VIETNAM: National Security Files, November 1963- June ... - ProQuest

VIETNAM: National Security Files, November 1963- June ... - ProQuest

VIETNAM: National Security Files, November 1963- June ... - ProQuest


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3-0117 Bibliography of Documents<br />

[Press; Radio; Television; Technical assistance;<br />

U.S. Embassy, Saigon; Propaganda and psycho-<br />

logical warfare; Lodge, Henry Cabot]<br />

3-0121<br />

Petty cash funds development and<br />

psychological use of defectors, telegram from<br />

Saigon Embassy to State Dept.<br />

5/6/64. Secret. 1 p. Saigon 1964/2130.<br />

[Economic assistance; Intelligence services and<br />

operations; Propaganda and psychological war-<br />

fare; Lodge, Henry Cabot]<br />

3-0122<br />

Psychological exploitation of Viet Cong<br />

atrocities by U.S. Operations Mission,<br />

telegram from Saigon Embassy to State Dept.<br />

5/6/64. Confidential 1 p. Saigon<br />

1964/2128. LBJ 37.<br />

[Agency for International Development; U.S.<br />

Information Agency; Viet Cong; Terrorism;<br />

Propaganda and psychological warfare; Lodge,<br />

Henry Cabot]<br />

3-0123<br />

Khanh on Diem Government loss of control,<br />

telegram from Saigon Embassy to State Dept.<br />

5/6/64. Secret. 1 p. Saigon 1964/2127.<br />

LBJ 38.<br />

[Nguyen Khanh; Ngo Dinh Diem]<br />

3-0124<br />

U.S. advisors to Khanh, murder of taxi drivers<br />

in Saigon, and treatment of mentally-ill<br />

Buddhist girls, telegram from Saigon Embassy<br />

to State Dept.<br />

5/6/64. Secret. 1 p. Saigon 1964/2126.<br />

LBJ 39.<br />

[Government employees and officials; Economic<br />

assistance; Technical assistance; Medical assist-<br />

ance; Buddhists; Transportation and transport<br />

equipment; Bennett, John T.; Burke, John T.;<br />

Hertz, Gustav; Levine, Robertson; Nguyen<br />

Khanh]<br />

3-0126<br />

General view of political and military<br />

situation, telegram from Lodge to Rusk<br />

5/6/64. Top secret. 2 p. Saigon 1964/2125.<br />

LBJ 40.<br />

[Political conditions; Saigon; France; Military<br />

forces; Nguyen Khanh]<br />

3-0128<br />

U.S. Operations Mission weekly report,<br />

telegram from Saigon Embassy to State Dept.<br />

5/6/64. Secret. 23 p. Saigon 1964/2124.<br />

LBJ 41.<br />

[Agency for International Development; Politi-<br />

cal conditions; Elections; Military Revolutionary<br />

Council; Amnesty; Buddhists; Economic assist-<br />

ance; Land ownership and reform; Agricultural<br />

development; Military operations; Military<br />

forces; Taxation; Propaganda and psychological<br />

warfare; Pacification program; Provinces of<br />

South Vietnam; Communism; France; Nguyen<br />

Khanh; Ngo Dinh Can; Lodge, Henry Cabot]<br />

3-0151<br />

Press law enactment, telegram from Saigon<br />

Embassy to State Dept.<br />

5/5/64. 5 p. Saigon 1964/2117. LBJ 42.<br />

[Freedom of the press; Internal security; Ha Hoc<br />

Lap; Lodge, Henry Cabot]<br />

3-0156<br />

Radio broadcasts impact on South<br />

Vietnamese, telegram from Saigon Embassy<br />

to State Dept.<br />

5/5/64. Confidential. 1 p. Saigon<br />

1964/2115. LBJ 43.<br />

[Radio; Propaganda and psychological warfare;<br />

Lodge, Henry Cabot; Nguyen Khanh]<br />

3-0157<br />

Bus hit by Viet Cong mine, telegram from<br />

State Dept. to Saigon Embassy<br />

5/5/64. Confidential. 1 p. State 1964/1839.<br />

LBJ 44.<br />

[Terrorism; Civilian casualties; Viet Cong;<br />

Department of State; Rusk, Dean]<br />

3-0158<br />

Clarification of Khanh's assessment of<br />

situation, telegram from State Dept. to<br />

Saigon Embassy<br />

5/5/64. Top secret. 3 p. State 1964/1838.<br />

LBJ 45.<br />

[Political conditions; Mobilization; Department<br />

of State; Nguyen Khanh; Rusk, Dean]<br />

3-0161<br />

