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Page 2 THE TOREADOR Saturday, March 20, 1948<br />


THE TORLIA ' DOR, student newspaper of Texas Technological college,<br />

is published every Wednesday and Saturday on the Campus of<br />

Tease Technological college at Lubbock by the associated student. of<br />

the college.<br />

/entered as second clams matter, October 31, 1925, at the postolfice In<br />

Lubbock, Texas, under the Act of March 8, 1879.<br />

Ed torte] offices, Press Building, Rooms 103, 105.<br />

Telephones: College switchboard; Night editor, 8648.<br />

Member<br />

.........<br />

National Advertising Service, Inc.<br />

[Associated Colleode Press 020 stilt 70P0.4a1. 1.thi:" R'Pelre'w v N<br />

Mut. Oesloo .0. .<br />

Women are the superior sex by<br />

virtually every test except that of<br />

brute strength.<br />

Anytime you think women are<br />

the weaker sex, just consider the<br />

following as published In the<br />

March issue of Cosmopolitan magazine:<br />

Professor S. J. Holmes, a wologist<br />

at the University of Southern-<br />

California says flatly:<br />

"The greater physical toughness<br />

of the female Is characterlatic of<br />

the human species throughout<br />

life."<br />

A prolonged study of 89,190 mentally<br />

Ill patients admitted to Massachusetts<br />

mental hospitals show<br />

that psychotic men out-numbered<br />

the women six to five.<br />

Males Called Unstable Sees<br />

"Males, rather than females, are<br />

the unstable sex," Dr. Nell Dayton,<br />

phychiatrist who made the study,<br />

concludes.<br />

Statistics show that nearly five<br />

times more males than females<br />

die of ulcers; more males, by a<br />

wide margin, are killed by heart<br />

disease, tuberculosis, appendicitis.<br />

pneumonia, and be-beri.<br />

"Of eighteen causes of death listed<br />

by the United States Bureau of<br />

the Census, males were well in the<br />

lead in all but four—cancer. diabetes,<br />

and related disease., childbirth<br />

and senility," the article state.<br />

Men Can't Face Troubles<br />

Of more than 200.000 persons<br />

tracked down by Skip Tracers<br />

company, only 2,000 were women,<br />

according to Daniel M. Eisenberg,<br />

head of the company, who feels<br />

that these figures show men are<br />

far less able to face problems and<br />

responsibilities than women.<br />

Records show that male drug<br />

addicts outnumber women addicts<br />

our to one; male alcoholics outnumber<br />

female alcoholics seven to<br />

ne, and men lead women in 001-<br />

Ides by three to ono<br />

Even driving automobiles, despite<br />

all the jokes about women<br />

drivers, women in one state where<br />

ests were made had a record onelard<br />

better than men drivers.<br />

Only In the field of the arts and<br />

clences have men shown up better<br />

ham women, and many authorities<br />

elleve this Is due more to lack of<br />

pportunity than a lack of Inbarnt<br />

creative ability In women.<br />

2-WAY RADIO<br />

... in a HURRY7<br />


Dial<br />

74714<br />

OUR<br />

MOTTO:<br />

"Cleanliness<br />

and<br />

Good<br />

Food"<br />

COFFEE Hamburgers Sendwiches<br />

EAT'N RUN No. I<br />

911 AYE.<br />

Dial 2-9494<br />

OPEN 7 A. M. 7 12 P. M.<br />

CALL US<br />

FOE<br />

"To Go"<br />

Orders<br />

and<br />

Drive By<br />

Pick It Up<br />

EAT'N RUN No. 2<br />

1206 COLLEGE AVE<br />

OW 2-9416<br />

11111110011111<br />

4<br />

dS11 4$44<br />

a, "<br />

7C.WARSIEl etwaoti<br />

for Twee Nee<br />

Shirts for Men and Women—All Prices<br />

Boots - Hats - Suits - Gloves and All at<br />


