br />

CPLOL (Standing Liaison Committee of E.U. Speech and Language Therapists and<br />

Logopedists).<br />

Training of both undergraduates and graduates is delivered by high-qualified lecturers<br />

(professors, assoc. professors, assistant professors with PhD) from the Department and<br />

other university units, as well as lecturers from well-known Bulgarian universities. The<br />

Department welcomes visiting lecturers from EU universities, US and others.<br />

The high quality of students’ training is also due to mean and modern office and<br />

therapeutic equipment placed at the Recourse Centre (1995), the University Research<br />

Centre in Stuttering (2000), the KayPentax Speech Lab (2007), and the faculty Centre of<br />

Logopedics for practice and research (2009).<br />

At the Recourse Centre is opened a specialized library offering a good variety of books and<br />

periodic in Logopedics, both Bulgarian and international issues. Modern interactive<br />

methods of training are applied, including multimedia, movies, etc. Practice in Logopedics<br />

is run at specialized settings, diagnostic and dally centres, and at the faculty Centre of<br />

Logopedics.<br />

Professional Qualification:<br />

The Master Programme in Logopedics “Logopedical Management in Voice and Fluency<br />

Disorders” is offered to Bachelor’s Degree graduates in Logopedics who have received<br />

basic training in voice and fluency disorders. After graduation a Master in Logopedics<br />

trained in this Programme should be qualified for diagnostics and delivery of high quality<br />

speech and language therapy to clients with a variety of voice and fluency disorders:<br />

neurogenic voice disorders, psychogenic voice disorders, functional voice disorders,<br />

spasmodic and congenital dysphonia, phonic traumas and trauma connected dysphonia,<br />

laryngectomy, voice resonance disorders, stuttering, stammering, mixed types, fluency<br />

disorders in neurological conditions and genetic syndromes, etc. The graduated in Master

of Arts speech therapist should be able to implement his knowledge and practical skills in<br />

different type of settings - diagnostic and rehabilitation units, as well as ENT clinics,<br />

neurological and rehabilitation centres.<br />

Year I<br />

Fall Semester<br />

1. Medical Aspects of Voice Disorders<br />

2. Voice Diagnostics and Diagnostics of<br />

Voice Disorders<br />

3. Logopedics Management of Voice<br />

Disorders (3a)<br />

4. Medical, Psychological and Linguistic<br />

Aspects of Speech Fluency Disorders<br />

5. Elective course<br />

6. Clinical practice in Logopedics<br />

Elective courses - group I<br />

(students choose one course)<br />

<strong>PROGRAMME</strong><br />

ECTS<br />

credits<br />

5.0<br />

5.0<br />

6.0<br />

5.0<br />

3.0<br />

6.0<br />

Spring Semester<br />

1. Logopedics Management of Voice<br />

Disorders (3b)<br />

2. Logopedics Management in Fluency<br />

Disorders<br />

3. Elective course<br />

4. Clinical practice in Logopedics<br />

5. Diploma thesis and Practical State Exam<br />

ECTS<br />

credits<br />

3.0<br />

4.0<br />

2.0<br />

6.0<br />

15.0<br />

Total 30 Total 30<br />

Elective courses - group II (students<br />

choose one course)<br />

1. Rehabilitation and Management of 3.0 1. Early Childhood Stuttering<br />

Persons With Laryngectomy<br />

2. Genetics Aspects of Fluency Disorders<br />

2. Family Communication and Adoption of<br />

Persons with Voice Disorders<br />

3.0<br />

CREDITS <strong>IN</strong> TOTAL: 60<br />

2.0<br />





ECTS credits: 5 Hours per week: 2l+1s+1p<br />

Evaluation form: exam Type of exam: written<br />

Semester: fall<br />

Supervision:<br />

Department of Logopedics<br />

Faculty of Public Health and Sports<br />

Lecturers:<br />

Assoc. Prof. Doctor Stefan Lolov, Office: 0885 914 547, E-mail: logopediа@live.swu.bg<br />

Annotation:<br />

To form additional knowledge about medical aspects of voice disorders because speech language<br />

pathologist working with clients with voice disorders must be comfortable with medical<br />

relationships, terms, and procedures.<br />

Course content:<br />

Medical specialties in voice disorders. Medical procedures in voice disorders (indirect<br />

laryngoscopy, endoscopy, laryngoscopy, fiber-optic endoscopy, stroboscopy, radiologic<br />

examination, rentgenograpgy, ultrasonagraphy, computed tomography, magnetic resonance). Drug<br />

treatment in voice disorders. Surgery and the voice patient (phonosurgery, laser microsurgery).<br />

Training and evaluation techniques:<br />

Methods of instruction: Lectures; demonstrations by multimedia, head-over projector, TV;<br />

discussions; case studies; monitoring. Evaluation: Written exam.<br />

References:<br />

1. Аronson, A. E. (1990). Clinical voice disorders: an interdisciplinary approach. New York: Thieme-<br />

