Feb 1916 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Feb 1916 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Feb 1916 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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Saturday. <strong>Feb</strong>ruary 12. lMi: j<br />

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latnrdnv. <strong>Feb</strong>rnary 12. lOlfl THE OCEAN, CITY LEDQEB<br />

TLhc IHonie Steuartment<br />

. Edited by Bav. S. Wesley Lake<br />


"Now. grandma, I do wish you'd<br />

bo reuHoniihU'," NIIit] the younger<br />

Mm. Wurdwoll, iriviiiir_th fire in the<br />

shininir cookinir run^o u viir<<br />

punch. "John mid I hnvo dueided to<br />

movo to the city, and you iniiht gt><br />

to Alyra's."<br />

"And why must I go to Alvira'sf "<br />

. nuked Orundma WuTilwcll, Ireniil-<br />

loimly.<br />

"II«caiiM< tho city iH no place for<br />

you. You would not lx> contented<br />

thfrcn-t a ereat huh <strong>of</strong> jnv hrok<br />

from her til^.<br />

"Hill your name, Sinn Morion I<br />

-iitil. when<br />

•isrlit IM-. Oruiiny<br />

to cnnniuro<br />

Indv'rt irold pieco.<br />

That WUH (lranny*H rnennintr. how.<br />

ever. "There iH u nick woman in the<br />

village." HIIC told I'ithel, "who'cannot<br />

uo to the lio-Mutnl. ^he ix HO ill. that,<br />

nlthoinrh she may live many year*.<br />

can never he -enred, nnd H'O they<br />

cannot take her in. llei-:iune her ill-<br />

hji-^ ladled MO lonir.-iieoplc hnve<br />

ntmOHt fortrolten to IHI kind to her- 1<br />

have been thinking. Klhel. that if you<br />

mild fpnrc n Ituiieh <strong>of</strong> your flower-<br />

for Mr-i. AIIM-II, it would he a renl<br />

L'olden <strong>of</strong>fi-riii!.'."<br />

It WIIK KlhelV turn to be ipiii't<br />

now: her llower- were her mo-l cher-<br />

I iuw-e-^-ion-, and to oiek a irond<br />

hunch for Mr-. An-ell-would make<br />

her lit'tle L'arileii look hare nnd --lull',<br />

liy, firandma. knew tluut; MIIC knew<br />

I hat Ktln-I'-J llowerx would, in Ijial<br />

u'liv, be iinile a" eo-llv n tril'l n-^ tin 1<br />

nidy'-- t.'ohl coin.<br />

Itnt -'ie wu- not iiiueh -urt>ri-eil-n<br />

ihe- ]•• lowinir laorniiitr, to find Ilii'<br />

Iii'—I and liriL'hle-l <strong>of</strong> the I1I0--0111-<br />

L'line, and vvhen tM'\t -he went to --ee<br />

!Mr-:,^,\ii-e|l,jhe.poor_wii|]iaiuslill had<br />

Hie llower- in a ill'.- liv her hed-iile.<br />

"You eannol Ihiuk how it I-IU-I-I-I-II<br />

me up," -aid Ihe invalid. "'I'lial dear<br />

lillle •_-ir-1. with her hritrhl Hiee. and<br />

I lie |io-v in her hands wa- like 11<br />

-anheinii coiniiiL' in. She ,]ii| ui<br />

ALLEN CORSOH, M. 0.<br />


Ocaan <strong>City</strong>, N. J-<br />

Offle* Houra: • to 10 A. M.<br />

I to 4 P. M.<br />

IU IP. D.<br />

Tulephiinna—IKill 290: Inlor-Htats lS0-><br />

OR. W. P. HAINES<br />


Ocaan <strong>City</strong>, N. J.<br />

Oflle* Hour*! I to In A. M.<br />

1 t > < P. M.<br />

« to IP. M.<br />


Cor. Olh and Wealsy Ava.<br />

Massage, Swedish Movements<br />

Medical and Corrective Gymnastic:<br />

">lh I't H b A l '<br />

>1-<br />

I lo r. M.<br />

M.<br />

"I came hero when .lohn wax eight<br />

ynnrn old. .Alvira wax five, and lit-<br />

tle. Sitm WIIH thnii. Oh, I did love<br />

the little'fellow—"<br />

"Don't Hrx-iik <strong>of</strong> him lo me I" erieil<br />

Mr-. John .Wurdwell, -hiin'lv. "U'luil<br />

did he do hut IIHLTIH'X Die I'nmily<br />