2-2861<br />

GET HOME in a HURRY!<br />

You'll get more time... and more fun<br />

of your Easter holidays, if you spend LESS<br />

time traveling—and the economics], comfort.<br />

able way to go and come 15<br />

via PIONE.ER<br />

Pioneer serves 17 key Texas cities with frequent, tem<br />

veniently scheduled flights in DC-3 Pioneer Liner....<br />

fast terminal connections to lines serving .11 points norek<br />

south. eat and west...one-ticket service coast-to-meet.<br />

Call your local Pioneer officio for complt fare and<br />

schedule informmion!<br />

PHONE 4646<br />

PRZNEER7Pdiote.4.<br />


West Of College Avenue 1<br />

The Campus Philosopher Says...<br />

a fool and his money are soon<br />

parted . . early to bed and early<br />

to rise, and your girl goes out with<br />

six other guys ...a man who makes<br />

love on a hillside is not on the level<br />

. . . beware if she starts stroking<br />

your hair for she may be out<br />

for your scalp ... a wise woman Is<br />

one who makes her husband feel<br />

as though he Is head of the house,<br />

when, actually, he Is only chairman<br />

of the entertainment committee.<br />

Lubbock Supper<br />

Club<br />

Phone 29413 — Brownfield Highway<br />


is<br />

"College Nite"<br />

Your Library Card And 75c<br />


2 to 5:30 Every Sunday — Cover Charge 50c<br />


And His Orchestra<br />


the way" telegram to The Toreador<br />

this week serves notice that<br />

the paper Is strictly big time. C.<br />

E. Wendt, covering the Tech band<br />

trip in East Texas, phoned and telegraphed<br />

stories of its activities<br />

throughout this week. And approximately<br />

20 reporters are on<br />

their way to Austin to attend the<br />

Journalism Congress as this issue<br />

of The Toreador goes to press<br />

wonder if their reporting should be<br />

reported.<br />

(ACP) marine Associated College Prose.<br />

* * *<br />

Red Face Dept: A reporter friend<br />

One of our esteemed profs was says that you aren't a good news-<br />


disturbed by the lack of note takpaperman until you have retracted<br />

"And when you mass this last small test, pledge, you'll be an acing<br />

In his class, at the beginning a statement. That should give thie<br />

cepted member of Kemas."<br />

STAFF<br />

of this semester. He looked stern- department a good start. Last<br />

JERRY STOLTZ ASSOCIATE EDITOR A Snged hall boy nays: "The telly<br />

at the class and said, "Why week Patricia Leach was listed as<br />


SPORTS EDITOR ephone situation being what it is<br />

aren't you taking notes on my lec- nine years of age and as we learn-<br />


PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR In all of the dorms at Tech, It<br />

ture?" ... A soft voice in the rear ed. only too well, she is eleven,<br />


SOCIETY EDITOR might help to relieve the congest- Work Underway Screen Fare of the room answered, "Don't have (11).<br />

EDITORIAL STAFF: Anne Carothers, Mary Ellen Duffy. Halcyon<br />

ion If all of the couples limited<br />

to. I've got my grandfather's."<br />

* * *<br />


their daily conversations to at least<br />

Baggett, Bill Sayers, Johnnie Wade.<br />

* * *<br />

TM/VA clean-up drive, to be<br />

30 minutes. 'She' knows 'he' is go-<br />

REPORTERS: Jan Blackwell, T. I. Brown, Anne Carothers, Mary Lou-<br />

An Ohio university professor's<br />

ing to ask her for a date, and 'he' On PI Test Acres<br />

The most unusual reason for go- held next month, should be a sueise<br />

Clayton, Ray Cook, Duncan Ellison, Cotton Fannin, Clint Formby,<br />

best selling novel of Cortez' invasing to college was recently given cess. Hear that plans are under<br />

