CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Jan Olav Johannessen ... - NCP – 2012

CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Jan Olav Johannessen ... - NCP – 2012

CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Jan Olav Johannessen ... - NCP – 2012


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<strong>CURRICULUM</strong> <strong>VITAE</strong><br />

<strong>Name</strong>: <strong>Jan</strong> <strong>Olav</strong> <strong>Johannessen</strong>, M.D, PhD.<br />

Date of birth: 13.11.1951<br />

Address: Home: Fjellfruebakken 18, 4070 Randaberg, Norway<br />

Work: Division of Psychiatry, Stavanger University Hospital, Postboks 1163<br />

Hillevåg, 4004 Stavanger, Norway, telephone +47 51 51 52 11, Facsimile +47<br />

51 51 52 05, e-mail: jojo@sus.no<br />

Marital status: Married since 1973 to Kristin (born 1952), high school/university teacher/schoolcouncellor.<br />

Two children; Lene S. (born 1976, M.D.) and J. Sturla (born 1979,<br />

Journalist)<br />

Position: Chief psychiatrist, Division of psychiatry, Stavanger University Hospital.<br />

Division of psychiatry is the administrative unit of the psychiatric services of<br />

Rogaland county, south, in Norway. It covers a population of approx. 330.000<br />

inhabitants, with approx. 400 psychiatric beds, with day-care units, out-patient<br />

units, and wards for adult and child psychiatry, drug-abuse unit, community<br />

psychiatric centres etc. It employs around 1300 persons. Yearly budget appr 80<br />

mill Euros.<br />

96-0208.doc<br />

Private specialist practice (20 %) in Randaberg since 1990.<br />

Associate professor, University of Stavanger, Faculty of social sciences<br />

1977 MD, University of Bergen, Norway<br />

1977 - 78 Resident, department of surgery, Central Hospital of Rogaland, Norway<br />

1978 - 79 Department of medicine, Central Hospital of Rogaland, Norway<br />

1978 - 79 General Practitioner, Rennesøy commune, Norway<br />

1979 - 81 Resident, department of psychiatry, Central Hospital of Rogaland, Norway<br />

1981 - 82 Head, department of psychiatry, Norwegian Armed Forces, Madla, Norway<br />

1982 - 85 Resident, department of psychiatry, Central Hospital of Rogaland/Rogaland<br />

Psychiatric Hospital, Dale i Sandnes, Norway<br />

1985 Specialist in psychiatry, Norwegian Medical Association<br />

1985 - 86 Medical director, department of psychiatry, Central Hospital of Rogaland,<br />

Norway<br />

1986 - 91 Senior psychiatrist, department of psychiatry, Central Hospital of Rogaland,<br />

Norway<br />

1992 - Chief psychiatrist, Division of psychiatry, Stavanger University Hospita.l,<br />

Stavanger/Sandnes, Norway<br />

Special education:<br />

1985 - 89 Member of Norwegian Institute of Psychoanalytic oriented Psychotherapy, 4<br />

years' education<br />

1990 - Courses in health administration<br />

1997 Certified supervisor in psychosis psychotherapy<br />

2007 Doctoral thesis, Dr. philos., University of Oslo (“An early detection and<br />

intervention system for untreated first episode psychosis”)

Scientific work:<br />

Articles on:<br />

• Epidemiology and outcome in schizophrenia<br />

• Organising and development of the health services<br />

• Early intervention studies in functional psychosis<br />

• Anti-stigma strategies/information strategies<br />

• Malignant neuroleptic syndrome<br />

• Quality indicators/result measures within the mental health care<br />

• Am J Psychiatry, Br J Psychiaty, Nordic Psych Journal, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica,<br />

Disease Management and Health Outcomes, Schizophrenia Research, Schizophrenia<br />

Bulletin, Archives of Gen Psychiatry, Journ of Norw Medical Assoc, Early interv in<br />

Psychiatry etc<br />

Editor/author of books/book-chapters on developing health services/early intervention<br />

strategies/psychotherapy (Wiley UK/US, Gaskell UK, FADL, DK, Universitetsforlaget<br />

Norway, Nato Science Series Kluwer D/UK/US) etc. Translated into Spanish and<br />

Russian.<br />

Scientific reviewer for Acta Psych Scand, British Journal of Psychiatry, Schizophrenia<br />

Bulletin, Schizophrenia Research, Psychosis, Early interv in Psychiatry, etc<br />

Co-editor of “Psychosis” (Int’ journal published by Brunner-Routledge)<br />

Member of the editorial board “Int’ journal for early intervention in psychiatry”<br />

