February 23, 1928 - Dane County Historical Society

February 23, 1928 - Dane County Historical Society

February 23, 1928 - Dane County Historical Society


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age. 4<br />

ite en Canis of<br />

Varnish Used Min.<br />

tRedecorating<br />

'drk Is Completed Within<br />

22 Days After Fire<br />

Destruction<br />

The' redecorating of the auditorium<br />

s accomplished within twenty-two<br />

ys. after the fire which did great.<br />

ro age to the stage and necessitated<br />

redecoration of the whole auditora.:<br />

The insurance was arranged at<br />

.695. Most of the cost is borne by<br />

F# insurance .companies although<br />

ry 0 .Is carried by the Board of Eduion.<br />

There is 90% insurance on;<br />

b building and 100% on the equip-?<br />

Int. The 'offices of Miss Mary<br />

jrgrave, Miss Corneli'a" Cooper, and<br />

1men teachers rooms were redecorhi.<br />

In the. redecoration 30 .gallons of<br />

hit- and 15 'cans, of varnish were<br />

jd. All the draperies were made by<br />

Burdick and Murray- company.<br />

tformer stage came from Minnealis.<br />

Six carpenters and from two to!<br />

to painters did the work.<br />

1)uring the spring vacation the<br />

;e floor. will be sanded or resured<br />

and a. new electric light: cable<br />

border,. and concert lights will be<br />

tailed... All musical instruments<br />

deiwere damaged by the fire have<br />

In,-repaired. and restored to their,<br />

.aier appearance.,,, The decorating<br />

all done under the supervision: of<br />

Superintendent -of Buildings,. Mr.<br />

BJohnson.<br />

lisconsin High<br />

IPublishes. Ppe<br />

iie to. Be Given for the<br />

iBest Name That Is<br />

I.Suggested<br />

he first edition of the new Wiscon.<br />

High paper wais issued on Thurs-<br />

Februairy 9. The paper -is spon-<br />

Student Injured"<br />

by Falling Brace.<br />

Donald Leith, 101, was slightly in jured<br />

.last Tuesday when he was -hit on<br />

the head. by- a falling brace. The iron<br />

brace, one'of-'the -severalI hundred that<br />

support: the railing next to the open-<br />

ing, -became loosened and: fell at the<br />

time when students were - passing, to<br />

their sixth period- classes. Donald- was'<br />

on: the .stairway near the second floor<br />

when- he, was hit. First aid -was- administered,<br />

to_ him and he -resumed his<br />

studying the ninth period.<br />

All the braces hive been tested with-<br />

out any more loose ones being found<br />

so that it- is probable that some defective<br />

part. caused the brace to fall.<br />



(Continued From Page 1)<br />

'25; Carollne Miller. 'whose brother<br />

William and sister, Anna. Mae, are<br />

now in Central; Sarah-:J ones, Mary.<br />

Lucille's sister; William Stekelberg,<br />

brothe? of Alice who attended Central<br />

her first two years;- Annabelle Sweet,<br />

a sister of Harry and Gordon.- who<br />

graduated in '26 and '27 respectively.<br />

and Ben Sweet, who is.: now a 12b;<br />

Charles Grunnow, whose sister. Marion.<br />

was graduated'. in '26; Harold<br />

Blankenheim, younger brother of<br />

Charles, an. 1a; and Norman, a grad-uate<br />

.of the class of '25; Francis Schiffer,<br />

