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Marie-Curie Intra-European Fellowships Call: FP7-PEOPLE-IEF-2008<br />

<strong>EVALUATION</strong> <strong>SUMMARY</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong><br />

Proposal Nr : 235273 Acronym : Symbols of genesis<br />

Scientist in<br />

Charge Name :<br />

Jean Dhombres<br />

Instrument : FP7-PEOPLE-IEF-2008 Scientific Panel: SOC<br />

Title :<br />

Symbols of their own genesis.<br />

Foundations of a Dynamics of the Representation<br />

Overall score (Threshold : 70) 62<br />

Has the proposal passed all numerical thresholds? No<br />

1. Scientific quality of the project (Weight 25/ Threshold 3) Mark (out of 5)<br />

One strength of the proposal is its wide range across topics and disciplines, documenting an<br />

erudite talent for making deep, innovative, and resonant connections among ideas. Another<br />

strength is the practical concern for applied consequences in education and therapy. The host<br />

institution is also of good quality as is the host supervisor. However, despite these apparent<br />

strengths the proposal was too densely written. For instance, the proposal borrows unexplicated<br />

technical language from all the relevant disciplines making the proposal almost impossible to<br />

understand. Thus it was not clear from the proposal that it included a research methodology, for<br />

example, and too much evidence was supplied in the form of anecdotes that are impossible to<br />

evaluate. The proposal did not explain how the host scholar's expertise would benefit the project<br />

and no effort was made to connect the research project to other possibly parallel developments<br />

in the fields discussed-- work in Cognitive Linguistics, contemporary work in the vein of<br />

Piagetian theory, and work on impredicativity in cognitive science, are examples.<br />

2. Training activities (Weight 15 / Threshold 3) Mark (out of 5)<br />

The choice of the host scholar is good, but the training section is weak. In fact, it is not clear<br />

what training is proposed. Rather, the proposal is to support the candidate in the publication of<br />

his theory because “the time has come for my theory to have an important impact on the current<br />

scientific and educational community.” Even with the stated goal, the proposal could have<br />

explained how, and with what training, the host and host institution would play a role in<br />

realizing this goal. What scientific, scholarly, or practical training would enhance the success of<br />

the candidate in realizing his goal, and in emerging as a mature scholar.<br />

3. Quality of the researcher (Weight 25 / Threshold 4) Mark (out of 5)<br />

The candidate has a few publications and shows evidence of leadership, independent thinking,<br />

creativity, innovation, and a voracious capacity to acquire new knowledge.<br />

4. Implementation (Weight 15 / No Threshold) Mark (out of 5)<br />

A timeline of publications and meetings is provided but no information about how these<br />

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Marie-Curie Intra-European Fellowships Call: FP7-PEOPLE-IEF-2008<br />

meetings would be implemented. While the available infrastructure of the host institution is of<br />

high quality, the proposal lacks specific information concerning the quality of infrastructure /<br />

facilities and international collaborations of host, and lacks information concerning the practical<br />

arrangements for the implementation and management of the scientific project. The absence of<br />

this crucial information greatly reduces the credibility of the project, as proposed. Instead of a<br />

detailed discussion of implementation, the proposal presents a timeline, and claims about what<br />

will be written.<br />

5. Impact (Weight 20 / No Threshold) Mark (out of 5)<br />

If the success in education, claimed possible in the proposal, were realized, then children would<br />

benefit greatly, but it remains uncertain, from the proposal, whether this impact would be<br />

realized. A weakness of the proposal, in this regard, is the over-reliance on anecdotal claims to<br />

make the case, no objective evidence is discussed and no plan for obtaining this evidence is<br />

presented. If the success were realized, however, the contribution to European excellence would<br />

be near term.<br />

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To:<br />

Dear co-ordinator<br />



Marie Curie Actions – Fellowships<br />

Brussels,<br />

D/556428<br />

21/08/2008<br />

eduardo caianiello<br />

Via Valle Cupa 54/56<br />

01100 Viterbo<br />

Italy (IT)<br />

7th Framework Programme – acknowledgement of receipt of proposal<br />

Thank you for submitting your proposal Symbols of genesis<br />

Symbols of their own genesis. Foundations of a Dynamics of the Representation<br />

under the call FP7-PEOPLE-IEF-2008<br />

which has been recorded as having arrived on 13/08/2008 16:21:38<br />

Your proposal has been given the following reference number:<br />

Proposal reference number: FP7- 235273<br />

Please make sure that you quote this reference number in all future correspondence related to this<br />

proposal. Also make sure that all of your partners are aware of this reference number.<br />

Your proposal will be checked for eligibility, including confirmation of the time and date of arrival. All eligible<br />

proposals will go forward for evaluation. Guidance on when the Commission will decide on successful proposals<br />

for funding can be found in the original call for proposals. You will be notified as soon as possible after this of<br />

whether your proposal has been successful or not.<br />

Disclaimer: Please note that this acknowledgement of receipt letter may in no way be taken to prejudge the<br />

Commission's check of eligibility criteria nor the outcome of the evaluation process related to this call for<br />

proposals.<br />

On behalf of the Commission, I would like to thank you for your interest in the 7th Framework Programme.<br />

Yours sincerely,<br />

Commission européenne, B-1049 Bruxelles / Europese Commissie, B-1049 Brussel - Belgium. Telephone: (32-2)299 11 11.<br />

Office: SDME 1/78. Telephone: direct line (32-2)2988020.<br />

Karim Berkouk

0<br />

“Symbols of their own genesis. Foundation of the Dynamics of Representation”<br />

And if someone truly spoke to children about numbers?…<br />

Marie Curie Actions<br />

People<br />

Intra-European European Fellowships for Career Development<br />

Call identifier FP7 FP7-PEOPLE-IEF-2008<br />

Proposal coordinator : Eduardo Caianiello (<strong>Eironeia</strong>, Italie)<br />

Scientist in charge : Jean Dhombres (Institut Alexandre Koyré, Paris)<br />

Host organisation : Ecole des hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris)

1<br />

Keywords<br />

Evolutionary theory of the Mind, Dynamics of Representation, Genesis of Symbol, Logicism,<br />

Genetic Epistemology, Boolean mind, A n =A , Hamiltonian Algebra as the Science of Pure Time,<br />

Wittgenstein’s Tautology and Linguistic game, Cantor’s Projection, Dedekind’s Gedankenwelt, School<br />

Phobia, Blocks in Learning, Headache, Literacy/Numeracy skills, Knowledge Society.<br />

Abstract<br />

The goal of the present project is to provide fundamental tools for a novel « powerfully<br />

explicative » learning theory, and it corresponds to the wish of Mr.H Koizumi: «the educational science is<br />

still at the Lynnaeus stage – it can draw a list of good examples to follow, classify and clarify effective<br />

pedagogical methods – and it is waiting for the Darwin who will provide it with a powerfully explicative<br />

learning theory», in such a way that my project has direct applications in Pedagogy, Pedagogy of science and<br />

educational politics on one hand and in Neurosciences and Psychiatry on the other.<br />

I) My thesis is that the dynamical analysis of the representational field from the inside<br />

of which we can observe the genesis of Mathematics, shows that A) «from without» a unitary subjective and<br />

evolutionary force is as much the root of the Gestaltic apparition of conventional symbols (a,b,c…1,2,3) to<br />

human consciousness, as all mathematical transformations human understanding will be able to generate<br />

thanks to these symbolic tools; B) «from within» the same laws which underlie the genesis and the symbolic<br />

development of Mathematics, are the genetic seed of the Mind itself; C) these laws are in fact the educational<br />

laws for school learning.<br />

This theory is a “transdisciplinary” enhancement of the Piagetian Genetic Epistemology. I provide a unitary<br />

dynamic/vectorial model of mental development which is more powerful and more coherent than Piaget’s<br />

S(A)R model. I do this using A) the Boolean notion of the «index law» A n ×A =A , that formally explains the<br />

Gestaltic transformation of the object A in the symbol “A” when a child learns to read at the end of the<br />

temporal process At1×At2×At3×…Atn = “A” ; B) the Wittgenstein’s dynamical notion of «tautology» as the<br />

dynamical field in which «bipolar functions with a sense» take form, inside of what I call the linguistic<br />

game of school.<br />

II) On this basis, I have already established a very efficient method of intervention in<br />

the didactical field for the Pedagogy of sciences, and in the educational/therapeutical field of<br />

mental/emotional obstacles for learning and for preventing headache.<br />

As a teacher, my problem was the following: are we able to really give pupils the «social<br />

maturity that allows them to distance themselves from social pressures» [OECD2000, DeSeCo - Definition<br />

and Selection of Competencies]. Through my experience, the answer I can give to this question is a definite<br />

no. In our age, all western boys and girls, men and women, rich and poor… are equal when faced with<br />

social pressure. We are all equally poor in Time, even if Europe tells us continuously that we are rich<br />

enough, and that the time is right to start thinking differently about human life, citizenship and «social<br />

cohesion» [Lisbon European Council 23 and 24 March 2000. Presidency Conclusions].<br />

Thus, something more radical has to be done: we must be able to scientifically show that this<br />

«distance from social pressure», which is fairly crucial for a real mental then social cohesion, lies at the core<br />

of every scientific truth as such. The age of science has lost the time of science, but time does not come to<br />

science from the outside. Time is, on the contrary, at the deep heart of every scientific truth, and time is<br />

essentially the time of genesis, during which the human mind must truly and gradually grow up, by acquiring<br />

patience, tolerance, wisdom, and the courage to exist.<br />

III) Finally, after 11 years of relentless research, my genetic theory of the mind, symbols<br />

and education is now a coherent and complete whole. It only needs to take on its exteriorized form, in<br />

order to give a public and rigorous systematization to my already effective practical methods, and the chance<br />

to be universally understood and applied. I therefore urge the European Union to provide me with the means<br />

to dedicate two years in which to funnel my energy into this final phase of exteriorization/systematization,<br />

and I have no doubt that the impact of my work will live up to my expectations.

2<br />


The “continuity hypothesis” of Jean Piaget, and its application. 5<br />

[A] An overview of the six steps of the “practical” period of an infant’s intelligence. 5<br />

[B] An overview on the “non-operational” and “verbal” period of an infant’s intelligence. 7<br />

FIRST ELEMENT - A more-than-Piagetian vector of human evolution 8<br />

SECOND ELEMENT – The gift of the synchretical world of mathematics. 11<br />

THIRD ELEMENT - From the crystallization/cohesion of A to the inter-action between A and A 11<br />

BACK TO SCHOOL. From the Piagetian A =A×B to the Boolean A×A =A 13<br />

to Dedekind/Wittgenstein’s “I am someone”. 13<br />

The “completeness” of my educational project. 14<br />

Educational and therapeutical consequences 15<br />



B3 - RESEARCHER 18<br />

Philosopher and official delegate of AIC (Italian Headache Association) 18<br />

Teacher of children suffering from school-phobias and Kung Fu/Yoga researcher 19<br />

<strong>Eironeia</strong> 20<br />


B5 IMPACT 24<br />

B6. ETHICAL ISSUES. 25<br />

In the Age of Knowledge, in search of the lost Time of Science 25<br />

Dialogue between a teacher and a young European citizen 25<br />

Opportune igitur hodie mentem curis omnibus exsolvi, 26<br />

securum mihi otium procuravi… (Descartes - Meditatio Prima) 26<br />

Works Cited 27<br />

REFEREES – At the end of the document.

3<br />


Outline the research objectives against the background of the state of the art, and the results hoped for.<br />

Give a clear description of the state-of-the-art of the research topic.<br />

« Educational science is still at the Lynnaeus stage – she can draw a list of good examples<br />

to follow, classify and clarify effective pedagogical methods – and she is waiting for the Darwin who<br />

will provide her with a powerfully explicative learning theory. » [H.Koizumi- OCDE2002/207]<br />

The challenge of my research program Symbols of their own genesis… is to provide the<br />

fundamental tools for a new « powerfully explicative learning theory», having direct applications in the areas<br />

of pedagogy, pedagogy of science and educational politics on the one hand, and of neurosciences and<br />

psychiatry on the other. In fact, I am not as radical as M.H.Koizumi in what concerns the present<br />

epistemological condition of the science of education, but I am even more radical than him with regards to<br />

science education. This document will show the way in which the profound need for a renewed «preparation<br />

of the child for science» (according to Mary Boole Everest’s expression) has, during the last 8 years of my<br />

life, generated a new educational theory on human evolution in my Gedankenwelt.<br />

Actually, in the field of educational science we do not merely have «lists of good examples» at our<br />

disposal, because during the XX th Century an unitary dynamical/evolutionary model of the human mind has<br />

been thought up and realized by Jean Piaget. Rigorously speaking then, my research program is the<br />

Piagetian program of an educational theory capable of linking together all the stages of the cognitive<br />

development of man. I am stimulated by the same goal of completeness that has been the highest but most<br />

inaccessible peak that the great project of logicism – the philosophical and scientifical root of Piagetian<br />

epistemology – has had the courage to conceive.<br />

Now concerning the epistemological weakness of Piagetian logicism, there is nothing better than<br />

the words of M.Grattan-Guinnes to describe the “state of the art” of its educational consequences:<br />

Educational aspects [of Logicism], especially Piaget. - The Swiss educational psychologist<br />

Jean Piaget (1896-1982) came eventually to the borders of logicism […] The influence of Principia<br />

Mathématica came through Piaget's belief that rationality resembles mathematical reasoning, which in turn<br />

was captured by (mathematical) logic. But such a position is hardly credible, especially for the creative<br />

sides of mathematics itself. Later his work played a role in the 'new mathematics' educational idiocy of<br />

the 1960s onwards. Around that time (1973) Quine told me that when he had heard that set theory was being<br />

used in mathematical education, he had thought that he was being told a joke. […]<br />

As with all philosophical schools, logicism paid no attention within arithmetic to 'goes-into'<br />

integers. They arise in contexts such as the Euclidean algorithm: for example, 7 goes into 23 thrice, with 2<br />

over. Words like 'thrice' show that a special vocabulary applies to these integers, which are neither<br />

cardinals nor ordinals; and the mention of Euclid shows that their history is long. Yet they usually escape<br />

the attention of mathematicians and philosophers — and, despite their heuristic utility, educators also.<br />

[I.G.Guinnes]<br />

A personal remark made by a child «prepared for science» by this educational program.<br />

I am 40 years old, and I have been submerged by the wave of “modern mathematics”. I didn’t<br />

understand “modern” mathematics – it is impossible to really understand it: no child has understood it – but<br />

I loved mathematics so much, and up till now, my entire life has been spent on building up a new kind of<br />

transmission of scientific knowledge to new generations.<br />

As we shall see, I fully agree with Grattan-Guinnes on the question of the «creative side of<br />

mathematics» and on the heuristic and educational weight of « these integers, which are neither cardinals nor<br />

ordinals». Notwithstanding, I pose the question: can we simply give up the Piagetian/logicist «great project»<br />

[C.Mangione]? Has the Europe of Knowledge the right to do so?<br />

In fact, according to Mr Guinnes, there is a close relationship between the «hard credibility» of<br />

the Piagetian position, and the inner educational gap of its logicist root, whereas concerning the logicist<br />

program as such, the scholar simply declares that we are in «another epoch»:

4<br />

Kurt Gödel, in his incompletability theorem of 1931 showed that the assumption of consistency and<br />

completeness intuitively made by Russell (and by most mathematicians and logicians of that time) could not be<br />

sustained in the form intended. No authoritative position either within or outside logicism emerged. After<br />

1931 many of the main questions had to be reframed, and another epoch began. [I.G.Guinnes]<br />

In my opinion, from an historical point of view, the epoch that began after 1931 was neither a<br />

«reframing» nor a really scientific epoch at all: it was essentially the age of preparation for the Second World<br />

War, during which (1936) Kurt Gödel’s teacher Moritz Schlick, was murdered by a proto-nazi: an event that<br />

engendered the first mental breakdown of Schlick’s pupil. En revanche, from a philosophical point of view,<br />

I think that the Piagetian position – that is to say, the logicist Weltanschauung in terms of the possible<br />

foundation of a fully rational life – must be trusted by any science that aims to grasp the roots of human<br />

evolution. Immanuel Kant would say that the logico/mathematical roots of our mental life must be thinkable:<br />

doch [sie] wenigstens müssen denken können [KrV, II° Preface]<br />

To summarise: the «state of the art” of my research-topic» is that<br />

(1) «Educational science is still at the Linneaus-stage» with the exception of the Piagetian<br />

equation S(A)R - Stimulus/Assimilation/Reponse – that is intended to give an unitary<br />

mathematical/dynamical model for all the evolutionary transformation in the universe. (2) Regarding the<br />

foundation of science «no authoritative position either within or outside logicism» has crowned the logicist<br />

research program. The Gödelian breakdown of any Russellian intuition of what comprises “completeness”<br />

has been the breakdown of any completeness ambition. (3) Science education is now escaping from the<br />

epoch of “modern mathemathics”, and a lot of international global drives such as EFA (UNESCO 2000)<br />

PISA/CERI (OECD 2000/2007) and UE (“Knowledge Society” Lisbon 2000) are in search of a new<br />

methodical approach to give 7 billion men/women a scientific education in harmony with our globalised<br />

planet.<br />

If relevant, provide information on interdisciplinary / multidisciplinary and/or inter-sectorial aspects of<br />

the proposal.<br />

My transdisciplinary “dimensional equation” and my “middle term”.<br />

Dynamics of Representation =<br />

[Cognitive psychology] × [Logic/Mathematics] × [Genetic Epistemology] × [Philosophy (of Mind)]<br />

I state that my theory is more powerful than Piagetian genetic epistemology, and that only a deep educational<br />

misunderstanding around man and child can generate the false idea of an impossible completeness of<br />

science, which was the core of the logicist project.<br />

Now to set down a new synthesis between the genetic/psychlogical perspective on the mind and<br />

and the logico/mathematical idea of the foundation of science, my research method must be rigorously<br />

transdisciplinary, in the sense that Koizumi contributes to this notion, and that OCDE fully adopts it:<br />

« The concepts of interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity are situated on a plane, a twodimensional<br />

space, but the concept of transdisciplinarity occupies a three-dimensional space ».<br />

This three-dimensional space is the fruit of a vectorial fusion between existing disciplines:<br />

«The classical Newton dynamics, for instance, were created by combining the concepts that<br />

explained the movement of astronomic objects and the falling on earth of an object, an apple according to the<br />

tradition ».<br />

In fact, such a new fusion needs to be realized by means of an old/new middle term acting as its<br />

catalyser, and such a catalyser is necessarily a very simple phenomenon, (the censer of Galileo, the apple of<br />

