Feb 1916 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Feb 1916 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Feb 1916 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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jjggpffil^^^^ ^mm^mm&mm.<br />

m;r,r :::<br />

»i.V,.<br />

,' i; v , ,<br />

IS.<br />

V<br />

I'.' .<br />

ttbe IHomc Steaartment<br />

''Hut haven'i vou any in<br />

ion/" aski-il Mary.<br />

''Well. I ilun'l hclii-fi) I .have.'<br />

Tni-lc flunrL-e, 'lhii*.'hll'iilly.<br />

run awav lo vour unit her, timv,<br />

niu L-oinc mil."<br />

I'lielt' flenfje Weiit nlll and<br />

l^otic II lrnuil wIiiFe, hut at! t|n*<br />

he wn" iJiinUii:.- that, al'lcr a!!.<br />

hll|ls |||- U'lls'lmt' si. .well olV il' III- li.l.t<br />

im treasures laid un in heaven I<br />

reailv I'm' him when In* left tliiworld<br />

and his umti.v lichind liiin. II.<br />

xvus so niiiiri* I with the tlu>ii'_-lii<br />

that hu wisilv iletirmiui i| to lav ill<br />

ti'i surcs in heaven. * He dill *u.<br />

I.ill'.. Xlurv ni'ver knew until yinr-'<br />

at't'ei' thnl it wim her childish iptestiml<br />

I'l It stai-ted I'liele (ii',,re,. im n<br />

..-eiii-ioin,' ai-livv, rhi-i'-liim<br />

Zi*i::'- llerilhl.<br />


(If till the trees thai Ilill I<br />

the very Inile-t wa- the i;i. ..il<br />

ill the lllt'Mihiu. Int lieal' I he. I'iii'<br />

heard thai llii- -I'in* <strong>of</strong> the<br />

ehllreh at tin* lilln.-i ^.1. m.-re<br />

u liiindr.*il iVel tall I I.e li'll ire<br />

thai Ilk tree V»J mller th.iu Hint.<br />

<strong>On</strong>e day Hiliv and his i.iiisin, l(,,li<br />

t*rt, were iilai'iiiL' in III.* tiu'iid.-vi*.<br />

Thev sat tlnu'n I" i'i'-t a minute iti<br />

the ^hado oC I.H- *.*i't*.tt elm.<br />

''I wisli I 1'iniM tin.I ..ill 11 • • u- tall<br />

this 1 tree really is," sai.l Hilly.<br />

•"iVhv.-tlml i- 1'iisv enoiiyb," said<br />

Hnlwrt. .'<br />

Tbev Vim In the-harn, when- Uoberl<br />

nick 11I out u small polo from 11<br />

pilo <strong>of</strong> liiialu.r. With. 11 fool nil<br />

' whli'Il Hillv lirnut'llt tliuil the llllilMe,<br />

they foilntl that the pule' measured<br />

ahiii'irit exiu'llv ti'ti feet in leui-th<br />

Takins both the I'.'le and the I'uatrtile.<br />

they bnrrli'd haek to the<br />

laeailol-/.<br />

"Ni. They hnvo<br />

K-d their fallows in to^t* <strong>of</strong> leadership;<br />

but, wht-ii 'they rciiijied thtf<br />

point <strong>of</strong> opportunity, wliem the power<br />

which (iod had plnt.ed within thi-ir<br />

Choice on Thouaands<br />

or American Tables<br />

T M m " Griddle Offered<br />

Leas Than Regular Price<br />

Aluminum Griddles by parcel Tliir-KCf It,<br />

Vt!d ihel * **»r-*«i requeat, keep pourb, in with<br />


""• ' New York R.O.B«iai<br />


pat th. bo.k hack whr<br />

rull bu,^ fwim lu-zl<br />

fla(Mrday. Fefauayy 2fl/i<br />



T :<br />

' • ' , ' • •<br />

• J . ' - " " ' ^ " ' » . . • " " • • • " ' • ' . • • •' ' ' . • : • '<br />

?v '-ftahirinv. <strong>Feb</strong>ruary 26. 101<br />




i^ffii^i^^^^^^^i^^^<br />

^^^^^^^?5^^?^>^?^'^^<br />

Edited by BOT. 8. Wealoy Lain<br />

other' in iretlinir first to tho pint**<br />


form with th-t-ir bills and their silver-<br />

YOU 60"<br />

from lliu lm»o <strong>of</strong> the 1 roe to In ti-n ininutec- $318 had been scour hands was theirs to e.v^rci—--. they<br />