sister, of Katheryn, a boa; Robbert<br />

Maloney, Margaret's' brother;<br />

Leonard Forrest, whose brother Wil-<br />

1am -was, graduated in '24; George<br />

Goddard, a brother' of one of Central's<br />

most' popular -and best cheerleaders,<br />

"Shorty" Goddard who graduate. in<br />

'25; Harley Coster who is not quite<br />

as tall as his. brother, Russell; Marion<br />

Hinkson, whose brother -Charles was<br />

graduated with. the class of '26; Helen<br />

Myers who has at brother. and sister<br />

in Central, Vera, lia, and Welcome,<br />

11b; Robert Pharo, _ brother- of .John;<br />

Arthur Lutz,' brother. of Charles, '25;<br />

Marjorie Lowe,. whose. sister Portia<br />

was graduated In '24; David Beeman,<br />

brother of Kenneth, who graduated in<br />

'24.=<br />

Relatives of Graduates<br />

Those who have brothers or sis-<br />

ters who were graduated. with the<br />

class pf '25 are. Florence Gruen,<br />

Ruth's sister; Ruth Jjmieson, Russell's<br />

sis _.-te Elane Pa, No 1. ~ran's s~ier;<br />

Fisher, brother. of Lillian, an 11a; Eleanor<br />

Anderson who has two brothers<br />

In Central, George, a lab, and Eu;<br />

gene, an 11a; Caroline Habhegger,<br />

whose sister-Kathryn is an hla; Marjorie<br />

Desormeaux. who. has- her sister<br />

. Dorothea, a senior, to look up to;<br />

Dorothy Lee who has a brother and.<br />

sister, Ruby, lOs, and Clarence, 12b;<br />

k f t P<br />

ig4THE MADISON. MIR RORS .. .. :'. TUIDZPBRAL 3 98<br />

_Phfl 'La Follette<br />

y a y .F i .k-l<br />

in Aud Program _-<br />

Roger BalI. Reads Lincoln's<br />

G ettysburg-Address;<br />

Band, Plays'<br />

Secondof the committee."<br />

"Marion Douglas, 'Florence Hunt,<br />

Although he played in- only one Betty Stats, Harriet' Gleason, Selma<br />

game- last week 'while his East: Side Tilker, and Winifred Stats."<br />

rival played two, ".Fuzzy" Fosdick :re- 4"Not bad-for you."<br />

tamed his hold on the Big Six seer- "Always bellttl'in'.. Now. comes the<br />

lug lead. But those two games play- program."<br />

ed by East Side enabled "Doug" Ey- :Say; isn't Mary good?'"<br />

'ans to. jump '-into the second place "That reel isn't so bad, but do you<br />

from- seventh. Fred Staab also rose think Ruth, Rowe' would -pass for, a<br />

in the scoring race, coming from sixth man?",<br />

place to -the third position.. Then the .' After the program there 'was a<br />

Kenosha triplets came: in order , for grand march and refreshments.<br />

the next three positions, only nine "Boy! Confetti! There is a real<br />

points' separating Pacetti, 'Beaupre, party-and a picture, too. I have to<br />

and Jaskwich. .In seventh place is get in on this."<br />

Knipp, the= Janesville star who led "Careful, or you'll trip.".<br />

the -race for a time, and Scott of Be- "Oh, no. See you later."<br />

fait. "Red"' 'robin.. of Janesville ,in In- the meantime the four-piece, oreighth<br />

place, has not come up ' to the chestra -played "Dream Kisses.".<br />

record he set for himself last year. The boys met once more before' the<br />

Rubado, East Side's husky guard, is party was over, at eleven o'clock, -and<br />

In ninth place and Ulius at present 1 dcided that they'd 'really had a .wonholds-<br />

