May 1946 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

May 1946 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

May 1946 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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•*mi<br />

S3<br />

|M, ; See.- aua<br />

. Walter Dittrtch, 104: Mae Canynm*!<br />

Smith, 100,<br />

8—1. Thomas McCoIlom IBS-<br />

James MigUaeeio, 3: nimbfth Poveil,<br />

14; Wmttm Given. 3, *<br />

Joseph John Paone •<br />

*«« ftrguson PlnWia<br />

SdwaM Broiu Burrous Powell paweli<br />

Oeorjte Oeorge Carl Rinc* Mack<br />

CJiarles Eadllne Ii,jberts, Jr.<br />

.••MlBr F§r Rant *£.«*»*..±~l Il~LP?fem<br />

« *• 0e« la<br />

Mf JUmy A<br />

Qpntt, »; Mildred Smith. OrUg Scheimerhom<br />

; mnei Ooeti. «• MarJr Jamre aerwtt auniviu,<br />

ne OfMtar WDdwood Ch«nber<br />

I Oounty.<br />

si* in Case Itoy<br />

I Tbe Chamber proposed that the<br />

vemnumt acquire the spans, to be<br />

turned over Mar to the State Highway<br />

Department for maintenance.<br />

IM an the bridge* was increase<br />

earlier in tbe wMk from IS to 30<br />

cents, with sH tickets to be sold<br />

for tl instead <strong>of</strong> «•*•&.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Edward McMahsn,<br />

