Annual Report - Ecole Bilingue de Berkeley
Annual Report - Ecole Bilingue de Berkeley
Annual Report - Ecole Bilingue de Berkeley
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<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong><br />
4. Message from the Head of School<br />
and the Chair of the Board of<br />
Trustees<br />
8. Board of Trustees<br />
10. Parents’ Association<br />
12. Alumni<br />
14. Finance and Advancement <strong>Report</strong><br />
16. The Campus Campaign<br />
19. Donors<br />
34. In Memoriam<br />
Our Mission<br />
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ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
<strong>Ecole</strong> <strong>Bilingue</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Berkeley</strong> educates a diverse population of boys and girls,<br />
inspiring them to strive for aca<strong>de</strong>mic excellence and to <strong>de</strong>velop a high sense<br />
of personal and social responsibility.<br />
We offer a challenging and rigorous course of study in both French and<br />
English, set in a multicultural environment.<br />
We support each stu<strong>de</strong>nt in the acquisition of skills and the <strong>de</strong>velopment of<br />
character necessary for citizenship in an increasingly complex world.<br />
Notre Philosophie<br />
L’<strong>Ecole</strong> <strong>Bilingue</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Berkeley</strong> éduque une population diverse d’enfants et suscite en<br />
eux un désir <strong>de</strong> réussite scolaire tout en les encourageant à acquérir un sens élevé<br />
<strong>de</strong> leurs responsabilités individuelles et sociales.<br />
Nous proposons un cursus scolaire ambitieux et rigoureux, à la fois en français et<br />
en anglais, au sein d’un environnement multiculturel riche.<br />
Nous apportons à chacun <strong>de</strong> nos élèves le soutien nécessaire à l’acquisition<br />
<strong>de</strong>s connaissances et au développement <strong>de</strong> la personnalité qui leur seront<br />
indispensables face aux exigences d’un mon<strong>de</strong> toujours plus complexe.<br />
Frédéric canadas, Florence Kragen, JenniFer Monahan, roberte rountree<br />
PhOTOgRAPhy: Fre<strong>de</strong>ric canadas, Veronique Jordan, Julian Walter and Many others<br />
LAyOuT: Véronique Jordan
EB at a<br />
Glance<br />
(2011–2012)<br />
Gra<strong>de</strong>s:<br />
Preschool–Gra<strong>de</strong> 8<br />
School established: 1977<br />
Total number of stu<strong>de</strong>nts: 546<br />
Total number of families: 389<br />
Stu<strong>de</strong>nts of color: 38%<br />
Stu<strong>de</strong>nts receiving financial aid: 45%<br />
Number of faculty: 58<br />
Stu<strong>de</strong>nt to teacher ratio: 10.6/1<br />
Teachers with 10 years’ seniority: 38%<br />
Teachers who are native French speakers: 66%<br />
Number of nationalities represented at the school: 52<br />
Stu<strong>de</strong>nts who hold French citizenship: 42%<br />
Families who speak French at home: 50%<br />
Families who speak English at home: 84%<br />
Families who speak a third language at home: 24%<br />
History Day Finalists, County Level, 2008–2011: 57<br />
History Day Finalists, State Level, 2008–2011: 20<br />
Number of alumni: 1081<br />
ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
Message from the Head of School and<br />
“In 2020, EB is the premier bilingual school and the recognized mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />
for global education, known for graduating passionate learners and<br />
ethical world citizens committed to EB for life.”<br />
Like everyone else who was part of EB’s Forum on April 30, we were <strong>de</strong>eply<br />
impressed by the <strong>de</strong>dication and collective strength of our community. It is rare to<br />
have an opportunity for parents, faculty and staff, trustees, alumni and alumni families<br />
to come together and articulate our common aspirations for the school and our<br />
children, and the vision statement resulting from the Forum goes to the heart of our<br />
shared values and goals.<br />
“In 2020, EB is the premier bilingual school and the recognized mo<strong>de</strong>l for global<br />
education, known for graduating passionate learners and ethical world citizens<br />
committed to EB for life.”<br />
Anyone familiar with EB can give many examples of our stu<strong>de</strong>nts’ active participation<br />
in the world around them. A few from this year:<br />
• Our seventh and eighth gra<strong>de</strong> stu<strong>de</strong>nts showed admirable critical thinking skills in producing insightful, wellpresented<br />
projects for National History Day. EB sent 14 stu<strong>de</strong>nts to the county competition, and eight of them were<br />
selected to go to state championships.<br />
• The Green Council at the Middle School continued their efforts to educate their fellow stu<strong>de</strong>nts about environmental<br />
sustainability. They worked to reduce energy use and (along with the Lower School) held weekly waste-free lunch days.<br />
• Our stu<strong>de</strong>nts and teachers raised $4,200 for earthquake and tsunami relief in Japan, showing their concern for those<br />
affected by the disaster.<br />
Our alumni <strong>de</strong>monstrated global citizenship as well—see page 13 to learn more about several of our recent graduates.<br />
ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
the Chair of the Board of Trustees<br />
With your help, we will continue to promote the exceptional work of our stu<strong>de</strong>nts<br />
and our faculty, so that we can build EB’s reputation in the Bay Area and beyond.<br />
In other school news, “The Campus Campaign – Our Moment” continues<br />
to build momentum. As of this writing, we have raised almost $1.6 million<br />
towards our goal of $2.75 million. Gifts have come from every sector of the EB<br />
community: foun<strong>de</strong>rs, present and past Trustees, current families, alumni families,<br />
grandparents, faculty and staff. This ongoing generosity brings us closer to our<br />
goal of owning all of our facilities and creating a campus that is worthy of our<br />
aca<strong>de</strong>mic programs.<br />
Our community’s continued support of other fundraising efforts like the <strong>Annual</strong><br />
Fund and the Auction is also remarkable. Thanks to your strong spirit of<br />
philanthropy, we have been able to maintain exceptional programs and innovative<br />
faculty professional <strong>de</strong>velopment initiatives while offering financial aid to families impacted by the economic<br />
downturn.<br />
The Board’s talent, expertise, <strong>de</strong>dication, and willingness to build consensus are a tremendous asset to the school. We<br />
are happy to welcome Peter Secor, faculty representative Corinne Pluche, and PA Co-Presi<strong>de</strong>nts Tammy Brown and<br />
Juliette Glover to the Board of Trustees, and we look forward to working with them. We would like to extend our<br />
thanks to outgoing Trustees Valérie Bishop, Marie-José Sat and Jacqueline Van Lang.<br />
With such a <strong>de</strong>dicated community, there’s no end to what we can accomplish for EB and, more importantly, for our<br />
stu<strong>de</strong>nts.<br />
Lynn Van Housen Frédéric Canadas<br />
Chair of the Board of Trustees Head of School<br />
Message du Chef d’établissement et <strong>de</strong> la<br />
Le 30 avril <strong>de</strong>rnier, lors du Forum d’EB, nous avons pu, comme tous les autres<br />
participants, admirer le dévouement et la cohésion <strong>de</strong> notre communauté. Ces<br />
rencontres, qui permettent aux parents, enseignants, membres du personnel,<br />
anciens élèves et leurs familles, <strong>de</strong> mettre en commun leurs aspirations pour l’avenir<br />
<strong>de</strong> l’école et <strong>de</strong>s élèves, sont rares. Les perspectives qui se sont dégagées du Forum<br />
s’inscrivent au cœur <strong>de</strong> nos valeurs et objectifs communs :<br />
“En 2020, EB est l’école bilingue <strong>de</strong> référence reconnue pour son modèle<br />
d’éducation internationale et pour former <strong>de</strong>s apprenants passionnés et <strong>de</strong>s citoyens<br />
du mon<strong>de</strong> responsables, attachés à EB pour la vie.”<br />
Nos élèves participent activement au mon<strong>de</strong> qui les entoure. Tous ceux qui<br />
connaissent EB pourront en attester, en citant, par exemple, pour cette seule<br />
année :<br />
• L’esprit critique remarquable dont nos élèves <strong>de</strong> 5ème et <strong>de</strong> 4ème ont fait preuve<br />
dans la réalisation <strong>de</strong> leurs projets, lors <strong>de</strong> la Journée Nationale <strong>de</strong> l’Histoire. EB a<br />
présenté 14 élèves au concours régional et 8 d’entre eux ont été sélectionnés pour<br />
participer aux finales au niveau <strong>de</strong> la Californie.<br />
• Le Conseil Environnemental du collège a continué sa campagne visant à<br />
sensibiliser les élèves au développement durable. Ses membres ont travaillé sur les<br />
économies d’énergie et en collaboration avec l’école primaire, ils ont mis en place le<br />
programme hebdomadaire « zéro gaspillage au déjeuner ».<br />
• Les élèves et les professeurs <strong>de</strong> l’école ont levé 4 200 dollars pour venir en ai<strong>de</strong><br />
aux sinistrés du tremblement <strong>de</strong> terre et du tsunami japonais, faisant ainsi preuve <strong>de</strong><br />
leur esprit solidaire.<br />
• Les anciens élèves ont, eux aussi, démontré leur esprit citoyen—voir le portrait <strong>de</strong><br />
plusieurs <strong>de</strong> nos anciens élèves à la page 13.<br />
Avec votre ai<strong>de</strong>, nous allons continuer <strong>de</strong> promouvoir le travail exceptionnel <strong>de</strong> nos<br />
élèves et <strong>de</strong> nos enseignants, pour construire la réputation d’EB dans la région <strong>de</strong> la<br />
Baie et au-<strong>de</strong>là.<br />
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RAPPORT ANNUEL 2010–2011<br />
Prési<strong>de</strong>nte du Conseil d’Administration<br />
L’actualité <strong>de</strong> l’école est aussi marquée par “The Campus Campaign – Our<br />
Moment” qui continue <strong>de</strong> prendre <strong>de</strong> l’ampleur. À ce jour, nous avons réuni près<br />
<strong>de</strong> 1,6 millions sur les 2,75 millions <strong>de</strong> dollars nécessaires. Les dons viennent <strong>de</strong><br />
tous les milieux <strong>de</strong> la communauté d’EB : fondateurs, membres présents et anciens<br />
du CA, familles d’élèves et d’anciens élèves, grands-parents, enseignants et membres<br />
du personnel. Cette générosité constante nous rapproche chaque jour <strong>de</strong> notre<br />
objectif <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>venir propriétaire <strong>de</strong> tous nos locaux et <strong>de</strong> possé<strong>de</strong>r un campus à la<br />
hauteur <strong>de</strong> nos programmes scolaires.<br />
Le soutien permanent que nous apporte notre communauté sur d’autres projets <strong>de</strong><br />
levée <strong>de</strong> fonds, comme par exemple le Fonds Annuel ou la Vente aux Enchères, est<br />
également formidable. Grâce à votre philanthropie, nous parvenons à pérenniser<br />
<strong>de</strong>s programmes exceptionnels et innovants, à soutenir les projets <strong>de</strong> formation<br />
professionnelle <strong>de</strong> nos enseignants, et enfin à offrir une ai<strong>de</strong> financière aux familles<br />
touchées par la crise.<br />
Grâce aux compétences, à l’expertise, au dévouement et au travail d’équipe , le<br />
Conseil d’administration constitue une véritable force pour l’école. Nous avons le<br />
