Kiss $1M goodbye? - Southingtonlibrary.org

Kiss $1M goodbye? - Southingtonlibrary.org

Kiss $1M goodbye? - Southingtonlibrary.org


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8 news<br />

Breadfor Life marks anniversary...<br />

(continued from page 1 ) For the Chnstmas holiday, who would bring the food to se-<br />

Curtiss Farms donates a Chnst- niors in the area and visit with<br />

questions of the people who come mas tree and patrons come in and them, fulfilling an emotional need<br />

to the door; they feel if there is decorate it so that it becomes as well as a physical one. The con-<br />

the need, individuals are always everyone's tree. People in the area cept is stilI the same, but today<br />

welcome They work hard to then put presents under the tree Bread for Life delivers the food to<br />

make their kitchen a family envi- so that those less fortunate not federally funded senior complexes<br />

ronment with an upbeat attltude only have their needs met, but al- on a rotting basis around<br />

where people carl feel comfortable so enioy the season of giving and Southington.<br />

and at ease. sharing On Ibggie Tuesday, farms in<br />

*61'm not saying we're perfect Bread For Life has grown the Hartford area donate food<br />

creatures, but we simply try not to considerably since area churches that is delivered to Bread forLife<br />

judge others. We follow the Bible and residents first saw a need to by Food Share. There are approxthat<br />

says to serve, and we serve," help the less fortunate. Today, imately four tO SiX Bread Angels<br />

said Steele. through the work of the Social who then deliver the food to fed-<br />

During the holidays a great Action Council, established pro- erally funded facilities in town.<br />

many people volunteer their time, grams such as The Food Ban14 Over the years Bread for Life<br />

and many businesses give mone- Bread Angel's, and Veggle Tues- has made a name for itself as one<br />

tarily and donate items such as day not only help the hungry, but of the areak most successful soup<br />

food and presenis also serve people who have special kitchens, but without the generos-<br />

In fact there are so many that needs. ity ot its many volunteers, none of<br />

give of themselves dunng the hol- The Food Bank was original- the success would have been pos-<br />

i(lays that on Thanksgiving Day ly run by the Visiting Nurses As- sible, Steele noted.<br />

there are enough volunteers for sociation, providing food ,gro- "It's another way of serving<br />

three separate shifts This way cenes for people who can not af- the community, which is what I've<br />

people can give of their time and ford to buy them, but has since pretty much been doing for years<br />

also spend time with their own bndged will Bread for Life. with other <strong>org</strong>anizations as well,"<br />

families. - - The Bread Angd -pregram Carbone-Maccagnon said. ""I<br />

'*Thanksgiving is the biggest was started years ago by a woman have always been happy to do lt"<br />

holiday for us and cer-<br />

tainly the most tiring, -MI-51-1 2,»,11-7-'. '.'11.<br />

but to me it is the most -·i-iiI=*112 282'limr-IMT<br />

beautiful one because - 4-, 1<br />

once everythmg is all '14--- , -le-r,-t. ·<br />

set and ready to go, I. r. :· . ,..: ..,<br />

can stpnd back and say, .1...'. <br />

Brownies made this and Ppi" .=i*91&,4:3//U,(·t.=. 11*ff:$:1-i ii,I M#%<br />

that' They do table<br />

centerpleces, they do ':**rr·--1.5. 1-1.·-t,=. lilli<br />

nu, cups, they help set :s,.»«»: ,S,i'3f'X<br />

up _,he _tab14 said_ -- -_1, .44* .I 26ka , 4. f %4& *-:. .. ,i -r"<br />

Steele. =i I,x .-<br />

':We do it up with ---'EE.' 036'a .ip,: g* t*413 4*' * e.*RS&%466JML :t.», © iTAK. PI*<br />

china and aysul and<br />

cloth napkins, and on 12'2'1:*lf-,re,0 ='.»*. _,j .<br />

the buffet line we have, 6,. 042 042.;- 042 042-i-_.---\ .<br />

carvin.g station. The f t. 1<br />

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people come dresse up'<br />

· a<br />

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in their Sunday best Bread for Ufe volunteers attend the Appreciation Banquet at lake Compounce last<br />

We reilly do it up." week. A- 17 Kr..rs/t Tud<br />

Oshana seeks re-election...<br />

& t'=tt'PT 11-1 , 1 5 1 1 15D y u d - o m.ember and ' fh him he<br />

7<br />

The Observer, Thursday, September 16,1999<br />

4<br />

North Center site discussed...<br />

(continued from page 1 ) ters. conflict of interest.<br />

"Do you really want to tear Oakland Road resident<br />

If the council holds off any down a building worth over a Slicholas D'Emanuele asked the<br />

longer, the construction of a po- million dollars?" Delahunty asked council why it wouldn't coniider<br />

lice station for the recently de- the council, adding that it is the leaving North Center School<br />

feated $6 million may be a thing feeling of both the Permanent standing and utilize tIle b Idiag<br />

of the past. "I'd like to see the Building Committee and a major- as police headquarters. Be*ause,<br />

council make up its mind and de- ity of the Board of Police Com- Meade answered, current Keaddde<br />

what it wants to do," he said. missioners that the North Center quarters an Main Street i a con.<br />

