GWBASIC User's Manual

GWBASIC User's Manual

GWBASIC User's Manual


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GW-BASIC <strong>User's</strong> Guide<br />

PLAY Statement<br />

Purpose:<br />

To play music by embedding a music macro language into the string data type.<br />

Syntax:<br />

PLAY string expression<br />

Comments:<br />

The single-character commands in PLAY are as follows:<br />

A-G [#,+,-] A-G are notes. # or + following a note produces a sharp; - produces a flat.<br />

Any note followed by #,+,or - must refer to a black key on a piano.<br />

L(n) Sets the length of each note. L4 is a quarter note, L1 is a whole note, and so on. n<br />

may be from 1 to 64.<br />

Length may also follow the note to change the length for that note only. A16 is<br />

equivalent to L16A.<br />

MF Music foreground. PLAY and SOUND statements are to run in foreground. That is,<br />

each subsequent note or sound is not started until the previous note or sound is<br />

finished. This is the initial default.<br />

MB Music background. PLAY and SOUND statements are to run in background. That<br />

is, each note or sound is placed in a buffer allowing the BASIC program to<br />

continue execution while music plays in the background. As many as 32 notes<br />

(or rests) can be played in background at one time.<br />

MN Music normal. Each note plays seven-eighths of the time determined by L<br />

(length).<br />

ML Music legato. Each note plays the full period set by L.<br />

MS Music staccato. Each note plays three-quarters of the time determined by L.<br />

N(n) Play note n. n may range from 0 to 84. In the 7 possible octaves, there are 84<br />

notes. n set to 0 indicates a rest.<br />

O(n) Octave 0 sets the current octave. There are 7 octaves (0 through 6). Default is 4.<br />

Middle C is at the beginning of octave 3.<br />

P(n) Pause. P may range from 1-64.<br />

T(n) Tempo. T sets the number of L4s in a minute. n may range from 32-255. Default<br />

is 120.<br />

file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Lorenzo/Desktop/GW%20Basic/PLAY.html (1 of 2)28/03/2004 21.29.41

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