plaisir d’y accueillir Peter Secor, Corinne Pluche, la représentante <strong>de</strong>s enseignants,<br />
ainsi que Tammy Brown et Juliette Glover, les Co-prési<strong>de</strong>ntes <strong>de</strong> l’Association<br />
<strong>de</strong>s parents d’élèves. Par ailleurs, nous souhaitons remercier les membres sortants<br />
: Valérie Bishop, Marie-José Sat et Jacqueline Van Lang.<br />
Épaulés par une communauté aussi dévouée, nous nous sentons capables <strong>de</strong>s<br />
plus gran<strong>de</strong>s réalisations pour EB et, surtout, pour nos élèves.<br />
Lynn Van Housen Frédéric Canadas<br />
Prési<strong>de</strong>nte du Conseil d’Admistration Chef d’établissement<br />
From left, back row: Marie-José Sat, Tanu Sankalia, Tamara Daney, Philippe Dietz, Valérie Bishop, Berit Ashla, Lynn Van Housen, Thomas Cly<strong>de</strong>sdale,<br />
Loy Sheflott, Lorraine Iliya, John Rosenthal, and Kili McGowan.<br />
Front row: Jacqueline Van Lang, Gloria Polanski, Nathalie Destandau, Joanne Hom-Addis, Hélène Cahen and Frédéric Canadas.<br />
BOARd OF TRUSTEES 2010–2011<br />
Romain Serman, Consul Général <strong>de</strong> France, Honorary Chair<br />
Clément Bertrand, Chef <strong>de</strong> Chancellerie and Deputy Consul<br />
Denis Bisson, Cultural Attaché<br />
Ivan Bertoux, Deputy Cultural Attaché<br />
Lynn Van Housen, Chair<br />
Nathalie Destandau, Vice-Chair<br />
Hélène Cahen, Secretary, and Capital Campaign Committee<br />
Co-Chair<br />
Thomas Cly<strong>de</strong>sdale, Treasurer<br />
Berit Ashla, Capital Campaign Committee Co-Chair<br />
Valérie Bishop, French Faculty Representative<br />
Frédéric Canadas, Head of School<br />
Christine Chapon<br />
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Tamara Daney, Chair of Organization & Governance<br />
Philippe Dietz<br />
Joanne Hom-Addis<br />
Lorraine Iliya, English Faculty Representative<br />
James Levine<br />
Kili McGowan<br />
Mark Poff<br />
Gloria Polanski<br />
John Rosenthal<br />
Tanu Sankalia, Chair of Buildings and Grounds Committee<br />
Marie-José Sat, PA Co-Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />
Loy Sheflott, Advancement Committee Chair and Capital Campaign<br />
Committee Co-Chair<br />
Jacqueline Van Lang, PA Co-Presi<strong>de</strong>nt
ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
iNCOMiNg TRUSTEES iN 2011–2012<br />
Tammy Brown joins the Board this year as Co-Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the<br />
Parents’ Association. Tammy has been a litigation attorney for 17<br />
years in the field of employment law, and has <strong>de</strong>fen<strong>de</strong>d a wi<strong>de</strong><br />
variety of cases including class action claims as well as race, gen<strong>de</strong>r<br />
and disability discrimination cases. She currently works at Foster<br />
Employment Law, a management-si<strong>de</strong> employment law firm<br />
based in Oakland. She holds a B.A. in history from U.C. <strong>Berkeley</strong><br />
and a J.D. from Santa Clara University. She and her husband Cory<br />
Martin are the parents of Eli (G7).<br />
Juliette Glover joins the Board this year as Co-Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of<br />
the Parents’ Association. An EB parent since 2008, she has<br />
volunteered in support of the annual Marchés, as a Room<br />
Representative, and with the Parents’ Association. Juliette is a<br />
graduate of the Parisian Chamber of Commerce, and has worked<br />
in the international supply chain and logistics industry as a business<br />
and technology International Account Manager. She and her<br />
spouse John have three children: Ma<strong>de</strong>leine (G2), Balthazar (MK),<br />
and Josephine (turning one in 2011).<br />
Corinne Pluche joins the Board as the French Faculty representative.<br />
Corinne trained as an engineer in France and went on to<br />
earn a graduate <strong>de</strong>gree at the Institut du Management <strong>de</strong> l’Achat<br />
Industriel in Bor<strong>de</strong>aux. At EB since 1997, she currently teaches<br />
Math at the Middle School, and New Technologies (a program<br />
she helped <strong>de</strong>velop) to gra<strong>de</strong>s 4 through 6. She is also the parent<br />
of two EB alumnae, Clémence (EB class of 2008) and Aurélie<br />
(Class of 2010).<br />
Peter Secor joins the Board this year. He has over 20 years<br />
of experience as a software entrepreneur and executive, with a<br />
focus in <strong>de</strong>veloping new products and teams. He currently is the<br />
Director of Conversion Engineering at Adobe Systems and also is<br />
the Volunteer Director of the open source secure storage project<br />
Tahoe-LAFS. Prior to that, he was co-foun<strong>de</strong>r of Allmydata, Inc.<br />
and Vice Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of both Omniture and Micromuse. He holds a<br />
BA in applied mathematics from UC <strong>Berkeley</strong> and an MBA from<br />
the Stern School of Business at NYU. Peter and his wife Anna<br />
Arbit are the parents of Andrei (G4), Kiril (G2), Dimitri and<br />
Anton.<br />
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The EB Honorary Circle is composed of<br />
community lea<strong>de</strong>rs, many of them EB<br />
parents or alumni parents, who support<br />
the school’s mission of educating a diverse<br />
population of boys and girls, inspiring them<br />
to strive for aca<strong>de</strong>mic excellence<br />
and to <strong>de</strong>velop a high sense of personal<br />
and social responsibility.<br />
Romain Serman<br />
Consul Général <strong>de</strong> France<br />
Chris An<strong>de</strong>rson<br />
Parent<br />
Pascal Baudry<br />
Former Trustee<br />
Kermit Lynch<br />
Alumni Parent<br />
Gail Skoff<br />
Alumni Parent<br />
Jane Metcalfe<br />
Former Parent<br />
Jean-Pierre Moullé<br />
Alumni Parent<br />
Denise Lurton-Moullé<br />
Alumni Parent, Former Trustee<br />
Orville Schell<br />
Alumni Parent, Former Trustee<br />
Alice Waters<br />
Alumni Parent<br />
Fanny Singer<br />
Alumni, Class of 1997<br />
Laura Truffaut-Wong<br />
Alumni Parent, Former Trustee
EvENT CHAiRS<br />
• Grandpersons’ Day:<br />
Leilani Chauvin<br />
Marcella Fassò<br />
Cottie Rood<br />
• World Celebrations:<br />
Penda Mbaye-Gueye<br />
Virginie Mounkala-Nkodia<br />
Karoline Robbins<br />
• Faculty and Staff Appreciation:<br />
Juliette Glover<br />
Anshu Prunet-Sharma<br />
• Auction:<br />
Renée Cly<strong>de</strong><br />
Devyani Jain<br />
• La Place du Marché:<br />
Anshu Prunet-Sharma<br />
Jacqueline Van Lang<br />
• Raffle:<br />
Deanna Davis<br />
Judy DeJesse<br />
Parents’ Association<br />
The EB Parents’ Association and countless volunteers put a tremendous amount<br />
of effort into coordi nating events, organizing fundraisers, creating school spirit and<br />
supporting our community. Thank you, on behalf of the entire EB staff, to each<br />
and every one of you for your time and efforts to make this school an exceptional<br />
place. Beyond your many contributions in the classroom, your hard work is<br />
essential to the success of the major EB school-wi<strong>de</strong> events:<br />
• World Celebrations<br />
• Soirée Beaujolais Nouveau<br />
• Grandpersons’ Day<br />
• Teacher/Staff Appreciation Lunch<br />
• Auction Gala<br />
• La Place du Marché and Raffle<br />
The Parents’ Association donated $15,000 from its 2010–2011 fundraisers to help<br />
financial aid programs at EB. We thank them for their many efforts to support the<br />
school and its community!<br />
Please join us in extending warm thanks to the PA officers.<br />
2010–2011<br />
Co-Presi<strong>de</strong>nts: Jacqueline Van Lang and Marie-José Sat<br />
Vice Presi<strong>de</strong>nts: Tammy Brown and Anshu Prunet-Sharma<br />
Secretary: Juliette Glover<br />
Treasurer: Jeffrey Stephens<br />
2011–2012<br />
Co-Presi<strong>de</strong>nts: Tammy Brown and Juliette Glover<br />
Vice Presi<strong>de</strong>nts: Andrea Bacigalupo-Lee and Nicolas Pellerin<br />
Secretary: Judy DeJesse<br />
Treasurer: Setenay Frucht<br />
Volunteer Coordinators: Marianne Dupont and Steve Levine<br />
10<br />
ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
Andrea Bacigalupo-Lee*<br />
Stephanie Banholzer<br />
Laurence Bau<strong>de</strong><br />
Lucinda Bazile<br />
Jodie Berger<br />
Harold Boscovich<br />
Caitlin Campbell<br />
Laure Carnahan<br />
Nina Carbone-Pellerin<br />
Kheira Chinn<br />
Renée Cly<strong>de</strong><br />
Laura Cly<strong>de</strong>sdale<br />
Tamara Daney<br />
Judy DeJesse<br />
Margaret Dubin<br />
Jacqueline Espinoza<br />
Jennnifer Fawcett<br />
Elise Getz<br />
Lori Gitter<br />
Juliette Glover<br />
Stacey Goodwin<br />
Lea Houtari<br />
Annie Ingamells<br />
Suzanne Kelly-Lyall<br />
Catherine Krueger<br />
Laura Kuo<br />
A.G. Lambert<br />
Karen Lambert<br />
Maria Landoni <strong>de</strong> Rose<br />
Steve Levine<br />
Adair Loveridge<br />
Mary Kathryn Lynch<br />
Rebecca Malkin Chocron<br />
Penda Mbaye-Gueye<br />
Sandrine Milanello<br />
ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
Room Representatives ALUMNi COMMiTTEE<br />
Tish Moore<br />
Sarah Nasgovitz<br />
Heidi Noga<br />
Kimberle Nogay<br />
Andrea Nouri<br />
Amy O’Keefe<br />
Brenda Ogburn<br />
Karen Paolini<br />
Anshu Prunet-Sharma<br />
Ann Puchkov<br />
Elise Ravet<br />
Lee Richter<br />
Karoline Robbins*<br />
Andrea Salgues<br />
Heather Saulnier<br />
Vicki Schumb<br />
Monica Scott<br />
Marjorie Setchko<br />
Tess Sta Romana<br />
Catherine Stevenson<br />
Waka Tago<br />
Heidi Tasker<br />
Sharareh Tavafrashti<br />
Agnes Thomas<br />
Alexandra Thusy-Privat<br />
Isabelle Vacher*<br />
Nathalie Valette<br />
Julie Van De Wyngaer<strong>de</strong><br />
Todd Vollmerhausen<br />
Sophie Volpp<br />
Hallie Von Rock<br />
Sonia Waters<br />
Ann Wood<br />
Gopi Yarlagadda<br />
Yvonne Zhou<br />
11<br />
* Coordinators<br />
Susan Acquistapace<br />
Becky An<strong>de</strong>rsen<br />
Brigitte Bastrenta<br />
Anne Brandon<br />
Michael Clausen<br />
Steve Cook<br />
Carol Curtis<br />
Rebecah Davis<br />
Betsy Dixon<br />
Sally Drach<br />
Fabiola Etienne<br />
Joan Finnie<br />
Douglas Gostlin<br />
Ann Hasse<br />
Mary Havemann<br />
Joyce Hemmer<br />
Elizabeth Herzberg<br />
Virginia Hoyt<br />
Véronique Jordan<br />
Florence Kragen<br />
Bette Kroening<br />
Karla Leibowitz<br />
Kathleen Letellier<br />
Vivian Lopez<br />
Nancy Lowenthal<br />
Johnelle Mancha<br />
Jerri Mariott, Chair<br />
Tina Meyer<br />
Jennifer Monahan<br />
Michael Morris<br />
Gloria Polanski<br />
Rick Richetta<br />
Karoline Robbins<br />
Karma Roberts<br />
Celia Roe<br />
Roberte Rountree<br />
Joan Steele<br />
Susan Vinluan Morrison<br />
Priscilla Wanerus<br />
Leslie Woodard
HigH SCHOOLS<br />
CHOSEN By<br />
THE CLASS OF 2011<br />
Abroad (France) 1<br />
Albany High 1<br />
Athenian 1<br />
<strong>Berkeley</strong> High 10<br />
Bishop O’Dowd 1<br />
Castilleja 1<br />
College Prep. School 2<br />
French CNED 2<br />
Head Royce 2<br />
Heritage 1<br />
International High School 6<br />
Maybeck 2<br />
Oakland Tech 1<br />
Piedmont High 1<br />
St. Mary’s College High School 5<br />
EB alumni at the Pyramid brewery in <strong>Berkeley</strong><br />
Alumni<br />
Reunions<br />
In addition to the traditional all-ages reunion in early January, EB held its first<br />
reunion for alumni over 21 on December 22, 2010. Approximately 30 EB grads<br />
gathered at the Pyramid Brewery to share memories, camara<strong>de</strong>rie and beer. They<br />
were joined by Coach Rodriguez, Emmanuel Coup and Sue Campbell. We look forward<br />
to the next reunions!<br />
• Reunion for Alumni 21 and ol<strong>de</strong>r<br />