Editor “Best practice”. Scandinavian Psychiatry Journal.<br />

Invited speaker:<br />

• American Psychiatric Association annual meeting (1997, 98, 99)<br />

• Royal College of Psychiatrists UK annual meeting (2000, 01)<br />

• Japan’s Psychiatric Association annual meeting (1998)<br />

• Australia, University of Melbourne (1996, 2003,2005,2009)<br />

• World congress for rehabilitation WAPR, Rotterdam (1997)<br />

• WHO/WPA (1998, 2000, 01,04,05, 08, 09)<br />

• Danish Department of Health and Social Security (1997/2007)<br />

• Danish county association/ Department of Health (2001)<br />

• UK department of health and social affairs (2001)<br />

• Anti-stigma WPA, Leipzig (2001)<br />

• Italian Psych Assoc (2004)<br />

India (2006)<br />

Russia (2006, 2008)<br />

France (2004)<br />

Switzerland (2009)<br />

etc<br />

In addition to this, various lectures etc, at home and abroad, particularly concerning organisation<br />

and health service development. Consultancy work for among others counties and other<br />

Norwegian counties and communes. Association of Norwegian communes, UK department of<br />

health and social affairs, Danish county association, Norwegian ministry of health, on<br />

development and planning. Education tasks on University/College level.<br />

Member of scientific committees for several international scientific congresse, f ex WAPR <strong>2012</strong>,<br />

Milan- IEPA 2011 San Fransisco- ISPS 2011 Dubrovnik.<br />

Wide experience from lecture activities on popular science.<br />


Initiated cross-professional education programs like the “Family school”, “Psychoses school”<br />

etc.<br />

Since ca 2000 worked closely in cooperation with mental health in Stavropol in Russia to<br />

develop/modernise the psychiatric services in the Stavropol region<br />

Miscellaneous popular science articles/brochures/booklets/education material/films etc, some<br />

translated into English, German, Russian<br />

Psychosis <strong>–</strong> what is that?<br />

Short on schizophrenia<br />

Short on psychosis<br />

Antistigma<br />

etc.<br />

Social/political activities:<br />

• 30 years of active political work within the Norwegian Labour Party with political<br />

engagement on different levels i.e. commune, county and state (local council, county council,<br />

committees, boards, as private member and as leader (particularly between 1977 and 92)<br />

• Active as a coach for local soccer teams (1983-97<br />

• Member of the board, Rogalands Avis (newspaper) (1982-90)<br />

Member of the advisory board Psychiatric Information Foundation (Psykopp), 2004-<br />

• Fellow, European Association of Psychiatry, 2003-<br />

etc<br />

Other:<br />

Member of the board, ISPS (International society for psychological treatment of schizophrenia<br />

and other psychoses) (1997-2000)<br />

President ISPS. 2001- 2006<br />

President ISPS-Norway. 2004-2006<br />

Member of the board, IEPA (The International Association for Early Psychosis) 1996-<br />

Member of the WPA early psychosis task force (1999)<br />

Chair organisation committee ISPS 2000,(The 13 th international symposium for the<br />

psychological treatment of schizophrenia and other psychosis), Stavanger<br />

Chair TIPS ( Scandinavian early intervention project) 1996-<br />

Co-initiator TIPS-project<br />

Member of the board Datatilsynet (the Data Inspectorate in Norway) (1998-2000)<br />

Member of the board, FAS (Research academy) in Stavanger .1998- 2004<br />

Initiator of the Schizophrenia Days (1989), Europe’s largest annual congress on psychiatry for<br />

professionals, the general public and relatives. Several times chair of the arrangement committee<br />

Member of the board, committee for quality assurance, Norw Psych Ass, 2001-2006<br />

Member of the board, committee for preventive medicine, Norw Psych Ass, 2002-2010<br />

Member of Governmental task force on Quality indicators in psychiatric health care, Norway,<br />

2004-<br />

Leader of Task force on New electronic journal system, Western Norway health trust ,2004-<br />

Member of Research council mental health, Western Norway health trust, 2004-2006<br />

Leader of Task force for developing steering data in psychiatric health care, Western Norway<br />

health trust, 2004-2006<br />

Leader of Norwegian national task force for developing guidelines for the assessment and<br />

treatment of Psychosis/Schizophrenia. 2005-<br />


Member of the board, SEPREP (National centre for psychosocial rehabilitation in psychosis).<br />

