First Among Equals - books

First Among Equals - books

First Among Equals - books


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two front benches. Charles was surprised at how small the<br />

chamber was in<br />

reality: the Government and Opposition benches faced each<br />

other a mere<br />

sword's length apart. Charles recalled that historically<br />

a sword's length<br />

had once insufed the safety of those bitter rivals who<br />

sat opposite each<br />

other.<br />

Leaving his sponsors in his wake, he passed down the<br />

long table, stepping<br />

over the legs of the Prime Minister and the Foreign<br />

Secretary before being<br />

handed the oath by the Clerk of the House.<br />

He held the little card in his right hand and pronounced<br />

the words as<br />

firmly as if they had been his marriage vows.<br />

"l,Charles Hampton, do swear that I will be faithful,<br />

and bear true<br />

allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, her heirs and<br />

successors<br />

according to law, so help me God."<br />

"Hear, hear," rose from his colleagues as the new member<br />

ofParliamerit<br />

leaned over to inscribe the Test Roll, a parchment<br />

folded into book shape.<br />

Charles proceeded toward the Speaker's chair, when he<br />

stopped and bowed.<br />

"Welcome to the House, Mr. Hampton," said the Speaker,<br />

shaking his hand. "I<br />

hope you will serve this place for many years to come."<br />

"Thank you, Mr. Speaker," said Charles, and bowed for a<br />

final time before<br />

continuing on to the small area behind the Speaker's<br />

chair. He had carried<br />

out the little ceremony exactly as the Tory Chief Whip<br />

had rehearsed it<br />

with him in the long corridor outside his office.<br />

16<br />


"Congratulations on your splendid victory, Charles,"<br />

said the former Prime

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