December 28, 2011 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Pyramid Brewery in <strong>Berkeley</strong><br />
• All-ages Reunion<br />
Thursday, January 5, 2012 from 6:30 8:30 p.m. at EB<br />
“Leveraging Linkedin”<br />
Michael Korcuska, Lea<strong>de</strong>r of Global Customer Operations at LinkedIn, will speak<br />
to the EB community about effective networking through LinkedIn. His one-hour<br />
presentation will be followed by a reception. Free.<br />
• January 24, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.<br />
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ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
Alumni reunion in January 2011
Keep in Touch!<br />
ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
Global Citizens: EB Alumni in Senegal<br />
In June 2011, Savannah Van Leuvan Smith (EB Class of 2007; currently a<br />
freshman at Wesleyan University), Lila Elias, Amadou Diallo, and Ma<strong>de</strong>line Fox<br />
(class of 2008) went to Senegal as part of an exchange program organized by St.<br />
Mary’s College High School. They spent a week in Dakar and a week in Palmarin,<br />
a village on the coast. While in Dakar, they visited the Ile <strong>de</strong> Gorée and toured its<br />
famous “maison <strong>de</strong>s esclaves.” They also visited the two children whose education<br />
their French class at St. Mary’s has been supporting for the past few years through<br />
ChildFund International. They met the families of both stu<strong>de</strong>nts, and toured one<br />
of their schools.<br />
In Palmarin, they worked with the Peace Corps on projects such as installing<br />
water pipes and painting a school. The stu<strong>de</strong>nts stayed with host families, were<br />
immersed in local culture, and felt very warmly welcomed. “My experience in<br />
Senegal was amazing, very powerful,” said Savannah. She explained that not only<br />
did being fluent in French help her connect with her host family and others, but<br />
that thanks to her time at EB, her familiarity with francophone Africa began years<br />
before the trip. Lila Elias agreed: “When you go to EB, even if you don’t have any<br />
French lineage, you feel like you’re part of the francophone world. So I didn’t feel<br />
like a stranger in Senegal.”<br />
We are proud to see our alumni “at home in the world,” and look forward to<br />
hearing about their future adventures.<br />
Class of 2007 Reunion in May 2011<br />
Become a fan of EB on Facebook, and join the EB alumni group.<br />
Join the EB group on LinkedIn: build your professional network with<br />
fellow alumni as well as current and alumni parents.<br />
Do you have a new email address? New school? New job? New starring<br />
movie role? Send an email to Véronique Jordan at<br />
13<br />
THE CLASS OF 2007<br />
Amherst College<br />
Bard College<br />
Barnard College<br />
Barry University<br />
Cal Poly<br />
Carnegie Mellon<br />
Cinematography School in Paris<br />
Concordia University, Montreal<br />
Dartmouth College<br />
Drexel University<br />
Georgetown University<br />
King’s College (Scotland)<br />
Miami Da<strong>de</strong> College<br />
Middlebury College<br />
Mills College<br />
New York University<br />
Oberlin College<br />
Princeton University<br />
Reed College<br />
San Diego State<br />
Santa Barbara City College<br />
Sciences Po Reims, France<br />
Sierra Nevada<br />
Smith College<br />
St. Andrews, Scotland<br />
UC <strong>Berkeley</strong> (2)<br />
UC Davis (2)<br />
UC Santa Barbara<br />
UC Santa Cruz (2)<br />
UC Los Angeles (2)<br />
University of British Columbia<br />
University of Colorado, Boul<strong>de</strong>r<br />
University of Massachusetts<br />
University of Michigan<br />
University of New Mexico<br />
University of Southern California<br />
University of Washington<br />
Gap year (3)
Thomas Cly<strong>de</strong>sdale, Treasurer<br />
Loy Sheflott, Advancement Chair<br />
Florence Kragen, Director of Advancement<br />
Antoine Portales, Business Manager<br />
ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
Finance and Advancement <strong>Report</strong><br />
I am pleased to report we en<strong>de</strong>d the fiscal year in solid financial shape. Our school<br />
ma<strong>de</strong> significant progress during the 2010–2011 school year, as our community<br />
bond continues to strengthen. We enjoy record levels of enrollment and diversity,<br />
low faculty turnover and strong charitable giving.<br />
EB recor<strong>de</strong>d a positive result of $8,500 for the year ending June 30, 2011.<br />
In addition, we raised $247,000 in generous contributions to “The Campus<br />
Campaign – Our Moment,” EB’s Capital Campaign. As of the end of June 2011,<br />
our school has raised almost $1.6 million toward this capital fundraising effort.<br />
We remain focused on continuing our efforts to complete this campaign, and to<br />
bringing successful conclusion to this phase of our Long-Range Facilities Master<br />
Plan. Along with our Capital Campaign fundraising efforts, we achieved many<br />
other remarkable results and we are most grateful to so many members of our<br />
community for being a vital part in generating:<br />
• $534,000 in unrestricted gifts raised through our regular annual giving efforts,<br />
including the <strong>Annual</strong> Fund, the Auction and La Place du Marché/Raffle.<br />
Comparable to last year, our school reported a 90% participation rate of current<br />
families.<br />
• $63,000 in restricted gifts towards financial aid funds, the Endowment Fund, and<br />
other <strong>de</strong>signated funds.<br />
Our fiscal policies and actions during the year continued to reflect our<br />
commitment to EB’s mission of providing an exceptional bilingual education to a<br />
diverse group of stu<strong>de</strong>nts. Specifically, two key elements gui<strong>de</strong>d our efforts:<br />
• Promoting excellence in the classroom by providing the resources necessary to<br />
support faculty, enhance aca<strong>de</strong>mic programs, improve facilities, and strengthen<br />
the school’s long-term future.<br />
• Supporting educational affordability and economic diversity through pru<strong>de</strong>nt<br />
fiscal management, a balanced operating budget, continued <strong>de</strong>velopment of nontuition<br />
revenues, and ongoing support of financial aid programs.<br />
Many exciting accomplishments were ma<strong>de</strong> and milestones were created during<br />
the 2010–2011 school year. So much of our achievement is the result of your<br />
tremendous gifts of talent and time, along with financial contributions from our<br />
entire school community. We extend our sincerest gratitu<strong>de</strong> for your support and<br />
look forward to our continued partnership together with great enthusiasm and<br />
confi<strong>de</strong>nce.<br />
Sincerely,<br />
Thomas Cly<strong>de</strong>sdale<br />
Treasurer<br />
Ancillary Programs<br />
(Exten<strong>de</strong>d Day,<br />
vacation camps,<br />
after-school classes,<br />
interest on monthly<br />
payments, interest<br />
earned…)<br />
4%<br />
Tuition and Fees<br />
(inclu<strong>de</strong>s tuition<br />
paid by bourses<br />
scolaires and by EB<br />
financial aid)<br />
90%<br />
Plant Expenses<br />
10%<br />
general and<br />
Administrative<br />
Expenses<br />
23%<br />
ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
Financial Aid<br />
Expenses (does not<br />
inclu<strong>de</strong> the bourses<br />
scolaires which are<br />
not an EB expense)<br />
13%<br />
2010–2011 REvEnuES<br />
<strong>Annual</strong> Fund<br />
4%<br />
Events<br />
1%<br />
Interest Expenses<br />
3.5%<br />
Other gifts (eScrip,<br />
released restricted<br />
gifts…)<br />
1%<br />
2010–2011 ExpEnSES<br />
Instructional<br />
Expenses<br />
50.5%<br />
15<br />
GifTS RECEivEd fRoM<br />
July 1, 2010 To JunE 30,2011<br />
<strong>Annual</strong> Fund<br />
• <strong>Annual</strong> Fund gifts $441,230<br />
Events/Retail Partnerships<br />
• Auction net (excluding Fund-A-Need) $59,300<br />
• Place du Marché/Raffle (net) $33,400<br />
• Retail Partnerships $5,500<br />
Total $98,200<br />
RESTRiCTEd giFTS<br />
• Library $1,250<br />
• Sports Program $5,000<br />
• Field Mithoefer $16,200<br />
Total $22,450<br />
Jeannette Rouger Professional<br />
Development Fund (Fund-A-Need)<br />
Total $27,850<br />
Endowment<br />
• Class of 2011 Gift $11,840<br />
• Other gifts $1,150<br />
Total $12,990<br />
(Endowment value as of June 30, 2011: $127,575)<br />
The Campus Campaign $247,000<br />
GRAND TOTAL $849,720
The Campus Campaign<br />
The Campus Campaign aims to accomplish Phase II of<br />
EB’s acquisition and building plan by acquiring a new<br />
property in the neighborhood and transforming the existing<br />
Lower School playground. This will bring about a long<strong>de</strong>sired<br />
upgra<strong>de</strong> of our stu<strong>de</strong>nts’ outdoor play area and the<br />
improvement of outdoor facilities for Lower and Middle<br />
School stu<strong>de</strong>nts.<br />
The path to ownership of our school properties began with<br />
the purchase of our Lower School Campus in early 2009<br />
(Phase I of the acquisition and building plan). In March<br />
2010, we purchased the entire building of the Middle<br />
School along with the outdoor playground and parking lot.<br />
Negotiations to purchase the warehouse on 9th Street are in<br />
process and we are making good progress.<br />
The EB Campus<br />
ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
16<br />
Our Lower School playground, along with this new<br />
warehouse property, will be re<strong>de</strong>signed (see photo next<br />
page) to introduce more grass, trees, and other plantings to<br />
our campus and to allow more athletic and creative use of<br />
the space, for the benefit of our children.<br />
Thank you to the generous donors of “The Campus<br />
Campaign—Our Moment” who are supporting the<br />
expansion and improvement of EB’s campus, for the benefit<br />
of generations of stu<strong>de</strong>nts. As of June 2011, the school<br />
raised almost $1.6 million from 86 donors. Another $1.18<br />
million is nee<strong>de</strong>d to reach the $2.75 million campaign goal.<br />
If you would like more information about the Campus<br />
Campaign, please contact Florence Kragen, Director of<br />
Advancement, at or at (510) 549-3867.<br />
Middle School Buildings and Playground –<br />
Purchased in 2010<br />
Adjacent warehouse property –<br />
Negotiations in process.<br />
Maternelle – Charitable Remain<strong>de</strong>r Trust –<br />
Eventual EB ownership<br />
Playground – Purchased in 1980<br />
Lower School Buildings – Purchased in<br />
Plans for Lower School Playground<br />
17<br />
Birds-eye View of Plans for Lower School Playground<br />
Designed by Charles Debbas, EB parent
CAMpAiGn CoMMiTTEE<br />
2011–2012<br />
Hélène Cahen<br />
Campaign Co-Chair, Trustee<br />
Peter Secor<br />
Campaign Co-Chair, Trustee<br />
Berit Ashla<br />
Campaign Co-Chair for lea<strong>de</strong>rship<br />
gifts, Trustee<br />
Frédéric Canadas<br />
Head of School<br />
Christine Chapon<br />
Trustee<br />
Thomas Cly<strong>de</strong>sdale<br />
Finance Chair, Trustee<br />
Annie-May <strong>de</strong> Bresson<br />
Alumni Relations<br />
Nathalie Destandau<br />
Communications Chair, Trustee<br />
Florence Kragen<br />
Director of Advancement<br />
Kili McGowan<br />
Alumni Relations, Trustee<br />
Alfred Moore<br />
Parent<br />
Loy Sheflott<br />
Campaign Co-Chair for lea<strong>de</strong>rship<br />
gifts, Advancement Chair, Trustee<br />
Tim Stokes<br />
Honorary Chair, Past Trustee<br />
Lynn Van Housen<br />
Chair, Board of Trustees<br />
Stephanie Walton<br />
