Spycraft Boot Camp I - v1 - Crafty Games

Spycraft Boot Camp I - v1 - Crafty Games

Spycraft Boot Camp I - v1 - Crafty Games


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d20 System Espionage Role-Playing Game<br />

<strong>Spycraft</strong> <strong>Boot</strong> <strong>Camp</strong> I<br />


<strong>Spycraft</strong>, Shadowforce Archer and all related marks are and © 2002<br />

Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. All rights reserved.<br />

All characters, names, places, and text herein is copyrighted by AEG.<br />

Reproduction without AEG's written permission is expressly forbidden,<br />

except for the purpose of reviews and when permission to photocopy is<br />

clearly stated. Vitality points, wounds, Defense, and other rules from the Star<br />

Wars roleplaying game and other items not covered by the Open Gaming<br />

License used with permission from Wizards of the Coast. Star Wars is a trademark<br />

of Lucasfilm, Ltd. The mention of or reference to any company or product<br />

in this book is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.<br />

This book uses governments, intelligence agencies, and political figures as<br />

settings, characters, and themes. All such uses are intended for entertainment<br />

purposes only.<br />

The Open Game Content<br />

This release of the <strong>Spycraft</strong> <strong>Boot</strong> <strong>Camp</strong> I document is done under version 1.0a of the Open Game<br />

License and the draft version of the d20 System Trademark License, d20 System Trademark Logo<br />

Guide and System Reference Document by permission of Wizards of the Coast. Subsequent<br />

releases of this work will incorporate final versions of the license, guide and document.<br />

AEG’s intention is to open up as much of the <strong>Boot</strong> <strong>Camp</strong> I document as possible to be used as<br />

Open Game Content (OGC), while maintaining Product Identity (PI) to all aspects of the <strong>Spycraft</strong><br />

intellectual property. Publishers who wish to use the OGC materials from this work are encouraged<br />

to contact JZinser@alderac.com if they have any questions or concerns about reproducing<br />

material from the <strong>Boot</strong> <strong>Camp</strong> I document in other OGL works. AEG would appreciate anyone using<br />

OGC material from <strong>Spycraft</strong> in other OGL works to kindly reference <strong>Spycraft</strong> as the source of that<br />

material within the text of their work. Open Game Content may only be used under and in accordance<br />

with the terms of the OGL as fully set forth below.<br />

DESIGNATION OF PRODUCT IDENTITY: The following items are hereby designated as Product<br />

Identity in accordance with section 1(e) of the Open Game License, version 1.0a: Any and all<br />

<strong>Spycraft</strong> logos and identifying marks and trade dress, including all <strong>Spycraft</strong> product and product<br />

line names including but not limited to The <strong>Spycraft</strong> Espionage Handbook, <strong>Spycraft</strong> Lite, Control<br />

Screen, Modern Arms Guide, Faceman/Snoop Class Guide, Fixer/Pointman Class Guide,<br />

Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide, Season Book #1: Gentlemen’s Agreement and subsequent Season<br />

books, and all <strong>Spycraft</strong> logos; any elements of the <strong>Spycraft</strong> or Shadowforce Archer settings,<br />

including but not limited to capitalized names, department names, section names, threat names,<br />

characters, gadgets (including but not limited to the usual refinements and other gadgets), historic<br />

events, and organizations; any and all stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, documents<br />

within the game world, quotes from characters or documents, and dialogue; and all artwork,<br />

symbols, designs, depictions, illustrations, maps and cartography, likenesses, poses, Agency<br />

or department logos, symbols, or graphic designs, except such elements that already appear in the<br />

d20 System Reference Document and are already OGC by virtue of appearing there. The above<br />

Product Identity is not open Game Content.<br />

DESIGNATION OF OPEN CONTENT: Subject to the Product Identity designation above, no portions<br />

of the <strong>Boot</strong> <strong>Camp</strong> I document are designated as Open Game Content.<br />

USE OF MATERIAL AS OPEN GAME CONTENT: It is the clear and expressed intent of Alderac<br />

Entertainment Group to add all classes, skills, feats, equipment, prestige classes, and threat and<br />

NPC statistics (henceforth “goodies”) contained in this work to the canon of Open Game Content<br />

for free use pursuant to the Open Game License by future Open Game publishers.<br />

Some of the portions of this booklet which are delineated OGC originate from the System<br />

Reference Document and are © 1999, 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The remainder of these OGC<br />

portions of this book are hereby added to Open Game Content and if so used, should bear the<br />

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: “<strong>Spycraft</strong> Copyright 2001, Alderac Entertainment Group.”<br />

The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a<br />

challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.<br />

‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are<br />

used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 1.0a. A copy of this License can be<br />

found at www.wizards.com.<br />

Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are registered trademarks of Wizards of the<br />

Coast, and are used with permission.<br />

All contents of this work, regardless of designation, are copyrighted year 2002 by Alderac<br />

Entertainment Group. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use without the written permission of<br />

the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of review or use consistent with the<br />

limited license above.<br />

The Open Game License<br />

The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000<br />

Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.<br />

1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have<br />

contributed Open Game Content; (b) “Derivative Material” means copyrighted material<br />

including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages),<br />

potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation,<br />

abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or<br />

adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly<br />

display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d) “Open Game Content” means the game<br />

mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such<br />

content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and<br />

any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and<br />

means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under<br />

copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means<br />

product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts;<br />

creatures, characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents,<br />

language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes<br />

and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and<br />

Credits<br />

Credits<br />

<strong>Boot</strong> <strong>Camp</strong> Recruits: Ken Colman, Bruce Graw, Jason Olsan, Steve Peterson,<br />

Charles Rice, Aaron Rosenberg, Jon Szeto,<br />

Brian Underhill, Sam Witt<br />

Art Director: jim pinto<br />

Graphic Designer: Patrick Kapera<br />

Cover Artist: Veronica V. Jones<br />

Line Developer: Patrick Kapera<br />

Production Manager: Mary Valles<br />

2<br />

descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses<br />

and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or<br />

supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark<br />

or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product<br />

Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the<br />

logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or<br />

its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the<br />

Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format,<br />

modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content.<br />

(h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement.<br />

2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice<br />

indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this<br />

License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms<br />

may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself.<br />

No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using<br />

this License.<br />

3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of<br />

the terms of this License.<br />

4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the<br />

Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the<br />

exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.<br />

5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as<br />

Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation<br />

and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.<br />

6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this<br />

License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You<br />

are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and<br />

the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content<br />

you Distribute.<br />

7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication<br />

as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement<br />

with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate<br />

compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark in conjunction with a work containing<br />

Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with<br />

the owner of such Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does<br />

not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any<br />

Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and<br />

to that Product Identity.<br />

8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions<br />

of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.<br />

9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of<br />

this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute<br />

any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.<br />

10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open<br />

Game Content You Distribute.<br />

11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content<br />

using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor<br />

to do so.<br />

12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this<br />

License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order,<br />

or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.<br />

13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms<br />

herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All<br />

sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.<br />

14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision<br />

shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.<br />

15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Open Game License <strong>v1</strong>.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.<br />

System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan<br />

Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave<br />

Arneson. Star Wars roleplaying game, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast and Lucasfilm<br />

Ltd.; Authors Andy Collins, Bill Slavicsek, JD Wiker. <strong>Spycraft</strong> Espionage Handbook Copyright<br />

2002, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Patrick Kapera and Kevin Wilson.<br />

Shadowforce Archer Worldbook Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group; Authors<br />

Patrick Kapera and Kevin Wilson.

Table Of Contents<br />

The <strong>Spycraft</strong> <strong>Boot</strong> <strong>Camp</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03<br />

Want In On The Action? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03<br />

Bundles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03<br />

Gadgets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07<br />

Standard-Issue Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08<br />

Weapons and Ammunition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10<br />

Angelique Nicolette (Threat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10<br />

The Children of Set (Threat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12<br />

The Church of the Apocalypse (Threat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14<br />

Dallas Redux (Threat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17<br />

Hifazaat (Threat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20<br />

The Man in the Iron Lung (Threat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24<br />

Shale (Threat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26<br />

The Sodality (Threat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28<br />



The <strong>Spycraft</strong> RPG is a great labor of love by a great many<br />

people. Periodically, the Design Team trolls for fresh blood to<br />

supplement its ranks, inspired creators with a mind for innovative<br />

mechanics and the will to succeed in the gaming industry.<br />

We subject these hapless fools to a laborious torture sessi— er,<br />

training ground we call the <strong>Spycraft</strong> <strong>Boot</strong> <strong>Camp</strong>.<br />

As part of this program, participants are asked to generate<br />

rules and rules-oriented material — sometimes on the fly, and<br />

often with little warning and few directions outside "do it like we<br />

do it already" (we figure that if it’s commonplace for the pros who<br />

already have schedules, it should apply to new recruits as well).<br />

Many of the results are well worth a read, and might work well in<br />

home games, so we asked the participants if we could post them<br />

here, for your use as unofficial <strong>Spycraft</strong> material.<br />

Special Note: This material has never been edited — it is raw<br />

text intended to offer a glimpse behind the scenes, and for GCs<br />

and players who want to adapt it to their games. It is unofficial<br />

and may contain rules and grammar errors.<br />

Special Note: None of this material is permitted in the Living<br />

<strong>Spycraft</strong> campaign.<br />

Want In On The Action?<br />

Our first <strong>Boot</strong> <strong>Camp</strong> was a wild success, generating many<br />

stellar writers you can find on our credit pages in current<br />

releases. Would you like to join their ranks? Do you think you have<br />

what it takes to work on the most challenging d20 product on the<br />

market? If so, contact Patrick Kapera at pkapera@alderac.com<br />

for details about joining the next <strong>Spycraft</strong> <strong>Boot</strong> <strong>Camp</strong>.<br />

Bundles<br />

3<br />


The Agency provides standard packages to help agents dive<br />

into missions quickly. These packages offer a significant discount<br />

to the starting agent, but their contents are fixed and non-transferable.<br />

Each bundle costs 25 of the agent’s budget points.<br />

Air Assault Bundle<br />

by Steve Peterson<br />

Fanny pack and parachute pack (to carry and store bundle)<br />

1 set fatigues<br />

Parachute<br />

Climbing kit<br />

Night vision goggles<br />

Headset radio, encrypted<br />

Suction shoes<br />

Thermite lockpick<br />

10 glowsticks<br />

2 packs of chewing gum<br />

Arboreal Bundle<br />

by Aaron Rosenberg<br />

Backpack (to carry and store bundle)<br />

Waterproof poncho<br />

Camouflage net<br />

Climbing spikes<br />

Climbing hammer<br />

Rope<br />

Stool, folding<br />

Night vision goggles<br />

Leatherman<br />

Trail mix<br />

Thermos<br />

Bolt-action rifle, .22 LR<br />

Rifle silencer<br />

Soft point bullets, 20 shots<br />

Headset radio<br />

Athlete Bundle<br />

by Ken Colman<br />

Large suitcase and large "hockey bag"<br />

(to carry and store bundle)<br />

2 sets trendy clothes<br />

Designer sunglasses<br />

Cell phone<br />

Text messenger<br />

First aid kit<br />

Standard issue shoes (housed in athletic shoes)<br />

Liquid skin patch<br />

Leatherman<br />

Portable MP3 player<br />

$5,000 cash<br />

Several pieces of expensive and garish jewelry ("bling bling")<br />

Sports equipment appropriate for their sport<br />

Various promotional items<br />

5 Black permanent markers

Athletic Bundle<br />

by Jon Szeto<br />

Large sports bag (to carry and store bundle)<br />

Average clothes (exercise clothes or athletic uniform)<br />

Baseball bat<br />

Disguise kit<br />

Knockout gas (disguised as can of aerosol spray)<br />

Poisoned contact deodorant stick (operates as a poisoned lipstick<br />

gadget — see the <strong>Spycraft</strong> Espionage Handbook, page 137)<br />

Weakening contact toxin (disguised as foot powder)<br />

A dozen baseballs, golf balls, hockey pucks, or other appropriate<br />

hard ball<br />

Scented aerosol deodorant<br />

Lots of extra-long shoelaces<br />

Towel<br />

Automotive Enhancement<br />

by Aaron Rosenberg<br />

Duffle bag (to carry and store bundle)<br />

Leather racing gloves<br />

Spike dropper<br />

Police scanner<br />

Adhesive window tinting<br />

"Op art" license plate<br />

Mechanics kit<br />

UV headlights, pair<br />

UV goggles<br />

Auto Theft Bundle<br />

by Jason Olsan<br />

Black duffle bag (to carry and store bundle)<br />

2 extra license plates and supporting documents<br />

(intervention favor check, DC 5)<br />

Electronics kit<br />

Mechanics kit<br />

Lockpick gun<br />

Police scanner<br />

Business card with a car fence’s number<br />

(black market favor check, DC 14)<br />

Crowbar<br />

Electronics lockpick<br />

Gloves<br />

Handful of favorite CDs<br />

Bush Fighter Bundle<br />

by Charles Rice<br />

Lightweight pack (to carry and store bundle)<br />

Fatigues<br />

Headset radio, encrypted<br />

Shotgun, 12 gauge pump action<br />

with 50 shots<br />

Flashlight<br />

MRE (3 days)<br />

4 Glowsticks<br />

Mosquito net<br />

Insect repellent<br />

Bundles<br />

4<br />

Cat Burglar Bundle<br />

by Bruce Graw<br />

Shoulder bag (to carry and store bundle)<br />

Nightsuit<br />

Utility belt<br />

Headset radio<br />

Parachute<br />

Climbing kit<br />

Suction grips<br />

Lockpick kit<br />

Flashlight (pen light)<br />

Night vision goggles<br />

Glass cutter<br />

Climbing harness<br />

Soft-soled boots<br />

Snoop spray<br />

Counter-Surveillance<br />

Bundle by Aaron Rosenberg<br />

Aluminum briefcase (to carry and store bundle)<br />

Bug detector, handheld<br />

White noise generator, handheld<br />

6 infrared baffles<br />

Electromagnetic pulse generator<br />

Current detector<br />

4 motion detectors<br />

Microcassette recorder<br />

with 20 minutes of meaningless chatter pre-recorded<br />

"Out of Order" door sign<br />

Wind-up "bomb" plastic toy<br />

Data Crasher Bundle<br />

by Sam Witt<br />

Oversized Handbag or Messenger Bag<br />

(to carry and store bundle)<br />

Trendy Clothing<br />

Cell Phone<br />

Small ball peen hammer<br />

3 oz. tube of ethyl cyanoacrylate (Krazy Glue)<br />

Cigarette Lighter, Windproof<br />

Laptop (+1 power rating)<br />

with virus software, infinite loop<br />

Demolitions Kit<br />

Mechanics Kit<br />

Degausser, Handheld<br />

Cigarette, Welder<br />

Leatherman<br />

Desert Operations Bundle<br />

by Brian Underhill<br />

Military duffle (to carry and store bundle)<br />

1 set of desert fatigues or native desert clothing<br />

Sunglasses or tinted goggles<br />

Scarf or protective dust mask<br />

.38 Special service revolver<br />

with 50 rounds birdshot ammunition<br />

with 50 rounds standard ammunition<br />

GPS receiver<br />

Snakebite Kit<br />

Survival kit<br />

Survival knife<br />

7 days survival rations<br />

Portable evaporation still<br />

Flashlight<br />


Digging/entrenching tool<br />

2 extra canteens (one liter each, filled with water)<br />

Simplified phrase book<br />

(Arabic, Farsi, or other regional language or dialect)<br />

Tube of SPF-30 sunscreen and lip balm<br />

Small bottle of 20 salt and electrolyte replacement tablets<br />

Field Spotter Bundle<br />

by Jon Szeto<br />

Large rucksack (to carry and store bundle)<br />

Fatigues (camouflage)<br />

Binoculars<br />

GPS receiver<br />

Leatherman<br />

MREs (3 days)<br />

Satellite communications terminal<br />

Survival kit<br />

Field mirror<br />

Footlong spool of communications wire, 500 ft.<br />

Hi-Roller Bundle<br />

by Steve Peterson<br />

Clothes carrier and fat wallet (to carry and store bundle)<br />

1 set designer clothes<br />

Cell phone<br />

1 night’s stay in a 5 star hotel room<br />

1 gourmet meal at a restaurant<br />

Cold eye drops<br />

$6,000 in casino chips<br />

2 martinis (shaken)<br />

Long Range Recon Bundle<br />

by Charles Rice<br />

Web-Vest and Pack (to carry and store bundle)<br />

Fatigues<br />

Headset Radio, Encrypted<br />

GPS Receiver<br />

Climbing Kit<br />

Survival Kit<br />

Night vision goggles<br />

Smoke Grenade<br />

Survival Knife<br />

MRE (1 day)<br />

Chewing gum<br />

2 Candy bars<br />

Mariachi Bundle<br />

by Jason Olsan<br />

Guitar case (to carry and store bundle)<br />

with submachinegun option<br />

1 set of trendy clothes (gig outfit)<br />

Cell phone<br />

Extra guitar strings (may operate as garrote when necessary)<br />

$1,000 in local currency<br />

Incriminating pictures of local law enforcer<br />

(assistance favor check, DC 15)<br />

Acoustic guitar<br />

Bundles<br />

5<br />

Monkeywrench Bundle<br />

by Jon Szeto<br />

Metal toolbox (to carry and store bundle)<br />

Poor clothing (grease-spotted mechanic’s coveralls)<br />

Black Bar<br />

Digging/entrenching tool<br />

Electronics kit<br />

Incendiary grenade<br />

Leatherman<br />

Lockpicking kit<br />

Mechanics kit<br />

Pack of bubblegum<br />

Ziploc bag full of sand<br />

WD-40 industrial solvent<br />

Bottle of maple syrup<br />

Musical Performer Bundle<br />

by Ken Colman<br />

Large suitcase and clothes carrier<br />

or large suitcase and instrument case<br />

(to carry and store bundle)<br />

2 sets of trendy clothes<br />

Average clothes<br />

Cell phone<br />

Headset radio<br />

Microphone (hollow item)<br />

External bug detector (housed in a guitar pick or drumstick)<br />

Disguised miniature camera<br />

(hidden in microphone or guitar tuner)<br />

with one roll of commercial grade film<br />

Speed grooming kit<br />

$5,000 in cash and traveller’s cheques (in up to 2 currencies)<br />

20 CDs of their music<br />

5 Black permanent markers<br />

Vial of illegal drugs<br />

Overnight Mountain Biking<br />

Bundle by Bruce Graw<br />

Backpack (to carry and store some items, the remainder going<br />

on the bike)<br />

Cycling clothes (Gore-tex suit)<br />

Cycling gloves<br />

Rain gear (jacket, pants, shoe slipcovers)<br />

Sunglasses<br />

Cell phone<br />

GPS receiver<br />

First aid kit<br />

Survival kit<br />

Pannier bags (to carry survival gear)<br />

Bicycle headlamp<br />

Digital camera<br />

Energy bars, 1 package<br />

PDA<br />

Cycling helmet<br />

Tire patch kit<br />

Swiss army knife<br />

Water bottle and bottle cage

Paramedic Kidnap and<br />

Interrogation Bundle<br />

by Sam Witt<br />

Paramedic's duffle (to carry and store bundle)<br />

Paramedic uniform<br />

Latex gloves<br />

Surgical mask<br />

Safety goggles<br />

Valved CPR mask<br />

Kit, First Aid<br />

Headset radio<br />

1 dose contact poison<br />

1 dose lethal poison I<br />

1 dose knock out drug<br />

1 dose sodium pentothal<br />

Police scanner<br />

Handcuffs (3 pair)<br />

Video camera, standard<br />

with 2 professional grade video cassettes<br />

Flashlight<br />

Police Bundle<br />

by Bruce Graw<br />

Duffel bag (to carry and store bundle)<br />

Police uniform<br />

Utility belt<br />

.38 Special service revolver<br />

Box of 50 standard bullets<br />

Tactical holster<br />

Cell phone<br />

Pepper spray (standard sprayer)<br />

Evidence kit<br />

Handcuffs<br />

Sunglasses<br />

Baton<br />

Portable ram<br />

Professional Athlete<br />

Bundle by Jason Olsan<br />

Duffle bag (to carry and store bundle)<br />

2 sets of trendy clothes (sports uniform and travel suit)<br />

Cell phone<br />

Stimulant shot<br />

First aid kit<br />

Baseball bat (or equivalent sports equipment)<br />

$5,000 in local currency<br />

Sports manual<br />

Mirrored sunglasses<br />

Cover identity (power rating +1 — semi-professional sports<br />

club identification)<br />

Team game schedule<br />

Bundles<br />

6<br />

Professional Gamer Bundle<br />

by Ken Colman<br />

Large suitcase and foam lined shipping cases or large suitcase<br />

and laptop case (if laptop option is chosen)<br />

(to carry and store bundle)<br />

3 sets average clothes<br />

Desktop computer (power rating +2)<br />

or laptop computer (power rating +2)<br />

with expanded hard drive<br />

with high speed modem<br />

with entertainment suite<br />

with DSL connection<br />

with network hub<br />

with black box or refrigerated case (desktop only)<br />

PDA<br />

Digital camera<br />

Computer kit<br />

Equipment manual<br />

Various game CD-ROMs<br />

Various gaming t-shirts<br />

Various highly caffinated soft drinks or energy drinks<br />

Public Utilities Infiltration<br />

Bundle by Sam Witt<br />

Construction satchel (to carry and store bundle)<br />

Workman’s coveralls<br />

Standard, liner<br />

Hard hat<br />

Powder-free latex gloves<br />

Assorted maps of public spaces<br />

(malls, subway tunnels, maintenance passages, etc.)<br />

Can of black spray paint<br />

Kit, Mechanics<br />

Kit, Lockpicking<br />

Flashlight<br />

Glass cutter<br />

Bugs (any 4)<br />

Headset radio<br />

Micro-tape recorder<br />

Entrenching tool<br />

Disposable camera<br />

Relic Hunter Bundle<br />

by Brian Underhill<br />

Extra-large backpack (to carry and store bundle)<br />

Permission to enter a foreign country for archaeological<br />

research (as government intervention favor check, DC 10). Note<br />

that this will only get the character into the county; getting out<br />

with a relic is not included!<br />

1 set of fatigues or similar rugged outdoor wear<br />

Climbing kit<br />

Metal detector<br />

Magnetic compass<br />

2 sticks of dynamite<br />

Digging / entrenching tool<br />

3 days survival rations<br />

Flashlight<br />

Binoculars<br />

Small shoulder satchel<br />

6 glowsticks<br />

Extra 100' of climbing rope<br />

Chemical analysis kit (to determine mineral content)

Rescue, Recovery, and<br />

Extraction Bundle<br />

by Brian Underhill<br />

Load-bearing tactical vest and military butt pack<br />

(to carry and store bundle)<br />

1 set of camouflage fatigues<br />

9×19mm service pistol<br />

with 50 rounds standard or JPH ammo<br />

Insertion or extraction via helicopter<br />

(transportation favor check, DC 15)<br />

Survival knife<br />

First aid kit<br />

5 days survival rations<br />

Flashlight<br />

Binoculars<br />

Magnetic compass<br />

6 glowsticks<br />

Weatherproof map of target region<br />

Retribution Bundle<br />

by Jason Olsan<br />

Attaché case (to carry and store bundle)<br />

1 set of trendy clothes (sleek black business suit)<br />

Sig Sauer P-220 .45 ACP<br />

with 100 bullets<br />

Tagged bullets – drop all police/FBI investigations<br />

(intervention favor check, DC 20)<br />

Mirrored sunglasses<br />

Irrefutable proof of someone that ruined your life<br />

Sewer Rat Bundle<br />

by Steve Peterson<br />

Waterproof duffle bag — dispose after use<br />

(to carry and store bundle)<br />

1 set average work clothes<br />

1 pair rubber boots<br />

1 NBC suit<br />

X-ray lenses<br />

Cell phone<br />

Flashlight with 2 sets of spare batteries<br />

2 thermite lockpicks<br />

Geiger counter<br />

Jar of Vapo-rub (dab under nose)<br />

Maps of sewer system<br />

Sledgehammer<br />

Sniper Bundle<br />

by Charles Rice<br />

Rifle sling and fanny pack (to carry and store bundle)<br />

Ghillie Suit<br />

5.56×45mm Sniper Rifle<br />

with 20 bullets full-metal jacket<br />

with flash suppressor<br />

MRE (2 days)<br />

Flashlight (penlight)<br />

2 Glowsticks<br />

Satellite Map (1 BP)<br />

Magnetic Compass<br />

Small metal probe (for detecting/disarming booby traps)<br />

Telescoping metal probe (to check for mines)<br />

Gadgets<br />

7<br />

Thespian Bundle<br />

by Ken Colman<br />

Large suitcase and clothes carrier (to carry and store bundle)<br />

Trendy clothes<br />

Designer clothes<br />

Designer sunglasses<br />

Speed grooming kit<br />

Disguise kit<br />

Cell phone<br />

Body wire transmitter<br />

3 doses of knockout drug (disguised as prescription drugs)<br />

$7,500 in cash and traveller’s cheques (in up to 2 currencies)<br />

50 8×10 black and white headshot photos<br />

5 Black or gold permanent markers<br />

Undercover Student Bundle<br />

by Jason Olsan<br />

Backpack (to carry and store bundle)<br />

Cell phone<br />

Cover identity (power rating +1 — student identification)<br />

Laptop (+1 power rating)<br />

Micro-personal recorder<br />

Radio burst, digital stereo audio bug<br />

Data line burst data tap<br />

Audio surveillance receiver<br />

Pens<br />

Trapper keeper with paper<br />

Online email account<br />

(destination of data tapping information)<br />

Wingwalking Bundle<br />

by Aaron Rosenberg<br />

Backpack (to carry and store bundle)<br />

Lightweight jumpsuit<br />

White silk aviator’s scarf<br />

Suction shoes<br />

2 magnetic clamps, handheld<br />

Mini-parachute<br />

Inertial compass<br />

Rope<br />

Chapstick<br />

Facial moisturizing cream<br />

Gadgets<br />

By Jason Olsan, Aaron Rosenberg, and Sam Witt<br />

Degausser, Handheld: This battery-operated device emits a<br />

gaus flux field that erases magnetic media. As a full action, an<br />

agent can use the degausser to completely erase all data stored on<br />

a standard video cassette, audio tape, floppy disk, or similar magnetic<br />

media by touching the degausser to the media. This device<br />

generates significant heat and is equipped with a thermal fuse<br />

that shuts the device down for one minute after every use to<br />

avoid damage from overheating. The battery allows 10 uses before<br />

it must be recharged for 4 hours.<br />

If the agent is interrupted while using the degausser, the data<br />

on the magnetic media is considered corrupted, but is not erased.<br />

It can be recovered with a successful Computers skill check against<br />

the DCs shown on the table below:<br />

Media Type DC Time Required<br />

Floppy Disk 15 1 day<br />

Audio 20 3 days<br />

Video 25 1 week

Standard-Issue Gear<br />

Guitar Case, Standard: The guitar case may contain many<br />

options. You may take the standard guitar case option on its own,<br />

or take the standard option and then take more options from<br />

those listed for attaché cases within the <strong>Spycraft</strong> Espionage<br />