Newton…) whose appearance is imperative: it must have the strength of Galileo’s inclined plane, and an<br />

ability to pierce without hesitation an unexplored yet evident dimension of the world and of the disciplines to<br />

be fused.<br />

My research finds this transdiciplinary catalyser in a<br />

fact as evident as the apple of Newton: the birth of<br />

mathematical evidence in a child’s consciousness. On this<br />

basis, I arrive at a genetic theory of the conventional symbol

5<br />

(“A”) as the only possible horizon of the apparition of a categorical truth such as “A=A”. My<br />

“Newtonian/fusioning” theory is: “the same force reveals its action as the symbol A… [= the<br />

earthly/symbolic A-apple orbits the perceptive earth onto which it falls] and as the truth A=A [the<br />

celestial/categorical A=A-truth, falls down on the rational earth it orbits around].”<br />

In my PhD thesis – Le fait génétique des mathématiques et la puissance dynamique du mental<br />

humain – I claim that a mind does exist, that is: the birth of scientific evidence in the human consciousness<br />

is the cinematic phenomenon that results from the continuous and unitary application of a dynamical vector<br />

of projection (German «Projection» in the Cantorian/Wittgensteinian sense of the expression) that I call Yod<br />

(as an hommage to the Aleph of Georg Cantor), whereas the present project aims to develop the results of<br />

this first existential position, in the direction of a Galileian type of dynamics of representational<br />

transformations inside the vectorial space of Mind.<br />

Research methodology. For each objective explain the methodological approach that will be employed<br />

in the project and justify it in relation to the overall project objectives.<br />

The “continuity hypothesis” of Jean Piaget, and its application.<br />

L'activité fonctionnelle de la raison (l'ipse intellectus qui ne vient pas de l'expérience) est<br />

évidemment liée à l'«hérédité générale» de l'organisation vitale elle-même [...] Du simple réflexe à<br />

l'intelligence la plus systématique, un même fonctionnement nous paraît se prolonger au travers de tous<br />

les stades , établissant ainsi une continuité entière entre des structures de plus en plus complexes. [NI] si les<br />

structures dont use la pensée varient d'un stade à l'autre et, a fortiori, d'un systeme mental à un autre, la<br />

pensee demeure constamment identique à elle-même du point de vue fonctionnel.[CR]<br />

This is Piaget’s “continuity hypothesis”. Let us now consider the concrete action of this<br />

hypothesis in what concerns the first two steps of its application in Piaget’s research program: [(A)<br />

Naissance de l’Intelligence… - (B) Genèse du Nombre… ]<br />

[A] An overview of the six steps of the “practical” period of an infant’s intelligence.<br />

(In bold: the behavioral evidence from which the different phases of Piagetian observations begin).<br />

I. (BIRTH) SCREAMSTORM→CALMNESS - At birth, the infant explodes in an accelerative<br />

storm of screams, until a perfect calmness suddenly appears in the infant’s body/face when the desired<br />

situation (i.e. suckling) is reached. The logico/dynamic structure of this mechanism shows that an oriented<br />

totality of meaning is in action from the beginning of human life [«Simple Reflex» - «Dynamogenesis of the<br />

reflex-field»]<br />

II. SMILE and CONTEMPLATION - The global field of the reflex expands its perimeter «wave after<br />

wave» by always «incorporating» new objects, either by transforming them into signals of others objects that<br />

it finds inside of its action (the associationist mechanism of Signalwirkung is actually the result of an active<br />

intervention of the psychological subject as a whole on its practical world), or by contemplating them for the<br />

sake of contemplation (i.e the infant looks silently at something, for a long time) [«Primary Circular<br />

Reactions»].<br />

III. CONCENTRATED ATTENTION - The infant is clearly interested in the new unexpected<br />

phenomena of the world around it. The sensorial frameworks of perception and actions are stimulated by an<br />

autonomous force of expansion/incorporation, with the consequence that an «assimilation scheme» (i.e.<br />

vision) that naturally «tends to assimilate the entire [exterior] world around it» also assimilates other<br />

schemes (i.e. touch) that it finds within the interior world of the subject. [«Secondary Circular Reactions»].<br />

IV. EXPRESSED INTENTION - The infant clearly conceives a goal in its mind before acting on a<br />

perceived interesting reality. This phenomenon entails an enhancement of the reciprocal (=non objectual)<br />

interaction between assimilation schemes. A mental space first appears, where a sign exists before its object,<br />

and the presence of this new space allows a new internal mobility of mind. [«Coordination of Secondary<br />

Reactions» – First Representational Inversion: representation before action - Practical phase of the<br />

Concept.]<br />

V. ACTIVE EXPERIMENTATION – To achieve its intentional goal, the infant conceives new<br />

means that do not form part of the interesting situation to preserve/repeat. In the internal space of its mind –

6<br />

where it now combines purely semantical realities – it is able to transform an old goal (=a practical scheme<br />

of action as a whole) into new means, and vice-versa. The infant is then able to conceive a semantical system<br />

organized into a hierarchy in its mind: the mobility of the latter now becomes a practical reversibility<br />

[«Tertiary Circular Reactions» - Second Representational Inversion: goals become means submitted to other<br />

goals. Practical phase of Judgement ]<br />

VI. MENTAL CREATION – The infant’s mind finally appears, as a space of a virtual action where<br />

new goals are continuously created by means of a mental combination power that uses its inner apparatus of<br />

purely semantic entities as a potentially infinite set of symbols that do not need to converge onto a concrete<br />

external action to be the elements of that inner effectual action that we call operation. [«Invention of New<br />

Means Through Mental Combination» - Third representational inversion: the possible before the real -<br />

Practical phase of Reasoning].<br />

The dynamic description of this progressive “biological” endogeneration of new schemes from step I<br />

to step VI is:<br />

Chaque schème, en tant que totalité, est gros d'une série de schèmes virtuellement contenus en lui,<br />

toute totalité organisée étant ainsi, non pas composée de totalités d'échelle inférieure, mais source<br />

possible de telles formations [NI].<br />

I state that a « possible source» is a metaphysical/modal error. A seed is not a “possible source<br />

of a formed plant”: it is, on the contrary, the real and actual source of a possible plant, so as soon as the<br />

plant is born, its root are the real and actual source of this real and actual plant, of which this root is a part<br />

of. Similarly, in the vectorial modelization of a given accelerated movement happening in t=1 and<br />

beginning from quietness, the first = 1° instant of this given movement, in which v=0, is not the condition of<br />

“possible movement”, but a real and actual movement, which is a part of this real and actual given<br />

movement = 1.<br />

The Cantor/Dedekind [=sets/class theory] model of the same process is:<br />

Grâce à la complication progressive des schèmes, l’enfant renouvèle sans cesse ses actes par assimilation<br />

reproductrice et généralisatrice, et il dépasse le simple exercice réflexe pour découvrir la réaction<br />

circulaire et constituer ainsi ses premières habitudes. Un tel processus est évidemment susceptible<br />

d'extension illimitée. Après l'avoir appliqué à son propre corps , le sujet l'utilisera tôt ou tard pour<br />

s'adapter aux phénomènes imprévus du monde extérieur, d'où les conduites d'exploration,<br />

d'expérimentation, etc.[NI]<br />

Here it is quite evident that the strictly set theory notion of Abbildung≡application orients the<br />

Piagetian modelization of the behavior of a 1-2 year-old child which is certainly not yet “unlimited” . I say<br />

then that the only possible “unlimited” human behavior is the symbolically unlimited mathematical<br />

management of symbols: Piaget is here projecting on a child’s mind/body whose “mathematical movement”<br />

is = 0, the formally unlimited space of possibilities that will appear during his adult mathematical life. Now<br />

when the psychologist studies the birth of mathematics in a human mind, he cannot avoid this projection:<br />

and here I am only stressing that this is a vectorial projection from an after to a before. On the basis of the<br />

Piagetian continuity hypothesis we must then say that the suckling activity of a child that will become a<br />

mathematician is an actual and real “mathematical movement” whose velocity is=0, and that it is the actual<br />

and real source (seed/root) of the future mathematician.<br />

According to Piaget [EG], the functional expression of this unitary and global inner isomorphism of<br />

[not only] human life is the formula «S(A)R» where S=stimulus, R=response and A=assimilation, that is the<br />

«fundamental [incorporating] operation»[NI], common to all forms of life in the universe, in their<br />

evolutionary interaction with the world around them. I stress in this case that Piaget calls this primary<br />

cosmological fact a «fundamental operation», whereas in the Piagetian formal system S(A)R it is not an<br />

operation but the symbolic model of all possible operations.<br />

As aforementioned, the primary observational evidence on which Piaget has based his<br />

developmental theory are Calmness - Contemplation - Attention - Intention - Experimentation -<br />

Creation. All the observations that Piaget makes on his children are secondary types of observational<br />

evidence, generated inside of this cardinal sequence of quite ordinary primary human evidence that is<br />

universally recognizable and accepted. Now Piaget’s “continuity hypothesis” is that «thought remains

constantly the same and identical to itself self from a functional point of view»: there is then no doubt that the<br />

sequence I.Calmness→VI.Creation<br />

→VI.Creation is the primary behavioral [= phenomenal] counterpart of the functional<br />

isomorphism of thought which for Piaget unif unifies the totality of the phenomena of [not only] human life. The<br />

behavioral calmness of an adult after an explosion of rage is then “functionally” the same calmness of an<br />

infant, and so is “contemplation”, “attention” etc. We must consequently affirm that the S(A)R<br />

contemplation of a 1 month old infant that observes an oscillating toy placed above its cradle, is the same<br />

S(A)R contemplation as that of Galileo Galilei when observing his famous us oscillating censer.<br />

Now within this functionally homogeneous horizon, the main concern of Piaget is to stress that at the<br />

end of every step of these 6 phases, the moment comes for the mental activity of the child «to grasp<br />

something on the exterior of its given field» [NI] at this very moment. Piaget asks then « «how can this<br />

cognitive enhancement be possible? possible?» and the answer to this how is his dynamical/set set theory theory/functionalist -<br />

in a word: structuralist - description of the internal mechanism of a psyc psychological hological empowerment, by which<br />

«the ego is delivered from itself»[CR]. self»[CR]. Finally then, there is no reason for the subject to go forth: the<br />

dynamical power of its self-improvement<br />

improvement on the occasion of experience, express a primary fact - the fact of<br />

life - and the sequence of structures described by Piaget is a pure cinematic juxtaposition of mathematical<br />

forms that reveal this transformational fact.<br />

[B] An overview on the “non “non-operational” and “verbal” period of an infant’s intelligence.<br />

(In what concerns the three steps of the notion of numbers and continuous/discrete quantities).<br />

VII. STABILITY and CERTAINTY about the non-conservation of numberss<br />

and physical quantity.<br />

(eventually, ASTONISHMENT before an unexpected result)<br />

SIM (5). «Il y a la même chose d'eau dans les<br />

verres [A1 et A2] n'est-ce ce pas? — Oui. «Regarde. Maintenant<br />

Madeleine eine verse le sirop rouge dans lle<br />

verre là (L1)— Il y a<br />

plus de rouge parce que c'est plus haut. — Il y a plus à boire,<br />

ou on dirait seulement? — Il y a plus à boire.<br />

BA (4,9) ne croit pas l’équivalence nécessaire<br />

lorsque l’on altère la disposition de l’une des collections qu’il<br />

vient de mettre en correspondance. Il suffit, par exemple, de<br />

coucher sur le grand côté [A] un rectangle de 12 jetons<br />

qu’il a construit en hauteur [L] pour qu’il ne le croie plus<br />

équivalent au modèle (dressé)<br />

7<br />

ZU (4) « Est-ce ce qu'il y a assez d'œufs pour ces<br />

coquetiers? — Oui. - Mets-les les toi toi-même, pour voir. — (Il les met et paraît très surpris qu'il en manque.)<br />

VIII. INSTABILITY and OSCILLATION around the non-conservation conservation of number numbers and<br />

continuous/discrete quantities<br />

EDI (5) « Tu dois prendre autant de sirop ici (L) qu’il y en a là (A). — (II verse la même hauteur.)<br />

— C’est la même chose à boire? — Edi: [6] Oui. — Tout à fait? — Non. — Pourquoi pas? — Ça (A)<br />

c’est un plus gros verre. — Qu’est Qu’est-ce qu’il faut faire pour avoir la même chose? — Rajouter (il remplit L).<br />

— C’est juste? — Non. —Qui Qui en a plus? — Moi (il enlève le surplus). … Non, c’est la maman qui a plus<br />

(A). — (Il rajoute, joute, enlève à nouveau, etc., sans parvenir à se satisfaire.)<br />

IX. STABILITY and A PRIORI CERTAINTY about the conservation of numbers and physical<br />

quantity. The child «n’a n’a plus à réfléchir pour s’assurer de la conservation des quantités totales: il en est<br />

certain a priori. »<br />

LIN (6) constate l’égalité de AA1<br />

et A2. « Si je verse (A1) en (L)? — Ce sera toujours la même<br />

chose. — Et si je verse (L) en (G) ? — Encore la même chose. Vraiment? — Bien sûr, parce qu’ici, dans le<br />

petit (= le mince = L), il y a plus<br />

The primary observational evidence upon which Piaget bases his theory of the genesis of<br />

numbers/physical quantity, is this triadic sequence i.Certainty-Astonishment → ii.Doubt ii.Doubt-Oscillation→<br />

iii.A priori certainty. . Inside this continuous cognitive triplet, the main concern of Piaget is (as in the case<br />

of the six steps of practical intelligence) to stress the necessary active existence of an under underlying subjective<br />

structure that only can explain a sequence of transformation that is:

1) Perfectly unnecessary (=simply factual) at step i→ii (perceptive certainty of non--conservation)<br />

C’est ’est une question de jugement et non point de perception que nous cherchons à résoudre. Notre<br />

problème n’est pas de découvrir pourquoi cette perception est trompeuse, mais pourquoi les sujets d’un<br />

certain niveau se fient à elle sans plus, tandis que d’autres la corrigent et la complètent par l’intelligence<br />

[GN]<br />

2) Totally unaware of its own genesis at the step ii→ iii (a priori certainty of conservation)<br />

Or, au moment où l’enfant découvre cette invariance, il l’affirme comme une chose si simple et si<br />

évidente qu’elle parait indépendante de toute multiplication des relations […] Il y aurait ainsi conservation par<br />

simple identification logique, sans interven intervention d’aucune mathématique. A une telle simplification du<br />

processus génétique on sera toujours en droit d’opposer, no nous semble-t-il, il, la question sui suivante qui resterait<br />

alors sans solution: pourquoi faut faut-il que l’enfant parvienne au troisième stade pour déc découvrir cette<br />

identification?[GN]<br />

Here I say that :<br />

As in the case of the transitions I→VI, Piaget does not give a causal answer<br />

concerning the transition VII→VIII VIII→IX.<br />

1. “Why does the human uman mind break the ccircle<br />

of perceptive and «synchretical» certainty of the first<br />

childhood to go towards the age of doubt?”. The Piagetian way of answering this question is<br />

cinematical one: this fact (the fact of mental life) reveals the birth of a multiplicative=mathematical structure<br />

within human cognition, whose «solidified» or «crystallized» symbolic form is<br />

[GN], and in order to reach this mathematical «power of equalisation» the child must pass through a<br />

transitional phase (phase II) of doubt and oscillation.<br />

2. “Why [we claim that] is the a priori certainty of numerical conservation not a simple and ungenerated<br />

item of «logical identification»”? The Piagetian way of answering this question is: because for<br />

there is no obvious identity at all. Then the numerical/quantitative identity A×L=L×A<br />

genetic process whose cinematical inner structure is that of a decrystallisation→<br />

perceptive/synchretical certainty «ܣ ↑ ℎ ௟<br />

← ܮ ≠ ܣ ௚<br />

causal answer to his double «why?»<br />

«synchretical» certainty of the first<br />

this question is again only a<br />

(the fact of mental life) reveals the birth of a multiplicative=mathematical structure<br />

« ܣ ↑ ℎ<br />

↔ ܮ » … to the a priori certainty «<br />

௟<br />

← ܮ = ܣ ௚<br />

↔ ܮ »<br />

«power of equalisation» the child must pass through a<br />

[we claim that] is the a priori certainty of numerical conservation not a simple and ungenerated<br />

item of «logical identification»”? The Piagetian way of answering this question is: because for Zu and Edi<br />

A×L=L×A is the result of a<br />

→crystallisation from the<br />

« ܣ ↑ ℎ ௟<br />

← ܮ = ܣ ௚<br />

↔ ܮ ».<br />

௚<br />

FIRST ELEMENT - A more-than-Piagetian Piagetian vector of human evolution<br />

Now I claim that the cinematical evolutionary transition {ܣ ↑ ℎ ௟ ௚<br />

← ܮ ≠ ܣ ↔ ܮ}→{ܣ ↑ ℎ ௟<br />

← ܮ = ܣ<br />

↔ ܮ} – that has not been questioned by anybody in the present or previous scientific community – has the<br />

dynamical identity of a vector, , and this is the first element at the core of my project. The path of human<br />

evolution that leads from the stabilisation stabilisation-event accelerative screamstorm→calmness calmness (step 0/I) to the<br />

stabilisation-event oscillating-uncer uncertainty→a priori-certainty (step VIII/IX) ) has the dynamical/vectorial<br />

identity of a force, , and the metaphysical status of an unnecessary fact.<br />

௚<br />

Let us consider the universal form of mental evolution {ܣ ↑ ℎ ௟ ௚<br />

← ܮ ≠ ܣ ↔ ܮ}→{ܣ ↑ ℎ ௟<br />

← ܮ = ܣ<br />

↔ ܮ} in Piaget’s perspective on the history of science:<br />

« Toute connaissance, qu’elle soit d’ordre scientifique ou relève du simple sens commun, suppose<br />

un système, explicite ou implicite, de principes de conservation. Dans le do domaine maine des sciences expérimentales,<br />

il n’est pas besoin de rappeler comment l’introduction de la conservation du mouvement rectiligne et<br />

uniforme (principe d’inertie) a rendu possible le développement de la physique moderne, ni comment le<br />

postulat de la conservation du poids a permis à Lavoisier d’opposer une chimie rationnelle à l’alchimie<br />

qualitative.»[GN]<br />

Now Lavoisier’s intervention in the human world of the XVIII<br />

the transition from the non-conserva<br />

conservative/rational world of Lin:<br />

th Century was as unnecessary as<br />

conservative/synchretical world of Sim to the<br />

« Sans doute, si l’on érige en principe la possibilité pour un liquide de se<br />

dilater ou de se concentrer sans permanence aucune, il n’y a là [SIM] aucune<br />

contradiction » [GN].<br />

Here on the right a steam engine can be seen, which perfectly<br />

realizes Lavoisier’s ier’s postulate of conservation, while perceptively confirming<br />