<strong>Annual</strong> Fund Chair 2011-2012,<br />
Parent<br />
CAMpAiGn ConSulTAnT<br />
Sandy Drew, Martz & Lundy<br />
Matt and Kate Arnold<br />
Berit Ashla and Aron Cramer<br />
Valérie and Daniel Bishop<br />
Patrick Burns and Colleen Zardiackas<br />
Timothy Burns and Laura Watts<br />
Hélène Cahen and Dean Hanley<br />
Frédéric and Odile Canadas<br />
Christine Chapon and Alan Korman<br />
Peter and Catrine Charron<br />
Heather Clague and Frédéric<br />
Theunissen<br />
Laura and Thomas Cly<strong>de</strong>sdale<br />
Steve and Wendy Cook<br />
Irv Cramer<br />
Tamara Daney and Ariel Cao<br />
The <strong>de</strong> Bresson-Leland Family<br />
Nathalie Destandau and Gaby Brink<br />
Philippe Dietz<br />
John Edward Dittoe, Alanna Benham<br />
Dittoe, and Kirstin Dittoe Cicero<br />
Betsy and Steven Dixon<br />
Lynne Dominguez<br />
Ayman Fawaz and Rania Rayes-Fawaz<br />
Joan Finnie<br />
The Fontaine Family Charitable Fund<br />
The Galinson Foundation<br />
Henry L. Gardner<br />
John Gargani and Mary Kathryn Lynch<br />
Doug and Zozo Greenholz<br />
Joyce Hemmer<br />
The Hershey Family<br />
William and Mijo Horwich<br />
Angela Jacobson and James Levine<br />
Paul Johnson and Joan Steele<br />
Kevin and Rosemary Jordan<br />
Tanny Keeler-Hodgetts and Kent Hodgetts<br />
Marilyn Kinney<br />
Gregory Klein and Patricia Prochaska<br />
Michael Korcuska and Shannon Jackson<br />
Florence and Jules Kragen<br />
Olivia Kragen<br />
Hannah Lê<br />
18<br />
ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
CAMpuS CAMpAiGn donoRS<br />
Thank you to the generous donors of “The Campus Campaign—Our Moment” who are supporting the<br />
expansion and improvement of EB’s campus, for the benefit of generations of stu<strong>de</strong>nts. This list inclu<strong>de</strong>s<br />
all donors since 2009.<br />
Edward Lee and Rhonda Righter<br />
Michael Lukan and Laura Pantaleo<br />
Richard and Jennifer Lyons<br />
Vicente Madrigal and Ann Harrison<br />
The Henry Massie Family Charitable Trust<br />
Kili S. McGowan and Louise McGowan<br />
Typhaine Métayer and Olivier Mazéas<br />
Michael, Christina, Joshua, Christopher<br />
Meyer<br />
Frank Morrison and Susan Vinluan<br />
Morrison<br />
Matthew and Brenda Ogburn<br />
Albert and Anna Pantaleo<br />
Mark and Tracy Poff<br />
Gloria Polanski and Jean-Luc<br />
Szpakowski<br />
Denise Powell<br />
Dr. Michael Powell and Tana B. Powell<br />
Stéphane Prunet and Anshu Prunet-Sharma<br />
Rick Richetta and Thierry Durandard<br />
Hilary Roberts<br />
Karma Roberts<br />
Mark Roberts<br />
John Rosenthal and Sally Drach<br />
Stuart Russell and Loy Sheflott<br />
Tanu Sankalia and Devyani Jain<br />
Marie-José Sat and Peter Vollhardt<br />
Tim Secor<br />
Daniel Sivolella and Jacqueline Van Lang<br />
Françoise and Olivier Sorgen-Goldschmidt<br />
Jeffery Stephens and Janice Kim<br />
Timothy Stokes and Andrea Lewis<br />
Thomas C. Tellefsen and Myrna Walton<br />
Uma Thomas and Douglas Dove<br />
Laura Truffaut and Stephen Wong<br />
Saleh Tyebjee<br />
Zia Tyebjee<br />
Ariane Van Der Straten and Georges<br />
Natsoulis<br />
The Van Housen-Marie Family<br />
Zackary and Stephanie Walton<br />
Wells Fargo Foundation<br />
Anonymous (7)
<strong>Annual</strong> Fund donors by Recognition Level<br />
The <strong>Annual</strong> Fund is EB’s top fundraising priority. <strong>Annual</strong> Fund gifts go into the school’s general operating budget and help support teacher<br />
training, financial aid, classroom technology, libraries, and athletic programs. Thank you for your gifts that benefit every stu<strong>de</strong>nt and every program.<br />
CHAllEnGE<br />
GRAnT fRoM<br />
BoARd of<br />
TRuSTEES<br />
HonoRinG<br />
pARTiCipATion<br />
($30,000 gift to the <strong>Annual</strong> Fund once<br />
85% of EB families give)<br />
Berit Ashla<br />
Valérie Bishop<br />
Hélène Cahen<br />
Frédéric Canadas<br />
Christine Chapon<br />
Thomas Cly<strong>de</strong>sdale<br />
Tamara Daney<br />
Nathalie Destandau<br />
Philippe Dietz<br />
Joanne Hom-Addis<br />
Lorraine Iliya<br />
James Levine<br />
Kili McGowan<br />
Mark Poff<br />
Gloria Polanski<br />
John Rosenthal<br />
Tanu Sankalia<br />
Marie-José Sat<br />
Loy Sheflott<br />
Lynn Van Housen<br />
Jacqueline Van Lang<br />
Heather Clague (left), <strong>Annual</strong> Fund<br />
Chair and Stephanie Walton, <strong>Annual</strong><br />
Fund Vice-Chair<br />
ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
pRESidEnT<br />
($10,000 and up)<br />
Dean Hanley and Héléne Cahen<br />
Vicente Madrigal and Ann Harrison<br />
John Rosenthal and Sally Drach<br />
Stuart Russell and Loy Sheflott<br />
Anonymous (1)<br />
($5,000 to $9,999)<br />
Steven Addis and Joanne Hom-Addis<br />
Frédéric and Odile Canadas<br />
Thomas and Laura Cly<strong>de</strong>sdale<br />
Nathalie Destandau and Gaby Brink<br />
Jeroen and Katherine Grasman (MG)<br />
Steven Addis and Joanne Hom-Addis<br />
James Levine and Angela Jacobson<br />
Michael Lukan and Laura Pantaleo<br />
Olivier Marie and Lynn Van Housen<br />
Mark and Tracy Poff<br />
Daniel Sivolella and Jacqueline Van<br />
Lang<br />
19<br />
ConSul<br />
($3,000 to $ 4,999)<br />
Christopher and Anne An<strong>de</strong>rson<br />
Dorion Carroll and Michele Muller<br />
Aron Cramer and Berit Ashla<br />
Scott and Jill Crocker<br />
Philippe Dietz and Corine Meyer<br />
Douglas Dove and Uma Thomas<br />
Kurt and Brooke Hauch<br />
Michael and Shannon Korcuska<br />
Edward Lee and Rhonda Righter<br />
Jeffrey and Eileen Loustau (MG)<br />
Alfred Moore and Michelle Clincke<br />
Stéphane Prunet and Anshu Prunet-<br />
Sharma<br />
Timothy Stokes and Andrea Lewis<br />
Jon Strich and Catherine Dower<br />
Frédéric Theunissen and Heather<br />
Clague<br />
Anonymous (2)<br />
Trustees ......................................100%<br />
Faculty ..........................................95%<br />
Administration and Staff ..........94%<br />
Parents .........................................90%<br />
Alumni Committee ....................74%
We extend our heartfelt thanks to the<br />
following volunteers who worked in each<br />
classroom to educate their fellow parents<br />
about the <strong>Annual</strong> Fund.<br />
Kymi Armour<br />
Kate Arnold<br />
Berit Ashla<br />
Andrea Bacigalupo-Lee<br />
Robert Bartlett<br />
Lucinda Bazile<br />
Patty Brunn<br />
Pat Burns<br />
Awatif Chirar<br />
Linda Chung<br />
Heather Clague, Chair<br />
Laura Cly<strong>de</strong>sdale<br />
Tamara Daney<br />
Andrew Davis<br />
Catherine Dower<br />
Cassiopée Hett<br />
Tom Horton<br />
Christine Izaret<br />
Devyani Jain<br />
Rosemary Jordan<br />
Catherine Krueger<br />
Odile Leland-Arizmendi<br />
Nydia MacGregor<br />
Nasi Maghsoudnia White<br />
Garet O’Keefe<br />
Matt Ogburn<br />
Victoria Plaut<br />
Tracy Poff<br />
Isha Ray<br />
Jim Roach<br />
Karoline Robbins<br />
Cottie Rood<br />
Joshua Rose<br />
Marie-José Sat<br />
Peter Secor<br />
Valerie Sobel<br />
Julie Van De Wyngaer<strong>de</strong><br />
Jacqueline Van Lang<br />
Stephanie Walton, Vice Chair<br />
Louisa Weix<br />
Charles Wheeler<br />
Tina Woolsey<br />
Karen Zumhagen-Yepklé<br />
($1,450 to $2,999)<br />
Jeanne Alexan<strong>de</strong>r<br />
Nicole Angiel and David Rehkopf<br />
Javier Arizmendi and Odile Leland-<br />
Arizmendi<br />
Randy Arndt and Nicole Gauthier<br />
William and Meryl Bailey<br />
Vivien and Stéphanie Banholzer<br />
Robert Bartlett and Victoria Plaut<br />
François Bertault and Qingwen Feng<br />
Marc and Laurence Blatt (MG)<br />
Harold Boscovich and Hallie Von Rock<br />
Gerald Bourne and Janice Prudhomme<br />
Dirk Brockstedt and Marcella Fassò<br />
Patrick Burns and Colleen Zardiackas<br />
Burns (MG)<br />
Timothy Burns and Laura Watts<br />
Ariel Cao and Tamara Daney<br />
Peter and Catrine Charron<br />
Lionel Chocron and Rebecca Malkin-<br />
Chocron (MG)<br />
The Clorox Company Foundation<br />
Claire Cly<strong>de</strong>sdale<br />
Sayed and Elise Darwish<br />
Andrew Davis and Alexandra Von Burg<br />
Steven and Betsy Dixon<br />
Julianne Balmain<br />
Doug and Lisa Fontaine<br />
Kenneth and Setenay Frucht<br />
Nicolas Garcia and Yelena Lunskaya<br />
The Genentech Employee Giving<br />
Program<br />
Michael Goldbach and Zahra Mahloudji<br />
Christopher Harrelson and Sara<br />
Rahimian<br />
The Hartley Corporation<br />
Pascal and Tegan Hoffmann (MG)<br />
Philip and Debbie Holloway<br />
Kevin and Rosemary Jordan<br />
Casey and Catherine Keller<br />
Alan Korman and Christine Chapon<br />
Jules and Florence Kragen<br />
Keith Krueger and Yvonne Zhou<br />
Cem and Deniz Kursunoglu<br />
Carl Langford and Wendy Bernstein<br />
20<br />
Steve and Ann Lefkovits<br />
Jeffrey and Eileen and Loustau<br />
Richard and Jennifer Lyons<br />
Jitendra Malik and Isha Ray<br />
George Martin and Janelle Noble<br />
Derek and Marina McBrearty<br />
Winter and Pamela Mead<br />
Michael and Tina Meyer<br />
Glenn and Heidi Noga<br />
Keyvan and Andrea Nouri<br />
Garet and Amy O’Keefe<br />
Matthew and Brenda Ogburn<br />
Erich Pfeifer and Kelly Evans-Pfeifer<br />
Saul Pichardo and Katalin Ben<strong>de</strong><br />
Kameshwar Poolla and Radhika Rao<br />
Denise Powell<br />
Guillaume Privat and Alexandra Thusy-<br />
Privat (MG)<br />
Ma<strong>de</strong> Putrayasa and Annette Hackett<br />
Steven Ramirez and Jacqueline Espinoza<br />
David and Françoise Rees<br />
David Rehkopf and Nicole Angiel<br />
Rick Richetta and Thierry Durandard<br />
Hugh Salamon and Beverly King<br />
Tanu Sankalia and Devyani Jain<br />
Eric Snoey and Sophie Barbant<br />
Alexan<strong>de</strong>r Stock and Katrina Heron<br />
Manning Sutton and Hilary Goldman<br />
Jean-Luc Szpakowski and Gloria<br />
Polanski<br />
Peter Tippet and Muriel Taton<br />
Alan and My True<br />
Glenn Valenzuela and Itziar Aperribay<br />
Christopher Van Gundy and Linda<br />
Chung<br />
Peter Vollhardt and Marie-José Sat<br />
Todd Vollmerhausen and Denise Glagau<br />
Zachary and Stephanie Walton<br />
Angie Wang<br />
Chieh Wang and Linda Lew<br />
Louisa Weix<br />
Wells Fargo Foundation<br />
Mark Westover and Barbara Galligan<br />
Charles Wheeler and Martha Berman<br />
Anonymous (3)
diploMATE<br />
(750 to $1,449)<br />
Advent Software, Inc.<br />
Pablo Arbelaez and Roxana Yockteng<br />
Benalcazar<br />
Mario and Sarah Assadi<br />
Eric Bezar<br />
Victor Brochard and Ellen Wang<br />
Check Point Software Technologies<br />
Chevron<br />
Kathleen Crandall and Lori Gitter<br />
Samir Dzankic and Golriz Ghassem-<br />
Ar<strong>de</strong>bili<br />
Abraham and Elizabeth Estrada<br />
Kevin Faulkner and Geri Charnin<br />
The Fisher-Miller Family<br />
Ernest Fricke and Daina Variakojis<br />
Robert and Alix Ga<strong>de</strong><br />
Neil and Elise Getz<br />
Michael Goldbach and Zahra Mahloudji<br />
Douglas Gostlin and Virginie Téjéro-<br />
Gostlin<br />
Christopher Harrelson and Sara<br />
Rahimian<br />
Kai and Lea Huotari<br />
Charles and Dianne Krueger<br />
Samuel Krueger and Catherine Vives<br />
Krueger<br />
Emmanuel and Fanny Labadie<br />
Robert Lee and Andrea Bacigalupo-Lee<br />
Levi Strauss Foundation<br />
SOURCES OF giviNg FOR THE 2010–2011 ANNUAL FUNd<br />
Faculty/Staff<br />
4%<br />
Alumni<br />
7%<br />
Parents<br />
50%<br />
Other<br />
11%<br />
ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
Douglas Mann<br />
Alain and Odile Marie<br />
Cory Martin and Tammy Brown<br />
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program<br />
Robert Na<strong>de</strong>au and Rose Mota-Na<strong>de</strong>au<br />
Bao-Long Nguyen-Trong and Anh-Thu<br />
Nguyen<br />
Peter O’Neill and Diane Marie Amann<br />
Christopher Osborn<br />
Perforce Software<br />
Antoine Portales<br />
Ma<strong>de</strong> Putrayasa and Annette Hackett<br />