Handbook at the additional costs listed (e.g. taking a standard guitar<br />

case equipped with a booby-trap costs a total of 2 gadget<br />

points). You may have a maximum of three options (including the<br />

standard option) in any single guitar case. When more than one<br />

option offers the same benefit (such as increased hardness), only<br />

the highest benefit is applied.<br />

The guitar case has a hardness of 5 and 50 wound points. It<br />

can be used as a shield, adding +1 to the user’s Defense. Search<br />

checks to find anything inside the case add +5 to their DC, and the<br />

DC of any Open Lock check to open the guitar case is 20.<br />

This gadget (or another standard attaché case gadget) must be<br />

requisitioned as a housing first before you can add any of the<br />

options listed in the <strong>Spycraft</strong> Espionage Handbook.<br />

Gadget Point Cost: 1 each Weight: 5 lb.<br />

Spot DC: 30<br />

Infrared Baffles: These thin quilted pads have a metallic<br />

sheen and adhesive backing to one side. When stuck to a window,<br />

these baffles block infrared beams, preventing laser-guided listening<br />

devices.<br />

Gadget Point Cost: 1 per 6 Weight: 1/2 lb. each<br />

Spot DC: 30<br />

Standard-Issue Gear<br />

By Bruce Graw, Jason Olsan, Aaron Rosenberg, and Brian<br />

Underhill<br />

Adhesive Window Tinting: These adhesive-backed sheets of<br />

acetate adhere to vehicle windows, giving them a tinted effect<br />

(–15 on Spot and Search checks for anyone looking inside).<br />

Budget Point Cost: 5 Weight: 0 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $150<br />

Bicycle Headlamp: This special flashlight clamps onto the<br />

handlebars of any bicycle. The internal battery is recharged automatically<br />

as the front wheel rotates, so as long as the headlamp is<br />

used with the bike, it will never run out of power. Attaching or<br />

removing the light takes one round; hooking up the lightweight<br />

generator takes 5 minutes.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 1 Weight: 1/2 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $50<br />

Bug detector, handheld: This cell phone-sized device registers<br />

the presence of any electronic bugs in a 20 foot-radius area.<br />

Note that some high-end bugs might escape detection.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 6 Weight: 1 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $150<br />

Climbing spikes: These spikes affix to the sole of a boot or<br />

shoe by means of the adhesive on the back and the adjustable<br />

straps for toes and ankles. Use of these spikes adds +4 to Climb<br />

checks on wood or soft rock.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 2 Weight: 1 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $25<br />

Current Detector: This small handheld device, the size of a<br />

cell phone, detects active electrical current within a five footradius.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 4 Weight: 1 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $100<br />

Cycling Gloves: This pair of specially padded gloves allows the<br />

wearer to travel for long periods of time without undue stress on<br />

sensitive nerves in his palms. In addition, the hands are kept warm,<br />

and the treated surfaces maintain their grip on handlebars better<br />

8<br />

than bare flesh. When making a Balance check because of difficult<br />

terrain or high-speed descents while using a personal vehicle<br />

such as a bicycle, the character receives a +1 bonus.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 1 Weight: 0 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $10<br />

Cycling Helmet: A much lighter version of the motorcycle<br />

helmet, this affords no defense bonus protection against bullets or<br />

other high-velocity weapons, but functions adequately against<br />

any other attack form. Cycling helmets are legally required in<br />

some areas. DB +1 except as noted above, DR —, MDB —, ACP –1,<br />

Speed Same.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 4 Weight: 1/2 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $50<br />

Electromagnetic pulse generator: This small box, the size of<br />

a personal CD player, generates a brief (one second) electromagnetic<br />

pulse in a 20 foot-square area. The pulse disrupts any electronics<br />

within that radius, unless they have specific shielding.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 8 Weight: 1 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $400<br />

Energy Bars: This package contains six energy bars, which<br />

should be consumed at a rate of approximately one for every two<br />

hours of constant exercise, like long-distance running or bicycling.<br />

If this is done, the character receives a +2 bonus on any<br />

endurance-related skill or ability check during that period. This<br />

benefit stacks with the Endurance feat.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 1 per 6 Weight: 1/2 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $50<br />

Goggles: These strap-on lenses help protect the wearer's eyes<br />

from dust, sand, and other particulates, and are especially useful<br />

in desert or arctic environments. They are usually tinted, but do<br />

not provide protection against flash-bangs or other blinding<br />

attacks.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 1 Weight: 1/2 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $100<br />

Lightweight jumpsuit: This jumpsuit is made of thin but insulated<br />

material and is loose enough to fit over normal clothing.<br />

A single zipper runs down the front, and snaps to the collar.<br />

Adjustable straps at the wrist, ankles, waist, and neck provide a<br />

snug fit, and keep the jumpsuit from bunching or flapping.<br />

The jumpsuit comes with a pair of thin, insulated gloves and a pair<br />

of tinted goggles.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 5 Weight: 1 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $50<br />

Magnetic clamps, handheld: These clamps are the size of a<br />

small free weight, circular and flat, and have a grip on the back.<br />

When switched on, they become powerful electromagnets, capable<br />

of holding two hundred pounds each.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 10 Weight: 2 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $125<br />

Mini-parachute: This parachute packs down into a small<br />

satchel, roughly the size of a lunchbox, but opens into a standardsize<br />

parachute.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 5 Weight: 10 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $200<br />

Motion detectors: These small boxes can be placed on a flat<br />

surface, or affixed to a wall or ceiling by means of their adhesive<br />

backs. Once switched on, these devices either sound an alarm,<br />

flash a warning, or both when they detect movement within five<br />

feet of their sensors. Motion detectors are packaged as a set of<br />

four.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 4 each Weight: 1/4 lb. each<br />

Actual Cost: $200

Standard-Issue Gear<br />

Nightsuit: Similar in purpose to the ghillie suit, this solid<br />

black, skintight outfit makes the wearer extremely difficult to see<br />

in dark conditions. If the character does not move and remains in<br />

shadow, opponents have a –4 penalty to Spot and Surveillance<br />

checks. However, in well-lit conditions, the nightsuit stands out,<br />

giving others a +2 bonus to these same checks. Since the outfit is<br />

so form-fitting, very little of the body’s curves or bulges are<br />

concealed from any viewer; agents increase their Charisma bonus<br />

by 50% when using the Bluff skill to seduce someone while<br />

wearing one of these outfits. However, any Charisma penalties are<br />

doubled!<br />

Budget Point Cost: 5 Weight: 2 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $250<br />

"Op art" license plate: This license plate has a special coating<br />

to produce an iridescent sheen. The numbers and letters on the<br />

plate are deliberately blurred, making it almost impossible (-20 to<br />

Spot checks) to read clearly.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 6 Weight: 1/2 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $200<br />

Pannier Bags: This set of two bags can be fitted to any bicycle<br />

or motorcycle, allowing the agent to carry up to 30 lbs. on the<br />

vehicle without counting against his own carrying capacity.<br />

If used on a bicycle, each 10 lbs. in the panniers results in a –1<br />

penalty to Driver skill checks. Panniers fit on opposite sides of the<br />

vehicle and must be balanced in weight distribution, or penalties<br />

accrue for every 5 lbs. instead of every 10 lbs. Removing or attaching<br />

a single pannier takes one round.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 2 Weight: 1 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $50<br />

Portable Evaporation Still: This device consists of two yards<br />

of plastic sheeting and a plastic collection container. The user digs<br />

a hole, places the collection container inside, and covers the area<br />

with the sheeting. Moisture condenses on the underside of the<br />

sheeting and collects in the container. Provides one liter of water<br />

per day in most deserts; twice that in an non-arid region.<br />

Seawater stills are available as one-piece self-contained units.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 1 Weight: 3 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $50<br />

Portable Ram: A heavily weighted device that fits to the<br />

user’s body with a special stock, the portable ram is used to smash<br />

through locked or barricaded doors in a minimum of time. Police<br />

often use such devices to surprise unsuspecting felons in rundown<br />

tenements. When employing a ram to burst open a door<br />

(but not a wall or other solidly constructed barrier), the character<br />

treats his base Strength as doubled for this purpose only. All<br />

Strength points added by this feature are a circumstance bonus.<br />

The ram is too bulky and unwieldy to be used as a weapon.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 2 Weight: 10 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $250<br />

Snakebite Kit: A snakebite kit gives a bonus to First Aid<br />

checks against bites or stings from venomous creatures (e.g.<br />

snakes, scorpions, spiders, bees, poisonous fish). The kit is most<br />

effective when used immediately after the bite (+2 to First Aid if<br />

used within 2 minutes). If 2-10 minutes elapse, the bonus drops to<br />

+1; beyond ten minutes, the kit has no game effect. For a typical<br />

poisonous bite, use the Contact Poison stats found in the <strong>Spycraft</strong><br />

Espionage Handbook, page 238.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 1 Weight: 1/4 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $12<br />

Soft-Soled <strong>Boot</strong>s: Designed for use with a nightsuit, these<br />

solid black, dull leather boots have thick, padded soles specially<br />

treated to spread the wearer’s weight as broadly as possible.<br />

As long as the character moves at half normal speed or less, they<br />

9<br />

receive a +1 gear bonus to Move Silently checks when walking<br />

(there would be no bonus if climbing, hanging from the ceiling,<br />

and so forth).<br />

Budget Point Cost: 2 Weight: 2 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $150<br />

Stool, folding: This stool folds for easy storage and transportation.<br />

When opened, its adjustable legs can be shifted to fit<br />

easily over branches or small rocks, making the stool ideal for use<br />

on mountains or in trees. The seat is made of camouflage webbing.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 2 Weight: 1 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $30<br />

Suction Grips: These very large suction cups strap to a<br />

climber’s forearms and knees, allowing them to climb up glass surfaces<br />

(like skyscraper windows) silently and without a rope.<br />

Climbing speed is the same as with rock climbing, but the character<br />

suffers no penalties to Move Silently checks while doing so.<br />

However, these items will not permit climbing over any surface<br />

that is not perfectly smooth and flat, such as glass or metal.<br />

Excessive dirt or grime can force penalties to Climb checks at the<br />

GC’s option, but rain is not a hindrance.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 3 Weight: 4 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $200<br />

Tire Patch Kit: This boxed set allows the character to repair<br />

flat tires on bicycles. The kit includes patches, rubber cement,<br />

tire levers, and compressed air pumps capable of inflating a completely<br />

empty inner tube in seconds. Making repairs requires<br />

15 minutes and a successful Hobby (bicycling), Mechanics,<br />

or Sport (bicycle racing) check at DC 12. If the check fails by 5 or<br />

more, the patch appears to hold, but fails within an hour. A patch<br />

kit can repair up to 8 flats.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 1 Weight: 1/2 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $10<br />

Utility Belt: This web belt includes numerous hooks for small<br />

items that the wearer needs to have close at hand, such as a cell<br />

phone, flashlight, pepper spray dispensers, handcuffs, and the like.<br />

These items can be carried without special pockets or a backpack<br />

and may be retrieved or replaced as a full action (or a half action<br />

if the character has the Quick Draw feat). Items larger than Fine<br />

size are, however, visible to anyone who can see the character.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 1 Weight: 1 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $100<br />

UV headlights: These headlights have three settings: off,<br />

normal, and UV (in place of high-beam). The UV beams are<br />

invisible to normal sight but, when combined with UV goggles,<br />

allow the driver to drive as if using normal high-beams. The headlights<br />

are packaged in pairs.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 6 Weight: 1/4 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $150<br />

White noise generator, handheld: This remote-control-sized<br />

device creates a low-level white noise within a twenty foot-radius.<br />

All listening and recording equipment trained upon or used within<br />

that area are at –20 on their Listen checks . 6. 1 lb. $150.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 6 Weight: 1 lb.<br />

Actual Cost: $150

Weapons and Ammunition<br />

Weapons and Ammunition<br />

By Brian Underhill<br />

Birdshot: Birdshot ammunition resembles "buckshot" commonly<br />

used in shotguns (see <strong>Spycraft</strong> Espionage Handbook, page<br />

116), but on a much smaller scale. It consists of extremely small<br />

projectiles loaded into pistol rounds (easily recognizable due to<br />

their crimped ends) and is generally used against birds, snakes,<br />

rats, and other pests. Because it scatters when it is fired, birdshot<br />

ammunition gives a +2 bonus to hit any target, but damage is<br />

reduced by -2 for each range increment (including the first).<br />

Unlike shotgun ammo, birdshot can only be used against a single<br />

target.<br />

Budget Point Cost: 1per 50 shots<br />

Actual Cost: $15 per 50 shots<br />

Effect: +2 to hit, –2 to damage (plus an additional –2 damage<br />

per additional range increment the shot travels).<br />



By Jon Szeto<br />

Starting Threat Code: Yellow<br />

This short season (3-serial) threat is appropriate for a team<br />

of 4th level agents.<br />

The goal of a united Europe has been the dream of many<br />

European idealists ever since the founding of the European<br />

Common Market in 1958, and many thought that the creation of<br />

the European Union in 1992 would bring that dream into a reality.<br />

However, the dream seemed to have stalled, as the Union,<br />

encumbered by the weight of its own bureaucracy, was frequently<br />

undercut by the individual agendas of its member states.<br />

However, one woman, Angelique Nicolette, seeks to change all<br />

that, in the hopes of transforming the EU from a collection of<br />

petty squabbling states into a legitimate world superpower. And<br />

she’s found inspiration from an unlikely source in an unlikely manner:<br />

the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. Believing that the<br />

people of Europe would come together in the same way as the<br />

people of the United States rallied in the aftermath of that<br />

tragedy, Angelique has begun engineering her own campaign of<br />

terror, that she plans to use to rally the people of Europe around<br />

her banner and forge a true European Union, an authentic superpower<br />

rivaling the might of America, Russia, and others.<br />

MP Cost: 275<br />

Wealth: 5 (Above Average)<br />

Technology: 9 (9 GP per serial)<br />

Loyalty: 3 (+3 to loyalty checks)<br />

Influence: 5 (favor check notice 1-5, 5 influence effects per<br />

serial)<br />

Scope: 5 (international threat)<br />

Agenda: Control<br />

10<br />

Serial 3:<br />

Angelique Nicolette<br />

The bar has been raised in this serial by +1. Award an extra 5%<br />

XP for completing this serial.<br />

As chairwoman of the board of directors of Vertiogne SA, a<br />

European multinational conglomerate with interests in many<br />

fields. As such, she’s a prominent figure, not only in Europe’s business<br />

circles, but also political circles as well. Her father was one of<br />

the undersecretaries for the French government who helped draft<br />

the original charter for the European Common Market. Angelique<br />

shared her father’s dream in seeing a united Europe leading the<br />

civilized world.<br />

Angelique ascended to the ranks of Vertiogne’s executive elite<br />

in 1992, the same time that the Treaty of Maastricht transformed<br />

the EEC into the more centralized EU. She hoped that the transformation<br />

would boost Europe to the next level, but Nicolette<br />

soon became quickly frustrated at the obstruction of many<br />

Eurosceptic opponents, who used the EU’s cumbersome bureaucracy<br />

to slow progress. It was time, Angelique decided, for more<br />

forceful action. Armed with a vast network of political contacts<br />

through her father’s connections, as well as Vertiogne’s multinational<br />

resources, Nicolette began sketching out a plan.<br />

Nicolette’s carefully-laid plans were almost derailed when the<br />

attacks on the World Trade Towers struck on September 11, 2001.<br />

But she subsequently observed how the attacks seemed to trigger<br />

a wave of patriotism and unity amongst Americans in the aftermath<br />

of the attack. Angelique concluded then that what Europe<br />

needed was its own 9/11 to come together, the fire of adversity to<br />

forge the blade of a united Europe.<br />

Nicolette’s plan takes a two-pronged approach at accomplishing<br />

this goal. First, she needed to recruit some terrorist and insurgent<br />

groups, preferably from the throngs of refugees and immigrants<br />

coming into Europe from North Africa, the Middle East, and<br />

the Balkans. To that end, she recruited Jacob Mustassen, a Turkish-<br />

American ex-commando, to recruit and organize resistance cells,<br />

to be dispersed amongst Europe’s immigrant populace.<br />

Interspersed amongst the throngs of Europe, these cells will conduct<br />

sporadic attacks to shake public confidence and increase fear<br />

of terrorism.<br />

The second prong of Nicolette’s attack is directed against the<br />

heart of resistance: the Eurosceptic politicians who opposed a<br />

stronger union. However, given their high-profile nature, direct<br />

violence was out of the question; instead, Nicolette has opted for<br />

character assassination: smear campaigns that undermine public<br />

support for the Eurosceptics and diminish their influence in politics.<br />

To that end, she’s called upon Steffen Kanndar, the head of<br />

EuMeKo, a European multimedia giant that Vertiogne owns.<br />

Meanwhile, Nicolette has been massing her own private army,<br />

the Janissaries, on a remote Mediterranean island. When the time<br />

is right, Nicolette will order Mustassen’s terror cells unleash a<br />

massive wave of terror attacks, to time with one of the regular<br />

conferences of the European heads of state; one of the targets of<br />

this attack will be the conference, with the express aim of taking<br />

out as many leaders at once. In the midst of the chaos, Nicolette’s<br />

Janissaries will intervene to defeat the terrorists and restore order.<br />

Hailed as a public heroine, Nicolette will use the tragedy as the<br />

opportunity to restructure the European Union according to her<br />

own vision.<br />

Although she’s well into her mid-forties, Angelique can still<br />

turn heads with her looks. Her attire somehow manages to strike<br />

an impossible balance between the conservative restraint of business<br />

sense, and the wild elegance of tres chic fashion.

Angelique Nicolette<br />

Angelique Nicolette, 5th level faceman/3rd level pointman<br />

(mastermind – 40 MP): CR 8; SZ M; v/wp 48/10; Init +6 (+5 class,<br />

+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft; Def 15 (+4 class, +1 Dex); Atk: Beretta Model<br />

21 Bobcat Pocket Pistol +6 (dmg 1d6+1, error 1-4, threat 20,<br />

range 10 ft.); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ adaptable,<br />

assistance (1/2 time), backup 1/session, cold read 1, lead<br />

1/session, linguist (English, French, German, Russian), quick<br />

change 2/session, versatility (Appraise, Computers, Concentration,<br />

Listen, Perform, Read Lips, Spot); SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +9; Str<br />

10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 16; Skills: Appraise +8,<br />

Bluff +11, Bureaucracy +9, Computers +4, Cultures +11,<br />

Diplomacy +11, Forgery +10, Gather Information +11, Innuendo<br />

+11, Knowledge (European Politics) +10, Profession (Business) +9,<br />

Sense Motive +9, Spot +9; Feats: Armor Group Proficiency (Light,<br />

Medium), Charmer, Political Favors, Undermine, Weapon Group<br />

Proficiency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle). Gear: Designer<br />

Clothing, PDA, 71 BPs. Gadgets and Vehicles: Micro-grenade<br />

Earrings, Poison Lipstick.<br />

Threat Resources/Action Sites: Satellite Network (headquarters<br />

– Vertiogne field testing facility, on an unnamed island in the<br />

Mediterranean – hierarchy 5, secrecy 5, personnel 2, security 3).<br />

Janissaries: The Janissaries are the crème de la crème of the<br />

recruits that pass through Jacob Mustassen’s training camps and<br />

are selected for advanced training. They are seconded to Nicolette<br />

to act as her Praetorian guard, and she often uses them to take<br />

care of any opposition to her unity agenda. They often have access<br />

to Vertiogne’s advanced gadgets and vehicles.<br />

Janissaries, 5th level minions (squads of 4 – 28 MP): CR 4;<br />

SZ M; v/wp 31/12; Init +6 (+4 class, +2 Dex); Spd 30 ft; Def 14 (+2<br />

class, +2 Dex); Atk: Bayonet +5/+7 (dmg 1d6, error 1, threat 20),<br />

Beretta 93 +7 (dmg 1d10, error 1, threat 19-20, range 50 ft.); Face<br />

1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +5, Ref +5,<br />

Will +1; Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 10; Skills: Climb<br />

+7, Demolitions +9, Driver +7, Intimidate +8/+8, Spot +6, Swim<br />

+7; Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Weapon<br />

Group Proficiency (Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical). Gear: 8 BPs.<br />

Gadgets and Vehicles: None.<br />

Serial 2: Steffen Kanndar<br />

Steffen Kanndar is the head of the European Media<br />

Communications Group, or EuMeKo for short. Under Kanndar’s<br />

leadership, EuMeKo has been gaining notice for making significant<br />

gains in Europe’s media industry, at a time when Europe’s<br />

other media companies have been struggling. Leading the way has<br />

been EuMeKo’s news division, which seems to have an uncanny<br />

knack of getting the early scoop on breaking events before the<br />

rest of Europe does.<br />

Part of the reason behind EuMeKo’s success is that Steffen<br />

sometimes scripts the news to EuMeKo’s advantage. As any broadcaster<br />

knows, bad news is good business, so it’s in Steffen’s best<br />

interest to portray Europe in a bad light. If there isn’t a public<br />

scandal, Steffen creates one. If there’s one already going on,<br />

Steffen’s spin doctors make it even worse.<br />

Since Vertiogne SA owns EuMeKo (through several layers of<br />

holding companies, to throw off the paper trail), Angelique<br />

Nicolette is more than aware of Kanndar’s ability to make things<br />

up as they go along. In fact, she brought Steffen on board at<br />

EuMeKo for just that reason. Nicolette directed Kanndar to use his<br />

creative fabrication talents to smear and discredit politicians who<br />

would be opposed to a stronger union. Furthermore, it diverts<br />

public attention away from Vertiogne, until Nicolette is ready for<br />

her moment of glory. (At which time all eyes will be on her, of<br />

course.)<br />

11<br />

EuMeKo also serves another purpose for Nicolette: propaganda<br />

indoctrination. Mass media is more than just the news; it’s also<br />

about entertainment. If Angelique wants to build a stronger<br />

union, she will have to build a base of popular support. EuMeKo<br />

accomplishes this not only through its entertainment programs,<br />

which are definitely cast in a pro-Union bias, but also through<br />

subliminal messages inserted in its programs and advertising.<br />

Steffen Kanndar, 5th level snoop/1st level faceman<br />

(henchman – 23 MP): CR 6; SZ M; v/wp 37/12; Init +5 (+4 class,<br />

+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft; Def 16 (+5 class, +1 Dex); Atk: Beretta Model<br />

80 Cheetah Backup Pistol +3 (dmg 1d10, error 1, threat 20, range<br />

15 ft.); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ astute, back<br />

door, flawless search, intuition 1/session, jury rig +3, linguist<br />

(English, German, French); SV Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6; Str 10, Dex<br />

12, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 13; Skills: Bluff +5, Bureaucracy<br />

+7, Computers +9, Craft (Recording) +9, Craft (Video) +10,<br />

Cryptography +9, Cultures +8, Diplomacy +7, Forgery +7, Gather<br />

Information +7, Innuendo +6, Listen +8, Profession (Journalism)<br />

+8, Search +7, Spot +8, Surveillance +8; Feats: Alertness, Armor<br />

Proficiency (Light, Medium), Master Fence, Sidestep, Weapon<br />

Group Proficiency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle). Gear: Trendy<br />

Clothing, Laptop +3, Image Processing Software, A/V Suite, 13 BPs.<br />

Gadgets and Vehicles: Explosive Pen, Eyeglasses with Iris, LCD, and<br />

Hypnosis lenses.<br />

Threat Resources/Action Sites: Propaganda (headquarters –<br />

EuMeKo media center and corporate headquarters, Frankfurt,<br />

Germany – hierarchy 4, secrecy 0, personnel 1, security 2).<br />

The Newsmakers: Whenever Steffen needs to "rewrite" the<br />

news to suit his needs, he calls upon a groups of covert operatives<br />

whom he calls his "Newsmakers." Whether it’s planting false evidence,<br />

tampering with existing evidence, or making an inopportune<br />

witness "disappear," the Newsmakers are the ones that<br />

Steffen counts on to make sure the story runs as scripted.<br />

Newsmakers, 4th level minions (squads of 4 – 22 MP): CR<br />

3; SZ M; v/wp 16/10; Init +3 (+3 class, +0 Dex); Spd 30 ft; Def 12<br />

(+2 class, +0 Dex); Atk: 9x19 mm Service Pistol +4 (dmg 1d10,<br />

error 1, threat 20, range 20 ft.); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA<br />

None; SQ None; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2; Str 10, Dex 10, Con<br />

10, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 14; Skills: Craft (Photography) +5, Craft<br />

(Recording) +5, Craft (Video) +7, Driver +4, Intimidate +7/+9,<br />

Profession (Journalism) +7, Spot +5; Feats: Armor Proficiency<br />

(Light, Medium), Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee, Handgun).<br />

Gear: Artisan Kit, Radio Headset, Knockout Drug (2 uses), 5 BPs.<br />

Gadgets and Vehicles: None.<br />

Serial 1: Jacob Mustassen<br />

Jacob Mustassen is a second-generation Turkish-American,<br />

born in the United States to Turkish Cypriot immigrants.<br />

Mustassen joined the US Army and served as a military intelligence<br />

officer. He was later assigned as a foreign area officer to the<br />

US Embassy in Turkey during the mid-90s; there his Turkish heritage<br />

proved to be a real plus, as he was able to win the trust of<br />

locals and thus gain a better picture of Turkey’s intelligence situation.<br />

It was during his tour in Europe that Mustassen first met<br />

Angelique Nicolette at a European air show, where Vertiogne was<br />

showing off its new Spectre fighter prototype.<br />

Last year, Major Mustassen became embroiled in a sexual<br />

harassment scandal involving a female junior officer. Although he<br />

was eventually cleared of charges, the scandal cost Mustassen his<br />

security clearance and caused him to be passed over for promotion.<br />

Both events effectively ended his military career, forcing<br />

Mustassen to resign his commission in disgrace.

