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University, their interest, sending the material from the Azores, within the p .<br />

rOJects<br />

(EU LIFE- Nature B4-3200/98-509) and Marov (PDCTM/P/MARl15249/1999) .<br />

tially funded the mission that allowed the collection of the species in the A~oreWhlch<br />

thank to Ricardo Araújo, Director of the Museu Municipal do Funchal who sent S : We<br />

material for our paper and provided us with collection numbers and other rele~rn<br />

Special gratitude is due to Dr. Rogelio Herrera who pro vides us with some ima ant<br />

logical interest. Our colleagues Gustavo Lorenzo, Fernando Espino and Dr. Peterg~.of<br />

sent us some interesting images of biological value. To our administrative person Ilrtz<br />

(Ceuta) who meet all my requirements and especially to Enrique Gómez Barceló. ~rOf<br />

Núñez identified species of polychaeta associated with the antipatharians. Part of the'J<br />

rial studied in this paper was collected during Bentos Project (1980-1985) and Farro<br />

Expedition (1990). Some funding in order to study part of the Mediterranean material<br />

provided by Fauna Ibérica Project (subproject of Anthozoa) from Museo Nacional<br />

Ciencias Naturales of Madrid (MCNM). Histological sections of the Mediterranean ma<br />

al were partly prepared by Mr. T.J.G.M. van Oyen from the RMNH. Dr. Hoecksema and<br />

M. Slierings, both from the RMNH of Leiden and Miguel ViIlena from MCNM who sent<br />

collection number and accepted our type material. The authors thank to Gustavo Dioni<br />

interest in collecting samples from the fishermen of Gerardia macaronesica. We are<br />

grateful to Dr. Juan José Bacallado, head of the Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Tene<br />

for inviting and encouraging us to publish this paper in a Canarian Journal. Many than<br />

Dr. Zibrowius who puts us in alert of the genus Gerardia and provided us with sugge ti<br />

in behalf of our paper.<br />

This paper is part of a current research on zoanthids, headed by the Canary 1 I<br />

Government (Viceconsejería de Medioambiente).<br />

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