Sim’s certainty of non-conservation<br />

conservation.<br />

Let us say that Sim’s recipient A is water tank A<br />

(where L1 is evidently > L). According to Sim’s expression, «<br />

A1 to boiler L1, but because of a « non<br />

Lavoisier’s principle of conservation has thus been thought of within a perfectly non<br />

where no man or child has any kind of problem when confronted with the evident and universal fact of<br />

conservation.<br />

I claim then that the classic Pia<br />

biological and mental evolution is<br />

Galileian postulate of a «conservation principle» within cognitive sciences [in GN]<br />

recognize what the Mechanics of the XVII<br />

dynamics = the mathematical presence of a force inside the new experimental (Galileian/Newtonian)<br />

evidence. Similarly, on the experimental, mathematical and cinematic basis of Sim’s/Lavoisier’s unnecessar<br />

sequence {ܣ ↑ ℎ ௟<br />

← ܮ ≠ ܣ ௚<br />

↔ ܮ}→{ܣ<br />

of his «mathematics» as an active, spontaneous<br />

Finally, when we consider the<br />

from the beginning, and we cannot avoid grasping the phenomena that we meet inside this observational<br />

perimeter with mathematical tools<br />

mathematizing activity. In the present case, the cinemati<br />

screamstorm→calmness→perceptive certainty {<br />

certainty {࡭ ↑ ࢎ ࢒<br />

← ࡸ = ࡭ ࢍ<br />

Let us say that Sim’s recipient A is water tank A1, while Lavoisier’s recipient L is the boil<br />

). According to Sim’s expression, « the same thing of water» passes to t<br />

non-contradictory » dilatation, in t2 there is «more red» in L<br />

isier’s principle of conservation has thus been thought of within a perfectly non<br />

where no man or child has any kind of problem when confronted with the evident and universal fact of<br />

I claim then that the classic Piagetian opposition to any idea of a «force of organisation» underlying<br />

biological and mental evolution is nothing more than an ideological and cultural attitude<br />

Galileian postulate of a «conservation principle» within cognitive sciences [in GN]<br />

recognize what the Mechanics of the XVII<br />

↔ ࡸ } is<br />

applied by the projection-subject Yod<br />

th Century had already called the “mathematical forces” of new<br />

dynamics = the mathematical presence of a force inside the new experimental (Galileian/Newtonian)<br />

evidence. Similarly, on the experimental, mathematical and cinematic basis of Sim’s/Lavoisier’s unnecessar<br />

ܣ ↑ ℎ ௟<br />

← ܮ = ܣ ௚<br />

↔ ܮ} Piaget should have recognized the genetic presence<br />

of his «mathematics» as an active, spontaneous mental force.<br />

Finally, when we consider the birth of mathematical thinking, we are inside<br />

, and we cannot avoid grasping the phenomena that we meet inside this observational<br />

mathematical tools. Mathematics obliges us to mathematize the beginning of our<br />

mathematizing activity. In the present case, the cinemati<br />

perceptive certainty {࡭ ↑ ࢎ ࢒<br />

← ࡸ ≠ ࡭ ࢍ<br />

recipient L is the boiler L1<br />

the same thing of water» passes to t1 from tank<br />

there is «more red» in L1 than in A1.<br />

isier’s principle of conservation has thus been thought of within a perfectly non-contradictory world,<br />

where no man or child has any kind of problem when confronted with the evident and universal fact of nongetian<br />

opposition to any idea of a «force of organisation» underlying<br />

cultural attitude, whereas his<br />

formally obliged him to<br />

had already called the “mathematical forces” of new<br />

dynamics = the mathematical presence of a force inside the new experimental (Galileian/Newtonian)<br />

evidence. Similarly, on the experimental, mathematical and cinematic basis of Sim’s/Lavoisier’s unnecessary<br />

Piaget should have recognized the genetic presence<br />

inside mathematical thinking<br />

, and we cannot avoid grasping the phenomena that we meet inside this observational<br />

to mathematize the beginning of our<br />

mathematizing activity. In the present case, the cinematic transformation<br />

↔ ࡸ} → oscillating doubt → a priori<br />

– mathematically speaking – a vector, , that I call the projection vector,<br />

Yod.<br />

Let uss now look at the heuristical power of this new tool.<br />

From childhood to adulthood. From the oscillating Edi to the oscillating Sagredo.<br />

Sagredo is Salviati’s friend/pupil in Galilei’s Dialogues on two world systems, where he represents the<br />

transition (=decrystallization/crystallization) phase between the old “qualitative” (=synchretical/perceptive)<br />

Simplicio physics and the new mathematichal (=operational/reversible) Salviati dynamics.<br />

SALVIATI - Will you now conf confess that the impetus of that<br />

which descends by plain CA, having arrived at point A, may be equal to the<br />

impetus acquired by the other in point B, after the descent by the<br />

perpendicular CB? SAGREDO SAGREDO. I resolutely believe so:[…] SALVIATI .<br />

But on the inclining ng plane CA it would descend, but with a gentler motion<br />

than by the perpendicular CB? SSAGREDO.<br />

I may confidently answer in<br />

the affirmative, … yet nevertheless, vertheless, if this is so, how can the cadent by<br />

the inclination after reaching point A, have as much impetus, that is, the<br />

same degree of velocity, that the cadent by the perpendicular shall have in<br />

point B? These hese two Propositions seem contradictory<br />

contradictory…<br />

Here the Piagetian isomorphism childhood → adulthood is formally evident: the transition from<br />

the oscillating mental condition of Sagredo to the crystallized condition of Salviati’s mind is rigorously<br />

expressed by the same Edi→Lin formula formula: {ۯ ↑ ܐ ܔ<br />

← ۺ ≠ ۯ ܏<br />

↔ ۺ}→ {ۯ ↑ ܐ ܔ<br />

evident: the transition from<br />

the oscillating mental condition of Sagredo to the crystallized condition of Salviati’s mind is rigorously<br />

܏<br />

← ۺ = ۯ ↔ ۺ }.<br />

Furthermore, the doubt that Sagredo had concerns the same geometrical transformation as the<br />

doubt that Edi had. It is then a case of Piagetian «decalage»: from the perceptive oscillation of Edi to the<br />

projective condition of Sagredo. Now we can easily say that the difficulty concerning this geometrical<br />

transformation concerns all the ages and objects of our cognition (see the coins of BA here above):<br />

JACQUELINE, , à 1; 3 (12), est<br />

assise dans son parc, c'est-à-dire<br />

dans une<br />

enceinte carrée dont les quatre côtés sont formés<br />

de barreaux verticaux reliés en leur base et en<br />

leur sommet par une barre horizontale. Les<br />


10<br />

barreaux sont distants de 6 cm. Je place en dehors du parc, et parallèlement au côté devant lequel se trouve<br />

Jacqueline, un bâton de 20 em. occupant ainsi la longueur dde<br />

e 3 intervalles environ entre les barreaux. Nous<br />

appellerons ces trois intervalles a, b et c, l'intervalle b correspondant donc à la partie médiane du bâton et les<br />

intervalles a et c aux parties extrêmes. Le problème est de faire passer ce bâton de l'extér l'extérieur à l'Intérieur<br />

du parc. Le bâton est posé à terre parallèlement au côté du cadre en face duquel Jacqueline est assise. Dix<br />

essais lui ont suffi pour résoudre le problème . Jacqueline saisit le bâton en B. Elle le lève horizontalement et<br />

l'applique ainsi [۴ሬ⃗] ૚ contre les barreaux barreaux. Elle tire de toutes ses forces [۴ሬ⃗] ૛ puis le déplace sans système, le<br />

relève et le passe tout à coup par hasard [۴ሬ⃗] ૜ sans avoir compris comment. Elle prend cette fois le bâton en A,<br />

l'applique horizontalement contre les barreaux et tire tant qu'elle peut [۴ሬ⃗] ૛].<br />

Elle le redresse ensuite<br />

systématiquement, mais le bâton, touchant le sol par son extrémité inférieure, demeure oblique. Elle tire à<br />

nouveau très fort [۴ሬ⃗], ૛ , puis renonce. Elle commence encore par tirer horizontalem<br />

horizontalement, puis le relève, tire<br />

à nouveau et enfin l'incline de manière à le passer correctement. Elle l'a saisi ces deux fois en B. Jacqueline<br />

saisit le bâton en C, le tire horizontalement puis le relève. Mais elle le redresse tant qu'il dépasse le cadre par<br />

en haut et reste accroché par le bas. Elle le secoue alors et finit par le<br />

passer par hasard.<br />

Itt is clear from Jaqueline’s example that the continuous<br />

application of the same force [۴ ሬ ૚ି૛૛ሬ⃗]<br />

should have been sufficient for the<br />

infant to find the “way out” (as in the purely mechanical engine here on the<br />

right), but this is not so: the infant is perfectly able to increase the<br />

“modulus” of its force (she «pulled with all her strength”), but she finds an<br />

essential difficulty in its re-orientation. orientation.<br />

Finally, we are discovering here an universal isomorphism between the perceptive and the<br />

projective difficulty in «equalizing» the ( (↔) horizontal (→) and vertical (↑) ) orientation of a given<br />

phenomenon.<br />

I claim that this isomorphism reveals to<br />

us the non-commutative commutative inner structure of our<br />

operational mental space, , that is shown by the non-<br />

commutative [= genetic because endowed with an<br />

absolute cognitive beginning ning] relationship between<br />

the projective space of trigonometry – where<br />

inside of the absolutely vertical rectangle L<br />

“there is a greater” angle angle-amplitude than in the<br />

horizontal rectangle A – and the perceptive space of euclidean geometry, , where RRL<br />

and RA are rigorously<br />

equivalent, and that we must necessarily grasp before their [= ITS!] ] rotation can make the sinus/cosinus<br />

relationship appear before our projective/[tauto<br />

projective/[tauto-]logical imagination.<br />

I am thus claiming that the trigonometrical way to look at euclidean angles is the final<br />

reapparition – at the projective level, with a « décalage» – of the child’s vision of the absolute and<br />

«synchretic» orientation of its perceptual uni-verse.<br />

From adulthood to childhood. From the mathematical certainty of the adult Georg Cantor (or<br />

Galilei) to the synchretical certainty of the little Zu:<br />

This image is evidence of another formally perfect isomorphism between the perceptive condition<br />

of a child that verbally organizes a «synchretical» set of things by saying that there is the same number of<br />

eggs and egg-cups and the projective condition of an adult that symbolically organizes an unlimited set of<br />

symbols, by saying that there is the same number of natural numbers and odd numbers. [My objection to<br />

the objection of Bever/Dehaene & CC.<br />

. to the sense and truthfulness of this Piagetian experience is that the<br />

infant’s practical choice of 7 bonbons (between 7 and 4) is not the he purely perceptual /verbal grasp of 7 and 4<br />

objects: we do not eat perceptions or symbols). ]

11<br />

SECOND ELEMENT – The gift of the synchretical world of mathematics.<br />

Now this rather Piagetian isomorphism is at the same time my first perfectly anti anti-Piagetian (or<br />

more-than-Piagetian) Piagetian) isomorphism, that I discovered on the basis of my vector of the cognitive Yod-<br />

continuity.<br />

Piaget did not comment on this fundamental «décalage» that leads us in perfect continuity from the<br />

perceptive synchretical world of childhood ( (-) to the projective mathematical world of adult adulthood (-) by<br />

passing through the transitional phase of an ordinary operational mind, that, as it is able to grasp ordinary<br />

and symbolic evidence (+), is totally unmindful of its genesis and totally unaware of its scientific destination.<br />

And this is the second element at the core of my project.<br />

… And this is finally my more more-than-Piagetian Piagetian representation of the cognitive vector of mental<br />

evolution: (I) ZU: age of synchretical/magical evidenc evidence; (II-III) III) LIN/Simplicio: age of<br />

ordinary/unmindful/dogmatic evidence; (IV) Galilei/Cantor: age of critical/mathematical and magical<br />

evidence.<br />

The strictly unnecessary character of this progression of steps, shows that the cibernetical idea of<br />

feed-back and homeostatical equilibrium [Piaget MG] is incorrect: the human mind goes forth, and the only<br />

inner equilibrium that it regognizes and accepts is its continuous and irreversible activity of creation. The<br />

birth of science is the first irreversible beginning of an operation that is always reversible = freedom of<br />

science is a gift that noone can take away from man man. We must have a formal and epistemological tool to<br />

think of this kind of dynamical synthesis (irreversible beginning × rreversible<br />

eversible operation = definitive gift), and<br />

my entire project aims to construct this new tool, to pass it on to new generations.<br />

The symbols + and – mean the opposite cognitive polarity of the different phases of this global<br />

transformation, from the synchretical retical and for us unbelievable and marvellous (–) certainty of children, to the<br />

mathematical and for us unbelievable believable and mmarvellous<br />

(–) certainty of all the great thinkers that created that<br />

unnecessary and impossible object that we call science.<br />

THIRD ELEMENT - From the crystallization/cohesion of A to the inter inter-action action between A and A<br />

Where do symbols come into all of this? Let us go back to step VIII→IX (from the doubt that Edi<br />

had to the certainty of Lin). I said that this is a transition to a totally unmindful condition: the condition (+)<br />

of the age of «concrete operations» when the child reaches, at the same time, an a priori certainty about<br />

perceptive transformations of thingss<br />

around him, and an a priori certainty about a new kind of thing: these<br />

graphical thingss that we call “letters” and “numbers” “numbers”, , that can now reveal to his consciousness the<br />

phenomenon (+) of mathematical evidence 7=7≠4. What is evidently unmindful in this phenomenon? The<br />

Gestaltic estaltic impossibility to perceive these graphical objects as something other than letters and numbers. So<br />

as no man can go back with his memory to the age in which his mother spoke to him in a language that<br />

wasn’t yet his “mother-tongue”, tongue”, no man can go ba back ck with his perception to the moment in which the<br />

sensorial presence of 7 was not yet the immediate perception of the number seven.<br />

Now I claim that the irreversibility of this perceptual evidence (that obliges us to read A when we<br />

perceive A) is the signn that the force that engenders this gestaltic crystallization leading to the final internal<br />

cohesion of A, , is the same force that underlies the event of that interaction between A and A that we<br />

perceive as the symbolic evidence A=A A=A.. This is the third element at the core of my project.<br />

I will now present two lines of evidence to support this affirmation “ “the the same force reveals its action<br />

as symbol A and truth A=A”.

12<br />

If the force of mathematical evidence has a negative polarity, then only symbols can express it.<br />

From 0 to 1, if the force of the evidence of {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}≠{1,3,5,7 } is =1, then either the<br />

Galileian/Cantorian expression {1,2,3,4,5,6,7…}={1,3,5,7 …} is necessarily false = impossible = a simple<br />

mistake, or the evidence of its truth is –1. Now this kind of negative evidence (such as x 0 =1, that is the<br />

fundamental chassis of mathematics) can exist only inside the world of purely symbolical entities. I claim<br />

then that the negative polarity of mathematical evidence is the immediate manifestation of an essential<br />

propriety of symbols.<br />

If the force of mathematical evidence is not hypothetical but categorical, then it is strictly<br />

representational = symbolical (only symbols can represent an «impossible outcome»)<br />

The a priori certainty that 7=7≠4 is not the same as the a priori certainty that Lin showed in terms of<br />

the same volumes of liquid in the large and long vase having to be equal, because the modality of these two<br />

certainties is quite the opposite. No child and no man will ever be astonished – not even for an instant – by<br />

the expression 2+2=7, because this is nothing more than a mistake. This means that 7≠4 is a categorical truth<br />

that only symbols can reveal. On the contrary, we can create astonishment and amusement (= the<br />

Piaget’s/Claparede’s «prise de conscience») in a 7 year-old child like LIN, by organizing a magic show in<br />

which the quantity of the liquid changes when we transfer it from the large vase to the long one. This modal<br />

transformation in a child’s experience of the world at the moment in which he grasps the symbolical<br />

evidence of mathematics for the first time, has not been stressed by Piaget or by the post-Piagetian research<br />

on an infant’s grasp of “numerosity”. (See my [IPM])<br />

Infants could clearly see the nature of the arithmetical operation being performed, but could not<br />

see the result of the operation. Infants look at unexpected events longer [the “impossible outcome” 1+1] than<br />

they do expected ones… […] (Winn)<br />

Now here «1+1» means «a single item was shown… a second identical item was brought in the<br />

display area », while «1+1=1» means «after the above sequence of events was concluded, the screen was<br />

rotated downwards to reveal 1 item in the display case » [Winn] . It is then incorrect to say that in this way<br />

the infant can clearly see « the nature of the arithmetical operation», because this series of events is not the<br />

arithmetical operation 1+1=x, or 1×2=x : it is just the description of a 3-step experience, realized by means of<br />

1 puppet, 1 other puppet, 1 display case and 1 screen… The mathematical evidence is neither the simple<br />

numerosity of post-Piagetian psychology, nor the numerical quantity of Piaget, nor this hypothetical evidence<br />

that makes an «occlusion event» the occasion of astonishment () and then of science. In contrast<br />

to the simple quantity/numerosity “2” of a given set of items, the result 2 of 1+1 is perceived as<br />

mathematical evidence only when the object/result 1 is pre-judged as impossible, that is, crossed out as an<br />

error.<br />

In summary: in the way that only symbols can reveal to the human mind an «unlimited number of<br />

possibilities», similarly, only symbols can really represent an « impossible outcome». Reciprocally, things<br />

can only be real-and-then astonishing, but never impossible. I claim that the categorical aspect of<br />

mathematical evidence is the immediate manifestation of an essential propriety of symbols.<br />

Nevertheless, this modal aspect of a symbol is a strictly dynamic one. It is just this apparition of<br />

the categorical evidence of symbols that allows the final transition to science just by making ... the<br />

impossble happen, because only the same symbol that forbids 7 to be = 4 can allow the human mind to<br />

penetrate a very astonishing world of things where Part 1,3,5,7… can be equal to the Whole 1,2,3,4,5,6,7…<br />

Also in this case we have an internally homogeneous sequence of astonishment1 (Winn’s infants) →<br />

astonishment2 (ZU and his Cantorian egg-cups) → astonishment3 (Lin and our magic trick) →<br />

astonishment4 (Cantor and his «I see it, but I don’t believe it»). It is then evident that this vectorial sequence<br />

represents a purely representationl trip inside the human mind, that incessantly trasforms and enhances<br />

its vision of what is possile, real, and impossible. The dynamical field in which man realizes this transmodal<br />

navigation is the vectorial space of Mind: the land of my Dynamics of Representation.<br />



13<br />

First Element – I. Formally: a vector - The unity of the two parts of Piaget’s equalization<br />

formula {ۯ ↑ ܐ ܔ<br />

← ۺ ≠ ۯ ܏<br />

↔ ۺ}→{ۯ ↑ ܐ ܔ<br />

← ۺ = ۯ ܏<br />

↔ ۺ} is formally a vector. (It could express for example the<br />

condensation inside a gas nebula of a solid body that at a given moment begins to turn around itself by<br />

preserving its rotational mass, or “moment”. This metaphore of «solidification» is incessantly used by<br />