the tenth position.. derfully good time and wondered why<br />

In relation to 'team, scoring, Ken- they hadn't gone to one of the parties<br />

osha leads Central- by thirty-eight before.'<br />

puts, one hundred and seven 'mark -___________________<br />

\': Leonard, Miss Essie Chamber-<br />

' . and Miss Ruth Henderson.<br />

Lie paper has as yet no name, and<br />

(staff, is offering a prize to the stu-<br />

Ior faculty member, submitting<br />

most clever name.<br />

ie first Issue of the paper contain -<br />

tine mimeographed sheets. Among<br />

articles printed were an editorial,<br />

' .ceount<br />

of the Prom,. literary work<br />

'various students, a book corner,<br />

4activities, Central High news, and<br />

jri wics. Copies are 'to, be sold temjrily<br />

at five cents each.<br />

~Team Las<br />

for" Girl' 7 classes.' Two students. who' wish- to<br />

work together in a -partnership, report<br />

to the bookkeeper of the- class,<br />

Richard Jones.- The two c an' then<br />

help each other with their difficulties..<br />

Amy Chisholm,' Margaret's 'sister;<br />

The pupils who wish may work ahead,<br />

Alice :Rogeberg<br />

whose brothers, Thor-<br />

as a week's assignment in advance is .<br />

eli', and Arvid are liz's and lbb's re-<br />

given.<br />

spectively; and Virginia Hugo, Cath-<br />

This class is also collecting geomneterine's<br />

-sister.<br />

rical designs which -they. plan to<br />

Others Must Achieve Standard<br />

There are also many new students Madison East- -- 53 38 .144 190 Seppanen, Ken. - 6 4 3 16 mount on attractive cards. Some of<br />

Jansvile -- :___5'42 144 203 Mesik, :Rac. ---- '- 4 7. 4 15 the figures will be drawn by members<br />

in' Central who are not freshmen who<br />

have reputations to live up to. They Beloit .' _ '-_54 32 140. 147MclrR .6 3-.1-5, of the class, and other pupils plan to<br />

arc twenty in-. number and Include Rascine' - - - 9<strong>23</strong> ' 121 185 Novic, Mad.: C.-___6 2 8 14 find pictures of buildings or. of any..<br />

Nadine Wood, who resembles her bro- LegendF'. G.-Fleld Goals; F. f.- Nordstrom, Ken.- 5 3 1 13 objects that have geometric. designs.<br />

ther: Douglas very much;' Mercedes Free Throws; T. P.=ratai Points; Wiliheimn, Rae.------4 14 13..'12 These ;will be pasted on -big sheets of'<br />

heavy cardboard; all of the figures:<br />

Thompson,, -h argaret's 'sister; Sara 02 T. P.-Opponents' Total Points.' ierMd..'- .41 will<br />

Swvee4, sister Iof Sam_ who was gradu-<br />

Individual ScoringJenKnechtges, Mad. C... 6 1 0 8. 12 be explained in class.' Miss Morris<br />

-says these may' be put on exhibi-,.<br />

ated in '28; Winifred Shirk who looks Fosdick, Mad. C. . .... 27' 5 7. 59Jesn, Ken., - ' .1.7 3 11<br />

like Walter; John Pierson, Morderis' Evans, Mad. E.-___r_2 13:-6 Eeso,5e.----47 1<br />

Uion if they trun out as' well 'as she:<br />

brother; George, Pierstorff, brother of Stash, Mad.-. C. '-_,_24 8 10 56 Cripps, Janes..-------._ _2 5. 2 9 thinks they will.<br />

Have Played Venice who was graduated in '26; Pacetti, Ken.-------- 22 11' 8 "' 55.________<br />

'Five Games and Have Herman Rabinowits,, Marvin's bro- Beaupre, Ken.- -- 1 12 12 50. Janesville High' school is going, to Reading Contests Are<br />

ther; Burnie Sweet, who' his three Jaskwich, Ken. -_18 " 10 6 46 give a Japanese Musical Comedy, 'The ,Now Being Conducted<br />

I ,Lost None<br />

sisters, Florence, Esther, and Anne, Knlpp,- Janes.---- --- 10 10 10 42i Mikado,' the latter part of 'March. (Continued From Page 1)<br />

who<br />

te 12b's are first in the girls' bas-- were graduated in '25, '27, and Scott, Bel..----------17 '-8 '8 .42 Rehearsals' are' now going on. Helen Richtmeyer; lob-William Ri-<br />