Roll Giving & Paramount Community<br />
Giving<br />
Hugh Salamon and Beverly King<br />
Alvaro Sanabria and Sandra Guzman<br />
Alan and Sophie Shabel<br />
David St. Jean and Irene Bloemraad<br />
Alan Stevenson<br />
Paul and Stephanie Sullivan<br />
Bob Sypher and Nathalie Valette<br />
Habtom Tekeste and Ghebre Michael<br />
Azeb<br />
The Moody’s Foundation Matching<br />
Gifts Program<br />
Dylan Thornton and Jennifer Sorensen<br />
Rudolph Walter and Brigitte Bastrenta<br />
Anonymous (1)<br />
Board<br />
28%<br />
21<br />
MEMBRE<br />
(Up to $749)<br />
Asseffa Abye and Pauline Brooks<br />
Mikael and Anne Abye<br />
Ackerman’s<br />
Aykut Akcaoglu and Maria <strong>de</strong>l Pilar<br />
Reyes<br />
Marie-Anne Allain<br />
Khaled Amr and Miral Farag Zahran<br />
Rebecca and David An<strong>de</strong>rsen<br />
Julia Andrews<br />
Randy Aradanas and Victoria English-<br />
Aradanas<br />
William and Meryl Bailey<br />
Andrew Baldock and Anne Wood<br />
Ronald and Lucinda Bazile<br />
Barbara and Franck Bedrossian<br />
Marvin Benn<br />
Patrick Bernard and Maria Theresa Sta.<br />
Romana<br />
Daniel and Valérie Bishop<br />
Annette Blackman and Howard Barkan<br />
The Boeing Gift Matching Program<br />
Olesia Borkovsky<br />
Christian Boyd and Fabienne<br />
Meunissier<br />
Alexis Brandon<br />
Anne Brandon<br />
Robert and Lillian Brewer<br />
Darren and Bethany Buesen<br />
Hugh and Gail Burroughs<br />
Robert Cabrera and Carol Curtis<br />
Patricia Camacho<br />
Susan Campbell and Doug Oakley<br />
Hermenegildo Candja and Clélia<br />
Donovan<br />
Andrea Cavallo<br />
Maurice Charrière<br />
Jonathan and Gaynelle Chase<br />
Martha Chase<br />
Yves and Leilani Chauvin<br />
Kheira Chinn<br />
En<strong>de</strong>r Choo and Cheah Hui Siow<br />
Robert Chung and Magali Barbieri<br />
Alpha and Bintou Cissé<br />
Michael Clausen and Barbara Scullion<br />
Weldon and Lisa Clemons<br />
George and Sheri Cly<strong>de</strong><br />
Thomas and Renée Cly<strong>de</strong><br />
Albert and Rosalie Cohen<br />
Michael Cohen and Josiane Saulnier<br />
Norman and Françoise Cohen
Stéphanie Cohen<br />
Jason Cohn and Camille Servan-<br />
Schreiber<br />
Christopher Colebourn<br />
Steven and Wendy Cook<br />
Patrick Corcoran and Susanna<br />
Stromberg Corcoran<br />
Sylvain and Claudia Costes<br />
Emmanuel Coup<br />
Susan Cummins<br />
Charlotte Curry<br />
William and Barbara Daney<br />
Neree and Celine Dastous<br />
Blake and Deanna Davis<br />
Owen and Sindri Davis<br />
Marc De Armey and Abeba Abraham-<br />
De Armey<br />
François and Agathe De la Villeon<br />
Philippe De Valerio<br />
Régis Debats<br />
Charles Debbas and Amal Asseily<br />
Stephen and Judy DeJesse<br />
Stéphane and Delphine Deléger<br />
Chantal Destrooper<br />
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation<br />
Dolby Laboratories, Inc.<br />
Marc Dronkers<br />
Margaret Dubin<br />
Brandon Dugan<br />
William and Kathryn Dumas<br />
Luc and Marianne Dupont<br />
Jacques Duskin and Virginie Mounkala-<br />
Nkodia<br />
Nathaniel Eaton<br />
Laurent El Ghaoui<br />
Bassam Elias and Louise Barrett<br />
René Estimbre<br />
Fatimatou Fall and Doudou Sy<br />
Virginie Falquerho<br />
Andre and Andromache Fargeix<br />
Michel Faure and Paula Man<strong>de</strong>l<br />
Ayman Fawaz and Rania Rayes-Fawaz<br />
Douglas Fielding and Laura Tibbals<br />
Joan Finnie<br />
Corinne Fiscal<br />
Julie Ford<br />
Amanda Fox<br />
Matthew Franklin and Sophie Volpp<br />
Daniel Fre<strong>de</strong>rick and Susan McKeehan<br />
Jeffrey Friedman<br />
Faye Fruchtman<br />
Benjamin and Kayla Gaisne<br />
Miguel and Mayra Garcia<br />
Nicolas Garcia and Yelena Lunskaya<br />
Matthew and Joelle Garland<br />
Will Garner<br />
Renaud Garnier and Laura Gribomont-<br />
Garnier<br />
Michel Gasquy and Leticia Deltoro-<br />
Gasquy<br />
François Gaultier and Rachel Silver<br />
Michel Gelobter<br />
Alexis Giner and Courtenay Martin<br />
John and Juliette Glover<br />
William and Judith Goodwin<br />
Pierre-Olivier and Marion Gourinchas<br />
Andrée Graham<br />
Richard and Gretchen Grant<br />
Tom Gray<br />
Randolph and Sylvaine Griffin<br />
Christine Grisot d’Allancé<br />
Benjamin Guglielmi and Véronique<br />
Laurin<br />
Souleymane Gueye and Penda Mbaye-<br />
Gueye<br />
Gene and Audrey Hane<br />
Matthew and Noemie Hansen<br />
William Hapiuk and Bruno Fazzolari<br />
Ann Hasse<br />
Mary Havemann<br />
22<br />
Joyce Hemmer<br />
Don Hen<strong>de</strong>rson and Catherine Métayer<br />
Elizabeth Herzberg<br />
Marcia and David Hesler<br />
James and Cassiopée Hett<br />
Alan Hobesh and Kerry McLean<br />
Philip and Debbie Holloway<br />
Willie and Michelle Horn<br />
Thomas Horton and Michelle Biron-<br />
Horton<br />
Gregory Howe<br />
Richard and Ann Hoyer<br />
Virginia and Phil Hoyt<br />
Eric Hughes and Priscilla Wanerus<br />
Satnam and Bakhsho Hun<strong>de</strong>l<br />
Nghi Huynh<br />
Rotha Ieng<br />
Lorraine Iliya<br />
Intuit Foundation<br />
Jean-Manuel and Christine Izaret<br />
Thomas and Rosalyn Jamison<br />
François and Daniela Jeanneau<br />
Mikael Johansson and Laurence Bau<strong>de</strong><br />
Andrew Johnson and Astrid Cruz<br />
Michael Johnson and Mieko Scott<br />
Paul Johnson and Joan Steele<br />
Michael Jonath and Sylvie Mwila Jonath<br />
David and Linda Jones<br />
Ferrell and Hélène Jordan<br />
Sean and Véronique Jordan<br />
Kaiser Permanente Community Giving<br />
Campaign<br />
Lishan Kebe<strong>de</strong><br />
Katherine Keeler-Hodgetts<br />
Greg and Siwany Kehret<br />
Donald Kelley and Susan Getman<br />
Karen Kelley<br />
Naji and Hana Khabbaz<br />
Jan-Ulco Kluiwstra and Marie-Anne<br />
Mirza and Shantell Kopelman<br />
John and Olga Korcuska<br />
Elaine Korry<br />
Yat Hung Kot and Bo Fun Yuan<br />
Charles Koven and Samantha Teplitzky<br />
Bette Kroening<br />
Joseph and Marianne Kuo<br />
Lucas Lackner and Aila Conway<br />
Alan Lambert and Karen Kelleher<br />
Lambert<br />
Carine Lapicque<br />
Christophe Laverne<br />
Geneviève Laverne<br />
Hannah Lê<br />
Sylvie Le Meur<br />
Alain and SiewLian Le Roy<br />
Lucie Lebon<br />
Martin and Dorothy Lefkovits<br />
Jean-Marie and Kathleen Letellier<br />
Adin Levine and Ella Weintraub<br />
Mark Levine and Irma Herrera<br />
Alexan<strong>de</strong>r Lewis<br />
Nathaniel Lewis and Nydia MacGregor<br />
Brigitte Little<br />
David and Joan Lloyd<br />
Tessa Loehwing<br />
Maxime and Delphine Lok<br />
John and Kathryn Longinotti<br />
Monica Lopez<br />
Julian and Raphaelle Loren<br />
George and Svetlana Lozovik<br />
Harish Singh Lyall and Suzanne Kelly-<br />
Lyall<br />
Christopher Lyman and Kellyann<br />
Gilson Lyman<br />
Daniel Macallair and Bonnie Barkett<br />
Macy’s West G.I.F.T.<br />
Peter and Catherine Madsen<br />
Ronald Malek<br />
Sabrina Maras<br />
Steven and Janice Marcom<br />
Tom and Meri<strong>de</strong>th Marschak<br />
Geoffroy and Pascale Martin<br />
Erika Masak-Goldman<br />
Hank Massie and Bridget Connelly<br />
Y<strong>de</strong>r Masson and Anne Le Clerc <strong>de</strong> la<br />
Herverie<br />
Bryan Matheney and Avery Sim<br />
Jason and Chanté Maxey<br />
Sophie Mayot<br />
Olivier Mazéas and Typhaine Métayer<br />
Matt McCarthy and Anna Kern<br />
Kristienne McFarland<br />
Aengus McGiffin and Adair Loveridge<br />
Andrée McGiffin<br />
Kili McGowan and Jeremy Townsend<br />
Robert McLaughlin and Theresa Alfaro-<br />
Velcamp<br />
Ian MacLeod and Béatrice Morand<br />
Suzanne McNeill<br />
Michelle Mebine<br />
John Melia<br />
Theodore Mendiblez<br />
Darko and Raza Micic<br />
Lauralie Moeller<br />
Erik and Tish Moore<br />
Ryan and Morgan Moore<br />
Françoise Moréliéras<br />
Stephen Moros and Patricia McCarthy<br />
Michael Morris<br />
Nadine Morrisette<br />
Frank Morrison and Susan Vinluan<br />
Morrison<br />
Eric Mount and Meera Fox<br />
Ian Murray and Yoko Otomi<br />
Eric Naiman and Anne Nesbet<br />
Chris Nappo<br />
Georges Natsoulis and Ariane Van<br />
DerStraten<br />
Etienne N<strong>de</strong>di and Ginette Dogbe<br />
William and Shireen Ndiaye<br />
Hans and Susan Nehme<br />
Jane Newhard-Parks<br />
François and Marie-Laure Nguyen<br />
Sara Nicklès<br />
Boris Nikolin and Rose Fall<br />
Jeanne Marie Oakley<br />
Jeannette Ogburn<br />
Pierre and Laure Olivier<br />
23<br />
Charles and Marie Olson<br />
Todd Olson and Darcy Grimaldo<br />
Grigsby<br />
Josephine Osei<br />
Teresa Parker and Patrick Krzyzosiak<br />
David Parsons<br />
Mark and Nancy Parton<br />
Cosimo Pecchioli and Ounia Doukoure-<br />
Pecchioli<br />
Nicolas Pellerin and Nina Carbone-<br />
Pellerin<br />
Dominique Pelletey and Monica Scott<br />
Dominique Peytraud<br />
Marirose Piciucco<br />
Natasha Pickard<br />
Lin Picouleau<br />
Corinne Pluche<br />
John and Marianne Poppas<br />
Anton and Ann Puchkov<br />
Emmanuel Quigley and Stacey Quigley-<br />
Goodwin<br />
Javier Quintero<br />
Xavier and Emmanuelle Ragot<br />
John and Evelyn Rantzman<br />
Cédric and Elise Ravet<br />
Mark and Freya Read<br />
Heather Rice<br />
Gary and Lee Richter<br />
Laurent Rigobert and Ethel Brennan<br />
Mark Ritter and Bénédicte Cambon-<br />
Ritter<br />
Jim Roach and Sandrine Milanello<br />
Jeffrey and Karoline Robbins<br />
Karma Roberts<br />
Dominique Roddier and Wendy Sitler-<br />
Jeffrey Rodriguez<br />
Mathieu Rolland and Tarik Koivisto<br />
Catherine Ronneberg<br />
Alexis and Cottie Rood<br />
Joshua Rose and Maria Landoni De<br />
Rose<br />
Kirsten Rosenkrands<br />
Hannah Rosenthal<br />
Matthew Rosenthal<br />
Matthew Ross and Phyllis Grant<br />
Stergio and Hind Roubos<br />
Roberte Rountree<br />
Gaêl Rozan and Vanessa Kahn<br />
Luis Ruiz Rodriguez and Sarah<br />
Nasgovitz<br />
Christopher Ryn<strong>de</strong>rs and Tara Righetti<br />
Jannine Sabath and Kimberle Nogay<br />
Mohammed Safi-Eddine and Natalie<br />
Steinmetz<br />
Hervé and Sarah Salters<br />
Reit Samuels<br />
Guillaume Sandoz and Stéphanie<br />
Giraudo<br />
Luis Santos and Sandrine Vilna<br />
Subhas and Ratna Sarkar<br />
Bradley Sasser and and Heather Loucks<br />
Christopher and Heather Saulnier<br />
Orville and Baifang Schell<br />
ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
Julien and Jennifer Schreyer<br />
David and Victoria Schumb<br />
Jerry and Jan Schumb<br />
Philip and Michele Schurman<br />
Donald and Karen Secor<br />
Tim Secor<br />
Ted Shelton and Erika Jones<br />
Anthony Siino<br />
Michael Silpa and Jerri Mariott<br />
Phoenix Sinclair<br />
Noelle Singharath<br />
Montgomery Slatkin and Mary Prout<br />
Berend Smit and Blandine Jerome-Smit<br />
James Smith and Erica Riggs<br />
Patrick Smith<br />
Bernard Smits and Theresa Nelson<br />
Loy Smull and Anna Bellezza<br />
William and Valérie Sobel<br />
Alena Soldatova<br />
Roger and Mary Spence<br />
Laura Spiekerman<br />
Eric and Chris Stauffenegger<br />
Jeffery Stephens and Janice Kim<br />
Douglas and Debbie Stimpson<br />
Timothy Stokes and Heidi Tasker<br />
William Stringfellow and Nathalie<br />
Dubois-Stringfellow<br />
Pauline Tajchman<br />
Joseph Tato and Robyn Sembenini<br />
Marc Thibault<br />
Jay and Veronica Thomas<br />
Olivier and Agnes Thomas<br />
Judith Tidrick<br />
Philip Tiffin and Jennifer Fawcett<br />
Habtemichael Tilahun and Martha Wold<br />
Elizabeth Titherington (MG)<br />
Marion Tobie<br />
Jamal Tuqan and Fatima Osman<br />
Stephen Twigg and Susan Aumiller<br />
Union Bank Foundation<br />
Denis and Isabelle Vacher<br />
Jean-Paul and Rebecca Valette<br />
Julie Van De Wyngaer<strong>de</strong><br />
Catherine Van Sickle<br />
Ellen Vaughan<br />
Major and Mrs. Ricardo Villarina Jr.<br />
Jose-Luis Villasante and Marie-Elise<br />
Sallat<br />
Andrea Vollmerhausen<br />
Emmanuel Vuillequez and Vanessa<br />
Chong<br />