Children of Set<br />

Now unemployed, Mustassen looked up Vertiogne again in<br />

search of a new job. With his intelligence credentials and Turkish<br />

heritage, Nicolette quickly realized that Mustassen would be the<br />

perfect fit for her unification plan. Now Mustassen runs a network<br />

of terror cells for Nicolette. Although Mustassen occasionally<br />

recruits several native Europeans into his terror cells, most of his<br />

recruits come from the immigrant workers and refugees coming<br />

from Eastern Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and the<br />

Balkans.<br />

Whenever Mustassen’s cells locates potential new recruits, he<br />

arranges to have them sent to a terrorist training camp that he<br />

maintains in Tunisia, nestled in the highlands west of Tunis. In<br />

addition to the rigorous combat regimen Mustassen puts them<br />

through, these recruits also receive training on advanced technology<br />

supplied indirectly from Vertiogne, including a few high-tech<br />

gadgets. Once they’ve completed their training, the newly-christened<br />

terrorists return to their homes in Europe, awaiting orders<br />

to unleash a campaign of terror.<br />

Jacob Mustassen, 5th level soldier (henchman – 34 MP):<br />

CR 5; SZ M; v/wp 48/15; Init +7 (+4 class, +3 Dex); Spd 30 ft; Def<br />

15 (+2 class, +3 Dex); Atk: Glock 17 Service Pistol (dmg 1d10, error<br />

1, threat 20, range 20 ft.), M16A2 Assault Rifle +8 (dmg 2d8+1,<br />

error 1-2, threat 19-20, range 100 ft.), Martial Arts +7 (dmg 1d6,<br />

subdual, error 1, threat 20), Survival Knife + 7/+8 (dmg 1d6, error<br />

1, threat 20, range 5 ft.); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None;<br />

SQ accurate, damage reduction 1, armor use 1; SV Fort +6, Ref +6,<br />

Will +2; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10; Skills: Climb<br />

+4, Demolitions +4, Driver +7, Intimidate +10/+8, Profession<br />

(Military) +5, Spot +5, Survival +5, Swim +4; Feats: Armor<br />

Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Expertise, Hard Core, Martial<br />

Arts, Rapid Shot, Speed Trigger, Weapon Group Proficiency<br />

(Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical). Gear: Desert Camouflage<br />

Fatigues, 1 BPs. Gadgets and Vehicles: GPS watch.<br />

Threat Resources/Action Sites: None (headquarters – terrorist<br />

training camp, Tunisia – secrecy 5, personnel 2, security 1).<br />

Terrorists, 3rd level minions (squads of 4 – 15 MP): CR 2;<br />

SZ M; v/wp 16/12; Init +4 (+3 class, +1 Dex); Spd 30 ft; Def 12 (+1<br />

class, +1 Dex); Atk: Knife +4/+4 (dmg 1d4+1, error 1, threat 20,<br />

range 5 ft.), .40 S&W Service Pistol (dmg 1d12, error 1, threat 20,<br />

range 20 ft.); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None;<br />

SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +0; Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 9,<br />

Cha 10; Skills: Demolitions +4, Intimidate +6/+5, Driver +6, Spot<br />

+4; Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium), Weapon Group<br />

Proficiency (Melee, Handgun, Rifle). Gear: 13 BPs. Gadgets and<br />

Vehicles: None.<br />

Plot Hook #1<br />

Recently the Agency conducted a sting against a possible al-<br />

Qaeda cell in Marseilles and captured a number of Algerian immigrants.<br />

During the raid, the Agency also captured a number of<br />

sophisticated tactical weapons, as well as electronic and chemical<br />

components that R&D could only surmise as the parts for an<br />

advanced technological gadget. Additional information also<br />

reveals that the detainees trained at a terrorist camp in Tunisia,<br />

which is not a known locus for al-Qaeda activity. Unsure whether<br />

this is a new group or whether this is a separate cell with a separate<br />

agenda, the Agency assigns a team to investigate.<br />

12<br />

Possibilities:<br />

1. The Algerians are, in fact, one of Mustassen’s cells, acting as<br />

part of the opening wave of Nicolette’s terror campaign. They<br />

were actually en route to Nice, where they would hijack an<br />

incoming tanker carrying a full load of liquefied natural gas.<br />

Once they had control of the tanker, they would steer it<br />

directly onto Nice’s crowded beach resorts and blow it up.<br />

Although the Agency had captured many of the cell members,<br />

several members got away, including the cell leader. Also,<br />

Mustassen had a backup plan in place, as a contingency for<br />

possible setbacks like this.<br />

2. The beach resort the Algerians’ plan to attack is hosting a conference<br />

for the French Front National party, a right-wing<br />

political party known for its anti-immigrant and Eurosceptic<br />

stance. Since FN is one of the major opponents to a stronger<br />

European Union, the terror attack actually kills two birds with<br />

one stone for Nicolette: create mass terror and also eliminate<br />

one of the more vocal opponents to a strong union.<br />

3. The Algerians were, in fact, al-Qaeda operatives, as the Agency<br />

first suspected. They had learned of Mustassen’s plot and<br />

ambushed one of the cells involved in the attack. However,<br />

shortly after they had taken over the cell’s equipment, they in<br />

turn were raided by the Agency. So now the Agency has to<br />

stop two groups from hijacking the tanker: Mustassen’s backup<br />

cell, and al-Qaeda, who now knows of the plan and wants<br />

to use the hijacking to attack a US warship group passing in<br />

the vicinity.<br />


OF SET<br />

By Ken Colman<br />

Starting Threat Code: Yellow (with a possible shift to Red if<br />

the situation warrants the increase)<br />

This short-season (3 serial) threat is appropriate for a team<br />

of 4th level agents.<br />

Over the years, Egypt shifted from a polytheistic society to a<br />

monotheistic society, whether their belief be in Judaism, Islam or<br />

Christianity. There have been people, however, who still believe in<br />

the Egyptian pantheon. The Children of Set quietly formed shortly<br />

after the Roman incursions into Egypt, and has seen several<br />

iterations over the centuries. The latest incarnation, with access to<br />

current weapons and technology, could conceivably become a<br />

serious concern. In their eyes, the "corruption brought by the<br />

Western world" must be cleansed by whatever means possible. This<br />

version of the Children was formed only four years ago, but their<br />

actions have started to grow more frequent and progressively<br />

more violent. The Children of Set tends to pick those who are disenfranchised<br />

with the current state of affairs of Egypt, as well as<br />

the descendants of former iterations of the Children (because of<br />

their tacit indoctrination from their parents). Normally, a group as<br />

small as this would not draw much attention, but recent events<br />

have warranted at least some small investigation to determine<br />

their true threat.

Children of Set<br />

MP Cost: 275<br />

Wealth: 3 (63 BP for mastermind, 42 BP for each henchman,<br />

27 BP for each minion)<br />

Technology: 2 (2 GP per serial)<br />

Loyalty: 8 (+ 8 to loyalty checks)<br />

Influence: 1<br />

Scope: 3 (national threat)<br />

Agenda: Control<br />

Serial 3:<br />

Dr. Jaffar el Habir<br />

Jaffar el Habir spent his whole life hating his homeland, due<br />

to his father’s influence in a former iteration of the Children of<br />

Set. When he was eight years old, his father was arrested for terrorist<br />

acts against the state and was taken to an Egyptian prison,<br />

where he died several years later. An intelligent child, he studied<br />

at some of the best medical schools in England and specialized in<br />

genetics, easily praised as one of the world’s best in the field.<br />

Working at a British university, he performed illegal experiments<br />

and instead of being placed in jail he was deported back to Egypt<br />

and his medical license stripped from him. He always remembered<br />

his father’s teachings, and decided to follow in his father’s footsteps<br />

and truly bring the glory of Set to the corrupted world. He<br />

decided that he could use his knowledge of genetics to possibly<br />

fulfill a prophecy about the snake-god being resurrected and rule<br />

over Egypt. Contacting some of the former members of the<br />

Children of Set when his father led the group, he reformed the<br />

Children of Set under his "guidance", using the followers to obtain<br />

items he needs for his experiments and lead Egypt to a new age,<br />

under his rule and that of Set. He knows that he will not last long<br />

if confronted with violence, so he lets his Elite Guard protect him<br />

so that he can create a diversion to slip away.<br />

Dr. Jaffar el Habir , 7th level Scientist (mastermind — 35<br />

MP): CR 7, SZ M; v/wp 35/11; Init +3 (+0 Dex, +3 Class); Spd 30<br />

ft.; Def 16 (+0 Dex, +6 class); Atk: H&K USP .45 ACP +3 (1d12,<br />

recoil 23, error 1, threat 19-20, range 25 ft., qualities and mods:<br />

DP, TD, Standard laser sight — 10 shots); Face 1 square; Reach 1<br />

square; SA None, SQ None; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6; Str 12, Dex<br />

10, Con 11, Int 19, Wis13, Cha 13; Skills: Computers +14,<br />

Concentration +10 (threat 18-20), Cryptography +15, Cultures +7,<br />

Diplomacy +9, Driver +5, Electronics +14, First Aid +11, Knowledge<br />

(Genetics) +28 (threat 18-20), Mechanics +13, Profession (physician)<br />

+11, Search +13, Sense Motive +10, Spot +11. Feats: Armor<br />

Group Proficiency (Light), Advanced Skill Mastery (Scholarly feat<br />

from Learned), Brilliant, Charmer, Improvise (+4), Learned, PhD<br />

(Knowledge: Genetics) Political Favors, Professor, Weapon Group<br />

Proficiency (Melee, Handgun). Gear: Weapon, 40 extra shots<br />

.45ACP military ball ammo, Agent Bundle A (see the <strong>Spycraft</strong><br />

Espionage Handbook, page 106), Desktop computer (+3 Power),<br />

Electronics kit, Computer Kit. Vehicles and Gadgets: Standard belt<br />

(grappling hook), 2 exploding pens, iris lenses, quick mine.<br />

Threat resources: Fanatics, Martyrs<br />

Headquarters: Ruined Temple of Set/secret genetics lab (hierarchy<br />

3, secrecy 2, personnel 2, security 2)<br />

Elite Guard: These are Jaffar’s personal bodyguards, protecting<br />

him from harm, and are loyal to the Children’s cause. They<br />

were handpicked by Hamid Farooq (see Serial Two, next column)<br />

to perform in this capacity. They will protect Jaffar to the bitter<br />

end if they need to, even against insurmountable odds.<br />

13<br />

Elite Guard, 5th level Mercenaries (minions, squads of 4 –<br />

48 MP): CR 4, SZ M; v/wp 37/13; Init +4 (+2 Dex, +2 class), Spd<br />

30 ft; Def 15 (+2 Dex, +3 class), Atk: Sword +6 (1d8, error 1, threat<br />

18-20), H&K USP .45ACP +7 (1d12, recoil 23, error 1, threat 19-<br />

20, range 25 ft., qualities and mods: DP, TD, Standard laser sight —<br />

10 shots); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None, SQ None; SV<br />

Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +4; Str 13, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha<br />

11; Skills: Demolitions +3, Diplomacy +3, Driver +5, Intimidate<br />

+4/+3, Listen +3, Sense Motive +4, Spot +4, Survival +4. Feats:<br />

Armor Group Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Damage<br />

Reduction –1/-, Heavily Armed (+10 BP for weapons), Point Blank<br />

Shot, Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical).<br />

Gear: Weapons, 40 shots .45ACP military ball ammo, tactical radio.<br />

Vehicles and gadgets: Luxury sedan (car, luxury – SZ L, Occ 1/ 4,<br />

Hnd +1, Spd 550 ft., MPH 55/110, Def 10, WP 110, Hrd 7; qualities<br />

and mods: HOT, bulletproof glass)<br />

Serial 2:<br />

Hamid Muhammad Farooq<br />

Hamid Muhammad Farooq was one of the former lieutenants<br />

of the Children of Set when Jaffar el Habir’s father Ammad el<br />

Habir was arrested. He took Jaffar under his wing and helped him<br />

get his education. He sees himself as a guardian to Jaffar, and<br />

helped guide Jaffar in the path that Ammad would have had he<br />

still been alive. He acts as an advisor to Jaffar, as well as train<br />

members in combat and guerrilla tactics due to his mercenary<br />

work during several of the region’s conflicts. He feels like a surrogate<br />

father to Jaffar, and will do anything possible to protect<br />

Jaffar, even laying down his own life<br />

Hamid Muhammad Farooq, 6th level Soldier (henchman —<br />

33 MP): CR 6, SZ M; v/wp 51/13; Init +7 (+2 Dex, +5 class), Spd<br />

30 ft; Def 14 (+2 Dex, +3 class), Atk: Survival Knife +8 (1d6, error<br />

1, threat 20, range 20 ft.), Kalashnikov AK-47 +9 (3d6, error 1,<br />

threat 19-20, range 150 ft., qualities and mods: DP, RG — 30<br />

shots); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None, SQ None; SV Fort<br />

+5, Ref +3, Will +4; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 12;<br />

Skills: Balance +6, Climb +6, Demolitions +8, Driver +7, Intimidate<br />

+7/+6, Jump +6, Spot +7, Survival +5, Use Rope +6. Feats: accurate,<br />

Armor Group Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Armor Use,<br />

Combat Instincts, Damage Reduction –1/-, Lightning Reflexes,<br />

Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Weapon Focus (AK-47), Weapon<br />

Group Proficiency (Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical), Weapon<br />

Specialization (AK-47). Gear: Weapons, 60 shots 7.62x39mm military<br />

ball ammo, headset radio, Demolitions kit, Survival kit, flashlight.<br />

Vehicles and gadgets: Jeep (jeep, military — SZ L, Occ 1 / 3,<br />

Hnd +3, Spd 550 ft., MPH 55/110, Def 10, WP 90, Hrd 7; qualities<br />

and mods: ORD, Increased Handling (figured into stats already),<br />

Solid tires)<br />

Threat resources: Fanatics<br />

Headquarters: Warriors of Set training camp (hierarchy 2,<br />

secrecy 2, personnel 3, security 2)<br />

Warriors of Set: These fighters have been culled from various<br />

mercenary groups as well as competent members of the Children<br />

of Set, all of them trained by Hamid to benefit the Children’s mission.

Church of the Apocalypse<br />

Warriors of Set, 4th level Mercenaries (minions, squads of<br />

4— 40 MP): CR 3, SZ M; v/wp 26/11; Init +2 (+0 Dex, +2 class),<br />

Spd 30 ft; Def 12 (+0 Dex, +2 class), Atk: Survival knife +5 (1d6,<br />

error 1, threat 20, range 20 ft.), H&K USP .45ACP +4 (1d12, recoil<br />

23, error 1, threat 19-20, range 25 ft., qualities and mods: DP, TD,<br />

Standard laser sight — 10 shots); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square;<br />

SA None, SQ None; SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +2; Str 12, Dex 11, Con<br />

11, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10; Skills: Demolitions +2, Diplomacy +2,<br />

Driver +2, Intimidate +3/+2, Listen +2, Sense Motive +2, Spot +2,<br />

Survival +2. Feats: Armor Group Proficiency (Light, Medium,<br />

Heavy), Damage Reduction –1/-, Heavily Armed (+10 BP for<br />

weapons), Point Blank Shot, Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee,<br />

Handgun, Rifle, Tactical). Gear: Weapons, 40 extra shots .45ACP<br />

military ball ammo, tactical radio, binoculars, flashlight. Vehicles<br />

and gadgets: Jeep (jeep, military — SZ L, Occ 1 / 3, Hnd +3, Spd<br />

550 ft., MPH 55/110, Def 10, WP 90, Hrd 7; qualities and mods:<br />

ORD, Increased Handling (figured into stats already), Solid tires)<br />

Serial 1: Adir Salim<br />

Adir is a small time fence who believes in the cause of the<br />

Children, but believes in money almost as strongly. He is the person<br />

that is assigned to acquire any equipment that might be needed<br />

for Jaffar’s experiments, or funding the Children’s activities.<br />

Hamid tends to assign some of the younger trainees to Adir to<br />

help with his missions and provide bodyguard service to him in<br />

potential preparation to become an Elite Guard. He runs a small<br />

gambling den, which helps feed his passion for gambling.<br />

Adir Salim, 5th level Fixer (henchman—15 MP): CR 5, SZ M;<br />

v/wp 26/11; Init +4 (+2 Dex, +2 class), Spd 30 ft; Def 16 (+2 Dex,<br />

+4 class), Atk: Switchblade +3 (1d4, error 1-3, threat 18-20), H&K<br />

USP .45ACP +4 (1d12, recoil 23, error 1, threat 19-20, range 25 ft.,<br />

qualities and mods: DP, TD, Standard laser sight — 10 shots); Face<br />

1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None, SQ None; SV Fort +3, Ref +6,<br />

Will +2; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 14; Skills:<br />

Appraise +11, Balance +8, Climb +4, Driver +6, Escape Artist +6,<br />

Forgery +8, Gather Information +7, Innuendo +7, Move Silently<br />

+8, Open Locks +6, Search +5, Spot +5, Tumble +6. Feats: Armor<br />

Group Proficiency (Light), Card Shark, dextrous, Evasion, Master<br />

Fence, Sneak Attack (+2d6), Uncanny Dodge (+2 to Def), Weapon<br />

Group Proficiency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle). Gear: Weapons,<br />

40 extra shots .45 ACP military ball ammo, tactical radio,<br />

Lockpicking kit, trendy clothes, binoculars, flashlight, sunglasses<br />

(mirrored). Vehicles and gadgets:<br />

Threat resources: None<br />

Headquarters: The Sleeping Serpent gambling den (hierarchy<br />

1, secrecy 0, personnel 1, security 1)<br />

Warriors of Set in training: These men have been assigned<br />

to Salim to act as bodyguards, drivers, and assistants during<br />

Salim’s crimes. These men see this as a huge opportunity to prove<br />

themselves, but Salim’s vices does not sit well with them, seeing<br />

this as a major flaw that could hurt the Children.<br />

Warriors of Set in training, 3rd level Mercenaries (minions,<br />

squads of 4—32 MP): CR 2, SZ M; v/wp 26/11; Init +1 (+0 Dex,<br />

+1 class), Spd 30 ft; Def 12 (+0 Dex, +2 class), Atk: H&K USP<br />

.45ACP +3 (1d12, recoil 23, error 1, threat 19-20, range 25 ft.,<br />

qualities and mods: DP, TD, Standard laser sight — 10 shots); Face<br />

1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None, SQ None; SV Fort +3, Ref +1,<br />

Will +1; Str 11, Dex 11, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 9; Skills:<br />

Demolitions +2, Diplomacy +2, Driver +2, Intimidate +2/+1, Listen<br />

+1, Sense Motive +1, Spot +1, Survival +1. Feats: Armor Group<br />

Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Heavily Armed (+10 BP for<br />

weapons), Point Blank Shot, Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee,<br />

Handgun, Rifle, Tactical). Gear: Weapon, 40 shots .45ACP military<br />

14<br />

ball ammo, tactical radio, flashlight, binoculars, 1 BP. Vehicles and<br />

gadgets: Jeep (jeep, military — SZ L, Occ 1 / 3, Hnd +3, Spd 550 ft.,<br />

MPH 55/110, Def 10, WP 90, Hrd 7; qualities and mods: ORD,<br />

Increased Handling (figured into stats already), Solid tires)<br />

Plot Hook #1<br />

A series of robberies of high end medical and research equipment<br />

from several hospitals and universities in Egypt have taken<br />

place within the last month, and the agents have been sent to<br />

investigate the thefts and try to determine their significance.<br />

Possible events stemming from<br />

the thefts:<br />

1. Dr. el Habir has been stepping up thefts because of a breakthrough<br />

in increasing the potency of the venom of several<br />

types of poisonous snakes to use themas assassination tools,<br />

and plans to test out his new pets during a major peace summit<br />

that will be taking place within the week. Salim, being<br />

worked to death, has started to skim money and hold back<br />

equipment to try and "get what is due to him". One of his<br />

bodyguards, Jamal Raashid, has informed Hamid Farooq about<br />

this action, and Farooq has decided to punish Salim for his<br />

indiscretions. The agents may find Salim just as one of these<br />

altered creatures comes perilously close to him, prompting<br />

them to actually save Salim’s life Salim figures that he was<br />

hung out to dry and might spill his guts to the agents if either<br />

some sort of protection or money is offered his way.<br />

2. Similar to possibility #1, but the test will take place during<br />

one of the Children’s "services", and Salim’s sister has been<br />

"chosen" (in other words, kidnapped by Farooq’s men) to be<br />

the test subject. Salim will do everything possible to save his<br />

sister, including severing all ties with the Children, because he<br />

feels that they are "hurting his business".<br />

3. Jamal Raashid is actually one of the Agency’s moles, and is the<br />

one that contacted the agency about the thefts. He was overheard<br />

reporting in to the agency by Farooq, and informed el<br />

Habir about this, and el Habir decides to make Jamal the test<br />

subject. When the agents find Jamal, he will be dead, but evidence<br />

points them to Salim.<br />



By Brian Underhill<br />

Starting Threat Code: Red.<br />

This short-season (2-serial) threat is appropriate for a team<br />

of 4th level agents.<br />

The American desert southwest is home to many deadly<br />

threats, both natural and man-made. But a new power has arisen<br />

there; one that seeks not only to change the face of society, but<br />

to destroy it.<br />

Three and a half years ago, Reverend Matthias Law, a former<br />

fire-and-brimstone televangelist, established his controversial<br />

Church of the Apocalypse in the very heart of what he calls "modern<br />

Gomorrah" – Las Vegas, Nevada. The Church of the Apocalypse<br />

teaches strict adherence to select portions of the bible, but disregards<br />

others as apocryphal, metaphorical, or simply irrelevant.<br />

Reverend Law demands absolute loyalty from his followers, doling<br />

out promises of eternal life with one hand while threatening eternal<br />

damnation with the other.