when ho- WIIH only >-i'Veiiteeii year>4<br />

old. nnd then leave tho country?<br />

And to tluH dav uo one knows what<br />

bccnnio <strong>of</strong> him- 11c WIIM Ihe liluek<br />

uhei'tr <strong>of</strong> tlie family."<br />

"I know Sam did u'ronj;, hut he<br />

was verv vonnjr. und ln< wax t-orry<br />

for what he did. And John wa- hard<br />

M'lth him unit sii was AUira."<br />

"They were to hlinae, <strong>of</strong> i-oarse,<br />

and he wus hlniuele-x. I declare,<br />

irranihiiu, soiuetiuies .1 have no pn-<br />

lienee with vou."<br />

"I don't wuiil, to provoke you,<br />

Laura, hill I did lo\e Sam. And oh!<br />

il hii-iM- so hard In have Ihi- In nn<br />

-old. If only voiir lillle Itaviiioiiil<br />

had lived, Iliinl- would have lieeu<br />

dilferenl, I klicvt."<br />

H"li't. •-•I-IIIMIIII.I. .My hoy i<br />

heaven. He loveil von, and l'o<br />

sake, if for iiolhiii'jr el-e, f would no'i<br />

xee vou Iui-iii-.l oul <strong>of</strong> a Inniu- in old<br />

Hire. Alvira will hee that you have<br />

eiioiiL-li lo eat ami lo weur, and thai<br />

vou lire kepi waru'i anil couiforlahh<br />

WIIMI more can vmi askt"<br />

siu>|to-e Alvira uill do nil thnt<br />

ilou'l utiderslanil,*' KIII 1<br />

IJiey were-liolh ealmer.<br />

Mv name is really Morton, moth.<br />

J went West, and. there heeame<br />

uuiutcd with an old IF<br />

who seemed to lake a fancy lo me,<br />

"' and. indeed, I wnu fortiiniLtn<br />

lo render him a u)ii;ht xervieo. Uo<br />

adopli-d me and I took bin inline. A<br />

few vear-'iiL'o he died, lenvimr mnn.<br />

• -oiiifoi-luhle lillle pro|u-rfv. I have<br />

been prospered, mollier. nnd I have<br />

learned lo love ami trust <br />

uer Hii- lii- lirother. lie -liilllliler<br />

II few' iiieohi'i-eiil .uori|. IIT '.M'ei-li<br />

and e\letiil.-.l In- hiiu.l, nlii.-li Sa<br />

•-•ra-peil eordiall.v. And .lolni',<br />

I'or oui-e ill her life, u;i- at :i<br />

wl.al to do or -av.<br />

'iramluia W.ll-ilwell liveil l<br />

vear- after Sain and hi- wif<br />

ml.<br />

ilia I II,-I- life<br />

r lUe<br />

ealne<br />

i'd nil<br />

in an even ehuuni'l, her eoiiiilenaii.e<br />

-"'»' re -erene in iu e\|iri'--i..n<br />

and 'her vuiee Niveeli'i* in it" tone-.<br />

Kind haniN" did ••vi-rvlhiui; in.lheii-<br />

power to make her la-t dav- |ieaee-<br />

t'nl and hapnv. mid she fell a-leep<br />

with a smile on her I'aee. Zion'-.<br />

Ilernld.<br />


"'•rannv," sai.l r.thel Day. one<br />

Siililialh dav. "there wa- a i.ailv in<br />

>ur seat nt church thai 1 never s;iw<br />

bi'fore. Slii-.wii- imi very lieuulifnlly<br />

dre-.cd, hut she HUM have been verv<br />

rieh."<br />

"Why. did you think -o. Ktliel?"<br />

ked (Irnniiv,.siiiiliii.- nl Ihe chilli's<br />

'.reriteHH.<br />

"Ili'cnu.-e. when Ihe plale wasi<br />

« u «'d fo her for t'olleelion, you<br />

know—she «vul in „ |.jccl' ol' i_-old<br />

money —reill eold, 1 am -lire it w.i-.<br />

Oh! I uhould like lo he rieh euo<br />

fiv five as much ux that."<br />

tfriiiiiivwn.s wilent for n mimile or<br />

fw»: HIIII xeciuei) tn W Ihinkinir <strong>of</strong><br />

xomethini; i>leanniit. "I know <strong>of</strong> a<br />

L'"1«leti <strong>of</strong>Terinii that lay little Kthe)<br />

•iM niukc, if who wcro willing,", she<br />


Kentucky Judfle Orders Jury tb In<br />

diet Women Who Gamble<br />

Mailisiiu, lv-3-hf<strong>On</strong>t> rrtm. Write today for generoa*/r« bottto and tho<br />

