Boccaccio's Vernacular Classicism: Intertextuality ... - Brown University

Boccaccio's Vernacular Classicism: Intertextuality ... - Brown University

Boccaccio's Vernacular Classicism: Intertextuality ... - Brown University


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Heliotropia 7.1-2 (2010) http://www.heliotropia.org<br />

this feature of Boccaccio’s garden in focus, its presence acquires the value<br />

of a precise antithetical statement, one specifically targeting the Roman de<br />

la Rose. The pursuit of utility-with-pleasure is the specific difference that<br />

separates the members of Boccaccio’s brigata from the court of love they<br />

intertextually mimic.<br />

It may not be a random coincidence that the dialectics between pleasure<br />

and profit, beauty and usefulness, can be found in a different, and for<br />

Boccaccio radically alternative tradition. Amoenitas and utilitas are at the<br />

core of Classical treatments of villa gardens. In Roman literature, discussions<br />

of how the country estates owned by the cultivated ruling class<br />

should look like and what purposes they should serve was entrusted to the<br />

contrastive terminological couple we find joined in Boccaccio. The theme,<br />

first expounded in Varro’s De re rustica, reaches as far as Pliny the<br />

Younger. In the summer of 2005, while collaborating on a study of Boccaccio’s<br />

use of Livy in the Decameron, an Italian colleague, Professor Gaetano<br />

Braccini, directed my attention to two epistles by Pliny, which are devoted<br />

to a detailed, painstakingly precise and yet fully literary, description<br />

of two of his country estates. 20 Ep. II.17 presents the Laurentine villa (a<br />

property Pliny owned on the coast of Latium); Ep. V.6 repeats the ekphrastic<br />

exercise for a second villa, one he owned in Tuscany. 21 While the<br />

coupling of amoenitas and utilitas is spelled out in the first letter, it is the<br />

second one that may be more interesting to readers of Boccaccio. Below, I<br />

quote the text of this second epistle almost in its entirety. In addition to<br />

the group I have listed above, I have now bolded other loci in the epistle<br />

that may be suggested as antecedents for descriptive and thematic details<br />

in the Decameron. In what may appear a perverse chronological order, I<br />

am now glossing Pliny with Boccaccio:<br />


20 See G. Braccini and S. Marchesi, “Livio XXV, 26 e l’Introduzione alla prima giornata:<br />

di una possibile tessera classica per il cominciamento del Decameron,” Italica 80.2<br />

(2003), 139–46. The notes that follow about the resonance of Pliny’s description of his<br />

gardens are deeply indebted to my conversations with Professor Braccini.<br />

21 For Pliny’s treatment of villas in an archeological and cultural vein, see G. Mansuelli,<br />

“La villa nelle Epistulae di C. Plinio Cecilio Secondo,” Studi Romagnoli 29 (1978), 59–<br />

76; J. Bodel, “Monumental villas and villa monuments,” Journal of Roman Archaeology<br />

10 (1997), 5–35; and A. Riggsby, “Pliny in Space (and Time),” Arethusa 36 (2003),<br />

167–86. J. S. Ackerman’s vast study The Villa: Form and Ideology of Country Houses<br />

(Princeton, NJ: Princeton <strong>University</strong> Press, 1989) clearly outlines the cultural debates<br />

surrounding the Roman estates (for Pliny’s case, see Chapter 2). For literary meditations<br />

on villas, see most recently J. Henderson, Morals and Villas in Seneca’s “Letters”:<br />

Places to Dwell (Cambridge: Cambridge <strong>University</strong> Press, 2004).<br />

http://www.heliotropia.org/07/marchesi.pdf 47

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