Church of the Apocalypse<br />

Despite Law’s hotly debated interpretations of scripture, the<br />

Church has developed a reputation for doing good. An outreach<br />

program has reformed scores of young criminals; his revivals draw<br />

crowds of believing showgirls, gamblers, bikers, business owners,<br />

paid killers, and politicians; a recently established mission feeds<br />

and shelters hundreds of homeless transients and a second such<br />

mission is being built. The Church of the Apocalypse has grown<br />

from an obscure Las Vegas curiosity to a powerful political and<br />

societal organization, and it seems to be changing the face of Las<br />

Vegas for the better.<br />

But under this benevolent – if controversial – facade lurks a<br />

deadly menace. What the public does not know is that Reverend<br />

Matthias Law is not just a fanatical conservative. He is a delusional<br />

madman looking to bring his own version of Armageddon to Sin<br />

City.<br />

Law’s outreach and mission programs have allowed him to<br />

recruit and indoctrinate a small force of fiercely loyal, highly militant<br />

acolytes. With their help, Law recently located a nuclear missile<br />

silo that contained an old W56 Minuteman ICBM scheduled to<br />

be dismantled. Using his influence, charisma, and not a few bribes,<br />

Law induced a silo employee to release the security codes for the<br />

site. At Law’s bidding, a local bike gang – loyal to his cause –<br />

descended on the site and stole the aging, but dangerously effective,<br />

1.2-megaton warhead.<br />

Law has spent three and a half years in Las Vegas, but he<br />

believes the time for repentance is over. He will soon detonate the<br />

nuke from deep within his church, bringing a holy rain of nuclear<br />

fire to the city and ushering in the end of the world…<br />

MP Cost: 185<br />

Wealth: Poor (15 MP)<br />

Technology: 2 (2 GP per serial) (8 MP)<br />

Loyalty: 5 (+5 to all loyalty checks) (20 MP)<br />

Influence: Unknown<br />

Scope: Unknown<br />

Agenda: Unknown<br />

Serial 2:<br />

Reverend Matthias Law<br />

Matthias Law is a tall, vital man who looks younger than his<br />

62 years. He is an intense, charismatic leader, with a piercing stare<br />

that is difficult to avoid. He is relentless in his proselytizing, and<br />

will continue to try to convert the agents even as he orders his<br />

men to kill them. He is not much of a physical threat; he suffered<br />

from polio as a child, leaving him with a limp even today. He walks<br />

with an ornate cane topped by a silver crucifix; the cane conceals<br />

a 3-shot .40 caliber pistol.<br />

Raised a Southern Baptist, Law bounced from one fundamentalist<br />

religion to another, eventually culling together his own version<br />

of Judeo-Christian theology – one that suited him. Today he<br />

preaches a combination of strict conservatism (prohibiting fornication,<br />

drunkenness, gambling) but embraces scriptures highlighting<br />

God’s lack of patience with sinners, His promises of vengeance,<br />

and the coming end of the world. Law believes he is "God’s<br />

authority that bears the sword." He promises everlasting life to<br />

those that listen to him and eternal destruction for those that do<br />

not. And he truly believes he has been chosen by God to hand out<br />

both rewards.<br />

Law is ready to give his life for his beliefs. He has created a<br />

special holy sanctuary for the nuke – a room he calls the Sanctum<br />

– in a secure basement of his church. It is constantly guarded by<br />

four of his elite acolytes but Law plans on detonating the device<br />

himself. The Sanctum is a small, but elaborate room, replete with<br />

ceremonial basins of holy water, candles, and an ornate altar. A<br />

15<br />

timer has been built into the warhead that will cause it to detonate<br />

it ten minutes after Law activates the device (Law wants time<br />

to devote his last few minutes on earth to prayer and meditation).<br />

Defusing the bomb requires a contest of skills as per <strong>Spycraft</strong><br />

Espionage Handbook, page 49; the detonator is homemade and<br />

was built by an acolyte with a demolitions skill of +5; it includes<br />

both electronic and computer components. If the bomb goes off,<br />

the firestorm will engulf a hundred square miles; within three<br />

hours, the fallout will kill anything without shelter for 50 miles in<br />

every direction.<br />

GCs may wish to have a bible handy during this serial and to<br />

use it during the agents’ interactions with Reverend Law. He<br />

quotes many scriptures from memory and reads others from the<br />

worn, but ever-present bible he himself always carries.<br />

Reverend Matthias Law, 7th-level faceman (mastermind —<br />

35 MP): CR 7. SZ M; v/wp: 43/11; Init +6 (class); Spd 30 ft.; Def<br />

14 (+4 class); Atk: cane gun +5 (dmg 1d6, error 1, threat 20 if<br />

swung); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA none; SQ adaptable,<br />

backup 1/session, cold read 1/session, fake it 1/session, linguist +3,<br />

quick change 3/session; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +5; Str 10, Dex 10,<br />

Con 11, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 17; Skills: Bluff +9, Cultures +5,<br />

Diplomacy +11, Disguise +4, Forgery +3, Gather Information +8,<br />

Innuendo +6, Intimidate +1/+4, Knowledge (Judeo-Christian<br />

Theology) +10, Languages +3, Perform +13, Profession (Evangelist)<br />

+11, Search +3, Sense Motive +12, Spot +3. Feats: Charmer,<br />

Persuasive, Advanced Skill Mastery (Persuasive). Gear: Standard<br />

clothing (liner, disguised as religious garb), cell phone, worn<br />

leather bible, 50 rounds of .40 caliber military ball ammunition, 30<br />

BPs; Gadgets and Vehicles: cane gun (operates like an umbrella<br />

gun — dmg 1d12, error 1, threat 20, range 20 ft., spot DC 25 — 3<br />

shots).<br />

Threat Resources: None.<br />

Headquarters: The Church of the Apocalypse, Las Vegas,<br />

Nevada, USA — hierarchy unknown, secrecy 0, personnel 4, security<br />

2.<br />

The Arm of the Lord: The Reverend’s outreach programs and<br />

homeless shelters have netted him many devoted followers. He has<br />

selected some of the most skilled, fanatical militants from among<br />

them, calling them the Arm of the Lord. These men act as Law’s<br />

bodyguards, security teams, and enforcers; most have military<br />

training, gang experience, or a prison record. They are a surly,<br />

ruthless lot, but fanatically loyal to Reverend Law and to the Lord.<br />

Law keeps at least four of them with the nuke at all times, calling<br />

these specially chosen guards "Keepers of the Holy Flame."<br />

The Arm of the Lord, 5th-level militant zealots (minions,<br />

squads of 4 — 42 MP): CR 4. SZ M; v/wp: 35/16; Init +7 (+3 Dex,<br />

+4 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 15 (+3 Dex, +2 class); Atk: H&K MP5A5SD<br />

submachine gun with integral flash suppressor and silencer +5<br />

(dmg 1d10, error 1, threat 19-20, range 50 ft. — 30 shots); Face 1<br />

square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +7, Ref +6,<br />

Will +2; Str 16, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 10; Skills:<br />

Balance +4, Climb +5, Demolitions +2, Driver +7, First Aid +3,<br />

Intimidate +8/+5, Jump +4, Knowledge (Judeo-Christian<br />

Theology) +3, Knowledge (Street, Military, or Prison) +3, Move<br />

Silently +4, Spot +5, Survival +1, Tumble +7, Use Rope +6. Feats:<br />

Armor Group Proficiency (Light, Medium), Punching Basics,<br />

Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee, Handgun, Rifle). Gear: Weapon,<br />

extra magazine of 30 rounds JHP ammunition, extra magazine of<br />

30 rounds military ball ammunition, 6 BPs. Vehicles and Gadgets:<br />


Church of the Apocalypse<br />

Serial 1: Deacon Crowe<br />

Deacon Crowe is the self-appointed leader of a group of bikers<br />

that have been terrorizing the desert southwest for several<br />

months. Crowe was once an anarchist and rebel, and lived to<br />

wreak havoc whenever and wherever he pleased. He has since<br />

taken up the mantle of faith and become a loyal supporter of the<br />

Church of the Apocalypse, calling his bike gang the Riders of the<br />

Apocalypse – a name that suits him but irks Reverend Law.<br />

Deacon is a wild, undisciplined man. Born in Colorado, he<br />

moved to Nevada at age 15 and became involved in petty crimes.<br />

After four years in prison for armed robbery, Crowe returned to<br />

the streets and has slowly accrued a band of former prison friends<br />

and other loyal comrades-in-arms. When Deacon "found religion"<br />

two years ago, he insisted his fellow bikers join in his crusade.<br />

Although Deacon himself is now a faithful follower of Reverend<br />

Law’s Church, most of the gang pays only lip service to the tenets<br />

of the faith.<br />

When Law located the soon-to-be-decommissioned nuke, he<br />

enlisted Deacon’s help in procuring it. Deacon and his men did so,<br />

though at no small cost to the Reverend. Deacon Crowe is the only<br />

one that knows of the Reverend’s plans to annihilate Las Vegas,<br />

and while he agrees with the plan in theory, he does not intend on<br />

giving up his life in the process.<br />

Reverend Law, however, has something else in mind. He views<br />

the Deacon and the Riders with disdain. He considers them a useful<br />

tool in his grand scheme, but their undisciplined ways and blatant<br />

disregard for morality leaves him with little choice. He plans<br />

on inviting them to Las Vegas for a "farewell party" – replete with<br />

cheap booze and cheap women – and then detonating the nuke<br />

before they leave.<br />

Deacon Crowe, 5th-level wheelman (henchman — 10 MP):<br />

CR 5. SZ M; v/wp: 53/16; Init +7 (+3 class, +4 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Def<br />

17 (+3 class, +4 Dex); Atk: Remington 870 12-gauge pump shotgun<br />

+5 (dmg 4d4, error 1-2, threat 19-20, range 25 ft. — 8 shots),<br />

Glock 26 backup pistol +5 (dmg 1d10, error 1, threat 20, range 10<br />

ft. — 8 shots), machete (dmg 1d8, error 1-2, threat 20); Face 1<br />

square; Reach 1 square; SA +1 with attacks made within 1 range<br />

increment; SQ custom ride, daredevil, familiarity +1 (with custom<br />

Harley), kick start, lucky; SV Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +2; Str 14, Dex<br />

18, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 12; Skills: Balance +5, Demolitions<br />

+4, Driver +12, Escape Artist +9, Intimidate +10/+9, Jump +2,<br />

Knowledge (General Theology) +1, Mechanics +6, Open Lock +7,<br />

Spot +5, Surveillance +3, Survival +4, Swim +3. Feats: Drive By,<br />

Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Ride Shotgun. Gear: Weapons,<br />

leather jacket, 50 rounds 9x19mm military ball ammunition, 20<br />

rounds 12-gauge shot shell ammunition, 7 BPs. Gadgets and<br />

Vehicles: Customized Harley-Davidson (chopper – SZ L, Hnd +6,<br />

Spd 400 ft., MPH 40/80, Def 15, WP 50, Hrd 2, qualities and mods:<br />

concealed machine gun (dmg 3d8, accuracy -4, error 1-3, threat<br />

19-20, range 120 ft. — shots 125).<br />

Threat Resources: None.<br />

Headquarters: Ghost-town biker camp at Garnet, Nevada,<br />

USA — hierarchy unknown, secrecy 0, personnel 3, security 0.<br />

The Riders of the Apocalypse: The Riders are a rough-andtumble<br />

bike gang, suspicious of outsiders (they begin encounters<br />

with an Unfriendly disposition). They are currently encamped in<br />

the crumbling ruins of Garnet, Nevada, an old ghost town that<br />

flourished from about 1880 to 1940. The "town" itself has only<br />

four buildings left intact, but the entire region is littered with<br />

crumbling ruins. The hills behind the ruins are honeycombed with<br />

abandoned mine tunnels that make excellent places for cat-andmouse<br />

games pitting agents against gun-toting bikers.<br />

16<br />

The gang frequents the Church during revivals, "raising a<br />

ruckus for the Lord," as Deacon calls it. Most of the men are loyal<br />

to Deacon, but their loyalty to the Reverend and his radical religious<br />

tenets is questionable. Most of the men know nothing about<br />

the Reverend’s plan; they assume the theft of the nuke was for the<br />

gang’s financial gain only.<br />

The Riders of the Apocalypse, 3rd-level bikers (minions,<br />

squads of 3 — 28 MP): CR 2. SZ M; v/wp: 19/14; Init +5 (+3 class,<br />

+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Def 13 (+2 Dex, +1 class); Atk: .357 magnum<br />

service revolver +3 (dmg 2d4+1, error 1-2, threat 19-20, range 20<br />

ft. — 5 shots) and any one of: baseball bat (dmg 1d10, error 1,<br />

threat 20), broken bottle (dmg 1d4, error 1-3, threat 20), chain<br />

(dmg 2d4, error 1-3, threat 20), knife (dmg 1d4, error 1, threat 20,<br />

range 5 ft.), lead pipe (dmg 1d6+1, error 1-2, threat 20, range 10<br />

ft.) or machete (dmg 1d8, error 1-2, threat 20); Face 1 Square;<br />

Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1;<br />

Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 9; Skills: Balance +3,<br />

Demolitions +2, Driver +7, Fist Aid +1, Intimidate +4/+1,<br />

Mechanics +3, Spot +3, Survival +3, Tumble +3. Feats: Armor<br />

Group Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Ride Shotgun, Weapon<br />

Group Proficiency (Handgun, Melee, Rifle, Tactical). Gear:<br />

Weapons, leather jacket, 50 rounds .357 magnum military ball<br />

ammunition, 4 BP. Vehicles and Gadgets: Battered, but serviceable<br />

hog (chopper – SZ L, Hnd +6, Spd 400 ft., MPH 40/80, Def 15, WP<br />

50, Hrd 2).<br />

Foil (Serial 1):<br />

Stephanie Cross<br />

Catholic-born Estefania Esmerelda Concepción de la Cruz –<br />

who works under the much simpler name, Stephanie Cross –<br />

dropped out of high school at 16 and has found herself in one bad<br />

situation after another (research will reveal she has a criminal<br />

record, mostly for petty crimes). She’s recently fallen in with<br />

Deacon Crowe, but disdains the dirty, nomadic lifestyle of the<br />

Riders of the Apocalypse. This fiery 24-year-old Latina is looking<br />

to make a name for herself as Vegas showgirl, but all she has managed<br />

thus far is two-bit, low-end clubs and part-time cocktail<br />

waitressing.<br />

She is currently holding down two jobs. One is a day job as a<br />

cocktail waitress at the Stratosphere Casino (with its revolving<br />

1,149 foot tower). She works nights as a dancer at a seedy 24hour<br />

club, the Rendezvous Room on the northern edge of town.<br />

Deacon and his gang frequent the Rendezvous Room, but are<br />

rarely seen at the Stratosphere. She recently overheard the Riders<br />

discussing the heist of the nuke, but dismissed it as a lot of hot air<br />

and testosterone-induced blather. Once she learns of their success,<br />

her actions will depend largely on the results of her loyalty check.<br />

If she becomes loyal to the agents, she will lead them to the<br />

Riders’ hideout in Garnet; if she remains loyal to Deacon, she will<br />

quit her job and join the Riders for good. On a neutral loyalty<br />

check, she will attempt to pack up and head to Mexico.<br />

Stephanie is hot-tempered and opinionated, but compassionate<br />

and kindhearted to those in need. She is brazen and flirtatious<br />

– traits that do not sit well with Deacon Crowe. She remains<br />

unbothered by his jealousy (she is, in fact, tiring of it) and refuses<br />

to be cowed by him or his men.<br />

She does, however, enjoy the protection they offer and is hoping<br />

they may someday "convince" a casino owner to give her a<br />

shot at Vegas showgirl stardom.

Stephanie Cross, 4th-level fixer (henchman — 7 MP):<br />

Loyalty 3. CR 4. SZ M; v/wp: 21/11; Init +4 (+2 class, +2 Dex); Spd<br />

30 ft.; Def 15 (+3 class, +2 Dex); Atk: Sig-Sauer P232 .380 backup<br />

pistol +3 (dmg 1d8, error 1-2, threat 20, range 10 ft. — 8 shots);<br />

Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA sneak attack +1d6; SQ dexterous,<br />

evasion (no damage with successful Ref save), procure,<br />

uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to Def); SV Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +3;<br />

Str 10, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 16; Skills: Appraise +3,<br />

Balance +4, Bluff +10, Climb +1, Driver +4, Escape Artist +3,<br />

Forgery +3, Gather Information +7, Hide +4, Innuendo +3, Jump<br />

+1, Knowledge (Catholic Theology) +3, Languages +2, Listen +4,<br />

Move Silently +5, Open Lock +3, Perform +9, Search +4, Sense<br />

Motive +7, Sleight of Hand +3, Spot +7, Tumble +7. Feats:<br />

Acrobatic, Charmer. Gear: Weapon, lockpicking kit, 28 BPs.<br />

Gadgets and Vehicles: None.<br />

Threat Resources: None.<br />

Headquarters: None.<br />

Plot Hook #1<br />

The adventure begins with the theft of a nuclear warhead<br />

from an aging missile silo. The agents will have a little less than<br />

seven days to track down the missing nuke and neutralize it,<br />

bringing Reverend Matthias Law’s horrific scheme safely to an<br />

end. The Riders will initially bring the warhead to Garnet, but will<br />

transport the nuke to Law’s Church headquarters very shortly<br />

thereafter, where Law performs a cleansing ceremony and declares<br />

the weapon "holy."<br />

The agents may be assigned to investigate the theft through<br />

various means. Each of the following options leads the agents to<br />

one of the three primary NPCs of the adventure. The GC may mix<br />

and match the options to suit his needs:<br />

Possibilities:<br />

1. While finishing up another mission in Las Vegas, or perhaps<br />

simply on vacation there, one or more of the agents meets<br />

Stephanie Cross (either in her daytime cocktail waitress role,<br />

or as a stripper in the seedy Rendezvous Room). During a lull<br />

in the action, a breaking news story announces an attack on a<br />

military base in the deserts of Nevada. News footage makes it<br />

obvious the "military base" is a missile silo, but the newscasters<br />

make no mention of the theft of the warhead. When<br />

Stephanie hears the news, she stops in her tracks and the color<br />

drains from her face. "Madre de Dios," she whispers, "no pensaba<br />

que el lo hiciera" – Mother of God, I didn’t think he could<br />

do it. She immediately walks away, a look of panic on her face.<br />

Whether the agents pursue her or not, their Agency pagers go<br />

off soon thereafter, summoning them to a briefing where they<br />

learn the awful truth about the incident.<br />

2. If the agents are elsewhere when the theft occurs, they may<br />

be sent to Nevada to infiltrate the bike gang for clues to the<br />

theft (travel time may down the number of days they actually<br />

have to find the nuke, at the GC’s discretion). Surveillance<br />

cameras at the missile silo captured a blurry picture of one of<br />

the thieves wearing a ragged denim vest with the Four<br />

Horsemen of the Apocalypse emblazoned on the back. The<br />

agents are sent to infiltrate the group – by stealth or by guile<br />

– and determine the whereabouts of the weapon.<br />

3. An insider at the missile silo has disappeared. Investigations<br />

reveal a payment of $250,000 to a private offshore account<br />

the missing soldier opened only 30 days ago. The payment has<br />

trickled through a labyrinth of fronts and false corporations,<br />

but the Agency has managed to track the paper trail back to<br />

Reverend Matthias Law of the Church of the Apocalypse. The<br />

Dallas Redux<br />

17<br />

agents are ordered to investigate the mysterious payoff, and<br />

arrive in Las Vegas not long before the silo is attacked. At the<br />

GC’s discretion, this may mean they’ve investigated the silo<br />

only hours before the Riders initiate their attack, virtually<br />

stealing the warhead out from under the agents’ noses!<br />


By Bruce Graw<br />

Starting Threat Code: Yellow.<br />

This short (2-serial) threat is appropriate for a team of 4thlevel<br />

agents.<br />

Not all masterminds have foolproof plans to conquer the<br />

world or destroy entire nations. Some are motivated by little more<br />

than greed, and their desire for money drives them to attempt<br />

bold plans with little chance of success. The Agency generally<br />

ignores these when they can, allowing these would-be tyrants to<br />

burn themselves out when they step too close to the fire. Every<br />

now and then, one lights a flame too big to control, endangering<br />

far more than just himself and his own interests. This threat represents<br />

one such case.<br />

MP Cost: 275<br />

Wealth: 7 (62 BP for mastermind, 42 BP for each henchman<br />

and foil, 27 BP for each minion, 17 BP for each specialist; minions<br />

gain 1 piece of personal ordinance or 1 heavy, ground, or water<br />

vehicle up to 10 GP, or personal vehicles up to 4 GP)<br />

Technology: 5 (5 GP per serial)<br />

Loyalty: 4 (+4 to loyalty checks)<br />

Influence: 1 (favor check notice = 1, 1 influence effect per<br />

serial)<br />

Scope: 5 (international threat)*<br />

Agenda: Greed<br />

* All serials involving Sheffield Petroleum yield +5% XP (in<br />

addition to all other XP bonuses).<br />

Serial 2:<br />

Dallas Sheffield<br />

The wealthy oil mogul Edwin Sheffield earned his fortune during<br />

the gas "shortages" in the 1970s, using the time-honored<br />

mantra of capitalists everywhere—take advantage of supply and<br />

demand. His oil company, Sheffield Petroleum Associates (SPA),<br />

was a small but growing exporter of gasoline and other petroleum<br />

products that switched to domestic sales when the mythical<br />

shortage hit. With cars lined up for miles at every gas station,<br />

Sheffield jumped on the opportunity of a lifetime, and after the<br />

oil drought passed, he was able to retire in comfort, willing his<br />

entire fortune to his son, Dallas.<br />

Young Dallas took over the reins of the company when it<br />

became fashionable to be an oilman again—that is to say, in the<br />

1980s, when the "Dallas" television show ruled the evening ratings.<br />

Dallas Sheffield began to pattern himself after J.R. Ewing,<br />

wearing cowboy hats and specially tailored suits while learning to<br />

speak just like the soap opera character. All similarities to the fictional<br />

businessman aside, Dallas was a poor investor and managed<br />

to fritter away much of his family’s fortune. Desperate to keep his<br />

struggling business afloat, he turned to shady deals, storing earnings<br />

in offshore accounts and swallowing up smaller, more successful<br />

companies through aggressive corporate raiding tactics.<br />

When a potentially profitable "partner" refused to cave in, he

turned to more forceful methods, and when those failed, he<br />

arranged for "accidents" on company grounds. Those CEOs who<br />

refused to deal with him found themselves wishing they had—<br />

assuming they survived.<br />

Success in these low-level endeavors has bolstered Dallas’<br />

confidence to lofty heights. He has since come to believe he cannot<br />

fail. With the same sort of twisted, opportunistic genius that<br />

led his father to claim his own fortune in the seventies, Dallas now<br />

intends to outshine his sire by expanding his aggressive policy of<br />

buyouts and mergers. Through the same network of shell corporations<br />

and laundered assets that have served so well in the past, he<br />

has started to slowly buy up stock in the world’s major petroleum<br />

companies. Though he has no hope of actually purchasing controlling<br />

interest on his own without being noticed, he has what he<br />

believes is a foolproof plan to crash the oil market, lower prices to<br />

affordable levels, and emerge as the world’s sole controller of the<br />

gasoline industry.<br />

To carry out this plan, Dallas has used his family’s phenomenal<br />

wealth to purchase a little-known chemical research corporation,<br />

Aztec Industries. Aztec is known best for the development of<br />

certain fuel additives found in premium gasoline pumps across<br />

North America, but the company’s researchers are also hard at<br />

work on several alternative automobile power sources including<br />

fuel cells and flywheel technology. Since the purchase of this<br />

company, Dallas has replaced certain key members of Aztec<br />

Industries with his own unique henchmen, who have overseen the<br />

"development" of a major breakthrough in fuel cell technology.<br />

Fuel cells, for the uninitiated, employ ordinary hydrogen—the<br />

most plentiful element in the Universe—to produce power, with<br />

water the sole byproduct. The major problem has always been the<br />

explosive nature of hydrogen, which will always be associated in<br />

the minds of the people with the fiery crash of the Hindenburg<br />

zeppelin in 1937. Building hydrogen fuel pumps across the United<br />

States would also involve a tremendous investment in infrastructure.<br />

Dallas’ "breakthrough," such as it is, promises to do things<br />

differently. Instead of using hydrogen for fuel, ordinary water<br />

would be separated into its component molecules on the fly. The<br />

resulting hydrogen would be burned immediately for fuel,<br />

expelling the oxygen harmlessly into the air, with almost no pollution.<br />

Dallas imagines that the announcement of his new procedure<br />

will shake the oil companies to their core. By promising an immediate<br />

end to the need for gasoline-powered vehicles, he expects<br />

the stock values of the larger companies, such as Texaco and<br />

Exxon, to drop precipitously as investors hastily trade their shares<br />

for those of Aztec Industries. He then expects to not only make a<br />

killing dumping Aztec stock, but also buying up enough available<br />

"Big Oil" shares (through his other interests) to own a majority.<br />

Before anyone realizes what’s going on, he will end up quietly in<br />

control of the world’s oil companies.<br />

Although anyone with a passing knowledge of the stock market<br />

will see that Dallas’ plan is destined to fail—and will land him<br />

in prison for a variety of trading violations—his ego is too swollen<br />

to recognize his own faults. His plot will work on at least one level,<br />

though—the stock market will indeed be affected. Shares will not<br />

only fall in the oil industry, but across the board, crashing on<br />

potentially a worldwide level. Dallas Sheffield’s foolish plan could<br />

be disastrous for the economy of not only the United States, but<br />

the entire globe.<br />

Dallas is a thin, wiry man who pads out his ever-present white<br />

"J.R." suit to make himself look more physically impressive. He can<br />

be surprisingly agile in combat and is an excellent shot. He is,<br />

however, prone to panicking, and if severely challenged will make<br />

a run for it in his high-powered sports car, using his minions to<br />

cover his escape.<br />

Dallas Redux<br />

18<br />

Dallas Sheffield, 8th-level fixer (mastermind — 40 MP): CR<br />

8. SZ M; v/wp: 52/14; Init +6 (+3 Dex, +3 class); Spd 40 ft.; Def 19<br />

(+3 Dex, +6 class); Atk: .40 S&W backup pistol +9 (dmg 1d12, error<br />

1, threat 20, range 15 ft. — 8 shots); Face 1 square; Reach 1<br />

square; SA None; SQ dexterous, procure, evasion (no damage with<br />

successful Ref save), sneak attack +3d6, uncanny dodge (does not<br />

lose Dex bonus if caught flat-footed, enemies must be 12th level<br />

to flank), fast movement +10; SV Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +0; Str 13,<br />