Stratton<br />

2. Awan, S. N. (2002). The voice diagnostic protocol. Gaithresburg, MD: Aspen<br />

3. Case, J. L. (2002). Clinical management of voice disorders. Austin, Texas: Proed.<br />

4. Case, J. L. (1993). The voice: Across the age span. In R. Kastenbatim (ed.), Encyclopedia of adult<br />

development. Phoenix, AZ: Oyx Press.<br />

5. Case, J. L. (1998). Videostroboscopy and the clinical management of voice. Tuscon: University of<br />

Arizona.<br />

6. Case, J. L. (2000). A case of PVFM and functional dysphoia. In J. C. Stemple (ed.). Voice therapy<br />

clinical studies. San Diego CA: Singular.<br />

7. Casper, J. K. (1999). Voice treatment for psychogenetic dysphonia. Phonoscope, 2, 51-55.<br />

8. Casper, J. K. (2000). Confidential voice. In J. C. Stemple (ed.). Voice therapy clinical studies. San<br />

Diego CA: Singular.<br />

9. Deem, J. F., & Miller, L. (2000). Manual of voice therapy. Austin, Texas: Proed.<br />

10. Harris, S. (2000). The accent method in clinical practice. In J. C. Stemple (ed.). Voice therapy<br />

clinical studies. San Diego CA: Singular.<br />

11. Kent, R. D. (1997). The speech sciences. San Diego CA: Singular.<br />

12. Kotby, M. N. (1995). The accent method of voice therapy. San Diego CA: Singular.<br />

13. Salmon, S. J. (1999). Alaryngeal speech rehabilitation – for clinicians by clinicians. Austin, Texas:<br />

Proed.<br />

14. Sataloff, R. T. (1998). Vocal health and pedagogy. San Diego CA: Singular.<br />

15. Saxon, K. & Schneider, C. M. (1994). Vocal exercise physiology. San Diego CA: Singular.<br />

16. Titze, I. R. (1994). Principles of voice production. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.


ECTS credits: 5 Hours per week: 2l+1s+1p<br />

Evaluation form: exam Type of exam: written<br />

Semester: fall<br />

Supervision:<br />

Department of Logopedics<br />

Faculty of Public Health and Sports<br />

Lecturers:<br />

Assoc. Prof. Hristo Frengov, PhD, Department of Logopedics, Office: 0885 914 547, E-mail:<br />

logopediа@live.swu.bg<br />

Annotation:<br />

Students have to form skills and habits in reference to recognition of voice pathology, its<br />

prevention and therapy.<br />

Course content:<br />

Description of phonotory action’s Morphology and Physiology. Special attention is dedicated to<br />

voice development during different periods and age of man. There are qualities of voice and it’s<br />

acoustic characteristic described. In the curriculum are included also: the diagnostic<br />

instrumentarium; Methods for voice function assessment and contemporary techniques for this<br />

process. The problem for early detection of voice pathology are in separated topic. Some voice<br />

pathology clinical and medical aspects are taking place in the curriculum. There is need for<br />

prevention and therapy in special diagnostic teams.<br />

Training and evaluation techniques:<br />

Methods of instruction: Lectures; practice and demonstrations. Evaluation: Written exam.<br />

References:<br />

1. Максимов, Ив. Функционалните афонии и тяхното лечение., канд. Дис.,С.,1960<br />

2. Максимов, Ив. Основи на фониатрията., монография, С., МФ, 1983<br />

3. Досков, Д., В: Логопедия и фониатрия, сб., съставители В Боянова, В. Матанова, Д. Досков,<br />

С., Херон-прес, 1999<br />

4. Досков, Д., В: Ушни, носни, гърлени болести, учебник, под ред. на проф. д-р Д. Димов и<br />

проф. д-р Г. Георгиев, С., Изд. “Знание”,1998, с.с. 237 – 253, 274-278<br />

5. Case, J. L. Clinical Management of Voice Disorders, 4-th Ed., 2002<br />


ECTS credits: 6 & 3 Hours per week: 2l+2s+1p; 1l+1s+0p<br />

Evaluation form: exam Type of exam: written<br />

Semester: fall & spring<br />

Supervision:<br />

Department of Logopedics<br />

Faculty of Public Health and Sports<br />

Lecturers:<br />

Prof. Dobrinka Georgieva, PhD, Department of Logopedics, Office: 0885 914 547, E-mail:<br />

logopediа@live.swu.bg<br />


The purpose of this course is to acquaint the student with the nature and clinical management of<br />

voice disorders. With presentation of necessary basic material on my part and thoughtful reading,<br />

reflection, presentation, and discussion on their part, the student should be prepared by the end of<br />

this course to understand, diagnose, and treat most voice disorders.<br />

Course content:<br />

All kind of voice disorders are presented with regard to the definition, etiology. Clinical<br />

characteristics, assessment and logopedics therapy for adults and children.<br />

First semester: Definition, causes and phonotrauma pathogenesis. Voice therapy treatments for<br />

phonotrauma. Functional, psychogenic, and spasmodic dysphonias. Congenital dysphonias.<br />