I Memorial Day period viiltlng"Mrs! I<br />

WDhain Haughty. 10th st: and West<br />

av. They wen accompanied by Us<br />

aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Strliighain,<br />

»OB«RT BRICKLEi 1 ; ' I<br />

I in Order <strong>of</strong> Ihe Cfiurt I<br />

I the.SIM* »( Ne. JtrTI<br />

he Sflj] day <strong>of</strong> "Jui* n,ir -J<br />


SherwJn Williams PalnU<br />

Garden Toob and Seeds<br />

Doerr'i Hardware Ce.<br />

Your Cw MUST LASTl<br />

Jaui dare Austin<br />

Ernestine Marie Bannister<br />

Bon-na Batej<br />

Jullfl Jennie BoWe<br />

1 <strong>May</strong> Brooto<br />

Anne Burchard.<br />

swws Jean ~<br />

Jem O«roj Oo,<br />

JMn Marie Davtfi<br />

Ida Jon Dever<br />

lamina Bunting Krrtetaea<br />

Maanor Anne Fogg<br />

Oamllle Marie Pord '<br />

Lob Maiil}-n Prj-<br />

Baifcara Ann Qwy<br />

Butfc BUffiBth UffiBeth HHackee:<br />

Shirley linda Harre^<br />

Frances Arlene Hedgdon<br />

Chrliitlne Antoinette Iacono<br />

Jum moon l«ahw<br />

CMrlotM Amelia LeoBard<br />

BbMer Jean McKaig<br />

Theresa Adeltiw Mrajchetti<br />

Doris Elaine Moore<br />

Maty Bhel Oberteck<br />

»»y Angejina Patermo<br />

Worente Margawt p<br />

VttfinU Jessica «er^<br />

1 Mrs, Elmer 8, Bakley. an Central<br />

., is reported improving after unrgoing<br />

a major operation at the<br />

Shore Memorial Hospital Wednesday<br />

morning.<br />


D . ; • •"•,'.' O . p r - .:ht<br />

CLOCK<br />


He National Bank <strong>of</strong> Oce<br />

u a Resort B<br />

AH w« f«*l oar customers should h«r«<br />

« •• iatndo* darinff the busy<br />

*. Our bwiUiw fadUties, therefore,<br />

"" * 7 Saturday morning<br />

[ mch bosineas as Is compatible with the<br />


,1 OCEAN C3TY<br />


M M , Ml AuUmmitc VdWf l> ear<br />

ul iwMaB when jn tatke a tpK<br />

B«nJring Hour*: 9 un, to 2 p.m.<br />

SitaAiys; 9 a.m. to 12 M.<br />

s^ /5Li? e/ry OFFICE<br />


H«n 11 aja, to J »«.<br />

r •*••» <strong>May</strong> 1st la 1<br />

••r w« ma •• a H N M ttat u wmim, no<br />

» watttec t* a* ynt ceaklM « — ' •> -<br />

Maca Satnrdari i " ~<br />




CJffiL^A TITLE and<br />


m* KMinal taak « OMIB ei#<br />

CIMtalK<br />

i r*.t«*« «' •••»••<br />

ATOES 10-35<br />

•4T<br />

LUNCH MEAT —33c<br />

JHiALli.<br />

• 3*T*n Protoctoa<br />

The rwort'. bathln, MMSB had<br />

• flM ataxt o«r Mnorkl Day<br />

when lane orowd. flocked to the<br />

Beabh f|M Oapt. Thoma. William,<br />

petted UfetdlMt at ut, loth<br />

and 14a M. on Tllllltday and Friday.<br />

By aatuMV there van as<br />

many tathere that he al» opened<br />

beathM at Butt rt. and eth at.<br />

Mout 20 PHNB received flnt<br />

aid treatment for tnjurtae 1 at the<br />

IDA at, mala headquarter..<br />


945 Asbury Av.<br />


SMATC with OOMTOBT<br />

• BBOWN ud WHITE<br />

• KCD sad WHITB<br />

• BLACK and WHITE<br />


(Ul Oafcr Cant<br />

DBEBS or rLA<br />




945 Asbory Aw.<br />

Iafcstmeirt<br />

Securities<br />

Artkur L Battei<br />

645 Brighton PI.<br />

MM ttatf M il<br />

ii •••*••><br />

ISM than enough can- MaMl Group Give*<br />

JI the 48 arauatoiejoi* IntfnimMital Promm<br />

ParaUel Parking<br />

ForAsboryav.<br />

AWHIciitlow, rooMly from fotmer<br />

guard*, have , been neatly arrivlns mm dally. former im-iir-i-! ••«••«»<br />

5 beta arriving dally. «rtdejioi <strong>of</strong> the prog, betaf<br />

made in instrumental miulc at Oceta<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hl»h School, was ureinit-<br />

- ^d to the Klwani, Club, Wednesday<br />

afternoon, by a group <strong>of</strong> five rtu- ttSfAA&S<br />

B<br />

dent musician, under the direction<br />

To Proceed -.•.-..•J • «OWneU 3, Pearl, band tortructor. Vehicle, declared 1MRW,<br />

JtCCU MMMons ranging from the da.-<br />

h f th<br />

stea to popular mualc were <strong>of</strong>fered<br />

OontUned<br />

OontUned<br />

fm<br />

fm<br />

pace<br />

pace<br />

1<br />

by<br />

by<br />

tnuopcten<br />

tnuopcter<br />

%gm .»*»»« p»p»«i w<br />

Raymond Adam, and<br />

<strong>of</strong> return. Wilfiam Hi Hem and clarinetists<br />

continue In effect all other tanl<br />


I eluding the baa on aM.nlsat nark-1<br />

PrlncipiU oppoaltlon spekeaman Oaj^ BUlnii.<br />

,(f -- ..-,fr-<br />

I<br />

againat paving West av. hut does W^oondt «eetloni were "Oarnl- and Btb tu.<br />

not agree with tlie proposed method »H o* V«nloe" and "Moonlliht and -<br />

<strong>of</strong> oBtaglt. ^ ^ «««." waHam played -Tim Ueo- LOOT-Turtt»«astd pto, outlined<br />