Dex 17, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 7, Cha 15; Skills: Appraise +10, Balance<br />

+12, Bluff +10, Climb +9, Driver +11, Escape Artist +11, Forgery<br />

+8, Hobby (stock trading) +3, Innuendo +6, Knowledge (industry)<br />

+10, Profession (oil baron) +8, Search +10, Spot +6, Tumble +11.<br />

Feats: Armor Group Proficiency (Light), Lane Dancer, Mobility,<br />

Sidestep, Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun,<br />

Rifle). Gear: Weapon, white cowboy hat and "J.R. Ewing" suit, cell<br />

phone, PDA, five-star hotel room. Vehicles and Gadgets: heavy<br />

briefcase (equivalent to Agency briefcase), company car (sports<br />

car — SZ L, Occ 1/2, Hnd +5, Spd 800 ft., MPH 80/160, Def 14, WP<br />

70, Hrd 3, qualities and mods: none).<br />

Threat Resources: Filthy Stinking Rich (HQ), Armory (docks).<br />

Headquarters: Oil company offices just inside the Houston<br />

city limits – hierarchy 2, personnel 3, security 3, secrecy 1.<br />

Other Action Site: Oil tanker w/helipad at city docks – hierarchy<br />

2, personnel 2, security 0, secrecy 3).<br />

Dallas’ Cowboys: Dallas owns several ranches and spends a<br />

great deal of his free time riding horses and otherwise playing at<br />

being a "cowpoke." His minions are ranch hands, rodeo riders, and<br />

other cowboy types who have impressed him with their abilities<br />

and loyalty.<br />

Cowboy Guards, 4th level soldiers (minions, squads of 7-8<br />

— 32 MP): CR 3. SZ M; v/wp: 22/14; Init +7 (+4 Dex, +3 class);<br />

Spd 30 ft.; Def 16 (+4 Dex, +2 class); Atk: knife +6 (dmg 1d4+2,<br />

error 1, threat 20), .44 Magnum hunting revolver with 18 bullets<br />

+8 (dmg 2d6+2, error 1, threat 19–20, range 25 ft.); Face 1 square;<br />

Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ accurate, DR 1, +1 defense in armor,<br />

-1 armor check penalty; SV Fort +6, Ref +6, Will -1; Str 14, Dex<br />

18, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 6, Cha 6; Skills: Balance +9, Driver +5,<br />

Intimidate +4, Sport (rodeo) +8, Tumble +8, Use Rope +11. Feats:<br />

Acrobatic, Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Moving<br />

Target (+2 dodge bonus when fighting defensively), Weapon<br />

Group Proficiency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical). Gear:<br />

Weapons, coil of rope, cowboy hat, spurs. Vehicles and Gadgets:<br />

Muscle cars (SZ L, Occ 1/8, Hnd -1, Spd 650 ft., MPH 65/130, Def<br />

8, WP 110, Hrd 7, qualities and mods: none).<br />

Serial 1: Bubba and<br />

Billy Bob Carlton<br />

The Carlton Brothers are the sons of Edwin Sheffield’s business<br />

partner Jeb Carlton, who now lives on his own private Caribbean<br />

island. Bubba and Billy Bob are independently wealthy, but each<br />

dreams of being CEO of his own huge oil company. Since they lack<br />

the business sense necessary to achieve this goal on their own,<br />

they have signed up with Dallas Sheffield, who has promised to<br />

give them the reins of whichever corporation they choose once his<br />

plot has succeeded.<br />

Neither brother has the intelligence or experience necessary<br />

to spot the flaws in Sheffield’s plan. What they do have is a powerful<br />

physique and the willingness to do anything to achieve their<br />

ends. Both have been involved in numerous petty schemes and<br />

crimes over the years, each time using their father’s lingering<br />

influence to escape justice. They have no qualms against committing<br />

murder or any other offense if it gets them what they want.<br />

In general, the brothers cooperate towards mutual goals, but<br />

when both are after the same thing, they are fiercely competitive.

Both the Carlton brothers are huge football fans, but each has<br />

their own favorites. Billy Bob, for example, prefers the Texas<br />

Longhorns, while Bubba roots for the Oklahoma Sooners. This<br />

leads to the inevitable betting and taunting each year prior to the<br />

annual meeting of those two teams during the Texas State Fair.<br />

The loser of their bet generally has to do something embarrassing,<br />

so each does everything in their power to influence the result of<br />

the game. Both have been known to bribe officials, pay off players,<br />

an even threaten coaches with violence. Over the years, they<br />

have also made a good number of friends among their favorite<br />

football teams, many of whom were hired on as minions after<br />

"graduation."<br />

Bubba is the pointman of the pair, while Billy Bob is the<br />

wheelman. When they go on a mission for Dallas Sheffield, Billy<br />

Bob drives his limousine and lets Bubba handle the dirty work<br />

(such as planting explosives). At other times, they work on separate<br />

floors in the Ft. Worth office of Sheffield Petroleum, although<br />

they rarely do any actual labor. Most of the time they watch old<br />

football games or cook up schemes to help their favorite team win<br />

the next contest. If challenged together, they can be a difficult<br />

combination to beat, but if separated from each other, they can<br />

be dealt with more easily.<br />

Bubba Carlton, 5th-level pointman (henchman — 24 MP):<br />

CR 4. SZ M; v/wp: 38/15; Init +3 (+1 Dex, +2 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def<br />

13 (+1 Dex, +2 class); Atk: .357 Magnum service revolver +4 (dmg<br />

2d4+1, error 1-2, threat 19-20, range 20 ft. — 6 shots); Face 1<br />

square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ generous, versatility (7 skills:<br />

Balance, Demolitions, Forgery, Gather Information, Handle Animal,<br />

Mechanics, Search), assistance (1/2 time), lead (2/session), tactics<br />

(1/session); SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +4; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 15, Int<br />

10, Wis 11, Cha 14; Skills: Balance +3, Bluff +8, Demolitions +7,<br />

Diplomacy +8, Driver +6, Forgery +4, Gather Information +3,<br />

Handle Animal +5, Mechanics +2, Search +2, Sense Motive +4,<br />

Sport (football) +9. Feats: Armor Group Proficiency (Light,<br />

Medium), Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee, Handgun, Rifle).<br />

Gear: Weapon, Oklahoma Sooners jersey, game ball from last year’s<br />

OU-Texas game, cell phone, motorcycle helmet. Vehicles and<br />

Gadgets: personal vehicle (motorcycle — SZ M, Occ 1/1, Hnd +8,<br />

Spd 500 ft., MPH 50/100, Def 18, WP 35, Hrd 1, qualities and<br />

mods: none).<br />

Threat Resources: Filthy Stinking Rich.<br />

Headquarters: Ft. Worth offices of Sheffield Industries, a<br />

small office building on the outskirts of town (3rd floor) – hierarchy<br />

2, personnel 1, security 3, secrecy 0.<br />

Football Guards: Bubba employs several burly ex-Oklahoma<br />

Sooners football players as personal guards. These do not wear<br />

pads or helmets most of the time, but keep a set handy for pickup<br />

games played on the roof after hours. If they are given time to<br />

prepare for combat, they will definitely put on their helmets for<br />

extra protection in a fight. When Bubba goes off on his own, they<br />

accompany him in their own motorcycles.<br />

Oklahoma Football Guards, 2nd level soldiers (minions,<br />

squads of 5-6 — 24 MP): CR 2. SZ M; v/wp: 11/14; Init +5 (+2<br />

Dex, +3 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 13 (+2 Dex, +1 class); Atk: .44<br />

Magnum hunting revolver with 12 bullets +4 (dmg 2d6+2, error 1,<br />

threat 19–20, range 25 ft.); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA<br />

None; SQ accurate, DR 1; SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will -1; Str 16, Dex<br />

14, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 10; Skills (15): Balance +4, Driver +4,<br />

Intimidate +5, Jump +6, Sport (football) +7, Tumble +4. Feats:<br />

Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Weapon Group<br />

Proficiency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical). Gear:<br />

Dallas Redux<br />

19<br />

Weapon, football helmet and pads (not normally worn), jersey.<br />

Vehicles and Gadgets: Bikes (motorcycles — SZ M, Occ 1/1, Hnd +8,<br />

Spd 500 ft., MPH 50/100, Def 18, WP 35, Hrd 1, qualities and<br />

mods: none).<br />

Billy Bob Carlton, 5th-level wheelman (henchman — 24<br />

MP): CR 4. SZ M; v/wp: 38/13; Init +7 (+4 Dex, +3 class); Spd 30<br />

ft.; Def 17 (+4 Dex, +3 class); Atk: .45 ACP submachinegun +9<br />

(dmg 1d10+2, error 1-2, threat 19-20, range 50 ft. — 30 shots);<br />

Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ custom ride (5 GP),<br />

daredevil, lucky, kick start (1/session), familiarity +1; SV Fort +2,<br />

Ref +8, Will +1; Str 14, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14;<br />

Skills (40): Balance +10, Boating +10, Driver +14, Escape Artist<br />

+10, Intimidate +10, Jump +6, Open Lock +8, Pilot +10, Sport<br />

(football) +8. Feats: Armor Group Proficiency (Light, Medium),<br />

Defensive Driving, Lane Dancer, Offensive Driving, Speed Demon,<br />

Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical). Gear:<br />

Weapon, Texas Longhorns jersey, library of football game videotapes,<br />

driving gloves (constantly worn), cell phone. Vehicles and<br />

Gadgets: personal vehicle (luxury car with immense longhorn<br />

hood ornament — SZ L, Occ 1/8, Hnd -2, Spd 550 ft., MPH 55/110,<br />

Def 7, WP 110, Hrd 7, qualities and mods: none).<br />

Threat Resources: Filthy Stinking Rich.<br />

Headquarters: Ft. Worth offices of Sheffield Industries, a<br />

small office building on the outskirts of town (4rd floor) – hierarchy<br />

2, personnel 1, security 3, secrecy 0.<br />

Football Guards: Like his brother, Billy Bob employs several<br />

burly ex-football players as personal guards, although these are<br />

always former Texas Longhorns. The two groups of guards frequently<br />

insult and deride each other, and they often settle bets<br />

with football games up on the roof. When Billy Bob travels, they<br />

accompany him in his beige-colored, customized Rolls Royce.<br />

Texas Football Guards, 2nd level soldiers (minions, squads<br />

of 5-6 — 24 MP): CR 2. SZ M; v/wp: 11/14; Init +5 (+2 Dex, +3<br />

class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 13 (+2 Dex, +1 class); Atk: .44 Magnum<br />

hunting revolver with 12 bullets +4 (dmg 2d6+2, error 1, threat<br />

19–20, range 25 ft.); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ<br />

accurate, DR 1; SV Fort +5, Ref +5, Will -1; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14,<br />

Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 10; Skills: Balance +5, Driver +5, Intimidate +4,<br />

Jump +4, Sport (football) +7, Tumble +5. Feats: Armor Proficiency<br />

(Light, Medium, Heavy), Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled, Melee,<br />

Handgun, Rifle, Tactical). Gear: Weapon, football helmet and pads<br />

(not normally worn), jersey. Vehicles and Gadgets: None.<br />

Plot Hook #1<br />

A large oil refinery in central Texas explodes in a catastrophic<br />

conflagration that wrecks half the small town and sends up a<br />

black cloud that can be seen for miles. The CEO of the small petroleum<br />

company operating the refinery (Amalgamated Oil & Gas)<br />

was visiting the facility on an inspection tour. The Agency suspects<br />

terrorism is at work and fears additional attacks elsewhere in the<br />

country. Even if terrorists are not the cause, the explosion was<br />

almost certainly a deliberate act of sabotage by person or persons<br />

unknown.<br />

Possible Results of the<br />

Investigation:<br />

1. The limousine that brought the CEO of Amalgamated Oil &<br />

Gas, one Dylan Edgars, to the site turns up missing. The driver’s<br />

body is found in the wreckage of the refinery, but there is no<br />

sign of Dylan. The agents eventually trace the vehicle back to

the company’s headquarters in Ft. Worth, where Dylan is discovered<br />

hiding in his office. Once the agents assure him they<br />

mean him no harm, he reveals that representatives of<br />

Sheffield Petroleum offered to buy out his company, but he<br />

refused. A quick check of public records reveals several other<br />

"accidents" have happened to small oil companies before their<br />

purchase by Sheffield. The investigation now turns to<br />

Sheffield Petroleum’s office in Ft. Worth, where the Carltons<br />

await.<br />

2. A search of the burned-out refinery shows recognizable bomb<br />

fragments. After tests are run on the casing, it is learned that<br />

the bomb was installed within a new coolant unit delivered<br />

the previous day. Following this trail, the agents learn that the<br />

company that built the refrigeration system, North Texas<br />

Cooling, is a front for one of Sheffield’s money-laundering<br />

operations, and that Sheffield recently attempted a hostile<br />

takeover of Amalgamated Oil & Gas. Phone records show several<br />

calls were made between Sheffield’s Ft. Worth office and<br />

the coolant company just before the bomb was delivered.<br />

Putting two and two together, the agents proceed to the company’s<br />

nearby office to confront the Carltons.<br />

3. Dallas Sheffield knows that through a security leak, elements<br />

of a radical survivalist group gained information about his<br />

plot. To eliminate them, he plants evidence indicating they<br />

were responsible for the destruction of the refinery.<br />

Immediately after the bombing, evidence surfaces pointing a<br />

finger directly at Free Energy for All Mankind (FEAM), a fringe<br />

group located in the wilderness northeast of Amarillo. A visit<br />

to their web site shows this group is made up of believers in<br />

the conspiracy theory that alternative fuel sources do exist,<br />

but the government covers them up because the politicians<br />

are in the pocket of Big Oil. The police and FBI naturally want<br />

to storm the site, but the group denies responsibility and barricades<br />

themselves inside their concrete bunker. During the<br />

standoff, the agents can examine the evidence (a torn and<br />

charred fatigue jacket with FEAM’s custom-made patch<br />

design) and discover it has been forged. If the agents<br />

approach FEAM amiably, telling them they are aware of the<br />

frame-up, FEAM points them in the direction of Sheffield<br />

Industries, leading to the confrontation with the Carlton<br />

Brothers.<br />

Plot Hook #2<br />

Aztec Industries sets up a press conference, scheduled for the<br />

next morning, that has insiders buzzing. Control has learned that<br />

the company intends to announce the development of an alternative<br />

fuel source that has national, if not global, ramifications.<br />

Stock market investors are worried, threatening the country with<br />

economic instability. Further investigation shows that Aztec is<br />

owned by the Sheffield Industries, the same company that<br />

destroyed the Amalgamated Oil & Gas refinery. An agent team is<br />

sent in to uncover the connection.<br />

Possible Outcomes:<br />

1. The agents visit the Aztec Industries building and break in,<br />

where they discover the "alternative fuel source" is not real.<br />

When they attempt to confront Dallas Sheffield, he panics and<br />

runs, driving his prized sports car through Houston at high<br />

speeds, aiming for the docks. One of his oil tankers has a helipad,<br />

and if he can reach the ‘copter, he can escape. The chase<br />

terminates with a high-speed race onto the supertanker itself!<br />

Hifazaat<br />

20<br />

2. Aztec makes its announcement, but stocks only barely fluctuate.<br />

Sheffield’s agents in his dummy corporations make their<br />

move to purchase Big Oil shares, but can’t afford the transactions.<br />

In frustration, Dallas Sheffield sends his minions to plant<br />

bombs in refineries across Texas and Oklahoma, and then<br />

threatens to blow up the facilities if Big Oil doesn’t pony up<br />

their stocks. The agents must confront him in his Houston<br />

headquarters (which could lead to the escape and chase as<br />

defined in option #1 above).<br />

3. Aztec’s announcement causes the stock market to plummet.<br />

The government steps in and freezes stock prices, putting an<br />

end to trading until things cool down. From some of the<br />

moves made by Sheffield’s dummy corporations, something<br />

was definitely going on, but there is no evidence directly<br />

pointing his way. The agents are sent in to check Sheffield’s<br />

computers, but when the team is discovered, Dallas panics and<br />

flees, leading to the inevitable chase scene.<br />



By Sam Witt<br />

Starting Threat Code: Yellow<br />

This short-season (3-serial) threat is appropriate for a team<br />

of 4th-level agents.<br />

In the early 1300s, Moslem invaders pushed the native Hindus<br />

out of the region we now know as Afghanistan and into the steep<br />

mountainous region that would become the Hindu Kush. While<br />

most of these displaced Hindus were slaughtered in the following<br />

centuries, a handful escaped to found a Vedic monastery in the<br />

mountainous region near the Khyber Pass. For generations, they<br />

studied the ancient sciences of their ancestors in the hopes of discovering<br />

some tool or weapon they could to use to reclaim their<br />

homeland and fight back against those who would oppress them.<br />

When the United States deployed massive firepower to oust<br />

the Taliban and their terrorist allies from Afghanistan, they<br />

unknowingly inflicted massive casualties on the residents of this<br />

ancient Vedic monastery, as well. A thermobaric weapon incinerated<br />

nearly all of the monks, along with their research and the few<br />

Vedic artifacts they had reclaimed from sacred sites in the region.<br />

A handful of monks previously dispatched to seek out additional<br />

holy sites and relics returned in time to see the last of their<br />

brethren die, but were unable to lend aid. With their monastery<br />

reduced to smoldering ashes, most of these survivors submitted to<br />

the inevitable and allowed themselves to freeze in the high mountain<br />

passes.<br />

Ravana, however, was not one to lie down and die. He made<br />

his way down into Afghanistan and lent the United States soldiers<br />

he found there his expertise and knowledge of the mountains –<br />

with his aid, they were able to quickly locate and rout a number<br />

of Taliban hold-outs and target some of their better-hidden hideouts<br />

with flaming death. In exchange, Ravana received a sizeable<br />

reward, funneled into a Bangalore bank by the CIA. Ravana felt<br />

good about his work because he was paying back the Moslems for<br />

their destruction of the Hindus in Afghanistan so long ago and<br />

taking money from the Americans at the same time. But as the<br />

bombing continued and his wealth grew, Ravana found his hatred<br />

swelling, as well.

The teachings of his masters, the peaceful search for weapons<br />

that would allow them to negotiate for their homeland from a<br />

position of strength, were transformed in Ravana’s mind into a<br />

message of hate. He would use his wealth to seek out Vedic scientific<br />

texts, but also to strike fear into the hearts of Moslems and<br />

Americans throughout the world.<br />

He fled Afghanistan and made his way to India, where he set<br />

up a base of operations in technologically advanced Bangalore.<br />

His ill-gotten gains enabled Ravana to quickly establish himself<br />

amongst the local underworld and recruit a handful of thugs to<br />

his cause. While hiring mercenaries, he came into contact with<br />

Gena Petrinko, a Russian expatriate with a taste for violence and<br />

little use for morals of any kind. Ravana hired her to lead his minions<br />

and to train troops as they were recruited.<br />

It was not long before Ravana’s search for additional knowledge<br />

and antiquities brought him to the attention of the Indian<br />

authorities. An agent of the Karnataka Public Service Commission<br />

contacted Ravana to see if she could extort a bribe from him to<br />

secure the building contracts he needed, but instead found herself<br />

fascinated by the former monk. Within hours of their meeting the<br />

two became lovers, and Reepa Puryat left the Commission to work<br />

for Ravana. And so was Hifazaat born – dedicated to reclaiming<br />

ancient technologies and striking fear into the hearts of the enemies<br />

of Hindus everywhere.<br />

Special Note: Vedic science is a McGuffin for this threat – it is<br />

meant to represent a nebulous threat of massive destruction if it<br />

is ever fully understood. If Ravana finds the ancient scripts he is<br />

searching for then, and only then, will Vedic science enter the picture<br />

as a cosmic doomsday device the agents will be forced to<br />

stop.<br />

MP Cost: 275<br />

Wealth: 4 (64 BP for mastermind, 44 BP for each henchman<br />

and foil, 29 BP for each minion, 19 BP for each specialist; minions<br />

gain 1 ground or water vehicle up to 5 GP, or personal vehicles up<br />

to 2 GP)<br />

Technology: 4<br />

Influence: 0<br />

Scope: 3 (regional threat)<br />

Agenda: Revenge<br />

Serial 3: Ravana Misharpa<br />

Ravana was once a monk studying Vedic sciences in the<br />

mountains of Afghanistan and has retained much of his calm<br />

composure and quiet self-assurance. But he has also developed a<br />

burning hatred for Americans and Moslems that is leading to horrific<br />

acts within India and Afghanistan. Though no one would suspect<br />

it from his appearance, Ravana has led numerous terrorist<br />

actions against his enemies in the region, all the while searching<br />

for ancient artifacts that will help him wreak even greater havoc.<br />

Ravana is patient, but he needs a constant sense of action to<br />

maintain his composure. This leads him to organize small-scale<br />

terrorist attacks during any month in which he has no luck in<br />

locating new resources for his research. His scholarship was entirely<br />

the result of his time with the monks, but his military and espionage<br />

training are a direct result of frequent sessions with Gena<br />

and Reepa.<br />

Unlike many terrorists, Ravana has no interest in proclaiming<br />

his power or goading his targets by claiming credit for the deaths.<br />

He believes the fact that only Moslems and Americans inside India<br />

or Afghanistan are being targeted speaks loudly enough and is<br />

content to remain in the background until he has put together<br />

weapons powerful enough to destroy his enemies. While Reepa<br />

encourages his quiet approach to terrorism, Gena is quite adamant<br />

that the best way to be heard is to kill as many people as possible,<br />

Hifazaat<br />

21<br />

then crow about the action to every news outlet willing to listen.<br />

This divide between Reepa and Gena is encouraged by Ravana,<br />

who hopes that the competition between the women will keep<br />

them both sharp and eager to please him.<br />

During this season, Ravana is content to perform his research<br />

behind the scenes while dispatching Gena and her soldiers on various<br />

terrorist missions. If he becomes aware of agents poking<br />

around at the edges of his organization, he will change his<br />

approach dramatically and will do his utmost to either turn the<br />

agents (if any happen to be Hindus), kill them, or capture, torture<br />

and humiliate them (if any happen to be Moslems or Americans).<br />

When confronted with Moslem or American agents, Ravana loses<br />

his composure and becomes a ravening, almost bestial personality,<br />

constantly screaming and shouting about the predations upon<br />

his people. To others, Ravana remains calm and collected, though<br />

those who betray him discover the true horror of his fury and their<br />

remains are often displayed to others to reinforce loyalty.<br />

Ravana is no fool. If he feels threatened or is concerned that<br />

he is on the verge of being uncovered, he will abandon both Gena<br />

and Reepa and leave his minions behind to deter pursuit. Knowing<br />

that his minions are utterly loyal to him, Ravana is utterly unconcerned<br />

about leaving these men and women to certain death if it<br />

will protect him and allow him to continue his work from another<br />

location.<br />

Ravana Misharpa 8th-level faceman – 40MP): CR 8. SZ M;<br />

v/wp 44/10; Init +7 (+1 Dex, +6 class); Spd; 30 ft.; Def +16 (+1<br />

Dex, +5 class); Atk: Sword Cane +6 (dmg 1d6+1, error 1-2, threat<br />

19-20), .45 ACP Service Pistol (dmg 1d10+2, error 1, threat 19-20,<br />

Range 20 ft.); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA - ; SQ adaptable,<br />

linguist +4, cold read, quick change (3/session), Backup (2/session),<br />

Fake It (1/session); SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4; Str 12, Dex 12, Con<br />

10, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 18; Skills: Bluff +19, Craft +9, Cultures +14,<br />

Diplomacy +19, Gather Information +15, Intimidate +11,<br />

Knowledge (Hindu History) +15, Languages +18, Profession<br />

(Researcher) +14, Sense Motive +14. Feats: Armor Group<br />

Proficiency (Light, Medium) Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled,<br />

Melee, Handgun, Rifle), Traceless, Persuasive, Scholarly, Zen Focus.<br />

Gear: Weapons, 40 extra shots Jacketed Hollow Point .45 ACP<br />

ammunition, Micro-Tape Recorder, Silencer, Professional Camera,<br />

Professional Film (5 rolls), Laptop, Sodium Pentothal (2 doses).<br />

Threat Resources/Action Sites: Worse Than Death – Minions<br />

may take 20 to resist interrogation (headquarters – Office Suite,<br />

Bangalore, India (Hierarchy 3, Secrecy 3, Personnel 3, Security 5)<br />

The Qaatil: These fanatically loyal thugs are totally devoted<br />

to Ravana and are willing to lay down their lives for him without<br />

a second thought. The core of the group consists of other monks<br />

who survived the attack in Afghanistan – their numbers are now<br />

supplemented by many angry and disaffected Hindu youths who<br />

rallied to Ravana’s militant rhetoric and powerful personality.<br />

Though they are not terribly effective soldiers, their fanatical loyalty<br />

and willingness to martyr themselves make the Qaatil (murderers)<br />

a force to be reckoned with.<br />

Most Qaatil lack any real personality – they are ready to talk<br />

about Ravana to anyone they trust, but they have little use for<br />

small talk and are rarely seen outside the headquarters. Most<br />

agents will only encounter them while fighting, which leaves little<br />

room for small talk.