Neurogenic dysphonias<br />

Second semester: Disorders of the vocal resonance. Logopedics intervention in disorders of the<br />

vocal resonance – hypernasality; hyponasality; assimilative nasality; resonance disorders due to<br />

faulty tongue postures. Laryngectomee rehabilitation. The Boone voice program for children. The<br />

Boone voice program for adults. Physiologic voice therapy.<br />

Training and evaluation techniques:<br />

Methods of instruction: Lectures; demonstrations by multimedia, head-over projector, TV;<br />

discussions; case studies; monitoring. Evaluation: During the semester: final written exam.<br />

References:<br />

1. Георгиева, Д. (2009).Гласови нарушения. Благоевград<br />

2. Логопедия и фониатрия /сб./(1999). Евроинтеграции и съвременни тенденции в развитието на<br />

логопедическата и фониатрична теория и практика. С., Херон- Прес<br />

3. Максимов, Ив. (1983). Основи на фониатрията. С., МФ<br />

4. Таптапова, С. Л. (1985). Восстановление звучной речи у больных после резекции или<br />

удаления гортани. М.<br />

5. Таптапова, С. Л. (1984). Коррекционно- логопедическая работа при нарушениях голоса. М.<br />

6. Aronson, A. E. (1985). Clinical voice disorders. N. York: Thieme-Stratton, Inc.<br />

7. Boone, D. R. (1977). The voice and voice therapy (3 rd ed.) Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prenticehall.<br />

8. Boone, D. R., S. C. McFarlane (1988). The voice and voice therapy. N. Jersey: Prentice Hall<br />

9. Boone, D. R. (2000). The Boone Voice Program for Children. Pro-ed<br />

10. Boone, D. R. (2000). The Boone Voice Program for Adult. Pro-ed<br />

11. Case, J. L. (2002). Clinical management of voice disorders. Pro-ed.<br />

12. Deem, F. G., L. Miller (2000). Manual of Voice Therapy. Pro-ed<br />

13. Dystonia Medical Research Foundation (1999). Dystonia dialogue. http://www.dystoniafoundation.<br />

Org/index.htm#A11<br />

14. Huang, D. (1998). Relationship between acoustic measures of voice and judgments of voice quality<br />

{online}. URL: http://www.drspeech.com/Paper.html<br />

15. Huntington’s Disease Society of America (1998). Genetic testing for Huntington’s disease.<br />

http://hdsa.mgh.harvard.edu<br />

16. Johnson, A. F., B. H. Jacobson (2006). Medical Speech - Language Pathology. NY: Thieme. Second<br />

edition<br />

17. Kotbay, N. (1995). The accent method of voice therapy. San Diego: Singular<br />

18. Koufman, J. (1998). What are voice disorders and who gets them? (Center for Voice Disorders at<br />

Wake Forest University Web site) http://www. bgsm.edu/voice/voice-disorders.html<br />

19. Le Huche, F. & A. Allali (1984). Pathologie vocale. vol. 2. Paris, Masson<br />

20. Le Huche, F. & A. Allali (1984). La voix. Therapeutique Des Troubles Vocaux. Vol. 3. Paris,<br />

Masson<br />

21. Looking Glass Society (1997). Feminine voice techniques (2 nd ed.). http://www.lookingglass.greenend.org.wk/voice.html<br />

22. Ludlow, C. (1995). Management of the spastic dtsphonias. In J.S. Rubin. G. Sataloff, G. Korovin<br />

and W.J. Gould (Eds.). Diagnosis and treatment of voice disorders, N.Y.:Igaku-Shoin<br />

23. Luminaud, Inc. (1998). Artificial larynges. http://www.luminaud.com<br />

24. National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (1996). Wilson’s<br />

disease.http://www.ninds.nih.gov/healinfo/disorder/Wilson<br />

25. Polow, N., E. Kaplan (2000). Symptomatic Voice Therapy. Pro-ed



ECTS credits: 5 Hours per week: 2l+1s+1p<br />

Evaluation form: exam Type of exam: written<br />

Semester: fall<br />

Supervision:<br />

Department of Logopedics<br />

Faculty of Public Health and Sports<br />

Lecturers:<br />

Assoc. Prof. D. Miliev, PhD, Department of Logopedics, Office: 0885 914 547,<br />