knows 'she' is going to say 'yes'<br />

Joe France, Marione Fry. Deanle Griffin, Elayne Head, Jean Hendeeion<br />

of Mexico in the Sixteenth cen-<br />

nine times out of ten, so why don't<br />

Preparation of 160 acres of land<br />

by a veteran at the Rec hall. "The way for a street dance . . after<br />

eon, Bob Lilly, Alice Heading, Martha Monroe, Jim Mullins, Anita Olitury<br />

serves as the basis for one of<br />

ver. Betty Ramsey, George Ann Randolph, Byrdean Roberson, Jim San-<br />

they both say what they're going<br />

on the northwest section of the<br />

reason I'm going to college," he the drive, we hope.<br />

this year's most spectacular moders,<br />

Carol Sheered, Aubrey Shouse, Paula Sittel, Bette Siegel, Ann<br />

to say anyway and get It over<br />

Tech farms, to be used for a long<br />

said, "is to kill time in between<br />

tion picture production— Captain wars." And with the current wave<br />

Srygley, Oleta Stewart, Gerald Stokee, Jayne Thompson. C. E. Wendt, with."<br />

range series of crop rotations and<br />

From Castile. A saga of gold, em-<br />

The use of postal cards was first<br />

James Wester, Bob Williams, Bob. Wylie.<br />

COFFEE TIME soil treatments, is underway, Dr.<br />

of near war hysteria misting in<br />

suggested in 1865 by Heinrich von<br />

pire, vengeance and glory, it stars<br />

Sometimes there Is more incent-<br />

A. W. Young, head professor of<br />

the dorms, many of the boys are<br />

Stephan when he was director of<br />

Tyrone Power in the role of Pedro practicing up on the old "hut-twoive<br />

to get out of a class than there<br />

plant industry, announced. Part of<br />

the Royal Prussian Post.<br />

de Vargas, son of an aristocratic three -fo" and some are even<br />

is to go into one. In fact some the land, previously used for paw<br />

Spanish family, who Is forced by threatening to join the Salvation<br />

of the instructors who inhabit the tune, will be used in dry land farm-<br />

the Inquisitionto flee his native army air corps!<br />

Many Student Couples live On $90; Ad building tell the Circle they are<br />

ing experiments and the rest will<br />

beginning to think it would be<br />

be under irrigation.<br />

* * *<br />

safer to scale the walls outside to<br />

Two 60 acre plots are being lev-<br />

Under the banner of Cortez, he The geology prof explained for LET'S PLAY<br />

get down to earth again than it is<br />

eled with a GO foot Pacific land<br />

joins history's boldest adventurers several minutes; the room was<br />

Half Of Wives, Third Of Men Work to try to use the stairs. It seems leveler, with a nine foot blade<br />

in braving the hardships and pan- quiet as the long, complicated ex- CARDS<br />

that hurrying, hurtling and charg- preparatory to irrigation, Dr.<br />

gers of the New World. For the planation proceeded. Then the prof<br />

Many married students attend- head, showed that more than 18<br />

ing students are becoming a men- Young said. One of the plots will<br />

feminine lead opposite Power is said, "Once you've got this in your CONGRESS CARDS<br />

ing Tech face real financial prob- per cent of the couples were living<br />

ace to staircase safety. be used in connection with a 12<br />

Jean Peters, in the coveted role of head, you've got it in a nutshell!"<br />

the spirited gypsy girl, Catena.<br />

Monogrammed<br />

lems, but only slightly more than on $90 monthly GI subsistence<br />

Maybe the younger Techsans do year period of crop rotation with<br />

* * *<br />

Showing at the Lindsay at<br />

half of thgm budget their incomes,<br />

demonstrate their athletic prowess the land planted to alfalfa, cotton,<br />

the pre-<br />

Pictures<br />

checks alone, almost 62 per cent<br />

Varsity show try-outs have been<br />

according to a survey of more than received only $200 or less monthly,<br />

vue Saturday night, and Sunday<br />

on stairways, but the Circle has ob- grain sorghums and small grains.<br />

going full-blast this week. Ed Plain<br />

MO married students conducted by while only 17 per cent received<br />

through Wednesday.<br />

served that instructors usually The other irrigated plot will be<br />

Sides and Jack Drain, script writ-<br />

graduate students In family rela- $250 or more monthly. Regarding<br />

seem to get a head start In the seeded with cotton, grain sor- Killer McCoy, starring Mickey ers for the show, are also assisting SMALL PLAYTIME<br />

tions classes.<br />

keeping budgets, 54 'per most do,<br />

coffee lines. (They, of the sedate ghums, small grains and clover. Rooney, is a cold, clean, precise In directing. Ed predicts this to CARDS<br />