Scott Wachter and Barbara Malina<br />
Matthew Wadlund and Alexandra<br />
Destler Wadlund<br />
24<br />
Noor-Rahman Wais and Awatif Chirar<br />
Elaine Wang and Todd Taylor<br />
Joshua and Sonia Waters<br />
Gordon Watson and Berna Watson<br />
Andrew Weber and Muriel Paul<br />
Steven Weinberg and Georganne Ferrier<br />
Wells Fargo Foundation<br />
Paul Wescott and Margery Wescott<br />
Kenneth Wesley and Monia Boubaker-<br />
Wesley<br />
Michael and Evelyne Westerman<br />
William and Margaret Westerman<br />
Brian White and Jennifer Monahan<br />
Roger and Nancy Williams<br />
Jackeline Wilson<br />
Michael Wintroub and Hélène Mialet<br />
Fred Womack and Patty Brunn<br />
Tina Woolsey<br />
Andrew Worthington and Hülya<br />
Gürtuna<br />
Gopi Yarlagadda and Chandra Ganguly<br />
Hossein and Aza<strong>de</strong>h Yazdi<br />
Comlanvi Leonard Yekplé and Karen<br />
Zumhagen-Yekplé<br />
John P. Young<br />
Patrice Zauret<br />
Olivier Zyngier and Jodie Berger<br />
Anonymous (26)<br />
MG: Matching Gift
TRuSTEES<br />
100% participation<br />
Berit Ashla<br />
Valérie Bishop<br />
Hélène Cahen<br />
Frédéric Canadas<br />
Christine Chapon<br />
Thomas Cly<strong>de</strong>sdale<br />
Tamara Daney<br />
Nathalie Destandau<br />
Philippe Dietz<br />
Joanne Hom-Addis<br />
Lorraine Iliya<br />
James Levine<br />
Kili McGowan<br />
Mark Poff<br />
Gloria Polanski<br />
John Rosenthal<br />
Tanu Sankalia<br />
Marie-José Sat<br />
Loy Sheflott<br />
Lynn Van Housen<br />
Jacqueline Van Lang<br />
ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
<strong>Annual</strong> Fund donors by Constituency<br />
pAREnTS<br />
90% participation<br />
Mikael and Anne Abye<br />
Steven Addis and Joanne Hom-Addis<br />
Aykut Akcaoglu and Maria <strong>de</strong>l Pilar<br />
Reyes<br />
Jeanne Alexan<strong>de</strong>r<br />
Christopher and Anne An<strong>de</strong>rson<br />
Pablo Arbelaez and Roxana Yockteng<br />
Benalcazar<br />
Javier Arizmendi and Odile Leland-<br />
Arizmendi<br />
Randy Arndt and Nicole Gauthier<br />
Mario and Sarah Assadi<br />
William and Meryl Bailey<br />
Andrew Baldock and Anne Wood<br />
Vivien and Stéphanie Banholzer<br />
Robert Bartlett and Victoria Plaut<br />
Ronald and Lucinda Bazile<br />
Barbara and Franck Bedrossian<br />
Patrick Bernard and Maria Theresa Sta.<br />
Romana<br />
François Bertault and Qingwen Feng<br />
Eric Bezar<br />
Harold Boscovich and Hallie Von Rock<br />
Gerald Bourne and Janice Prudhomme<br />
Christian Boyd and Fabienne Meunissier<br />
Victor Brochard and Ellen Wang<br />
Dirk Brockstedt and Marcella Fassò<br />
Darren and Bethany Buesen<br />
Patrick Burns and Colleen Zardiackas<br />
Burns<br />
Ariel Cao and Tamara Daney<br />
Susan Campbell and Doug Oakley<br />
Hermenegildo Candja and Clélia<br />
Donovan<br />
Dorion Carroll and Michele Muller<br />
Peter and Catrine Charron<br />
Yves and Leilani Chauvin<br />
25<br />
Lionel Chocron and Rebecca Malkin-<br />
Chocron<br />
Robert Chung and Magali Barbieri<br />
Alpha and Bintou Cissé<br />
Weldon and Lisa Clemons<br />
Thomas and Renée Cly<strong>de</strong><br />
Thomas and Laura Cly<strong>de</strong>sdale<br />
Jason Cohn and Camille Servan-<br />
Schreiber<br />
Christopher Colebourn<br />
Patrick Corcoran and Susanna<br />
Stromberg Corcoran<br />
Neree and Celine Dastous<br />
Aron Cramer and Berit Ashla<br />
Andrew Davis and Alexandra Von Burg<br />
Marc De Armey and Abeba Abraham-<br />
De Armey<br />
Charles Debbas and Amal Asseily<br />
Stephen and Judy DeJesse<br />
Stéphane and Delphine Deléger<br />
Douglas Dove and Uma Thomas<br />
Margaret Dubin<br />
Luc and Marianne Dupont<br />
Jean-François Durand and Emily Carr<br />
Jacques Duskin and Virginie Mounkala-<br />
Nkodia<br />
Samir Dzankic and Golriz Ghassem-<br />
Ar<strong>de</strong>bili<br />
Laurent El Ghaoui<br />
Bassam Elias and Louise Barrett<br />
Abraham and Elizabeth Estrada<br />
Altura Ewers and Julianne Balmain<br />
Fatimatou Fall and Doudou Sy<br />
Andre and Andromache Fargeix<br />
Kevin Faulkner and Geri Charnin<br />
Doug and Lisa Fontaine<br />
Julie Ford<br />
Kenneth and Setenay Frucht<br />
Robert and Alix Ga<strong>de</strong><br />
Benjamin and Kayla Gaisne<br />
Miguel and Mayra Garcia<br />
Nicolas Garcia and Yelena Lunskaya
Matthew and Joelle Garland<br />
François Gaultier and Rachel Silver<br />
Neil and Elise Getz<br />
Alexis Giner and Courtenay Martin<br />
John and Juliette Glover<br />
Michael Goldbach and Zahra Mahloudji<br />
Douglas Gostlin and Virginie Téjéro-<br />
Gostlin<br />
Jeroen and Katherine Grasman<br />
Randolph and Sylvaine Griffin<br />
Christine Grisot d’Allancé<br />
Souleymane Gueye and Penda Mbaye-<br />
Gueye<br />
Dean Hanley and Hélène Cahen<br />
Matthew and Noemie Hansen<br />
William Hapiuk and Bruno Fazzolari<br />
Christopher Harrelson and Sara<br />
Rahimian<br />
Pascal and Tegan Hoffmann<br />
Philip and Debbie Holloway<br />
Willie and Michelle Horn<br />
Gregory Howe<br />
Richard and Ann Hoyer<br />
Satnam and Bakhsho Hun<strong>de</strong>l<br />
Kai and Lea Huotari<br />
Jean-Manuel and Christine Izaret<br />
François and Daniela Jeanneau<br />
Andrew Johnson and Astrid Cruz<br />
Michael Johnson and Mieko Scott<br />
Michael Jonath and Sylvie Mwila Jonath<br />
Ferrell and Hélène Jordan<br />
Kevin and Rosemary Jordan<br />
Lishan Kebe<strong>de</strong><br />
Katherine Keeler-Hodgetts<br />
Greg and Siwany Kehret<br />
Casey and Catherine Keller<br />
Hana and Naji Khabbaz<br />
ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
Jan-Ulco Kluiwstra and Marie-Anne<br />
Descalle<br />
Mirza and Shantell Kopelman<br />
Michael and Shannon Korcuska<br />
Elaine Korry<br />
Yat Hung Kot and Bo Fun Yuan<br />
Keith Krueger and Yvonne Zhou<br />
Samuel Krueger and Catherine Vives<br />
Krueger<br />
Cem and Deniz Kursunoglu<br />
Emmanuel and Fanny Labadie<br />
Carl Langford and Wendy Berstein<br />
Carine Lapicque<br />
Christophe Laverne<br />
Alain and SiewLian Le Roy<br />
Edward Lee and Rhonda Righter<br />
Robert Lee and Andrea Bacigalupo-Lee<br />
Steve and Ann Lefkovits<br />
James Levine and Angela Jacobson<br />
Nathaniel Lewis and Nydia MacGregor<br />
Monica Lopez<br />
Julian and Raphaelle Loren<br />
Jeffrey and Eileen Loustau<br />
Michael Lukan and Laura Pantaleo<br />
Christopher Lyman and Kellyann<br />
Gilson Lyman<br />
Richard and Jennifer Lyons<br />
Daniel Macallair and Bonnie Barkett<br />
Peter and Catherine Madsen<br />
Jitendra Malik and Isha Ray<br />
Sabrina Maras<br />
Olivier Marie and Lynn Van Housen<br />
Cory Martin and Tammy Brown<br />
Geoffroy and Pascale Martin<br />
George Martin and Janelle Noble<br />
Bryan Matheney and Avery Sim<br />
Jason and Chanté Maxey<br />
Derek and Marina McBrearty<br />
Matt McCarthy and Anna Kern<br />
Kristienne McFarland<br />
Aengus McGiffin and Adair Loveridge<br />
Robert McLaughlin and Theresa Alfaro-<br />
Velcamp<br />
Darko and Raza Micic<br />
Kamran and Anosha Misaghi<br />
Alfred Moore and Michelle Clincke<br />
Erik and Tish Moore<br />
Ryan and Morgan Moore<br />
Stephen Moros and Patricia McCarthy<br />
Eric Mount and Meera Fox<br />
Ian Murray and Yoko Otomi<br />
Robert Na<strong>de</strong>au and Rose Mota-Na<strong>de</strong>au<br />
Chris Nappo<br />
26<br />
Georges Natsoulis and Ariane Van Der<br />
Straten<br />
William and Shireen Ndiaye<br />
Hans and Susan Nehme<br />
François and Marie-Laure Nguyen<br />
Bao-Long Nguyen-Trong and Anh-Thu<br />
Nguyen<br />
Boris Nikolin and Rose Fall<br />
Glenn and Heidi Noga<br />
Keyvan and Andrea Nouri<br />
Jeanne Marie Oakley<br />
Matthew and Brenda Ogburn<br />
Charles and Marie Olson<br />
Todd Olson and Darcy Grimaldo<br />
Grigsby<br />
David Parsons<br />
Mark and Nancy Parton<br />
Dominique Pelletey and Monica Scott<br />
Erich Pfeifer and Kelly Evans-Pfeifer<br />
Saul Pichardo and Katalin Ben<strong>de</strong><br />
Marirose Piciucco<br />
Mark and Tracy Poff<br />
Kameshwar Poolla and Radhika Rao<br />
Denise Powell<br />
Guillaume Privat and Alexandra Thusy-<br />
Privat<br />
Stéphane Prunet and Anshu Prunet-<br />
Sharma<br />
Anton and Ann Puchkov<br />
Ma<strong>de</strong> Putrayasa and Annette Hackett<br />
Emmanuel Quigley and Stacey Quigley-<br />
Goodwin<br />
Xavier and Emmanuelle Ragot<br />
Steven Ramirez and Jacqueline Espinoza<br />
Cedric and Elise Ravet<br />
David and Françoise Rees<br />
Heather Rice<br />
Gary and Lee Richter<br />
Laurent Rigobert and Ethel Brennan<br />
Mark Ritter and Bénédicte Cambon-<br />
Ritter<br />
Jeffrey and Karoline Robbins<br />
Dominique Roddier and Wendy Sitler-<br />
Roddier<br />
Alexis and Cottie Rood<br />
Joshua Rose and Maria Landoni De<br />
Rose<br />
Matthew Ross and Phyllis Grant<br />
Stergio and Hind Roubos<br />
Gaël Rozan and Vanessa Kahn<br />
Luis Ruiz Rodriguez and Sarah<br />
Nasgovitz<br />
Christopher Ryn<strong>de</strong>rs and Tara Righetti
Mohammed Safi-Eddine and Natalie<br />
Steinmetz<br />
Hugh Salamon and Beverly King<br />
Alvaro Sanabria and Sandra Guzman<br />
Tanu Sankalia and Devyani Jain<br />
Luis Santos and Sandrine Vilna<br />
Bradley and Heather Sasser<br />
Christopher and Heather Saulnier<br />
Philip and Michele Schurman<br />
Alan and Sophie Shabel<br />
Noelle Singharath<br />
Daniel Sivolella and Jacqueline Van<br />
Lang<br />
Berend Smit and Blandine Jerome-Smit<br />
James Smith and Erica Riggs<br />
Patrick Smith<br />
Loy Smull and Anna Bellezza<br />
Eric Snoey and Sophie Barbant<br />
William and Valérie Sobel<br />
Alena Soldatova<br />
Douglas and Debbie Stimpson<br />
Timothy Stokes and Heidi Tasker<br />
Jon Strich and Catherine Dower<br />
William Stringfellow and Nathalie<br />
Dubois-Stringfellow<br />
Paul and Stephanie Sullivan<br />
Bob Sypher and Nathalie Valette<br />
Habtom Tekeste and Ghebre<br />
Michael Azeb<br />
Frédéric Theunissen and Heather<br />
Clague<br />
Marc Thibault<br />
Jay and Veronica Thomas<br />
Olivier and Agnes Thomas<br />
Dylan Thornton and Jennifer Sorensen<br />
Habtemichael Tilahun and Martha Wold<br />
Peter Tippet and Muriel Taton<br />
Elizabeth Titherington<br />
Alan and My True<br />
Jamal Tuqan and Fatima Osman<br />
Denis and Isabelle Vacher<br />
Glenn Valenzuela and Itziar<br />
Aperribay<br />
Julie Ann Van De Wyngaer<strong>de</strong><br />
Christopher Van Gundy and Linda<br />
Chung<br />
Catherine Van Sickle<br />
Jose-Luis Villasante and Marie-Elise<br />
Sallat<br />
Todd Vollmerhausen and Denise Glagau<br />
Emmanuel Vuillequez and Vanessa<br />
Chong<br />
Noor-Rahman Wais and Awatif Chirar<br />
Zachary and Stephanie Walton<br />
ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
Chieh Wang and Linda Lew<br />
Elaine Wang and Todd Taylor<br />
Gordon Watson and Berna Watson<br />
Andrew Weber and Muriel Paul<br />
Louisa Weix<br />
Kenneth Wesley and Monia Boubaker-<br />
Wesley<br />
Michael and Evelyne Westerman<br />
Mark Westover and Barbara Galligan<br />
Charles Wheeler and Martha Berman<br />
Brian White and Jennifer Monahan<br />
Michael Wintroub and Hélène Mialet<br />
Fred Womack and Patty Brunn<br />
Tina Woolsey<br />
Gopi Yarlagadda and Chandra Ganguly<br />
Hossein and Aza<strong>de</strong>h Yazdi<br />
Olivier Zyngier and Jodie Berger<br />
Anonymous (33)<br />
fACulTy<br />
95% participation<br />
Marie-Anne Allain<br />
Barbara Bedrossian<br />
Patricia Camacho<br />
Bénédicte Cambon-Ritter<br />
Susan Campbell<br />
Odile Canadas<br />
Andrea Cavallo<br />
Maurice Charrière<br />
En<strong>de</strong>r Choo<br />
Emmanuel Coup<br />
Mark De Armey<br />
Regis Debats<br />
Nathaniel Eaton<br />
Fatimatou Fall<br />
Virginie Falquerho<br />
Corinne Fiscal<br />
Amanda Fox Jenks<br />
Jeffrey Friedman<br />
Faye Fruchtman<br />
Lorraine Iliya<br />
Hana Khabbaz<br />
Emmanuel Labadie<br />