E-mail: logopediа@live.swu.bg<br />

Annotation:<br />

Students have to be acquainted with specifics of socialization and integration of stuttering persons,<br />

their psychology development crises and all difficult for interpretation factors that cause problems<br />

of the individual who stutter. This knowledge would help them to plan and their speech therapy and<br />

rehabilitation.<br />

Course content:<br />

Lecture contents are divided in three modulus- medical, psychological and linguistic aspects of<br />

speech fluency disorders. There is a focus on illnesses and genetic prerequisites that lead to such<br />

problems from one side and problems that treat secondary neuroses in stuttering persons and<br />

persons with speech fluency disorders. Special part of the lectures takes specifics in personality<br />

formation of persons who stutter and accentuations in juveniles. Concerning linguistic specificsspecial<br />

attention is paid on para-lingual and para-logopedical problems that are related to stutterer’s<br />

communication and their social adaption in the family and at school. In the course of lectures<br />

problems like “pseudo-adaption” and theories from the end of XX –th century which point at<br />

peculiarities of stutterer’s process of intef\gration.<br />

Training and evaluation techniques:<br />

Methods of instruction: Lectures; demonstrations by multimedia, head-over projector, TV;<br />

discussions; case studies; monitoring. Evaluation: written exam.<br />

References:<br />

1. Адлер А. - Човекознание, С, 1995.<br />

2. Адлер А. - Смисълът на живота, С, 1995.<br />

3. Адлер А. - За нервния характер, С, 1995.<br />

4. Георгиева Д. - Нарушения на плавността на речта, С, 2000<br />

5. Матанова В. - Психология на аномалното развитие, С, 2003<br />

6. Маслоу А. - Мотивация и личност, С-П., 1999<br />

7. Милиев Д. - Особености на самооценката и характеристика на<br />

"рефлексивното Аз" на 8-16 год. Заекващи, изследвани във връзка с интегрирането им в<br />

условията на масовото училище, сп. Спец. Педагогика, IX, 1996<br />

8. Избрани страници от литературата по Логопедия, съставители Д. Денев и Д. Милиев,<br />

Бл. 1990<br />

9. Логопедия, ред. Л. Волкова, III изд. М., 1999<br />

10. Перре М. и др. - Клиническая психология, II изд. М., 2003<br />

11. Нарушения на плавнстта на речта, ред. Д. Георгиева С, 2004<br />

12. Ончев Г. - Личностова абнормност в клиничната практика, С. 2001<br />

13. Осипова А.- Обща психокорекция, М., 2001<br />

14. Франкъл В. - Теория и терапия на неврозите, С. 2001<br />

15. Франкъл В. - Лекарят и душата, С. 2001

16. Фройд 3. - Неврозите, произход и лекуване С, 1993<br />

17. Фройд А. - Егото и защитните механизми, С, 2000<br />

18. Холмс Д. - Аномальная психология, П., 2003<br />

19. Хрестоматия - психические состояния, ред. Л. Куликов, П., 2000<br />

20. Христоматия по Логопедия, ред. Л. Волкова и др., том I M., 1997<br />

21. Даскалова Ф. - Психолингвистика С, 2003<br />

22. Селиверстов В.- Психологическая модель феномена фиксираности заикающихся на свеом<br />

речевом дефекте, сп. Дефектология, 1994 бр. 5<br />

23. Jairi &, N. Ambrose, Sanly Childhood Stuttering, Pro-ed, 2005<br />

CL<strong>IN</strong>ICAL PRACTICE <strong>IN</strong> <strong>LOGOPEDICS</strong><br />

ECTS credits: 6 Hours per week: 0l+0s+5p<br />

Evaluation form: coursework mark Type of exam: practical<br />

Semester: fall<br />

Supervision:<br />

Department of Logopedics<br />

Faculty of Public Health and Sports<br />

Lecturers:<br />

Assist. Prof. Anna Andreeva, Department of Logopedics, Office: 0885 914 547, E-mail:<br />

logopediа@live.swu.bg<br />

Annotation:<br />

Compulsory course within the curriculum of Logopedics, Master’s program “logopedical<br />

management in voice and fluency disorders”. Students have to be thought how to develop an<br />

individual plan for the patients, how to collect data about the client and how to apply therapy for<br />

people with voice and fluency disorders.<br />

Course content:<br />

This educational discipline includes diagnostics and speech therapy of voice and fluency disorders.<br />

It is also included acquirement of skills for speech therapy management. The student educated in<br />

Speech therapy Master degree program have to be able to diagnose and apply therapy in: voice<br />

disorders, fluency disorders.<br />

Training and evaluation techniques:<br />

Methods of instruction: Observation, demonstration, practice, and monitoring. Evaluation:<br />

Coursework mark.<br />


ECTS credits: 3 Hours per week: 2l+1s+0p<br />

Evaluation form: exam Type of exam: written<br />

Semester: spring<br />

Supervision:<br />

Department of Logopedics<br />

Faculty of Public Health and Sports<br />

Lecturers:<br />

Prof. Dobrinka Georgieva, PhD, Department of Logopedics, Office: 0885 914 547, E-mail:<br />

logopediа@live.swu.bg<br />


Compulsory course within the curriculum of Logopedics, Master’s program “Logopedical<br />

management in voice and fluency disorders”. To give the knowledge on differential aspects in<br />

assessment and treatment logopedics work concerning above fluency disorders.<br />

In practical course are included observations of the different forms of fluency disorders in clinical<br />

conditions. The main course aim is to form and develop skills for logopedics diagnostics and<br />

application of effective methods for logopedics treatment.<br />

Course content:<br />

The course is intended as a source therapy course for clinicians, so we intend to contain in this<br />

horarium the most pertinent information the student in Master degree will need.<br />