2008-<br />

President, Norwegian Psychiatric Association. 2006-2011<br />

Member of the board of the joint Nordic psychiatric committees (2006-2011)<br />

Initiator/project leader national Norwegian “Break-through project” on early intervention 2009-<br />

<strong>2012</strong><br />

Member of national task force for developing strategies for the future development of Mental<br />

health in Norway (2011-<br />

etc<br />

Selected publications from the TIPS-group:<br />

1. McGlashan TH: Early detection and intervention in schizophrenia: Editor's<br />

introduction. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 22(2): 197-199, 1996.<br />

2. McGlashan TH, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JA: Early detection and intervention with<br />

schizophrenia: Rationale. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 22(2): 201-222, 1996.<br />

3. Larsen TK, McGlashan TH, Moe LC: First-episode schizophrenia: I: Early<br />

course parameters. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 22(2): 241-256, 1996. PMID 8782284<br />

4. Larsen TK McGlashan TH, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Hansen LV: First-episode<br />

schizophrenia: II: Premorbid patterns by gender. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 22(2): 257-269,<br />

1996. PMID 8782285<br />

5. McGlashan TH: Early detection and intervention in schizophrenia: Research.<br />

Schizophrenia Bulletin, 22(2): 327-345, 1996.<br />

6. Vaglum P: Early detection and intervention in schizophrenia: Unsolved questions.<br />

Schizophrenia Bulletin, 22(2): 347-352, 1996<br />

7. Larsen TK, Opjordsmoen S. Early identification and Treatment of Schizophrenia:<br />

Conceptual and Ethical Considerations. Psychiatry 54: 371- 380 1996 PMID 9029658<br />

8. McGlashan TH: Early detection and intervention of schizophrenia: Rationale and research.<br />

British Journal of Psychiatry, 172(33): 3-6, 1998.<br />

9. <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO: Early intervention and prevention in schizophrenia <strong>–</strong> experiences from a<br />

study in Stavanger, Norway. Seishin Shinkeigaku Zasshi, 100(8):511-522, 1998.<br />

10. Larsen TK, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Opjordsmoen S: First episode schizophrenia with long<br />

duration of untreated psychosis. Pathways to care. British Journal of Psychiatry, 172 (suppl. 33):<br />

45-52, 1998. PMID 9764126<br />

11. McGlashan TH: Duration of untreated psychosis in first-episode schizophrenia:<br />

Marker or determinant of course? Biological Psychiatry, 46: 899-907, 1999.<br />

12. <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Larsen TK, McGlashan TH: Duration of untreated psychosis:<br />

An important target for intervention in schizophrenia: Nord Journal of Psychiatry 53: 275-283,<br />

1999.<br />


13. Opjordsmoen S: Novel antipsychotics in schizophrenia and related<br />

disorders:preliminary findings from a first episode study. In: Maj M, Sartorius N, (Eds.),<br />

Schizophrenia. WPA Series, Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry, Vol. 2 Chichester, John<br />

Wiley & Sons, 131-133, 1999.<br />

14. McGlashan TH: Treating schizophrenia earlier in life and the potential for<br />

prevention. Current Psychiatry Reports, 2:386-392, 2000.<br />

15. <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Larsen TK, McGlashan TH, Vaglum P. Early intervention in<br />

psychosis: the TIPS project: A multi-center study in Scandinavia. In: Martindale BV,<br />

Bateman A, Crowe M, Margison F, Gaskell, (Eds.), Psychosis: Psychological<br />

Approaches and Their Effectiveness. Royal College of Psychiatrists, London. 210-<br />

234, 2000.<br />

16, Larsen TK, Moe LC, Vibe-Hansen L, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO. Premorbid functioning versus<br />

duration of unterated psychosis. In 1-year outcome in first episode psychosis. Schizophrenia<br />

Research 45: 1-9 , 2000. PMID 10978867<br />

17. Larsen TK, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, McGlashan TH, Horneland M, Mardal S, Vaglum P. Can<br />

duration of untreated psychosis be reduced? In: Birchwood M, Fowler D, Jackson C, (eds.),<br />

Early Intervention in Psychosis. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 143-165, 2000.<br />

18. Simonsen E. Differentiating personality disorder and early psychosis.<br />

(“Differentialdiagnostik mellem personlighedsforstyrrelse og nydebuteret psykose”). In: Early<br />

Identification and treatment of schizophrenia. (Daenish; “Tidlig indsats ved skizofreni”). Eds.: P<br />

Jørgensen, TK Larsen, B Rosenbaum. Fadl’s forlag, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2000: 77-91.<br />