'20, respectively; Olive Hughes, Holey,<br />

Dorothy Filler;' -Malcolm -Lein,<br />

'il tournament as they were in<br />

ward's sister;<br />

year's. .It looks as if this Willie Rubin; David's<br />

Monty- Hacker,; Winifred Shirk; 9awere<br />

brother; Henry- Ruskin, whose two<br />

Otella Nesurg,- Anabelle Milke, Har-<br />

Stheir third championship team. brothers Louis and<br />

have played five Sam, "the Most Efficient Cleaners"<br />

were graduriet<br />

Stiegman,- Dorothy Lyne,' Jean.<br />

games and have ated 'with classes of '24' and '27;<br />

~none.. Both the ha and the l lb<br />

Sa-<br />

Stafford, Marjorie Herlinig, Charlotte<br />

rah Derman,<br />

have'<br />

-Dorothy's and Perella's HoldMeeting inLouneRoom Browh, Frances Mets, Wynono Wy-<br />

played, four games and sister; Lubey Paley, sister of Bella<br />

att, Norman Hoffman,' Olive Hughes.<br />

two. the I0a's- have played is<br />

three now at Central, and Mollie who was "'To uphold our title of 'The Most what he'found 'during the locker clean. ]iorthea Lohff; 9b-Marjorie Ras-<br />

and :lost none, the 12a's hdve<br />

graduated in '27; -Karl Meinke whose Efficient Cleaning Team' in this great 'up. With great dignity that gentlemussen, Anna, Friedrich, Amy Chis--<br />

'd three and. lost 'one, the lob's brother Alfred, was graduated in '22; metropolis of ladison, we- must keep man rose.- He coughed, -one, twice, holm, Henry Lumpkcin, Mary Cather-.<br />

splayed, four' and lost four, and John Gross, Marie's and Frank's bro-, our establishmut spotlessly clean.".'-At 4#nd then -several more times. Ima ine Febock, 'Clara Evelyn Schreiber,<br />

9a's have played three and. lost ther; Elmer Frank.,' brother of 4oe, a meeting held recently' In the lounge patiently- Mr. Cunningham- rose and. Marjorie Hamilton, Caryl, Morse, Jo-<br />

and Meyer, graduates l Feb. 22, the 12a' s of% Central; room, this statement was made by the said, "I shall" make my report. I sephine Walker, Arthur Lutz, Ger-<br />

will play the Maurice and Mary Janskcy whose bro- honorable Charles A.- Hollatz, presi- found violins, shoes, pencils, apples, trude Trainor, Mary Ann. Baird, and<br />

4~ and the. l a's -wilj -play the Da's. 'thers and sister, Moreau, Nelson, Karl, dent of the <strong>Society</strong> for the, Preven- ink bottles and-"-<br />

Dorwin Donavan.<br />

feb.. <strong>23</strong> the 9a's will play the .1la's,<br />

and Helen are graduates of Central; tion of Dirt and. Dust. Mr. Hollats "I fbund gum, gum, gum, gum, Not all of the first: preliminaries,<br />

the ila second team. 12a second. and Anne Bennett, sister of. Henry also said, "We have cleaned every part everywhere," said the 'eminent speak- and only a few -of the second- pre~<br />

'eb. 2'7 the l10b's will play the and Alice.<br />

of this large and spacious building er, Mr. .Morgan.<br />

liminary contests have been held so<br />

4and the "Da second the baa see-<br />

and now we may. take a vacation, of He was- interrupted by Mr. Cun- far..<br />

On Feb. 28 the l0b second-will<br />

one half hour." At this point he was<br />


the b~a second, and the b0a's the<br />

SAYS-<br />

ningham. who said, "You said that Those who have already, won the,<br />

interrupted by. Mr. J. Cunningham, before,. and furthermore, I. had. the second' preliminary contests are Jo-<br />

On March 1 the 11la's and the Cartoon your humor for the Ty. who informed his superior that the floor." The chairman ruled, that Mr. sephine'. Patatore, -Virginia Keppel,<br />

will play, also the 12a second Portray your' funny side and that of ceilings should not be cleaned since Morgan had the floor since Mr. Cun- Marcella Bailey, Howard Haverson,<br />

he l0b second.. On March .5' the your -friends. Laugh' an4 -the world Central has no "high hats." ningham had kept the three' cents of Ruth Jimison, Amy: Chisholm, Joseph-.<br />

and the 9a's will play, and also laughs 'with. you at. the humor of the A report was then made<br />