The Qaatil, 6th-level bodyguards (minions, squads of 3 —<br />

44 MP). CR 6. SZ M; v/wp: 27/16; Init +8 (+3 Dex, +5 class); Spd<br />

30 ft.; Def 15 (+3 Dex, +2 class); Atk: .Axe+9 (dmg 1d8+3, error 1-<br />

3, threat 19-20); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA: - ; SQ None;<br />

SV Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +2; Str 16, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12,<br />

Cha 10; Skills: Demolitions +6, Driver +9, Intimidate +9, Spot +7,<br />

Survival +7, Tumble +9; Feats: Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee);<br />

Gear: Weapon, flash bang grenade, tactical radio, 6 BP. Vehicles<br />

and Gadgets: Mahindra Scorpio (Mid-Size - SZ L, Occ 1/4, Hnd -0,<br />

Spd 550 ft., MPH 55/110, Def 9, WP 90, Hrd 5)<br />

Serial 2: Gena Terinko<br />

Gena was born shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union and<br />

has been an ardent student of the rampant, corrupt capitalism<br />

that has plagued Russia ever since. Raised by a father who served<br />

in the Spetsnaz and an American mother who ran a successful<br />

prostitution and drug-trafficking ring, Gena learned early on to<br />

use all of her abilities and natural gifts to get what she wanted.<br />

While her mother encouraged her to engage in the softer side of<br />

larceny, Gena eventually chose to travel the route taken by her<br />

father and spent her late teens undergoing extensive military<br />

training. A natural, Gena quickly became renowned as a successful<br />

and vicious fighter, as well as a tactical thinker and capable<br />

leader.<br />

Gena was no fool – she knew well that even the once-vaunted<br />

Spetsnaz units of the Russian Federation were riddled with corruption.<br />

With her training complete, she brokered an expansive<br />

network of deals with other soldiers in her group, convincing them<br />

to join her in a mercenary unit. Unfortunately, Gena’s first real job<br />

for her group was in Afghanistan as a hunter-killer team in search<br />

of Al-Qaeda operatives. Though successful in the opening days of<br />

the conflict, Gena’s unit suffered unexpected casualties when a<br />

flurry of American ordnance fell short of the target and shredded<br />

half her men.<br />

Disgruntled, Gena and the rest of her men eventually made<br />

their way back to the American lines where they expressed their<br />

displeasure in no uncertain terms. Ravana happened to be visiting<br />

at the time and made note of the strong, violent woman standing<br />

up to the Americans. He contacted her a few months later and<br />

made her an offer she found very attractive.<br />

Gena sees Ravana as a kindred spirit –someone who was<br />

screwed over by forces more powerful than himself. She shares his<br />

hatred of America and its armed forces, though she cares very little<br />

one way or the other about Moslems. Working for Ravana gives<br />

her a chance to train and field her own troops for a significant pay<br />

boost, however, so she is willing to overlook the goal of the<br />

assignments she completes.<br />

Unlike the minions of Hifazaat, Gena has no illusions about<br />

Ravana’s infallibility or his agendas. She does believe that the<br />

publicity is good for Hifazaat, but for purely selfish reasons. Gena<br />

would like to see Hifazaat become a terrorist-for-hire, offering its<br />

services to any ideological or political agenda that can afford<br />

them. To this end, she encourages Ravana to take credit for the<br />

actions of Gena’s soldiers, but he is so far very reluctant to take<br />

such actions.<br />

The source of this reluctance is Reepa (see the next column),<br />

who opposes Gena at virtually every turn. Gena would willingly do<br />

away with the little Fixer, but has so far been afraid to move<br />

against Reepa for fear of alienating Ravana. Should Reepa find<br />

herself under attack, however, Gena is likely to come up with some<br />

plausible stalling tactic to avoid committing her own resources in<br />

the protection of her rival. With Reepa out of the way, Gena<br />

believes she will be able to increase the wealth and status of<br />

Hifazaat drastically, in a very short period of time.<br />

Hifazaat<br />

22<br />

Gena is slowly working her way into the trust of other terrorist<br />

groups, hoping to be ready to offer them the advanced services<br />

of Hifazaat once Reepa is out of the way.<br />

Gena Terinko 6th-level soldier – 35 MP): CR 6. SZ M; v/wp<br />

51/14; Init +9 (+3 Dex, +6 class); Spd; 30 ft.; Def +9 (+3 Dex, +1<br />

class, +2 armor, +1 Armor Use); Atk: 10 gauge shotgun +11 (dmg<br />

5d4+2, error 1-2, threat 19-20, Range 25 ft), punch dagger +10<br />

(dmg 1d3+1, error 1-2, threat 19-20); Face 1 square; Reach 1<br />

square; SA - ; SQ accurate, Damage Reduction 1/-, Weapon<br />

Specialization (shotgun); SV Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +4; Str 14, Dex<br />

17, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 12; Skills: Balance +8, Climb +5,<br />

Driver +8, First Aid +8, Intimidate +7, Jump +5, Spot +9, Survival<br />

+7, Swim +3, Tumble +9. Feats: Armor Group Proficiency (All)<br />

Weapon Group Proficiency (All), Combat Instincts, Mobility, Quick<br />

Reload, Rapid Shot, Snap Shot, Speed Trigger. Gear: Weapons, 32<br />

extra shots shotgun flechette ammunition, military helmet, van,<br />

Threat Resources/Action Sites: Fanatics – Minions suffer<br />

one-half normal negative morale effects – Converted Warehouse,<br />

Bangalore, India (Hierarchy 2, Secrecy 2, Personnel 1, Security 4)<br />

The Sapahi: These soldiers have an Urdu name, but they come<br />

from around the world and are of many different ethnicities. Most<br />

of the Sapahi are loyal to Gena and view her as the real brains<br />

behind the operation. If given a choice, they would certainly go<br />

against Ravana if Gena gave the order. Gena knows this and does<br />

her best to insulate Ravana from these men and women.<br />

Unlike the Qaatil, the Sapahi travel often, either with Gena or<br />

on missions under their own recognizance. They keep a low profile<br />

when traveling and prefer to leave their gear behind and pick<br />

up new kits in the field. Their missions tend to be straightforward<br />

and do not often involve direct violence, which is what allows<br />

them to operate so lightly.<br />

The exception to this rule are the assassinations that Gena is<br />

so fond of. These missions do not always have Ravana’s sanction<br />

and are one of the sources of disagreement between Gena and<br />

Reepa. Gena therefore talks little about these missions and tends<br />

to plan and execute them very rapidly. On these missions, the<br />

Sapahi are outfitted as shown below and will shoot first and ask<br />

questions later.<br />

The Sapahi, 4th-level mercenaries (minions, squads of 4 —<br />

34 MP). CR 4. SZ M; v/wp: 18/14; Init +5 (+2 Dex, +3 class); Spd<br />

30 ft.; Def 12 (+2 class); Atk: .45 ACP Submachine Gun +7 (dmg<br />

1d8, error 1-2, threat 19-20, range 20 ft.); Face 1 square; Reach 1<br />

square; SA: - ; SQ None; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +1; Str 14, Dex<br />

14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10; Skills: Demolitions +5, Driver<br />

+7, Intimidate +7, Profession (Mercenary) +5, Spot +5, Survival<br />

+5, Feats: Weapon Group Proficiency (Rifle); Gear: Weapon, tactical<br />

radio, 4 BP. Vehicles and Gadgets: Subaru Forester (SUV - SZ L,<br />

Occ 1/5, Hnd -4, Spd 500 ft., MPH 50/100, Def 5, WP 140, Hrd 7)<br />

Serial 1: Reepa Puryat<br />

This young Indian woman carved a niche for herself in the<br />

local Bangalore government long before she ever met Ravana.<br />

With a taste for blackmail and a ruthless desire to succeed at any<br />

cost, Reepa was a bureaucratic terror who used every tool at her<br />

disposal. She slept with council members, and then used it against<br />

them; she hired private investigators to uncover dirt on her allies<br />

and used that to keep them in line. Within a few short years she<br />

had risen to a coveted Inspector position, which allowed her to<br />

increase her graft and blackmail operations very rapidly.<br />

In Bangalore, nothing is done without a permit, and Reepa<br />

held the power over many types of permit, from construction to<br />

medical practice. She used it to her advantage and amassed a considerable<br />

fortune in a very short period of time.

When Ravana relocated his operations from Afghanistan to<br />

India, he needed to make some alterations to the office building<br />

he purchased in Bangalore, for which he needed a permit. This<br />

resulted in a meeting between Ravana and Reepa, which ended<br />

favorably for both sides and sent Reepa down a path she would<br />

never have predicted. His charisma and zeal were very attractive,<br />

and Reepa found herself falling for him. Over the course of the<br />

next few weeks, Ravana recruited her to his cause and Reepa left<br />

the government to pursue extra-legal work for Ravana.<br />

She now spends most of her time gathering information<br />

about local construction and using her infiltration skills to gain<br />

access to restricted information about power grids, military operations,<br />

and anything else Ravana might find useful. Because<br />

Ravana prefers to attack the infrastructure of a region, rather<br />

than its population, Reepa has become adept at recovering structural<br />

plans, electrical network diagrams, and telephone company<br />

schematics, which are turned over to Gena for demolition.<br />

Reepa’s own minions are relatively unskilled teams who provide<br />

cover for her in the event of a botched infiltration and who<br />

are often charged with simple salvage operations. Hifazaat is not<br />

wealthy and the needs of the organization must be met, so<br />

Reepa’s people often resort to thuggery and theft to keep things<br />

running. While Reepa would like some more skilled workers, she<br />

takes the cast-offs from Gena’s organization because it is simply<br />

easier and cheaper than recruiting and training her own. Reepa<br />

does steep her minions in her own Ravana worship, making them<br />

perfectly willing to die for the cause if she gives the order.<br />

For Reepa, the gravest injustice of her position is the presence<br />

of Gena Petrinko. The Russian is a glory hound with delusions of<br />

becoming a one-stop-shop for terrorists, or so Reepa believes.<br />

Reepa fears that Gena will pervert Ravana’s mission, turning a<br />

noble cause into a deadly inferno of destruction and depravity.<br />

Reepa spends as much of her time as possible battling Gena’s plans<br />

and offering plans of her own. So far, Ravana is content to listen<br />

to Reepa, who advocates disruption of infrastructures with directed<br />

attacks rather than the wholesale slaughters proposed by the<br />

soldiers. She is happy, as well, that Ravana is not out bringing<br />

down the wrath of the United States on Hifazaat by claiming<br />

credit for what they are doing. To her, it is more important that<br />

revenge be taken than it is for her to get credit for exacting that<br />

vengeance.<br />

Reepa is also willing to work with other organizations and has,<br />

in fact, sent many terrorist cells around the world information she<br />

originally gathered for Ravana. In this way, she teaches even amateurs<br />

the best way to strike at power grids, telecommunication<br />

facilities, and other infrastructures vital to the western way of life.<br />

Reepa Puryat 6th-level fixer – 35 MP): CR 6. SZ M; v/wp<br />

27/10; Init +5 (+3 Dex, +2 class); Spd; 30 ft.; Def +18 (+5 Dex, +3<br />

class); Atk: kama +7 (dmg 1d8+1, error 1, threat 20), throwing<br />

knife +7 (dmg 1d4+1, error 1-2, threat 20, range 20 ft.), crossbow<br />

+7 (dmg 1d8, error 1-2, threat 20, range 80 ft); Face 1 square;<br />

Reach 1 square; SA Sneak Attack +2d6 ; SQ dextrous, Procure,<br />

Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Master Thief; SV Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2;<br />

Str 12, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 14; Skills: Appraise +12,<br />

Bluff +11, Bureaucracy +6, Climb +3, Demolitions +5, Driver +4,<br />

Electronics +7, Escape Artist +7, Forgery +12, Hide +5, Innuendo<br />

+7, Knowledge (Indian Government) +10, Listen +5, Move Silently<br />

+5, Open Lock +7, Profession (Bureaucrat) +7, Search +7, Sleight<br />

of Hand +7, Spot +9, Tumble +6. Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light),<br />

Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle),<br />

Nimble Fingers, Weapon Finesse (kama), Jump Up; Gear: Weapons,<br />

Lockpick Kit, Electronics Kit, Audio Bugs x3, Night Vision Goggles,<br />

Knockout Drug<br />

Hifazaat<br />

23<br />

Threat Resources/Action Sites: Martyrs – Minions are<br />

immune to all negative morale effects – Private Internet Service<br />

Provider Office, Bangalore, India (Hierarchy 2, Secrecy 2, Personnel<br />

1, Security 2)<br />

Talash: Also known as the Seekers, this group of minions is<br />

viewed with much disdain by the rest of the organization. Reepa<br />

uses them to scavenge useful materials and as throw-away thugs,<br />

but even she has little respect for their feeble abilities. Still, their<br />

ability to die for the cause makes them useful in many ways, so<br />

the Seekers have become the disposable heroes of Hifazaat.<br />

The Talash, 3rd-level martyrs-in-waiting (minions, squads<br />

of 5 — 13 MP). CR 3. SZ M; v/wp: 7/8; Init +3 (+3 class); Spd 30<br />

ft.; Def 11 (+1 class); Atk: Club +2 (dmg 1d6-1, error 1, threat 20);<br />

Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA: - ; SQ None; SV Fort +2, Ref<br />

+2, Will +2; Str 8, Dex 10, Con 8, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10; Skills:<br />

Demolitions +6, Driver +6, Electronics +4, First Aid +6, Intimidate<br />

+5, Knowledge (Bangalore Streets) +4, Profession (Beggar) +6,<br />

Spot +7, Survival +7, Gear: Weapon, 29 BP. Vehicles and Gadgets:<br />

Beat up Royal Enfield Bullet 350 (motorcycle - SZ M, Occ 1, Hnd<br />

+8, Spd 500 ft., MPH 50/100, Def 18, WP 35, Hrd 1)<br />

Plot Hook #1<br />

Rolling blackouts are having dire effects on the east coast of<br />

the United States and most of the Middle East. In each case, the<br />

blackouts are traced back to critical lines that have been cut and<br />

back-up resources that have been incapacitated. While the incidents<br />

are non-violent, the number of deaths and the effect on<br />

industry are both drawing attention from the intelligence agencies<br />

in the affected countries. So far no one has claimed credit for<br />

the attacks, while Moslems blame the west and American blames<br />

any number of Middle Eastern terror groups for the disruptions.<br />

Tempers are flaring and intelligence sources want the culprits<br />

found before the situation bursts into an armed confrontation.<br />

Possible Truths<br />

Behind the Blackouts:<br />

1. Information Reepa gave to a terrorist cell was not used by the<br />

cell – it was posted to various internet sites and is now in the<br />

hands of dozens of terrorists who lack technical sophistication<br />

but are more than willing to cut a power line or two to facilitate<br />

other terrorist activities.<br />

2. A criminal syndicate approached Reepa some time ago, posing<br />

as a terrorist outfit with designs on staging ‘awareness raising<br />

events’ throughout America. Reepa gave them the information<br />

they needed to disrupt electrical and communication services,<br />

which they now use to cover up a spate of sophisticated<br />

burglaries and industrial espionage actions.<br />

3. Gena has accelerated Ravana’s plans. She has taken her agents<br />

off the reservation and is now hitting as many of the targets<br />

identified by Reepa as she can, as fast as she can. Though still<br />

loyal to Ravana, Gena wants to force him to adopt her plan of<br />

mercenary terrorism by upping the stakes for his operation.<br />

She also plans to begin crediting the attacks to other terrorist<br />

cells to put the pressure of investigation on them – once they<br />

realize they are under such intense scrutiny they may be willing<br />

to entertain her offer of agents and expertise to help them<br />

carry out their plans at a distance.

4. Ravana has discovered a number of Vedic texts scattered<br />

around the world and is using the blackouts to cover Gena’s<br />

operations. Gena has been dispatched to retrieve the texts and<br />

kill anyone who had contact with them to prevent the spread<br />

of the sacred science. The blackouts will soon expand in scope,<br />

taking in much of Europe and Asia as each text Gena finds<br />

also offers clues to where others might be found.<br />



By Steve Peterson<br />

Man in The Iron Lung<br />

Starting Threat Code: Yellow (upgrades to Red after subversion<br />

of Bolivian HQ is discovered)<br />

This short season (3-serial) threat is appropriate for a team<br />

of 4th level agents.<br />

Arthur Vance made a fortune dealing in high technology; he<br />

tripled that fortune by dealing in high technology with terrorists<br />

and governments hostile to the United States. The Agency shut<br />

him down after following a lead regarding missile guidance systems.<br />

The Agency did this by turning some of Arthur’s own missile<br />

technology against him. The Agency thought he died in the explosion<br />

but Arthur survived, barely. Arthur is now confined to an iron<br />

lung and wants, more than anything, revenge against the organization<br />

that put him in it.<br />

MP Cost: 275<br />

Wealth: 7 (minions gain 1 piece of personal ordinance or 1<br />

heavy, ground, or water vehicle up to 10 GP, or personal vehicles<br />

up to 4 GP)<br />

Technology: 5 (5 GP per serial)<br />

Loyalty: 2 (+2 to loyalty checks)<br />

Influence: 2 (favor check notice = 1–2, 2 influence effects per<br />

serial)<br />

Scope: 3 (national threat)<br />

Agenda: Revenge<br />

Serial 3: Amanda Norton<br />

Amanda is a former cosmetics model who aged too much to<br />

sustain her career. In an attempt to retain her marketability she<br />

submitted herself to an experimental form of plastic surgery, a<br />

skin relaxing process meant to remove wrinkles. The wrinkles went<br />

away but so did all the expression in her face. While this destroyed<br />

her career in modeling it made her face plastic enough for easy<br />

reshaping—an asset in operations that require a disguise.<br />

Amanda Norton, 5th-level faceman (henchman — 10 MP):<br />

CR 5. SZ M; v/wp 36/12; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def<br />

15 (+2 Dex, +3 class); Atk: .22 LR pocket pistol +5 (1d6+1,error 1-<br />

4, threat 20, range 10 ft., 6 shots), 7.62x54mm sniper rifle +5<br />

(5d4,error 1, threat 18-20, range 175 ft., 5 shots); Face 1 square;<br />

Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ adaptable, linguist +3, Cold read<br />

1/session, Quick change 2/session, Backup 1/session; SV Fort +4,<br />

Ref +3, Will +5; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 17;<br />

Skills: Bluff +11, Cultures +10, Diplomacy +11, Disguise +11,<br />

Forgery +5, Gather Information +11, Innuendo +10, Languages<br />

(Croatian, English, French, Japanese, Serbian, Spanish) +4, Perform<br />

(modeling) +4, Search +4, Sense Motive +10. Feats: Armor Group<br />

Proficiency (Light, Medium), Handler, Undermine, Weapon Group<br />

Proficiency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle). Gear (63 BP): Sniper<br />

24<br />

rifle w/ telescopic sight (35), 10 extra shots of 7.62x54mm military<br />

ball ammunition, pocket pistol (6), 12 extra shots of .22 LR ammunition,<br />

trendy clothes (5), cell phone, disguise kit (4), laptop computer<br />

(7), 2 doses of sodium pentothal (6). Vehicles and Gadgets (7<br />

GP): 9 doses Otherman drops (3), voice modulator larynx implant<br />

(4).<br />

Threat Resources/Action Sites: Manipulators (headquarters,<br />

14 MP — Agency safe house, La Paz, Bolivia — hierarchy 1, secrecy<br />

1, personnel 1, security 2).<br />

Silver Way Insurgents: The Silver Way is an insurgency movement<br />

that, once possessed of principles and ideals, has become<br />

nothing more than a gang of hoodlums making money off drug<br />

trafficking and extortion. They’d like to reduce the Agency’s pressure<br />

on them so they’ve hooked up with Amanda.<br />

Silver Way Insurgents, 2nd-level (minions, squads of 5 —<br />

19 MP): CR 1. SZ M; v/wp 2d6 (9)/12; Init +3 (+1 Dex, +2 class);<br />

Spd 30 ft.; Def 12 (+1 Dex, +1 class); Atk: .7.62x39mm assault rifle<br />

+3 (dmg 2d8, error 1, threat 20, range 90 ft., 30 shots), smoke<br />

grenade +3 (error 1-4, range 10 ft., 1 shot); Face 1 square; Reach<br />

1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +0; Str 11,<br />

Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10; Skills: Climb +6, Driver +6,<br />

Spot +5, Survival +5. Feats (1): Point Blank Shot. Gear (33 BP):<br />

7.62x39mm assault rifle (25), 40 shots 7.62x39mm armor piercing<br />

(6*), 40 shots 7.62x39mm tracer (4*), smoke grenade (6), entrenching<br />

tool (1), magnetic compass (1). Vehicles and Gadgets: 1<br />

Humvee per squad (8 GP, SZ L, Hnd -5, Spd 500 ft., MPH 50/100.<br />

Def 4, WP 170, Hrd 10).<br />

* this ammunition is supplied by Free Throw’s armory.<br />

Serial 2: Mitar "Free<br />

Throw" Damjanovic<br />

Mitar Damjanovic hails from Serbia and got to the United<br />

States with his basketball skills. At 7 feet tall and with a wicked<br />

elbow he could dominate the center of the key. He played for<br />

keeps and it was throwing an elbow into an opponent’s neck—<br />

crushing the windpipe—that got him banned from professional<br />

sports. Since leaving the league he has used his connections and<br />

personal wealth to build a network of smugglers and arms dealers.<br />

In the past he has occasionally beat people to death with a special,<br />

extra-heavy basketball. He now operates primarily in and<br />

around Serbia. He bases his headquarters, however, in nearby<br />

Montenegro since Kotor has port access.<br />

Mitar "Free Throw" Damjanovic, 6th-level soldier (henchman<br />

— 12 MP): CR 6. SZ M; v/wp 62/16; Init +8 (+3 Dex, +5<br />

class); Spd 40 ft.; Def 17 (+3 Dex, +2 class, +2 armor, DR 2); Atk:<br />

unarmed +8 (1d6+4, threat 20), heavy basketball +9 (1d4+2, error<br />

1, threat 20, range 15 ft.), .45 ACP target pistol +10 (1d10+2,error<br />

1, threat 19-20, range 30 ft., 10 shots), fragmentation grenade +9<br />

(2d10, error 1-4, range 10 ft.); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA<br />

None; SQ accurate, damage reduction 1/-, armor use +1; SV Fort<br />

+8, Ref +6, Will +3; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12;<br />

Skills: Balance +12, Demolitions +4, Driver +6, Jump +11,<br />

Intimidate +8, Sport (Basketball) +12, Spot +4, Survival +4. Feats:<br />

Armor Group Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Increased Speed,<br />

Kicking Basics, Martial Arts, Run, Sidestep, Weapon Group<br />

Proficiency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical, Exotic—heavy<br />

basketball), Weapon Specialization (unarmed). Gear (62 BP): heavy<br />

basketball (10), .45 ACP pistol (25), 20 extra shots of .45 ACP<br />

Teflon tipped ammunition (2), 1 fragmentation grenade (15), 2<br />

sets of trendy clothes (5), cell phone. Vehicles and Gadgets (8 GP):<br />

Standard clothing liner (1 GP), Luxury car (7 GP, SZ L, Hnd +0, Spd<br />

550 ft., MPH 55/110. Def 7, WP 110, Hrd 12, qualities and mods:<br />

extra armor, improved handling, revolving license plate).