\Uf <strong>of</strong> (h<br />

til. inukimr in all $.111 which tlit<br />

cast<br />

*trt<br />

.' tin. Muiilil'im l*r«.l< l*.,.i> _<br />

r .<br />

GooU 1-yi-. Hill. 1 hut.* It* M«*II you Kour "Niuiit"<br />

lin is OMO humlrctl. untl<br />

V,'m Mhuiily tor lint "n" III.- Iii-vll. Illll,<br />

/Mill hl> LiL-'l'llo 'It •.•"•I. |<br />

Good b>v, Illll. HI. inii'li In yinl I<br />

Brfurv Vou C.IIIIO I itK.nulit rr in<br />

• Tti«.r.. u:i.'.i,'t any *'nhiiu."<br />

It ««"iiii.l u-i If 1,-llui.in W,IH<br />

A itinit or ...rinc-iple at the heart <strong>of</strong> their ent<br />

her rinjr. t-itln-r. <strong>On</strong>e condition ,'iluavor. Their r.inls eripped no'vita!<br />

ot thes irifi., was that her num.-] i*i-nvi.,ii,in, HI,,I „,, had lu.thiii*.- to<br />

vim do it?" cried Hilly, shoiilil not he inemiiineil. but it mayserve<br />

iheta in time, <strong>of</strong> urinis.<br />

At, JUST. VAIOE for Tov Ummj<br />

ulil Ijc nolhinir easier." hti sniil that she is- the daughter ot'n Tlio hJL'li places <strong>of</strong> •'earth are<br />

Hiiiil his ••IIIIMII. "The pole IM ten I'rcslivterian t-ldur in ihe Hopcm-I!<br />

£c*B KbJficm Conn k, SOk. Ft, Mm. Wcmtm ml OHUm,<br />

-Irt-wn with ill.* III.*; rhini.- -.keleliiii.-<br />

lei I (all. and I fount] that it.- ihiiili»tr I'li'shvleriiin Church, <strong>of</strong> IViinsvlia. <strong>of</strong> III win. lailed t'or want nt' a<br />

is iiis| ||vi- i'i*i-i in |,*.lre.|<br />

• rr.'-pi.ndciit it-IU n - iln* I'nl-<br />

You lii-itrly w*irU**l ;i nilim-l.- —<br />

low nu;<br />

l~>r( nl' this -I-IKIIII and this iiiissinir L'rave tint- vvhn in \'*.iitIi iva- r'air nt'<br />