Piaget). II. Metaphysically: an active transformational factor. - As Piaget incessantly stresses, nothing<br />

obliges our mind to «solidify» itself around a conservation principle. Then, the simple Principle of Sufficient<br />

Reason obliges us to recognize the intervention of an active factor of transformation from within our mental<br />

apparatus.<br />

Second Element – Trigonometrically: a period - A force as we know and conceive it, must be<br />

1) unitary and continuous; 2) submitted to a cyclic = trigonometric law of internal periodicity: minimum<br />

0°, maximum 90°, minimum 180°. All the forces that we recognise in the Cosmos are submitted to this kind<br />

of internal transformation, and for this reason the dynamical space of vectors is not an isotropic space. Now<br />

this kind of periodicity is a main feature of Piagetian décalages as I have shown.<br />

Third Element – Structurally: bi-polar - A force as we know and conceive it is necessarily a<br />

bipolar reality. Now {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}≠{1,3,5,7 } is an orientative evidence = 1, and this means that 2+2=7 is<br />

impossible but necessarily is. I say then that the evidence of 2+2=7 is = 0, as in the case of velocity =0, must<br />

be something if a uniformly accelerated movement exists. On the other hand, this evidence=0 of the<br />

mathematically impossible 4=7 is the internal limit that separates the two opposite lines of evidence<br />

{1,2,3,4,5,6,7}≠{1,3,5,7} and {1,2,3,4,5,6,7...}={1,3,5,7 ...}. I say then that the evidence of<br />

{1,2,3,4,5,6,7...}={1,3,5,7 ...} = – 1<br />

BACK TO SCHOOL. From the Piagetian A =A×B to the Boolean A×A =A<br />

to Dedekind/Wittgenstein’s “I am someone”.<br />

I have claimed that the mental force that engenders the internal cohesion of A is the same force that<br />

underlies the event of the interaction between A and A, that we perceive as the symbolical evidence A=A.<br />

Now to grasp the dynamical laws that underly this force, the Piagetian vision of the mathematical<br />

structure of the mind is too weak. Piaget makes use of the commutative algebra of groups, in which the<br />

ultimate analytical object is the monomial multiplication A×B (=B×A) that in Piaget’s perspective represents<br />

the internal structure of any conceivable name such as “A” or “B”. Now we are asking how can the graphical<br />

object A become a symbol capable of revealing the logical, strictly symbolical evidence A=A? From the<br />

Piagetian point of view, we should then write (A×A) ↔ (A=A) that is A×A=A, which is the Boolean logical<br />

«special [index ] law » A 2 =A.<br />

Let us imagine that the logical Boolean operation of «election» occurring in time (as Boole [ILT]<br />

and W.R.Hamilton have done). During this time, it occurs that a child learns to read the perceptual object<br />

(graphema) A as the symbolical object (letter) A, by perceivingA ௧భ (ೀಿ ಴ಶ) × A ௧మ (೅ೈ ಺಴ಶ) × A ௧య (೅ಹ ೃ಺಴ಶ) ×<br />

…. × A ௧೙ = "ۯ". Here it is quite evident that the temporal process that leads to the gestaltic apparition =<br />

election of A as a symbol (eventually stressed by W.Koeler in 1929) is constituted by n applications of the<br />

same child’s A-attention, that is A n =A. Now G.Boole explicitly did not focus his attention on this time of<br />

crystallisation of symbols (as I will do however) but he states very clearly that the «mental operation» of<br />

«attention» that leads to the «election» of A is not a «grouping operation».<br />

I. The symbols of Logic are subject to the special law, x 2 = x. Now of the symbols of Number there are<br />

but two, viz. 0 and 1, which are subject to the same formal law. We know that 0 2 = 0, and that 1 2 = 1; and the<br />

equation x 2 = x, considered as algebraic, has no other roots than 0 and 1.Hence, instead of determining the<br />

measure of formal agreement of the symbols of Logic with those of Number generally, it is more<br />

immediately suggested to us to compare them with symbols of quantity admitting only of the values 0 and 1.<br />

[G.Boole ILT] II. From the nature of the operation which the symbols x, y, z, are conceived to<br />

represent, we shall designate them as elective symbols. […] It will not be necessary that we should here<br />

enter into the analysis of that mental operation which we have represented by the elective symbol. It is not<br />

an act of Abstraction according to the common acceptation of that term, because we never lose sight of the<br />

concrete, but it may probably be referred to an exercise of the faculties of Comparison and Attention. Our<br />

present concern is rather with the laws of combination and of succession, by which its results are governed,<br />

and of these it will suffice to notice the following. 1st. The result of an act of election is independent of the<br />

grouping or classification of the subject....» [G.Boole MAL]

14<br />

Dynamics of Representation must essentially penetrate the mental space from which A appears as<br />

an «elective» symbol to the mind of a child that learns to read. Piaget has rejected the idea of a simple, nonmultiplicative<br />

«logical identification » because a purely ideological anti-Bergsonian attitude prohibited him<br />

to grasp the inner core of a dynamic = temporal, novel interpretation of logical identity [The laws of such an<br />

Algebra will be identical to the laws of an Algebra of Logic. The difference in interpretation alone will<br />

divide them.ILT)]. Boole’s mental operation of «election» is then the right answer to the Piagetian<br />

«fundamental operation of assimilation» S(A)R, because no «multiplicative» function of «assimilation» will<br />

ever be strong enough to justify the simple presence of the «elective symbols» S, R, A that make it up,<br />

whereas the Boolean mind is defined by its «index law»-prerogative «x n = x » that is like the [tauto-]logical<br />

Unity (in Boole’s system 1=Universe) of a pre-multiplicative base of all arithmetical multi-plications.<br />

As regards my vectorial model of cognitive progression, the author that provides me with the<br />

formal tools to face the question is Ludwig Wittgenstein:<br />

[TLP 6] If we are given the general form according to which propositions are constructed, then with it we<br />

are also given the general form according to which one proposition can be generated out of another by<br />

means of an operation. Therefore the general form of an operation is then [ xത ܰ(x) തതത ]’(ߟ̅) , which is the most<br />

general form of transition from one proposition to another. 6.02 And this is how we arrive at numbers. […].<br />

We write the seriesݔ, ߗ ᇱ ݔ, ߗ ᇱ ߗ ᇱ ݔ, ߗ ᇱ ߗ ᇱ ߗ ᇱ ݔ, …, in the following way: ߗ଴ᇲ ݔ, ߗ଴ାଵᇲ ߗ଴ାଵାଵᇲ ݔ,<br />

ߗ଴ାଵାଵାଵᇲ ݔ… And I give the following definitions : 0+1= 1 Def., 0+1+1 =2 Def, 0+1+1+1 =3 Def,(and so on).<br />

This model of a numerical progression of operations that is generated from within the inner<br />

cohesion of the proposition, comes to Wittgenstein from his idea of tautology as the dynamical field of the<br />

vectorial treatment of bi-polar «functions-with-a-sense»[NB]. For Wittgenstein, the time in which the<br />

Tatsache A×A=A happens as a determining «logical place» in the «logical space» of «my World», is the<br />

dynamical time of application of the same […] proposition [… : “this is A”. Now this<br />

proposition – that is the application of a child’s mental force on the perceptual object A (B, C…) – is<br />

necessarily a natural language proposition, that can be “Abgebildet” only within the «linguistic game» of<br />

School (in the sense of Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations): a language-game that can be played<br />

only with the free and active participation of a child that clearly understands what school is, and what<br />

learning to read is.<br />

These Boolean/Wittgensteinian<br />

tools will then allow me to overcome all the<br />

difficulties that can arise from my<br />

educational notion of the cognitive vector of<br />

evidence, whose structure is innerly<br />

articulated in the two Boolean dimensions<br />

«from within» [= underlying projection of Yod-dynamics] / «from without» [=phenomenal apparition of Acinematics].<br />

The “completeness” of my educational project.<br />

We have seen that since the seventies, several cognitive development psychologists have given the<br />

definitive anti-Piagetian demonstration that a 4 month-old infant seizes and “preserves” the number. Hence<br />

Piaget is wrong: when a child speaks about numbers, we can trust him, because he is truly speaking about<br />

numbers.<br />

On the other hand, on the basis of the Russellian idea of what the logical completeness of<br />

arithmetic is, Gödel shows that Peano’s numbers do not generate real demonstrative truths about numbers:<br />

then if a given natural number [or a given so-called Gödel “encoded” number] is apparently demonstrating<br />

the autarchic perfection of numbers, he is not truly speaking. We may then ask: “how can we trust<br />

numbers after Gödel has shown that when they speak about the completeness of their system they are surely<br />

lying?” ... but we won’t, because even children know that numbers don’t speak about anything at all.<br />

Men – children – speak about numbers! And this fact – the fact that ( “<br />

man always arithmetize”: the Aristotelian quotation on Dedekind [WSZ]) is the fundamental fact that the<br />

great enterprise of what we now call “logicism” has taken into account since at least 2500 years ago.<br />

Then if Peano’s axiomatisation is submitted to Gödel’s prohibition – that is, if Peano pretends that his<br />

numbers can speak, (as Michelangelo did with his Moses) – this is not the case for Richard Dedekind’s<br />

foundation of the first set, from which number 1 is generated by a man (or a child) that says: “I am<br />


15<br />

§5- 66. Theorem. There exist infinite systems. Proof. My own realm of thoughts (Gedankenwelt), i.<br />

e., the totality S of all things, which can be objects of my thought is infinite. For if s signifies an element of S, then<br />

is the thought s' that s can be object of my thought, itself an element of S. If we regard this as the image (s) of the<br />

element s, then the application (Abbildung) of S has the property that the image S' is a part of S; and S' is<br />

certainly proper part of S, because there are elements in S (e. g., my own ego) which are different from such thought<br />

s', and therefore are not contained in S'. 71. […] Definition. A system N is said to be simply infinite when there<br />

exists a similar transformation of N in itself such that N appears as chain of an element not contained in (N)<br />

We call this element, which we shall denote in what follows by the symbol 1, the base-element of N and say the<br />

simply infinite system N is set in order by this transformation .<br />

Wittgenstein will say:<br />

[5.621→5.641] The world and life are one. [Die Welt und das Leben sind Eins] - 5.63 I am my world.<br />

(The microcosm) - 5.631 There is no such thing as the subject that thinks or entertains ideas. If I wrote a book called<br />

“The World as I found it”. If I should have to include a report on my body, and should have to say which parts were<br />

subordinate to my will, and which were not, etc., this being a method of isolating the subject, or rather of showing<br />

that in an important sense there is no subject; for it alone could not be mentioned in that book. […] Thus there<br />

really is a sense in which philosophy can talk about the self in a non-psychological way. What brings the self<br />

into philosophy is the fact that the world is my world The philosophical self is not the human being, not the<br />

human body, or the human soul, with which psychology deals, but rather the metaphysical subject, the limit of the<br />

world not a part of it. [TLP]<br />

I must stop my presentation here. At this point, my post-doctoral research program Symbols of<br />

their own genesis begins, with this first penetration into the deep roots of Logicism. I am finally in a<br />

position to experimentally penetrate this space of «Comparison and Attention» from which our force of<br />

projection is able to give birth to the «elective» = unnecessary and conventional symbols of science, that is,<br />

to the unlimited space of our freedom, that only School and Education can give to Humanity.<br />

Educational and therapeutical consequences<br />

Describe any novel concepts, approaches or methods that will be employed. When any novel methods<br />

or techniques are proposed, explain their advantages and disadvantages.<br />

From an educational point of view (as well as from a neurophysiologic and psychiatric one: see<br />

my [SEO]). My perspective has enormous consequences on the way in which the teacher can speak to his<br />

pupils about the magical and marvellous world of science.<br />

With children - I demonstrate that the «synchretic» force of a child’s mind, is here and now,<br />

the deep real and actual root of the highest scientific peaks. A teacher must then speak to pupils not only<br />

about the positive evidence of the world, but also about the negative evidence of what no adult will ever be<br />

able to explain, but about what he can certainly speak of: with calmness, while smiling, and with<br />

attention… to the contemplative silence of a child (= to the actual and real root of men), that never expects<br />

the complete certainty of Truth from adults, but that understands very well if someone is truly speaking to<br />

him.<br />

With adults – If the synchretical perception of the world does not disappear from the human mind<br />

but reappears in adulthood to express its power in the highest mathematical proceedings, the same thing must<br />

also be said for the case of the destiny of the “cohesion” force A ௧భ × A ௧మ × A ௧య × …. × A ௧೙ = "ۯ" in a<br />

person that can already read. In this case, it is evident that the mathematical operation A×A=A 2 does not<br />

achieve the same mental activity as the logical operation A×A =A, but it is also clear that both the<br />

operational inter-actions between already-existing symbols “A×A=A 2 ” and “A×A=A”, belong to the same<br />

cognitive phase, that comes after the phase of pre-operational cristallisation A×A×A…×A =A, leading our<br />

mind to the first perception of A as “A”.<br />

Now if this symbolising crystallisation-force does not disappear, in which kind of mental activity<br />

can we use it, when we can already read? The OECD educational program SeDeCo [OECD2000] answers<br />

this question:<br />

La réflexion implique des processus mentaux relativement complexes : le sujet de la réflexion<br />

doit devenir son objet. Par exemple, chez un individu qui s’est appliqué à maîtriser une technique mentale<br />

donnée, la pratique réflexive lui permet de réfléchir à cette technique, de l’assimiler, de la mettre en rapport

16<br />

avec d’autres aspects de son vécu et de la modifier ou de l’adapter. Chez les individus qui recourent à la pratique<br />

réflexive, de tels processus de réflexion conduisent à des applications ou à l’action 1 .<br />

This is the most important «key skill» that the OECD’s DeSeCo program speaks about: the<br />

meditation on an already acquired symbolic/mental skill. In fact, it is easy to understand that if we ask<br />

someone to reflect on an expression such as A=A they can already read and understand, as if they were a<br />

child that cannot yet read at all, we are suggesting to him to meditate the meaning of what he is doing and<br />

reading. Now “doing” and “reading” are events, as is “operating”, because for human beings every<br />

“evidence” is an event: every “operation” necessarily is performed in an individual time, as every symbol<br />

necessarily “occurs” = happens in an individual mental life. Then, when a man is obliged to reflect on the<br />

operations he is performing, his mind finally re-establishes contact with the innerly historical and eventdriven<br />

nature of his internal world: and this is making sense. We must thus never forget that A ௧భ × A ௧మ ×<br />

A ௧య × …. × A ௧೙ = "ۯ" is the tale of an history: the individual history of a child that contemplates his first<br />

school-book… and that suddenly becomes perfectly unmindful, when the finally crystallized perception of<br />

“A” first appears. But…A=A can save our mind, because it obliges us to face the shock of A 0 =1. So, when<br />

for the first time this child, that is now an astonished man or woman, asks himself/herself “what is<br />

happening?!” … this event can be the beginning of a new-and-old tale, that will be, at the same time, the<br />

universal history of science and the individual history of all human beings that have decided to listen to this<br />

inner voice 2 . We know that all great mathematicians have had this kind of interior very troubling experience<br />

of symbolic and experimental evidences. All men that really face the negative and “paradoxical” evidence of<br />

{1,2,3,4,5,6,7…}={1,3,5,7…} or of a movement without movement (such as mv) are shocked by these<br />

totally unexpected apparitions… and if they decide to take their time to reflect on the meaning of this<br />

troubling apparition, during this time their mind will acquire more and more the «athletic vigour» that<br />

George Boole speaks about : «To supersede the employment of common reason, or to subject it to the rigour<br />

of technical forms, would be the last desire of one who knows the value of that intellectual toil and warfare<br />

which imparts on the mind an athletic vigour, and teaches it to contend with difficulties and to rely upon<br />

itself in emergencies. [MAL]» So, the magical teaching of children by George Boole’s wife – Mary<br />

Everest – gives us a pre-existing vision and tradition of this kind of scientifical education to science, and I<br />

have applied my renewed, enhanced and transciplinary Piagetian/Boolean method in my pedagogical<br />

center “EIRONEIA” for at least 5 years, with great success in my battle against school phobia and<br />

cognitive/emotional blocks in learning…<br />

On the other hand, with adults that love the time of scientific meditation, I have trained the mind<br />

of my pupils with these shocking evidences that Plato called «awakening truths - » [Rep.VII]. Such<br />

a pre-operational and negative practice of science calls the human mind to a new, deeper and conscious<br />

way to awaken human life and man’s tale of its own history.<br />

B2 Trraiiniing Objjeeccttiiveess<br />

The two years anticipated for the completion of my project will essentially be dedicated to pure<br />

and full-time research. All the public meetings and public seminars that I intend to organize and which I will<br />

participate in will be scientific events that will allow me to improve my scientific abilities and to realize my<br />

research program, thus strengthening my position as a non-formal educator. The Alexandre Koyré center in<br />

Paris and the EHESS are the choice institutes for carrying out and concluding my research. Moreover, M.<br />

Jean Dhombres’s expertise in this field is universally recognized and appreciated. He is not only a<br />

mathematician, an historian of mathematics and an epistemologist, but also an expert on the cultural and<br />

historical question of the pedagogy of science, in all ages of our mathematized world. Furthermore, the goal<br />

of my program is the mathematization of the cognitive development of man, and this is one of the main<br />

areas of interest of the Koyré Institute and of M. Dhombres. In addition, I will spend these two years of my<br />

research endeavouring to enhance my skills within the EHESS/<strong>Eironeia</strong> scientific and human perimeter, and<br />

to diffuse my results in order to affirm the European existence of <strong>Eironeia</strong> and to pave the way for its<br />

international future.<br />

1 The only objection I have with the words of OECD, is that the reflexive application of our crystallization force on an already crystallized symbol is<br />

psychologically more complex (=harder), whereas it is logically and dynamically more simple, because A×A=A is more simple than A×B=C.<br />

2 OECD [2000] would say: «reflectiveness implies the use of metacognitive skills (thinking about thinking, creative abilities and taking a critical<br />

stance. It is not just about how individuals think, but also about how they construct experience more generally, including their thoughts, feelings<br />

and social relations…».