19. Friis S. Research strategies in early schizophrenia. (“Forskningsstrategier ved<br />

begynnende schizofreni.) In:Early Identification and Treatment of Schizophrenia. (Daenish;<br />

“Tidlig indsats ved skizofreni”). Eds. P. Jørgensen, TK Larsen and B. Rosenbaum. Fadl’s<br />

Forlag, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2000: 105-118.<br />

20. Larsen TK. Conceptual and ethical aspects of early treatment of schizophrenia.<br />

(”Konceptuelle og etiske aspekter ved tidlig behandling av schizofreni”) In: Early<br />

Identification and treatment of schizophrenia. (Daenish; “Tidlig indsats ved skizofreni”). Eds. P.<br />

Jørgensen, TK Larsen and B. Rosenbaum. Fadl’s Forlag, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2000: 119-137.<br />

21. Fjell A. Family work (”Familiearbeid”) In: Early Identification and treatment of<br />

schizophrenia. (Daenish; “Tidlig indsats ved skizofreni”). Eds. P. Jørgensen, TK Larsen and B.<br />

Rosenbaum. Fadl’s Forlag, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2000: 151-173.<br />

22. JO <strong>Johannessen</strong> and TK Larsen: Education programmes and early detection<br />

teams.(“Befolkningsopplysning og oppdagelsesteam”). In Early identification and treatment of<br />

schizophrenia. (Daenish; ”Tidlig insats ved schizofreni”). Eds. P. Jørgensen, TK Larsen and B.<br />

Rosenbaum. Fadl’s Forlag, Copenhagen,<br />

Denmark, 2000: 255-271.<br />

23. <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Larsen TK, Horneland M, Joa I, Mardal S, Kvebaek R, Friis S, Melle I,<br />

Opjordsmoen S, Simonsen E, Vaglum P, McGlashan TH: THE TIPS<br />

PROJECT: A Systematized Program to Reduce Duration of Untreated Psychosis in<br />

First Episode Schizophrenia. T. Miller et al. (eds.), Early Intervention in Psychotic<br />

Disorders. Kluwer Academic Publishers, the Netherlands, pp. 151-166, 2001.<br />

24. Larsen TK, Friis S, Haahr U, Joa I, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Melle I, Opjordsmoen S,<br />


Simonsen E, Vaglum P. Early detection and intervention in first-episode<br />

schizophrenia: a critical review. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 103:323-334, 2001. PMID<br />

11380302<br />

25. <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO. Early recognition and intervention: The key to success in the<br />

treatment of schizophrenia? Disease Management and Health Outcomes. 9(6):317- 327,<br />

2001.<br />

26. <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, McGlashan TH, Larsen TK, Horneland M, Joa I, Mardal S,<br />

Kvebæk, Friis S, Melle I, Opjordsmoen S, Simonsen E, Haahr U, Vaglum P. Early<br />

detection strategies for untreated first-episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research. 51:39-46,<br />

2001. PMID 11479064<br />

27. Larsen TK, McGlashan TH, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Friis S, Guldberg C, Haahr U, Horneland<br />

M, Melle I, Moe LC, Opjordsmoen S, Simonsen E, Vaglum P. Shortened duration of untreated<br />

first episode of psychosis: Changes in patient characteristics at treatment. American Journal of<br />

Psychiatry. 158:1917-1919, 2001. PMID 11691702<br />

28. Joa I, Larsen TK, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Vaglum P. Oppdages psykiske lidelser<br />

tidlig, er de enklere å behandle. En presentasjon av TIPS prosjektet.<br />

Sykepleien. 2001, 89:38-41.<br />

29. Simonsen E, Lyse H-G, Hansen AO, Knudsen P. About and with psychosis (“Om og<br />

med psykose”). PsykiatriFondens Forlag, 2001.<br />

30. Horneland M, Vaglum P, Larsen TK. The prevalence of DSM-III-r “prodromal”<br />

symptoms of schizophrenia in non-psychotic psychiatric outpatients. Nordic Journal of<br />

Psychiatry. 56, 4: 247-251, 2002.<br />

31. Heinimaa M, Larsen TK. Psychosis: conceptual and ethical aspects of early diagnosis<br />

and intervention. Current Opinion in Psychiatry. 15, 5: 533-541, 2002.<br />

PMID 15264344<br />

32. Larsen TK. Early detection of schizophrenia—is primary prophylaxis possible?<br />

(Norwegian). Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen. 122: 2015-2018, 2002. PMID 12555449<br />