Results of the survey, conducted 2854 per cent don't, and 17ICallWa<br />

staff, must either slide down ban- Chemical test run on the soil each portrayal; a portrait of young be the most original, humorous<br />

last year and disclosed this week 28 1-2 per cent don't, and 17 1-2<br />

isteis or else do a lot of speeding year will determnie fertility chang- Tommy McCoy, ex-nee)sboy who show to be held on Tech campus. -<br />

by Miss Sanole Callan, department per cent gave no answer.<br />

between the foot of a campus staires caused by the crops and by becomes a prizefighter and, acci-<br />

* * *<br />

About half of the wives whose<br />

way and the place where they various fertilizers.<br />

dentally, a killer in the ring. It's The "hold presses—hot story on ARSITV<br />

husbands were in school were<br />

pause for refreshment.)<br />

Forty acres remaining In the the story of a boy brought up by a<br />

working, while about one-third of Besides that, what student has project are to be farmed dry land drunken, no-good father;, a boy He has seven such rooms with the<br />

the husbands worked, and both<br />

the energy to do anything but with cotton, grain sorghums and striving to do the right thing but<br />

seventh containing a tense and ex-<br />

Zoologist Attests<br />

Book Store I<br />

worked in 13 per cent of the cases<br />

creep down stairs or on level small grain crops. One portion of driven to desperate circumstances. citing climax in the film. This sus-<br />

Attending movies was the prin-<br />

ground after taking notes for an the land is to lie fallow each year He battles his way up the ladder pense-filled picture starts at the 1305 College Ave.<br />

cipal entertainment mentioned by<br />

hour without stopping for air. and chemical tests run on soil in<br />

to sports fame, is made the pawn<br />

Palace Saturday and runs through<br />

the students surveyed, with college<br />

Females Superior<br />

NO HOPE<br />

this plot will determine fertility of a suave gentleman gambler and, Tuesday.<br />

athletic events and card games<br />

"Exquisite beauty is rarely changes following each crop, but in a terrifying climax, takes a ter-<br />

following close behind. About half<br />

given with wit, more rarely no fertilizer will be used on the rific beating and almost throws<br />