17<br />

Hosstt eexpeerrttiissee<br />

Host expertise in training experienced researchers in the field and capacity to provide<br />

mentoring/tutoring. Give a short outline of the host's expertise in mentoring/tutoring researchers -<br />

Mr. JEAN DHOMBRES is a very important and universally recognized scientific figure in the<br />

field of my research program, as are the EHESS and Koyré host institutes.<br />

CURRICULUM VITAE Directeur émérite de recherche au CNRS, Jean Dhombres est<br />

mathématicien (doctorat d’Etat par une thèse en analyse fonctionnelle soutenue à l’Université Paris VI),<br />

professeur de mathématiques à l’Université de Nantes jusqu’en 1988. Il est alors devenu directeur d’études à<br />

l’EHESS (intitulé de la direction d’études : histoire des sciences exactes) et directeur de recherche au CNRS.<br />

Ses recherches en mathématiques ont porté en analyse fonctionnelle sur les opérateurs de moyenne et<br />

d’espérance conditionnelle et sur les équations fonctionnelles les caractérisant. Ses recherches en histoire des<br />

sciences ont porté sur de nombreux aspects de l’histoire des sciences mathématiques : histoire<br />

institutionnelle (Ecole polytechnique, Ecole Normale, Académie des Sciences, expédition d’Egypte), histoire<br />

culturelle (la science de la Révolution à la Restauration, science baroque du XVIIe siècle en Europe), histoire<br />

conceptuelle (fondation des nombres réels depuis la théorie des proportions, concept de fonction, équations<br />

fonctionnelles), histoire individuelle (biographies de Fourier, Carnot, Grégoire de Saint-Vincent, Gergonne),<br />

histoire des textes (édition des leçons de l’École normale de l’an III). Il réunit les deux domaines,<br />

mathématiques et histoire, en préparant une histoire des équations fonctionnelles jusqu’à nos jours, et par<br />

ailleurs prépare une Histoire des sciences mathématiques en 3 volumes, dont un premier volume, La<br />

mathématique du monde, devrait paraître chez Fayard en 2008. Il prépare une édition synoptique, comportant<br />

la traduction en français, des Leçons sur le calcul différentiel et le calcul intégral de Jean Bernoulli (1691), la<br />

confrontant à l’Analyse des Infiniment petits de Guillaume de l’Hôpital (1696). Il prépare une édition du<br />

livre V de l’Opus Geometricum de Grégoire de Saint-Vincent, une anthologie de textes d’enseignement des<br />

mathématiques du XVIIIe siècle, une édition critique du Traité de géométrie analytique d’Auguste Comte, et<br />

un catalogue de lettres de Lebesgue.<br />

A relevant seminar. Séminaire 2006/2007 - Épistémologies de la mise en mathématiques<br />

La mise en mathématique n’en a pas moins toujours été une question faisant jouer des arguments<br />

sur la nature de ce qui est mathématisable et de ce qui ne l’est pas. La mathématisation est un des lieux<br />

majeurs de l’épistémologie depuis Aristote, qui la jugeait presque toujours impossible, auquel répondit<br />

pourtant et par exemple Archimède dans l’Antiquité, et Galilée à l’aube des temps modernes. Ceci vaut<br />

toujours pendant la période scientiste à la fin du XIXe siècle, et la multiplication des lois empiriques, alors<br />

même que la mathématique ne se définissait plus comme science des quantités, ou science de la mesure. La<br />

pensée structuraliste et la révolution logique ont donné au XXe siècle ses objets formels à la mathématique,<br />

la dégageant enfin d’être une logique in concreto, cela n’a pas amoindri les questions épistémologiques de la<br />

modélisation en physique, en biologie, en sciences humaines, et bien sûr en économie…<br />

Some relevant publications. L’aventure épistémologique de la mathématisation des<br />

Lumières éclairée par les images de marine de l’Encyclopédie méthodique, in L’Encyclopédie méthodique<br />

(1782-1832) Droz, Genève, 2006, - La mise à jour des mathématiques par les professeurs royaux, in<br />

Histoire du Collège de France, t. 1, La création 1530-1560, Fayard, 2006, -L’enjeu épistémologique d’une<br />

mesure du savoir mathématique, in P.Hummel et F.Gabriel (éd.), La mesure du savoir. Etudes sur<br />

l’appréciation et l’évaluation des savoirs, Philologicum, Paris, 2007. - Les professeurs royaux de<br />

mathématiques au XVIe siècle - Les mathématiciens en France sous l’Occupation allemande (1940-<br />

1944) - Histoire de l’enseignement mathématique et questions actuelles de cet enseignement éclairées<br />

par l’histoire.- Le mouvement des mathématiques modernes - HISTOIRE D’UNE PENSEE : LA<br />

CAUSALITE Histoire du concept de fonction comme une des mathématisations de la causalité - La<br />

parabole chez Galilée et le principe d’inertie - Le premier travail de Laplace sur le principe d’inertie -<br />

Analyse de la propagation de la chaleur par Fourier - Le scientisme et la physique mathématique -Histoire<br />

de la notion de potentiel comme remplaçant la notion de force - La question de la cosmographie en<br />

place de la cosmologie - Actualité et obsolescence du débat Panofski/Koyré - La représentation des<br />

mathématiques - Imagerie pour les mathématiques.

18<br />

B3 -- RESEARCHER<br />

Tout projet innovateur se trouve à un moment dans la position de « K » cherchant à<br />

atteindre le Château. De telles difficultés ne doivent cependant pas faire baisser les bras. Et comme le<br />

disait Lao-Tseu : « le chemin, c’est le but »… [OCDE 2007]<br />

Philosopher and official delegate of AIC (Italian Headache Association)<br />

I was born in Rome on October the 4 th 1967.<br />

In July 1986 – I obtained my high school diploma (Classical Literature).<br />

In July 1997 – I graduated (mark awarded: summa cum laude) in Philosophy (History of<br />

Science) at the University of Rome, La Sapienza. My thesis was on the Scientific Revolution of the XVII th<br />

century, and its evolution/reception/vulgarization during the French enlightenment, and was entitled:<br />

«Voltaire, Newton and the scientific Revolution at the age of French enlightenment».<br />

It took me 10 years to graduate, largely due to an excruciating and incessant [vasomotory/Horton]<br />

headache, which broke the continuity of my exterior progress. I even became an official representative of<br />

the Italian Association for Headaches (AIC) and in 1998 I participated in a national television program –<br />

«Check Up» – where I spoke about this terrible syndrome. This is in fact the second very important fact<br />

about me, besides my philosophical and [then] pedagogical vocation. As a philosopher/historian, a teacher<br />

specialized in scholar phobia and as someone tormented by headaches, my studies have always been<br />

motivated by the deep desire to know why the mind/body life of human beings can cyclically forbid<br />

them to go forth.<br />

During these years I began a theoretical collaboration with Professor Pierluigi Scapicchio<br />

(neurologist and psychiatrist, President of the Italian Psychiatric Society – see reference) who was very<br />

interested in my mode of conceiving the dynamic and evolutionary mind/body relationship, that I studied<br />

from both an individual (neuropsychological) and social (historical) point of view.<br />

In September 1998 – I went to Paris where I attended the Ecole des hautes Etudes en Sciences<br />

Sociales (EHESS) to carry out my PhD in Histoire et Civilisation, under the supervision of Mr.Chaussinand<br />

Nogaret. The object of my research was strictly epistemological and methodological, and it determined (as x,<br />

the unknown) the third synthetic dimension where the conceptual product [History]×[Science] took form. I<br />

think that if we want to scientifically understand the birth of science in human history, we must, as<br />

historians, have a scientific method available: then, the Science of History and the History of Science<br />

necessarily appear (are created) simultaneously. Indeed, this is the case for French scientific storiography<br />

during the XVIII th century. Bossuet, Montesquieu and Voltaire are hence the main subjects in my DEA<br />

mémoire «La création de l’histoire moderne chez Voltaire ».<br />

In June 1999 – I obtained my DEA (mark awarded: très bien) and received a lot of praise for<br />

my methodology: «Eduardo Caianiello is an exceptional subject, who is certainly promised to the<br />

elaboration of a primary work that will renew our perception of enlightenment’s thought» [M.Nogaret,<br />

EHESS] «E.Caianiello totally renews our idea of enlightenment…(M.Gérard Jorland, EHESS)».<br />

«Caianiello’s approach is not only original but also a very promising one» (M.Heinz Wismann, EHESS)».<br />

In October 1999, I was awarded a scholarship from La Sapienza for a year of foreign<br />

research, when I finally began my doctorate studies at the EHESS. The subject of my thesis was:<br />

«Archaïsme et modernité, l’histoire à l’époque des lumières», whose epistemological goal was more<br />

general and deeper: my two notions of «archaïsme» and «modernité» already signify the two formal<br />

polarities of a unitary and meta-historical concept of mental evolution, as the piagetian «egocentrism» and<br />

«operational rationality» do (cf. Piaget’s Psichogenèse et histoire des sciences), but I was not logically<br />

satisfied with this way of “naturalizing” human history .<br />

In Spring 2000, I discovered my own (kantian) method, and I wrote a long essay on the<br />

unsatisfactory epistemological structure of social sciences’s notion of evolution: «Le progrès de la<br />

civilisation et la condition actuelle de l’épistémologie de l’histoire». In this essay, I showed that it is<br />

impossible to “naturalize” human history without losing any formal possibility to speak about a “social<br />

transformation”: the ethical/juridical, that is the irreducible human notion of “evolution” (=civilization) is at<br />

the core of every historical transformation as such. As historians and as human beings we are obliged to<br />

ideally presuppose the historical vector of a practical reason as a pre-existing whole. It is evidently a kantian<br />

way to think about the formal relationship between the material and the mental side of human (social and<br />

individual) phenomena, and it is also the way in which we can think about a real action of mind on body.<br />

This essay has been highly commended: M. Alexis Philonenko affirms: «This document is a<br />

serious contribution to the epistemology of history. […] The research has an interdisciplinary inspiration.

19<br />

For example, the work of the sociologist Marcel Mauss is analysed in depth, and a set of thought structures<br />

that until now were unknown finally appears[…] One of the most important results of this research is that it<br />

engenders an history of history. Where we see a discontinuity, E.Caianiello shows a continuous transition.[..]<br />

We can also see the formal self-limitation of Caianiello’s project: he won’t lose himself on endless paths, but<br />

he will focus his attention on the concrete reversals that entail the dialectic’s strategies on the one hand, and<br />

on the elaboration of historical categories on the other hand».<br />

Thanks to this essay on «history of history», I became the official foreign EHESS candidate for<br />

the «Chancellerie des Universités de Paris»’s scholarship.<br />

Notwithstanding, this was also my point of no return.<br />

I know that my novel method is the most appropriate one to use in order to give an operational<br />

description of the fundamental structures of the material/mental evolution of man and of its stoppage<br />

mechanisms. Consequently, I know that I have discovered a method of intervention for my headaches, and<br />

this has been the case: I have been completely cured for 9 years. Dr Mara Bonciani – Director of the<br />

Headache center of Florence (where I was hospitalized twice every year) and President of AIC – was<br />

astounded when she saw that I had defeated my Horton pathology: «I found Eduardo Caianiello in perfect<br />

health ». Nevertheless, I am clearly aware of the insufficiency of my theoretical/methodological tools,<br />

and of the large amount of time and work that I would need to get on level with my new operational goals.<br />

M.Philonenko is right when she speaks about my focus on «the concrete reversals that entail the dialectic’s<br />

strategies», but my intention is not only to elaborate new «historical categories» in science, but also a new<br />

mathematized history↔historicized mathematics. In other words, I would like the epistemological product<br />

[History × History] to become a mathematical Abbildung H=f(H) or H=H(h), whose innerly non commutative<br />

nature allows us to think about a real historical human action on history. (The result of all this is my Yodvector<br />

ܲሬ⃗ = {A×A×…×A→ “A”} ).<br />

Furthermore, I was 33 years old, and old enough, I felt, to decide to try out my new understanding<br />

in the field. I hence resign from the EHESS and will be back when my operational methodology is ready to<br />

be conveyed to the scientific community.<br />

Research results including patents, publications, teaching etc.,<br />

taking into account the level of experience<br />

Teacher of children suffering from school-phobias and Kung Fu/Yoga researcher<br />

Since then, I have been working without respite, from both the theoretical and the practical points<br />

of view. I trained as a pedagogue expert in schooling difficulties, aiming to manage mental blocks in the<br />

dynamic/cognitive evolution of the boys and girls I was taking care of.<br />

In addition, I also practiced my new comprehension of the energetic mind/body circuit on myself.<br />

I became a Kung-Fu/Yoga researcher (now I am a Kung-Fu teacher), and I studied many oriental texts –<br />

Indian, Chinese, Tibetan and Japanese scientific traditions – to understand the way in which oriental science<br />

practically and conceptually manages the dynamic relationship between the evolution and homeostatic<br />

stabilisation of living/mental systems.<br />

2000-2003 – As a teacher, I marked the perimeter of my theoretical research on the field.<br />

Now this “field” is not at all an anodyne one.<br />

2001 In the Suburbs of Paris – I was a history/geography teacher in a Parisian high school,<br />

called «Votre Ecole chez Vous» (“Your school at your home”) due to the fact that the students are very sick<br />

children that cannot go to school, primarily for psychological reasons. My destination was the Parisian<br />

banlieue, and I was really shocked by the amount of pain and mental/social paralysis that I had to battle with.<br />

My kungfu/yoga activities helped me to retain my stability, but not the schooling stability of my pupils (I<br />

showed great hospitality to one of the students, whereas during the same period, another one of them – a 17<br />

year old girl – tried to commit suicide). I then understood that the pedagogical tools which teachers normally<br />

have at their disposal are far from sufficient. A pupil’s mental pain is an irreducible school pain: a<br />

psychiatrist will never be able to autonomously manage the latter, and ordinary teachers even less so.<br />

2002 – A teacher, not a kung-fu adept. - Meanwhile, I continued to study scientific kungfu/yoga<br />

traditions, and I met several teachers. I began a theoretical/practical collaboration with Sensei Kenji<br />

Tokitsu (I wrote in the «Tokitsu-Ryu» review, that can be found on the web) and I produced many theoretical<br />

results. Finally M. Tokitsu asked me to help him open a new kind of martial arts school in Italy. We tried to<br />

put this joint project into effect… but I realized that our goals were actually rather different: Sensei Tokitsu<br />

is essentially a Kung-Fu adept, whereas I am a philosopher, a researcher and a pedagogue. My goal is a

20<br />

scientific/educational one, not a martial one. [In 2004, , as the creator of EIRONEIA – I became the technical<br />

Director of the «Nanpei Nanpei Shaolin KungFu Association Association» – in Viterbo (Italy), thanks to Master Alessandro<br />

Parapetti. My aim was to contact tact Chinese experts in oriental traditional medicine and this placement<br />

resulted in my current scientific and pedagogical collaboration with Mr. Zhao Min Hua - professor of<br />

traditional Chinese medicine at the University of Beijing, and Kung Kung-Fu master.]<br />

2003 – In the rich center of Paris Paris. I became a specialized tutor («precepteur») in the rich center<br />

of Paris, where the mental blocks of my pupils were rigorously equal to those in the infamous suburbs. The<br />

fear of texts, school, teachers, the BAC (!!!)… the same terror can be found everywhere: no parents, no<br />

socioeconomical conditions, no personal history can explain such an universal, unitary and clearly distilled<br />

phenomenon. Boys and girls, rich and poor, children and adults…finally the human mind can produce an<br />

authentic paralysis when it is a question of school. Now “ “school”: is a question of what what? There is no doubt<br />

that: the pupil paralyses his mind in front of a) the text b) the introspective movement that any act of<br />

interpretation necessarily entails. Thankfully I am a good teacher, so I’m in condition to grasp this<br />

experimental evidence: when I speak to explain my lesson, the pupil is quiet and attentive…but when it is<br />

time for him/her to access the text and/or his/her own thoughts to interpret either the text or to explain his<br />

comprehension of my words, his/her entire being falls down in a kind of hypnoïd condition from which he<br />

can typically produce a destructive hunger against… me, that is to say, the teacher. And what is a teacher? A<br />

teacher is the human being that allows ≡ obliges you to go forth towards your own personal, mental,<br />

emotional…and ultimately, human evolution.<br />

My educational theory on the human mind is then finally created: 1) the greatest form of energy<br />

that the human body/mind can produce follows the dynamic (vectorial) direction of its natural=mental<br />

human evolution; ; 2) the most essential task to realize in this evolutionary vector is an interpretation task.<br />

Now, the hypnoïd condition of my paralyzed pupils in front of the interior and/or exterior<br />

symbolic forms to which they must give a meaning, is clearly as difficult to fight as my headaches had been.<br />

Then there is no reason why I cannot win again.<br />

Independent thinking and leadership qualities - Match between een the fellow's profile and project.<br />

<strong>Eironeia</strong><br />

2003/6 – I decided to go back to Italy, to create my own pedagogical center of non-formal<br />

education, EIRONEIA, Scuola di Filosofia (www.eironeia.eu<br />

www.eironeia.eu). I obtained funding as<br />

a young entrepreneur by the public agency Sviluppotalia, , who greatly valued the<br />

originality and the boldness of my idea. «From the first moment I met Eduardo<br />

Caianiello, I thought that <strong>Eironeia</strong> should be born. It was a great idea, and a new<br />

way to conceive at once enterprise, education, and philosophy… » [Francesca<br />

Pistoia, Sviluppoitalia<br />

Sviluppoitalia]<br />

I worked hard over these three years. A group of mature students (from<br />

30-40 40 years old) became a team of collaborators, and my pedagogical activ activity ity was the same as before: blocks<br />

in learning of any kind. I worked in synergy with school professors, psychiatrists, families…and I made<br />

political institutions aware of my actions.<br />

Two professors from La Sapienza (Professor Marco Borioni and Professo Professor Paolo Vinci: «<br />

<strong>Eironeia</strong> is a need of current age») ») accepted my students and my programs. Our pedagogical engagement<br />

obtained the institutional recognition of our social utility, and in 1996 we obtained recognition and a prize

21<br />

for being a “Social Enterprise” ” from the regional agency Filas, and from the<br />

Provincia di Viterbo.<br />

<strong>Eironeia</strong> is not only a specialized educational center: it is a global pedagogical, cultural and<br />

scientific answer to the unitary educational problem that is the problem of our unified<br />

and our globalized planet. In other words: <strong>Eironeia</strong> is the<br />

microcosm of an entire educational type of politics politics.<br />

Why? Because my life has finally convinced me that<br />

without the simultaneous and synergic help of all tthe<br />

positive forces of our world, a teacher will never be<br />

strong enough to make a child (or adult) that is terrorized by school, go forth towards texts and towards his<br />

inner [interpretation of] the world, that is towards his future life. [Here on the right:<br />

appeal to «Youth», to win the battle against PANIC PANIC]<br />

I am very pragmatic and my actions as an entrepreneur have been very coherent with my<br />

educational vision.<br />

1. EIRONEIA, Scuola di Filosofia<br />

trademark, with three logos: the school (the logo here above),<br />

the physical activities, and the publishing house (here on the<br />

right).<br />

Why is it represented in this way? Because my rich<br />

and-poor/old-and-young pupils were terrorized by<br />

symbols - remember their hypnoïd condition in front of a mathematical or literary text?<br />

charmed by market symbols. Then a school symbol must have the ability to<br />

2. Our headquarters in Viterbo are 800 years old, situated in a ma<br />

of UNESCO’s World Heritage :<br />

® Filas, and from the Regione Lazio and the<br />

<strong>Eironeia</strong> is not only a specialized educational center: it is a global pedagogical, cultural and<br />

oblem of our unified Europe of Knowledge<br />

strong enough to make a child (or adult) that is terrorized by school, go forth towards texts and towards his<br />