33. Larsen TK. Early intervention and prevention of psychosis in Norway. In: Recent<br />

Advances in Early Intervention and Prevention in Psychiatric Disorders. Seiwa Shoten<br />

Publishers, Tokyo, Japan. 20-25, 2002.<br />

34. Friis S, Sundet K, Rund BR, Vaglum P, McGlashan TH. What are the basic dimensions<br />

of neurocognition? British Journal of Psychiatry. 181, (Suppl. 43): s85-s90, 2002.<br />

35. Friis S, Larsen TK. Does individual psychotherapy have any place in the treatment of<br />

schizophrenia. (Norwegian). Invited paper. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 122:2210-2212, 2002.<br />

PMID 12429600<br />

36. Friis S, Larsen TK, Melle I, Opjordsmoen S, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Haahr U, Simonsen E,<br />

Rund BR, Vaglum P, McGlashan TH. Methodological pitfalls in early detection studies. Acta<br />

Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 107:3-9, 2003. PMID 12558535<br />

37. Larsen TK, Friis S. Psychosocial treatment of schizophrenia; why bother?<br />

(Daenish). Medisinsk Arbok. 2003. 69-76.<br />


38. Larsen TK, Bechdolf A, Birchwood M. The concept of schizophrenia and phase specific<br />

treatment. Psychological treatment in pre-psychosis and in non-responders. Journal of American<br />

Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry. 2003, 191-208. PMID 12722896<br />

39 Gleeson J, Larsen TK, McGorry P. Psychological and psychosocial treatments in pre-<br />

and early psychosis. Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic<br />

Psychiatry. 2003, 229-246. PMID 12722897<br />

40. Melle I, Larsen TK, Haahr U, Friis S, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Opjordsmoen S, Simonsen E,<br />

Rund BR, Vaglum P, McGlashan TH. Reducing the duration of untreated first-episode<br />

psychosis. Archives of General Psychiatry. 61:143-150, 2004. PMID 14757590<br />

41. Rund BR, Melle I, Friis S, Larsen TK, Midbøe LJ, Opjordsmoen S, Simonsen E, Vaglum<br />

P, McGlashan TH. Neurocognitive dysfunction in first-episode psychosis: Correlates with<br />

symptoms, premorbid adjustment, and duration of untreated psychosis. American Journal of<br />

Psychiatry. 2004;161: 466-472. PMID 14992972<br />

42. Larsen TK, Friis S, Haahr U, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Melle I, Opjordsmoen S, Rund BR,<br />

Simonsen E, Vaglum P, McGlashan TH. Premorbid adjustment in first-episode non-affective<br />

psychosis: Distinct patterns of pre-onset course. British Journal of Psychiatry. 2004:185; 108-<br />

115. PMID 15286061<br />

43. Friis S, Melle I, Larsen TK, Haahr U, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Simonsen E, Opjordsmoen S,<br />

Vaglum P, McGlashan TH. Does duration of untreated psychosis bias study samples of first<br />

episode psychosis? Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 2004;110: 286-291. PMID 15352930<br />

44. <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Larsen TK, Joa I, Melle I, Friis, S, Opjordsmoen S, Rund BJ,<br />

Simonsen E, Vaglum P, McGlashan TH. Pathways to care for first episode psychosis in an early<br />

detection healthcare sector. British Journal of Psychiatry. 2005; 187(suppl 48), s24-s28. PMID<br />

16055803<br />

45. Friis S, Vaglum P, Haahr U, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Larsen TK, Melle I, Opjordsmoen S,<br />

Rund BR, Simonsen E, McGlashan TH. Effects of an early detection programme on<br />

duration of untreated psychosis. British Journal of Psychiatry, 2005; 187(suppl 48), s29-s32.<br />

PMID 16055804<br />

46. Melle I, Friis S, Haahr U, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Larsen TK, Opjordsmoen S, Roessberg JI,<br />

Rund BR, Simonsen E, Vaglum P, McGlashan T. Measuring quality of life in first-episode<br />

psychosis. European Psychiatry, 2005; 20: 474-483. PMID 15967642<br />

47. Melle I, Haahr U, Friis S, Hustoft K, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Larsen TK, Opjordsmoen S,<br />

Rund BR, Simonsen E, Vaglum P, McGlashan TH. Reducing the duration of untreated<br />

first-episode psychosis <strong>–</strong> effects on baseline social functioning and quality of life. Acta<br />

Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2005; 112: 469-473. PMID 16279877<br />