The purpose of this course is to acquaint the student with the nature and clinical management of<br />

fluency disorders. With presentation of necessary basic material on my part and thoughtful reading,<br />

reflection, presentation, and discussion on their part, the student should be prepared by the end of<br />

this course to understand, diagnose, and treat most fluency disorders.<br />

The presented lecture course consists of three modules: the first treats stuttering disorder; second –<br />

cluttering disorder, and the third – different types of fluency disorders.<br />

Training and evaluation techniques:<br />

Methods of instruction: lectures, case studies, case management, video analysis, search of literature<br />

in particular topics<br />

Evaluation: written exam.<br />

References:<br />

1. Георгиева, Д. (2004). Нарушения на плавността на речта: Нови образователни технологии. С.,<br />

Графис<br />

2. Banister, D., F. Fransella (1993). Inquiring man: The Psychology of Personal Constructs, Thied ed.<br />

Routelledge<br />

3. Bloodstein, O. (1995). A Handbook on Stuttering. Fifth edition. San Diego, Singular Publ. Group<br />

4. Cooper, E., C. Cooper (2000). Cooper Personalized Fluency Control Therapy. Pro-ed<br />

5. Cooper, E. B. (1987). The Cronic Perseverative Stuttering Syndrom: Incurable Stuttering. JFD, 12.<br />

6. Curlee, R., E. Yairi (1997). Early intervention with early childhood stuttering: A critical examination<br />

of the data. AJSLP, 6<br />

7. Curlee, R., E. Yairi (1998). Treatment of early stuttering: advances and research needs. AJSLP,7,20-26<br />

8. Curlee, R., G. M. Siegal (1997). Nature and treatment of stuttering: new directions. Allyn and Bacon<br />

9. Daly, D., Riley, J., G. Riley. (2000). Speech Motor Exercises. Pro-ed, 2000.<br />

10. Defloor, T., J. Van Borsel (2000). Speech fluency in Prader-Willi syndrome. Journal on Fluency<br />

Disorders, 25, p. 86-98<br />

11. Fransella, F. (1995). George Kelly. Sage publ.<br />

12. Fransella, F., P. Dalton (1993). Personal Construct Counseling in Action.<br />

13. Gregory, H. (1986). Stuttering. Differential Evaluation and Therapy. The Proed Studies in<br />

Communication Disorders. Austin. Texas, 4-5.<br />

14. Guitar, B. (1998). Stuttering: an integrated approach to its nature and treatment (2 nd ed.). Baltimore:<br />

W&W<br />

15. Ham, R. E. (1999). Clinical management of stuttering in older children and adults. Aspen publ.<br />

16. Holm, V. A., Sulzbacher, S., & Pipes, P. L. (1981). The Prader-Willi Syndrome. Baltimore, University<br />

Park Press.<br />

17. Johnson, A. F., B. H. Jacobson (2006). Medical Speech - Language Pathology. NY: Thieme. Second<br />

edition!!!!<br />

18. Kristiane Van Lierde, J. Van Borsel, P. Van Cauwenberge (2000). Speech patterns in Kabuki make-up<br />

syndrome: a case report. Journal of Communication Disorders, 33, p. 447-462<br />

19. Lavid, N. (2003). Understanding stuttering. University press of Mississipi<br />

20. Le Huche, F. (1998). Le Begaiement - Option Guerison. Paris: Albin Michel<br />

21. Myers, S., L. Woodford. (2000). The Fluency Development System for Young Children. Pro-ed<br />

22. Myers, F., K. O. St. Louis (1992). Cluttering: a clinical perspective. Far communication disorders<br />

23. Niikawa, N., Kuroki, Y., Kajii, T., Matsuura, N., Ishikrijama, S., & Tonoki, H. (1988). Kabuki makeup<br />

syndrome& a study of 62 patients. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 31, 565-589<br />

24. Onslow, M., A. Packman, E. Harrison (2003). The Lidcombe program of early stuttering intervention,<br />


25. Pindzola, R. H. (2000). Stuttering Intervention Program. Pro-ed<br />

26. Shine, R. E. (2000). Systematic Fluency Training for Young Children. Pro-ed<br />

27. Shapiro, D. A. (2000). Stuttering Intervention. A Collaborative Journey to Fluency Freedom. Pro-ed<br />

28. Starkweather, W., J. Ackerman. (2000). Stuttering. Pro-ed<br />

29. St. Louis, K. O., at al. (2011). Public attitudes toward cluttering and stuttering in four countries. In<br />

Simon, E. (Ed), Psychology of Stereotypes. Nova Science Publishers, 81-115<br />

30. Stromsta, C. (1986). Elements of Stuttering. Atsmorts Publ.<br />

31. Van Riper, Ch. (1982). The Nature of Stuttering. Englewood Press: N. J.<br />

CL<strong>IN</strong>ICAL PRACTICE <strong>IN</strong> <strong>LOGOPEDICS</strong><br />