: The official European<br />

and my actions as an entrepreneur have been very coherent with my<br />

is a registered<br />

trademark, with three logos: the school (the logo here above),<br />

the physical activities, and the publishing house (here on the<br />

Why is it represented in this way? Because my richyoung<br />

pupils were terrorized by school<br />

remember their hypnoïd condition in front of a mathematical or literary text? – as much as they are<br />

Then a school symbol must have the ability to charm.<br />

Our headquarters in Viterbo are 800 years old, situated in a marvelous rvelous medieval district that is part<br />

« “Quartiere di S.Pellegrino<br />

S.Pellegrino" " is a beautiful and rare example of a typical district from 1200. It is<br />

characterized by towers, houses with little mullioned windows with two lights, shady yyards<br />

ards and narrow streets. For a long<br />

period, the district was inhabited by workers and farmers. Recently it has come to life again, thanks to antique shops<br />

and artistic manifestations. [From http://whc. http://whc.UNESCO.org/en/tentativelists/1157/»<br />

Why these millenary nary headquarters? Because learning time must not be market time time. This is<br />

<strong>Eironeia</strong>’s answer to Carol Bellamy’s words:<br />

« The fifth essential part of education in the<br />

new century is that in a world more and more fraught with<br />

conflict, violence, and instability, the school can be a<br />

sanctuary, a child-friendly friendly place where children can find a<br />

zone of peace and a sense of normalcy that is so important<br />

for their well-being [Dakar Dakar 2000 2000]»<br />

3. As you can see, <strong>Eironeia</strong> is a cultural activity center<br />

(we have had a school of chess). ). Among the activities are the<br />

cycles of films (Epos pros Epos) ) that I consider a great<br />

didactical tool. Here to the right, the poster of the cycle «The<br />

women’s war» can be seen. This has been prized by the<br />

Regione Lazio and Rome’s municipality ality.<br />

In summary: : the pedagogical, cultural and political reality of <strong>Eironeia</strong> is thought to be the<br />

convergence-perimeter perimeter of all human energies that, according to my vision, are necessary to give man the<br />

force to move towards symbols (= to his truly human roots and destination), and to give symbols the<br />

concrete= historical possibility to nourish human life. In other words: <strong>Eironeia</strong> is aimed at materializing what<br />

I now call the innerly genetic=educational nature of the human mind.

22<br />

2006 - From Franz Kafka and Lao-Tseu to Marie Curie<br />

During these years I never halted my research activities. Finally, in Autumn 2006 my dynamic<br />

and genetic theory on the mind attained its definitive exterior form. The moment had arrived to go back to<br />

EHESS, to realize my thesis, entitled «Le fait génétique des mathématiques et la puissance dynamique de<br />

l’esprit t humain». M. Jean Dhombres was happy to be my new directeur d’etudes.<br />

Now, this was not just a need for my research, but indeed a rigorous necessity.<br />

The path of informal education is a very difficult one. The system of formal education is an<br />

extremely closed system, and all forms of international appeal to a formal/informal collaboration are very<br />

very hard to be heard by formal systems:<br />

[Carol Bellamy – Education For All - Dakar 2000] - We must also ensure that every school and<br />

community has a mechanism in place to seek out and find excluded and at-risk children and get them into<br />

school. Where needed, we must develop more flexible, "informal," targeted approaches to education for<br />

these children. And we must recognise that getting the last 5 to 30 per cent of children into school is likely to<br />

require more innovative approaches - and be more expensive - than the first 70 to 95 per cent. - [EFA –<br />

Action Framework] Strategies III. Faire en sorte que la société civile s'investisse activement dans la<br />

formulation, la mise en œuvre et le suivi de stratégies de développement de l'éducation - 45 Pour atteindre les<br />

six objectifs exposés ci-dessus, il faut une approche diversifiée qui dépasse de loin le cadre des systèmes<br />

formels d'éducation…<br />

As I have shown, I actively put forward <strong>Eironeia</strong>’s «instances de dialogue systematique [EFA<br />

53]» to political and educational institutions…but there is nothing better than the words of the OECD on the<br />

difficulties faced by a non-formal and «transdisciplinary» teacher/researcher when he proposes a new vision<br />

of education to the old intra-national school, even if it is the same vision that is proposed by the most<br />

important inter-national organization in the world:<br />

Kafka - Franz Kafka, dans « Le Château », en décrivant les vains efforts du protagoniste pour<br />

atteindreses objectifs nous dit tout le désespoir que peut ressentir l’individu face à une machine<br />

bureaucratique sourde et aveugle. […]Qu’il s’agisse de simples incompréhensions, d’inerties mentales<br />

diverses et variées, du refus catégorique de remettre en cause certaines « vérités », de réflexes corporatistes de<br />

défense des positions acquises, ou de lourdeur bureaucratique, les obstacles qui se dressent devant tout effort<br />

transdisciplinaire visant à l’émergence d’un nouveau champ, ou visant plus modestement à jeter une lumière<br />

nouvelle sur les questions éducatives, ne manquent pas. Si un scepticisme constructif de bon aloi ne peut certes<br />

jamais nuire, tout projet innovateur se trouve à un moment dans la position de « K » cherchant à atteindre le<br />

Château. De telles difficultés ne doivent cependant pas faire baisser les bras. Et comme le disait Lao-Tseu : « le<br />

chemin, c’est le but »… [OCDE 2007 Naissance d’une nouvelle science de l’apprentissage,p.32]<br />

I can only confirm that the creation of a new educational reality that aims to fight against school<br />

phobia, thus suggesting another – meditative and reflexive – method of education to the scientific<br />

community … is quite a kafkian experience.<br />

I want anyway to stress something very important…perhaps the most important thing to stress.<br />

Our globalized western world is here and now the place of violent institutional<br />

dialectics: intra-national education fights against the new inter-national drives, and in<br />

the case of that intra-inter-national reality called “Europe”, Europe fights against<br />

itself. I have accepted this situation with an unconditioned kantian faith, which is my<br />

Vernunftglauben, because if the Europe of nations fights against the Europe of its eurocosmopolitan<br />

citizens, this institutional war is a great victory of Peace, that is the<br />

beginning of a real new world.<br />

Furthermore, every teacher knows what a spectacle a child can make of himself when he does not<br />

want to go to school, because life for him is also a kafkian and terrific thing to live and think. I fought until<br />

my theory was ready to be conveyed, and I went back to Paris, to get real help from the European<br />

scientific and political community.<br />

2007-2008 Paris×Viterbo = Europe – In 2007-2008, <strong>Eironeia</strong> and my team allowed me to lead a<br />

bi-polar existence, and gave my mind (I am soon to be 40 years old!) the inner solidity to establish my new<br />

scientific contacts. M. Jean Dhombres really appreciated my work, and in June 2007 he invited me to the

23<br />

international meeting in Peiresq « Humanismes, mathématiques, positivismes ». There I met Dr. Hamdi<br />

Mlika (PhD in Philosphy of Mathematics - Vice President of the Groupe d'Etudes et de Recherches<br />

Epistémologiques, Paris) who greatly praised and publicized all my <strong>Eironeia</strong>/philosophical work. Thanks to<br />

this publicity, Mme Angèle Marietti (President of the Groupe…) came into contact with my work and in<br />

March 2008 she published my work entitled « Infant’s prolegomena to any future metaphysics: the sense of<br />

numerical identity, the numerical identity of sense.» in Dogma.<br />

In addition, in June 2008, Mme Angèle Marietti offered me the chance to attend my first public<br />

conference «Proust, Poincaré, Piaget et la genèse du symbole mathématique et littéraire », at the Maison<br />

Auguste Comte, in the framework of the Groupe de recherches épistémologiques et historiques. (The Youtube<br />

of this conference can be seen on my website). At this conference, I spoke about the unitary root of the<br />

literary and mathematical symbol: the proustian and the galileian notions of Pure Time do not only have a<br />

«family similarity», because a deep isomorphism unifies literacy and numeracy skills in the same genetical<br />

source, that a unified science of human evolution can experimentally grasp.<br />

Publications<br />

1. Plorr-Morr. A proposito di Aristotele [La Ragione Possibile, 1992]<br />

2. A proposito di “Sopravvivere al Millennio” [Bollettino della Società Italiana di Psichiatria,1995]<br />

3. A proposito di “Istruzioni sull’uso del Lupo” [Almanacchi nuovi,1995]<br />

4. A proposito di “Istinti. Antiche vie verso il comportamento umano” [Bollettino della Società<br />

Italiana di Psichiatria, 1996]<br />

5. Popper et Laing contra Freud: voci della contemporaneità [Psichiatri Oggi, 2002]<br />

6. Sisifo e l'eterna omeostasi della psichiatria attuale [Il Nuovo Baretti, 2004]<br />

7. Les prolégomènes de l’enfant à toute métaphysique future: le sens d l'identité numérique, l'identité<br />

numérique du sens [2008, Dogma]<br />

Languages known – Italian (mother tongue) French, English, German, Ancient Greek, Latin.<br />

Computing – Office 2007 – XHTML<br />

B4 IImplleemeenttattiion<br />

Provide a work plan that includes the goals that can help assess the progress of the project.<br />

In what follows, I will often say «I will publish it». This means that I will elaborate a paper in<br />

order to publish it, and I will find a way to bring it to publication.<br />

I Step<br />

Until<br />

spring2009<br />

II Step<br />

(Spring 2009)<br />

III Step<br />

Springsummer<br />

2009<br />

1. I work on Time and Mathematical Operations. I finish my current essay on Time<br />

and Simultaneity in Poincaré’s notion of Esprit” – that is part of my Phd thesis (as is<br />

the essay Les prolégomènes... is ). I will publish it.<br />

2. I obtain my PhD on «The genetic fact of mathematics, and the dynamic power<br />

of the human mind», in which I affirm the unrepetent existence of a mental power of<br />

projection at the roots of human educational evolution, that we can call a force, and I<br />

will publish it.<br />

I will organize the international meeting in Viterbo’s headquarters of <strong>Eironeia</strong> on<br />

«Symbol of their own genesis» in which I will explain the general plan of my «Dynamics<br />

of representation». This will be the first of a systematic Lazio/Italy/Europe/Unesco<br />

scientific rendez-vous (a meeting every year) on the mind, learning and educational<br />

politics.<br />

I work on Mind and Begin.<br />

1. I work on Boole’s notions of the mind, election, and symbol 1 as «the Universe<br />

we are speaking about», from which all election must begin. I will publish an article<br />

about it.<br />

2. I work A) on Dedekind’s notions of Gedankenwelt, Ich and « symbol 1, as the<br />

base-element » of the first «abgebildet» endless set; B) on Wittgenstein’s notion of «Ich<br />

bin Mein Welt» and the dynamic nature of the tautology inside of this Mein Welt’s field;<br />

C) On Gödel’s not encodable number 1. - On this basis, I propose the notion of an<br />

absolute operatory beginning within the natural language. I will publish an article<br />

about it.

Following<br />

Steps<br />

24<br />

I will work on the Mind’s genetic beginning in the intersubjective world of natural<br />

language, that is of our world of human beings that speak to each other, in order to show<br />

that the action of leading someone to education is a totally free action that depends only<br />

on the absolute beginning of our choice.<br />

I cannot honestly describe step by step all the phases of a research project spanning<br />

two years with the same precision as I did for the first three steps, but I can give three<br />

assessment criteria: A) at the end of these two years my work will be finished and<br />

published; B) for every step there will be a publication; C) the institutional world will be<br />

widely informed about and engaged in all that I propose to do and all that I discover.<br />

B5 IImpacctt<br />

Describe which measures are foreseen to help the researcher to acquire professional maturity. Which<br />

impact this will have on the prospects of reaching and/or reinforcing a position of professional<br />

maturity, diversity and independence.<br />

In what concerns the<br />

«measures foreseen». -<br />

1. As I have already shown, the<br />

Italian local and regional<br />

institutions are much in favour of<br />

the diffusion of <strong>Eironeia</strong>’s<br />

international educational action.<br />

Here on the right, one can see my<br />

European program which aims to<br />

create leadership skills in the new<br />

European and non-European generations. My project for the future (for after these 2 years of research) is a<br />

“DeSeCo” international education institute to teach freedom in scientific research.<br />

2. I am now organizing an international meeting in April 2009 at <strong>Eironeia</strong>’s main headquarters in<br />

Viterbo, which will revolve around my subject of research: «Symbols of their own genesis».<br />

M. Jean Dhombres (History of Mathematics, EHESS, Paris) – Mme Angèle Kremer-Marietti<br />

(Philosophy, Groupe d'Etudes et de Recherches Epistémologiques, Paris) M. Bruno D’amore<br />

(Didactics of Mathematics, Università di Bologna) - M. Pierluigi Scapicchio (Neuropsychiatrist<br />

Università Cattolica di Roma) – and M. Zhao Min Hua (Traditional Chinese medicine, Beijing<br />

University) have already accepted my invitation.<br />

3. Generally speaking, I know the time has come for my theory to have an important impact on the<br />

current scientific and educational community. My professors at EHESS and La Sapienza were convinced that<br />

my epistemological and historical research would «completely renew our idea of the enlightenment», that I<br />

would give «a serious contribution to the epistemology of history», and that <strong>Eironeia</strong> is an important «answer<br />

to a central question of our age»…But to give something really concrete and operational to our renewed<br />

scientific enlightenment – this is the current «Age of Knowledge» – eight years of relentless studies and<br />

solitary meditation had to pass by. The result is that I now know that my theory is coherent and complete,<br />

and it only needs to take on its exteriorized form. Then, if the European Union gives me the means with<br />

which to dedicate all my energies to this final phase of exteriorization, I have no doubt that the impact of my<br />

work will live up to my expectations.

25<br />

B6. . Etthiiccall IIssssueess. .<br />

The impact of the research, not only in terms of scientific advancement, but also in terms of human<br />

dignity and social and cultural impact.<br />

In the Age of Knowledge, in search of the lost Time of Science<br />

Let us imagine a dialogue that could take place between a teacher and a quite ordinary<br />

(middle/upper class) European highschool/university pupil, who is anxious because he/she cannot grasp an<br />

apparently trivial physical notion, as for example the mechanical concept of the isochronism of pendulum<br />

oscillation. “I don’t understand… - the pupil says to the teacher - … if frequency is f = f (l) [l=pendulum<br />

thread], if the rapidity of the translation of the pendulum depends only on the thread’s length…this means<br />

that the oscillation movement is totally independent from the space of the oscillation…because… … I mean…<br />

the length of the thread is not the space of the oscillation… Is that not so?”.<br />

As a teacher, I am pleased about the fact that this pupil has doubts, because I know that his mind<br />

is feeling a deep, subtle, and necessarily not-yet conscious difficulty in grasping the notion of a<br />

transformation whose velocity takes no place in space, but in time. I know that on the basis of this new<br />

dynamical insight, he will be able to really grasp the enigmatic notions of an “instantaneous velocity” ( speed<br />

without a space-extension) or of a “quantity of movement” mv (a movement that can exist in a quiet masscondition)<br />

and so on…In fact, this child is facing a negative and an awakening scientific fact: a very<br />

important moment that necessarily manifests itself in a troubling “I don’t undersand… at all!.”<br />

I try then to convince him that he has got time and that he can take his time to understand… as<br />

Socrates, Descartes, Gaileo, Foucault, Marie Curie did… Notwithstanding, even if I am the teacher, my<br />

pupil strongly refuses to calm his mind, to be patient and wise…. NO: he pretends to understand, because he<br />

has to apply the FORMULA and to pass his examination etc.<br />

I try then to persuade him with a social and historical argument.<br />

Dialogue between a teacher and a young European citizen<br />

- Listen to me kid: you’re a lucky human being… because you are a Western and European<br />

citizen, and your great country «…is experiencing its best macro-economic outlook in a generation. […] The<br />

Euro has been successfully introduced … the internal market is largely complete and is yielding tangible<br />

benefits for consumers and businesses alike. – And that is not all! : – The forthcoming expansion will create<br />

new opportunities for growth and employment…the Union possesses a generally well-educated workforce<br />

– like yourselves! – as well as social protection systems able to provide, beyond their intrinsic value, the<br />

stable framework required for managing the structural changes involved in moving towards a<br />

knowledge-based society [EUP]» ... Do you understand me young man? We are rich enough to take our<br />

time to understand, and to acquire the knowledge that will make of us well-educated people! The time for<br />

people to take their time has come: «…with the improved current economical situation, the time is right to<br />

undertake both economic and social reforms as part of a positive strategy which combines competitiveness<br />

and social cohesion – …and «social cohesion» depends on personal, that is, mental cohesion… – […] An<br />

overall strategy aimed at preparing the transition to a knowledge-based economy and society through<br />

improved policies for the information society, modernizing the European social model, investing in people<br />

and combating social exclusion… [EUP]».<br />

- I don’t understand… what does “take your time”mean,…to do what? Why does personal<br />

cohesion depend on time?<br />

- Because we are speaking of the time needed to create a new Knowledge horizon. Do you<br />

know that «the European Commission has proposed that 2009 will be the 'European Year of Creativity and<br />

Innovation'» ?... «…both are essential elements for the future success of Europe and its long-term economic<br />

competitiveness. The European Year aims to raise public awareness, spread information and promote<br />

public debate on creativity and the capacity for innovation. It should also stimulate research into how to<br />

develop creativity and innovative attitudes [EUC]. In most OECD countries, value is placed on flexibility,<br />

entrepreneurship and personal responsibility. Not only are individuals expected to be adaptable, but also<br />

innovative, creative, self-directed and self-motivated. [OECD2000]»”<br />

- But…I don’t understand… how can the time of scientific doubt and uncertainty engender a<br />

new «creative and innovative» attitude?

