Name: Schoeller, Phillip von - Cornell Law Library

Name: Schoeller, Phillip von - Cornell Law Library

Name: Schoeller, Phillip von - Cornell Law Library


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eport of 2h "arch 29h$<br />

<strong>Name</strong>: SOHOoLLilR, <strong>Phillip</strong> <strong>von</strong><br />

Nationality; Austrian<br />




5 3,^72<br />

R~STRICT^D<br />

On Region; Ylj Jla<br />

On Occupation: 6 A,<br />

6 B, 6C, 25<br />

25 F, 25H,<br />

28, 29<br />

Political Attitudes<br />

14, 30<br />

Region: Vienna XIX, KobenzlStrasse 35 (Offices Vienna II, Wildpretmarkt 10)<br />

Positions: Partner of Bankhaus <strong>Schoeller</strong> & Co», Vienna, Chairman of the Board<br />

of Directors (\ufsicht3rat) SchoelYer°Bleckmann Stahlwerke AG,<br />

Vienna^ Member of the Board of Directors (Aufsichtsrat)<br />

Creditanstalt Bankverein, Vienna,<br />

Donau-Chcmis AG, Vienna,<br />

Alpen-F.lektrovrerke AG, Vienna,<br />

Vtfslauer Kammgarnfabrik, Bad Vöslau,<br />

Vereinigte Industrieunternehmungen AG (Viag), Berlin<br />

Head of Gauwirtschaftskammor (G*ä"u Economic Chamber), Vienna,<br />

Head of Bezirksgruppe Ostmark der Wirtschaftsgruppe Eisenschaffende<br />

Industrie (Regional Group Austria of the Economic Group Iron<br />

Producing Industry),<br />

"ember of the Advisory Board (Beirat) Reichsgruppe Industrie<br />

(National Group Industry),<br />

Member of the Advisory Board (Beirat) of the Deutsche Reichsbanko<br />

Birth date: 4 January 1892»<br />

Religion: Catholic»<br />

Family H-? story: Sub ject belongs to the old Viennese banker's family, <strong>von</strong><br />

<strong>Schoeller</strong>o Ho is married and has four children. One son, Reitger<br />

was killed in action in world War II.<br />

Edxxcations According to an interview source, <strong>von</strong> <strong>Schoeller</strong> attended gymnasium<br />

and subsequently the Technische Hochschule (institute of Technology)<br />

in Vienna« graduating as an engineer» l/<br />

Work and Political History: <strong>Phillip</strong> <strong>von</strong> <strong>Schoeller</strong>, one of the foremost Austrian<br />

profiteers from the Nazi regime* was (before 1G38 already), head of<br />

Bankhus Schoellor & Coo, Vienna, which acted mainly as a banking house<br />

for the extensive industrial enterprises of the <strong>von</strong> <strong>Schoeller</strong> family,<br />

particularly in the Steel, sugar and flour trade« The <strong>Schoeller</strong>«*<br />

Bleckmann Stahlwerke AG, Vienna, is one of Austria's leading steel<br />

works*. As of 1511-1942, <strong>Schoeller</strong> was Chairman of the Board of<br />

Directors (Aufsichterat) in this Company,,<br />


•• • &<br />

<strong>Schoeller</strong>, <strong>Phillip</strong> <strong>von</strong> • >2- R'.SlRXcrD<br />

•••'<br />

Since about 1934 <strong>Schoeller</strong> was in close contact with the<br />

Nazi partyj, and during the Schuschnigg regime belonged to the<br />

circle of Guido Schmidt (qnv«')o He' strongly supported the<br />

Anschluss policy and'was a member of the Deutscher Club under<br />

the Chairmanship'of Guido Schmidt's. One source reports that in<br />

1937 <strong>Schoeller</strong> secretly joined the NSDAP and signed the Prepohen»<br />

tenliste (list'iof sponsors) of the Deutsch Sozialer Volksbund£<br />

a camouflaged Nazi organization0 $/<br />

After the annexation of Austria^ <strong>Schoeller</strong> acquired control over<br />

many leading enterprises formerly in Jewish hands or controlled by<br />

the Austrian goveoiaent and subsequently taken over the Reich<br />

government or by German fi^THs enjoying the favor of the Nazi regimec<br />

He became one of seven members representing Austrian industry on<br />

the Board of Directors (Aufsichtsrat) of Austria's largest bank,, the<br />

Creditanstalt^Bankverein« after the Deutsche Bank (Germany's l&rgert<br />

b1TnkyTiäT~acquired the majority participation from VIAG« The Reich<br />

holding- company,, had assumed control over the _Croditanstalt J3ankvaTtiin<br />

in iO&e„ formerly held by the Austrian State and Jewish Shareholders<br />

(RothschiIdsa etcu)°<br />

Other enterprises of which he became a member of th© Board of<br />

Directors after the occupation of Austria^ include the following«<br />

Wiener Allianz Vcrsichorungs AG» Vienna,, (successor to the<br />

Phoenix» once Austria's leading insurance firm); in which the<br />

Allianz Versicherungs AG, Berlin« acquired a participation<br />

after the annexation of Austria«<br />

Alpen BJLektrowerke AGs Vienna^, organized by GBring compnsing a<br />

considerable number of Austrian electric power plants and<br />

officially described as an agent of the Four Year Plan,-<br />

The stock wag held by VIAGe tho Reich holding Company«<br />

Only two Austrians were appointed membern of the Boardj<br />

Donau Chemie AG-» (until 1939 Pulverfabrik Skoda Werke Wet*ler<br />

~~AO)s controlled by I a G„ Farben?<br />

AG der Väslauer Kamngamfabrik Bad V8slaug one of the largest<br />

Central European textile fi'rmE which <strong>Schoeller</strong> acquired from<br />

its Jewish owners jointly with the Munich banking firm •<br />

Mcrcki, Fi nek and'Cc,O0<br />


Harnet Schoelier, <strong>Phillip</strong> <strong>von</strong> -3- RESTRICTED<br />