Medical services availability and battle<br />

casualties treatment, telegram from Saigon<br />

Embassy to State Dept<br />

5/4/64. Secret. 2 p. Saigon 1964/2113.<br />

LBJ 46.<br />

[Medical personnel; Medical assistance; War<br />

casualties; Lodge, Henry Cabot]<br />

3-0163<br />

Civil-political advisers appointment by AID,<br />

telegram from Lodge to Rusk<br />

5/4/64. Secret. 2 p. Saigon 1964/2112.<br />

LBJ 47.<br />

[Public administration; Agency for International<br />

Development; Lodge, Henry Cabot]<br />

3-0165<br />

Forrestal arrival in Saigon, telegram from<br />

Lodge to Forrestal<br />

5/4/64. Confidential. 1 p. LBJ 48.<br />

[Forrestal, Michael V.; Lodge, Henry Cabot]<br />

3-0166<br />

Lodge response to State Dept. views on war<br />

enlargement, telegram from Lodge to Rusk<br />

with note<br />

5/4/64. Top secret. 1 p. Saigon 1964/2110.<br />

LBJ 49, 49a.<br />

[U.S. policy objectives; Terrorism; Military<br />

strategy and tactics; Lodge, Henry Cabot]<br />

3-0168<br />

Khanh query to Lodge on putting country on<br />

war footing, telegram from Lodge to Rusk,<br />

McNamara, Harriman, and Bundy<br />

5/4/64. Top secret. 5 p. Saigon 1964/2108.<br />

LBJ 50.<br />

[Mobilization; Military strategy and tactics;<br />

Communism; Lodge, Henry Cabot]<br />

30 LBJ <strong>National</strong> <strong>Security</strong> <strong>Files</strong>, Vietnam Special Subjects <strong>1963</strong>-1965<br />

3-0173<br />

Radio broadcast facilities construction,<br />

telegram from Saigon Embassy to State Dept.<br />

5/5/64. Secret. 3 p. Saigon 1964/2105.<br />

LBJ 51.<br />

[Radio; Technical assistance; Government of<br />

South Vietnam; Lodge, Henry Cabot]<br />

3-0176<br />

Hamlet and village administration program,<br />

telegram from Saigon Embassy to State Dept.<br />

5/2/64. Confidential. 2 p. Saigon<br />

1964/2104. LBJ 52.<br />

[Public administration; Cities, towns, and vil-<br />

lages of South Vietnam; Nguyen Ton Hoan;<br />

Lodge, Henry Cabot]<br />

3-0178<br />

<strong>National</strong> police plan, telegram from Saigon<br />

Embassy to State Dept.<br />

5/2/64. Secret. 1 p. Saigon 1964/2103.<br />

LBJ 53.<br />

[Police; Paramilitary forces; Agency for Interna-<br />

tional Development; Lodge, Henry Cabot]<br />

3-0179<br />

Intelligence deficiencies in eastern Laos,<br />

telegram from Saigon Embassy to State Dept.<br />

5/2/64. Top secret. 1 p. Saigon 1964/2102.<br />

LBJ 54.<br />

[Laos; Intelligence services and operations;<br />

Lodge, Henry Cabot]<br />

3-0180<br />

Cam Ranh Bay naval base establishment,<br />

telegram from Saigon Embassy to State Dept.<br />

5/2/64. Top secret. 2 p. Saigon 1964/2101.<br />

LBJ 55.<br />

[Cam Ranh Bay; Military bases; U.S. Navy;<br />

Lodge, Henry Cabot]<br />

3-0183<br />

Psychological warfare program expansion,<br />

telegram from State Dept. to Saigon Embassy<br />

5/2/64. Secret. 3 p. State ¡964/1827. LBJ<br />

56.<br />

[Propaganda and psychological warfare; Depart-<br />

ment of State; Zorthian, Barry; Rusk, Dean]<br />

3-0186<br />

McNamara and Forrestal visit to Saigon,<br />

telegram from State Dept. to Saigon Embassy<br />

5/2/64. Secret. 1 p. State 1964/1826. LBJ<br />

57.<br />

[Department of State; McNamara, Robert S.;<br />

Forrestal, Michael V.; Rusk, Dean]<br />

3-0187<br />

Huynh Van Cao's visit to Kien Phong and An<br />

Giang provinces, telegram from Saigon<br />

Embassy to State Dept.<br />

5/7/64. 2 p. Saigon 1964/2098. LBJ 58.<br />

[Kien Phong province; An Giang province;<br />

Buddhists; Land ownership and reform; Huynh<br />

Van Cao; Lodge, Henry Cabot]<br />

3-0189<br />

Saigon port labor and security problems,<br />

telegram from Saigon Embassy to State Dept.<br />

5/1/64. Confidential. 1 p. Saigon<br />

1964/2096. LBJ 59.

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