the men and almost all women<br />

with goodness of temper, and dry land.<br />

his biggest fight endeavoring to<br />

To Unstable Man questioned reported that they bud-<br />


never at all with modwoty," no<br />

save his father and the girl he<br />

geted their time.<br />

2410 Fourteenth St.<br />

women don't have a chance to<br />

sincere commendator. Hardgrave loves. This is starting at the Tow-<br />

Ninety-five per cent of the stu-<br />

begin with. But what about<br />

doesn't tell antiquated jokes, but er today and will run through<br />

dents surveyed were married dur-<br />

Formerly Campus Dining Room<br />

those multitudes who have nei-<br />

hsi classes aren't dull. His lectures Tuesday.<br />

ing or after 1941. Largest single<br />

ther brains, beauty, modesty<br />

are well organized and he always Joan Bennett and Michael Red-<br />

group, about 22 per cent, had<br />

our good tempers?<br />

dismisses class on time. When he grave English actor making his<br />

Meal Tickets-20 Meals—$13<br />

known each other about two years<br />


has finished what he has to say debut in American films, are the<br />

before their weddings. However,<br />

SINGLE SWATS 7150<br />

"Dear Miss Stewart,<br />

the remainder of the hour is not stars of Secret Beyond the Door.<br />

seven couples married following<br />

After reading the portion of your<br />

filled with useless repetition— he Miss Bennett and Redgrave play<br />

Three Meals Served Dally<br />

acquaintances of less than one<br />

column of February 28, titled<br />

lets the students go. The machin- wife and husband in a cat-andmonth,<br />

and only one couple had<br />

"STOP THIEF!", I am mailing to<br />

ery which he is In charge of is al- Mouse story of mounting suspense<br />

known each other "all their lives."<br />

you a book which I "borrowed"<br />

ways well kept, and the quizes in which the women steadfastly<br />

About two-thirds of the couples<br />

from Tech library in 1946. I took<br />

which he gives are fair and thor- clings to her man even though his<br />

met in school or through mutual<br />

it from the reference room to do<br />

ough. In general thia model teach- sudden and unpr edictable out-<br />

friends, but about six per cent ad-<br />

some work at home on a term<br />

er respects those he teaches and is breaks of schizophrenic fury put<br />

mitted that they were "chance ac-<br />

theme and never returned It<br />

in turn respected.<br />

her life In recurring jeopardy.<br />

quaintances." One couple, thrown<br />

I am apologizing for my action,<br />

MEN IN WAITING Miss Bennett Is cast as a social<br />

together by fate, married after<br />

but for obvious reasons I prefer<br />

Regarding the statement in the butterfly whose gaudy wings are<br />

meeting in an automobile accident.<br />

not to sign my name to this letter.<br />

above topic, "If the , this represented by some 25 changes of<br />

Engagement periods ranged from<br />

Would you please see that the<br />

would be a fine Institution," the wardrobe. Redgrave appears as a<br />

three years to two hours, with the<br />

book is put back on the shelf where<br />

Circle wants to make a correction. moody and eccentric architectural ENGINEERS<br />

average for men questioned being<br />

It belongs?<br />

Tech already is a fine Institution, editor whose hobby is the collec-<br />

between three years to two hours,<br />

An Ex-Techasin.”<br />

and anyone who wants proof can tion of rooms in which murders<br />

with the average for men question-<br />

The book has been received by<br />

ask the dozens of men on the "be- have been committed and their<br />

ed being between six and seven<br />

the Circle and was returned to the<br />

tween 18 and 25. non-veteran" and addition to his ancestral manor,<br />

If your desire to make a career in the Natural<br />

months, and average for women<br />

library.<br />

on reserve" 118th.<br />

where death broods In every nook.<br />

answering being between four and<br />

Gas business, and wish to advance with a rap-<br />


five months.<br />

idly expanding organization, you should investi-<br />

"Post est occasio calve." (Opportun<br />

I t y is bald - beaded behind.)<br />

gate immediately the opportunity offered by<br />

Aren't there lots of "opportunists" RODEO DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN<br />

the Lone Star Gas Company.<br />

Outstanding Quarter Horse In Tech?<br />

Presented AH Department<br />


Nome rous complaint. have<br />

We will consider young men under 30 years of<br />

An outstanding Quarter horse been received from students TECH RODEO<br />

mare has been received by the ells-<br />

age, and who are graduates in Natural Gas,<br />

concerning individual Instructpartment<br />

of animal husbandry as a ors, but the Circle loss been re-<br />

Chemical, Electrical, Architectural or Mechani-<br />

gift from John Lincoln of the Lincently Informed that on Texas<br />

April 16th and 17th<br />

cal Engineering. Apply in person or write to<br />

coln Cattle company In San An- Tech's staff, there Is a "per-<br />

C. R. Washburn, LONE STAR Gas COMPANY of<br />

gelo, Dean of Agriculture W. L.<br />

Stangel announced.<br />

Very typical of the quarter type<br />

fect instructor." John Ilardgrave,<br />

associate professor of<br />

mechanical engineering Is the<br />

Buy your complete Western Outfit from us—we're backing<br />

your show 100%—let's shovr'em!<br />

Abilene, Texas.<br />

horse, the 6-year-old mare will be nominee for this poeltIon.<br />

used for breeding purposes in the "If the whole school were run as<br />

animal husbandry experiments. efficiently as Mr. Hardgrave runs<br />

Papers on the animal have not the machine shop, this would be a<br />

Men's Levi's and Al Denims<br />

Ladies' Jeans and Levi's<br />

$3.45<br />

$1.99 and $4.50<br />

been received yet<br />

fine institution," says the prof.<br />


2416 BROADWAY<br />

Good Clothing Deserves Good Cleaning and Skilled<br />

Cleaning methods makes your clothing look NEW<br />

Longer!<br />



We are featuring a Personalized Service in giving each garment<br />

our Individual Attention!<br />



Owned and Operated by<br />


* * *<br />

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