Fanny Labadie<br />
Carine Lapicque<br />
Véronique Laurin<br />
Hannah Lê<br />
Lucie Lebon<br />
27<br />
Anne Le Clerc<br />
Sylvie Le Meur<br />
Jean-Marie Letellier<br />
Alexan<strong>de</strong>r Lewis<br />
Brigitte Little<br />
Sophie Mayot<br />
Suzanne McNeill<br />
Michelle Mebine<br />
John Melia<br />
Typhaine Métayer<br />
Béatrice Morand<br />
Françoise Moréliéras<br />
Nadine Morrisette<br />
Joséphine Osei<br />
Dominique Peytraud<br />
Corinne Pluche<br />
Emma Ragot<br />
Laurent Rigobert<br />
Jeffrey Rodriguez<br />
Kirsten Rosenkrands<br />
Sarah Salters<br />
Pauline Tajchman<br />
Virginie Téjéro-Gostlin<br />
Marion Tobie<br />
Elaine Wang<br />
Patrice Zauret<br />
Anonymous (2)
AdMiniSTRATion<br />
And STAff<br />
94% participation<br />
Brigitte Bastrenta<br />
Frédéric Canadas<br />
Christopher Colebourn<br />
Brandon Dugan<br />
Thierry Durandard<br />
Will Garner<br />
Douglas Gostlin<br />
Tom Gray<br />
Nghi Huynh<br />
Rotha Ieng<br />
Véronique Jordan<br />
Mirza Kopelman<br />
Florence Kragen<br />
Tessa Loehwing<br />
Ronald Malek<br />
Douglas Mann<br />
Odile Marie<br />
Jennifer Monahan<br />
Michael Morris<br />
Sara Nicklès<br />
Christopher Osborn<br />
Antoine Portales<br />
Javier Quintero<br />
Roberte Rountree<br />
Anthony Siino<br />
Noelle Singharath<br />
Sandrine Vilna<br />
Jackeline Wilson<br />
Anonymous (2)<br />
AluMni<br />
Alexis Brandon (2007)<br />
Céline Cohen (1983)<br />
Stephanie Cohen (1986)<br />
Katherine Keeler-Hodgetts (1980)<br />
Hannah Lê (1994)<br />
Kili McGowan (1993)<br />
Hannah Rosenthal (2009)<br />
Matthew Rosenthal (2004)<br />
Laura Spiekerman (2000)<br />
ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
AluMni pAREnTS<br />
Khaled Amr and Miral Farag Zahran<br />
David and Rebecca An<strong>de</strong>rsen<br />
Howard Barkan and Annette Blackman<br />
Marvin Benn<br />
Daniel and Valérie Bishop<br />
Anne Brandon<br />
Robert and Lillian Brewer<br />
Robert Cabrera and Carol Curtis<br />
Frédéric and Odile Canadas<br />
Dorion Carroll and Michele Muller<br />
Jonathan and Gaynelle Chase<br />
Martha Chase<br />
Michael Clausen and Barbara Scullion<br />
Norman and Françoise Cohen<br />
Steven and Wendy Cook<br />
Susan Cummins<br />
Charles Debbas and Amal Asseily<br />
Nathalie Destandau and Gaby Brink<br />
Steven and Betsy Dixon<br />
William and Kathryn Dumas<br />
Bassam Elias and Louise Barrett<br />
Andre and Andromache Fargeix<br />
Ayman Fawaz and Rania Rayes-Fawaz<br />
Douglas Fielding and Laura Tibbals<br />
Joan Finnie<br />
Daniel Fre<strong>de</strong>rick and Susan McKeehan<br />
Will Garner<br />
Pierre-Olivier and Marion Gourinchas<br />
Andrée Graham<br />
Richard and Gretchen Grant<br />
Gene and Audrey Hane<br />
Ann Hasse<br />
Kurt and Brooke Hauch<br />
Joyce Hemmer<br />
Elizabeth Herzberg<br />
Alan Hobesh and Kerry McLean<br />
Phil and Virginia Hoyt<br />
Eric Hughes and Priscilla Wanerus<br />
Thomas and Rosalyn Jamison<br />
Paul Johnson and Joan Steele<br />
David and Linda Jones<br />
Sean and Véronique Jordan<br />
Donald Kelley and Susan Getman<br />
Alan Korman and Christine Chapon<br />
Yat Hung Kot and Bo Fun Yuan<br />
Jules and Florence Kragen<br />
Bette Kroening<br />
Patrick Krzyzosiak and Teresa Parker<br />
Christophe Laverne<br />
Alain and SiewLian Le Roy<br />
Jean-Marie and Kathleen Letellier<br />
28<br />
Mark Levine and Irma Herrera<br />
Brigitte Little<br />
Maxime and Delphine Lok<br />
John and Kathryn Longinotti<br />
Ian MacLeod and Béatrice Morand<br />
Vicente Madrigal and Ann Harrison<br />
Olivier Marie and Lynn Van Housen<br />
Tom and Meri<strong>de</strong>th Marschak<br />
Hank Massie and Bridget Connelly<br />
Andrée McGiffin<br />
Michael and Tina Meyer<br />
Frank Morrison and Susan Vinluan<br />
Morrison<br />
Eric Naiman and Anne Nesbet<br />
Jane Newhard-Parks<br />
Glenn and Heidi Noga<br />
Pierre and Laure Olivier<br />
Todd Olson and Darcy Grimaldo<br />
Grigsby<br />
Corinne Pluche<br />
Mark and Freya Read<br />
Karma Roberts<br />
Jeffrey and Karoline Robbins<br />
Catherine Ronneberg<br />
John Rosenthal and Sally Drach<br />
Reit Samuels<br />
Subhas and Ratna Sarkar<br />
Orville and Baifang Schell<br />
Julien and Jennifer Schreyer<br />
David and Victoria Schumb<br />
Philip and Michele Schurman<br />
Michael Silpa and Jerri Mariott<br />
Montgomery Slatkin and Mary Prout<br />
Bernard Smits and Theresa Nelson<br />
Roger and Mary Spence<br />
Eric and Chris Stauffenegger<br />
Timothy Stokes and Andrea Lewis<br />
Jean-Luc Szpakowski and Gloria<br />
Polanski<br />
Stephen Twigg and Susan Aumiller<br />
Peter Vollhardt and Marie-José Sat<br />
Scott Wachter and Barbara Malina<br />
Steven Weinberg and Georganne Ferrier<br />
Paul Wescott and Margery Wescott<br />
Fred Womack and Patty Brunn<br />
Andrew Worthington and Hülya<br />
Gürtuna<br />
Anonymous (4)
GRAndpAREnTS<br />
Claire Cly<strong>de</strong>sdale<br />
Charles and Dianne Krueger<br />
William and Judith Goodwin<br />
Asseffa Abye and Pauline Brooks<br />
Hugh and Gail Burroughs<br />
George and Sheri Cly<strong>de</strong><br />
Albert and Rosalie Cohen<br />
Charlotte Curry<br />
William and Barbara Daney<br />
Chantal Destrooper<br />
René Estimbre<br />
Ernest Fricke and Daina Variakojis<br />
Richard and Gretchen Grant<br />
David and Marcia Hesler<br />
Willie and Michelle Horn<br />
John and Olga Korcuska<br />
Joseph and Marianne Kuo<br />
Geneviève Laverne<br />
Martin and Dorothy Lefkovits<br />
David and Joan Lloyd<br />
George and Svetlana Lozovik<br />
Steven and Janice Marcom<br />
Andrée McGiffin<br />
Lauralie Moeller<br />
Jeannette Ogburn<br />
John and Marianne Poppas<br />
Evelyn and John Rantzman<br />
Josiane Saulnier and Michael Cohen<br />
Jerry and Jan Schumb<br />
Donald and Karen Secor<br />
Jean-Paul and Rebecca Valette<br />
Ellen Vaughan<br />
Major and Mrs. Ricardo Villarina Jr.<br />
Andrea Vollmerhausen<br />
William and Margaret Westerman<br />
Roger and Nancy Williams<br />
John P. Young<br />
Anonymous (5)<br />
fRiEndS<br />
Philippe De Valerio<br />
Mark Dronkers<br />
The Fisher-Miller Family<br />
Mary Havemann<br />
Tim Secor<br />
Joseph Tato and Robyn Sembenini<br />
Judith Tidrick<br />
ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
CoRpoRATionS,<br />
foundATionS,<br />
oRGAniZATionS<br />
Ackerman’s<br />
Adobe Systems Incorporated<br />
Advent Software, Inc.<br />
Blackrock<br />
Boeing Gift Matching Program<br />
Check Point Software Technologies<br />
Chevron Humankind Matching Gift<br />
Program<br />
Dolby Laboratories, Inc.<br />
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation<br />
Genentech Employee Giving Program<br />
Google Gift Matching Program<br />
Hartley Corporation<br />
Intuit Foundation<br />
Levi Strauss Foundation<br />
Macy’s West G.I.F.T.<br />
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program<br />
Perforce Software<br />
Roll Giving and Paramount Community<br />
Giving<br />
The Clorox Company Foundation<br />
The Moody’s Foundation Matching<br />
Gifts Program<br />
Union Bank Foundation<br />
Wells Fargo Foundation<br />
GifTS in HonoR<br />
of…<br />
• Class of 2011<br />
Nathan Canadas<br />
• Sylvie Le Meur<br />
John and Evelyn Rantzman<br />
• Class of 2011 and Mary Havemann<br />
Tara Stringfellow<br />
• Class of 2011<br />
Tara White<br />
29<br />
GifTS in MEMoRy<br />
of…<br />
• David W. Gibbs<br />
Jim and Eileen Gibbs<br />
• Susanna Barrows<br />
Roger and Mary Spence<br />
• Philippe Moura<br />
Judith Tidrick<br />
• Raymond R. Ogburn<br />
Matthew and Brenda Ogburn<br />
• Rose Schechter<br />
Myrna Walton and Thomas C. Tellefsen<br />
• Georges Vitry<br />
Françoise Cohen<br />
Tanny Keeler-Hodgetts and Kent Hodgetts<br />
Roberte Rountree<br />
in-Kind<br />
donATionS<br />
Andrew Davis<br />
Renaud Garnier<br />
Julie Gilmore and Sin-Tsuen Tong<br />
Greener Printer<br />
Fabienne Meunissier<br />
Monterey Fish Market<br />
Marie-José Sat<br />
Chris and Heather Saulnier<br />
Stella Nonna<br />
Kat Toups
CiTiZEnSHip<br />
AWARd 2011<br />
The EB Citizenship Award<br />
recognizes EB Middle School<br />
persons whose outstanding service<br />
supports, strengthens and sustains<br />
the EB community and the broa<strong>de</strong>r<br />
communities in which they participate.<br />
It exemplifies the hope that, at their<br />
best, EB graduates will not simply be<br />
“at home in the world,” but will also<br />
<strong>de</strong>monstrate the courage, compassion,<br />
and capacity to make the world a<br />
better home.<br />
Candidates for the Citizenship Award<br />
were nominated by stu<strong>de</strong>nts, faculty<br />
and parents at the Middle School. Out<br />
of many nominees, Allegra Sasser<br />
(Class of 2012) was chosen for her<br />
commitment to community service<br />
and her positive influence on other<br />
stu<strong>de</strong>nts. Allegra’s name was engraved<br />
on a plaque located at the Middle<br />
School, and the alumni family who<br />
instituted this award ma<strong>de</strong> a $1,000<br />
donation to EB’s Endowment in<br />
Allegra’s honor.<br />
Allegra Sasser received the Citizenship Award 2011<br />
from Frédéric Canadas, Head of School<br />
Restricted gifts<br />
EndoWMEnT,<br />
ClASS of 2011<br />
ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
The stu<strong>de</strong>nts and families of the Class of<br />
2011 raised a total of $11,840 for the<br />
EB Endowment Fund through a combination<br />
of stu<strong>de</strong>nt-based fundraising, a<br />
matching grant tied to stu<strong>de</strong>nt fundraising,<br />
donations from families, and the $1,000<br />
donation honoring recipients of the EB<br />
Citizenship Award. We thank the Class<br />
of 2011 for their inspirational efforts, and<br />
hope that in the years to come they will<br />
continue to support EB and the communities<br />
in which they participate.<br />
DONORS:<br />
Anonymous (in support of the matching grant)<br />
Parents<br />
Christopher and Anne An<strong>de</strong>rson<br />
Frédéric and Odile Canadas<br />
Scott and Jill Crocker<br />
Sayed and Elise Darwish<br />
Owen Davis and Sindri An<strong>de</strong>rson<br />
Michel Faure and Paula Man<strong>de</strong>l<br />
Alexan<strong>de</strong>r Stock and Katrina Heron<br />
Alan Hobesh and Kerry McLean<br />
Nathaniel Lewis and Nydia MacGregor<br />
Ian MacLeod and Béatrice Morand<br />
George Miller and Sarah Fisher<br />
Hans and Susan Nehme<br />
Berend Smit and Blandine Jerome-Smit<br />
Eric and Chris Stauffenegger<br />
Jeffery Stephens and Janice Kim<br />
William Stringfellow and Nathalie<br />
Dubois-Stringfellow<br />
Peter Vollhardt and Marie-José Sat<br />
Paul and Margery Wescott<br />
Brian White and Jennifer Monahan<br />
Patrice Zauret<br />
Olivier Zyngier and Jodie Berger<br />
30<br />
Stu<strong>de</strong>nts<br />
Nathan Canadas<br />
Madison MacGregor<br />
Hannah Miller<br />
Megan Ogburn<br />
Edgar Smit<br />
Carolyn Stephens<br />
Talia Stringfellow<br />
Trevor Wescott<br />
Tara White<br />
EndoWMEnT fund<br />
Anonymous (in support of the Citizenship<br />
Award)<br />
Jean-Luc Szpakowski and Gloria<br />
Polanski<br />
GifTS<br />
Tanny Keeler-Hodgetts and Kent<br />
Hodgetts<br />
The Bay Area Sports Hall of Fame
fiEld MiTHoEfER<br />
finAnCiAl Aid<br />
fund<br />
This fund assists current families who<br />
encounter unanticipated financial difficulties.<br />
It supplements EB’s other financial<br />
aid programs.<br />
Norman and Françoise Cohen<br />
Tanny Keeler-Hodgetts and Kent<br />
Hodgetts<br />
James Levine and Angela Jacobson<br />
Roberte Rountree<br />
Gifts ma<strong>de</strong> at the Auction<br />
Fund-A-Need<br />
Steven Addis and Joanne Hom-Addis<br />