Austria Tabak "erke AG, formerly the Oestarreichische Tabak<br />

Regie, the Austrian monopoly of tobacco trade and<br />

manufacture. The Reich government holds practicably<br />

the entire stock of Austria Tabakwerke AG,<br />

Vereinigte Industrie Unternehmungen AG (VIAG), the Reich<br />

holding company, controlling numerous industrial<br />

undertakings. Schoelier acquired a controlling intereat<br />

in Kontropa, a large paper trust, formerly belonging<br />

to Bunzl and Biach, -which was organized by the Nazis«<br />

The list of Schoelier's business connections as of 19lU/l9li2,<br />

further includes the following firms:<br />

Lapp-Pinae Eisenwarenfabriken AG, Kalsdorf, a<br />

subsidiary o£ Schöller Bleckmarm Stahlwerke AG (see above),<br />

Erzhtitte AG, Vienna, a small iron mill,<br />

Gegenseitiger Veraicherungsvereln für '.tontanbetriebe,<br />

Vienna, (Mutual" Mining Insurance Association),<br />

Bergmann Elektrizitätswerke AG, Berlin (electric power),<br />

Helmholtz Gesellschaft, Düsseldorf,<br />

Julius Meinl AG, one of the largest coffee, tea and grocery<br />

chains,<br />

Brauerei Schwechat AG, Vienna, the leading Austrian<br />

brewery firm,<br />

leipnik Lundenburger Zuckerfabriken AG, Breclav,<br />

Czechoslovakia sugar companies, formerly in<br />

Jewish hands,<br />

AG der PetChazer und Gross Zinkendorfer Zuckerfabriken,<br />

Petöhaza,<br />

SChoeller also exercised considerable influence ovsr Austrian and<br />

Gernan industry, through a number of positions he held in the Nazi<br />

administration of German business«. He shared in the control over<br />

the Austrian Steel industry in his capacity of head of the<br />

Bezirksgruppe Ostmark der T.'irtschaftsgru.^pe Eisenschaffende<br />

Industrie (Regional Group Austria of the Economic Group Iron<br />

Producing Industry), which forms part of the corporative organization<br />

of German business established by the Nazis in 193u„ He was,<br />

furthermore, a member of the Advisory Board (Beirat) of the<br />


Schoelier, <strong>Phillip</strong> <strong>von</strong> -U- RI^ITICTED<br />

Y/irtschaftssruppe Eisenschaffende Industrie (Economic Group<br />

Iron Producing Industry) for the whole Reich, and of the<br />

Reichsgruppe Industrie (National Group Industry), the most<br />

important of the seven National Groups which exercised<br />

organizational control over all German industry»<br />

Schoelier was a member of the Advisory Board of the<br />

Industrie und Handelskammer, Vienna (Chamber of Industry and<br />

Commerce) from 193Ö (?) until it was merged into the Gau<br />

Economic Chamber and of the Industrieabteilung (Department<br />

for Industry) of the Vlirtschaftskataner (Economic Chamber),<br />

Vienna. When the Gauwirtschaftskammer (Gau Economic Chamber),<br />

Vienna, which exercised control over all business in its district<br />

except war plants proper, was established in 19u3, Schoelier<br />

was appointed President« 2/ In 19kh he was appointed to the<br />

Arbeitskreis für Aussenwirtschafts fragen (working committee for<br />

problems of Foreign Trade) organized by Reich Minister of Economics,<br />

Funk. 6/<br />

Schoelier was a member of the Advisory Board of the Deutsche<br />

Reichsbank, and a member of its Bezirksausschuss Ostmark (Regional<br />

Board for Austria). He was a member also of the Reichsarbeitskammer.<br />

Schoelier received the title of V.'ehrwirtschaftsfUhrer, from<br />

the Nazis, which is granted only to keymenin the German war<br />

economy who are in excellent standing with the Nazi Party.<br />

By virtue of his influence over Austrian -and German industry as<br />

partner of Bankhaus Schoelier ft Co-, Chairman of the Board of<br />

Directors of Schoelier-Bieckmann Stahlwerke AG^ as member of the<br />

Board of Directors of the Crcdits^st«lf^;Wi"''->r

Schoe.Uar, <strong>Phillip</strong> <strong>von</strong> -£- RKSTRICTLD<br />

OBJ, SR, FU # 23.07, 3 February 19Ui.<br />

A> 10020: "/iennese banker,, personal acquaintance of subject.<br />

3. 2116: business acquaintance.<br />

Go FU-X: Interviewer's own information.<br />

D. Oöö, Source S, 8 February 19Ut.<br />

Neues Wiener Tagblatt, 19 June 19h3»<br />

V.sr Leitet, 191*1-191*2.<br />

k/i Compass, Handbook of Austrian corporations, 19U2«<br />

5/: 0.'"S, Source S, 15 Haren 19U5-<br />

67: Deutscher Handelsdienst, 23 March 19 Uh«<br />

This record ia a ammraary of such ? May 19U5<br />

intelligence (From one or more sources as indicated) as was<br />

available at the tine of preparation. It may consequently be<br />

subject to amendment by additional or more recent intelligence.<br />

Index numbers and .tetters are solely for indexing statements<br />

in the report»<br />


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