Man in The Iron Lung<br />

Threat Resources/Action Sites: Armory (headquarters, 16 MP<br />

— Damjanovic Shipping warehouse, Kotor, Montenegro — hierarchy<br />

2, secrecy 2, personnel 2, security 1).<br />

The Heavy Basketball: Treat this as an exotic, hurled weapon<br />

of Medium-size. 10 BP, damage 1d4, error 1-3, threat 20, range 15<br />

ft., weight 5 lbs., actual cost $500.<br />

The heavy basketball has a hardened covering and weights<br />

placed inside it so as to cause more damage when bounced off an<br />

opponent’s face. It’s not a terribly efficient weapon but, if the user<br />

is proficient with it, then he can rebound the ball off an opponent.<br />

To do this the opponent must be within the first range increment<br />

(15 ft.) and the use must score 5 higher than the target’s Defense<br />

score on the attack check. If all this works, the ball bounces back<br />

into the user’s hands.<br />

The Bench: Mitar keeps a few squads of basketball hoods<br />

around to use for things besides pick-up games. When he asks for<br />

the ball they pass it to him.<br />

The Bench, 4th-level (minions, squads of 4 — 28 MP): CR<br />

3. SZ M; v/wp 4d6 (18)/13; Init +5 (+2 Dex, +3 class); Spd 30 ft.;<br />

Def 14 (+2 Dex, +2 class); Atk: 9x19mm service pistol +6 (dmg<br />

1d10, error 1, threat 20, range 20 ft., 10 shots), 9x19mm SMG +6<br />

(1d10, error 1, threat 19-20, range 50 ft., 30 shots); Face 1 square;<br />

Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1;<br />

Str 12, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10; Skills: Balance +5,<br />

Driver +9, Intimidate +5, Jump +8, Sport (Basketball) +9. Feats (2):<br />

Lay Down Fire, Point Blank Shot. Gear (35 BP): 9x19mm service<br />

pistol (13), 9x19mm SMG (18), 50 shots 9x19mm military ball (1),<br />

50 shots 9x19mm jacketed hollow point (1), 100 shots 9x19mm<br />

Teflon tipped (10*), cell phone. Vehicles and Gadgets: 1 Sports Car<br />

per minion (4 GP, SZ L, Hnd +5, Spd 800 ft., MPH 80/160. Def 14,<br />

WP 70, Hrd 3).<br />

* this ammunition is supplied by Free Throw’s armory.<br />

Serial 1: Arthur Vance<br />

Arthur lives in an iron lung. He controls it via a voice activated<br />

computer. A bank of LCD monitors hangs over his head;<br />

through them he can watch the news, video-conference with his<br />

minions, and see what’s happening around him. He can also use a<br />

mouth-operated joystick and monitor slaved to the gun camera to<br />

aim the weapon built into a turret on top of the iron lung.<br />

Arthur Vance, 8th-level Fixer (mastermind — 40 MP): CR<br />

8. SZ M; v/wp 31/8; Init +2 (-1 Dex, +3 class); Spd 0 ft.; Def 15 (-<br />

1 Dex, +6 class); Atk: 7.62x51mm GPMG +1/+3 with tracer (4d6,<br />

error 1–2, threat 20, range 110 ft., 125 shots); Face 2 squares;<br />

Reach 0 squares; SA None; SQ dextrous, procure, Evasion, Sneak<br />

attack +3d6, Uncanny dodge (can’t be flanked), Skill mastery (on<br />

asterisked skills); SV Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 6, Dex 8, Con 8,<br />

Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 16; Skills: Appraise +15*, Bluff +14*,<br />

Demolitions +15*, Driver +10*, Electronics +15*, Forgery +15*,<br />

Knowledge (munitions) +15*, Knowledge (political science) +15,<br />

Languages +15, Listen +15, Search +15, Spot +15. Feats: Armor<br />

Group Proficiency (Light), Political Favors, Signature Gadget (Iron<br />

Lung), Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle,<br />

Tactical). Gear (80 BP): 140 shots 7.62x51mm tracer ammunition<br />

(14), laptop computer with 3 upgrades (19), encrypted headset<br />

radio (5), GPS receiver (5), floodlight (2), thermal imager (built into<br />

monitor camera, 15), parabolic microphone (5), standard video<br />

camera with super-telephoto lens (15). Vehicles and Gadgets<br />

(13+3 GP): panic button near chin (1), Iron lung (treat as vehicle<br />

— 15 GP, SZ L, Hnd +0 (net +16, +14 when using V.A.C.S.), Spd 30<br />

ft., MPH 10/20. Def 8, WP 40, Hrd 10, qualities and mods: autopilot,<br />

roof-mounted concealed machinegun, electrified frame, extra<br />

25<br />

armor, heads up display, 3 hidden compartments, improved handling,<br />

voice activated command system).<br />

Threat Resources/Action Sites: Filthy Stinking Rich (headquarters,<br />

27 MP — Private hospital, Rocky Mountains, Idaho —<br />

hierarchy 3, secrecy 3, personnel 3, security 3).<br />

Fighting Notes for the Iron Lung: Vance enjoys good mobility<br />

in his Iron Lung, but not as convenient as walking. When in<br />

personal combat use the normal rules for moving but shift to the<br />

chase rules if the agents get on a motorcycle. The Iron Lung cannot<br />

travel up stairs or slopes greater than 45 degrees. Vance lacks<br />

the use of his arms so he cannot fight normally in melee, and has<br />

no reach. However, he can ram someone using the Lung (and activate<br />

the electrified frame); treat this as a Bull Rush as described in<br />

the PHB.<br />

The mobility granted by the iron lung lets Vance use his normal<br />

Defense in combat and make Reflex saves as usual. Since only<br />

his head and part of his chest are exposed Vance receives threequarters<br />

cover from the lung; this grants a +7 cover Defense<br />

bonus and +3 cover Reflex bonus.<br />

If tipped over, Vance becomes almost completely helpless. His<br />

effective Dexterity bonus drops to -5, he cannot move, and the<br />

machinegun only works against targets in the air above him. To do<br />

this one must "Grab your opponent" (using the Grapple rules)<br />

against the Lung, survive the electrified frame, then make a<br />

Strength Check (DC 15) in place of a "Hold your opponent" check;<br />

if the final Strength check succeeds the lung is tipped over.<br />

Nursing Staff: Arthur Vance needs a round the clock nursing<br />

staff. Being a man of taste and many enemies he makes sure that<br />

the nurses not only know how to defend themselves (and him) but<br />

are also pleasant to look at.<br />

Nursing Staff, 5th-level (minions, squads of 6 — 36 MP):<br />

CR 4. SZ M; v/wp 5d6+5 (22)/13; Init +7 (+3 Dex, +4 class); Spd 30<br />

ft.; Def 15 (+3 Dex, +2 class); Atk: unarmed +6 (1d6+1, threat 20),<br />

9x19mm SMG +8 (dmg 1d10, error 1, threat 19-20, range 50 ft.,<br />

30 shots), dart gun +8 (1d4+drug, error 1-2, range 15 ft., 1 shot);<br />

Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +5, Ref<br />

+6, Will +1; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 13; Skills:<br />

Balance +7, Driver +7, First Aid +8, Spot +4, Swim +5. Feats: The<br />

Look (not for the nurses, for Vance), Martial Arts, Point Blank Shot.<br />

Gear (37 BP): 9x19mm SMG (18), 50 extra shots of 9x19mm military<br />

ball ammunition (1), dart gun (7), 1 dose nerve drug (5), 1<br />

dose knockout drug (3), 1 dose paralytic poison (3), cell phone.<br />

Vehicles and Gadgets: 1 Ambulance per squad (10 GP, SZ L, Hnd -<br />

1, Spd 550 ft., MPH 55/110. Def 6, WP 120, Hrd 11, qualities and<br />

mods: extra armor, hidden compartment (person), improved handling,<br />

nitrous oxide system, reinforced tires).<br />

Plot Hook #1<br />

The agents are sent to Bolivia to deal with a purported threat<br />

to assassinate the current president. The plan involves members of<br />

a local insurgent group, the Silver Way, and—whether successful<br />

or stopped by the agents—they discover that the Agency itself is<br />

implicated in the assassination! This sparks a controversy back in<br />

the States and Congressional Hearings start immediately.<br />

Amanda Norton has taken the place of Station Chief, Gloria<br />

Alvarez, and organized the assassination using Agency resources.<br />

After the assassination she disappears. Simultaneously with the<br />

assassination, Free Throw kidnaps the chair of the Senate<br />

Intelligence Committee’s daughter, Alicia Bradon. The Senate<br />

Intelligence Committee calls for an investigation into Agency<br />

practices and gets detailed files from the Agency. Senator Tom<br />

Bradon turns these files over to Free Throw who uses them to<br />

organize a strike and raid against the Agency headquarters in

Belgrade, Serbia. Free Throw plans to assault the Belgrade HQ,<br />

steal all the computer files there, and release them in the open—<br />

thereby compromising all Agency operations in Eastern Europe.<br />

Possibilities:<br />

1. Amanda Norton returns to the States and takes the place of<br />

Senator Bradon’s daughter. She does this to gain more access<br />

to him and make others less suspicious. Senator Bradon acts<br />

suspiciously; he’s under stress and shows it but it’s not obvious<br />

why. The Agency wants him, and the others, watched since<br />

they have access to such vital information.<br />

2. Senator Bradon reports the kidnapping to the Agency. He figures<br />

that the agents are his daughter’s best chance and is<br />

unwilling to risk the security of the nation. The agents need to<br />

rescue his daughter before the deadline before the information<br />

turnover arrives.<br />

3. Amanda Norton actually is Alicia Bradon. She staged her own<br />

kidnapping because she hates the Agency too, perhaps due to<br />

leftist politics or what the Agency has done to her family.<br />

SHALE<br />

by Aaron Rosenberg<br />

The modern world runs on its communications and its transportation.<br />

And for the latter, oil and gas are the most precious<br />

commodities. So when someone claims that they have found a<br />

new source of oil, the entire world sits up and takes notice. And<br />

when someone claims they have found a new way to produce oil,<br />

a way that does not require drilling and refining—well, that’s the<br />

sort of information that can change the world.<br />

Shale, Inc. is a new company no one has ever heard of before.<br />

But everyone’s talking about them now. That’s because Reggie<br />

Nylan, the head of Shale, has made a shocking announcement.<br />

According to Reggie, his company has found a way to convert<br />

shale into oil. The thin, brittle rock is known to have a high petroleum<br />

content, but no one has ever found a way to distill it from<br />

the rock without spending more money than the results were<br />

worth. Now Reggie says his company can do the job for mere pennies.<br />

Which would make the world’s shale a near-endless supply of<br />

ready oil. Everyone wants a piece of the action. But is Shale, Inc.<br />

really all it claims to be? The Agency has to find out, before the<br />

world’s oil situation changes forever—and not necessarily for the<br />

better.<br />

MP Cost: 275 (95 base + 90 each for serials two and three)<br />

Wealth: 2 (52 BP for mastermind, 42 BP for each henchman<br />

and foil, 27 BP for each minion)—30 MP<br />

Technology: 0<br />

Loyalty: 1 (+1 to loyalty checks) — 4 MP<br />

Influence: 0<br />

Scope: 5 (international threat)<br />

Agenda: Monetary Gain/Economic Control<br />

Serial 3: Hector Selpont<br />

Reggie may be the president of Shale, but he’s just a front<br />

man. The real power behind the company and its scheme is Hector<br />

Selpont, whose official title is VP and Head of R&D. Hector came<br />

up with the idea behind Shale, Inc., and bullied Reggie into participating.<br />

He gathered others he knew to form the rest of the<br />

company’s ranks, and has been orchestrating everything from the<br />

safety of his "research lab." The fact is, Hector isn’t much of a scientist.<br />

He knows just enough science to fake it, and enough to<br />

Shale<br />

26<br />

understand what the real researchers are talking about. But his<br />

true gift is disinformation. Hector can make people hear what<br />

they want to hear, and understand just as much as he wants them<br />

to comprehend. It’s this talent that has been pivotal to Shale’s<br />

success, and to their master plan.<br />

Hector has three goals, all of which he plans to achieve<br />

through Shale. The first is to make a lot of money, enough that he<br />

can live the rest of his life in complete comfort. The second goal<br />

is to throw the world into disarray, just to show how much influence<br />

he has. And the third goal is to prove wrong everyone who<br />

ever said he wouldn’t amount to much, especially his hard-working,<br />

honest, law-abiding parents.<br />

Tall, thin, and prematurely balding, Hector looks the part of a<br />

serious researcher. He speaks softly, so that those around him have<br />

to strain to catch his words, and hides his mesmerizing eyes<br />

behind a pair of wire-rim spectacles. He does not like violence, and<br />

will avoid becoming involved in any physical conflict. But Hector<br />

has no problem giving orders for violence, and will happily stand<br />

back and let his bodyguards fight for him. He works at the company’s<br />

research lab in the warehouse section of Baltimore, and has<br />

a small house on the other side of the city.<br />

Hector Selpont 5th-level spin-doctor/1st -level scientist<br />

(mastermind—30 MP): CR 6. SZ M; v/wp 43/10; Init +1 (+1 Dex);<br />

Spd 30 ft.; Def 11 (+1 Dex); Atk: pistol +2 (dmg 1d12, recoil 20,<br />

threat 19-20, range 25 ft., seven shots); Face 1 square; Reach 1<br />

square; SA none; SQ fake it 1/session; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +6;<br />

Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 17; Skills: Bluff +10,<br />

Computers +4, Cultures +3, Diplomacy +1, Disguise +1, Driver +3,<br />

Forgery +5, Gather Information +7, Hide +3, Intimidate +4,<br />

Languages +6, Move Silently +5, Profession (Scientist) +4, Search<br />

+2, Sense Motive +8, Sleight of Hand +6, Spot +4. Feats: Charmer,<br />

Persuasive. Gear: Pistol, two clips of standard ammunition, lab<br />

coat. Vehicles and Gadgets: sports car (sports car – SZ L, Occ 1/2,<br />

Hnd +5, Spd 800 ft., MPH 80/160, Def 14, WP 70, Hrd 3), laser pen<br />

(dmg 1d6+1, threat 20, range 5 ft., twenty seconds of power, one<br />

hour to recharge).<br />

Headquarters: Shale research lab in Baltimore, MD, United<br />

States—hierarchy 1, secrecy 2, personnel 1, security 4.<br />

Bodyguards: As a child Hector was often the target of bullies.<br />

When he hatched his plans for Shale, Inc., he took advantage of<br />

the money from his backers and hired a group of bodyguards. Now<br />

the bullies work for him. These men are all large, powerfully built,<br />

ugly, and not very bright. They are exactly the type of men who<br />

pushed Hector around as a boy, and he takes great delight in<br />

ordering them about. Despite this, the bodyguards are loyal.<br />

Hector is a bit childish but pays them well, and they don’t have to<br />

do much more than keep an eye on the grounds and intimidate<br />

any visitors. These men all have unsavory pasts, and many of them<br />

have criminal records—this is the only job they could get, and they<br />

are determined not to lose it.<br />

Bodyguards, 3rd-level thugs (minions, squad of 4—48 MP):<br />

CR 3. SZ M; v/wp 3d8+6 (22)/17; Init +3 (+1 Dex, +2 class); Spd 30<br />

ft.; Def 13 (+1 Dex, +2 class); Atk: club +6 (1d8+3); Colt M1911A1<br />

service pistol +4 (dmg 1d12, recoil 20, threat 19-20, range 25 ft.,<br />

seven shots); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None;<br />

SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +4; Str 17, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 9, Wis 11,<br />

Cha 6; Skills: Bluff +3, Driver +3, Gather Information<br />

+1,Intimidate +8, Listen +3, Profession (Bodyguard) +4, Search +4,<br />

Sense Motive +1, Spot +4, Surveillance +2. Feats: Point Blank<br />

Shot, Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun, Melee). Gear: Pistol,<br />

two clips of standard ammunition, tactical radio, extensible metal<br />

club. Vehicles and Gadgets: motorcycles (motorcycle – SZ M, Occ<br />

1/1, Hnd +8, Spd 500 ft., MPH 50/100, Def 18, WP 35, Hrd 1).

Serial 2: Reggie Nylan<br />

Reggie is the president of Shale, Inc., and its only public member.<br />

He makes all press announcements, attends the various oil<br />

symposiums, and speaks with potential investors and clients. This<br />

is the life Reggie was born for—he has an easy-going charm that<br />

puts people at ease, plus a knack for remembering faces and<br />

names. He speaks several languages fluently and can get by in half<br />

a dozen others, and can mingle easily at events ranging from<br />

black-tie dinners to backyard barbeques.<br />

Underneath all that charm, Reggie is extremely insecure. He<br />

knows he is not the brightest man in the world, and is well aware<br />

that Hector is really the brains of the operation. Reggie is also<br />

smart enough to know that, if he gets out of line, Hector will kill<br />

him and have him replaced by someone else just as glib. So his<br />

only option is to cooperate fully, and hope it’s all over quickly.<br />

Reggie is not a bad person, really. He doesn’t have many scruples<br />

when it comes to earning money, but he isn’t interested in<br />

hurting anyone. He sees no reason not to take from the rich, however,<br />

and considers himself a modern-day Robin Hood, fleecing<br />

the wealthy for his own gain. He runs most of Shale’s day-to-day<br />

operations from their small but tastefully decorate offices in<br />

downtown Baltimore.<br />

Tall and slim, with dark hair and blue eyes, Reggie can easily<br />

pass for a former athlete or a second-string movie star. He always<br />

wears the best clothes, and dresses for the occasion. His most<br />

common outfit is a hand-tailored silk suit.<br />

Reggie Nylan 5th-level faceman (henchman—10 MP): CR<br />

5. SZ M; v/wp 41/14; Init +7 (+2 Dex, +5 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 11<br />

(+2 Dex, +3 class); Atk: pistol +5 (dmg 1d12, recoil 20, threat 19-<br />

20, range 25 ft., seven shots); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA<br />

none; SQ fake it 1/session; SV Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3; Str 12, Dex<br />

14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 17; Skills: Bluff +10, Computers +1,<br />

Cultures +6, Diplomacy +8, Disguise +1, Driver +3, Forgery +2,<br />

Gather Information +7, Hide +1, Intimidate +2, Knowledge<br />

(finance) +4, Knowledge (science) +2, Languages +8, Move<br />

Silently +4, Profession (Businessman) +6, Search +2, Sense Motive<br />

+8, Sleight of Hand +4, Spot +6. Feats: Armor Proficiency (light,<br />

heavy), Charmer, Fortunate, Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled,<br />

Melee, Handgun, Rifle), Adaptable, Linguist, Cold Read once/session,<br />

Quick Change once/session, Backup once/session. Gear:<br />

Pistol, two clips of standard ammunition, business suit, cell phone,<br />

PDA. Vehicles and Gadgets: sports car (sports car – SZ L, Occ 1/2,<br />

Hnd +5, Spd 800 ft., MPH 80/160, Def 14, WP 70, Hrd 3).<br />

Headquarters: Shale, Inc. offices in Baltimore, MD, United<br />

States—hierarchy 1, secrecy 0, personnel 2, security 4.<br />

Security Team: Reggie recognizes the value of an efficient,<br />

loyal security team. He doesn’t like Hector’s bully boys (in part<br />

because they bully him whenever he goes to the lab), and prefers<br />

a more intelligent, more discreet employee for his own uses. He<br />

has assembled his own security team along these lines. Each member<br />

is reasonably intelligent, attractive enough to draw an approving<br />

glance but nothing more, and talented at blending into the<br />

crowd. The members of this team are extremely loyal to Reggie—<br />

he treats them well, and they respect his practical nature and his<br />

ability to fit into any social situation. They are always hovering<br />

somewhere near him, keeping an eye on the situation, and at the<br />

first sign of danger several members will move Reggie to safety<br />

while the rest deal with the problem. They prefer to handle potential<br />

problems before they reach that point, however, and excel at<br />

noticing and incapacitating dangerous individuals without anyone<br />

noticing.<br />

Shale<br />

27<br />

Security Team, 2nd-level soldier/ 1st-level ninja (minions,<br />

squad of 3—54 MP): CR 3. SZ M; v/wp 3d8+9 (25)/17; Init +10<br />

(+3 Dex, +3 class, +4 feat); Spd 30 ft.; Def 16 (+3 Dex, +3 class);<br />

Atk: stun rod + 5 (1d8+3 plus paralysis); Colt M1911A1 service pistol<br />

+6 (dmg 1d12, recoil 20, threat 19-20, range 25 ft., silenced,<br />

seven shots); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA backstab; SQ<br />

None; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +4; Str 15, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 12,<br />

Wis 13, Cha 13; Skills: Bluff +3, Climb +3, Diplomacy +2, Driver<br />

+2, Escape Artist +1, Gather Information +3, Hide +5, Intimidate<br />

+7, Listen +5, Move Silently +5, Profession (Bodyguard) +6, Search<br />

+6, Sense Motive +3, Spot +4, Surveillance +4. Feats: Armor<br />

Proficiency (light), Improved Initiative, Weapon Group Proficiency<br />

(Handgun, Melee), Damage Reduction. Gear: kevlar vest, pistol<br />

with silencer, two clips of standard ammunition, tactical radio,<br />

stun rod, nightvision goggles, miniature flashlight. Vehicles and<br />

Gadgets: sports car (sports car – SZ L, Occ 1/2, Hnd +5, Spd 800<br />

ft., MPH 80/160, Def 14, WP 70, Hrd 3).<br />

Serial 1:<br />

Mendelson Ettinger<br />

Mendelson Ettinger is the real head scientist of Shale, Inc.<br />

Hector is the man behind the scenes, but the whole plan hinges<br />

on Mendelson’s scientific genius. He is a first-rate scientist whose<br />

crazy theories and refusal to follow procedure has led to his being<br />

fired from several prestigious jobs. When Hector offered him the<br />

chance to be involved in Shale, Mendelson had nowhere else to<br />

go. He has since regretted accepting the offer, but knows he cannot<br />

back out now—Hector has made it very clear that he will<br />

destroy Mendelson’s career and possibly kill him if he betrays their<br />

operation.<br />

Physically, Mendelson does not look like the typical scientist.<br />

Average height and slender build, with an unruly mop of thick<br />

black curls and a permanent five o’clock shadow make him look<br />

more like a would-be musician. His preference for torn jeans and<br />

faded T-shirts completes the image, though Mendelson does wear<br />

a grubby lab coat over them while he’s at work (and often afterward,<br />

since he usually forgets to take off the coat when he leaves<br />

for home). He works at the company’s research lab in Baltimore<br />

and lives in an apartment near the university, a short drive away.<br />

Another way that he does not fit the scientist stereotype is his<br />

personality. Mendelson is very passionate about his work, and will<br />

argue loudly about his theories and plans. He does not like obeying<br />

orders, and will often debate anything he disagrees with.<br />

Hector can browbeat him into shutting up and doing as he’s told,<br />

but no one else in the organization can get Mendelson to listen to<br />

reason, or to lower his voice. At demonstrations, Mendelson often<br />

forgets himself and starts lecturing to those around him as if they<br />

were children, ridiculing them if they don’t understand something<br />

he’s said.<br />

Mendelson Ettinger 4th-level scientist (henchman—8 MP):<br />

CR 4. SZ M; v/wp 34/12; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Def 12 (+2<br />

Dex); Atk: none; Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA none; SQ fake<br />

it 1/session; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +3; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12,<br />

Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 14; Skills: Bluff +2, Computers +4,<br />

Concentration +4, Cultures +2, Driver +2, Electronics +4, Gather<br />

Information +4, Intimidate +1, Knowledge (science) +8,<br />

Knowledge (petroleum) +5, Languages +6, Mechanics +1,<br />

Profession (Scientist) +6, Search +2, Sense Motive +1, Sleight of<br />

Hand +2, Spot +4. Feats: Scholarly. Gear: lab coat, pens, clipboard,<br />

geiger counter, stopwatch. Vehicles and Gadgets: sports car (sports<br />

car – SZ L, Occ 1/2, Hnd +5, Spd 800 ft., MPH 80/160, Def 14, WP<br />

70, Hrd 3).<br />

Headquarters: Shale research lab in Baltimore, MD, United<br />

States—hierarchy 1, secrecy 2, personnel 1, security 4.