ECTS credits: 6 Hours per week: 5p<br />

Evaluation form: coursework mark Type of exam: practical<br />

Semester: spring<br />

Supervision:<br />

Department of Logopedics<br />

Faculty of Public Health and Sports<br />

Lecturers:<br />

Head Assist. Prof. Miglena Simonska, Department of Logopedics, Office: 0885 914 547, E-mail:<br />

logopediа@live.swu.bg<br />

Annotation:<br />

Compulsory course from the educational curriculum in Logopedics-Master degree. The student<br />

educated in Speech therapy Master degree program have to be able to diagnose and correct: voice<br />

disorders and fluency disorders.<br />

Course content:<br />

This educational discipline includes process of diagnostic and speech therapy of the following<br />

voice and fluency disorders:<br />

-neuro-, psycho- and functional voice disorders<br />

-congenital disphonia<br />

- phono-trauma and disphonias, related to trauma<br />

- laringoectomia<br />

- disorders in voice resonance<br />

- stuttering<br />

- stammering<br />

-fluency disorders in neurology illnesses<br />

- fluency disorders in genetic syndromes.<br />

Training and evaluation techniques:<br />

Methods of instruction: Observation, demonstration, practice, and monitoring. Evaluation:<br />

Coursework mark.<br />


ECTS credits: 10 Hours per week: n.a.<br />

Evaluation form: diploma research Type of exam: public defence<br />

Semester: spring<br />

Supervision:<br />

Department of Logopedics<br />

Faculty of Public Health and Sports<br />


Science surervisor of graduates could be any lecturer from the Department of Speech Therapy<br />

according to the topic of the thesis and the science area of the lecturer, Department of Logopedics,<br />

Office: 0885 914 547, E-mail: logopediа@live.swu.bg<br />

Annotation:<br />

This is a compulsory course within the curriculum of Logopedics, Master’s program “Logopedical<br />

management of voice and fluency disorders”. Students should know the theory and should be ready<br />

to start practice. They have to be aware of all activities that a speech therapist should be. The<br />

students have to be able to solve theoretical and practical problems.<br />

Prior conditions: All term examinations should be passed. The topic of the thesis should be<br />

discussed on a Department meeting. Science supervisor is determined by choice of all members of<br />

the Department. All theses are reviewed.<br />

Enrollment conditions: The topic of the thesis should be written in a request form. There shouldre<br />

be pointed all methods, terms, group/s/ that are going to be used. If the request is approved by<br />

students inspector of study department, it is signatured and stamped.<br />

Exam enrollment: By a form for request about the data of open defence. All procedures concerning<br />

having diploma from Speech therapy department are realized into the department.<br />

Course content:<br />

Diploma thesis should contain research elements as well as experiments in diagnostics and speech<br />

threatment.<br />

Training and evaluation techniques:<br />

Methods of instruction: Consultations. Evaluation: an open defence with a State examination<br />

commission, which has been determined by a Rector’s order.<br />

References: All books are related to the topic of the thesis.<br />



LAR<strong>IN</strong>GEKTOMIA<br />

ECTS credits: 3 Hours per week: 2l+1s+0p<br />

Evaluation form: exam Type of exam: written<br />

Semester: fall<br />

Supervision:<br />

Department of Logopedics<br />

Faculty of Public Health and Sports<br />

Lecturers:<br />

Prof. Dosyo Doskov, Ph.D., M. D., Office: 0885 914 547, E-mail: logopediа@live.swu.bg<br />

Annotation:<br />

Should be formed skills and habits in relation to recognition of people with laringoectomia, with<br />

their post-surgery voice rehabilitation and communication.<br />

Course content:<br />

The course contains full presentation of the problem of voice rehabilitation and management of<br />

people with laringoektomia. There is a summary of clinical symptoms, diagnostics and research of<br />

cancer cells and formations. There are some methods for cure – conservative, surgery and<br />

rehabilitation. In the other units are presented the goal, core, type and methods of voice<br />

rehabilitation in patients with laringectomia. Special place for integration and professional<br />

adaptation of these patients is dedicated to this area.

Training and evaluation techniques:<br />

Lections, talks, demonstrations (video projector, slides, multimedia). Evaluation: written exam.<br />

References:<br />

1. Максимов, Ив. Рехабилитация на фонаторната функция., В: Ръководство<br />

по отоневрология, под ред. на Ат Кехайов, С, МФ, 1973, с. 343-345<br />

2. Максимов, Ив. Основи на фониатрията., монография, С, МФ, 1983<br />

3. Трошанов, Т. Рехабилитация на говорния глас след ларингектомия., В:<br />

Диагностично-терапевтичен наръчник по ото-рино-ларингология, под ред.<br />

на Вл. Павлов, 1976, МФ, 1976, с.349-358<br />

4. Досков, Д., В: Логопедия и фониатрия, сб., съставители В Боянова, В.<br />

Матанова, Д. Досков, С, Херон-прес, 1999<br />

5. Case, J. L. Clinical Management of Voice Disorders, 4-th Ed., 2002<br />

6. Deem, J. F. and L. Miller. Manual of voice therapy., 2-nd Ed., 2002<br />



ECTS credits: 3 Hours per week: 2l+1s+0p<br />

Evaluation form: exam Type of exam: written<br />

Semester: fall<br />

Supervision:<br />

Department of Logopedics<br />

Faculty of Public Health and Sports<br />

Lecturers:<br />

Assoc. Prof Vaska Stancheva-Popkostadinova, Ph. D., M. D., Department of Medical and Social<br />