34n-<strong>On</strong>e Dictionary <strong>of</strong> fcuodreda <strong>of</strong> me*.<br />

J-/«-O.#..''A^ garroundinf^ nnd inoidont^ in<br />

Mnoeotion with 'the sacred history<br />

tttio text, tho pastor proceeded to<br />

. «jah» a local and presont-dny uppli<br />

<strong>of</strong> tho truths reaching from<br />

«<br />

JcNiiR. ns their Saviour.<br />

Tho hint mun, fl^urativoly<br />

inir. that tlio prvurher put in tho<br />

scaloH. had ull <strong>of</strong> tho CouinnindrmmtH<br />

to ovt-rlialiuVu>i him, und Mr. Kulp ex,<br />

pluini'il tin.' inuhilitv <strong>of</strong> liunuinity to<br />

Hiiunri' tho si'ulux. "lint, wait," auid<br />

ho, "hern in <strong>On</strong> wtnndins licoiilo this*<br />

man. and ItsU-n to what Jvxus IUIH to<br />

uv \ 'Thin tnun trusts in God; ho bo-<br />

IOVI'S in nio: ho hu>f heen saved by<br />

the blood; I stand.sponsor for him,<br />

and i thut lunu hviirM tho *Well dono,<br />

thou' cood nnd fuithful Horvunt, on-<br />

U'r thou into tho .joys <strong>of</strong> thy Lord.'''<br />

At the clu.-io <strong>of</strong> tho duy it wan con-<br />

enillv eoiireih'd that it WUH tho .bent<br />

Sul'hath <strong>of</strong> Mr. ICulp's pusturuto in<br />

this - •:"'V--C?,i*SErSr<br />

. • ••->/ - v W « a<br />

proaehor. "<strong>On</strong>ce on Sunday is<br />

enouithV' thoy cry. Thoy irot more<br />

pleaauro out <strong>of</strong> somo spouinl nttrno-<br />

tion-rjrood sinKini;, uoosutionul hit,<br />

«tu. Or. they enjoy moro tho latest<br />

hovel,- tho Sunday newspaper, tho<br />

unto. etc. -What do thoy euro if win-<br />

ners aro TX'ri.ihinir for laek <strong>of</strong> tho<br />

(loHpel, or tho world is to tho<br />

r)~in»u o clearness <strong>of</strong> thought and a<br />

l^rleHjineHH <strong>of</strong> presentation. In* took.<br />

'MM by one, each <strong>of</strong> thn Ten f'oni-<br />

ptndment^, placini; them one at a<br />

HM on one sido <strong>of</strong> the KCIIID nf jus.<br />

UM. and on the other side various<br />

trp»» <strong>of</strong> citizens, nnd as their "i|inil-<br />

JjMtions" failed to meet the n'Miiire-<br />

ajeols <strong>of</strong> divino justiee, he wanld ITV<br />

;^Q|^ ^Wi'iirlii'd in the balance*; and<br />

.famd wanting: out he irocs inln the<br />

|ljtline.'J <strong>of</strong> darkness forever," and<br />

'JBUuT hiH remarks it eoiild eiisily IH'<br />

IMO thnt ho was not waslinir la>-~<br />

povdrr. wi to Kpeak. on tho Allii's or<br />

6(rBUinH nerosH the sun. hut driving<br />

uW truth homo nearer ut hand, nnd<br />

•kite he was clear in his leai'hinir<br />

tit necessity <strong>of</strong> keepiui; all <strong>of</strong> lln-<br />

Ggtnmnndiiients. ho was piirtiiiilnrly<br />

tbnz in toachinc flint niaiikimPTo.<br />

(If mn-l "Itemi'inlier lli>- Snlili.itli<br />

PlV to ki-i'i* it holy," ri'Terrinir to<br />

(one who- miirlit tiny, "Hut |,nrd. I<br />

.Watfrom n place when- it was nei 1 -<br />

fUirV to break the law and make<br />

, afnev on Sunday in tin- summer<br />

toe—others did nnd 1 win I'om-<br />

Viiei to do so." Then he added:<br />

•litten to the verdict. 'Thim art<br />

Hurhfd in the ]>alanee>i and found<br />

Wntinir: take him out nnd cnut him<br />

fclo utter darkness."<br />

.,.-,'.. An ovanirclistie service followed<br />

.tit praaehincr nnd a numher <strong>of</strong> per-<br />

went forward to acknowledge<br />



The Junior Choir smit; at tho<br />