Minders: Hector doesn’t fully trust Mendelson, and Reggie<br />

has to agree. They both know the scientist is smart, but he’s arrogant<br />

and can’t keep his mouth shut. So Reggie has assigned some<br />

of his own security forces to keep an eye on their lead researcher,<br />

and to keep him out of trouble. These "minders" do their best both<br />

to stop any threats from reaching Mendelson and to prevent the<br />

scientist from doing anything rash, or anything that could get<br />

Shale in trouble.<br />

Minders, 1st-level soldier/1st-level ninja (minions, squad<br />

of 2—22 MP): CR 2. SZ M; v/wp 2d8+6 (17)/17; Init +5 (+3 Dex,<br />

+2 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 15 (+3 Dex, +2 class); Atk: stun rod + 5<br />

(1d8+3 plus paralysis); Colt M1911A1 service pistol +6 (dmg 1d12,<br />

recoil 20, threat 19-20, range 25 ft., silenced, seven shots); Face 1<br />

square; Reach 1 square; SA backstab; SQ None; SV Fort +6, Ref +3,<br />

Will +4; Str 15, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 13; Skills: Bluff<br />

+3, Climb +3, Diplomacy +2, Driver +2, Gather Information +3,<br />

Hide +5, Intimidate +7, Listen +4, Move Silently +5, Profession<br />

(Bodyguard) +5, Search +6, Sense Motive +3, Spot +4,<br />

Surveillance +4. Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Weapon Group<br />

Proficiency (Handgun, Melee). Gear: Kevlar vest, pistol with<br />

silencer, two clips of standard ammunition, tactical radio, stun rod,<br />

nightvision goggles, miniature flashlight. Vehicles and Gadgets:<br />

sports car (sports car – SZ L, Occ 1/2, Hnd +5, Spd 800 ft., MPH<br />

80/160, Def 14, WP 70, Hrd 3).<br />

Plot Hook #1<br />

Reggie calls a press conference and announces that his company,<br />

Shale, Inc., has found a way to convert useless pieces of<br />

shale into refined petroleum, at very little cost. This creates a stir<br />

in both financial communities and in the oil industry, since such a<br />

process could make the traditional oil fields obsolete. The Agency<br />

is concerned because the resulting chaos could destablize the<br />

world order. They dispatch the team to Shale’s headquarters in<br />

Baltimore, to attend the demonstration of this new technology.<br />

Hector is running the presentation, but appears to be simply the<br />

head of R&D. He gives no indication of being the true mastermind<br />

behind Shale, and neither do any of his co-workers.<br />

Possibilities:<br />

1. The process is a sham. What Shale has actually invented is a<br />

way to inject different chemicals into existing petroleum,<br />

changing its composition just enough that it can no longer be<br />

traced to its origin point (each oil field has a slightly different<br />

mix of chemicals, and these are like fingerprints, clearly showing<br />

where the oil came from). Reggie’s security forces have<br />

stolen oil from several fields around the world, and now<br />

Hector puts on a show that makes it look as if the process<br />

works. The plan is for Shale to get investors to give them<br />

money, and then disappear.<br />

2. The process does work, but it has a problem—the oil it produces<br />

is chemically unstable, and actually becomes explosive<br />

after a few days. Hector knows about this, and plans to use it<br />

to his advantage. He hopes to get people to invest in Shale,<br />

and then to replace all of the world’s oil with their own unstable<br />

version. Then, when oil everywhere explodes, the world will<br />

grind to a halt, and he will be responsible. It will make him one<br />

of the most powerful men in history, which is all Hector really<br />

cares about.<br />

Shale<br />

28<br />

3. The process works just fine. Mendelson really is a genius, and<br />

this technique could revolutionize the oil industry. It will also<br />

put every existing oil company out of business, and destroy<br />

several Middle East countries. Hector is very happy about all<br />

of this—he will become rich, his name will go down in history<br />

as one of the great inventors, and he will cause chaos all<br />

around the globe.<br />

Plot Hook #2<br />

Reggie contacts the Agency because his company’s new oil<br />

process has been stolen. He demands that the Agency help him<br />

find out who took it, and that they get it back for him. Without<br />

it, Shale is ruined.<br />

Possibilities:<br />

1. The formula really was stolen, either by a rival oil company or<br />

by one of the nations who survive on their oil export. Hector<br />

is furious, because without that formula he cannot get<br />

investors to give him money. Note that, for this possibility, any<br />

of the three options in Plot Hook #1 will work.<br />

2. Hector set up the "theft," and had some of his own thugs play<br />

the part of the robbers. He wants the Agency to harass the oil<br />

companies and oil-producing nations of the world, to get<br />

them upset and off-balance. That way, when he offers to sell<br />

them his process (which will be miraculously retrieved), everyone<br />

will be desperate for it and will begin bidding to win it.<br />

3. The formula was really stolen, but not by any outside agency.<br />

Mendelson finally decided that he could not sit still for<br />

Hector’s tricks any longer, and took off with the formula himself.<br />

Hector has enlisted the Agency to get it back, and hopes<br />

they’ll kill Mendelson before he can reveal the truth.<br />

Mendelson’s minders have also been tasked to find him, and<br />

kill him if they can.<br />


By Jason Olsan<br />

See Mythic Dreams’ <strong>Spycraft</strong> Family release, Dark Inheritance,<br />

for a finished version of this threat.<br />

Starting Threat Code: Red<br />

This short-season (3-serial) threat is appropriate for a team<br />

of 4th-level agents.<br />

After the First Crusade, the Knights Templar were a wealthy<br />

and powerful order of monastic knights in Christendom. Their<br />

purpose was the protection of Christian pilgrims on route to<br />

Jerusalem, initially receiving alms in thanks for their duties. Over<br />

time, they amassed great power and wealth. In 1307, fearing this<br />

power, the knights were arrested by King Philip of France and their<br />

wealth was seized through the only charge that would allow it:<br />

heresy. In 1314, at the order of Pope Clement, the last Grand<br />

Master of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay, was burned at<br />

the stake.<br />

Retrieving the burned skull of Jacques de Molay, an unknown<br />

mystic woman swathed in black silks returned to the lands near<br />

Jerusalem and resurrected the knight. Dazed and confused by the<br />

ritual, his mind was ripe for tainting by the shrouded mystic. She<br />

told the befuddled warrior of his death and her gift of a new life<br />

to him. With her biased guidance, he grew to believe that money

and power were what destroyed his order and that the only way<br />

to save the world would be to destroy all of those who wield<br />

either.<br />

With the loss of the Order of Templar, he began a new secret<br />

order to work upon these very goals. It was named the Sodality, a<br />

term which is used to describe a charitable fellowship of the<br />

church. Quietly, Jacques began recruiting devoted followers in his<br />

travels of the known world. He searched the globe for those who<br />

would be devoted to his cause.<br />

Now, almost seven centuries later, his goal continues. Through<br />

his continuing resurrection by the ageless mystic, he has recruited<br />

hundreds of devout followers in cells worldwide. As the Knights<br />

Templar were able to do in their times, the once Grand Master has<br />

amassed a great fortune to help fund his followers and his great<br />

cause.<br />

The Sodality follows the same practices of its predecessor, the<br />

Knights Templar. Jack Molloy, the current name of Jacques de<br />

Molay, acts as Grand Master. The unnamed mystic is always seen<br />

at his side as his advisor. All members of The Soldality are known<br />

as knights, just as in the Knights Templar. Sodality knights have all<br />

been taught the true history of the Knights Templar and all know<br />

of their Grand Master’s true identity. Their loyalty is unquestioned,<br />

both to the order and to the betterment of the world. Knights of<br />

the order spend their public lives attempting to help the world<br />

through aid organizations. That is, until the Grand Master calls<br />

them into action. Each knight has a tattoo hidden upon the inner<br />

wrist depicting the seal of the Knights Templar. Underneath the<br />

seal are the Latin words Semper Recordor, "always remember."<br />

MP Cost: 275<br />

Wealth: 6 (68 BP for mastermind, 48 BP for each henchman<br />

and foil, 33 BP for each minion, 23 BP for each specialist; minions<br />

gain a piece of personal ordinance, a single heavy, ground, or<br />

water vehicle up to 10 GP, or individual personal vehicles up to 4<br />

GP)<br />

Technology: 0 (0 GP per serial)<br />

Loyalty: 10 (+10 to loyalty checks)<br />

Influence: 4 (favor check notice = 1-4, 4 influence effects per<br />

serial)<br />

Scope: 8 (international threat)*<br />

Agenda: Revenge<br />

* All serials involving the Sodality yield +20% XP (in addition<br />

to all other XP bonuses).<br />

Serial 3: Jack Molloy<br />

When Jacques de Molay was brought back, he was surprised<br />

to find that he had his youthful appearance once more. At the<br />

time he was burned at the stake, he was 70 years old. Now, he<br />

looked no more than 30. That has been the way the Grand Master<br />

has looked since. Since his initial resurrection, he has lived 14 lives.<br />

Each time he has been brought back, he has assumed a new name<br />

and identity. This time, his chosen name is Jack Molloy.<br />

Jack travels the world with his nameless mystic to ensure that<br />

his machinations are being carried out by the rest of his knights.<br />

He takes a very direct approach to leadership, which keeps his<br />

knights very loyal and devoted to him.<br />

If Jack isn’t traveling, he is at the Sodality temple compound.<br />

The compound itself rests upon Mount Moriah in Israel, which is<br />

the site of the ancient Temple of Solomon – the temple upon<br />

which the Knights Templar name themselves. The compound is<br />

very well protected by the most loyal of knights within the<br />

Sodality, the Sentinel Knights. It is from here that Jack plans and<br />

coordinates the Sodality’s great plan.<br />

Sodality<br />

29<br />

Jack is still in very fit physical condition from continuing his<br />

cadences from 700 years past to keep his mind and skills focused.<br />

When walking the compound, he typically wears his ancient<br />

greatsword slung upon his back. His words are very charismatic,<br />

although his cold and precise manner seems to offset his stirring<br />

speeches. Some quietly wonder if his quiet disposition is a result<br />

of his living so long.<br />

Due to Jack Molloy’s western upbringing and learning of the<br />

sword by his knightly order, the edgemaster’s requirement of<br />

Profession (sensei) has been replaced with Profession (knight).<br />

Though his techniques are not from the far east, his skills are as<br />

comparable.<br />

Staging Notes: Jack has retrieved the access codes to access<br />

the international banking system, which networks hundreds of the<br />

most influential banks in the world. Returning to his temple compound,<br />

he has sent his men to find the best hacker that they can.<br />

Jack’s goal is to build a backdoor that quietly drains the world of<br />

most of its capital and assets, not realizing it until it is too late.<br />

Jack Molloy, 5th-level martial artist/3rd-level edgemaster<br />

(mastermind — 40 MP): Department: Old Blood. CR 8. SZ M;<br />

v/wp 73/18*; Init +7 (+2 Dex, +5 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 18 (+2 Dex,<br />

+6 class); Atk: Jacques do Kalashnikov AK-105 +11 (dmg 3d6+1,<br />

accuracy –, error 1-3, threat 20, range 175 ft., qualities and mods:<br />

CS, 30 shots), Molay’s Templar Greatsword +12 (dmg 1d12+4 normal,<br />

error 1-2, threat 20); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None;<br />

SQ unyielding, swordplay, parrying basics, ploy (Sidestep); SV Fort<br />

+7, Ref +8, Will +7; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 16*, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha<br />

10; Skills: Balance +9, Concentration +8, Craft (Metalwork) +5,<br />

First Aid +5, Intimidate +11/+11, Jump +4, Knowledge (Occult)<br />

+17, Languages +7, Listen +4, Profession (Knight) +13, Sense<br />

Motive +9, Spot +8, Tumble +10. Feats: Acrobatic, Armor Group<br />

Proficiency (Light), Greatsword Basics, Greatsword Mastery,<br />

Improved Weapon Focus (greatsword), Martial Arts, Toughness,<br />

Weapon Focus (greatsword), Weapon Group Proficiency (Exotic —<br />

Archaic, Exotic — Martial Arts, Handgun, Melee, Rifle), Weapon<br />

Master (greatsword). Gear: Weapon, cover identity (power rating<br />

3) (Jack Molloy), sunglasses. Vehicles and Gadgets: None, gadgets:<br />

H.U.D. lenses, hardened joints.<br />

* Jacks vitality points, wound points, and constitution are<br />

modified by his hardened joints gadget.<br />

Threat Resources/Action Sites: Fanatics, Martyrs – Adam<br />

Hutton, Knight Sentinels, Centra Bank Security, Worse Than Death<br />

– Adam Hutton, Shelene Radcliff, Knight Sentinels, Centra Bank<br />

Security, and Shelene Radcliff’s Bodyguards (headquarters –<br />

Sodality Temple Compound, Mount Moriah, Israel – hierarchy 5,<br />

secrecy 2, personnel 3, security 1).<br />

Knight Sentinels: The Sodality’s Knight Sentinels are the loyal<br />

warriors whose primary purpose is to defend the compound from<br />

those who would seek to harm the order. Comprised of the most<br />

disciplined warriors to the cause, the Knight Sentinels are simultaneously<br />

a highly envied duty among the order and a much<br />

feared enemy to those who fight them.<br />

Knight Sentinels wear dark studded vests when on their<br />

patrols of the compound with a sword sheathed at their side. They<br />

are sworn to ensure that the secret order of the Sodality must be<br />

maintained, so they will attack anyone that they see wandering<br />

too close to the compound. Their solitary lives away from most of<br />

civilization, along with the time spent near their leader, has left<br />

them very cold, ruthless, and efficient.

Knight Sentinels, 5th-level martial arts mooks (minions,<br />

squads of 5 — 20 MP): CR 4. SZ M; v/wp 20/11; Init +5 (+2 Dex,<br />

+3 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 15 (+2 Dex, +3 class); Atk: IMI Galil SAR<br />

+5 (dmg 4d4, accuracy –, error 1-2, threat 20, range 125 ft., qualities<br />

and mods: Single shot only, 25 shots), Medieval longsword +4<br />

(dmg 1d8+1, error 1, threat 18-20), fist +4 (dmg 1d6+2, error 1,<br />

threat 20); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV<br />

Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +0; Str 13, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha<br />

5; Skills: Balance +7, Climb +4, First Aid +4, Intimidate +4/+0,<br />

Jump +6, Knowledge (Martial Arts) +4, Tumble +7. Feats: Armor<br />

Group Proficiency (Light), Martial Arts, Punching Basics, Weapon<br />

Group Proficiency (Exotic — Martial Arts, Hurled, Melee), Wolf<br />

Pack Basics. Gear: Weapons, knight vest, binoculars, sunglasses.<br />

Vehicles and Gadgets: None.<br />

Serial 2: Adam Hutton<br />

Dealing with large corporations and nations, Centra Global<br />

Bank is one of the world’s top 50 money lenders. Last year, its<br />

president was listed as one of the most globally influential men<br />

and among the top 20 richest people in the world.<br />

Centra is also the financial house that runs the Temple Fund,<br />

a non-profit front organization that helps finance the Sodality.<br />

Seeing the bank as an obvious target for the Sodality, Jack spent<br />

considerable time ensuring that Adam Hutton became chief of<br />

security at Centra. Adam has grown to become one of the most<br />

trusted members of the Centra family and has recommended<br />

many people for employment within Centra and its satellite banks.<br />

Little do the bulk of employees know, but most of those recommended<br />

hires are Sodality knights within deep cover. They are quietly<br />

infiltrating the financial behemoth in order to control it and<br />

dismantle it’s financial agenda.<br />

Adam, having learned a few things from Jack, tends to look at<br />

the president as his king and the bank as his castle. No one will<br />

break his defenses within his castle. Many people have attempted<br />

to steal money from Centra over the years that he’s been the chief<br />

of security, and none have succeeded. Being particularly adept at<br />

computers as well as skilled in modern espionage techniques, the<br />

Centra chief of security has thwarted many of these assaults personally.<br />

Staging Notes: Adam has been a loyal employee of Centra for<br />

quite a few years now. However, the time is right. Jack has sent<br />

word to Adam that it is time to make the current president, Nigel<br />

Moore, disappear. One of the Sodality’s faithful undercover<br />

knights is now in position of senior vice president and ready to<br />

take over the company, should the current president disappear. In<br />

order to ensure no one considers it foul play, Adam has begun to<br />

build a digital trail of notes of anguish and thoughts of suicide.<br />

What Adam doesn’t know is that one of the low level data entry<br />

engineers is a plant from Room 39 and has started to notice the<br />

virtual paper trail.<br />

Adam Hutton, 4th-level soldier/2nd-level snoop (henchman<br />

— 12 MP): Department: D-3 Computer Espionage. CR 6. SZ<br />

M; v/wp 42/10; Init +12 (+3 Dex, +5 class, +4 improved initiative);<br />

Spd 30 ft.; Def 18 (+3 Dex, +5 class); Atk: H&K MP5A3 +7 (dmg<br />

1d10+1, accuracy -1, error 1-2, threat 20, range 30 ft., qualities<br />

and mods: DP, CS, SS, 15 shots), garotte +5 (dmg special, error 1-<br />

Sodality<br />

30<br />

2, threat –, qualities and mods: –); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square;<br />

SA None; SQ accurate, damage reduction 1/–, armor use +1, flawless<br />

search, intuition 1/session, jury-rig +2; SV Fort +5, Ref +7, Will<br />

+3; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10; Skills: Balance<br />

+6, Bureaucracy +2, Computers +10, Demolitions +6, Driver +7,<br />

Electronics +5, First Aid +3, Intimidate +8/+8, Listen +4,<br />

Profession (Security Guard) +8, Search +10, Spot +8, Surveillance<br />

+4, Tumble +8, Use Rope +10. Feats: Armor Group Proficiency<br />

(Light, Medium, Heavy), Extra Budget, Improved Initiative, Point<br />

Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Snap Shot, Speed Trigger, Weapon Group<br />

Proficiency (Hurled, Handgun, Melee, Rifle, Tactical). Gear:<br />

Weapon, laptop (+2 power rating), ELINT bundle. Vehicles and<br />

Gadgets: None, gadgets: standard gadget watch with garrote and<br />

poison spike.<br />

Threat Resources: None.<br />

Headquarters: Centra Global Bank at London, England– hierarchy<br />

1, secrecy 0, personnel 3, security 3.<br />

Undercover Centra Bank Knights: Since his promotion to<br />

chief of security, Adam Hutton has been slowly placing loyal<br />

Sodality knights among key roles in every facility owned by<br />

Centra. Through this, Centra has been thoroughly infiltrated by<br />

the Sodality and has been used to secretly fund the order’s many<br />

projects while quietly draining the bank of funds and influence<br />

with bookkeeping and blame shifting.<br />

Undercover Centra Bank Knights, 2th-level<br />

financiers/2nd-level operatives (minions, squads of 4 — 11<br />

MP): Department: D-3 Computer Espionage. CR 4. SZ M; v/wp 7/0;<br />

Init +3 (+1 Dex, +2 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 14 (+1 Dex, +3 class);<br />

Atk: Sig Sauer P-226 +2 (dmg 1d12, accuracy –, error 1, threat 19-<br />

20, range 25 ft, qualities and mods: DP, RG, TD, 15 shots), Knife +1<br />

(dmg 1d4, error 1, threat 20, qualities and mods: –); Face 1 square;<br />

Reach 1 square; SA financial expertise; SQ glass jaw; SV Fort +1,<br />

Ref +5, Will +4; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 8, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 14; Skills:<br />

Appraise +3, Bluff +4, Bureaucracy +6, Climb +1, Computers +4,<br />

Cultures +2, Demolitions +3, Driver +2, Electronics +3, Forgery +2,<br />

Gather Information +3, Hide +2, Knowledge (Finance) +3,<br />

Knowledge (Law) +2, Move Silently +3, Profession (Accountant)<br />

+3, Search +3, Spot +2, Tumble +2. Feats: Armor Group<br />

Proficiency (Light), Extra Budget, Filthy Rich, Stealthy, Weapon<br />

Group Proficiency (Handgun, Medium, Melee, Rifle). Gear:<br />

Weapons, laptop (+2 power rating), $3,000 in negotiable bearer<br />

bonds, 10 BP. Vehicles and Gadgets: None.<br />

Serial 1: Shelene Radcliff<br />

Shelene Radcliff is a young socialite that has lived a life of<br />

luxury. Never having worked a day in her life, she had no purpose.<br />

She found herself growing bored, secretly craving a raison d’etre.<br />

She had little to do besides her pet projects of helping aid organizations.<br />

That was when she met Jack.<br />

Jack taught her about how power corrupts, how money is<br />

power, and how the world should be cleansed of such evils in<br />

order to truly be prosperous. Shelene found her reason. Enthralled<br />

by the enigmatic Jack and his words, she decided that she would<br />

give anything in order to help with his noble cause. She gave herself<br />

and pledged her substantial wealth to the cause.<br />

The ancient knight accepted the melancholy aristocrat, but<br />

left her holdings so that she may help by influencing her wealthy<br />

and socially powerful friends. And that is what she does. She holds

many galas and banquets a year, mingling with the socially elite<br />

that frequent the parties. As she talks about current fashion and<br />

popular causes, she subtly implants the order’s purpose within<br />

them. She has brought in quite a few recruits for the order and, as<br />

the chairperson of the Temple Fund, bankrolls it through unwitting<br />

donations.<br />

Shelene can be a very enticing and seductive woman when<br />

she wishes to be. She has a soft lilt to her voice that has a tendency<br />

to make a man do as she asks. With a toss of her shoulderlength<br />

blond hair, she can cast the classic come hither stare from<br />

her amethyst eyes. However, when she hits one of her tantrums,<br />

she can crush a person’s ego with a couple of slight words… and<br />

she loves it.<br />

Staging Notes: Shelene is holding a formal gala at her estate.<br />

This gala is actually a cover so that knights from many of the cells<br />

globally can pick up their groups’ "paychecks". Out of the 60 that<br />

are expected to attend, a quarter of them are cell leaders. A Room<br />

39 agent has noticed a dramatic quantity of withdrawals from the<br />

Temple Fund’s accounts and has grown suspicious, notifying the<br />

rest of the Conspiracy.<br />

Shelene Radcliff, 3rd-level faceman/2nd-level aristocrat<br />

(henchman — 10 MP): Department: D-1 The Power Brokerage. CR<br />

5. SZ M; v/wp 30/10; Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 15<br />

(+1 Dex, +4 class); Atk: Glock 22 +4 (dmg 1d8+2, accuracy –, error<br />

1, threat 20, range 25 ft., qualities and mods: AA, CP, TD, 17 shots);<br />

Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ adaptable, cold read<br />

1/session, quick change 1/session; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +7; Str<br />

8, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 16; Skills: Bluff +8,<br />

Bureaucracy +4, Cultures +6, Diplomacy +12, Gather Information<br />

+7, Hobby (Writing) +4, Innuendo +10, Intimidate +2/+6,<br />

Profession (Aristocrat) +9, Read Lips +4, Search +5, Sense Motive<br />

+8, Sleight of Hand +2, Spot +4. Feats: Armor Group Proficiency<br />

(Light, Medium), Charmer*, Filthy Rich, The Look**, Undermine,<br />

Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled, Handgun, Melee, Rifle). Gear:<br />

Weapon, exclusive party bundle, 5 BP. Vehicles and Gadgets: None,<br />

gadgets: Hypnosis lenses, aphrodisiac cigarettes.<br />

* Shelene has a +1 to all Charisma-based skills vs. neutral,<br />

friendly, or helpful agents.<br />

** Shelene has a +1 bonus to all Charisma-based skills when<br />

dealing with the opposite sex.<br />

Threat Resources: None.<br />

Headquarters: Radcliff Mansion at Los Angeles California,<br />

USA – hierarchy 1, secrecy 0, personnel 1, security 0.<br />

Shelene Radcliff’s Bodyguards: Shelene doesn’t like being<br />

surrounded by the ugliness of reality. She prefers that everything<br />

that surrounds her is just as friendly as her cloistered lifestyle. As<br />

such, her bodyguards are trained professionals but are also culturally<br />

sophisticated. They always wear current designer suits with<br />

the trendiest sunglasses. Image is as much of a concern as security.<br />

Shelene’s bodyguards are not a member of the Sodality, however<br />

they are completely loyal their boss. It’s amazing how much<br />

loyalty money can buy.<br />

Shelene Radcliff’s Bodyguards, 2nd-level operatives/1stlevel<br />

aristocrats (minions, squads of 3 — 20 MP): Department:<br />

D-1 The Power Brokerage. CR 2. SZ M; v/wp 19/12; Init +3 (+2 Dex,<br />

+1 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 14 (+2 Dex, +2 class); Atk: ACCU-TEK HC-<br />

380 +3 (dmg 1d8, accuracy –, error 1-2, threat 20, range 20 ft.,<br />

qualities and mods: –, 10 shots); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA<br />

Sodality<br />

31<br />

None; SQ None; SV Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3; Str 18, Dex 14, Con<br />

12, Int 9, Wis 9, Cha 12; Skills: Bluff +4, Bureaucracy +3, Climb +1,<br />

Demolitions +1, Diplomacy +4, Driver +3, Hide +3, Hobby (gardening)<br />

+1, Innuendo +1, Intimidate +2/+4, Move Silently +4,<br />

Profession (Aristocrat) +1, Tumble +3. Feats: Armor Group<br />

Proficiency (Light), Charmer*, Stealthy, Weapon Group Proficiency<br />

(Handgun, Medium, Melee, Rifle). Gear: Weapon, bodyguard bundle,<br />

5 BP. Vehicles and Gadgets: None.<br />

* Shelene’s bodyguards have a +1 to all Charisma-based skills<br />

vs. neutral, friendly, or helpful agents.<br />

Plot Hook #1<br />

Wealthy industrialists and celebrities have been donating<br />

extraordinary amounts of money totaling in the trillions within<br />

the last year to the Temple Fund. Finding the focused target of<br />

these donations peculiar, the Archer Conspiracy dispatches agents<br />

to investigate their source:<br />

Possible Causes<br />

for the Donations:<br />

1. Shelene’s events have been particularly successful as of late.<br />

She’s been convincing wealthy tycoons and movie stars to<br />

donate to her pet project, the Temple Fund. However, the<br />

amount of attention that the donations have brought to the<br />

Temple Fund from the media has sparked anger from Jack,<br />

who thinks that the publicity threatens the secrecy of their<br />

order and it’s goals.<br />

2. Ambitiously proving his worth, a young undercover knight at<br />

Centra has been doing some after hours fund transfers from<br />

accounts which he knows often donate to organizations for<br />

tax purposes. Hiding the transfers among epic transaction<br />

records, he’s confident that these moguls won’t be able to<br />

notice the relatively minor million dollar skims<br />

3. In a financial predicament, Jack has amassed embarrassing<br />

information about many industrialists. Using intermediaries,<br />

he has threatened to reveal these tawdry and potentially devastating<br />

expositions to the world, unless they are willing to<br />

donate to his cause: the Temple Fund.

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