"The Association wants this work estrauroe • and -Moonlight Madon- m gold and rUneatonM Valued<br />

to be done provided the expense na." for sentimental Manns. Reward,<br />

can be borne by some agency other The girls' clarinet trio played L, L. Wallace Store, 4tn st, and A»than<br />

the taxpayers <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> OIW," "concerto." "All Through the Bag" l?ury,av, i-7<br />


most-uaed portion <strong>of</strong> West av,, from<br />

eth to 10th """ -""<br />

take {ays. care % <strong>of</strong> %nssr a need and • -1 ^^^s^^m i fi.r^rio^-fe "ws-<br />

the state-aid prosram paving oi lonley, 400 Mth st<br />

munloloal streeu J« limited,to • irOATIOll":c<br />

in the center, whereas tne eooi. Experienced in eluld studr and<br />

mlMlonen. feel that a mere ©an- SrC M OuU rd. 8-14<br />

should be made,<br />

lneh« thlet<br />

"We would be happy to obtain<br />

cusUonf, »30 each. Very .—~<br />

ondition. OaU Baturday, any flme.<br />

DS 4th st, t'1<br />

kitchen range,<br />

pM'WJsPii'ftMafc'V'^ifrf<br />

1 i i IIHT •i~rnn» • i M<br />


second cook. Female preferred.<br />

undy<br />

1 the the balanes a with a M-»rt tSS^eabE^jphinOBrath! Zenfth Zenfth SALE—A SALEA boot blaclT^tahd"and blaclT^tahdand a<br />

strip at the north and south ends, radio highboy; oy; bookcase: ga garden d bench, b h 4foot 4-foot 4ft ret, rest, t solid lid i brass. ba ,<br />

It also was suggested that the tools: buffet: : electric sweeper: 1-2 and brushes. 811 Sunpeon av, J-31<br />

commistioners oBWin tii t state id f aid d for doseri ame td seated s»ted hi chain: ehairsyi 2 2 ll small snug J~=~ BAIJ~=~MAW aAli^^MAiri Bnarimnititir W W-<br />

the «nter and then do both sides Igref<br />

»£n,''*gg "ow- « cleT Mod ewMtton^wireLjasfcet,<br />

PhOM 1 W B - T ^ sm tl Wf<br />

I **«» l »rs. Ja* ^«r, 4M el ^ ^ ^<br />

with elty funds and Maeamnente, Oeean^av. Phone 1MB,— «-J good balloon tin<br />

SriJKX' *° "" ""* °' "" °^ "^•T^hftmifaft &M B low, a bedrooms: m i g tigm- noS: BALB-WIOKKR fc^g^^ UVUR room fund.<br />

keepUig apartment. Season, <strong>On</strong>|n .tllre aavenport, a chalra^ind ta-<br />

Ho atenta^^ 9-1 We_ gnrlng cushion seau, ^oe Uk<br />

f ID-TOWN SALE—IS ft. 't. Ifiwauan Hawaiian iurt surf board, 400 Bay av, ai^ ' *•? t-7<br />

George Fish, a resident <strong>of</strong> Wes- wpd ^dltion. For informaton TWO"Auto.grand^QMer.»Bt popwv<br />

av in the Oardens, spoke in phgr^^y, «-7 n, and Deanut machines to<br />

nurse, 20. good Shditton. 800 Boardwalk. I<br />

iiw, Mrs, Mar.<br />

its oeeanfront and bayfront<br />

F-* *!~i I<br />

i section. i jean, ^jjte, brand new, reason- n- ready for vour boat, *100. Can pel<br />

<strong>of</strong> Mud," he declared. "Then lyae |_ ,BIS wesley a*. fr-7 nd seen at 153 W. 17th St. t-7<br />

been a mom favaraMe flu- aAXE^^Bueket-aldly^ store, 40- " THrtB^wnto r i""Jon«f, <strong>On</strong>e V I<br />

andal altnatkm far It, ta my e>. ^^ori fal*anteed ^Uer: book- »• r complete Hm flttnui,<br />

periense." ease, glass front, 3 shelves, 713 *- two months, VM AsbiBt_?*-_ J"?<br />

Mrs, Olive MacPherson, also MJ Wesley aV; 8-7<br />

*| 14 cu. ft, FrlBdalre commsrcial ejtJ<br />

eetrie refrffiirator, goo* condladvocate<br />

<strong>of</strong> the project, said that SACE^HOT water heater and 30- »• tlOB. Schuff, 710 AsBuiy av. Phone<br />