David and Rebecca An<strong>de</strong>rsen<br />
Robert Bartlett and Victoria Plaut<br />
Harold Boscovich and Hallie Von Rock<br />
Anne Brandon<br />
Frédéric and Odile Canadas<br />
Thomas and Laura Cly<strong>de</strong>sdale<br />
Joan Crowley<br />
Nathalie Destandau and Gaby Brink<br />
Randolph Griffin and Sylvaine Guille<br />
Griffin<br />
Dean Hanley and Hélène Cahen<br />
Jean-Manuel and Christine Izaret<br />
Katherine Keeler-Hodgetts<br />
Tanny Keeler-Hodgetts and Kent<br />
Hodgetts<br />
Jules and Florence Kragen<br />
Christophe Lecuyer and Judith Zakaria<br />
Edward Lee and Rhonda Righter<br />
James Levine and Angela Jacobson<br />
Alfredo and Vivian Lopez<br />
Richard and Jennifer Lyons<br />
Olivier Marie and Lynn Van Housen<br />
George Martin and Janelle Noble<br />
31<br />
Alfred Moore and Michelle Clincke<br />
Hans and Susan Nehme<br />
Jane Newhard-Parks<br />
Mark and Tracy Poff<br />
Kameshwar Poolla and Radhika Rao<br />
David and Françoise Rees<br />
John Rosenthal and Sally Drach<br />
Stuart Russell and Loy Sheflott<br />
Tanu Sankalia and Devyani Jain<br />
David and Victoria Schumb<br />
Peter Secor and Anna Arbit<br />
Michael Silpa and Jerri Mariott<br />
Michael and Alison Skubic<br />
Jeffery Stephens and Janice Kim<br />
Timothy Stokes and Andrea Lewis<br />
William Stringfellow and Nathalie<br />
Dubois-Stringfellow<br />
Bob Sypher and Nathalie Valette<br />
Jean-Luc Szpakowski and Gloria<br />
Polanski<br />
Frédéric Theunissen and Heather<br />
Clague<br />
Jeremy Townsend and Kili McGowan<br />
Zachary and Stephanie Walton<br />
Rudolph Walter and Brigitte Bastrenta<br />
Brian White and Jennifer Monahan
livE AuCTion<br />
donoRS<br />
Steven Addis and Joanne Hom-Addis<br />
Bruce Ai<strong>de</strong>lls and Nancy Oakes<br />
Bob Brady<br />
Annie-May <strong>de</strong> Bresson<br />
Frédéric and Odile Canadas<br />
Thierry Durandard and Rick Richetta<br />
The EB Alumni Committee<br />
The EB Board of Trustees<br />
Tim Duncan, Silver Oak Winery<br />
Doug and Lisa Fontaine<br />
Renaud Garnier<br />
Joyce Hemmer<br />
Bhe and Satnam Hun<strong>de</strong>l<br />
Paul Johnson and Joan Steele, Monterey<br />
Fish Market<br />
Edward Keller, Carotte<br />
Christy Kovacs<br />
Jules and Florence Kragen<br />
Christophe and Sharon Le Duy<br />
David and Joan Lloyd<br />
Harish and Suzanne Lyall<br />
Olivier Marie and Lynn Van Housen<br />
Jean-Pierre Moullé, Chez Panisse<br />
Keyvan and Andrea Nouri<br />
Marirose Piciucco<br />
Philip Poling<br />
Anshu Prunet-Sharma<br />
Jim Roach<br />
Karma Roberts<br />
Cottie Rood<br />
The Rosekrans Family<br />
Melissa Rossi<br />
Marie-José Sat<br />
Lauren Schiller<br />
Consul Général Romain Serman and<br />
Laura-Katharina Gross-Serman<br />
Timothy Stokes and Anya Lewis<br />
Topel Winery<br />
Jacqueline Van Lang<br />
Norman and Jennifer Villarina<br />
Stephanie Walton and Lauren Schiller<br />
ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
SilEnT And<br />
onlinE AuCTion<br />
donoRS<br />
About Face and Body<br />
Adventure Out<br />
Align Chiropractic Center<br />
Aquarium of the Bay<br />
Randy and Nicole Arndt<br />
Caroline Arnold<br /><br />
Asian Art Museum<br />
Brigitte Bastrenta<br />
Bavarian Professionals<br />
<strong>Berkeley</strong> Children’s Dentistry<br />
<strong>Berkeley</strong> Ironworks<br />
<strong>Berkeley</strong> Repertory Theatre<br />
<strong>Berkeley</strong> Symphony Orchestra<br />
Bernard Photography<br />
Bette’s Oceanview Diner<br />
Bistro Liaison<br />
Body Mind and Spirit<br />
Books Inc. <strong>Berkeley</strong><br />
Boul<strong>de</strong>r Creek Golf and Country<br />
Club<br />
Café Rouge<br />
Cal Perfomances Ticket Services<br />
Cal Youth and Outdoor Programs<br />
California Shakespeare Theatre<br />
California State Railroad Museum<br />
Camino<br />
Catrine Charron<br />
Children’s Discovery Museum<br />
Awatif Chirar<br />
Christopher Colebourn<br />
Joan Crowley<br />
<strong>de</strong> Young Museum<br />
Régis Debats, Brigitte Little and<br />
the stu<strong>de</strong>nts of Room 3<br />
DMA Organizing<br />
Dreyer’s Ice Cream<br />
Sonny Dugan<br />
East Bay Nursery<br />
Electronic Arts<br />
Eric Schumacher Photography<br />
Cafe Fanny<br />
Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco<br />
Folkmanis Puppets<br />
Folks’ Art<br />
The French Class School of French<br />
Gilroy Gar<strong>de</strong>ns Family Theme Park<br />
Michael Goldbach and Zahra<br />
32<br />
Mahloudji<br />
Gol<strong>de</strong>n Key Piano School<br />
Great America<br />
Hearst Castle and National Geographic<br />
Theater<br />
Hearthware<br />
Joyce Hemmer<br />
Herve Hair Design<br />
Hornblower Cruises and Events<br />
Maggie Hurley<br />
Iron Dogs<br />
Isabelle Gerard Skin Care Studio<br />
Jack Hy<strong>de</strong> Soccer Camp<br />
Mitama Japanese Cuisine<br />
Jonathan Kleid<br />
Katherine Kendal Salon and Spa<br />
Casey and Catherine Keller<br />
Kids-in-Motion Gymnastics<br />
Kiss that Frog<br />
Jonathan Kleid<br />
Jules and Florence Kragen<br />
La Bedaine<br />
La Farine French Bakery<br />
La Méditerranée<br />
La Note Restaurant<br />
Fanny Labadie, Marc De Armey and the<br />
stu<strong>de</strong>nts of Room 2<br />
Lalime’s<br />
Sylvie Le Meur and the stu<strong>de</strong>nts of<br />
Room 7<br />
Stephen Lefkovits<br />
Legoland<br />
Laurie Leiber<br />
Lindsay Wildlife Museum<br />
Richard and Jennifer Lyons<br />
MacLeod Design and Construction<br />
Jerri Mariott<br />
Pascale and Geoffroy Martin<br />
Masse’s Pastries<br />
Matanzas Creek Winery<br />
McMullen<br />
Michael and Tina Meyer<br />
Michael Merrill Design<br />
Jennifer Monahan<br />
Monkey Business Camp<br />
Erik and Tish Moore<br />
Michael Morris<br />
Namaste Fitness<br />
Sara Nasgovitz<br />
François Nguyen<br />
Andrea Nouri, ARN Design<br />
Oakland Athletics Community Fund<br />
Oakland Zoo<br />
Pacific Coast Brewing Company<br />
Park Day Summer Arts Camp<br />
Peju Province Winery<br />
Penman Photographic Artists<br />
Picante Cocina Mexicana<br />
Piedmont Healing Arts Center<br />
Plum Designs and Blindmobile<br />
Powell’s Sweet Shoppe<br />
Pump It Up<br />
Emma Ragot, Patrick Coulon and<br />
the stu<strong>de</strong>nts of Room 1<br />
Renee Gourmet<br />
Rhythm and Motion Dance<br />
Jim Roach and Sandrine Milanello<br />
Kristen Rosenkrands<br />
John Rosenthal and Sally Drach<br />
Roughing It Day Camp<br />
Roberte Rountree<br />
Ruby’s Café<br />
Katia Sabbah<br />
Sahara Moroccan Home Decor<br />
Sea Salt<br />
Sarah Salters, Béatrice Morand and the<br />
stu<strong>de</strong>nts of K4<br />
Scandia Family Center<br />
Semifreddi’s Bakery<br />
Shannon Kirby Interiors<br />
Sound Into Time<br />
The Stanford Inn by the Sea<br />
Steve Silver’s Beach Blanket Babylon<br />
Jean-Luc Szpakowski and Gloria<br />
Polanski<br />
T Rex Barbecue<br />
Shari Tavafrashti<br />
Téance<br />
The Tech Museum of Innovation<br />
The Bread Gar<strong>de</strong>n <strong>Berkeley</strong><br />
Carolyn Van Lang<br />
Peter Vollhardt and Marie-José Sat<br />
Alexandra Von Burg<br />
Wanlin Studio<br />
The White Family<br />
Winchester Mystery House<br />
Wood Tavern<br />
Woofwalks<br />
Victor Wu<br />
Zachary’s Chicago Pizza<br />
Patrice Zauret<br />
MARCHÉ food<br />
donoRS<br />
Acme Bread<br />
<strong>Berkeley</strong> Bowl<br />
Country Cheese<br />
Fabrique Délices<br />
Four Vines Winery<br />
Fulton Valley Farms<br />
Katia Food Coach<br />
La Boulange<br />
La Farine<br />
Market Hall Bakery<br />
Purple Wine Company<br />
Semifreddi’s<br />
Stella Nonna Catering<br />
Trumpet Vine Catering<br />
Uncommon Grounds<br />
Viccolo Pizza<br />
Vigneron Imports<br />
Vik’s Chaat Corner<br />
33<br />
RAfflE donoRS<br />
International Travel Brokers<br />
Benefit Cosmetics<br />
Arte Factotum<br />
Adventure Out<br />
Art.Com<br />
Bernard Photography<br />
Bette’s Ocean View Diner<br />
Books Inc.<br />
California’s Great America<br />
Ch-ya Restaurant<br />
East Bay Nursery<br />
Electronic Arts<br />
Folk’s Art<br />
Galleria Scola<br />
Heartware<br />
Kids in Motion LLC<br />
La Bedaine<br />
Lounge Nail Spa and Boutique<br />
Michael Goldbach and<br />
Zahra Mahloudji<br />
Monkey Business Camp<br />
ODC Rhythm and Dance<br />
Scandia Family Fun Center<br />
Scrapbook Territory<br />
Taste of the Himalayas<br />
CoRpoRATE<br />
SponSoR<br />
Please Note: Every effort has been ma<strong>de</strong> to avoid errors, misspellings, and omissions. If, however, your name was in some way listed incorrectly or omitted, please accept our<br />
sincere apologies. At a convenient time, please notify Véronique Jordan at the EB Advancement office at (510) 549-3895, extension 319 so that our records can be corrected.
SoRAyA voRSTER,<br />
ClASS of 1991<br />
nov. 17, 1977–JAn. 11, 2011<br />
pHilippE MouRA<br />
MARCH 6, 1957–dEC. 20, 2010<br />
GEoRGES viTRy<br />
AuG. 6, 1937–JAn. 22, 2011<br />
ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011<br />
in Memoriam<br />
Soraya Vorster, an alumna from the EB class of 1991, passed away in early<br />
January while working in Thailand. Soraya’s warmth, joie <strong>de</strong> vivre and generous<br />
spirit were immediately apparent to anyone who met her. Soraya studied<br />
Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology at UC Davis, then went on to earn a<br />
Master’s in Education from St. Mary’s College. She pursued her passion for travel<br />
and world cultures by leading and organizing expeditions all over the world for<br />
Backroads, where she had worked since 2001. She was also a substitute teacher<br />
at EB from 2003 through 2010. Our hearts go out to her parents, Ted and Anna<br />
Vorster, and to her husband, Tony Pandola.<br />
Philippe Moura, who taught fourth and fifth gra<strong>de</strong> at EB from 1994 to 2009,<br />
passed away in December 2010. His kindness, his professionalism and his<br />
generosity were appreciated by all. He was loved by stu<strong>de</strong>nts as much as he loved<br />
them. For them, he was the architect of our fifth gra<strong>de</strong> exchange program, which<br />
later became the mo<strong>de</strong>l for our eighth gra<strong>de</strong> program. We are grateful for his<br />
contributions to EB’s programs, and for the attention that he gave to many years<br />
of stu<strong>de</strong>nts who knew him and benefited from his teaching, his <strong>de</strong>dication and his<br />
unique sense of humor. Philippe is survived by his wife Colette Lapeyre, and is<br />
greatly missed in the EB community.<br />
Georges Vitry, who was part of the EB faculty for 29 years, passed away in<br />
January 2011. Georges started at EB in 1978, during the school’s second year. He<br />
first taught third and fourth gra<strong>de</strong>, then P.E. for seventeen years, before becoming<br />
the Librarian, first at the lower school, and then at the middle school. We are<br />
grateful for all his contributions to EB, for his great humor and spirit, and for all<br />
the attention he gave to stu<strong>de</strong>nts for so many years. Georges is survived by his wife<br />
Margaret and his children: Marie-Christine (EB Class of 1983) and Charles.<br />
Thank You!<br />
Merci !<br />
Tel: (510) 549-3867<br />
Mark your calendars<br />
Alumni 21+ Reunion December 28, 2011<br />
Alumni Reunion January 5, 2012<br />
Leveraging LinkedIn January 24, 2012<br />
Auction and Gala April 28, 2012<br />
La Place du Marché May 20, 2012<br />
36<br />
Alumni Updates<br />
NoNprofit<br />
orgaNizatioN<br />
U.S. poStage<br />
paid<br />
permit No. 00081<br />
oaklaNd, ca<br />
Please send your news to Véronique Jordan<br />
at<br />
Follow us on facebook and LinkedIn<br />
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