-l'.r\. ulii.l, \rjis tu'iiili-il in<br />

You tmiulit "in li'.w In |.i..y. tin* nly yi.ir<br />

rn-r In (lie level <strong>of</strong> his I,,.... 'iccaii-e<br />

l'1-niti-d'Stales'" 'jiiid"wiirh"i>""lh"i'Tiiuaii^j<br />

I U<br />

l<br />

•'n<br />

f<br />

slrniiL' and eainilile vnin '-men ri-e<br />


Tl'i- I'rain .ind the !in-i>mnlivc ari<br />

neci's-jiiv T,I rui-li ntlii-r. It i- vcrv<br />

ifc-iriilile In ffjivu.a carli'/id <strong>of</strong> hull<br />

• luiuUif, rea/fv I'ur the uiarl.ct, lint it i< also<br />

| I'.-seiffilll In have an-en*J1lle to<br />

•'"• " tlure. I'm if we I'.iil to eo<br />

'""-'I th^iu our fruit will remain njar<br />

ketle-is. tin- eiiirine t-xhaiiKi j't-s slca<br />

in vain and the" engineer irivi* no re<br />

turn To his employer.<br />

There are itinnv Kplenditf felfoM'<br />

with ffne aeeonifWiNliiiit-ntH who neet<br />

a i-otipjer to mske them vfTh'ifnf ii<br />

nnv iriKiit work. They luivo* not link<br />

t*d ur> with a nsM'ful tieeu-pntion o:<br />

joined tlu<br />

nrv's saerillce for Ihe rlmri-Ii she<br />

loved. l>i*s Itinsiimri -nil!: 'I will<br />

five live ilnllaVs | vviir.1 si-ui|ii|o ilml<br />

rin" hai'L.rn ^ thu \ woiuaii.' *,\in| l<br />

I will<br />

L'ive lls't* irollars." nilde'd thititated<br />

i-lerk. The news-palter linn<br />

added their tiiiota, on,-, reporter alone<br />

u-ivitiL- live dollar-. Hom<br />

i — Get rid <strong>of</strong> dandruff —<br />

it makes the scalp itch and the hair fall out Be<br />

vrtse about your hair, cultivate it, like the women iu<br />

Paris do. *f hey regularly use ^<br />

In*fore me, who nfier a ineleorii* ear.'i'r<br />

fell iiitn dreaniles- slumlii-r ivilh<br />

the veil.iiv earth their earlv windin*.'<br />

• heel, Thev faileil I ailsi- |ln-x* r*'.<br />

t'usei! In tilai'i- rh** prni.ei* est tate<br />

oil Ihe essi.rit[ji|s <strong>of</strong> eharaeler. 'rile:'**<br />

is M.i li..fii*>- ili'ii" for iinv votin-jr mmi<br />

HI* Will ;-.. In |*lll!*i. fllsl II, Ill<br />

*.. tli,. if,,,-' ,,,* >..,.. 1,1 ^ •-•'<br />

that vpl) not sn.ip when the -Ire-—<strong>of</strong><br />

•jreal oeeasion i-omes, Tl i-^ l.he<br />

siorm that trie* the eahle. II i- tin<br />

ton*-" tiiri-trrade. or the *oo siidit..-i -n-<br />

"liiation <strong>of</strong> power, that te-:fs t'.i<br />

•• diiiir, Thuf I'-J where the stri"-d<br />

• if tin- «,ihle nari". When the eiiii4 to any enterprise<br />

that is worthy <strong>of</strong> an immortal soul,<br />

Wt- have all seen s>urh men*, niamint;<br />

the wwtd in idleness, liixiiniilini.- in<br />

iterirallV-i;Otten . iriilil, >ihntnin County Farm D«moiutrator. ."<br />

The dmjoHnfp weight <strong>of</strong> an Unctmfined bus*<br />

BO gtrrtrhc^i Uio importing innw#i • tbat<br />

the cooUmr <strong>of</strong> tho Hguro is •poiled.<br />

r U u'l Wu ctioji in typhoid fovcr and<br />

iuil>ruvt'uu-o|>orntioii witli<br />

loi-ul. mill Statu lu-all h olllt-i'f,. 110corilinjr<br />

to I he minimi rnport <strong>of</strong> tho<br />

Siirirunn ftt-nt'ral <strong>of</strong> that Xorviro.<br />

Darin*! thu pant fl* inau^urato t-orrt'titivu<br />

. Stimnlu*-i mii uivtti to tho<br />

work by pulilii* lerliiri^'-i. tint forby<br />

menus <strong>of</strong> public |oi-tur«^, tlw fi'r-<br />

Iniition <strong>of</strong> nrtivc Hanitar>' onf<br />

timi--. anil thu i'n!i.-tlii'_- <strong>of</strong> all publin<br />

tipiritud I'itizi'iiH in tin- in. simn> plari-t fr.'-<br />

| i-n*;i'^ <strong>of</strong>-typhoid<br />

t't-vt-r u-i'r*' rt'iluri'il from 'J lit to -10<br />

inn' vi-nr. Jn Oriinu*".' County,<br />

N'orlli (-Vliforiiia, tin- rTIFal sanitation<br />

(MinimL-n ri~ulltil in :i rodnrtion<br />

<strong>of</strong> the i-a-i'-i from .<br />

poanlbly tan tliU<br />

HeaMott<br />

If you haven't tilrcutly Hiibticribci]<br />

to our i.'lub <strong>of</strong> muKuzincs do it now.<br />

You will enjoy romlini; th-«<br />

ri'.-lit; throw all vour iiilliii'in-i' on tin-<br />

J.V.MKS .\r. srK\i:.vs.<br />

sido <strong>of</strong> ChrUt. nml you will sow tit't-d,<br />

Siipcriiilcnih-nt <strong>of</strong> SchnoU,<br />

tho hurvost <br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, New Jersey.<br />

both in thi.-s world :nnl that tvhiiili is<br />

to come.—.Messiah's Herald.<br />

8obaerib« for The Leader.<br />


* ' • • • .<br />

If-<br />

, * miB Aon««'««r th'old «b«neln' Sal' had btta<br />

•.? ii° • b l o W o H B u r m a a Ieak w « dlskiv«red below th*<br />

**f,*•';;}"> an' wot docs th" ol' cap do but haul up a dirin' outfit<br />

»n call fer volunteers. They -wus still a high s«a runnin 1 an'<br />

*n«n me an' Bill saw that ol' suit that th' cap's grandad had<br />

ltd him we both got Masick fcr th' first time in twenty year.<br />

y<br />

-£=£ ?^=^M\f> ^^u^<br />

j. "Well, we got took so bad Ibal<br />


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