Delahunty said the parcel on School site is not the proper loca- verted school (Marcus Hplcomb<br />

Lazy Lane, shot down in referen- tion for a new police station. The School) and the town wouldn't<br />

dum in April, is Uil nice level 3-acre parcel is not large enough want to relive problems thatllave<br />

piece" and would have supported for a building and an auxiliary been wimessed after converting a<br />

a police station well, but its loca- structure, Delahunty said, and building.<br />

tion just off Queen Street did not would not be conducive to allow- plus, Councilor and Police<br />

appeal to voters. The defensive ing. for the construction of an ad- Building Committee m#mber<br />

statement that a police station dition if necessary decades from Meg Maruzo added, offlcials<br />

should be in a downtown location now. from Kaestle Boos Associates, the<br />

is an antiquated one, Defahunty "I do know there's a question town'S main architectural firm,<br />

said, stating that towns such as of room there for future expan- have stated that renovating the<br />

Berlin and Madison have con- sion," Meade said, noting that school into police headquarters<br />

structed their police facilities at acreage a few hundred feet east o{ tvould carry a price tag higher<br />

substantial distances from the the school on Hobart Street wd than that of a new facility.<br />

centers of their communities. looked at for consideration last D'Emanuele said he under-<br />

The building committee chair- year. That site was taken out of stood but thought it would be im-<br />

man smd he logged a distance of the running when concerns sur- proper to demolish a building<br />

three miles from the center of faced over the property being that appears to be sound and in<br />

Madison to its police headquar- owned by Delahunty, a possible good structural shape.<br />

Bridge replacement faces delay...<br />

(continued from page 1 ) residents. I'm not pleased at all," Will take a stance once the imshe<br />

said. Triano added that a town posed deadline approaches. If it<br />

each day he visited the West Cen- councilor such as Marcheselle appears the deadline will pass<br />

-ter-gueeS-Gitwhere wprp nnly trun shrnild nnr he rn,inted on to keep without the iob being comp.leted,<br />

or three employees working, an eye on the project, when it is the council will either negotiate<br />

Tranquillo said he feels the rea- the responsibility ofthe engineer's with MIG or impose the $1,000-<br />

sons given by the firm in seeking office. a-day fine.<br />

an extension have legitimacy to Tranquillo told the vice chair Noting the presence ofWhisthem.<br />

he sent an initial letter in June to tle Stop Restaurant owner<br />

He refused to elaborate on MIG noting that the project was Richard Doty in the audience,<br />

the reasons ourside an executive falling behind schedule, but has Councilor William Depaolo said<br />

session, although --the company - no other way- to 254nforee -his feel- the establishments business has<br />

has Eonfirmed contaminated soil ings but in writing or words. A dropped off by 30 percent since<br />

has had to be removed, in addi- letter sent to the company August work began, but he would like to<br />

tion to unexpected utility and 30 requesting reasons for an ex- see the problem resolved in the<br />

drainage work. "We don't feel 44 tension has received 'a general re- best interest of the town and busi-<br />

days is appropriate, but we don't sponse," Tranquillo said, citing nesses in the West Center Street<br />

think zero-days is-appropriate-ei- the- numerous conversations he_ area. Lgth be_ppltiye about it.<br />

ther," Tranquillo said. has already had with MIG offi- let's get it done," he said.<br />

Marcheselle said it made no cials. Meade agreed. We are in the<br />

difference to him because "MIG . Although other members of simation we are in now," he said,<br />

is doing a number on us," stating the council did not comment on "but we want to bring it to the<br />

that the rnanpower on the site was the project, Meade said the town best possible conclusion.<br />

only increased to four employees<br />

Oshana explained. 9 d e projec- portant role m the school system? my minl at he has the ba - tended to<br />

don continues upward, and I hon- Just because you're superinten- terest of the school syi;tem at #They're not keeping up their<br />

estly believe it will, then we're go- dent doesn't mean you cannot lis- heart, no question. He has stated end<br />

of the program," the coun-<br />

ing to have to sit down and say, ten to parents," Oshana said. this on more than one occasion. cilor<br />

said, adding that even<br />

'Wait a minute, we have the *'What kind of a future does he or I'rn definitely happy with him," though<br />

traffic flow had been in-<br />

schools 211 completed, but what's. she see for Southington? What DePaola said. terrupted<br />

from the censer of town<br />

the population of the student are their short-term goals and **I don't think we've had any to West Street, those most hurt<br />

body?' Let's not have brand-new what are their long-term goals? major disagreements, but diver- by the project are the business<br />

structures, then start jamming the I'd like to see the kind of ide25 gence of opinion, periodically, owners<br />

in the area. "It isn't fair to .<br />

classrooms." they have on curriculum. What which is normal. I've never doubt- those<br />

people to extend it beyond 2-<br />

Oshana is also loolong for- would you do with the curriculum ed his sincerity and I've never 0ctober<br />