Oa's and the<br />

as to how 'previous mention.4,<br />

ine Walker,' Henry Lumpkin, all. Bbs.<br />

l2it's.<br />

' Ty.<br />

many dollars had been found in" the Mr;' Morgan related that'. he- had<br />

the second. team tournament, the<br />

corridors and auditorium since. the found one basketball suit,- one shoe,<br />

are, leading.' They have- played Fort' Scott, Kansas, High Schools yeas 1927. Mr. Dye- reported that he one galoshes (and was corrected) five ..Th _EXTN and YMAstudgnts. faculty of Cen-<br />

amres and lost o ne. The 12a's hbold regular class meetings at which had found three cents, but declined' pencils, two pens, oceans of ink bottral High school- wish.. to,_ extend<br />

the Qa's. have played five and lost members of the classes co-operate to to say in what manner he spent the tles. and gum, gum,gu-<br />

~The Ia's have- played three furnish Interesting' programs. Feb. 15. huge sum;<br />

A. bell: rang and the meeting. ad- their sympathy to Betty Hartmey-'<br />

,lost none,. and the lab's have the- Pep Club gave a. play entitled, The chairman -then called upon Mr. Journed -'informally:.'and 'with'. a rush.<br />

er, whose mother died recently.<br />

~d five-.and' lost five,'<br />

"What Kissed Barbara?"<br />

Andrew Morgan. for a. report, as to , It .was -the dinner bell:'<br />

.<br />

Lillidn Beyr Win..<br />

Debate a ; .<br />

The following question was debated<br />

at 'the regular. meeting of G. P. C.<br />

held. Wednesday, "Feb. -8:' "Resolved,<br />

'That Central. High' -school .should<br />

adopt -a' system. of special privileges- to<br />

be granted to seniors having a. certain'-<br />

scholastic standing." . Theaffirmative<br />

was. upheld...by. only- one'<br />

member, Lilli'an Bey,- who took .double<br />

ers. ahead of Racine, the. lowest in'Tbn ae._.;_.. 31 5.,4<br />

team scoring. Racine which had little Rubado, Mad. E.1._.__.16 8 13 40<br />

but -defense the first part of the sea- Uis ae.-----1 5'3<br />

son, seems' to have lost that defense UKesnanes. ------ 1315'3 9 2<br />

now and is 'by far the weakest team Keentan, BeL------_- _710391629<br />

in the conference.- East. Side i o Krueger, Bel.-----10 .- 6 19 26<br />

tied with Janesville for third place.. Sargent, Mad. E.- '9 8 14 26.<br />

Team Scoring Hanson, Rae. .--- 8 5 14 -21<br />

.FG FT TI? OTI? Blngham, Rae. ------ 8 3 5 19<br />

Kenosha --------- 88 52 228 126<br />

Madison Central _..278 34 190 116 Traskell, Bel.-------- 7 2 3. 16<br />

Wn.Rubadol<br />

New President ' ..<br />

of ,ESM'_.Club_<br />

Kenneth Bertrand Unanimously<br />

Elected -Presi-b<br />

'dent of. Council<br />

time, as the other -speaker was absent,<br />

and she carried -off the victory.. The<br />

Atty. Philip La Follette; in, his ad- negative side was supported by Helen An election of -officers was held. by<br />

dresstdelivered to the Central High Pease- and. Jane. Simpson. Helen ' the East Side "UM" club. during the<br />

school., students yesterday, stressed Welch, Jean Hilliard, and Alice Tul- meeting for- the month of <strong>February</strong>.<br />

the. idea of students living up to the us. acted as judges while Lura Walk- William Rubado and. Newman -Reque<br />

standard set by their ancestors. er was critic, - and Lorna. Douglass, were unanimously'" re-elected to hold<br />