Sciences, Office: 0885 914 547, E-mail: vaska_stancheva@abv.bg<br />

Annotation:<br />

Students have to form skills, knowledge and abilities that related to the course of lectures.<br />

Course content:<br />

This course of lectures focuses on adaption and communication as phenomena; family and its roles,<br />

functions, priorities and problems in the context of Systematic approach and Theory of family<br />

cycle (stages in family development). Some models for family diagnostics are presented in this<br />

curriculum. They are based on family interaction, partnership with family during therapy of voice<br />

pathology.<br />

Training and evaluation techniques:<br />

Lections, demonstration, use of relevant films, recording, tape and slide lectures. Evaluation:<br />

written exam.<br />

References:<br />

1. Станчева-Попкостадинова, В. Комуникация Роля и значение в социалната работа. В:<br />

Трашлиев, Р., В. Станчева-Попкостадинова. Социална комуникация и адаптация.<br />

УИ, Благоевград,2001,8-18<br />

2. Станчева-Попкостадинова, В. Адаптация. В: Трашлиев, Р., В. Станчева-<br />

Попкостадинова. Социална комуникация и адаптация. УИ, Благоевград, 2001,31-34<br />

3. Станчева-Попкостадинова, В. Кризисни интервенции. В: Трашлиев, Р., В. Станчева-<br />

Попкостадинова. Социална комуникация и адаптация. УИ, Благоевград,2001, 51-60<br />

4. Тодорова, Е. Съвременни американски теории за семейството. С, 1988<br />

5. Трашлиев, Р. Критични ситуации. В: Трашлиев, Р., В. Станчева-Попкостадинова.

Социална комуникация и адаптация. УИ, Благоевград, 2001<br />

6. Максимов, Ив. Функционалните афонии и тяхното лечение., канд. Дис.,С.,1960<br />

7. Максимов, Ив. Основи на фониатрията., монография, С, МФ, 1983<br />

8. Досков, Д., В: Логопедия и фониатрия, сб., съставители В Боянова, В. Матанова, Д.<br />

Досков, С, Херон-прес, 1999<br />

9. Досков, Д., В: Ушни, носни, гърлени болести, учебник, под ред. на проф. д-р Д. Димов и<br />

проф. д-р Г. Георгиев, С, Изд. "Знание", 1998, с.с. 237 - 253, 274-278<br />

10. Досков, Д., Нови методи за изследване на гласа в норма и патология., дис. за пр. на н.ст.<br />

дмн, 1998, ВМИ, 142 с. ил.<br />

EARLY CHILDHOOD STUTTER<strong>IN</strong>G<br />

ECTS credits: 2 Hours per week: 1l+1s+0p<br />

Evaluation form: exam Type of exam: written<br />

Semester: spring<br />

Supervision:<br />

Department of Logopedics<br />

Faculty of Public Health and Sports<br />

Lecturers:<br />

Assoc. Prof. D. Miliev, Ph. D., Department of Logopedics, Office: 0885 914 547, E-mail:<br />

logopediа@live.swu.bg<br />

Annotation:<br />

In this course students need to form additional knowledge about different aspects of stuttering in<br />

early childhood because speech language pathologist working with clients with this kind of<br />

disfluency must be comfortable with assessment and treatment procedures, tests and programs.<br />

Course content:<br />

Early childhood stuttering–general concepts. The onset of stuttering. Disfluency characteristics of<br />

early childhood stuttering. Development of stuttering. Development of phonological ability.<br />

Language abilities of young children who stutter. Motor, psychological, and cognitive aspects.<br />

Assessment of early stuttering. Parental involvement and counseling. Treatment of childhood<br />

stuttering.<br />

Training and evaluation techniques:<br />

Demonstartion, use of relevant films, recording, tape and slide lectures. Evaluation: written exam.<br />

References:<br />

1. Георгиева, Д. (2000). Нарушения на плавността на речта. С., СУ “Св. Кл. Охридски”<br />

2. Георгиева, Д. (2004). Нарушения на плавността на речта: нови изследователски перспективи.<br />

С., Графис<br />

3. Симонска, М. (2004). Диагностика на заекването. В: Нарушения на плавността на речта: нови<br />

изследователски перспективи (ред. Д. Георгиева), С., Графис<br />

4. Симонска, М. (2002). Терапия на заекването в предучилищна възраст (Lidcombe програма за<br />