morninir service with evidence <strong>of</strong><br />

roul improvement. Miss Itcutrieo<br />

Hippie took her Holo part Well. Tho<br />

attendunvo ut this xurvico was unus.<br />

uully larKc Many kind comments<br />

wore puuHi'd upon.tho strong Hormon<br />

preached by Pastor Mitch. It wus<br />

i;ood to xeo u numiwr <strong>of</strong> visitors<br />

present ut tho Communion service.<br />

"Tho Church on the Kocks", the<br />

first in tl») Kcrio-S <strong>of</strong> siermons on "The<br />

Church" durinir tho month <strong>of</strong> <strong>Feb</strong>ru-<br />

ary, by the pastor, was based on the<br />

'Scripture text in 'Murk 4:35-11. In<br />

vory brief outline, Mr. Mitch's ro-<br />

•unrks follow:<br />

The Church <strong>of</strong> our day is serious,<br />

lv tosned_ah(iutjby_stn>ns_r:i."i. "Itehold. he oallctli<br />

for Klias."<br />

Corson siinir a very beautiful solo.<br />

iii>-olii|"inicd 'byC-nomer-Shoemnkr<br />

er. on the violin. The Church wns<br />

handsomely ilc.-orntc.l witli cut Mow-<br />

ers and the pennants nml colors **f<br />

the Endeavor Society.<br />

Rev. Mr. 'Itobuer irnve a very in-<br />

tercstimr address mi Christian En-<br />

deavor, iu the course <strong>of</strong> which be<br />

sni.l;<br />

"Christina Kndenvor's ^-rciit watch-<br />

word is r'idclily. First, fidelity to a<br />

Jeilire which is so framed us to as-<br />

suro attention to tho religious life.<br />

Tho Endeaviircrpromi-.es to read the<br />

icripluros daily nnd likewise to pray.<br />

Then comes fidelity to the Society.<br />

The meuiher must attend every meet,<br />

nir and take some part in it. The<br />

whole success nf Ihe Society depeinN<br />

iivnn everv meiiilier •Uciir.r failhfal-<br />

lis iitt'n .."r.iwtli iu tlirUh.ni charac.<br />

er lianas mt^n his lldelily.<br />

"Then comes Hilelitv In tlie I'biirch.<br />

'hrisiiau Kndeavnr from the beirin-<br />

liinir has eiii|>h.isi/cd this. <strong>On</strong>e joins<br />

he S.icielv I'nr the sake <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Church us well as fur his own sake.<br />

He promisi.s I,, lie I'nithfiil In his<br />

Chutvli. allend its'services and take<br />

purl ill its wnrk for Hie eomniuiiity.<br />

uuisliifl iiUn by Iheir fidelity In<br />

'••Christian Endeavoi-ers are dis-<br />

the dcuotniuutiiiM whieb they n'pre-<br />

^en war n» don* It. V maktMU*. tw«W«ftr. Bin<br />

n«koa«4a*how«*>db«ttarahttt oUtk'alr Mpply la cam vf<br />

•cclotat.<br />

)!ki?\ /:!•'-• ^<br />

t. " Well, we cot took so bad that Its' ol' man wu<br />

finally obliged t' send us below decks an' swore as how he'd fix<br />

tb' thing hisse'/ jii' t' show how easy a job could be done when<br />

a man set his mind to it. It didn't take me nn' Bill long t'<br />

tnke him up an' cut fer our bunks while Davy Jones an' th'<br />

pjrrut clayed oa deck t' lend tb' ol' man a band.<br />

S. * It didn't take loos fer us V nUnt Da»y TOMS M<br />

Ib* pomp you'd betur think. Wa wus maabr o* th' atup b«v-<br />

twist ni, me so* BUI, an' w« Dotiflad th* panut an' mouVih<br />

ylfcct, aa'artor H«hUa' mr pip. I soldi ><br />

th'ahli^ doctor calk* it ntgu^k ^ ^<br />

i h r \<br />

\kJ<br />

j. " Th' only thin); 'at worried us wus tb' for he'd<br />

back out at Ib' last minute, but be kep' on thumpln'<br />

around on deck, an' artcr a while we F

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