"We are tot assembitd here today time keeper. Because Lorna Doug- the offilces of president .and secretary,,<br />

to celebrate Washlpgton's birthday belass was carrying.: too<br />

cause he never told- a lie or many. activity respectively. William Cerves was<br />

Lincoln's points she was forced to resign. from elected vice-president. Two new mem-<br />

birthday because he, helped a pig out<br />

of the mud, .but because these men<br />

the position of publlcty'-chalrman and bers, Harold Edman, andI Charles<br />

did things which have meant some- Helen Welch was elected to take her Qlarle, were initiated.<br />

place.<br />

K. Bertrand Heads Council<br />

thing in the lives of every one of -us.<br />

Kenneth Bertrand; the council rep-<br />

They made great sacrifices that: we<br />

resentative from room 330, was unani-:<br />

might have the .many. -opportunities CONFETTI -ISPART mously elected this semester's presi-.<br />

and advantages which we :hiave,' said<br />

dent of the. council at the last. meet-',-<br />

Mr. La Follette.<br />

OF. BIG PARTY FUN ing on Wednesday, ]Februa<br />

1. Era'<br />

ZHe also .stated. that ire .could best<br />

nest' Schunning,- president of'- the<br />

commemorate the memories of Wash- (Continued From- Page 1) council last semester,' handed -in .his<br />

ington and Lincoln by taking advan- service."<br />

resignation<br />

tage of our opportunities of education "Thanks. What do you say we<br />

at' the previous. meeting.<br />

as he was atbout to graduate.<br />

to become intelligent and courageous dance a little now? That's what we<br />

Two New Teachers<br />

citizens.<br />

came for."<br />

The -Mr. 'B. A. Cockefair and Miss Della<br />

rest of the program consisted "Sure thing. See you later." Westover are new teachers on the East<br />

of the -reading of- Lincoln's -Gettys- After a while our. two friends 'met<br />

burg address by-Roger Ball, an open- once more.- The young' man with the Side -high faculty. Mr.' Cockefair. is<br />

teaching- the 9a biology classes which.<br />

irng selection by the band, and the unusual store of information was ask- Mr. Lugg taught and the' latter is. now<br />

saluting of the flag and the singing d, "Well, if you know so much, who's. instructing the physics and chemis-<br />

of "The Star Spangled Banner" by_ on the program?"<br />

try classes, formerly taught by Mr.<br />

the_ entire -assembly..<br />

"Mary Flynn will give a solo dance- Metcalf.. Mr. .Metcalf is: now, teach-,.r<br />

?nd 'Edith Reynolds, Margaret Meek- iug in Oak Park, Illinois. Miss- Della<br />

Ruth, Rowe, Kathryn xHubbard,- Dor. Westover,' former teacher at Central,<br />

othy .Llndholm;, Betty Hash, Alice has Fosdick Retains<br />

-been added to the French depart-<br />

Dresser, and Marie -Herling will. dance out.. Miss- Westover : taught geothe<br />

Virginia. reel."'.<br />

'graphy and- French at Randall Junior<br />

"Bravo!".<br />

high.<br />

-ConfereceLa " t. whd'at I' mn~wtInterPestd in sare<br />

----- the eats.'"<br />

'Classes Are Larger 'This<br />

Kenosha Leads Big Six Team -411 can tell you all' about that. -:We<br />

Scoring; Central Ranks arc going to have ice cream' and<br />

Secondcookies. Lorna Douglas Is chairman<br />

t Semester; 'A' Study Made<br />

.(Continued From Page 1)<br />

ore than- thirty, students enrolled.<br />

Nearly all the history classes have<br />

more than thirty pupils. each. Miss"<br />

'Matilda' Arneson has two 12b. classes,<br />

one of 30 pupils and the other, 32. Mr..<br />

John Dixon has two 10a classes of<br />

[3 Oand 34 pupils.'<br />

Miss Julia'" Murphy and Miss Margaret<br />

O'Neill each- has 'a -1,a class: of<br />

32 and 30, members respectively. Miss

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