терапия на ранно заекване). Сп. Специална педагогика, юни<br />

5. Симонска, М. (2011). Специфични особености на ранното заекване. Изд. ЮЗУ „Неофит<br />

Рилски, Благоевград<br />

6. Милиев, Д. (1987). Експериментални етюди върху психология на заекването. Бл-д<br />

7. Поварова, И. А. (2004). Коррекция заикания в играх и тренингах. 2-е издание. М., Питер<br />

8. Ambrose, N. G., & Yairi, E. (1994). The development of awareness of stuttering in preschool<br />

children. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 19, 229-245<br />

9. Ambrose, N. G., & Yairi, E. (1999). Normative disfluency data for early childhood stuttering.<br />

Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 42, 895-909

10. Bloodstein, O. (1995). A handbook on stuttering (5 th ed.). San Diego, CA: Singular<br />

11. Conture, E. G. (1999). Why does my child stutter? In J. Fraser (ed.), Stuttering and your child:<br />

Questions and answers (p.9-18). Memphis, TN: Speech Foundation of America<br />

12. Curlee, R. F. (1999). Does my child stutter? In J. Fraser (ed.), Stuttering and your child: Questions<br />

and answers (p.1-8). Memphis, TN: Speech Foundation of America<br />

13. Guitar, B. (1998). Stuttering: An integrated approach in its nature and treatment (2 nd ed.). Baltimore:<br />

Williams & Wilkins<br />

14. Onslow, M., Packman, A. & Harrison, E. (2001). The Lidcombe program of early stuttering<br />

intervention: a clinician’s guide. Austin, TX: Pro-ed<br />

15. Yairi, E., & Lewis, B. (1984). Disfluencies at the onset of stuttering. Journal of Speech and Hearing<br />

Research, 27, 154-159<br />

16. Yairi, E., & Ambrose, N. G. (2005). Early childhood stuttering. Austin, TX: Pro-ed<br />


ECTS credits: 2 Hours per week: 1l+1s+0p<br />

Evaluation form: exam Type of exam: written<br />

Semester: spring<br />

Supervision:<br />

Department of Logopedics<br />

Faculty of Public Health and Sports<br />

Lecturers:<br />

Assoc. Prof. Chaika Dikova, PhD, M.D., Department of Medical and Social Sciences, Office: 0885<br />

914 547, E-mail: logopediа@live.swu.bg<br />

Annotation:<br />

In the following course the students have to enlarge the basic knowledge of the students in<br />

Logopedics about genetic syndromes related with fluency disorders because in the recent years,<br />

general awareness of the importance of genetic influence on stuttering has dramatically increased.<br />

Course content:<br />

Studies of family history, twins, and patterns of affected relatives have illustrated genetics effects.<br />

Various genetic transmission models have been suggested, most converging upon the involvement<br />

of at least several genes, as well as environmental factors. Incidence and prevalence. Illinois<br />

genetics studies. Exploration of family patterns in stuttering (presence of family history, incidence<br />

in twins pairs, aggregation studies). Genetics and subtyping. How is stuttering transmissed.<br />

Lynkage analyses. Genetics syndromes related with fluency disorders: Down syndrome, Tourette<br />

syndrome, Prader Willi syndrome, Turner syndrome, Fragile x syndrome and neurofibromatosa<br />

type 1.<br />

Terms as gene, chromosome, and recombinant DNA are being discussed more frequently in<br />

relationship to clinical and research problem about stuttering and other fluency disorders.<br />

Training and evaluation techniques:<br />

Methods of instruction: lectures, observation and content analysis, demonstration, use of<br />

relevant films, recording, tape and slide lectures. Evaluation: written exam.<br />

References:<br />

1. Ambrose, N. B., Cox, N. G., Yairi, E. (1997). The genetic bases of persistence and recovery of<br />

stuttering. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 40, 567-580<br />

2. Bloodstein, O. (1995). Prevalence and incidence. In: A handbook on stuttering (5 th ed.).San Diego,<br />

CA: Singular<br />

3. Cox, N. G., & Kidd, K. K. (1983). Can recovery from stuttering be considered a genetically milder<br />

subtypes of stuttering? Behaviour Genetics, 13, 129-139<br />

4. Jung, J. H. (1989). Genetic Syndromes in Communication Disorders. Austin, Texas: Pro-ed.

5. Lavid, N. (2003). Genetics. In: Understanding Stuttering. University press of Mississippi, Jackson.<br />

6. Preus, A. (1981). Identifying subgroups of stutterers. Oslo, Norway: University of Oslo<br />

7. Yairi, E., & Lewis, B. (1984). Disfluencies at the onset of stuttering. Journal of Speech and Hearing<br />

Research, 27, 154-159<br />

8. Yairi, E., & Ambrose, N. G. (2005). Genetics. In: Early childhood stuttering. Austin, TX: Pro-ed<br />

9. Yairi, E. (1990). Subtyping child stutterers for research purposes. ASHA reports, 18, 50-57

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