26<br />

- Because the time of science is intrinsically a long, patient time, necessary to acquire freedom<br />

of thought and to accept the responsibility and the risk to think about one’s own life : «At the centre of the<br />

framework of key skills is the ability of individuals to think for themselves as an expression of moral<br />

and intellectual maturity, and to take responsibility for their learning and for their actions. [OECD<br />

2000]»…in other words: in order to take your time to reflect on Galileo’s time, you must decide that your life<br />

is your life, that your brain is your brain, and that your eyes are made to look at the real world around you:<br />

a real pendulum is not a void graphical formula: symbols have a genesis, a life, an history… and this is the<br />

only possible way to acquire your personal cohesion.<br />

- You mean I must meditate on physical formulas?<br />

- Yes.<br />

- But… How?<br />

- First of all, as you are doing right now:here and now you are having doubts, that is thinking,<br />

about your own thoughts, and this is reflectiveness, which « implies the use of metacognitive skills (thinking<br />

about thinking), creative abilities and taking a critical stance. It is not just about how individuals think, but<br />

also about how they construct experiences more generally, including their thoughts, feelings and social<br />

relations. This requires individuals to reach a level of social maturity that allows them to distance<br />

themselves from social pressures, take different perspectives, make independent judgements and take<br />

responsibility for their actions. [OECD2000]»<br />

- But this is philosophy, not physics!<br />

- Oh no my young man! This is simply citizens education.<br />

- What do you mean by “citizen”?<br />

- Do you know John Amos Comenius?<br />

- ?<br />

- John Amos Comenius was a great European teacher, contemporaneous with the first<br />

scientifical apparition of your enigmatic pendulum. He has been called the “teacher of nations”, because he<br />

was encouraged by a very deep faith in the universal destination of all educational actions.<br />

- What else?<br />

- Your country – Europe – has traced a great educational horizon in the name of Comenius<br />

around you, and within this horizon, teachers and pupils are now meditating about a new kind of awakened<br />

and self-aware citizen. For example the « Comenius 2.1 Project SEDEC: whose goals are to contribute to<br />

education in science and to raise awareness of European citizenship through the development of teaching and<br />

training methodologies and materials…». This is because science is not only a question of anodyne symbolic<br />

concatenations that allow anxious pupils to pass their examinations. Science is essentially an ethical and<br />

then political question of time, patience, responsibility, and ability to act on human life and to nourish the<br />

human… that is, the cosmopolitan, freedom of Man.<br />

Opportune igitur hodie mentem curis omnibus exsolvi,<br />

securum mihi otium procuravi… (Descartes - Meditatio Prima)<br />

Now the question is: will such a rich-but/then-anxious nationally-educated pupil listen to my<br />

pedagogical suggestion? Will he take his time to calm his mind, and to meditate the «European (= universal)<br />

dimension» of what he is doing? Will he think of himself as a citizen of the same Cosmos where Galileo has<br />

had the time to meditate on Time? This was my problem: am I able to really give an anxious<br />

suburban/lower/middle/upper/class young/old intra/inter-national citizen the «social maturity that allows<br />

him to distance themselves from social pressures»? My answer (the answer of my experience) has been:<br />

no. In the present age all western boys and girls, men and women… are equal in terms of social pressure.<br />

We are all equally poor in Time, even if Europe continually tells us: we are rich enough, the time has come<br />

to think differently about human life.<br />

Thus something more radical has to be done: we must be able to scientifically show that this<br />

«distance from social pressure» – is at the core of every scientific truth as such. The age of science has lost<br />

the time of science, but time doesn’t come to science from the outside. Time is, on the contrary, the deep<br />

heart of every scientific truth, and this time is essentially the time of a genesis, during which the human mind<br />

must truly and gradually grow up, by acquiring patience, tolerance, wisdom, and a courageous freedom to<br />

exist notwithstanding its essentially and quite democratically universal, mortal nature.<br />

This then becomes the real ethical and cosmopolitan issue of my Research Program: Symbols of<br />

their own genesis – Foundation of the Dynamics of Representation.

27<br />

Informed Consent . Does the proposal involve children? Does the proposal involve patients or persons not able to give<br />

consent? Does the proposal involve adult healthy volunteers?Does the proposal involve Human Genetic Material?<br />

Does the proposal involve Human biological samples?Does the proposal involve Human data collection?Research on<br />

Human embryo/foetus. Does the proposal involve Human Embryos? Does the proposal involve Human Foetal Tissue /<br />

Cells?Does the proposal involve Human Embryonic Stem Cells?Privacy. Does the proposal involve processing of genetic<br />

information or personal data (eg. health, sexual lifestyle, ethnicity, political opinion, religious or philosophical conviction)<br />

Does the proposal involve tracking the location or observation of people? Research on Animals. Does the proposal<br />

involve research on animals? Are those animals transgenic small laboratory animals?Are those animals transgenic farm<br />

animals? Are those animals cloning farm animals? Are those animals non-human primates? Research Involving<br />

Developing Countries. Use of local resources (genetic, animal, plant etc). Benefit to local community (capacity building<br />

i.e. access to healthcare, education etc). Dual Use. Research having potential military / terrorist application<br />


Works Cited<br />

Boole,G. [MAL] The mathematical Analysis of Logic, Cambridge 1847; [ILT] An investigation of the Laws oh thought,<br />

Cambridge 1854<br />

Bever ,T.G & Meeler,J. “Cognitiv capacity of very young children”, Science, 158 (1967)<br />

Barone,F., Logica formale e logica trascendentale, Torino: 1965<br />

Caianiello, E. [IPM]“Infant’s prolegomena to any future metaphysics: the sense of numerical identity, the numerical<br />

identity of sense”, Dogma, Mars 2008.; [SEO] “Sisifo e l’eterna omeostasi della psichiatria attuale”, Il Nuovo Baretti ,<br />

(April 2004).<br />

Cantor,G. Beiträge zur Begründung der transfiniten Mengenlehre, Berlin : 1895<br />

Dehaene, S. La bosse des maths, Paris : 1997<br />

Dedekind,R.[WSZ], Was sind und was sollen di Zahlen? Berlin : 1888<br />

EUROPEAN COMMISSION – [EUC] Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament And of the Council<br />

concerning the European Year of creativity and Innovation (2009)<br />

EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT [EUP] Lisbon European Council 23 and 24 March 2000. Presidency<br />

Conclusions<br />

Everest Boole, M., The preparation of child for science, Oxford:1904<br />

Galilei,G. Dialogues on two world systems, Chicago: 1953<br />

Grattan Guinness, I., The search for mathematical roots, Princeton 2000<br />

Hamilton,W.R., Theory of conjugate functions, or algebraic couples; with a preliminary and elementary essay on<br />

Algebra as the science of Pure Time, London: 1837<br />

Kant,I., Kritik der Reinen Vernunft, Berlin 1787<br />

W.Koeler, Die Gestaltpsychologie, Berlin 1929<br />

Mangione, C. Logica e fondamenti della matematica, in L.Geymonat, Storia del pensiero filosofico e scientifico, vol.<br />

VI, Milano: 1972<br />

OECD [2000] DeSeCo. La Définition et la sélection des Compétence.; [2002] Comprendre le cerveau. Vers une<br />

nouvelle science de l’apprentissage ; [2003] Cadre d’évaluation de PISA 2003 – Connaissances et compétences en<br />

mathématiques, lecture, science et résolution de problèmes ; [2005/2006] L’Education à l’OCDE [2006] Assessing<br />

Scientific, Reading and Mathematical Literacy. A Framework for PISA 2006 [2007] Comprendre le cerveau. Naissance<br />

d’une science de l’apprentissage. [2008] Teaching, Learning and Assessment for Adults: Improving Foundation Skills<br />

Piaget J. [NI] La naissance de l’intelligence chez l’enfant, Neuchâtel-Paris : 1936 ; [CR] La construction du réel chez<br />

l’enfant, Neuchâtel-Paris 1937 ; [GN] La genèse du nombre chez l’enfant, Neuchâtel-Paris 1941; [FS] La formation<br />

du symbole chez l'enfant, Neuchâtel 1945. [EG] L’épistemologie genetique, Paris : 1970 ; [MG] “Le mécanisme du<br />

développement mental et les lois du groupement des opérations ”, Archives de Psychol, 1941<br />

Plato, Republic, Oxford<br />

UNESCO [1990] World declaration on Education for All and framework for action to meet basic learning needs<br />

adopted by the world conference on education for all meeting basic learning needs . Jomtien, 1990<br />

[2000] a) Education For All: Meeting Our Collective Commitments. Dakar, Senegal, 26-28 April 2000 ; b) Action<br />

Framework ; c) Living Literacy.<br />

Winn,K. “Addition and soustraction by human infants” Nature, 358, (1992)<br />

Wittgenstein,L. [NB] Notebooks 1914-1916, London 1961 [TLP] Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, London: 1922; [PI]<br />

Philosophical Investigations, London:1953<br />


Jean Dhombres<br />

Directeur de recherche au CNRS Directeur d'études à l'EHESS<br />

Centre Alexandre Koyré Groupe de Recherches sur les Savoirs<br />

Histoire des sciences et des techniques 10 Rue Monsieur le Prince,<br />

27 rue Damesme, 75 013 Paris 75 006 Paris<br />

tél: 01 45 65 42 53 tél: 01 53 10 54 67/ou 66<br />

Fax 01 45 81 16 47<br />

Jean.Dhombres@damesme.cnrs.fr gers@ehess.fr<br />

I hereby professor Jean Dhombres, from EHESS (Paris) do accept to be « participant number 1 » for the<br />

project registered as FP7-People-IEF-2008, and entitled “Symbols of their own genesis. Foundation of a<br />

Dynamics of Representation”. The call identification is 03 CO74 of march 2008, and the project is submitted<br />

by M.Eduardo Caianiello. Normally, E.Caianiello is finishing his PHD thesis at EHESS, and intends to submit it<br />

before the end of present year.

Direction et Administration :<br />

Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Pavillon Chevreul<br />

57 rue Cuvier, 75231 PARIS Cedex 05<br />

Tél. : 33 01 43 36 70 69 - Fax 33 01 43 3134 49<br />

Ce 10.août 2008<br />

Centre Alexandre KOYRE<br />

Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques<br />

EHESS - CNRS (UMR 8560) - MNHN<br />

Secrétariat Scientifique et Chercheurs :<br />

27 rue Damesme, 75013 PARIS<br />

Tél. : 33 0145 65 97 42 ou / 97 46<br />

Fax : 33 01 45 8116 47<br />

Les conditions d'apprentissage des sciences, en particulier des sciences<br />

mathématiques, que ce soient les conditions sociales, mentales, émotionnelles ou<br />

organisationnelles au sein même des savoirs, ont fait l'objet de très nombreuses études. La<br />

didactique des sciences et particulièrement la didactique des mathématiques, a en effet fait des<br />

progrès considérables depuis son lancement véritable par Piaget dans les années 50 du XXe<br />

siècle, et la mise en œuvre d'une expérimentation par Guy Brousseau dans les années 70, sans<br />

compter les nombreuses approches sociologiques. Dans la plupart des travaux, que ce soit<br />

reconnu ouvertement, ou resté implicite, un rôle important est dévolu à la notion générale<br />

d'obstacle épistémologique, telle que mise en avant par Gaston Bachelard pour rendre compte<br />

de l'histoire des sciences en général, et de l'innovation humaine en particulier. Ces travaux, il<br />

faut le souligner, avaient tous une légitime prétention théorique, avec le souci de parvenir à<br />

une théorie de la connaissance par sa transmission.<br />

Le présent projet tente une réflexion aussi radicale, partant aussi bien de la philosophie<br />

analytique que de la phénoménologie, en s'attaquant d'une façon originale au problème de la<br />

représentation des objets, ou des idées mathématiques. L'originalité tient à une perception<br />

dynamique du champ des représentations mathématiques, et à une double vision interne et<br />

externe, dont il s'explique très bien dans le projet qui est soumis, et pour lequel il demande<br />

une subvention lui permettant de pouvoir travailler pendant deux années. Cette perception<br />

dynamique lui fait mettre de côté les aspects sociaux, pour pouvoir les situer au plus près des<br />

significations des symboles et de leur appropriation par le sujet apprenant.<br />

Eduardo Caianiello, qui déploie une énergie farouche et impressionnante laquelle attire<br />

forcément la sympathie, est certainement à même de réaliser le programme qu'il décrit. Je le<br />

soutiens d'autant plus volontiers qu'il est inscrit pour une thèse sous ma direction à l'Ecole des<br />

Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, dont le titre original est : Le fait génétique de<br />

mathématiques et la puissance dynamique du mental humain. Dans son travail de thèse, il<br />

manifeste une curiosité tous azimuts, allant voir de près les exemples historiques en<br />

mathématiques que je lui soumets, acceptant de remettre en question ses analyses, les affinant<br />

en les modifiant au besoin. C'est cette curiosité intellectuelle, fruit d'un long travail passé et de<br />

nombreuses difficultés résolues, qui fait que sa demande d'un soutien mérite vraiment d'être<br />

étudiée et validée.<br />

Jean Dhombres<br />

Directeur d'études à l'EHESS

Referee Jean Dhombres.<br />

English<br />

The conditions of learning the Sciences, in particular the Mathematical Sciences, which deal with social,<br />

mental, emotional or organizational conditions within the context of knowledge, have been the object of<br />

numerous studies. The teaching of Sciences, and in particular the teaching of Mathematics, has in fact made<br />

considerable progress since its effective launch by Piaget in the 1950’s, and by the experiment put into effect by<br />

Guy Brousseau in the 1970’s; without considering the numerous sociological approaches. In the majority of<br />

studies, whether they be openly recognized or whether they remain implicit, an important role is attributed to the<br />

general notion of an epistemological obstacle, that has been proposed by Gaston Bachelard to explain the history<br />

of Sciences in general, and human innovation in particular. It must be underlined that all these studies had a<br />

legitimate theoretical claim to the problem of arriving at a theory of knowledge through its transmission.<br />

The present project makes an attempt at a similarly radical thought, beginning from analytical<br />

philosophy as much as from phenomenology, and confronting the problem of representation of objects, or of<br />

mathematical ideas in a completely original way. The originality lies in the dynamic perception of the field of<br />

mathematical representations, and in a double vision, both internal and external, which is well explained in the<br />

proposed project and for which Eduardo Caianiello asks for funding to allow him to work for two years. This<br />

dynamic perception causes him to put the social aspects to one side, so that he can place them closer to the<br />

meaning of symbols and to their appropriation by the subject of learning.<br />

Eduardo Ciananiello, who exudes an explosive and impressive amount of energy, means that he is well<br />

liked, and that he is certainly able to realize the project that he describes. I support him willingly as he is<br />

registered for a thesis entitled ‘The genetic fact of Mathematics and the dynamic power of the human mind’ under<br />

my guidance at the ' Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales’. In his thesis he shows an immense curiosity,<br />

enabling him to deal closely with historical and mathematical examples which I propose to him. He also accepts<br />

that he may have to question his analyses, analyzing them and modifying them if needs be.<br />

It is this intellectual curiosity, fruit of lengthy past studies and numerous resolved difficulties, which<br />

makes his request for funding truly worthy of being studied and heard.<br />

Italiano<br />

Le condizioni di apprendimento delle scienze, in particolare delle scienze matematiche, che si tratti delle<br />

condizioni sociali, mentali, emozionali o organizzative nel seno stesso dei saperi, sono state l'oggetto di<br />

numerosissimi studi. La didattica delle scienze, e particolarmente la didattica della matematica, ha in effetti fatto<br />

progressi considerevoli dal suo lancio effettivo da parte di Piaget dagli anni '50 del XX secolo, e la messa in opera<br />

di una sperimentazione da parte di Guy Brousseau negli anni '70; senza contare i numerosi approcci sociologici.<br />

Nella maggior parte dei lavori, che questo sia riconosciuto apertamente o resti implicito, un ruolo importante è<br />

attribuito alla nozione generale di ostacolo epistemologico, quale è stata proposta da Gaston Bachelard per render<br />

conto della storia delle scienze in generale, e dell'innovazione umana in particolare. Questi lavori, bisogna<br />

sottolinearlo, avevano tutti una legittima pretesa teorica, nella preoccupazione di pervenire a una teoria della<br />

conoscenza attraverso la sua trasmissione.<br />

Il progetto presente tenta una riflessione altrettanto radicale, a partire tanto dalla filosofia analitica che dalla<br />

fenomenologia, e affrontando in modo del tutto originale il problema della rappresentazione degli oggetti, o delle<br />

idee matematiche. L'originalità sta nella percezione dinamica del campo delle rappresentazioni matematiche, e in<br />

una doppia visione, interna e esterna, che è ben spiegata nel progetto proposto, e per il quale Eduardo Caianiello<br />

richiede una sovvenzione che gli permetta di poter lavorare per due anni. Questa percezione dinamica gli fa<br />

mettere da parte gli aspetti sociali, per poterli situare più vicino alle significazioni dei simboli e alla loro<br />

appropriazione da parte del soggetto dell'apprendimento.<br />

Eduardo Ciananiello, che dispiega un’energia esplosiva e impressionante che necessariamente attira la<br />

simpatia, è certamente in grado di realizzare il programma che descrive. Io lo sostengo tanto più volentieri in<br />

quanto è iscritto per una tesi sotto la mia direzione all' Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, e di cui il<br />

titolo originale è Il fatto genetico della matematica e la potenza dinamica della mente umana. Nel suo lavoro di<br />

tesi, egli manifesta una curiosità a trecentosessanta gradi, per cui si occupa sempre da vicino degli esempi storici<br />

e matematici che io gli propongo, e accetta di rimettere in questione le sue analisi, analizzandole e<br />

all'occorrenza modficandole.<br />

È questa curiosità intellettuale, frutto di un lungo lavoro passato e di numerose difficoltà risolte, a far sì che<br />

la sua richiesta di un sostegno meriti veramente di essere studiata e ascoltata.

Bologna, 5 luglio 2008<br />

Sono diversi anni che da un’angolazione centrata sulla didattica della matematica seguo<br />

le ricerche razionalistiche di Eduardo Caianiello che persegue con sempre maggiore convinzione e<br />

successo il progetto di un rinnovamento radicale nei modi della trasmissione del sapere scientifico (<br />

e non solo) in un mondo e un’epoca che di un tale rinnovamento hanno un bisogno veramente<br />

vitale.<br />

Eduardo ha avuto otto anni fa il coraggio di abbandonare il percorso canonico della<br />

carriera accademica – nonostante gli indubbi successi che riscuoteva – per poter seguire senza<br />

riserve, e assumendosi tutti i rischi del caso, il cammino teorico e pratico che gli veniva via via<br />

indicato dalle sue intuizioni teoriche e dalle sue esperienze didattico/pedagogiche sul campo.<br />

Il nocciolo dell’impresa scientifica di Eduardo Caianiello è nella sua idea genetica e<br />

dinamica del rapporto che la mente umana istituisce tra sé stessa e i simboli convenzionali della<br />

matematica, analizzando le leggi che reggono i processi della sua stessa nascita. L’idea è insomma<br />

che uno sguardo dinamico sulla fonte comune di quelle forme cinematiche che chiamiamo<br />

“pensiero algoritmico” ci consente di potere osservare non solo dei movimenti di simbolizzazione in<br />

atto, ma anche i processi genetici che hanno portato quegli stessi movimenti alla piena e diretta<br />

coscienza di sé stessi nel momento in cui la nostra mente pone in essere un’ [auto]trasformazione<br />

“matematica”. Si tratta cioè di un’ indagine analoga a quella che consente di osservare oggi al<br />

telescopio la condizione iniziale del nostro universo, e di ricostruire così l’intero processo della sua<br />

formazione, di cui noi stessi che osserviamo siamo uno dei risultati finali.<br />

Questa genetica che si collega agli aspetti percettivi del grafema matematico, richiama<br />

la dinamogesi dei simboli che la compongono (“Ogni simbolo è un nuovo simbolo” direbbe Ludwig<br />

Wittgenstein), e questa dinamogenesi si produce – secondo l’idea di Eduardo Caianiello –<br />

all’interno di uno spazio della Rappresentazione entro il quale alla nostra mente è dato di osservare<br />

l’evento/processo della sua stessa nascita. Per questo, la stessa disciplina che si occupa della genesi<br />

dei simboli, in essi vedendo i simboli della loro propria genesi, offre infine le basi di partenza di una<br />

Dinamica della Rappresentazione.