West av. properW owners are per- gallon boiler, double copper coil; iil; iM». M<br />

fectlv willing to pay assessments 7 storm sash. 111 Atlantic av,<br />

^o-grt-'iid'-'af-tte fUth«d dlrfu«*. fnone_IMWt. _ *-»<br />

now have."<br />

I •» paying, and as sueti It seemi<br />

I me we should have the say tt<br />

whether it U dene,"<br />

everything proposed in the past^40 phone bMe^J. 8-ai<br />

that such projeeto always had help. UoOj 7S |ajoo.lb. capacity. Phone<br />

led develop <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. |l2S3, _. _J , •"'<br />

- I boat motor, A-l condition. Ootn- I<br />

BENTWOOD chairs for sale.<br />

l* jiriiBl'rf iTi»i*Trii'_j_ : TM'I_J_IlS-^__ TTiii m<br />

e-ailRro^p^^. ^^<br />

WAHTBD —<br />

for weMe<br />

our progress," he mid near Win school. Inspection by start; full time after June l|Must I<br />

<strong>On</strong>e objection raised was by Da- appointment Price on request, be 18 years or over. Apply w Asvld<br />

O aardiner, who called atten- Bradford. Ill Atlantic av, Phone buryav,^ ______»""<br />

Uon to the fact that millions <strong>of</strong> liM-W; _ ^ __K EOBT-^JlBiind gold p^i, ^ djdollars<br />

1 worth <strong>of</strong> highway work is RENT—ONI room for light house. sign, with Bear! canter, MomlMr,<br />

being deferred nationally because keeping. Box 4M1, BenUnei-Led- Reward, Hlndia Apt, 1-B, llth sfc<br />

fiff*'"* «"—*«* »- lAi^mvlMa-abien<strong>of</strong>ferurn S ^ t ^ **m_*!#je&<br />

only U per cent above pre-war<br />

prices per yard <strong>of</strong> surface.<br />


FOUNDEBS 1 Pl^NS<br />

M*W ttM tlie -•——• ha. cone<br />

Ma aaaae «l ifce ae Indi^dttali<br />

who an saw oppoalnc thu<br />

liailalralirif beta* nl.nl N»w we<br />

in or out, Jtaiul? <strong>of</strong> 4, good<br />

wages. Borne cooking. Write F, B,<br />

Taryes, can <strong>of</strong> Joyce Machine oos<br />

Hatboro, Pa, tf<br />


Optometrist<br />

ers Intended West av, to be the f^nj, MO¥~be responsible for 11' ^-Ott«'<br />

principal business thor<strong>of</strong>are. The Wcd# and Bum<br />

x aHySeb^unffis ejected by ,,0-1* »<br />

only reason it isnt, he aald. Is that aygeif, Qerard ToUnuyi, Tueka- I ] N| "<br />

the railroad refused to eome into gae/K. J. I 1<br />

the community on the marshes and ,<br />

was given the center <strong>of</strong> the avenue<br />

for its tracks, which were removed<br />

only five yearn ago. ••<br />


to At -nilim «kM ->d TO.<br />

Ut^Mi c^psasltsweu It laM<br />

docnt add dd np." "<br />

Brmd Shortage<br />

I Hit. <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

•OBuiitF population, but the mi<br />

The Miller* Nattonal M n<br />

•t OtdMga declared TUMday that<br />

tbe nation had struck bottom b the<br />

Mmatls floor arjortage, and prerttoWl<br />

a, BBieral eatmg <strong>of</strong> the bread<br />

abortage In Moor three watte,<br />

•normotu ahlpinenta <strong>of</strong> wheat to<br />

srf^nijiiai urning Sf^M fnv - i^@<br />

-a^Bia»p^ ^^Bara^swsPi ^Jfc MSMH. ' WT*T"W^P^^^B^* jaj E^SB^B<br />

alinHsiVW tt#l§tia5fe^a*j4~ ~wi " ¥1 kaklf dMwa ¥"~iA<br />

atocta dattUMHl for OYBUBM to re-<br />

Mn MUM soMHWu The new<br />

wta*«r wheat erop wa» expected to<br />


# • a At 3 • •<br />






llth and We.ley Avc.<br />

BREAKFAST,, 8:30 to 11 a.m<br />

DINNER... 5:30 to 8 p.m.<br />

To insure fl<br />

MI, D-iry C

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