48. Melle I, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Friis S, Haahr U, Joa I, Larsen TK, Opjordsmoen S, Rund BR,<br />

Simonsen E, Vaglum P, McGlashan T. Early detection of the first episode of schizophrenia and<br />

suicidal behavior. American Journal of Psychiatry 2006; 163: 800-804. PMID 16648319<br />

49. Larsen TK, Melle I, Auestad B, Friis S, Haahr U, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Opjordsmoen S,<br />

Rund BR, Simonsen E, Vaglum P, McGlashan TH. Early detection of first-episode<br />

psychosis: The effect on 1-year outcome. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2006;32: 758-764.<br />

PMID 16809640<br />


50 Larsen TK, Melle I, Auestad B, Friis S, Haahr U, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Opjordsmoen S,<br />

Rund BR, Simonsen E, Vaglum P, McGlashan TH. Substance abuse in first-episode nonaffective<br />

psychosis. Schizophrenia Research 2006;88: 55-62. PMID 16971092<br />

51 Fjell A, Bloch Thorsen GR, Friis S, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Larsen TK, Lie K, Lyse HG, Melle I,<br />

Simonsen E, Smeby NA, Øxnevad AL, McFarlane WR, Vaglum P, McGlashan TH.<br />

Implementing psycho-educational multifamily group work in a treatment program for patients<br />

with first episode psychosis. Experiences from the TIPS project. Psychiatric Services 2007;<br />

58:171-173.<br />

52 Simonsen E, Friis S, Haahr U, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Larsen TK, Melle I, Opjordsmoen S, Rund<br />

BR, Vaglum P, McGlashan TH: Clinical epidemiologic first-episode psychosis: 1-year outcome<br />

and predictors. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 2007; 116: 54-61.<br />

53. <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Friis S, Joa I, Haahr U, Larsen TK, Melle I, Opjordsmoen S, Rund BR,<br />

Simonsen E, Vaglum P, McGlashan T. First-episode psychosis patients recruited into treatment<br />

via early detection teams versus ordinary pathways: course, outcome and health service use<br />

during first 2 years. Early Intervention in Psychiatry 2007; 1:40-48.<br />

54. Rund BR, Melle I, Friis S, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Larsen TK, Midbøe LJ, Opjordsmoen S,<br />

Simonsen E, Vaglum P, McGlashan T. The course of neurocognitive functioning in first-episode<br />

psychosis and its relation to premorbid adjustment, duration of untreated psychosis, and relapse.<br />

Schizophrenia Research 2007; 91: 132-140<br />

55. <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO. An early detection and intervention system for untreated first episode<br />

psychosis. Dissertation. University of Oslo 2007.<br />

56. Lyse HG, Haahr U, Fjell A, Dichmann B, Flensborg E, Simonsen E.<br />

Psykoedukation og familegrupper for patienter med nydebuterende psykoser.<br />

(Psychoeducation and family groups for patients with first episode psychoses)<br />

Ugeskrift for Læger 2007; 169: 3668-3672.<br />

57. Joa I, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Auestad B, Friis S, McGlashan TH, Opjordsmoen S,<br />

Simonsen S, VaglumP, Larsen TK. Effects on Referral Patterns of Reducing<br />

Intensive Informational Campaigns About First-Episode Psychosis Early<br />

Intervention in Psychiatry 2007;1:340-345.<br />

58. Larsen TK, Melle I, Friis S, Joa I, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Opjordsmoen S, Rund BR, Simonsen E,<br />

Vaglum P, McGlashan TH. The one-year effect of changing duration of untreated psychosis in a<br />

single catchment area. BJP 2007; 191 (suppl. 51), s128-s132.<br />

59. Joa I, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Auestad B, Friis S, McGlashan TH, Melle I, Opjordsmoen S,<br />

Simonsen S, Vaglum P, Larsen TK. The Key to Reducing the Duration of Untreated First<br />

Psychosis: Information Campaigns: Schiz Bulletin, 2008; 34(3):466-472.<br />

60. Melle I, Larsen TK, Haahr U, Friis S, Johannesen JO, Opjordsmoen S, Rund BR, Simonsen<br />

E, Vaglum P, McGlashan TH. Can the deficit syndrome be altered in first episode<br />

schizophrenia- two year effects of reducing the duration of untreated psychosis. Archives of<br />

General Psychiatry 2008; 65(6):634-640.<br />


61. Haahr U, Friis S, Larsen TK, Melle I, <strong>Johannessen</strong> JO, Opjordsmoen S, Simonsen E, Rund<br />

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