Su queste basi, rilevo un interesse certo di questa prospettiva tanto nel dominio della<br />

didattica che in quello della psicologia clinica. Una buona didattica deve essere capace di deautomatizzare<br />

gli schemi mentali degli allievi, facendo in modo che le forme apprese siano sempre<br />

l’occasione di un movimento sperimentale nuovo e creativo, mentre una nuova luce viene gettata<br />

sulla fonte del blocco fobico scolare così diffuso.<br />

Il programma di ricerca “Simboli della propria genesi. Fondamenti di una Dinamica<br />

della Rappresentazione” offre dunque delle prospettive estremamente fertili e preziose a partire<br />

da un orizzonte già pienamente strutturato e maturo, mentre un quadro di finanziamenti come<br />

“People” intitolato a Marie Curie non può vedere in Eduardo Caianiello che l’espressione esemplare<br />

di quel pieno e coraggioso impegno personale e individuale che è da sempre il motore del<br />

progresso della scienza e della civiltà.<br />

dr dr prof dr PhD Bruno D’Amore<br />

Docente di Didattica della Matematica<br />

Direttore della rivista “La matematica e la sua didattica”<br />

Direttore scientifico del Convegno Nazionale “Incontri con la Matematica”,<br />

Responsabile scientifico degli accordi con le università di Colombia<br />

telef univ: ++39)0512094446 / fax: (++39)0512094490<br />

telef. privato: (++39)051505616 / cell: (++39)3356463896<br />

e-mail: damore@dm.unibo.it www.dm.unibo.it/rsddm


Since several years I’ve been following, from a point of view centered on the<br />

didactics of mathematics, the rationalist researches of Eduardo Caianiello, who’s leading his<br />

project of a radical renovation in the methods of (not only) scientific knowledge transmission,<br />

with always stronger conviction and success.<br />

Height years ago, Eduardo has had the courage to quit the canonical way of<br />

academicals career – notwithstanding the success he was getting – to unconditionally follow<br />

the theoretical and practical path that his scientific intuition and his didactico/pedagogical<br />

experiences on field suggested him to follow.<br />

The core of scientific enterprise of Eduardo Caianiello is in his dynamic and genetic<br />

vision of the relationship that human understandig establishes between itself and the<br />

conventional symbols of mathemathics, in which our mind has the possibility to grasp the<br />

laws of its own birth.<br />

The idea is that a dynamic undersatinding of the common root of these cinematic<br />

forms that we call “algorthmic thought”, allows us to observe not only an actual movement<br />

of symbolisation, but also the genetic process that has brought this movement to a direct<br />

self-awarness, when our mind realizes a “mathematical” self-transformation. It is then the<br />

same method as that which permits us to observe here and now through the telescope, the<br />

initial condition of our universe, and to describe the total process of its formation, of which<br />

we, the actual observers, are one of the final effects.<br />

This genetic transformation is also observable in the perceptive aspects of<br />

mathematical graphema, because it recalls the dynamogenesis of the symbols that compose<br />

mathematical evidence (“every symbol is a new symbol” would say Ludwig Wittgenstein).<br />

Now this dynamogenesis takes form – accordingly to Caianiello’s perspective – inside of a<br />

space of the Representation, that is then the final horizon in which our mind can observe the<br />

event of its own first apparition.<br />

For this reason, the same science that is concerned with the genesis of symbols,<br />

and that sees them as the symbols of their own genesis, builds up the foundations of a<br />

Dynamics of the Representation.<br />

On this ground, I find this perspective really interesting as in the field of the<br />

didactics as in that of clinic psychology. A good didactic program must be able to deautomatizing<br />

the mental schemas of the students, so that the forms they learn will always be<br />

the occasion for a new and creative experimental movement; furthermore, a new light is<br />

thrown on the root of the so diffused school phobia.<br />

From a scientific point of view then, the research program “Symbols of their own<br />

genesis. Foundation of a Dynamics of Representation” offers a really fruitful perspective, on<br />

the basis of a fully ripe and structured conceptual framework, while from the human point of<br />

view the European program “People”, entitled to the memory of Marie Curie, finds in<br />

Eduardo Caianiello the perfect expression of that complete and courageous personal<br />

engagement that since always is at the core of scientific and historical progress.

Prof. Dott. Pierluigi Scapicchio<br />

Psichiatra<br />

Via Venanzio Fortunato, 12<br />

00136 Roma - Italy<br />

Rome, 12/8/2008<br />

I first met Eduardo Caianiello in 1995, and I immediately realized that this young undergraduate thinker would<br />

have an important future in the scientific community.<br />

I found Mr. Caianiello’s s simultaneous philosophical, historical and formal formal approach to the the relationship<br />

relationship<br />

between the material and the mental dimension of human life extremely interesting. His historical and cultural insight<br />

convinced him that the cyclical rhythm rhythm of the main neurological phenomena had had to to be be explained explained with with the the strictly<br />

strictly<br />

logical/cognitive tools of an enhanced science of the mind. This was due to tthe<br />

he fact that the essentially pedagogical<br />

perspective on the ethical question: «how can man be an an active active agent in his material history?» has always always been<br />

been<br />

concurrent with the scientific question: «how can the mind actively intervene on on the the body?».<br />

In 1995/1996, 96, I published the first two interdisciplinary interdisciplinary reviews by Mr. Caianiello Caianiello on on this this subject: subject: the the first<br />

first<br />

review discussed the book written by the psychoanalyst G.Jervis «Surviving Surviving until the Millenium Millenium», while the second<br />

discussed the book written by the psychiatrist psychia A.Balestrieri «Instincts. Instincts. Ancient ways to human behavior». behavior I must say that<br />

for me, the most astonishing aspect of these 13 years of relentless research has been - besides the fact that Mr. Caianiello<br />

has been an effective “active agent” against his aawful<br />

Horton headache! - the perseverance of this philosopher. When he<br />

resigned from the EHESS in 2000, Mr. Caianiello told me that it it was was only only a temporary decision, decision, to «re-meditate «re the<br />

methodological question» and to «obtain more powerful formal tools» … I confess that on this occasion I feared that he<br />

could lose the way back to his – for me – quite apparent vocation in research. But I was proven wrong: Mr. Caianiello<br />

never stops studying.<br />

In 2003, I published Mr. Caianiello’s Caianiello «Voices of the current age: Popper opper and Laing contra Freud», Freud and in<br />

2004 I much enjoyed reading his «Sisyphus Sisyphus and the the Eternal Eternal Homeostasis Homeostasis of of current current Psychiatry», Psychiatry concerning the<br />

epistemological condition of modern psychiatry, where the roots of Mr. Mr. Caianiello’s current current results results were were in in fact f<br />

established. Moreover, during these years, I have followed Mr. Caianiello Caianiello’ss theoretical and pedagogical research on<br />

mathematical and physical matters, so that I now know that the PhD-Thesis PhD «The The genetic fact of mathematics… » and the<br />

research-program «Symbols Symbols of their own genesis… genesis…» » are really the final answer to his old ethical/scientific (that is,<br />

pedagogical) question on man’s possibility to act on his life and world.<br />

Mr. Caianiello’s s idea idea of an evolutionary evolutionary vector vector of human cognition cognition sets the “Min “Mind” as the profound orienting<br />

identity (→) →) of a dynamical system that at any given moment moment manifests itself on its own surface as as the “commutative”<br />

“commutative”<br />

mind↔body interaction. It is quite a simple simple idea idea that unifies unifies all all human phenomena under the the experimental conc concept of<br />

«representation», that Mr. Caianiello has found in the educational/cognitive field of of symbolic/mathematical symbolic/mathematical learning.<br />

This new conceptual framework thus opens a coherent horizon to really «re-meditate» «re meditate» the cardinal neurophysiologic and<br />

psychiatric notions otions of “homeostasis”, “homeostasis”, “oscillation” and “stability”… Furthermore, what what Mr. Caianiello affirms about the<br />

relationship between the the «absolute «absolute beginning» beginning» entailed entailed by every symbolic operation, and the the roots roots of psychological<br />

school-phobia and neurophysiologic brain brain-obsolescence, obsolescence, deserves the greatest attention by the scientific and educational<br />

community. I would be extremely delighted if our old-and-new old new Europe would give this precious opportunity to such a<br />

pure researcher to “resume career”, in a world where pperhaps<br />

erhaps nothing is more important than this kind of fidelity and<br />

abnegation to scientific and pedagogical life.<br />

Professor of Neurology and Geriatric Psychiatry<br />


Past President of the Società Italiana di Psichiatria.<br />

National Coordinator of Research on the relationship between between depression depression and and Alzheimer’s Alzheimer’s disease<br />

Italian Interdisciplinary Network of Alzheimer Disease (ITINAD)<br />

President of the Associazione Italiana di Psicogeriatria

Referee Pierluigi Scapicchio<br />

Italiano<br />

Conobbi Eduardo Caianiello per la prima volta nel 1995, e capii immediatamente che questo giovane pensatore non<br />

ancora laureato avrebbe avuto un futuro importante nella comunità scientifica.<br />

Trovavo estremamente interessante il suo approccio allo stesso tempo filosofico, storico, e formale al rapporto tra la<br />

dimensione materiale e mentale della vita umana: la sua sensibilità storica e culturale lo aveva convinto che il ritmo ciclico dei<br />

principali fenomeni neurologici deve essere spiegato con gli strumenti strettamente logico/cognitivi di una potenziata scienza<br />

della mente, e questo era dovuto al fatto che la prospettiva essenzialmente pedagogica sulla questione etica: “come un uomo<br />

può essere un agente attivo nella sua storia materiale?” è per lui sempre stata concentrica alla a questione scientifica: “come la<br />

mente umana può attivamente intervenire sul corpo?”. Così, nel 1995/1996, ho pubblicato i primi due articoli interdisciplinari<br />

del Sig. Caianiello: il primo trattava del libro dello psichiatra A. Balestrieri «Istinti. Antiche vie al comportamento umano», il<br />

secondo del saggio dello psicoanalista Giovanni Jervis «Sopravvivere al millennio».<br />

Devo dire che per me, l’aspetto più sorprendente di questi 13 anni di ininterrotte ricerche è stato – oltre al fatto che il<br />

Sig. Caianiello è stato un effettivo «agente attivo» contro la sua terribile emicrania ! – la perseveranza di questo filosofo.<br />

Quando lasciò l’ EHESS nel 2000, Eduardo mi disse che era solo una decisione temporanea, per “rimeditare la questione<br />

metodologica” e per “ottenere strumenti formali più potenti” … e confesso che in questa occasione temetti che potesse perdere<br />

la via del ritorno alla sua – per me – del tutto ovvia vocazione alla ricerca.<br />

Ma mi ero sbagliato: il Sig. Caianiello non smette mai di studiare. Nel 2003, ho pubblicato il suo «Voci della<br />

contemporaneità: Popper e Laing contra Freud», e nel 2004 ho apprezzato molto il suo «Sisifo e l’ Eterna omeostasi della<br />

Psichiatria contemporanea» , sulla la condizione epistemologica della psichiatria attuale, dove erano già presenti le radici dei<br />

suoi attuali risultati teorici. Infine, durante questi anni, ho seguito la su ricerca teorica e pedagogica sui fondamenti della<br />

Matematica e della Fisica, sicché ora so che la tesi di PhD «Il fatto genetico della matematica …» e il programma di ricerca<br />

«Simboli della propria genesi …» sono realmente la sua risposta finale alla iniziale questione etico/scientifica (cioè,<br />

pedagogica) sulla possibilità dell’uomo di agire sulla sua vita e sul suo mondo.<br />

L’idea del Sig. Caianiello di un vettore evolutivo della cognizione umana pone la “Mente” come l’ orientante identità<br />

profonda (→) di un sistema dinamico che ad ogni istante dato manifesta sé stesso sulla sua propria superficie come l’interazione<br />

commutativa mente ↔ corpo. È un’idea semplice, che unifica tutti i fenomeni dell’umano sotto il concetto sperimentale di<br />

«rappresentazione», che il Sig. Caianiello rinviene nel campo educativo/cognitivo dell’apprendimento simbolico/matematico.<br />

Questa nuova struttura concettuale apre dunque un orizzonte coerente per effettivamente “ri-meditare” le nozioni<br />

neurofisiologiche e psichiatriche di “omeostasi”, “oscillazione”, “ stabilità” … Ulteriormente, ciò che il Sig. Caianiello afferma<br />

circa la relazione tra l’ “inizio assoluto” implicato da ogni operazione simbolica, e le radici della fobia-scolare e dell’<br />

invecchiamento neurofisiologico del cervello, è degno della più grande attenzione da parte della comunità scientifica e<br />

educativa.<br />

Sarei dunque estremamente felice se la nostra vecchia-e-nuova Europa desse questa preziosa opportunità a un tale puro<br />

ricercatore, in un mondo dove niente forse è più importante che questo tipo di fedeltà e abnegazione alla vita scientifica e<br />


Maison d'Auguste Comte<br />

Association Internationale<br />

ociation interna 10, rue Monsieur-le Prince<br />

75006 Paris<br /> (tel)<br /> (fax)<br />

augustecomte@wanadoo.fr<br />

Angèle Kremer-Marietti,<br />

Présidente du Groupe d’Études et de Recherches Épistémologiques,<br />

01 70 07 23 02<br />

angele.marietti@numericable.com<br />

Paris , le 13 juillet 2008<br />

Je ne connaissais pas avant cette année Monsieur Eduardo Caianiello dont j’ai publié<br />

dans ma revue électronique DOGMA (numéro de mars 2008) un article fort bien documenté,<br />

« Les prolégomènes de l’enfant à toute métaphysique future : le sens de l’identité numérique,<br />

l’identité numérique du sens », dont l’orientation cognitiviste est nettement marquée.<br />

J’ai ensuite donné l’occasion à Monsieur Eduardo Caianiello de venir, le 7 juin 2008,<br />

présenter et développer ses idées à mon Groupe d’Études et de Recherches Épistémologiques,<br />

au cours d’une conférence intitulée « Poincaré, Piaget, Marcel Proust et la genèse du symbole<br />

mathématique et littéraire ».<br />

Je m’intéresse aux travaux de Monsieur Eduardo Caianiello car ils partent du point de<br />

vue de la représentation pour expliquer les processus du symbolisme intervenant dans la<br />

phénoménologie de la cognition – ce qui est mon point de vue dans la perpective d’une<br />

« philosophie comme science du symbolique » à laquelle je travaille personnellement depuis<br />

plusieurs années.<br />

J’apprécie donc le projet général formulé par Monsieur Eduardo Caianiello d’une<br />

théorie qu’il conçoit, en ce qui le concerne, comme devant être génétique et qui devrait lui<br />

permettre d’enchaîner toutes les phases de la cognition humaine. Son propos se rattache<br />

explicitement à Kant, Piaget et Wittgenstein, ce dont je ne puis que l’approuver.<br />

Angèle Kremer-Marietti

Referee Marietti<br />

English<br />

I met Mr.Eduardo Caianiello this year, when I published his highly and exhaustively<br />

informative essay «Infant's prolegomena to any future metaphysics: the sense of numerical identity,<br />

the numerical identity of sense» in my electronic review DOGMA (March 2008). In this study, Mr.<br />

Caianiello’s cognitivist orientation is clearly expressed.<br />

Afterwards, on June the 7th 2008, I invited Mr. Caianiello to present at and to develop his<br />

theories with my Groupe d'Études et de Recherches Épistémologiques, in a conference entitled «<br />

Poincaré, Piaget, Marcel Proust and the genesis of the mathematical and literary symbol ».<br />

I am very interested in Mr. Caianiello's work, because it comes about as the result of a point<br />

of view on representation, to explain the process of symbolism that intervenes in the<br />

phenomenology of cognition, and this is also my point of view in the perspective of a philosophy like<br />

the science of symbolism, on which I have been working for many years.<br />

I thus appreciate the general project proposed by Mr. Caianiello of a theory that, according<br />

to his vision, must be genetic, and would allow him to link together all the steps of human cognition.<br />

Mr.Caianiello’s intent is explicitly linked to Kant, Piaget, and Wittgenstein, and this is an additional<br />

reason for me to give him my complete approval.<br />

Italiano<br />

Non conoscevo prima di quest’anno Eduardo Caianiello, di cui ho pubblicato nella<br />

mia rivista elettronica DOGMA (numero di marzo 2008) un articolo molto ben documentato,<br />

“I prolegomeni del bambino ad ogni metafisica futura : il senso dell’identità numerica,<br />

l’identità numerica del senso ”, il cui orientamento cognitivista è nettamente pronunciato.<br />

Ho in seguito dato l’occasione a Eduardo Caianiello di venire, il 7 giugno 2008, a<br />

presentare e sviluppare le sue idee al mio Gruppo di Studi Epistemologici, nel corso di una<br />

conferenza intitolata “Poincaré, Piaget, Marcel Proust e la genesi del simbolo matematico e<br />

letterario ”.<br />

Mi interesso ai lavori di Eduardo Caianiello perché essi partono dal punto di vista<br />

della rappresentazione per spiegare i processi del simbolismo intervenendo nella<br />

fenomenologia della cognizione – ciò che è il mio punto di vista nella prospettiva di una<br />

filosofia come scienza del simbolico alla quale lavoro personalmente da più anni.<br />

Apprezzo dunque il progetto generale formulato da Eduardo Caianiello di una<br />

teoria che egli concepisce, in ciò che lo concerne, come necessariamente genetica e che<br />

dovrebbe permettergli di concatenare tutte le fasi della cognizione umana. Il suo proposito si<br />

ricollega esplicitamente a Kant, Piaget e Wittgenstein, ciò che io non posso che approvare.<br />

2<br />


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