15," he said. 2<br />

ward to sitting on the board dur- if you thought it wasn't function- doubted the fact that whatever he Vice Chairperson Victoria<br />

ing a superintendent search. He ing correctly? How would they says, he really means and he's will- Tnano<br />

agreed, saying the town<br />

said he has participated in three get parents, students, teachers ing to back it up," DePaola said of engineer's<br />

office should have been<br />

superintendent searches in the working together?" his fellow Democrat. "When you going<br />

full force to keep tabs on<br />

past and three or four hunts for Oshana added, "I want he or really boil it down, there's nothing the<br />

construction. MIG has added<br />

assistant superintendents. Al- she to understand we have proba- like experience and he certainly the<br />

extra crew member now to<br />

though he willlook at the creden- bly one of the best staffs in central has had a ton and 2 half of it." catch<br />

up, Tnano said. UThose<br />

tials of the candidates, Oshana Connecticut - we really do - Oshana confirmed DePaolah businesses<br />

are taking a beating<br />

said he is especially concerned and give them the credit too. 036 sentiments. "My entire, 100 per- and<br />

we need to stand behind our<br />

about whet type of person is of- Nicholas DFPSola, who is cent responsibility is the youngfered<br />

the position. leaving the schobl board tO pUrSUe sters, period. I'm not running be-<br />

You have to look for those a seat on the Town Counal this cause I'm a politician, I'm not<br />

other things that iren't on paper, fail, has known Oshana for more running because I have an ego, or<br />

their personality Are they a peo- than 20 years and is pleased his running because I have an agen-<br />

ple person? Will they get involved colleague is looking to fill his da,- he said. -The only agenda I<br />

in the community, not just the post. "1 think he makes a great have is the students."<br />

Please bring these items.<br />


042 Herbiades & weedkmers<br />

Saturday, Sept. 18, 1999<br />

042 insecticides & poisons<br />

042 Fertilizers & garden<br />


chemicals<br />

042 Non-empty aerosol cans<br />

042 Household batteries<br />

042 Oil-based paint, varnishes,<br />

shellac, stains, thinners &<br />

paint strippers<br />

042 Pool, photo & hobby<br />

chemicals<br />

042 Auto fluids, cleaners &<br />


waxes<br />

042 Waste oil<br />

042 Furniture, floor & metal<br />

polishes<br />

Laundry chemicals<br />

042 Oven, drain & household<br />

cleaners<br />

042 Mercury<br />

1 WASTE<br />

4<br />

1'<br />

Time: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm<br />

Place: Highway Garage,<br />

Mulberry St., Southington<br />

For the towns of:<br />

042 Southington Meriden 042<br />

Berlin 042 Bristol 042 Burlington 042<br />

New 042 Britain Plainville 042<br />

Plymouth 042 Prospect 042 Wotcott 042<br />

Resident I.D. is required. No waste from businesses<br />

Upcoming HHW Collections: Prospect Sept. 25,<br />

New Britain Oct. 16, Bristol Oct. 30, Meriden Nov. 13<br />

Questions? Call your local Public Works or<br />

the Southington Health Dept. at 276-6275.<br />

"e'AA '* 042e"-,siS -le'll,#·"'641> 042,fw 4sp. 6 4) 181(#Dlif#40*eg#hil6*0,11D *t<br />

DO NOT bring:<br />

042Empty aerosol cans<br />

042 La tex paint<br />

Ammunition 042 & other<br />

explosives<br />

042 Smoke detectors & other<br />

radioactive materials<br />

042 Propane tanks<br />

042 Biomedical or infectious<br />

waste<br />

042 Commerdal or<br />

industrial<br />

waste<br />

042 Tires<br />



this past Monday and sometimes<br />

has watchfd the.crew for 20<br />


Slj ,tri.<br />

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News releases may be sent to 73% bbserver<br />

Sat & Sun. 10 a-m. - S pon<br />

"Hayrides to Pick Your Own Apples"<br />

7<br />

Empire, Mac#, dala, Cortland<br />

il 442.- 036<br />

E 2Yl;,it'Rp,je;Fi ' 6- e-- - -t g*81#1#i*el<br />

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Ba13t fira iparrgae)<br />

12'3 894 iindrew# St. 41<br />

Southington (7S<br />

621-6363 3't-,1 , t,41/<br />

General Hours: Thur. - Sun.. 9-6 ' r<br />

44214.fix..<br />

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Wbere retirement is<br />

thevery best oflife.<br />

hc Orchards at Southington offerra<br />

gracious, c

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